Meet Alex

Meet Alex Kinsman, owner, pastry chef and visionary behind Saving Thyme in Burlington, Ontario

Meet Alex Kinsman, owner, pastry chef and visionary behind Saving Thyme in Burlington, Ontario


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EDITOR'S<br />

NOTE<br />

Ask my friends and family and they'll tell you that I am an enthusiastic and frequent consumer of restaurants<br />

and cafes. I just love to sit at a table in a cafe or a restaurant and soak up great food, an inspired<br />

decor and have lengthy conversations about which southern city I'll be visiting next. You could easily<br />

characterize me as the Marco Polo of restaurants...I'm an explorer of eateries!<br />

That's why, when I heard that <strong>Alex</strong> Kinsman's fabulous cafe, Saving Thyme, had opened its doors I made<br />

certain to be at her table within the week.<br />

To say I fell in love the moment I walked into her airy, bright, beautiful and altogether charming cafe would<br />

be an understatement. I swooned and exclaimed and was pleased to see that my friends were equally<br />

smitten.<br />

The stunning grey and white palette of the walls, abundant throw pillows and overstuffed chairs warmly<br />

welcomed us. Everything was perfectly in place, transporting us effortlessly to Paris and all the pleasure<br />

that evokes.<br />

The food? Nothing less than stellar. I could go on and on about the Soup de Jour (Mushroom) or the Chicken<br />

Salad Sandwich elevated to gourmet heights on <strong>Alex</strong>'s artisan Onion Bread or the Roast Beef sandwich with<br />

the most delightful sweet onion jam, or I can't forget the Frites and their companion, the most addictive<br />

mayonnaise I've ever had.<br />

How can I not wax on about the desserts that are <strong>Alex</strong> Kinsman's crowning glory? The signature macaron<br />

cookies we enjoyed, fresh out of the oven and stuffed perfectly with glorious Salted Carmel. The chocolate<br />

eclair that had us searching for words more emphatic than "Delicious!" ... and the Lemon Meringue ... the<br />

most perfect use of a lemon ever.<br />

But the real magic of Saving Thyme is the combined effect. The menu complemented by the ambiance,<br />

which is complimented by the warm and genuine service which is only outshone by the radiant couple (<strong>Alex</strong><br />

and Phil) who are the proud purveyors of this wonderful new eatery.<br />

If you are anywhere Burlington, Ontario you must step into Saving Thyme on Appleby Line (near New<br />

Street). Park your car and be swept into <strong>Alex</strong>'s beautiful, savoury and sweet world. I just know you'll fall in<br />

love just as we all did!<br />

PS. Read the Spotlight that I had the pleasure to write on <strong>Alex</strong> Kinsman a few months prior to the opening<br />

of Saving Thyme. You'll see why I say, the woman behind Saving Thyme is as delightful and fresh as the<br />

delicacies she creates.

" Mangez bien,<br />

riez souvent,<br />

aimez beaucoup"<br />

Eat well, laugh often, love abundantly.

So you’re feeling like a real<br />

smarty pants today?<br />

Not so fast there brainy.<br />

1<br />

Where parents rank in terms<br />

of a prodigy’s development<br />

3<br />

The age Amadeus Mozart<br />

began playing piano<br />

4<br />

The age Amadeus Mozart<br />

began playing the violin

8<br />

The age Amadeus Mozart<br />

wrote his first symphony<br />

11<br />

The age Amadeus Mozart<br />

wrote his first opera<br />

1956<br />

The year Bobby Fischer won the<br />

US Jr Chess Championship<br />

16<br />

The age of Bobby Fischer when<br />

he became the US Champion<br />

11<br />

The age of a Harvard frosh<br />

named William James Sidis<br />

2<br />

The age William James Sidis was when<br />

he was reading adult-level books



There are some people who are so talented, fresh and genuine that they hold a special place in your memory.<br />

<strong>Alex</strong> Kinsman, chefpreneur is one of those rare people. There are two reasons she is unforgettable to me:<br />

1.She is one of the brightest, most optimistic and talented entrepreneurs I’ve met.<br />

2. She fed me. If you’ve ever had the pleasure of having <strong>Alex</strong> create a meal for you then you know what I mean.<br />

I met <strong>Alex</strong> at a tradeshow in Burlington and I was so smitten I arranged for her to come to home and cater a small<br />

dinner party. What transpired was nothing short of enchanting. She arrived at my home, transformed my dining<br />

table with her own crystal, china, silver and flowers she brought and then got to work in my kitchen preparing a<br />

meal my guests and I would not soon forget. Did I mention I didn’t lift a finger to make the dining room look so<br />

divine and the kitchen so fragrant?<br />

My dinner guests and I enjoyed a five-course meal that <strong>Alex</strong> and her team created specifically for the season and<br />

the casually elegant mood we had in mind. She paired local wines to each course. Every step of the privately<br />

catered event exceeded my expectations in terms of ease, style and most important of all taste. My experience<br />

in my home courtesy of chefpreneur <strong>Alex</strong> ruined me for mainstream dining out. And anyone who knows me,<br />

knows just how particular I am about my food!<br />

Without further ado, it is my absolute pleasure to introduce you to <strong>Alex</strong> Kinsman and her company, Saving<br />

Thyme. I truly loved meeting this amazing young chefpreneur who is also a style maven, a genuinely wonderful<br />

person and someone you definitely will want your own kitchen very soon!


Q&A<br />

Advice you’d give a chefpreneur just starting out:<br />

There are definitely going to be rough spots, but the feeling of accomplishment when you<br />

meet your goal is so worth it … it’s so great. And I’d say to never be afraid to seize<br />

opportunities as they come to you.<br />

<strong>Alex</strong>, tell me about where you are right now from a business point of<br />

view.<br />

My company Saving Thyme is busy catering private<br />

events in both homes and business settings while we are<br />

putting the finishing touches on our newest enterprise.<br />

Everything you do is special. Tell us about your new enterprise!<br />

We are in the final stages of opening a retail store in<br />

Burlington, Ontario called Saving Thyme Catering &<br />

Patisserie. It’s going to be really wonderful!<br />

Tell us more!<br />

We are creating a beautiful space that’s reminiscent of a<br />

cafe in Paris. Patrons will experience the warmth of Old<br />

World charm the moment they walk through our door.<br />

I love it already. So what kind of magic will you be creating for your<br />

patrons?<br />

High end pastries, breads, sandwiches, desserts; all like<br />

you’d get in Paris. In the morning, clients can come for<br />

their morning espresso with pain au chocolat, still warm<br />

from baking. At lunchtime, they can enjoy a glass of wine<br />

with beautiful bistro-style fare. After dinner, we will be<br />

doing a dessert menu unlike anything in the area and<br />

paired with artisan cocktails.<br />

I heard my favourite word in there … bread. Elaborate...<br />

I love making authentic, amazing bread. The same breads<br />

that have been making appearances at all of our private<br />

catering events for years will be spotlighted in the store.<br />

These are the breads we have been perfecting since the<br />

beginning.<br />

All made in house?<br />

Of course! Part of what really works with the combination<br />

of private catering and having a storefront cafe is the<br />

commercial kitchen. We can use the space to bake all of<br />

our breads and pastries as well as to create the menus for<br />

all of our events.<br />

The other day you said something about a bread wall. I’m curious<br />

now!<br />

In the new store there will be a bread wall on top of this<br />

stunning antique dresser. You’ll find Wild Rice and Onion<br />

bread. You’ll find our famous Sourdough. The list goes on<br />

but they are all the best bread you’ve tasted. One of<br />

them is cold proofed and develops over four days before<br />

it’s baked.<br />

Four days before baking?<br />

We take our time to develop the flavours. Another one<br />

that we’re so proud of is our Sourdough bread. It really is<br />

my baby. I get requests for all of our breads over and<br />

over from our private catering events. The sandwiches<br />

we’ll have on the menu are all made from our incredible<br />

offering of breads. I have no doubt our breads will be a<br />

star of the show when we open.<br />

Speaking of opening, when can I be sitting in your cafe?<br />

Our goal is to open in early 2015.<br />

There is one creation that truly sets you apart, what is it?<br />

Macarons. These are delicate, beautiful and delicious<br />

cookies that are familiar on the Paris scene but not so<br />

well known here. I intend to change that. I have<br />

developed my macaron recipe over the years and it is<br />

uniquely my own. I’m very proud of everything we will be<br />

serving but the macaron was my starting point in French<br />

Pastries so it is definitely special to me.<br />

“<br />

I always say “Yes” and as a<br />

result I have amazing clients.<br />

Say yes and go for it!<br />



NAME:<br />

<strong>Alex</strong> Kinsman<br />

BORN IN:<br />

Toronto, ON<br />


Burlington, ON<br />

BUSINESS :<br />

Saving Thyme<br />

Why do you love macarons?<br />

It is hard to find authentic macarons that have been<br />

executed well. The macaron is an iconic french pastry and<br />

I’m looking to bring them to this area, to introduce<br />

people to things they haven’t had before. The macaron<br />

gives you so many opportunities, we can make them big<br />

or small and our flavour and colour options are limited<br />

only by our imagination.<br />

So if Saving Thyme had a trademark…<br />

(Laughing) The macaron! That’s my trademark without a<br />

doubt.<br />

The pursuit of the elusive, perfect macaron:<br />

I don’t remember how I came across my first macaron but I<br />

loved them at first sight and first bite! As a pastry chef they<br />

are something to constantly work at and perfect. I tried many<br />

recipes before I came to the one that works. I had to do that<br />

- it’s a lot of trial and error, finding the specific procedure and<br />

the right equipment. Now i make them so often and i have a<br />

recipe I’ll never change … it’s my trademark.<br />

Talk to us about the idea of bringing tea time back …<br />

(Laughs) Yes, it’s time for Tea Time to come back!<br />

Everything about it speaks to me … the ritual, the<br />

daintiness of the offerings, the mood, the history. High<br />

Tea is warm and nostalgic and Saving Thyme will offer a<br />

place for patrons to connect with those feelings.<br />

So Tea Time isn’t just for Grandma anymore?<br />

Grandmothers, mothers, daughters, granddaughters…<br />

part of what is special about gathering around tea is that<br />

it transcends age. We’ve already started booking bridal<br />

showers, baby showers, engagement celebrations, and<br />

birthdays for our Tea Parties. They appeal to everyone<br />

who wants to add beauty and style into their everyday<br />

life or a big event!<br />

Let’s say it’s 9pm, what will you have in store for me at that time of<br />

the night?<br />

We’ll be an amazing place for a late night dessert and a<br />

beautiful digestif…the cafe at night will be a different<br />

kind of experience than the area has right now.


The Influence Factor design team created a collage of my private dinner party so you can have a hint of that wonderful evening. All you’ll be missing<br />

is the tantalizing smells coming from the oven...the sounds of wine glasses clinking...and all the laughter that accompanies fine wine, fine food and<br />

wonderful family around the table.


That sounds incredible.<br />

I designed every aspect of the new store myself. It is a<br />

reflection of my own style and my attraction to all things<br />

pretty but also delicate and unique. The store is a<br />

collection of my love for pastries, breads, food, design<br />

and serving people so they have an unforgettable<br />

experience.<br />


You’re clearly inspired. Who has inspired you in terms of food?<br />

I would credit Tomas Keller of the French Laundry and<br />

Pierre Hermé as my main inspirations. I take their<br />

inspiration and then make it my own. As well, my work<br />

with Quatrefoil in Dundas formed who I am as a pastry<br />

chef and as a chefpreneur. They taught me how to bring<br />

the best out in myself creatively and in the power of<br />

having a strong vision.<br />

Any one philosophy you adhere to in everything you do?<br />

I’m in line with Tomas Keller and Pierre Hermé when they<br />

say “Keep a very very clean environment. Always take the<br />

extra steps to bring your offering to the next level.” That<br />

translates to paying attention to the details. For example,<br />

we have this great trick for making our gougères come<br />

out exactly, wonderfully the same each time.<br />

A trick? Can you share?<br />

That’s my own little secret. You’ll have to come in and<br />

enjoy the results!<br />

In the big picture is the store going to replace private catering?<br />

No, the two are very compatible. In fact, it’s a perfect<br />

marriage for us. Our commercial kitchen will be housed in<br />

the storefront so it can handle serving patrons and our<br />

catering needs together. Catering is always going to be a<br />

fundamental part of Saving Thyme.<br />

Any other plans?<br />

We plan on wholesaling our specialized breads, gougères,<br />

macarons and pastries to restaurants. We would be a<br />

restaurant’s off-site pastry kitchen so more local<br />

restaurants can offer spectacular dessert menus.<br />

And lastly, one thing most people don’t know about you?<br />

I can write beautiful cursive on a cake with icing but not a<br />


Every week a little birdie<br />

tells our editor about the<br />

hottest tips, trends and tidbits.<br />

Enjoy bite sized news to make<br />

your week and your weekend<br />

chirp right along.

Fernando de<br />

Noronha, Brazil<br />

Great Blue Hole,<br />

Belize<br />

TOP<br />



OFF YOUR<br />


O<br />

Red Sea,<br />

Egypt<br />

Andaman Sea,<br />

Thailand<br />

Molokini Crater,<br />



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