Revelation 20 - In Depth Bible Commentaries

Revelation 20 - In Depth Bible Commentaries

Revelation 20 - In Depth Bible Commentaries


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2333<br />

(...continued)<br />

beloved city,’ refers to the earthly [see Sirach 24:11; Psalms 78:68; 87:2; Jeremiah 11:15;<br />

12:7] or the heavenly Jerusalem...Since the heavenly Jerusalem does not make its appearance<br />

until 21:10 (aside from 3:12), it would appear that ‘the beloved city’ cannot be the new<br />

Jerusalem but must be the earthly Jerusalem.” (Pp. 1098-99) Perhaps–but John may well<br />

mean the city of the new Jerusalem, introducing the theme of chapters 21 and 22 by this<br />

statement--as he has done on other occasions before.<br />

Beasley-Murray comments that "John sees the beloved city as descended from God<br />

out of heaven in the messianic age and so views it as the center of the kingdom of Christ. The<br />

brevity of the description of that kingdom in verses 4-6 is at least partly due to John's intention<br />

to describe its nature in the vision of 21:9ff." (P. 298)<br />

Here again, as we have often commented, John’s vision is ambiguous, and capable of<br />

varied interpretations. His vision is enigmatic; he “sees through a mirror darkly.”<br />

2334<br />

The phrase ê ôï ïñáíï, ek tou ouranou, “out of the heaven,” is read by Alexandrinus,<br />

Minuscule <strong>20</strong>53 (in a commentary on the text), a few other Greek manuscripts, a few<br />

manuscripts of the Latin Vulgate, some manuscripts of the Bohairic Coptic and Augustine<br />

(who died 430 A.D.) The first writer of Sinaiticus has skipped the phrase through homoioteleuton<br />

(similar endings). It is changed to read avpo. tou/ qeou/, apo tou theou, “from the God,”<br />

by Minuscule 1854 and a few manuscripts of the Latin Vulgate. It is changed to read avpo., apo<br />

(Uncial Manuscript 051 and the “Majority Text” A read evk, ek, “out of,”) tou/, tou, “the” (the<br />

pronoun is omitted by Uncial Manuscript 051 and a few other Greek manuscripts) qeou/ evk,<br />

theou ek, “God out of” (avpo., apo is read by Uncial Manuscript 051 and the “Majority Text” A)<br />

tou/ ouvranou/, tou ouranou, “God out of (or ‘from’) the heaven,” by a corrector of Sinaiticus, P,<br />

Uncial Manuscript 051, the “Majority Text”, the Latin Vulgate, some of the Old Latin witnesses,<br />

and the Philoxenian Syriac. It is also read by Minuscules <strong>20</strong>30, 2329, and the “Majority Text”<br />

(K), but in a different word-order.<br />

This is quite a complicated textual situation–but even so, the variant readings do not<br />

change the meaning of <strong>Revelation</strong>. We suspect that there was some problem with the primitive<br />

form of the text, leading to these differing readings.<br />

2335<br />

For similar occurrences in biblical literature, see the following passages:<br />

“Elijah answered the captain, If I am a man of God, may fire come down from heaven<br />

and consume you and your fifty men! Then fire fell from heaven and consumed the captain<br />

and his fifty men.” 2 Kings 1:10; compare verses 12 and 14.<br />

“I will summon a sword against Gog on all my mountains, declares my Lord YHWH.<br />

Every man's sword will be against his brother. I will execute judgment upon him with plague<br />

and bloodshed; I will pour down torrents of rain, hailstones and burning sulfur on him and on<br />

his troops and on the many nations with him. Ezekiel 38:21-22<br />

1033<br />


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