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<strong>PEST</strong> <strong>RISK</strong> <strong>ANALYSIS</strong> <strong>TRAINING</strong> - GROUP EXERCISES MANUAL<br />

Example No. 3 – Water Hyacinth 3<br />

SCENARIO: Nepal has received requests to import nursery stock plants of water hyacinth<br />

(Eichhornia crassipes) for use in water gardens. The NPPO has decided to conduct a <strong>PRA</strong>.<br />

<strong>PEST</strong> DATASHEET:<br />

Identity: Eichhornia crassipes (Mart.) Solms (Liliopsida (monocotyledons): Liliales:<br />

Pontederiaceae). Synonym: Pontederia crassipes Mart. (basionym). Common name: Water<br />

hyacinth.<br />

Habitat / Hosts: E. crassipes is a floating weed of tropical and sub-tropical freshwater lakes<br />

and rivers, especially those enriched with plant nutrients. It may also be a weed in flooded<br />

rice. Optimum temperature for growth is 25-30°C. Growth ceases when water temperature is<br />

above 40°C or below 10°C, but short periods at freezing may be tolerated. E. crassipes is very<br />

responsive to nutrients (especially nitrogen and phosphorus) and high growth rates are<br />

always associated with eutrophic, nutrient-rich conditions. Optimum pH is between 6 and 8<br />

and extremes of pH (below 4.5 or above 10) can be damaging. Calcium concentration is<br />

important, with an observed threshold of 5 mg/l, below which growth ceases.<br />

Distribution: Origin: Amazon basin of Brazil. Present: Much of South America, Central<br />

America and the Caribbean; Mexico; the United States (Alabama, Arkansas, California,<br />

Florida, Georgia, Hawaii, Louisiana, Mississippi, North Carolina, South Carolina, Texas);<br />

Europe (Czech Republic, France, Portugal); much of Africa; Pakistan; India; Southeast Asia;<br />

Korea; Japan; China (Fujian, Guangdong, Hong Kong, Jiangsu, Taiwan, Yunnan, Zhejiang );<br />

Australia; New Zealand. Absent: Canada; northern Eurasia; Nepal.<br />

Biology and Dispersal: E. crassipes propagates vegetatively and by seed. After flowering,<br />

the capsules mature and seeds are eventually released below water. The seeds are capable of<br />

germinating immediately but may remain dormant for many years. Germination is<br />

encouraged by aerobic conditions and alternating temperatures. Large populations of<br />

seedlings may become established on exposed mud at the edges of water bodies when water<br />

levels fall. Seedlings are rooted in mud initially but become free-floating as a result of wave<br />

action or rising water levels. From an early stage, the axillary buds of the older leaves of the<br />

seedling are capable of developing into stolons, which grow horizontally and develop daughter<br />

plants. Such vegetative spread can occur indefinitely and very large populations are produced<br />

in this way without any sexual reproduction. Wind will readily move the plant and the upright<br />

leaves act as sails in lakes and canals. Along rivers, water flow is the prime mover of vegetative<br />

material but strong winds may sometimes blow the plant upstream. Seeds are thought to be<br />

transported over long distances by water birds. New infestations may arise via unintentional<br />

human transportation such as canoes and boats. However, the primary means of longdistance<br />

dispersal is the deliberate introduction of plants for use in water gardens.<br />

Damage: E. crassipes is considered the world’s most troublesome aquatic plant, and is a<br />

major freshwater weed in most regions of the world that are free of frost. It has been widely<br />

distributed for ornamental purposes since the 1800s, and has escaped cultivation and spread<br />

with phenomenal rapidity wherever it has encountered suitable environmental conditions. It<br />

forms vast monotypic stands in lakes, rivers and rice paddy fields, reducing water quality and<br />

encouraging the growth of mosquitoes, snails and other organisms associated with human<br />

illnesses (e.g. malaria, schistosomiasis, encephalitis, filariasis and cholera). Dense mats<br />

greatly hinder boating by fishermen and may prevent fishing altogether. In paddy fields,<br />

dense mats affect rice production and in extreme cases of competition between E. crassipes<br />

and rice crops, fields have been abandoned.<br />

Control: It is impossible to eradicate E. crassipes, and often only an integrated management<br />

strategy, inclusive of chemical and biological control, can provide a long-term solution to this<br />

pest.<br />

3 NOTE: This example was developed specifically for use in the IPPC <strong>PRA</strong> training course. The<br />

scenario is not real. The data sheet is based on the CABI Crop Protection Compendium<br />

(http://www.cabi.org/compendia/cpc).<br />


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