Accreditation - Hartnell College!!

Accreditation - Hartnell College!!

Accreditation - Hartnell College!!


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Institutional Self Evaluation – 12-05-12<br />

Human Resources. The group plans and approves flex activities, and encourages faculty<br />

members to develop and present their own activities. Topics range from teaching<br />

methodologies to the sociology of students to technical training to presentations by outside<br />

speakers on a variety of subjects.<br />

Self Evaluation<br />

When <strong>Hartnell</strong> <strong>College</strong> was placed on probation in 2007, two of the seven concerns referred<br />

to timely curriculum revision and the development of student learning outcomes. As<br />

documented in previous progress reports, the Board allocated resources to update hundreds<br />

of course outlines (IV.A.53). In response, the college has evolved mechanisms to stabilize<br />

this effort and ensure that curriculum is current and of high quality.<br />

Faculty ―curriculum leaders‖ provided assistance in this effort. These leaders were<br />

longstanding members of the curriculum committee and were selected not only for their<br />

expertise but to provide the necessary breadth of knowledge to assist. The leaders were given<br />

reassigned time and met biweekly with the Curriculum Chair and the Vice-President of<br />

Academic Affairs, functioning as a screening committee that recommended curriculum to the<br />

full committee. Curriculum leaders worked with individual faculty to ensure that the revision<br />

schedule was met. In Fall 2011, the curriculum leader program gave way to the appointment<br />

of a Dean of Curriculum and Instructional Support. These changes are reflected in the new<br />

curriculum workflow process that was presented to the Academic Senate in February, 2012.<br />

Thus, the combination of faculty expertise and institutional commitment provided muchneeded<br />

support for curriculum development.<br />

The Full-Time Faculty Hiring Committee developed a rubric for hiring considerations that<br />

includes three-year enrollment data, the number of current full-time faculty (and consults the<br />

seniority list regarding the likelihood of imminent retirements), the potential for growth in<br />

the program, the availability of well-qualified part-time faculty, the breadth of expertise<br />

among the existing faculty, and the full-time faculty obligation number (IV.A.56). The<br />

committee presents a three-year hiring plan to the Resource Allocation Committee, where the<br />

analysis is shared and recommendations made based on need and available resources. Given<br />

the seniority patterns among the faculty, the committee identified more positions than the<br />

college can currently afford to fill, but sixteen new faculty have been hired since the 2007<br />

site visit.<br />

The Faculty Professional Development Committee has been revitalized during the last year.<br />

Response to the invitation to develop activities, as well as participate in them, has been<br />

enthusiastic, and more than fifty hours of flex-approved activity have been scheduled. A<br />

calendar of events has been placed on the PDC website (IV.A.19) which has greatly<br />

facilitated planning.<br />

Committee members conducted self evaluations in October 2011. The Curriculum<br />

Committee reported that CurricUNET works reasonably well to support updating, tracking,<br />

and strong courses and programs. The program planning module PlaNet (GoverNet) is more<br />

recalcitrant, but academic groups continue to work with the program and meet their deadline.<br />

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