Technotex 2011 Event Report_v5.pptx - Ministry of Textiles

Technotex 2011 Event Report_v5.pptx - Ministry of Textiles

Technotex 2011 Event Report_v5.pptx - Ministry of Textiles


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<strong>Technotex</strong> <strong>2011</strong> - <strong>Event</strong> <strong>Report</strong><br />

International Conference & Exhibition on<br />

Technical <strong>Textiles</strong><br />

25 th –27 th August <strong>2011</strong>, Mumbai

Agenda<br />

►<br />

<strong>Technotex</strong> <strong>2011</strong> – Introduction<br />

► Key action points from <strong>Technotex</strong> <strong>2011</strong><br />

►<br />

►<br />

<strong>Technotex</strong> <strong>2011</strong> – Inaugural Session<br />

<strong>Technotex</strong> <strong>2011</strong> – CEO Roundtable<br />

► Day 1: Conference Session 1, 2 & 3<br />

► Day 2: Conference Session 4, 5 & 6<br />

►<br />

►<br />

Key Notes From Meetings With Institutional Buyers<br />

Key Notes From Buyer Seller Meetings<br />

<strong>Technotex</strong> <strong>2011</strong> -<strong>Event</strong> report Page 2

<strong>Technotex</strong> <strong>2011</strong> - Introduction<br />

Host State<br />

International Conference & Exhibition<br />

Partner States<br />

Enabling framework for accelerating growth and<br />

investments<br />

Knowledge Partners<br />

Organizers<br />

Supported by<br />

<strong>Technotex</strong> <strong>2011</strong> -<strong>Event</strong> report Page 3

<strong>Technotex</strong> <strong>2011</strong> – Introduction<br />

First International Exhibition on Technical <strong>Textiles</strong> in India<br />

►<br />

►<br />

►<br />

►<br />

►<br />

►<br />

<strong>Technotex</strong> <strong>2011</strong> is a first <strong>of</strong> its kind international conference and exhibition on technical textiles,<br />

jointly organized by FICCI, <strong>Ministry</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Textiles</strong> and Department <strong>of</strong> Chemicals & Petrochemicals,<br />

Government <strong>of</strong> India<br />

The state <strong>of</strong> Maharashtra was the host state for the event, while the states <strong>of</strong> Gujarat, and<br />

Karnataka were partnering states in the event<br />

The event theme was “Enabling framework for accelerating growth and investments”, with an<br />

objective <strong>of</strong> highlighting the important global developments and emerging trends in the technical<br />

textiles industry<br />

The conference had participation from central and state governments, institutional buyers and<br />

sellers and delegates from India and abroad<br />

The conference was inaugurated by Mr. Anand Sharma, Hon’ble Union Minister for <strong>Textiles</strong>, with Mr.<br />

Prithviraj Chavan, Hon’ble Chief Minister (CM) <strong>of</strong> Maharashtra as the Guest <strong>of</strong> Honour.<br />

Mr. R. Varthur Prakash, Hon’ble Minister <strong>of</strong> <strong>Textiles</strong>, Government <strong>of</strong> Karnataka, Mr. Mohd. Arif<br />

Khan, Hon’ble Minister <strong>of</strong> <strong>Textiles</strong>, Government <strong>of</strong> Maharashtra and Ms. Rita Menon, Secretary,<br />

<strong>Ministry</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Textiles</strong> addressed the delegates in the opening session <strong>of</strong> the conference<br />

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<strong>Technotex</strong> <strong>2011</strong> - Introduction<br />

<strong>Event</strong> Sum-up<br />

<strong>Technotex</strong> <strong>2011</strong> was the first <strong>of</strong> its kind exhibition-cum-conference in India, with a magnitude comparable<br />

to world class international exhibitions<br />

No. <strong>of</strong> Exhibitors<br />

102 companies participated as exhibitors. There was a separate China pavilion in the<br />

exhibition and three State Pavillions<br />

No. <strong>of</strong> delegates<br />

Over 280 delegates attended the Conference.<br />

No. <strong>of</strong> State Level<br />

Delegation<br />

133 state delegates attended the conference (Gujarat 30, Maharashtra 88,<br />

Karnataka 15)<br />

No. <strong>of</strong> speakers<br />

41 speakers addressed the delegates and made presentations<br />

International<br />

Participants<br />

No. <strong>of</strong> business<br />

visitors<br />

No. <strong>of</strong> B2B<br />

meetings<br />

No. <strong>of</strong> G2G<br />

meetings<br />

Representation from Italy, China, Switzerland, USA etc. International Exhibitors<br />

included TexTest, FIL VA SRL, Swiss Textile College etc.<br />

More than 5000 business visitors attended the exhibition during the three days<br />

29 one to one meetings between buyers and sellers <strong>of</strong> technical textiles<br />

8 meetings with institutional buyers such as CISF, Railways, Army, NHAI, Navy, BRO etc.<br />

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<strong>Technotex</strong> <strong>2011</strong> - Introduction<br />

<strong>Event</strong> Format<br />

►<br />

<strong>Technotex</strong> <strong>2011</strong> was a three day event with exhibition on all three days and a conference for the first<br />

two days. Following was the schedule <strong>of</strong> the event:<br />

Day 1 (August 25, <strong>2011</strong>)<br />

1000 –1200 hrs Inaugural session<br />

1200 – 1245 hrs CEO’s roundtable with ministers<br />

1300 –1330 hrs Inauguration <strong>of</strong> exhibition<br />

1400 – 1530 hrs Session 1 - India’s Approach to Technical <strong>Textiles</strong> & Creating Value Chain in<br />

Technical <strong>Textiles</strong><br />

1530 – 1630 hrs Session 2 - Creating Value Chain in Technical <strong>Textiles</strong> & Standardization<br />

1645 – 1745 hrs Session 3 - Perspective <strong>of</strong> Centers <strong>of</strong> Excellence<br />

Day 2 (August 26, <strong>2011</strong>)<br />

1000 – 1120 hrs Session 4 - Buyer’s Perspective- I<br />

1120 – 1300 hrs Session 5 - Buyer’s Perspective- II<br />

1400 – 1645 hrs Session 6 - Emerging Areas, Technology and Global Markets<br />

1645 – 1900 hrs Buyer SellerMeetings<br />

Day 3 (August 27, <strong>2011</strong>) - Exhibition<br />

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Agenda<br />

►<br />

<strong>Technotex</strong> <strong>2011</strong> – Introduction<br />

► Key action points from <strong>Technotex</strong> <strong>2011</strong><br />

►<br />

►<br />

<strong>Technotex</strong> <strong>2011</strong> – Inaugural Session<br />

<strong>Technotex</strong> <strong>2011</strong> – CEO Roundtable<br />

► Day 1: Conference Session 1, 2 & 3<br />

► Day 2: Conference Session 4, 5 & 6<br />

►<br />

►<br />

Key Notes From Meetings With Institutional Buyers<br />

Key Notes From Buyer Seller Meetings<br />

<strong>Technotex</strong> <strong>2011</strong> -<strong>Event</strong> report Page 7

Key action points from <strong>Technotex</strong> <strong>2011</strong> (1/7)<br />

From the inaugural<br />

session<br />

1. Public venture capital fund:<br />

►<br />

Background: Mr. Chavan, CM Maharashtra, mentioned in his speech<br />

that a public venture capitalist (VC) fund could be developed to<br />

support technical textiles entrepreneurs for innovative start up projects<br />

and for acquiring stressed units abroad. Such public venture capital<br />

fund will have financial support from government, either central or<br />

state, along with participation from private bodies<br />

►<br />

Action points:<br />

– A detailed paper on the proposed business model needs to be<br />

drafted, and supported with research on existence <strong>of</strong> similar model<br />

in other countries<br />

– Identify mentors who have had success stories in textile ventures<br />

and take their perspective on public VC model<br />

From the CEO<br />

roundtable<br />

1. Legislation:<br />

►<br />

Background: Developing legislations that support usage <strong>of</strong> technical<br />

textiles<br />

►<br />

Action point: Detailed research should be undertaken to identify<br />

global legislations on usage <strong>of</strong> technical textiles in different application<br />

areas<br />

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Key action points from <strong>Technotex</strong> <strong>2011</strong> (2/7)<br />

From the CEO<br />

roundtable<br />

2. Standards:<br />

►<br />

Background: Developing standards for usage <strong>of</strong> technical textiles will<br />

support the growth in the technical textiles industry<br />

►<br />

Action point: Organize a meeting with BIS for a status update on<br />

standards and way forward<br />

3. Institutional Linkages:<br />

►<br />

►<br />

Background: Developing institutional linkages to put into effect usage <strong>of</strong><br />

technical textiles<br />

Action point: Organize focus meetings <strong>of</strong> institutional buyers, suppliers<br />

and CoE to facilitate wider usage <strong>of</strong> technical textiles<br />

4. Rural Linkages:<br />

►<br />

►<br />

Background: Technical textiles has huge potential in agricultural<br />

applications <strong>of</strong> crop protection and storage, and requires concept selling<br />

Action point: Industry to provide a detailed paper to MoT explaining the<br />

potential for technical textiles in agriculture, challenges faced by the<br />

industry in reaching out to rural markets, and nature <strong>of</strong> support required<br />

by industry in establishing rural linkages for greater reach<br />

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Key action points from <strong>Technotex</strong> <strong>2011</strong> (3/7)<br />

From the CEO<br />

roundtable<br />

5. Inclusion <strong>of</strong> second hand machinery under TUFS:<br />

►<br />

Background: Industry mentioned that technical textiles is a capital<br />

intensive industry and <strong>of</strong>ten manufacturers purchase second hand<br />

machinery from abroad, for which there is no government support<br />

►<br />

Action point: Industry to submit a detailed paper to MoT explaining the<br />

nature <strong>of</strong> support they expect from MoT. MoT to look into the aspect <strong>of</strong><br />

inclusion <strong>of</strong> second hand machinery under TUFS, or creation <strong>of</strong> a<br />

different scheme to address the said concern<br />

From conference<br />

day 1<br />

1. Converted products:<br />

►<br />

►<br />

Background: Pr<strong>of</strong>. Seshadri Ramkumar mentioned that market<br />

awareness and the knowledge <strong>of</strong> converted products are essential for<br />

the growth <strong>of</strong> the technical textiles sector in India<br />

Action points:<br />

– A meeting is to be organized with Pr<strong>of</strong>. Ramkumar and the CoEs to<br />

understand the aspect in more detail<br />

– Market intelligence to be captured on what technical textiles<br />

products are being sold in the market currently. Meeting with K’s<br />

Consultants and Technopak advisors is to be organized to discuss<br />

this aspect<br />

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Key action points from <strong>Technotex</strong> <strong>2011</strong> (4/7)<br />

From conference<br />

day 1<br />

2. Identification <strong>of</strong> stressed units abroad:<br />

►<br />

Background: An audience member requested if MoT could help with<br />

commercial information on stressed technical textiles units available for<br />

sale abroad<br />

►<br />

Action point: Research to be done to identify if any industry body<br />

captures information on stressed units. CoEs and ITTA to get involved in<br />

this exercise<br />

From meeting with<br />

RDSO<br />

►<br />

►<br />

►<br />

A meeting between BTRA and RDSO to be organized to understand the<br />

key requirement <strong>of</strong> the Railways and specification <strong>of</strong> technical textiles to<br />

be used at various site conditions<br />

A compendium on all training courses available with all CoEs is to be<br />

compiled and shared with RDSO, and coordination regarding<br />

participation <strong>of</strong> RDSO employees in these training courses<br />

<strong>Ministry</strong> <strong>of</strong> Textile has to send a meeting request letter to DG, RDSO<br />

seeking an appointment to discuss the usage and applicability <strong>of</strong><br />

geotextiles in Railways. The details <strong>of</strong> products and area <strong>of</strong> usage needs<br />

to be defined along with this meeting request letter<br />

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Key action points from <strong>Technotex</strong> <strong>2011</strong> (5/7)<br />

From meeting with<br />

BRO<br />

►<br />

►<br />

►<br />

►<br />

Strata Geosystems (India) Pvt. Ltd. needs to seek an appointment with<br />

DG, BRO to present the usage <strong>of</strong> Geotextiles in ongoing projects<br />

Need to share the list <strong>of</strong> all vendors active in geotextile domain with BRO<br />

Need to collect the list <strong>of</strong> all ongoing BRO projects in NE region<br />

Explore the prospect <strong>of</strong> linking the MoT’s proposed initiative for<br />

promotion and application <strong>of</strong> geotextiles in the North Eastern Region with<br />

ongoing BRO projects<br />

From meeting with<br />

CISF<br />

►<br />

►<br />

►<br />

►<br />

Details <strong>of</strong> upcoming security and fire fighting event needs to be collected<br />

from CISF <strong>of</strong>fice<br />

<strong>Ministry</strong> <strong>of</strong> Textile has to issue a letter to <strong>Ministry</strong> <strong>of</strong> Home Affairs<br />

requesting participation in the security and fire fighting event<br />

Alok Industries needs to submit the technical specifications and samples<br />

<strong>of</strong> Uniform Clothing and Fire Retardant apparels to DG <strong>of</strong>fice and further<br />

seek for an appointment to present the various Protex products available<br />

Need to share the list <strong>of</strong> all vendors active in Protex domain with CISF<br />

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Key action points from <strong>Technotex</strong> <strong>2011</strong> (6/7)<br />

From meeting with<br />

BIS<br />

►<br />

►<br />

►<br />

The updated list <strong>of</strong> pending standards needs to be collected from Office<br />

<strong>of</strong> the Textile Commissioner and to be shared with Mr. Gupta from BIS<br />

The directory <strong>of</strong> approx 3000 contacts in technical textile domain needs<br />

to be shared with BIS<br />

Meeting between BIS and EY needs to arranged in second week <strong>of</strong><br />

September <strong>2011</strong> and draw the timelines in consultation with BIS to print<br />

the pending standards<br />

From meeting with<br />

CPWD<br />

►<br />

Meeting between Technology Application & Development (TAD) Cell <strong>of</strong><br />

CPWD at CDO <strong>of</strong>fice and MoT needs to arranged in second week <strong>of</strong><br />

September <strong>2011</strong> to discuss the framework to promote and increase the<br />

usage <strong>of</strong> technical textile in CPWD projects<br />

From meeting with<br />

NHAI<br />

►<br />

►<br />

Meeting with concessionaries needs to be arranged to understand their<br />

perspective on geotex and its economics in road projects, compared to<br />

alternatives available for geotex<br />

Concessionaries need to be invited in the MoT North east event<br />

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Key action points from <strong>Technotex</strong> <strong>2011</strong> (7/7)<br />

From meeting with<br />

Indian Army<br />

►<br />

►<br />

►<br />

Develop a framework for an interactive platform between the key players<br />

<strong>of</strong> technical textiles and Indian Army and get the consensus on this<br />

framework from <strong>Ministry</strong> <strong>of</strong> Defence and <strong>Ministry</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Textiles</strong><br />

Sub-segment focused interactive sessions with the key players to be<br />

arranged as per the requirements <strong>of</strong> Indian Army<br />

Obtain the copy <strong>of</strong> product specifications from the Controller’s <strong>of</strong>fice in<br />

Kanpur<br />

From B2B<br />

meetings<br />

►<br />

Send a thank you note to all participants and request them for their<br />

feedback on:<br />

– Usefulness <strong>of</strong> the session<br />

– Expectations from similar sessions in future<br />

<strong>Technotex</strong> <strong>2011</strong> -<strong>Event</strong> report Page 14

Agenda<br />

►<br />

<strong>Technotex</strong> <strong>2011</strong> – Introduction<br />

► Key action points from <strong>Technotex</strong> <strong>2011</strong><br />

►<br />

►<br />

<strong>Technotex</strong> <strong>2011</strong> – Inaugural Session<br />

<strong>Technotex</strong> <strong>2011</strong> – CEO Roundtable<br />

► Day 1: Conference Session 1, 2 & 3<br />

► Day 2: Conference Session 4, 5 & 6<br />

►<br />

►<br />

Key Notes From Meetings With Institutional Buyers<br />

Key Notes From Buyer Seller Meetings<br />

<strong>Technotex</strong> <strong>2011</strong> -<strong>Event</strong> report Page 15

<strong>Technotex</strong> <strong>2011</strong> – Inaugural session (1/3)<br />

►<br />

►<br />

<strong>Technotex</strong> <strong>2011</strong> inaugural session was held at Hotel Westin, Mumbai and Mr. Harsh Mariwala,<br />

President FICCI delivered the opening speech, followed by Mr. Shishir Jaipuria, Chairman, FICCI<br />

<strong>Textiles</strong> and Technical <strong>Textiles</strong> Committee, who spoke about the technical textiles industry in<br />

India and its growth potential<br />

Ms. Rita Menon (IAS), Secretary, <strong>Ministry</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Textiles</strong> (MoT) delivered keynote address explaining<br />

the market potential <strong>of</strong> technical textiles in India and MoT’s initiatives to promote the growth <strong>of</strong><br />

technical textiles in India. Some <strong>of</strong> the key initiatives taken by MoT, as explained by Ms. Menon,<br />

include:<br />

– Baseline survey <strong>of</strong> technical textiles sector in 2009 to assess the current state <strong>of</strong> the industry<br />

– Establishment <strong>of</strong> four centers <strong>of</strong> excellence (CoEs) to strengthen R&D in the sector<br />

– Launch <strong>of</strong> Technology Mission on Technical <strong>Textiles</strong> (TMTT)<br />

►<br />

Post the address by Secretary MoT, respective ministers <strong>of</strong> textiles for Karnataka and<br />

Maharashtra explained the initiatives undertaken by each <strong>of</strong> the two state governments to promote<br />

textile and technical textiles sector<br />

– Minister <strong>of</strong> textiles, Karnataka explained the features <strong>of</strong> new textile policy “Suvarna Vastra<br />

Neethi 2008-13”<br />

– Minister <strong>of</strong> textiles, Maharashtra affirmed that Maharashtra government is in the final stages <strong>of</strong><br />

launching a new textiles policy, which would provide extended support to the cooperatives and<br />

private players in the industry, compared to existing policy<br />

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<strong>Technotex</strong> <strong>2011</strong> – Inaugural session (2/3)<br />

►<br />

Penultimate address in the opening session was from Hon’ble CM <strong>of</strong> Maharashtra, Mr. Chavan,<br />

where he emphasized the need <strong>of</strong> a collaborative approach between different user industries and<br />

the textiles industry for development <strong>of</strong> technical textiles sector in India. Key points made in the<br />

speech by the Hon’ble CM included:<br />

– Development <strong>of</strong> the technical textiles sector using innovative approaches such as a publicprivate<br />

venture fund to support young entrepreneurs<br />

– Support for innovation in technical textiles sector by investing in R&D<br />

– Supporting Indian companies to acquire stressed technical textiles units abroad<br />

►<br />

Concluding remarks in the opening session were delivered by Hon’ble Union Minister for<br />

Commerce & Industry and <strong>Textiles</strong>, Mr. Anand Sharma, where he mentioned that textiles sector<br />

is core to Indian economy and government has identified technical textiles as a thrust area, and the<br />

sector has potential for immense growth. Key points made in the speech by the Hon’ble Union<br />

Minister included:<br />

– Government is committed towards development <strong>of</strong> technical textiles, and TMTT is a<br />

manifestation <strong>of</strong> this commitment<br />

– Announcement regarding appointment <strong>of</strong> ICT Mumbai as a new CoE for sportex<br />

– Government will consider provision <strong>of</strong> differential interest rate and exports subsidy to support<br />

technical textile businesses in India<br />

– Skill development is a key enabler for growth <strong>of</strong> the sector, and government institutions such as<br />

IITs have been asked to include technical textiles in their curriculum<br />

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<strong>Technotex</strong> <strong>2011</strong> – Inaugural session (3/3)<br />

►<br />

The inaugural session concluded with the Hon’ble ministers releasing the following two knowledge<br />

papers for the conference:<br />

– Enabling framework for accelerating growth and investments in technical textiles in India –<br />

prepared by knowledge partners Ernst & Young and Wazir Advisors<br />

– Compendium on Centres <strong>of</strong> Excellence - prepared by North India Textile Research Association<br />

(NITRA)<br />

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Agenda<br />

►<br />

<strong>Technotex</strong> <strong>2011</strong> – Introduction<br />

► Key action points from <strong>Technotex</strong> <strong>2011</strong><br />

►<br />

►<br />

<strong>Technotex</strong> <strong>2011</strong> – Inaugural Session<br />

<strong>Technotex</strong> <strong>2011</strong> – CEO Roundtable<br />

► Day 1: Conference Session 1, 2 & 3<br />

► Day 2: Conference Session 4, 5 & 6<br />

►<br />

►<br />

Key Notes From Meetings With Institutional Buyers<br />

Key Notes From Buyer Seller Meetings<br />

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<strong>Technotex</strong> <strong>2011</strong> – CEO Roundtable<br />

►<br />

►<br />

Post the inaugural session, a roundtable meeting <strong>of</strong> seven CEOs from leading companies in<br />

technical textiles sector in India was organized with the ministers. The agenda <strong>of</strong> the roundtable<br />

session was to discuss the support that industry expects from the government, and the initiatives<br />

that could be undertaken to foster the growth in the industry.<br />

The list <strong>of</strong> participants in the round table was as follows:<br />

Government<br />

Industry<br />

►<br />

Mr. Anand Sharma, Hon’bleUnion<br />

Minister for <strong>Textiles</strong><br />

►<br />

Mr Nikhil Meswani, Executive Director, Reliance<br />

Industries Ltd.<br />

►<br />

►<br />

Mr. PrithvirajChavan, Hon’bleChief<br />

Minister <strong>of</strong> Maharashtra<br />

Ms. Rita Menon, Secretary, <strong>Ministry</strong> <strong>of</strong><br />

<strong>Textiles</strong><br />

►<br />

►<br />

►<br />

Mr HolgerBeule, Global Sales Director, Klopman<br />

International<br />

Mr. Vikramjiet Roy, Managing Director, Maccaferri<br />

Environmental Solutions Pvt Ltd<br />

Pr<strong>of</strong>. Stephen Mecheels, CEO, Hohenstein India Pvt. Ltd.<br />

►<br />

Mr Mohan Kavrie, Managing Director, Supreme<br />

Nonwoven Industries Pvt Ltd<br />

►<br />

Mr Vayu Garware, Executive Director, Garware Wall<br />

Ropes Limited<br />

►<br />

Mr Sushil Kapoor, President & CEO, SRF Ltd<br />

►<br />

The following section presents a summary <strong>of</strong> key points discussed during the roundtable by each<br />

participant<br />

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CEO Roundtable Participant 1:<br />

Reliance Industries<br />

Company Overview:<br />

Nikhil Meswani<br />

Executive Director<br />

Reliance Industries Ltd.<br />

T: +91 (022) 30327417-9<br />

F: +91 (022) 02230327416<br />

nikhil.meswani@ril.com<br />

The Reliance Group is India's largest private sector enterprise, with<br />

businesses in the energy and materials value chain. Group's annual<br />

revenues are in excess <strong>of</strong> US$ 58 billion 1 . The company has operations<br />

that span from the exploration and production <strong>of</strong> oil and gas to the<br />

manufacturing <strong>of</strong> petroleum products, polyester products, polyester<br />

intermediates, plastics, polymer intermediates, chemicals and synthetic<br />

textiles and fabrics<br />

Key discussion points:<br />

►<br />

Mr. Meswani mentioned that besides fiscal benefits to the technical<br />

textiles sector, development <strong>of</strong> enabling infrastructure is quintessential<br />

for the overall growth<br />

– For the sector to achieve its potential, it is essential that<br />

government encourages legislations that recognizes the need for<br />

safety in industries, and thus promote the growth <strong>of</strong> technical<br />

textiles<br />

1<br />

Source: Reliance Industrieswebsite (www.ril.com)<br />

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CEO Roundtable Participant 2:<br />

Klopman International<br />

Company Overview:<br />

Klopman, a 40 year old Italian company, is Europe's leading brand in<br />

uniform fabrics. The company caters to the needs <strong>of</strong> workwear and<br />

protective wear <strong>of</strong> the end users. Its product line includes specialized<br />

products such as Fire Retardant, Anti Static, Chemical Repellent and High<br />

Visibility fabrics for diverse critical applications.<br />

Holger Beule<br />

European Sales Director<br />

Klopman International<br />

Klopman was acquired by MW Corp Group in 2008. MG Group emerged<br />

out <strong>of</strong> a comprehensive restructuring <strong>of</strong> the erstwhile S.Kumars Group.<br />

Key discussion points:<br />

T: +49 (0) 2102 45230<br />

F: +49 (0) 2102 4523 10<br />

M: +49 (0) 175 247 7805<br />

Holger_beule@klopman.com<br />

►<br />

Mr. Beule mentioned that Indian technical textiles industry could grow<br />

phenomenally if industrial clothing specifications are defined based on<br />

fabric performance standards, as is the case globally<br />

– Globally standards are defined for industrial clothing e.g. NFPA<br />

70E, NFPA 2112:2007 in USA, AS/NZS 4602:1999, AS/NZS<br />

1906.4, EN471:1994 in Australia, New Zealand and Europe<br />

– India currently lacks a standard for the fabric properties, and a<br />

common standard on fabric quality for industrial clothing will help<br />

in growth <strong>of</strong> technical textiles industry in the country<br />

<strong>Technotex</strong> <strong>2011</strong> -<strong>Event</strong> report Page 22

CEO Roundtable Participant 3:<br />

Maccaferri Environmental Solutions Pvt. Ltd.<br />

Company Overview:<br />

Maccaferri Environmental Solutions Pvt. Ltd. was incorporated in India in<br />

1998, and its parent company Officine Maccaferri S.p.A is headquartered<br />

in Bologna, Italy.<br />

Vikramjiet Roy<br />

Managing Director<br />

MaccaferriEnvironmental<br />

Solutions Pvt. Ltd<br />

T: +91 (011) 43798490<br />

F: +91 (011) 46546330<br />

vroy@maccaferri-india.com<br />

Maccaferri operations include solutions related to erosion control, soil<br />

stabilization, environment conservation and construction in infrastructure<br />

projects in application sectors <strong>of</strong> roads, railways, rivers, channels, landfills,<br />

coastal protection & civil construction.<br />

Key discussion points:<br />

►<br />

Mr. Roy mentioned that the industry needs support in promoting<br />

usage <strong>of</strong> technical textiles in various application areas<br />

– Mr. Roy cited that India consumes 2000 tons <strong>of</strong> Geotex per<br />

annum in the country. This figure is considerably less in contrast<br />

to western countries, given the size <strong>of</strong> the country<br />

<strong>Technotex</strong> <strong>2011</strong> -<strong>Event</strong> report Page 23

CEO Roundtable Participant 4:<br />

Hohenstein India Pvt. Ltd.<br />

Company Overview:<br />

Hohenstein India is a subsidiary <strong>of</strong> the German textile research and testing<br />

centre Hohenstein Institute. The Hohenstein Institute is an internationally<br />

recognized research and service centre, providing services <strong>of</strong> research,<br />

development, testing, consulting, certification and all types <strong>of</strong> training to<br />

companies and businesses all along the textile chain.<br />

Pr<strong>of</strong>. Stephen<br />

Mecheels<br />

CEO<br />

Hohenstein India Pvt. Ltd.<br />

Key discussion points:<br />

►<br />

Pr<strong>of</strong>. Mecheels mentioned that the technical textiles sector has huge<br />

potential, and in order to tap that potential, it is important that<br />

institutional linkages are developed between India and other countries<br />

T: +91 (022) 26825640<br />

<strong>Technotex</strong> <strong>2011</strong> -<strong>Event</strong> report Page 24

CEO Roundtable Participant 5:<br />

Supreme Nonwoven Industries Pvt. Ltd. (SNIPL)<br />

Company Overview:<br />

Mohan Kavrie<br />

Managing Director<br />

Supreme Nonwoven<br />

Industries Pvt. Ltd.<br />

SNIPL was incorporated in 1984 as Bhilad Textile Industries Pvt Ltd (BTI).<br />

In 1987, BTI was taken over by Mr. Mohan Kavrie; it was renamed in 2007.<br />

SNIPL is engaged in manufacturing non-woven textiles primarily used in<br />

manufacturing fabric-based automotive components and industrial filter<br />

fabrics. Eswegee Vliesst<strong>of</strong>f GmbH, Germany, has a 49 per cent equity<br />

stake in the company. In 1996, the promoters forward integrated into the<br />

manufacture <strong>of</strong> automotive components from non-woven fabric, by<br />

incorporating STPL, which is an equal joint venture with Establissement<br />

Treves SA, France 1 .<br />

Key discussion points:<br />

T: +91 (022) 25284519/ 20<br />

F: +91 (022) 25281992<br />

mohan.kavrie@supremegrou<br />

p.co.in<br />

►<br />

►<br />

Mr. Kavire informed that supreme group has invested Rs. 300 crores<br />

in technical textiles and is planning to invest further Rs. 150 crore.<br />

He mentioned that technical textiles is a highly capital intensive<br />

sector, and R&D is a critical success factor in the industry<br />

►<br />

He appreciated government’s efforts to support R&D through<br />

establishment <strong>of</strong> Centers <strong>of</strong> Excellences in the industry, and<br />

mentioned that government should continue to encourage and<br />

support R&D in the industry<br />

1<br />

Source: Crisil website (http://www.crisil.com/Ratings/RatingList/RatingDocs/supreme-nonwoven-inds_16nov10.htm)<br />

<strong>Technotex</strong> <strong>2011</strong> -<strong>Event</strong> report Page 25

CEO Roundtable Participant 6:<br />

Garware Wall Ropes Ltd.<br />

Company Overview:<br />

Garware wall Ropes manufactures synthetic yarn, cordage, twine, fishnet<br />

webbings & polypropylene multi-filament yarn. The company is currently<br />

exporting its products to 72 countries and the mission the company is<br />

“Application focused Innovation”<br />

Vayu Garware<br />

Executive Director<br />

GarwareWall Ropes Ltd.<br />

T: +91 (020) 30780000/<br />

30780105<br />

F: +91 (020) 30780350<br />

vgarware@garwareropes.co<br />

m<br />

Key discussion points:<br />

►<br />

►<br />

Technical textiles has immense potential in rural India for agriculture<br />

applications, specially in the area <strong>of</strong> yield enhancing textiles. This<br />

area requires a lot <strong>of</strong> efforts in ‘concept-selling’. Mr. Garware<br />

suggested that public-private partnerships for concept development<br />

and creating awareness in rural areas will greatly help in developing<br />

technical textiles sector in India, and requested government support<br />

on the same<br />

It was also discussed that TUFS scheme does not include second<br />

hand machinery and extrusions, and revision <strong>of</strong> TUFS to include<br />

subsidy on second hand machinery will help manufacturers<br />

– The government panel agreed to look into the aspect on priority<br />

<strong>Technotex</strong> <strong>2011</strong> -<strong>Event</strong> report Page 26

CEO Roundtable Participant 7:<br />

SRF Ltd.<br />

Company Overview:<br />

SRF is a multi-business entity engaged in the manufacture <strong>of</strong> chemical<br />

based industrial intermediates. Its business portfolio covers Technical<br />

<strong>Textiles</strong>, Chemicals, Packaging Films and Engineering Plastics.<br />

Key discussion points:<br />

Sushil Kapoor<br />

President & CEO<br />

SRF Ltd.<br />

T: +91 (124) 4354400<br />

F: +91 (124) 4354500<br />

kapoors@srf.com<br />

►<br />

►<br />

►<br />

Mr. Kapoor highlighted that India’s per capita consumption <strong>of</strong><br />

technical textiles is 1.7 kgs compared to 10 kgs for developed<br />

countries, and therefore the potential for growth is immense<br />

To achieve holistic growth <strong>of</strong> the sector, following four sectors should<br />

be the focus areas:<br />

– Infrastructure<br />

– Renewable energy (e.g. biogas balloons)<br />

– Agriculture (e.g. crop protection and storage applications)<br />

– Water and fuel management<br />

Mr. Kapoor mentioned that rural areas have tremendous potential for<br />

technical textiles usage and government should look at public-private<br />

partnership model to ensure greater reach in rural areas<br />

<strong>Technotex</strong> <strong>2011</strong> -<strong>Event</strong> report Page 27

CEO Roundtable:<br />

Remarks by Hon’ble Ministers<br />

► Mr. Sharma mentioned that government and the industry will work closely to address the<br />

points made in the CEO roundtable. Important points emerging form his address included:<br />

Mr. Anand<br />

Sharma,<br />

Union Minister <strong>of</strong><br />

Commerce,<br />

Industry & <strong>Textiles</strong><br />

– Given the importance <strong>of</strong> R&D in technical textiles sector, the CoEs will be equipped<br />

with world class infrastructure and will be designed according to global benchmarks<br />

– Financial support will be made available to startups for developing the MSME sector.<br />

Government will discuss ways <strong>of</strong> supporting manufacturers in India to acquire stressed<br />

units abroad<br />

– Government will promote institutional linkages, within the country as well as<br />

internationally<br />

► Mr. Chavan highlighted the initiatives <strong>of</strong> government to address the comments made by<br />

CEOs on developing the technical textiles sector. Key points included:<br />

Mr. Prithviraj<br />

Chavan,<br />

Chief Minister,<br />

Maharashtra<br />

– Supporting R&D in the industry through CoEs<br />

– Formulation <strong>of</strong> standards for wider usage <strong>of</strong> technical textiles<br />

– Promotion usage <strong>of</strong> Geotex in infrastructure projects<br />

– Developing a road map for making air bags compulsory in cars<br />

– Discussions on amending the housing laws to make fire chute mandatory<br />

► Mr. Chavan also agreed that inclusion <strong>of</strong> second hand machinery under TUFS could help<br />

manufacturers in the industry and mentioned that ministry will look into that aspect<br />

<strong>Technotex</strong> <strong>2011</strong> -<strong>Event</strong> report Page 28

CEO Roundtable:<br />

Remarks by Secretary, <strong>Ministry</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Textiles</strong><br />

► Ms. Rita Menon summarized the key aspects discussed during the roundtable and informed<br />

about governments on-going and proposed initiatives to address those points.<br />

Ms. Rita<br />

Menon,<br />

Secretary,<br />

<strong>Ministry</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Textiles</strong><br />

► The following points were identified as action points from the CEO forum :<br />

– Developing legislation to promote usage <strong>of</strong> technical textiles<br />

– Formulating institutional linkages in the industry<br />

– Encouraging R&D in the industry<br />

– Defining standards for key products<br />

– Usage promotion in key application areas such as roads and infrastructure projects<br />

– Encouraging rural community linkages to promote usage <strong>of</strong> agrotex for productivity and<br />

yield enhancement<br />

– Inclusion <strong>of</strong> second hand machinery in TUFS to support manufacturers in the industry<br />

<strong>Technotex</strong> <strong>2011</strong> -<strong>Event</strong> report Page 29

Agenda<br />

►<br />

<strong>Technotex</strong> <strong>2011</strong> – Introduction<br />

► Key action points from <strong>Technotex</strong> <strong>2011</strong><br />

►<br />

►<br />

<strong>Technotex</strong> <strong>2011</strong> – Inaugural Session<br />

<strong>Technotex</strong> <strong>2011</strong> – CEO Roundtable<br />

► Day 1: Conference Session 1, 2 & 3<br />

► Day 2: Conference Session 4, 5 & 6<br />

►<br />

►<br />

Key Notes From Meetings With Institutional Buyers<br />

Key Notes From Buyer Seller Meetings<br />

<strong>Technotex</strong> <strong>2011</strong> -<strong>Event</strong> report Page 30

Day 1: Conference Session 1<br />

►<br />

►<br />

Post the inaugural session at Hotel Westin, the delegates moved to the Exhibition ground, where the<br />

first session <strong>of</strong> conference was chaired by Mr. Sujit Gulati, Joint Secretary, <strong>Ministry</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Textiles</strong>.<br />

The theme <strong>of</strong> the first session was “India’s Approach to Technical <strong>Textiles</strong> & Creating Value Chain in<br />

Technical <strong>Textiles</strong>” and it included presentations from the following speakers:<br />

– Mr. A. B. Joshi, Textile Commissioner, Government <strong>of</strong> India<br />

– Department <strong>of</strong> Handlooms and <strong>Textiles</strong>, Government <strong>of</strong> Karnataka<br />

– Ms. Neel Kamal Darbari, Joint Secretary, Department Of Chemicals and Petrochemicals<br />

– Mr. R D Udeshi, President- Polyester Business, Reliance Industries Limited<br />

– Mr. Mukesh Vijaywargi, ITTA<br />

Questions and Answers (Q&A) round:<br />

The session was proceeded by a Q&A round, in which the following points were discussed:<br />

►<br />

Pr<strong>of</strong>. Seshadri Ramkumar (Texas Tech University) mentioned that it is essential for the government<br />

to encourage development <strong>of</strong> MSME sector for overall development <strong>of</strong> technical textiles in India. He<br />

insisted that market awareness and the knowledge <strong>of</strong> converted products are essential for the<br />

growth <strong>of</strong> the technical textiles sector in India<br />

<strong>Technotex</strong> <strong>2011</strong> -<strong>Event</strong> report Page 31

Day 1: Conference Session 1 (cont..)<br />

►<br />

There was a question from one <strong>of</strong> the members in the audience, pertaining to market size <strong>of</strong> the<br />

technical textiles industry <strong>of</strong> Rs 57,000 crores, and industry <strong>of</strong> 3000 manufacturers, the numbers<br />

presented in the textile commissioner’s presentation. It was mentioned that the market size<br />

numbers seem on a higher side, and the entire polyester industry market size in India might not be<br />

Rs 57,000 crores<br />

– Mr. Gulati explained that besides polyester, the market size includes jute and other products<br />

which are commonly not considered as technical textiles, and it might be inappropriate to<br />

consider only polyester as technical textiles. He further mentioned that the market sizing<br />

exercise had been done by an expert committee on technical textiles.<br />

►<br />

It was mentioned by an audience member that there is lot <strong>of</strong> confusion regarding the process to<br />

obtain benefits under TUFS scheme. He requested more clarity on whether the formalities related to<br />

TUFS subsidy are to be initiated by a manufacturer or by the lending agency<br />

– Mr. Joshi explained that the entire formalities have to be done at the lending agency’s end. A<br />

manufacturer has to get its project appraised by a lending agency, and the lending agency has<br />

to get in touch with textiles commissioner <strong>of</strong>fice for TUFS related formalities<br />

<strong>Technotex</strong> <strong>2011</strong> -<strong>Event</strong> report Page 32

Day 1: Conference Session 1 (cont..)<br />

►<br />

Mr. Kiran Panchal from Modern Denim Ltd. Mentioned that technical textiles is a capital intensive<br />

industry and many times opportunities are available to acquire stressed assets abroad. He<br />

requested if ministry could help manufacturers in identifying such opportunities<br />

– Mr. Gulati explained that it might not be possible for the ministry to keep track <strong>of</strong> stressed units<br />

on sale across the world, but at the same time, Indian Technical <strong>Textiles</strong> Association (ITTA) and<br />

CoEs together can help in supplying relevant commercial information <strong>of</strong> similar nature to<br />

manufactures in the industry.<br />

<strong>Technotex</strong> <strong>2011</strong> -<strong>Event</strong> report Page 33

Day 1: Conference Session 2<br />

►<br />

After the first session, the next session was themed “Creating Value Chain in Technical <strong>Textiles</strong> &<br />

Standardization” , and it included the following speakers:<br />

– Mr. Anupam Dikshit, COO, SKNL<br />

– Mr. Manohar Samuel, Joint President, Birla Cellulose<br />

– Mr. J K Gupta, Scientist 'C', <strong>Textiles</strong>, BIS<br />

Questions and Answers (Q&A) round:<br />

The session was proceeded by a Q&A round, in which the following points were discussed:<br />

►<br />

Mr. Anand Singh, owner <strong>of</strong> a SME Thea-Tex Healthcare (India) Pvt. Ltd. raised a question to BIS<br />

representative, mentioning that he has been writing to BIS for formulation <strong>of</strong> standard on surgical<br />

masks for quite a long time and he has not received any update on it. He further mentioned that<br />

absence <strong>of</strong> a standard is resulting in strong competition from Chinese suppliers who are supplying at<br />

low price and quality, and are still being selected as L1 vendors in procurement tenders by hospitals.<br />

– Mr. Joshi acknowledged the slow progress in formulation <strong>of</strong> standards, assured Mr. Singh that<br />

the matter will be looked into. However, he explained that there is a process for formulation <strong>of</strong> a<br />

standard, which has a certain lead time, and a manufacturer should not expect that writing to<br />

BIS will result in formulation <strong>of</strong> a standard immediately.<br />

– BIS representative requested that along with request for creation <strong>of</strong> a standard, it will be helpful<br />

if manufacturers provide papers on similar standards abroad<br />

<strong>Technotex</strong> <strong>2011</strong> -<strong>Event</strong> report Page 34

Day 1: Conference Session 3<br />

► The last session for first day <strong>of</strong> the conference was themed “Perspective <strong>of</strong> Centers <strong>of</strong> Excellence” ,<br />

and it included the following speakers:<br />

– Dr J V Rao, Director, North India Textile Research Association (NITRA)<br />

– Dr Prakash Vasudevan, Joint Director, South India Textile Research Association (SITRA)<br />

– Dr A N Desai, Director, Bombay Textile Research Association (BTRA)<br />

– Dr U.K Gangopadhyay, Director, The Synthetic & Art Silk Mills Research Association<br />

(SASMIRA)<br />

►<br />

►<br />

►<br />

►<br />

The session was chaired by Dr. Rao from NITRA and he gave an overview about the four existing<br />

CoEs and the four new CoEs in terms <strong>of</strong> their role, activities and infrastructure<br />

Dr. Rao mentioned that NITRA has compiled a compendium on CoEs which has detailed description<br />

on the activities <strong>of</strong> CoEs, their achievements, and their on-going and future projects<br />

Dr. Rao’s presentation was followed by a brief presentation by each <strong>of</strong> the other three CoEs,<br />

structured on similar theme, highlighting the activities, infrastructure and future plans<br />

The session concluded without any questions from the audience<br />

<strong>Technotex</strong> <strong>2011</strong> -<strong>Event</strong> report Page 35

Agenda<br />

►<br />

<strong>Technotex</strong> <strong>2011</strong> – Introduction<br />

► Key action points from <strong>Technotex</strong> <strong>2011</strong><br />

►<br />

►<br />

<strong>Technotex</strong> <strong>2011</strong> – Inaugural Session<br />

<strong>Technotex</strong> <strong>2011</strong> – CEO Roundtable<br />

► Day 1: Conference Session 1, 2 & 3<br />

► Day 2: Conference Session 4, 5 & 6<br />

►<br />

►<br />

Key Notes From Meetings With Institutional Buyers<br />

Key Notes From Buyer Seller Meetings<br />

<strong>Technotex</strong> <strong>2011</strong> -<strong>Event</strong> report Page 36

Day 2: Conference Session 4 & 5<br />

►<br />

Day 2 <strong>of</strong> the conference started with a session on “Buyers perspective” where many institutional<br />

buying agencies were present and they spoke about their procurement patterns and expectations<br />

from a supplier. The session included the following speakers:<br />

Session 4:<br />

– Mr D S Martoliya, DQA, DGS&D<br />

– Mr Rajesh Agarwal, Director, Research Design and Standardization Organization (RDSO)<br />

– Brigadier Dalip Sachdev, MGO, Indian Army<br />

– Group Capt (Dr) R K Pathni, Armed Forces Medical Services (AFMS), <strong>Ministry</strong> <strong>of</strong> Defense<br />

Session 5:<br />

– Dr A K Kanchan, Chief Medical Director, Central Railways<br />

– Admiral Jaywant Korde VSM, ACOL, Indian Navy<br />

– Mr S Jaswant Kumar, Chief General Manager (Planning & Quality), National Highway Authority<br />

<strong>of</strong> India<br />

– Dr S K Chattopadhyay, Head-MPD, Central Institute for Research on Cotton Technology<br />

<strong>Technotex</strong> <strong>2011</strong> -<strong>Event</strong> report Page 37

Day 2: Conference Session 4 & 5 (Cont…)<br />

Questions and Answers (Q&A) round:<br />

The sessions were proceeded by a Q&A round, in which the following points were discussed:<br />

►<br />

In his presentation, Group Captain Dr. Pathni from AFMS had spoken about the need to develop<br />

niche products in meditex, such as valves and grafts used in surgery. Pr<strong>of</strong>. Seshadri from Texas<br />

Tech University inquired from Dr. Pathni if Indian army has provided any financial support to<br />

manufacturers for these products in India, as these products require a lot <strong>of</strong> expenditure on R&D,<br />

and and MSMEs generally do not have deep pockets to undertake such research projects<br />

– Dr. Pathni explained that the opportunity <strong>of</strong> getting into niche products is more suited to big<br />

players in the industry, who have financial backing to undertake such research projects, as<br />

opposed to MSMEs<br />

►<br />

An audience member asked the RDSO representative about potential <strong>of</strong> geotex in railways<br />

– It was explained that Indian Railways has plans to construct 60,000 kms <strong>of</strong> railway tracks in the<br />

next 10 years, and about 10% <strong>of</strong> the new tracks (i.e. 6,000 kms) will require geotex. Besides<br />

that another 2,700 kms <strong>of</strong> railway track require improvements and there will be geotex for that.<br />

Every year Railway <strong>Ministry</strong> constructs close to 400 road-overbridges, and geotex requirement<br />

comes from there as well.<br />

<strong>Technotex</strong> <strong>2011</strong> -<strong>Event</strong> report Page 38

Day 2: Conference Session 4 & 5 (Cont…)<br />

Questions and Answers (Q&A) round:<br />

►<br />

It was mentioned during the session that RDSO has formed draft standards on geosynthetics. An<br />

audience member asked if the process <strong>of</strong> formulation <strong>of</strong> standards was done in consultation with<br />

stakeholders<br />

– Mr. Agarwal from RDSO explained that they have constant interactions with manufacturers in<br />

the industry and while formulating standards they take opinion from such manufacturers,<br />

requirements from site engineers along with consultation with institutions such as IIT, who<br />

jointly undertake such research with the railways<br />

►<br />

An audience member Mr. Kiran Panchal form Modern Denim Ltd. Mentioned that his company is<br />

looking at entering into technical textiles focused on the protex segment. He requested the Indian<br />

Army representative Brigadier Sachdev to explain the procurement process for such clothing and<br />

specific standards <strong>of</strong> clothing that Indian Army is importing currently<br />

– Brigadier Sachdev explained that they request samples from Indian manufacturers and then put<br />

these samples in field trials in actual conditions, post which, on successful completion <strong>of</strong> the<br />

field test, if the vendors qualify, Indian army invites them to next tender<br />

– Brigadier Sachdev also mentioned that Indian Army can discuss specification with<br />

manufacturers planning to produce such products, subject to prevention <strong>of</strong> information sharing<br />

on copyrighted aspects related to specifications <strong>of</strong> such products<br />

<strong>Technotex</strong> <strong>2011</strong> -<strong>Event</strong> report Page 39

Day 2: Conference Session 6<br />

► Last session <strong>of</strong> the conference was themed “Emerging Areas, Technology and Global Markets” ,<br />

chaired by Pr<strong>of</strong>. Stephen Mecheels , CEO Hohenstein India Pvt. Ltd. The session included the<br />

following presentations:<br />

– Mr Jorg Diekmann, Director for International Sales, Hohenstein Textile Testing Institute on<br />

“Hohenstein Research and Developments with a view to Sustainability”<br />

– Pr<strong>of</strong>. Seshadri Ramkumar, Pr<strong>of</strong>essor, Texas Tech University on “Technology for Technical<br />

<strong>Textiles</strong>”<br />

– Mr S V Raut, Vice President, Garware Wall Ropes Ltd on “International standards and latest<br />

trends in Indian market - Technical <strong>Textiles</strong>”<br />

– Dr Gajanan Bhat, Director, Nonwoven Materials Research Laboratory (UTNRL), The University<br />

<strong>of</strong> Tennessee, USA<br />

– Mr R Naresh, Director, Marina India Pvt. Ltd on “Flame Retardant Fabric : Recent Trends and<br />

Development”<br />

– Mr Sumit Sharma, Regional Manager, VDMA on "German Textile Machinery Industry”<br />

►<br />

After the presentations, the conference concluded with a vote <strong>of</strong> thanks from FICCI, and<br />

subsequently buyer seller meetings took place at the venue<br />

<strong>Technotex</strong> <strong>2011</strong> -<strong>Event</strong> report Page 40

Agenda<br />

►<br />

<strong>Technotex</strong> <strong>2011</strong> – Introduction<br />

► Key action points from <strong>Technotex</strong> <strong>2011</strong><br />

►<br />

►<br />

<strong>Technotex</strong> <strong>2011</strong> – Inaugural Session<br />

<strong>Technotex</strong> <strong>2011</strong> – CEO Roundtable<br />

► Day 1: Conference Session 1, 2 & 3<br />

► Day 2: Conference Session 4, 5 & 6<br />

►<br />

►<br />

Key Notes From Meetings With Institutional Buyers<br />

Key Notes From Buyer Seller Meetings<br />

<strong>Technotex</strong> <strong>2011</strong> -<strong>Event</strong> report Page 41

Key notes from meetings with institutional<br />

buyers<br />

We identified the list <strong>of</strong> potential institutional buyers attending the <strong>Technotex</strong> <strong>2011</strong> conference and<br />

targeted to establish contact and gauge the requirement <strong>of</strong> these buyers for Technical Textile in their<br />

respective area <strong>of</strong> application. Below is status update on the same<br />

Organisation Name Designation Status<br />

RDSO Mr Rajesh Agrawal Director Meeting notes attached<br />

Border Roads Organisation Col Ganesan Muthukumar Colonel Meeting notes attached<br />

CISF PramodShripadPhalnikar Inspector General (West Sector) Meeting notes attached<br />

BIS J K Gupta Scientist C (<strong>Textiles</strong>) Meeting notes attached<br />

CPWD Mr H S Cheema Superintending Engineer Meeting notes attached<br />

Indian Army Brig. Dalip Sachdev Dy. Divisional General -MGO Branch Meeting notes attached<br />

NHAI<br />

Mr S JaswantKumar<br />

Chief General Manager (Planning &<br />

Quality)<br />

Meeting notes attached<br />

Indian Navy<br />

Contact established. Have<br />

Admiral JaywantKorde ACOL, Principal Director (Clothing &<br />

requested for the meeting<br />

and Captain P K Mohan Victualling)<br />

in New Delhi<br />

Border Security Forces Mr. R K Pandey DIG<br />

Contact established. Have<br />

requested for the meeting<br />

in New Delhi<br />

Armed Forces Medical Services Dr R.K Pathni Group Captain<br />

Contact established. Have<br />

requested for the meeting<br />

in New Delhi<br />

Office <strong>of</strong> the Mumbai Police Smt. Shila Sail Deputy Commissioner <strong>of</strong> Police Did not attendthe event<br />

Aerial Delivery Research &<br />

Development Establishment<br />

Mr Vikas B. Thakare Scientist -E Did not attendthe event<br />

DRDO Mr Abhyankar Director General (Technical Officer 'B') Did not attendthe event<br />

<strong>Technotex</strong> <strong>2011</strong> -<strong>Event</strong> report Page 42

Research Designs and Standards Organisation<br />

(RDSO)<br />

About the organisation:<br />

The Research Design and Standards Organization (RDSO) is a ISO 9001 research and development organization under the<br />

<strong>Ministry</strong> <strong>of</strong> Railways <strong>of</strong> India, which functions as a technical adviser and consultant to the Railway Board, the Zonal Railways, the<br />

Railway Production Units, RITES and IRCON International in respect <strong>of</strong> design and standardization <strong>of</strong> railway equipment and<br />

problems related to railway construction, operation and maintenance.<br />

Contact person:<br />

Mr Rajesh Agarwal<br />

Director, RDSO, Lucknow<br />

Tel: +91 97948 63226<br />

E-mail: gr.rajeshagarwal@gmail.com<br />

Meeting details:<br />

Date: 26 August <strong>2011</strong><br />

Venue: Hall 2C, Bombay Exhibition Centre,<br />

GoregaonEast<br />

Attendees: Mr. Rajesh Agrawal (RDSO), Mr.<br />

Ajay Pandit(MoT), Hemant<br />

Chaudhary (EY)<br />

Key requirements:<br />

4 Geosynthetics(generally Polymer based -<br />

Polypropylene, Polyester, PVC, Polyamide,<br />

Polyethylene), Geogrids, Geonets, Geocell,<br />

Geomembranes, Geocomposites,<br />

Prefabricated Vertical Drains (Band Drains)<br />

Area <strong>of</strong> application: Track bed design, reinforced earth embankment (Railway<br />

Loading), formation rehabilitation, steep slope construction, embankment slip<br />

repairs, construction <strong>of</strong> high banks on s<strong>of</strong>t soil, erosion control <strong>of</strong> slope,<br />

protection against rock falls<br />

Key discussion points:<br />

4 We deliberated on the specifications <strong>of</strong> Geotextilesrequired by the railways<br />

and are currently in use. It was confirmed that RDSO has drafted the<br />

specification for geo-synthetics, however these are under active consideration<br />

<strong>of</strong> Railways. These specifications are drafted by RDSO on it own, thus RDSO<br />

has very limited interaction with BIS<br />

4 RDSO has expressed its concern about limited testing facilities available for<br />

geotextilesand has suggested to explore the possibility <strong>of</strong> authenticating the<br />

certification <strong>of</strong> BTRA by <strong>Ministry</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Textiles</strong>. This authentication will avoid<br />

duplication <strong>of</strong> efforts, time and money and will increase the operational<br />

efficiency<br />

4 It was also suggested by RDSO that the COEs should conduct training<br />

courses for <strong>Ministry</strong> <strong>of</strong> Railways in order to disseminate the technical knowhow<br />

and usage information regarding technical textiles<br />

4 It was decided that <strong>Ministry</strong> <strong>of</strong> Textile will make a presentation to the Director<br />

General, RSDO, Lucknowto promote technical textile<br />

<strong>Technotex</strong> <strong>2011</strong> -<strong>Event</strong> report Page 43

Research Designs and Standards Organisation<br />

Action points<br />

4Arrange a meeting between BTRA and RDSO to understand the key requirement <strong>of</strong> the<br />

Railways and specification <strong>of</strong> technical textiles to be used at various site conditions<br />

4Need to send the details <strong>of</strong> all available training courses conducted by COEs and coordinate to<br />

enrol participation in these training courses<br />

4<strong>Ministry</strong> <strong>of</strong> Textile has to send a meeting request letter to DG, RDSO seeking an appointment to<br />

discuss the usage and applicability <strong>of</strong> geotextiles in Railways. The details <strong>of</strong> products and area<br />

<strong>of</strong> usage needs to be defined along with this meeting request letter<br />

RDSO contact details<br />

Mr. V. Ramachandran<br />

Director General<br />

Research Designs and Standards Organisation<br />

Manaknagar, Lucknow–226 011<br />

Tel: +91 522 2451 221<br />

Fax: +91 522 2457 125<br />

E-mail: dg@rdso.railnet.gov.in<br />

<strong>Technotex</strong> <strong>2011</strong> -<strong>Event</strong> report Page 44

Border Road Organisation (BRO)<br />

About the organisation:<br />

The Border Roads Organisation (BRO) maintains roads that serve the borders areas <strong>of</strong> India. The organisation develops and<br />

maintains arterial roads on the borders <strong>of</strong> India and has a very vital role in connecting the inaccessible border areas. Some <strong>of</strong> the<br />

BRO roads are built as high as 5,600 metres(18,373 ft) above mean sea level. BRO has operations in twenty-two states including<br />

the Andaman and Nicobar Islands, a union territory.<br />

Contact person:<br />

Col GanesanMuthukumarG<br />

BRO, Pune<br />

Tel: +91 97620 89777<br />

E-mail: bro-cen@nic.in<br />

Meeting details:<br />

Date: 26 August <strong>2011</strong><br />

Venue: Hall 2C, Bombay Exhibition Centre,<br />

GoregaonEast<br />

Attendees: Col GanesanMuthukumarG<br />

(BRO), Col K S Malladi (BRO), Col<br />

Ravi Ghodake(BRO), Hemant<br />

Chaudhary (EY)<br />

Key requirements:<br />

4 Geotextilesand Geosynthetics<br />

Area <strong>of</strong> application: Soil stabilization in marshy land, slope stabilization,<br />

bridge construction and strengthening, increasing CBR (soil bearing capacity)<br />

Key discussion points:<br />

4 The participants from BRO expressed their need to understand in detail the<br />

areas where they can use geotextilesin road construction projects under<br />

hostile environment conditions and who all can be the possible vendors<br />

4 Based on the discussion with BRO, meetings with the possible vendors and<br />

stakeholders were arranged<br />

4 It was suggested by BRO to potential vendors to seek an appointment with<br />

DG, BRO in New Delhi for presenting the usage <strong>of</strong> geotextilesin various<br />

ongoing road projects and explore the possibility onsite implementation on trial<br />

basis<br />

4 Further, if the results <strong>of</strong> the trial appears to be satisfactory, implementation <strong>of</strong><br />

geotextilescan be done at various sites<br />

4 It was also suggested to link the trial onsite implementation with the proposed<br />

scheme for promotion and application <strong>of</strong> geotextilesin the North Eastern<br />

Region recommended by MoT. There are around 15 ongoing projects under<br />

BRO out <strong>of</strong> which 8 are in North Eastern region<br />

<strong>Technotex</strong> <strong>2011</strong> -<strong>Event</strong> report Page 45

Border Road Organisation<br />

Action points<br />

4Strata Geosystems (India) Pvt. Ltd. needs to seek an appointment with DG, BRO to present the<br />

usage <strong>of</strong> Geotextiles in ongoing projects<br />

4Need to share the list <strong>of</strong> all vendors active in geotextile domain with BRO<br />

4Need to collect the list <strong>of</strong> all ongoing BRO projects in NE region<br />

4Explore the prospect <strong>of</strong> linking the MoT’s proposed initiative for promotion and application <strong>of</strong><br />

geotextiles in the North Eastern Region with ongoing BRO projects<br />

BRO contact details<br />

Lt Gen S Ravi Shankar<br />

Director General Border Roads<br />

SeemaSadakBhawan<br />

Ring Road Naraina, Delhi Cantt, New Delhi 110010<br />

Tel: +91 11 2568 6858<br />

Fax: +91 11 2568 6856<br />

E-mail: bro-dg@nic.in<br />

<strong>Technotex</strong> <strong>2011</strong> -<strong>Event</strong> report Page 46

Central Industrial Security Force (CISF)<br />

About the organisation:<br />

The Central Industrial Security Force (CISF) is a Central Armed Police Force in India. The CISF provides security cover to 300<br />

industrial units and other establishments located all over India. Industrial sectors like atomic power plants, space installations,<br />

defenceproduction units, mints, oil fields and refineries, major ports, heavy engineering, steel plants, barrages, fertilizer units,<br />

airports and hydroelectric/thermal power plants, and currency note presses producing Indian currency are protected by CISF.<br />

Contact person:<br />

PramodShripadPhalnikar<br />

Inspector General (West Sector), CISF<br />

Kharghar, Navi Mumbai<br />

Tel: +91 99302 25176<br />

E-mail: pramodphalnikar@gmail.com<br />

Meeting details:<br />

Date: 27 August <strong>2011</strong><br />

Venue: Hall 5, Bombay Exhibition Centre,<br />

GoregaonEast<br />

Attendees: Anjani Singh, DIG (CISF), P K<br />

Vaish(CISF), S Balaraju, Joint<br />

TxC, Ajay Pandit(MoT), Hemant<br />

Chaudhary (EY)<br />

Key requirements:<br />

4 Protexand Sportex<br />

Area <strong>of</strong> application: Synthetic Life Jacket, Uniform clothing, Bullet Pro<strong>of</strong><br />

Jackets, Fire Retardant apparels, Chemical Protection clothing<br />

Key discussion points:<br />

4 It was suggested to create a single windows procurement mechanism through<br />

which institutional buyers such as CISF can procure the technical textile<br />

products at subsidized rates rather than undertaking tender process at<br />

different locations. It was also deliberated that some central institution (such as<br />

NTC or CISF R&D cell) can be appointed as a nodal agency between CISF<br />

and MoT<br />

4 Mr Singh also suggested that MoT should participate in the annual event on<br />

security and fire fighting organisedunder the aegis <strong>of</strong> <strong>Ministry</strong> <strong>of</strong> Home Affairs.<br />

Key players from Technical Textile domain can also be invited for this event to<br />

showcase their products. The aforesaid annual event is tentatively scheduled<br />

to be held in February 2012<br />

4 Mr Phalnikaralong with his team has also visited stalls <strong>of</strong> protexvendors such<br />

as Alok Industries Ltd., Arvind Limited, NITRA, etc.<br />

4 It was also suggested that Alok Industries should submit the technical<br />

specifications and samples <strong>of</strong> Uniform Clothing and Fire Retardant apparels to<br />

DG <strong>of</strong>fice. Thereafter, CISF will invite inputs from its R&D cell and demo can<br />

be arranged further<br />

<strong>Technotex</strong> <strong>2011</strong> -<strong>Event</strong> report Page 47

Central Industrial Security Force (CISF)<br />

Action points<br />

4Details <strong>of</strong> upcoming security and fire fighting event needs to be collected from CISF <strong>of</strong>fice<br />

4<strong>Ministry</strong> <strong>of</strong> Textile has to issue a letter to <strong>Ministry</strong> <strong>of</strong> Home Affairs requesting participation in<br />

the security and fire fighting event<br />

4Alok Industries needs to submit the technical specifications and samples <strong>of</strong> Uniform Clothing<br />

and Fire Retardant apparels to DG <strong>of</strong>fice and further seek for an appointment to present the<br />

various Protex products available<br />

4Need to share the list <strong>of</strong> all vendors active in Protex domain with CISF<br />

CISF contact details<br />

N R Das<br />

Director General, CISF<br />

13 CGO Complex<br />

LodhiRoad, New Delhi 110003<br />

Tel: +91 11 2436 1125 Ext: 7701<br />

E-mail: dg@cisf.gov.in<br />

<strong>Technotex</strong> <strong>2011</strong> -<strong>Event</strong> report Page 48

Bureau <strong>of</strong> Indian Standards (BIS)<br />

About the organisation:<br />

The Bureau <strong>of</strong> Indian Standards (BIS) is the national Standards Body <strong>of</strong> India working under the aegis <strong>of</strong> <strong>Ministry</strong> <strong>of</strong> Consumer<br />

Affairs, Food & Public Distribution, Government <strong>of</strong> India. One <strong>of</strong> the major functions <strong>of</strong> the Bureau is the formulation, recognition<br />

and promotion <strong>of</strong> the Indian Standards.<br />

Contact person:<br />

J K Gupta<br />

Scientist C (<strong>Textiles</strong>), BIS<br />

Bahadur Shah ZafarMarg, New Delhi 110002<br />

Meeting details:<br />

Date: 26 August <strong>2011</strong><br />

Venue: Hall 2C, Bombay Exhibition Centre,<br />

GoregaonEast<br />

Attendees: J K Gupta (BIS), Hemant<br />

Chaudhary (EY)<br />

Key requirements:<br />

4 List <strong>of</strong> all pending standards from <strong>Ministry</strong> <strong>of</strong><br />

<strong>Textiles</strong><br />

Area <strong>of</strong> application: All 12 sub-segments <strong>of</strong> Technical <strong>Textiles</strong><br />

Key discussion points:<br />

4 It was discussed that the present list <strong>of</strong> pending standards to be reviewed and<br />

the time lines for formulation <strong>of</strong> draft standards <strong>of</strong> all the identified<br />

products/processes needs to be defined<br />

4 Mr Gupta mentioned that to print a standard, BIS has to send the draft<br />

standard to at least 20 key stakeholders. The timeline defined for printing a<br />

standard is usually 18 months<br />

4 It was also suggested to seek for an appointment at Mr Gupta’s <strong>of</strong>fice in New<br />

Delhi and discuss the further plan <strong>of</strong> action<br />

Action points:<br />

4 The updated list <strong>of</strong> pending standards needs to collected from Office <strong>of</strong> the<br />

Textile Commissioner and share the same with Mr Gupta<br />

4 The directory <strong>of</strong> approx 3000 contacts in technical textile domain needs to<br />

be shared with BIS, in order to simplify the process <strong>of</strong> stakeholder<br />

identifications in particular sub-segment<br />

4 Meeting between BIS and EY needs to arranged in second week <strong>of</strong><br />

September <strong>2011</strong> and draw the timelines in consultation with BIS to print the<br />

pending standards<br />

<strong>Technotex</strong> <strong>2011</strong> -<strong>Event</strong> report Page 49

Central Public Works Department (CPWD)<br />

About the organisation:<br />

The Central Public Works Department (CPWD) <strong>of</strong> India is a central government owned authority that is in charge <strong>of</strong> public sector<br />

works in the country. CPWD under <strong>Ministry</strong> <strong>of</strong> Urban Development is entrusted with construction and maintenance <strong>of</strong> buildings for<br />

most <strong>of</strong> the Central Government Departments, Public undertakings and autonomous bodies.<br />

Contact person:<br />

H S Cheema<br />

Superintending Engineer, CPWD<br />

Ghatkopar(W), Mumbai - 86<br />

Meeting details:<br />

Date: 26 August <strong>2011</strong><br />

Venue: Hall 2C, Bombay Exhibition Centre,<br />

GoregaonEast<br />

Attendees: H S Cheema(CPWD), Manoj<br />

Kumar (Executive Engineer,<br />

CPWD), PrashantAgarwal(Wazir),<br />

VarunVaid (Wazir), Hemant<br />

Chaudhary (EY)<br />

Area <strong>of</strong> application: Building construction and maintenance<br />

Key discussion points:<br />

4 It was felt that there is a need to conduct the knowledge dissemination<br />

sessions for the department in order to help them recognisethe benefits and<br />

potential <strong>of</strong> Technical Textile in their area <strong>of</strong> application<br />

4 It was suggested to seek for an appointment with Technology Application &<br />

Development (TAD) Cell <strong>of</strong> CPWD at CDO <strong>of</strong>fice, New Delhi and discuss the<br />

benefits <strong>of</strong> technical textiles.<br />

4 TAD is responsible for development, promotion and application <strong>of</strong> innovative<br />

methods and technologies in the CPWD and Construction Industry. The<br />

material testing and geotechnical investigation jobs are also undertaken by<br />

TAD Cell for which a well-equipped laboratory is attached to this cell<br />

Key requirements:<br />

4 Buildtex<br />

Action points:<br />

4 Meeting between TAD and MoT needs to arranged in second week <strong>of</strong><br />

September <strong>2011</strong> and outline the framework to promote and increase the<br />

usage <strong>of</strong> technical textile in CPWD projects<br />

<strong>Technotex</strong> <strong>2011</strong> -<strong>Event</strong> report Page 50

Indian Army<br />

Contact person:<br />

Brig Dalip Sachdev<br />

Dy. Divisional General – MGO Branch<br />

Indian Army, New Delhi<br />

Meeting details:<br />

Date: 26 August <strong>2011</strong><br />

Venue: Hall 2C, Bombay Exhibition Centre,<br />

GoregaonEast<br />

Attendees: Brig Dalip Sachdev, Prashant<br />

Agarwal(Wazir), VarunVaid<br />

(Wazir), Hemant Chaudhary (EY)<br />

Key requirements:<br />

4 Sportex, Agrotex, Buildtex, Clothtex, Hometex,<br />

Meditex, Protex<br />

4 Technical textile products from all sub sectors<br />

forms part <strong>of</strong> Army’s clothing inventory<br />

About the organisation:<br />

The Indian Army is the land based branch and the largest component <strong>of</strong> the Indian Armed Forces. Its primary mission is to ensure<br />

the national security and defence<strong>of</strong> the Republic <strong>of</strong> India from external aggression and threats, and maintaining peace and<br />

security within its borders.<br />

Area <strong>of</strong> application: Cam nets, shade nets, tarpaulins, tentage, socks to shoes,<br />

durries, mosquito nets, bed sheets, patient dress, doctor’s dress, surgical sutures and<br />

artificial implants, bullet pro<strong>of</strong> jackets, high altitude clothing and other multiple areas<br />

Key discussion points:<br />

4 It was given to understand that the current procurement for Army is furnished as<br />

per the guidelines specified by DefenceProcurement Manual (DPM) 2009 and<br />

Ordinance Directorate is vested with the responsibility <strong>of</strong> procuring goods from the<br />

trader through tendering process. Certain items are reserved for MSME units e.g.<br />

durries, tarpaulins, snow boots, etc.<br />

4 The specifications for the products to be procured are outlined by Directorate<br />

General <strong>of</strong> Quality Assurance (DGQA). The copy <strong>of</strong> these specifications can be<br />

obtained from the Controller’s <strong>of</strong>fice in Kanpur<br />

4 There is a huge scope <strong>of</strong> technical textile in Indian Army, however, product<br />

specifications as outlined DGQA are to be met by Indian manufacturers<br />

4 It was also suggested to develop an interactive platform with the key players <strong>of</strong><br />

technical textiles to gauge the requirements <strong>of</strong> Indian Army. Through this platform,<br />

Army will summarize its requirement to the suppliers and further segmentation <strong>of</strong><br />

the products will be mapped according to the requirement <strong>of</strong> the Indian Army.<br />

4 Representatives from Ordinance factories and DGQA will also be invited for this<br />

interaction<br />

<strong>Technotex</strong> <strong>2011</strong> -<strong>Event</strong> report Page 51

Indian Army<br />

Action points<br />

4Develop a framework for an interactive platform between the key players <strong>of</strong> technical textiles<br />

and Indian Army and get the consensus on this framework from <strong>Ministry</strong> <strong>of</strong> Defence and<br />

<strong>Ministry</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Textiles</strong><br />

4Sub-segment focused interactive sessions with the key players need to be arranged as per the<br />

requirements <strong>of</strong> Indian Army<br />

4Obtain the copy <strong>of</strong> product specifications from the Controller’s <strong>of</strong>fice in Kanpur<br />

Controller’s contact details<br />

The Controller<br />

Controllerate<strong>of</strong> Quality Assurance (T&C)<br />

Government <strong>of</strong> India<br />

<strong>Ministry</strong> <strong>of</strong> Defence(DGQA)<br />

Post Box No. 294 Kanpur –208004<br />

<strong>Technotex</strong> <strong>2011</strong> -<strong>Event</strong> report Page 52

National Highways Authority <strong>of</strong> India (NHAI)<br />

About the organisation:<br />

The National Highways Authority <strong>of</strong> India (NHAI) is an autonomous agency <strong>of</strong> the Government <strong>of</strong> India, responsible for<br />

management <strong>of</strong> a network <strong>of</strong> National Highways in India. The Authority is a nodal agency <strong>of</strong> the <strong>Ministry</strong> <strong>of</strong> Road Transport and<br />

Highways and has mandate for the development, maintenance, management and operation <strong>of</strong> National Highways.<br />

Contact person:<br />

S JaswantKumar<br />

Chief General Manager (Planning and Quality)<br />

Dwarka, New Delhi - 110075<br />

Meeting details:<br />

Date: 26 August <strong>2011</strong><br />

Venue: Hall 2C, Bombay Exhibition Centre,<br />

GoregaonEast<br />

Attendees: S JaswantKumar (NHAI), Prashant<br />

Agarwal(Wazir), VarunVaid<br />

(Wazir), Hemant Chaudhary (EY)<br />

Key requirements:<br />

4 Geotextiles, Geogrids, Geomembranes,<br />

Geocomposites, Geonets, Ge<strong>of</strong>ibres, mesh<br />

mattings, Geopipes, Geotubes<br />

Area <strong>of</strong> application: Road construction and maintenance, reinforced walls,<br />

pavement walls<br />

Key discussion points:<br />

4 NHAI is the nodal agency which appoints private developers to build a road on<br />

PPP basis under different modes such as BOT, BOOT, BOO, etc.<br />

4 The road construction is done in accordance with the codalprovisions <strong>of</strong><br />

Indian Road Congress.<br />

4 It was deliberated that the awareness for using geotextilesin road construction<br />

has to be created at the level <strong>of</strong> concessionaries and consultants as they<br />

conduct the detailed engineering study for the assigned projects<br />

4 Reliance Infra, L&T, Louis Burger, CEG, CES, STUP Consultants are some <strong>of</strong><br />

the leading concessionaries and consultants for NHAI and can be targeted for<br />

creating awareness for promoting the use <strong>of</strong> geotextilesin road construction<br />

4 It was also explained that NHAI would not be able to mandate the use <strong>of</strong><br />

geotextilesas this subject is discretionary to concessionaries. There are many<br />

alternatives available for replacing the functions <strong>of</strong> geotextiles, which are<br />

sometimes more cost effective and easier to use or test.<br />

4 Tamil Nadu, Madhya Pradesh, Andhra Pradesh and Vidharbhaare some <strong>of</strong><br />

the regions where geotextiles are required due to the soil conditions in these<br />

geographies<br />

<strong>Technotex</strong> <strong>2011</strong> -<strong>Event</strong> report Page 53

Agenda<br />

►<br />

<strong>Technotex</strong> <strong>2011</strong> – Introduction<br />

► Key action points from <strong>Technotex</strong> <strong>2011</strong><br />

►<br />

►<br />

<strong>Technotex</strong> <strong>2011</strong> – Inaugural Session<br />

<strong>Technotex</strong> <strong>2011</strong> – CEO Roundtable<br />

► Day 1: Conference Session 1, 2 & 3<br />

► Day 2: Conference Session 4, 5 & 6<br />

►<br />

►<br />

Key Notes From Meetings With Institutional Buyers<br />

Key Notes From Buyer Seller Meetings<br />

<strong>Technotex</strong> <strong>2011</strong> -<strong>Event</strong> report Page 54

Buyer Seller Meetings<br />

►<br />

►<br />

►<br />

►<br />

A session on buyer seller meetings was organized after the conference at the venue. The meeting<br />

format was structured as one to one discussion between the companies which had expressed<br />

interest in participating in buyer seller meet session<br />

A total <strong>of</strong> six roundtables were arranged where meetings between buyers and sellers took place<br />

simultaneously. Each meeting participant was given 15-20 minutes to discus their areas <strong>of</strong> interest<br />

Meetings for companies were prearranged, based on the following approach<br />

– An email request was sent to the participating companies in <strong>Technotex</strong> <strong>2011</strong>, asking them<br />

about their interest in attending buyer seller meetings<br />

– A list <strong>of</strong> companies interested in buyer seller meetings was compiled based on the feedback<br />

received from the email<br />

– This list was shared with the interested companies and they were asked to specify companies<br />

that they wish to meet<br />

– Meetings were arranged based on the feedback received from companies about their specific<br />

interest in other participants in the buyer seller meetings<br />

The following section provides a summary <strong>of</strong> the key discussion points discussed between buyers<br />

and sellers at each <strong>of</strong> the six roundtables<br />

<strong>Technotex</strong> <strong>2011</strong> -<strong>Event</strong> report Page 55

Key Meeting Notes<br />

Meeting 1<br />

Indian Army<br />

Garware Wall Ropes<br />

(manufacturers <strong>of</strong> ropes,<br />

twines and cordage,<br />

nettings, multi-filament<br />

yarns, and geotechnical<br />

nets and fabrics )<br />

Key Participants<br />

Indian Army:<br />

Brig Dalip Sachdev<br />

Dy. DG – MGO Branch<br />

Indian Army, New Delhi<br />

GarwareWall Ropes:<br />

Mr. S. V. Raut, VP<br />

Mr. Sanjay Gupta, DGM<br />

+91 9373730699,<br />

sgupta@garwareropes.com<br />

Key Discussion / Follow-up Points<br />

► GWRinformed Brig Sachdev about the range <strong>of</strong> products they<br />

manufacture which may be suitable for army use e.g. ropes,<br />

coated fabrics, aerostat balloon.<br />

► They also brought into notice a delay in a particular tender for<br />

supplying balloon ropes, to which Brig asked them to take<br />

appointment and meet him in Delhi to check the exact status<br />

► Brig Sachdevinformed GWRthat they are looking for suppliers<br />

<strong>of</strong> camouflage nets and self sealing oil tanks which may also<br />

be explored by GRW<br />

Meeting 2<br />

Indian Army<br />

Birla Cellulose<br />

(Manufacturer <strong>of</strong> a broad<br />

range <strong>of</strong> cellulosic fibres<br />

for applications including<br />

apparel, home textiles,<br />

dress material, knitwear,<br />

non-woven etc. )<br />

Key Participants<br />

Indian Army:<br />

Brig Dalip Sachdev<br />

Dy. DG – MGO Branch<br />

Indian Army, New Delhi<br />

Birla Cellulose:<br />

Mr. S. K. Paul (Marketing &<br />

Development division)<br />

+91 9702172173<br />

samirkumar.paul@adityabirla.<br />

com<br />

Key Discussion / Follow-up Points<br />

► Birla Cellulose representatives discussed with Brig Sachdev<br />

about possibility <strong>of</strong> introduction<strong>of</strong> fabrics other than dope dyed<br />

for uniforms.<br />

► BrigSachdevinformed them about the huge demand <strong>of</strong><br />

combat and regular uniform in army. He also explained the key<br />

requirements for fabric selection like comfort, feel, etc.<br />

► Birla Cellulose is working on special finish fabrics like anti<br />

microbial and anti fungal. Brig Sachdev informed that this fabric<br />

can be used in army only after approval from CIB, which is<br />

based on a 3 year field trial<br />

<strong>Technotex</strong> <strong>2011</strong> -<strong>Event</strong> report Page 56

Key Meeting Notes<br />

Meeting 3<br />

Indian Army<br />

BidhataIndustries<br />

(suiting fabrics<br />

manufacturer and textile<br />

processing house)<br />

Key Participants<br />

Indian Army:<br />

Brig Dalip Sachdev<br />

Dy. DG – MGO Branch<br />

Indian Army, New Delhi<br />

Bidhata Industries:<br />

Mr. R. K. Pacheriwala,<br />

Managing Director<br />

Mr. Rohit Pacheriwala,<br />

Director<br />

Key Discussion / Follow-up Points<br />

► Representatives <strong>of</strong> BidhataIndustries expressed their concern<br />

over exclusive use <strong>of</strong> dope dyed fabric by army for uniforms,<br />

which MSMEs units are unable to produce. As per them, even<br />

white uniforms are dope dyed<br />

► Brig Sachdevinformed them that for uniforms these are the<br />

establishedstandards and Bidhatashould look into other type<br />

<strong>of</strong> fabrics which are not dope dyed e.g. parachute, meditex,<br />

etc.<br />

Meeting 4<br />

Indian Army<br />

Reliance Industries<br />

(Diversified group with<br />

interests in oil and gas,<br />

petroleum, polyester,<br />

polyester intermediates,<br />

plastics, polymer<br />

intermediates, chemicals<br />

and synthetic textiles<br />

and fabrics<br />

Key Participants<br />

Indian Army:<br />

Brig Dalip Sachdev<br />

Dy. DG – MGO Branch<br />

Indian Army, New Delhi<br />

Reliance Industries:<br />

Mr. SubrataPali<br />

Mr. Prashant Parsule<br />

Mr. Sanjay Gupta<br />

Key Discussion / Follow-up Points<br />

► Representative <strong>of</strong> Relianceindustries wanted to know how they<br />

can promote their anti bacterial fabrics with Army for use in<br />

uniforms.<br />

► Brig Sachdevinformed them that if it a chemically treated fabric<br />

then it needs to be approved by CIB which will have a gestation<br />

period <strong>of</strong> ~ 5 years including a 3 year filed trial.<br />

<strong>Technotex</strong> <strong>2011</strong> -<strong>Event</strong> report Page 57

Key Meeting Notes<br />

Meeting 5<br />

Reliance Industries<br />

Limited<br />

(producer <strong>of</strong> polyester<br />

yarn and fibre,<br />

Paraxylene(PX),<br />

Polypropylene (PP))<br />

HohensteinIndia<br />

Pvt. Ltd.<br />

(textile research and<br />

testing centre)<br />

Meeting 6<br />

InspirOn<br />

Engineering Pvt. Ltd.<br />

(textile processing<br />

machinery<br />

manufacturer)<br />

Digjam Limited<br />

(suiting fabrics<br />

manufacturer)<br />

Key Participants<br />

Reliance Industries Ltd:<br />

Sanjay Gupta, GM<br />

Mahesh Sharma, AVP<br />

PrashantPalsule, AVP<br />

+91-99675 70255<br />

mahesh.c.sharma@ril.com<br />

Hohenstein:<br />

SumitGupta, AM – Technical<br />

+91-9898475339<br />

g.summit@hohenstein.in<br />

Key Participants<br />

InspirOn :<br />

KunalKamle,Dy Manager -<br />

Product<br />

+91-97277 81211<br />

kunalkamle@inspiron.co.in<br />

Digjam:<br />

Mr BalwantPatil,Sr. Manager<br />

+91 96192 27991<br />

br.patil@digjam.co.in<br />

Key Discussion / Follow-up Points<br />

► The representatives from Reliance were interested in<br />

understandingthe Oeko-texcertification facilities available in<br />

Hohensteinand its procedures and charges<br />

► The other areas <strong>of</strong> interest for Reliance were:<br />

– Antimicrobial testing for inheritantproducts such as<br />

JISL1902 & 2008<br />

– Odourtest<br />

– Fire retardant tests<br />

– UV801 test<br />

► It was agreed that Hohensteinwill share the list <strong>of</strong> aforesaid<br />

tests and associated charges with Reliance. Mahesh Sharma<br />

will be the point <strong>of</strong> contact from Reliance<br />

Key Discussion / Follow-up Points<br />

► To explore possibilities <strong>of</strong> working together, it was suggested to<br />

schedule a meeting between InspirOnand VirendraGupta,<br />

Vice President –Operations, Digjam<br />

<strong>Technotex</strong> <strong>2011</strong> -<strong>Event</strong> report Page 58

Key Meeting Notes<br />

Meeting 7<br />

Reliance Industries<br />

Limited<br />

(producer <strong>of</strong> polyester<br />

yarn and fibre,<br />

Paraxylene(PX),<br />

Polypropylene (PP))<br />

BidhataIndustries<br />

Pvt. Ltd.<br />

(suiting fabrics<br />

manufacturer and textile<br />

processing house)<br />

Meeting 8<br />

Reliance Industries<br />

Limited<br />

(producer <strong>of</strong> polyester<br />

yarn and fibre,<br />

Paraxylene(PX),<br />

Polypropylene (PP))<br />

Digjam Limited<br />

(suiting fabrics<br />

manufacturer)<br />

Key Participants<br />

Reliance Industries Ltd:<br />

Sanjay Gupta, GM<br />

Mahesh Sharma, AVP<br />

PrashantPalsule, AVP<br />

+91-99675 70255<br />

mahesh.c.sharma@ril.com<br />

Bidhata:<br />

Mr R. K. Pacheriwala, MD<br />

+91-98204 52758<br />

rkpacheriwala@gmail.com<br />

Key Participants<br />

Reliance Industries Ltd:<br />

Sanjay Gupta, GM<br />

Mahesh Sharma, AVP<br />

PrashantPalsule, AVP<br />

+91-99675 70255<br />

mahesh.c.sharma@ril.com<br />

Digjam:<br />

Mr BalwantPatil,Sr. Manager<br />

+91 96192 27991<br />

br.patil@digjam.co.in<br />

Key Discussion / Follow-up Points<br />

► Mr. Pacheriwalaexplained the facilities available with Bidhata<br />

as a processing house<br />

► Mr Gupta explored the possibility <strong>of</strong> utilising Bidhatafactory for<br />

providing fire retardant and water pro<strong>of</strong>ing treatment to 100%<br />

polyester fabric and canvas fabric on trial basis. It was agreed<br />

that Reliance will provide the technical guidance and<br />

handholding to Bidhata’semployees<br />

► It was decided to schedule the site visit at Bidhata’sfactory in<br />

Thane around first half <strong>of</strong> September <strong>2011</strong><br />

Key Discussion / Follow-up Points<br />

► It was discussed by Mr Patil that Digjamis planning to enter<br />

into technical textile domain<br />

► To explore possibilities <strong>of</strong> working together, it was suggested to<br />

schedule a meeting between Reliance and Digjam (R K Kedia,<br />

President and VirendraGupta, Vice President - Operations)<br />

<strong>Technotex</strong> <strong>2011</strong> -<strong>Event</strong> report Page 59

Key Meeting Notes<br />

Meeting 9<br />

Reliance Industries<br />

Limited<br />

(producer <strong>of</strong> polyester<br />

yarn and fibre,<br />

Paraxylene(PX),<br />

Polypropylene (PP))<br />

Bannari Amman<br />

Spinning Mills Ltd.<br />

(producer <strong>of</strong> combed &<br />

carded ring spun yarn<br />

and woven fabrics. Also<br />

specialized in<br />

lamination, coating and<br />

flocking line)<br />

Key Participants<br />

Reliance Industries Ltd:<br />

Sanjay Gupta, GM<br />

Mahesh Sharma, AVP<br />

PrashantPalsule, AVP<br />

+91-99675 70255<br />

mahesh.c.sharma@ril.com<br />

Bannari Amman:<br />

B. Sankaralingam, Asst.<br />

General Manager - Marketing<br />

+91-9994933144<br />

sankaralingam@quickdry.in<br />

Key Discussion / Follow-up Points<br />

► Mr. Sankaralingamdiscussed the range <strong>of</strong> products that have<br />

the potential for business growth including printed and anti<br />

microbial polar fleece fabric, printed TPU film, blackout<br />

curtains, etc.<br />

► Mr Gupta from Reliance inquired about the antimicrobial<br />

treatment currently used by Bannari. In response to this, Mr<br />

Sankaralingamconfirmed that currently Bannari is using<br />

tropical antimicrobial treatment, however, inheritant<br />

antimicrobial treatment at fibrestage can be explored further<br />

► It was agreed that Bannariwill seek for an appointment with<br />

Reliance to explore possibilities <strong>of</strong> working together in<br />

inheritantantimicrobial treatment domain<br />

<strong>Technotex</strong> <strong>2011</strong> -<strong>Event</strong> report Page 60

Key Meeting Notes<br />

Meeting 10<br />

Shahlon Industries<br />

Pvt Ltd.<br />

(manufacturer <strong>of</strong><br />

synthetic yarn & fabric)<br />

CharankattuCoir<br />

Mfg Co P. Ltd.<br />

(manufacturer <strong>of</strong> wide<br />

range <strong>of</strong> coir based eco<br />

friendly products)<br />

Key Participants<br />

Shahlon:<br />

Harsh Shah, Director<br />

+91 99251 33387<br />

harsh@shahlon.com<br />

CharankattuCoir:<br />

C.R Devaraj, M D<br />

9745 666 000<br />

ccm@spectrum.net<br />

Key Discussion / Follow-up Points<br />

► In the meeting, Shahlon& CharankattuCoir explored<br />

possibilities <strong>of</strong> doing business with each other.<br />

► CharankattuCoir has shown some <strong>of</strong> their samples <strong>of</strong> brown<br />

yarn, which is typically used to prevent soil erosion.<br />

► CharankattuCoir requested Shahlonto send some yarn<br />

samples to them to explore the possibilities <strong>of</strong> the two<br />

companies working together.<br />

Meeting 11<br />

Shahlon Industries<br />

Pvt Ltd.<br />

(manufacturer <strong>of</strong><br />

synthetic yarn & fabric)<br />

SRF Limited<br />

(manufacturer <strong>of</strong><br />

Technical textiles,<br />

Chemicals, packaging<br />

films and Engineering<br />

plastics)<br />

Key Participants<br />

Shahlon:<br />

Harsh Shah, Director<br />

+91 99251 33387<br />

harsh@shahlon.com<br />

SRF:<br />

KishoreNarayanan, Ass.<br />

Vice President,<br />

+91-124-4354425<br />

Narayanan.kishore@srf.co<br />

m<br />

Key Discussion / Follow-up Points<br />

► Shahlonwas interested in procuring Nylon 66 from SRF if they<br />

manufacture the same.<br />

► However, as <strong>of</strong> now, SRF manufactures Nylon 6 and not Nylon<br />

66. Nylon 66 requires high viscosity chips, and SRF plans to<br />

introduce it in near future.<br />

<strong>Technotex</strong> <strong>2011</strong> -<strong>Event</strong> report Page 61

Key Meeting Notes<br />

Meeting 12<br />

Shahlon Industries<br />

Pvt Ltd.<br />

(manufacturer <strong>of</strong><br />

synthetic yarn & fabric)<br />

BKS <strong>Textiles</strong> Pvt.<br />

Ltd.<br />

(manufacturer and<br />

exporter <strong>of</strong> woven<br />

fabrics and bed linen)<br />

Meeting 13<br />

Shahlon Industries<br />

Pvt Ltd.<br />

(manufacturer <strong>of</strong><br />

synthetic yarn & fabric)<br />

SVAN TexconPvt.<br />

Ltd.<br />

(Textile accessory /<br />

auxiliary supplier)<br />

Key Participants<br />

Shahlon:<br />

Harsh Shah, Director<br />

+91 99251 33387<br />

harsh@shahlon.com<br />

BKS:<br />

V.K. Manoharan, Manager –<br />

techno marketing<br />

+91 98947 50068<br />

technicaltextiles@bkstextile.i<br />

n<br />

Key Participants<br />

Shahlon:<br />

Harsh Shah, Director<br />

+91 99251 33387<br />

harsh@shahlon.com<br />

SVAN Texcon:<br />

ShaileshR. Desai<br />

+91 93750 45447<br />

Key Discussion / Follow-up Points<br />

► Shahlonexplianedtheir strength in Nylon and Tafeta fabrics to<br />

BKS <strong>Textiles</strong> as BKS is into lamination and coating.<br />

► BKS has expressed their interest in sourcing from Shahlonand<br />

agreed to send detailed specifications <strong>of</strong> their requirements<br />

along with the samples <strong>of</strong> fabric they are currently using.<br />

► The specifications will include:<br />

– Yarn required for warp / weft<br />

– Nylon 6/Nylon 66<br />

– Denier/filament<br />

– No. <strong>of</strong> picks and ends per inch in warp and weft<br />

– Type <strong>of</strong> weave<br />

– Any specific border required<br />

Key Discussion / Follow-up Points<br />

► SVAN Texcon is a provider <strong>of</strong> weft accumulator on water jet<br />

looms and explained their product USPs to ShahlonGroup,<br />

which has a large waterjet loom set-up in Surat.<br />

► Shahlonchecked with Svan, if they can provide services for<br />

existing set-up also. But SVAN Texcon provide services on<br />

their own equipments only.<br />

► Hence, they will explore the mutual possibilities in future.<br />

<strong>Technotex</strong> <strong>2011</strong> -<strong>Event</strong> report Page 62

Key Meeting Notes<br />

Meeting 14<br />

Shahlon Industries<br />

Pvt Ltd.<br />

(manufacturer <strong>of</strong><br />

synthetic yarn & fabric)<br />

Entremonde<br />

PolyecoatersLtd.<br />

(manufacturer and<br />

exporter <strong>of</strong> specialty<br />

fabrics, PVC coated<br />

covers, etc. )<br />

Key Participants<br />

Shahlon:<br />

Harsh Shah, Director<br />

+91 99251 33387<br />

harsh@shahlon.com<br />

Entremonde<br />

Polyecoaters:<br />

C.P Dubey, Sr Manager<br />

+91-253-236 2591<br />

cpdubey@entremode.com<br />

Key Discussion / Follow-up Points<br />

► Shahlontried to explore the possibilities <strong>of</strong> selling coated fabric<br />

to Entremonde.<br />

► Entremondeuses only 1000 deniers fabric and Shahlonworks<br />

upto700 deniers as <strong>of</strong> now. So, they need to do some trials<br />

and make some samples for 1000 deniers. Also, the<br />

approximate idea on costs <strong>of</strong> this fabric has to be provided by<br />

Shahlon, under 2 options:<br />

– Shahlonbuys their own yarn, processes it and sells the<br />

fabric to Entremonde<br />

– Shahlondoes only the conversion <strong>of</strong> yarn (i.e. buy yarn<br />

from Entremonde and sell processed yarn to them)<br />

► Entremondewill work out their economics based on the costs<br />

to be shared by Shahlon.<br />

<strong>Technotex</strong> <strong>2011</strong> -<strong>Event</strong> report Page 63

Key Meeting Notes<br />

Meeting 16<br />

Rajneel <strong>Textiles</strong><br />

(manufacturers <strong>of</strong> fabrics<br />

-suitings, shirtings, etc)<br />

Onella Consulting<br />

Pvt Ltd (Textile<br />

consulting company)<br />

Key Participants<br />

Rajneel <strong>Textiles</strong><br />

Mr RajendraN Ladda,<br />

Partner<br />

+91 9422408242<br />

rajneeltex@gmail.com<br />

Onella Consulting<br />

Mr Ravi B Arora, MD<br />

+91-9312054022<br />

ravi@onella.in<br />

Key Discussion / Follow-up Points<br />

► Rajneel<strong>Textiles</strong> is presently producing grey fabrics for suiting<br />

and shirting and have interest to come in the Technical Textile<br />

field.<br />

► OnellaConsulting Pvt Ltd Suggested the products line <strong>of</strong><br />

Venetian blinds, blackouts, and sunscreen and also gave him<br />

the information about the machinery needed for it.<br />

Meeting 17<br />

Rajneel <strong>Textiles</strong><br />

(manufacturers <strong>of</strong> fabrics<br />

-suitings, shirtings, etc)<br />

Svan TexconPvt Ltd<br />

(Textile accessory /<br />

auxiliary supplier)<br />

Key Participants<br />

Rajneel <strong>Textiles</strong><br />

Mr RajendraN Ladda,<br />

Partner<br />

+91 9422408242<br />

rajneeltex@gmail.com<br />

Svan TexconPvt Ltd<br />

Mr ShaileshRamanlalDesai<br />

079-26577753<br />

svantex@airtelmail.in<br />

Key Discussion / Follow-up Points<br />

► Rajneel<strong>Textiles</strong> is Presently producing grey fabrics for suiting<br />

and shirting and have interest to come in the Technical Textile<br />

field.<br />

► SvanTexcon Pvt Ltd are dealing in machineries and<br />

accessories <strong>of</strong> technical textiles and suggested to enter in the<br />

medical textile to Rajneel <strong>Textiles</strong>. Svan Texcon has the<br />

machinery to produce Cotton rolls, cotton balls, Gauze and<br />

Cosmetic pads.<br />

<strong>Technotex</strong> <strong>2011</strong> -<strong>Event</strong> report Page 64

Key Meeting Notes<br />

Meeting 18<br />

Rajneel <strong>Textiles</strong><br />

(manufacturers <strong>of</strong> fabrics<br />

-suitings, shirtings, etc)<br />

InspirOn<br />

Engineering Pvt. Ltd.<br />

(Manufacturers <strong>of</strong><br />

precision engineered<br />

components for the<br />

textile industry)<br />

Meeting 19<br />

Earthcon Systems<br />

(India) Pvt. Ltd<br />

(services for soil erosion<br />

control, PU Form liners<br />

and RE Walls)<br />

Onella Consulting<br />

Pvt Ltd (Textile<br />

consulting company)<br />

Key Participants<br />

Rajneel <strong>Textiles</strong><br />

Mr RajendraN Ladda,<br />

Partner<br />

+91 9422408242<br />

rajneeltex@gmail.com<br />

InspirOn Engineering<br />

Mr KunalKamle, Dy Manager<br />

(Product)<br />

+91-9426707378<br />

kunalkamle@inspiron.co.in<br />

Key Participants<br />

Earthcon Systems<br />

Mr Rajiv Goel, MD.<br />

+91-9899222244<br />

rajiv@esipl.net<br />

Onella Consulting<br />

Mr Ravi B Arora, MD<br />

+91-9312054022<br />

ravi@onella.in<br />

Key Discussion / Follow-up Points<br />

► Rajneel<strong>Textiles</strong> is Presently producing grey fabrics for suiting<br />

and shirting and have interest to come in the Technical Textile<br />

field.<br />

► InspironEngineering is looking enter in the technical textiles<br />

field they suggested their Stenter machines for coating <strong>of</strong><br />

textiles. Gave the specifications <strong>of</strong> this machinery to Rajneel<br />

<strong>Textiles</strong>.<br />

Key Discussion / Follow-up Points<br />

► EarthconSystems (India) Pvt. Ltd. provides comprehensive<br />

services like design, supply and construction in the fields <strong>of</strong><br />

Reinforced Soil Walls and Slopes, PU Form Liners for<br />

Architectural Concrete Finishes, Erosion Control for High<br />

Embankments, Geo-synthetics and Pavement Applications and<br />

has interest to get in the manufacturing <strong>of</strong> geotextiles.<br />

► OnellaConsulting Pvt Ltd: Gave the specifications <strong>of</strong> different<br />

geotextileproducts and detailed the projects <strong>of</strong> geotextilesand<br />

the required machinery.<br />

<strong>Technotex</strong> <strong>2011</strong> -<strong>Event</strong> report Page 65

Key Meeting Notes<br />

Meeting 20<br />

Earthcon Systems<br />

(India) Pvt. Ltd<br />

(services for soil erosion<br />

control, PU Form liners<br />

and RE Walls)<br />

Svan TexconPvt Ltd<br />

(Textile accessory /<br />

auxiliary supplier)<br />

Key Participants<br />

Earthcon Systems<br />

Mr Rajiv Goel, MD.<br />

+91-9899222244<br />

rajiv@esipl.net<br />

Svan TexconPvt Ltd<br />

Mr ShaileshRamanlalDesai<br />

079-26577753<br />

svantex@airtelmail.in<br />

Key Discussion / Follow-up Points<br />

► EarthconSystems (India) Pvt. Ltd. provides comprehensive<br />

services like design, supply and construction in the fields <strong>of</strong><br />

Reinforced Soil Walls and Slopes, PU Form Liners for<br />

Architectural Concrete Finishes, Erosion Control for High<br />

Embankments, Geo-synthetics and Pavement Applications and<br />

has interest to get in the manufacturing <strong>of</strong> geotextiles.<br />

► SvanTexcon Pvt Ltd are dealing in machineries and<br />

accessories <strong>of</strong> technical textiles and provide the specifications<br />

about the required machinery for geotextiles.<br />

Meeting 21<br />

Aeronov Industrial<br />

Safety Appliances<br />

(manufacturers <strong>of</strong><br />

industrial safety and<br />

protective clothing)<br />

Reliance Industries<br />

(Polyester and fiber<br />

division)<br />

Key Participants<br />

Aeronav:<br />

SandipHora, CEO<br />

+91-98100 39059<br />

anisaman@aeronav.org<br />

Reliance:<br />

Mahesh Sharma, AVP<br />

+91-99675 70255<br />

Mahesh.c.sharma@ril.com<br />

Key Discussion / Follow-up Points<br />

► Aeronavinquired from Reliance about the type <strong>of</strong> coating done<br />

by them and its properties in terms <strong>of</strong> thickness,<br />

waterpro<strong>of</strong>nessetc<br />

► Aeronovand Reliance decided that Aeronav will provide fabric<br />

specification to Reliance and based on that Reliance will<br />

provide a sample <strong>of</strong> their coating to Aeronav, to explore<br />

possibilities <strong>of</strong> working together<br />

<strong>Technotex</strong> <strong>2011</strong> -<strong>Event</strong> report Page 66

Key Meeting Notes<br />

Meeting 22<br />

Aeronov Industrial<br />

Safety Appliances<br />

(manufacturers <strong>of</strong><br />

industrial safety and<br />

protective clothing)<br />

Hohenstein India<br />

(textile research and<br />

testing centre)<br />

Key Participants<br />

Aeronav:<br />

SandipHora, CEO<br />

+91-98100 39059<br />

anisaman@aeronav.org<br />

Hohenstein:<br />

Jacob Kutty, Country<br />

Manager<br />

+91-98678 26751<br />

Jacob.k@hohenstein.in<br />

Key Discussion / Follow-up Points<br />

► Aeronavwanted Hohenstein to set up lab in India or get their<br />

fabric tested and it should be approved by defense. As defense<br />

does not approve the fabric tested other than NITRA, BITRA<br />

etc., and these CoEs have limited testing facilities<br />

► Hohenstein mentioned that they will check how they can get an<br />

approval from government for their testing in India. Hohenstein<br />

will follow up with principals to start the process<br />

►<br />

It was also suggested that Hohenstein should set up a lab in<br />

India on its own or in partnership with Indian research agency.<br />

Meeting 23<br />

Aeronov Industrial<br />

Safety Appliances<br />

(manufacturers <strong>of</strong><br />

industrial safety and<br />

protective clothing)<br />

SL Banthia <strong>Textiles</strong><br />

(manufacturer <strong>of</strong> coated<br />

fabric dyed, printed with<br />

acrylic & PU coating)<br />

Key Participants<br />

Aeronav:<br />

SandipHora, CEO<br />

+91-98100 39059<br />

anisaman@aeronav.org<br />

SL Banthia:<br />

SantoshBanthia, Director<br />

+91-93282 65676<br />

santoshbanthia@rediffmail.co<br />

m<br />

Key Discussion / Follow-up Points<br />

► Aeronavinquired from SL Banthiaabout the type <strong>of</strong> coating<br />

done by them and its propertiesin terms <strong>of</strong> thickness,<br />

waterpro<strong>of</strong>nessetc<br />

► Aeronovand SL Banthiadecided that Aeronavwill provide<br />

fabric specification to SL Banthiaand based on that SL Banthia<br />

will provide a sample <strong>of</strong> their coating to Aeronav, to explore<br />

possibilities <strong>of</strong> working together<br />

<strong>Technotex</strong> <strong>2011</strong> -<strong>Event</strong> report Page 67

Key Meeting Notes<br />

Meeting 24<br />

Key Participants<br />

Key Discussion / Follow-up Points<br />

Aeronov Industrial<br />

Safety Appliances<br />

(manufacturers <strong>of</strong><br />

industrial safety and<br />

protective clothing)<br />

Aeronav:<br />

SandipHora, CEO<br />

+91-98100 39059<br />

anisaman@aeronav.org<br />

►<br />

Aeronov was looking for specific micro finishes on fabrics,<br />

which the Bannari representative was not sure, and therefore<br />

he said he will come back with details the next day<br />

Bannari Amman<br />

Spinning Mills<br />

(operations <strong>of</strong> fabric<br />

lamination and coating)<br />

Bannari Amman:<br />

B Sankaralingam, AGM<br />

Marketing<br />

+91-99949 33144<br />

sankaralingam@quickdry.in<br />

Meeting 25<br />

Aeronov Industrial<br />

Safety Appliances<br />

(manufacturers <strong>of</strong><br />

industrial safety and<br />

protective clothing)<br />

Entremonde<br />

Polyecoaters<br />

(manufacturer <strong>of</strong> PVC/<br />

PU Coated Fabrics and<br />

Laminated Products)<br />

Key Participants<br />

Aeronav:<br />

SandipHora, CEO<br />

+91-98100 39059<br />

anisaman@aeronav.org<br />

Entremonde:<br />

Dr, S Kulkarni, GM -<br />

Technical<br />

+91-96577 00451<br />

drkulkarni@entremonde.com<br />

Key Discussion / Follow-up Points<br />

► Aeronavinquired from Entremonde about the type <strong>of</strong> coating<br />

done by them and its properties in terms <strong>of</strong> thickness,<br />

waterpro<strong>of</strong>nessetc<br />

► Aeronovand Entremonde decided that Aeronav will provide<br />

fabric specification to Entremonde and based on that<br />

Entremondewill provide a sample <strong>of</strong> their coating to Aeronav,<br />

to explore possibilities <strong>of</strong> working together<br />

<strong>Technotex</strong> <strong>2011</strong> -<strong>Event</strong> report Page 68

Key Meeting Notes<br />

Meeting 26<br />

Dynamic Autolooms<br />

India Pvt. Ltd<br />

(manufacture <strong>of</strong> rapier<br />

and shuttle weaving<br />

looms)<br />

Digjam Limited<br />

(manufacturer <strong>of</strong> fabrics<br />

for suiting and casual<br />

wear)<br />

Key Participants<br />

Dynamic Autolooms:<br />

Mittal V , Director<br />

+91 79 22901521<br />

mittalpatel@dynamiclooms.c<br />

om<br />

Digjam Limited:<br />

Mr V Gupta, VP Operations<br />

+91-0288-2712972/73<br />

Virender.gupta@digjam.co.in<br />

Key Discussion / Follow-up Points<br />

► Dynamic looms are interested to sell the high speed rapier<br />

looms to Digjamltd, all the technical specification <strong>of</strong> loom<br />

discuss with the client , from Digjamthe marketing<br />

representative said that they will send all the information to<br />

there plant in Gujarat<br />

Meeting 27<br />

Dynamic Autolooms<br />

(manufacture <strong>of</strong> rapier<br />

and shuttle weaving<br />

looms)<br />

BannariAmman<br />

(producer <strong>of</strong> combed &<br />

carded ring spun yarn<br />

and woven fabrics,<br />

lamination, coating and<br />

flocking line)<br />

Key Participants<br />

Dynamic Autolooms:<br />

Mittal V tel, Director<br />

+91 79 22901521<br />

mittalpatel@dynamiclooms.c<br />

om<br />

BannariAmman:<br />

Mr S K Sundaraman<br />

Executive Director<br />

0422-2435555<br />

ram@bannarigroup.com<br />

Key Discussion / Follow-up Points<br />

► Both the parties are already met in exhibition , BannariAmman<br />

wanted bigger width rapirloom<br />

<strong>Technotex</strong> <strong>2011</strong> -<strong>Event</strong> report Page 69

Key Meeting Notes<br />

Meeting 28<br />

Dynamic Autolooms<br />

India Pvt. Ltd<br />

(manufacture <strong>of</strong> rapier<br />

and shuttle weaving<br />

looms)<br />

Kusumgar<br />

CorporatesPvt. Ltd<br />

(Technical textiles<br />

manufacturer)<br />

Meeting 29<br />

InspirOn<br />

Engineering Pvt. Ltd.<br />

(Manufacturers <strong>of</strong><br />

precision engineered<br />

components for the<br />

textile industry)<br />

BKS <strong>Textiles</strong> Pvt.<br />

Ltd. (manufacturer and<br />

exporter <strong>of</strong> woven<br />

fabrics and bed linen)<br />

Key Participants<br />

Dynamic Autolooms<br />

Mittal V, Director<br />

+91 79 22901521<br />

mittalpatel@dynaPamiclooms<br />

.com<br />

Kusumgar Corporates<br />

Mr Siddhartha Kusumgar,<br />

President<br />

+91-022 6112 5100<br />

siddharth@kusumgar.com<br />

Key Participants<br />

InspirOn Engineering<br />

Mr PramodMistry, Sr<br />

Manager Design & Dev.<br />

+91-9426707378<br />

pramodmistry@inspiron.co.in<br />

BKS <strong>Textiles</strong> Pvt. Ltd.<br />

Mr N Dharani, Manager<br />

SpecialityFinish<br />

+91-09894750066<br />

mail@bkstextiles.in<br />

Key Discussion / Follow-up Points<br />

► Discussed all the detail <strong>of</strong> rapirloom and agreed to send<br />

proposal to Kusumgar Corporates<br />

Key Discussion / Follow-up Points<br />

► BKS <strong>Textiles</strong> are in coating and InspirOnis vendor <strong>of</strong> BKS,<br />

discussed new coating techniques<br />

<strong>Technotex</strong> <strong>2011</strong> -<strong>Event</strong> report Page 70

Annexure<br />

Summary report on activity during <strong>Technotex</strong> exhibition Mumbai<br />

following is the summary <strong>of</strong> their observations during the event:<br />

1. Exhibition was well attended by both by Textile <strong>Ministry</strong> and industry personnel connected<br />

with Technical <strong>Textiles</strong>.<br />

2. The wide range <strong>of</strong> products exhibited was a representation <strong>of</strong> growth in the industry over<br />

the last 5 years.<br />

3. There were quite a number <strong>of</strong> first time visitors to technical textile exhibition who<br />

demonstrated keen interest. Many <strong>of</strong> them expressed their willingness for investing in this<br />

new area <strong>of</strong> textiles. The large turnout and interest was also a measure <strong>of</strong> effectiveness <strong>of</strong><br />

the awareness program created by textile commissioners <strong>of</strong>fice programs over the last few<br />

years<br />

4. The exhibition represented a significant number <strong>of</strong> companies from coated textiles,<br />

reinforcement and nonwovens segment. The presence <strong>of</strong> investment drivers like KSFC<br />

and indextb was very heartening. Significantly absent were the glass fabric industrial yarn<br />

manufacturers, geotextiles, cotton based technical textile makers, mon<strong>of</strong>ilament weavers,<br />

agritech companies. This could be attributed to another significant exhibition techtextil<br />

some time in october.<br />

<strong>Technotex</strong> <strong>2011</strong> - <strong>Event</strong> report Page 72

Annexure<br />

Summary report on activity during <strong>Technotex</strong> exhibition Mumbai<br />

projects listed in the table below:<br />

Company Name Technology / Product Proposed investment level<br />

1. Aim Filtertech , Pune Needlepunch products Rs. 10 Crores<br />

2. Managal Textile, A,bad Spunlace and conversion Rs. 50-80 Crores<br />

3. CTM <strong>Textiles</strong> Agricultural woven textiles Rs. 5 Crores<br />

4. Shreeji Textile processor,Bhiwandi Spunbond nonwoven Rs. 5 Crores<br />

5. Shree SR textiles, coimbatore Nonwoven conversion for medical end Rs. 1 Crore<br />

uses<br />

6. Orbital Electromech,Pune PP spunbond Rs. 5 Crores<br />

7. Tuflex, Baroda Geogrids Rs. 10 Crores<br />

8. Maris, Tuticorin T.N. Diapers and Sanitary Napkins Rs. 10 Crores<br />

9. Govt <strong>of</strong> Karnataka All medium scale TT projects- Met one 2 to 10 Crores.<br />

potential investor to give ideas<br />

10. Garware Nonwovens for Hygiene Rs. 50 to 80 Crores<br />

11. Shyam Converters, Ahmedabad Spunbond bag making<br />

12. Thea-tex Spunbond for hygiene Rs. 20 to 30 Crores<br />

13. Khandwe Associates, Nasik Needlepunch for filtration Rs. 5 to 8 Crores<br />

<strong>Technotex</strong> <strong>2011</strong> - <strong>Event</strong> report Page 73

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