Udyog Bhawan, New Delhi March, 2013 To, The Chief Secretaries ...

Udyog Bhawan, New Delhi March, 2013 To, The Chief Secretaries ...

Udyog Bhawan, New Delhi March, 2013 To, The Chief Secretaries ...


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<strong>To</strong>,<br />

No.15/1/2004-CCIC<br />

Government of India<br />

Ministry of Textiles<br />

*****<br />

<strong>The</strong> <strong>Chief</strong> <strong>Secretaries</strong> of States/Administrators of UTs.<br />

(As per list attached)<br />

<strong>Udyog</strong> <strong>Bhawan</strong>, <strong>New</strong> <strong>Delhi</strong><br />

<strong>March</strong>, <strong>2013</strong><br />

Subject: Filling up of the post of Managing Director on deputation basis in Central Cottage<br />

Industries Corporation of India Ltd., <strong>New</strong> <strong>Delhi</strong>.<br />

Sir/Madam,<br />

I am directed to state that a post of Managing Director in the scale of D 65000 – D<br />

75000/- (Revised /IDA) is required to be filled up urgently on deputation basis in Central<br />

Cottage Industries Corporation of India Ltd., <strong>New</strong> <strong>Delhi</strong>, a schedule ‘C’ CPSE under this<br />

Ministry. <strong>The</strong> deputation period shall be five years.<br />

2. Central Cottage Industries Corporation of India Limited (CCICIL) was incorporated<br />

under the India Companies Act, 1956 with the objective to promote, develop, aid, and<br />

assist Cottage Industries by the organizing product sales in India and abroad. CCICIL is a<br />

Schedule ‘C’ CPSE in Trading and Marketing Services sector, under the administrative<br />

control of the Ministry of Textiles. Its Registered and Corporate Offices are at <strong>New</strong> <strong>Delhi</strong>.<br />

<strong>The</strong> authorised and paid up share capital of the Company was D 12 crore and D 10.85<br />

crore respectively as on <strong>March</strong>, 2011. <strong>The</strong> shareholding of the Government of India in the<br />

company is 100%.<br />

3. <strong>The</strong> Managing Director is the <strong>Chief</strong> Executive of the Corporation and accountable to<br />

its Board of Directors and Government. He is responsible for the efficient functioning of<br />

the Corporation for achieving its corporate objectives and performance parameters.<br />

4. <strong>The</strong> post is to be filled up through the Search-cum-Selection Committee for a<br />

period of five years. Interview for the same will be held during 1 st / 2 nd week of May,<br />

<strong>2013</strong>.<br />

5. Brief job description and eligibility for the post along with the format for application<br />

are enclosed. <strong>The</strong> details are also available on the website of this Ministry<br />

www.texmin.nic.in.<br />

6. You are requested to circulate the vacancy and forward applications of eligible and<br />

willing officers in the prescribed format for consideration of the Search-cum-Selection<br />

Committee constituted for making selection to the post by this Ministry. <strong>The</strong> applications<br />

along-with vigilance clearance and cadre clearance for five years may be sent to <strong>The</strong><br />

Deputy Secretary (CCIC), Ministry of Textiles, Room No. 266, <strong>Udyog</strong> <strong>Bhawan</strong>,<br />

<strong>New</strong> <strong>Delhi</strong> 110011 latest by 15 th April, <strong>2013</strong>.<br />

Copy to (for similar action):<br />

Yours faithfully,<br />

Sd/-<br />

(Keshav Kumar)<br />

Deputy Secretary to the Govt. of India

सं. 15/1/2004-सीसीआईसी<br />

भारत सरकार<br />

वस्त् र ्ंरा य<br />

उद्योग भवन, नई दिल ीो,<br />

, <strong>2013</strong><br />

सेवा ्ें,<br />

राज योंं के ्य3 य सिवव/ संघ शाससत राज योंं के शासशासक,<br />

(सं ग् न सचवी के ननयसार)<br />

ववषय : सैंट्र<br />

कॉटेज इण् सस्त् ट्रीोज कारेशनरेशन ण् इयाण्सया स ., नई दिल ीो ्ें शासधंन दनिेशक के रेशि को<br />

शासदतदनयययातत के आनार रेशर भरा जाना ।<br />

्होिय/ ्होिया,<br />

्यझे यह कहने का दनिेश हयआ है कक वस्त् र ्ंरा य के नंतगसत सैंट्र कॉटेज इण् सस्त् ट्रीोज कारेशनरेशन ण्<br />

इयाण्सया स ., नई दिल ीो, जो कक ननयसच वी ‘ग’ का एक के न्द् ीीोय सावसजदनक त्रेर का उरेश ् है, ्ें शासधंन दनिेशक<br />

के एक रेशि को D 65,000 – D 75,000 (संशोिनत/आईसीए) के वेतन्ान ्ें शासदतदनयययातत के आनार रेशर तत का<br />

भरा जाना है । शासदतदनयययातत की नविन 5 वषस रहेगी ।<br />

2. सैंट्र कॉटेज इण् सस्त् ट्रीोज कारेशनरेशन ण् इयाण्सया स ., (सीसीआईसीआईए ) का गठन भारत तथा वविेशोंं<br />

्ें उत रेशािोंं की कध ी के ्ाय य् से कय टीोर उद्योग को संविनसत करने, ववकससत करने, ननयिान तथा सहायता िेने<br />

के उद्देश् य से भारतीय कं रेशनी निनदनय्, 1956 के नंतगसत ककया गया था। सीसीआईसीआईए वस्त् र ्ंरा य के<br />

शासशासदनक दनयंरणानीन व् यारेशार एवं ववरेशणन सेवा त्रेर ्ें ननयसच वी ‘ग’ का एक के न्द् ीीोय सावसजदनक त्रेर का<br />

उरेश ् है। इसका रेशंजीकृ त एवं कारेशनरेट कायास य नई दिल ीो ्ें यास्त्थत है। ्ावस, 2011 की यास्त्थदत के ननयसार<br />

कं रेशनी का रेशचंजीगत शासािनकृ त एवं शासित त दहस्त् सा ्श: 12 करोड़ रू एवं 10.85 करोड़ रू था । कं रेशनी ्ें भारत<br />

सरकार की शेयरनाररता 100% है ।<br />

3. शासधंन दनिेशक दनग् का ्य3 य कायसरेशा क है रर इसके शासी धोसस तथा सरकार के शासदत जवाधिेह है ।<br />

वह नरेशने कारेशनरेट उद्देश् योंं तथा दना रेशािन ्ानिंसोंं को शासाप् त करने के स ए दनग् के कय श कायसकरण के स ए<br />

याजम ्ेिार है ।<br />

4. यह रेशि खोज-सह-वयन सस्दत के ्ाय य् से 5 भरा जाना है । ई <strong>2013</strong><br />

1 / 2 ।<br />

5. कायस का संक्षत्रप् त वववरण तथा रेशि के स ए रेशारता आविेन शासरेशर सदहत सं ग् न है । ् यौुरा ्ंरा य की<br />

वेधसाइट www.texmin.nic.in रेशर भी उरेश ् न है ।<br />

6. आरेशसे ननयरोन है कक इस ररयातत को शासवास त करने तथा इस ्ंरा य द्वारा रेशि के स ए वयन हेतय<br />

खोज-सह-वयन सस्दत के वववाराथस दननासररत शासरेशर ्ें रेशार एवं इच् ुय क निनकाररयोंं के आवेिनोंं को नरेषेवषत करें।<br />

आविेनोंं को सतकस ता ननय्दत, 5 की सदहत दिनांक 15 , <strong>2013</strong> तक उप<br />

(सीसीआईसी), वस्त्र ्ंरा य, क्रा सं. 266, उद्योग भवन, नई दिल ीो-110011 को भेजा जाए ।<br />

भविीोय,<br />

ह0/-<br />

( )

भारत सरकार के<br />

शासदतस वरेश शासेवषत (इसी तरह की कारसवाई के स ए) :<br />

1. भारत सरकार के सभी ्ंरा य/ ववभाग ।<br />

2. एनआईसी, वस्त् र ्ंरा य ।<br />

3. सचवना धोसस, वस्त् र ्ंरा य ।<br />

भारत सरकार के<br />

( )




LTD. (CCICIL)<br />


DATE OF VACANCY : 31-12-2010<br />


SCALE OF THE POST : D 65000-75000/- (Revised /IDA)<br />


Central Cottage Industries Corporation of India Limited (CCICIL) was<br />

incorporated under the India Companies Act, 1956 with the objective to<br />

promote, develop, aid, and assist Cottage Industries by the organizing product<br />

sales in India and abroad. CCICIL is a Schedule ‘C’ CPSE in Trading and Marketing<br />

Services sector, under the administrative control of the Ministry of Textiles.<br />

Its Registered and Corporate Offices are at <strong>New</strong> <strong>Delhi</strong>.<br />

<strong>The</strong> authorised and paid up share capital of the Company was D 12 crore and<br />

D 10.85 crores respectively as on <strong>March</strong>, 2011.<br />

<strong>The</strong> shareholding of the Government of India in the company is 100%.<br />


<strong>The</strong> Managing Director is the <strong>Chief</strong> Executive of the Corporation and<br />

accountable to its Board of Directors and Government. He is responsible for the<br />

efficient functioning of the Corporation for achieving its corporate objectives<br />

and performance parameters.<br />


I. AGE: As on 01.03.<strong>2013</strong>:-<br />

i. Minimum 40 years.<br />

ii.<br />

Maximum 55 years.<br />

<strong>The</strong> age of superannuation is 60 years.

II.<br />


<strong>The</strong> applicant should be a graduate with good academic record from a<br />

recognized university/institution. He should possess adequate experience at a<br />

senior level of management in a large organization of repute.<br />

Persons with Technical/MBA qualifications and having experience in<br />

administration, management and familiarity with Finance. Experience in<br />

Marketing/production sectors and knowledge of Textiles/Handloom Handicrafts<br />

sector will have added advantage.<br />

Experience in :<br />

(i)<br />

(ii)<br />

(iii)<br />

(iv)<br />

Sourcing of handicrafts and textiles;<br />

Marketing of textiles, handlooms and handicrafts at State/National level,<br />

Handling cluster development programmes;<br />

Running a State-level Corporation dealing with textiles, handlooms and<br />

handicrafts; is desirable<br />

III.<br />

(a)<br />


Central Public Sector Executive.<br />

Executives holding posts in the pay scale of:<br />

D 6250-7475 (IDA)<br />

D 8250-10050 (IDA) POST 01.01.1992<br />

D 18500-23900 (IDA) POST 01.01.1997<br />

D 43200-66000 (IDA) Post 01.01.2007<br />

D14300-18300 (CDA)<br />

D37400-67000 + GP D 8700 (CDA)<br />

<strong>The</strong> minimum length of service required in the eligible scale will be one year for<br />

internal candidates, and two years for others as on the date of vacancy.<br />

(b)<br />

State Public Sector Executive<br />

Executives working in companies where the annual turnover is in excess<br />

of D 50 crore.<br />

(c)<br />

Government Officers<br />

Provided that notwithstanding the qualification and experience<br />

prescribed, Government Officers of the level of Director in Govt. of India or on<br />

equivalent scale of pay or Officers of the level of Brigadier in the Army or

equivalent rank in Navy/Air Force on the date of Vacancy with adequate<br />

experience in the relevant field will be eligible for consideration on Deputation<br />

basis.<br />


<strong>The</strong> appointment shall be for a period of five years or up to the date of<br />

superannuation, or until further orders, whichever is the earliest.<br />


Prospective candidates from the Central Public Sector and Government<br />

officers shall send their applications, through proper channel, in the format at<br />

Annexure I.<br />

State Public Sector Executives shall submit their applications, in the format at<br />

Annexure II, along with<br />

(i) A write up on the significant contributions made by them during their<br />

present/past assignments and their suitability for the post.<br />

(ii) <strong>The</strong> annual report for the last audited financial year, or annual turnover<br />

figures duly certified by the Company Secretary/CFO.<br />

(iii) <strong>The</strong> applications for various categories of the officers are routed through<br />

proper channel as follow:<br />

(a) For Government Servants through Cadre Controlling authority with vigilance<br />

clearance, cadre clearance deputation for 5 years, ACRs of last 5 years.<br />

(b)<br />

(c)<br />

(d)<br />

(e)<br />

For CMDs/MDs/Directors in CPSE, the concerned Administrative Ministry.<br />

For below Board level in CPSE, the concerned CPSE.<br />

For CMD/MD in State PSE, State Government.<br />

State PSE/State Joint Venture, the concerned SPSE.<br />


equivalent rank in Navy/Air Force on the date of Vacancy with adequate<br />

experience in the relevant field will be eligible for consideration on Deputation<br />

basis.<br />


<strong>The</strong> appointment shall be for a period of five years or up to the date of<br />

superannuation, or until further orders, whichever is the earliest.<br />


Prospective candidates from the Central Public Sector and Government<br />

officers shall send their applications, through proper channel, in the format at<br />

Annexure I.<br />

State Public Sector Executives shall submit their applications, in the format at<br />

Annexure II, along with<br />

(i) A write up on the significant contributions made by them during their<br />

present/past assignments and their suitability for the post.<br />

(ii) <strong>The</strong> annual report for the last audited financial year, or annual turnover<br />

figures duly certified by the Company Secretary/CFO.<br />

(iii) <strong>The</strong> applications for various categories of the officers are routed through<br />

proper channel as follow:<br />

(a) For Government Servants through Cadre Controlling authority with vigilance<br />

clearance, cadre clearance deputation for 5 years, ACRs of last 5 years.<br />

(b)<br />

(c)<br />

(d)<br />

(e)<br />

For CMDs/MDs/Directors in CPSE, the concerned Administrative Ministry.<br />

For below Board level in CPSE, the concerned CPSE.<br />

For CMD/MD in State PSE, State Government.<br />

State PSE/State Joint Venture, the concerned SPSE.<br />


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