information - Ministry of Textiles

information - Ministry of Textiles

information - Ministry of Textiles


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History / Brief<br />

The National Textile Corporation Limited (NTC) is a Central Public Sector<br />

Enterprise under the <strong>Ministry</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Textiles</strong> which was incorporated in April 1968 for<br />

managing the affairs <strong>of</strong> sick textile undertakings, in the private sector, taken over by the<br />

Government. Starting with 16 mills in 1968, this number gradually rose to 103 by 1972-<br />

73. In the year 1974 all these units were nationalized under the Sick Textile Undertaking<br />

(Nationalization) Act 1974. The number <strong>of</strong> units increased to 119 by 1995 as NTC took<br />

over more mills under its control through Swadeshi Cotton Mills Company Ltd.<br />

(Acquisition and Transfer <strong>of</strong> Undertakings) Act, 1986 and Textile Undertakings<br />

(Nationalization) Act, 1995. (for details visit Home Page http://texmin.nic.in/act_main.htm)<br />

These 119 mills were controlled by NTC(Holding Company)Ltd with the help <strong>of</strong> 9<br />

subsidiary Corporations, with an authorized capital <strong>of</strong> Rs 10 crores which was raised<br />

from time to time and which is now Rs 5000 crores and the paid up share capital <strong>of</strong> the<br />

corporation is Rs 3062.16 crores as on 31.03.2008.<br />

BIFR sanctioned rehabilitation schemes for NTC in 2002/2005, which were<br />

modified in 2006 (MRS-06) and 2008 (MS-08). All the 9 subsidiaries <strong>of</strong> the company<br />

have been merged with the Holding Company on 01.04.2006, making it a single entity,<br />

economising the scale <strong>of</strong> operation. Till now, 76 unviable mills have been closed. 40 mills<br />

have been identified as viable. Of these, 22 mills are being modernised by NTC. Till<br />

now, 17 mills have been modernised as per the details below, and the remaining five<br />

mills are at different stages <strong>of</strong> modernisation. Out <strong>of</strong> these, 17 mills, 8 mills have got ISO<br />

certification. 16 mills have been <strong>of</strong>fered for joint venture.<br />


S.<br />

N<br />

Name<br />

Location<br />

NTC Mills<br />

&<br />

<strong>of</strong><br />

Month <strong>of</strong><br />

completion<br />

Amount<br />

spent on<br />

modernisat<br />

ion<br />

(Rs. In<br />

Crores)<br />

Annual Production<br />

(L.Kg/L.mt)<br />

(2008-09)<br />

Annual<br />

Production<br />

(Rs.in Crs.)<br />

(2008-09)<br />


1 Algappa<br />

<strong>Textiles</strong>,<br />

Trichur<br />

Dec-07 17.17<br />

21.24 27.02

2 Kerala Laxmi<br />

Mills, Thrissur<br />

3 Vijaya Mohini<br />

Mills,<br />

Triuvendrum<br />

4 Cannanore<br />

S&W<br />

Mills,Mahe<br />

5 Podar<br />

Mills,Mumbai<br />

6 Barshi Textile<br />

Mills, Barshi<br />

7 Tata Mills,<br />

Mumbai<br />

8 India United<br />

Mill<br />

No.5,Mumbai<br />

9 Cambodia<br />

Mills,<br />

Coimbatore<br />

10 Coimbatore<br />

Murugan Mills,<br />

Coimbatore<br />

11 Pankaja Mills,<br />

Coimbatoe<br />

12 Pioneer<br />

Spinner Mills,<br />

Paramkudi<br />

13 Sri Rangavilas<br />

S.&W Mills,<br />

Coimbatore<br />

14 Kaleeswarar<br />

Mills 'B' Unit,<br />

Kalayarkoil<br />

15 Arati Cotton<br />

Mills,Howrah<br />

16 Burhanpur<br />

TaptiMills,<br />

Burhanpur<br />

17 New Bhopal<br />

Textile<br />

Mills.Bhopal<br />

1 mill under Modernisation<br />

Dec-07 17.97<br />

Dec-08 18.06<br />

Mar-09 23.79<br />

Jul-08 32.11<br />

Dec-07 14.34<br />

Jan-09 73.10<br />

Dec-08 27.63<br />

Nov-07 7.61<br />

Jun-09 13.04<br />

Dec-08 16.00<br />

Jul-08 13.03<br />

Apr-09 27.70<br />

Jul-08 12.23<br />

Mar-09 46.20<br />

Dec-08 21.59<br />

Dec-08 27.21<br />

17.42 21.30<br />

6.65 8.32<br />

4.91 6.24<br />

13.69 21.13<br />

10.97 13.04<br />

12.46/60.26 27.59<br />

11.88 16.58<br />

16.43 22.01<br />

3.95/87.27 44.03<br />

11.93 15.73<br />

13.83 16.77<br />

16.99 23.25<br />

15.61 21.22<br />

1.43 1.72<br />

7.86 8.76<br />

8.56 9.87<br />

18 Cannanore S&W<br />

Mills, Cannanore<br />

19.88 9.77 12.72<br />

3 new Green Field Mills being set up by NTC

19 Minerva Mills,<br />

Hassan<br />

20 Finlay Mills,<br />

Achalpur<br />

21 Rajnagar Mills,<br />

Ahmedabad<br />

22 Udaipur Cotton<br />

Mills, Udaipur<br />

18.02<br />

24.76<br />

6.45<br />

Feasibility report under evaluation.<br />

The Spinning Section <strong>of</strong> the Shri Rangavilas Mills in Coimbatore before modernisation:<br />

The spinning section <strong>of</strong> the Shri Rangavilas Mills in Coimbatore after modernisation:


S.N. Name <strong>of</strong> Mill<br />

Date <strong>of</strong> ISO<br />

certification<br />

Awarding Agency<br />

Process certified<br />

1. Coimbatore Murugan<br />

Mills, Coimbatore<br />

November,<br />

2008<br />

TUV Industrie Service<br />

GmbH TUV Rheinland<br />

Group<br />

2. Cambodia Mills, Coimbatore 23.04.2008 TUV SUD South Asia<br />

Pvt.Ltd.<br />

3. Barshi Textile Mills, Barshi 25.08.2006 IQ Net and CISQ/<br />

RINA<br />

4. Kaleeswarar Mills 'B' Unit,<br />

Kalayarkoil<br />

10.03.2009 Intertek Systems<br />

Certification, Mumbai<br />

5. Pankaja Mills, Coimbatore 06.04.2009 BSI Management<br />

systems, New Delhi<br />

6. Algappa <strong>Textiles</strong>, Trichur 24.05.2009 BSI India Management<br />

System<br />

7. Podar Mills,Mumbai 10.06.2009 IQ Net and CISQ/<br />

RINA<br />

8. Tata Mills, Mumbai 23.06.2009 KBS Certification<br />

Services<br />

Manufacture <strong>of</strong> Cotton,<br />

Blended Yarn and Grey<br />

Fabric<br />

Manufacture and supply <strong>of</strong><br />

Cotton Yarn, Polyester<br />

Staple<br />

Fibre Yarn and Polester/<br />

Cotton Blend Yarn.<br />

Manufacture <strong>of</strong> Grey Cotton<br />

and Blended Yarns<br />

Manufacture <strong>of</strong> cotton and<br />

blended yarn<br />

Manufacture and supply<br />

<strong>of</strong> cotton and<br />

manmade fibre blended<br />

yarn<br />

Manufacture and supply <strong>of</strong><br />

single and double combed<br />

and carded cotton, man<br />

made staple fibre and<br />

blended yarns<br />

<strong>of</strong> various counts.<br />

Manufacture & supply <strong>of</strong><br />

textile products (yarn)<br />

Manufacture & supply<br />

<strong>of</strong> textile goods<br />

For further details, please visit http://ntcltd.co.in.<br />

Retail Marketing Division (for details, visit http://ntcltd.co.in) As on 31.03.2009, there<br />

are 100 showrooms controlled by 4 Regional/Sub <strong>of</strong>fices as under:<br />

1. NTC – Sub Office, Delhi - 30<br />

2. NTC – Western Region, Mumbai - 17<br />

3. NTC – Southern Region, Coimbatore - 35<br />

4. NTC – Sub Office, Kolkatta - 18<br />

____<br />


Product mix - Sheeting,suiting, Shirting,Towel, Dress Material, Readymades,<br />

Bedsheetsets, Curtaincloth,etc. [in all showrooms]<br />

S.No. Name <strong>of</strong> Address<br />

Sale P.A.<br />

Showroom<br />

2008-09 (Rs. Lakhs)<br />

NTC (DP&R) LTD 22<br />


1 Arya Samaj Rd. P.N.B. Bldg., A.S. Rd.,Karol Bagh,N.Delhi-5. 12.52<br />

2 N.D.S.E. E-25, NDSE, Part-II. N.Delhi -49. 30.93<br />

3 Shanker Road 128,Shanker Road Market, N.Delhi-60 10.39<br />

4 Tagore Garden B-7, Shopping Centre, Tagore Garden, New<br />

Delhi-110027. 8.63<br />

5 Delhi Cantt. 3/2, Gopi Nath Bazar, Delhi Cantt. Delhi110010. 10.87<br />

6 East <strong>of</strong> Kailash 5Community Centre, East <strong>of</strong> Kailash New<br />

Delhi-110065. 8.89<br />

7 Laxmi Nagar. B-33/2, Vikas Marg, Laxmi Nagar, Delhi - 8.65<br />

110092.<br />

8 Moti nagar Delhi Cons. Coop. Society W/Sales Stores 10.49<br />

Moti Nagar,Delhi 110015.<br />

9 Faridabad 1-E-22-B, NIT, Faridabad 121001. 8.97<br />

10 Kailash Colony Shop No.4&4A,HS-1, Kailash Colony 3.71<br />

11 Tilak Ngr. 24, Old Mkt., Tilak Nagar, New Delhi-110018. 9.87<br />

12 Khan Mkt 64-B, Khan Market, New Delhi-110003. 21.81<br />

13 Panipat 13, G.T. Rd., Panipat, 132103. 0.87<br />

14 Chandigarh S.C.O 228 Sec.40-D,, Chandigarh.<br />

15 Karnal C-146, Club Market. GT Rd., Karnal-132001. 23.83<br />

16 Jammu Amar Mkt., Raghunath Bazar, Jammu-180001.<br />

17 Sri Ngr. 7-8, Polo View, Near Residency, Sri Ngr. 19.77<br />

18 Ludhiana 13-Bahadur House, Opp. G.P.O, Mahrarja<br />

Hotel Ludhiana 14.46<br />

19 Shimla Shop No.14-15, M.C. Complex, Middle Bazar,<br />

Simla. 03.27<br />

20 Bhopal Hamidia Road, Bhopal 14.26<br />

21 Indore 41, Jangampura, Malganj Chouraha,Indore 25.41<br />

22 Kanpur Muir Mills, Kanpur 09.09<br />


1 Ajmer Apna Bazar,Pandav,Ajmer 12.73<br />

2 Bhilwara 58, Patch Area, Bhilwara 13.45<br />

3 Bapu Bazar 83, Bapu Bazar, Jaipur 27.71<br />

4 Jodhpur 46, Pankaj Bhavan, New Sarak, Jodhpur- 40.76<br />

342001.<br />

5 Kota 179, Shopping Centre, Chawani Chopati<br />

Bazar, Kota. 20.34<br />

6 Sikar Kotwali Rd.Sikar (Rajasthan) 14.82<br />

7 Udaipur (in front <strong>of</strong> MB College)13, Darshanpura,<br />

Udaipur (Rajasthan) 15.30<br />

8 Beawar Mahalaxmi Mill Gate, Beawar. 04.16

Western Region 17<br />

NTC(GUJ) (3)<br />

1 Usmanpura<br />

(Ahmedabad<br />

)<br />

SV Patel Complex-Usmanpura, Ashram Rd.,<br />

Ahmedabad-380014.<br />

14.60<br />

2 Baroda 34/35, Padmawati Devi Shopp. Comp. Opp.<br />

Nyay Mandir, Baroda-1 05.53<br />

3 Rajkot Sugar House, Dhebar Chowk, Rajkot. 09.24<br />

NTC(MN) LTD. (10 )<br />

1 RBBA Hinganghat. 07.61<br />

2 IUM No.1 Mumbai 01.52<br />

3 Dharampet Nagpur 09.17<br />

4 Frere Road Mumbai 03.66<br />

5 Kalaghoda Fort, Mumbai 02.55<br />

6 RSRG RSRG Mills, Akola. 04.58<br />

7 Tata Mills Dadar., Mumbai 81.86<br />

8 Opera<br />

Mumbai<br />

House(Kohinoor)<br />

04.60<br />

9 Naigaon(Kohinoo Mumbai 13.53<br />

r)<br />

N.T.C (SM) (5)<br />

1 Chinchpokli 382, Apollo House, NM Joshi<br />

Marg,Chinchpokli., Mumbai-400011. 22.70<br />

2 Finlay<br />

Marina Mension, SP Patel Rd., Mumbai-<br />

(Chowpatty) 400007. 77.33<br />

3 Finlay (Dadar 22/23, Shivneri Bldg., Opp. Gold Mohar Mills 51.60<br />

S/R)<br />

4 Chalisgaon Chalisgaon Textile Mills, Bhadgaon 01.91<br />

Road,Chalisgaon-424101.<br />

5 Nanded Bhanda Bahadur Singh Market, 10.46<br />


1 Gunfoundry 159,Gunfoundry Road,Hyderabad 115.08<br />

2 Chikkadapally Shop No. 1-1-212, Chikkadpally, Hyderabad. 01.05<br />

3 Kollam Parvathi Mills Compund, Kollam-691001 70.81<br />

4 M.G. Road M.G.Road, Ernakulam, Cochin 26.81<br />

5 P.U.B. 33, P.U. Bldg., MG Rd.,Bangalore-560001 33.52<br />

6 Dispensary Road 125/1, Dispensary Rd.,Banglore-560001 27.33<br />

7 Mysore Near Lakshmi Talkies,100 ft.Rd., Mysore- 06.02<br />

570004<br />

8 Belgaum 2911, Khade Bazar,Belgaum-590002. 14.34<br />

9 Mangalore KS Rao Rd.GanpatiTemple,Mangalore 05.44<br />

10 Alwaye Pareth Pallai bldg. Rly St. Rd. 17.68<br />

11 Cannanore Municipal Shopp. Comp. Nr. KSRTC Bus 54.06<br />


12 Jayanagar Eastern Block, Jayanagar Shopping 03.49<br />

Comp.,Bangalore-560011<br />

13 Rajaji Nagar-I 1, Main Rd.,2 nd stage, Bangalore-560010 03.24<br />

14 Attur CSI Complex, Rly. St. Rd., Attur-636402. 21.00<br />

15 Karpagavilas 269,Karpagavilas,Cross Cut Road, 42.63<br />

Coimbatore-641012.<br />

16 Peelamedu Sri Rangavilas Mills Campus, 24.13<br />

Peelamedu,Coimbatore-641004.<br />

17 Sundarapuram Sri Sarda Mills Campus, 05.76<br />

Sudarapuram,Coimbatore-641023..<br />

18 RS Puram Corporation Bldg., D. B. Road, R S Puram., 10.02<br />

Coimbatore-641002.<br />

19 Ootacamund(Oot Cherrying Cross. , Ooty-643001. 08.26<br />

y)<br />

20 Salem 242, Trichy Main Rd.,Selam-636006. 25.11<br />

21 Adayar 5, Padmanabha Ngr., Adayar, Chennai-600020. 24.72<br />

22 Purasawakkam 58, Purasavalikam High Rd.,Chennai-600050. 19.23<br />

23 Chengam 74, Main Rd., Chengam-606701. 10.07<br />

24 Cuddalore 7-A, Bharati Road, Pudu Palayam, 14.84<br />

25 Trichy(Clives) Clives Bldg., Nandhi Koil St., Trichy-620002. 16.83<br />

26 Madurai W.C NI-1, West Chitrai St.,Madurai-625001 33.42<br />

27 Nagerkoil KB Kamraj Bldg., Cape Road,Nagercoil-629001 10.70<br />

28 Pattukottai 146, Big Street, Pattukottai-614601 05.79<br />

29 Paramakudi 8/433, Perumalkoil St.Paramakudi-623701 15.66<br />

30 Mayiladuthurai 6, Gandhi Road, Mayiladuthurai-609001 04.80<br />

31 Sivaganga 5, Nehru Bazar-623560 10.63<br />

32 Tirunelvelli Jn. 13-14, Raja Bldg., By Pass Road, 12.99<br />

33 Thirukoilur 45, Bazar St. Thirukoilur-605757 08.39<br />

34 Neyveli 1/3, Main Bazar, 12th Block. Neyveli- 607803 07.49<br />

35 Kumbakonam 1-2, Municipal Bldg., Gandhi Park, North, 09.57<br />

Kumbakonam-612001.<br />


7<br />

1 College St. YMCA Bldg.,86, College Street, Kolkata-73 23.42<br />

2 Lake Town Govt. Market, Lake Town,Kolkata-55 03.35<br />

3 Chandan Nagar Bagh Bazar, Laldighi, 493, G.T. Road, 08.23<br />

4 Park St. 1/1,Part Street,Asiatic Society Bldg,Kolkata-<br />

14.34<br />

16.<br />

5 Gariahat 14/10, Gariahat Road,Kol;kata-19 22.82<br />

6 Palta Palta Station Road,P.O. Bengal Enamael, 10.57<br />

7 Tollyganj 47,Deshpran Sasmal Rd, Kolkata-33 00.12<br />


1 Patna Uday Bhavan, East Gandhi Maidan, Patna. 124.94

2 Ranchi Jawan Bhawan,Shop no.33,Main Rd., Ranchi. 08.24<br />

3 Muzaffarpur Safi Daudi Market, Motijheel, Muzaffarpur 57.98<br />

4 Jamshedpur Tulsi BhawanShop No. 02.11<br />

2,Bistupur,Jamshedpur<br />

5 Purnea R.N. Shaw Chowk, Purnia. 44.07<br />

6 Sasaram GT Rd.Sasaram, Rohtas. 02.70<br />

7 Madhubani Nariyal Bazar, Madhubani. 14.95<br />

8 Mokameh Mokameh Outlet, B.C.W. Spg. Mills,Mokameh. 09.67<br />


R DIVN.<br />

2<br />

1 Angul Laxmi Bazar P.O., Dis. Angul,Orissa 20.07<br />

2 Bhubaneshwar Surya Kiran Market Complex,Shahid 00.33<br />

Nagar,Bhubneswar.<br />


1 Guwahati GNB Rd., Guwahati. 08.77<br />

For details, visit http://ntcltd.co.in.

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