Government of India Ministry of Textiles Address by V.Srinivas, IAS ...

Government of India Ministry of Textiles Address by V.Srinivas, IAS ...

Government of India Ministry of Textiles Address by V.Srinivas, IAS ...


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<strong>Government</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>India</strong><br />

<strong>Ministry</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Textiles</strong><br />

<strong>Address</strong> <strong>by</strong> V.<strong>Srinivas</strong>, <strong>IAS</strong> Joint Secretary to <strong>Government</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>India</strong> as the Chief<br />

Guest at the Annual General Meeting <strong>of</strong> the Northern <strong>India</strong> <strong>Textiles</strong> Mills<br />

Association held at the PHD Chambers <strong>of</strong> Commerce dated January 18, 2013<br />

President NITMA Shri K.K.Agarwal ji, Vice President NITMA Shri Sharad Jaipuria ji, my<br />

senior colleague Smt. Prerna Sood ji and distinguished members <strong>of</strong> NITMA,<br />

1. It gives me immense pleasure to address NITMA’s Annual General Body Meeting<br />

and share with you <strong>Government</strong>’s views in the run up to the implementation phase <strong>of</strong><br />

the 12 th Plan. This is my first interaction with NITMA in an Annual General Body meeting<br />

as I could not attend the previous 2 meetings. That said, we in <strong>Government</strong> have<br />

interacted with President NITMA in 52 meetings this year, which is almost one meeting<br />

a week. The frequency <strong>of</strong> interactions on a diverse range <strong>of</strong> subjects ranging from<br />

consultations on scheme formulation to industry concerns with extant <strong>Government</strong><br />

policy represents the emphasis <strong>Government</strong> has placed in its engagement with NITMA.<br />

2. The year 2012 has been immensely challenging in terms <strong>of</strong> policy formulation.<br />

The slowdown in the textiles industry in the backdrop <strong>of</strong> price volatility in cotton and<br />

cotton yarn, necessitated formulation <strong>of</strong> debt restructuring proposals amounting to Rs.<br />

35000 crores. <strong>Ministry</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Textiles</strong> in consultation with <strong>Ministry</strong> <strong>of</strong> Finance and Reserve<br />

Bank <strong>of</strong> <strong>India</strong> enabled a consensus decision that the debt restructuring <strong>of</strong> textiles<br />

industry will be undertaken under the RBI’s prudential guidelines <strong>of</strong> 2008. Many <strong>of</strong><br />

NITMA member mills would have benefitted from the debt restructuring exercise<br />

conducted <strong>by</strong> Banks in the period August-November 2012.<br />

3. By the latter part <strong>of</strong> the year, I notice that textiles mills have turned around in the<br />

backdrop a commodity trade boom in cotton yarn exports and moderate cotton prices.<br />

Cotton yarn exports are likely to reach 1000 million kilograms this year which represents<br />

an all time high for cotton yarn exports from <strong>India</strong>. Please accept my compliments on<br />

this strong performance.<br />

4. President NITMA in his address has asked me to elaborate on the modalities <strong>of</strong><br />

implementation <strong>of</strong> TUFS in the 12 th Plan. TUFS, as you are aware, represents the<br />

flagship scheme <strong>of</strong> the <strong>Ministry</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Textiles</strong>, and has been the engine <strong>of</strong> growth for the<br />

textiles industry. The TUFS has been recommended <strong>by</strong> the Planning Commission for<br />

continuation in the 12 th Plan and approved <strong>by</strong> the National Development Council. A plan

allocation <strong>of</strong> Rs. 12077 crores has been proposed for TUFS in the 12 th Plan to catalyze<br />

an investment <strong>of</strong> Rs.1,51,000 crores. The modalities <strong>of</strong> implementation are on the lines<br />

<strong>of</strong> the Restructured TUFS that was implemented for the period 2011-12 and 2012-13.<br />

<strong>Textiles</strong> industry has raised issues with regard to schematic architecture <strong>of</strong> the<br />

Restructured TUFS. Industry has said that the sectoral caps have disincentivized<br />

spinning and technical textiles where the sectoral caps have been reached and a<br />

backlog <strong>of</strong> applications is witnessed. The Modified TUFS was implemented as an open<br />

ended scheme with neither value caps nor sectoral caps. <strong>Government</strong> felt that the<br />

absence <strong>of</strong> sectoral caps/ value caps resulted in a lack <strong>of</strong> transparency in committed<br />

liabilities making plan allocations for TUFS extremely difficult. We are trying to address<br />

the issue in the 12 th Plan to best achieve a balance between the sectoral caps for<br />

sectors where <strong>India</strong> has achieved economies <strong>of</strong> scale and removal <strong>of</strong> sectoral caps in<br />

sectors where investments need to be catalyzed.<br />

4. Restructured TUFS did not provide for subsidy allocations for cases sanctioned<br />

in the black out period. The issue has been raised <strong>by</strong> NITMA as also other industry<br />

associations. <strong>Ministry</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Textiles</strong> has taken up the matter with <strong>Ministry</strong> <strong>of</strong> Finance on the<br />

feasibility <strong>of</strong> covering the cases sanctioned <strong>by</strong> Banks in the period July 2010 to April<br />

2011 under the TUFS umbrella. We hope for a decision in this regard in the coming<br />

months.<br />

5. A high interest rate regime and weakening macroeconomic climate has resulted<br />

in a slowdown in TUFS loans sanctions and investments. Despite the slowdown in<br />

investments, Restructured TUFS has catalyzed Rs. 35000 crores <strong>of</strong> investments in<br />

2011-12 and 2012-13, which is a significant investment in years <strong>of</strong> economic slowdown.<br />

6. We have been in consultations with President NITMA on 2 issues raised <strong>by</strong><br />

Chairman AEPC in the run up to the Union Budget 2013, namely the reduction in import<br />

duties on cotton yarn and cotton fabric to 3% and 5% respectively. As you are aware,<br />

<strong>India</strong>’s RMG exports have witnessed a (-)9 percent growth in the year 2012-13. Apparel<br />

industry has indicated that access to cheaper sourcing <strong>of</strong> raw materials would enable<br />

their industry to revive growth. NITMA, CITI and SIMA have all opposed this proposal.<br />

<strong>Government</strong> will seek to build a consensus before moving forward on this sensitive<br />

issue.<br />

7. <strong>Ministry</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Textiles</strong> has placed a great deal <strong>of</strong> emphasis on transparent and real<br />

time statistics collection for the cotton balance sheet. A Cotton Distribution (Collection <strong>of</strong><br />

Statistics) Bill 2012 was formulated, placed in public domain and circulated for inter<br />

ministerial consultations. We have been advised <strong>by</strong> the <strong>Ministry</strong> <strong>of</strong> Statistics and<br />

Program Implementation that in the interregnum to the formulation <strong>of</strong> the legislation,

<strong>Ministry</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Textiles</strong> could use the delegated powers under the Collection <strong>of</strong> Statistics Act<br />

2008 read with Collection <strong>of</strong> Statistics Rules 2011 to identify an informer base and<br />

prescribe statistical formats for collection <strong>of</strong> data on real time basis. A draft notification<br />

for collection <strong>of</strong> statistics from ginning factories, traders and textiles mills with the<br />

<strong>Textiles</strong> Commissioner as statistical authority is being formulated. We hope to put the<br />

notification in place in the coming weeks.<br />

8. I am also informed that several <strong>of</strong> NITMA’s member mills have accessed the<br />

services <strong>of</strong> NITRA for skill building initiatives under the Integrated Skill Development<br />

Scheme. The ISDS is envisaged to train 15 lac textiles workers in the 12 th Plan with an<br />

allocation <strong>of</strong> Rs. 1900 crores. I have also been in consultation with President NITMA on<br />

the restructuring <strong>of</strong> the <strong>Textiles</strong> Workers Rehabilitation Funds Scheme.<br />

9. Let me once again thank President NITMA and all distinguished <strong>of</strong>fice bearers for<br />

giving me this opportunity to address members at the Annual General Body Meeting. I<br />

wish the association all success in its challenging future endeavors.<br />

10. Thank you.<br />


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