Textile Resurgence (Milestones: 2009 - 2010) - Ministry of Textiles
Textile Resurgence (Milestones: 2009 - 2010) - Ministry of Textiles
Textile Resurgence (Milestones: 2009 - 2010) - Ministry of Textiles
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<strong>Ministry</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Textile</strong>s<br />
Government <strong>of</strong> India<br />
www.ministry<strong>of</strong>textiles.gov.in<br />
www.texmin.nic.in<br />
milestones | <strong>2009</strong>-10<br />
01<br />
milestones | <strong>2009</strong>-10<br />
contents<br />
01. Growth Story 03<br />
Growth Story<br />
02. Major Achievements during <strong>2009</strong>-10 04<br />
03. Technology Upgradation Fund Scheme (TUFS) 06<br />
04. E-Marketing Initiatives 07<br />
05. National Fibre Policy 08<br />
06. Eco-friendly Technology 08<br />
07. Cotton Sector: Improving Supply Chain Management 09<br />
08. National <strong>Textile</strong> Corporation (NTC) 10<br />
09. The Scheme for Integrated <strong>Textile</strong> Parks (SITP) 11<br />
10. Skill Development and Educational Initiatives 12<br />
11. <strong>Textile</strong> Exports: On a Recovery Path 13<br />
12. Technical <strong>Textile</strong>s: An emerging sector 14<br />
13. Man-made <strong>Textile</strong>s 15<br />
14. Sericulture and Silk <strong>Textile</strong>s 16<br />
15. Jute and Jute <strong>Textile</strong>s 17<br />
16. Handlooms 19<br />
17. Handicrafts 22<br />
18. Fabrics and Yarn Production 24<br />
The year <strong>2009</strong>-10 was a challenging year for<br />
the Indian textiles industry. Even as the Indian<br />
economy recovered rapidly from the<br />
slowdown caused by the global financial crisis,<br />
inflationary trends and volatility in commodity<br />
prices led to strong demand side pressures. Against<br />
this backdrop, the <strong>Ministry</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Textile</strong>s, under the<br />
dynamic and visionary leadership <strong>of</strong> Thiru. Dayanidhi<br />
Maran conducted policies to achieve faster and<br />
inclusive growth and participatory development.<br />
The objective was to maintain the incipient export<br />
growth momentum, increasing production and<br />
productivity in cotton and cotton yarn, enhancing<br />
value addition in garmenting and apparel sectors,<br />
promoting rich heritage <strong>of</strong> handlooms and handicrafts,<br />
institutional strengthening in jute sector, and<br />
enhanced acreages under mulberry production and<br />
safeguarding employment opportunities.<br />
The strength <strong>of</strong> Indian economy has been optimally<br />
leveraged for attracting larger capital flows and foreign<br />
direct investment. The Government, besides<br />
providing fiscal stimulus, increased the plan allocation<br />
from Rs 4,090 crore to Rs 4,500 crore, encompassing<br />
an enhanced allocation <strong>of</strong> Rs 3,140 crore for<br />
Technolgy Upgradation Fund Scheme (TUFS).<br />
These measures enabled the textile industry to<br />
face the recessionary conditions. As the year came<br />
to an end it became evident that cotton yarn and<br />
cotton exports had recovered significantly. Additional<br />
stimulus packages were extended to handlooms<br />
and garments sector to help cushion the<br />
recessionary impact. Programmes for modernisation<br />
<strong>of</strong> handlooms, powerlooms, handicrafts, sericulture<br />
and wool sector were launched. The welfare and well<br />
being <strong>of</strong> workers was ensured, particularly those<br />
engaged in decentralised sectors through rigorous<br />
implementation <strong>of</strong> social security and health<br />
insurance programmes.<br />
Substantial efforts have also been made to<br />
bridge the skill deficit in textiles sector by conceptualising<br />
a flagship programme called the Skill<br />
Development Programme to improve the skill base<br />
<strong>of</strong> 30 lakh workers employed in the sector over a<br />
five year period.<br />
02 <strong>Ministry</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Textile</strong>s <strong>Ministry</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Textile</strong>s 03
milestones | <strong>2009</strong>-10 milestones | <strong>2009</strong>-10<br />
02<br />
Major Achievements<br />
Technology Upgradation Fund Scheme<br />
(TUFS): Under the Technology Upgradation Fund<br />
Scheme meant for modernisation <strong>of</strong> the textile<br />
industry, a subsidy <strong>of</strong> Rs. 2,546 crore was released<br />
on August 06, <strong>2009</strong>, in a single tranche, for the<br />
first time, with the amounts credited to the bank<br />
accounts <strong>of</strong> all beneficiaries numbering 12,514 in<br />
a record time <strong>of</strong> 72 hours (3 working days)<br />
reconstituting an effective addition to the stimulus<br />
packages announced by the Government.<br />
A sum <strong>of</strong> Rs. 2,885.98 crore during <strong>2009</strong>-10 has<br />
been disbursed towards the subsidy during <strong>2009</strong>-<br />
10. The Scheme has catalysed an estimated<br />
investment <strong>of</strong> approximately Rs. 23,333 crore<br />
upto December, <strong>2009</strong>.<br />
E-Marketing: E-marketing platforms have been<br />
developed by the Central Cottage Industries<br />
Corporation <strong>of</strong> India (CCIC), and the Handicrafts<br />
and Handlooms Export Corporation <strong>of</strong> India<br />
(HHEC). The website has had 80,000 hits so far.<br />
1,150 contemporary designs with technical<br />
details and regional language interface have been<br />
hosted for free download on the website <strong>of</strong><br />
National Centre for <strong>Textile</strong>s Design (NCTD).<br />
website: www. (http://www.designdiary.nic.in).<br />
1,000 contemporary and innovative<br />
handicrafts designs are hosted on the<br />
website: www.handicraftdesignbank.com.<br />
National Fibre Policy: Working Group constituted<br />
to evolve the National Fibre Policy. The draft<br />
fibre policy has been finalised and would be available<br />
shortly in public domain for wider consultation.<br />
Common Effluent Treatment Plant (CETP):<br />
An allocation <strong>of</strong> one time grant <strong>of</strong> Rs. 200 crore has<br />
been made, for the first time, to 20 Common Effluent<br />
Treatment Plants installed by dyeing units in Tirupur<br />
in Tamil Nadu to ensure zero liquid discharge.<br />
Marketing Initiatives: Niche handloom and<br />
handicraft products were provided a marketing platform<br />
through 561 marketing events; the first ever<br />
‘Handloom Week’ in December <strong>2009</strong>. These generated<br />
a business <strong>of</strong> over Rs. 350 crore. 252 handloom<br />
and handicraft marketing events were organised<br />
generating a business <strong>of</strong> Rs. 92 crore. The<br />
President released a set <strong>of</strong> four special postage<br />
stamps on ‘<strong>Textile</strong>s <strong>of</strong> India’ depicting Banarasi Silk,<br />
Kanchipuram Silk, Kalamkari and Apatani weaves .<br />
Cotton Sales Depots: For the first time,<br />
Cotton Sales Depots were set up at Coimbatore<br />
and Rajapalayam in Tamil Nadu.<br />
National <strong>Textile</strong> Corporation (NTC): NTC<br />
has modernised 17 mills. Of these, 4 mills in<br />
Coimbatore (Tamil Nadu) and 3 mills in Mumbai<br />
were inaugurated and are already in production.<br />
The Scheme for Integrated <strong>Textile</strong><br />
Parks (SITP): 90 % Government grants have<br />
been released for 17 Parks; Infrastructure<br />
Development has completed in 5 Parks and<br />
production has commenced in 17 Parks out <strong>of</strong> the<br />
40 parks under implementation in Public Private<br />
Partnership mode. Two new Integrated <strong>Textile</strong><br />
Parks are being set up in Andipatti (Theni)<br />
and Kanchipuram in Tamil Nadu.<br />
Skill Development: An ambitious Skill<br />
Development Programme has been formulated to<br />
train 30 lakh workers over a period <strong>of</strong> 5 years with<br />
an outlay <strong>of</strong> Rs. 2,200 crore.<br />
Indian School <strong>of</strong> <strong>Textile</strong>s and Business:<br />
To provide pr<strong>of</strong>essional education, including<br />
research and consultancy, covering the entire<br />
spectrum <strong>of</strong> textiles, an Indian School <strong>of</strong> <strong>Textile</strong>s<br />
and Business is been setup by upgrading the<br />
existing. Sardar Vallabh Bhai Patel Institute <strong>of</strong><br />
<strong>Textile</strong> Management (SVPITM) at Coimbatore,<br />
Tamilnadu.<br />
Export Promotion: Despite the global slowdown,<br />
share <strong>of</strong> textile and clothing exports in total merchandise<br />
exports increased to 12.36% (US$17.37 million)<br />
from 11.03% in 2008-09. In a ‘Look East Policy’, new<br />
markets have been tapped to promote exports,<br />
besides consolidating existing markets like EU and<br />
US. As part <strong>of</strong> the initiatives, mega textile shows have<br />
been held to capture new markets in Japan, South<br />
Asia, Australia, Latin America and South Africa.<br />
National Institute <strong>of</strong> Fashion<br />
Technology (NIFT): Twelth Centre <strong>of</strong><br />
National Institute <strong>of</strong> Fashion Technology (NIFT) was<br />
inaugurated at Kangra in Himachal Pradesh. Two<br />
new NIFT centres to come up at Bhubaneswar and<br />
Jodhpur and a speciality centre at Coimbatore.<br />
Technical <strong>Textile</strong>s: Four Centres <strong>of</strong><br />
Excellence (CoE) have started functioning for<br />
Agrotech at Mumbai; Geotech at Ahmedabad;<br />
Meditech at Coimbatore; and Protech at<br />
Ghaziabad. Four national level workshops and<br />
17 workshops/seminars/training programmes were<br />
organised in different parts <strong>of</strong> the country to<br />
attract investors.<br />
Mega Cluster Scheme: To make decentralised<br />
activities in powerloom, handloom and<br />
handicraft sectors a viable business proposition, five<br />
new mega clusters have been taken up in Bhilwara<br />
(Rajasthan), Mirzapur-Bhadohi (Uttar Pradesh),<br />
Srinagar (Jammu & Kashmir), Virudhunagar (Tamil<br />
Nadu) and Murshidabad (West Bengal).<br />
Work has commenced at mega clusters in<br />
Varanasi (Uttar Pradesh), Sibsagar (Assam), Bhiwandi<br />
(Maharashtra), Erode (Tamil Nadu), Nasapur (Andhra<br />
Pradesh) and Moradabad (Uttar Pradesh).<br />
Revival <strong>of</strong> NJMC: The revival package <strong>of</strong><br />
National Jute Manufactures Corporation<br />
(NJMC) has been approved which envisages<br />
operationalisation <strong>of</strong> three jute mills viz. Kinnison<br />
and Khardah in West Bengal and Rai Bahadur<br />
Hadrut Mill (RBHM), in Katihar, Bihar.<br />
Cluster Development Schemes: 52 new<br />
clusters in the handlooms and 122 new clusters in<br />
handicrafts were taken up for skill upgradation,<br />
setting up <strong>of</strong> common facility centres and provision<br />
<strong>of</strong> vital credit and market linkages. A theme based,<br />
multilingual website, including seven foreign languages,<br />
hosting 45,000 handcrafted products <strong>of</strong><br />
Shilp Gurus, National Awardees, handicraft clusters,<br />
exporters and retailers at major tourist destinations,<br />
has been launched.<br />
A website for 15,000 handicrafted products <strong>of</strong><br />
430 clusters under the Ambedkar Hastshilp Vikas<br />
Yojana has been launched.<br />
Sericulture: The production <strong>of</strong> raw<br />
silk increased from 18,370 MT in 2008-09 to<br />
19,575 MT, the highest ever, in <strong>2009</strong>-10, and<br />
employment increased from 63 lakhs in<br />
2008-09 to 65.8 lakh in <strong>2009</strong>-10 due to<br />
sustained Government’s efforts.<br />
Modernisation and Investment in<br />
Jute Mills: The cap on subsidy for Acquisition <strong>of</strong><br />
Machinery and Plant under Jute Technology<br />
Mission has been raised to Rs. 3.5 crore per mill<br />
and Rs. 4 crore per mill in respect <strong>of</strong> new mills<br />
in North Eastern Region (NER).<br />
Jute Geotextiles in Indian Railways and<br />
Rural Roads: The <strong>Ministry</strong> <strong>of</strong> Rural<br />
Development to construct about 1,000 km. <strong>of</strong> rural<br />
roads usning Jute Geo textile and <strong>Ministry</strong> <strong>of</strong><br />
Railway to explore the possibilites <strong>of</strong> using Jute<br />
Geo <strong>Textile</strong>s in Indian Railways.<br />
Welfare Schemes: Under Handloom Weavers<br />
Comprehensive Welfare Scheme, 16.11 lakh<br />
weavers and ancillary workers were provided Health<br />
Insurance coverage and 5.10 lakh with life insurance<br />
coverage. Under the Rajiv Gandhi Shilpi Swasthya<br />
Bima Yojana, 7.33 lakh artisans were provided with<br />
health insurance coverage.<br />
Skill Upgradation <strong>of</strong> Handicraft Artisans:<br />
1,00,155 Artisans were given assistance to<br />
upgrade skills and build capacity under the<br />
Ambedkar Hastshilp Vikas Yojana, the Human<br />
Resource Development and the Design &<br />
Technology Upgradation Schemes.<br />
Credit Linkages: 25,000 Artisan Credit Cards<br />
have been issued to artisans under the Credit<br />
Guarantee Scheme and over 1.65 lakh additional<br />
applications have been forwarded to concerned<br />
banks for consideration.<br />
Expenditure: Plan allocation <strong>of</strong> Rs. 4,500 crore<br />
has been utilized to the extent <strong>of</strong> Rs. 99.38 %.<br />
Consultative and Collaborative Policy<br />
Formulations: Having recognised the present<br />
multiple segments in <strong>Textile</strong>s sector, the process <strong>of</strong><br />
consultation and policy formulation undertaken<br />
with all the stake holders which has resulted in<br />
achieving higher growth trajectory for <strong>Textile</strong>s.<br />
04 <strong>Ministry</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Textile</strong>s<br />
<strong>Ministry</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Textile</strong>s 05
milestones | <strong>2009</strong>-10<br />
03 04<br />
milestones | <strong>2009</strong>-10<br />
Technology Upgradation<br />
Fund Scheme (TUFS)<br />
The Technology Upgradation Fund Scheme<br />
(TUFS), the flagship programme <strong>of</strong> the <strong>Ministry</strong><br />
<strong>of</strong> <strong>Textile</strong>s,has acted as a catalyst for attracting<br />
investment in the textiles sector . The scheme<br />
spans all the segments <strong>of</strong> the textiles industry.<br />
Major achievements during <strong>2009</strong>-10<br />
● Upto December <strong>2009</strong>, Rs. 6,964 crore have<br />
been disbursed against 1,898 applications. Thus<br />
so far under the scheme, Rs. 73,168 crore has<br />
been disbursed against 27,477 applications.<br />
● During <strong>2009</strong>-10, Rs. 2,836 crore was disbursed<br />
as subsidy, registering an increase <strong>of</strong> 9% as compared<br />
to previous year.<br />
● For the first time, the subsidy <strong>of</strong> Rs. 2,546 crore<br />
was released in a single tranche and the amount<br />
was credited to the bank accounts <strong>of</strong> beneficiaries<br />
Weaving (8%)<br />
Synthetic filament yarn<br />
texturising, crimping (3%)<br />
in a record time <strong>of</strong> 72 hours (3 working days).<br />
● For the first time, investment in the weaving sector<br />
increased by almost 337% reckoned on a year<br />
to year basis.<br />
Way Forward<br />
The Government will seek to re-orient the Scheme:<br />
To boost investment and upgrade technology in<br />
weaving, knitting and processing segments.<br />
To remove the maximum value cap <strong>of</strong> Rs. 8 lakh<br />
in respect <strong>of</strong> imported second hand automatic<br />
shuttleless looms.<br />
To boost investment in non-woven and<br />
technical textiles.<br />
To continue 20% MMS in lieu <strong>of</strong> 5% interest rate<br />
subsidy to encourage modernisation in the<br />
decentralised powerloom sector.<br />
Percentage share <strong>of</strong> major textile sectors in TUFS<br />
Composite<br />
Upgradation (22%)<br />
Cotton ginning &<br />
pressing (12%)<br />
E-Marketing Initiatives<br />
E-Marketing platform has been developed<br />
and launched by the Central Cottage<br />
Industries Corporation <strong>of</strong> India Ltd. (CCIC)<br />
and the Handicraft and Handlooms Export<br />
Corporation <strong>of</strong> India Ltd. (HHEC).<br />
CCIC and HHEC portals host more than 1,000<br />
wide ranging handicraft and handloom products<br />
with specifications, including origin and place <strong>of</strong><br />
production, along with high quality graphical<br />
Highlights<br />
display, with a single window gateway for<br />
procurement with fast and easy navigation in a<br />
customised interface.<br />
1,500 contemporary designs, freely<br />
downloadable, with technical details and regional<br />
language interface have been hosted on the<br />
websites <strong>of</strong> Office <strong>of</strong> Development Commissioner<br />
(Handlooms) & National Institute <strong>of</strong> Fashion<br />
Technology (NIFT).<br />
Websites e-Marketing Design Pool<br />
User Centric About 1,000 Products About 1,500 designs<br />
Interactive Customised interface Free downloadable Technical details<br />
Transparency E-payment Technical support and guidance<br />
Penetration/awareness Transaction Security Regional language support<br />
Multi Language Support Fast & Easy navigation --<br />
Online feedback On-line tracking <strong>of</strong> shipment --<br />
45,631 CCIC hits registered so far.<br />
Downloadable forms Rs. 30 lakh business generated --<br />
by HHEC through e-Marketing.<br />
Websites Central Cottage Industries O/o Development<br />
Corporation <strong>of</strong> India Ltd.<br />
Commissioner (Handlooms)<br />
www.cottageemporium.in<br />
www.handlooms.nic.in<br />
The Handicraft and Handlooms<br />
Export Corporation <strong>of</strong> India Ltd<br />
www.hheconline.in<br />
National Institute <strong>of</strong><br />
Fashion Technology<br />
www.nift.ac.in<br />
Spinning (39%)<br />
Processing <strong>of</strong> fibres, yarn<br />
fabrics, garments (10%)<br />
Garment<br />
manufacturing (6%)<br />
The <strong>Ministry</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Textile</strong>s website<br />
(http://ministry<strong>of</strong>textiles.gov.in) has been updated and<br />
made interactive and informative. Frequently Asked<br />
Questions (FAQs) about the Schemes along with<br />
Hyperlinks to websites <strong>of</strong> various Organisations under<br />
<strong>Ministry</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Textile</strong>s have also been updated.<br />
06 <strong>Ministry</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Textile</strong>s <strong>Ministry</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Textile</strong>s 07
milestones | <strong>2009</strong>-10<br />
05 07<br />
milestones | <strong>2009</strong>-10<br />
National Fibre Policy<br />
Indian <strong>Textile</strong> Sector is known for its versatility,<br />
diversity and horizontal and vertical linkages.<br />
No other country has so many supply chains<br />
across so many different fibres. With potential<br />
markets for each <strong>of</strong> the fibre products, it is indeed<br />
a tough proposition to decide upon the right mix<br />
<strong>of</strong> fibres.<br />
The domestic fibre consumption ratio in India at<br />
present is 41:59 (FY’09) in favour <strong>of</strong> cotton, while<br />
it is almost 60:40 globally. The global fibre<br />
consumption trend in future is likely to further tilt<br />
in favour <strong>of</strong> man-made fibres, as there is a<br />
limitation to growth <strong>of</strong> cotton on account <strong>of</strong> limited<br />
06<br />
Eco-friendly Technology<br />
In line with the UPA Government’s vision for sustainable<br />
development, financial assistance in<br />
putting up Effluent Treatment Plants in the existing<br />
<strong>Textile</strong>s Clusters has been initiated. Allocation<br />
for a ‘one time’ grant <strong>of</strong> Rs. 200 crore to 20<br />
Common Effluent Treatment Plants (CETPs)<br />
installed by Dyeing Units in Tirupur in Tamil Nadu<br />
availability <strong>of</strong> land for cotton cultivation.<br />
Thus, given the growing competition in global<br />
textile trade and the concomitant changes in the<br />
Indian textile sector, a National Fibre Policy is necessary.<br />
A national level Working Group was, therefore,<br />
constituted to formulate National Fibre Policy to<br />
address the issues <strong>of</strong> equitable use <strong>of</strong> all fibres to<br />
attain self sufficiency in the fibre base to meet both<br />
domestic and export demands. The draft Fibre<br />
Policy has been finalized and will be available<br />
shortly in public domain for wider consultation.<br />
has been, for the first time, made to ensure zero<br />
liquid discharge. This re-enforced financial support<br />
is aimed at up-scaling the current hosiery production<br />
<strong>of</strong> Rs. 17,000 crore to Rs. 30,000 crore in the<br />
country during the next five years. Efforts are also<br />
being undertaken to set up similar CETPs in all the<br />
Integrated <strong>Textile</strong> Parks and Mega Clusters.<br />
Cotton Sector:<br />
Improving Supply<br />
Chain Management<br />
Cotton is one <strong>of</strong> the principal crops<br />
and a major raw material for the textiles<br />
industry. India has traditionally been a<br />
cotton surplus country. The production in the cotton<br />
season <strong>2009</strong>-10 (October - September) is<br />
expected to increase to 292 lakh bales, compared<br />
to 290 lakh bales in the cotton<br />
season 2008-09.<br />
Despite adequate opening stock <strong>of</strong> 71.5 lakh<br />
bales at the inception <strong>of</strong> the current cotton season,<br />
the domestic demand coupled with rising<br />
demand for exports from China and other countries<br />
has resulted in an unprecedented increase in<br />
prices <strong>of</strong> cotton by 35 percent and <strong>of</strong> cotton yarn<br />
by 25 percent, creating supply line distortions<br />
and inadequate availability <strong>of</strong> yarn to the<br />
domestic garment industry.<br />
Measures taken to stabilise prices <strong>of</strong><br />
cotton and cotton yarn<br />
The Government took the following steps to stabilise<br />
the prices <strong>of</strong> cotton and cotton yarn and<br />
improved supply chain management:<br />
● Imposition <strong>of</strong> export duty <strong>of</strong> Rs. 2,500 per MT<br />
on cotton exports from the country w.e.f. April 09,<br />
<strong>2010</strong> to ensure carry forward <strong>of</strong> 50 lakh bales from<br />
the cotton season <strong>of</strong> <strong>2009</strong>-10.<br />
● Registration <strong>of</strong> yarn exports notified effective<br />
from April 9, <strong>2010</strong>, for monitoring data on yarn<br />
exports on real time basis.<br />
● Withdrawal <strong>of</strong> DEPB incentives on cotton yarn<br />
exports and withdrawal <strong>of</strong> Duty Drawback <strong>of</strong> 4%.<br />
The Cotton Balance Sheet<br />
for the Cotton Season <strong>2009</strong>-10<br />
Item Dec. <strong>2009</strong> Apr. <strong>2010</strong><br />
SUPPLY<br />
Opening stock 71.50 71.50<br />
Crop size 295.00 292.00<br />
Imports 7.00 7.00<br />
Total Availability 373.50 370.50<br />
DEMAND<br />
Mill consumption 207.00 207.00<br />
Small mill consumption 23.00 23.00<br />
Non-Mill consumption 20.00 20.00<br />
Total consumption 250.00 250.00<br />
Exports 55.00 80.00<br />
Total disappearance 305.00 330.00<br />
Carry Forward 68.50 40.50<br />
Quantity in lakh bales (170 kg each)<br />
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milestones | <strong>2009</strong>-10 milestones | <strong>2009</strong>-10<br />
National <strong>Textile</strong><br />
Corporation (NTC)<br />
08 09<br />
The National <strong>Textile</strong> Corporation (NTC) after<br />
implementation <strong>of</strong> modified revival scheme,<br />
at an estimated cost <strong>of</strong> Rs. 9,102 crore, has<br />
come out <strong>of</strong> red and is on a revival path. The year<br />
<strong>2009</strong>-10 has seen a total transformation in the<br />
fortunes <strong>of</strong> NTC.<br />
Major achievements during <strong>2009</strong>-10<br />
● 18 modernised mills have started functioning.<br />
● For the first time, 16 mills, after modernisation,<br />
have shown cash pr<strong>of</strong>it during March <strong>2010</strong>.<br />
● Revival <strong>of</strong> NTC Mills continued on fast track.<br />
● 7 modernised mills dedicated to the nation:<br />
Four mills at Coimbatore, viz. Cambodia Mill,<br />
Coimbatore Murugan Mill, Pankaja Mill and Sri<br />
Rangavilas Mill.<br />
TATA Mill, Poddar Mill and India United Mills<br />
No. 5 at Mumbai.<br />
● For the first time, Government budgetary<br />
support has been brought down to Nil during<br />
<strong>2009</strong>-10 from Rs.385 crore in 2001-02.<br />
● 10 NTC mills have been awarded ISO: 9000<br />
certification.<br />
● 2 full-fledged composite textile mills, i.e., Tata<br />
Turnover Rs (crore)<br />
Turnover<br />
600<br />
500<br />
400<br />
300<br />
200<br />
100<br />
412<br />
504<br />
Mills at Mumbai and Coimbatore Murugan Mills,<br />
Coimbatore established.<br />
● Productivity increased by 5.5%;<br />
● Capacity utilisation increased by 17.6%.<br />
● After modernisation, exports <strong>of</strong> yarn and<br />
cloth have started and exports <strong>of</strong> Rs.6.5 crore<br />
were made.<br />
Way Forward<br />
● 11 modernised mills, including 3 composite<br />
mills, to be dedicated to the nation.<br />
● Non-woven textile units at Beawar and<br />
Coimbatore to be set up.<br />
● Backward integration through setting up <strong>of</strong><br />
ginning units to ensure quality <strong>of</strong> raw material.<br />
● 92 showrooms to be revamped.<br />
● NTC will supply home furnishing material to<br />
Commonwealth Games Secretariat.<br />
● The process to evolve from a spinning company<br />
to an integrated textiles company, with spinning,<br />
weaving, processing and garmenting facilities, will<br />
be set rolling. In this perspective, NTC has drawn<br />
an ambitious plan to achieve a turnover <strong>of</strong><br />
Rs. 2,014 crore by 2014.<br />
Net Contribution to Wages<br />
Rs (crore)<br />
100<br />
80<br />
60<br />
40<br />
20<br />
36<br />
87<br />
The Scheme for<br />
Integrated <strong>Textile</strong><br />
Parks (SITP)<br />
The Scheme for Integrated <strong>Textile</strong><br />
Park (SITP) supplements the efforts <strong>of</strong><br />
the industry by providing the state-<strong>of</strong>-the-art<br />
infrastructural facilities on the basis <strong>of</strong> public<br />
private partnership mode. The Scheme has been<br />
a successful in setting up <strong>of</strong> already 40 parks.<br />
These parks when fully operationalised will attract<br />
an investment <strong>of</strong> Rs. 19,459 crore, annually produce<br />
goods worth Rs. 33,587 crore, and, more<br />
importantly, will provide employment to<br />
8.19 lakh people.<br />
Achievements during <strong>2009</strong>-10<br />
● Currently, 90% Government grants have been<br />
released for 17 Parks.<br />
● Infrastructure development has beencompleted<br />
in 5 Parks in <strong>2009</strong>-10 and production has<br />
commenced in 17 Parks.<br />
● The Gujarat Eco <strong>Textile</strong> Park, at Surat, Gujarat<br />
was inaugurated on September 9, <strong>2009</strong> and The<br />
Brandix India Apparel City <strong>Textile</strong>s Park,<br />
Vishakhapatnam was inaugurated on May 3, <strong>2010</strong>.<br />
● Two new Integrated <strong>Textile</strong> Parks are being set up<br />
in Andipatti (Theni) and Kanchipuram in Tamil Nadu.<br />
Way forward<br />
● Government is actively considering to setup<br />
additional parks under the Scheme for Integrated<br />
<strong>Textile</strong> Parks (SITP) at an estimated cost <strong>of</strong> Rs.<br />
2,000 crore by 2012.<br />
● The Baramati HiTech <strong>Textile</strong> Park, Baramati;<br />
Madurai Integrated <strong>Textile</strong> Park, Madurai;<br />
Dodballapur Integrated <strong>Textile</strong> Park, Bangalore<br />
and Jaipur Texweaving Park, Kishangarh are<br />
ready for inauguration.<br />
0<br />
2008-<strong>2009</strong> <strong>2009</strong>-<strong>2010</strong><br />
0<br />
2008-<strong>2009</strong> <strong>2009</strong>-<strong>2010</strong><br />
10 <strong>Ministry</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Textile</strong>s<br />
<strong>Ministry</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Textile</strong>s 11
milestones | <strong>2009</strong>-10 milestones | <strong>2009</strong>-10<br />
10 11<br />
Skill Development and<br />
Educational Initiatives<br />
Human Resource Development (HRD)<br />
There is a demand for a large labour force for<br />
textiles sector as the sector has been recognised<br />
as a thrust area for growth during the XI Five Year<br />
Plan period due to the sector’s potential to boost<br />
productivity, employment and investment.<br />
● An ambitious Skill Development Mission,<br />
formulated to train 30 lakh workers over a period<br />
<strong>of</strong> 5 years at a total outlay is Rs. 2,200 crore has<br />
been launched.<br />
● An Integrated Skill Development Scheme for<br />
the <strong>Textile</strong>s & Apparel Sector, including Jute &<br />
Handicrafts, leveraging the existing training<br />
infrastructure within the <strong>Ministry</strong>, on the one hand<br />
and private sector participation through a PPP<br />
Model, on the other.<br />
National Institute Of Fashion<br />
Technology (NIFT)<br />
The National Institute <strong>of</strong> Fashion Technology (NIFT)<br />
has pioneered the evolution <strong>of</strong> fashion business<br />
education across the country through its network<br />
<strong>of</strong> centres at New Delhi, Bengaluru, Chennai,<br />
Gandhinagar, Hyderabad, Kolkata, Mumbai, Patna,<br />
Bhopal, Shillong, Kannur and Kangra.<br />
● The NIFT Centre at Kangra in Himachal Pradesh<br />
was inaugurated on August 05, <strong>2009</strong>.<br />
● 20% priority to be given to the domicile<br />
applicants in State sponsored NIFT Centres.<br />
● OBC quota has been implemented as per<br />
directives <strong>of</strong> Government <strong>of</strong> India and Hon’ble<br />
Supreme Court with the results 600 additional<br />
students have been admitted.<br />
● Launched a Ph.D programme, a pioneering<br />
move by any institutions in the world <strong>of</strong> fashion.<br />
● The Bridge Programmes to convert Undergraduate<br />
and Post-graduate diplomas awarded by<br />
NIFT since 1986 till 2006 into degrees for<br />
students wishing to pursue higher education<br />
and requiring degrees for the purpose.<br />
● The Faculty Development Programme has also<br />
been initiated to provide trained faculty for the<br />
fashion sector in the country.<br />
● New NIFT Centres proposed at Bhubaneshwar<br />
(Orissa) and Jodhpur (Rajasthan).<br />
● NIFT Specility Centre to be set up at Coimbatore<br />
(Tamil Nadu).<br />
Sardar Vallabhhai Patel Institute <strong>of</strong><br />
<strong>Textile</strong>s Management (SVPITM)<br />
The Sardar Vallabhhai Patel Institute <strong>of</strong> <strong>Textile</strong>s<br />
Management (SVPITM) set up in 2002 at<br />
Coimbatore, Tamil Nadu, has been proposed to be<br />
upgraded to Indian School <strong>of</strong> <strong>Textile</strong>s and<br />
Business. The school will engage itself in research<br />
and consultancy to impart learning, create and disseminate<br />
knowledge about textiles in addition to<br />
focusing upon technology support systems on<br />
entire textile chain. It would also undertake comprehensive<br />
consultancy services for the industry.<br />
<strong>Textile</strong> Exports:<br />
On a Recovery Path<br />
India’s textiles and clothing industry is one <strong>of</strong> the<br />
mainstays <strong>of</strong> national economy. The thrust <strong>of</strong> the<br />
Government has been to empower the industry<br />
to face recessionary conditions and build up<br />
competitive edge at input stage.<br />
Achievement during <strong>2009</strong>-10<br />
● Despite recessionary conditions prevailing in<br />
major markets <strong>of</strong> textiles and clothing viz., US and<br />
EU, India’s textiles exports during April <strong>2009</strong>-<br />
January <strong>2010</strong> amounted to US $17.37 billion, registering<br />
an increase in their share in India’s total<br />
merchandise exports to 12.36% from last year’s<br />
share <strong>of</strong> 11.03%.<br />
● The overall import <strong>of</strong> textiles and clothing by<br />
USA declined by 13.22% in the first nine months <strong>of</strong><br />
financial year <strong>2009</strong>-10 staging an impressive<br />
recovery <strong>of</strong> 2.71 % over the corresponding period<br />
<strong>of</strong> previous year in the first two months <strong>of</strong> <strong>2010</strong>.<br />
India was ranked third in the US market, after<br />
China and Vietnam, with exports <strong>of</strong> US$ 4.86 billion<br />
in <strong>2009</strong>, registering a decline <strong>of</strong> about<br />
10.30% over previous year.<br />
India ranks third in the EU markets, after China and<br />
Turkey, with exports <strong>of</strong> US$ 8.27 billion in <strong>2009</strong>.<br />
In a ‘Look East Policy’, new markets like Latin<br />
America, Australia, South Africa were tapped to<br />
promote exports, in addition to consolidating<br />
existing markets like EU and US.<br />
● As part <strong>of</strong> initiative to capture new markets and<br />
consolidate traditional markets following mega<br />
shows were organised:<br />
A combined <strong>Textile</strong>s Exhibition in Brazil and<br />
Argentina in March <strong>2010</strong> by the Synthetic Rayon<br />
<strong>Textile</strong>s Export Promotion Council (SRTEPC).<br />
A Mega Show by the Cotton <strong>Textile</strong>s Export<br />
Promotion Council (TEXPROCIL) in association<br />
with other <strong>Textile</strong>s Export Promotion Councils in<br />
Australia in November <strong>2009</strong>.<br />
India International Fashion Fair (IIF) was held in<br />
July <strong>2009</strong> in Tokyo, Japan.<br />
A high level delegation participated in the<br />
‘MAGIC Apparel & Accessories Show’ at Las<br />
Vegas, USA from August 28, <strong>2009</strong> – September<br />
2, <strong>2009</strong>.<br />
<strong>Textile</strong> Exports during <strong>2009</strong>-<strong>2010</strong> (April to January)<br />
US$ 489.49 mn<br />
(Silk)<br />
US$ 133.51 mn (Coir)<br />
US$ 412.45 mn<br />
(Wool)<br />
US$ 179.16 mn (Jute)<br />
US$ 201.25 mn<br />
(Handlooms)<br />
US$ 749.53 mn<br />
(Handicrafts)<br />
US$ 3123.81 mn<br />
(Man-made &<br />
Artificial <strong>Textile</strong>s)<br />
US$ 8139.23 mn<br />
(Readymade Garments)<br />
US$ 3946.79 mn<br />
(Cotton <strong>Textile</strong>s)<br />
12 <strong>Ministry</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Textile</strong>s<br />
<strong>Ministry</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Textile</strong>s 13
milestones | <strong>2009</strong>-10<br />
12 13<br />
milestones | <strong>2009</strong>-10<br />
Technical <strong>Textile</strong>s:<br />
An emerging sector<br />
Technical textiles are materials and products<br />
used for their technical performance and<br />
functional properties. These products have<br />
a presence in major areas <strong>of</strong> activity such as, aerospace,<br />
shipping, sports, agriculture, defence, medicine/health,<br />
manufacturing, etc. Technical textiles<br />
are an emerging industry, with a huge potential to<br />
attract investment.<br />
Achievements during <strong>2009</strong>-10<br />
● Four Centres <strong>of</strong> Excellence (CoE) have been<br />
set up for Agrotech at Mumbai; Geotech at<br />
Ahmedabad; Meditech at Coimbatore; and<br />
Protech at Ghaziabad.<br />
● To attract investment in this segment <strong>of</strong><br />
textiles sector, 17 workshops, seminars and<br />
training programmes were organised in<br />
different parts <strong>of</strong> the country. Four National<br />
(TECHNOTEX-<strong>2009</strong>) workshops on Meditech<br />
on September 01, <strong>2009</strong>, Protech on September<br />
15, <strong>2009</strong>, Agrotech on September 18, <strong>2009</strong>,<br />
and Geotech on September 23, <strong>2009</strong> were<br />
organised in New Delhi.<br />
● To quicken the process <strong>of</strong> standards formulation<br />
by Bureau <strong>of</strong> Indian Standards (BIS), recommendations/draft<br />
standards on Geotech, Meditech,<br />
Agrotech and Protech segments had been forwarded<br />
to BIS.<br />
● Baseline survey <strong>of</strong> technical textiles industry in<br />
India conducted to create a comprehensive database<br />
<strong>of</strong> technical textiles units in the country. The details<br />
are hosted on website: www.technotex.gov.in.<br />
● 32 applications sanctioned under TUFS at a<br />
project cost <strong>of</strong> Rs.490.27 crore and Rs.180.85<br />
crore have been disbursed.<br />
Way Forward<br />
● Four Centres <strong>of</strong> Excellence (CoE) to be made<br />
fully functional by July 31, <strong>2010</strong>.<br />
● To create and sustain awareness amongst<br />
Government and industry about regulations and<br />
standards, 19 workshops will be organised in 11<br />
states.<br />
● Technology Mission on Technical <strong>Textile</strong>s (TMTT) will<br />
be launched in September <strong>2010</strong> at an outlay <strong>of</strong><br />
Rs.500 crore in 5 years, comprising four Mini Missions.<br />
Man-made <strong>Textile</strong>s<br />
India is the second largest producer <strong>of</strong> manmade<br />
fibres (MMF) in the world (World Fibre<br />
Report 2008). In Indian context, out <strong>of</strong> a total<br />
consumption <strong>of</strong> 4.74 billion kgs. <strong>of</strong> fibre, including<br />
cotton and man-made, 2.09 billion kgs, i.e 44% is<br />
manufactured by the man-made fibre and yarn<br />
industry. <strong>Textile</strong>s made <strong>of</strong> man-made fibres constitute<br />
about 16.4% <strong>of</strong> India’s total textiles exports.<br />
Way Forward<br />
● The domestic fibre consumption ratio in India at<br />
Production <strong>of</strong> Artificial and Man-made <strong>Textile</strong>s<br />
In Mn. Kg.<br />
3,000<br />
2,500<br />
2000<br />
1500<br />
1000<br />
500<br />
0<br />
Exports <strong>of</strong> MMF<br />
1,066<br />
1,266<br />
Manmade fibre<br />
1,418<br />
present is 41:59 (FY’09) in favour <strong>of</strong> cotton, while it<br />
is almost 60:40 globally. The global fibre consumption<br />
trend in future is likely to further tilt in favour <strong>of</strong><br />
man-made fibres as there is a limitation to growth<br />
<strong>of</strong> cotton on account <strong>of</strong> limited availability <strong>of</strong> land<br />
for cotton cultivation.<br />
● The impending National Fibre Policy will go a<br />
long way in driving the growth <strong>of</strong> the Indian textile<br />
industry in the future, both in domestic as well as<br />
export markets.<br />
1,520<br />
Manmade Filament yarn<br />
2008-09 <strong>2009</strong>-10 Percentage<br />
(Apr-Nov) (Apr-Nov) change<br />
Manmade fibre 79,913 99,050 23.95<br />
2,484<br />
2,786<br />
Total<br />
2008-09<br />
<strong>2009</strong>-10<br />
Manmade Filament yarn 70,719 62,827 -11.16<br />
Total 1,50,632 1,61,877 7.47<br />
Source: DGCIS Kolkata<br />
(Rs. in lakh)<br />
14 <strong>Ministry</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Textile</strong>s <strong>Ministry</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Textile</strong>s 15
milestones | <strong>2009</strong>-10<br />
14 15<br />
milestones | <strong>2009</strong>-10<br />
Sericulture and<br />
Silk <strong>Textile</strong>s<br />
India is endowed with all four varieties <strong>of</strong> silk:<br />
Mulberry, Eri, Tasar and Muga and the country<br />
is the second largest producer <strong>of</strong> silk in the<br />
world, contributing about 15% to the total world<br />
raw silk production. The focus <strong>of</strong> the Government<br />
is to increase the productivity and to make Indian<br />
silk comparable to that available internationally.<br />
Research and Development<br />
50 research projects were concluded<br />
resulting in generation <strong>of</strong> viable technologies<br />
and increasing the number <strong>of</strong> patents to the credit<br />
<strong>of</strong> Central Silk Board, Bengaluru.<br />
Catalytic Development<br />
Programme – The Flagship Programme<br />
2,40,300 beneficiaries were covered under the<br />
Women Health Insurance Scheme.<br />
Mulberry acreage expanded from the existing<br />
1.78 lakh hectares to around 1.90 lakh hectares<br />
Establishment <strong>of</strong> three Automatic reeling units in<br />
Mulberry and one Spun silk mill in Eri sectors in<br />
Chhattisgarh<br />
Skill Development Initiative<br />
8,611 persons trained to enhance their skill and<br />
efficiency.<br />
4,060 farmers exposed to new technologies and<br />
developments covering both cocoon & postcocoon<br />
sectors under Beneficiary Empowerment<br />
Programme (BEP).<br />
Exports<br />
Export earnings from silk goods for the period<br />
April-Dec-<strong>2009</strong> were Rs.2,123.86 crore.<br />
Employment<br />
The employment has increased by 5.6% i.e. to<br />
65.86 lakh in <strong>2009</strong>-10 as compared to 2008-09.<br />
Two Eri Spun Silk Mills, one at Kokrajhar (BTC,<br />
Assam) and the other at Chyagaon (Assam) were<br />
inaugurated creating forward linkage for the Eri<br />
cocoons produced in the State.<br />
Popularisation <strong>of</strong> Silk Mark<br />
22 lakhs quality labels sold<br />
6 exclusive silk expos organized in various<br />
Indian cities.<br />
Way Forward<br />
● Expansion <strong>of</strong> mulberry acreage from the<br />
existing 1.90 lakh hectares to around<br />
2.13 lakh hectares.<br />
● Additional 9,750 hectares to be brought under<br />
the irrigation net.<br />
● 45 certified multi-end reeling units to be set up in<br />
major reeling clusters.<br />
● 4 automatic reeling units to be set up in Mulberry<br />
and one Spun silk mill in Eri sectors.<br />
● 451 handlooms to be replaced and around<br />
1,860 loom to be upgradated.<br />
● CSB in association with Indian Space Research<br />
Organisation (ISRO), Bengaluru will take-up<br />
remote sensing imagery programme in eight<br />
selected districts in collaboration with North-<br />
Eastern Space Application Centre (NESAC),<br />
Shillong (Meghalaya) to assess the mulberry<br />
acreage in the country.<br />
Raw Silk Production<br />
Silk Raw Silk Production Percentage<br />
Sector 2008-<strong>2009</strong> <strong>2009</strong>-<strong>2010</strong> Increase<br />
Mulberry 15,610MT 16,315 MT 45.16<br />
Eri 2,038 MT 2,460 MT 20.7<br />
Tasar 603 MT 720 MT 19.4<br />
Muga 119 MT 105 MT (-)11.76<br />
TOTAL 18,370 MT 19,600 MT 6.70<br />
Jute and Jute<br />
<strong>Textile</strong>s<br />
Jute, the golden fibre, meets the standards<br />
for safe packaging in view <strong>of</strong> being a natural,<br />
renewable, bio-degradable and eco-friendly<br />
product. Jute has myriad applications besides<br />
packaging. The focus <strong>of</strong> the Government is to<br />
facilitate the industry to modernise and shift its<br />
focus to diversified jute products.<br />
Major achievements during <strong>2009</strong>-10<br />
National Jute Board (NJB)<br />
● A National Jute Board Act has been established<br />
w.e.f. April 01, <strong>2010</strong>. The National Jute Board will<br />
effect synergy in the activities <strong>of</strong> various organisations<br />
in the jute sector.<br />
Jute Technology Mission<br />
Mini Mission III: To provide marketing outlets<br />
and prevent distress sale <strong>of</strong> jute by jute farmers.<br />
Three market yards at Champadanga,<br />
Bethuadahari, Karimnagar in West Bengal and one<br />
at Kharupetai in Assam were set up.<br />
Mini Mission IV<br />
● Human Resource Development: 3,048<br />
Master Trainers and Supervisors in the mill sector<br />
were trained; they in turn will train another 15,000<br />
workers over the next year.<br />
6,300 artisans were trained by NGOs in 530<br />
Womens’ Self Help Groups (SHGs).<br />
40 Jute Raw Material Banks have been<br />
established.<br />
794 training programmes were organised by 29<br />
Jute Service Centre benefiting 17,000 artisans.<br />
262 Jute Diversified Products (JDP) units<br />
were set up.<br />
● Crop Improvement: 400 MT <strong>of</strong> certified<br />
seeds were distributed at subsidised rates through<br />
the Jute Corporation <strong>of</strong> India Limited (JCI) outlets.<br />
● Supply Chain Management: Retail outlets<br />
opened in 3 metros and buyer-seller-meets (BSM)<br />
organised road shows. Bulk orders for jute carry<br />
bags were received in Delhi and at tourist<br />
destinations <strong>of</strong> Vaishno Devi and Goa.<br />
● Export Promotion: Organised trade<br />
delegations to regain ‘lost markets’ such as South<br />
America, which resulted in immediate response and<br />
confirmed orders even in a recessionary market.<br />
● Modernisation and Upgradation <strong>of</strong><br />
Technology: Upper limit <strong>of</strong> subsidy to an old mill<br />
for modernisation <strong>of</strong> machinery has been raised<br />
16 <strong>Ministry</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Textile</strong>s <strong>Ministry</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Textile</strong>s 17
milestones | <strong>2009</strong>-10<br />
16<br />
milestones | <strong>2009</strong>-10<br />
from Rs.75 lakh to Rs.350 lakh. For modernisation<br />
<strong>of</strong> mill in North East Region and new mills upper<br />
limit <strong>of</strong> subsidy raised to Rs.400 lakh.<br />
● Jute Parks: Setting up <strong>of</strong> Jute Parks at<br />
Purnea (Bihar) and Raiganj (West Bengal)<br />
commenced.<br />
● Jute Geo <strong>Textile</strong>s: The International Project<br />
on “Development and Application <strong>of</strong> Potentially<br />
Important Jute Geotextiles” (JGT) launched in India<br />
and Bangladesh.<br />
<strong>Ministry</strong> <strong>of</strong> Rural Development will construct<br />
1,000 kms. <strong>of</strong> rural roads using JGT.<br />
The Indian Railways have accepted the suggestions<br />
<strong>of</strong> <strong>Ministry</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Textile</strong>s to explore the possibility<br />
<strong>of</strong> using Geotextiles wherever the soil formation<br />
<strong>of</strong> the railway track is unsuitable and weak.<br />
● National Jute Manufactures Corporation<br />
(NJMC)<br />
The Government on March 19, <strong>2010</strong>, approved the<br />
revival <strong>of</strong> National Jute Manufactures Corporation<br />
(NJMC) Limited. The revival package includes running<br />
<strong>of</strong> three mills viz, Kinison, Khardah in West<br />
Bengal and Rai Bhadur Hardutt Mill (RBHM), Katihar<br />
(Bihar) <strong>of</strong> NJMC out <strong>of</strong> six closed mills. The revived<br />
mills will operate as model modernised mills and<br />
produce 82,500 MT <strong>of</strong> packaging material every<br />
year. This will meet about 8% <strong>of</strong> the total<br />
demand by jute packaging material by<br />
Government agency.<br />
Way Forward<br />
● To provide remunerative prices to jute farmers<br />
and prevent distress sale, the Jute Corporation <strong>of</strong><br />
India Limited (JCI) will procure 10 lakh bales under<br />
Commercial Operation.<br />
● The National Jute Board and Jute Corporation<br />
<strong>of</strong> India Limited (JCI) will facilitate development <strong>of</strong><br />
new machinery and retting technologies to<br />
increase the efficiency <strong>of</strong> work processes and jute<br />
extraction.<br />
● Diversified Jute Products (JDP) will be<br />
popularised, highlighting their natural sustainability,<br />
in national and international markets.<br />
● Emphasis will be given to transfer <strong>of</strong> modern<br />
technologies to farm sector for increasing<br />
production and productivity <strong>of</strong> raw jute.<br />
● Special emphasis will be given to distribution<br />
<strong>of</strong> certified seeds by JCI before the commencement<br />
<strong>of</strong> next sowing season by utilising the existing<br />
infrastructure facilities available at village<br />
and block levels.<br />
Handlooms<br />
India has the largest handlooms industry in the<br />
world. The handloom sector, with a long tradition<br />
<strong>of</strong> excellence in craftsmanship, not only plays an<br />
important role in preserving the country's heritage<br />
and culture, it also makes a major contribution to<br />
the economy. About 65 lakh persons are engaged<br />
in weaving and associated activities. There are<br />
32,88,556 household looms, and 1,97,752<br />
non-household looms.<br />
Major Achievements during <strong>2009</strong>-10<br />
● Recognising the Indian handloom traditions for<br />
the first time, Smt. Pratibha Devisingh Patil, the<br />
President, released four postage stamps on<br />
Traditional Indian <strong>Textile</strong>s depictions Banarsi Silk,<br />
Kancheepuram Silk, Kalamkari and Apa Tani<br />
Weaves on December 12, <strong>2009</strong>.<br />
● Sant Kabir Award was instituted to<br />
honour 10 outstanding weavers, and recognise<br />
10 innovative products <strong>of</strong> high level <strong>of</strong><br />
excellence created by them.<br />
Marketing<br />
● Niche handloom products were provided a<br />
marketing platform through 561 marketing<br />
events; the first Handloom Week was organised<br />
from December 21-27, <strong>2009</strong>. these measures<br />
generated a business <strong>of</strong> over Rs.340 crore.<br />
Integrated Handlooms Cluster<br />
Development Scheme (IHCD)<br />
● 52 new clusters were taken up in <strong>2009</strong>-10<br />
benefiting 11 lakh weavers<br />
Mega Clusters<br />
● The Government has taken up mega clusters at<br />
Varanasi (Uttar Pradesh), Sibsagar (Assam),<br />
Virudhunagar (Tamil Nadu) and Mushirdabad (West<br />
Bengal) to develop world-class infrastructural and<br />
production facilities at handloom clusters with a<br />
Sales during Marketing Events<br />
Weavers Benefitted under IHCD<br />
Rs. in Crore<br />
400<br />
300<br />
200<br />
100<br />
220<br />
340<br />
No. in Lakh<br />
12<br />
10<br />
8<br />
6<br />
4<br />
2<br />
7<br />
11<br />
0<br />
2008-<strong>2009</strong> <strong>2009</strong>-<strong>2010</strong><br />
0<br />
2008-<strong>2009</strong> <strong>2009</strong>-<strong>2010</strong><br />
18 <strong>Ministry</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Textile</strong>s <strong>Ministry</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Textile</strong>s 19
milestones | <strong>2009</strong>-10<br />
milestones | <strong>2009</strong>-10<br />
minimum <strong>of</strong> 5,000 looms through the adoption <strong>of</strong> a<br />
Comprehensive Handloom Cluster Development<br />
approach and Rs.70 crore has been earmarked for<br />
development <strong>of</strong> each cluster.<br />
Varanasi Mega Cluster<br />
In this mega cluster, Common Facility Centres<br />
(CFCs), Value Addition Centre and Marketing<br />
Centre are being set up by three Special Purpose<br />
Vehicles (SPVs).<br />
● Raw Material Bank is being set up to ensure<br />
timely availability <strong>of</strong> the requisite quality <strong>of</strong> yarn<br />
to weavers.<br />
Sibsagar Mega Cluster<br />
For this cluster, diagnostic study has been<br />
completed and Detailed Project Report (DPR) has<br />
been approved and expression <strong>of</strong> interest is being<br />
invited from the SPVs for setting up <strong>of</strong> CFCs.<br />
Murshidabad and Virudhunagar<br />
For the Murshidabad and Virudhunagar clusters,<br />
diagnostic study is in progress and it will be<br />
finalised shortly.<br />
Handloom Weavers’ Comprehensive<br />
Welfare Scheme<br />
● 16.11 lakh weavers and ancillary workers enrolled<br />
under the Health Insurance Scheme against a target<br />
No. in thousand<br />
Scholarships under MGBBY<br />
80000<br />
60000<br />
40000<br />
20000<br />
59,173<br />
72,793<br />
<strong>of</strong> 14.31 lakh weavers. This includes 4.76 lakh in<br />
the North Eastern Region (NER).<br />
● More than 50.27 lakh cashless claims (OPD<br />
and IPD) settled under the Health Insurance<br />
Scheme worth Rs.186.93 crore (w.r.t. the claims<br />
received upto date for policies <strong>of</strong> years 2007-08<br />
and 2008-09).<br />
● 5.10 lakh weavers and ancillary workers enrolled<br />
under the Mahatma Gandhi Bunkar Bima Yojana<br />
(MGBBY) for Life Insurance Cover.<br />
● Scholarships worth Rs.6.87 crore distributed to<br />
children <strong>of</strong> handloom weavers in 72,793 cases in<br />
<strong>2009</strong>-10 under the Mahatma Gandhi Bunkar Bima<br />
Yojana (MGBBY). Out <strong>of</strong> total budget <strong>of</strong> Rs.120<br />
crore, released 99.84% (Rs.119.81 crore) out <strong>of</strong><br />
which Rs.39.89 crore is for NER (33%).<br />
Mill Gate Price Scheme (MGPS)<br />
● 1,080 lakh kg. yarn valuing Rs. 987 crore has<br />
been supplied during <strong>2009</strong>-10 as compared to<br />
855.12 lakh kg yarn valuing Rs. 793.78 crore<br />
during 2008-09.<br />
Providing Easy Access to contemporary<br />
and innovative designs<br />
● 1,150 designs made freely available through<br />
National Centre for <strong>Textile</strong>s Design (NCTD)<br />
website: www.designdiary.nic.in. 1.11 lakh<br />
hits registered so far.<br />
Yarn supplied under MGPS<br />
In lakh Kg.<br />
1200<br />
1000<br />
800<br />
600<br />
400<br />
200<br />
855<br />
1,080<br />
New designs <strong>of</strong> Handloom Mark labels<br />
● Handloom Schemes hosted on website:<br />
www.handlooms.nic.in in 14 Regional languages<br />
which include English, Hindi, Tamil, Telugu, Kannada,<br />
Assamese, Urdu, Bangla, Gujarati & and Khasi.<br />
● E-Marketing linkage provided to products <strong>of</strong><br />
20 clusters<br />
● Design Studio in handloom Sector was set up at<br />
Shantipur, West Bengal to benefit 4,000 weavers.<br />
As against 400 designs produced earlier, 4,000<br />
contemporary and innovative designs will be<br />
developed.<br />
Branding<br />
● The Handloom Mark certifies the authenticity <strong>of</strong><br />
the products woven on handlooms and ensures<br />
that unique handloom products are not replicated<br />
by cheap imitations and be sold as handlooms.<br />
● Four different types <strong>of</strong> Handloom Mark labels<br />
are now available for domestic sale while for<br />
attachment on exportable products, the words<br />
“Hand Woven in India” are used.<br />
● Upto March <strong>2010</strong>, 1.47 crore Handloom Mark<br />
labels have been sold, <strong>of</strong> which 32.61 lakh labels<br />
were sold during <strong>2009</strong>-10.<br />
● The new Handloom Mark Website, i.e.,<br />
www.handloommark.gov.in launched 7,716<br />
visitors so far.<br />
● Third Census <strong>of</strong> handloom weavers and allied<br />
workers initiated in <strong>2009</strong>-10 after 15 years, will be<br />
completed by September <strong>2010</strong>.<br />
● Photo Identity Cards will be issued to all<br />
handloom weavers and ancillary workers.<br />
0<br />
2008-<strong>2009</strong> <strong>2009</strong>-<strong>2010</strong><br />
0<br />
2008-<strong>2009</strong> <strong>2009</strong>-<strong>2010</strong><br />
20 <strong>Ministry</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Textile</strong>s <strong>Ministry</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Textile</strong>s 21
milestones | <strong>2009</strong>-10<br />
17<br />
milestones | <strong>2009</strong>-10<br />
Handicrafts<br />
Handicrafts symbolise the rich and diverse culture<br />
heritage <strong>of</strong> the country. The handicraft<br />
sector provides employment to an estimated<br />
70 lakh artisans, <strong>of</strong> which 47.42% are females;<br />
24.73% <strong>of</strong> handicraft artisans belong to Scheduled<br />
Castes, and 12.33% to Scheduled Tribes.<br />
Major achievements during <strong>2009</strong>-10<br />
Mega Clusters<br />
Government announced the development <strong>of</strong><br />
world-class infrastructural and production facilities<br />
at handicrafts, clusters through adoption <strong>of</strong> the<br />
Comprehensive Cluster Development approach, at<br />
Narsapur (Andhra Pradesh), Moradabad (Uttar<br />
Pradesh), Srinagar (Jammu & Kashmir) and<br />
Mirzapur-Bhadohi (Uttar Pradesh).<br />
● Moradabad mega cluster: 6 new projects with<br />
the project cost <strong>of</strong> Rs.57.55 crore have been sanctioned<br />
to 6 Special Purpose Vehicles (SPVs), with<br />
Government <strong>of</strong> India investment <strong>of</strong> Rs.50.21 crore.<br />
● Mirzapur-Bhadohi and Srinagar carpet mega<br />
clusters: Cluster Management and Technology<br />
Agencies (CMTAs) have been appointed. Work for<br />
preparation <strong>of</strong> detailed project report (DPRs) for<br />
Srinagar, Bhadohi - Mirzapur mega clusters had<br />
been assigned.<br />
● Narsapur mega cluster: 4 new projects<br />
with project cost <strong>of</strong> Rs.41.87 crore have<br />
Skill Upgradation<br />
120000<br />
100000<br />
80000<br />
60000<br />
40000<br />
20000<br />
0<br />
5,800<br />
11,740<br />
3,817<br />
8,135<br />
85,300<br />
22,600<br />
1,05,175<br />
32,217<br />
DTU HRD AHVY Total<br />
2008-09 <strong>2009</strong>-10 Number <strong>of</strong> Trainees<br />
Design & Technology Upgradation Scheme (DTU), Human Resource<br />
Development (HRD) and Ambedkar Hastshilp Vikas Yojana (AHVY)<br />
been sanctioned to 4 SPVs with Government’s<br />
investment <strong>of</strong> Rs.35.05 crore.<br />
Skill Upgradation and Capacity Building<br />
In pursuance <strong>of</strong> commitment made in the ‘Agenda<br />
for 100 Days’ that measures will be taken to<br />
upgrade skill and build capacity <strong>of</strong> artisans, the<br />
<strong>Ministry</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Textile</strong>s undertook steps to train<br />
1,05,175 artisans under Design & Technology<br />
Upgradation Scheme(DTU), Human Resource<br />
Development (HRD) and Ambedkar Hastshilp Vikas<br />
Yojana (AHVY). Against this, 52,155 artisans have<br />
completed the training, as compared to 32,217<br />
artisans in 2008-09.<br />
● The <strong>Ministry</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Textile</strong>s provided free access<br />
to 1,000 new designs provided in public domain<br />
through the website <strong>of</strong> NCDPDwww.handicraftdesignbank.com<br />
● The concurrent assessment by Ernst & Young <strong>of</strong><br />
the skill upgradation <strong>of</strong> 4,000 artisans and capacity<br />
building interventions implemented by NCDPD. The<br />
course has been rated at 4.79 on a scale <strong>of</strong> 5.<br />
Handicraft Exports<br />
The handicrafts exports had witnessed a serious<br />
down turn due to recessionary trends in major<br />
markets. However, from September <strong>2009</strong><br />
onwards monthly exports <strong>of</strong> handicrafts had<br />
Rs in crore<br />
Handicraft Exports<br />
12000<br />
9000<br />
6000<br />
3000<br />
0<br />
10,892<br />
11,224<br />
2008-<strong>2009</strong> <strong>2009</strong>-<strong>2010</strong><br />
witnessed an upward trend in rupee terms – an<br />
outcome <strong>of</strong> the stimulus measures as well as effective<br />
programmmes implemented by the <strong>Ministry</strong>.<br />
Initiatives to Boost Exports<br />
● Jaipur, Srinagar and Anantnag have been<br />
designated as Towns <strong>of</strong> Export Excellence.<br />
● For the first time, a cluster level Reverse Buyer-<br />
Seller Meet was organised at Jodhpur for woodware<br />
in March <strong>2010</strong>. Over 450 buyers visited and business<br />
enquiries <strong>of</strong> Rs.120 crore were generated.<br />
● Export Promotion Capital Goods at zero<br />
percentage custom duty for technological<br />
upgradation. 5% duty credit scrip extended to all<br />
handicraft products and handmade carpets under<br />
the Focus Product Scheme, including new and<br />
innovative items under the “residual” category.<br />
● Facilitated participation by craftpersons and<br />
entrepreneurs in 65 international events, including<br />
participation in the Shanghai World Expo.<br />
Welfare Measures<br />
● Under the Rajiv Gandhi Shilpi Swasthya Bima<br />
Yojana (RGSSBY), 8,02,514 artisanal families<br />
provided health coverage. 290 health camps<br />
organised<br />
● An independent mid-plan evaluation <strong>of</strong> the Health<br />
Scheme has revealed that number <strong>of</strong> days <strong>of</strong><br />
absenteeism <strong>of</strong> beneficiary has come down by 10-<br />
15 days. Absenteeism <strong>of</strong> school children has also<br />
reduced and productivity <strong>of</strong> women provided benefits<br />
under the scheme has increased.<br />
Marketing Support<br />
● 252 domestic marketing events organized benefiting<br />
24,027 artisans and generating sales <strong>of</strong> over<br />
Rs.92 crore.<br />
● Gandhi Shilp Bazaars at 1.4 locations held every<br />
day in some part <strong>of</strong> the country, where craftsmen<br />
showcase and sell their products without the<br />
involvement <strong>of</strong> middlemen.<br />
● 7 Sourcing shows organised. More than 350<br />
cluster groups participated in these shows and<br />
business worth Rs 6.78 crore generated.<br />
Marketing Support<br />
Avg. sale per artisan in rupees<br />
34,000<br />
38,000<br />
2008-<strong>2009</strong> <strong>2009</strong>-<strong>2010</strong><br />
Geographical Indication<br />
● 9 more crafts registered for Geographical<br />
Indication increasing the number <strong>of</strong> the crafts registered<br />
so far from 24 to 33. The 9 crafts registered<br />
include Budithi Bell & Brass metal, Kalamkari machilipatnam,<br />
Nirmal Toys from Andhra Pradesh, Bastar<br />
Iron Craft, Bastar Dhokra & Bastar Wooden carving<br />
from Chattisgarh, Pipli Applique work, Konark Stone<br />
Carving & Orissa Pattachitra from Orissa.<br />
Ambedkar Hastshilp Vikas Yojana<br />
● 123 new projects sanctioned covering 58,000<br />
artisans, cumulativly benefitting 2.26 lakh artisans<br />
under 615 cluster development initiatives.<br />
● Over 1.65 lakh applications submitted to various<br />
commercial banks in clusters, out <strong>of</strong> which 27,644<br />
Artisan Credit Cards (ACC) cards have been issued<br />
to artisans facilitating availability <strong>of</strong> Rs 65 crore <strong>of</strong><br />
credit<br />
● 4,58,441 Identity cards issued to artisans. This is<br />
the highest number <strong>of</strong> cards issued in a single year.<br />
● A dedicated website devloped for providing<br />
marketing support on sustainable basis covering<br />
500 clusters, hosting 23,000 products.<br />
● Three Resource centers sanctioned for<br />
Terracotta, Cane & Bamboo crafts and traditional<br />
painting crafts.<br />
Way Forward<br />
● 50,000 artisans will be empowered through<br />
skill up-gradation, design and s<strong>of</strong>t skills<br />
interventions.<br />
● Rs.110 crore to be generated through sale <strong>of</strong><br />
handicrafts through events like Gandhi Shilp<br />
Bazars, Exhibitions and Sourcing shows<br />
● Health insurance coverage to be extended to<br />
8.40 lakh artisanal families.<br />
● Issuance <strong>of</strong> 40,000 artisan credit cards through<br />
different banks to facilitate credit sanction <strong>of</strong><br />
Rs.100-120 crore in <strong>2010</strong>-11.<br />
22 <strong>Ministry</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Textile</strong>s <strong>Ministry</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Textile</strong>s 23
milestones | <strong>2009</strong>-10<br />
18<br />
Fabric and Yarn Production<br />
Production <strong>of</strong> Fabrics in Powerloom Sector<br />
Production <strong>of</strong> Fabrics in Handloom Sector<br />
40000<br />
30000<br />
33,648<br />
36,539<br />
7500<br />
6000<br />
6,677<br />
6,788<br />
Mn. Sq. Mtrs.<br />
20000<br />
Mn. Sq. Mtrs.<br />
4500<br />
3000<br />
10000<br />
1500<br />
0<br />
2008-09 <strong>2009</strong>-<strong>2010</strong><br />
0<br />
2008-09 <strong>2009</strong>-<strong>2010</strong><br />
Production <strong>of</strong> Fabrics in Hosiery Sector<br />
Production <strong>of</strong> Spun Yarn<br />
14000<br />
13000<br />
13,581<br />
5000<br />
4000<br />
3,914<br />
4,188<br />
12,077<br />
Mn. Sq. Mtrs.<br />
12000<br />
11000<br />
Mn. Kg.<br />
3000<br />
2000<br />
10000<br />
10000<br />
0<br />
2008-09 <strong>2009</strong>-<strong>2010</strong><br />
0<br />
2008-09 <strong>2009</strong>-<strong>2010</strong><br />
24 <strong>Ministry</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Textile</strong>s