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<strong>PARK</strong> <strong>HILL</strong> <strong>SCHOOL</strong> <strong>DISTRICT</strong><br />

<strong>FINANCIAL</strong> <strong>STATEMENTS</strong><br />

<strong>with</strong><br />



For Fiscal Year Ended June 30, 2011


Page<br />

List of Principal Officers 1<br />

Independent Auditor’s Report 2-3<br />


Management’s Discussion and Analysis 4-11<br />

BASIC <strong>FINANCIAL</strong> <strong>STATEMENTS</strong><br />

Government-Wide Financial Statements:<br />

Statement of Net Assets - Modified Cash Basis 12<br />

Statement of Activities - Modified Cash Basis 13<br />

Fund Financial Statements:<br />

Balance Sheet - Modified Cash Basis - Governmental Funds 14<br />

Combined Statement of Revenues, Expenditures and Changes in 15<br />

Fund Balances - Modified Cash Basis<br />

Notes to Basic Financial Statements 16-32<br />


Fund Financial Statements:<br />

Budgetary Comparison - Modified Cash Basis - General Fund 34<br />

Budgetary Comparison - Modified Cash Basis - Special Revenue Fund 35<br />

Notes to Required Supplementary Information 36<br />


Budgetary Comparison - Modified Cash Basis - Debt Service Fund 38<br />

Budgetary Comparison - Modified Cash Basis - Capital Projects Fund 39<br />

Schedule of Revenues Collected by Source 40<br />

Schedule of Expenditures Paid by Object 41<br />

Schedule of Bonded Indebtedness 42<br />


Report on Internal Control Over Financial Reporting and on Compliance 44-45<br />

and Other Matters Based on an Audit of Financial Statements Performed<br />

in Accordance <strong>with</strong> Governmental Auditing Standards.<br />

Independent Auditors’ Report on Compliance <strong>with</strong> Requirements that Could Have 46-47<br />

a Direct and Material Effect on Each Major Program and on Internal Control Over<br />

Compliance in Accordance <strong>with</strong> OMB Circular No. A-133<br />

Schedule of Expenditures of Federal Awards 48<br />

Notes to Schedule of Expenditures of Federal Awards 49<br />

Schedule of Findings and Questioned Costs 50-51<br />

Schedule of Resolutions of Prior Year Audit Findings 52<br />


Independent Auditor’s Report on Management’s Assertions About 54<br />

Compliance <strong>with</strong> Specific Requirements of Missouri Laws and Regulations<br />

Schedule of Selected Statistics 55-56<br />

Schedule of Transportation Costs Eligible for State Aid 57<br />


<strong>PARK</strong> <strong>HILL</strong> <strong>SCHOOL</strong> <strong>DISTRICT</strong><br />

Kansas City, Missouri<br />


Denise Schnell, President<br />

Todd Fane, Member<br />

David Cox, Member<br />

Rick Turley, Member<br />

Janice Bolin, Vice President & Treasurer<br />

Boon Lee, Member<br />

Susan Newburger, Member<br />


Dr. Dennis Fisher<br />

Superintendent<br />

Dr. Mark Frost<br />

Asst. Superintendent, Human Resources<br />

Dr. Mark Miles<br />

Deputy Superintendent<br />

Della Wooddell, Board Secretary<br />

Dr. Paul Kelly, Asst. Superintendent<br />

for Business Services and Technology<br />

Dr. Jeff Klein<br />

Asst. Superintendent, Academic Services<br />

Dr. Jeanette Cowherd<br />

Asst. to the Superintendent<br />

Mary Carrier, Accounting Coordinator<br />


Dr. Brad Kincheloe<br />

Park Hill High School<br />

Dr. Becky Kiefer<br />

Lakeview Middle School<br />

Lezlee Ivy<br />

Plaza Middle School<br />

Diane Simpson<br />

Southeast Elementary<br />

Dr. Jay Niceswanger<br />

Prairie Point Elementary<br />

Sandra Hemaya<br />

Hawthorn Elementary<br />

Dr. Kerry Roe<br />

English Landing Elementary<br />

Stephanie Amaya<br />

Park Hill Day School<br />

Dr. Dale Longenecker<br />

Park Hill South High School<br />

Dr. Tim Todd<br />

Congress Middle School<br />

Dr. Steve Archer<br />

Union Chapel Elementary<br />

Dr. Teresa Tulipana<br />

Renner Elementary<br />

Betsy Greim<br />

Line Creek Elementary<br />

Dr. LuAnn Halverstadt<br />

Graden Elementary<br />

Shawn Fitzmorris<br />

Chinn Elementary<br />

Dr. Angela Currey<br />

Early Childhood Education Center<br />


Board of Education<br />

Park Hill School District<br />

Kansas City, Missouri<br />

We have applied certain limited procedures to the required supplementary information in accordance <strong>with</strong><br />

auditing standards generally accepted in the United States of America, which consisted of inquiries of<br />

management about the methods of preparing the information and comparing the information for consistency<br />

<strong>with</strong> management’s responses to our inquiries, the basic financial statements, and other knowledge we<br />

obtained during our audit of the basic financial statements. We do not express an opinion or provide any<br />

assurance on the information because the limited procedures do not provide us <strong>with</strong> sufficient evidence to<br />

express an opinion or provide any assurance.<br />

Our audit was conducted for the purpose of forming opinions on the financial statements that collectively<br />

comprise the District’s basic financial statements. The other supplementary information is presented for<br />

purposes of additional analysis and is not a required part of the basic financial statements. The schedule of<br />

expenditures of federal awards is presented for purposes of additional analysis as required by U.S. Office<br />

of Management and Budget Circular A-133, Audits of States, Local Governments, and Non-Profit<br />

Organizations, and is also not a required part of the basic financial statements. The other supplementary<br />

information and the schedule of expenditures of federal awards are the responsibility of management and<br />

were derived from and relate directly to the underlying accounting and other records used to prepare the<br />

financial statements. The information has been subjected to the auditing procedures applied in the audit of<br />

the basic financial statements and certain additional procedures, including comparing and reconciling such<br />

information directly to the underlying accounting and other records used to prepare the financial statements<br />

or to the financial statements themselves, and other additional procedures in accordance <strong>with</strong> auditing<br />

standards generally accepted in the United States of America. In our opinion, the information is fairly stated<br />

in all material respects in relation to the basic financial statements as a whole.<br />

Kansas City, Missouri<br />

October 21, 2011<br />

Marr and Company, P.C.<br />

Certified Public Accountants<br />


<strong>PARK</strong><strong>HILL</strong> <strong>SCHOOL</strong> <strong>DISTRICT</strong><br />

Kansas City, Missouri<br />


June 30, 2011<br />

The discussion and analysis of the Park Hill School District financial performance provides an overview<br />

of the district's financial activities for the fiscal year ended June 30, 2011. The intent of this discussion and<br />

analysis is to look at the district's performance as a whole. Readers should also review the basic financial<br />

statements which begin on page 12, and notes to the basic financial statements which begin on page 16 to<br />

enhance their understanding of the district's performance.<br />

The Management's Discussion and Analysis (MD&A) is an element of the reporting model adopted by the<br />

Governmental Accounting Standards Board (GASB) in their latest Statement No. 34, Basic Financial<br />

Statements and Management's Discussion and Analysis for State and Local Governments, issued in 1999.<br />

<strong>FINANCIAL</strong> HIGHLIGHTS<br />

Revenue<br />

Total district revenues amount to $142.9 million.<br />

· Operating and Bond revenues accounted for $128.9 million or 90.2% of the total revenue.<br />

· Debt service revenue accounted for $14.0 million or 9.8% of the total revenue.<br />

Primary district revenue sources include:<br />

· Local revenues, primarily tax receipts, totaled $96.3 million or 67.3% of the total revenue.<br />

· County revenues, primarily from state assessed utilities, totaled $3.4 million or 2.4% of the total revenue.<br />

· State aid, primarily basic foundation formula, entitlements and grants totaled $21.0 million or 14.7% of the<br />

total revenue.<br />

· Federal revenue, primarily IDEA, title funds and food service funds totaled $7.6 million or 5.3% of the total<br />

revenue.<br />

· Other revenue, primarily the sale of general obligation bonds <strong>with</strong>in the capital projects fund, and the<br />

refinancing of debt <strong>with</strong>in the debt service fund totaled $14.6 million or 10.2% of the total revenue.<br />

Expenditures<br />

District expenses totaled $130.5 million. Primary district expenditures include:<br />

· Instruction expenditures totaled $63.3 million or 48.5% of the total expenses.<br />

· Support services (Instructional) expenditures totaled $47.3 million or 36.3% of the total expenses.<br />

· Non-Instructional Support Services totaled $5.3 million or 4.1% of the total expenses.<br />

· Debt Service expenditures totaled $14.5 million or 11.1% of the total expenses.<br />

Net Assets<br />

Net assets at the end of the year totaled $44.5 million. This was an increase in net assets from the prior year<br />

by $12.5 million. This increase was primarily due to the sale of $10 million in general obligation bonds in<br />

June, 2011 and the receipt of $1.3 million in Federal Jobs Bill funds in May, 2011.<br />

Balances<br />

Unrestricted operating reserves totaled $21.1 million as of June 30, 2011 and represented a decrease of<br />

9.6% from June 30, 2010. Unrestricted operating reserves as a percentage of the operating expenditures<br />

equaled 19.1% as of June 30, 2011.<br />


<strong>PARK</strong><strong>HILL</strong> <strong>SCHOOL</strong> <strong>DISTRICT</strong><br />

Kansas City, Missouri<br />


June 30, 2011<br />

Unrestricted capital reserves totaled $4.2 million as of June 30, 2011, an increase of 37.4% from June 30,<br />

2010. This increase was primarily due to efficiencies identified during the 2010-2011 school year.<br />


This annual report is presented in a format consistent <strong>with</strong> the presentation requirements of the GASB<br />

Statement No. 34. GASB Statement 34 implements a new model of financial reporting for state and<br />

local governments designed to enhance the usefulness of the district's annual report as modified by the<br />

prescribed format established by the Department of Elementary and Secondary Education (DESE).<br />

Report Components<br />

This annual report consists of seven parts as follows:<br />

Government-wide Financial Statements: The statement of net assets and the statement of activities<br />

provide information about the activities of the school district as a whole and present a long-term view<br />

of the district's finances.<br />

Fund Financial Statements: Fund financial statements focus on the individual funds of the district.<br />

DESE specifies the funds that must be maintained. Fund financial statements also report the district's<br />

operations in more detail than the government-wide statements by providing information about the four<br />

primary district funds.<br />

Notes to the Basic Financial Statements: The notes to the financial statements are an integral part of<br />

the government-wide and fund financial statements and provide expanded explanation and detail<br />

regarding the information reported in the statements.<br />

Required Supplementary Information: This MD&A and general fund budgetary comparison schedule<br />

represent financial information required to be presented by the GASB, DESE and government auditing<br />

standards. Such information provides users of this report <strong>with</strong> additional data that supplements the<br />

government-wide statements, fund financial statements and notes (referred to as "the basic financial<br />

statements").<br />

Additional Supplementary Information: This part of the annual report includes optional financial<br />

information such as a schedule of federal and state awards and schedules of revenues collected by<br />

source, expenditures paid by object and detail bonded indebtedness. This additional supplementary<br />

financial information is provided to address certain specific needs of various users of the district's<br />

annual report.<br />

Federal Compliance Section: This part of the independent auditor’s report includes reports on the<br />

district’s internal control over financial reporting, internal control over compliance <strong>with</strong> requirements<br />

of laws, regulations, contracts and grants applicable to federal programs, a schedule and notes of<br />

expenditures of federal awards, and findings and/or questioned costs of federal monies.<br />


<strong>PARK</strong><strong>HILL</strong> <strong>SCHOOL</strong> <strong>DISTRICT</strong><br />

Kansas City, Missouri<br />


June 30, 2011<br />

State Compliance Section: This part of the report includes the report on district compliance <strong>with</strong><br />

specified requirements of Missouri laws and regulations. In addition, a schedule of selected statistics<br />

used by the state is included.<br />

Basis of Accounting<br />

The district has elected to present its financial statements on a cash basis of accounting. The basis of<br />

accounting is a reference to when financial events are recorded, such as the timing for recognizing<br />

revenues, expenses and their related assets and liabilities. The district's cash basis accounting results<br />

in revenues and expenditures being recorded <strong>with</strong> the results from cash transactions.<br />

As a result of the use of this cash basis of accounting, certain assets and their related revenues (such as<br />

accounts receivable or revenue not yet received) and certain liabilities and their related expenses (such as<br />

accounts payable and expenses for goods or services received but not yet paid) are not recorded in these<br />

financial statements. Therefore, when reviewing the financial information and discussion <strong>with</strong>in this<br />

report, the reader should keep in mind the limitations from the use of the cash basis of accounting.<br />

The District-Wide Statement of Net Assets and Statement of Activities<br />

One of the more important questions asked about the district's finances is "Is the district as a whole better<br />

off or worse as a result of the year's activities?" The statement of activities reports information about the<br />

district as a whole and about its activities in a way that helps answer this question. These statements<br />

include all of the district's governmental activities. Of course, the main function of the district is public<br />

school education.<br />

These two statements report the district's net assets and changes in them. One can think of the district's net<br />

assets as one way to measure the district's financial health or financial position. Over time, increases or<br />

decreases in the district's net assets are one indicator of whether its financial health is improving or<br />

deteriorating. One will need to consider other factors, however, such as state budgetary issues and long-term<br />

changes in assessed valuation.<br />

Table 1<br />

Condensed Statement of Net Assets (in millions of dollars)<br />

Governmental<br />

Activities<br />

Increase/<br />

Decrease<br />

2011 2010<br />

Assets<br />

Current Assets:<br />

Cash and Cash Equivalents 22.7 22.6 0.1<br />

Investments 10.5 9.4 1.1<br />

Restricted Cash 11.3 0.0 11.3<br />

Total Assets 44.5 32.0 12.4<br />

Net Assets<br />


<strong>PARK</strong><strong>HILL</strong> <strong>SCHOOL</strong> <strong>DISTRICT</strong><br />

Kansas City, Missouri<br />


June 30, 2011<br />

Table 1 (continued)<br />

Governmental<br />

Activites<br />

2011 2010<br />

Increase/<br />

Decrease<br />

Assets Restricted For:<br />

Debt Service 9.2 10.0 (0.8)<br />

Scholarship 0.0 0.0 0.0<br />

Bond Construction 9.9 0.0 9.9<br />

Unrestricted Assets 25.4 22.0 3.4<br />

Total Net Assets 44.5 32.0 12.5<br />

Table 2<br />

Long-Term Debt (in millions of dollars)<br />

Long-term debt as listed below is not recorded in the Statement of Net Assets.<br />

Governmental<br />

Activities<br />

Increase/<br />

Decrease<br />

2011 2010<br />

Long-term Debt<br />

Long-term Bonded Debt Outstanding 70.5 67.3 3.2<br />

Other 2.6 3.0 (0.5)<br />

Total Long-term Debt 73.1 70.3 2.7<br />

Table 3<br />

Changes in Net Assets (in millions of dollars)<br />

Revenue<br />

Governmental<br />

Activities<br />

2011 2010<br />

Increase/<br />

Decrease<br />

Local 96.3 93.2 3.1<br />

County 3.4 3.4 0.0<br />

State 21.0 20.4 0.6<br />

Federal 7.6 9.1 (1.5)<br />

Other 14.6 0.0 14.6<br />

Total Revenue 142.9 126.1 16.8<br />


<strong>PARK</strong><strong>HILL</strong> <strong>SCHOOL</strong> <strong>DISTRICT</strong><br />

Kansas City, Missouri<br />


June 30, 2011<br />

Table 3 (continued)<br />

Expenditures<br />

Governmental<br />

Activities<br />

2011 2010<br />

Increase/<br />

Decrease<br />

Instruction 63.3 63.7 (0.4)<br />

Support Services 47.3 52.1 (4.8)<br />

Non-Instructional Support 5.3 4.4 0.9<br />

Debt Service 14.5 9.3 5.2<br />

Total Expenditures 130.5 129.5 0.9<br />

Increase in Net Assets 12.5 (3.5)<br />

Instruction expenses include activities directly dealing <strong>with</strong> teaching of pupils and the interaction<br />

between teacher and pupil.<br />

Support services includes guidance and counseling, health services, the cost of student attendance,<br />

general administration, operation of plant, transportation and food service.<br />

Non-instructional support includes community education including Parents as Teachers, facilities<br />

acquisition and construction.<br />

Debt Service expenditures include principal and interest payments on general obligation bond debt.<br />

The revenues from these bonds are recorded in prior years.<br />

THE FUND <strong>FINANCIAL</strong> <strong>STATEMENTS</strong><br />

The analysis of the district's major funds begins on page 14. The fund financial statements provide<br />

detailed information about all district funds. Some funds are required to be established by state law<br />

and by bond covenants. However, the district's board of education may establish certain other funds to<br />

help it control and manage money for particular purposes or to show that it is meeting legal<br />

responsibilities for using certain taxes, grants and other money. The district's governmental funds use the<br />

same accounting approaches.<br />

Most of the district's basic services are reported in governmental funds which focus on how money<br />

flows into and out of these funds and the balances left at year end that are available for spending. The<br />

governmental fund statements provide a detailed short-term view of the district's general governmental<br />

operations and the basic services it provides.<br />

Governmental fund information helps determine, through a review of changes to fund balance, whether<br />

there are more or fewer financial resources that can be spent in the near future to finance the district's<br />

programs.<br />


<strong>PARK</strong><strong>HILL</strong> <strong>SCHOOL</strong> <strong>DISTRICT</strong><br />

Kansas City, Missouri<br />


June 30, 2011<br />

The relationship or differences between governmental activities as reported in the Statement of Net<br />

Assets and the Statement of Activities and governmental funds is described in a reconciliation at the<br />

bottom of the fund financial statements. The district considers the General Fund, Teachers' Fund, Debt<br />

Service Fund and Capital Projects Fund to be its significant or major governmental funds.<br />


For the year ended June 30, 2011, net assets of the district (resulting from cash basis transactions)<br />

changed as follows:<br />

June 30,<br />

2011 2010<br />

Beginning Net Assets 32,035,327 35,553,440<br />

Increase in Net Assets 12,470,573 (3,518,113)<br />

Ending Net Assets 44,505,900 32,035,327<br />


To aid in the understanding of the Statement of Activities, some additional explanation is given.<br />

Of particular interest is the format that is significantly different than typical Statement of Revenues,<br />

Expenses and Changes in Fund Balance. You will notice that expenses are listed in the first column<br />

<strong>with</strong> revenues from that particular program reported to the right. The result is a net (expense) revenue.<br />

The reason for this kind of format is to highlight the relative financial burden of each of the functions on<br />

the district's programs. It also identifies how much each function draws from the general revenues or if<br />

it is self-financing through fees and grants or contributions. All other governmental revenues are<br />

reported as general. It is important to note that all taxes are classified as general revenue even if<br />

restricted for a specific purpose.<br />


The Park Hill School District budget is prepared according to Missouri law and is based on<br />

accounting for transactions on a basis of cash receipts, disbursements and encumbrances.<br />

During the final month of the fiscal 2011 year, the district amended the budget which resulted in the<br />

budgeted expenditures increasing by $3,735,529 a 2.9% increase. The majority of this increase in<br />

budget was in the debt service and bond funds where expenditures related to an unbudgeted debt<br />

refinancing and projects associated <strong>with</strong> the April, 2011 No-Tax-Increase bond issue occurred midyear.<br />

In the General, Special Revenue, Food Service and Community Education Funds, the district<br />

was able to identify efficiencies during the course of the fiscal year which resulted in a budget<br />

reduction. The Activity Fund was amended upward due to increased student participation in selected<br />

activities; these funds have a corresponding revenue increase to reflect the increased participation.<br />


<strong>PARK</strong><strong>HILL</strong> <strong>SCHOOL</strong> <strong>DISTRICT</strong><br />

Kansas City, Missouri<br />


June 30, 2011<br />

The budget adjustment was required due to conservative budgeting, and changes to the operational<br />

plan of the district. Overall, the district spent less in operational funds (non-debt and non-bond<br />

funds) than the amended budgets.<br />

Actual revenues in all operating and capital funds combined $128,939,433 an increase of<br />

$12,010,632 or 10.3% over final revenue in fiscal year 2010. Actual expenditures in all operating<br />

and capital funds combined were $116,004,128 a decrease of $4,209,279 or 3.5% over actual<br />

expenses in fiscal year 2010.<br />

For all operating funds and capital combined in fiscal year 2011, actual expenditures exceeded revenue<br />

by $12,935,305, which was primarily due the sale of $10 million of general obligation bonds in<br />

June, 2011.<br />


On June 30, 2011, the Park Hill School District had $70,510,000 in general obligation bonds due in<br />

varying amounts <strong>with</strong> interest charges over twenty years. The purpose of each general obligation bond<br />

was to construct, equip, furnish and renovate all of the buildings in the district.<br />

In addition, the district has a loan <strong>with</strong> the Missouri Department of Natural Resources for the upgrade<br />

of energy efficiencies in existing facilities <strong>with</strong> a remaining balance of $2,575,554.<br />


The Park Hill School District is financially stable. The district is proudly supported by the community.<br />

The community supports the academic and instructional programs <strong>with</strong> daily involvement and also <strong>with</strong><br />

necessary funding initiatives over the years. In 2002, the voters overwhelmingly supported a tax levy<br />

increase to maintain competitive salaries, maintain facilities and increase fund balances. In April,<br />

2011, the voters overwhelmingly supported a $49.5 million No-Tax-Increase Bond Issue for the<br />

construction of a tenth elementary school, classroom additions at selected secondary schools, upgrades<br />

to district technology and safety entrances, and several maintenance projects.<br />

Despite the economic conditions throughout the nation and state of Missouri, there continues to be<br />

some retail/commercial development occurring in the Park Hill School District. This construction will<br />

increase the local assessed values, and serves to offset some of the decreases in assessed valuation<br />

realized over the last three years in residential and existing commercial property. The school district<br />

is mindful of the potential impact of decreased assessed valuation of real property in the district. With<br />

the district relying on over 73% of revenues from local sources, economic trends that could impact real<br />

property values could have a substantial impact on the district.<br />

A concern that remains in the forefront of the minds of the administration and Board of Education<br />

surrounds the further implementation of a state foundation formula approved by the state in the spring,<br />

2005, for implementation beginning in July, 2006. Recalculation or proration of key variables <strong>with</strong>in the<br />

formula, as has been done for the 2011-2012 school year, could adversely affect state revenue to the<br />

district despite the district’s increasing enrollment.<br />


<strong>PARK</strong><strong>HILL</strong> <strong>SCHOOL</strong> <strong>DISTRICT</strong><br />

Kansas City, Missouri<br />


June 30, 2011<br />

Since the Park Hill School District receives approximately 18% of its total operating revenue from the<br />

state, a drop in funding can adversely impact the district. The district must be mindful of potential<br />

reductions in other state categorical expenditures as well (i.e. transportation, special education<br />

funding). Staff will monitor and follow these developments.<br />

An additional concern held by the administration and Board of Education is the increasing cost of<br />

maintaining competitive salaries and employee benefit packages. During fiscal year 2011, the district<br />

spent $88.7 million in employee compensation including insurance, retirement, Medicare, and other<br />

benefits.<br />

Also, increasing enrollment of diverse populations will continue to create service and financial demands<br />

on the district. Programs to support these diverse populations, such as English as a Second Language<br />

(ESL), school social workers, and Early Childhood Special Education are expected to continue their<br />

growth in future years.<br />

Economic conditions, service demands, increasing enrollments, implementation of a new state<br />

funding formula, and local growth all require management to plan carefully and prudently to provide<br />

the resources to meet student needs over the next several years.<br />

CONTACTING THE <strong>DISTRICT</strong>'S <strong>FINANCIAL</strong> MANAGEMENT<br />

This financial report is designed to provide our citizens, taxpayers, investors and creditors <strong>with</strong> a<br />

general overview of the district's finances and to show the district's accountability for the money it<br />

receives. If you have questions about this report or need additional financial information, contact Dr.<br />

Paul Kelly, Assistant Superintendent at Park Hill School District, 7703 NW Barry Road, Kansas City,<br />

Missouri 64153.<br />


<strong>PARK</strong> <strong>HILL</strong> <strong>SCHOOL</strong> <strong>DISTRICT</strong><br />

Kansas City, Missouri<br />


June 30, 2011<br />

ASSETS<br />

Governmental<br />

Activities<br />

Current Assets:<br />

Cash and Cash Equivalents $22,752,584<br />

Investments 10,457,749<br />

Restricted Cash 11,266,551<br />

TOTAL ASSETS $44,476,884<br />


Net Assets:<br />

Restricted for:<br />

Debt Service $ 9,177,845<br />

Scholarship 1,537<br />

Construction Projects 9,923,110<br />

Unrestricted 25,374,392<br />


See Accompanying Notes to the Basic Financial Statements.<br />


<strong>PARK</strong> <strong>HILL</strong> <strong>SCHOOL</strong> <strong>DISTRICT</strong><br />

Kansas City, Missouri<br />


June 30, 2011<br />

Net (Expenses)<br />

Revenue and<br />

Changes in<br />

Program Revenues<br />

Net Assets<br />

Charges for Operating Capital<br />

Services & Grants & Grants & Government<br />

Functions (Programs) Expenses Sales Contributions Contributions Activities<br />

Governmental Activities:<br />

Regular Instruction $ 44,731,307 $ 786,422 $ 5,466,137 $ 0 $(38,478,748)<br />

Special Education 14,708,451 0 4,088,075 71,799 (10,548,577)<br />

Student Activities 3,884,408 2,226,130 0 0 (1,658,278)<br />

Pupil Services 6,713,158 0 7,843 0 (6,705,315)<br />

Instructional Staff Services 3,086,259 0 246,640 0 (2,839,619)<br />

General Administrative 1,754,338 0 0 0 (1,754,338)<br />

Building Level Admin 6,151,971 224,972 0 0 (5,926,999)<br />

Central Office/Support 5,853,043 26,586 0 0 (5,826,457)<br />

Operation of Plant 13,808,663 0 0 0 (13,808,663)<br />

Transportation 5,289,532 0 1,032,605 0 (4,256,927)<br />

Food Services 4,681,742 3,287,007 1,411,168 0 16,433<br />

Community Services 3,674,800 3,217,941 94,735 0 (362,124)<br />

$114,337,672 $9,769,058 $12,347,203 $71,799 (92,149,612)<br />

General Revenues<br />

Taxes:<br />

Property taxes, levied for general purposes 67,501,043<br />

Property taxes, levied for debt services 8,665,186<br />

Property taxes, levied for capital projects 642,759<br />

Non-restricted Intergovernmental Revenues:<br />

Proposition C - Sales Tax 7,546,778<br />

Payments in Lieu 372,831<br />

Financial Institution Tax, M&M surtax 822,895<br />

State Assessed Railroad & Utility 2,936,535<br />

County - fines 502,324<br />

Basic Formula 16,198,706<br />

Interest & Investment Earnings 938,971<br />

Subtotal - General Revenues 106,128,028<br />

Excess (deficiency) of revenues over expenses before special items 13,978,416<br />

Special Items:<br />

Bond Issuance 14,595,000<br />

Acquisition & (1,071,703)<br />

Debt Payments (principal, interest, fees) (14,919,907)<br />

Other Expenses (135,093)<br />

Sale of Property 20,451<br />

Subtotal - Special Items (1,511,252)<br />

Changes in Net Assets 12,467,164<br />


NET ASSETS - END OF YEAR $ 44,476,884<br />

See Accompanying Notes to the Basic Financial Statements.<br />


<strong>PARK</strong> <strong>HILL</strong> <strong>SCHOOL</strong> <strong>DISTRICT</strong><br />

Kansas City, Missouri<br />



June 30, 2011<br />

Special Debt Capital<br />

General Revenue Service Projects Totals<br />

Fund Fund Fund Fund (Memo Only)<br />

ASSETS<br />

Cash & Cash Equivalents $11,384,039 - $7,115,941 $ 4,252,604 $22,752,584<br />

Investments 9,737,749 - 720,000 0 10,457,749<br />

Restricted Cash 1,537 - 1,341,904 9,923,110 11,266,551<br />

TOTAL ASSETS $21,123,325 - $9,177,845 $14,175,714 $44,476,884<br />


Restricted $ 1,537 - $9,177,845 $9,923,111 $19,102,493<br />

Assigned 0 - 0 4,252,603 4,252,603<br />

Unassigned 21,121,788 - 0 0 21,121,788<br />

TOTAL EQUITY $21,123,325 - $9,177,845 $14,175,714 $44,476,884<br />

See Accompanying Notes to the Basic Financial Statements.<br />


<strong>PARK</strong> <strong>HILL</strong> <strong>SCHOOL</strong> <strong>DISTRICT</strong><br />

Kansas City, Missouri<br />




For the Year Ended June 30, 2011<br />

Special Debt Capital<br />

General Revenue Service Projects Totals<br />

Fund Fund Fund Fund (Memo Only)<br />


Local $77,689,888 $ 7,546,886 $ 9,042,951 $ 1,979,794 $ 96,259,519<br />

County 2,543,704 502,324 354,154 38,678 3,438,860<br />

State 3,058,958 17,955,487 0 7,366 21,021,811<br />

Federal 4,957,810 2,573,653 0 64,434 7,595,897<br />

Other 0 0 4,595,000 10,020,452 14,615,452<br />

Total Revenues 88,250,360 28,578,350 13,992,105 12,110,724 142,931,539<br />


Regular Instruction 1,592,900 42,482,616 0 655,791 44,731,307<br />

Special Education 3,294,586 11,333,235 0 80,630 14,708,451<br />

Student Activities 2,064,628 1,743,836 0 75,944 3,884,408<br />

Pupil Services 3,677,687 3,017,818 0 17,653 6,713,158<br />

Instructional Staff Services 1,006,516 2,077,017 0 2,726 3,086,259<br />

General Administration 1,162,527 578,516 0 13,295 1,754,338<br />

Building Level Administration 2,188,502 3,963,469 0 0 6,151,971<br />

Central Office/Support 4,613,237 517,619 0 722,187 5,853,043<br />

Operation of Plant 12,101,950 99,052 0 1,607,661 13,808,663<br />

Transportation 5,218,607 0 0 70,925 5,289,532<br />

Food Service 4,285,668 0 0 396,074 4,681,742<br />

Community Services 3,313,292 248,712 0 112,796 3,674,800<br />

Facilities/Equipment 0 0 0 1,071,703 1,071,703<br />

Debt Service 0 0 14,403,154 516,753 14,919,907<br />

Other Expense 0 0 57,093 78,000 135,093<br />

Total Expenditures 44,520,100 66,061,890 14,460,247 5,422,138 130,464,375<br />

Revenue Over (Under) Expenditures 43,730,260 (37,483,540) (468,142) 6,688,586 12,467,164<br />

Transfers In (Out) (41,876,140) 37,483,540 0 4,392,600 0<br />

Revenues & Other Financing Sources Over<br />

(Under) Expenditures & Other Uses 1,854,120 0 (468,142) 11,081,186 12,467,164<br />

FUND BALANCE - JULY 1, 2010 19,269,205 0 9,645,987 3,094,528 32,009,720<br />

FUND BALANCE - JUNE 30, 2011 $21,123,325 $ 0 $ 9,177,845 $14,175,714 $ 44,476,884<br />

See Accompanying Notes to the Basic Financial Statements.<br />


<strong>PARK</strong> <strong>HILL</strong> <strong>SCHOOL</strong> <strong>DISTRICT</strong><br />

Kansas City, Missouri<br />

NOTES TO BASIC <strong>FINANCIAL</strong> <strong>STATEMENTS</strong><br />

For the Year Ended June 30, 2011<br />

INDEX<br />

NOTE 1:<br />


A. Entity<br />

B. Principles Used to Determine Scope of Entity<br />

C. Basis of Presentation<br />

D. Measurement Focus<br />

E. Basis of Accounting<br />

F. Assets, Liabilities and Equity<br />

G. Revenues and Expenditures<br />

H. Use of Estimates<br />

I. Program Receipts<br />

NOTE 2:<br />


A. Compliance <strong>with</strong> Laws<br />

B. Fund Accounting Requirements<br />

C. Uninsured and Uncollateralized Deposits<br />

D. Property Tax Requirements<br />

E. Net Asset/Fund Equity Restrictions<br />

F. Budgetary Compliance<br />

NOTE 3:<br />


A. Deposits and Investments<br />

B. Long-Term Debt<br />

C. Inter-fund Transfers<br />

D. Fund Balance Reporting<br />

NOTE 4:<br />


A. Employee Pension Plans<br />

B. Deferred Compensation Plan<br />

C. COBRA Benefits<br />

D. Section 125 Cafeteria Plan<br />

E. Post-employment Benefits<br />

F. Risk Management<br />

G. Operating Lease<br />

H. Lease Purchase<br />

I. Missouri Department of Natural Resources Energy Loan<br />

J. Self-Insured Risk Pool for Insurance<br />

K. Claims and Adjustments<br />

L. Litigation<br />

M. Subsequent Events<br />


<strong>PARK</strong> <strong>HILL</strong> <strong>SCHOOL</strong> <strong>DISTRICT</strong><br />

Kansas City, Missouri<br />

NOTES TO BASIC <strong>FINANCIAL</strong> <strong>STATEMENTS</strong><br />

For the Year Ended June 30, 2011<br />

NOTE 1:<br />


A. Entity<br />

Park Hill School District (the “District”) operates under the regulations pursuant to Section 162.092<br />

RSMo of the Public School Laws of Missouri which designates a board of education to act as the<br />

governing authority. The District provides educational services to children of the district,<br />

kindergarten through twelfth grade. The District operates 15 attendance centers, has approximately<br />

10,162 students and approximately 1,305 full time employees.<br />

B. Principles Used to Determine Scope of Entity<br />

In determining the financial reporting entity, the District complies <strong>with</strong> the provisions of<br />

Governmental Accounting Standards Board Statement No. 14, “The Financial Reporting Entity” and<br />

includes all component units of which the District appointed a voting majority of the units’ board and<br />

the District is either able to impose its will on the unit or a financial benefit or burden relationship<br />

exists.<br />

The District has developed criteria to determine whether outside agencies <strong>with</strong> activities which<br />

benefit the citizens of the District, including joint agreements which serve students from numerous<br />

districts, should be included <strong>with</strong>in its financial reporting entity. The criteria include, but are not<br />

limited to, whether the District exercises oversight responsibility, which includes financial<br />

interdependency, selection of governing authority, designation of management, ability to<br />

significantly influence operations, and accountability for fiscal matters, scope of public service and<br />

special financing relationships.<br />

The District has determined that no other outside agency meets the above criteria and, therefore, no<br />

other agency has been included as a component unit in the District's financial statements. In<br />

addition, the District is not aware of any entity which could exercise such oversight which would<br />

result in the District being considered a component unit of the entity.<br />

C. Basis of Presentation<br />

Except for the use of the modified cash basis of accounting as discussed in Note 1-E, the lack of<br />

fixed asset accounting as discussed in Note 1-F, and long-term debt accounting as discussed in Note<br />

1-F, the District complies <strong>with</strong> accounting principles generally accepted in the United States of<br />

America. Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (GAAP) include all relevant Governmental<br />

Accounting Standards Board (GASB) pronouncements. The accounting and reporting framework<br />

and the more significant accounting policies are discussed in this and subsequent footnotes.<br />

Government-Wide Financial Statements<br />

The statement of net assets and statement of activities display information about the District as a<br />

whole. They include all funds of the District. The District has only governmental activities which<br />

are financed through taxes, intergovernmental revenues and other non-exchange revenues.<br />


<strong>PARK</strong> <strong>HILL</strong> <strong>SCHOOL</strong> <strong>DISTRICT</strong><br />

Kansas City, Missouri<br />

NOTES TO BASIC <strong>FINANCIAL</strong> <strong>STATEMENTS</strong><br />

For the Year Ended June 30, 2011<br />

NOTE 1:<br />


C. Basis of Presentation (continued)<br />

Fund Financial Statements<br />

Fund financial statements of the District are organized into funds, each of which is considered to be a<br />

separate accounting entity. Each fund is accounted for by providing a separate set of self-balancing<br />

accounts that comprise its assets, liabilities, fund equity, revenues and expenditures. An emphasis is<br />

placed on major funds <strong>with</strong>in the governmental categories. The District has designated that all funds<br />

are considered major funds. The funds of the District are described as follows.<br />

Governmental Fund Types - Governmental funds are those through which most governmental<br />

functions of the District are financed. The acquisition, use and balances of the District’s<br />

expendable financial resources and the related liabilities are accounted for through governmental<br />

funds. The measurement focus is upon determination of changes in financial position, rather<br />

than upon net income determination. The following are the District’s governmental fund types.<br />

D. Measurement Focus<br />

General Fund<br />

Accounts for general activities of the District, including student activities, community<br />

education, food service, and transportation which are not required to be accounted for in<br />

a separate fund.<br />

Special Revenue Fund<br />

Accounts for expenditures for certified employees who are involved in administration<br />

and instruction. It includes revenues restricted by the state and local tax levy for the<br />

payment of teacher salaries and certain employee benefits.<br />

Debt Service Fund<br />

Accounts for the accumulation of resources for, and the payment of, principal, interest<br />

and fiscal charges on long-term debt.<br />

Capital Projects (Building) Fund<br />

Accounts for the proceeds of bond issues, taxes and other revenue restricted for<br />

acquisition or construction of major capital assets.<br />

Measurement focus is a term used to describe which transactions are recorded <strong>with</strong>in the various<br />

financial statements. In both the government-wide statements and the fund financial statements, the<br />

current financial resources measurement focus or the economic resources measurement focus is used<br />

as appropriate.<br />

All governmental funds utilize a “current financial resources” measurement focus. Only current<br />

financial assets and liabilities are generally included on their balance sheets. Their operating<br />

statements present sources and uses of available spendable financial resources during a given period.<br />

These funds use fund balance as their measure of available spendable financial resources at the end<br />

of the period.<br />


<strong>PARK</strong> <strong>HILL</strong> <strong>SCHOOL</strong> <strong>DISTRICT</strong><br />

Kansas City, Missouri<br />

NOTES TO BASIC <strong>FINANCIAL</strong> <strong>STATEMENTS</strong><br />

For the Year Ended June 30, 2011<br />

NOTE 1:<br />


E. Basis of Accounting<br />

In the government-wide statement of net assets and statements of activities and the fund financial<br />

statements, governmental activities are presented using a modified cash basis of accounting. This<br />

basis recognizes assets, liabilities, net assets/fund equity, revenues and expenditures/expenses when<br />

they result from cash transactions. This basis is a comprehensive basis of accounting other than<br />

accounting principles generally accepted in the United States of America.<br />

As a result of the use of this modified cash basis of accounting, certain assets and their related<br />

revenues (such as accounts receivable and revenue for billed or provided services not yet collected)<br />

and certain liabilities and their related expenses (such as accounts payable and expenses for goods or<br />

services received but not yet paid, and accrued expenses and liabilities) are not recorded in these<br />

financial statements.<br />

If the District utilized the basis of accounting recognized as generally accepted, the fund financial<br />

statements for governmental funds would use the modified accrual basis of accounting. All<br />

government-wide financials would be presented on the accrual basis of accounting.<br />

F. Assets, Liabilities and Equity<br />

Cash and Cash Equivalents<br />

For the purpose of financial reporting, cash and cash equivalents include all demand and savings<br />

accounts and certificates of deposit and investments maturing <strong>with</strong>in 60 days of year end.<br />

Certain cash resources of the general, special revenue and capital projects funds are combined to<br />

form a pool of cash which is managed by the Distict.<br />

Investments<br />

Investments include federal securities maintained at UBS. Interest earned is allocated to<br />

contributing funds based upon investment balances <strong>with</strong>in each fund.<br />

Capital Assets<br />

Capital assets are recorded as expenditures in the General (Incidental) and the Capital Projects<br />

(Building) Funds at the time the expenditures are incurred. The District has not maintained<br />

capital asset records on a historical basis; therefore, capital assets are not included in the<br />

financial statements, which does not conform <strong>with</strong> accounting principles generally accepted in<br />

the United States of America.<br />

Other Assets<br />

The modified cash basis of accounting directs that all assets are expensed as purchased.<br />

Long-Term Debt<br />

Long-term debt is not included in these financial statements but long-term debt information is<br />

provided in a subsequent footnote and detailed in other supplementary information.<br />


<strong>PARK</strong> <strong>HILL</strong> <strong>SCHOOL</strong> <strong>DISTRICT</strong><br />

Kansas City, Missouri<br />

NOTES TO BASIC <strong>FINANCIAL</strong> <strong>STATEMENTS</strong><br />

For the Year Ended June 30, 2011<br />

NOTE 1:<br />


F. Assets, Liabilities and Equity (continued)<br />

Accounts Payable<br />

The District has an established purchase order and payable system which insures bill payment<br />

<strong>with</strong>in an adequate time frame.<br />

Compensated Absences<br />

As a result of the use of the modified cash basis of accounting, compensated absences are not<br />

reported in these financial statements. Compensated absences were not estimated as of year end.<br />

OPEB Liabilities<br />

As the District uses the modified cash basis of accounting, OPEB liabilities are not reported in<br />

these financial statements. The District has not provided for an estimate of this liability to be<br />

performed.<br />

Restricted Net Assets<br />

Net assets are restricted for the payment of debt service and the usage of bond construction for<br />

the specified purpose of building construction and furnishing.<br />

Impact of Recently Issued Accounting Principles<br />

In February 2009, GASB issued Statement 54, Fund Balance Reporting and Government Fund<br />

Type Definitions. GASB 54 substantially alters the categories and terminology used to describe<br />

the components of fund balance while leaving the total amount reported as fund balance<br />

unchanged. The Statement establishes fund balance classifications, provides for a hierarchy of<br />

spending constraints for spendable resources and requires disclosure of nonspendable and<br />

spendable resources. The requirements for this Statement are effective for financial statements<br />

for periods beginning after June 15, 2010.<br />

G. Revenues and Expenditures<br />

Revenues are classified by their source as follows:<br />

Local Revenues<br />

Includes property taxes that are levied and collected at the county level for the District, a<br />

percentage sales tax collected by local merchants and collections for services provided to<br />

students and patrons.<br />

County Revenues<br />

The county by-law collects and passes through to the District specified revenues.<br />

State Revenues<br />

The District receives state aid money from the state based upon the state basic formula and<br />

for various other state educational programs.<br />


<strong>PARK</strong> <strong>HILL</strong> <strong>SCHOOL</strong> <strong>DISTRICT</strong><br />

Kansas City, Missouri<br />

NOTES TO BASIC <strong>FINANCIAL</strong> <strong>STATEMENTS</strong><br />

For the Year Ended June 30, 2011<br />

NOTE 1:<br />


G. Revenues and Expenditures (continued)<br />

Federal Revenue<br />

The District receives federal aid for various educational programs and grants in which they<br />

participate.<br />

Investment Income<br />

Interest earned on invested funds is a material amount annually.<br />

Other Sources<br />

The issuance of bonds is a source of revenue in the year of issuance.<br />

Expenditures are classified by their use as follows:<br />

Instruction<br />

This category includes the payment of salaries to and benefits for all instructional staff along<br />

<strong>with</strong> needed supplies and aides. Payroll checks written and dated in May 2011, for July and<br />

August 2011 payrolls from 2010-2011 contracts, are included in the financial statements as<br />

an expenditure paid in the month of May. This practice has been consistently followed in<br />

previous years.<br />

Support Services<br />

This category includes all the services that are provided for the support of the students and/or<br />

teachers, the management team, the facilities expenses and the transporting of students.<br />

Acquisition/Construction<br />

This category represents the expenditures of major new construction or furnishing and the<br />

upgrading of existing facilities.<br />

Debt Service<br />

The payment of principal and interest on bonds payable or long-term capital leases.<br />

H. Use of Estimates<br />

The preparation of financial statements in conformity <strong>with</strong> the modified cash basis of accounting,<br />

requires management to make estimates and assumptions that affect the amounts reported in these<br />

financial statements and accompanying notes. Actual results could differ from these estimates.<br />

I. Program Receipts<br />

Amounts reported as program receipts include 1) charges to students or others for goods, services or<br />

privileges provided, 2) operating grants and contributions and 3) capital grants and contributions. All<br />

other governmental receipts are reported as general receipts. All taxes are classified as general<br />

receipts even if restricted for a specific purpose.<br />


<strong>PARK</strong> <strong>HILL</strong> <strong>SCHOOL</strong> <strong>DISTRICT</strong><br />

Kansas City, Missouri<br />

NOTES TO BASIC <strong>FINANCIAL</strong> <strong>STATEMENTS</strong><br />

For the Year Ended June 30, 2011<br />

NOTE 2:<br />


A. Compliance <strong>with</strong> Laws<br />

By its nature as a local government, the District is subject to various federal, state and local laws and<br />

regulations. An analysis of the District’s compliance <strong>with</strong> significant laws, regulations, grants and<br />

contracts over District resources follows.<br />

B. Fund Accounting Requirements<br />

The District complies in all material respects <strong>with</strong> state and local laws and regulations requiring the<br />

use of separate funds. The legally required funds used by the District include the following:<br />

General (Incidental) Fund<br />

Special Revenue (Teachers) Fund<br />

Debt Service Fund<br />

Capital Projects Fund<br />

Required by State Law<br />

Required by State Law<br />

Required by State Law<br />

Required by State Law<br />

C. Uninsured and Uncollateralized Deposits<br />

In accordance <strong>with</strong> state law, all uninsured deposits of municipal funds in financial institutions must<br />

be secured <strong>with</strong> acceptable collateral. Acceptable collateral includes certain U.S. governmental<br />

agency securities and certain state or political subdivision debt obligations. At June 30, 2011 all of<br />

the District’s uninsured deposits were collateralized.<br />

D. Property Tax Requirements<br />

Property taxes attach as an enforceable lien on the property each year as of January 1. Taxes are<br />

levied on November 1 and payable by December 31. The county collects the property tax and remits<br />

it to the District on a monthly basis.<br />

The District also receives sales tax collected by the state and remitted based on eligible students.<br />

The District is required to reduce its property tax levy by one-half the amount of sales tax estimated<br />

to be received in the subsequent calendar year. District voters have approved a full waiver of<br />

this rollback.<br />

The assessed valuation of the tangible property for calendar year 2010 for purposes of local taxation,<br />

including tax increment financing assessed valuation, is as follows.<br />

Residential $ 782,208,041<br />

Agricultural 1,061,663<br />

Commercial 373,371,740<br />

Personal Property 290,477,463<br />

Total $1,447,118,907<br />


<strong>PARK</strong> <strong>HILL</strong> <strong>SCHOOL</strong> <strong>DISTRICT</strong><br />

Kansas City, Missouri<br />

NOTES TO BASIC <strong>FINANCIAL</strong> <strong>STATEMENTS</strong><br />

For the Year Ended June 30, 2011<br />

NOTE 2:<br />


D. Property Tax Requirements (continued)<br />

The tax levy per $100 of the assessed valuation of tangible taxable property for the calendar year<br />

2010, for purposes of local taxation, follows.<br />

General/Incidental Fund $4.7573<br />

Capital Project Fund .0453<br />

Debt Service Fund .6107<br />

Total $5.4133<br />

The receipts of current and delinquent property taxes during the fiscal year ended June 30, 2011,<br />

aggregated approximately 98% of the current assessment computed on the basis of the levy as shown<br />

above.<br />

E. Net Asset/Fund Equity Restrictions<br />

State law prohibits the creation of a deficit fund balance in any individual fund. For the year ended<br />

June 30, 2011, the District incurred no fund balance deficits in any individual fund on the modified<br />

cash basis of accounting.<br />

F. Budgetary Compliance<br />

State law requires that expenditures not exceed final budgeted expenditures as approved by the Board<br />

of Education. For the fiscal year ended June 30, 2011, no budgets had been exceeded using the<br />

modified cash basis of accounting.<br />

NOTE 3:<br />


The following notes present information to support the amounts reported in the basic financial statements<br />

for its various assets, liabilities, equity, revenues and expenditures/expenses.<br />

A. Deposits and Investments<br />

Deposits<br />

Missouri statutes require that all deposits <strong>with</strong> financial institutions be collateralized in an<br />

amount at least equal to uninsured deposits. The funds of the District must be deposited and<br />

invested under the terms of a contract, contents of which are set out in the Depository Contract<br />

Law. The depository bank places approved pledged securities for safekeeping and trust <strong>with</strong> the<br />

District’s agent bank in an amount sufficient to protect District funds on a day-to-day basis<br />

during the period of the contract. The pledge of approved securities is waived only to the extent<br />

of the depository bank’s dollar amount of Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (the “FDIC”)<br />

insurance.<br />


<strong>PARK</strong> <strong>HILL</strong> <strong>SCHOOL</strong> <strong>DISTRICT</strong><br />

Kansas City, Missouri<br />

NOTES TO BASIC <strong>FINANCIAL</strong> <strong>STATEMENTS</strong><br />

For the Year Ended June 30, 2011<br />

NOTE 3:<br />


A. Deposits and Investments (continued)<br />

Custodial Credit Risk<br />

Custodial credit risk for deposits is the risk that in the event of a failure of a depository financial<br />

institution, the District’s deposits may not be returned or the District will not be able to recover<br />

collateral securities in the possession of an outside party. The District’s policy required deposits<br />

to be 100 percent secured by collateral valued at market less the amount covered by the FDIC.<br />

As of June 30, 2011, none of the District’s bank balances <strong>with</strong> financial institutions of<br />

$9,968,843 was exposed to custodial credit risk.<br />

Investments<br />

Authorized Investments<br />

The District is authorized to invest in U.S. obligation, U.S. government agency securities and<br />

instrumentalities of government sponsored corporations.<br />

Interest Rate Risk<br />

Interest rate risk is the risk that changes in market interest rates will adversely affect the fair<br />

value of an investment. Generally, the longer the maturity of an investment, the greater the<br />

sensitivity of its fair value to changes in market interest rates. As a means of limiting its<br />

exposure to fair value losses arising from rising interest rates, the District’s investment policy<br />

requires operating funds to be invested to coincide <strong>with</strong> projected cash flow needs.<br />

As of June 30, 2011, the District had the following investments.<br />

Investment Maturities<br />

Investment Type Cost Fair Value

<strong>PARK</strong> <strong>HILL</strong> <strong>SCHOOL</strong> <strong>DISTRICT</strong><br />

Kansas City, Missouri<br />

NOTES TO BASIC <strong>FINANCIAL</strong> <strong>STATEMENTS</strong><br />

For the Year Ended June 30, 2011<br />

NOTE 3:<br />


B. Long-term Debt<br />

Bonds payable at June 30, 2011, consisted of the following.<br />

On April 29, 2003, the District issued $9,950,000 in General Obligation Refunding Bonds to<br />

refund the Series 1997 Issue. The issue was used for the purpose of crossover refunding Series<br />

1997 bonds due in March 2007. These bonds are being liquidated through the Missouri Direct<br />

Deposit Program (Intercept).<br />

On February 12, 2004, the District issued $27,090,000 in General Obligation Refunding Bonds.<br />

The issue was used for the purpose of crossover refunding $12,875,000 Series 1997 Issue Bonds<br />

due after March 2009 and $13,985,000 Series 1999 Issue Bonds due after March 2007.<br />

On May 23, 2006, the District issued $33,000,000 in General Obligation Building Bonds. Series<br />

2006 bonds are due in annual installments through 2018 <strong>with</strong> interest rates between 4.125% and<br />

5.250%.<br />

On December 20, 2010, the District issued $4,595,000 in General Obligation Refudning Bonds,<br />

Series 2010. The issue was used to return $4,635,000 of Series 2001 General Obligation<br />

Refunding Bonds at March 1, 2011. The Series 2010 bonds are due in annual installments<br />

through 2020 <strong>with</strong> interest rates between 2.375% and 4%.<br />

On June 14, 2011, the District issued $10,000,000 in General Obligation Building Bonds, Series<br />

2011. These bonds are due in annual installment through 2030 <strong>with</strong> interest rates between 2.75%<br />

and 3.75%.<br />

The following is a summary of bond transactions for the year ended June 30, 2011.<br />

Bonds Payable, July 1, 2010 $ 67,295,000<br />

Bonds Issued 14,595,000<br />

Bonds Retired (11,380,000)<br />

Bonds Payable, June 30, 2011 $ 70,510,000<br />

General obligation bond debt service requirements at June 30, 2011, follows.<br />

Total Principal Total<br />

Fiscal Year Due & Interest Principal Total Interest<br />

2011-12 $ 8,697,522 $ 5,735,000 $ 2,962,522<br />

2012-13 9,591,988 6,745,000 2,846,988<br />

2013-14 9,362,101 6,760,000 2,602,101<br />

2014-15 9,911,038 7,560,000 2,351,038<br />

2015-16 10,271,963 8,255,000 2,016,963<br />

2016-21 29,389,265 25,455,000 3,934,265<br />

2021-26 5,549,238 4,005,000 1,544,238<br />

2026-30 6,578,063 5,995,000 583,063<br />

$89,351,178 $70,510,000 $18,841,178<br />


<strong>PARK</strong> <strong>HILL</strong> <strong>SCHOOL</strong> <strong>DISTRICT</strong><br />

Kansas City, Missouri<br />

NOTES TO BASIC <strong>FINANCIAL</strong> <strong>STATEMENTS</strong><br />

For the Year Ended June 30, 2011<br />

NOTE 3:<br />


B. Long-term Debt (continued)<br />

Article VI, Section 26(b) Constitution of Missouri, limits the outstanding amount of authorized<br />

general obligation bonds of a district to 15% of the assessed valuation of a district (including<br />

state-assessed railroad utilities). The legal debt margin, computed excluding the assessed valuation of<br />

state-assessed railroads and utilities, of the District at June 30, 2011, is as follows.<br />

C. Inter-fund Transfers<br />

Constitutional Debt Limit $217,067,836<br />

General Obligation Bonds Payable (70,510,000)<br />

Amount Available in Debt Service Fund 9,177,845<br />

Total Legal Debt Margin $155,735,681<br />

Exchange transactions between funds are reported as receipts in the seller funds and as expenditures/<br />

expenses in the purchaser funds. Flows of cash or goods from one fund to another <strong>with</strong>out a<br />

requirement for repayment are reported as inter-fund transfers. Inter-fund transfers are reported as<br />

other financing sources/uses in governmental funds.<br />

Repayments from funds responsible for particular expenditures/expenses to the funds that initially<br />

paid for them are not presented on the financial statements. Those transfers made by the District at<br />

June 30, 2011, are as follows.<br />

“Zero” Teachers’ Fund<br />

This transfer allows the District to transfer from the General Fund an amount necessary to bring<br />

a negative Special Revenue Fund balance to “zero”.<br />

7% x SAT x WADA<br />

This is a legal transfer from the general fund to the capital projects fund for specified projects as<br />

approved by the board of education. The maximum amount is the amount calculated by the<br />

formula.<br />

Energy Conservation Loans<br />

This transfer is used to pay the current principal and interest on the Missouri Department of<br />

Natural Resources Energy Loan.<br />

The detail of transfers is as follows.<br />

Special<br />

Capital<br />

General Fund Fund Fund<br />

“Zero” Teachers Fund $(37,483,540) $37,483,540 $ 0<br />

7% x SAT x WADA (4,031,696) 0 4,031,696<br />

Energy Conservation (360,904) 0 360,904<br />

$(41,876,140) $37,483,540 $4,392,600<br />


<strong>PARK</strong> <strong>HILL</strong> <strong>SCHOOL</strong> <strong>DISTRICT</strong><br />

Kansas City, Missouri<br />

NOTES TO BASIC <strong>FINANCIAL</strong> <strong>STATEMENTS</strong><br />

For the Year Ended June 30, 2011<br />

NOTE 3:<br />


D. Fund Balance Reporting<br />

The District has adopted GASB 54 as part of its 2010-11 fiscal year reporting. Implementation of<br />

GASB 54 is required for fiscal years beginning after June 15, 2010. The intention of the GASB is to<br />

provide a more structured classification of fund balance and to improve the usefulness of fund<br />

balance reporting to the users of the District’s financial statements. The reporting standard<br />

establishes a hierarchy for fund balance classifications and the constraints imposed on the uses of<br />

those resources.<br />

GASB 54 provides for two major types of fund balances which are nonspendable and spendable.<br />

Nonspendable fund balances are balances that cannot be spent because they are not expected to be<br />

converted to cash or they are legally or contractually required to remain intact. An example of this<br />

classification is the principal (corpus) of an endowment fund. In addition to the nonspendable fund<br />

balance, GASB 54 has provided a hierarchy of spendable fund balances based on a hierarchy of<br />

spending constraints.<br />

Restricted<br />

Fund balances that are constrained by external parties, constitutional provisions or enabling<br />

legislation.<br />

Committed<br />

Fund balances that contain self-imposed constraints of the government from its highest level<br />

of decision making authority.<br />

Assigned<br />

Fund balances that contain self-imposed constraints of the government to be used for a<br />

particular purpose.<br />

Unassigned<br />

Fund balance of the general fund that is not constrained for any particular purpose.<br />

The District has classified its fund balances <strong>with</strong> the following hierarchy.<br />

Nonspendable<br />

The District did not have any items that are considered nonspendable as of June 30, 2011.<br />

Spendable<br />

The District has classified the spendable fund balances as Restricted, Assigned and<br />

Unassigned and considered each to have been spent when expenditures are incurred. The<br />

District currently has no funds classified as Committed.<br />


<strong>PARK</strong> <strong>HILL</strong> <strong>SCHOOL</strong> <strong>DISTRICT</strong><br />

Kansas City, Missouri<br />

NOTES TO BASIC <strong>FINANCIAL</strong> <strong>STATEMENTS</strong><br />

For the Year Ended June 30, 2011<br />

NOTE 3:<br />


D. Fund Balance Reporting (continued)<br />

Restricted<br />

Missouri statutes and local ordinances require that certain revenues be specifically designed<br />

for the purposes of debt service and capital projects. The funds have been included in the<br />

restricted category of fund balance. At year end, the restricted fund balances totaled<br />

$19,102,493 <strong>with</strong> $1,537 restricted for student scholarship, $9,177,845 for debt repayment<br />

and $9,923,111 for bond construction projects.<br />

Assigned for Capital Projects<br />

The District has set aside certain spendable fund balance for capital projects which totaled<br />

$4,252,603 at year end.<br />

Unassigned<br />

The unassigned fund balance for the General Fund was $21,121,788.<br />

NOTE 4:<br />


A. Employee Pension Plans<br />

The District contributes to The Public School Retirement System of Missouri (PSRS), a cost-sharing<br />

multiple-employer defined benefit pension plan. PSRS provides retirement and disability benefits to<br />

certificated employees and death benefits to members and beneficiaries. Positions covered by the<br />

Public School Retirement System are not covered by social security. PSRS benefit provisions are set<br />

forth in Chapter 169.010 - .141 of the Missouri Revised Statutes. The statutes assign responsibility<br />

for the administration of the system to a seven-member Board of Trustees. PSRS issues a publicly<br />

available financial report that includes financial statements and required supplementary information.<br />

That report may be obtained by writing to: The Public School Retirement System of Missouri, P.O.<br />

Box 268, Jefferson City, Missouri 65102, or by calling 1-800-392-6848.<br />

PSRS members are required to contribute 14% of their annual-covered salary and the District is<br />

required to contribute a matching amount. The contribution requirements of members and the<br />

District are established and may be amended by the PSRS Board of Trustees. The District's<br />

contributions to PSRS for the year ending June 30, 2011, were equal to the required contributions.<br />

The District also contributes to the Public Education Employee Retirement System of Missouri<br />

(PEERS), a cost-sharing multiple-employer defined benefit pension plan. PEERS provides<br />

retirement and disability benefits to employees of the District who work 20 or more hours per week<br />

and who do not contribute to the Public School Retirement System of Missouri. Certain part-time<br />

certificated employees may be covered by this plan. Positions covered by the Public Education<br />

Employee Retirement System are also covered by social security. Benefit provisions are set forth in<br />

Chapter 169.600 - .715 of the Missouri Revised Statutes.<br />


<strong>PARK</strong> <strong>HILL</strong> <strong>SCHOOL</strong> <strong>DISTRICT</strong><br />

Kansas City, Missouri<br />

NOTES TO BASIC <strong>FINANCIAL</strong> <strong>STATEMENTS</strong><br />

For the Year Ended June 30, 2011<br />

NOTE 4:<br />

OTHER NOTES (continued)<br />

A. Employee Pension Plans (continued)<br />

The statutes assign responsibility for the administration of the system to the Board of Trustees of The<br />

Public School Retirement System of Missouri. PEERS issues a publicly available financial report<br />

that includes financial statements and required supplementary information. That report may be<br />

obtained by writing to: The Public School Retirement System of Missouri, PO Box 268, Jefferson<br />

City, Missouri 65102, or by calling 1-800-392-6848.<br />

PEERS members are required to contribute 6.63% of their annual-covered salary and the District is<br />

required to contribute a matching amount. The contribution requirements of members and the<br />

District are established and may be amended by the Board of Trustees. The District's contributions<br />

to PEERS for the year ending June 30, 2011, were equal to the required contributions.<br />

B. Deferred Compensation Plan<br />

The District adopted a 457(b) deferred compensation plan on March 22, 2002, for eligible<br />

employees. An eligible employee is any employee of the District who irrevocably elects to reduce<br />

and defer compensation, which would otherwise be receivable, during a period of employment<br />

subsequent to the effective date of the Salary Reduction Agreement.<br />

The District makes no contribution to this plan and reserves the right to amend or cancel the plan.<br />

The District has no responsibility for loss due to investment or failure of investment of funds and<br />

assets in the plan but does have the duty of due care that would be required of an ordinary prudent<br />

investor.<br />

All amounts of compensation deferred under the plan, all property and rights purchased <strong>with</strong> those<br />

amounts, and all income attributable to those amounts, property or rights are (until paid or made<br />

available to the employee or other beneficiary) solely the property and rights of the District (<strong>with</strong>out<br />

being restricted to the provisions of benefits under the plan), subject only to the claims of the<br />

District’s general creditors. Participants’ rights under the plan are equal to those of general creditors<br />

of the District in an amount equal to the fair market value of the deferred account for each<br />

participant.<br />

C. COBRA Benefits<br />

Under the Consolidated Omnibus Budget Reconciliation Act (COBRA), the District offers healthcare<br />

benefits to eligible former employees and eligible dependents. Certain requirements are outlined by<br />

the federal government for this coverage. The premium is paid in full by the insured on or before the<br />

th<br />

(5 ) day of the month for the current month’s coverage.<br />

This program is offered for a duration of 18 months after the termination date (36 months for<br />

dependents and those who are disability qualified; for social security, 29 months). There is no<br />

associated cost to the District under this program.<br />


<strong>PARK</strong> <strong>HILL</strong> <strong>SCHOOL</strong> <strong>DISTRICT</strong><br />

Kansas City, Missouri<br />

NOTES TO BASIC <strong>FINANCIAL</strong> <strong>STATEMENTS</strong><br />

For the Year Ended June 30, 2011<br />

NOTE 4:<br />

OTHER NOTES (continued)<br />

D. Section 125 Cafeteria Plan<br />

On November 1, 1988, the District implemented a Section 125 Cafeteria Plan. Under the Plan,<br />

District employees may elect to <strong>with</strong>hold from their payroll amounts which can be used to pay for<br />

various medical and dependent care expenses not covered by insurance. Any balance that remains in<br />

the employee account at April 30 of each year (plan year end) is not carried over to the subsequent<br />

plan year. The employee forfeits all rights <strong>with</strong> respect to the balance, and the forfeited balance<br />

reverts to the District.<br />

E. Post-employment Benefits<br />

In addition to the pension benefits described in Note A, the District makes available postemployment<br />

healthcare benefits to all employees who retire from the District. Participation by<br />

retirees in the District health plan is subjected to terms and conditions set forth in the Board policy.<br />

The cost of the coverage is charged to the retiree at a blended rate for all employees. The District has<br />

not made a formal evaluation or projection on the future cost of the existing healthcare plan in<br />

relation to retirees.<br />

F. Risk Management<br />

The District is exposed to various risks of loss from torts, theft of, damage to and destruction of<br />

assets; business interruption; errors and omissions; employee injuries and illnesses; natural disasters;<br />

and employee health, dental and accident benefits. Commercial insurance coverage is purchased for<br />

claims arising from such matters. Settled claims have not exceeded this commercial coverage in any<br />

of the three preceding years.<br />

G. Operating Lease<br />

Parkville Commercial Underground Facility<br />

On January 1, 2007, the District renewed the lease <strong>with</strong> Park College for space in the Parkville<br />

Commercial Underground Facility. The District utilizes the leased facility for office space and<br />

warehousing maintenance through December 31, 2016. The following is a schedule of future lease<br />

expense under this agreement.<br />

Year Ending June 30,<br />

Amount<br />

2012<br />

2013<br />

$10,531<br />

10,531<br />

2014<br />

2015<br />

10,531<br />

10,531<br />

2016 10,531<br />

$52,655<br />


<strong>PARK</strong> <strong>HILL</strong> <strong>SCHOOL</strong> <strong>DISTRICT</strong><br />

Kansas City, Missouri<br />

NOTES TO BASIC <strong>FINANCIAL</strong> <strong>STATEMENTS</strong><br />

For the Year Ended June 30, 2011<br />

NOTE 4:<br />

OTHER NOTES (continued)<br />

H. Lease Purchase<br />

The District entered into a lease purchase agreement <strong>with</strong> Commerce Bank for 42 Konica Bushub<br />

copiers. The monthly payment is $11,292.99 and is for 60 months. The following is a schedule of<br />

future lease expense under this agreement.<br />

Year Ending June 30,<br />

2012 $135,516<br />

2013 135,516<br />

2014 135,516<br />

2015 135,516<br />

2016 101,637<br />

$643,701<br />

I. Missouri Department of Natural Resources Energy Loan<br />

On November 20, 2003, the Board approved a loan of approximately $4,118,251 for which the<br />

construction maximum amount will be $4,077,711. These funds are to be used to upgrade current<br />

energy issues <strong>with</strong>in existing facilities. As of June 30, 2011, the District had received all funding<br />

from this loan. The energy loan will be retired as follows.<br />

School Year Principal Interest Total Payments<br />

2011-12 $ 269,332 $ 91,572 $ 360,904<br />

2012-13 279,252 81,652 360,904<br />

2013-14 289,538 71,366 360,904<br />

2014-15 300,202 60,702 360,904<br />

2015-16 311,260 49,644 360,904<br />

2016-20 1,125,970 80,662 1,206,632<br />

$2,575,554 $435,598 $3,011,152<br />

J. Self-Insured Risk Pool for Insurance<br />

The District participates in a public entity self-insured risk pool for insurance coverage. Workers'<br />

compensation, property, liability, and treasurer’s bond coverage is provided by the Missouri Unified<br />

School Insurance Council (MUSIC). Deposits are made to the pool by the District to cover<br />

anticipated losses. These deposits are reported as insurance expense. The pool purchases reinsurance<br />

to further protect against large losses. In the event that the deposited amounts and reinsurance<br />

proceeds are insufficient to pay claims, the District can be assessed for additional amounts. No<br />

provision has been made for this contingency as it appears improbable that assessments would be<br />

needed. All deposits are charged to insurance expense when made.<br />


<strong>PARK</strong> <strong>HILL</strong> <strong>SCHOOL</strong> <strong>DISTRICT</strong><br />

Kansas City, Missouri<br />

NOTES TO BASIC <strong>FINANCIAL</strong> <strong>STATEMENTS</strong><br />

For the Year Ended June 30, 2011<br />

NOTE 4:<br />

OTHER NOTES (continued)<br />

K. Claims and Adjustments<br />

The District participates in a number of federal and state programs that are fully or partially funded<br />

by grants received from other governmental units. Disbursements financed by grants are subject to<br />

audit by the appropriate grantor government. If disbursements are disallowed due to noncompliance<br />

<strong>with</strong> grant program regulation, the disetrict may be required to reimburse the grantor government. As<br />

of June 30, 2011, disbursements have not been audited by grantor governments, but the District<br />

believes that disallowed disbursements, if any, based on subsequent audits will not have a material<br />

effect on any of the individual government funds or the overall position of the District.<br />

L. Litigation<br />

As of June 30, 2011, the District had several unsettled due process claims. At this point in time, the<br />

outcomes cannot be predicted. The District is vigorously defending these claims. There has been no<br />

provision for possible loss included in these financial statements.<br />

M. Subsequent Events<br />

Dr. Dennis Fisher, Superintendent of Schools, announced his retirement from the District effective<br />

June 30, 2012.<br />



<strong>PARK</strong> <strong>HILL</strong> <strong>SCHOOL</strong> <strong>DISTRICT</strong><br />

Kansas City, Missouri<br />



June 30, 2011<br />

Original Final Actual Over<br />

Budget Budget Actual (Under) Budget<br />


Local $ 77,206,633 $ 77,206,633 $ 77,689,888 $ 483,255<br />

County 2,511,064 2,511,064 2,543,704 32,640<br />

State 2,946,834 2,946,834 3,058,958 112,124<br />

Federal 5,873,018 5,873,018 4,957,810 (915,208)<br />

Total Revenues 88,537,549 88,537,549 88,250,360 (287,189)<br />


Regular Instruction 2,089,137 1,800,000 1,592,900 (207,100)<br />

Special Education 4,066,674 3,550,000 3,294,586 (255,414)<br />

Student Activities 1,957,758 1,957,758 2,064,628 106,870<br />

Pupil Services 3,949,653 3,750,000 3,677,687 (72,313)<br />

Instructional Staff Services 1,289,455 1,289,455 1,006,516 (282,939)<br />

General Administration 1,252,241 1,252,241 1,162,527 (89,714)<br />

Building Level Administration 2,195,601 2,195,601 2,188,502 (7,099)<br />

Operation of Plant 12,539,818 12,139,818 12,101,950 (37,868)<br />

Transportation 5,368,421 5,268,421 5,218,607 (49,814)<br />

Food Service 4,790,393 4,365,000 4,285,668 (79,332)<br />

Community Service 3,624,757 3,400,000 3,313,292 (86,708)<br />

Central Office/Support 4,339,389 4,563,706 4,613,237 49,531<br />

Total Expenditures 47,463,297 45,532,000 44,520,100 (1,011,900)<br />

Revenues Over (Under) Expenditures 41,074,252 43,005,549 43,730,260 724,711<br />

Transfers In (Out) (42,288,765) (42,288,765) (41,876,140) 412,625<br />

Revenues & Other Financing Sources<br />

Over (Under) Expenditures & Other Uses (1,214,513) 716,784 1,854,120 1,137,336<br />

FUND BALANCE, JULY 1, 2010 19,230,963 19,230,963 19,269,205 38,242<br />

FUND BALANCE, JUNE 30, 2011 $ 18,016,450 $ 19,947,747 $ 21,123,325 $ 1,175,578<br />

See Accompanying Notes to the Basic Financial Statements.<br />


<strong>PARK</strong> <strong>HILL</strong> <strong>SCHOOL</strong> <strong>DISTRICT</strong><br />

Kansas City, Missouri<br />



June 30, 2011<br />

Original Final Actual Over<br />

Budget Budget Actual (Under) Budget<br />


Local $ 7,143,760 $ 7,143,760 $ 7,546,886 $ 403,126<br />

County 500,260 500,260 502,324 2,064<br />

State 16,624,466 16,624,466 17,955,487 1,331,021<br />

Federal 2,824,634 2,824,634 2,573,653 (250,981)<br />

Total Revenues 27,093,120 27,093,120 28,578,350 1,485,230<br />


Regular Instruction 44,075,065 43,000,000 42,482,616 (517,384)<br />

Special Education 11,085,465 11,200,000 11,333,235 133,235<br />

Student Activities 1,691,142 1,691,142 1,743,836 52,694<br />

Pupil Services 3,037,481 3,037,481 3,017,818 (19,663)<br />

Instructional Staff Services 1,487,604 1,800,000 2,077,017 277,017<br />

General Administration 531,843 531,843 578,516 46,673<br />

Building Level Administration 4,627,847 4,300,000 3,963,469 (336,531)<br />

Operation of Plant 0 100,000 99,052 (948)<br />

Central Office/Support 311,604 500,000 517,619 17,619<br />

Community Services 33,834 243,534 248,712 5,178<br />

Total Expenditures 66,881,885 66,404,000 66,061,890 (342,110)<br />

Revenues Over (Under) Expenditures (39,788,765) (39,310,880) (37,483,540) 1,827,340<br />

Transfers In (Out) 39,788,765 39,310,880 37,483,540 (1,827,340)<br />

Revenues & Other Financing Sources<br />

Over (Under) Expenditures & Other Uses 0 0 0 0<br />

FUND BALANCE, JULY 1, 2010 0 0 0 0<br />

FUND BALANCE, JUNE 30, 2011 $ 0 $ 0 $ 0 $ 0<br />

See Accompanying Notes to the Basic Financial Statements.<br />


<strong>PARK</strong> <strong>HILL</strong> <strong>SCHOOL</strong> <strong>DISTRICT</strong><br />

Kansas City, Missouri<br />



For the Fiscal Year Ended June 30, 2011<br />


Park Hill School District prepares its budget for all governmental funds on the modified cash basis of<br />

accounting. This basis is consistent <strong>with</strong> the basis of accounting used in preparing and presenting the<br />

basic financial statements. All unexpended appropriations lapse at year end.<br />

The District follows these procedures in establishing the budgetary data reflected in the financial<br />

statements:<br />

1. In accordance <strong>with</strong> Chapter 67, RSMo, the District adopts a budget for each fund.<br />

2. Prior to July, the superintendent, who serves as the budget officer, submits to the Board of Education<br />

a proposed budget for the fiscal year beginning on the following July 1. The proposed budget<br />

includes estimated revenues, proposed expenditures and transfers for all District governmental type<br />

funds. Budgeted expenditures cannot exceed beginning available monies plus estimated revenues for<br />

the year.<br />

3. A public hearing is conducted to obtain taxpayer comments. Prior to its approval by the Board of<br />

Education, the budget document is available for public inspection.<br />

4. Prior to July 1, the budget is legally enacted by a vote of the Board of Education.<br />

5. Subsequent to its formal approval of the budget, the Board of Education has the authority to make<br />

necessary adjustments to the budget by formal vote of the board. Adjustments made during the year<br />

are reflected in the budget information included in these financial statements. Budgeted amounts in<br />

the financial statements are as originally adopted or as amended by the Board of Education.<br />

6. Budgets for District governmental funds are prepared and adopted on the modified cash basis<br />

(budget), recognizing revenues when collected and expenditures when paid.<br />

7. Actual expenditures may not legally exceed the budgeted expenditures in any budgeted fund. For the<br />

fiscal year ended June 30, 2011, no budgets had been exceeded using the modified cash basis of<br />

accounting.<br />



<strong>PARK</strong> <strong>HILL</strong> <strong>SCHOOL</strong> <strong>DISTRICT</strong><br />

Kansas City, Missouri<br />



June 30, 2011<br />

Original Final Actual Over<br />

Budget Budget Actual (Under) Budget<br />


Local $8,978,064 $ 8,978,064 $ 9,042,951 $ 64,887<br />

County 341,384 341,384 354,154 12,770<br />

Other 0 0 4,595,000 4,595,000<br />

Total Revenues 9,319,448 9,319,448 13,992,105 4,672,657<br />


Principal 6,745,000 10,006,322 11,380,000 1,373,678<br />

Interest 3,004,845 4,457,739 3,023,154 (1,434,585)<br />

Other 2,655 3,939 57,093 53,154<br />

Total Expenditures 9,752,500 14,468,000 14,460,247 (7,753)<br />

Revenues Over (Under) Expenditures (433,052) (5,148,552) (468,142) 4,680,410<br />

FUND BALANCE, JULY 1, 2010 9,568,043 9,568,043 9,645,987 77,944<br />

FUND BALANCE, JUNE 30, 2011 $9,134,991 $ 4,419,491 $ 9,177,845 $4,758,354<br />

See Accompanying Notes to the Basic Financial Statements.<br />


<strong>PARK</strong> <strong>HILL</strong> <strong>SCHOOL</strong> <strong>DISTRICT</strong><br />

Kansas City, Missouri<br />



June 30, 2011<br />

Original Final Actual Over<br />

Budget Budget Actual (Under) Budget<br />


Local $ 1,822,738 $ 1,822,738 $ 1,979,794 $ 157,056<br />

County 52,076 52,076 38,678 (13,398)<br />

State 0 0 7,366 7,366<br />

Federal 0 0 64,434 64,434<br />

Other 15,488 15,488 10,020,452 10,004,964<br />

Total Revenues 1,890,302 1,890,302 12,110,724 10,220,422<br />


Regular Instruction 550,840 650,000 655,791 5,791<br />

Special Education 22,869 80,000 80,630 630<br />

Student Activities 19,856 75,000 75,944 944<br />

Pupil Services 2,080 20,000 17,653 (2,347)<br />

Instructional Staff Services 25,250 5,000 2,726 (2,274)<br />

General Administration 8,946 8,946 13,295 4,349<br />

Operation of Plant 2,617,400 1,617,400 1,607,661 (9,739)<br />

Central Office/Support 693,282 693,283 722,187 28,904<br />

Transportation 70,000 70,000 70,925 925<br />

Food Service 0 385,000 396,074 11,074<br />

Community Services 0 110,000 112,796 2,796<br />

Facility Projects 247,511 1,898,616 1,071,703 (826,913)<br />

Debt Services 516,755 516,755 516,753 (2)<br />

Other Expense 1,000 75,000 78,000 3,000<br />

Total Expenditures 4,775,789 6,205,000 5,422,138 (782,862)<br />

Revenues Over (Under) Expenditures (2,885,487) (4,314,698) 6,688,586 11,003,284<br />

Transfers In (Out) 2,500,000 2,500,000 4,392,600 1,892,600<br />

Revenues & Other Financing Sources Over/ 0<br />

(Under) Expenditures & Other Uses (385,487) (1,814,698) 11,081,186 12,895,884<br />

FUND BALANCE, JULY 1, 2010 2,718,902 2,718,902 3,094,528 375,626<br />

FUND BALANCE, JUNE 30, 2011 $ 2,333,415 $ 904,204 $14,175,714 $13,271,510<br />

See Accompanying Notes to the Basic Financial Statements.<br />


<strong>PARK</strong> <strong>HILL</strong> <strong>SCHOOL</strong> <strong>DISTRICT</strong><br />

Kansas City, Missouri<br />


For the Year Ended June 30, 2011<br />

Special Debt Capital<br />

General Revenue Service Projects Totals<br />

Fund Fund Fund Fund (Memo Only)<br />

LOCAL:<br />

Current/Delinquent Taxes $67,501,043 $ 0 $ 8,665,186 $ 642,759 $ 76,808,988<br />

School Dist Trust Fund (Prop C) 0 7,546,778 0 0 7,546,778<br />

Financial Institutions Tax 0 0 0 157,515 157,515<br />

M&M, in lieu of City & Sales 0 0 0 1,038,211 1,038,211<br />

Earnings on Investments 551,585 108 377,765 9,513 938,971<br />

Food Services 3,287,007 0 0 0 3,287,007<br />

Student Activities 2,146,130 0 0 0 2,146,130<br />

Community Services 3,217,941 0 0 0 3,217,941<br />

Other 986,182 0 0 131,796 1,117,978<br />

Total Local 77,689,888 7,546,886 9,042,951 1,979,794 96,259,519<br />

COUNTY:<br />

Fines, Escheats 0 502,324 0 0 502,324<br />

State Assessed Utilities 2,543,704 0 354,154 38,678 2,936,536<br />

Total County 2,543,704 502,324 354,154 38,678 3,438,860<br />

STATE:<br />

Basic Formula 0 13,794,755 0 0 13,794,755<br />

Transportation Aid 1,032,605 0 0 0 1,032,605<br />

Career Ladder 0 94,000 0 0 94,000<br />

Vo-Tec 2,137 0 0 0 2,137<br />

Classroom Trust 0 4,066,732 0 0 4,066,732<br />

High Need Fund 137,750 0 0 0 137,750<br />

Food Services 29,510 0 0 0 29,510<br />

Early Childhood Special Ed 1,749,117 0 0 7,366 1,756,483<br />

Educational Screening Program 94,735 0 0 0 94,735<br />

Other 13,104 0 0 0 13,104<br />

Total State 3,058,958 17,955,487 0 7,366 21,021,811<br />

FEDERAL:<br />

Medicaid 88,619 0 0 0 88,619<br />

Title I - ESEA 584,288 0 0 0 584,288<br />

Title II 152,640 0 0 0 152,640<br />

Food Services 1,381,658 0 0 0 1,381,658<br />

Individuals w/Disabilities Ed 1,641,583 0 0 1,695 1,643,278<br />

Title IV - Drug Free Schools 3,955 0 0 0 3,955<br />

English Language Requisition 77,742 0 0 0 77,742<br />

Early Childhood Special Ed 174,736 0 0 44,824 219,560<br />

Stablization 0 757,912 0 0 757,912<br />

ARRA 792,223 463,376 0 17,915 1,273,514<br />

Job's Bill 0 1,352,365 0 0 1,352,365<br />

Other 60,366 0 0 0 60,366<br />

Total Federal 4,957,810 2,573,653 0 64,434 7,595,897<br />

Bonds Issued 0 0 4,595,000 10,000,000 14,595,000<br />

Sale of District Property 0 0 0 20,452 20,452<br />

TOTAL REVENUES $88,250,360 $28,578,350 $13,992,105 $12,110,724 $142,931,539<br />

See Accompanying Notes to the Basic Financial Statements.<br />


<strong>PARK</strong> <strong>HILL</strong> <strong>SCHOOL</strong> <strong>DISTRICT</strong><br />

Kansas City, Missouri<br />


For the Year Ended June 30, 2011<br />

Special Debt Capital<br />

General Revenue Service Projects Totals<br />

Fund Fund Fund Fund (Memo Only)<br />

Salaries $18,488,378 $52,467,762 $ 0 $ 0 $ 70,956,140<br />

Fringe Benefits 5,157,743 12,592,464 0 0 17,750,207<br />

Tuition 74,495 1,001,664 0 0 1,076,159<br />

Audit & Accounting 18,998 0 0 0 18,998<br />

Legal 199,811 0 0 0 199,811<br />

Other Services 4,425,939 0 0 0 4,425,939<br />

Transportation 4,625,206 0 0 0 4,625,206<br />

Travel 349,098 0 0 0 349,098<br />

Insurance 669,019 0 0 0 669,019<br />

Purchased Services 1,773,548 0 0 0 1,773,548<br />

Supplies 4,020,033 0 0 0 4,020,033<br />

Books & Periodicals 427,667 0 0 0 427,667<br />

Food 1,830,975 0 0 0 1,830,975<br />

Energy Supplies 2,459,190 0 0 0 2,459,190<br />

Capital Improvements 0 0 0 2,775,862 2,775,862<br />

Equipment 0 0 0 2,051,523 2,051,523<br />

Debt Service 0 0 14,403,154 516,753 14,919,907<br />

Other Expense 0 0 57,093 78,000 135,093<br />

$44,520,100 $66,061,890 $14,460,247 $5,422,138 $130,464,375<br />

See Accompanying Notes to the Basic Financial Statements.<br />


<strong>PARK</strong> <strong>HILL</strong> <strong>SCHOOL</strong> <strong>DISTRICT</strong><br />

Kansas City, Missouri<br />


June 30, 2011<br />

Bonded Indebtedness Series Series Series Series Series<br />

Fiscal Year Totals 2003 2004 2006 2010 2011<br />

2011-12 $ 5,735,000 $2,360,000 $ 1,670,000 $ 1,100,000 $ 605,000 $ 0<br />

2012-13 6,745,000 2,670,000 1,725,000 1,725,000 625,000 0<br />

2013-14 6,760,000 700,000 4,130,000 1,930,000 0 0<br />

2014-15 7,560,000 0 5,625,000 1,935,000 0 0<br />

2015-16 8,255,000 0 6,015,000 2,240,000 0 0<br />

2016-17 10,510,000 0 2,000,000 8,510,000 0 0<br />

2017-18 11,580,000 0 0 11,580,000 0 0<br />

2018-19 1,650,000 0 0 0 1,650,000 0<br />

2019-20 1,715,000 0 0 0 1,715,000 0<br />

2020-21 0 0 0 0 0 0<br />

2021-22 295,000 0 0 0 0 295,000<br />

2022-23 750,000 0 0 0 0 750,000<br />

2023-24 865,000 0 0 0 0 865,000<br />

2024-25 980,000 0 0 0 0 980,000<br />

2025-26 1,115,000 0 0 0 0 1,115,000<br />

2026-27 1,255,000 0 0 0 0 1,255,000<br />

2027-28 1,410,000 0 0 0 0 1,410,000<br />

2028-29 1,575,000 0 0 0 0 1,575,000<br />

2029-30 1,755,000 0 0 0 0 1,755,000<br />

$70,510,000 $5,730,000 $21,165,000 $29,020,000 $4,595,000 $10,000,000<br />

Interest Obligation Series Series Series Series Series<br />

Totals 2003 2004 2006 2010 2011<br />

2011-12 $ 2,962,522 $198,190 $ 867,081 $1,466,650 $ 191,570 $ 239,031<br />

2012-13 2,846,988 117,950 814,106 1,419,900 149,444 345,588<br />

2013-14 2,602,101 24,500 758,325 1,339,088 134,600 345,588<br />

2014-15 2,351,038 0 622,750 1,248,100 134,600 345,588<br />

2015-16 2,016,963 0 375,750 1,161,025 134,600 345,588<br />

2016-17 1,608,038 0 75,000 1,052,850 134,600 345,588<br />

2017-18 1,086,263 0 0 606,075 134,600 345,588<br />

2018-19 480,188 0 0 0 134,600 345,588<br />

2019-20 414,188 0 0 0 68,600 345,588<br />

2020-21 345,588 0 0 0 0 345,588<br />

2021-22 345,588 0 0 0 0 345,588<br />

2022-23 337,475 0 0 0 0 337,475<br />

2023-24 314,975 0 0 0 0 314,975<br />

2024-25 289,025 0 0 0 0 289,025<br />

2025-26 257,175 0 0 0 0 257,175<br />

2026-27 218,150 0 0 0 0 218,150<br />

2027-28 174,225 0 0 0 0 174,225<br />

2028-29 124,875 0 0 0 0 124,875<br />

2029-30 65,813 0 0 0 0 65,813<br />

$18,841,178 $340,640 $3,513,012 $8,293,688 $1,217,214 $5,476,624<br />

See Accompanying Notes to the Basic Financial Statements.<br />



Board of Education<br />

Park Hill School District<br />

Kansas City, Missouri<br />

Compliance and Other Matters<br />

As part of obtaining reasonable assurance about whether the District’s financial statements are free of<br />

material misstatement, we performed tests of its compliance <strong>with</strong> certain provisions of laws, regulations,<br />

contracts, and grant agreements, noncompliance <strong>with</strong> which could have a direct and material effect on the<br />

determination of financial statement amounts. However, providing an opinion on compliance <strong>with</strong> those<br />

provisions was not an objective of our audit, and accordingly, we do not express such an opinion. The<br />

results of our tests disclosed no instances of noncompliance or other matters that are required to be<br />

reported under Government Auditing Standards.<br />

This report is intended solely for the information and use of the Board of Education, management,<br />

federal awarding agencies, Missouri Department of Elementary and Secondary Education and other passthrough<br />

entities and is not intended to be and should not be used by anyone other than these specified<br />

parties.<br />

Kansas City, Missouri<br />

October 21, 2011<br />

Marr and Company, P.C.<br />

Certified Public Accountants<br />


Board of Education<br />

Park Hill School District<br />

Kansas City, Missouri<br />

A deficiency in internal control over compliance exists when the design or operation of a control over<br />

compliance does not allow management or employees, in the normal course of performing their assigned<br />

functions, to prevent or detect and correct, noncompliance <strong>with</strong> a type of compliance requirement of a<br />

federal program on a timely basis. A material weakness in internal control over compliance is a<br />

deficiency, or combination of deficiencies, in internal control over compliance, such that there is a<br />

reasonable possibility that material noncompliance <strong>with</strong> a type of compliance requirement of a federal<br />

program will not be prevented, or detected and corrected, on a timely basis.<br />

Our consideration of internal control over compliance was for the limited purpose described in the first<br />

paragraph of this section and was not designed to identify all deficiencies in internal control over<br />

compliance that might be deficiencies, significant deficiencies or material weaknesses. We did not<br />

identify any deficiencies in internal control over compliance that we consider to be material weaknesses,<br />

as defined above.<br />

This report is intended solely for the information and use of the Board of Education, management,<br />

Missouri Department of Elementary and Secondary Education, federal awarding agencies and other passthrough<br />

entities and is not intended to be and should not be used by anyone other than these specified<br />

parties.<br />

Kansas City, Missouri<br />

October 21, 2011<br />

Marr and Company, P.C.<br />

Certified Public Accountants<br />


<strong>PARK</strong> <strong>HILL</strong> <strong>SCHOOL</strong> <strong>DISTRICT</strong><br />

Kansas City, Missouri<br />


For the Year Ended June 30, 2011<br />

Federal Agency or<br />

Federal Grantor/Pass-through CFDA Pass-through Federal<br />

Grantor/Program Title Number Number Expenditure<br />

U.S. Department of Agriculture<br />

Pass-through Missouri Dept. of Elementary & Secondary Education:<br />

Child Nutrition Cluster:<br />

School Breakfast Program 10.553 083-005 $ 260,674<br />

National School Lunch Program 10.555 083-005 1,436,661<br />

Total Child Nutrition Cluster 1,697,335<br />

Total U.S. Department of Agriculture 1,697,335<br />

U.S. Department of Education<br />

Pass-through Missouri Dept. of Elementary & Secondary Education:<br />

Title I - Part A Cluster:<br />

Title I, Part A Grants to LEAs 84.010A 083-005 691,081<br />

Title I, Part A Grants to LEAs (ARRA) 84.389A 083-005 267,909<br />

Total Title I, Part A Cluster 958,990<br />

ESEA-Title II, Part A Improving Teacher Quality 84.367A 083-005 232,429<br />

Title III, Part A, Immigrant & LEP 84.365A 083-005 72,920<br />

Title IV, Part A, Subpart 1 Safe & Drug-Free Schools 84.186A 083-005 3,955<br />

State Fiscal Stabilization Fund Cluster (SFSF):<br />

SFSF Education Stabilization Fund (ARRA) 84.394 083-005 757,912<br />

SFSF Government Services (ARRA) 84.397 083-005 463,376<br />

Total State Fiscal Stabilization Fund Cluster 1,221,288<br />

Federal Education Jobs Fund (ARRA) 84.410A 083-005 1,352,365<br />

Special Education Cluster (IDEA):<br />

IDEA, Part B - Special Education 84.027A 083-005 1,589,760<br />

IDEA, Part B - Special Education (ARRA) 84.391A 083-005 720,840<br />

Early Childhood Special Education 84.027A 083-005 219,560<br />

IDEA, Preschool-Special Education (ARRA) 84.392A 083-005 63,990<br />

Total Special Education Cluster 2,594,150<br />

Total U.S. Department of Education 6,436,097<br />

U.S. Department of Labor<br />

Pass-through Missouri Dept. of Elementary & Secondary Education:<br />

Workforce Investment Act (WIA) 17.259 W09915 10,474<br />



<strong>PARK</strong> <strong>HILL</strong> <strong>SCHOOL</strong> <strong>DISTRICT</strong><br />

Kansas City, Missouri<br />


For the Year Ended June 30, 2011<br />

NOTE 1:<br />


The accompanying Schedule of Expenditures of Federal Awards presents the activity of all federal<br />

awards programs of Park Hill School District. The Park Hill School District School Board (the “school<br />

board”) reporting entity is defined in Note 1-A to the school board’s financial statements. Federal<br />

awards received directly from federal agencies, as well as federal awards passed through other<br />

government agencies, are included on the schedule.<br />

NOTE 2:<br />


The accompanying Schedule of Expenditures of Federal Awards is presented using the cash basis of<br />

accounting, which is described in Note 1E to the school board’s financial statements.<br />

NOTE 3:<br />

RELATIONSHIP TO <strong>FINANCIAL</strong> <strong>STATEMENTS</strong><br />

Federal awards are reported in the school board’s financial statements as follows:<br />

Federal Sources<br />

General Fund $ 4,957,810<br />

Special Revenue 2,573,653<br />

Capital Projects 64,433<br />

$ 7,595,896<br />

NOTE 4:<br />


Amounts reported in the accompanying schedule agree <strong>with</strong> the amounts reported in the related federal<br />

financial reports except for changes made to reflect amounts in accordance <strong>with</strong> accounting principles<br />

generally accepted in the United States.<br />

NOTE 5:<br />


For those funds that have matching revenues and state funding, federal expenditures were determined by<br />

deducting matching revenues from total expenditures.<br />

NOTE 6:<br />


The commodities received, which are noncash revenues, are valued using prices provided by the United<br />

States Department of Agriculture. The total value included in the National School Lunch Program was<br />

$315,678 for the year ended June 30, 2011.<br />


Summary of Auditor’s Results<br />

Financial Statement Audit<br />

<strong>PARK</strong> <strong>HILL</strong> <strong>SCHOOL</strong> <strong>DISTRICT</strong><br />

Kansas City, Missouri<br />


For the Year Ended June 30, 2011<br />

1. Type of auditor’s report issued? Unqualified Opinion<br />

2. Internal control over financial reporting:<br />

a. Material weakness(es) identified? Yes X No<br />

b. Significant deficiency(ies) identified that are not considered to be material weaknesses?<br />

Yes No X None Reported<br />

3. Noncompliance material to financial statements noted? Yes X No<br />

Federal Awards<br />

1. Internal control over major programs:<br />

b. Material weakness(es) identified? Yes X No<br />

b. Significant deficiency(ies) identified that are not considered to be material weakness(es)?<br />

Yes No X None Reported<br />

2. Type of auditor’s report issued on compliance for major programs. Unqualified Opinion<br />

3. Any audit findings disclosed that are required to be reported in accordance <strong>with</strong> section 510(a) of<br />

OMB Circular A-133? Yes X No<br />

4. The District’s major federal programs were:<br />

CFDA Number(s)<br />

Name of Federal Program or Cluster<br />

84.010A, 84.389A Title I, Part A Cluster<br />

84.027A, 84.391A, 84.392A Special Education Cluster<br />

84.394, 84.397 State Fiscal Stabiliation Fund Cluster<br />

84.410A Federal Education Jobs Fund<br />

5. Dollar threshold used to distinguish between type A and type B programs. $300,000<br />

6. Auditee qualified as low-risk auditee? X Yes No<br />


<strong>PARK</strong> <strong>HILL</strong> <strong>SCHOOL</strong> <strong>DISTRICT</strong><br />

Kansas City, Missouri<br />


For the Year Ended June 30, 2011<br />

Financial Statement Findings<br />

No financial statement findings were reported.<br />

Federal Award Findings and Questioned Costs<br />

No federal award findings and questioned costs were reported.<br />


<strong>PARK</strong> <strong>HILL</strong> <strong>SCHOOL</strong> <strong>DISTRICT</strong><br />

Kansas City, Missouri<br />


For the Year Ended June 30, 2011<br />

There were no findings or questioned costs to be resolved in the prior year's audit report.<br />



<strong>PARK</strong> <strong>HILL</strong> <strong>SCHOOL</strong> <strong>DISTRICT</strong><br />

Kansas City, Missouri<br />


For the Year Ended June 30, 2011<br />


1. Calendar (Sections 160.041 and 171.031, RSMo)<br />

A. The number of actual calendar hours classes were in session and pupils were under the direction<br />

of teachers during this school year was as follows:<br />

Kindergarten - full day<br />

Grades 1-5<br />

Grade 6-8<br />

Grades 9-12<br />

Park Hill Day School<br />

1,119.84 Hours<br />

1,119.84 Hours<br />

1,155.04 Hours<br />

1,186.72 Hours<br />

1,104.00 Hours<br />

B. The number of days classes were in session and pupils were under the direction of teachers<br />

during this school year was 178 days for grades K-12.<br />

2. Average Daily Attendance (ADA)<br />

Full-time/<br />

Regular Term Part-time Remedial Total<br />

Grades K-5 4393.47 8.06 4401.53<br />

Grades 6-8 2255.97 .02 2255.99<br />

Grades 9-12 2934.86 .00 2934.86<br />

Subtotal Regular Term 9584.30 8.08 9592.38<br />

Summer School Subtotal 100.09<br />

Total Regular Term Plus Summer School ADA 9692.47<br />

3. September Membership<br />

Full-Time & Part-Time<br />

September Membership FTE Count: 10,161.62<br />

4. Free and Reduced Priced Lunch FTE Count (Section 163.011(6), RSMo)<br />

Full-Time & Part-Time<br />

State FTE Total<br />

Free 2,052.28<br />

Reduced 479.00<br />

Total 2,531.28<br />

5. Finance<br />

A. As required by Section 162.401, RSMo, a bond was purchased for the<br />

District's treasurer in the total amount of<br />

$25,000 per<br />

occurrence<br />

B. The District’s deposits were secured during the year as required by Sections<br />

110.010 and 110.020, RSMo. True<br />

C. The District maintained a separate bank account for the Debt Service Fund in<br />

accordance <strong>with</strong> Section 165.011, RSMo.<br />

True<br />


<strong>PARK</strong> <strong>HILL</strong> <strong>SCHOOL</strong> <strong>DISTRICT</strong><br />

Kansas City, Missouri<br />


For the Year Ended June 30, 2011<br />

5. Finance (continued)<br />

D. Salaries reported for educators in the October Core Data Cycle are supported<br />

by payroll/contract records.<br />

E. If a $162,326 or 7% x WADA transfer was made in excess of adjusted<br />

expenditure, the board approved a resolution to make the transfer, which<br />

identified the specific projects to be funded by the transfer and an expected<br />

expenditure date for the projects to be undertaken.<br />

F. The District published a summary of the prior year’s audit report <strong>with</strong>in 30<br />

days of the receipt of the audit pursuant to Section 165.121, RSMo.<br />

True<br />

N/A<br />

True<br />

G. All above “false” answers must be supported by a finding or management<br />

letter comment. Finding # N/A<br />

Management Letter Comment # N/A<br />

6. Transportation (Section 163.161, RSMo)<br />

A. The school transportation allowable costs substantially conform to 5 CSR<br />

30-261.040, Allowable Costs for State Transportation Aid. True<br />

B. The District’s school transportation ridership records are so maintained as to<br />

accurately disclose in all material respects the average number of regular<br />

riders transported.<br />

True<br />

C. Based on the ridership records, the average number of students (non-disabled<br />

K-12, K-12 students <strong>with</strong> disabilities and career education) transported on a<br />

regular basis (ADT) was: Eligible ADT 5596.0<br />

Ineligible ADT 1290.5<br />

D. The District’s transportation odometer mileage records are so maintained as<br />

to accurately disclose in all material respects the eligible and ineligible<br />

mileage for the year.<br />

True<br />

E. Actual odometer records show the total district-operated and contracted<br />

mileage for the year was: 1,101,068<br />

Of this total, the eligible non-disabled and students <strong>with</strong> disabilities route<br />

miles and the ineligible non-route and disapproved miles (combined) was:<br />

Eligible miles 972,656<br />

Ineligible miles (non-route/disapproved) 128,412<br />

F. Number of days the District operated the school transportation system during<br />

the regular school year. 179<br />

G. All above “false” answers must be supported by a finding or management<br />

letter comment. Finding # N/A<br />

Management Letter Comment # N/A<br />


<strong>PARK</strong> <strong>HILL</strong> <strong>SCHOOL</strong> <strong>DISTRICT</strong><br />

Kansas City, Missouri<br />


For the Year Ended June 30, 2011<br />

Pupil<br />

Transportation<br />

Disabled<br />

Transportation<br />

Contracted Contracted Totals<br />

Noncertified Salaries $ 44,808 $ 0 $ 44,808<br />

Employee Benefits 11,483 0 11,483<br />

Purchased Services 3,551,330 1,073,876 4,625,206<br />

Supplies 400,131 136,978 537,109<br />

Capital Outlay 70,925 0 70,925<br />

$4,078,677 $1,210,854 $5,289,531<br />


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