Training, Installation & Service Manual - Livewire Connections Ltd

Training, Installation & Service Manual - Livewire Connections Ltd

Training, Installation & Service Manual - Livewire Connections Ltd


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YUMPU automatically turns print PDFs into web optimized ePapers that Google loves. Logging off administration<br />

If you have not entered anything for 30 minutes under<br />

ADMINISTRATION, you are logged off automatically. To log off<br />

manually, click Logoff under administrator logoff in the<br />

ADMINISTRATION page.<br /> Setting up user permissions<br />

You can manage user access to certain functions of the SAILOR 900<br />

VSAT system. You can allow or deny users that are not<br />

administrators access to certain functions and make these pages<br />

read-only. This is useful if you want to protect the system against<br />

unintended changes or tampering of the system.<br />

Important<br />

Study this screen thoroughly and decide which areas<br />

of the SAILOR 900 VSAT system you want to give<br />

non-administrator users access to.<br />

To set up the user permissions, do as follows:<br />

1. From the left navigation pane, select ADMINISTRATION > User<br />

permissions.<br />

Configuration with the web interface<br />

6666<br />

Configuration<br />

Figure 6-37: Web interface: ADMINISTRATION, User permissions<br />

2. For each item under ALLOW USERS TO: select<br />

• Yes to allow access<br />

98-133966-E2 Chapter 6: Configuration 6-45

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