Better Than Ever New.. - St. Stephen Harding Theological College ...

Better Than Ever New.. - St. Stephen Harding Theological College ...

Better Than Ever New.. - St. Stephen Harding Theological College ...


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Saint <strong>St</strong>ephen <strong>Harding</strong><br />

<strong>Theological</strong> <strong>College</strong> and Seminary<br />

Saint Seraphim School of Orthodox Theology<br />

Cistercian Order of the Holy Cross,<br />

Common Observance, Inc.<br />

501(c) 3 Not for Profit Corporation<br />

1606 Briar Lake Circle<br />

Winston-Salem, NC, 27103 USA<br />

336- 918-0975<br />

Dean<br />

The Most Rev. Oscar Joseph, M.S. Ph. D,<br />

D.S.T., OCCO<br />

Assistant to the Dean<br />

Rev.Br. Columcille, OCCO<br />

Dear <strong>St</strong>udents and Inquirers:<br />

Greetings to you in the Name of our Precious Lord and Savior, Jesus the Christ.<br />

It is with great pleasure that I am able to announce that <strong>St</strong>. <strong>St</strong>ephen <strong>Harding</strong> <strong>College</strong> and Seminary and Saint<br />

Seraphim School of Orthodox Theology are offering an exciting number of new courses, Certifications, and Masters<br />

Degrees.<br />

Additionally through the use of Skype we are offering world wide audio and video classes to students around the<br />

world. Our students will be able to speak directly to their instructors and other class-mates.<br />

The audio/video medium is used by many colleges and seminaries. Recent statistics indicate that 63% of all schools<br />

are using some form of off campus studies.<br />

Associate Deans, Certified Degree Granting<br />

Academic Institutes<br />

Rev. Br. Rommel Banag, OCCO<br />

The Most Rev. Timothy Buss, Th.D.<br />

The Most. Rev. Daniel, D.D., Th.D., LL.Lit.D.<br />

The Most Rev. Mark, M.P.A., Th.D., OCMA<br />

Jude Reyes, M.B.A., M.A.T.<br />

Rev. Joachim Seeger, Dr., Dr., D.D.<br />

<strong>Better</strong> <strong>Than</strong><br />

<strong>Ever</strong><br />

Should you have any questions you are welcome to write, call, or Skype me.<br />

Blessings,<br />

The Most Rev. Oscar Joseph, Ph.D., D.S.T., O.C.C.O.<br />


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