Masters in Theology - St. Stephen Harding Theological College and ...

Masters in Theology - St. Stephen Harding Theological College and ... Masters in Theology - St. Stephen Harding Theological College and ...
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Masters in Theology Off Campus Studies Listed below are the current Masters in Theology specialty degrees that are available. The student may develop their own specialty degree areas from either the current catalog or develop their own courses, see Course Work Sheet and Degree Work Sheet, and submit the proposal to the Dean for approval. Each program is 30 credit hours. Masters in the Theology of Cistercian Spirituality BEN 501 The Life and Way of St. Benedict (3) BEN 502 The Rule of St. Benedict (3) BEN 503 Benedictine Spirituality (3) CIST 501 History and Achievements of Cistercians (3) CIST 502 School of Love and Vocation (3) CIST 503 Contemporary Cistercians (3) CONT 501 Introduction to Contemplation (3) CONT 502 Lectio Divina (3) CONT 503 Contemplative Praxis (3) ECCL 603 History of Western Monastic Movement (3) Masters in the Theology of Scriptural Studies SCRP 601 Introduction to Old and New Testament, Interpretive (6) SCRP 602 Old Testament Studies (15) SCRP 603 New Testament Studies (9) Masters in Theology THEO 601 Systematic Theology (9) THEO 602 Dogmatic Theology (6) THEO 603 Moral Theology (6) THEO 604 Ecclesiology (3) THEO 605 Introduction to Sacramental Theology (6) Masters in the Theology of the Holy Sacraments SACR 501 Holy Orders (3) SACR 502 Introduction to Liturgics (3) SACR 503 Homiletics (3) SACR 504 Baptism and Confirmation (3) SACR 505 Holy Matrimony (3) SACR 601 Anointing of the Sick (3) SACR 602 Holy Eucharist (3) SACR 603 Sacrament of Penance (3) SACR 604 Holy Orders ll (3) SACR 605 Advanced Liturgics, Roman Rite (3)

<strong>Masters</strong> <strong>in</strong> <strong>Theology</strong><br />

Off Campus <strong>St</strong>udies<br />

Listed below are the current <strong>Masters</strong> <strong>in</strong> <strong>Theology</strong> specialty degrees that are<br />

available. The student may develop their own specialty degree areas from either<br />

the current catalog or develop their own courses, see Course Work Sheet <strong>and</strong><br />

Degree Work Sheet, <strong>and</strong> submit the proposal to the Dean for approval. Each<br />

program is 30 credit hours.<br />

<strong>Masters</strong> <strong>in</strong> the <strong>Theology</strong> of Cistercian Spirituality<br />

BEN 501 The Life <strong>and</strong> Way of <strong>St</strong>. Benedict (3)<br />

BEN 502 The Rule of <strong>St</strong>. Benedict (3)<br />

BEN 503 Benedict<strong>in</strong>e Spirituality (3)<br />

CIST 501 History <strong>and</strong> Achievements of Cistercians (3)<br />

CIST 502 School of Love <strong>and</strong> Vocation (3)<br />

CIST 503 Contemporary Cistercians (3)<br />

CONT 501 Introduction to Contemplation (3)<br />

CONT 502 Lectio Div<strong>in</strong>a (3)<br />

CONT 503 Contemplative Praxis (3)<br />

ECCL 603 History of Western Monastic Movement (3)<br />

<strong>Masters</strong> <strong>in</strong> the <strong>Theology</strong> of Scriptural <strong>St</strong>udies<br />

SCRP 601 Introduction to Old <strong>and</strong> New Testament, Interpretive (6)<br />

SCRP 602 Old Testament <strong>St</strong>udies (15)<br />

SCRP 603 New Testament <strong>St</strong>udies (9)<br />

<strong>Masters</strong> <strong>in</strong> <strong>Theology</strong><br />

THEO 601 Systematic <strong>Theology</strong> (9)<br />

THEO 602 Dogmatic <strong>Theology</strong> (6)<br />

THEO 603 Moral <strong>Theology</strong> (6)<br />

THEO 604 Ecclesiology (3)<br />

THEO 605 Introduction to Sacramental <strong>Theology</strong> (6)<br />

<strong>Masters</strong> <strong>in</strong> the <strong>Theology</strong> of the Holy Sacraments<br />

SACR 501 Holy Orders (3)<br />

SACR 502 Introduction to Liturgics (3)<br />

SACR 503 Homiletics (3)<br />

SACR 504 Baptism <strong>and</strong> Confirmation (3)<br />

SACR 505 Holy Matrimony (3)<br />

SACR 601 Ano<strong>in</strong>t<strong>in</strong>g of the Sick (3)<br />

SACR 602 Holy Eucharist (3)<br />

SACR 603 Sacrament of Penance (3)<br />

SACR 604 Holy Orders ll (3)<br />

SACR 605 Advanced Liturgics, Roman Rite (3)

<strong>Masters</strong> <strong>in</strong> Ascetical <strong>Theology</strong><br />

MYST 601 Ascetical <strong>and</strong> Mystical <strong>Theology</strong> (3)<br />

MYST 602 Review of Christian Mysticism (3)<br />

MYST 650 <strong>Theological</strong> Aesthetics (18)<br />

PRAX 663 Independent Research (6)<br />

<strong>Masters</strong> <strong>in</strong> The <strong>Theology</strong> of Liturgical <strong>St</strong>udies<br />

SACR 502 Introduction to Liturgics (6)<br />

SACR 605 Advanced Liturgics, Roman Rite (3)<br />

SACR 606 Liturgical <strong>St</strong>udies (15)<br />

PRAX 663 Independent Research (6)<br />

<strong>Masters</strong> <strong>in</strong> the <strong>Theology</strong> of Spiritual Direction<br />

SDIR 604 Spiritual Direction (6)<br />

THEO 603 Moral <strong>Theology</strong> (6)<br />

SACR 603 Sacrament of Penance (3)<br />

CONT 502 Lectio Div<strong>in</strong>a (3)<br />

SCRP 601 Introduction to Old <strong>and</strong> New Testament, Interpretive (6)<br />

MIN 603 Death, Church Teach<strong>in</strong>g, Pastoral Preparations, Mean<strong>in</strong>g of Life (3)<br />

MIN 606 Ethics ll, Theory <strong>and</strong> Practice (3)<br />

<strong>Masters</strong> <strong>in</strong> the <strong>Theology</strong> of Women <strong>in</strong> the Church<br />

WMCH 501 Women Mystics (2)<br />

WMCH 502 Women <strong>in</strong> the Early Church (3)<br />

WMCH 503 Women Office Holders <strong>in</strong> the Early Church (3)<br />

WMCH 504 Women’s Ways of Worship, General Analysis, Liturgical History (3)<br />

WMCH 601 Cistercian Monastic Women 12 th -20 th Centuries (6)<br />

WMCH 602 Modern Fem<strong>in</strong>ist Movement <strong>in</strong> the Church (3)<br />

WMCH 603 Women <strong>in</strong> the Priesthood (3)<br />

PRAX 662 Independent Research (9)

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