June 2010

June 2010

June 2010


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fusion<br />

central international newsletter / march <strong>2010</strong>

Neil<br />

Message from the MD<br />

Welcome to Central Institute of Technology.<br />

I am very pleased and honoured that you<br />

have chosen Central as your place of study.<br />

We acknowledge and respect the tremendous<br />

sacrifice that you and your families have<br />

made for you to come here. We aim to provide<br />

you with excellence in teaching and learning,<br />

to allow you to increase your knowledge and<br />

skills and help you achieve your goals.<br />

As International students, you bring<br />

something unique to the Institute’s<br />

community which is a diverse mix of people<br />

from varying backgrounds and cultures. This<br />

helps create a vibrant environment and great<br />

opportunities to learn from one another.<br />

It is a privilege to have you here. I wish you<br />

every success in your studies and hope you<br />

truly enjoy your experience at Central.<br />

Neil Fernandes<br />

Managing Director<br />

Would you like to see your story published<br />

in our next newsletter? Have you had an<br />

interesting, rewarding or funny experience<br />

whilst living in Perth or when studying at<br />

Central? Please send it in to joanne.cabot@<br />

central.wa.edu.au and include your full<br />

name, country of origin and current or previous<br />

course title.<br />

Dear international students,<br />

I’d like to take this opportunity to welcome you all to Central’s international student newsletter<br />

-‘Fusion’. The newsletter will be distributed electronically to your personal email accounts and<br />

posted on Central’s international web page on a quarterly basis.<br />

We would also like to invite current and former students to join Central’s newly established<br />

Alumni community. Being part of Central’s alumni will keep you up to date on academic<br />

matters, scholarships, social and special events, networking and sporting activities.<br />

Central has students from many countries studying here in Perth, but we also host vocational<br />

courses to over 2,500 people throughout China, Hong Kong, Mauritius and Kuwait.<br />

We encourage you all to contribute a story about your study experience or perhaps new<br />

friendships you have made whilst undertaking a Central Institute of Technology course. If you<br />

have any ideas for our newsletter or alumni we would like to hear about them. Again, welcome to<br />

Central and I wish you all a successful journey in your studies with us.<br />

Jan Tekely<br />

International Business Operations<br />

Jan<br />

The cover photo of our<br />

first edition includes<br />

students from Russia,<br />

Brazil, Columbia, Japan,<br />

Malaysia, Mexico,<br />

Switzerland, Taiwan,<br />

Egypt, Chile and China.<br />

Dawoud Walid<br />

Memo Cardoza<br />

Naoki Murat<br />

Chung-Ming Chuang<br />

Gretha Andrade<br />

Seong Hye Choi<br />

Mario Gomez Prieto<br />

Antony Randika<br />

Jayasekera<br />

Franziska Merz<br />

Michaela Weber<br />

Ana Paula Araujo<br />

Antonio Nildo Da Silva<br />

Arianne Pelaez Agredo<br />

Caetitia Farah Conan<br />

Noor Mohamed Sheikh<br />

Natsuko Yamada<br />

Sugiyono Sugiyono<br />

Bui Thuy<br />

Juan Barbia<br />

Douglas Martins Araujo<br />

Fabriana Santos Neu<br />

Eduardo Villero<br />

Diana Florez<br />

Chen Wilson<br />

Max Lai<br />

Silantyev Alexander

Back row from left - Natalie, Heather, Marian,<br />

David, Courtney, Jason.<br />

Front row from left - Sharon, Jan, Joanne,<br />

Veronica, Yolanda.<br />

International Centre – Key positions onshore and offshore:<br />

David Wittber<br />

Heather Colwell<br />

Veronica Lee<br />

Marian Bishopp<br />

Gail Turner<br />

Sharon Gardner<br />

Mike Ross<br />

Courtney Wellington<br />

Yolanda Ure’ Huynh<br />

Natalie Love<br />

Jan Tekely<br />

Jason Wang<br />

Maureen Mathwin<br />

International Centre Manager<br />

ELICOS Manager<br />

International Student Advisor<br />

Art Portfolio<br />

Applied Design<br />

Media<br />

International Student Advisor<br />

Financial Services<br />

Tourism, Events & Languages<br />

Engineering (Mechanical, Oil & Gas & Civil)<br />

Electrotechnology<br />

International Student Advisor<br />

Community & Children Services<br />

Sport & Education<br />

Health & Lifestyle<br />

International Student Advisor<br />

Business & Management<br />

Building & Design<br />

Science, Resources and Environment<br />

International Student Advisor<br />

ELICOS<br />

ELICOS Student Support Officer<br />

International Student Support Officer<br />

Trainee<br />

Director , International Business Operations<br />

International Projects and Contracts Manager<br />

International Support Officer<br />

Message from David<br />

Wittber, the International<br />

Central Manager<br />

Mainstream Courses and<br />

Updates for <strong>2010</strong><br />

Central is implementing many new and<br />

updated accredited courses in <strong>2010</strong> resulting<br />

from the introduction of new training<br />

packages and consultation with industry.<br />

Some courses have been revised to reflect<br />

current industry practice and others have<br />

been significantly restructured to best suit<br />

the requirements of industry, students and<br />

the labour market.<br />

Our engineering portfolio has introduced new<br />

courses in Computer Systems, Electronics<br />

and Communications and continues to offer<br />

updated courses in Civil and Mechanical<br />

Engineering and Oil & Gas from Certificate IV<br />

through to Advanced Diploma Level.<br />

Our well renowned Art and Design school is<br />

offering revised courses in Design<br />

and Decoration.<br />

Information Technology options now include<br />

Interactive Digital Media and Interactive<br />

Games Development, as well as revised<br />

courses in traditional areas such as<br />

networking, programming and website<br />

development.<br />

Most media courses have been revised<br />

including Music, Photo-imaging, and Screen<br />

and Media, with many streams/pathways to<br />

choose from.<br />

Community Services and Financial Services<br />

are proving to be increasingly popular<br />

in <strong>2010</strong>, and many other areas such as<br />

Engineering, Information Technology,<br />

Media and Graphics continue to grow with<br />

increased demand.<br />

Many of Central’s courses have been subject<br />

to change and more information is available<br />

on our website or through direct enquiry with<br />

the International Centre on +61 8 94271873.<br />

<strong>June</strong> Ives<br />

International Admin Assistant<br />

Joanne Cabot<br />

Stella Bu<br />

International Project Officer<br />

International Senior Research Officer (Hangzhou)<br />

fusion / central international newsletter / 3

Restaurant Review<br />

- The Pavilion, Joondalup<br />

By Vo Dang Trinh (English for Hospitality student, 2009)<br />

I cannot forget the day my<br />

classmates and I had lunch at<br />

the Pavilion restaurant. It was the<br />

first time I had a gorgeous meal<br />

in an interesting restaurant.<br />

We took a train to Joondalup and spent another<br />

15 minutes walking to the destination.<br />

At first I was struck by its appearance – it was<br />

located in the middle of a forest! There was<br />

a harmony between the modern architecture<br />

and the wilderness. We entered the restaurant<br />

and sat down. The dining room was very<br />

comfortable: simple decorations, elegant and<br />

warm. The kitchen, the bar and the tables were<br />

invisibly connected - you can enjoy your meal<br />

at your seat while looking at all the wait staff<br />

and chefs in the kitchen. Suddenly a young,<br />

beautiful woman approached me and smiled.<br />

Softly, she poured water into my glass.<br />

Then I realised that there were only waitresses<br />

in this restaurant – all with beautiful<br />

smiles, graceful movements and a professional<br />

manner.<br />

I took a glance through the menu – the dishes<br />

were well described, logical and cheap as well.<br />

Did I mention that this restaurant specialises<br />

in modern Australian cuisine? You can find<br />

famous dishes like beef wellington, and salad<br />

with crushed avocado. I ordered the salad as<br />

an entrée, the beef as the main course and a<br />

sweet dessert: chocolate tart with ice-cream.<br />

To my surprise my entrée arrived very quickly,<br />

despite the fact that there were 40 of us in<br />

the restaurant. It was an unforgettable meal<br />

- crushed avocado served on a bed of lettuce,<br />

decorated with three slices of grapefruit. The<br />

mixture of sour grapefruit, avocado and salad<br />

exploded in my mouth.<br />

My empty dish and all of the dirty spoons and<br />

forks were quickly removed and replaced with<br />

clean utensils. I didn’t wait long to find the<br />

beef wellington in front of me - minced beef<br />

wrapped with pastry and served with sauce.<br />

The presentation left a deep impression - and<br />

the taste was equally worthy. Finally there<br />

was dessert, and another special experience.<br />

And all of this for $22.50!<br />

When I finished I took a leisurely walk to the<br />

balcony and enjoyed the sea breeze.<br />

If you have a chance take someone with you<br />

to the Pavilion restaurant – you will not be<br />

disappointed.<br />

Hi my name is Stella Bu and I am the International Senior Research<br />

Officer for Central. I am based in Hangzhou Peoples Republic of<br />

China. I have been working with Central on a full-time basis for the<br />

last 5 years. My job is to work with the Director assisting her in<br />

research, negotiations and growing Central’s business in China.

Offshore<br />

Student Story<br />

Betty from Zhejiang<br />

Financial College<br />

How time flies! It has been three years<br />

since I came to Zhejiang Financial College.<br />

In the past three years many things have<br />

happened. I have learnt about financial<br />

planning in finance and investment in<br />

cooperative studies with my college<br />

and Central.<br />

Three years is not too long in a person’s life,<br />

but the three years I lived at my college has<br />

changed me a lot. I learnt about life and<br />

study. For example, I had previously never<br />

left home for a long time by myself. How to<br />

deal with my roommates and classmates was<br />

difficult for me to work out when I first came<br />

to the college. But after three years, I get on<br />

well with them, which was not easy for me at<br />

first. Fortunately I made a lot of good friends,<br />

such as Carol, Lynn, Emily, and Joy. They<br />

helped me when I felt sad. I also learnt about<br />

financial plans both from the Chinese and<br />

Central courses. I know the differences in this<br />

industry between China and Australia, which<br />

is useful for my future working life. What’s<br />

more, we have some excellent teachers both<br />

from China and Australia, including Ruth,<br />

Aileen, Graeme, Mary, Selva. They taught us<br />

very clearly about financial plans.<br />

I think everything in my college life will be a<br />

great memory in life forever.<br />

Sisi SONG (Betty)<br />

Zhejiang Financial College China<br />

Useful websites:<br />

http://www.wavisitorcentre.com/en/default.htm<br />

http://www.cityofperth.wa.gov.au/web/Visiting/Activities/Self-Guided-Walks/<br />

http://www.rtrfm.com.au/northbridgehistory (Podcasts and audio tours)<br />

http://www.whatson.com.au/<br />

Pathways to<br />

university<br />

Central has articulation arrangements in<br />

place with Curtin University, the University of<br />

Western Australia (UWA), Murdoch University<br />

and Edith Cowan University (ECU). Under<br />

these arrangements, graduates from Central’s<br />

Diploma and Advanced Diploma programs<br />

are eligible for entry into a university’s<br />

undergraduate degrees. Graduates will also<br />

be eligible for advanced standing in these<br />

degrees. Advanced Standing means that<br />

students receive credits for the work they<br />

have completed at Central and are able<br />

to reduce their study load and/or the<br />

amount of time it takes to complete their<br />

university degree.<br />

To find out the articulation<br />

arrangements for the course<br />

you are enrolling in, contact the<br />

Manager Education Pathways<br />

Support on 9427 1220. Further<br />

details can also be found on<br />

our website.<br />

Budi – budding<br />

photographer<br />

The cover image was taken by an<br />

international student - Budi Wahyono.<br />

Budi intends to study Photo Imaging at<br />

Central once he has completed his ELICOS<br />

course. He arrived in Perth on 30th January,<br />

<strong>2010</strong>, with the goal to become a professional<br />

photographer. Budi’s favourite types of<br />

photography are landscape, still life,<br />

interior, architectural/building photography<br />

and human interest. He loves advertising<br />

and ultimately would like to become a<br />

professional advertising photographer. Once<br />

Budi completes his Photo Imaging course he<br />

plans to get a job in Australia and then set up<br />

his own business in Indonesia.<br />

fusion / central international newsletter / 5

Looking for information<br />

on your local area?<br />

Would you like to know more about your suburb and surrounding areas – the nearest library, community<br />

groups, sporting facilities and bicycle maps? – then look no more!<br />

Western Australia is divided into 142 Local Government Areas. These are subdivided into 3 classifications:<br />

• City (mostly urban centres and some larger regional areas)<br />

• Town (inner urban and three medium sized rural centres)<br />

• Shire (mostly rural or outer suburban areas)<br />

Below is a list of the main local governments in and surrounding Perth. You’ll find all your need to know plus<br />

additional links to activities and community events on their websites.<br />

Bassendean, Town of<br />

Council of Bassendean.<br />

http://www.bassendean.wa.gov.au/<br />

Melville, City of<br />

Melville City Council.<br />

http://www.melville.wa.gov.au/<br />

Bayswater, City of<br />

Belmont, City of<br />

Cambridge, Town of<br />

Canning, City of<br />

Claremont, Town of<br />

Cockburn, City of<br />

Cottesloe, Town of<br />

East Fremantle, Town of<br />

East Metropolitan Regional Council<br />

Fremantle, City of<br />

Gosnells, City of<br />

Joondalup, City of<br />

Kalamunda, Shire of<br />

Kwinana, Town of<br />

Mandurah, City of<br />

Bayswater Council.<br />

http://www.bayswater.wa.gov.au/<br />

Belmont Council<br />

http://www.belmont.wa.gov.au/<br />

Cambridge council.<br />

http://www.cambridge.wa.gov.au/<br />

Canning council.<br />

http://www.canning.wa.gov.au/<br />

Claremont council.<br />

http://www.claremont.wa.gov.au/<br />

Cockburn council.<br />

http://www.cockburn.wa.gov.au/<br />

Cottesloe council.<br />

http://www.cottesloe.wa.gov.au/<br />

East Fremantle Council.<br />

http://www.eastfremantle.wa.gov.<br />

au/<br />

Council for the East Metro Region.<br />

http://www.emrc.org.au/<br />

Fremantle Council.<br />

http://www.fremantle.wa.gov.au/<br />

Gosnells Council.<br />

http://www.gosnells.wa.gov.au/<br />

Joondalup City Council.<br />

http://www.joondalup.wa.gov.au/<br />

Kalamunda Shire Council.<br />

http://www.kalamunda.wa.gov.au/<br />

Kwinana Council.<br />

http://www.kwinana.wa.gov.au/<br />

Mandurah Council.<br />

http://www.mandurah.wa.gov.au/<br />

Mosman Park, Town of<br />

Nedlands, City of<br />

Peppermint Grove, Shire of<br />

Perth, City of<br />

Rockingham, City of<br />

Serpentine - Jarrahdale, Shire of<br />

South Metropolitan Regional<br />

Council<br />

South Perth, City of<br />

Stirling, City of<br />

Subiaco, City of<br />

Swan, City of<br />

Victoria Park, Town of<br />

Vincent, Town of<br />

Wanneroo, City of<br />

Mosman Park Council.<br />

http://www.townofmosmanpark.<br />

wa.gov.au/<br />

Nedlands City Council.<br />

http://www.nedlands.wa.gov.au/<br />

Peppermint Grove Council.<br />

http://www.peppermintgrove.<br />

wa.gov.au/<br />

Perth City Council.<br />

http://www.perth.wa.gov.au/<br />

Rockingham City Council.<br />

http://www.rockingham.wa.gov.au/<br />

Serpentine - Jarrahdale Shire<br />

Council.<br />

http://www.sjshire.wa.gov.au/<br />

South Metro Regional Council.<br />

http://www.smrc.com.au/<br />

South Perth City Council.<br />

http://www.southperth.wa.gov.au/<br />

Stirling City Council.<br />

http://www.stirling.wa.gov.au/<br />

Subiaco Council.<br />

http://www.subiaco.wa.gov.au/<br />

Swan City Council.<br />

http://www.cityofswan.com/<br />

Victorial Park Council.<br />

http://www.vicpark.wa.gov.au/<br />

Town of Vincent Council.<br />

http://www.vincent.wa.gov.au/<br />

Wanneroo Council.<br />


Top 10 tips for new students to Perth:<br />

1. ‘Live’ English – speak it as much as<br />

possible and join your local library to<br />

borrow books, magazines and DVDs<br />

in English.<br />

2. Learn about other cultures through mixing<br />

with people in and out of class – your<br />

English will improve faster and you’ll make<br />

new and interesting friends this way.<br />

3. Go to the beach – Perth and all the south<br />

coast of WA have some of the best beaches<br />

in Australia; enjoy them safely. Remember<br />

- your sunnies (sunglasses), hat and<br />

suncream (sunscreen) particularly in<br />

Spring and Summer.<br />

4. Go out with friends – it is cheaper, more fun<br />

and safer to join a group of friends rather<br />

than go out at night alone.<br />

5. Try to learn the local laws and customs<br />

as quickly as possible – this helps you to<br />

assimilate safely and easily into WA’s way<br />

of life.<br />

6. Remember – people drive on the opposite<br />

side of the road in Australia (compared to<br />

many other countries) – please be careful<br />

when crossing the road.<br />

7. Don’t be shy – people are friendly in Perth<br />

and many are happy to assist you when<br />

asked politely.<br />

8. Use the back of your Shop-A-Dockets – lots<br />

of discounts can be found for food/drinks<br />

and activities on the back of your<br />

shopping receipts.<br />

9. Find out where the nearest grocery store<br />

for your favourite ingredients from home<br />

is located. There are many ethnic stores in<br />

Perth that sell imported food products.<br />

10. Ride your bike – save money and get fit<br />

by riding a bike. Plenty of second- hand<br />

shops, newspapers and bike shops sell<br />

bikes – local councils can give you maps<br />

for bike pathways throughout Perth.<br />

Thank you to Monica and Ronny’s ELICOS<br />

Summer school class, <strong>2010</strong>, for contributing<br />

to our top 10 tips.<br />

Don’t be shy – people are friendly in Perth<br />

and many are happy to assist you when<br />

asked politely.<br />

Aussie section<br />

Top Aussie Eats<br />

If you haven’t yet, try these top Aussie treats:<br />

Vegemite (great on hot toast with butter!)<br />

Lamingtons (sponge cake, covered with chocolate and coconut)<br />

Tim Tams (Australia’s favourite chocolate biscuit)<br />

Meat pie with sauce<br />

Damper (Bush-style bread)<br />

Anzac Biscuits (a delicious and easy to make treat; originally sent<br />

overseas to ANZAC soldiers in WW1)<br />

Bundaberg Ginger Beer (not actually beer; excellent on a hot<br />

summers day!)<br />

Pavlova (a sweet dessert with meringue, cream and fruit)<br />

Surf and Turf (fresh prawns, juicy steak, beer sauce and fries)<br />

For more ideas go to: http://www.world-food-and-wine.com/surfturf-australia.html;<br />

http://www.dfat.gov.au/facts/national_icons.<br />

html;http://aussierecipes.com/<br />

Favourite Aussie Songs:<br />

I Still Call Australia Home (Peter Allen)<br />

Downunder (Men at Work)<br />

Waltzing Matilda<br />

True Blue (John Williamson)<br />

Great Southern Land (Icehouse)<br />

Working Class Man (Jimmy Barnes)<br />

Like Wow Wipeout (Hoodoo Gurus)<br />

It’s a long way to the top (AC/DC)<br />

Treaty (Yothu Yindi)<br />

For more information go to: http://www.theaustralian.com.au/news/<br />

magazines-20-best-songs-poll-results/story-0-1111117520298;<br />

http://www.bigfooty.com/forum/showthread.php?t=521355; http://<br />

en.wikipedia.org/wiki/APRA_Top_30_Australian_songs<br />

fusion / central international newsletter / 7

SLIM<br />

Student Lifestyle<br />

International Magazine<br />

A teacher’s dream class is one that is made<br />

up of students who are bright, talented,<br />

enthusiastic, open to challenges but also<br />

confident to present their own views and<br />

ideas. In semester two of 2009 I had the good<br />

fortune to teach such a group of students.<br />

These young and gifted people were in my<br />

writing module of their Advanced Diploma of<br />

Mass Communication. They came from as<br />

far away as Canada, Sweden, France, Kenya,<br />

Réunion Island, Mauritius, Pakistan and<br />

Taiwan. Two of our class members were local.<br />

At the start of the semester we embarked on<br />

a journey that culminated in a magazine of<br />

which we are immensely proud. The class was<br />

motivated to do a quality glossy magazine<br />

that would showcase their abilities.<br />

Articles were written, edited and re-written.<br />

Many, many emails were exchanged;<br />

photographs were taken and money for<br />

printing was collected through a very<br />

successful fundraising event which was<br />

planned and organised entirely by the<br />

students themselves. This event was the<br />

high point of the project for me as a teacher. I<br />

felt exhilarated watching my students being<br />

responsible and committed to making this<br />

day laid-back, fun and ultimately such a<br />

triumph.<br />

It has been a challenging but an incredibly<br />

valuable experience because we all learnt<br />

a lot about the different tasks, duties and<br />

responsibilities inherent in such a project.<br />

Learning new things and becoming more<br />

confident is what this project was all about.<br />

The class gave that extra bit of themselves<br />

in their writing, in the fundraising, in their<br />

patience with me and the editorial team, in<br />

not allowing their egos to get the better of<br />

them, and finally in allowing themselves to<br />

learn new skills.<br />

SLIM, Student Lifestyle International<br />

Magazine, demonstrates what can be<br />

achieved when a group of gifted, passionate<br />

and hard-working young people put their<br />

heads together in order to realise a<br />

common goal.<br />

Neli Micunovic<br />

SLIMStudent lifestyle international magazine<br />

Paper Mache<br />

The Future of Print Journalism<br />

Island Hopping<br />

Making it in a New Place<br />

Seven Deadly Sins<br />

A Photographic Essay<br />

Priscilla Bracks<br />

What’s under your Skin?<br />


Fashion, and You- Emma Viera<br />

photos courtesy of Mathilde Koenig<br />

La mode! Beauty, clothes, make-up, style, trends… don’t you just love it? Haven’t you also been<br />

drawn to those gorgeous, stunning, well-groomed girls and guys in expensive and beautifully<br />

photographed fashion magazines?<br />

It’s a world that many of us want to emulate, spending money on sense is still important for me”, says the French model.<br />

outfits and accessories in order to be like those models. Fashion is In France, or in Australia, fashion is also a way of expressing your<br />

an industry. Paris is the heart but nowadays there are fashion hubs personality through clothes or make-up. “I think the way someone<br />

everywhere. Even Perth has its fashionable elements, though it is dresses can define their personality. For instance, thanks to the way<br />

hardly known for its hauté couture.<br />

they put together their clothes, we can see if a person attaches<br />

importance to the fashion world”, Mathilde adds.<br />

Coming from France, I was under the impression that dress sense<br />

is lacking here. Perth is an isolated city after all. So, I was very It is true. I was surprised that in Perth the good taste of clothes is<br />

surprised when I heard that there was going to be a fashion festival not as important as in France. Here in Perth, you can dress yourself<br />

happening. The famous, annual Perth Fashion Festival!<br />

with your own style and you won’t be judged, whereas the contrary<br />

I realised that fashion is everywhere and is completely part of is true in France.<br />

our culture. Society cannot avoid it because it has become<br />

democratized. Nowadays fashion is within everyone’s financial In France, the fashion trade is daily present, in fact unavoidable.<br />

capabilities.<br />

Fashion companies aim to attract the public’s interest by creating<br />

Although everyone has their own opinion of what fashion is, for publicity across magazines, newspapers and web sites. “For me,<br />

some it is completely an addiction. This is the case with Mathilde, a fashion is an art form”, she says. “It’s all about aesthetics, that is<br />

young French model who lives in France.<br />

to say, colour, trends, textures, form and make-up. I love drawing<br />

my inspiration from magazines and then create my own style.<br />

“Fashion is really important for me. I think the way of dressing or Magazines greatly influence my choices! I love reading Vogue,<br />

making up represents a real aesthetic. Moreover, fashion exhibits on Glamour, Elle and Marie Claire; they keep me up to date with what<br />

the surface what we can feel inwardly”, declares Mathilde.<br />

are the new trends”.<br />

For Mathilde, the fashion world has no secrets. More than<br />

important, it puts some fantasy and beauty into her life and As I mentioned earlier, we have access to great clothes at<br />

transforms her need to dress into a simple pleasure. Is it the French reasonable prices thanks to famous brands such as H&M, Zara,<br />

education that transforms French girls and guys into fashionable Pimkie and Bershka.<br />

people and creates a materialist world?<br />

Paris is renowned for being the centre of fashion trends with icon<br />

“In France, the way of dressing has always been fundamental. brands like Chanel, Christian Dior, Hermes, Jean-Paul Gaultier, Louis<br />

Contrary to Australia where the uniform is compulsory at school, Vuitton, Christian Lacroix and Yves Saint Laurent. Most of these<br />

in France the students can dress any way they like. So, we can easily brands have stores in Paris on Avenue Montaigne, Rue du Faubourg<br />

follow the fashion industry and the way of dressing can quickly Saint-Honoré, Les Champs-Elysées Avenue and Place Vendome.<br />

categorize you. I have grown up in this universe; that’s why dress Don’t these words make you dream? In France, it’s not a dream: it’s<br />

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a reality. It is the contemporary way of life of French people and<br />

if you come to Paris, you will have the opportunity to meet them<br />

doing their daily shopping. For Mathilde it is not a dream: it is her<br />

way of life. Although she knows that Paris is the fashion heart of<br />

the world, she wishes one day to visit other capitals also famous for<br />

their fashion trade.<br />

“New York, London, Los Angeles, Hong Kong, Amsterdam and<br />

Sydney’s market areas are host to excellent designers and<br />

manufacturers! I’d love to have a chance one day to go to<br />

Amsterdam. This country attracts me a lot and it has the biggest<br />

fashion centre in the world with more than 400 showrooms and<br />

more than 900 national and international labels”, declares with<br />

hope the pretty blonde model. “However, I know it is Paris that<br />

represents more the fashion world. In fact, Paris and fashion have<br />

become synonymous. Paris has the world’s top haute couture<br />

designers with Chanel, Dior and Yves Saint Laurent”.<br />

“Don’t you prefer to support more essential and important values<br />

in life”, I ask? “Fashion is more important in your life that you could<br />

imagine!” “We do not have to deny that the fashion world can<br />

be superficial and materialist. Nevertheless, fashion is paramount<br />

because it has at once psychological and social implications on<br />

society. Without a doubt, fashion permits to a group of individuals<br />

to identify themselves thanks to common likings”, Mathilde responds.<br />

In fact, it brings some creativity, some colours, some passion and<br />

imagination. Can you imagine a life without fashion? It wouldn’t be<br />

very interesting! Like Mathilde says “Fashion is a sort of aesthetic<br />

game. It is a creation coming from a fashion designer’s imagination.<br />

Without the fashion world, getting dressed all our life would be so<br />

monotonous!”<br />

The fashion world is a dreamlike universe with Paris as its heart. As<br />

we have seen for Mathilde, as it is for every French girl, fashion is a<br />

religion.<br />

What about you? Have you ever been out of Perth? If your answer<br />

to the second question is no, then your exposure to international<br />

fashion is limited. Come to France where the fashion world is not<br />

a dream and you will have the opportunity to discover the modern<br />

and fashionable way of life of French people!<br />

On vous attend!<br />

Pride<br />

Orgeuil<br />

Stolz<br />

Orgullo<br />

Orgulho<br />


Central’s offshore teaching locations:<br />

Over 78 nationalities study at Central, including students from:<br />

Kuwait Mauritius China<br />

India<br />

Germany<br />

Ireland<br />

Macau<br />

Brazil<br />

Korea<br />

Israel<br />

Malawi<br />

Mauritius<br />

Nepal<br />

Italy<br />

Maldives<br />

Malaysia<br />

Colombia<br />

Macedonia<br />

Malta<br />

Vietnam<br />

Pakistan<br />

Netherlands<br />

Mexico<br />

Zambia<br />

Thailand<br />

Seychelles<br />

Namibia<br />

France<br />

Switzerland<br />

Slovakia<br />

New Caledonia<br />

Japan<br />

Sri Lanka<br />

Bahrain<br />

Nicaragua<br />

Reunion Island<br />

United Kingdom<br />

Belgium<br />

Oman<br />

Indonesia<br />

Poland<br />

Brunei<br />

Papua New Guinea<br />

China<br />

Taiwan<br />

Iran<br />

Qatar<br />

Kenya<br />

Ghana<br />

Spain<br />

Russia<br />

Zimbabwe<br />

Hungary<br />

Sweden<br />

Scotland<br />

Myanmar<br />

Nigeria<br />

United States of America<br />

Turkey<br />

Hong Kong<br />

Bangladesh<br />

Denmark<br />

Uganda<br />

Philippines<br />

Botswana<br />

East Timor<br />

Ukraine<br />

South Africa<br />

Canada<br />

Finland<br />

United Arab Emirates<br />

England<br />

Czech Republic<br />

Greece<br />

Uruguay<br />

Singapore<br />

El Salvador<br />

Guatemala<br />

Venezuela<br />

fusion / central international newsletter / 9

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