Europass Curriculum Vitae - Intelligent and Mobile Agents Research ...
Europass Curriculum Vitae - Intelligent and Mobile Agents Research ...
Europass Curriculum Vitae - Intelligent and Mobile Agents Research ...
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<strong>Curriculum</strong> vitae of Iva Bojic, Ph.D.<br />
Personal information<br />
Address Brace Cvijica 28, 10 000 Zagreb, CROATIA<br />
<strong>Mobile</strong> +385 99 21 42 972<br />
E-mail <strong>and</strong> Personal pages <strong>and</strong><br />
Date of birth 1 st August, 1985<br />
Gender Female<br />
<strong>Research</strong> interests Self-organization, Synchronization, Social Networks, Multi-agent Systems, Energy-awareness<br />
Work experience<br />
Dates<br />
Occupation or position held<br />
Name <strong>and</strong> address of employer<br />
Type of business or sector<br />
Education<br />
2009–present<br />
<strong>Research</strong> Associate at the Department of Telecommunications<br />
Faculty of Electrical Engineering <strong>and</strong> Computing, University of Zagreb, Croatia<br />
Telecommunication & Computer Science<br />
Title of qualification awarded<br />
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Dates 2009–2013<br />
Average grade 5.0 of 5.0<br />
Ph.D. thesis entitled<br />
Name of the faculty<br />
Title of qualification awarded<br />
Ph.D. in Computer Science<br />
Self-organizing Synchronization in Machine-to-Machine Communication Systems Based on a PCO Model<br />
Faculty of Electrical Engineering <strong>and</strong> Computing, University of Zagreb, Croatia<br />
Dates 2009–2011<br />
Average grade 4.61 of 5.0<br />
M.Sc. thesis entitled<br />
Name of the faculty<br />
Title of qualification awarded<br />
Master of Science in Computer Science <strong>and</strong> Mathematics (2 year program)<br />
Local search heuristics for NP-hard problems<br />
Faculty of Science, University of Zagreb, Croatia<br />
Dates 2004–2009<br />
Average grade 4.92 of 5.0<br />
M.Sc. thesis entitled<br />
Name of the faculty<br />
Professional activities<br />
Conference organization<br />
Graduate Engineer of Computing (5 year program)<br />
Application of self-organized software agents in telecommunication service provisioning<br />
Faculty of Electrical Engineering <strong>and</strong> Computing, University of Zagreb, Croatia<br />
Session Co-Organizer <strong>and</strong> Session Chair for ELMAR 2013, 2012 <strong>and</strong> 2011 Student Sessions<br />
Publicity Co-Chair at KES AMSTA 2012, Local Support Team at AT 2012<br />
Invited talks Synchronization inspired by fireflies, Summer School of Science Višnjan (August 2012),<br />
Will machines synchronously eat each other or us? Massachusetts Institute of Technology (April 2012)<br />
Series of IEEE lectures on “Writing a Scientific Article” given in Split (at Scientific <strong>and</strong> popular weekend<br />
December 2011) <strong>and</strong> Zagreb (at First Croatian Student Branch <strong>and</strong> GOLD Congress October 2011)<br />
Reviewer<br />
Professional memberships<br />
Book:<br />
Journals:<br />
Conferences:<br />
Social Networks: Computational Aspects <strong>and</strong> Mining Book<br />
Elsevier Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence Journal (Impact Factor: 1.344)<br />
LNCS Transactions on Computational Collective Intelligence Journal<br />
EuroCon 2013, WCNC 2013, NETWORKS 2012, ELMAR 2012 <strong>and</strong> ELMAR 2011<br />
IEEE Educational Activities (2013– ) <strong>and</strong> Student Representative in Croatia Section (2011–2013)<br />
Computer Society Student Ambassador for Region 8 (2011–2013)<br />
Women in Engineering (2011–) <strong>and</strong> Computer Society (2009– ) member<br />
Other Machine Intelligence <strong>Research</strong> Labs (2012– ), ELMAR Society (2012– ),<br />
Student Representative in the Faculty of Electrical Engineering Council (2011–2013),<br />
KES Focus Group on Agent <strong>and</strong> Multi-agent Systems (2010– )
Awards <strong>and</strong> scholarships<br />
Awards Summa cum laude honor from the University of Zagreb, Faculty of Science (2011)<br />
“Commendation for excellency” from the University of Zagreb, Faculty of Science (2011)<br />
“Stanko Turk” award for the best diploma thesis in the field of the computer science for academic year<br />
2008/2009 from the University of Zagreb, Faculty of Electrical Engineering <strong>and</strong> Computing<br />
“Josip Loncar" award for excellence for academic years 2007/2008, 2006/2007 <strong>and</strong> 2005/2006 from the<br />
University of Zagreb, Faculty of Electrical Engineering <strong>and</strong> Computing<br />
Scholarships<br />
Best scientific papers<br />
Selected publications<br />
“Richard E. Merwin Student Scholarship” award in recognition of exemplary involvement in IEEE<br />
student chapter activities <strong>and</strong> excellent academic achievement (1 year)<br />
“The Google Anita Borg Memorial Scholarship” for strength of academic performance, leadership<br />
experience <strong>and</strong> demonstrated passion for computer science (1 year)<br />
The "Top Scholarship for Top students" outst<strong>and</strong>ing university scholarship (1 year)<br />
"State Student Scholarship" awarded by the Ministry of Science, Education <strong>and</strong> Sport (3 years)<br />
The "City of Zagreb" university Scholarship (4 years)<br />
“Best Student <strong>Research</strong> Paper” award at the 4 th International KES Symposium on <strong>Agents</strong> <strong>and</strong> Multi-agent<br />
Systems – Technologies <strong>and</strong> Applications, KES AMSTA'10<br />
“Exceptional Outst<strong>and</strong>ing Paper” award at the 32 nd International Convention on Information <strong>and</strong><br />
Communication Technology, Electronics <strong>and</strong> Microelectronics, MIPRO'09<br />
Books<br />
Journals<br />
Conferences <strong>and</strong> workshops<br />
Technical projects<br />
Ericsson Nikola Tesla (ENT)<br />
Other<br />
“Bio-inspired Clustering <strong>and</strong> Data Diffusion in Machine Social Networks”, Computational Social Networks:<br />
Mining <strong>and</strong> Visualization, London: Springer Verlag, 2012, pp. 51-79.<br />
“Comparing Different Overlay Topologies <strong>and</strong> Metrics in Pulse-Coupled Multi-Agent Systems”, Lecture Notes<br />
in Computer Science 7327, 2012, pp. 464-473.<br />
“Swarm-oriented <strong>Mobile</strong> Services: Step towards Green Communication”, Expert Systems with Applications<br />
39(9), 2012, pp. 7874-7886 (Impact Factor: 1.924)<br />
“A Self-optimizing <strong>Mobile</strong> Network: Auto-tuning the Network with Firefly-synchronized <strong>Agents</strong>”, Information<br />
Sciences 182(1), 2012, pp. 77-92 (Impact Factor: 3.291)<br />
“Collaborative Urban Computing: Serendipitous Cooperation between Users in an Urban Environment”,<br />
Cybernetics <strong>and</strong> Systems 42, 2011, pp. 287-307 (Impact Factor: 0.662)<br />
“Extending the JADE Agent Behaviour Model with JBehaviourTrees Framework”, LNCS 6682, 2011, pp. 159-168<br />
“Achieving Collaborative Service Provisioning for <strong>Mobile</strong> Network Users: the CollDown Example”,<br />
Infocommunications Journal 65, 2010, pp. 46-52<br />
“Group-oriented Services: A Shift toward Consumer-Managed Relationship in Telecom Industry”,<br />
Transactions on Computational Collective Intelligence 2, 2010, pp. 70-89<br />
“Agent-enabled Collaborative Downloading: Towards Energy-efficient Provisioning of Group-oriented<br />
Services”, LNCS 6071, 2010, pp. 62-71<br />
Market, St<strong>and</strong>ardization, <strong>and</strong> Regulation Development in Machine-to-Machine Communications, SoftCOM<br />
’12, Croatia, pp. 1-7<br />
Communication in machine-to-machine environments, ACM BCI ’12, Serbia, pp. 283-286<br />
“Firefly-Inspired Synchronization in Multi-Agent Systems”, ACM AAMAS ‘ 12, Spain<br />
“Energy Consumption in Android Phones when using Wireless Communication Technologies”, IEEE<br />
MIPRO ‘12, Croatia, pp. 890-895.<br />
“Bio-inspired Approach to Time Synchronization in Multi-Agent System”, EUMAS ‘11, The Netherl<strong>and</strong>s.<br />
“Android/OSGi-based Machine-to-Machine Context-Aware System”, IEEE ConTEL ‘11, Austria, pp. 95-102<br />
“Basic principles of Machine-to-Machine communication <strong>and</strong> its impact on telecommunications industry”,<br />
IEEE MIPRO ‘11, Croatia, pp. 89-94<br />
“The AMiGO-Mob: Agent-based Middleware for Group-oriented <strong>Mobile</strong> Service Provisioning”, IEEE ConTEL<br />
'09, Croatia, pp. 97-104<br />
“Fireflies Synchronization in Small Overlay Networks”, IEEE MIPRO '09, Croatia, pp. 27-32<br />
External research associate for the projects “M2M Communication” (2010– ) <strong>and</strong> “ASTORM: Telecom<br />
Enablers for Advanced ICT Applications” (2009) supported by the R&D Centre, Ericsson Nicola Tesla<br />
<strong>Research</strong>er for the project “COST Action IC0801: Agreement Technologies” supported by the EU RTD<br />
Framework Programme (2009–2012)<br />
<strong>Research</strong>er for the project “Content Delivery <strong>and</strong> Mobility of Users <strong>and</strong> Services in New Generation<br />
Networks” supported by the Ministry of Science, Education <strong>and</strong> Sports of the Republic of Croatia (2009– )<br />
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