ANNUAL REPORT 2012 - TiGenix

ANNUAL REPORT 2012 - TiGenix

ANNUAL REPORT 2012 - TiGenix


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of interest on the remaining balance of the<br />

liability. Finance charges are expensed.<br />

Rentals payable under operating leases are<br />

charged to income on a straight-line basis<br />

over the term of the relevant lease. Benefits<br />

received and receivable as an incentive to<br />

enter into an operating lease are also spread<br />

on a straight-line basis over the lease term.<br /> Impairment of tangible<br />

and intangible assets<br />

At each balance sheet date and at each<br />

interim reporting date, the Group reviews<br />

the carrying amount of its tangible and<br />

intangible assets to determine whether<br />

there is any indication that those assets have<br />

suffered an impairment loss. If any such<br />

indication exists, the recoverable amount of<br />

the asset is estimated in order to determine<br />

the extent of the impairment loss (if any).<br />

Where the asset does not generate cash<br />

flows that are independent from other assets,<br />

the Group estimates the recoverable amount<br />

of the cash-generating unit to which the<br />

asset belongs. An intangible asset with an<br />

indefinite useful life is tested for impairment<br />

annually and at each interim reporting date,<br />

and whenever there is an indication that the<br />

asset might be impaired. The recoverable<br />

amount is the higher of fair value less costs<br />

to sell and value in use. The estimated future<br />

cash flows are discounted to their present<br />

value using a pre-tax discount rate that<br />

reflects current market assessments of the<br />

time value of money and the risks specific to<br />

the asset.<br />

If the recoverable amount of an asset or cash<br />

generating unit is estimated to be less than<br />

the carrying amount, the carrying amount<br />

of the asset is reduced to its recoverable<br />

amount. An impairment loss is immediately<br />

recognized as an expense, unless the<br />

relevant asset is carried at re-valued amount,<br />

in which case the impairment is treated<br />

as a revaluation decrease. Where an<br />

impairment loss subsequently reverses, the<br />

carrying amount of the asset is increased<br />

to the revised estimate of its recoverable<br />

amount, but so that the increased carrying<br />

amount does not exceed the carrying<br />

amount that would have been determined<br />

had no impairment loss been recognized<br />

for the asset in prior years. A reversal of an<br />

impairment loss is recognized as income,<br />

unless the relevant asset was carried at revaluated<br />

amount, in which case the reversal<br />

of the impairment is treated as a revaluation<br />

increase<br /> Inventories<br />

Raw materials, consumables and goods<br />

purchased for resale are valued at the lower<br />

of their cost determined according to the<br />

FIFO-method (first in first out) or their net<br />

realisable value.<br />

The costs of finished goods comprises all<br />

costs of purchase , costs of conversion<br />

and other costs incurred in bringing the<br />

inventories to the present location and<br />

condition.<br />

The Group does not account for work in<br />

progress, as the production process is short<br />

and finished goods are shipped to customers<br />

immediately thereafter, resulting in no such<br />

items on the balance sheet at year-end for<br />

any of the periods reported.<br />


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