iconannual 2015 - The European Business and Investment Magazine

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Issue <strong>2015</strong><br />

Official <strong>Magazine</strong> of iconvienna _ <strong>The</strong> <strong>European</strong> <strong>Business</strong> <strong>and</strong> <strong>Investment</strong> Forum<br />

presented by<br />

<strong>2015</strong><br />








iconvienna<br />

Editorial<br />

Innovation <strong>and</strong><br />

Entrepreneurship to<br />

strengthen Europe<br />

KR DI Dr. Gerhard Hrebicek<br />

President iconvienna<br />

Editor<br />

ıconvıenna<br />

ınvestments for europe<br />

Aufgrund der großen Akzeptanz der im Vorjahr<br />

erstmals publizierten Festschrift zum 10-jährigen<br />

Jubiläum des <strong>European</strong> <strong>Business</strong> & <strong>Investment</strong><br />

Forums freuen wir uns, das <strong>iconannual</strong><br />

ab sofort als jährliches Magazin für international erfolgreiche<br />

Unternehmen mit innovativen Spitzenleistungen<br />

fortzuführen.<br />

Mit dem diesjährigen Schwerpunkt: „East-West<br />

Summit on Regional Cooperation through Innovation<br />

<strong>and</strong> Entrepreneurship“ begrüßen wir unseren neuen<br />

Kooperationspartner: CEI-Central <strong>European</strong> Initiative<br />

mit ihren 18 Mitgliedsländern. Erfahren Sie auf<br />

den nächsten Seiten welchen Beitrag die Central <strong>European</strong><br />

Initiative zur Europäischen Integration seit<br />

nunmehr 26 Jahren leistet. Vertreter des Diplomatic<br />

Corps for Latin America <strong>and</strong> Carribean, welcher alle<br />

lateinamerikanischen und karibischen Länder vereint,<br />

informieren über innovative Kooperationsmöglichkeiten,<br />

abseits von gängigen Tourismusprojekten, in einer<br />

spannenden Wirtschaftsregion.<br />

Mein besonderer Dank geht auch dieses Jahr wieder<br />

an die Stadt Wien und den Bürgermeister Dr. Michael<br />

Häupl für seinen Ehrenschutz und unsere weiteren<br />

Partnern wie der Wirtschaftskammer Wien und Österreich,<br />

Ministerien und Botschaften, Vertretern von Regionen<br />

und Städten, Unternehmen, Medienpartnern,<br />

sowie an alle unsere Beiratsmitglieder und das <strong>European</strong><br />

Br<strong>and</strong> Institute.<br />

Für die Zukunft wünsche ich Ihnen gute Beziehungen.<br />

Nutzen Sie dieses Magazin ganz nach unserem<br />


Viel Spaß beim Lesen!<br />

Due to the big acceptance of the last year’s magazine,<br />

published on the occasion of the 10th anniversary<br />

of <strong>European</strong> <strong>Business</strong> <strong>and</strong> <strong>Investment</strong> Forum we<br />

are delighted to pursue issuing <strong>iconannual</strong> as an<br />

annual magazine for internationally successful companies<br />

with innovative peak performance.<br />

With this year’s key topic “East-West Summit on Regional<br />

Cooperation through innovation <strong>and</strong> entrepreneurship”<br />

we are delighted to welcome our new cooperation<br />

partner CEI-Central <strong>European</strong> Initiative <strong>and</strong> its 18 member<br />

states. Learn about Central <strong>European</strong> Initiative <strong>and</strong> how it<br />

is supporting the <strong>European</strong> integration over the past 26<br />

years. Representatives of the Diplomatic Corp for Latin<br />

American <strong>and</strong> Carribean, which unifies all Latin American<br />

<strong>and</strong> Carribean countries, provide information about<br />

innovative cooperation opportunities apart from popular<br />

tourism projects in an upcoming economic region.<br />

I would particularly like to thank the City of Vienna<br />

<strong>and</strong> the Mayor Dr. Michael Häupl again this year for his<br />

patronage <strong>and</strong> our other partners such as the Austrian Federal<br />

Economic Chamber, Vienna Chamber of Commerce<br />

<strong>and</strong> Industry, ministries <strong>and</strong> embassies, region <strong>and</strong> city<br />

representatives, companies, media partners, as well as<br />

our council members <strong>and</strong> the <strong>European</strong> Br<strong>and</strong> Institute.<br />

For the future I wish you successful relationships!<br />

Use this magazine according to our motto “MAKE<br />


Enjoy reading!<br />

Foto: Katharina Schiffl<br />

<strong>The</strong> <strong>European</strong> <strong>Business</strong> <strong>and</strong> <strong>Investment</strong> <strong>Magazine</strong> <strong>iconannual</strong> 3



Company profile<br />

Lyoness negotiates special shopping conditions with companies from<br />

the retail <strong>and</strong> service sector, which subsequently are given to the<br />

Lyoness members in form of shopping benefits (Cashback,<br />

Shopping Points). This way, consumers are able to save<br />

money <strong>and</strong> companies can exp<strong>and</strong> their customer base<br />

<strong>and</strong> attract new customers.<br />

<strong>The</strong> group has operative as well as development<br />

know-how in the fields of e-commerce, multichannel<br />

marketing <strong>and</strong> shopping 3.0. <strong>The</strong> company<br />

was founded in 2003 <strong>and</strong> is active globally in 46<br />

markets today. As of March <strong>2015</strong>, Lyoness has<br />

4.5 million members, 47,000 loyalty merchants<br />

<strong>and</strong> more than 1,000 employees worldwide.<br />

With every purchase with Lyoness members <strong>and</strong><br />

loyalty merchants automatically support the<br />

Child & Family Foundation <strong>and</strong> the Greenfinity<br />

Foundation in implementing aid, education <strong>and</strong><br />

environmental protection projects.<br />

Products & Services<br />

Cashback: With every purchase at a loyalty<br />

merchant members receive a part of the<br />

purchase value (up to 5%) <strong>and</strong> when 5 Euros* of<br />

Cashback have been collected this money will be<br />

transferred to their private bank account.<br />

Shopping Points: In addition to Cashback<br />

members receive Shopping Points with every<br />

purchase made. <strong>The</strong>se Shopping Points can be used<br />

for exclusive deals at loyalty merchants <strong>and</strong> much<br />

more at any time.<br />

Service Packs: Since autumn 2013 Lyoness has<br />

committed itself to promoting the development <strong>and</strong><br />

strengthening of the international SME network. <strong>The</strong><br />

specifically programmed application for mobile devices,<br />

“MTERM”, supports partners in the SME sector in customer<br />

acquisition, an additional CRM system <strong>and</strong> other tools help with<br />

the analysis of customer trends <strong>and</strong> sales summaries.<br />

*Sum varies from country to country.


Forewords<br />

7<br />

Greetings from international partners<br />

20<br />

Central <strong>European</strong> Initiative<br />

Embassies of the Unites States, Romania, Slovakia, Czech Republic,<br />

Russian Federation, Dominican Republic, Brazil, Cuba, El Salvador,<br />

Guatemala, Colombia, Nicaragua, Venezuela<br />

iconvienna & young leaders dialogue<br />

48<br />

About iconvienna<br />

About youLEAD<br />

International Finance & Projects<br />

56<br />

Political <strong>and</strong> economical challenges in Europe<br />

Potenziale in der Infrastrukturbeschaffung<br />

Strukturelle Reformen als Investitionsanreiz<br />

Innovation & Cooperation<br />

66<br />

BMVIT: Innovation und Kooperation<br />

26 years Central <strong>European</strong> Initiative<br />

Innovative Technology - Made in Austria<br />

Infrastructure, Transport & Energy<br />

80<br />

Innovation & entrepreneurship for sustainable energy<br />

Corridors for a competitive Europe<br />

ÖBB – Bahninfrastruktur für die Kunden von morgen<br />

Hafen Wien – <strong>The</strong> logistic hub in the heart of the Danube Region<br />

Smart Cities & Regions<br />

94<br />

Smart City Vienna<br />

Stadtregionale Kooperationen<br />

Smart Cities 2020<br />

Building Bridges<br />

<strong>European</strong> Br<strong>and</strong> Institute <strong>and</strong> Initiatives<br />

104<br />

Br<strong>and</strong>s are more valuable than ever<br />

Sports for Life – Sports for Good!<br />

Women Leadership Forum<br />

iconvienna 2014 gallery<br />

eurobr<strong>and</strong> forum<br />

Imprint: Publisher/Proprietor: maX iconvienna GmbH | 1010 Wien | Börsegasse 9 | A-1010 Vienna | Tel +43 1 532 1000 23 | Fax +43 1 532 1000 30 | Email office@icon-vienna.net | www.icon-vienna.net;<br />

Design & Layout: „Der Herr Bertl“ OG | 1030 Wien | Paulusgasse 13/2/6 | office@derherrbertl.at; Print: Print-Sport H<strong>and</strong>els GmbH & CoKG | Ared Straße 20 | 2544 Leobersdorf | office@print-sport.at;<br />

Responsible for the content: maX iconvienna GmbH; Disclaimer: <strong>The</strong> publisher assumes no liability for the accuracy of the contents <strong>and</strong> the copyright to the photos. Typesetting <strong>and</strong> printing<br />

errors reserved. <strong>iconannual</strong> is the official medium of iconvienna <strong>and</strong> supports the networking concept of this platform.<br />

<strong>The</strong> <strong>European</strong> <strong>Business</strong> <strong>and</strong> <strong>Investment</strong> <strong>Magazine</strong> <strong>iconannual</strong> 5

WO<br />

RLD<br />

CLASS<br />

PART<br />

NERS<br />

www.advantageaustria.org<br />

ADVANTAGE AUSTRIA is the official Austrian trade promotion<br />

organisation. With more than 110 offices in over 70 countries we<br />

help over 50,000 Austrian businesses develop their international<br />

markets <strong>and</strong> promote their products <strong>and</strong> services around the<br />

world. We provide h<strong>and</strong>s-on, practical support for international<br />

businesses wishing to build partnerships with <strong>and</strong> invest in Austria.

iconvienna<br />

Foreword<br />

Make contacts<br />

to contracts!<br />

KR Dr. René Alfons Haiden<br />

Chairman iconvienna<br />

ıconvıenna<br />

ınvestments for europe<br />

Ich freue mich besonders, dass <strong>iconannual</strong> – <strong>The</strong> <strong>European</strong><br />

<strong>Business</strong> <strong>and</strong> <strong>Investment</strong> <strong>Magazine</strong> aufgrund<br />

der großen Akzeptanz vom letzten Jahr ab nun jährlich<br />

im Rahmen der iconvienna erscheinen wird.<br />

Die zweite Auflage, die heuer umfangreicher ist, bietet<br />

Informationen über aktuelle Trends in den Bereichen<br />

Wirtschaft, Forschung und Politik.<br />

Erfreulich sind nicht nur der große Erfolg des <strong>iconannual</strong>,<br />

sondern auch die Weiterführung des Young<br />

Leaders Dialogues, das junge High Potentials aus Forschung<br />

und Wirtschaft zusammenbringt, mit dem Ziel<br />

über aktuelle <strong>The</strong>men zu diskutieren. Ein weiterer<br />

wichtiger Punkt ist die Gewinnung neuer Partner wie<br />

die Central <strong>European</strong> Initiative – CEI.<br />

Wie man sieht hat sich das Forum iconvienna zu<br />

einer renommierten, hoch geschätzten Ost-West-Plattform<br />

für Top-Level Networking entwickelt, wo jedes<br />

Jahr internationale hochkarätige Entscheidungsträger<br />

aus vielen Bereichen aufein<strong>and</strong>er treffen. Wichtig ist<br />

es sowohl kompetente und erfahrene Opinion Leader<br />

zusammenzubringen, als auch neue Geschäftspartnerschaften<br />

zu ermöglichen.<br />

Die Diskussionen, der Erfahrungsaustausch sowie<br />

der Kontaktaufbau im Rahmen des Forums führen zu<br />

einem vereinfachten Umgang mit Problemstellungen<br />

und sichern eine leichtere Zusammenarbeit mit <strong>and</strong>eren<br />

europäischen Ländern.<br />

Anlässlich des 20-jährigen Jubiläums des Beitritts<br />

Österreichs in die EU wünsche ich den Teilnehmern<br />

und Partnern iconvienna gute Zusammenarbeit und<br />

viel Erfolg!<br />

I<br />

am very glad that <strong>iconannual</strong> – <strong>The</strong> <strong>European</strong> <strong>Business</strong><br />

<strong>and</strong> <strong>Investment</strong> <strong>Magazine</strong> will be published annually<br />

as of now as part of iconvienna due to its big<br />

acceptance. This year’s second circulation is more<br />

extensive <strong>and</strong> offers information about current trends<br />

in the areas economics, research <strong>and</strong> politics.<br />

I am delighted not only about the big success of <strong>iconannual</strong>,<br />

but also about this year’s continuation of the<br />

Young Leaders Dialogue, which brings high potentials<br />

from the areas research <strong>and</strong> economics together with<br />

the purpose of discussing current topics. A further important<br />

point is the collaboration with new partners,<br />

for example the Central <strong>European</strong> Initiative – CEI.<br />

<strong>The</strong> forum iconvienna has become a highly prestigious<br />

East-West platform for top-level networking,<br />

where international top-class decision makers from<br />

different areas meet. It is essential to bring competent<br />

<strong>and</strong> experienced Opinion Leaders together as well as<br />

to enable the establishing of new business partnerships<br />

between them.<br />

<strong>The</strong> discussions, experience exchange <strong>and</strong> contacts<br />

created within the scope of the forum lead to simplified<br />

dealing with problems <strong>and</strong> guarantee an easier collaboration<br />

with other <strong>European</strong> countries.<br />

On the occasion of the 20th anniversary of Austria’s<br />

accession to the EU, I wish all participants <strong>and</strong> partners<br />

of iconvienna successful cooperations <strong>and</strong> prosperity!<br />

Foto: Haiden<br />

<strong>The</strong> <strong>European</strong> <strong>Business</strong> <strong>and</strong> <strong>Investment</strong> <strong>Magazine</strong> <strong>iconannual</strong> 7

8 <strong>iconannual</strong> <strong>The</strong> <strong>European</strong> <strong>Business</strong> <strong>and</strong> <strong>Investment</strong> <strong>Magazine</strong><br />

Foto: Fotolia

City of Vienna<br />

Foreword<br />

Willkommen in Wien!<br />

Welcome to Vienna!<br />

Dr. Michael Häupl<br />

Bürgermeister und L<strong>and</strong>eshauptmann von Wien<br />

Mayor <strong>and</strong> Governor of Vienna<br />

Bereits zum elften Mal findet<br />

die iconvienna, das <strong>European</strong><br />

<strong>Business</strong> <strong>and</strong> <strong>Investment</strong> Forum,<br />

in Wien statt. Sie hat sich<br />

schon längst zu einer bedeutenden<br />

Wirtschafts- und Investitionsplattform<br />

entwickelt, die persönliche<br />

Kontaktmöglichkeiten zwischen<br />

Führungskräften, Unternehmern<br />

und Projektpartnern im Raum CEE<br />

und Russl<strong>and</strong> fördert. Somit leistet<br />

die iconvienna auch einen wichtigen<br />

Beitrag zur wirtschaftlichen Zusammenarbeit<br />

in Europa.<br />

Wien im Mittelpunkt der zentraleuropäischen<br />

Region, strategisch<br />

im Herzen des „neuen Europa“ ist<br />

trotz schwieriger Rahmenbedingungen<br />

eine der hoffnungsvollen Wirtschaftsregionen<br />

des Kontinents.<br />

Hier – an der ehemaligen Grenze<br />

zwischen Ost und West liegt eine<br />

Region mit viel Phantasie.<br />

Deshalb freue ich mich als Bürgermeister<br />

über die Auswahl Wiens<br />

als Heimstätte und Zentrum für dieses<br />

Forum und wünsche allen Teilnehmern<br />

erfolgreiche sowie interessante<br />

und erholsame Tage in unserer<br />

wunderbaren Stadt.<br />

Iconvienna, the <strong>European</strong> <strong>Business</strong><br />

<strong>and</strong> <strong>Investment</strong> Forum, takes place<br />

in Vienna for the 11th time. It has<br />

long become an important economy<br />

<strong>and</strong> investment platform for<br />

the promotion of personal contacts<br />

between executives, entrepreneurs,<br />

<strong>and</strong> project partners from the CEE<br />

area <strong>and</strong> Russia. iconvienna therefore<br />

plays an important role for the<br />

economic collaboration in Europe.<br />

Vienna – located in the very centre<br />

of the central <strong>European</strong> region,<br />

strategically in the heart of the “new<br />

Europe”, is one of the continent’s<br />

most promising economic regions –<br />

despite difficult framework conditions.<br />

At the former border between<br />

East <strong>and</strong> West, lies a region with a lot<br />

of imagination.<br />

As Mayor of Vienna, I am happy<br />

that Vienna has been chosen as<br />

home <strong>and</strong> centre for this forum <strong>and</strong><br />

wish all participants successful as<br />

well as interesting <strong>and</strong> relaxing days<br />

in our wonderful city.<br />

Foto: Hubert Dimko<br />

<strong>The</strong> <strong>European</strong> <strong>Business</strong> <strong>and</strong> <strong>Investment</strong> <strong>Magazine</strong> <strong>iconannual</strong> 9

Vienna‘s quality of life.<br />

<strong>The</strong> Smart City Wien Agency<br />

is located at tina vienna.<br />

We support the efforts of the city<br />

to reach its goals on being a Smart City!<br />

tina vienna urban technologies + strategies Gmbh<br />

a company of Wien Holding GmbH<br />

Liechtensteinstrasse 12/10<br />

1090 Vienna, Austria<br />

Tel.: +43 1 4000 84260<br />

office@tinavienna.at<br />

www.tinavienna.at<br />


Vienna Economic Chamber<br />

Foreword<br />

Wien gilt als<br />

Drehscheibe fur<br />

Europas Wirtschaft.<br />

DI Walter Ruck<br />

Präsident der Wirtschaftskammer Wien<br />

President Vienna Economic Chamber<br />

Foto: Weinwurm<br />

Wien verfügt über eine lange<br />

Tradition als Drehscheibe<br />

für Europas Wirtschaft als<br />

Schnittpunkt von H<strong>and</strong>elslinien<br />

und Zentrum wirtschaftlicher<br />

Interessen. Heute präsentiert<br />

sich Wien als Wirtschaftsmetropole<br />

inmitten Europas, deren Unternehmen<br />

in Summe durchschnittlich<br />

rund 40 Prozent ihres Umsatzes in<br />

ost- und mitteleuropäischen Ländern<br />

erwirtschaften. Wiener Unternehmen<br />

und ihre Niederlassungen<br />

nehmen in diesen Märkten heute<br />

längst eine Schlüsselposition ein.<br />

Darüber hinaus leiten mehr als<br />

300 internationale Konzerne ihre<br />

CEE-Tätigkeiten von der Donaumetropole<br />

aus. Sie nutzen dafür nicht<br />

nur die geographische Lage Wiens<br />

im Herzen Europas, sondern auch<br />

die über hunderte von Jahren gewachsene<br />

Kompetenz Wiens in Mittel-<br />

und Südosteuropa.<br />

Wer nicht mit der Zeit geht, muss<br />

mit der Zeit gehen, lautet ein Sprichwort.<br />

Ständige Innovationen sind<br />

in unserer heutigen, globalisierten<br />

Welt daher eine Notwendigkeit geworden<br />

und Wien ist ein guter Boden<br />

für innovative Unternehmensgründungen.<br />

Täglich werden hier<br />

neue Start-ups gegründet, hinter denen<br />

junge und innovationsbegeisterte<br />

Entrepreneure stehen, die schon<br />

heute die erfolgreiche Zukunft unseres<br />

IKT-St<strong>and</strong>ortes sichern. Daher<br />

ist der Fokus des diesjährigen Treffens<br />

in keiner Stadt so passend wie<br />

in Wien: Innovation <strong>and</strong> Entrepreneurship.<br />

Darüber und über viele weitere<br />

regionale <strong>The</strong>men werden sich<br />

Top-Entscheider aus internationalen<br />

Organisationen Politik, Wirtschaft<br />

und Gesellschaft gemeinsam<br />

mit Vertretern der verschiedensten<br />

Regionen Zentral- und Osteuropas<br />

informieren und austauschen. Der<br />

Kongress bietet die Chance, die Zukunft<br />

aktiv zu gestalten. Ich wünsche<br />

Ihnen spannende Vorträge und<br />

Gespräche.<br />

<strong>The</strong> <strong>European</strong> <strong>Business</strong> <strong>and</strong> <strong>Investment</strong> <strong>Magazine</strong> <strong>iconannual</strong> 11

© Bildagentur Zolles © agentur wulz services © Rita Newman © W24/Philipp Schuster © LBS<br />

Cultural Management Logistics Real Estate Media Environmental Management<br />

75 companies under the umbrella of Wien Holding<br />

Wien Holding st<strong>and</strong>s for future-oriented, sustainable projects which improve the<br />

quality of life of the population <strong>and</strong> at the same time secure Vienna´s position as a<br />

business location. Approximately 75 companies in five business sectors – Cultural<br />

Management, Real Estate, Logistics, Media, Environmental Management – drive<br />

growth, create jobs <strong>and</strong> in the process enhance the quality of life in the city.<br />

facebook.com/wienholding www.wienholding.at<br />

<strong>The</strong> holding company of the

Wien Holding<br />

Foreword<br />

Quality of Life<br />

Komm.-Rat Peter Hanke<br />

Managing Director Wien Holding<br />

Nowadays, having an idea isn´t enough<br />

anymore. You need partners to promote<br />

<strong>and</strong> fulfill your vision. For the past eleven<br />

years, iconvienna has offered the<br />

much-needed assistance to facilitate projects<br />

between Austrian <strong>and</strong> international companies.<br />

Through offering a high-level networking platform,<br />

it brought together company representatives<br />

<strong>and</strong> decision makers enabling business<br />

<strong>and</strong> social contacts as well as an exchange of<br />

experience. By doing so, iconvienna also reinforces<br />

Vienna´s position as a desirable business<br />

location by strengthening its reputation around<br />

the world.<br />

As a municipal company, our main goal is to<br />

implement projects that add value to the economy<br />

<strong>and</strong> the quality of life of the population in Vienna.<br />

Wien Holding st<strong>and</strong>s for future-oriented,<br />

sustainable projects such as the Twin City Liner<br />

– two catamarans connecting Vienna with the<br />

Slovakian capital Bratislava – , the development<br />

of the Neu Marx site into a centre for media, research<br />

<strong>and</strong> technology or the expansion of the<br />

port of Vienna into one of the most efficient<br />

economic hubs on any inl<strong>and</strong> <strong>European</strong> waterway.<br />

But Vienna is also a leading “smart city”.<br />

In 2014, for the second time in a row, Boyd Cohens<br />

Smart City Index ranked Vienna number<br />

three of the smartest cities in the world. Numerous<br />

new technologies were developed here <strong>and</strong><br />

have already been put in practice. Developing<br />

new strategies <strong>and</strong> solutions in the field of urban<br />

<strong>and</strong> environmental technologies <strong>and</strong> marketing<br />

them internationally is the main task of<br />

the Wien Holding-company tina vienna urban<br />

technologies & strategies. <strong>Business</strong> networking<br />

platforms such as iconvienna are essential for<br />

promoting new projects <strong>and</strong> achievements for<br />

they allow the transfer of knowledge <strong>and</strong> the<br />

exchange of experiences between cities.<br />

We use our projects <strong>and</strong> companies to<br />

boost economic growth, secure jobs, improve<br />

infrastructure <strong>and</strong> raise the quality of life of<br />

the population in Vienna. However, all these<br />

things require an excellent political <strong>and</strong> economic<br />

framework not just for the benefit of local<br />

companies but also for international companies<br />

which settle in Vienna. We try to be the driving<br />

force that takes initiative <strong>and</strong> lays the groundwork<br />

for others while also making sure that development<br />

corresponds to urban planning <strong>and</strong><br />

strategic economic goals. To do so, it is helpful<br />

to be able to access the knowledge of experts<br />

who are part of the iconvienna-network.<br />

Vienna is a strong, internationally attractive<br />

location. It´s central position in the heart of Europe,<br />

its close economic ties <strong>and</strong> proximity to the<br />

growth market in Central <strong>and</strong> Eastern Europe<br />

make it an ideal business location <strong>and</strong> a strong<br />

competitor among the world´s cities. To secure<br />

this position for the future, we will continue to<br />

support inconvienna in its aim of promoting economic<br />

<strong>and</strong> social integration in Europe so that in<br />

fact we do “make contacts to contracts”.<br />

Foto: Barbara Nidetzky<br />

<strong>The</strong> <strong>European</strong> <strong>Business</strong> <strong>and</strong> <strong>Investment</strong> <strong>Magazine</strong> <strong>iconannual</strong> 13

14 <strong>iconannual</strong> <strong>The</strong> <strong>European</strong> <strong>Business</strong> <strong>and</strong> <strong>Investment</strong> <strong>Magazine</strong><br />

Foto: WKO

Austrian Federal Economic Chamber<br />

Foreword<br />

iconvienna − Best<br />

Practice in International<br />

Knowledge Transfer <strong>and</strong><br />

Networking<br />

Dr. Christoph Leitl<br />

President Austrian Federal<br />

Economic Chamber<br />

Within only a couple of years, iconvienna<br />

has become a bench mark for<br />

international know-how transfer <strong>and</strong><br />

a discussion platform for leading decision-makers<br />

in the fields of business, politics<br />

<strong>and</strong> science. I am proud <strong>and</strong> pleased that iconvienna<br />

is again taking place at the premises of<br />

the Austrian Federal Economic Chamber in Vienna<br />

since it is one of the foremost aims of the<br />

Chamber to host top-class events <strong>and</strong> facilitate<br />

international business contacts.<br />

It is not by coincidence that the iconvienna<br />

event is taking place in Vienna. Austria <strong>and</strong><br />

specifically Vienna have proven to be an important<br />

meeting place for companies <strong>and</strong> institutions<br />

from the Central <strong>and</strong> Southeastern <strong>European</strong><br />

region <strong>and</strong> iconvienna is the best example<br />

for this tradition.<br />

<strong>The</strong> global economic <strong>and</strong> financial crisis has<br />

dramatically shown how interlinked the business<br />

world has become. International problems<br />

need new innovative approaches <strong>and</strong> cross-border<br />

solutions. Iconvienna, the “East-West summit<br />

on regional co-operation through innovation<br />

<strong>and</strong> entrepreneurship” offers a perfect<br />

platform for discussions of some of the most<br />

challenging questions of the future, like mobility<br />

<strong>and</strong> smart transportation, infrastructure <strong>and</strong><br />

sustainable energy, <strong>and</strong> I am convinced that<br />

iconvienna will deliver crucial input <strong>and</strong> fruitful<br />

discussions in that respect.<br />

I am particularly pleased that for the second<br />

time iconvienna has added the young leaders’<br />

dialogue to its usual program. Incorporating<br />

the views of young entrepreneurs <strong>and</strong> high potentials<br />

from Central <strong>and</strong> Eastern Europe is a<br />

clear <strong>and</strong> important sign to stress the significance<br />

of the younger generation <strong>and</strong> will definitely<br />

enrich the event as a whole.<br />

<strong>The</strong> secret of success of iconvienna however,<br />

does not only consist in its high-level presentations<br />

<strong>and</strong> expert discussions but also in its<br />

attractive supporting program. <strong>The</strong>re is plenty<br />

room for the exchange of ideas <strong>and</strong> experience<br />

among its speakers <strong>and</strong> participants in a very<br />

relaxed atmosphere <strong>and</strong> in my opinion this is<br />

the true value of the whole event. It is nowhere<br />

easier to get to know international experts <strong>and</strong><br />

business people than at the iconvienna. Knowledge<br />

transfer is undoubtedly a very important<br />

thing, but establishing <strong>and</strong> developing an international<br />

professional network <strong>and</strong> creating<br />

cross-border friendships is an even more important<br />

undertaking. Iconvienna offers the perfect<br />

platform for both of it <strong>and</strong> therefor I congratulate<br />

the organizers of this fabulous event<br />

to its concept <strong>and</strong> hope that there will be many<br />

more iconvienna events in the future.<br />

Foto: Atelier Doris Kucera<br />

<strong>The</strong> <strong>European</strong> <strong>Business</strong> <strong>and</strong> <strong>Investment</strong> <strong>Magazine</strong> <strong>iconannual</strong> 15

16 <strong>iconannual</strong> <strong>The</strong> <strong>European</strong> <strong>Business</strong> <strong>and</strong> <strong>Investment</strong> <strong>Magazine</strong><br />

Foto: Creative Commons

Ministry for Europe, Integration <strong>and</strong> Foreign Affairs<br />

Foreword<br />

<strong>Business</strong> Location<br />

Central Europe in a<br />

Changing Environment<br />

Sebastian Kurz<br />

Federal Minister for Europe,<br />

Integration <strong>and</strong> Foreign Affairs<br />

Foto: Felicitas Matern/feelimage.at<br />

Europe needs structural reforms<br />

in a wide number of areas.<br />

We need to regain competitiveness<br />

at a global scale. We<br />

need to upgrade existing infrastructure<br />

<strong>and</strong> improve its management.<br />

We want to redefine security <strong>and</strong> integration<br />

patterns to address hatred<br />

<strong>and</strong> terrorism. We should reorganise<br />

our labour markets <strong>and</strong> social welfare<br />

systems.<br />

Central Europe in particular<br />

needs to address structural deficits.<br />

This means looking at new business<br />

models. To improve the cross-border<br />

link-up of our infrastructure. To<br />

apply interdisciplinary <strong>and</strong> interactive<br />

education <strong>and</strong> research models.<br />

This needs to be done primarily at<br />

national level. But, given the interconnectedness,<br />

we need to improve<br />

our coordination. Only then will the<br />

business location Central Europe be<br />

able to flourish. This would seem<br />

best fitted to ensure a prosperous<br />

future for the Central <strong>European</strong> Region<br />

with its 150 million people.<br />

iconvienna <strong>2015</strong> is taking the<br />

right approach to address these<br />

issues. iconvienna proactively involves<br />

companies in formulating<br />

the strategies for the future. Smart<br />

cities <strong>and</strong> regions, innovation <strong>and</strong><br />

cooperation networks, energy <strong>and</strong><br />

transport infrastructure, <strong>and</strong> many<br />

more challenges are the topics to be<br />

discussed.<br />

<strong>The</strong> <strong>European</strong> <strong>Business</strong> <strong>and</strong> <strong>Investment</strong> <strong>Magazine</strong> <strong>iconannual</strong> 17

<strong>European</strong> Commission<br />

Challenges<br />

for innovation <strong>and</strong> cooperation<br />

in regions of Europe<br />

<strong>The</strong> EU's Cohesion Policy will make available more<br />

than € 350 billion in investments over the next 7<br />

years to support EU countries <strong>and</strong> regions. About<br />

one third of this budget will be spent on fostering<br />

innovation, shift towards a low-carbon economy, competitiveness<br />

of small <strong>and</strong> mid-size businesses <strong>and</strong> ICT.<br />

A large part of these funds will benefit the economies<br />

of Central <strong>and</strong> Eastern Europe, where they are<br />

the single most important source of public investment<br />

- accounting for between 40% to up to 85% of all public<br />

investments.<br />

In any case, these investments represent a valuable<br />

opportunity for all EU countries <strong>and</strong> regions, but<br />

also a challenge, in the sense that they have to make<br />

sure that these investments target the areas that provide<br />

the greatest added value towards our common<br />

objective of delivering growth <strong>and</strong> jobs.<br />

To this purpose, Cohesion Policy regulations<br />

require EU countries to build their national / regional<br />

development strategies on precise national<br />

or regional innovation roadmaps, which are called<br />

smart specialisation strategies. <strong>The</strong> aim of these strategies<br />

is to mobilise smart investments into innovation, in<br />

the specific areas where countries or regions have the<br />

highest potential, in order to move up the value chains<br />

of their economies.<br />

But these strategies cannot be developed top-down,<br />

as Cohesion Policy investments cannot be developed<br />

top-down. Experience shows that quality <strong>and</strong> ownership<br />

of public policies improves where relevant stakeholders<br />

are involved in their design <strong>and</strong> implementation.<br />

To this end, the Commission has reinforced the<br />

role of the partnership principle in Cohesion Policy, by<br />

setting out a "<strong>European</strong> code of conduct on partnership",<br />

which requires EU countries to involve relevant universities,<br />

industry <strong>and</strong> social partners in programming <strong>and</strong><br />

implementation of Cohesion Policy programmes.<br />

On the basis of this involvement,<br />

smart specialisation strategies<br />

may build on <strong>and</strong> enrich from<br />

contributions from industry,<br />

SMEs <strong>and</strong> academia.<br />

For instance, in the Polish region of Pomorskie, hundreds<br />

of companies were mobilised <strong>and</strong> involved in an<br />

entrepreneurial discovery process, which allowed identifying<br />

<strong>and</strong> narrowing down the economic opportunities<br />

of the region.<br />

18 <strong>iconannual</strong> <strong>The</strong> <strong>European</strong> <strong>Business</strong> <strong>and</strong> <strong>Investment</strong> <strong>Magazine</strong>

Foreword<br />

<strong>and</strong><br />

opportunities<br />

In this context, the Commission is launching now a<br />

number of initiatives, such as a Platform on Smart Specialisation<br />

on Energy, which will facilitate cooperation<br />

on energy topics; or granting a priority to strategic cooperation<br />

across borders, in order to "make contacts to<br />

contracts", as you so aptly put it as the motto for your activities.<br />

We are convinced that regions' comparative advantages<br />

depend not only on their own action <strong>and</strong> assets,<br />

but also on the strengths of the regions around, on creating<br />

joint value chains <strong>and</strong> building more competitive<br />

transnational clusters for new business opportunities.<br />

In this respect, EU countries <strong>and</strong> regions should<br />

make the widest use of the possibility to support joint<br />

initiatives, demonstrators <strong>and</strong> pilots from ERDF <strong>and</strong> IN-<br />

TERREG Operational Programmes, in particular in the<br />

framework of macro-regional strategies, such as the EU<br />

Strategy for the Danube Region.<br />

But all of this starts by getting to better know each<br />

other <strong>and</strong> share visions, strategies, goals <strong>and</strong> roadmaps,<br />

which is exactly the purpose of this conference. I wish<br />

you rich <strong>and</strong> fruitful discussions <strong>and</strong> every success in<br />

future projects.<br />

Corina Cretu<br />

<strong>European</strong> Commissioner<br />

for Regional Policy<br />

Foto: <strong>European</strong> Commission<br />

<strong>The</strong> <strong>European</strong> <strong>Business</strong> <strong>and</strong> <strong>Investment</strong> <strong>Magazine</strong> <strong>iconannual</strong> 19

20 <strong>iconannual</strong> <strong>The</strong> <strong>European</strong> <strong>Business</strong> <strong>and</strong> <strong>Investment</strong> <strong>Magazine</strong>

Central <strong>European</strong> Initiative<br />

Greetings<br />

<strong>European</strong> Integration<br />

through Cooperation<br />

Ambassador Margit Waestfelt<br />

Alternate Secretary General<br />

Central <strong>European</strong> Initiative<br />

Foto: Mahmoud-Ashraf<br />

<strong>The</strong> Central <strong>European</strong> Initiative<br />

(CEI) was founded immediately<br />

after the fall of the Berlin<br />

wall in 1989 by four countries<br />

Italy, Austria, Hungary <strong>and</strong> the former<br />

Yugoslavia in order to strengthen<br />

good-neighbourly relations <strong>and</strong><br />

develop a manifold cooperation between<br />

their respective countries. We<br />

are proud to be able to say that since<br />

its inception more than two decades<br />

ago, the CEI has taken root, grown<br />

<strong>and</strong> finally blossomed into the largest<br />

<strong>and</strong> oldest regional forum, committed<br />

to supporting <strong>European</strong> integration<br />

through cooperation among<br />

its Member States <strong>and</strong> the <strong>European</strong><br />

Union. After 26 years, it is also important<br />

to look forward to future<br />

goals <strong>and</strong> opportunities for the CEI,<br />

as through its project-oriented working<br />

method, the CEI is a flexible<br />

basis for regional cooperation of its<br />

Member States.<br />

<strong>The</strong> CEI will therefore continue<br />

to be actively engaged in supporting<br />

projects in various areas of cooperation,<br />

thus providing possibilities for<br />

studying, financing <strong>and</strong> executing<br />

national <strong>and</strong> international projects.<br />

It will also fully exploit its geographical<br />

position – connecting the<br />

Baltic, the Danube, the Adriatic-Ionian,<br />

Black Sea <strong>and</strong> Alpine regions –<br />

in order to continue acting as a<br />

bridge between Macro-regions.”<br />

<strong>The</strong> <strong>European</strong> <strong>Business</strong> <strong>and</strong> <strong>Investment</strong> <strong>Magazine</strong> <strong>iconannual</strong> 21

22 <strong>iconannual</strong> <strong>The</strong> <strong>European</strong> <strong>Business</strong> <strong>and</strong> <strong>Investment</strong> <strong>Magazine</strong><br />

Foto: Fotolia

United States of America<br />

Greetings<br />

Dear readers!<br />

H. E. Alexa Wesner<br />

U.S. Ambassador to Austria<br />

I<br />

am pleased to see iconvienna focusing on<br />

entrepreneurship <strong>and</strong> innovation this year.<br />

Entrepreneurship is a way of looking at the<br />

world <strong>and</strong> seeing not just obstacles, but opportunities;<br />

not just the world as it is, but the<br />

world as it could be, <strong>and</strong> then having the confidence,<br />

the determination, <strong>and</strong> the know-how<br />

to bring those worlds closer together.<br />

In 2009, President Obama elevated entrepreneurship<br />

as a critical pillar of U.S. global<br />

engagement as a means to deepen ties between<br />

the United States <strong>and</strong> the international community.<br />

Since then, the United States government<br />

has committed to supporting entrepreneurship<br />

to help channel the creativity,<br />

innovation, <strong>and</strong> potential of millions of individuals<br />

around the world.<br />

Entrepreneurship is one of the most powerful<br />

ways for individuals to improve their own<br />

economic circumstances, as well as the circumstances<br />

of communities within their realm of<br />

impact. Entrepreneurship promotes economic<br />

growth, job creation, political stability, <strong>and</strong><br />

empowerment. It captures an individual’s potential<br />

<strong>and</strong> aspirations <strong>and</strong> can push the transformation<br />

of whole industries. In the best circumstances,<br />

it can transform society itself.<br />

I like to think that the United States has a<br />

vital role in supporting <strong>and</strong> assisting entrepreneurship<br />

worldwide because of our experience,<br />

diversity, <strong>and</strong> entrepreneurial culture.<br />

America is known around the world as a country<br />

that empowers the inventor <strong>and</strong> the innovator.<br />

America has been a place where men<br />

<strong>and</strong> women can take a chance on a dream –<br />

where they can take an idea that starts around<br />

a kitchen table <strong>and</strong> turn it into a thriving new<br />

business or new industry. And where social<br />

entrepreneurship is as valued as business entrepreneurship.<br />

In turn, global entrepreneurship not only<br />

promotes America’s prosperity in the global<br />

economy, but binds us to the economic success<br />

of partner countries around the world, including<br />

Austria, which is well-positioned to help<br />

spread the entrepreneurial movement to the<br />

region <strong>and</strong> especially throughout eastern <strong>and</strong><br />

southeastern Europe.<br />

Foto: U.S. Embassy<br />

<strong>The</strong> <strong>European</strong> <strong>Business</strong> <strong>and</strong> <strong>Investment</strong> <strong>Magazine</strong> <strong>iconannual</strong> 23

24 <strong>iconannual</strong> <strong>The</strong> <strong>European</strong> <strong>Business</strong> <strong>and</strong> <strong>Investment</strong> <strong>Magazine</strong><br />

Foto: Romanian Embassy

Romania<br />

Greetings<br />

Werte Leserinnen und Leser!<br />

H. E. Silvia Davidoiu<br />

Ambassador of Romania to Austria<br />

Rumänien und Österreich sind nicht nur durch<br />

Kultur und Geschichte, sondern heutzutage auch<br />

in einer wachsenden wirtschaftlichen Zusammenarbeit<br />

eng verbunden, die auf ein gemeinsames<br />

Interesse in die allgemeine Entwicklung der Wirtschaftsbeziehungen<br />

zu Ost- und Südosteuropa, sowie<br />

dem Schwarzmeerraum beruht.<br />

iconvienna ist ein bedeutender Partner in der Entwicklung<br />

dieser Beziehung, als Begegnungsplattform<br />

für Firmen aus Rumänien, sowie Süd-Osteuropa. Mit<br />

iconvienna verbindet uns bereits eine lange erfolgreiche<br />

Zusammenarbeit, die sowohl Kontakte zwischen Firmen<br />

vermittelt, als auch eine rege Teilnahme von hochrangigen<br />

Persönlichkeiten der Wirtschaft aus unserem<br />

L<strong>and</strong> an Veranstaltungen in Wien ermöglicht hat.<br />

Die wirtschaftliche Lage und Perspektive hat sich in<br />

den letzten Jahren in vielen osteuropäischen Ländern<br />

verschlechtert, was auch die österreichischen Investoren<br />

auf diesen Märkten schwer getroffen hat. In dieser<br />

Situation brauchen wir mehr als je zuvor eine Verstärkung<br />

der Zusammenarbeit zwischen Rumänien und<br />

Österreich. Wir sollten nicht vergessen dass Rumänien<br />

auch für österreichische Investoren einer der erfolgreichen<br />

Märkte geblieben ist.<br />

Die rumänische Wirtschaft bleibt auf einem soliden<br />

Wachstumspfad, was das konstante Wachstum des BIP<br />

zeigt. Das führt zu einer Stabilisierung der rumänischen<br />

Wirtschaft und die Fortsetzung des bisherigen Wachstumstrends.<br />

Um diese Tendenz zu sichern ist Rumänien<br />

aber auch auf die positive Wirtschaftsentwicklung der<br />

EU angewiesen, unser größter H<strong>and</strong>elspartner.<br />

Österreich ist bereits der zweitwichtigste Investor in<br />

Rumänien, mit ungefähr 6700 Unternehmen und einem<br />

Investitionsgesamtwert von über 12 Mrd. Euro. Auch die<br />

Daten unseres bilateralen H<strong>and</strong>els sind durchaus zufriedenstellend:<br />

im Jahre 2013, wurde ein Volumen von<br />

3,3 Mrd. Euro verzeichnet, der für 2014 noch größer ausfallen<br />

könnte. Die österreichischen Unternehmen sind<br />

auf dem rumänischen Markt nicht nur durch weltweit<br />

bekannte Erfolgsgeschichten von Erste Group und OMV<br />

vertreten, sondern haben auch einen führenden Marktanteil<br />

im Finanz-, Versicherungs- und Bauwesen. Für<br />

österreichische Unternehmen eröffnen sich derzeit in<br />

Rumänien viele Chancen für Investitionen, in Branchen<br />

wie Umwelttechnologien, alternative Energie, Transport<br />

und Infrastruktur, Industriezulieferung, L<strong>and</strong>wirtschaft<br />

und biologische L<strong>and</strong>wirtschaft oder IT.<br />

Ich bin überzeugt dass die bereits unverzichtbare wirtschaftliche<br />

Partnerschaft von Rumänien und Österreich<br />

sich als weiterhin zukunftsorientiert und wachstumsfähig<br />

erweisen wird. Aus diesem Grunde glaube ich auch,<br />

dass eine Fortentwicklung der Zusammenarbeit mit Osterreich,<br />

beiden Länder helfen wird, in dieser schwierigen<br />

regionalen Lage die Wirtschaft anzukurbeln.<br />

So können wir gemeinsam auch einen Beitrag zur<br />

Stärkung des Wirtschaftswachstums in der EU leisten<br />

und den immer noch <strong>and</strong>auernden Folgen der Finanzkrise<br />

entgegensteuern.<br />

Foto: Philipp Hutter<br />

<strong>The</strong> <strong>European</strong> <strong>Business</strong> <strong>and</strong> <strong>Investment</strong> <strong>Magazine</strong> <strong>iconannual</strong> 25

26 <strong>iconannual</strong> <strong>The</strong> <strong>European</strong> <strong>Business</strong> <strong>and</strong> <strong>Investment</strong> <strong>Magazine</strong><br />

Foto: Fotolia

Slovakia<br />

Greetings<br />

Dear readers!<br />

H. E. Juraj Macháč<br />

Ambassador of the Republic of Slovakia to Austria<br />

It is an honour for me to address you in <strong>iconannual</strong> –<br />

the <strong>European</strong> <strong>Business</strong> <strong>and</strong> <strong>Investment</strong> <strong>Magazine</strong> –<br />

which is published on the occasion of iconvienna –<br />

the <strong>European</strong> <strong>Business</strong> <strong>and</strong> <strong>Investment</strong> Forum, a major<br />

international innovation conference in Vienna. This important<br />

forum includes the meetings of business leaders<br />

<strong>and</strong> governmental representatives of all over Europe <strong>and</strong><br />

does a good run for exchanges of new thoughts <strong>and</strong> exciting<br />

ideas on regional <strong>and</strong> global cooperation through<br />

innovation <strong>and</strong> entrepreneurship. Following the motto<br />

“Make Contacts to Contracts” iconvienna represents the<br />

best arena for networking at a top executive level.<br />

Slovakia had the honour to be last year´s – on behalf<br />

of the 10th anniversary of iconvienna – main guest of<br />

the forum. Key Slovak Speakers included Minister of<br />

Economy Tomáš Malatinský, Neulogy Managing Director<br />

Ivan Štefunko, Chief Architect City of Bratislava<br />

Ingrid Konrad, Advisor to Ministry of Finance Stefan<br />

Adamec, Director General Ministry of Transportation,<br />

Construction <strong>and</strong> Regional Development Denisa Žiláková<br />

<strong>and</strong> Vice-President of Slovak Academy of Science<br />

Pavol Šajgalík. We had the privilege of the presence of<br />

former Vice-President of Wirtschaftskammer Österreich<br />

<strong>and</strong> the present Minister of Finance Hans Jörg Schelling,<br />

who has delivered the speech concerning the excellent<br />

Slovak-Austrian relations.<br />

<strong>The</strong> key topics of this year: Smart Cities <strong>and</strong> Regions<br />

2020, Innovation <strong>and</strong> Cooperation, International Finance<br />

<strong>and</strong> Projects, Energy, Infrastructure <strong>and</strong> Transport,<br />

Br<strong>and</strong>ing, IP Rights <strong>and</strong> youLEAD dialogue, give us –<br />

representatives from the world of business, energy, politics<br />

<strong>and</strong> diplomacy – the platform for discussing at expert-level<br />

about innovation, new findings, knowledge<br />

<strong>and</strong> business activities in Eastern <strong>and</strong> Western Europe,<br />

directly in Vienna, the centre of headquarters of many<br />

multinational companies <strong>and</strong> international organizations.<br />

Modern infrastructure might be<br />

regarded as a decisive factor for the success of a business<br />

location as well as the prosperity of the population. According<br />

to the motto of iconvienna „Make Contacts to<br />

Contracts“, well-developed infrastructures are indeed<br />

believed to be important „contacts” between cities, regions<br />

as well as neighboring countries.<br />

As Ambassador of the Slovak Republic to Austria, I<br />

would like to thank the organizers of this conference.<br />

Innovation is always a creative <strong>and</strong> inventive process<br />

that combines existing things in a new way in order to<br />

offer the market something unique. But it is also the way<br />

to decrease the high unemployment in EU <strong>and</strong> to endorse<br />

Europe as a global competitive player.<br />

iconvienna itself has the characteristics of being<br />

unique. As a representative of the Slovak Republic, I<br />

welcomed the opportunity to participate in the preparations<br />

of the event last year as a Guest Country. Under<br />

the slogan: “Why w<strong>and</strong>er so far when the good lies this<br />

close” we managed to introduce an innovative <strong>and</strong> creative<br />

Slovakia to the neighbouring Austria.<br />

To conclude, I would like to wish all the organizers<br />

<strong>and</strong> participants a successful conference full of fruitful<br />

debates <strong>and</strong> outcomes. May this year’s conference be at<br />

least as successful as the last one, or even much<br />

more.<br />

Foto: Slovakian Embassy<br />

<strong>The</strong> <strong>European</strong> <strong>Business</strong> <strong>and</strong> <strong>Investment</strong> <strong>Magazine</strong> <strong>iconannual</strong> 27

28 <strong>iconannual</strong> <strong>The</strong> <strong>European</strong> <strong>Business</strong> <strong>and</strong> <strong>Investment</strong> <strong>Magazine</strong><br />

Foto: Hansjörg Schwab

Czech Republic<br />

Greetings<br />

Liebe Leserinnen<br />

und Leser!<br />

H. E. Jan Sechter<br />

Ambassador Embassy of the Czech Republic to Austria<br />

E<br />

s freut mich besonders, an dieser Stelle Grußworte<br />

zu entbieten und das Forum iconvienna im bereits<br />

elften Jahr seines Bestehens ein Stück des Weges<br />

begleiten zu können. Dieses grenzüberschreitende<br />

Wirtschafts- und Investitions-Event steht auch dieses<br />

Jahr im Zeichen von Innovation und Kooperation – zwei<br />

Begriffen, deren praktische Umsetzung gerade in ökonomisch<br />

angespannten Zeiten die Basis für Erfolge bildet<br />

und neue Perspektiven eröffnet.<br />

Als branchenübergreifende Netzwerkveranstaltung<br />

für internationale Firmen und als Sprachrohr der Regionen<br />

Mittel- und Osteuropas stellt iconvienna längst<br />

selbst eine Erfolgsgeschichte dar. Als Forum der Begegnung<br />

und Inspiration lässt es in Wissenschaft, Technik<br />

und Wirtschaft Potentiale ausloten und Zukunftstrends<br />

erörtern. In weiterer Folge begründet iconvienna Synergieeffekte,<br />

die in einer globalisierten, sich rasch w<strong>and</strong>elnden<br />

Wirtschaft von höchstem Wert sind. Stets aber<br />

gilt, dass Projekte und Investitionen aus dem persönlichen<br />

Kontakt und der gegenseitigen Wertschätzung erwachsen.<br />

Und wo sollte es besser gelingen, Kontakte um<br />

Kontrakte zu erweitern als in Wien, von wo aus es nur<br />

ein Katzensprung in die „neuen“ EU-Mitgliedsstaaten<br />

Slowakei, Ungarn und Tschechien ist?<br />

Unter den gegenwärtigen anspruchsvollen wirtschaftlichen<br />

und sozialen Rahmenbedingungen in<br />

Europa gilt ganz besonders, dass Bildung, Innovation<br />

und Kreativität die besten Antworten auf die Herausforderungen<br />

des digitalen Zeitalters sind. Gemeinsam<br />

mit dem Young Leaders Dialogue (youLEAD) setzt iconvienna<br />

Akzente, indem es innovative Köpfe aus Mittel-<br />

und Osteuropa zusammenbringt und neuen Ideen<br />

Raum gibt. Für die Tschechische Republik, wo es eine<br />

lebendige, auch international beachtete Start up-Szene<br />

gibt, ist dieser Dialog von großem Interesse.<br />

Vor dem Hintergrund der städtebaulichen Entwicklung<br />

und Aufwertung der Metropolen gewinnen progressive,<br />

interdisziplinäre Lösungen in Architektur,<br />

Infrastruktur, Energetik, Transport und Kommunikation<br />

zunehmend an Relevanz. Für die Entwicklung<br />

von Konzepten Smart Cities vor dem Zeithorizont 2020<br />

kann iconvienna als Netzwerk- und Ideenplattform einen<br />

maßgeblichen Beitrag leisten.<br />

Einige der für Smart Cities entscheidenden Tätigkeitsfelder,<br />

etwa Energiewirtschaft und Infrastruktur,<br />

bilden zugleich auch in der Arbeit der H<strong>and</strong>elsabteilung<br />

unserer Botschaft Prioritätsbereiche.<br />

Foto: Embassy of the Czech Republic<br />

<strong>The</strong> <strong>European</strong> <strong>Business</strong> <strong>and</strong> <strong>Investment</strong> <strong>Magazine</strong> <strong>iconannual</strong> 29

30 <strong>iconannual</strong> <strong>The</strong> <strong>European</strong> <strong>Business</strong> <strong>and</strong> <strong>Investment</strong> <strong>Magazine</strong><br />

Foto: Fotolia

Russian Federation<br />

Greetings<br />

Liebe Leserinnen<br />

und Leser!<br />

H. E. Sergej Netschajew<br />

Ambassador of the Russian Federation to Austria<br />

Schon zum 11. Mal findet heuer<br />

das jährliche <strong>European</strong> <strong>Business</strong><br />

<strong>and</strong> <strong>Investment</strong> Forum<br />

iconvienna statt.<br />

In der kurzen Zeit seines Bestehens<br />

ist es iconvienna gelungen,<br />

sich als anerkannte Kontaktplattform<br />

zwischen Vertretern der Wirtschaft,<br />

Wissenschaft, Politik und<br />

des öffentlichen Lebens aus Ost- und<br />

Westeuropa zu etablieren.<br />

Russl<strong>and</strong> blickt auf eine intensive<br />

und erfolgreiche Zusammenarbeit<br />

mit iconvienna zurück. An den Veranstaltungen<br />

des Forums nahmen<br />

zahlreiche Vertreter der russischen<br />

Wirtschaft und Politik teil. Neben<br />

der Präsentation Russl<strong>and</strong>s als Gastl<strong>and</strong><br />

in 2008 sind auch russische Regionen<br />

wie z.B. Moskau, Nowgorod<br />

oder Iwanowo regelmäßig „Guest<br />

Regions“ bei der iconvienna.<br />

Neben Kontaktmöglichkeiten für<br />

Entscheidungsträger frei nach dem<br />

Motto „make contacts to contracts“<br />

bietet das Forum auch eine hervorragende<br />

Möglichkeit zum Austausch<br />

von Erfahrungen und Meinungen<br />

zu aktuellen <strong>The</strong>men in verschiedenen<br />

Gebieten. Auch diesjährige<br />

Schwerpunkte der iconvienna wie<br />

Innovation, neue Technologien und<br />

Mobilität versprechen interessante<br />

Diskussionen und einen regen Meinungsaustausch.<br />

Ich wünsche dem ganzen Team<br />

von iconvienna viel Glück bei der<br />

Vorbereitung und Durchführung<br />

dieses Events und Ihnen, liebe<br />

LeserInnen, viel Vergnügen mit der<br />

vorliegenden Ausgabe!<br />

Foto: Russian Embassy<br />

<strong>The</strong> <strong>European</strong> <strong>Business</strong> <strong>and</strong> <strong>Investment</strong> <strong>Magazine</strong> <strong>iconannual</strong> 31

32 <strong>iconannual</strong> <strong>The</strong> <strong>European</strong> <strong>Business</strong> <strong>and</strong> <strong>Investment</strong> <strong>Magazine</strong><br />

Foto: Embassy of the Dominian Republic

Dominican Republic<br />

Greetings<br />

Dear readers!<br />

H. E. Ramón Quiñones<br />

Ambassador of the Dominican Republic<br />

to Austria, Bulgaria <strong>and</strong> Serbia<br />

Dean of the Diplomatic Corps for<br />

Latin America <strong>and</strong> Caribbean<br />

For more than a decade, the <strong>Business</strong> <strong>and</strong> <strong>Investment</strong><br />

Forum “iconvienna” has served as an excellent<br />

platform for the efficient promotion of economic<br />

cooperation in Vienna, uniting leaders <strong>and</strong><br />

businessmen from Austria <strong>and</strong> East Europe in Vienna,<br />

allowing for the establishment of new contacts <strong>and</strong> the<br />

exchange of knowledge, ideas, experiences, <strong>and</strong> creating<br />

new business opportunities.<br />

<strong>The</strong> main issues addressed <strong>and</strong> the business contacts<br />

established by this forum have contributed to stimulating<br />

economic growth, creating employment, <strong>and</strong> fostering<br />

sustainable development in an environment marked<br />

by the global economic <strong>and</strong> financial crisis <strong>and</strong> subsequent<br />

labor migration. Among the main topics discussed<br />

in the iconvienna have been communication <strong>and</strong> information<br />

technology, innovation, energy <strong>and</strong> sustainability,<br />

innovative ways of infrastructure financing, urban<br />

management <strong>and</strong> commercial exchange.<br />

Given the importance of the activities carried out by<br />

iconvienna, the Embassy of the Dominican Republic<br />

has supported this initiative since its inception, actively<br />

participating in the forum, <strong>and</strong> facilitating contacts<br />

with our producers of rum, tobacco <strong>and</strong> tourist services.<br />

I should highlight the 7.1% growth rate turned in by<br />

our economy in 2014, backed by a strong expansion in<br />

mining, construction, service, agriculture, manufacturing<br />

<strong>and</strong> the free trade zone, placing the Dominican Republic<br />

among the countries with highest growth rates<br />

in the world. I should particularly like to highlight the<br />

solid 10% growth rate achieved by the tourism sector,<br />

converting the country into the most popular destination<br />

of the Caribbean, visited by more than 5 million<br />

persons last year.<br />

As the Dean of the Diplomatic Corps for Latin America<br />

<strong>and</strong> the Caribbean, we have embraced the kind invitation<br />

extended by iconvienna as to allow other countries<br />

of our region to effectively integrate into its various<br />

activities, which will surely foster economic <strong>and</strong> commercial<br />

relations in multiple areas between <strong>European</strong><br />

countries <strong>and</strong> countries in our Region.<br />

In this regard, I would like to express my most sincere<br />

congratulations to the President of iconvienna, Dr.<br />

Gerhard Hrebicek, <strong>and</strong> his team for the eleventh anniversary<br />

of the celebration of the forum, <strong>and</strong> above all to<br />

thank him for his warm hospitability, <strong>and</strong> for integrating<br />

Latin America <strong>and</strong> the Caribbean in his efforts to<br />

establish contacts for contracts among our economies.<br />

Foto: Embassy of the Dominian Republic<br />

<strong>The</strong> <strong>European</strong> <strong>Business</strong> <strong>and</strong> <strong>Investment</strong> <strong>Magazine</strong> <strong>iconannual</strong> 33

34 <strong>iconannual</strong> <strong>The</strong> <strong>European</strong> <strong>Business</strong> <strong>and</strong> <strong>Investment</strong> <strong>Magazine</strong><br />

Foto: Brazilian Embassy

Brazil<br />

Greetings<br />

Dear readers!<br />

H. E. Ev<strong>and</strong>ro Didonet<br />

Ambassador of Brazil to Austria<br />

I<br />

t was with great pleasure that the Embassy of<br />

Brazil accepted the invitation from Dr. Gerhard<br />

Hrebicek <strong>and</strong> Dr. René-Alfons Haiden<br />

to participate for the first time in iconvienna.<br />

<strong>The</strong> eleventh edition of this business forum is<br />

proof that it has become over the years an effective<br />

<strong>and</strong> efficient contact-platform for project<br />

<strong>and</strong> investment businesses, not only between<br />

Eastern <strong>and</strong> Western <strong>European</strong> companies but<br />

also with other regions of the globe.<br />

<strong>The</strong> <strong>European</strong> Union is the biggest trade<br />

partner of Brazil <strong>and</strong> its biggest foreign investor.<br />

More than 20% of Brazilian exports are destined<br />

to <strong>European</strong> Union countries <strong>and</strong> 20% of<br />

Brazilian imports come from the EU. Around<br />

50% of the FDI flows received by Brazil during<br />

the last 5 years originated in the EU. <strong>The</strong> EU,<br />

on the other h<strong>and</strong>, is the main destination of<br />

Brazilian foreign direct investment. Many important<br />

Brazilian companies are represented in<br />

Austria.<br />

We are naturally very keen on increasing<br />

<strong>and</strong> strengthening this strategic partnership<br />

with the EU <strong>and</strong> Austria, <strong>and</strong> an important tool<br />

in this regard is to facilitate contacts between<br />

our business communities, particularly between<br />

SMEs.<br />

<strong>The</strong> array of opportunities for investment<br />

in Brazil is as large <strong>and</strong> diverse as the country<br />

itself <strong>and</strong> includes sectors such as energy,<br />

highways, railways, waterways, ports, airports,<br />

telecommunications, generation <strong>and</strong> transmission<br />

of energy, oil <strong>and</strong> gas, urban mobility, construction,<br />

tourism <strong>and</strong> many others. Hence the<br />

main topics of iconvienna <strong>2015</strong> – challenges<br />

<strong>and</strong> opportunities for innovation <strong>and</strong> cooperation;<br />

innovations in transport <strong>and</strong> energy; <strong>and</strong><br />

innovations in infrastructure - are perfectly<br />

aligned with our investment <strong>and</strong> development<br />

priorities.<br />

In 2016, Brazil will be again in the global<br />

spotlight as the city of Rio de Janeiro hosts the<br />

2016 Olympic <strong>and</strong> Paralympic games. Preparation<br />

for these major sport events are already<br />

under way, opening new business <strong>and</strong> trade<br />

opportunities, including with regard to the infrastructure<br />

<strong>and</strong> logistics in the region. We look<br />

forward to welcoming new partners from Austria<br />

<strong>and</strong> Europe in this endeavor.<br />

Once again, the Embassy of Brazil congratulates<br />

the organizers of iconvienna for their<br />

achievements <strong>and</strong> wish them a very successful<br />

event.<br />

Foto: Brazilian Embassy<br />

<strong>The</strong> <strong>European</strong> <strong>Business</strong> <strong>and</strong> <strong>Investment</strong> <strong>Magazine</strong> <strong>iconannual</strong> 35

36 <strong>iconannual</strong> <strong>The</strong> <strong>European</strong> <strong>Business</strong> <strong>and</strong> <strong>Investment</strong> <strong>Magazine</strong><br />

Foto: Renate Altenhofer

Cuba<br />

Greetings<br />

iconvienna <strong>2015</strong>,<br />

a great opportunity<br />

H. E. Juan Carlos Marsán Aguilera<br />

Ambassador of Cuba to Austria<br />

I<br />

t is a privilege <strong>and</strong> a pleasure for me to<br />

congratulate Dr. Gerhard Hrebicek <strong>and</strong><br />

his team through <strong>iconannual</strong>- <strong>The</strong> <strong>European</strong><br />

<strong>Business</strong> <strong>and</strong> <strong>Investment</strong> <strong>Magazine</strong>,<br />

for the organization of this year´s iconvienna<br />

<strong>and</strong> for the opportunity to participate,<br />

offered to the Latin American <strong>and</strong> the Caribbean<br />

countries.<br />

<strong>The</strong> Embassy of the Republic of Cuba is<br />

prepared to participate actively in iconvienna,<br />

which will allow us to present the<br />

business opportunities Cuba is offering<br />

today. We are convinced that Austria <strong>and</strong><br />

Europe can benefit from them.<br />

In the recent years, Cuba has become an<br />

excellent tourist destination for <strong>European</strong>s.<br />

Last year, we have also launched a new<br />

Law of Foreign <strong>Investment</strong>s <strong>and</strong> a Portfolio<br />

of Projects of <strong>Investment</strong> with 246 projects<br />

for a total amount of 8.5 billion USD in key<br />

sectors of the Cuban economy. Since 2014,<br />

Cuba is also promoting the Mariel Special<br />

Development Zone, where it will be possible<br />

to establish new factories in a special<br />

tributary regime.<br />

<strong>The</strong> main sectors Cuba is promoting in<br />

order to obtain new technologies, knowhow,<br />

markets <strong>and</strong> external financing are:<br />

Renewable Energy, Sugar, Infrastructure,<br />

Agriculture - Food Industry, Construction,<br />

Tourism, Industry, Solid Urban Waste<br />

H<strong>and</strong>ling Integrated System Drugs <strong>and</strong> Biotechnology,<br />

Packaging, among others. In<br />

this regard, iconvienna is an ideal place to<br />

share all these possibilities to a specialized<br />

<strong>European</strong> auditorium.<br />

Cuban <strong>and</strong> Austrian authorities consider<br />

that the economic <strong>and</strong> commercial<br />

relationships between our two countries<br />

should be increased at the same level as<br />

our excellent political relationship, <strong>and</strong> we<br />

are sure iconvienna will offer that opportunity.<br />

As Ambassador of the Republic of Cuba<br />

in Austria, Croatia <strong>and</strong> Slovenia, I do consider<br />

our participation at iconvienna as an<br />

excellent opportunity to relaunch our economic<br />

<strong>and</strong> commercial relationships with<br />

Austria <strong>and</strong> with the rest of the <strong>European</strong><br />

countries.<br />

Foto: Cuban Embassy<br />

<strong>The</strong> <strong>European</strong> <strong>Business</strong> <strong>and</strong> <strong>Investment</strong> <strong>Magazine</strong> <strong>iconannual</strong> 37

38 <strong>iconannual</strong> <strong>The</strong> <strong>European</strong> <strong>Business</strong> <strong>and</strong> <strong>Investment</strong> <strong>Magazine</strong><br />

Foto: Embassy of El Salvador

El Salvador<br />

Greetings<br />

Our congratulations for<br />

organizing iconvienna <strong>2015</strong>!<br />

H. E. Carmen María Gallardo Hernández<br />

Ambassador of El Salvador to Austria, Slovak Republic,<br />

Hungary, Romania, Bulgaria <strong>and</strong> Croatia<br />

E<br />

l Salvador highly appreciates this opportunity to<br />

be present in this successful business platform for<br />

knowledge transfer <strong>and</strong> international network.<br />

<strong>The</strong> Embassy of El Salvador in Vienna is fully<br />

convinced the spirit of iconvienna “make contacts<br />

to contracts” starts by getting a better knowledge of our<br />

countries through tourism, culture <strong>and</strong> business. As<br />

Ambassador to Austria, Hungary, Slovak Republic, Bulgaria,<br />

Romania <strong>and</strong> Croatia I would like to extend an invitation<br />

to explore together business opportunities <strong>and</strong><br />

potential commercial partnerships.<br />

Get to know El Salvador! During the past years we<br />

have made important effort to renovate <strong>and</strong> modernize<br />

our system of incentives; we have led towards a legal<br />

<strong>and</strong> institutional framework that provides greater certainty<br />

<strong>and</strong> predictability to foreign companies.<br />

Worldwide companies in aeronautics, electronics<br />

<strong>and</strong> synthetic textiles industries among others have<br />

been operating in El Salvador achieving high return<br />

rates on their investments. <strong>The</strong> Salvadoran labor force<br />

is world famous for its industriousness efficiency <strong>and</strong><br />

work ethic. We are a cost-competitive cost country to set<br />

up <strong>and</strong> operate a business.<br />

In 2001 El Salvador dollarized its economy therefore<br />

it offers greater certainty to investors as a result of the<br />

elimination of foreign exchange risk <strong>and</strong> lower transaction<br />

<strong>and</strong> financial costs. El Salvador infrastructure is<br />

one of the most competitive in Latin America. Port facilities,<br />

airport <strong>and</strong> road infrastructure enable efficient<br />

logistical operations. We offer advanced telecommunications<br />

<strong>and</strong> electricity markets which guarantees access<br />

to high quality <strong>and</strong> competitive services.<br />

<strong>The</strong> country legal framework provides full exemption<br />

from income tax, municipal taxes on transfers<br />

of real estate property as well as customs duties<br />

<strong>and</strong> taxes on the import of machinery, equipment,<br />

raw material <strong>and</strong> other articles in use of production of<br />

goods <strong>and</strong> services. Multiple trade agreements provide<br />

preferential access to more than 45 countries around<br />

the world. We are part of the Agreement for a Single<br />

Central American Visa for Free Mobility of Foreigners.<br />

El Salvador geographical location enables convenient<br />

access to major cities in the US <strong>and</strong> South America while<br />

connecting easily with Europe. Our proximity of the<br />

Transpacific Maritime Route <strong>and</strong> the Panama Canal give<br />

to El Salvador a privileged position in the hemisphere.<br />

PROESA is El Salvador´s Export <strong>and</strong> <strong>Investment</strong><br />

Promotion Agency. It is a governmental institution<br />

responsible for export promotion, investment <strong>and</strong><br />

public-private partnerships. Contact PROESA to look<br />

for business opportunities as well as advisory <strong>and</strong><br />

Technical Assistance: inversiones@proesa.gob.sv<br />

www.proesa.gob.sv<br />

El Salvador’s coffee is ranked as number one in the<br />

region, you should taste it! Think of setting up <strong>and</strong> operating<br />

a business in El Salvador it can be a success<br />

story! Enjoy our l<strong>and</strong>scape, typical food <strong>and</strong><br />

friendly people!<br />

Foto: Embassy of El Salvador<br />

<strong>The</strong> <strong>European</strong> <strong>Business</strong> <strong>and</strong> <strong>Investment</strong> <strong>Magazine</strong> <strong>iconannual</strong> 39

40 <strong>iconannual</strong> <strong>The</strong> <strong>European</strong> <strong>Business</strong> <strong>and</strong> <strong>Investment</strong> <strong>Magazine</strong><br />

Foto: Embassy of Guatemala

Guatemala<br />

Greetings<br />

Guatemala:<br />

Economic <strong>and</strong><br />

<strong>Investment</strong> Promotion<br />

Foto: Embassy of Guatemala<br />

H. E. Antonio Roberto Castellanos López<br />

Ambassador of the Republic of Guatemala to Austria,<br />

Czech Republic, Slovakia, Slovenia <strong>and</strong> Hungary<br />

I<br />

would like to take this opportunity to congratulate<br />

the <strong>European</strong> <strong>Business</strong> <strong>and</strong> <strong>Investment</strong><br />

Forum-iconvienna, headed by Dr. Gerhard<br />

Hrebicek, for arriving to its eleventh<br />

anniversary. Throughout all these years iconvienna<br />

has consolidated itself as an important<br />

platform for investment <strong>and</strong> business promotion<br />

for the countries represented in Vienna. I<br />

would also like to express my appreciation for<br />

inviting all Latin American countries to present<br />

the opportunities we have to offer to prospective<br />

investors <strong>and</strong> business operators who read<br />

this publication.<br />

Guatemala is the economic hub of Central<br />

America <strong>and</strong> meeting point for business,<br />

thanks to competitive advantages such as geographic<br />

location, rich natural resources, skilled<br />

workforce <strong>and</strong> high logistics <strong>and</strong> services<br />

center performance. Guatemala boasts also, a<br />

solid infrastructure <strong>and</strong> increasing technological<br />

avidity, positioning itself as the metropolis<br />

of the sub-region.<br />

Its geographical proximity to markets like<br />

México, Central America <strong>and</strong> the United States,<br />

as well as its easy access to both the Atlantic <strong>and</strong><br />

the Pacific oceans has transformed Guatemala<br />

into a direct trade path towards regional <strong>and</strong><br />

international markets. Furthermore, it plays an<br />

important role in international business owing<br />

to a long list of free trade <strong>and</strong> investment agreements<br />

with countries <strong>and</strong> regions such as the<br />

EU, the USA, Mexico, Chile, Central America<br />

<strong>and</strong> Dominican Republic <strong>and</strong> Colombia, among<br />

others.<br />

Guatemala has a consolidated presence as a<br />

manufacturing center, particularly in clothing<br />

<strong>and</strong> textiles. Meanwhile, sugar has become<br />

another important product <strong>and</strong> mining is an<br />

increasing source of revenue. However, coffee<br />

still remains Guatemala´s main traditional export<br />

<strong>and</strong> a br<strong>and</strong>ing iconvienna for international<br />

recognition.<br />

Finally, I would like to highlight the relevance<br />

of tourism owing to the country’s natural<br />

beauties, in a unique combination of beach<br />

resorts, striking volcanoes, impressive pre-columbian<br />

remnants <strong>and</strong> colonial treasures such<br />

as La Antigua, not to mention the color, warmth<br />

<strong>and</strong> hospitality of its inhabitants.<br />

<strong>The</strong> <strong>European</strong> <strong>Business</strong> <strong>and</strong> <strong>Investment</strong> <strong>Magazine</strong> <strong>iconannual</strong> 41

42 <strong>iconannual</strong> <strong>The</strong> <strong>European</strong> <strong>Business</strong> <strong>and</strong> <strong>Investment</strong> <strong>Magazine</strong><br />

Foto: Embassy of Colombia

Colombia<br />

Greetings<br />

Dear readers!<br />

H. E. Jaime Alberto Cabal Sanclemente<br />

Ambassador of the Republic of Colombia to Austria,<br />

<strong>and</strong> non-resident Ambassador to Croatia,<br />

Czech Republic, Hungary, Montenegro, Serbia,<br />

Slovenia <strong>and</strong> Slovakia<br />

I<br />

wish to congratulate iconvienna for its continuous <strong>and</strong><br />

effortless work to create a successful business platform<br />

between countries <strong>and</strong> entrepreneurs, enhancing<br />

each year its motto “make contacts to contracts”. <strong>The</strong><br />

<strong>European</strong> <strong>Business</strong> <strong>and</strong> <strong>Investment</strong> Forum allows executives,<br />

companies, young leaders, SME´s <strong>and</strong> countries<br />

representatives to share experiences <strong>and</strong> develop an entrepreneurial<br />

network in a unique atmosphere.<br />

Due to a successful development strategy, Colombia<br />

is the country in the Latin America <strong>and</strong> the Caribbean<br />

region that has made the most significant <strong>and</strong> positive<br />

change in the past 15 years <strong>and</strong> we are proud to be a<br />

guest country this year. We are looking forward to share<br />

our policies regarding exports, foreign investment <strong>and</strong><br />

tourism, which has enabled our country to become one<br />

of the leading economies in the region:<br />

• Colombia is the third largest economy in Latin<br />

America <strong>and</strong> has grew more than 4% during 2014<br />

• Ranks 10th worldwide in investor protection <strong>and</strong> 1st<br />

in the ease of doing business in Latin America<br />

• Colombia has a network of Trade Agreements, among<br />

them the Agreement with the <strong>European</strong> Union<br />

In this sense, I will like to devote some words to this<br />

new framework for business given by the Trade Agreement<br />

between the <strong>European</strong> Union <strong>and</strong> Colombia <strong>and</strong><br />

Peru, that this coming August will mark its second anniversary<br />

of provisional application.<br />

This Agreement is a third generation agreement,<br />

which, besides the more traditional trade disciplines<br />

such as market access in goods <strong>and</strong> trade in services,<br />

also provides for commitments on government procurement,<br />

establishment, intellectual property, competition,<br />

environmental <strong>and</strong> labour issues, <strong>and</strong> state-of-the-art<br />

st<strong>and</strong>ards in trade facilitation <strong>and</strong> customs procedures.<br />

Due to the Agreement commerce between Colombia <strong>and</strong><br />

the EU has increased in 10.21% in the last year. Moreover,<br />

this trade agreement has created new opportunities<br />

for our micro, small <strong>and</strong> medium-sized enterprises.<br />

Since August 2013, 283 Colombian SMEs exported to<br />

Europe for the first time.<br />

Among the countries that have increased commerce<br />

we can mention Spain (+53,10%), Italy (+78,72%), Germany<br />

(+17,79%), Finl<strong>and</strong> (+16,84%) <strong>and</strong> Pol<strong>and</strong> (+17,15%).<br />

We are looking forward to increase our commerce<br />

with Austria <strong>and</strong> its neighbouring countries <strong>and</strong> in<br />

this aim, iconvienna is a perfect scenario to achieve<br />

our goals.<br />

Foto: Foto: Embassy of of Colombia<br />

<strong>The</strong> <strong>European</strong> <strong>Business</strong> <strong>and</strong> <strong>Investment</strong> <strong>Magazine</strong> <strong>iconannual</strong> 43

44 <strong>iconannual</strong> <strong>The</strong> <strong>European</strong> <strong>Business</strong> <strong>and</strong> <strong>Investment</strong> <strong>Magazine</strong><br />

Foto: Embassy of Nicaragua

Nicaragua<br />

Greetings<br />

Dear readers!<br />

H. E. Álvaro José Robelo González<br />

Ambassador of Nicaragua to Austria, Liechtenstein,<br />

San Marino, Greece, Saudi Arabia <strong>and</strong> United Arab Emirates<br />

I<br />

would like to thank Dr. Gerhard Hrebicek <strong>and</strong> his<br />

staff for granting us the possibility to participate at the<br />

Eleventh Edition of the <strong>European</strong> <strong>Business</strong> <strong>and</strong> <strong>Investment</strong><br />

Forum iconvienna. <strong>The</strong> Embassy of Nicaragua in<br />

Austria is glad to engage in iconvienna hoping that it<br />

will result in business opportunities for <strong>European</strong> <strong>and</strong><br />

Nicaraguan entrepreneurs.<br />

Nicaragua's high <strong>and</strong> strengthened security (among<br />

the highest security rates in the Americas) <strong>and</strong> the continued<br />

dialogue <strong>and</strong> consensus among the businessmen,<br />

the workers <strong>and</strong> the Government makes the country<br />

particularly interesting <strong>and</strong> tempting for foreign businessmen.<br />

According to a recent visit of the International Monetary<br />

Fund (IMF), Nicaragua has an impressive increase<br />

rate of its GDP being higher than the average value of the<br />

economic increase rate of Latin America.<br />

What is the advantage of Nicaragua?<br />

• Nicaragua has a young <strong>and</strong> dynamic labour force<br />

with its 76% of the population being below 39 years<br />

of age <strong>and</strong> moreover it counts with a good education<br />

due to the increased spending of the Government in<br />

the basic, primary <strong>and</strong> superior education system.<br />

• Nicaragua offers one of the most competitive cost<br />

structures in the region granting companies the possibility<br />

to increase their competitiveness <strong>and</strong> reduce<br />

their operating costs.<br />

• A solid legal framework for foreign investments is in<br />

force protecting who decides to invest in Nicaragua.<br />

• Generous investment incentives.<br />

• Preferential market access offering for example trade<br />

free for goods between the countries of the <strong>European</strong><br />

Union <strong>and</strong> Central America<br />

• Favourable business climate through a dialogue involving<br />

all private <strong>and</strong> public stakeholders in the<br />

economy of a country.<br />

Let me underscore the excellent convenience of the<br />

alternative <strong>and</strong> renewable energy sector in Nicaragua:<br />

being a country without crude oil production, it is a<br />

l<strong>and</strong> of strong winds, tropical sun an roaring volcanoes<br />

which offer a wide range of energy production, already<br />

put in place by the authorities. Nevertheless the Government<br />

of Nicaragua plans to attract further investments<br />

in that sector for a volume of US$ 4 billion in the next<br />

15 years. It would be a pleasure to have Austrian <strong>and</strong><br />

<strong>European</strong> entrepreneurs among these.<br />

Notwithst<strong>and</strong>ing I also hope that iconvienna is a good<br />

platform to become more acquainted with the proven<br />

<strong>and</strong> renown classical products of Nicaragua as coffee, cacao,<br />

rum <strong>and</strong> tobacco. Recently we also started to foster<br />

the cultivation of chia seed, rich in omega-3 acids, which<br />

enjoys great popularity in <strong>European</strong> countries.<br />

Nicaragua welcomes all interested businessmen <strong>and</strong><br />

would be delighted to see them becoming partners with<br />

Nicaraguan counterparts.<br />

Foto: Embassy of Nicaragua<br />

<strong>The</strong> <strong>European</strong> <strong>Business</strong> <strong>and</strong> <strong>Investment</strong> <strong>Magazine</strong> <strong>iconannual</strong> 45

46 <strong>iconannual</strong> <strong>The</strong> <strong>European</strong> <strong>Business</strong> <strong>and</strong> <strong>Investment</strong> <strong>Magazine</strong><br />

Foto: Embassy of Venezuela

Venezuela<br />

Greetings<br />

Congratulations to<br />

inconannual <strong>2015</strong><br />

H. E. Ali Uzcátegui Duque<br />

Ambassador of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela<br />

to Austria, Croatia <strong>and</strong> Slovakia<br />

It is an honor to extend my words of congratulations<br />

to the President of iconvienna; <strong>and</strong><br />

the whole team that makes possible the organization<br />

of this annual event; allowing the creation<br />

of a recognized business platform for all<br />

countries in the region, incorporating our Latin<br />

America in this important activity.<br />

<strong>The</strong> Embassy of the Bolivarian Republic of<br />

Venezuela, welcomes this initiative to encourage<br />

<strong>and</strong> promote the creation of a business contact<br />

network, under the motto "Make Contacts<br />

to Contracts"; incorporating a new <strong>and</strong> more<br />

direct key factor between the parties involved,<br />

aimed at strengthening the network of business<br />

contacts.<br />

This year will be our first participation in<br />

this important event, framed in the exhibition<br />

of different investment opportunities in Venezuela;<br />

our aim is the positioning of the exportable<br />

domestic supply in the global markets <strong>and</strong><br />

the trade of inputs that favors to promote economic<br />

integration of Our Americas.<br />

We are working on the promotion of nonoil<br />

exports <strong>and</strong> boosting domestic production<br />

activity, under the principles of integration,<br />

complementarity <strong>and</strong> efficiency, which are the<br />

main goals of economic policies of the Bolivarian<br />

Government that seeks an equal balance of<br />

trade with foreign countries.<br />

I am sure that this initiative undertaken by<br />

the iconvienna team in Austria, will serve to<br />

further integrate both regions, <strong>and</strong> also to identify<br />

new business niches that will exp<strong>and</strong> the<br />

scope <strong>and</strong> the presence of <strong>European</strong> companies<br />

in the Latin American region <strong>and</strong> vice versa. I<br />

am convinced that we will continue working<br />

together to spread our economic potential.<br />

Finally, I would like to wish you all the best<br />

for the upcoming 11th edition of the <strong>Business</strong><br />

<strong>and</strong> <strong>Investment</strong> Forum <strong>2015</strong>.<br />

Foto: Embassy of Venezuela<br />

<strong>The</strong> <strong>European</strong> <strong>Business</strong> <strong>and</strong> <strong>Investment</strong> <strong>Magazine</strong> <strong>iconannual</strong> 47

About<br />

(left to right)<br />

Dr. Klaus Schierhackl,<br />

Member of the Board<br />

ASFINAG;<br />

Paola Migliorini,<br />

Policy Officer,<br />

<strong>European</strong> Commission;<br />

KR DI Dr. Gerhard<br />

Hrebicek, President<br />

iconvienna<br />

Foto: Moni Fellner<br />

iconvienna<br />

iconvienna is an organization, which aims to<br />

promote business contacts between Austrian<br />

<strong>and</strong> international companies <strong>and</strong> regions in the<br />

CEE countries <strong>and</strong> Russia. Annually in April,<br />

the <strong>European</strong> <strong>Business</strong> <strong>and</strong> <strong>Investment</strong> Forum<br />

iconvienna invites to an active dialogue <strong>and</strong><br />

personal networking. According to the motto:<br />

”Make Contacts to Contracts“<br />

We provide services for participants <strong>and</strong> partners<br />

through personal contact <strong>and</strong> presentation<br />

opportunities. We develop the most<br />

recognized <strong>European</strong> platform for business<br />

<strong>and</strong> economics. iconvienna allows company representatives<br />

<strong>and</strong> decision makers to present projects in<br />

exclusive circles <strong>and</strong> specifically to establish contacts<br />

with export markets.<br />

iconvienna in brief<br />

<strong>The</strong> <strong>European</strong> <strong>Business</strong> & <strong>Investment</strong> Forum iconvienna<br />

is an exclusive <strong>Business</strong> & Networking Event,<br />

promoting business contacts between Austrian <strong>and</strong> international<br />

companies in CEE regions <strong>and</strong> Russia <strong>and</strong><br />

encouraging project <strong>and</strong> investment business between<br />

East <strong>and</strong> West. Following the motto “Make Contacts to<br />

Contracts”, top-level national <strong>and</strong> international decision<br />

makers from politics <strong>and</strong> economy, international<br />

experts <strong>and</strong> representatives of regions meet at the<br />

forum. We deliver value to participants <strong>and</strong> partners<br />

Cocktail Reception Vienna City Hall<br />

through personal contacts with executives, entrepreneurs,<br />

government officials, project partners, as well as<br />

concrete business opportunities at the forum.<br />

Cocktail Reception in Vienna City Hall<br />

<strong>The</strong> Opening Night at the Vienna City Hall is an excellent<br />

occasion for easy initial contacts <strong>and</strong> thus promote networking<br />

<strong>and</strong> know how exchange, offering delegations of<br />

regions the opportunity to introduce themselves to potential<br />

business partners, investors <strong>and</strong> decision makers.<br />

48 <strong>iconannual</strong> <strong>The</strong> <strong>European</strong> <strong>Business</strong> <strong>and</strong> <strong>Investment</strong> <strong>Magazine</strong>

iconvienna<br />

Foto: Katharina Schiffl<br />

2013 (left to right) Mag. Alois Steinbichler,<br />

Kommunalkredit Austria; Dr. Klaus Schierhackl, Asfinag;<br />

DI Nikolaus Berlakovich, Former Minister of Agriculture;<br />

KR Dr. René Alfons Haiden, iconvienna; KR Dr. Gerhard<br />

Hrebicek, iconvienna; Dr. Tom Reinhold, ÖBB Holding;<br />

Dr. Christoph Leitl, WKO; Mag. Wilhelm Molterer, EIB<br />

iconvienna Site Visit<br />

Foto: Katharina Schiffl<br />

Foto: Lukas Wagner<br />

Foto: Krischanz Zeiller<br />

2014 (left to right) Dr. Hans Jörg Schelling, Minister of Finance <strong>and</strong> Former Vice President Austrian Federal<br />

Economic Chamber; Ing. Tomáš Malatinský, Minister of Economy Slovakia; KR DI Dr. Gerhard Hrebicek,<br />

President iconvienna; Juraj Macháč, Ambassador of the Republic of Slovakia<br />

Expert Panels<br />

During the day, national <strong>and</strong> international experts<br />

present <strong>and</strong> discuss contemporary key issues that are<br />

vital to Europe’s integration <strong>and</strong> sustainable development.<br />

Project Exhibition<br />

Enterprises <strong>and</strong> regions present best practice projects<br />

<strong>and</strong> opportunities. This is an excellent chance to network,<br />

attract investors <strong>and</strong> to acquire new business<br />

partners.<br />

High Ranking Participants<br />

CEOs, entrepreneurs, top politicians, representatives<br />

of regions, international organisations <strong>and</strong> science<br />

meet at the iconvienna forum. Including side events,<br />

participants from approximately 40 different countries<br />

join each forum.<br />

Vision<br />

iconvienna – the appealing platform in the center of<br />

Europe for the effective promotion of economic <strong>and</strong><br />

social integration in Europe.<br />

<strong>The</strong> <strong>European</strong> <strong>Business</strong> <strong>and</strong> <strong>Investment</strong> <strong>Magazine</strong> <strong>iconannual</strong> 49

(left to right) H.E. Antonio<br />

Roberto Castellanos Lopez,<br />

Ambassador of the Republic<br />

Guatemala;<br />

H.E. Hussam Al Husseini,<br />

Ambassador of the Hashemite<br />

Kingdom of Jordan;<br />

KR DI Dr. Gerhard Hrebicek,<br />

President iconvienna;<br />

H.E. Elena Shekerletova,<br />

Ambassador of the Republic<br />

Bulgaria;<br />

Horst Mayer, General Manager<br />

Gr<strong>and</strong> Hotel Wien;<br />

H.E. Ramón Quiñones,<br />

Ambassador of the Dominican<br />

Republic;<br />

Fatimah Maria Zwanikken de<br />

Quinones<br />

Foto: Moni Fellner<br />

Foto: Katharina Schiffl<br />

Foto: Katharina Schiffl<br />

Foto: Moni Fellner<br />

KR DI Dr. Gerhard Hrebicek, President of iconvienna,<br />

welcomes the guests at the Vienna City Hall.<br />

Conference at the Austrian Federal Economic Chamber<br />

Mission<br />

iconvienna offers an appealing, promoting <strong>and</strong> effective<br />

environment including the features of the city of<br />

Vienna such as:<br />

• Vienna as a secure hub for the international Project-<strong>Business</strong>es<br />

for representatives from politics <strong>and</strong><br />

economy<br />

• a mix of new <strong>and</strong> effective business <strong>and</strong> social events<br />

for regions <strong>and</strong> companies including amongst others<br />

exhibitions, presentations, lounges, contact areas,<br />

panel discussions <strong>and</strong> keynote speeches, dinners<br />

<strong>and</strong> receptions, as well as<br />

• cooperation with public institutions, business incorporations,<br />

media <strong>and</strong> business partners from the East<br />

<strong>and</strong> West<br />

iconvienna emblazes the background for a successful<br />

integration between East <strong>and</strong> West, especially<br />

• the actual economic development within the East<br />

<strong>and</strong> the West<br />

• regional "Priority"-Projects<br />

• Best Practice experiences of regions <strong>and</strong> companies,<br />

as well as<br />

• environmental, resource <strong>and</strong> financial questions<br />

iconvienna provides an effective <strong>and</strong> efficient contact<br />

platform between East <strong>and</strong> West, in which<br />

• targeted contacts to experts <strong>and</strong> decision makers<br />

can be established,<br />

• the attractive side events offer an ideal atmosphere to<br />

• establish a cooperation network including targeted<br />

contacts to business partners,<br />

• the international business network can be of use yearround<br />

<strong>and</strong><br />

• equity financing, growth capital <strong>and</strong> advancing<br />

across partners can be provided.<br />

50 <strong>iconannual</strong> <strong>The</strong> <strong>European</strong> <strong>Business</strong> <strong>and</strong> <strong>Investment</strong> <strong>Magazine</strong>

iconvienna<br />

Reception Palais Palffy<br />

(left to right)<br />

Ivan Stefunko,<br />

Managing Director Neulogy;<br />

Warren Karlenzig,<br />

President Common Current;<br />

DI Eva Hackl, Deputy Chair<br />

iconvienna youLEAD;<br />

KR DI Dr. Gerhard Hrebicek,<br />

President iconvienna;<br />

Dr. Wolfgang Loibl,<br />

Smart City Expert AIT<br />

Foto: Katharina Schiffl<br />

Foto: Katharina Schiffl<br />

Foto: Katharina Schiffl<br />

Site visit Seestadt Aspern<br />


Patronage:<br />

Dr. Michael Häupl, Mayor <strong>and</strong><br />

Regional Governor of Vienna<br />

Chairman of the Advisory Board:<br />

KR Dr. René Alfons Haiden<br />

President:<br />

Foundation: 2004<br />

First Forum: 2005<br />

KR DI Dr. Gerhard Hrebicek, MBA<br />

Target Groups: National <strong>and</strong> international Top<br />

Decision-Makers from international<br />

organizations, Politics, Economy,<br />

Science <strong>and</strong> Media Representatives of<br />

Regions from Russia, Central & Eastern<br />

Europe, Latin America <strong>and</strong> the<br />

Caribbean <strong>and</strong> USA<br />

Motto:<br />

Make Contacts to Contracts<br />

Participants since 2005: around 7.500<br />

Countries of origin since 2005:<br />

Participants from 75 countries<br />

Speakers since 2005: around 550<br />

FOCUS <strong>2015</strong>: Regional Cooperation through<br />

Innovation <strong>and</strong> Entrepreneurship<br />

Previous Focus Areas:<br />

• East-West Summit on Innovation <strong>and</strong> Smart Cities (2014)<br />

• East-West Summit on Innovation <strong>and</strong> Infrastructure (2013)<br />

• East-West Summit on Innovations for Growth in the<br />

Danube Region (2012)<br />

• East-West Summit on Innovation <strong>and</strong> Sustainability (2011)<br />

• East-West Summit on Energy <strong>and</strong> Sustainability (2010)<br />

• East-West Summit: New opportunities through East-West<br />

Cooperation (2009)<br />

• Challenge Russia - Europe-Russia: New Opportunities (2008)<br />

• Future <strong>Investment</strong>s for Europe (2007)<br />

• Sustainable Solutions for the Information Society (2006)<br />

• Information <strong>and</strong> Consulting (2005)<br />

<strong>The</strong> <strong>European</strong> <strong>Business</strong> <strong>and</strong> <strong>Investment</strong> <strong>Magazine</strong> <strong>iconannual</strong> 51

youLEAD<br />

young leaders dialogue<br />

iconvienna<br />


Fotos: Katharina Schiffl<br />


<strong>The</strong> first iconvienna YOUNG LEADERS DIALOGUE took place on April 9, 2014 at the Austrian Federal<br />

Chamber of Commerce on the occasion of the 10th anniversary of iconvienna. In accordance<br />

with the motto of iconvienna “MAKE CONTACTS TO CONTRACTS”, the main purpose of bringing<br />

young entrepreneurs, young leaders <strong>and</strong> high potentials from different disciplines as science, transportation,<br />

technology, etc. from Central <strong>and</strong> Eastern Europe together <strong>and</strong> to facilitate exchange<br />

<strong>and</strong> develop joint views on issues of key relevance for the future, was successfully accomplished.<br />

Focus areas were Innovation & Smart Cities with<br />

a focus on mobility, energy <strong>and</strong> IT. All these interesting<br />

<strong>and</strong> significant topics were discussed<br />

over the course of keynote speeches, followed by<br />

a World Café, where the participants had the opportunity<br />

to pass six stations, such as Energy, <strong>Investment</strong><br />

<strong>and</strong> Environment, to exchange opinions <strong>and</strong> to consequently<br />

present the outcomes.<br />

<strong>The</strong> event was opened by the President of iconvienna<br />

Gerhard Hrebicek. He explained the relationship between<br />

the <strong>European</strong> <strong>Business</strong> <strong>and</strong> <strong>Investment</strong> Forum<br />

iconvienna <strong>and</strong> the Young Leaders Dialogue in the<br />

course of his welcome speech.<br />

<strong>The</strong> youLEAD dialogue, chaired by Eva Hackl<br />

from ASFINAG, emphasized on the need for shaping<br />

the future of our cities regarding transport, water,<br />

52 <strong>iconannual</strong> <strong>The</strong> <strong>European</strong> <strong>Business</strong> <strong>and</strong> <strong>Investment</strong> <strong>Magazine</strong>

youLEAD<br />

energy, buildings, public systems,<br />

etc. Finding balance between high<br />

efficiency <strong>and</strong> social wellbeing <strong>and</strong><br />

connecting these two is of big importance.<br />

<strong>The</strong> event was not only marked<br />

by interesting statements <strong>and</strong> discussions,<br />

but also by a video message<br />

from the managing director of<br />

the Indian Sakal Media Group Abhijit<br />

Pawar. His contribution to the<br />

event was connected to the question<br />

of what cities would look like<br />

in 50 years. He also emphasized<br />

the importance of the involvement<br />

of women in the development process<br />

of our cities, which would<br />

make it more efficient.<br />

Throughout the dialogue the<br />

young leaders jointly developed<br />

concepts for the cities of the future,<br />

exchanged their opinion, analyzed<br />

the relevant requirements <strong>and</strong><br />

discussed essential findings with<br />

leading decision-makers such as<br />

the president of Common Current,<br />

California – Warren Karlenzig,<br />

Wolfgang Loibl, Smart City Expert,<br />

AIT, Ivan Stefunko, Managing Director<br />

Neulogy, Slovakia, etc.<br />

<strong>The</strong> findings discussed at the<br />

opening panel meeting were a focus<br />

throughout the iconvienna<br />

2014 conference.<br />

Young leaders dialogue<br />

senior experts & mediation experts<br />

youLEAD Young Leaders Dialogue<br />

Format:<br />

Topic:<br />

Participants:<br />

keynote speeches followed by a World Café, Networking Coffee<br />

Breaks by café +co<br />

Create the future of Europe through Research, Innovation <strong>and</strong><br />

Cooperation<br />

young entrepreneurs, young leaders <strong>and</strong> high potentials up to the<br />

age of 40, open-minded <strong>and</strong> active involvement<br />

Your benefit in attending the conference: networking with like-minded young<br />

leaders <strong>and</strong> senior decision-makers<br />

Further Information:<br />

www.icon-vienna.net/youLEAD<br />

<strong>The</strong> <strong>European</strong> <strong>Business</strong> <strong>and</strong> <strong>Investment</strong> <strong>Magazine</strong> <strong>iconannual</strong> 53

youLEAD<br />

Foto: Michaela Tugendsam<br />

Foto: Florian Saliger<br />

US Keynote Speaker<br />

Lauren Flanagan<br />

will share her experience<br />

in financing innovative<br />

businesses <strong>and</strong> social<br />

entrepreneurship<br />

Foto: Lauren Flanagan<br />

Dear Young Entrepreneurs,<br />

Young Leaders <strong>and</strong> High Potentials,<br />

<strong>The</strong> future is in our h<strong>and</strong>s – let’s shape it together!<br />

We would like to introduce you to an exciting opportunity<br />

to join a community of other like-minded young leaders <strong>and</strong><br />

attend an event focusing on the future.<br />

Looking forward to meeting you at this year’s youLEAD<br />

discussing the future of Europe through Research,<br />

Innovation <strong>and</strong> Cooperation.<br />

Lauren Flanagan, a serial entrepreneur <strong>and</strong> investor.<br />

Ms. Flanagan’s latest company is Current Motor,<br />

which makes all-electric cargo motorcycles <strong>and</strong><br />

mobile solar charging stations for commercial/municipal/government<br />

use. She is also on the Board of<br />

Springboard Enterprises which has helped match<br />

nearly 600 women-led companies with more than<br />

$6.5 billion in venture capital.<br />

Yours<br />

Michaela Tugendsam & Florian Saliger<br />

youLEAD Chairs<br />

54 <strong>iconannual</strong> <strong>The</strong> <strong>European</strong> <strong>Business</strong> <strong>and</strong> <strong>Investment</strong> <strong>Magazine</strong>

• Fairtrade<br />

und Rainforest<br />

zertifizierter Kaffee<br />

• Fairtrade zertifizierter<br />

Bio-Kakao<br />

• Bio-Alpenmilch und<br />

Bio-Rübenzucker<br />

• Becher zu 100 %<br />

abbaubar<br />

höchster genuss.<br />

maximal nachhaltig.<br />


<strong>European</strong> <strong>Investment</strong> Bank<br />

Political <strong>and</strong><br />

economic<br />

challenges<br />

It is amazing to see how quickly iconvienna established<br />

itself as one of the leading network platforms for<br />

Europe’s business community. This year’s event, the<br />

11th iconvienna Forum, will again bring to Austria’s<br />

capital national <strong>and</strong> international decision makers from<br />

finance <strong>and</strong> economics, from politics, sciences <strong>and</strong> the<br />

media. It will be a pleasure to see how well co-operation<br />

thrives on the personal <strong>and</strong> business-related levels.<br />

Iconvienna plays a vital role in fostering closer ties between<br />

East <strong>and</strong> West <strong>and</strong> in originating business opportunities.<br />

<strong>The</strong> EIB highly appreciates being part of this<br />

dialogue.<br />

It is the mission of the <strong>European</strong> <strong>Investment</strong> Bank<br />

to facilitate business <strong>and</strong> support growth <strong>and</strong> economic<br />

development in Europe. <strong>The</strong> EIB is the bank of the <strong>European</strong><br />

Union; its shareholders are the 28 EU member<br />

states. Founded in 1958 under the Treaty of Rome, it operates<br />

in the EU <strong>and</strong> in more than 130 other countries.<br />

As the largest multilateral borrower <strong>and</strong> lender, the EIB<br />

provides finance <strong>and</strong> expertise for sound <strong>and</strong> sustainable<br />

investment projects that contribute to furthering EU<br />

policy objectives. Smart growth <strong>and</strong> jobs are at the top<br />

of the EIB’s agenda.<br />

To ensure maximum impact, we are lending to<br />

sound projects, combining EU funds with our loans <strong>and</strong><br />

advising on technical <strong>and</strong> financial aspects. <strong>The</strong> Bank<br />

unlocks access to finance for SMEs, supports innovation<br />

<strong>and</strong> skills, helps build strategic infrastructure <strong>and</strong><br />

finances climate action.<br />

In 2014 alone, the EIB signed<br />

loans totalling 77 billion euro,<br />

around ten percent of which<br />

went to projects outside the EU.<br />

56 <strong>iconannual</strong> <strong>The</strong> <strong>European</strong> <strong>Business</strong> <strong>and</strong> <strong>Investment</strong> <strong>Magazine</strong>

International Finance & Projects<br />

Mag. Wilhelm Molterer<br />

Vice-President <strong>and</strong> Member of<br />

the Management Committee of<br />

the <strong>European</strong> <strong>Investment</strong> Bank<br />

Foto: <strong>European</strong> <strong>Investment</strong> Bank<br />

Foto: <strong>European</strong> <strong>Investment</strong> Bank<br />

Last year, 290,000 businesses,<br />

mainly small <strong>and</strong> medium-sized<br />

companies as well as Mid-Caps, benefitted<br />

from EIB support. Since the<br />

beginning of the crisis in 2007, the<br />

EIB Group, i.e. the EIB <strong>and</strong> the <strong>European</strong><br />

<strong>Investment</strong> Fund, has provided<br />

more than 500 billion euro in<br />

total for investment across Europe,<br />

mobilising some 1.5 trillion euro of<br />

investment in Europe.<br />

As early as in 1964, the Bank<br />

started its engagement in Central<br />

<strong>and</strong> Eastern Europe (CEE). <strong>The</strong> ten<br />

CEE countries that have joined the<br />

EU since 2004 automatically became<br />

EIB shareholders, benefitting<br />

from the full range of EIB financial<br />

instruments <strong>and</strong> support. As such,<br />

the EIB advisory services have continuously<br />

gained importance, e.g. in<br />

the shape of the project preparation<br />

support offered by JASPERS (Joint<br />

Assistance to Support Projects in<br />

<strong>European</strong> Regions). Since the accession<br />

of Bulgaria <strong>and</strong> Romania to the<br />

EU, annual lending to the region has<br />

increased considerably, reaching<br />

its historic peak in 2009, when projects<br />

with a total value of 18 billion<br />

euro were signed. But support is also<br />

provided to those countries still on<br />

the path to EU membership. In c<strong>and</strong>idate<br />

countries, the EIB helps implement<br />

the national development<br />

plans in line with EU st<strong>and</strong>ards.<br />

Today – as Europe sees itself taking<br />

on new political <strong>and</strong> economic<br />

challenges – the EIB is as committed<br />

as ever <strong>and</strong> st<strong>and</strong>s ready to provide<br />

vital financial <strong>and</strong>, increasingly so,<br />

advisory support for the benefit of<br />

Europe’s economy <strong>and</strong> enterprises.<br />

We rely on the business <strong>and</strong> network<br />

opportunities that help us identify<br />

<strong>and</strong> underst<strong>and</strong> business needs <strong>and</strong><br />

opportunities. Iconvienna does exactly<br />

this. I am looking forward to<br />

our discussions <strong>and</strong> exchange of<br />

ideas at this year’s Forum.<br />

<strong>The</strong> <strong>European</strong> <strong>Business</strong> <strong>and</strong> <strong>Investment</strong> <strong>Magazine</strong> <strong>iconannual</strong> 57

Kommunalkredit Austria<br />

Potenziale in der<br />

Infrastrukturbeschaffung<br />

Ein anhaltend hohes Investitionsvolumen auf kommunaler Ebene und der öffentlichen H<strong>and</strong> ist<br />

sowohl unter dem Aspekt der Aufrechterhaltung qualitativ hochstehender Infrastruktur, als auch<br />

im Hinblick auf resultierende positive Konjunktureffekte relevant. Die Verbreiterung der Finanzierungsbasis<br />

für Infrastrukturinvestitionen ist dabei von besonderer Bedeutung; dies vor allem vor<br />

dem Hintergrund begrenzter budgetärer Spielräume, welche eine Finanzierung von Infrastrukturinvestitionen<br />

über Budgetmittel alleine nicht zulassen.<br />

Konzeption, Planung, Finanzierung, Errichtung,<br />

Betrieb, Inst<strong>and</strong>haltung und gegebenenfalls Rückbau:<br />

Infrastrukturprojekte durchlaufen verschiedene<br />

Phasen während ihrer Lebensdauer. Je besser<br />

diese einzelnen Zyklen aufein<strong>and</strong>er abgestimmt sind,<br />

umso größeres Effizienzpotenzial lässt sich realisieren.<br />

Ressourcenverbrauch und Kosten können so minimiert<br />

werden. Für die öffentliche H<strong>and</strong> sind Lebenszyklusmodelle<br />

eine Chance, bei der Infrastrukturbeschaffung<br />

nachhaltig Optimierungspotenziale zu heben.<br />

Mit einem ganzheitlichen Kostenansatz betrachten<br />

Lebenszyklusmodelle nicht nur die Baukosten von Infrastrukturprojekten,<br />

sondern es werden sämtliche mit<br />

der Infrastruktur in Zusammenhang stehende Kosten<br />

(Bau- und Betriebs-, Energie-, Wartungs-, Inst<strong>and</strong>haltungsinvestitionen<br />

etc.) bei der Evaluierung des Infrastrukturprojektes<br />

berücksichtigt. Dadurch kann eine<br />

einseitige Konzentration auf Baukosten alleine vermieden<br />

werden. Ein Blick auf die Unterteilung der Lebenszykluskosten<br />

macht das Einsparungspotenzial deutlich:<br />

So liegen bei Schulgebäuden die durchschnittlichen<br />

Errichtungskosten bei einer unterstellten Nutzungsdauer<br />

von 60 Jahren bei ca. einem Drittel, zwei Drittel der<br />

Lebenszykluskosten entfallen auf Betriebs-, Inst<strong>and</strong>haltungs-<br />

und Verwertungskosten.<br />

Bei der Realisierung von Lebenszyklusmodellen<br />

steht die öffentliche H<strong>and</strong> zunächst vor der Wahl, das<br />

Projekt konventionell auszuschreiben (d. h. Ausschreibung<br />

des Baus, der Betrieb des Gebäudes erfolgt in Eigenregie)<br />

oder das Projekt mit einem privaten Partner<br />

umzusetzen (z. B. in Form eines öffentlich-privaten<br />

Partnerschaftsmodelles, auch „ÖPP-Modell“), in der<br />

Planung, Bau und Betrieb von einem privaten Partner<br />

erbracht werden, während der öffentliche Partner lediglich<br />

den Infrastrukturbedarf vorgibt.<br />

Lebenszyklusmodelle sind sowohl in Form der<br />

konventionellen Beschaffung als auch mittels Partnerschaftsmodellen<br />

umsetzbar. Der Vorteil von Partnerschaftsmodellen<br />

liegt jedoch darin, dass hier Bau- und<br />

Betriebsverantwortung zusammengefasst sind. Der private<br />

Partner hat also einen hohen Anreiz, die Planung<br />

des Infrastrukturprojektes so auszugestalten, dass die<br />

Lebenszykluskosten (Gesamtkosten, die zu tragen sind)<br />

minimiert werden. Das Risiko etwaiger Kostenüberschreitungen<br />

hat der private Partner zu tragen, d. h.,<br />

sind die tatsächlichen Bau-, Betriebs- oder Inst<strong>and</strong>haltungskosten<br />

höher als geplant, hat der private Partner<br />

diese höheren Kosten selbst zu tragen und kann diese<br />

nicht dem öffentlichen Partner in Rechnung stellen.<br />

Um die verschiedenen Projektierungsansätze für ein<br />

Infrastrukturprojekt vergleichbar zu machen, werden<br />

die über die Projektlaufzeit anfallenden infrastrukturbezogenen<br />

Kosten diskontiert, um so einen Wirtschaftlichkeitsvergleich<br />

durchführen zu können. Zu wählen<br />

ist jener Projektierungsansatz, der den Nutzanforderungen<br />

an die Infrastruktur zum niedrigsten Barwert der<br />

Lebenszykluskosten entspricht.<br />

Unabhängig davon, ob die Realisierung eines Lebenszyklusmodelles<br />

in Form eines ÖPP-Modelles oder<br />

in Eigenrealisierung durchgeführt wird, sind Wirt-<br />

58 <strong>iconannual</strong> <strong>The</strong> <strong>European</strong> <strong>Business</strong> <strong>and</strong> <strong>Investment</strong> <strong>Magazine</strong>

International Finance & Projects<br />

Lebenszykluskosten<br />

Barwertvergleich<br />

schaftlichkeitsvergleiche in der beschriebenen Form<br />

sinnvoll. Durch den Fokus auf die Lebenszykluskosten<br />

kommt es bereits frühzeitig zu einer umfangreichen<br />

Konzeptionierung und Planung anh<strong>and</strong> einer detaillierten<br />

Bedarfserhebung. Dadurch werden Baukostenüberschreitungen<br />

tendenziell vermieden, da bereits<br />

frühzeitig der Infrastrukturbedarf erhoben wird, sodass<br />

nachträgliche, meist sehr teure Bedarfsänderungen unwahrscheinlicher<br />

werden.<br />

Partnerschaftliche Lebenszyklusmodelle in Form<br />

von ÖPP-Modellen sind jedoch nicht in allen Fällen die<br />

beste Lösung. Sie bedürfen hinsichtlich ihrer umfangreichen<br />

vertraglichen Ausgestaltung eines höheren Ko-<br />

ordinierungsaufw<strong>and</strong>es, stellen höhere Know-how-Anforderungen<br />

an den öffentlichen wie an den privaten<br />

Partner und sind daher mit höherem Beratungs- und<br />

Zeitaufw<strong>and</strong>, und damit zusätzlichen Kosten, verbunden,<br />

die sich erst bei entsprechendem Volumen und<br />

Laufzeit amortisieren. Das bedeutet, dass sie nicht in<br />

allen Fällen, vor allem nicht im kleinvolumigen Investitionsbereich,<br />

eine sinnvolle Alternative darstellen.<br />

Die Kommunalkredit als Kompetenzzentrum für öffentliche<br />

Infrastruktur bietet für Infrastrukturprojekte<br />

umfangreiche Beratungsleistungen und Lösungsansätze.<br />

Diese reichen von Beratung und Strukturierung über<br />

traditionelle Finanzierung bis zur Entwicklung von<br />

partnerschaftlichen Konzepten mit Übernahme von Risiken<br />

durch Betreiber- und Errichtungsgesellschaften.<br />

Der Fokus liegt dabei insbesondere auf dem Arrangieren<br />

und Strukturieren von Projekten sowie der Finanzierung<br />

der Bauphase; die Finanzierung der Betriebsphase<br />

wird zunehmend an institutionelle Investoren wie Versicherungen<br />

oder Fonds syndiziert werden. Diese haben<br />

ihrerseits angesichts aufsichtsrechtlicher Vorschriften<br />

sowie im gegebenen Niedrigzinsumfeld zunehmend<br />

Bedarf an langfristigen Aktiva mit stabilen Cashflows;<br />

gleichzeitig beschränken restriktive Vorgaben aus Basel<br />

III das Halten langfristiger Aktiva auf Bankbilanzen. Die<br />

Kommunalkredit agiert als Brücke zwischen ihren Kunden,<br />

der öffentlichen H<strong>and</strong>, den Projektsponsoren und<br />

Projekterrichten sowie den institutionellen Investoren.<br />

Foto: Petra Spiola<br />

Mag. Alois Steinbichler<br />

Vorst<strong>and</strong>svorsitzender Kommunalkredit Austria<br />

<strong>The</strong> <strong>European</strong> <strong>Business</strong> <strong>and</strong> <strong>Investment</strong> <strong>Magazine</strong> <strong>iconannual</strong> 59

Thinking outside the box<br />

is not just a phrase,<br />

but rather our approach<br />

to legal advice.<br />

Successful legal advice means more than simply knowing <strong>and</strong> applying the law.<br />

Lansky, Ganzger + partner, one of the leading law firms in Austria <strong>and</strong> the Slovak Republic,<br />

has longst<strong>and</strong>ing <strong>and</strong> profound experience that enables it to deliver an all-encompassing,<br />

inter disciplinary <strong>and</strong> cross-regional service of the highest level.<br />

Lansky, Ganzger + partner closely col labo rates<br />

with ex ternal specialists <strong>and</strong> a worldwide network<br />

of consultants <strong>and</strong> local advisers. This ensures<br />

that the firm is able to offer individual, strategic<br />

<strong>and</strong> pragmatic all-in-one solutions to their national<br />

<strong>and</strong> international clients. Many renowned national<br />

<strong>and</strong> inter national banks, corporations <strong>and</strong><br />

companies have, over the past years, relied on<br />

the firm’s extensive expertise. <strong>The</strong> all-inclusive<br />

approach of Lansky, Ganzger + partner clearly<br />

distinguishes itself from the general st<strong>and</strong>ard of<br />

a conventional, solely legal consultancy.<br />

LAnSky, GAnzGeR + partner<br />

Attorneys at Law<br />

Biberstrasse 5<br />

a-1010 Vienna (austria)<br />

W: www.lansky.at<br />

T: +43 1 533 33 300<br />

F: +43 1 532 84 83<br />

e: office@lansky.at<br />

Vienna – BraT isL a V a – Baku – asT ana

International Finance & Projects<br />

Serbien<br />

Strukturelle Reformen als Investitionsanreiz<br />

Rezente Beispiele zeigen, wie<br />

Serbien die Wirtschaftskrise<br />

bekämpft und sich als Leader<br />

am Westbalkan etablieren<br />

will: Serbische Einkommen im<br />

öffentlichen Bereich und die Pensionen<br />

sind um zehn bzw. bis zu 23<br />

Prozent reduziert worden, die Privatisierung<br />

von staatlichen Unternehmen<br />

steht an, und die Korruptionsbekämpfung<br />

wurde als wichtigstes<br />

Ziel ausgegeben.<br />

Die Strategie der letzten Jahre,<br />

nämlich eine Steigerung von Ausl<strong>and</strong>sinvestitionen<br />

durch Förderungen<br />

zu erzielen, hat keine Früchte<br />

getragen. Bei der neuen serbischen<br />

Regierung hat daher ein Umdenken<br />

stattgefunden. Es genügt nicht,<br />

Investoren mit Geld zu locken sondern<br />

auch tatsächlich den Staat zu<br />

reformieren, so dass ausländische<br />

Investoren Serbien als langfristigen<br />

Investitionsst<strong>and</strong>ort wahrnehmen.<br />

Den größten Investitionsanreiz bilden<br />

nun die mutig angegangenen<br />

strukturellen Reformen.<br />

Die erste Anerkennung für die<br />

Durchführung von schweren Reformprozessen<br />

erhielt Serbien in<br />

Form eines Kredites im Wert von<br />

rund einer Milliarde Euro seitens<br />

des Internationalen Währungsfonds.<br />

Voraussetzung dafür war die<br />

Senkung des fiskalischen Defizits,<br />

die schon erwähnte Reform des öffentlichen<br />

Bereiches sowie die Beendigung<br />

der Aufnahme neuer öffentlicher<br />

Schulden.<br />

Die Strukturreformen wurden<br />

auch von der EU wahrgenommen.<br />

So hat Serbien die Empfehlungen<br />

der Group of States against<br />

corruption (GRECO) laut EU-Fortschrittsbericht<br />

ernst genommen.<br />

Ein effizientes System zur Überwachung<br />

und Umsetzung der Anti-Korruptions-Strategie<br />

muss nun<br />

geschaffen werden. Der erste Schritt<br />

in diesem Zusammenhang soll<br />

durch das neue Anti-Korruptions-<br />

Gesetz erfolgen, welches im Sommer<br />

dieses Jahres verabschiedet<br />

wird. Geplant sind detaillierte Bestimmungen<br />

über die Kontrolle des<br />

Vermögens von Staatsfunktionären<br />

sowie Richtlinien bei Interessenskollisionen.<br />

Hinsichtlich der Privatisierung<br />

von Staatsunternehmen sieht das<br />

neue Privatisierungsgesetz vor,<br />

dass alle potentiellen Investoren<br />

Strate gien zur Restrukturierung<br />

einreichen können. Auf der Privatisierungsliste<br />

stehen 584 Staatsunternehmen,<br />

davon sollen 161 restrukturiert<br />

werden.<br />

Ein weiterer wichtiger Schritt<br />

folgte im Immobiliensektor. Der<br />

schon immer als höchst bürokratisch<br />

geltende Bereich soll durch das<br />

neue Baugesetz vollkommen reformiert<br />

werden. Baugenehmigungen<br />

werden nunmehr im Eiltempo erteilt<br />

(28 Tage). Investoren sind nicht<br />

mehr für die Dokumentenbeschaffung<br />

verantwortlich, dies obliegt<br />

nun der lokalen Verwaltung.<br />

Dr. Gerald Ganzger<br />

Managing Partner<br />

der Wirtschaftsrechtskanzlei<br />

Lansky, Ganzger + partner<br />

Daniel Gros<br />

Leiter des SOE-Desk bei<br />

Lansky, Ganzger + partner<br />

Lansky, Ganzger & Partner<br />

Rechtsanwälte GmbH<br />

A-1010 Wien, Biberstraße 5<br />

T: +43 1 533 3330 – 0<br />

E: office@lansky.at<br />

W: www.lansky.at<br />

Foto: Arnold Pöschl<br />

Foto: Roman Zach-Kiesling<br />

<strong>The</strong> <strong>European</strong> <strong>Business</strong> <strong>and</strong> <strong>Investment</strong> <strong>Magazine</strong> <strong>iconannual</strong> 61

<strong>Business</strong> Mediation<br />

Foto: Katharina Schiffl<br />

<strong>Business</strong> Mediation<br />

in international<br />

projects<br />

Johannes Gotsmy, MAS, MA<br />

Austrian Experts Group on<br />

<strong>Business</strong> Mediation EGWIME<br />

Foto: privat<br />

Mastering the challenge<br />

of public tied<br />

projects. Public issues<br />

tend to be public<br />

– on a level never<br />

seen before. Calls for<br />

civic participation cannot<br />

be ignored inside<br />

<strong>and</strong> outside <strong>European</strong><br />

economies. It is about<br />

intending the best<br />

possible solution, <strong>and</strong><br />

identifying the most<br />

appropriate tailored<br />

process. Answers can only be as good as the<br />

questions asked. Solutions can only be as<br />

good as the design forming the path to the<br />

solution. Civic participation enriches the<br />

solution process, but too rapidly shared intelligence<br />

may turn also easily into shared<br />

stupidity. Expertise is important for mastering<br />

civic participation processes: it is about<br />

mastering various, first h<strong>and</strong> incompatible<br />

aspects, positions <strong>and</strong> interests. Solutions<br />

comprising all legitimate interests enable<br />

deep <strong>and</strong> long-lasting solutions. No surprise<br />

that process design <strong>and</strong> moderation has increasingly<br />

put into the h<strong>and</strong>s of those with<br />

core expertise in precisely these issues, the<br />

business mediators.<br />

Ing. Leon Pogrzebacz, MSc.<br />

EGWIME<br />

Online Dispute Resolution - how Online Mediators<br />

can help your business. <strong>The</strong> internet accelerated<br />

the information flow dramatically, especially<br />

in the last 20 years. People collaborate <strong>and</strong> communicate<br />

over boundaries of states, languages <strong>and</strong> time<br />

zones by means of e-mail, telephone or videoconferencing.<br />

But unlike McLuhan's coined term "Global<br />

Village" suggests, online communication isn't always<br />

that easy like chatting face to face with a folk<br />

with whom you grew up in the same village.<br />

Online Mediation Experts know how to deal<br />

with conflicts, even when the parties involved<br />

are separated over long distances, cultural influences<br />

<strong>and</strong> time zones. <strong>The</strong>y make effective use of<br />

different online communication tools <strong>and</strong> ensure<br />

that every party gets heard <strong>and</strong> all are on the same<br />

page. Online Mediators also offer their assistance<br />

in accompanying the communication process in<br />

critical projects. Together with Online Communication<br />

Trainings this helps to prevent conflicts<br />

<strong>and</strong> st<strong>and</strong>stills, thus saving time, money <strong>and</strong> ensuring<br />

a good working atmosphere. Please request<br />

your free copy of the "e-mail guidelines to success"<br />

by sending an e-mail to ubit@wkw.at<br />

Foto: privat<br />

62 <strong>iconannual</strong> <strong>The</strong> <strong>European</strong> <strong>Business</strong> <strong>and</strong> <strong>Investment</strong> <strong>Magazine</strong>

International Finance & Projects<br />

<strong>Business</strong> Mediation<br />

at Austrian Courts.<br />

Several courtcases<br />

can be covered by<br />

one single mediation<br />

process – that saves<br />

individual energy<br />

as well as time <strong>and</strong><br />

money! Frequently<br />

people who have<br />

been involved in legal<br />

proceedings report<br />

Gernot Winter DI<br />

on their discontentedness<br />

with the sen-<br />


tence in their respective<br />

case while people who have taken part<br />

in a mediation process show a high level of<br />

satisfaction with the results they (co-)created<br />

with the professional support of a mediator.<br />

Ten years ago `court-annexed business<br />

mediation` has been established at Austrian<br />

courts <strong>and</strong> is meanwhile widely accepted.<br />

Based on the `Austrian Mediation Act` (Ziv-<br />

MediatG 2004) the `Austrian Association for<br />

Court-Annexed Mediation` (VMG – vmg.or.at)<br />

<strong>and</strong> it`s forty highly experienced <strong>and</strong> qualified<br />

mediators are offering their professional<br />

services to the Austrian citizens <strong>and</strong> enterprises<br />

at Austrian courts. <strong>The</strong> success rate is<br />

high: up to 80% mediation processes which<br />

are led by these qualified mediators result<br />

into fruitful <strong>and</strong> highly satisficing solutions.<br />

Foto: Christian Helmle<br />

<strong>The</strong> inclusion<br />

of the following<br />

mediation<br />

clause in<br />

your GTC <strong>and</strong><br />

contracts can<br />

prevent from<br />

serious aggravations<br />

in cases CMC EGWIME<br />

Michael Hamberger, MSc. MA.<br />

of conflict. <strong>The</strong><br />

phrasing is based on mediation regulations<br />

in Austrian Civil Law <strong>and</strong> leaves room for<br />

amendments as required for your lawyers:<br />

“In case of disputes arising from this<br />

contract, also in respect of its effectiveness,<br />

the contract parties will negotiate a conflict<br />

resolution. In case the conflict cannot be<br />

settled within 30 days, the contract parties<br />

agree to attempt a mediative solution as a<br />

next step. <strong>The</strong> acquisition of the conflict issues,<br />

the selection of registered mediators<br />

(according to the relevant national/international<br />

regulations) <strong>and</strong> the further procedure<br />

will be mutually determined. Every<br />

contract party is free from the start to terminate<br />

the mediation without sanctions, in<br />

order to take further legal actions.”<br />

Foto: Daniel Schaler<br />

Recommended Mediation Clause for Your Contracts:<br />

<strong>The</strong> inclusion of the following mediation clause in the<br />

GTC <strong>and</strong> contracts, treaties, <strong>and</strong> other agreements<br />

with partners, employees, clients, suppliers, project<br />

partners, licensors <strong>and</strong> licensees, or for service agreements,<br />

with residents <strong>and</strong> tenants can prevent from<br />

serious aggravations in cases of conflict.<br />

“In case of disputes arising from this contract, also in<br />

respect of its effectiveness, the contract parties will negotiate<br />

a conflict resolution. In case the conflict cannot<br />

be settled within 30 days, the contract parties agree<br />

to attempt a mediative solution as a next step. <strong>The</strong> acquisition<br />

of the conflict issues, the selection of registered<br />

mediators (according to the relevant national/<br />

international regulations) <strong>and</strong> the further procedure<br />

will be mutually determined. Every contract party is<br />

free from the start to terminate the mediation without<br />

sanctions, in order to take further legal actions.”<br />

<strong>The</strong> phrasing is based on mediation regulations in<br />

Austrian Civil Law, emphasises the voluntariness, <strong>and</strong><br />

is indicative of the willingness of your company to<br />

negotiate solutions <strong>and</strong> to a constructive approach to<br />

business associates. It demonstrates the emphasis on<br />

autonomy in decisions. Furthermore, it leaves room for<br />

amendments as required for your lawyers.<br />

<strong>The</strong> <strong>European</strong> <strong>Business</strong> <strong>and</strong> <strong>Investment</strong> <strong>Magazine</strong> <strong>iconannual</strong> 63

Consultatio<br />


Die Zukunft<br />

im Blick<br />

Die CONSULTATIO zählt zu den führenden<br />

Steuerberatungs- und Wirtschaftsprüfungskanzleien<br />

Österreichs mit<br />

Haupt sitz in Wien Floridsdorf. Die Unternehmens<br />

tradition reicht Jahrzehnte zurück und<br />

ist von drei wesentlichen Eigenschaften geprägt:<br />

Wirtschaftskompetenz, Flexibilität und hohe<br />

Beratungsqualität. Das Unternehmen ist Pionier<br />

in vielen Beratungsfeldern und immer einen<br />

Schritt voraus, wenn es darum geht, internationalen<br />

Herausforderungen gerecht zu werden.<br />

Die CONSULTATIO-Gruppe ist derzeit in<br />

den fünf Ländern Österreich, Tschechien,<br />

Slowakei, Ungarn und Slowenien mit über<br />

200 Mitarbeiterinnen und Mitarbeiter aktiv<br />

und verfügt insgesamt über zehn Büros, vier<br />

davon allein in Ungarn. Zusätzlich ist die<br />

CON SUL TATIO Mitglied bei NEXIA, einem<br />

der 10 größten internationalen Netzwerke unabhängiger<br />

Steuerberatungs- und Wirtschaftsprüfungsunternehmen,<br />

mit Hauptsitz in London<br />

und Partnerbüros in der ganzen Welt.<br />

Die CONSULTATIO bietet ihren Klienten<br />

ein umfassendes Leistungsspektrum. Steuerberatung<br />

und Wirtschaftsprüfung sind unsere<br />

Kernkompetenz. Hinzu kommt eine Vielzahl<br />

weiterer Beratungsangebote und Dienstleistungen<br />

– für Großunternehmen ebenso wie für<br />

KMUs, Freiberufler, Kulturschaffende, öffentliche<br />

Einrichtungen, Verbände, Vereine und Privatpersonen.<br />

Der permanente Blick auf die unternehmerische<br />

Zukunft unserer Klienten ist uns ein<br />

wichtiges Anliegen. Wir behalten deshalb stets<br />

die gesamte Unternehmensentwicklung im<br />

Auge und passen uns den Bedürfnissen der jeweiligen<br />

Branche exakt an.<br />

Focus<br />

on the Future<br />

CONSULTATIO is considered one of the<br />

leading tax <strong>and</strong> auditing firms in Austria.<br />

Our tradition of excellence stretches<br />

back several decades, <strong>and</strong> is based on<br />

three fundamental principles: business expertise,<br />

flexibility, <strong>and</strong> superior advice. Our company<br />

is a pioneer in many areas of consultancy,<br />

always a step ahead, especially when confronting<br />

international challenges.<br />

<strong>The</strong> CONSULTATIO Group is currently active<br />

in five countries: Austria, the Czech <strong>and</strong> Slovak<br />

Republics, Hungary <strong>and</strong> Slovenia, with ten<br />

offices, four of them alone in Hungary. Additionally,<br />

CONSULTATIO is a member of NEXIA, one<br />

of the world's 10 largest international networks<br />

of independent accounting firms, headquartered<br />

in London with offices all over the world.<br />

We at CONSULTATIO offer our clients a comprehensive<br />

spectrum of services. Tax consulting<br />

<strong>and</strong> auditing are our core competencies. On top<br />

of that we offer a wide range of other specialised<br />

consulting services - for large <strong>and</strong> small companies<br />

alike, freelancers, artists, public entities,<br />

NPOs, federations <strong>and</strong> individuals.<br />

<strong>The</strong> permanent view to the business future<br />

of our clients is an important issue for us. We<br />

keep track of our clients' bussinesses overall<br />

development <strong>and</strong> adapt to the particular needs<br />

of the specific sectors.<br />

Foto: Consultatio<br />

64 <strong>iconannual</strong> <strong>The</strong> <strong>European</strong> <strong>Business</strong> <strong>and</strong> <strong>Investment</strong> <strong>Magazine</strong>

International Finance & Projects<br />

Steuerreform in Österreich beschlossen<br />

Das Steuerrecht ist eine extrem lebendige Rechtsmaterie.<br />

Die nationalen Finanzverwaltungen passen die Steuergesetze<br />

sehr kurzfristig an aktuelle Budgeterfordernisse an. Auch<br />

der Kampf gegen internationalen Steuer- und Sozialversicherungsbetrug<br />

erfordert ständige Gesetzesnovellen. Die<br />

CONSULTATIO-BeraterInnen haben den gesamten CEE-Bereich<br />

im Fokus und informieren ihre international tätigen<br />

Klienten laufend über aktuelle Entwicklungen und notwendige<br />

Anpassungen.<br />

Österreich: 5 Milliarden Euro Steuerentlastung<br />

Im März <strong>2015</strong> wurden die Eckpunkte einer Steuerreform<br />

präsentiert. Im Vordergrund steht die Entlastung der Lohn<br />

und Einkommensteuerpflichtigen um 5 Milliarden Euro<br />

durch die Senkung des Eingangssteuersatzes und die Einführung<br />

weiterer Tarifstufen.<br />

Gute Nachrichten für innovative Unternehmen: Die Forschungsprämie<br />

wird von 10% auf 12% erhöht, es werden<br />

attraktivere Möglichkeiten für Crowd-Funding und Mitarbeiterbeteiligung<br />

geschaffen.<br />

Den größten Beitrag zur Gegenfinanzierung soll die „Bekämpfung<br />

von Steuer- und Sozialbetrug“ leisten. Es wird zu<br />

einschneidenden Kontrollmaßnahmen der Finanzverwaltung<br />

kommen. Das Finanzamt erhält uneingeschränkte Einsichtsrechte<br />

in alle Bankkonten von Unternehmern. Eine<br />

Registrierkassenpflicht wird eingeführt.<br />

International werden Umsatzsteuer-Karusselle, der Vers<strong>and</strong>h<strong>and</strong>el,<br />

Online-Glücksspielportale und der illegale<br />

H<strong>and</strong>el mit Mineralölprodukten ganz gezielt ins Visier genommen.<br />

Außerdem erhöht sich die Mehrwertsteuer auf<br />

bestimmte Lieferungen und Leistungen (z.B. Hotelübernachtungen).<br />

Auch die Steuer auf Immobiliengewinne (neu:<br />

30%) und auf Kapitalerträge (neu: 27,5%) steigt. Top-Verdiener<br />

müssen ab 2016 für Einkommensteile über 1 Million<br />

EUR 55% Einkommensteuer zahlen.<br />


Karl-Waldbrunner-Platz 1<br />

1210 Vienna – Austria<br />

Phone: +43 1 27775-0<br />

E-Mail: office@consultatio.at<br />

Mag. Peter KOPP<br />

Managing Partner, auditor <strong>and</strong><br />

tax accountant<br />

Phone: +43 1 27775-252<br />

peter.kopp@consultatio.at<br />

Foto: Consultatio<br />

CEE-Newsflash<br />

Slovakia: Amendments<br />

to several Slovak laws concerning<br />

taxes <strong>and</strong> other<br />

levies entered into force<br />

<strong>2015</strong>. <strong>The</strong> government’s intent<br />

is to increase revenues<br />

for the budget by means<br />

of these provisions. This<br />

leads to higher tax burden,<br />

especially for small <strong>and</strong><br />

medium sized businesses.<br />

Hungary: In March<br />

<strong>2015</strong>, an Electronic road<br />

transportation control<br />

System (EKAER) was set<br />

in force allowing the VAT<br />

Authority to track goods<br />

transported in Hungary.<br />

<strong>The</strong> purpose of the regulation<br />

is to avoid chain<br />

VAT fraud.<br />

Dr. Georg SALCHER<br />

Managing Partner,<br />

tax accountant<br />

Phone: +43 1 27775-232<br />

georg.salcher@consultatio.at<br />

Foto: Consultatio<br />

<strong>The</strong> <strong>European</strong> <strong>Business</strong> <strong>and</strong> <strong>Investment</strong> <strong>Magazine</strong> <strong>iconannual</strong> 65

mvit<br />

COMET:<br />

Innovation und<br />

Fotos: istockphoto.com<br />

Kooperation<br />

Innovationssysteme sind in hohem Maße von staatlich<br />

finanzierten Förderungsinstrumenten determiniert.<br />

In der Grundlagenforschung, bei Infrastrukturinvestitionen,<br />

bei hohen Entwicklungsrisken<br />

aber auch bei der extrem wichtige Kooperation zwischen<br />

Forschung und Wirtschaft sind marktwirtschaftliche<br />

Mechanismen allein oft nicht ausreichend<br />

und müssen durch staatliche Anreizsysteme ergänzt<br />

werden. In Österreich wurde das <strong>The</strong>ma der unzureichenden<br />

Kooperation vor etwa zwanzig Jahren aufgegriffen<br />

und man entwickelte das Instrument der<br />

Kompetenzzentren, in denen universitäre Forschung<br />

und Industrieforschung gemeinsam Konsortien bilden<br />

und mit einem Mix aus öffentlicher und privater<br />

Finanzierung an langfristigen Forschungsprojekten<br />

arbeiten. Mittlerweile ist das Kompetenzzentrenprogramm<br />

COMET ein international beachtetes Beispiel<br />

für erfolgreiche Kooperationsförderung. Das in drei<br />

Linien nach Volumen, Förderhöhe und Laufzeit differenzierte<br />

Programm ist thematisch offen, die Zentren<br />

haben Laufzeiten zwischen drei und zehn Jahren. Die<br />

K2-Zentren können mit bis zu € 7,5 Mio, die K1-Zentren<br />

mit € 2,55 Mio und die kleineren K-Projekte mit<br />

bis zu € 0,675 Mio p.a. aus Bundes- und Ländermittel<br />

gefördert werden. Bislang wurden 5 K2-Zentren,<br />

26 K1-Zentren und 46 K-Projekte genehmigt. Seit 2007<br />

wurde ein Projektvolumen von etwa € 1,5 Mrd. mit<br />

öffentlichen Mitteln von Bund und Ländern in Höhe<br />

von € 700 Mio gefördert.<br />

Inhaltlich sind die Schwerpunkte auf Produktionstechnologien<br />

mit 49%, Life Sciences mit 20%, IKT mit<br />

15%, Mobilität mit 10% und auf Energie/natürliche<br />

Ressourcen mit 6% verteilt. Regionale Schwerpunkte<br />

sind die Universitätsst<strong>and</strong>orte Wien, Graz, Innsbruck<br />

und die Industrieregionen in Oberösterreich und der<br />

Steiermark.<br />

66 <strong>iconannual</strong> <strong>The</strong> <strong>European</strong> <strong>Business</strong> <strong>and</strong> <strong>Investment</strong> <strong>Magazine</strong>

Innovation & Cooperation<br />

COMET: Kompetenzzentren<br />

5 K2-Zentren laufend<br />

15 K1-Zentren laufend bzw. zur Förderung vorgeschlagen<br />

[18 K1-Zentren genehmigt bzw. zur Förderung vorgeschlagen,<br />

davon laufen 3 K1-Zentren aus (Phasing Out)]<br />

29 K-Projekte laufend<br />

(46 K-Projekte genehmigt, davon 17 ausgelaufen; von den<br />

29 laufenden sind wiederum nur 26 in der Karte dargestellt –<br />

weil das Vorgängerprojekt in Kürze auslaufen wird)<br />

K1 SCCH<br />

K1-MET<br />

K-Projekt HOPL<br />

K1 WOOD<br />

K-Projekt Amoree<br />

K-Projekt ADDA<br />

K2 ACCM<br />

K-Projekt ZPT+ K-Projekt APMT<br />

K-Projekt DEXHELPP<br />

K-Projekt GSG<br />

K-Projekt OptiBioMat<br />

K1 VRVis Center<br />

K1 SBA<br />

K1 FTW*<br />

K-Projekt AEDA<br />

K-Projekt LiTech<br />

K-Projekt ProDSS<br />

K-Projekt K-Licht<br />

K-Projekt AAHM-R2P<br />

K-Projekt VASCage<br />

K-Projekt Textiles<br />

K1 Oncotyrol*<br />

K1 alpS<br />

K-Projekt imPACts<br />

K2 XTribology<br />

K1 ACMIT<br />

K1 CEST<br />

K-Projekt PolyComp<br />

K-Projekt JOIN K-Projekt ECO-PowerDrive-2<br />

K1 PCCL-K1 K-Projekt ASD K-Projekt BioPersMed<br />

K-Projekt SeCoS K-Projekt focus_sts<br />

K2 MPPE<br />

K-Projekt ECO-COOL K-Projekt Vision+<br />

K-Projekt FLIPPR<br />

K1 BIOENERGY 2020+<br />

K1 evolaris*<br />

K2 Mobility SVT K1 Know-Center<br />

K1 ASSIC<br />

K2 ACIB<br />

K1 RCPE<br />

K1 LEC EvoLET<br />

K1 CBMed<br />

Die begleitende Evaluierung zeigt deutliche positive<br />

Effekte in der Wettbewerbsfähigkeit, der Verwertung<br />

von Forschungsergebnissen, positive Beschäftigungs-,<br />

Qualifizierungs- und Netzwerkeffekte; Indikatoren wie<br />

Patente, Publikationen, Drittmittel, internationale Partner<br />

zeichnen ebenfalls ein positives Bild, sodass in den<br />

nächsten Jahren weitere Ausschreibungen geplant sind.<br />

Nicht nur mit dem COMET-Programm, auch mit<br />

einer Reihe <strong>and</strong>erer Förderungsinstrumente verfolgt<br />

das Bundesministerium für Verkehr, Innovation<br />

und Technologie das Ziel, die Kooperation Wissenschaft-Wirtschaft<br />

zu intensivieren, dies vor allem<br />

mit entsprechendenr Programmgestaltung zB. im<br />

Headquarter-Programm bzw. mit zusätzlichen Prämien<br />

für kooperative Projekte. Unabhängig, ob es sich um<br />

<strong>The</strong>menoffene Programme oder thematische Programme<br />

h<strong>and</strong>elt, der Kooperationsaspekt ist wesentlich für<br />

die Förderungsentscheidung bzw. Förderungshöhe.<br />

St<strong>and</strong>: 10.07. 2014 Quelle: FFG Förderstatistik<br />

Daten: Österreichische Forschungsförderungsgesellschaft<br />

COMET: Verteilung nach Schwerpunkten:<br />

Energie/natürliche<br />

Ressourcen<br />

6%<br />

Mobilität<br />

10%<br />

IKT<br />

15%<br />

Life Sciences<br />

20%<br />

Produktionstechnologien<br />

49%<br />

<strong>The</strong> <strong>European</strong> <strong>Business</strong> <strong>and</strong> <strong>Investment</strong> <strong>Magazine</strong> <strong>iconannual</strong> 67

Central <strong>European</strong> Initiative<br />

Central <strong>European</strong> Initiative:<br />

26 years<br />

Immediately after the fall of the Berlin wall in<br />

1989, Italy, Austria, Hungary <strong>and</strong> the former<br />

Yugoslavia established – what is known today<br />

– the Central <strong>European</strong> Initiative (CEI). Since its<br />

inception, the CEI has taken root, grown <strong>and</strong><br />

finally blossomed into the largest <strong>and</strong> oldest<br />

regional intergovernmental forum, committed<br />

to supporting <strong>European</strong> integration through<br />

cooperation among its Member States <strong>and</strong> the<br />

<strong>European</strong> Union (EU).<br />

Currently counting eighteen Member States 1 , the<br />

CEI has become a recognised promoter of EU/non-<br />

EU-country partnership <strong>and</strong> regional cooperation,<br />

assessing what can be achieved when countries<br />

make efforts to implement internationally agreed<br />

frameworks.<br />

<strong>The</strong> CEI strategic objectives, outlined in the CEI Plan<br />

of Action 2014-2016, will ever more focus on supporting<br />

its Member States on their path towards <strong>European</strong> integration;<br />

promoting the alignment of the CEI Member<br />

States to EU st<strong>and</strong>ards; implementing small <strong>and</strong> medium-sized<br />

projects <strong>and</strong> converting constructive ideas<br />

into innovative results. In order to offer a solid contribution<br />

to <strong>European</strong> integration the CEI combines political<br />

dialogue (multilateral diplomacy) <strong>and</strong> project management,<br />

both as donor <strong>and</strong> recipient, while also bridging<br />

<strong>European</strong> macro-regions. Through its project-oriented<br />

working method, the CEI is also a flexible basis for regional<br />

cooperation of its Western Balkan countries <strong>and</strong><br />

the three Eastern Partners (Belarus, Moldova <strong>and</strong> Ukraine).<br />

<strong>The</strong> CEI is paying special attention to its non-<br />

EU Member States’ need for capacity building through<br />

know-how transfer <strong>and</strong> exchange of experience with its<br />

EU countries, thus also providing sound evidence of the<br />

permanent validity of its mission in these difficult times<br />

of political turbulence <strong>and</strong> economic crisis.<br />

Its unique geographical position makes the CEI the<br />

only regional international organisation connecting the<br />

Baltic, the Danube, the Adriatic-Ionian, the Black Sea<br />

<strong>and</strong> the Alpine regions. It is the only organisation providing<br />

a peer-to-peer environment for bridging experience<br />

<strong>and</strong> synergising the new added values of the macro-regional<br />

approach to the complexity of transnational governance<br />

<strong>and</strong> programming.<br />

1<br />

CEI Member States <strong>and</strong> accession date: Albania (1996), Austria (1989), Belarus (1996), Bosnia <strong>and</strong> Herzegovina (1992), Bulgaria (1996), Croatia (1992), Czech Republic (1993), Hungary (1989), Italy (1989),<br />

Macedonia (1993), Moldova (1996), Montenegro (2006), Pol<strong>and</strong> (1991), Romania (1996), Serbia (2000), Slovakia (1993), Slovenia (1992), Ukraine (1996)<br />

68 <strong>iconannual</strong> <strong>The</strong> <strong>European</strong> <strong>Business</strong> <strong>and</strong> <strong>Investment</strong> <strong>Magazine</strong>

Innovation & Cooperation<br />

Foto: CEI<br />

1 st MEETING of CEI National Coordinators –<br />

CNC, Budapest, 22 Jan. 2013<br />

Foto: Giovanni Montenero<br />

MEETING of the CEI Ministers of Foreign<br />

Affairs, Trieste, 13 June 2012<br />

Funds, Instruments & Figures:<br />

strategic approach to regional cooperation<br />

<strong>The</strong> CEI is a well-functioning intergovernmental machinery,<br />

our strong operational character <strong>and</strong> project-oriented<br />

approach, our manifold activities in various areas<br />

<strong>and</strong> initiatives to create a good business environment as<br />

well as our investment in a knowledge-based economy<br />

have served <strong>and</strong> are going to continue serving to increase<br />

the economic, social <strong>and</strong> territorial cohesion within<br />

our regional scope. In order to meet the strategic objectives<br />

for the benefit of its Member States, the CEI makes<br />

use of a variety of Funds <strong>and</strong> Instruments covering ten<br />

main areas of cooperation:<br />

Our 20-plus-year partnership with the <strong>European</strong><br />

Bank for Reconstruction <strong>and</strong> Development (EBRD) is a<br />

real success-story in this regard, significantly contributing<br />

to strengthening CEI’s project-oriented dimension.<br />

<strong>The</strong> CEI Fund at the EBRD, towards which the Italian<br />

Government has solely made a total contribution of<br />

€38.5 million, mainly provides grant-type assistance<br />

for specific components of Technical Cooperation (TC)<br />

projects. Since its inception in 1992, the Fund has provided<br />

more than €23 million for funding more than 130<br />

TC assignments, mobilising €4.8 billion of international<br />

investments in the countries of operations. For one euro<br />

spent on CEI Technical Cooperation, €215 were invested<br />

by the EBRD, other IFIs <strong>and</strong> clients.<br />

Since 2004, the CEI Fund at the EBRD has also contributed<br />

a total of more than €2.1 million to the Know-How<br />

Exchange Programme (KEP) supporting 75 projects. >><br />

<strong>The</strong> <strong>European</strong> <strong>Business</strong> <strong>and</strong> <strong>Investment</strong> <strong>Magazine</strong> <strong>iconannual</strong> 69

Central <strong>European</strong> Initiative<br />

MINISTERS for Foreign Affairs Meeting,<br />

Vienna, 3 June 2014<br />

G. Hrebicek, M. Westfaelt<br />

Foto: CEI<br />

Foto: Mahmoud Ashraf<br />

As of 2007 the KEP has also been financed by Austria<br />

through an agreement with the Austrian Development<br />

Agency (ADA): it has so far committed around €730.000<br />

for 26 projects. Pol<strong>and</strong> has also contributed with €50.000<br />

to projects co-financed together with Italy.<br />

<strong>The</strong> list of instruments for institutional <strong>and</strong> socio-economic<br />

development continues with our support<br />

to small projects such as seminars, workshops, conferences,<br />

trainings, etc. bringing together the peoples of<br />

the region through the CEI Cooperation Fund, to which<br />

all Member States contribute. 879 events <strong>and</strong> activities<br />

in various areas of interest have been co-financed so far<br />

with more than €8 million out of this fund.<br />

To achieve the objectives outlined in its multi-annual<br />

Plan of Action, the CEI is also promoting<br />

high-quality, result-oriented projects by participating<br />

in EU-funded programmes. We are proud of our<br />

records: 29 EU-funded projects since 2004, 23 implemented,<br />

6 under implementation, where the CEI operates<br />

both as Lead Partner <strong>and</strong> as a reliable, effective<br />

partner in key sectors of transnational cooperation, e.g.<br />

transport, science <strong>and</strong> innovation, renewable energy,<br />

cultural heritage, capacity building. This operational<br />

participation in the implementation of the EU policies<br />

is also the mainstream of our concrete ties with the<br />

<strong>European</strong> Commission as m<strong>and</strong>ated by our Foreign Ministers.<br />

<strong>The</strong> CEI Science <strong>and</strong> Technology Network <strong>and</strong> relations<br />

with universities are also proven effective tools<br />

for promoting regional cooperation in the academic<br />

<strong>and</strong> scientific fields. <strong>The</strong> contacts established over the<br />

years with renowned universities <strong>and</strong> Centres of Excellence<br />

of the entire region are contributing to fostering<br />

mobility of scientists, professors <strong>and</strong> graduate <strong>and</strong><br />

post-graduate students as well as to the development of<br />

tangible programes <strong>and</strong> projects. Through these exchanges<br />

the CEI has given its contribution to the development<br />

of a strong knowledge-based society, which is one<br />

of the main objectives of Horizon 2020.<br />

This CEI expertise in the implementation of transnational<br />

projects is also very important in view of pursuing<br />

the goals of the EU macro-regional strategies <strong>and</strong><br />

70 <strong>iconannual</strong> <strong>The</strong> <strong>European</strong> <strong>Business</strong> <strong>and</strong> <strong>Investment</strong> <strong>Magazine</strong>

Innovation & Cooperation<br />

of the Eastern Partnership, where most of our countries<br />

are included. We are active in the EU Strategy for the<br />

Danube Region (EUSDR), we are preparing to contribute<br />

to the EU Strategy for the Adriatic - Ionian Macro-Region<br />

(EUSAIR) <strong>and</strong> to the future strategy for the Alpine<br />

Region (EUSALP), where we have just revitalised our<br />

collaboration with the Council of Baltic Sea States.<br />

All macro-regional strategies have a role to play for<br />

the benefit of CEI non EU Member States. Bringing them<br />

closer to the <strong>European</strong> Union in a very consistent way to<br />

reach the strategic goal driving our activity. In order to<br />

facilitate macro-regional experience <strong>and</strong> opportunity<br />

sharing among CEI members, which are not part of this<br />

dimension, we also envisage the delivery of specific initiatives<br />

as already stated above. We aim at leading applicants<br />

<strong>and</strong> beneficiaries of CEI programmes to a higher<br />

level of consistency with the respective regional priorities;<br />

we wish to set the backbone for the mobilisation<br />

of relevant stakeholders in our Member States – be they<br />

public authorities or non-governmental organisations –<br />

for the establishment of sound partnerships aimed at<br />

elaborating new projects.<br />

Foto: CEI<br />

CEI SUMMIT “25 Years<br />

of CEI <strong>and</strong> Future Vision”,<br />

Vienna, 24 November<br />

Foto: CEI<br />

1ST CNC under<br />

Macedonian CEI Presidency <strong>2015</strong><br />

<strong>The</strong> <strong>European</strong> <strong>Business</strong> <strong>and</strong> <strong>Investment</strong> <strong>Magazine</strong> <strong>iconannual</strong> 71

Novomatic<br />

Innovative<br />

Technology<br />

Made in<br />

Austria<br />

Foto: Novomatic<br />

Growing success<br />

<strong>The</strong> NOVOMATIC Group is one of the biggest producers<br />

<strong>and</strong> operators of gaming technologies <strong>and</strong> one of the largest<br />

integrated gaming companies in the world.<br />

With a turnover of more than Euro 3.8 billion in 2014<br />

the NOVOMATIC Group is one of the largest integrated<br />

conglomerates of the international gaming industry.<br />

Founded by entrepreneur Prof. Johann F. Graf, the Group<br />

has locations in 50 countries <strong>and</strong> exports high-tech electronic<br />

gaming equipment to 80 countries. NOVOMATIC<br />

operates over 232,000 gaming machines in more than<br />

1,500 Group operations such as casinos <strong>and</strong> electronic<br />

casinos <strong>and</strong> via rental concepts. <strong>The</strong> company offers its<br />

products <strong>and</strong> operations only in well regulated markets<br />

with precise regulatory frameworks.<br />

NOVOMATIC’s strong casino-related competencies<br />

<strong>The</strong> NOVOMATIC Group’s activities in the area of casinos<br />

(i.e. gaming facilities in which not only electronic<br />

games, but also live games such as roulette with a<br />

croupier or card <strong>and</strong> dice games are offered) include<br />

the operation of establishments ranging from the highest-revenue<br />

casino in Germany (Spielbank Berlin) to<br />

one of the most profitable casinos in Switzerl<strong>and</strong>. With<br />

ACE Casino Holding AG as part of NOVOMATIC, the<br />

Group also owns the casino group with the highest revenues<br />

in Switzerl<strong>and</strong>: the three casinos in Mendrisio,<br />

Locarno <strong>and</strong> Bad Ragaz, which have been operated by<br />

NOVOMATIC since 2003, not only achieve the highest<br />

gross gaming revenues among all operators, but also pay<br />

the highest taxes to the individual cantons.<br />

In 2013, it was once again possible to strengthen<br />

the NOVOMATIC Group’s casino competencies considerably.<br />

In Macedonia just across the border from Greece,<br />

for example, the Casino FlaminGO was acquired.<br />

Further acquisitions during the past years were the<br />

Casino ADMIRAL Gibraltar as well as the Casino FlaminGO<br />

in Macedonia. Among others the NOVOMATIC<br />

Group also runs comprehensive casino offerings with<br />

live games in the Czech Republic. <strong>The</strong> flagship is the<br />

Casino ADMRIAL Colosseum in Hatě .<br />

Group operations worldwide<br />

Among NOVOMATIC operations are the most profitable<br />

German (Berlin) <strong>and</strong> Czech (Prague) casinos as well<br />

as one of the most profitable casinos in Switzerl<strong>and</strong><br />

(Mendrisio). <strong>The</strong> Group subsidiary ADMIRAL Sportwetten<br />

GmbH is the largest sportsbetting provider in<br />

Austria with 200 sportsbetting outlets.<br />

<strong>The</strong> Group subsidiary Greentube Internet Entertainment<br />

Solutions GmbH is the leading full service provider<br />

in the online gaming <strong>and</strong> entertainment market<br />

segment <strong>and</strong> a pioneer in the development <strong>and</strong> provi-<br />

72 <strong>iconannual</strong> <strong>The</strong> <strong>European</strong> <strong>Business</strong> <strong>and</strong> <strong>Investment</strong> <strong>Magazine</strong>

Innovation & Cooperation<br />

Foto: shm<br />

Winning<br />

Technology<br />



<strong>The</strong> triple Formula-1 World Champion<br />

Niki Lauda is the NOVOMATIC<br />

br<strong>and</strong> ambassador.<br />

“I am very pleased that NOVOMATIC<br />

chose me for their new br<strong>and</strong><br />

ambassador. It is no coincidence<br />

that the words ‘Winning Technology’<br />

are right next to the company logo<br />

on the cap. NOVOMATIC is a leading<br />

international Group that has grown<br />

from its base in Austria to become<br />

a global player.”<br />

sion of state-of-the-art gaming solutions. In addition to<br />

the headquarters in Gumpoldskirchen, Lower Austria,<br />

the Group holds production facilities <strong>and</strong> Research <strong>and</strong><br />

Development centres in Germany, Great Britain, the<br />

Czech Republic, Hungary <strong>and</strong> Pol<strong>and</strong>. NOVOMATIC<br />

employs about 22,000 staff worldwide <strong>and</strong> around<br />

3,000 employees in Austria.<br />

Leadership through Innovation<br />

<strong>The</strong> heart of NOVOMATIC‘s success story has always<br />

been the Group‘s unique innovative force. That is why<br />

the Research & Development department has a prominent<br />

position within the Group. Competitive advantages<br />

such as the duality as both producer <strong>and</strong> operator as<br />

well as the international Group network of Re search &<br />

Development centres are constantly extended.<br />

NOVOMATIC focuses on promising technologies such<br />

as server-based/downloadable gaming as well as online,<br />

social <strong>and</strong> mobile gaming.<br />

19 technology centres in ten countries deal mainly<br />

with software development <strong>and</strong> programming.<br />

NOVOMATIC also fosters close cooperation with<br />

leading technical universities in these countries.<br />

This strategy pays off across the whole Group:<br />

NOVOMATIC currently has more than 3,250 intellectual<br />

property rights, such as patents, registered trade-<br />

marks <strong>and</strong> designs. This makes the Group well equipped<br />

for the future.<br />

Consistent investments in research <strong>and</strong> development,<br />

an eagerness to do pioneer work, a keen sense of<br />

trends <strong>and</strong> a total commitment to quality have made<br />

NOVOMATIC Group a major player of the international<br />

gaming industry.<br />


Increasingly important, next to creative gaming<br />

ideas <strong>and</strong> technological innovations in operations,<br />

is also the basic concept of responsible<br />

gaming. NOVOMATIC has developed one of the<br />

most modern concepts for the prevention of<br />

pathological gaming in Europe <strong>and</strong> is proud of<br />

having developed <strong>and</strong> implemented an unique<br />

<strong>and</strong> innovative access control system for gaming<br />

operations that guarantees maximum protection<br />

of minors <strong>and</strong> pathological gamblers.<br />

www.novomatic.com/responsible-gaming<br />

<strong>The</strong> <strong>European</strong> <strong>Business</strong> <strong>and</strong> <strong>Investment</strong> <strong>Magazine</strong> <strong>iconannual</strong> 73

Creativity <strong>and</strong> reliability: <strong>The</strong>se are two qualities<br />

that make our cutting edge technology<br />

one of the nation’s most successful exports.<br />

As a major player in the gaming, sports betting<br />

<strong>and</strong> lottery industry, we know that high-tech<br />

products from Austria have established an impeccable<br />

reputation <strong>and</strong> allow us to continue to<br />

create our winning technology on a daily basis.<br />

”We develop great entertainment<br />

for our customers in more than<br />

80 countries worldwide.“<br />


Wir können mehr<br />

als Sie vielleicht denken!<br />

✔ Synthesa: Betriebsgebäude &<br />

Schulungszentrum,<br />

Nutzfläche 1.900 m 2 , Vortragssaal für<br />

100 Personen, 15 Wochen Montage<br />

✔ Passivhaushotel<br />

✔ 1.064 m 2 Nettogrundrissfläche<br />

✔ Schlüsselfertig in 5 Monaten<br />

... und das<br />

✓ schnell<br />

✓ hochwertig<br />

✓ energiesparend<br />

✓ aus einer H<strong>and</strong><br />

✓ mit einem Fixpreis<br />

✓ zu einem fixen<br />

Termin<br />

✓ professionell<br />

✓ individuell<br />

und vor allem<br />

mit Leidenschaft<br />

...mehr als eine Marke<br />

✔ Werhan: Verkaufs- und<br />

Bürogebäude, 600 m 2 Nutzfläche<br />


Elk<br />

Innovation & Cooperation<br />

ELK<br />

2014 wurden in Spielberg, nahe der<br />

Rennstrecke das Hotel Spielberg<br />

mit 92 Betten und einer Nutzfläche<br />

von knapp 1.500 m 2 fertiggestellt,<br />

in Gumpoldskirchen der Gasthof<br />

Keller mit 64 Betten und einer Nutzfläche<br />

von knapp 1.000 m 2 realifestigt<br />

Marktposition in<br />

Wohn− und Objektbau<br />

info@elkbuildingsystems.com<br />

www.elkbuildingsystems.com<br />

Das österreichische Traditionsunternehmen<br />

ELK, führender<br />

Anbieter im Fertighausbau,<br />

ist seit Jahren erfolgreicher<br />

Global-Player im Wohn- und Objektbau.<br />

Die langjährige Vorreiterrolle<br />

und Erfahrung von ELK, das umfassende<br />

technische Know-how und<br />

die vielen Vorteile der Fertigbauweise<br />

überzeugen immer mehr Bauträger<br />

und internationale Developer.<br />

„Im Geschäftsbereich B2B erzielen<br />

wir jedes Jahr Zuwächse“, freut sich<br />

Erich Weichselbaum, CEO der ELK<br />

Holding. „Auch im Jahr <strong>2015</strong> sind<br />

einige sehr interessante Projekte geplant.“<br />

Verantwortlich für den Geschäftsbereich<br />

B2B/Mehrgeschossiger, großvolumiger<br />

Wohnbau/Objektbau/<br />

Kommunalbau/Hotelbau ist die<br />

100%-Tochter „ELK Building Systems“.<br />

Jüngstes Projekt in Österreich<br />

ist das Betriebsgebäude und Schulungszentrum<br />

für die Firma Synthesa.<br />

Für diese hat ELK einen zweiteiligen<br />

Gebäudekomplex mit 1.900 m 2<br />

Nutzfläche realisiert, mit Büros,<br />

Ausstellungsfläche, Empfangsbereich<br />

und einem Vortragssaal für<br />

100 Personen.<br />

Auch im Hotelbau ist<br />

ELK höchst erfolgreich,<br />

seit 2006 wurden 22<br />

Nächtigungsbetriebe<br />

von ELK gebaut.<br />

siert. Noch in diesem Jahr werden<br />

fünf ELK Motels gebaut, je zwei in<br />

Deutschl<strong>and</strong> und Österreich, eines<br />

in der Schweiz.<br />

Selbstverständlich ist ELK nicht<br />

nur in den D.A.CH.-Märkten, sondern<br />

in ganz Europa vertreten.<br />

Wichtigstes Exportl<strong>and</strong> ist dabei<br />

Großbritannien. Hier wurden in<br />

den vergangenen Jahren zahlreiche<br />

Großprojekte gebaut, etwa eine<br />

Studentenwohnanlage in der englischen<br />

Universitätsstadt Oxford. Für<br />

die viergeschossige Wohnanlage,<br />

die in zwei Gebäuden Wohnraum<br />

für 190 Bewohner ermöglicht, liefert<br />

Erich Weichselbaum beeindruckende<br />

Zahlen. „Für das gesamte Projekt<br />

wurden insgesamt 785 Stück Fertigwände<br />

produziert. Dies entspricht<br />

einer W<strong>and</strong>fläche von rund 8.300 m 2<br />

und einer Nettogrundfläche von insgesamt<br />

6.000 m 2 . Die Montage dauerte<br />

nur acht Wochen“.<br />

<strong>The</strong> <strong>European</strong> <strong>Business</strong> <strong>and</strong> <strong>Investment</strong> <strong>Magazine</strong> <strong>iconannual</strong> 77

Monitoring systems<br />

for user-friendly short <strong>and</strong> long-term measurements<br />

HBM offers a complete solution for your measurement task.<br />

For choosing <strong>and</strong> installing the individual measurement technology components or for planning <strong>and</strong> starting up the measurement<br />

setup, including suitable training – HBM is your partner.<br />

Measurement signal conditioning with QuantumX<br />

Transducers<br />

■ Optical measuring chains<br />

■ Displacement, strain, crack width ■ St<strong>and</strong>-alone data recording<br />

■ Oscillation, acceleration<br />

■<br />

■ Temperature, humidity<br />

■ Can be used in stationary or mobile applications<br />

■ Analog current / voltage sensors<br />

■ Digital inputs / outputs<br />

■ Pulse counters<br />

■ Optical sensors<br />

Scalable as a group of devices, allows for flexible setup <strong>and</strong> works synchronously<br />

■ Offers high measurement quality by compensating for line lengths <strong>and</strong> interference<br />

frequencies as well as high EMC stability <strong>and</strong> cyclical auto-adjustment.<br />

Further information:<br />

www.hbm.com/civil-engineering<br />

HBM Test <strong>and</strong> Measurement ■ Tel. + 43 1 865 8441-0 ■ info@at.hbm.com ■ www.hbm.at

Bezahlte Anzeige<br />

Wiener Tochtertag<br />

Das „MINT“- GEN –<br />

Erbgut oder gesellschaftliches Phänomen?<br />

„Mädchen schätzen sich nicht so gut in Mathematik,<br />

selbst wenn ihre Leistungen genauso gut sind wie die<br />

der Jungs. Diese falsche Bescheidenheit der Mädchen<br />

hat also nichts mit ihrem Können sondern mit gesellschaftlichen<br />

Rollenbildern zu tun. Dabei seien Eltern<br />

und Schulen, aber auch die Arbeitgeber gefragt die Mädchen<br />

zu motivieren und ihr Interesse an Mathematik<br />

und Technik zu fördern“, zeigt die jüngste OECD-Studie.<br />

Der Bericht zeige auch, dass vor allem in Mathematik<br />

und den naturwissenschaftlichen Fächern die Art<br />

der Präsentation der Inhalte Geschlechterunterschiede<br />

hervorrufen könne. In der Aus- und Weiterbildung der<br />

Lehrer soll weiter verstärkt dafür sensibilisiert werden,<br />

das eigene Verhalten im Unterricht zu hinterfragen und<br />

der Übertragung von Geschlechterstereotypen gezielt<br />

entgegenzuwirken, heißt es.<br />

Die Idee des Töchtertags stammt aus den USA. Der<br />

jährliche Aktionstag „Take Your Daughters to Work-<br />

Day“ wurde in den 90er Jahren eigeführt mit dem Ziel,<br />

Mädchen Einblicke in Arbeitsbereiche zu ermöglichen,<br />

in denen bisher nur wenige Frauen tätig sind.<br />

Wiener Töchtertag in Zahlen 2002 – 2014<br />

„Seit der Einführung des Töchtertages auf Initiative der<br />

Stadt Wien und Siemens im Jahr 2002, haben rund 31.000<br />

Mädchen und rund 600 Unternehmen teilgenommen.“<br />

Der Töchtertag gibt Mädchen zwischen 11 und 16<br />

Jahren, die in Wien zur Schule gehen, die Möglichkeit,<br />

einen Tag lang in die Berufswelt hinein zu schnuppern.<br />

Im Mittelpunkt stehen Wiener Firmen, in denen technische,<br />

h<strong>and</strong>werkliche oder naturwissenschaftliche Berufe<br />

ausgeübt werden. Die jungen Damen können entweder<br />

ihre Eltern in die Arbeit begleiten, oder eine Firma<br />

auf www.toechtertag.at auswählen.<br />

Die Mädchen verbringen einen Tag im Unternehmen,<br />

um technisch-h<strong>and</strong>werkliche Fähigkeiten auszuprobieren<br />

und einen Einblick in den Arbeitsalltag erhalten.<br />

Ziel dieser eintägigen Ausein<strong>and</strong>ersetzung mit technisch-h<strong>and</strong>werklichen<br />

Tätigkeiten ist es, das Interesse<br />

der Mädchen für Ausbildungen und Berufe mit Technik-<br />

und Technologiebezug zu wecken.<br />

Fotos: Stadt Wien<br />

WIENER TÖCHTERTAG * 23. APRIL <strong>2015</strong><br />

Die Teilnahme am Töchtertag ist kostenlos. Die Anmeldung erfolgt<br />

online, indem die Interessentinnen ein Anmeldeformular ausfüllen<br />

und sich ein Unternehmen aussuchen. Firmen, die am Töchtertag<br />

teilnehmen möchten, können sich auf www.toechtertag.at<br />

anmelden.<br />

www.toechtertag.at<br />

Besuchen Sie uns auch auf facebook.com/WienerToechtertag<br />

<strong>The</strong> <strong>European</strong> <strong>Business</strong> <strong>and</strong> <strong>Investment</strong> <strong>Magazine</strong> <strong>iconannual</strong> 79

guo <strong>Business</strong> Development Consult<br />

Innovation & Entrepreneurship for<br />

Sustainable<br />

Energy<br />

Challenges<br />

<strong>and</strong><br />

Opportunities for SMEs<br />

Sustainable energy is still a very vulnerable, imprecise<br />

term today – in times of climate change driven<br />

by atmospheric carbon stock build-up <strong>and</strong> lavish<br />

excessive use of non-renewable or secondary<br />

resources <strong>and</strong> wasteful l<strong>and</strong>-use, idling of human capital,<br />

plant-equipment & property, sustainability should<br />

become a ratable st<strong>and</strong>ard, using:<br />

• measurable carbon efficiency<br />

• quantifiable resource intensity weighted energy efficiency<br />

supported by re-usage ratio of secondary use<br />

• disclosure of utilization factors for employed capital<br />

(brainware & software as well as hardware)<br />

• subsidy-free competitiveness at arms’ length market<br />

prices<br />

Entrepreneurial initiatives able to generate added value<br />

in forms of secured future free cash flow surpluses by<br />

outperforming existing practices, however only can<br />

become innovations if project development & 1st time<br />

implementation of new solutions can find development<br />

expenditure [DEVEX] financing. Although innovations<br />

are qualitative growth drivers for any economy, finance<br />

is generally available only for construction of approved<br />

plant expenditures [CAPEX].<br />

<strong>The</strong> energy sector will see changes through the next<br />

two decades, dem<strong>and</strong>ing new combinations of existing<br />

technologies <strong>and</strong> intelligent business models that are<br />

more customer centric = prosumer. We will see galloping<br />

dem<strong>and</strong>s in sensors, smart energy <strong>and</strong> resource efficient<br />

products, batteries, decentralizing lateral/circular<br />

utility markets allowing to grow or even move along<br />

with dem<strong>and</strong>, local neighborhood smart citizens’ communication<br />

platforms, shared electric vehicle use replacing<br />

2nd car ownership,<br />

etc. Today’s market leaders<br />

will have to defend<br />

<strong>and</strong> further grow market<br />

shares by attracting<br />

customers beyond the<br />

borders of their existing<br />

linear/vertical markets<br />

by campaigning for new<br />

prosumers in interface<br />

sectors opening <strong>and</strong><br />

challenging to be “first<br />

to occupy”.<br />

Most of the things<br />

cited are already among<br />

us – just sparsely spread<br />

<strong>and</strong> not yet linked to the<br />

extent. Question ”Who’ll<br />

pay”? – Aren’t it always<br />

the market consumers<br />

who have to pay for<br />

every thing!<br />

Stefan Petters<br />

Managing Director<br />

guo <strong>Business</strong><br />

Development Consult<br />

Foto: guo<br />

80 <strong>iconannual</strong> <strong>The</strong> <strong>European</strong> <strong>Business</strong> <strong>and</strong> <strong>Investment</strong> <strong>Magazine</strong>

Infrastructure, Transport & Energy<br />



GROWTH<br />

Economica Institute for<br />

Economic Research<br />

• Innovations for sustainable energy – eventually pay<br />

for themselves, as seen in California<br />

• Soaring “green bond” emissions move large corporations’<br />

sustainability responsibility <strong>and</strong> transparency<br />

for use of funds into the top criteria for future access<br />

to corporate finance!<br />

• So large corporations’ fastest opportunity to increase<br />

market shares will be qualitative growth quickened<br />

by SME innovators’ entrepreneur spirit through<br />

SME-DEVEX sponsoring.<br />

Sustainable energy requires high capital expenditure to<br />

be spent, against low operating expenses for a long term<br />

(low risk) cash-flow. So far lack of DEVEX-sponsors left<br />

many new jobs uncreated & atmospheric carbon stock<br />

levels rising, in spite of many feasibility-proven potential<br />

innovations. But image-br<strong>and</strong> corporate bond issuers<br />

will increasingly need to provide foresight into their<br />

sustainability project pipelines to be “liked by their prosumers”<br />

<strong>and</strong> “credible for their investors”.<br />

So companies who want to<br />

own market shares will have<br />

to use their funding in<br />

prosumers’ best interests –<br />

support smart citizens; fuel<br />

job-creation; increase<br />

livability for all livelihood!<br />

Thank you to iconvienna, affiliated with the <strong>European</strong><br />

Br<strong>and</strong> Institute to catalyze mutual interests between<br />

image-br<strong>and</strong> corporate stakeholders <strong>and</strong> innovative<br />

SME entrepreneurs by building a platform for contacts<br />

to evolve into contracts at its annual event at the Austrian<br />

Federal Economic Chamber.<br />

<strong>The</strong> <strong>European</strong> <strong>Business</strong> <strong>and</strong> <strong>Investment</strong> <strong>Magazine</strong> <strong>iconannual</strong> 81

Schneller ankommen – und was<br />

mach’ma mit der gewonnenen Zeit?<br />

Ganz sicher nicht motzen!<br />

Die ÖBB bauen aus – Österreich wird schneller und umweltfreundlicher<br />

Investitionen in die Bahn bringen allen was: 6.500 Züge schonen täglich unsere Umwelt.Immer mehr<br />

Menschen – in ganz Österreich – nutzen die Vorteile der Bahn. Moderne Bahnhöfe und Strecken werden gebaut.<br />

130 km Hochleistungsstrecke sind seit 2012 fertiggestellt, damit Sie schneller ankommen.<br />

Hochleistungsstrecken<br />

Meilensteine Bahnhofsoffensive<br />

Auf in die Zukunft !<br />

2012<br />

Wien –<br />

St. Pölten und<br />

Unterinntal<br />

2013<br />

Wels –<br />

Attnang<br />

Puchheim<br />

2014<br />

Salzburg,<br />

Attnang Puchheim,<br />

Wien Hauptbahnhof<br />

<strong>2015</strong><br />

Graz;<br />

Vollinbetriebnahme<br />

Wien Hauptbahnhof<br />

2016<br />

Teileröffnung<br />

Güterzentrum<br />

Wien Süd<br />

2025<br />

Fertigstellung<br />

Neue<br />

Südstrecke<br />

Alle Infos unter oebb.at/zukunftbahn

OBB<br />

Infrastructure, Transport & Energy<br />

Via<br />


to more competitive<br />

railway in Europe!<br />

<strong>The</strong> <strong>European</strong> Commission relies<br />

very much on the further<br />

development of the railway by<br />

defining quite ambitious objectives.<br />

More competitive railway<br />

should also help to achieve the employment<br />

<strong>and</strong> environmental goals<br />

by moving the trucks to the tracks.<br />

Even holding the current rail market<br />

share with the expected growth of<br />

the overall transport volumes needs<br />

considerable infrastructure investments<br />

in the multimodal TEN-T core<br />

network corridors. But investments<br />

alone are of course not enough to<br />

make railway more competitive <strong>and</strong><br />

increase its market share. An extensive<br />

harmonisation of operational<br />

<strong>and</strong> commercial rules would significantly<br />

improve performance <strong>and</strong><br />

make borders invisible for clients.<br />

A common traffic <strong>and</strong> price policy<br />

considering external costs is also absolutely<br />

essential.<br />

To deal with all those important<br />

issues a concept of the Rail Freight<br />

Corridor (RFC) was defined in an<br />

EU Regulation as a “backbone” of<br />

the TEN-T core network. <strong>The</strong> RFC<br />

organisation consists of an Executive<br />

Board with the representatives<br />

of Transport Ministries; a Management<br />

Board representing the Railway<br />

Infrastructure Managers; a<br />

Corridor-OneStopShop (C-OSS) as a<br />

single contact point for the Railway<br />

Undertakings <strong>and</strong> Advisory Groups<br />

of which the members are Railway<br />

Undertakings as well as Terminals<br />

<strong>and</strong> Ports Managers. Thus, such an<br />

organisation envisages close cooperation<br />

between all players in the rail<br />

freight chain. Furthermore, a good<br />

connection to the multimodal terminals<br />

<strong>and</strong> ports allows a complementarity<br />

<strong>and</strong> synergies between<br />

different transport modes.<br />

Of the nine RFCs<br />

in Europe, four go<br />

through Austria.<br />

So it is quite obvious that having<br />

four different regimes in one country<br />

is simply not practicable – that<br />

again leads to a great need for harmonisation<br />

between all RFCs. <strong>The</strong>refore<br />

we are already speaking about<br />

the RFC network. And this exactly<br />

is the strategy of the <strong>European</strong> Commission:<br />

to start with the corridors<br />

first in order to achieve full harmonisation<br />

of the whole rail network.<br />

One of the most important corridors<br />

for Austria as well as for Europe<br />

is the Baltic-Adriatic RFC 5, which<br />

will go into operation in November<br />

this year. Its route connects Italian<br />

industrial areas <strong>and</strong> Adria ports to<br />

the powerful industrialised areas<br />

of Pol<strong>and</strong>, Slovakia <strong>and</strong> Czech Republic.<br />

<strong>The</strong> connection to Pol<strong>and</strong>’s<br />

ports in the North links those eastern<br />

<strong>European</strong> industrial centres to<br />

the Sc<strong>and</strong>inavian countries as well<br />

as to the world trade flows of Asia,<br />

Africa <strong>and</strong> America. Furthermore, a<br />

significant shift of shipping to Adria<br />

ports is expected over the next few<br />

years <strong>and</strong> therefore the hinterl<strong>and</strong><br />

connection provided by RFC5 will<br />

become increasingly important.<br />

Thus, RFC5 will serve as an infrastructure<br />

backbone <strong>and</strong> will support<br />

the growing together of the connected<br />

economies.<br />

For Pol<strong>and</strong>, Slovakia <strong>and</strong> Czech<br />

Republic strong economic growth<br />

leads to a rapid increase in freight<br />

dem<strong>and</strong>. Especially in the last five<br />

to ten years, this growth was very<br />

much covered by road transportation.<br />

Rail infrastructure investments<br />

<strong>and</strong> strengthening efficiency of rail<br />

freight operation through introducing<br />

Rail Freight Corridors will enable<br />

growth of rail freight traffic!<br />

MMag. Diana Gasanova<br />

Chair of Management Board RFC 5<br />

ÖBB Infrastruktur AG<br />

<strong>The</strong> <strong>European</strong> <strong>Business</strong> <strong>and</strong> <strong>Investment</strong> <strong>Magazine</strong> <strong>iconannual</strong> 83

OBB<br />

OBB−<br />

Foto: ÖBB<br />

Infrastruktur:<br />

Osterreich steht auf Grund seiner zentralen Lage –<br />

im Herzen eines immer komplexer werdenden<br />

Europas – auch im Bereich der Eisenbahninfrastruktur<br />

vor großen Herausforderungen. Als<br />

Drehscheibe zwischen Ost und West sowie Nord und<br />

Süd nimmt die ÖBB-Infrastruktur die Verantwortung<br />

als Verkehrsträger der Gegenwart, aber auch der Zukunft<br />

wahr. Mit den folgenden Maßnahmen sichern wir<br />

uns eine proaktive Rolle in den Infrastruktur- und Mobilitätsentscheidungen:<br />

Die ÖBB-Infrastruktur AG investiert – im Auftrag<br />

des Bundes – rund zwei Milliarden Euro pro Jahr in den<br />

Ausbau und die Erneuerung der Schieneninfrastruktur.<br />

Die strategische Grundlage dafür liefert uns das<br />

„Zielnetz 2025+“, welches ein klares, strategisches Konzept<br />

darstellt, das die Bahn für das wachsende Verkehrsaufkommen<br />

fit machen soll. So wird eine Verlagerung<br />

des Güterverkehrs von der Straße auf die Schiene überhaupt<br />

erst möglich gemacht, ebenso wie die Einführung<br />

des Taktverkehres im Personenverkehr nach Schweizer<br />

Modell. Durch diese durchgängige und umfassende<br />

Strategie wird gewährleistet, dass Österreich perfekt in<br />

die internationalen Bahnachsen eingebunden ist. Sie beinhaltet<br />

neben der laufenden Sanierung des Best<strong>and</strong>es<br />

u.a. auch große Ausbauprojekte insbesondere entlang<br />

der Weststrecke, der Südstrecke und der Brennerachse.<br />

Wir stehen aber auch zu unserer Verantwortung<br />

gegenüber der Umwelt: Um für die nächsten Generationen<br />

die hohe Lebensqualität beibehalten zu können,<br />

muss es ein Umdenken bei den vorherrschenden Mobilitätsformen<br />

geben. Es ist eine Tatsache, dass der Sektor<br />

Verkehr in Österreich einer der Hauptverursacher von<br />

CO 2<br />

-Emissionen ist, vor allem der Straßenverkehr. Immer<br />

mehr Menschen entscheiden sich für die Bahn und<br />

sind damit sicherer und umweltfreundlicher unterwegs<br />

als mit dem Pkw. Und sie gewinnen Zeit für sich selbst,<br />

was gerade in immer hektischer werdenden Zeiten sehr<br />

wertvoll ist.<br />

Neben dem umweltpolitischen Aspekt ist auch der<br />

volkswirtschaftliche Nutzen der getätigten Investitionen<br />

beachtlich. Die direkten Effekte drücken sich in<br />

Beschäftigung – auch und speziell in der Jugendbeschäftigung<br />

– aus. Die indirekten Effekte sind die spürbare<br />

Belebung der österreichischen Wirtschaft und die<br />

positiven Auswirkungen exzellenter Infrastrukturen<br />

auf die Attraktivität des St<strong>and</strong>ortes Österreich. Nicht<br />

vergessen sollten wir die Rückflüsse in die Staatskasse<br />

in Form von Steuern und Sozialabgaben. Die Bahn-Industrie<br />

in Österreich ist ein wesentlicher Wirtschaftsfaktor<br />

mit einer stolzen Exportquote von 71% und noch<br />

stolzeren 200% Wertschöpfung – weltweit sind wir an<br />

3. Stelle!<br />

Am Beispiel der Investitionen in den Ausbau der<br />

Südstrecke lassen sich die Effekte gut verdeutlichen:<br />

So entspricht eine Investition in Höhe von 6 Milliarden<br />

Euro einer gesamten Wertschöpfung in Höhe von 15<br />

Milliarden Euro (Bauphase inkl. 30-jährige Betriebsphase).<br />

Davon machen alleine die steuerlichen Rückflüsse<br />

rund 5,3 Milliarden Euro aus. In diesem Zeitraum werden<br />

auch knapp 20.000 neue Arbeitsplätze geschaffen.<br />

84 <strong>iconannual</strong> <strong>The</strong> <strong>European</strong> <strong>Business</strong> <strong>and</strong> <strong>Investment</strong> <strong>Magazine</strong>

Infrastructure, Transport & Energy<br />

Wir planen und bauen heute<br />

die Bahninfrastruktur fur die<br />

Kunden von morgen<br />

Häufig unterschätzt, ist die<br />

Bahn in Wahrheit eine der wichtigsten<br />

Wirtschaftslokomotiven<br />

Österreichs. Und zu gleich ein<br />

wesentlicher Teil unserer beneidenswerten<br />

Lebensqualität.<br />

Zu unseren Investitionen gehören auch zahlreiche<br />

Maßnahmen an der Schnittstelle Straße/Schiene – für<br />

modernste Bahnhöfe und Güterterminals. So können<br />

wir z.B. durch den Bau von Kundenparkplätzen und<br />

die Errichtung moderner und komfortabler Bahnhöfe,<br />

das Bahnfahren für unsere Kunden noch attraktiver<br />

machen. Österreichweit verantworten wir rund 1.100<br />

Bahnhöfen und Haltestellen, die zu regionalen Mobilitätszentren<br />

werden. Insgesamt modernisiert die<br />

ÖBB-Infrastruktur AG bis zum Jahr 2025 mehr als 270<br />

dieser Bahnhöfe und Haltestellen in ganz Österreich<br />

und deckt damit die Bedürfnisse von 90% der Bahnkunden<br />

ab.<br />

Wozu das alles? Wir wollen möglichst viele Menschen<br />

für die Bahn begeistern. Unsere Kunden schätzen<br />

all unsere Maßnahmen, denn lt. aktueller Karmasin-Umfrage<br />

ist die Kundenzufriedenheit im Vergleich<br />

zum Vorjahr gestiegen. (Quelle: Karmasin Motivforschung)<br />

Durch die neu eröffneten Bahnhof-Highlights „Wien<br />

Hauptbahnhof“ und „Salzburg Hauptbahnhof“ kann<br />

man einen Blick in die Zukunft des technisch Machbaren,<br />

in die Knotenpunkte der Mobilität von morgen,<br />

erhalten. Doch das ist erst der Anfang – für uns und für<br />

die nächsten Generationen.<br />

Foto: Stephan Huger<br />

Ing. Mag. (FH) Andreas Matthä<br />

Vorst<strong>and</strong>sdirektor ÖBB Infrastruktur AG<br />

<strong>The</strong> <strong>European</strong> <strong>Business</strong> <strong>and</strong> <strong>Investment</strong> <strong>Magazine</strong> <strong>iconannual</strong> 85

HAUPT<br />


HOF<br />

90 Shops in<br />

einem Zug genießen.<br />

Der neue Wiener Hauptbahnhof bietet mehr Service für Fahrgäste.<br />

Auf 20.000 m 2 ermöglichen 90 Shops, ein Frischemarkt,<br />

Textilläden, Bäckereien und Cafés Weltstadtshopping und<br />

Reisen unter einem Rautendach.<br />


OBB<br />

Infrastructure, Transport & Energy<br />


BOX<br />

<strong>The</strong> energy metering system<br />

for the railway of the future.<br />

<strong>The</strong> Railpower box is the leading energy metering<br />

system in Europe <strong>and</strong> enables environmentally<br />

friendly Energy Management through clear,<br />

minute by minute calculation of locomotive<br />

electricity dem<strong>and</strong>. <strong>The</strong> specially developed user<br />

interface, the railpower client, gives improved<br />

<strong>and</strong> faster called-up of information by the user.<br />

<strong>The</strong> railpower client is a web application that<br />

allows data collected from the railpower box to<br />

be readily visualized.<br />

OBB-Infrastruktur AG has developed the railpower<br />

box as an electrical energy metering system for<br />

traction vehicles that captures energy consumption<br />

per train <strong>and</strong> country in real-time. With the<br />

railpower box, energy <strong>and</strong> location data for international<br />

rail traffic is combined <strong>and</strong> stored in a central database.<br />

<strong>The</strong> recorded data is used for current electricity billing for<br />

trains both in Austria <strong>and</strong> in other countries, including<br />

payment settlement with other infrastructure operators.<br />

ÖBB-Infrastruktur AG makes this data available to<br />

other infrastructure managers based on international st<strong>and</strong>ards.<br />

In addition, the railpower box has been designed<br />

<strong>and</strong> configured for future development to meet all current<br />

<strong>and</strong> planned international guidelines, according to UIC<br />

Leaflet 930, from CENELEC TCX9 WG11 to EN 50463.<br />

National requirements, such as the measurement<br />

<strong>and</strong> calibration act <strong>and</strong> the regulation of individual<br />

infrastructure operators, have also been taken into account<br />

with the railpower box. Moreover the railpower<br />

box is certified by a notified body <strong>and</strong> approved throughout<br />

Europe.<br />

Because transparency matters<br />

<strong>The</strong> railpower box enables transparency <strong>and</strong> cost savings<br />

compared to conventional flat rate billing, due to<br />

the fully automatic detection of the exact track electricity<br />

consumption by train <strong>and</strong> by country. <strong>The</strong> information<br />

is always available online via the internet through<br />

the railpower client user-interface application. Among<br />

other data, a representation of the load profile, <strong>and</strong> total<br />

consumption etc. is available. Furthermore, data can be<br />

downloaded in different formats <strong>and</strong> as a representation<br />

of spatial data via Google Earth.<br />

<strong>The</strong> capture of the actual consumption by each traction<br />

unit <strong>and</strong> by each country is enabled through GPS.<br />

Using the data gathered, energy evaluation <strong>and</strong> management<br />

decisions can be carried out. Billing payment, on<br />

the basis of logged data, is made in different countries,<br />

with return feed-in to the grid also being taken into account.<br />

Border crossings are recorded using GPS, allowing<br />

consumption to be allocated by country or region.<br />

Energy metering by means of the railpower box meets<br />

all international requirements. >><br />

<strong>The</strong> <strong>European</strong> <strong>Business</strong> <strong>and</strong> <strong>Investment</strong> <strong>Magazine</strong> <strong>iconannual</strong> 87

OBB<br />

<strong>The</strong> principle of remote<br />

meter reading<br />

Once the railpower box is installed<br />

on the locomotive, independent<br />

transmission of data (including spatial<br />

data) is conducted via GPRS to<br />

a server of ÖBB-Infrastruktur AG.<br />

<strong>The</strong> data are read in 1-minute intervals<br />

in the Energy Data Warehouse<br />

(EDW) <strong>and</strong> allocated by country or<br />

region using GPS coordinates. Data<br />

is displayed in the EDW <strong>and</strong> the<br />

web portal for the railpower client<br />

user interface.<br />

Main components of the<br />

railpower box<br />

<strong>The</strong> railpower box consists of a<br />

combined antenna (GPS / GPRS),<br />

an intelligent modem, an EMH (AC)<br />

or LEM-meter (AC / DC), a DC/DC<br />

converter, <strong>and</strong> a GPS receiver. Power<br />

is supplied by 110 V or 24 V using<br />

the locomotive power supply. <strong>The</strong><br />

st<strong>and</strong>ard unit dimensions are 500 x<br />

400 x 150 mm, but customized sizes<br />

may be possible on request.<br />

<strong>The</strong> built-in meter (LEM or<br />

EMH) records values every minute,<br />

in both directions, for drawn down<br />

(kWh+, kWh-) <strong>and</strong> feed-in power<br />

(kvarh+ kvarh-). <strong>The</strong> combination<br />

antenna (GPS) records values for<br />

location data (longitude, latitude,<br />

speed, frequency, LEM meter) at<br />

1-minute intervals. <strong>The</strong> modem <strong>and</strong><br />

antenna combination (GPRS) save<br />

captured data <strong>and</strong> transmit them to<br />

a server of ÖBB-Infrastruktur AG.<br />

Meter reading with the railpower<br />

box allows for substantial cost<br />

transparency compared with a<br />

replacement value calculation, due<br />

to the automated minute by minute<br />

collection <strong>and</strong> billing of energy dem<strong>and</strong><br />

in real time.<br />

As a result it forms the ideal<br />

basis for environmentally friendly<br />

energy management. Railway<br />


transport <strong>and</strong> infrastructure companies,<br />

locomotive manufacturers,<br />

fleet managers <strong>and</strong> leasing companies<br />

across Europe have reacted<br />

very positively to the benefits of the<br />

railpower box. Current customers<br />

include: ÖBB-Personenverkehr AG,<br />

Rail Cargo Romania, Rail Cargo<br />

Austria, Rail Cargo Hungaria, BLS<br />

Cargo, CaptrainHV LE, Wiener Lokalbahnen<br />

Cargo, MAV TRAKCIO,<br />

SLB, Westbahn, LTE, RTS, STLB.<br />

But also manufacturers <strong>and</strong> railway<br />

leasing companies are already<br />

equipted with the railpower box:<br />

Bombarider Transportation GmbH,<br />

Mitsui Rail Capital Europe, <strong>European</strong><br />

Leasing Locomotive (ELL) as<br />

well as Siemens AG.<br />

A story of success<br />

throughout Europe<br />

• Transparent data availabale<br />

24/7<br />

• Rental or purchase options<br />

• Can be used on new or existing<br />

locomotives<br />

• Autonomous system – can be<br />

customised for specific needs<br />

• Exact country <strong>and</strong> minute by<br />

minute data<br />

• Includes service package with<br />

test box<br />

• Internet application in English,<br />

German <strong>and</strong> all Eastern <strong>European</strong><br />

languages<br />

88 <strong>iconannual</strong> <strong>The</strong> <strong>European</strong> <strong>Business</strong> <strong>and</strong> <strong>Investment</strong> <strong>Magazine</strong>

präsentiert<br />

Das regionale Fernsehmagazin<br />

Fr. 20.00 Uhr, Sa., So. 10.00 Uhr<br />

Mehr Reichweite in Rot-Weiß-Rot.<br />

•<br />

ÖsterreichBlick wird von den wichtigsten<br />

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• Österreichweites Fernsehmagazin<br />

seit Sommer 2014<br />

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als R9 Senderverbund<br />

• Die Regionalsender Österreichs erreichen<br />

pro Monat über 2 Millionen ÖsterreicherInnen<br />

Moderatorin: Eva Pölzl<br />

Kontaktieren Sie uns für Ihr persönliches Angebot:<br />

Mag. Marcin Kotlowski (Geschäftsführung)<br />

Sabine Demel (Büroleitung)<br />

Kontaktieren Sie uns für Ihr persönliches Angebot:<br />

Mag. Marcin Kotlowski (Geschäftsführung)<br />

W24 Programm GmbH, Sabine Demel Reichsratsstraße (Büroleitung)<br />

11/8, 1010 Wien<br />

Tel.: +43 1 3683424 W24 - 145, Programm Email: GmbH, buero@r-9.at,<br />

Reichsratsstraße 11/8, 1010 Wien<br />

Tel.: +43 1 3683424 - 145, Email: buero@r-9.at,

Hafen Wien<br />

90 <strong>iconannual</strong> <strong>The</strong> <strong>European</strong> <strong>Business</strong> <strong>and</strong> <strong>Investment</strong> <strong>Magazine</strong><br />

Foto: Felicitas Matern/feelimage.at

Infrastructure, Transport & Energy<br />

Hafen Wien<br />

the trimodal logistics hub in the<br />

heart of the Danube Region<br />

Port of Vienna’s success is<br />

based on its position: located<br />

approximately 2,000 kilometres<br />

from the Black Sea <strong>and</strong> 1,500<br />

kilometres from the North Sea.<br />

It is optimally <strong>and</strong> directly<br />

linked to ship, rail <strong>and</strong> road<br />

transport services <strong>and</strong> situated<br />

in close proximity to Vienna’s<br />

International Airport in<br />

Schwechat.<br />

Fotos: Hafen Wien<br />

<strong>The</strong> port is located right next to<br />

three Trans-<strong>European</strong> transport<br />

routes <strong>and</strong> thus, represents<br />

one of the most important<br />

transport hubs in the international<br />

hinterl<strong>and</strong>-freight transportation industry.<br />

Such location benefits – combined<br />

with the efficiency of one of<br />

the biggest hinterl<strong>and</strong> container terminals<br />

<strong>and</strong> a huge car terminal - have<br />

a positive impact on the economic<br />

importance of the Port of Vienna in<br />

the entire CEE region making it the<br />

perfect hub between East <strong>and</strong> West.<br />

<strong>The</strong> Hafen Wien logistics centre<br />

is the largest public Danube port in<br />

Austria including the shipping ports<br />

of Freudenau, Albern <strong>and</strong> Lobau.<br />

Moreover, the passenger ports next to<br />

the Reichsbrücke <strong>and</strong> the Danube Canal<br />

also belong to Hafen Wien. Every<br />

year, millions of tons of goods are h<strong>and</strong>led<br />

in the Hafen Wien logistics >><br />

<strong>The</strong> <strong>European</strong> <strong>Business</strong> <strong>and</strong> <strong>Investment</strong> <strong>Magazine</strong> <strong>iconannual</strong> 91

Hafen Wien<br />

Foto: Hafen Wien<br />

centre. Covering an area of approximately<br />

three million square metres,<br />

which roughly corresponds to the<br />

size of Central park in Manhattan,<br />

Hafen Wien represents the largest<br />

cargo transport centre in Austria.<br />

In addition to the Hafen Wien<br />

Group companies, there are about<br />

100 mainly logistic-related companies,<br />

including logisticians acting<br />

on the global market <strong>and</strong> numerous<br />

companies from trade, the construction<br />

industries <strong>and</strong> the fuel sector.<br />

All this companies make use of the<br />

services <strong>and</strong> infrastructure of Hafen<br />

Wien. Altogether, the Hafen Wien<br />

logistics centre provides work for<br />

about 5,000 employees. Hafen Wien<br />

is a subsidiary of the Wien Holding<br />

92 <strong>iconannual</strong> <strong>The</strong> <strong>European</strong> <strong>Business</strong> <strong>and</strong> <strong>Investment</strong> <strong>Magazine</strong><br />

Group, a company owned by the city<br />

of Vienna.<br />

Hafen Wien offers more than<br />

200,000 m² (70,000 m 2 covered)<br />

of storage facilities. Most space is<br />

flood-proof <strong>and</strong> perfectly developed<br />

for high-rack storage, block storage,<br />

depositing, cold storage, deep freeze<br />

storage <strong>and</strong> cantilever storage. Hafen<br />

Wien stores various kinds of goods,<br />

such as bulk cargo, general cargo<br />

<strong>and</strong> container ware. Experienced<br />

<strong>and</strong> well trained experts provide<br />

the full scope of logistic services<br />

(storage h<strong>and</strong>ling, administrative<br />

servi ces, commissioning, repacking,<br />

cross docking, truck, rail <strong>and</strong> ship<br />

loading <strong>and</strong> unloading, stuffing <strong>and</strong><br />

stripping of containers, etc.).<br />

Foto: Hafen Wien

Infrastructure, Transport & Energy<br />

„ We believe the River Danube to be the<br />

ultimate route for many transports. In<br />

the future, the transportation of goods<br />

via inl<strong>and</strong> waterway will increasingly<br />

offer ecological <strong>and</strong> economic<br />

advantages”, says Hafen Wien’s Chief<br />

Technical Officer, Karin Zipperer.<br />

Hafen Wien’s boom continues<br />

Even though the Hafen Wien Group had to face economically<br />

challenging conditions in the fiscal year 2014,<br />

it once again achieved a very pleasingly result <strong>and</strong> was<br />

even able to continue the success of the record-breaking<br />

year 2013. In this respect, the core business sectors,<br />

container h<strong>and</strong>ling by Wiencont, real-estate, storage,<br />

car, h<strong>and</strong>ling <strong>and</strong> forwarding services, made a major<br />

contribution in achieving that goal. Other locations <strong>and</strong><br />

subsidiaries of the Hafen Wien Group such as the Danube<br />

Region, the DDSG Blue Danube, Marina Wien <strong>and</strong><br />

Terminal Sped (customs & transport disposition) played<br />

an important role in this context.<br />

„ We will pursue our strategy,<br />

enhancing the position of the Port<br />

of Vienna as a trimodal hub for the<br />

South-eastern <strong>and</strong> Eastern part of<br />

Europe, <strong>and</strong> as a freight distribution<br />

hub for Vienna – keyword<br />

city logistics“<br />

Dir. in Mag. a<br />

Karin Zipperer, MBA<br />

Chief Technical Officer<br />

Foto: LBS Redl<br />

Hafen Wien is growing<br />

Impressive sums were invested in the Hafen Wien Group<br />

in 2014. About 8 million Euros were spent. In 2014, a<br />

considerable amount was invested in the “Freudenau<br />

Harbour Reclamation” project, which aims at creating<br />

more space for container business as well as new h<strong>and</strong>ling<br />

<strong>and</strong> storage facilities in order to prepare the Port<br />

of Vienna for future dem<strong>and</strong> in h<strong>and</strong>ling the growing<br />

quantity of goods. After the completion of the project the<br />

space potential will amount to 70,000 m 2 .<br />

In cooperation with a high & heavy specialist, a<br />

heavy cargo centre was established in Albern Harbour<br />

which allows the h<strong>and</strong>ling of goods weighing up to 450<br />

tons <strong>and</strong> more. In this context, Hafen Wien will establish<br />

more than 4,000 m² of operating space.<br />

2014 Best Practices<br />

In summer 2014, Hafen Wien once again proved to be<br />

the specialist for high & heavy h<strong>and</strong>ling. A high-pressure<br />

vessel with approximately 190 tons was loaded by<br />

using the t<strong>and</strong>em lifting procedure involving two high<br />

& heavy mobile cranes, in conjunction with a spectacular<br />

heavy cargo h<strong>and</strong>ling project. Subsequently the vessel<br />

was transported from the Port of Vienna to Russia via<br />

motor ship.<br />

WienCont, a subsidiary of Hafen Wien, operates a<br />

container terminal with a feature that is unique across<br />

Europe. <strong>The</strong> so called “Schwungeinfahrt” (access with<br />

momentum) allows efficient h<strong>and</strong>ling without shunting;<br />

it can be accessed from both sides, is directly linked to<br />

the international railway net <strong>and</strong> thus saves both time<br />

<strong>and</strong> costs for the transport industry.<br />

Ecology <strong>and</strong> sustainability represent two fundamental<br />

aspects for the Port of Vienna. For this reason outdoor<br />

lighting in Albern Harbour was converted to LED.<br />

Consequently, the use of 48 lamps in total <strong>and</strong> an operating<br />

time of 4,000 h/year have resulted in the saving<br />

of approximately 17,088 kWh, which corresponds to the<br />

energy consumption of four family households.<br />

<strong>The</strong> <strong>European</strong> <strong>Business</strong> <strong>and</strong> <strong>Investment</strong> <strong>Magazine</strong> <strong>iconannual</strong> 93

Smart City Vienna<br />

Smart City Vienna<br />

Ready for<br />

the future!<br />

Smart City Vienna st<strong>and</strong>s for<br />

the “intelligent city”, intelligent<br />

<strong>and</strong> innovative solutions,<br />

responsible <strong>and</strong> sustainable<br />

use of resources.<br />

Smart City Vienna is a longterm<br />

initiative by the city of<br />

Vienna to improve the design,<br />

development <strong>and</strong> perception<br />

of the federal capital. Smart City Vienna<br />

looks at a cross-section of the<br />

city, covering all areas of life, work<br />

<strong>and</strong> leisure activities in equal measure,<br />

<strong>and</strong> includes everything from<br />

infrastructure, energy <strong>and</strong> mobility<br />

to all aspects of urban development.<br />

Smart City Vienna has set itself the<br />

task of consistently <strong>and</strong> continuously<br />

modernising the city in order<br />

to reduce energy consumption<br />

<strong>and</strong> emissions significantly without<br />

having to forego any aspects of consumption<br />

or mobility.<br />

Framework Strategy<br />

<strong>The</strong> Smart City Wien Framework<br />

Strategy is a long term umbrella strategy<br />

to 2050 that will establish a conducive<br />

<strong>and</strong> structural framework. >><br />

94 <strong>iconannual</strong> <strong>The</strong> <strong>European</strong> <strong>Business</strong> <strong>and</strong> <strong>Investment</strong> <strong>Magazine</strong>

Smart Cities & Regions<br />

Foto: Karl Thomas<br />

Foto: Peter Rigaud<br />

Bezahlte Anzeige<br />

<strong>The</strong> <strong>European</strong> <strong>Business</strong> <strong>and</strong> <strong>Investment</strong> <strong>Magazine</strong> <strong>iconannual</strong> 95

Smart City Vienna<br />

Foto: Raimo Rudi Rumpler<br />

Bezahlte Anzeige<br />

<strong>The</strong> key objective for 2050 is the best quality of life<br />

for all inhabitants of Vienna, while minimizing the consumption<br />

of resources. This will be realized through<br />

comprehensive innovation.<br />

Smart City Vienna – For a good reason!<br />

Climate change <strong>and</strong> a severe shortage of natural resources,<br />

especially fossil fuels, represent the big global challenges<br />

of the coming decades. <strong>The</strong>y will determine the<br />

future design of cities as living spaces. <strong>The</strong> switch to renewable<br />

energy sources in cities is the biggest challenge.<br />

75% of the CO2 emissions throughout the world is currently<br />

caused by burning fossil fuels in cities. <strong>The</strong>re is an<br />

awareness of these links at <strong>European</strong> level, which has led<br />

to the Smart Cities initiative, aimed at supporting cities<br />

in achieving the <strong>European</strong> “low carbon economy” targets.<br />

Vienna is among the most successful cities worldwide<br />

where quality of life, infrastructure <strong>and</strong> innovation are<br />

concerned. <strong>The</strong> aim is to hold this position in times to<br />

come. That is why the City of Vienna has developed the<br />

concept of the „smart city“, a city that is fit for the future<br />

<strong>and</strong> geared towards opportunities <strong>and</strong> that is capable of<br />

producing credible perspectives for its people. First <strong>and</strong><br />

foremost the City of Vienna wants to secure <strong>and</strong> further<br />

improve ist ecological, economic, <strong>and</strong> social performance.<br />

<strong>The</strong> City of Vienna is facing challenging times ahead.<br />

<strong>The</strong> population in the federal capital is growing <strong>and</strong> in<br />

Greater Vienna will reach the three million mark in the<br />

course of the coming 25 years. This development goes<br />

h<strong>and</strong> in h<strong>and</strong> with a rising dem<strong>and</strong> for energy, dem<strong>and</strong><br />

for affordable <strong>and</strong> functional housing <strong>and</strong> a need for<br />

strong traffic concepts.<br />

Smart cities need intelligent minds <strong>and</strong> fertile<br />

ground to nourish good ideas <strong>and</strong> put them into practice.<br />

Vienna accordingly has embraced clear research<br />

<strong>and</strong> technology policies <strong>and</strong> has taken firm steps to include<br />

people, research institutions <strong>and</strong> businesses in<br />

the “smart city” process.<br />

Awards like the Environmental Prize of the City of<br />

Vienna for innovative businesses are an incentive to<br />

think <strong>and</strong> act smart. At the <strong>European</strong> level Vienna is<br />

cooperating with other cities to promote the exchange of<br />

knowledge <strong>and</strong> development of strategies.<br />

Vienna is on the right track <strong>and</strong> various studies attest<br />

to this. Most recently, in fact, Vienna was voted the most<br />

innovative city in all of Europe.<br />

96 <strong>iconannual</strong> <strong>The</strong> <strong>European</strong> <strong>Business</strong> <strong>and</strong> <strong>Investment</strong> <strong>Magazine</strong>

Smart City Vienna:<br />

Projects at its glance<br />

Smart Cities & Regions<br />

Objectives<br />

• Significantly reducing emissions (CO2, greenhouse<br />

gases,…) <strong>and</strong>, as a result, achieving EU climate protection<br />

targets. Long-term objective: a zero emission<br />

city, zero emission buildings as st<strong>and</strong>ard<br />

• Significantly reducing energy consumption. Longterm<br />

objective: reaching close-to-zero energy st<strong>and</strong>ards<br />

in new <strong>and</strong> existing buildings by 2020<br />

• Significnatly increasing the use of renewable sources<br />

of energy (e.g. in public buildings)<br />

• Raising awareness in the wider public about responsible<br />

use of resources (energy, water)<br />

• Giving citizens (from consumers to prosumers) an active<br />

role by providing opportunities for actively controlling<br />

additional areas of daily life<br />

• Promoting multi-modal transport systems by improving<br />

the public transport network, enhancing networking<br />

between individual transport carriers, <strong>and</strong> significantly<br />

reducing individual motorised transport<br />

• Positioning Vienna as a model <strong>European</strong> environmental<br />

city <strong>and</strong> as a leading <strong>European</strong> centre for research<br />

<strong>and</strong> technological development at an international<br />

level<br />

Foto: Johannes Zinner<br />

Foto: Michael Appelt<br />

Aspern: Vienna’s Urban Lakeside<br />

<strong>The</strong> 240-hectare project area makes it one of Europe’s<br />

largest urban developments. <strong>The</strong> aspern Vienna’s Urban<br />

Lakeside is built in the northeast of the city <strong>and</strong> will<br />

be developed until 2028. By then in total 8,500 housing<br />

units will accommodate 20,000 people. Furthermore,<br />

20,000 jobs will be created in the fields of service, trade<br />

<strong>and</strong> industry, science, research <strong>and</strong> education. Quality<br />

of life <strong>and</strong> cooperation rank at the top of the agenda. <strong>The</strong><br />

project has a prime location at the centre of the economic<br />

growth region CENTROPE, right on the Vienna-Bratislava<br />

axis. aspern will become a new centre for Vienna’s<br />

22nd municipal district, providing new stimuli for the<br />

region’s economic development by creating new jobs.<br />

Open Government Data<br />

<strong>The</strong> City of Vienna offers a comprehensive, digital service<br />

platform (www.wien.at). Public data <strong>and</strong> services<br />

which are not subject to data protection are accessible<br />

thanks to the administration’s Open Government data<br />

policy. Fields of information include geodata, traffic<br />

data, ecology data, budget data, or statistical data. <strong>The</strong><br />

new service underlines the administration’s commitment<br />

to transparent, participatory <strong>and</strong> inclusive governance<br />

via outreach to the public <strong>and</strong> specifically to economic<br />

<strong>and</strong> academic sectors. <strong>The</strong> open government data<br />

gateway is a new sub-portal of www.wien.at.<br />

Citizens’ Solar Power Plants :<br />

solar energy for everyone<br />

By investing in community-funded solar power plants, Viennese<br />

citizens have the opportunity to participate in the<br />

development of renewable energies. Citizens’ Solar Power<br />

Plants mark the beginning of the dawn of a solar energy<br />

future for Vienna, <strong>and</strong> show the city’s clear commitment<br />

to developing solar energy. In 2012 the first citizen solar<br />

power plant opened on the site of the Donaustadt power<br />

plant in the north of Vienna, with 2.100 photovoltaic modules<br />

<strong>and</strong> an output of 500 kilowatt peak (kWp). <strong>The</strong> energy<br />

is fed into the Vienna power grid <strong>and</strong> provides solar power<br />

for approximately 200 local households. Two more plants<br />

have been completed in the districts of Simmering <strong>and</strong><br />

Liesing. Compared to conventional electricity production,<br />

harnessing the sun as an energy source saves around 800<br />

tons of CO 2<br />

per year. <strong>The</strong> new Citizens’ Solar Power Plant<br />

in Simmering generates green electricity with over 2.000<br />

panels covering a total area of approximately 3.200 m 2 .<br />

<strong>The</strong> <strong>European</strong> <strong>Business</strong> <strong>and</strong> <strong>Investment</strong> <strong>Magazine</strong> <strong>iconannual</strong> 97

Osterreichischer Stadtebund<br />

Stadtregionale<br />

fordert die Produktivitat − zentrale<br />

Steuerung steigert die Lebensqualitat<br />

Mobilität ist daher das zentrale<br />

<strong>The</strong>ma im Zusammenhang mit<br />

Stadtregionen – zukünftig bedarf<br />

es diesbezüglich einer noch<br />

besseren Koordination auf allen<br />

Verwaltungsebenen.<br />

Osterreich wird traditionell noch immer gern als<br />

Agrarl<strong>and</strong> und Tourismusdestination – jedoch<br />

nicht als „L<strong>and</strong> der Städte“, L<strong>and</strong> der Innovationen<br />

und der urbanen Lebensstile gesehen. Doch<br />

mittlerweile wohnen zwei Drittel der Österreicherinnen<br />

und Österreicher in Städten und ihrem Uml<strong>and</strong>,<br />

fast 80% der Arbeitsplätze liegen in diesen Stadtregionen<br />

und die dort ansässigen Wirtschaftsbetriebe<br />

sorgen gemeinsam mit Forschungseinrichtungen<br />

für die notwendige Innovationskraft, die<br />

Österreich für die Zukunft braucht.<br />

Was einen St<strong>and</strong>ort für die Wirtschaft attraktiv<br />

macht, zeigt die Credit Suisse in ihrer laufenden<br />

Analyse des St<strong>and</strong>ortqualitätsindikators 1 für die<br />

Schweiz auf: Attraktive Steuern, hohe Verfügbarkeit<br />

an qualifizierten Arbeitskräften sowie eine<br />

gute Verkehrsanbindung geben den Ausschlag.<br />

Mit Blick auf die verkehrstechnische Erreichbarkeit<br />

wurden dabei erstmals Stauzeiten berücksichtigt<br />

und berechnet, mit welchem zusätzlichen Zeitbedarf<br />

PendlerInnen auf dem Weg in die Zentren zu rechnen<br />

haben. Lage und Erreichbarkeit zählen seit jeher<br />

zu den bedeutendsten St<strong>and</strong>ortfaktoren. Ausbau und<br />

Erhaltung von Verkehrsinfrastruktur ist jedoch inzwischen<br />

vielerorts zu einer Nagelprobe für die Haushaltsbudgets<br />

auf allen hoheitlichen Ebenen geworden. Ein<br />

weiterer Ausbau von Straßen kann keine zukunftsorientierte<br />

Lösung sein. Bei einem Ausbau des öffentlichen<br />

Personenverkehrs hin zu und innerhalb von<br />

Stadtregionen hingegen erreicht man die Reduktion<br />

von Staukosten für die Wirtschaft, die Bekämpfung<br />

der Luftverschmutzung, eine Begrenzung von Gesundheitskosten<br />

und sichert damit die Lebensqualität.<br />

Wie aktuelle Zahlen einer OECD Studie 2 aus 2014 belegen<br />

führt stadtregionale Kooperation zudem zu einer<br />

erhöhten Produktivität, vor allem wenn diese durch die<br />

Verwaltungsstrukturen der Kernstadt gesteuert werden.<br />

Die aktuelle Situation städtischer Agglomerationen<br />

ist jedoch weltweit durch den Umst<strong>and</strong> charakterisiert,<br />

dass administrative Strukturen und funktionale<br />

Verflechtungen nicht mehr übereinstimmen. Funkti-<br />

1<br />

https://www.credit-suisse.com/at/de/news-<strong>and</strong>-expertise/news/economy/switzerl<strong>and</strong>.article.html/article/pwp/news-<strong>and</strong>-expertise/2013/09/de/locational-quality-zug-<strong>and</strong>-zurich-still-to-the-fore.html<br />

2<br />

What Makes Cities More Productive? Evidence on the Role of Urban Governance from Five OECD Countries, 2014/05<br />

98 <strong>iconannual</strong> <strong>The</strong> <strong>European</strong> <strong>Business</strong> <strong>and</strong> <strong>Investment</strong> <strong>Magazine</strong>

Smart Cities & Regions<br />

Kooperation<br />

onale Stadtregionen, die stark zersplittert sind, haben<br />

deutlich niedrigere Produktivitätsniveaus: Bei gleicher<br />

Bevölkerungsgröße haben Stadtregionen mit einer doppelten<br />

Anzahl von Gemeinden eine um etwa 6% niedrigere<br />

Produktivität. Dieser Effekt reduziert sich um<br />

etwa die Hälfte, wenn es eine Verwaltungseinheit gibt,<br />

die für die gesamte Stadtregion zuständig ist. Auch die<br />

Koordination und Kooperation in den Bereichen Mobilität<br />

und Flächenwidmung wirken sich positiv auf das<br />

Produktivitätsniveau von Stadtregionen aus. Als letztes<br />

Ergebnis der Studien sei noch angemerkt, dass auch die<br />

Zufriedenheit der BürgerInnen mit dem öffentlichen<br />

Personennahverkehr deutlich höher ausfällt, wenn dafür<br />

in der Stadtregion nur eine zentrale Zuständigkeit<br />

besteht.<br />

Für die Zukunft ist eine bessere gemeinsame Abstimmung<br />

von Siedlungsentwicklung und Mobilität<br />

innerhalb von Stadtregionen dringend notwendig, um<br />

schnell, gemeinsam und vor Ort Entscheidungen treffen<br />

zu können. Die österreichischen Rahmenbedingungen<br />

bedürfen hier einer gewissen „Runderneuerung“. Der<br />

Österreichische Städtebund setzt sich unter <strong>and</strong>erem<br />

durch die Mitwirkung an der jährlichen Veranstaltung<br />

des „Österreichischen Stadtregionstags“ sowie bei der<br />

Mitarbeit an der „Agenda Stadtregionen in Österreich“<br />

stark dafür ein, Änderungen anzustoßen und damit<br />

Stadtregionen noch effizienter zu machen.<br />

Dr. Thomas Weninger<br />

Generalsekretär<br />

Foto: Wilke<br />

<strong>The</strong> <strong>European</strong> <strong>Business</strong> <strong>and</strong> <strong>Investment</strong> <strong>Magazine</strong> <strong>iconannual</strong> 99

Austrian Institute of Technology<br />

Smart Cities<br />

2020<br />

In ihren Bestrebungen die globale<br />

Erderwärmung auf weniger als<br />

2 Grad zu begrenzen, hat die EU<br />

konkrete Ziele mit unterschiedlichen<br />

Zeithorizonten definiert – so<br />

sollen die CO2-Emissionen in Europa<br />

bis 2020 um 20%, bis 2030 um<br />

40% und bis 2050 um ganze 80%<br />

gegenüber 1990 gesenkt werden.<br />

Parallel dazu wird eine deutliche<br />

Steigerung des Anteils erneuerbarer<br />

Energien und der Energieeffizienz<br />

angestrebt. Für die Erreichung dieser<br />

ambitionierten Energie- und Klimaschutzziele<br />

spielen Städte eine<br />

zentrale Rolle. Um Smart Cities mit<br />

hoher Nachhaltigkeit, Energieeffizienz<br />

und Lebensqualität realisieren<br />

zu können, besteht allerdings noch<br />

großer Forschungsbedarf. Gefragt<br />

sind unter <strong>and</strong>erem neue Tools und<br />

Methoden für Planung, Umsetzung<br />

und Monitoring von energieeffizienten<br />

und ressourcenschonenden<br />

Stadtteilen und die integrierte Entwicklung<br />

der urbanen Infrastruktur<br />

– von der dezentralen Energieerzeugung<br />

über smarte Plusenergiehäuser<br />

bis hin zu effizienten intermodalen<br />

Verkehrslösungen. Neben den rein<br />

technischen Fragestellungen spielen<br />

aber auch die stärkere Einbindung<br />

der Stakeholder und die Berücksichtigung<br />

gesellschaftlicher und<br />

sozioökonomischer Aspekte eine<br />

wichtige Rolle. Die Smart Cities<br />

der Zukunft sind daher von höchst<br />

komplexen Wechselwirkungen geprägt<br />

und erfordern demnach eine<br />

ganzheitliche Sichtweise in Planung<br />

und Umsetzung. Das AIT Austrian<br />

Institute of Technology bietet österreichischen<br />

und internationalen<br />

Städten wissenschaftliche Entscheidungs-<br />

und Planungsunterstützung<br />

in diesem Transformationsprozess.<br />

Wissenschaftliche<br />

Entscheidungshilfe<br />

So erarbeitet das AIT etwa im<br />

EU-Projekt TRANSFORM gezielte<br />

Transformationsagenden und<br />

Nachhaltigkeitsstrategien für aus-<br />

Mag. DI Dr. Brigitte Bach, MSc<br />

Head of Energy Department<br />

Austrian Institute of Technology<br />

Foto: krischanz.zeiller./AIT<br />

100 <strong>iconannual</strong> <strong>The</strong> <strong>European</strong> <strong>Business</strong> <strong>and</strong> <strong>Investment</strong> <strong>Magazine</strong>

Smart Cities & Regions<br />

Foto: AIT<br />

der Stadtentwicklung auf Wasserver- und -entsorgung,<br />

Verkehrsaufkommen, Energieverbrauch und CO2-Emissionen<br />

auswirken und welche Kosten für die dafür benötigte<br />

Infrastruktur zu erwarten sind. Zusammen mit<br />

europäischen Partnern werden im Projekt „urbanAPI“<br />

weitere innovative Tools für die Planung, Visualisierung<br />

und Analyse von Szenarien der Stadtentwicklung<br />

geschaffen, um Auswirkungen von Planungsentscheidungen<br />

in komplexen urbanen Systemen abzubilden.<br />

Nicht zuletzt aufgrund seines langjährigen Know-hows<br />

wurde das AIT im Vorjahr daher auch mit der Entwicklung<br />

des “SCIS Smart Cities Information System” der<br />

Europäischen Kommission beauftragt, das ForscherInnen,<br />

EntscheidungsträgerInnen und der Öffentlichkeit<br />

erstmals einheitlichen Zugriff auf sämtliche energierelevanten<br />

Daten der EU im Bereich Smart Cities bieten<br />

wird.<br />

gewählte Stadtteile europäischer<br />

Großstädte wie Amsterdam, Kopenhagen,<br />

Hamburg und Wien. Im<br />

Fall von Wien konzentriert man<br />

sich dabei auf die „Smart Urban<br />

Labs“ aspern Seestadt und Liesing-Groß Erlaa. Mit Unterstützung<br />

des nationalen Projekts Transform+ werden<br />

hier maßgeschneiderte Umsetzungspläne erarbeitet,<br />

die eine zuverlässige Datenbasis für entscheidungsunterstützende<br />

Modelle in Smart Cities bieten sollen. Ziel<br />

ist die Integration modernster Technologien für intelligente<br />

Gebäude, Mobilitätsdienste und Energiesysteme<br />

unter Einbindung sämtlicher Stakeholder. Darüber hinaus<br />

entwickelt das AIT IKT-Lösungen, mit deren Hilfe<br />

StadtplanerInnen und EntscheidungsträgerInnen einen<br />

Blick in die Zukunft werfen können. Der „Urban Expansion<br />

Simulator <strong>and</strong> Infrastructure Cost Calculator” zum<br />

Beispiel berechnet, wie sich verschiedene Szenarien<br />

Starkes Netzwerk<br />

Das AIT ist aber nicht nur aktiv an internationalen<br />

Großprojekten beteiligt, sondern koordiniert auch das<br />

EERA Joint Programme Smart Cities. Dieser Zusammenschluss<br />

führender europäischer Forschungsinstitutionen<br />

soll dazu beitragen, die <strong>The</strong>matik in der<br />

Scientific Community noch stärker zu verankern und<br />

voranzutreiben. Mit der Schaffung des Smart City Advisory<br />

Board wurde im Vorjahr der Grundstein gelegt,<br />

um den Forschungsbedarf mit den Städten als wichtigste<br />

Stakeholder in diesem Transformationsprozess noch<br />

besser abzustimmen und so die für 2020 gesteckten Ziele<br />

zu erreichen.<br />

Foto: AIT<br />

<strong>The</strong> <strong>European</strong> <strong>Business</strong> <strong>and</strong> <strong>Investment</strong> <strong>Magazine</strong> <strong>iconannual</strong> 101

Building Bridges1<br />

Cities <strong>and</strong> urban agglomerations play a central<br />

role not only in Europe, but across the globe as<br />

well. <strong>The</strong>y are hotspots of future developments<br />

<strong>and</strong> focuses of economy, science, universities<br />

<strong>and</strong> research. Social, cultural, political <strong>and</strong> societal developments,<br />

too, nearly always begin in cities. Demographically,<br />

the future of global development is moreover<br />

clearly tied to cities as well: already today, urbanites account<br />

for close to half of the world’s population; in 2030,<br />

two thirds of all people will live in cities. Vienna is an<br />

immigration city with more than 1.8 million inhabitants<br />

at the moment. According to forecasts, it will attain 2<br />

million inhabitants already in 2029.<br />

For centuries, Vienna has been enjoying an excellent<br />

reputation as the venue of international summits, congresses<br />

<strong>and</strong> conferences. Over the past decades, it has<br />

furthermore consolidated its position as an economic<br />

hub for Eastern <strong>and</strong> South-eastern Europe.<br />

Vienna’s commitment to <strong>European</strong> urban policy thus<br />

specifically aims at creating frame conditions that promote<br />

the performance of cities <strong>and</strong> urban regions – yet<br />

always in harmony with supreme social <strong>and</strong> ecological<br />

commitment, including smart transport <strong>and</strong> infrastructure<br />

options as well as know-how transfer of urban technologies<br />

like drinking water supply or waste management<br />

(services of general interest). In this way, Vienna<br />

proactively supports strategies <strong>and</strong> actions that enable<br />

<strong>European</strong> cities to benefit from innovative developments<br />

in this field.<br />

City partnerships:<br />

thinking outside the box is important<br />

In Europe as well as globally, co-operation projects that<br />

are conducted at the city <strong>and</strong> regional level <strong>and</strong> transcend<br />

traditional limitations are enjoying a renaissance.<br />

At the moment, Vienna is bilaterally involved in about<br />

20 co-operation projects that define customised programmes<br />

for collaboration with the respective partner<br />

city over a period of 4 to 5 years.<br />

Supraregional co-operation offers the opportunity of<br />

reacting jointly to the challenges of international <strong>and</strong><br />

1 Not only at the Eurovision Song Contest<br />

102 <strong>iconannual</strong> <strong>The</strong> <strong>European</strong> <strong>Business</strong> <strong>and</strong> <strong>Investment</strong> <strong>Magazine</strong>

Smart Cities & Regions<br />

MA 23 – Wirtschaft, Arbeit und Statistik<br />

Mag. Elisabeth Unger<br />

Fotos: Stadt Wien PID<br />

Collaborations with research institutions or corporations<br />

result in new know-how or complementary skills<br />

<strong>and</strong> resources for partners. In this respect, Austria is<br />

a good base for enterprises: for both indicators “<strong>Business</strong>-Science<br />

Link – SME” <strong>and</strong> “<strong>Business</strong>-Science Link –<br />

Leading Competence Unit” of the EU Community Innovation<br />

Survey (CIS), Austria holds 3 rd position in Europe,<br />

ahead of Sweden <strong>and</strong> Germany. <strong>The</strong> close co-operation<br />

of research institutions <strong>and</strong> business makes Vienna an<br />

attractive innovation focus. Thus the “COMET Competence<br />

Centers for Excellent Technologies” <strong>and</strong> the Christian<br />

Doppler Laboratories are considered <strong>European</strong> best<br />

practices.<br />

economic competition. <strong>The</strong> challenges for metropolitan<br />

regions are often similar; hence, thinking outside the<br />

box <strong>and</strong> looking at the situation of others is essential to<br />

be able to compare answers <strong>and</strong> learn lessons. At the<br />

same time, this makes it easier for cities to communicate<br />

their strengths at the national <strong>and</strong> international level,<br />

<strong>and</strong> cities or regions find it therefore advantageous to<br />

co-operate.<br />

<strong>The</strong> promotion of innovations, the support of knowhow<br />

transfer <strong>and</strong> the fostering of start-up companies<br />

play a key role for Vienna as an economic hub. Already<br />

today, the City of Vienna is helping new enterprises to<br />

get started, settle in the Austrian capital <strong>and</strong> network<br />

with others.<br />

One example of this is the Vienna start-up welcome<br />

package of the Vienna <strong>Business</strong> Agency 2 . Of course, a<br />

multicultural city like Vienna also offers services such<br />

as “Migrant Enterprises” of the Vienna <strong>Business</strong> Agency<br />

or the cross-border project 3 “TwinEntrepreneurs”,<br />

which provides coaching <strong>and</strong> grants for start-ups in Vienna<br />

<strong>and</strong> Bratislava.<br />

<strong>Business</strong> co-operation<br />

fuels economic growth<br />

Successful business co-operation ventures are highly<br />

beneficial for economic development in general. A study<br />

commissioned by the City of Vienna has highlighted<br />

that “knowledge spillovers” between enterprises foster<br />

growth because the investments <strong>and</strong> innovations of one<br />

company will trigger positive effects for others.<br />

Europe-wide co-operation in the fields of innovation<br />

<strong>and</strong> research helps to enable researchers to freely exchange<br />

their scientific findings across borders. However,<br />

this co-operation also facilitates the joint tackling of major<br />

challenges such as climate change or demographic<br />

change. Austria’s participation in the EU Framework<br />

Programme for Research <strong>and</strong> Innovation "Horizon 2020"<br />

will thus be of central importance. A notable strength of<br />

Vienna has emerged over recent years: almost half of all<br />

Austrian project leaders under the 7th EU Framework<br />

Programme for Research <strong>and</strong> Innovation were domiciled<br />

in Vienna.<br />

It is not by chance that the Austrian capital, which<br />

in the past decades has evolved into a dynamic economic<br />

hub between Western <strong>and</strong> Eastern Europe as well<br />

as a model of urban development, occupies superlative<br />

positions in many international rankings. Neither does<br />

it come as a surprise that Vienna is attracting more <strong>and</strong><br />

more people as a top tourist destination (with 13.4 million<br />

overnight stays in 2014), a city to live in or a centre<br />

of Europe’s creative industries <strong>and</strong> start-up companies.<br />

2 3 http://viennabusinessagency.at/ http://www.twinentrepreneurs.eu/<br />

<strong>The</strong> <strong>European</strong> <strong>Business</strong> <strong>and</strong> <strong>Investment</strong> <strong>Magazine</strong> <strong>iconannual</strong> 103

<strong>European</strong> Br<strong>and</strong> Institute<br />

BRANDS<br />

ARE MORE<br />


THAN EVER!<br />

Why br<strong>and</strong> value is more important than ever.<br />

Br<strong>and</strong>s have the potential to create incredible value<br />

for companies <strong>and</strong> corporations. "People buy<br />

br<strong>and</strong>s, not products" – this sentence is valid<br />

especially in the global communication society.<br />

No br<strong>and</strong> – no differentiation, no long-term profitability.<br />

People don’t have relationships with products,<br />

they are loyal to br<strong>and</strong>s.<br />

It’s not a secret that the br<strong>and</strong> is much more important<br />

than the product itself. Br<strong>and</strong>s can live forever<br />

<strong>and</strong> definitely much longer than products. Br<strong>and</strong>s can<br />

inspire people to join a community, to follow an idea,<br />

or also motivate people to change the world. Products<br />

can’t do that, they are only one dimensional, which is<br />

not enough in out today´s global communication society.<br />

<strong>The</strong>refore many efforts should be<br />

placed on the right br<strong>and</strong> management.<br />

<strong>The</strong> world has come online <strong>and</strong> there are many new<br />

markets <strong>and</strong> a growing middle class in countries like<br />

India, China, Brazil, Russia, South Africa, Nigeria, Indonesia<br />

<strong>and</strong> in many more places. <strong>The</strong>se consumers<br />

buy br<strong>and</strong>s. <strong>The</strong> best br<strong>and</strong>s today are based on a strong<br />

idea. When creating a new br<strong>and</strong> there are fewer >><br />

104 <strong>iconannual</strong> <strong>The</strong> <strong>European</strong> <strong>Business</strong> <strong>and</strong> <strong>Investment</strong> <strong>Magazine</strong>

Br<strong>and</strong>ing & Europe<br />

Foto: Schedl/APA/<strong>European</strong> Br<strong>and</strong> Institute<br />

" From our research we see<br />

that the average share of<br />

br<strong>and</strong> value across all industry<br />

segments is about 40% of the<br />

company’s value"<br />

Foto: istockphoto.com<br />

KR DI Dr. Gerhard Hrebicek<br />

President <strong>European</strong> Br<strong>and</strong> Institute<br />

<strong>The</strong> <strong>European</strong> <strong>Business</strong> <strong>and</strong> <strong>Investment</strong> <strong>Magazine</strong> <strong>iconannual</strong> 105

<strong>European</strong> Br<strong>and</strong> Institute<br />

br<strong>and</strong> names to choose from, therefore<br />

existing br<strong>and</strong>s become more<br />

valuable. Also br<strong>and</strong> performance<br />

management is a challenge which<br />

requires a sophisticated strategy<br />

<strong>and</strong> professional partners. It needs<br />

much more than products, names,<br />

advertising, etc.<br />

An new ISO St<strong>and</strong>ard on Br<strong>and</strong><br />

Evaluation will be developed<br />

In September 2014, a new ISO committee on<br />

Br<strong>and</strong> Evaluation was constituted in Bejing.<br />

Br<strong>and</strong>s are valuable.<br />

More <strong>and</strong> more corporations <strong>and</strong><br />

companies put the value of their<br />

br<strong>and</strong>s on their balance sheets.<br />

Br<strong>and</strong>s are often worth more than<br />

all other assets of companies combined.<br />

Property, locations, factories,<br />

machines, materials, staff, etc.<br />

therefore often depreciate compared<br />

to br<strong>and</strong>s.<br />

Additionally, strong <strong>and</strong> well<br />

managed br<strong>and</strong>s grow faster<br />

than the average.<br />

<strong>The</strong> importance of br<strong>and</strong> evaluation<br />

is growing. Br<strong>and</strong> evaluation<br />

is a comprehensive <strong>and</strong> systematic<br />

diagnosis to calculate the value of<br />

a br<strong>and</strong>. Conclusions can be monetary<br />

or non-monetary.<br />

<strong>The</strong> process of br<strong>and</strong> evaluation<br />

is an essential step to calculate the<br />

value of a br<strong>and</strong>, give advice to<br />

br<strong>and</strong> management <strong>and</strong> increase<br />

the performance of the br<strong>and</strong> in order<br />

to increase their value.<br />

Europe is strong in “Br<strong>and</strong> Portfolios”,<br />

North America is leading<br />

in “Single Br<strong>and</strong>s”<br />

<strong>The</strong> global br<strong>and</strong> value ranking eurobr<strong>and</strong><br />

GLOBAL TOP 100 by eurobr<strong>and</strong><br />

– the <strong>European</strong> independent<br />

experts for br<strong>and</strong>, patent & IP valuation<br />

& strategy, examining more<br />

than 3.000 br<strong>and</strong> corporations <strong>and</strong><br />

their br<strong>and</strong>s in 16 industries, with<br />

comparisons of Europe, America<br />

<strong>and</strong> Asia.<br />

Within this committee a new global<br />

st<strong>and</strong>ard on br<strong>and</strong> evaluation will<br />

be developed, where the President<br />

of <strong>European</strong> Br<strong>and</strong> Institute, Dr.<br />

Gerhard Hrebicek holds the Chair.<br />

Goals of this new ISO<br />

Initiative are as follows:<br />

This st<strong>and</strong>ard is aimed to st<strong>and</strong>ardize<br />

the technical requirements <strong>and</strong><br />

evaluation methods in the implementation<br />

of major components of<br />

br<strong>and</strong> valuation, which will guide<br />

the br<strong>and</strong> manager <strong>and</strong> br<strong>and</strong> evaluators<br />

to conduct activities in the<br />

field of br<strong>and</strong> evaluation.<br />

Br<strong>and</strong> evaluation contains<br />

three major steps:<br />

1. identify the key elements which<br />

influence br<strong>and</strong> value<br />

2. measure the actual performance<br />

of br<strong>and</strong> key elements (taking<br />

the stake holders' awareness <strong>and</strong><br />

evaluation of all key elements<br />

into account)<br />

3. draw the conclusions (including<br />

monetary <strong>and</strong> non-monetary).<br />

Although the key elements of br<strong>and</strong><br />

value <strong>and</strong> evaluation methods are<br />

various, the major influencing factors<br />

can be identified by study on<br />

successful br<strong>and</strong> cases <strong>and</strong> analysis<br />

of the relevant data.<br />

<strong>The</strong> benefits of the development<br />

of the new ISO St<strong>and</strong>ard<br />

on Br<strong>and</strong> Evaluation<br />

<strong>The</strong> international st<strong>and</strong>ard of<br />

br<strong>and</strong> evaluation will bring more<br />

br<strong>and</strong> information to the consumers<br />

<strong>and</strong> more information on the<br />

evaluation <strong>and</strong> management of<br />

the world's best br<strong>and</strong>s research<br />

results <strong>and</strong> practical experience<br />

(particularly in developing countries,<br />

small <strong>and</strong> medium-sized<br />

enterprises) in order to conduct<br />

br<strong>and</strong> management more effectively<br />

to the br<strong>and</strong> owners.<br />

106 <strong>iconannual</strong> <strong>The</strong> <strong>European</strong> <strong>Business</strong> <strong>and</strong> <strong>Investment</strong> <strong>Magazine</strong>

Br<strong>and</strong>ing & Europe<br />

Top 10 – Br<strong>and</strong> Corporations Europe Br<strong>and</strong> Value in Mio. €<br />

39.351<br />

33.049<br />

29.858<br />

25.611<br />

25.308<br />

24.899<br />

21.113<br />

20.057<br />

19.307<br />

19.242 © eurobr<strong>and</strong> 2014<br />

Resume of 2014 eurobr<strong>and</strong> GLOBAL TOP 100 results<br />

<strong>The</strong> most valuable br<strong>and</strong> corporation in the world is<br />

Apple, in Europe it is LVMH.<br />

Apple remains world’s No. 1 br<strong>and</strong> corporation with<br />

a br<strong>and</strong> value of EUR 113,165 bn, followed by Google<br />

representing a value of EUR 67,471 bn (+22,7%) which<br />

overtook the Coca Cola Company with a br<strong>and</strong> value of<br />

EUR 64,775 bn.<br />

LVMH remains Europe`s most valuable br<strong>and</strong> corporation<br />

representing a br<strong>and</strong> value of EUR 39,351 bn<br />

(global rank 12), followed by Nestlé with a value of<br />

EUR 33,049 bn <strong>and</strong> AB Inbev representing a value of<br />

EUR 29,858 bn.<br />

Top 10 global br<strong>and</strong> corporations are US-based.<br />

US br<strong>and</strong> l<strong>and</strong>scape is dominated by IT & Technology,<br />

Consumer Goods <strong>and</strong> Financial Services <strong>and</strong> represents<br />

46 out of the TOP 100 br<strong>and</strong> corporations. Europe<br />

represents 41 with Germans leading, whilst Asia is represented<br />

with 13 br<strong>and</strong> corporations.<br />

Volkswagen Group No. 1 global automotive br<strong>and</strong><br />

Highest growth in Europe shows global No.3 automotive<br />

br<strong>and</strong> corporation Daimler Group gaining +20.60% <strong>and</strong><br />

Deutsche Telekom Group growing by +12.10%.<br />

So where is the <strong>European</strong> Global br<strong>and</strong> with the<br />

strength <strong>and</strong> the value corresponding to the "American<br />

apple" <strong>and</strong> how can Europe establish such a global<br />

br<strong>and</strong>?<br />

In some <strong>European</strong> countries such as Finl<strong>and</strong>, Switzerl<strong>and</strong>,<br />

Luxembourg, Sweden, Denmark <strong>and</strong> Austria, br<strong>and</strong><br />

companies bring the highest br<strong>and</strong> contribution to the national<br />

economy <strong>and</strong> are thus global leaders in the ratio of<br />

br<strong>and</strong> equity to the gross national product. This approach<br />

could <strong>and</strong> should be applied to whole Europe.<br />

Sustainable prosperity <strong>and</strong> growth can be created by br<strong>and</strong>s. <strong>The</strong>refore<br />

br<strong>and</strong>s are more important than ever.<br />

<strong>The</strong> <strong>European</strong> <strong>Business</strong> <strong>and</strong> <strong>Investment</strong> <strong>Magazine</strong> <strong>iconannual</strong> 107

Sagen Sie<br />

FRÜH JA<br />

zum Frühjahr!

Sports for Life<br />

Eine Initiative von<br />


Fotos: Sports for Life!<br />


Ziel von SPORTS FOR LIFE! ist die Förderung<br />

von Sport in Wirtschaft und Gesellschaft,<br />

insbesondere für Kinder & Jugendliche.<br />

Die Initiative SPORTS FOR LIFE! hat es sich zum<br />

Ziel gesetzt, sozial benachteiligten Kindern einen<br />

Einstieg in die Welt des Sports zu bieten, der<br />

sie weg vom Fernseher, hin zum Teamgeist und<br />

zur körperlichen Ertüchtigung bringt. Wir sehen Sport<br />

als Brückenschlag zwischen allen ethnischen Gruppen<br />

und gesellschaftlichen Schichten. Lernen durch Mannschaftssport,<br />

völkerverbindende Sportcamps und die Integration<br />

von Jung und Alt in der Gesellschaft. Wir möchten<br />

den Kindern ein Stück Selbstwertgefühl zurückgeben<br />

und ihr Selbstbewusstsein fördern, damit sie auch ihre<br />

persönliche Zukunft selbst in die H<strong>and</strong> nehmen.<br />

Dies erfolgt durch die SPORTS FOR LIFE!-Foundation in<br />

Zusammenarbeit mit lokalen Sportvereinen in ganz Österreich,<br />

mit Unterstützung von Partnern und Sponsoren.<br />

110 <strong>iconannual</strong> <strong>The</strong> <strong>European</strong> <strong>Business</strong> <strong>and</strong> <strong>Investment</strong> <strong>Magazine</strong>

Br<strong>and</strong>ing & Europe<br />



Fotos: Sports for Life!<br />

Österreichs größte Nachwuchsfußball-Challenge<br />

Ein einzigartiges Konzept und die Unterstützung<br />

von Sponsoren und Gemeinden machen es möglich,<br />

die Starcamps ab 99 Euro anzubieten. Dieser<br />

Preis soll jedem die Gelegenheit geben an<br />

einem Fußballcamp teilnehmen zu können und ist<br />

gleichzeitig der absolut günstigste Preis für ein vergleichbares<br />

Fußballcamp in Österreich.<br />

Unser Hauptanliegen ist es, so viele Kinder und Jugendliche<br />

wie möglich für den Fußballsport zu begeistern.<br />

Einerseits um den Sport in ihr Leben zu bringen,<br />

<strong>and</strong>ererseits um die Kinder und Jugendlichen zum<br />

Fußball zu bringen.<br />

Ein weiteres Ziel ist, den Kindern und Jugendlichen<br />

im Alter von 7-14 Jahren über den Fußballsport einen<br />

guten sozialen Umgang vorzuleben und ihre Teamfähigkeit,<br />

die in Zukunft immer wichtiger wird, durch<br />

die Teilnahme am Camp zu fördern.<br />

Durch die Besuche von Bundesligaspielern und<br />

durch die Leitung der Camps von aktiven und ehemaligen<br />

Fußballspielern sowie ausgebildeten Trainern und<br />

Sozialpädagoginnen kommen die Kinder auch hautnah<br />

in Kontakt mit dem Profifußball.<br />

Dadurch kann den Kindern und Jugendlichen eine reale<br />

Perspektive für ihre sportliche Zukunft gegeben werden<br />

und die Spielervereinigung VdF ihre Kompetenz in<br />

Sachen Nachwuchsförderung weiter beweisen. Schließlich<br />

führt man seit 1998 Fußballcamps durch und baut<br />

seit 2006 die Starcamps ab 99 Euro sukzessive aus …<br />

<strong>The</strong> <strong>European</strong> <strong>Business</strong> <strong>and</strong> <strong>Investment</strong> <strong>Magazine</strong> <strong>iconannual</strong> 111

Gr<strong>and</strong> Hotel Wien –<br />

Combining luxury <strong>and</strong> history<br />

<strong>The</strong> legendary Gr<strong>and</strong> Hotel Wien, originally opened in 1870 as the first hotel on the<br />

Viennese Ringstraße, combines history with ultimate luxury. <strong>The</strong> location in the heart<br />

of Vienna, just a few steps away from the Vienna State Opera <strong>and</strong> the beginning of the<br />

famous Kärntner Street, is unique. 205 rooms <strong>and</strong> suites, a Gr<strong>and</strong> Spa, four restaurants<br />

<strong>and</strong> 2 bars as well as the most modern technical equipment <strong>and</strong> best service meet the<br />

expectations of the most discerning guests.<br />

Kärntner Ring 9, 1010 Vienna, Austria<br />

Tel.: + 43 1 515 80-0<br />

Fax: + 43 1 515 80-13<br />

Email: reservation@gr<strong>and</strong>hotelwien.com<br />


GO WELL –<br />


Erleben Sie Ihren perfekten Urlaub in Europas<br />

größtem Golf & Wellness Resort mit <strong>The</strong>rme und<br />

Wellness in Bad Griesbach.<br />

Das MAXIMILIAN besticht sowohl durch seine großzügige Architektur<br />

als auch durch sein elegantes Ambiente. Eingebettet in<br />

die herrliche Rottaler Hügell<strong>and</strong>schaft erweist sich das Hotel als<br />

perfekter Rückzugsort für Golfer, Erholungssuchende und Feinschmecker.<br />

In der hauseigenen <strong>The</strong>rmen-Oase erwartet Sie das<br />

wohltuende Bad Griesbacher <strong>The</strong>rmalmineralwasser.<br />

Abgerundet wird das Angebot von einer<br />

erstklassigen Kulinarik.<br />

Auf fünf 18-Loch-Meisterschaftsplätzen<br />

im Golf Resort Bad Griesbach wird Golfen<br />

zum Erlebnis.<br />

15 Tagungsräume mit Kapa zitäten bis 200<br />

Personen und der angrenzende Kursaal für<br />

bis zu 450 Personen garantieren den Erfolg<br />

jeder Veranstaltung.<br />

Check in - tee off<br />

· 3 Übernachtungen mit Halbpension<br />

· 2 Greenfees nach Wahl im Golf Resort<br />

· Wohlfühlen und Erholen in der hauseigenen <strong>The</strong>rme<br />

Preis pro Person im DZ ab 484,– €<br />

MAXimal entspannt<br />

· 3 Übernachtungen mit Halbpension<br />

· 2 individuell auf Sie abgestimmte Massagen (je 30 Min.)<br />

· Wohlfühlen und Erholen in der hauseigenen <strong>The</strong>rme<br />

Preis pro Person im DZ ab 315,– €<br />

A. Hartl Resort GmbH & Co. SH L<strong>and</strong>- und Golfhotel Betriebs KG<br />


Kurallee 1 | D-94086 Bad Griesbach<br />

Tel. +49 (0)8532 795-0 | Fax +49 (0)8532 795-151<br />

maximilian@hartl.de | www.hartl.de<br />

Reservierungs-Hotline: +49 (0)8532 795 512<br />

Bad Griesbach liegt nur 29 km vom Grenzübergang Suben<br />

entfernt und ca. 2,5 Autostunden von Wien.<br />


Women Leadership Forum<br />

An Initiative of<br />


RUM was initiated by <strong>European</strong><br />

Br<strong>and</strong> Institute to promote<br />

Women Leadership in the fields<br />

of economy, science & research,<br />

public institutions, society as<br />

well as to connect successful<br />

women <strong>and</strong> powerful men with<br />

the purpose of strengthening<br />

innovative <strong>and</strong> economic power<br />

in Austria.<br />

Supervisory boards are changing:<br />

Mixed leadership as innovation<br />

boost with the purpose<br />

of strengthening the Austrian<br />

innovation power.<br />

Different surveys prove that involvement<br />

of female know-how in<br />

the economy would increase growth<br />

by approximately 30 per cent in the<br />

sectors where women are underrepresented.<br />

How can we support women to<br />

approach terrains, which are dominated<br />

by men? <strong>The</strong> answer is by<br />

learning from the best. All of us:<br />

women, men, companies. What<br />

could help is female-friendly jobs,<br />

establishing networks for both child<br />

care <strong>and</strong> career-boosting activities.<br />

Company executives talk about<br />

how your company contributes to<br />

the mentioned above. <strong>The</strong> reason for<br />

that is the fact that the one who gives<br />

wins. <strong>The</strong> working environment is<br />

changing. <strong>The</strong> one, who wants to be<br />

competitive, enables women to show<br />

their potential by diverse measures.<br />

Such activities include support in<br />

terms of private <strong>and</strong> respectively<br />

family life, internal women supporting<br />

programs <strong>and</strong> awareness rising in<br />

companies. In the frame of WOMEN<br />

LEADERSHIP FORUM female <strong>and</strong><br />

male leaders gather to discuss the<br />

latest developments <strong>and</strong> thesis on<br />

how to develop women leaders for a<br />

global market <strong>and</strong> best-practice companies<br />

share their initiatives in promoting<br />

women.<br />

Take the lead <strong>and</strong> be part of<br />


114 <strong>iconannual</strong> <strong>The</strong> <strong>European</strong> <strong>Business</strong> <strong>and</strong> <strong>Investment</strong> <strong>Magazine</strong>

Br<strong>and</strong>ing & Europe<br />

l.t.r.: Anett Hanck, former VGN, Tatjana Oppitz, IBM, H.E. Alexa Wesner,<br />

Renate Altenhofer, maX iconvienna<br />

Fotos: K.Schiffl/maX iconvienna<br />

Review<br />

<strong>The</strong> <strong>European</strong> Br<strong>and</strong> Institute <strong>and</strong><br />

Verlagsgruppe News in cooperation<br />

with the US Embassy in Vienna, ÖBB<br />

<strong>and</strong> OMV invited to „WOMEN LEA-<br />

DERSHIP FORUM“ following the<br />

motto „FRAU MACHT FÜHRUNG“<br />

on September 11, 2014 at the<br />

Novomatic Forum Vienna.<br />

H.E. Alexa Wesner, Ambassador of the<br />

United States of America to Austria,<br />

opened the event by emphasizing the importance<br />

of qualitative networks <strong>and</strong> entrepreneurship.<br />

US-Leadership Guru Sally Helgesen, inspired<br />

with her keynote <strong>and</strong> delivered valuable<br />

inputs about how a woman should<br />

prepare herself for future executive functions.<br />

She also stressed on the fact that<br />

„female leaders“ should strengthen their<br />

positions.<br />

l.t.r.: H.E. Alexa Wesner, US Leadership Guru Sally Helgesen<br />

Highlight fashion show: US designer Luly Yang presented her<br />

exclusive collection for the very first time in Austria.<br />

Female Leaders discuss „Factor F“ l.t.r. : C. Gabler, Nestlé, T. Oppitz, IBM, B. Bach, AIT,<br />

A. Hanck, former VGN, J. Duff, Coca-Cola, M. Huber, OMV, C. Tinkler, Rewe Group<br />



SEPTEMBER 16, <strong>2015</strong><br />


www.womenleadership.at<br />

<strong>The</strong> <strong>European</strong> <strong>Business</strong> <strong>and</strong> <strong>Investment</strong> <strong>Magazine</strong> <strong>iconannual</strong> 115

Welcome to <strong>The</strong> Ring, Vienna‘s Casual Luxury Hotel!<br />

<strong>The</strong> 68 luxurious rooms <strong>and</strong> suites are outst<strong>and</strong>ing.<br />

<strong>The</strong> bar is chic.<br />

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<strong>The</strong> service is exceptional.<br />

Exactly, Casual Luxury!<br />

Kärntner Ring 8 I A-1010 Vienna I Telephone: +43-1-22 1 22-0 I Telefax: +43-1-22 1 22-900<br />


iconvienna 2014<br />

iconvienna Gallery<br />

Impressions<br />

from<br />

iconvienna<br />

2014<br />

Austrian Federal Chamber of Commerce<br />

(left to right): Dr. Hans Jörg Schelling, Former Vice President Austrian Federal Economic Chamber;<br />

Ing. Tomáš Malatinský, Minister of Economy Slovakia; KR DI Dr. Gerhard Hrebicek, President iconvienna;<br />

Juraj Macháč, Ambassador of the Republic of Slovakia<br />

Austrian Federal Chamber of Commerce<br />

Welcome Reception at the Vienna City Hall<br />

(left to right): H.E. Antonio Roberto Castellanos Lopez, Ambassador of the Republic Guatemala;<br />

H.E.Hussam Al Husseini, Ambassador of the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan; KR DI Dr. Gerhard<br />

Hrebicek, President iconvienna; H.E. Elena Shekerletova, Ambassador of the Republic Bulgaria;<br />

Horst Mayer,General Manager Gr<strong>and</strong> Hotel Wien; H.E. Ramón Quiñones, Ambassador of the<br />

Dominican Republic, Fatimah Maria Zwanikken de Quinones<br />

ICONVIENNA YOUNG LEADERS DIALOGUE youLEAD; Austrian Federal Chamber of Commerce<br />

(left to right): Ivan Stefunko, Managing Director Neulogy; Warren Karlenzig, President Common<br />

Current; DI Eva Hackl, Deputy Chair iconvienna youLEAD; KR DI Dr. Gerhard Hrebicek, President<br />

iconvienna; Dr. Wolfgang Loibl, Smart City Expert AIT<br />

Site Visit Seestadt Aspern, Aspern IQ Technologiezentrum<br />

(left to right): KR DI Dr. Gerhard Hrebicek, President iconvienna; DWI (FH) Bernd Richter,<br />

Infrastructure Aspern Smart City Research; DI Claudia Nutz, Board Member Wien 3420 Aspern<br />

Development; Norbert Scheed (†), District Chairman 22nd district, DI Arch. Ingrid Konrad,<br />

Chief Architect, City of Bratislava<br />


(left to right): Prof. Gerhard Habarta, Curator Phantasten Museums; Werner Schulz-Mönkeberg;<br />

Dr. Othmar Hill, Managing Director Hill International; Walter Weilinger, HBM Austria;<br />

DI Hans-Jörg Tengg, Managing Director Smart Technologies; Dr. Paul Yvon;<br />

KR DI Dr. Gerhard Hrebicek, President iconvienna<br />

<strong>The</strong> <strong>European</strong> <strong>Business</strong> <strong>and</strong> <strong>Investment</strong> <strong>Magazine</strong> <strong>iconannual</strong> 117

maximize your business communication!<br />

award conception I br<strong>and</strong> communication & consulting<br />

event management I marketing outsourcing<br />

public relations I ratings & studies<br />

Our initiatives<br />

www.icon-vienna.net<br />

www.europeanbr<strong>and</strong>institute.com/forum/<br />

www.womenleadership.at<br />

maX iconvienna GmbH<br />

Börsegasse 9/8, 1010 Wien<br />

office@maxcc.at<br />


eurobr<strong>and</strong> forum Bucharest<br />

iconvienna Gallery<br />

Impressions from<br />

eurobr<strong>and</strong> forum<br />

Bucharest 2014<br />

(left to right): Dr. Josef Karl, Counsellor of the Prime Minister of Romania; Wolfgang Einer, Senior Vice President CEE<br />

Mail Austrian Post; KR Dr. Gerhard Hrebicek, President <strong>European</strong> Br<strong>and</strong> Institute; Mag. Claus Renner,<br />

Sales & Marketing Director CEE Austrian Post<br />

(left to right): Felix Tataru, Senior Vice President IAA Worldwide;<br />

KR Dr. Gerhard Hrebicek, President <strong>European</strong> Br<strong>and</strong> Institute;<br />

Prof. Teo Teaha Managing Director Teaha Management Consulting<br />

H.E. Dr. Michael Schwarzinger, Former Ambassador of Austria to Romania<br />

KR Dr. Gerhard Hrebicek, President <strong>European</strong> Br<strong>and</strong> Institute<br />

<strong>The</strong> <strong>European</strong> <strong>Business</strong> <strong>and</strong> <strong>Investment</strong> <strong>Magazine</strong> <strong>iconannual</strong> 119

eurobr<strong>and</strong> forum<br />

An Initiative of<br />

eurobr<strong>and</strong>forum is the independent<br />

consulting platform for br<strong>and</strong> <strong>and</strong><br />

IP experts (br<strong>and</strong>s, patents, trademarks,<br />

designs <strong>and</strong> copyrights, …).<br />

<strong>The</strong> exclusive event for high level national <strong>and</strong><br />

international decision makers <strong>and</strong> opinion<br />

leaders provide the perfect setting for extensive<br />

discussions <strong>and</strong> to exchange know-how<br />

on the needs of intellectual property, the relationship<br />

between br<strong>and</strong>s, media, agencies, human resources,<br />

politics <strong>and</strong> tax <strong>and</strong> on the questions of how IP rights<br />

<strong>and</strong> br<strong>and</strong>s can be successfully managed in order to<br />

compete on a global level.<br />

Panel Disscussion on „br<strong>and</strong>s, innovations <strong>and</strong> IP rights“ l.t.r. P. Bittner, I3PM,<br />

H. Karmasin, Institut für Motivforschung, G. Hrebicek, <strong>European</strong> Br<strong>and</strong> Institute,<br />

M. Hörmer, Ja Natürlich!, G. Ganzger, LGP, J. Wurditsch, Consultatio<br />

Keynote Speaker Mori Taheripour, USAID on „Sports Diplomacy“<br />

Fotos: Philipp Hutterl/maX iconvienna<br />

REVIEW 2014<br />

<strong>The</strong> <strong>European</strong> Br<strong>and</strong> Institute in cooperation<br />

with the US Embassy in Vienna invited to<br />

eurobr<strong>and</strong> forum 2014 following the motto<br />

„INNOVATION & MARKE“ on October 8,<br />

2014 at the Novomatic Forum Vienna.<br />

Representatives from International business media<br />

<strong>and</strong> br<strong>and</strong> community, discussed following the key<br />

topics: “innovations as br<strong>and</strong>s – br<strong>and</strong>s as assets”, “innovations<br />

as key <strong>and</strong> sport as catalyst for international<br />

development” the future of br<strong>and</strong>s, their structure,<br />

management <strong>and</strong> organization towards sustainable<br />

value-creating.<br />

US Keynote speaker Mori Taheripour – Senior Advisor<br />

Sport for Development, USAID – regarded the br<strong>and</strong><br />

<strong>and</strong> innovation topic from a different perspective. In<br />

120 <strong>iconannual</strong> <strong>The</strong> <strong>European</strong> <strong>Business</strong> <strong>and</strong> <strong>Investment</strong> <strong>Magazine</strong>

Br<strong>and</strong>ing & Europe<br />


<strong>The</strong> br<strong>and</strong> life award ceremony took<br />

place for the 6th time, awarding Austrian<br />

personalities for their life-time<br />

achievment in successfully establishing,<br />

developing <strong>and</strong> managing br<strong>and</strong>s<br />

<strong>and</strong> br<strong>and</strong> corporations.<br />

Foto: Christian Mikesl/maX iconvienna<br />

l.t.r. Gerhard Hrebicek, President <strong>European</strong> Br<strong>and</strong> Institute h<strong>and</strong>ing over<br />

the bronze statue to BRAND LIFE AWARD – winner 2014 Engelbert<br />

Wenckheim, Ottakringer Brauerei<br />

l.t.r. Gerald Steger, café+co, Paul Leitenmüller, OLN, Anett Hanck, Former VGN,<br />

Claus Renner, Austrian Post Group, Mori Taheripour, Sport for Development,<br />

USAID, Gernot Zirngast, FIFPro<br />

her keynote speech, she shared interesting<br />

views about the relationship<br />

between sport <strong>and</strong> br<strong>and</strong> valuation,<br />

the power of sport in terms of development<br />

<strong>and</strong> elevating global br<strong>and</strong>s.<br />

“If companies st<strong>and</strong> for<br />

more than money, income<br />

<strong>and</strong> revenue, consumers<br />

will more likely be inclined<br />

to like or follow them.”<br />


eurobr<strong>and</strong> forum <strong>2015</strong><br />

OCTOBER 14, <strong>2015</strong><br />


www.europeanbr<strong>and</strong>institute.com/forum/<br />



In her opinion sports deliver excitement<br />

<strong>and</strong> passion to a br<strong>and</strong> <strong>and</strong> is<br />

able to create a legacy of global impact.<br />

l.t.r. H. Hanusch, VGN, W. Senger-Weiss, Gebrüder Weiss, R. Schärf, Coffeeshop Company, Artist I.<br />

Sageder, E. Wenckheim, Ottakringer Brauerei, G. Tostmann, Tostmann Trachten, H. Kiener, Stiegl<br />

Brauerei, G. Hrebicek, EBI, P. Leitenmüller, OLN<br />

<strong>The</strong> <strong>European</strong> <strong>Business</strong> <strong>and</strong> <strong>Investment</strong> <strong>Magazine</strong> <strong>iconannual</strong> 121

Bezahlte Anzeige<br />

„Ich schlafe wie ein Baby und<br />

wache jeden Morgen wie neugeboren<br />

auf“, so Elke Winkens.<br />

„Aurelia“<br />

Naturlich<br />

Schlafen<br />

V.r.n.l Matus Kukla, Elke Winkens, Herbert Kaiser Geschäftsführer<br />

Kaiser & Partner Immobilien – Kooperationspartner<br />

von Saffron Wien<br />

Fotos: Saffron<br />

Ganz im Zeichen der Natur, neben der großten ,,vertikalen Garten Mauer" Europas.<br />

Seit zwei Jahren hat Saffron in<br />

dem vom Star-Architekt 
Jean<br />

Nouvel entworfenen 75 Meter<br />

hohen Designtower in Wien<br />

seine Pforten geöffnet und bietet<br />

h<strong>and</strong>gefertigte Betten nach Maß im<br />

Kontinentalstil. Die Konzentration<br />

liegt bei der Verarbeitung der hochwertigsten<br />

natürlichen Materialien,<br />

wie Kaschmir, Rosshaar, Wolle,<br />

Baum wolle, Naturkautschuk und<br />

schwedi scher Kiefer.<br />

Saffron war bei der jahrelangen<br />

Entwicklung der Betten auf der Suche<br />

nach den besten Materialien.<br />

„Das Zusammenwirken dieser unterschiedlichen,<br />

natürlichen Materialien<br />

bietet dem Körper eine optimale<br />

Vorrausetzung für einen erholsamen,<br />

revitalisierenden Schlaf“, so Geschäftsführer<br />

Matus Kukla. Die Bettenmanufaktur<br />

Saffron möchte den<br />

Menschen die Wichtig keit und vor<br />

allem die Vorteile für die Gesundheit,<br />

der Kontinentalbetten näher bringen.<br />

Immer mehr Menschen klagen über<br />

Einschlafprobleme und Rückenschmerzen<br />

am Morgen. Auch Elke<br />

Winkens gehörte einst dazu. „Seitdem<br />

meine Rückenprobleme und<br />

Schmerzen immer größer wurden<br />

und ich mich jeden Morgen nur mehr<br />

erschöpft gefühlt habe, brauchte ich<br />

ein neues Bett. Bei Saffron wurde<br />

ich schnell fündig. Schon nach 15<br />

Minuten Probeliegen wusste ich,<br />

das ist es.“ Elke Winkens lachend:<br />

„Das Bett „Authentica“ wurde für<br />

mich gemacht. Meine Spezialwünsche<br />

wurden erfüllt und an meine<br />

Rückschmerzen kann ich mich so<br />

gut wie kaum erinnern.“<br />

Maßgeschneiderte<br />

manuelle Anfertigung<br />

gen und speziellen Bedürfnissen des<br />

Kunden gebaut werden und ist somit<br />

ein individuelles Einzelstück.<br />

Das Bett atmet<br />

Die natürlichen, umweltfreundlichen<br />

Materialien verhindern die<br />

Bildung einer feuchten Umgebung<br />

in den Matratzen und halten das<br />

Boxspringbett trocken. Verglichen<br />

mit synthetischen Materialien verhindern<br />

diese das Entstehen eines<br />

für Schimmel, Bakterien und Milben<br />

günstigen Klimas. Die im Bett verarbeiteten<br />

Rosshaare dienen nicht nur<br />

zur Polsterung der Federkernsysteme<br />

sondern fungieren wie eine Klimaanlage<br />

und leiten die über Nacht entstehende<br />

Körperflüssigkeit ab – das Bett<br />

bleibt dadurch stets angenehm kühl.<br />

Saffron ist überzeugt, dass tatsächlich<br />

nur durch solide manuelle<br />

Fertigung in tradierter H<strong>and</strong>arbeit<br />

höchste Qualität sichergestellt werden<br />

kann. Jedes Bett kann daher<br />

auch exakt nach den Anforderunwww.saffronbeds.com<br />

Saffron – Stilwerk<br />

Praterstrasse 1, 1020 Wien

eurobr<strong>and</strong> is the exclusive valuation partner of <strong>European</strong><br />

Br<strong>and</strong> Institute with two decades of proven experience<br />

in the field of br<strong>and</strong> <strong>and</strong> IP valuation.<br />

We are Europe’s number one address for innovative,<br />

tailor made structures in the areas of corporate finance,<br />

balance sheet activation of br<strong>and</strong>s & IP <strong>and</strong> increasing<br />

br<strong>and</strong> & IP efficiency.<br />

In building br<strong>and</strong>- <strong>and</strong> IP-oriented company structures,<br />

eurobr<strong>and</strong> supports the <strong>European</strong> economy <strong>and</strong> guides<br />

also small <strong>and</strong> medium-sized companies to maximize<br />

br<strong>and</strong> & IP value <strong>and</strong> sustainability.<br />

eurobr<strong>and</strong> proves <strong>and</strong> enlarges its competence<br />

continuously through independent br<strong>and</strong> & IP valuation<br />

<strong>and</strong> research <strong>and</strong> its contribution to national <strong>and</strong><br />

international st<strong>and</strong>ardization.<br />

the independent br<strong>and</strong> & patent<br />

valuation experts <strong>and</strong><br />

consultancy<br />

Br<strong>and</strong> & IP license valuation<br />

Br<strong>and</strong> & IP Valuation & reports<br />

Br<strong>and</strong> & IP balance sheet activation<br />

Value optimized organizational structures<br />

Global benchmarking database in all industries<br />

www.eurobr<strong>and</strong>.cc<br />

GLOBAL TOP 100<br />


YOUR HUB<br />


Cargo H<strong>and</strong>ling • Warehousing/Logistics • Car Terminal<br />

WienCont/Container Terminal • Customs/Transport<br />

Property Management • Marina Wien/Passenger Shipping<br />



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