Two new species of Dictyota - Phycology Research Group, Ghent ...

Two new species of Dictyota - Phycology Research Group, Ghent ...

Two new species of Dictyota - Phycology Research Group, Ghent ...


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Phycologia (1999) Volume 38 (3), 184-194 Published 16 August 1999<br />

<strong>Two</strong> <strong>new</strong> <strong>species</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Dictyota</strong> (<strong>Dictyota</strong>les, Phaeophyta) from the<br />

Indo-Malayan region<br />


Laboratory <strong>of</strong> Botany, University <strong>of</strong> Gent, K.L. Ledeganckstraat 35, 9000 Gent, Belgium<br />

O. DE CLERCK AND E. COPPEJANS. 1999. <strong>Two</strong> <strong>new</strong> <strong>species</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Dictyota</strong> (<strong>Dictyota</strong>les, Phaeophyta) fram the Indo-Malayan<br />

region. Phycologia 38: 184-194.<br />

<strong>Two</strong> <strong>new</strong> <strong>species</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Dictyota</strong> (<strong>Dictyota</strong>les, Phaeophyta) are described fram the Indian Ocean, Indonesia, and Papua New<br />

Guinea. <strong>Dictyota</strong> grossedentata is a pracumbent <strong>species</strong> with large, irregularly placed marginal teeth, differing from aH other<br />

prastrate <strong>species</strong> by its stout habit and conspicuous dentation. <strong>Dictyota</strong> grossedentata differs from other <strong>species</strong> characterized<br />

by dentate margins by its prastrate habit and by the lack <strong>of</strong> a single, conspicuous stupose base. <strong>Dictyota</strong> rigida is a stiff,<br />

completely erect <strong>species</strong> with a single point <strong>of</strong> attachment. Because <strong>of</strong> its stiff texture, it resembles D. jastigiata Sonder<br />

and D. suhrii Murray but differs by its uni1ayered meduHa. <strong>Dictyota</strong> rigida also is compared with the other slender taxa.<br />

Taxonomic prablems <strong>of</strong> the genus, such as substantial morphological variation and a lack <strong>of</strong> clearly discriminating characters,<br />

are considered.<br />


Species <strong>of</strong> <strong>Dictyota</strong> are cornmon components <strong>of</strong> tropical and<br />

subtropical marine fioras, but many <strong>species</strong> lack easily defined<br />

presence-absence characters and demonstrate substantial morphological<br />

variability [e.g. <strong>Dictyota</strong> dichotoma (Hudson) Lamouroux].<br />

These problems have hampered taxonomic and fioristic<br />

studies over the past two centuries. The lack <strong>of</strong> understanding<br />

<strong>of</strong> the variability <strong>of</strong> vegetative characters has resulted<br />

in developmental and morphological forms being described as<br />

different <strong>species</strong> (Phillips 1992). With the work <strong>of</strong> Weber­<br />

Peukert (1985), Hornig & Schnetter (1988), and Hornig et al.<br />

(1992a, 1992b), taxonomists again showed an interest in the<br />

genus, culminating in a revision <strong>of</strong> the north Atlantic Ocean<br />

<strong>species</strong>. Phillips (1992) made a detailed study <strong>of</strong> the Australian<br />

representatives <strong>of</strong> the genus Dilophus. These studies have<br />

led to a better understanding <strong>of</strong> the morphological variability<br />

<strong>of</strong> the characters within this group and their proper application<br />

in distinguishing <strong>species</strong>. Weber-Peukert (1985) emphasized<br />

the use <strong>of</strong> cell dimensions and ratios <strong>of</strong> dimensions to distinguish<br />

certain <strong>species</strong>. All <strong>species</strong> <strong>of</strong> the genus have a single<br />

meristematic apical cell, and vegetative cells do not undergo<br />

further division once the final strap dimensions are reached in<br />

the subapical regions. Hence, elongation <strong>of</strong> the interdichotomies<br />

is exclusively the result <strong>of</strong> cell elongation. For this reason,<br />

cell sizes could represent a good taxonomic character in<br />

mature parts <strong>of</strong> the thallus. Phillips (1992) proved the value<br />

<strong>of</strong> the number <strong>of</strong> sporangial stalk cells, the diameter <strong>of</strong> the<br />

divided sporangium, and the size <strong>of</strong> the spores as taxonomic<br />

characters. The number <strong>of</strong> sporangial stalk cells was especially<br />

useful for discriminating among notoriously difficult<br />

<strong>species</strong> [e.g. D. fastigiata Sonder and D. gunniana (J. Agardh)<br />

Hornig, Schnetter et Prud'homme van Reine]. De Clerck &<br />

Coppejans (1997a, 1997b) gave these <strong>new</strong> systematic insights<br />

a more stable nomenclatural basis after the study <strong>of</strong> several<br />

* Correspondence and requests for reprints should go to this author.<br />

E-mail: olivier.declerck@rug.ac.be<br />

type collections (Herb. Agardh, LD; Herb. Kützing, L; Herb.<br />

Lamouroux, CN; Herb. Sonder, MEL).<br />

The concept <strong>of</strong> <strong>Dictyota</strong> used in this paper is that <strong>of</strong> Hornig<br />

et al. (1992a), which includes <strong>species</strong> characterized by a single<br />

lenticular, transversely orientated apical cell and a parenchymatous<br />

thallus composed <strong>of</strong> a cortex and a medulla. The<br />

number <strong>of</strong> medullary layers shows considerable variation between<br />

the <strong>species</strong>. Sorne <strong>species</strong> may consist entirely <strong>of</strong> a<br />

unilayered or multilayered medulla, whereas in other <strong>species</strong>,<br />

a multilayered medulla is restricted to the base, the stoloniferous<br />

holdfasts, or the thallus margins. In the past, taxa with<br />

a multilayered medulla were referred to the genus Dilophus.<br />

However, numerous <strong>species</strong> were difficult to assign to either<br />

<strong>Dictyota</strong> or Dilophus because <strong>of</strong> the presence <strong>of</strong> a multilayered<br />

medulla in a specific part <strong>of</strong> the thallus (e.g. stoloniferous<br />

holdfasts) or sporadic duplications <strong>of</strong> medullary cells (Setchell<br />

& Gardner 1925; Dawson 1950). Eventually, both genera were<br />

merged, based on culture experiments demonstrating that the<br />

number <strong>of</strong> medullary layers can be altered in many <strong>species</strong><br />

depending on the culture conditions (Hornig et al. 1992a).<br />

Phillips (1992) stated that Dilophus should be merged with<br />

<strong>Dictyota</strong> based on morphological and reproductive characters<br />

but preferred to retain Dilophus as a separate genus until the<br />

taxonomy <strong>of</strong> <strong>Dictyota</strong> was clarified.<br />

Silva et al. (1996) include Dilophus in <strong>Dictyota</strong> and list a<br />

total <strong>of</strong> 35 previously reported <strong>species</strong> for the Indian Ocean;<br />

many <strong>of</strong> these may be nothing more than misapplied names.<br />

Most publications on <strong>Dictyota</strong> from this region provide short,<br />

uninformative descriptions without indication <strong>of</strong> voucher<br />

specimens. The only detailed accounts for the Indian Ocean<br />

were by Jaasund (1970) who recognized nine <strong>species</strong> for Tanzania,<br />

Womersley (1987) who listed many collections from<br />

the west coast <strong>of</strong> Australia, and Phillips (1992) on Australian<br />

<strong>species</strong> characterized by a multilayered medulla. The first author<br />

<strong>of</strong> this paper has prepared a revision <strong>of</strong> the genus in the<br />

Indian Ocean based on a morphological-anatomical analysis<br />

<strong>of</strong> all representatives combined with molecular data <strong>of</strong> certain<br />


De Clerck & Coppejans: <strong>Two</strong> <strong>new</strong> <strong>species</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Dictyota</strong> 185<br />

2<br />

1 cm<br />

-<br />

Figs 1-4. External morphology <strong>of</strong> <strong>Dictyota</strong> grossedentata.<br />

Fig. 1. Holotype <strong>of</strong> D. grossedentata (HEC 12060) from Tanzania.<br />

Fig. 2. Habit <strong>of</strong> a broad specimen from Papua New Guinea (ODC 252).<br />

Fig. 3. Detail <strong>of</strong> an interdichotomy with sporangia and marginal teeth (ODC 252).<br />

Fig. 4. Detail <strong>of</strong> an apical segment with lateral patches <strong>of</strong> rhizoids and rounded apices (ODC 252).<br />

<strong>species</strong> (De Clerck 1999). This revision has lead to the recognition<br />

<strong>of</strong> 23 <strong>species</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Dictyota</strong> for the Indian Ocean. <strong>Two</strong><br />

<strong>species</strong> are <strong>new</strong> to science and are presented in this papero<br />


The specimens were collected by SCDBA or snorkeling during<br />

several collecting trips in the Indian Ocean, Indonesia, and<br />

Papua New Guinea since 1980. Material was prepared as herbarium<br />

specimens or preserved in 4% formalin/seawater.<br />

Vouchers are lodged in GENT. Resin-embedded material was<br />

used for transverse sections. Small pieces <strong>of</strong> thallus were dehydrated<br />

in alcohol using 20% increments and subsequently<br />

infiltrated with Technovit 7100. Sections were cut on a Reichert-Jung<br />

Autocut 2040 microtome, mounted on Vectabond<br />

slides and stained with toluidine blue O.<br />

The morphological data are the result <strong>of</strong> an extensive morphometric<br />

analysis. Length and width <strong>of</strong> the interdichotomies,<br />

the part <strong>of</strong> the thallus between two successive dichotomies,<br />

were measured up to 0.5 mm. Approximately five to 25 interdichotomies<br />

were measured per specimen. This procedure<br />

was repeated for each specimen listed. From the combined<br />

data, minimum and maximum sizes were determined as well<br />

as the 95% confidence limits. For each specimen, the width<br />

and length <strong>of</strong> 50 cortical and medullary cells were measured<br />

from surface view <strong>of</strong> an interdichotomy situated well below<br />

the apex. Minimum and maximum sizes and the 95% confidence<br />

limits were determined in a way similar to that used<br />

for interdichotomies. The height <strong>of</strong> cortical and medullary<br />

cells was measured from transverse sections. The diameter <strong>of</strong><br />

the sporangia and the size <strong>of</strong> the gametangia were measured<br />

from surface view.<br />


<strong>Dictyota</strong> grossedentata De Clerck et Coppejans sp. nov.<br />

Figs 1-9<br />

DIAGNOSIS: Planta ad 3-6 cm langa, prostrata, valde crispata; pagina<br />

inferiore rhizoideis ad substratum adhaerenti, sine baside conspicua;<br />

ramificatio regulariter dichotoma, angulis (60-)80(-90t; segmenta<br />

latitudine constanti, interdum basin versus paulo angustata: (5.5-)<br />

8.3-9.6(-13.0) mm langa, (1.8-)3.3-4.5(-7.3) mm lata, ratione:<br />

(2.1-)2.3-2.8(-3.6); apicibus rotundatis ad obtusis; marginibus<br />

grosse dentatis; dentibus triangularibus, non directus apicem versus;<br />

color fuscus, iridescens; cortex monostromaticus, cellulis (17-)43­<br />

46(-77) j.Lm longis, (12-)23-25(-41) j.Lm latis, ratione: (1.6-)1.8­<br />

2.0(-2.2), et (20-)21-25(-28) j.Lm altis; medulla ubique monostromatica,<br />

cellulis (53-)199-211(-312) j.Lm longis, (98-)127-138<br />

(-230) j.Lm latis, ratione: (1.4-)1.5-1.6(-1.7), ad 390 j.Lm altis; te-

186 Phycologia, Vol. 38 (3), 1999<br />

trasporangia in tota pagina superiore dispersa, sine cellulis involucralibus,<br />

ad 95-120 fLm diametra; antheridia in tota pagina superiore,<br />

in soris disposita, sori 3-4 seriebus paraphysium unicellularum<br />

circumcincti, antheridia 50 f.Lm alta, 24 f.Lm lata; oogonia observata<br />

unica immatura.<br />

Thalli 3-6 cm long, prostrate, very crisp; attached by means<br />

<strong>of</strong> patches <strong>of</strong> rhizoids wherever the thallus is in contact with<br />

the substrate, lacking a conspicuous base; branching regularly<br />

dichotomous, in a single plane, angle (60-)80(-90t; interdichotomies<br />

<strong>of</strong> constant width, sometimes slightly tapering toward<br />

the base: (5.5-)8.3-9.6(-13.0) mm long, (1.8-)3.3-4.5<br />

(-7.3) mm wide, ratio: (2.1-)2.3-2.8(-3.6); apices rounded to<br />

obtuse; margins coarsely dentate; teeth triangular and not apically<br />

directed; color brown, iridescent; cortex unilayered, cells<br />

(17-)43-46(-77) /-Lm long, (12-)23-25(-41) f.Lm wide, ratio:<br />

(1.6-)1.8-2.0(-2.2), and (20-)21-25(-28) f.Lm high; medulla<br />

unilayered throughout the whole thallus, cells (53-)199-211<br />

(-312) f.Lm long, (98-)127-138(-230) /-Lm wide, ratio<br />

(1.4-)1.5-1.6(-1.7), to 390 f.Lm high; tetrasporangia exclusively<br />

on the upper surface <strong>of</strong> the thallus, not grouped in sori,<br />

not surrounded by an involucrum, to 95-120 f.Lm in diameter;<br />

antheridia grouped in sori, sunounded by three or four rows<br />

<strong>of</strong> paraphyses, antheridia 50 /-Lm high, 24 f.Lm wide; oogonia<br />

only observed in an immature state.<br />

HOLOTYPE: Kombe South, Matemwe, Zanzibar, Tanzania,<br />

10-15 m, on vertical walls <strong>of</strong> coral heads, outer reef slope<br />

(Coppejans & Dargent, 26 July 1997; GENT HEC 12060)<br />

(Fig. 1).<br />

ETYMOLOGY: Named for the conspicuous, coarse marginal<br />

teeth.<br />

DISTRIBUTION AND HABITAT: Recorded from severallocalities<br />

in the Indian Ocean (Maldives, Sri Lanka, Tanzania), Indonesia,<br />

and Papua New Guinea. Usually growing on coral or<br />

algal turf in deep water on the outer reef slope, 5-25 m deep.<br />

Sorne specimens were collected in shallower water (0.5-3 m<br />

at low tide) and many <strong>of</strong> these were growing epiphytically.<br />

OTHER SPECIMENS EXAMINED: Maldives: Male Atoll, Bi Ya<br />

Doo, 0.5 m depth at low tide (Coppejans, 7 April 1986; HEC<br />

6164); Tari Atoll, Ellaidho, 20-30 m (Coppejans, 16 January<br />

1999; HEC 12563). Papua New Guinea, Port Moresby area:<br />

Bootless Inlet, Osborne Point, 1 m (De Clerck & Coppejans,<br />

2 August 1994; ODC 271); Loloata Island, 10 m (De Clerck<br />

& Coppejans, 27 July 1994; ODC 237); Loloata Island, 10 m<br />

(De Clerck & Coppejans, 31 July 1994; ODC 261); Loloata<br />

Island, 5-14 m (De Clerck & Coppejans, 4 August 1994;<br />

ODC 278); Motupore Island, 1-3 m (Coppejans, 5 Ju1y 1986;<br />

HEC 6307); Motupore Island, 7 m (De Clerck & Coppejans,<br />

19 July 1994; ODC 212); Patch reef E <strong>of</strong> Loloata Island, 7 m<br />

(De Clerck & Coppejans, 29 July 1994; ODC 252); South<br />

Patch Reef, 5-25 m (De Clerck & Coppejans, 28 July 1994;<br />

ODC 244). Sri Lanka: Negombo, coral reef, 25 m (Coppejans,<br />

29 January 1997; HEC 11858). Tanzania: Zanzibar, Chumbe<br />

Island, 10 m (De Clerck & Coppejans, 5 September 94; ODC<br />

367). Indonesia: Selayar (Coppejans, Prud'homme van Reine<br />

& Heijs, 28-29 September 1984; Snellius-II 11554C).<br />

THALLUS STRUCTURE: Plants are procumbent and grow mainly<br />

on algal turf or coral branches. Thalli are crisp and exhibit<br />

a vivid greyish blue iridescence in situ. The iridescence is not<br />

evenly dispersed over the whole thallus surface but forms a<br />

banded pattern <strong>of</strong> narrow transverse lines. Upon drying, the<br />

color changes from medium brown to chestnut brown. The<br />

exact size <strong>of</strong> the thallus is difficult to assess because <strong>of</strong> the<br />

prostrate habit but is generally 3-6 cm long. Branching is in<br />

a single plane and regularly dichotomous. Only when the<br />

growth <strong>of</strong> the thallus is physically hindered by the substrate<br />

or when the plant is damaged will the outline <strong>of</strong> the thallus<br />

become inegular. In such cases marginal teeth will form proliferations<br />

that grow into <strong>new</strong> straps. The width <strong>of</strong> the straps<br />

is almost uniform from the apical to the basal parts, but may<br />

vary between specimens. The nanowest specimen (ODC 252)<br />

is only 2 mm wide; an exceptionally broad specimen (Fig. 2)<br />

(HEC 6307) is up to 7.5 mm wide, but the average is between<br />

3.3 and 4.5 mm. The average length <strong>of</strong> the interdichotomies<br />

is more constant, most <strong>of</strong> the interdichotomies being between<br />

8.3 and 9.6 mm long. The combination <strong>of</strong> a variable width<br />

and a more constant length <strong>of</strong> the interdichotomies results in<br />

a rather variable length : width ratio <strong>of</strong> 2.3-2.8, with extremes<br />

<strong>of</strong> 2.1 and 3.6 in very broad and narrow thalli, respectively.<br />

The shape <strong>of</strong> the apices (Fig. 4) also differs between nanow<br />

and broad specimens, being rounded in the former and more<br />

obtuse in the latter. Teeth are strongly developed along the<br />

apical interdichotomies. Toward the lower parts <strong>of</strong> the thallus,<br />

the dentation is less conspicuous or even absent. Teeth are<br />

broadly triangular (c. 700 f.Lm wide at the base, 320 f.Lm high)<br />

and not apically directed (Fig. 3). A transverse section <strong>of</strong> the<br />

thallus reveals a typical <strong>Dictyota</strong> structure composed <strong>of</strong> a unilayered<br />

cortex sunounding a unilayered medulla (Figs 5, 6).<br />

The cortex cells are rather thick-walled and possess a conspicuous<br />

belt-like thickening running around the cell pm:allel<br />

to the thallus surface (Fig. 7). Although present in all <strong>Dictyota</strong><br />

<strong>species</strong>, these thickenings are rarely as pronounced as in D.<br />

grossedentata. Medullary cells are large compared to those <strong>of</strong><br />

other <strong>species</strong> <strong>of</strong> similar habit size, being 199-211 /-Lm long,<br />

127-138 /-Lm wide, and up to 390 f.Lm high near the basal<br />

parts <strong>of</strong> the thallus. Sporangia only develop from the upper<br />

surface, which is typical <strong>of</strong> prostrate <strong>species</strong>. They are mainly<br />

dispersed over the middle and lower parts <strong>of</strong> the thallus, leaving<br />

a nanow sterile band near the margins. The apical and<br />

subapical interdichotomies are generally devoid <strong>of</strong> sporangia.<br />

Sporangia are not grouped in sori, are borne on a single stalk<br />

cell, and lack an involucrum (Fig. 8). Mature sporangia are<br />

up to 95-120 f.Lm in diameter. A single male herbarium specimen<br />

was found (ODC 244), embedded and sectioned. Sori <strong>of</strong><br />

antheridia are distributed evenly over the upper thallus surface<br />

and measure 280-450 f.Lm long and 155-230 f.Lm wide (Fig.<br />

9). Adjacent sori generally do not fuse. Each sorus contains<br />

lOto 25 antheridia and is sunounded by three or four rows<br />

<strong>of</strong> unicellular paraphyses, which are approximately as long as<br />

the antheridia. Antheridia are 50 f.Lm high and 24 f.Lm wide.<br />

A single young female gametophyte (ODC 237) was observed,<br />

the dimensions <strong>of</strong> its sori and oogonia were not representative<br />

because <strong>of</strong> the thallus' irnmaturity. Each sorus contained<br />

15-25 oogonia ananged in longitudinal lines.<br />

REMARKS: The most conspicuous characters defining D.<br />

grossedentata are the dentate margin, the shape <strong>of</strong> the teeth,<br />

and the prostrate habito The combination <strong>of</strong> these characters<br />

makes this <strong>species</strong> clearly distinct from all other dentate <strong>species</strong>,<br />

such as D. ciliolata Sonder ex Kützing, D. crenulata J.<br />

Agardh, D. hauckiana Nizamuddin, and D. spinulosa Harvey.<br />

Besides the fact that all these <strong>species</strong> are characterized by an<br />

exclusively erect thallus having a single point <strong>of</strong> attachment,<br />

other characters help to distinguish them from D. grosseden-

De Clerck & Coppejans: <strong>Two</strong> <strong>new</strong> <strong>species</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Dictyota</strong> 187<br />

---<br />

50 IJm<br />

9<br />

Figs 5-9. Anatomy <strong>of</strong> <strong>Dictyota</strong> grossedentata.<br />

Fig. 5. Transverse section showing medullary and cortical cells (REC 10260).<br />

Fig. 6. Transverse section <strong>of</strong> the margin (ODC 271).<br />

Fig. 7. Detail <strong>of</strong> the belt-like thickenings <strong>of</strong> the cortical cells (ODC 271).<br />

Fig. 8. Transverse section <strong>of</strong> a sporangium (ODC 271).<br />

Fig. 9. Transverse section <strong>of</strong> a male antheridial sorus, with sUlTounding paraphyses (ODC 244).<br />

tata (Table 1). <strong>Dictyota</strong> hauckiana Nizamuddin, a <strong>species</strong> endemic<br />

to the northem Indian Ocean (Bangladesh, Burma, India,<br />

Pakistan, and Sri Lanka), is up to 50 cm long, with conspicuous<br />

ciliate teeth directed toward the apices (Hauck 1884,<br />

as D. atomaria Hauck; B0rgesen 1932, as D. atomaria<br />

Hauck). Whereas the teeth <strong>of</strong> D. grossedentata are up to 320<br />

/Lm long, teeth <strong>of</strong> D. hauckiana reach a length <strong>of</strong> 2-3 mm.<br />

Furthermore, sporangia <strong>of</strong> D. hauckiana are grouped in small<br />

sori containing four to eight sporangia. Besides marginal<br />

teeth, D. spinulosa, a <strong>species</strong> from southem Japan (Harvey in<br />

Hooker & Amott 1838), also contains spinose surface proliferations<br />

(Kützing 1859; Okamura 1915). This character makes<br />

D. spinulosa distinct from the other dentate <strong>Dictyota</strong> <strong>species</strong>.<br />

The marginal teeth <strong>of</strong> D. crenulata are somewhat similar to<br />

those <strong>of</strong> D. grossedentata, but the former is characterized by<br />

a multilayered medulla near the stupose base (Nizamuddin &<br />

Gerl<strong>of</strong>f 1979, as Dil. crenulatus). <strong>Dictyota</strong> grossedentata has<br />

neither a stupose base nor a multilayered medulla. Furthermore,<br />

the apical dichotomies <strong>of</strong> D. crenulata are typically<br />

spathulate (Vickers 1908; Hornig et al. 1992b), which makes<br />

it distinct from both D. ciliolata and D. grossedentata. <strong>Dictyota</strong><br />

crenulata J. Agardh, a common <strong>species</strong> in the Atlantic<br />

Ocean and the Pacific coast <strong>of</strong> Central America, has been<br />

reported a few times from Sri Lanka but is probably not present<br />

in the Indian Ocean. The record dates back to a D. ciliolata<br />

specimen collected by Ferguson (Ferguson's Algae<br />

Ceylonensis No. 428), identified by Grunow as D. crenulata<br />

and reported by MUITay (1887). Despite the examination <strong>of</strong><br />

both recent and historical collections, no D. crenulata specimens<br />

from Sri Lanka were identified. The <strong>species</strong> has also<br />

been recorded from the Hawaiian Archipelago (Neil 1930;<br />

Buggeln 1965), but every herbmium specimen identified as<br />

D. crenulata from that region proved to belong to D. sandvicensis<br />

Sonder ex Kützing, which is easily distinguished by<br />

its spathulate marginal proliferations. Verheij & Prud'homme<br />

van Reine (1993) reported D. crenulata from Indonesia, but<br />

all voucher specimens in L belong to other <strong>species</strong>: D. bartayresiana<br />

Lamouroux, D. cervicornis Kützing, and D. ciliolata.<br />

Apmt from its erect habit and the presence <strong>of</strong> a stupose<br />

base, D. ciliolata is clearly distinct from D. grossedentata by<br />

its gross morphology. The most conspicuous difference is the<br />

thallus length. <strong>Dictyota</strong> ciliolata is (8-)12-20(-30) cm long,<br />

whereas specimens <strong>of</strong> D. grossedentata are 3-6 cm long. The<br />

divarication angle <strong>of</strong> D. ciliolata (30-50°) is also smaller than<br />

that <strong>of</strong> D. grossedentata (60-90°). The dentation <strong>of</strong> D. ciliolata<br />

is variable, <strong>of</strong>ten within a single thallus, ranging from<br />

microscopic teeth to being conspicuously ciliate. Dentation in<br />

D. grossedentata is invariable and never absent or ciliate. <strong>Dictyota</strong><br />

serrulata Lamouroux (1809), another dentate <strong>species</strong><br />

that was described from the Indian Ocean but neglected ever<br />

since, remains problematic. Unfortunately the holotype (CN<br />

C7F73) is fragmentary; therefore, an accurate identification<br />

remains extremely difficult. <strong>Dictyota</strong> serrulata could be conspecific<br />

with either D. ciliolata or D. crenulata, and a proposal<br />

for rejection is being considered.<br />

<strong>Dictyota</strong> grossedentata also resembles two other prostrate<br />

<strong>species</strong>, D. friabilis Setchell and D. canaliculata De Clerck et<br />

Coppejans. These <strong>species</strong> share the same habitat, <strong>of</strong>ten growing<br />

together. However, D. grossedentata is easily distinguished<br />

by its dentation, which neither D. friabilis nor D.

Table 1. Comparison <strong>of</strong> D. grossedentata with <strong>species</strong> <strong>of</strong> similar morphology.<br />

D. ciliolata D. crenlllata D. grossedentata D. hallckiana D. spinlllosa D. canaliclllata D. friabilis<br />

"'c:l<br />

Size (8-)12-20(-30) cm (5-)8-14(-23) cm 3-6 cm 15-50 cm 10-15 cm 8-10 cm 3-5 cm ~<br />

("')<br />

Texture crisp crisp crisp supp1e unknown crisp supp1e<br />

c::><br />

Rabit erect erect prostrate erect erect prostrate to resupinate prostrate O-<br />

Apices rounded spathulate rounded to obtuse e10ngate and spathu- rounded rounded rounded Ocl<br />

·late<br />

JS'<br />

Dentation absent absent

De Clerck & Coppejans: <strong>Two</strong> <strong>new</strong> <strong>species</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Dictyota</strong> 189<br />

canaliculata possesses (Table 1). <strong>Dictyota</strong> friabilis occasionally<br />

forms marginal proliferations that may be misinterpreted<br />

as teeth in an early developmental stage. Moreover, specimens<br />

<strong>of</strong> D. friabilis grow in extremely dense mats with several<br />

overlapping layers, resulting in the characteristic jigsaw pattern<br />

(Setchell 1926). The branching pattern <strong>of</strong> D. grossedentata<br />

is more lax and regular. <strong>Dictyota</strong> canaliculata is another<br />

prostrate <strong>species</strong> that usually occurs in deeper water, but the<br />

margins are smooth and the straps grooved (De Clerck & Coppejans<br />

1997b). Iridescence has been demonstrated to be a variable<br />

character in several <strong>species</strong>. However, all specimens <strong>of</strong><br />

D. grossedentata exhibit a bluish grey iridescence in narrow,<br />

transverse bands. The iridescence in D. canaliculata is inconspicuous<br />

and evenly dispersed over the whole surface. Generally,<br />

D. friabilis is also evenly iridescent, but sometimes<br />

broad bands may occur. The latter <strong>species</strong> may also form<br />

small, noniridescent longitudinal stripes that are conspicuous<br />

in situ (Magruder & Hunt 1979). To avoid confusion, it should<br />

be pointed out that D. friabilis sensu Jaasund (1970) is a misapplied<br />

name for D. crispata Lamouroux. The specimens <strong>of</strong><br />

D. friabilis examined in the Herb. Jaasund (DSM Jaasund<br />

93A; BM Jaasund 63D and 93A) were all characterized by<br />

surface proliferations and involucrate spores, characters typical<br />

<strong>of</strong> D. crispata Lamouroux (De Clerck & Coppejans<br />

1997b). The holotype <strong>of</strong> D. friabilis (VC 261252) did not<br />

reveal any <strong>of</strong> these characters. From his description, it is clear<br />

that Jaasund misinterpreted D. friabilis specimens as young<br />

growth forms <strong>of</strong> D. crispata.<br />

'"d Q.)<br />

::1<br />

.S ¡:;:<br />

o<br />

U<br />

I<br />

o r-­<br />

\'1<br />

<strong>Dictyota</strong> rigida sp. nov. De Clerck et Coppejans sp. nov.<br />

Figs 10-17<br />

DIAGNOSIS: Planta ad 5-9 cm longa, erecta, rigida, non crispata; basis<br />

conspicua, circularis, parva; ramificatio regulariter dichotoma, angulis<br />

45-80°; segmenta latitudine constanti, interdum basin versus<br />

angustata, (5.5-)7.7-14.0(-18.5) mm longa, (1.5-)1.8-2.2(-2.6) mm<br />

lata, ratione: (2.8-)4.2-5.6(-7.2); apicibus rotundatis; marginibus<br />

laevibus; color fuscus, iridescens; cortex monostromaticus, cellulis<br />

(21-)27-30(-38) ¡.Lm longis, (11-)15-17(-24) ¡.Lm latis, ratione:<br />

(1.5-)1.7-1.8(-2.1), et (14-)16-19(-21) ¡.Lm altis; medulla ubique<br />

monostromatica, cellulis (98-)133-159(-185) ¡.Lm longis, (56-)72­<br />

87(-105) ¡.Lm latis, ratione: (1.5-)2.0-2.1(-2.4), ad 170 ¡.Lm altis;<br />

tetrasporangia in duo paginis, dispersa, sine cellulis involucralibus,<br />

ad 80-100 ¡.Lm diametra; antheridia et oogonia non vidi.<br />

Thallus up to 5-9 cm high, erect, stiff, not crisp; base a<br />

conspicuous small disc; branching regularly dichotomous, angle<br />

45-80°, interdichotomies <strong>of</strong> constant width, basal segment<br />

tapering toward the point <strong>of</strong> attachment, (5.5-)7.7-14.0(-18.5)<br />

mm long, (1.5-)1.8-2.2(-2.6) mm wide, ratio: (2.8-)4.2-5.6(­<br />

7.2); apices rounded; margins smooth; color brown, iridescent;<br />

cortex unilayered, cells (21-)27-30(-38) fJ-m long, (11-)15­<br />

17(-24) fJ-m wide, ratio: (1.5-)1.7-1.8(-2.1), and (14-)16­<br />

19(-21) fJ-m high; medulla unilayered throughout the whole<br />

thallus, cells (98-)133-159(-185) fJ-m long, (56-)72-87(-105)<br />

fJ-m wide, ratio: (1.5-)2.0-2.1(-2.4), to 170 fJ-m high; tetrasporangia<br />

on both surfaces <strong>of</strong> the thallus, not grouped in sori, not<br />

surrounded by an involucrum, 80-100 fJ-m in diameter; antheridia<br />

and oogonia not observed.<br />

HOLOTYPE: Kunduchi, Dar es Salaam, epiphytic on Thalassodendron<br />

stipes, 2.5 m deep (De Clerck & Coppejans, 17<br />

January 1996; GENT, ODC 460). (Fig. 10).<br />

ETYMOLOGY: Named for its stiff habit.

190 Phycologia, Vol. 38 (3), 1999<br />

10<br />

-<br />

1 cm<br />

10-17. Morphology and anatorny <strong>of</strong> <strong>Dictyota</strong> rigida.<br />

Fig. 10. Holotype <strong>of</strong> D. rigida (OOC 460) from Tanzania.<br />

Fig. 11. Oetail <strong>of</strong> the stupose base (OOC 460).<br />

Fig. 12. Detail <strong>of</strong> an interdichotorny with sporangia (OOC 399).<br />

Fig. 13. Habit <strong>of</strong> a young specirnen (OOC 465).<br />

Fig. 14. Detail <strong>of</strong> the rounded apex (OOC 399).<br />

Fig. 15. Transverse section <strong>of</strong> a sporangium (OOC 460).<br />

Fig. 16. Transverse section showing rnedullary and cortical cells (OOC 460).<br />

Fig. 17. Transverse section showing young adjacent sporangia (OOC 460).<br />


De Clerek & Coppejans: <strong>Two</strong> <strong>new</strong> <strong>species</strong> <strong>of</strong> Dietyota 191<br />

DISTRIBUTION AND HABITAT: Recorded from two localities in<br />

Tanzania, the Kunduchi area near Dar es Salaam and Kiwengwa<br />

on the east coast <strong>of</strong> Zanzibar. Invariably found in the<br />

shallow water <strong>of</strong> the lagoon that separates the fringing reef<br />

from the beach. Growing epiphytically on the stipes <strong>of</strong> Thalassodendron<br />

ciliatum or epilithic on vertical walls <strong>of</strong> coral<br />

heads, 1-3 m.<br />

OTHER SPECIMENS EXAMINED: Tanzania: Dar es Salaam, Kunduchi,<br />

2-3 m (Coppejans & De Clerek, 3 January 1996; HEC<br />

11110); Dar es Salaam, Kunduchi, (De Clerek & Coppejans,<br />

4 January 1996; ODC 399); Dar es Salaam, Kunduchi, Mbudya<br />

Island, 3 m (De Clerek & Coppejans, 18 January 1996;<br />

ODC 465); Zanzibar, Kiwengwa, Cairo, 2 m (Coppejans &<br />

Dargent, 22 July 1997; HEC 11959).<br />

THALLUS STRUCTURE: Dietyota rigida is completely erect<br />

(Figs 10, 13), reaches a height <strong>of</strong> 5-9 cm, and is attached at<br />

a single, small rhizoidal disc (Fig. 11). Often several fronds<br />

arise from a single base. The thallus is stiff but not crisp, and<br />

the branches are regularly dichotomous. Young specimens<br />

(Fig. 13) are <strong>of</strong>ten fiabellate, whereas older specimens branch<br />

in all directions. The branching angle varies between 45 and<br />

80°. The interdichotomies, 7-14 mm long and 1.8-2.4 mm<br />

wide, are <strong>of</strong> constant width throughout the thallus, but the<br />

lowermost segment tapers toward the small basal holdfast.<br />

The width and length <strong>of</strong> the interdichotomies varies little, and<br />

the overall morphological aspect <strong>of</strong> the thallus is always clearly<br />

recognizable. Apices are rounded (Fig. 14) and the margins<br />

smooth (Fig. 12). The thallus in situ is medium brown and<br />

exhibits a vivid orangy iridescence in narrow, transverse<br />

stripes. Tetrasporangia develop from cortex cells and are distributed<br />

over both thallus surfaces (Fig. 12). In general, sporangia<br />

are not present in the apical straps, but are most common<br />

in the middle part <strong>of</strong> the thallus, leaving a sterile band<br />

along the margins. They are not surrounded by an involucrum<br />

and are borne on a single stalk cell (Figs 15, 17). They are<br />

80-100 /-lm in diameter. Although divided sporangia were observed<br />

frequently, antheridia and oogonia have not been<br />

found.<br />

REMARKS: In general appearance and externa! morphology,<br />

D. rigida closely resembles D. fastigiata Sonder from Australia<br />

and D. suhrii Murray from South Africa. However, both<br />

<strong>species</strong> are characterized by a multilayered medulla and were<br />

formerly placed in the genus Dilophus. Most <strong>of</strong> the Dietyota<br />

<strong>species</strong> characterized by a multilayered medulla are rather stiff<br />

compared to many unilayered <strong>species</strong>. Also, the presence <strong>of</strong><br />

a single holdfast is characteristic for (but not restricted to)<br />

many multilayered <strong>species</strong>. Nonetheless, a multilayered medulla<br />

has never been observed in D. rigida. Further characters<br />

separating D. rigida from D. fastigiata are the involucrum<br />

surrounding the sporangia and the presence <strong>of</strong> two sporangial<br />

stalk cells in the latter (Phillips 1992). Dietyota rigida is also<br />

somewhat similar to the South African D. suhrii Murray, but<br />

the latter possesses a multilayered medulla, forms terete stoloniferous<br />

holdfasts near the base, has wider straps (3-6 mm),<br />

more spathulate apical segments, and narrower divarication<br />

angles (30-50°). Furthermore, the sporangia <strong>of</strong> D. suhrii form<br />

block-like patches, separated from each other by a transverse<br />

sterile bando The sporangia <strong>of</strong> D. spiralis are arranged in a<br />

way similar to D. suhrii, but the multilayered medulla is restricted<br />

to the basal parts <strong>of</strong> the thallus and the stoloniferous<br />

holdfasts, whereas in D. suhrii, the medulla remains multilayered<br />

near the margins throughout the whole thallus.<br />

Few tropical <strong>species</strong> possess a single attachment point similar<br />

to that <strong>of</strong> D. rigida, the exceptions being those <strong>species</strong><br />

characterized by dentate margins (see Table 1). Most <strong>species</strong><br />

present along tropical coasts are either completely prostrate<br />

(D. adnata Zanardini, D. eanalieulata, D. friabilis, and D.<br />

grossedentata) or are at least attached at several points near<br />

the base or wherever the thallus is in contact with any substrate<br />

(D. bartayresiana Larnouroux, D. eellJieornis Kützing,<br />

D. eeylaniea Kützing, D. crispata Lamouroux, and D. humifusa<br />

Hornig, Schnetter et Coppejans) (personal observation).<br />

A third group <strong>of</strong> <strong>species</strong> is attached by means <strong>of</strong> stoloniferous<br />

holdfasts [D. fasciola (Roth) Lamouroux, D. radieans Harvey,<br />

D. stolonifera Dawson, and D. suhrii].<br />

Apart from the typical base and the stiff upright habit, D.<br />

rigida may superficially resemble D. eeylaniea Kützing, a<br />

very common <strong>species</strong> <strong>of</strong> the Indian Ocean. The concept <strong>of</strong> D.<br />

eeylaniea applied here is that <strong>of</strong> De Clerck & Coppejans<br />

(1997b) and includes the tropical Indo-Pacific specimens <strong>of</strong><br />

the D. diehotoma complex, which in the past <strong>of</strong>ten were referred<br />

to as D. divarieata Larnouroux. Dietyota eeylaniea is<br />

characterized by its straps, which are extremely variable in<br />

width and length. This variability is <strong>of</strong>ten noticeable within a<br />

single specimen and is refiected in a broad 95% confidence<br />

limit <strong>of</strong> the average width <strong>of</strong> the interdichotomies (Table 2).<br />

Although the interdichotomies <strong>of</strong> D. eeylaniea are generally<br />

shorter and less broad than those <strong>of</strong> D. rigida, a separation <strong>of</strong><br />

these taxa based on interdichotomy sizes is not possible because<br />

<strong>of</strong> the extreme variation in the morphology <strong>of</strong> D. eeylaniea.<br />

Narrow forms <strong>of</strong> D. eeylaniea-that is, forms <strong>of</strong> similar<br />

width to specimens <strong>of</strong> D. rigida-however, have typical<br />

acute apices with a surmounting apical cell. The apices <strong>of</strong> D.<br />

rigida are invariably rounded, and the apical cell is level with<br />

the surrounding cells (Fig. 14). Furthermore, the height <strong>of</strong> the<br />

medullary cells never exceeds 70 /-lm in D. eeylaniea, whereas<br />

in D. rigida these cells attain a height <strong>of</strong> 170 /-lm. The cortical<br />

cells are similar in width and length in both <strong>species</strong> but are<br />

somewhat higher in D. rigida than in D. eeylaniea (16-19 /-lm<br />

compared to 11-15 /-lm).<br />


The two <strong>species</strong> described in this paper fall completely within<br />

the limits <strong>of</strong> the genus Dietyota in its narrow sense, because<br />

neither <strong>of</strong> them exhibits a multilayered medulla in any pmt <strong>of</strong><br />

the thallus. They are distinguished from similar <strong>species</strong> by a<br />

combination <strong>of</strong> overall growth form, holdfast, sizes <strong>of</strong> the interdichotomies,<br />

and to a lesser extent, cell dimensions and<br />

reproductive characters. Recently, several authors investigated<br />

the use <strong>of</strong> certain hitherto neglected characters in the genus<br />

Dietyota. Phillips (1992), studying the Australian Dietyota<br />

<strong>species</strong> characterized by a multilayered medulla, emphasized<br />

the use <strong>of</strong> a combination <strong>of</strong> characters to delineate <strong>species</strong>:<br />

sporangial characters, the number <strong>of</strong> medullary layers, the surface<br />

morphology, and to a lesser extent, the garnetangial structure.<br />

The variation in these characters among temperate representatives<br />

<strong>of</strong> the genus, however, seems to be much more<br />

pronounced when compared to most tropical Dietyota <strong>species</strong>.<br />

Whereas Australian and South African <strong>species</strong> from temperate

192 Phycologia, Vol. 38 (3), 1999<br />

Table 2. Comparison <strong>of</strong> D. rigida with <strong>species</strong> <strong>of</strong> similar morphology.<br />

Size (cm)<br />

Texture<br />

Rabit<br />

Apices<br />

Margins and surface<br />

Interdichotomies<br />

1ength (mm)<br />

width (mm)<br />

ratio<br />

Cortical cells<br />

1ength (fLm)<br />

width (fLm)<br />

ratio<br />

height (fLm)<br />

Medullary cells<br />

1ayers<br />

1ength (fLm)<br />

width (fLm)<br />

ratio<br />

height (fLm)<br />

Iridescence<br />

Sporangia<br />

aggregation<br />

invo1ucrum<br />

sta1k cells<br />

diameter (fLm)<br />

Oogonia<br />

sori<br />

oogonia<br />

Antheridia<br />

sori (fLm)<br />

paraphyses<br />

antheridia<br />

Distribution<br />

References<br />

D. rigida D. ceylanica D. fastigiata D. su!zrii<br />

5-9 4-16 (4-)8-15(-30) (3-)5-9(-15)<br />

stiff not crisp supple stiff stiff<br />

erect, single point repent erect, stoloniferous erect, stoloniferous<br />

rounded acute to rounded rounded rounded<br />

smooth smooth smooth smooth<br />

(5.5-)7.7-14.0(-18) (1.0-)3.1-4.2(-11.0) (8.2-)16.5-28.9(-46) (5.2-)9.5-12.6(-20.5)<br />

(1.5-)1.8-2.2(-2.6) (0.3-)0.5-3.1 (-6.5) (1.5-)1.9-2.3(-3.2) (2.2-)3.0-4.3(-5.8)<br />

(2.8-)4.2-5.6(-7.2) (2.3-)3.1-4.9(-8.5) (4.1-)7.3-11.8(-17.2) (2.3-)2.8-3.3(-4.5)<br />

(21-)27-30(-38) (21-)33-39(-72) (15-)22-27(-50) (31-)48-51(-71)<br />

(11-)15-17(-24) (7-)15-17(-26) (12-)18-20(-25) (12-)15-17(-25)<br />

(1.5-)1.7-1.8(-2.1) (1.8-)2.1-2.4(-3.0) (0.8-)1.2-1.4(-1.9) (2.1-)2.9-3.2(-4.2)<br />

(14-) 16-19(-21) (12-) 14-15(-16) (13-)14-16(-18.0) (13-)15-18(-21)<br />

single single variable, 1-7 centrally, 1 centrally, 2-4 margin-<br />

4-7 marginally ally<br />

(98-) 133-159(-185) (38-)117-133(-292) (65-)89-100(-135) (65-)109-119(-156)<br />

(56-)72-87(-105) (29-)56-69(-146) (41-)56-60(-79) (45-)71-78(-107)<br />

(1.5-)2.0-2.1(-2.4) (1.3-)1.9-2.2(-2.5) (1.2-)1.5-1.7(-2.3) (1.4-)1.5-1.8(-3.1)<br />

(86-)125-155(-170) (41-)46-58(-72) (38-)45-62(-85) (56-)86-105(-130)<br />

orangy, narrow transverse absent to b1uish absent absent<br />

1ines<br />

solitary<br />

absent<br />

1<br />

80-100<br />

unknown<br />

unknown<br />

Tanzania<br />

solitary<br />

absent<br />

1<br />

90-120<br />

180-236 fLm wide, 288­<br />

345 fLm long, 12-58<br />

sporangia per sorus<br />

50-62 fLm high, 1 sta1k<br />

cell<br />

unknown<br />

Indo-Pacitic<br />

De C1erck (1999)<br />

solitary<br />

present<br />

2<br />

185-210<br />

160-500 fLm wide, 290­<br />

700 fLm long, 4-32<br />

sporangia per sorus<br />

140-165 fLm high, 1 sta1k<br />

cell<br />

280-1000 long, 250-500<br />

wide<br />

3-5 rows<br />

140 fLm high, 1 sta1k cell<br />

Australia<br />

Phillips (1992); De<br />

C1erck (1999)<br />

b1ock-1ike sori separated<br />

by a transverse steri1e<br />

band<br />

present<br />

1<br />

125-140<br />

unknown<br />

unknown<br />

South Africa<br />

Papenfuss (1940); De<br />

C1erck (1999)<br />

regions (e.g. D. fastigiata and D. suhrii) <strong>of</strong>ten exhibit differences<br />

in the number <strong>of</strong> medu1lary layers, surface morphology,<br />

the number <strong>of</strong> sporangial stalk ce1ls, the presence or absence<br />

<strong>of</strong> an involucrum, and the extent to which sporangia are united<br />

in sori, such variation is rarely seen among tropical lndian<br />

Ocean representatives <strong>of</strong> <strong>Dictyota</strong>. Of the tropical <strong>species</strong> discussed<br />

in this artic1e, only D. hauckiana and, to a lesser extent,<br />

D. crenulata have sporangia aggregated in sma1l sori;<br />

moreover, a1l <strong>species</strong> are characterized by noninvolucrate sporangia<br />

borne on a single stalk ce1l. For the tropical lndian<br />

Ocean, an involucrum surrounding the sporangia is present1y<br />

known only for D. cervicornis and D. crispata (Jaasund 1970;<br />

De Clerck & Coppejans 1997b).<br />

Sexual reproductive thalli are rare among the <strong>Dictyota</strong>les.<br />

Several suggestions have been put forward to explain the<br />

dominance <strong>of</strong> sporophytes over gametophytes (Mathieson<br />

1966; Barlotti 1971; Liddle 1971, 1972; A1lender 1977).<br />

Among the <strong>species</strong> discussed in this paper, gametangia are<br />

known only in a limited number <strong>of</strong> <strong>species</strong> (D. ceylanica, D.<br />

ciliolata, D. fastigiata, D. grossedentata, and D. hauckiana).<br />

Sizes <strong>of</strong> oogonial or antheridial sori and the number <strong>of</strong> 00­<br />

gonia or antheridia per sorus varied strongly within individual<br />

specimens. On the other hand, the amount <strong>of</strong> interspecific variation<br />

was sma1l, thus limiting the use <strong>of</strong> such characters to<br />

distinguish <strong>species</strong>. Phillips et al. (1990) and Phillips (1992)<br />

also observed no or little variation in the gametangial structure<br />

among several Australian <strong>Dictyota</strong> <strong>species</strong>. Unlike some other<br />

dictyotalean genera, Exallosorus, Lobophora, Homoeostrichus,<br />

and Zonaria, (Phillips & Clayton 1991; Phillips 1997;<br />

Phillips & Clayton 1997), the gametangial structure was fairly<br />

uniform among a1l <strong>species</strong> except D. rugulosa (as Dil. marginatus<br />

J. Agardh). Howevel~ the latter <strong>species</strong> was already<br />

c1early distinguished based on gross tha1lus morphology, surface<br />

structure, and sporangial stalk ce1ls. In this respect, the

De Clerck & Coppejans: <strong>Two</strong> <strong>new</strong> <strong>species</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Dictyota</strong> 193<br />

lack <strong>of</strong> gametophytes is not thought to hamper the taxonomy<br />

<strong>of</strong> the genus <strong>Dictyota</strong>.<br />

As stated by Weber-Peukert (1985) and Hornig et al.<br />

(1992b), cell sizes and their ratios could represent a good<br />

character to define and discriminate <strong>species</strong>. However, the interspecific<br />

variation <strong>of</strong> cortical and medullary cells is limited.<br />

C0l1ical and medullary cells exhibit a broad range in their<br />

sizes within a single thallus, which is reflected in the difference<br />

between the absolute minimum and maximum values.<br />

Therefore, 95% confidence intervals are more robust, but a<br />

huge number <strong>of</strong> cells should be measured to obtain representative<br />

values. In terms <strong>of</strong> confidence intervals, cortical cells<br />

are generally between 20 and 60 /-Lm long and 19-30 /-Lm<br />

broad. Medullary cells exhibit larger differences between <strong>species</strong><br />

(50-500 /-Lm long and 50-150 /-Lm broad), but the variation<br />

within a single specimen is also much larger. In sorne<br />

cases cell dimensions can represent a valuable character to<br />

distinguish <strong>species</strong>, but certain taxa (e.g. D. crispata and D.<br />

bartayresiana), which are distinct on the basis <strong>of</strong> morphological<br />

and reproductive characters, cannot be separated statistically<br />

by cell sizes (Hornig et al. 1992b, as D. bartayresiana<br />

and D. neglecta, respectively). Furthermore, Weber-Peukert<br />

(1985) did not investigate the amount <strong>of</strong> intraspecific variation.<br />

Cornhaire (1998) shows a clear relationship between the<br />

width and length <strong>of</strong> the interdichotomies and the width and<br />

length <strong>of</strong> the c011ical and medullary cells in the extremely<br />

valiable D. dichotoma along the European coasts. This lowers<br />

the taxonomic value <strong>of</strong> the cell sizes, especially in <strong>species</strong><br />

subject to considerable morphological variation.<br />

A morphological character that has been undemtilized is<br />

the means <strong>of</strong> attachment. Most tropical <strong>species</strong> have several<br />

points <strong>of</strong> attachment, which may be restricted to the basal<br />

parts <strong>of</strong> the thallus or occur from the basal to the apical parts.<br />

In the first case, this results in an ascendant thallus, lacking a<br />

well-defined base (e.g. D. alternifida J. Agardh, D. bartayresiana<br />

Lamouroux, D. cervicornis, D. ceylanica, D. crispata,<br />

D. dumosa B0rgesen, and D. humifusa Hornig, Schnetter et<br />

Coppejans). The relative dominance <strong>of</strong> the prostrate part <strong>of</strong><br />

the thallus ayer the erect pm1 is subject to substantial vm-iation.<br />

Specimens <strong>of</strong> D. bartayresiana, D. ceylanica, D. crispata,<br />

and D. cervicornis <strong>of</strong>ten have a prostrate growth phase,<br />

which, depending on the ecological conditions, may be dominant<br />

01' nearly absent. Specimens growing epiphytically on<br />

stipes <strong>of</strong> seagrasses lack an obvious prostrate base, whereas<br />

specimens growing on surf-exposed reef flats <strong>of</strong>ten possess an<br />

elaborate prostrate base with only a limited number <strong>of</strong> erect<br />

straps. Similar variation in growth forms, related to ecological<br />

conditions, has been described for other algae, e.g. Hypnea<br />

spinella (e. Agm"dh) Kützing and H. cervicornis J. Agardh<br />

(Haroun & Pmd'hornme van Reine 1993). Other <strong>species</strong> are<br />

always completely prostrate (e.g. D. adnata, D. canaliculata,<br />

D. friabilis, and D. grossedentata) and are attached by patches<br />

<strong>of</strong> rhizoids occuning ayer the complete length <strong>of</strong> the thallus.<br />

In yet another group <strong>of</strong> <strong>species</strong>, the thalli are attached at a<br />

single point. The base is <strong>of</strong>ten conspicuous and stupose. This<br />

difference in attachment is thought to be important because<br />

no transitions exist within a single <strong>species</strong>. <strong>Dictyota</strong> binghamiae<br />

J. Agm"dh, D. ciliolata, D. crenulata, D. flabellata<br />

(Collins) Setchell et Gardener, D. hauckiana, D. liturata J.<br />

Agardh, D. naevosa (Suhr) Montagne, D. mertensii (Martius)<br />

Kützing, D. fastigiata Sonder, D. spinulosa, and D. robusta J.<br />

Agm"dh each attach at a single point and the basal segments<br />

are <strong>of</strong>ten covered with a velvet, rufous rhizoidal patch. Another<br />

group <strong>of</strong> <strong>species</strong> is characterized by the formation <strong>of</strong><br />

terete stoloniferous holdfasts, which are mostly limited to the<br />

basal segments [D. fasciola (Roth) Lamouroux, D. kohlmeyeri<br />

(Nizamuddin et Gerl<strong>of</strong>f) Homig, Schnetter et Prud'hornme<br />

van Reine, D. intermedia Zanm"dini, D. pinnatifida Kützing,<br />

D. rugulosa Lucas, D. spiralis Montagne, D. stolonifera Dawson,<br />

D. suhrii Munay], but in D. radicans, apical stolonoidal<br />

fibers <strong>of</strong>ten originate from deformed apical dichotomies<br />

(Womersley 1987, as D. prolifera Lamouroux).<br />

Despite the value <strong>of</strong> sporangial characters, cell dimensions,<br />

the overall growth form, and means <strong>of</strong> attachment, sorne <strong>species</strong><br />

will still be difficult to define unambiguously. In this respect,<br />

it is important that descriptive characters such as sizes<br />

<strong>of</strong> the interdichotomies, branching pattem, shape <strong>of</strong> the apices<br />

and cell sizes are unambiguously defined. Data should preferably<br />

be the result <strong>of</strong> a morphometric analysis comparing<br />

individuals <strong>of</strong> as many populations as possible. To chm"acterize<br />

the variability, it is important not to restrict data to a simple<br />

mean value. Ranges, 95% confidence limits, and standard<br />

deviations <strong>of</strong> specific characters <strong>of</strong>ten provide useful information<br />

to discliminate particulm" taxa. Using rigid cliteria to<br />

define <strong>species</strong> would certainly help the taxonomy in this recalcitrant<br />

genus by limiting the number <strong>of</strong> local growth forms<br />

being described as <strong>new</strong> <strong>species</strong>, but it possibly could underestimate<br />

the overall diversity as certain taxa will be difficult<br />

to define unambiguously. <strong>Dictyota</strong> lnenstrualis (Hoyt) Schnetter,<br />

Homig et Weber-Peuke11 (1987) is notoriously difficult to<br />

tell apm1 from D. dichotoma (Hudson) Lamouroux, <strong>of</strong> which<br />

it had originally been considered a variety. However, chromosome<br />

counts and interbreeding experiments clearly demonstrated<br />

the status <strong>of</strong> D. menstrualis as a sepm-ate <strong>species</strong>. In<br />

the future, molecular data <strong>of</strong> many <strong>species</strong> and geographically<br />

isolated populations could resolve the uncertainty about the<br />

existence <strong>of</strong> cryptic <strong>species</strong>.<br />


O. De Clerck. was research assistant <strong>of</strong> the Fund for Scientific<br />

Resem"ch-Flanders (Belgium) (FWO). Financial support was<br />

provided by FKFO projects 2.000.92 and G002496. We are<br />

grateful to DI' Paul Goetghebeur for correcting the Latin diagnoses.<br />

We also acknowledge John Rewald, Director <strong>of</strong> the<br />

Motupore Island <strong>Research</strong> Station, DI' Ngoile, Director <strong>of</strong> the<br />

Institute <strong>of</strong> Mm"ine Sciences Zanzibar, and Olivier Dargent as<br />

a diving partner.<br />


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