Vol. 5, No. 2; Spring 1983 - North American Bluebird Society

Vol. 5, No. 2; Spring 1983 - North American Bluebird Society

Vol. 5, No. 2; Spring 1983 - North American Bluebird Society


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Presidential<br />

Points<br />

Anne T. Sturm<br />

Five years ago , whe n the blueb ird<br />

co nse rvat ion committees of the<br />

Maryland Ornitholog ic al Soc iety, the<br />

Aud ubon Natu ralist Soc iet y of the Ce n­<br />

tr al Atlantic States , and the Pri nce<br />

Geo rge 's Co unty Audubon Soci ety<br />

banded t oget her to form the <strong>No</strong>rt h<br />

<strong>American</strong> Blu ebird Soc iety, not even<br />

the most opti mis tic founding members<br />

expec ted to see as much grow t h as we<br />

have experienced. The ori gin al concept<br />

of NA BS was t o be an educational<br />

c leari ng- ho u se fo r people a nd<br />

or ganizat ion s interested in blueb ird<br />

preservat ion.<br />

In r ev i ewi n g N A B S ' a c -<br />

co mplis hments ove r it s first fi ve yea rs,<br />

th e fou nding of our popular quarterly<br />

journ al , Sia/ia , heads the li st. It is the<br />

informat ion cente r for the ser ious<br />

bluebird trail ope rato r and pro fessio<br />

nal rese arch er as well as th e individua<br />

l bluebird lover. Sie tie is th e<br />

lifeline o f the Soc iet y.<br />

NABS has dis trib uted over a<br />

quart er of a mil lion pi eces of educati<br />

onal material inc ludi ng nestbox plans<br />

and instructi ons fo r monitoring a<br />

bluebird trail.<br />

Chairma n Dick Tu ttle and his Educa<br />

tion Committ ee have ass embled an<br />

exce llent slide program. The one hundred<br />

copies t hat have been so ld are<br />

t aki ng the bluebird conservation sto ry<br />

t o youth grou ps, ga rde n and service<br />

clubs, se nior citi zens, and others.<br />

Many more copies have bee n rent ed for<br />

the same pur pose.<br />

NABS has serve d as a cl earinghouse<br />

for the many problems faci ng<br />

nestbox traiI op erat ors such as co m­<br />

pe tit io n from Hou se Wrens , Tr ee<br />

Swallows, and House Spa rrows .<br />

The Socie ty ha s en co ura ged<br />

w ildl ife plant ings emp has izing the<br />

special needs of bluebirds and has<br />

di s tri buted informa t ion co nce rning<br />

their Winte r food.<br />

NA BS has in itiated an awards program<br />

to rec ognize some of th e outstanding<br />

wo rk being done in blu ebird<br />

42<br />

co nse rvation.<br />

Perhaps t he major thrust of the<br />

So ciety has been t o encou rage<br />

pub lication of the bluebird s tory<br />

whe rever possib le- from articles in<br />

rocal com munity week Iies t o features<br />

in magazines of nati on al dist ribution.<br />

Without do ub t the most success ful<br />

publicity for blue birds was Joan Rattner<br />

Heilman 's art ic le w hic h appeared<br />

In Pa rade magazin e, <strong>No</strong>vem ber 27,<br />

1979.<br />

A lth ough much has been accomplis<br />

hed in our first five years, we are<br />

lookin g toward th e future.<br />

D ick Tuttle's committe e IS planning<br />

th e produ cti on of a mov ie. This<br />

wo uld enab le the television media to<br />

spread the word about the bluebi rd<br />

even more ef fec tive ly. Board mem ber<br />

Rich Dol esh is stud ying how NA BS can<br />

be nefi t fro m pi, bhc service annou nc e­<br />

ment s on radio and television.<br />

Research Co mmit tee Chair man,<br />

Ted d Gutzke , with the help of hi s co m­<br />

mi tt ee, will be ad minis tering grants to<br />

sti m u la te n ee d ed r e s e ar ch on<br />

bluebirds. The know ledge ga ined from<br />

suc h resea rch w ill help us aid the<br />

bluebird and other ca vity nesters more<br />

effec t ively.<br />

<strong>Bluebird</strong> research has shc wn that<br />

other native cavity neste rs are experienci<br />

ng problem s due to lack of<br />

nat ural cav it ies. The ch arter of the<br />

<strong>No</strong>rth Am erican <strong>Bluebird</strong> Soci ety is<br />

dedicated to helpi ng to preserve a ll of<br />

t hese nat ive bird species. The best<br />

th ing about th is exci t ing fu ture is th at<br />

we know NABS ' ef fo rts in educ at io n,<br />

research , and communicat io n will<br />

ult imately succeed beca use our centr<br />

a l te ne t -b l ue b i r d c on s er vati<br />

on-works /<br />

(Continued o n page 64)<br />

Sia lia, <strong>Spring</strong> <strong>1983</strong>

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