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<strong>BUSH</strong> <strong>TELEGRAPH</strong><br />
Happy<br />
Mothers’ Day
Trees Shrubs<br />
Aloes Grasses<br />
Ground Covers<br />
Site Clearing / Mulching & Chipping of Plant Debris<br />
Trees up to 1000 liters
A few words from our editor . . .<br />
In this issue...<br />
Mother o’ Mine<br />
If I were hanged on the highest hill,<br />
Mother o’ mine, O mother o’ mine!<br />
I know whose love would follow me still,<br />
Mother o’ mine, O mother o’ mine!<br />
If I were drowned in the deepest sea,<br />
Mother o’ mine, O mother o’ mine!<br />
I know whose tears would come down to me,<br />
Mother o’ mine, O mother o’ mine!<br />
If I were damned of body and soul,<br />
I know whose prayers would make me whole,<br />
Mother o’ mine, O mother o’ mine!<br />
by Rudyard Kipling<br />
Geraldine & Nanette<br />
Cover photo taken by Benine Du Toit<br />
News from the Zema Office 4<br />
Zimbali News Board Report 14<br />
General Manager’s News 18<br />
The Zimbali Lifestyle and You 20<br />
Ask the doctor 22<br />
Recycling Program 28<br />
This month’s recipe 32<br />
Golf Competition Results 36<br />
Golf Schedule 38<br />
Steven’s Desk 40<br />
PGA Pro Tip 41<br />
Ladies Golf 44<br />
Golf News 42<br />
Classifieds 48<br />
Zema Contact Details 50<br />
THE <strong>BUSH</strong> <strong>TELEGRAPH</strong><br />
Editor: Geraldine van Niekerk<br />
082 442 5581 • gerryzimbali@mweb.co.za<br />
Advertising & Accounts:<br />
Nanette Rogerson • 082 818 7255<br />
• nanette_zimbali@telkomsa.net<br />
Design & Layout: Tash Wheal -<br />
CMYK Designs<br />
084 596 5092 • tashwheal@gmail.com<br />
Fairmont Zimbali Lodge & Resort<br />
(032) 538 5000<br />
Zimbali Country Club (032) 538 1041<br />
While every reasonable effort is taken to ensure the accuracy &<br />
soundness of the contents of this newsletter, neither writers of<br />
articles nor the publisher bears any responsibility for the consequences<br />
of any actions based on information contained herein.<br />
When writing this article at the beginning<br />
of April 2015, the project was about 20%<br />
completed and anticipated to be finalised<br />
and in operation by 30 June 2015, weather<br />
permitting.<br />
ZEMA Management and staff<br />
wish all the Zimbali Mothers a<br />
Happy Mother’s Day on<br />
Sunday 10 May 2015<br />
Sarika Somai-Sewpersad<br />
ZEMA General Manager<br />
1. Bus Shelter at Westgate Contractors’<br />
Entrance<br />
Residents travelling in or out of the Westgate<br />
Contractors’ Entrance have no doubt seen a<br />
buzz of activity at the shuttle-bus pick-up/<br />
drop-off area just inside the gate, which is<br />
due to the construction of the bus shelter for<br />
Zimbali staff.<br />
2. VOP Quartz Pool Heat Pumps<br />
I believe one or two members have already<br />
had opportunity to test the effectiveness of<br />
the heat pumps that were installed on 13<br />
March 2015 for the VOP Quartz Pool. We<br />
can confirm that the system was successfully<br />
tested by Solarvest and commissioned by<br />
ZEMA and that the pumps will be activated<br />
at the start of the winter months to heat the<br />
water for members to enjoy no matter how<br />
cold the weather.<br />
3. Thermal Cameras on the Fence-line<br />
By the first week of April, the initial phase of<br />
the thermal cameras project was on track for<br />
completion by the end of April 2015, with 13<br />
thermal and 13 optical cameras and poles<br />
having been installed and operational through<br />
live feeds to the Control Room.<br />
4. Security Control Room Upgrade<br />
This project forms part of the overall Security<br />
Fence-line & Thermal Cameras Project, which<br />
entails increasing the size of the Security<br />
Control Room by approximately 65 m2 to<br />
accommodate the additional technical security<br />
personnel required to monitor the fence-line.<br />
At the time of writing this article in the first<br />
week of April, the project was 50% complete<br />
and the anticipated date of completion was 17<br />
April 2015, weather permitting.<br />
5. Upgrade of Zimbali Northgate Post Boxes<br />
Members would hopefully have received our<br />
email notice advising that ZEMA has embarked<br />
on a much-needed upgrade of the Zimbali post<br />
boxes located just inside the Zimbali Northgate<br />
entrance. The upgrade entails the installation<br />
of new, larger replacement post boxes and<br />
locks. We would like to thank members for<br />
their co-operation and understanding during<br />
this necessary project.<br />
6. BBC Squash Courts – Ventilation, Signage<br />
and Electricity<br />
We are pleased to let BBC squash players<br />
know that a squash booking system has<br />
been implemented at the BBC Gym and that<br />
booking a game of squash is now essential for<br />
this system to operate effectively.<br />
To book, please either call the BBC Gym staff<br />
on +27 (0)32 538-1481, or email them at<br />
bookings@imovefitness.co.za.<br />
Operating hours during which bookings<br />
can be made, are from 05h00 to 20h00 on<br />
Mondays to Fridays and 07h00 to 12h00 on<br />
Saturdays, Sundays and public holidays. A<br />
daily booking sheet will be printed and placed<br />
on the noticeboard inside the squash courts.<br />
We are also pleased to advise that:<br />
• Additional industrial fans have been<br />
installed inside the squash courts to further<br />
increase the circulation and air flow, and that<br />
• The coin machines for lights at both the<br />
squash and tennis courts have been replaced<br />
with lighting timer-switches, which are set to<br />
run for 1 hour after activated.<br />
If you have any queries, comments or<br />
suggestions regarding the member facilities,<br />
please feel free to write to Bonny Levin<br />
at the ZEMA Suggestion Box - Email:<br />
suggestionbox@zema.co.za.<br />
7. Water Usage – Grey Water for Estate<br />
Fountains, Road-Cleaning and General<br />
Maintenance<br />
Since water restrictions were imposed in<br />
September last year, members may have<br />
noticed when driving on the Estate that<br />
our fountains and water features remain<br />
operational. Also, some of you may observe<br />
some high-pressure cleaning taking place by<br />
the ZEMA maintenance team.<br />
ZEMA would like to assure members that all<br />
water used for the above purposes is strictly<br />
“grey” water only, which we are acquiring with<br />
Sembcorp Siza Water’s official permission,<br />
at no cost, from either the sewerage plant<br />
near the northern Zimbali circle and/or from<br />
the fresh water resources within the Estate,<br />
such as the VOP dam. This authorisation<br />
has been given by Sembcorp due to ZEMA’s<br />
requirements for the general maintenance<br />
being minimal in comparison to the water<br />
resources available on the Estate.<br />
Thank you for your cooperation in conserving<br />
water.<br />
Should you require any further information<br />
regarding the water shortages and restrictions,<br />
please contact Sembcorp Siza Water on +27<br />
(0)32 946-7200, or After Hours on +27 (0)32<br />
946-3188. Alternatively, visit their website<br />
at www.sembcorp-sizawater.co.za for more<br />
details and updates.<br />
8. New ZEMA Security Golf Cart<br />
A new 4-seater golf cart was purchased for<br />
ZEMA’s law enforcement officers and put into<br />
operation on 13 February 2015. The extra<br />
vehicle was necessary for the officers to be<br />
able to cost-effectively patrol the estate and<br />
respond to residents more efficiently.<br />
9. Zimbali Engineering & Infrastructure<br />
Manual (ZEIM)<br />
Approximately 40% of this very comprehensive<br />
project has been completed, with the initial<br />
phase being to obtain and retrieve critical<br />
data, information and records from various<br />
sources, such as the local authorities, Zimbali<br />
engineers and architects, as well an in-depth<br />
search through ZEMA’s own historical,<br />
archived records. This phase has been a bit<br />
more challenging and time-consuming than<br />
originally anticipated.<br />
The 60% balance of the project will be the<br />
compilation and formulation of the ZEIM and<br />
Asset Register which will include: Individual<br />
road reports (larger assets); Buildings and<br />
Bridges; Storm-water Infrastructure; Water/<br />
Sewerage; Electricity and Streetlights;<br />
Fencing; Fire; Pools; Wooden Decks/<br />
Walkways; Communications.<br />
We hope to have the manual finalised by<br />
the end of May 2015 and will report back to<br />
members at the AGM on 12 June 2015.<br />
ZEMA Financial Manager<br />
Financial Report for the period<br />
ending 31 February 2015<br />
The 2015 financials reflect a sound financial<br />
position for the Association.<br />
The balance sheet depicts current assets<br />
exceeding current liabilities in excess of<br />
R51.5 million, and it is noted that this excess<br />
is largely due to funds held on call and in fixed<br />
deposits.<br />
1. CASH FLOW<br />
The cash flow statement shows positive cash<br />
flows of R6.7 million at February 2015.<br />
ZEMA has maintained and grown investments<br />
from R60.5 million in 2014 to<br />
R65.9 million at end of February 2015 due<br />
to additional cash from levies received in<br />
advance and surplus funds.<br />
Security – 28%, Salaries & Wages – 14%,<br />
Ground Management – 8%, Depreciation<br />
– 11%, Marketing – 3%, Insurance – 5%,<br />
Electricity & Water – 4% and Repairs &<br />
Maintenance – 12% = 85% of expenses.<br />
Note: Marketing expenses are not paid out of<br />
Members’ funds. These costs are limited to<br />
Branding and Administration income earned<br />
by ZEMA from property resale.<br />
Majority of funds are generated by levies<br />
being 72%, Road Maintenance Levy – 3%,<br />
Branding and Administration Income – 8%,<br />
Interest - 8%, rental admin fee – 3% and other<br />
income – 6%<br />
Total homeowners levies receivable at the end<br />
of February 2015 is R1,037,982. This amount<br />
excludes levies owing by the developer of<br />
R4,469,218.<br />
As at February 2015 R135,755 in levies have<br />
been collected via the legal handover process.<br />
At the end of February 2015 there are 18<br />
homeowners who have been handed over<br />
for collection. There are currently 1237 levies<br />
invoiced inclusive of the developer levy.<br />
As at February 2015 R518,182 was spent on<br />
capital expenditure.<br />
Security equipment<br />
(CCTV upgrade, Golf course<br />
thermal cameras) 296,390<br />
Motor vehicles 65,000<br />
Roads (speed humps) 27,936<br />
Land and buildings 154,875<br />
Bush buck club 6,248<br />
Pool upgrades 30,613<br />
Furniture (Upgrade of Reception &<br />
Welcome Centre) 2,120<br />
TOTAL 583,182<br />
T<br />
total R<br />
Funds balance as at end<br />
February 2015 74,325,637<br />
Investments in fixed assets and<br />
other investments 22,736,682<br />
Other receivables to be collected 2,781,541<br />
Cash Component 67,506,550<br />
Less amounts due to creditors (18,699,136)<br />
Total 74,325,637<br />
Cash Component less amounts due to<br />
creditors and less funds not earmarked for<br />
capital replacements 41,826,859<br />
REQUIREMENT 66,867,871<br />
Cash Component Vs<br />
10 Year Capex requirement<br />
Cash Component 41,826,859<br />
66,867,871<br />
SHORTFALL (25,041,012)<br />
ZEMA Operations and<br />
Environmental Manager<br />
Alien Plant Control<br />
The Local Authority has made some<br />
amendments to its National Invasive Species<br />
List. Some of the specifics are listed below<br />
and would be worth noting, especially if you<br />
are buying or selling a property.<br />
The National Invasive Species List comprises<br />
559 invasive species in 4 categories.<br />
• Invasive species are now regarded as a<br />
liability and must be identified before the sale<br />
of any property.<br />
• The NEMBA (National Environmental<br />
Management: Biodiversity Act) Regulations<br />
state that a seller of property must, prior<br />
to the relevant sale agreement, notify the<br />
purchaser in writing of the presence of listed<br />
invasive species on that property. A copy<br />
of a seller’s Declaration of Invasive Species<br />
must be lodged with the Compliance Officer,<br />
Biosecurity Services and the Department of<br />
Environmental Affairs.<br />
• Estate agents will not be able to sell a<br />
property without completing a ‘Declaration of<br />
Invasive Species’ certificate.<br />
• Horticultural and fauna experts can sign<br />
up to become invasive species consultants<br />
capable of identifying invasive species on a<br />
property and signing off on a ‘Declaration of<br />
Invasive Species’ certificate.<br />
• Permits are now required for 118 Category<br />
2 invasive species.<br />
The ZEMA Operations and Environmental team<br />
will be attending a meeting on 23 April 2015 to<br />
get some more clarity and specifics regarding<br />
the changes that have been implemented.<br />
This will then enable us to advise and assist<br />
our members as best as possible.<br />
Bushbuck Management<br />
At the time of writing this article, our Bushbuck<br />
Management Plan had been underway for a<br />
couple of weeks with 17 animals having been<br />
removed and relocated in accordance with<br />
the authorised plan. This will continue to run<br />
with approximately 3-week intervals over a<br />
3-month period.<br />
ZEMA Building Control<br />
Manager<br />
New Bus Shelters<br />
ZEMA is pleased to advise that the Staff<br />
Bus Shelter at the Contractor’s Entrance is<br />
progressing well and remains on track with<br />
the completion date being 1 June 2015,<br />
weather permitting. Once the roof has been<br />
fitted, the finishes and painting will give the<br />
shelter an appealing look to blend in with the<br />
Zimbali architecture.<br />
Whilst every effort is taken to prevent<br />
disturbance to our members, there is<br />
sometimes an overlap where the staff enter<br />
onto a member’s property whilst tracking an<br />
animal after it has been darted. The drugs<br />
used do not have an immediate effect and<br />
sometimes up to 10 minutes can elapse from<br />
the time the animal is darted to the time it is<br />
safe to handle. During this time, the animal<br />
has to be followed otherwise it could die if lost<br />
without receiving a reversal drug to wake it up<br />
again within a fairly brief period of time. The<br />
Game Removal Specialist Team does try to<br />
ensure that animals are darted in areas a good<br />
distance from private gardens but sometimes<br />
this cannot be avoided.<br />
We thank residents for their patience and<br />
understanding and we apologise to those<br />
residents who may be affected when the team<br />
has no choice but to enter private property.<br />
Additions to ZEMA Control Room<br />
With the structural components nearing<br />
completion, the ancillary items are almost<br />
ready to be moved into the extended Control<br />
Room, together with the installation of the<br />
thermal imaging equipment and monitors,<br />
which link into the live feeds from the thermal<br />
cameras currently being installed on the<br />
perimeter fence-line. More space of course<br />
means greater efficiency and the extension<br />
is expected to be completed by 8 May 2015,<br />
weather permitting.<br />
Thermal Cameras & Fence-line<br />
Project<br />
Following on from the brief update provided<br />
by GM Sarika Somai in her article, the first<br />
phase of the Thermal Cameras Project<br />
comprises the installation of 21 thermal and<br />
optical cameras on the fence-line from North<br />
Gate to the Beach Estate, from which the dual<br />
images received on live feeds is monitored by<br />
the Control Room 24/7.<br />
At the time of writing this article, 13 of the<br />
21 poles and cameras had been installed and<br />
the balance of the project was expected to be<br />
completed by the end of April 2015.<br />
ZEMA Security Manager<br />
Security Projects for 2015<br />
ZEMA Security has embarked on a number of<br />
projects in 2015 to continue to make our best<br />
efforts to ensure that Zimbali Coastal Resort<br />
is safe and secure and that security is never<br />
compromised.<br />
Leitch Landscapes has been hard at work<br />
alongside the fence-line installation team to<br />
address any pruning issues during the project.<br />
Whilst installing the poles, ZEMA is also<br />
improving the fence-line by installing<br />
overhangs on top of the fence panels, underdigs<br />
below the fence panels (underground),<br />
as well as motion spotlighting in high risk<br />
CENTRE<br />
ZEMA Welcome Centre &<br />
Member Liason Manager<br />
areas that will trigger any detected movement.<br />
In addition, we have also straightened and<br />
replaced some of the fence panels along<br />
the Seaward Estate border. Aside from<br />
defining a straighter fence-line required for<br />
the perspective positioning of the thermal<br />
cameras, it has resulted in us gaining a bit<br />
more land within the fence-line.<br />
ZEMA AGM<br />
This is a last reminder to members that the<br />
2015 ZEMA AGM will be held on Friday 12<br />
June 2015 at 09h00 at the Fairmont Zimbali<br />
Resort, Marula Ballroom. This is your<br />
opportunity to express your views and table<br />
any matters you feel are important. Your<br />
AGM packs with the Notice of the Meeting<br />
will be posted to you well within the statutory<br />
notice period. The ZEMA Team looks forward<br />
to seeing you there.<br />
Paella Saturday at VOP<br />
Thank you to all residents and guests<br />
who joined us at the Valley of the Pools<br />
on Saturday 11 April 2015 for the “Paella<br />
Saturday”. The event was a massive success<br />
and we have received so much positive<br />
feedback from residents who thoroughly<br />
enjoyed the entertainment, cuisine and festive<br />
atmosphere around the pools.<br />
We would like to thank Marco Nico who<br />
wowed everyone with his “giant, magic paella<br />
pan” and thanks to Nibs van der Spuy who<br />
kept everyone entertained with the sounds of<br />
his acoustic guitar.<br />
Marco and his team look forward to arranging<br />
many more exciting events at this spectacular<br />
members’ venue.<br />
ZEMA Marketing &<br />
PR Administrator<br />
Easter Holiday Season –<br />
Children’s Entertainment<br />
As can be seen from the photos below, the<br />
Family Care team had an overwhelming<br />
response, with loads of excited Zimbalian<br />
children attending the fun, games and activities<br />
organised during the school holidays.<br />
Easter Carnival<br />
Zimbali’s first Easter Carnival was well<br />
received, with 140 little “Eggcavators”<br />
participating in the Easter Egg Hunt. The<br />
aromas of freshly-made popcorn, the sounds<br />
of festive music, face-painting and lots<br />
more Easter goodies and activities created a<br />
fantastic carnival atmosphere.<br />
Playworks provided entertaining games for<br />
all ages and loads of prizes were handed<br />
out at each game booth. The stilt-walker<br />
thrilled everyone with his balloon-sculpting,<br />
while the magician fascinated the crowd with<br />
his amazing tricks. And who could forget<br />
the colourful, lovable Easter Bunny who<br />
entertained the kiddies and rounded off the<br />
occasion by posing with them for photos?<br />
We would like to thank all our service<br />
providers whose assistance and contribution<br />
made the day such a success. Last but not<br />
least, a special thanks to all our residents who<br />
supported this exceptional annual event.<br />
Watch this space, as the ZEMA Team has a lot<br />
more in store for you!<br />
Zimbali Holiday Rentals Website<br />
The Zimbali.com website has become a<br />
popular site, with hundreds of views being<br />
recorded daily. Our Rentals page is especially<br />
popular. Who can blame all those potential<br />
and repeat visitors from wanting to grab a<br />
piece of the sought-after Zimbali experience?<br />
We would like to remind members again<br />
to take advantage of this free service. To<br />
register your property for rentals, please<br />
contact Karishma Ramkissoon via email:<br />
marketing@zema.co.za, or call her on +27<br />
(0)32 538-4300.<br />
ZEMA Suggestion Box<br />
Members can share their concerns, queries,<br />
comments or suggestions with us by emailing<br />
the ZEMA Suggestion Box: suggestionbox@<br />
zema.co.za. Or, if you have any specific<br />
matter that you would like to chat to the<br />
relevant ZEMA manager about, please feel<br />
free to contact them at the ZEMA office on<br />
+27 (0)32 538-4300.<br />
Zimbali Website: www.zimbali.com
Ballito<br />
www.wakefields.co.za<br />
P.O.A.<br />
BEDS 5 | BATHS 4.5 | LOUNGES 2 | GARAGES 2 | POOL | FLATLET Web Ref: RL 10328<br />
This imposing 5 bedroom villa situated on an elevated site with magnificent panoramic views of Zimbali Coastal<br />
Resort and sea views. It has many outstanding features. Entrance hall at full house height with arched ceilings<br />
and large floor-to-ceiling windows. Large pool with wooden deck surrounds. A stunning piece of architecture.<br />
The perfect family home.<br />
To explore the world of opportunity which Zimbali<br />
can offer you, contact our accredited agents who<br />
will assist you with all your property needs.<br />
Riitta Messiter-Tooze<br />
083 308 4492<br />
It’s the #Wake?eldsWay<br />
Tony Kimble<br />
082 883 4784<br />
Ballito T 032 946 0030 E ballito@wakefields.co.za
BBC Gym Extension / Soccer Field and<br />
Cricket Pitch<br />
Members receiving their ZEMA Board News<br />
article via email may recall my announcement<br />
circulated on 15 December 2014 in which<br />
I reported on the forthcoming BBC Gym<br />
extension. Subsequently, a few members<br />
have addressed their objections, as they were<br />
concerned that the extension would take away<br />
from the children’s kicking field and play area,<br />
including the cricket pitch, which are currently<br />
situated behind the Gym.<br />
I would like to put your minds at rest by giving<br />
you the assurance that the Gym extension<br />
will not displace the children’s kicking/soccer<br />
field. In fact, we are not extending the building<br />
into the soccer field at all and the kicking/play<br />
area will in fact be increased in size due to it<br />
being turned in a 90o angle. The cricket pitch<br />
will be moved across to the current temporary<br />
golf cart parking behind the BBC building and<br />
tennis courts, plus a second cricket pitch will<br />
be added next to it.<br />
Please rest assured that our Zimbalian children<br />
are equally as important to us as our adult<br />
members and residents and that we will always<br />
ensure they have a kicking field and cricket<br />
pitch area to play on.<br />
BBC Gym Extension Project<br />
The planned extension will increase the size of<br />
the existing gym facility by approximately 130<br />
m2. Because the current space and equipment<br />
have already proved to be insufficient for our<br />
1800 gym members, particularly for cardio<br />
work during the popular times of the day, the<br />
additional area will be built to accommodate<br />
more open exercise space, additional cardio<br />
machines and other equipment.<br />
The project is expected to commence by<br />
hopefully mid-June and will take about five<br />
months to complete so the extension should<br />
be up and running in good time for the start of<br />
the December holidays.<br />
2015 Telkom Supersport Shootout<br />
I’m also pleased to announce that ZEMA is<br />
in the final stages of concluding the contract<br />
for Zimbali Coastal Resort to once again host<br />
the prestigious Supersport Shootout Golf<br />
Tournament this year – Telkom now being<br />
the main sponsor. This event showcases and<br />
elevates our beautiful resort and we are very<br />
proud that the sponsors have selected us as<br />
their preferred venue for the fourth year in<br />
a row. Please mark 19 to 21 June 2015 on<br />
your calendars and we promise to keep you<br />
informed once all the arrangements have been<br />
finalised.<br />
2015 AGM Reminder<br />
Another date to mark on your calendars is this<br />
year’s 18th ZEMA AGM to be held at 09h00 on<br />
Friday 12 June 2015. The Notice of the Meeting<br />
and AGM pack will be posted to members<br />
in accordance with the mandatory notice<br />
period and will also be emailed for members’<br />
convenience. The ZEMA Board looks forward<br />
to seeing you there.<br />
Financials for the period ending<br />
February 2015<br />
As at 28 February 2015 ZEMA’s financials<br />
Ballito<br />
Tel: (032) 946 3280<br />
7 DAYS A WEEK - 7AM TO 7PM<br />
Keeping it Fresh. Always<br />
Bread is probably<br />
the one food eaten<br />
by people of every<br />
race, culture and<br />
religion, and is a<br />
universal sign of<br />
eflect a very sound position and current assets<br />
exceed current liabilities by R51.6m, due<br />
mainly to funds in six month fixed deposits.<br />
The Members Reserve Fund now stands at<br />
R74.3m.<br />
The cash flow statement for the same period<br />
shows positive cash flows of R6.8m in 2015.<br />
The Members Reserve Fund February 2015<br />
R 74.3m<br />
Investments in Fixed Assets R 22.7m<br />
Other Receivables to be collected 2.8m<br />
Cash on Hand<br />
(Invested in 6 month fixed deposits) 67.5m<br />
Less Amounts Payable<br />
(18.7m)<br />
Total<br />
R74.3m<br />
Update from the ZEMA Board<br />
Regarding Zimbali Power Outages (25<br />
December 2014 and General Outages.)<br />
The ZEMA Board would like to update you on<br />
the situation regarding the power outages that<br />
we reported in our email to members dated 13<br />
January 2015.<br />
In that notice we advised that ZEMA was<br />
working very closely with the KDM Electrical<br />
Department, which, as the owner of the bulk<br />
electrical network within Zimbali Coastal<br />
Resort, had accepted responsibility and had<br />
committed to conducting an urgent, full<br />
audit in order to be able to do the necessary<br />
upgrades and maintenance required to resolve<br />
the overload issues within Zimbali before the<br />
Easter holidays in early April 2015.<br />
Unfortunately, despite ZEMA’s continued<br />
pressure on KDM’s Electrical Engineer, we<br />
were unsuccessful in obtaining the audit report.<br />
In early March, we therefore took matters into<br />
our own hands and appointed an independent,<br />
accredited electrical engineer to conduct the<br />
assessment and audit report.<br />
In summary, the following has now been<br />
established as a result of the audit:<br />
• The miniature substations at Milkwood and<br />
Beachwood are completely inadequate and<br />
need to be upgraded urgently to 500-KVA<br />
substations to balance the consequential effects<br />
of overloading that sometimes causes power<br />
outages throughout the Estate, particularly<br />
during peak holiday periods (such as the<br />
outages that occurred on Christmas Day).<br />
• Unfortunately, KDM has advised that it has<br />
no funding in its budget to address any of the<br />
above.<br />
As KDM is the owner of the electrical<br />
infrastructure, ZEMA has now taken legal steps<br />
in conjunction with our attorneys to ensure that<br />
we receive official confirmation from KDM that<br />
it is fully responsible and accountable for any<br />
costs incurred for the necessary repairs and<br />
upgrade. Once we receive such confirmation,<br />
together with KDM’s official plan of repayment<br />
to ZEMA for the cost of the upgrade, we will<br />
then commence with the project at our own<br />
cost and recover same from KDM.<br />
We would like to assure members that we will<br />
continue to treat this issue with the highest<br />
priority and that we are doing everything in<br />
our power to expedite the above to resolve<br />
Zimbali’s electrical issues as soon as possible.<br />
We will keep members updated.<br />
Should you have any queries or questions<br />
regarding the above, please feel free to contact<br />
ZEMA Building Control Manager Ricky Naicker<br />
on +27 (0)32 538-4300 or email him at<br />
rnaicker@zema.co.za<br />
Richard Bryant, ZEMA Chairman<br />
By the time you read this column, we will<br />
be heading into the month of May and left<br />
wondering what happened to the first half of<br />
the year! It feels like only yesterday that I was<br />
wishing you a prosperous 2015 and here we<br />
are, 5 months later. How time has flown. We<br />
have so much happening in the life of Fairmont<br />
at the moment and I am so glad that I get to<br />
share this with you all.<br />
We are pleased to welcome our Acting Food<br />
and Beverage Director, Anna Derygo, to our<br />
Fairmont Zimbali Family. Anna joins us from<br />
one of our flagship properties in the Middle<br />
East, Fairmont the Palm, in Dubai, UAE.<br />
Anna started her hospitality career with<br />
Fairmont at Chateau Lake Louise, Canada, in<br />
2003 and completed her 2 SWEP (Student<br />
Work Experience Program) terms in various<br />
F&B departments. In 2005, Anna transferred<br />
to a sister property in the Canadian Rockies<br />
and worked at Fairmont Banff Springs, for<br />
7 years holding various F&B positions from<br />
Shift Leader to Outlets Manager. In 2011,<br />
Anna moved to Fairmont Grand Hotel Kyiv in<br />
the Ukraine and was part of the pre-opening<br />
team holding the position of Assistant Director<br />
of F&B. Shortly after a successful opening,<br />
Anna was eager to do another opening, and<br />
joined another pre-opening team at Fairmont &<br />
Raffles Makati, Manila, Philippines as Assistant<br />
Director of F&B before joining Fairmont the<br />
Palm in Dubai.<br />
We wish Anna every success in her new<br />
role and look forward to working with such<br />
an enthusiastic and energetic Fairmont<br />
Ambassador.<br />
This month we are celebrating Mother’s Day<br />
with a bang as we launch our new Fashion High<br />
Tea event in Dalchini Lounge. This monthly<br />
event is set to launch on the 9th and 10th of<br />
May from 12:00 until 18:00 and will showcase<br />
local designers from KZN, starting with local<br />
jewelry designer, Akshar Choudree. The cost<br />
will be R215 per person which includes a<br />
complimentary glass of bubbly. We will also<br />
be hosting a Mother’s Day buffet lunch in Coral<br />
Tree on the 10th of May at a cost of R300 per<br />
person which will be served from 12:30 until<br />
16:00. Bookings are essential so be sure to<br />
contact zim.dining@fairmont.com or call<br />
032 538 5000 for more information. We look<br />
forward to seeing you then!<br />
On a global front, March 2015 marked the<br />
completion of the first phase of the Fairmont<br />
Heritage Place Mayakoba project and included<br />
the debut of six of 30 planned private residence<br />
club homes, which are located in Mexico’s most<br />
exclusive master-planned resort community.<br />
Sold in 1/12th fractions with a starting<br />
price of $179,000 USD, Fairmont Heritage<br />
Place, Mayakoba will offer owners luxury<br />
amenities including access to airport transfers,<br />
valet parking, concierge services, daily<br />
housekeeping, 24-hour room service, and<br />
preferred rates at Fairmont Mayakoba’s Willow<br />
Stream Spa. Other exclusive offerings range<br />
from a well-appointed Club House complete<br />
with owners lounge, bar, fitness and yoga<br />
facilities, a private pool and teen and kids play<br />
areas.<br />
Owners will also gain access to world-class<br />
golf on Mayakoba’s 18-hole El Camaleón<br />
championship course, host of the only PGA<br />
TOUR event in Latin America and home to<br />
highly personalized instruction programs of<br />
the acclaimed Jim McLean Golf School. As<br />
an added incentive, owners can utilize their<br />
allotted time at other Fairmont Heritage Place<br />
locations around the world or enjoy exchange<br />
privileges at Fairmont, Raffles and Swissôtel<br />
hotel locations worldwide and through the<br />
extensive portfolio of The Registry Collection®<br />
program.<br />
For ownership opportunities at Fairmont<br />
Heritage Place, Mayakoba, please visit www.<br />
fairmontheritageplacemayakoba.com.<br />
Until next time,<br />
Leon Meyer, General Manager<br />
Fairmont Zimbali Lodge and<br />
Fairmont Zimbali Resort<br />
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A U D I O E X C E L L E N C E<br />
CALL 031 566 5931<br />
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AND YOU . . .<br />
The Greek Evening held at the Crowned Eagle Restaurant was well supported and by all accounts everyone<br />
had a lovely time. The food was delicious and Alex Loizides was pretty instrumental in getting the party going.<br />
Many plates were broken and the entertainer Alexi, explained the various Greek traditions and customs, which<br />
entail setting fire to the floor, breaking plates, drinking good whisky and dancing with gay abandon. Shouts of<br />
“Whoopa” were heard every 5 seconds! Thanks to Nkosi and his team for the fine food and the Mythos Beer<br />
ordered by Arno was very popular. The next theme will take place in May - with a Craft beer evening planned.<br />
May is a special time in Zimbali, the humidity<br />
has left us, the weather is glorious and there<br />
are many beautiful little butterflies everywhere.<br />
I captured the Citrus Swallowtail on camera.<br />
They are common and widespread throughout<br />
South Africa, particularly in wooded areas.<br />
Absent from extremely arid areas.<br />
The Butterfly Book Club celebrating<br />
their 10th Anniversary.<br />
If you have<br />
photographs of<br />
our butterflies<br />
please send<br />
them to me for<br />
publishing.<br />
Geraldine<br />
The Zimbali bridge ladies meet every Wednesday at 8.15am to begin their<br />
morning of bridge at 8.30am, finishing at 12.30pm. There are between 3 and 6<br />
bridge tables each week. Tea, coffee and a light snack are served.<br />
Venue: Members’ Bar (Fig Tree) at the Country Club. If you are a Zimbali resident<br />
and would like to play, please contact June Allan on 082 494 6320 or<br />
Barbara Winterbach on 083 268 1631 to find out more.<br />
18/03 1st Brenda MacNeillie and Di Beningfield 68.48<br />
2nd Maddie Wilshire and Jeannie Burns 52.98<br />
25/03 1st Maddie Wilshire and Jeannie Burns 64.29<br />
2nd Nanette Rogerson and Morjolaine Hewlett 54.76<br />
01/04 1st Jeannie Burns and Marjolaine Hewlett 58.33<br />
2nd Jan Manly and Penny Rey 56.55<br />
08/04 1st Marjolaine Hewlett and Jeannie Burns 57.5<br />
2nd Barbara Winterbach and Jill van der Schyff 55<br />
15/04 1st June Allan & Cheryl McIntosh 62.5<br />
2nd Jeannie Burns & Marjolaine Hewlett 54.86<br />
Church on the beach<br />
A special easter service held on the Zimbali beach on Easter Sunday. Beautiful<br />
weather, singing and a message about the true meaning of Easter.<br />
Thanks to Felicity and her helpers.<br />
Ask the Doctor<br />
Helena Pieterse<br />
BDS (Wits) MSC (Wits)<br />
What a privilege it is to be able to<br />
smile with confidence in 2015 – our<br />
grandparents were not as fortunate!!<br />
With the latest skills and technology<br />
dental disease is totally preventable.<br />
Children’s teeth<br />
Prevention is the cure. This is where it all<br />
starts. Although all the deciduous(baby)<br />
teeth are lost they lay the foundation for<br />
the adult smile. It is so important to clean<br />
children’s teeth on a daily basis. Flossing is<br />
also necessary. There are special milk teeth<br />
toothpastes available with the correct amount<br />
of fluoride that strengthens the teeth. Xylitol<br />
gel is an excellent toothpaste as Xylitol(a<br />
sugar) provides a pleasant taste whilst not<br />
feeding the oral bacteria and is a natural<br />
product.<br />
Wiping the teeth with a facecloth before<br />
brushing greatly assists to remove the protein<br />
pellicle that allows bacteria to adhere to the<br />
teeth. The pellicle is a sticky film of protein<br />
that coats the teeth soon after a thorough<br />
brushing! An electric toothbrush makes the<br />
cleaning more effective and can be lots of<br />
fun. There are also cute animal shaped floss<br />
holders available to promote a flossing habit.<br />
Regular visits to the dentist from the age of 3<br />
is recommended.<br />
Adult teeth<br />
We all have bacteria in our mouths. They are<br />
found in saliva and stick to the pellicle which<br />
coats not only the teeth but all surfaces in the<br />
mouth. Bacteria, dead cells, food debris and<br />
the pellicle are what constitutes plaque. These<br />
bacteria feed on the carbohydrates(sugars) in<br />
our diet. All digestable carbohydrates can be<br />
broken down into a simple sugar. Bacteria<br />
digest 6 carbon sugars into simpler sugars<br />
and the waste product is an acid. The same<br />
process happens in the fermentation of wine<br />
to vinegar. This acid demineralizes the tooth<br />
enamel and allows the bacteria to penetrate<br />
into the teeth and cause tooth decay.<br />
To have healthy teeth the production of this<br />
acid has to be reduced by decreasing the<br />
number of bacteria and the sugar intake.<br />
Reducing the bacterial load<br />
Manually<br />
The pellicle (or biofilm) forms a sticky layer<br />
on the teeth which the bacteria colonises.<br />
The biofilm contains dead cells from the<br />
mucosa(skin) lining the cheeks, gums, palate<br />
and tongue. These cells are shed just like<br />
skin cells every day. This becomes food for<br />
bacteria and is the reason one’s breath is not<br />
as fresh as you would like in the morning. It<br />
takes 24 hours for enough acid to be produced<br />
to cause damage.<br />
Removal of the biofilm is the cornerstone of<br />
good oral hygiene. Sonic toothbrushes are<br />
very effective at breaking down the biofilm<br />
due to inertia from the ultrasonic waves. It is<br />
essential to brush the cheeks, gums, palate<br />
and tongue with a manual ultra soft brush<br />
to remove the dead cells after using a sonic<br />
brush<br />
Chemically<br />
A lot of research has been done to improve<br />
toothpastes. Additives in toothpaste are<br />
greatly assisting in oral hygiene protection.<br />
The acid in plaque can be neutralized by<br />
Arginine, whereas Flurinol remineralises<br />
decalcified areas of enamel and can stay in<br />
the mouth for up to 6 hours. Sodium fluoride<br />
also helps in strengthening remineralizing<br />
enamel and provides Fluoride in the diet.<br />
Chlorhexidine and Stannous chloride kill<br />
bacteria, whilst Sodium hexamethaphosphate<br />
prevents calculus(tartar) formation. Strontium<br />
and Potassium nitrate desensitizes sensitive<br />
teeth.<br />
Selecting an appropriate toothpaste can<br />
assist in special applications to address a<br />
specific dental problem. A good allrounder<br />
would contain Arginine and Fluorinol or<br />
Stannous fluoride. Smokers or those prone<br />
to tartar build-up may select a Sodium<br />
hexamethaphosphate containing paste<br />
whereas those suffering from sensitive teeth<br />
would select a Strontium or Potassium nitrate<br />
containing toothpaste. After oral surgery or in<br />
patients suffering from periodontal disease<br />
toothpastes or mouthwashes containing<br />
Chlorhexidine or Stannous Chloride would be<br />
prescribed.<br />
sticks to the tooth at the junction of crown<br />
and root forming a 3 mm crevice of gum<br />
around each healthy tooth. This is where<br />
bacteria tend to accumulate. The bacteria<br />
can be removed from there by brushing at a<br />
45 degree angle into the crevice. Brush into<br />
the gums. The gums will not recede. Leaving<br />
bacteria in the sulcus causes recession, decay<br />
and gum(periodontal) disease!<br />
Flossing<br />
Each tooth has 5 surfaces to clean.<br />
Buccal(outside), lingual(inside), occlusal(top)<br />
and 2 interproximal(in between) surfaces.<br />
By not flossing, 2 surfaces are not cleaned.<br />
Flossing tape works more effectively as there<br />
is a broader surface to contact the tooth.<br />
Recently more sophisticated types of floss<br />
have been developed to improve cleaning<br />
potential. Flossing will prevent gum disease<br />
and interproximal decay.<br />
Be sure to get your copy of the<br />
Bush Telegraph next month for<br />
Part 2!<br />
Brushing technique<br />
Think of the gum as a poloneck around the<br />
tooth where the head is the tooth. The gum<br />
25<br />
An international<br />
associate of Savills
If it’s not Open Air,<br />
it’s not real Rock ‘n’ Roll.<br />
The new Boxster GTS.<br />
Real life takes place in the great outdoors. Sheer driving excitement,<br />
expressed by three letters: GTS. With the uprated 3.4-litre boxer engine plus<br />
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as standard. In the case of the new Boxster GTS this means: Still better<br />
performance. Still sportier equipment. Still more driving fun.<br />
Fuel consumption in l/100 km: combined 8.2 • CO 2 emissions: 190 g/km • Power: 243 kW (330 hp) • Torque: 370 Nm
Porsche Centre Umhlanga<br />
49 Meridian Drive<br />
Umhlanga Ridge Town Centre<br />
Umhlanga Ridge<br />
Tel: 031 514 3000<br />
IN ZIMBALI by Sue Beningfield<br />
Dear Residents,<br />
Please collect your initial clear bags (free of<br />
charge) from ZEMA’s reception. Once you’ve<br />
filled it with recyclables, place in a wheeli-bin<br />
and on your verge by 7am on a Wednesday<br />
morning and you will receive a replacement<br />
bag. Please contact Sue Beningfield on<br />
beningfield@telkomsa.net or Chris Marais<br />
at ZEMA on 032-5384300 or visit ZEMA’s<br />
website http://www.zema.co.za/conservation/<br />
recycling-program if you should have any<br />
waste queries.<br />
The Draft Pricing Strategy for Waste<br />
Management was Gazetted (No. 38438) for<br />
public comment (2 Feb - 3 Apr 2015) as<br />
required by the Waste Amendment Act (No.<br />
26 of 2014). This document will have some<br />
far reaching effects, so I would recommend<br />
you to be aware of some key points if you are<br />
trading in waste, importing, manufacturing or<br />
retailing certain products.<br />
The Pricing strategy must “contain the basis<br />
and guiding methodology for setting waste<br />
management charges”, including –<br />
• Funding the implementation of IndWMPs<br />
(Industry Waste Management Plans)<br />
• Establishment of incentives and<br />
disincentives<br />
• Differential charges (e.g. geographic area,<br />
type, impact)<br />
• Process for collection and allocation of<br />
funds<br />
EPR (extended producer responsibility) is<br />
an “environmental policy approach in which<br />
a producer’s responsibility for a product is<br />
extended to the post-consumer stage of a<br />
product’s life cycle” (OECD, 2001) and shall<br />
be used as one of the tools in the Pricing<br />
Strategy as it:<br />
• Relieves municipalities of some of the<br />
financial burden of waste management<br />
• Provides incentives to producers to<br />
reduce resources, use more secondary<br />
materials, and implement product design<br />
changes to reduce waste<br />
• EPR shifts the responsibility for waste<br />
management away from government to<br />
industry<br />
There are a number of voluntary ‘EPR<br />
schemes’ in SA:<br />
• Tins - Collect-A-Can (1993)<br />
• Waste oil - Rose Foundation (1994)<br />
collection by NORA-SA (2005)<br />
• Paper - PRASA (2003) subsidiary of<br />
PAMSA<br />
• Plastics - PETCO (2004); Polystyrene<br />
Packaging Council (2009); Polyco (2011)<br />
• Glass - Glass Recycling Company (2006)<br />
• WEEE - eWASA (2008)<br />
And one mandatory EPR scheme in SA for<br />
Waste tyres - Government Gazette No.35927<br />
(2012) which details the Integrated Industry<br />
Waste Tyre Management Plan and managed<br />
by REDISA Pty Ltd. A waste tyre management<br />
fee is levied by REDISA on waste tyre<br />
manufacturers and importers, namely R2.30<br />
+ VAT (14%) per kg of manufactured and/or<br />
imported tyres and casings.<br />
The government has prioritised the following<br />
industries for mandatory EPR schemes and<br />
calls for their associated IndWMPs –<br />
• Paper and packaging waste<br />
• WEEE<br />
• Lighting<br />
Industry is very concerned as the Gazetted<br />
Pricing Strategy proposes a Government<br />
managed EPR scheme (EPR tax) for<br />
mandatory EPR schemes with an allowance<br />
for a two year transitional period from the<br />
date of signing of the Pricing Strategy and<br />
that all industry-managed schemes must<br />
align with the Pricing Strategy by becoming<br />
Government-managed schemes. Government<br />
has made it clear that there will be NO ringfencing<br />
of revenue generated & collected<br />
through these schemes thus the funds will<br />
disappear into the government coffers. This<br />
proposal will see the collapse of the voluntary<br />
initiatives which generate over R300million<br />
annually & provide tens of thousands of jobs.<br />
There is also international evidence to suggest<br />
that recycling rates will regress. For example,<br />
in 2012 when the Hungarian state assumed<br />
control from privately run PRO’s, the recycling<br />
rates fell from 59% to 49% within a year!<br />
South Africa’s Packaging Performance –<br />
2013 as supplied by the paper & packaging<br />
industry:<br />
Packaging Type % Recycled in 2013<br />
Paper Packaging & Print 61.8<br />
Metal 65.8<br />
Glass 39.8<br />
Plastics 30.8<br />
Total 51%<br />
We want this to increase, not decrease!<br />
Recycling should be based on free market<br />
conditions with government assistance for<br />
storage and collection of materials, my view<br />
– open for debate!<br />
Happy Recycling!<br />
Sue Beningfield<br />
No doubt many of the Bush Telegraph recipients<br />
would have seen the article in the recent<br />
Courier covering the achievements in serving<br />
our local community by the Zimbali Rotary<br />
Club. I must admit even I, as a charter member,<br />
am amazed at how much is achieved by<br />
so few! The question arises, what motivates<br />
you to achieve these goals and I believe there<br />
are a few reasons.<br />
Firstly, there is the desire to put back something<br />
into society by those who have made<br />
a success of their lives and let’s face it that<br />
should cover all who live in Zimbali.<br />
Secondly, Rotary statistics show that a major<br />
reason for joining Rotary clubs is fellowship.<br />
We have regular fellowship events and these<br />
events have proved to be very enjoyable and<br />
fun! All work and no play, does not feature in<br />
our club. Also, as per the saying, “the joy is<br />
in the giving”, the greatest thing we can give<br />
is our time! Time is precious and we enjoy<br />
giving of our time to support our local community.<br />
Please take this as our personal invitation to<br />
join us at one of our regular Thursday evening<br />
meetings at the Bush Buck Club. Meetings<br />
start at 6.00pm and generally finish by<br />
7.30pm where we have snacks provided, but<br />
bring your own tipple!<br />
Should you wish to have more details about<br />
our club and membership you can contact:<br />
President, Julie Cloete, Cell No. 0826546262,<br />
Vice President, Brian Elmes, Tel No. 032-<br />
5381156, Rick and Denise Neilands Tel<br />
No. 032-5381165, Uta and Knud Stadler<br />
Tel No. 032-5381200, Mara Kruger Cell No.<br />
0836780405, Hans and Birgit Flender Cell No.<br />
0726578507 and they will only be too happy<br />
to answer any queries you have.<br />
Often people have a preconceived idea of what<br />
Rotary is about, i.e. a networking club for<br />
businessmen but this has changed dramatically<br />
as most of our members are ladies, e.g.<br />
our Club President, Julie Cloete.
Now<br />
Presenting<br />
Janelle Maritz<br />
083 694 6338<br />
Jawitz Properties Ballito<br />
Office: 032 946 3046<br />
Fax: 032 946 3673<br />
E-mail: admin@jawitzballito.co.za<br />
Shop G70a, Ballito Bay Mall,<br />
Simbithi Drive, Ballito<br />
www.jawitz.co.za<br />
Each office is independently owned and franchised<br />
This Month’s<br />
Recipe<br />
120g streaky bacon<br />
Golden syrup for brushing<br />
3 cups self raising flour<br />
Pinch of salt<br />
4 tsp sugar<br />
100g diced butter must be cold<br />
200g figs diced<br />
2 eggs<br />
2/3 cup buttermilk<br />
1 egg whisked with a bit of water for egg wash<br />
TO SERVE:<br />
Butter, fresh fig slices, honey and fresh mint<br />
METHOD:<br />
1. Preheat oven grill and lightly grease a baking<br />
tray with cooking spray. Add streaky bacon to<br />
the tray and place under grill. Keep an eye on it<br />
while it cooks, as it browns quickly. Turn it over<br />
after 1 or 2 minutes to ensure it cooks evenly.<br />
Remove from oven and brush each slice of<br />
bacon with syrup. Place back under the grill<br />
until caramelised and crisp, about 30 seconds.<br />
Ensure the bacon is fully cooked and crisp.<br />
Remove from oven allow to cool down<br />
completely and then roughly chop into bite-size<br />
pieces.<br />
2. Turn the heat of the oven down to 200°C and<br />
line 2 clean baking trays with baking paper.<br />
3. Combine the flour, salt and sugar in a mixing<br />
bowl. Using your fingertips rub in the butter<br />
until it resembles coarse breadcrumbs. Make<br />
sure the butter is very cold.<br />
4. Lightly stir in chopped figs and bacon.<br />
5. Whisk the eggs and buttermilk together, add<br />
to the dry ingredients and use a palette knife to<br />
draw it all together. Do not overmix.<br />
6. Turn the dough out onto a floured work<br />
surface. Gently pat the dough together with<br />
your hands and flatten to a thickness of about<br />
2,5 cm.<br />
7. Use a cm round cutter to cut out 8 large<br />
scones. Place them on the lined baking tray and<br />
brush with egg wash.<br />
8. Bake in the preheated oven until golden and<br />
crisp on the outside 15 – 20 minutes. Transfer<br />
to a wire cooling rack to cool.<br />
9. Serve with lashings of butter, fresh figs,<br />
honey and fresh mint.<br />
082 554 0809<br />
OFFICE: 0861 000 255<br />
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AdvertForPRint.pdf 1 2014/05/27 3:33 PM<br />
C<br />
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MY<br />
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Book review – Annece Winton<br />
Need something to<br />
read?<br />
A Spool of Blue Thread<br />
by Anne Tyler<br />
This title will be in the bookshops in May 2015<br />
Many of us are familiar with the writings of Anne<br />
Tyler as she has brought us entertaining reads<br />
such as The Beginners Goodbye, The Amateur<br />
Marriage, Accidental Marriage and Digging to<br />
America to name just a few of her 19 previous<br />
novels. These novels all look at family life and<br />
are set in Baltimore. Her latest novel “A Spool<br />
of Blue Thread” is no exception.<br />
Picture a middle class American family, as we<br />
meet four generations of the Whitshank family<br />
However happiness eludes them. When Junior,<br />
the founder of this family, who is in construction,<br />
sees the plans of a home he is commissioned<br />
to build for a businessman, he sets his<br />
heart on the home and constructs it to his own<br />
high standards and through some mild chicanery<br />
eventually acquires the home.<br />
Junior is entrapped by a girl half his age who<br />
bides her time and eventually gets her man.<br />
They have two children, Redcliffe their son and<br />
Merrick their daughter. Merrick is the kind of<br />
girl who sets her desires on her best friend’s<br />
beau whom she is delighted to see comes from<br />
the upper echelons of Baltimore society. While<br />
Merrick escapes, her brother Red takes over the<br />
family construction business and marries Abby<br />
who is the self-depreciating type. It is this<br />
couple who we get to know best as the family<br />
slowly fall apart.<br />
The novel opens when Denny their son, calls<br />
late one evening to tell Red and Abby he is gay (<br />
he is not) and puts the phone down before they<br />
can ask any questions. Denny is a college dropout,<br />
irregularly employed and an unmarried and<br />
mostly missing father. He is a nomad with no<br />
fixed abode and usually out of reach. No one,<br />
not his parents or his two sisters or his younger<br />
adopted brother can cope with his erratic behaviour<br />
let alone his occasional homecomings.<br />
His older sister Amanda confronts him with a<br />
list of his domestic neglect and shortcomings.<br />
But the real reason for his sibling’s angst is that<br />
he has “consumed every last drop of his parent’s<br />
attention and left nothing for the rest of<br />
us”.<br />
When Red starts going deaf and then has a<br />
heart attack and Abby’s brain starts to “jump<br />
the track” the family come together to take over<br />
their care. Predictably the “good” son Stem and<br />
his wife Nora move into the family home to care<br />
for their parents, and no sooner have they done<br />
so when the prodigal son, Denny, reappears to<br />
take on the responsibility. It is in this situation<br />
that we witness resentment, guilt and long buried<br />
jealousies as the siblings vie for control.<br />
However in the end, goodness triumphs over<br />
wickedness and there is no place like home,<br />
even if it is not quite perfect.<br />
031 5693642 / 083 789 3455<br />
10 Year Anniversary Special: Club Car Precedents<br />
2-seater R50K / 4-seater R59K exclusive of VAT<br />
Units include NEW windscreen, batteries, tyres, headlights,4-seater kit<br />
1 year comprehensive Warranty<br />
Friday, March 13<br />
Wakefields Meat Competition<br />
Individual Stableford<br />
1st Paul Coombes 22 pts<br />
2nd Michael Moore<br />
19 pts<br />
3rd Fanie van Rensburg 18 pts c/o<br />
4th Sean Wells 18 pts c/o<br />
5th Blaize McIntosh 18 pts c/o<br />
Saturday, March 21<br />
Individual Medal (Men)<br />
1st Bryan Carter-Brown 66 nett<br />
2nd Pat Burgess<br />
67 nett<br />
Individual Medal (Ladies)<br />
1st Di Beningfield 72 nett<br />
2nd Marie-Louise Steyn<br />
76 nett<br />
Nearest to Pin: Phillip Burger<br />
Saturday, March 14<br />
Betterball Stableford<br />
1st Lenzo Pillay and Reg Ellaya 48 pts<br />
2nd Rowen and Craig Pillay 47 pts c/o<br />
3rd Rowen and Graham 47 pts c/o<br />
4th Marie-Louise Steyn and<br />
Blaize McIntosh<br />
45 pts<br />
5th Barry and Di Beningfield 44 pts c/o<br />
Nearest to Pin (Men) – Rowen<br />
Nearest to Pin (Ladies) – Di Beningfield<br />
2 Clubs: Arthur Reeves (14th), Marie-Louise<br />
Steyn (14th), Andrew Matthewson (9th),<br />
Denny Moodley (14th)<br />
Betterball Medal<br />
1st Bryan Carter-Brown & Michael Moore<br />
62 nett<br />
2nd Pat Burgess & Gavin Bissict 65 nett c/o<br />
3rd Paul Botha & Peter Wilson 65 nett c/o<br />
Best Gross (Men): Pat Burgess – 73<br />
Best Gross (Ladies): Di Beningfield 85<br />
Nearest to Pin (Men) – Blaize McIntosh<br />
Nearest to Pin (Ladies) – Di Beningfield<br />
2 Clubs: Shashi Marajh (5th and 9th), Neil<br />
Venter (5th), Pat Burgess (5th and 14th),<br />
Mike du Toit (14th), Bryan Carter-Brown<br />
(9th), Blaize McIntosh (11th), Di Beningfield<br />
(5th), Ian Jarvie (14th)<br />
Friday, March 20<br />
Wakefields Meat Competition<br />
Individual Stableford<br />
1st Tim Edwards 24 pts<br />
2nd Tony Pitham<br />
22 pts<br />
3rd Blaize McIntosh 20 pts c/o<br />
4th Elliott Nkosi 20 pts c/o<br />
5th John Winton 19 pts c/o<br />
6th June Allan 19 pts c/o<br />
Nearest to Pin: Mike du Toit<br />
Winners of the Individual Medal Competition,<br />
Bryan Carter-Brown and Di Beningfield<br />
Friday, March 27<br />
Wakefields Meat Competition<br />
Individual Stableford<br />
1st John Steed 22 pts<br />
2nd Sean Wells<br />
21 pts c/o<br />
3rd Steve Phytides 21 pts<br />
4th Dimitri Providas 20 pts c/o<br />
5th John Marriott 20 pts c/o<br />
Nearest to Pin: Dimitri Providas<br />
Saturday, March 28<br />
Betterball Bonus Bogey<br />
1st<br />
Wynand van der Linden and<br />
Graeme Winterbach +10<br />
2nd Benine du Toit and Mike Molyneux +10<br />
3rd Paul Botha and Kelvin Reeve +9<br />
4th Holger and Louis Peens +8<br />
5th Nivesh Sewlall and Peet Botha +8<br />
2nd Malcolm Fick, Tracy Fick, Barry<br />
Preston, Ian Tindall<br />
91 pts c/o<br />
3rd Barry Beningfield, Di Beningfield, Neil<br />
MacNeillie and Brenda MacNeillie 91 pts c/o<br />
4th Eric Huang, Barry Trollip, Mike Algie,<br />
Louis de Colbert<br />
89 pts c/o<br />
5th Peter Matkovich, Wouter Le Roux,<br />
Pat Burgess, Tony Barnard 89 pts c/o<br />
Nearest to Pin - Men: Blaize McIntosh<br />
Nearest to Pin - Ladies: Di Beningfield<br />
2 Clubs: Tristan Kaatze (11th), Barry Beningfield<br />
(9th), Brenda MacNeillie (14th), Di<br />
Beningfield (14th)<br />
Nearest to Pin (Men) – John Allan<br />
Nearest to Pin (Ladies) – June Allan<br />
2 Clubs: Paul Barns (9th), Alan Hutcheson<br />
(14th), Louis Peens (5th), Holger Peens<br />
(11th), Jane Peatfield (9th), John Allan<br />
(14th), Garth Remmington (9th)<br />
Friday, April 3<br />
Wakefields Meat Competition<br />
Individual Stableford<br />
1st Sharon Griffiths 21 pts c/o<br />
2nd Bridgette Wittmer<br />
21 pts c/o<br />
3rd Matthew Rattray 20 pts c/o<br />
4th Michelle Walker 20 pts c/o<br />
5th Ken du Toit 20 pts c/o<br />
Meat Competition Winner, Sharon Griffiths<br />
Nearest to Pin: Sharon Griffiths<br />
Saturday, April 4<br />
Jawitz 4 Ball Alliance<br />
1st Michelle Walker, Steve Walker,<br />
Grant Walker and Mike Molyneux 91 pts c/o<br />
Alliance Winners, Michelle Walker, Steve<br />
Walker, Grant Walker and Mike Molyneux<br />
with Sponsor Janelle from Jawitz<br />
May ‘15<br />
3 Sun Zimbali Rotary Day 112<br />
7 Thu Black Jack Events<br />
c/o Iveco Golf Group 60<br />
8 Fri FNB Business 80<br />
9 Sat FNB Business 80<br />
12 Tue Wildlands Conservation Trust 112<br />
14 Thu Cipla Medro Pharmaceuticals 60<br />
21 Thur Aptronics KZN 40<br />
26 Tue Zimbali Ladies Open Day 112<br />
28 Thur BASF Chemical Company 112<br />
30 Sat Maritzburg Business League 68<br />
June’15<br />
2 Tue Avis Fleet Services 60<br />
4 Thur Bidvest Tank Terminals 112<br />
18-21 Thurs - Sun<br />
Telkom Supersport Shootout 80<br />
25 Thu Ilembe Chamber of Commerce<br />
Charity Day 112<br />
MAY<br />
Sat 2 4 Ball Alliance - Jawitz Properties<br />
Sun 3 Central League - Camelot<br />
Sat 9 Betterball Stableford<br />
Sun 10 Inter-Estate Mt Edgecombe<br />
Sat & Sun<br />
16/17 ZCC Club Champs<br />
Sat 23 Combined Stableford<br />
Sun 24 Central League - Papwa Segolum<br />
Sun 24 Inter-Estate - Prince’s Grant<br />
JUne<br />
Sat 6 Sanlam Cancer Challenge -<br />
Individual<br />
Sat 13 Betterball Stableford<br />
Sat 20 4 Ball Alliance - Jawitz Properties<br />
Sun 21 Junior Golf Compo<br />
Fri 26 Putting Championship<br />
Sat 27 Individual & Betterball Medal<br />
Sun 28 Inter-Estate - Simbithi<br />
• Monday School - Players need to advise<br />
the shop in the morning and be at the club<br />
at 12pm<br />
Members’ Happy Hour - every Friday 5pm in Members’ Bar<br />
Proudly sponsored by<br />
To book please contact the Zimbali<br />
proshop on 032 538 1041.<br />
With the first quarter of the year behind us,<br />
we are already in full swing with some very<br />
important club events. The AGM of the Golf<br />
Section of the Zimbali Country Club was held<br />
on the 11th of April, along with the Captains<br />
Dinner.<br />
The draws for the knockout competitions have<br />
taken place and 1st round matches are to be<br />
played in May. The Club Championships, our<br />
main event for the year, are scheduled for the<br />
16th and 17th of May, which is two months<br />
earlier than prior years.<br />
There has been a certain amount of confusion<br />
amongst the members relating to the two<br />
separate AGM’s that take place, with a 3rd<br />
“informal” AGM of the ladies section also having<br />
taken place recently. The Golf Section AGM<br />
deals with golf matters only and is chaired by the<br />
Chairman of the Golf Committee. This meeting<br />
deals mainly with competitions and a general<br />
feedback to members on golf happenings and<br />
highlights for the prior calendar year. The Golf<br />
committee meets monthly and is representative<br />
of golfers at Zimbali Country Club. The Zimbali<br />
Country Club AGM that is scheduled for the 19th<br />
of June is chaired by the Chairman of the Board<br />
of Governors and reports on the financial status<br />
of the Club, as well as any relevant decisions<br />
that may have been taken by the Board over the<br />
prior financial year. This Board’s representation<br />
includes members of the golf committee,<br />
representatives of the developers TIFAZ, the<br />
Fairmont, ZEMA and a ZCC other sections<br />
representative. This Board meets quarterly.<br />
The results for the Country Club to the<br />
end of March have been satisfactory, with<br />
management very aware of the difficult trading<br />
conditions that are prevalent in the hospitality<br />
and leisure industry at present.<br />
A short summary of the various departments<br />
are as follows:<br />
• Total rounds are flat on last year at 8,663.<br />
• Green fee and golf cart revenues are flat on<br />
last year at R2,377,000.<br />
• Food and beverage revenues are 3% behind<br />
last year at R1,163,000.<br />
• Total revenues are 3% up on prior year at<br />
R5,669,000.<br />
• The EBITDA figure is at R694,000 which is<br />
R147,000 up on prior year.<br />
• The Zimbali Country Club has received a new<br />
fleet of golf carts and with the trade in of the<br />
previous fleet, there was a profit on the sale of<br />
assets amounting to R400,000. With this figure<br />
taken into account and the debenture premium<br />
recorded for the 1st 3 months, the retained<br />
profit is R1,191,000, vs. prior year of R485,000.<br />
We have recently added new furniture to the<br />
Fig Tree area, as well as reducing the size of the<br />
garden at the entrance to this facility, which has<br />
allowed for additional seating in our courtyard.<br />
It is amazing to see the additional light and how<br />
underutilized this area was for a long period of<br />
time, with many patrons preferring to sit outside<br />
in the courtyard.<br />
The next Members Quiz evening is scheduled<br />
for the 6th of May with reminders to go out over<br />
the next couple of weeks. Please book early by<br />
contacting dmanly@mweb.co.za to secure your<br />
place in this very popular event.<br />
See you around the Club<br />
Steven<br />
WIND<br />
I don’t know of any caddie-player team on<br />
the PGA Tour that competes without knowing<br />
two things: (1) The prevailing wind direction<br />
for the round and (2) the wind direction at<br />
any given moment. It’s against the rules to<br />
use a compass during a round, but you can<br />
use a weather app on your phone to find out<br />
the wind speed and direction. Don’t underestimate<br />
the importance of this in determining<br />
club selection and shot shape.<br />
Although you might know what to do into the<br />
wind—take more club and swing easier—<br />
downwind shots tend to cause players fits,<br />
because the ball often reacts counter to what<br />
you might expect. Unless you hit a shot on a<br />
fairly high trajectory, it won’t ride the wind.<br />
Instead, it will get knocked down because<br />
of a reduction in backspin, and the expected<br />
distance gains won’t materialize. To take advantage<br />
of a breeze at your back, first set up<br />
to hit a higher shot: Address the ball farther<br />
forward, and let your spine tilt away from the<br />
target a little (right). Have the ball setup opposite<br />
the left heel (pic) with your shoulders<br />
at more of an angle (see pic)<br />
Next thing to do is watch your ball fly high<br />
and far.<br />
Yours in Golf, Kyle Caitano,<br />
PGA Golf Professional<br />
Zimbali Country Club,<br />
079 507 4675<br />
This is my first article in the magazine as<br />
Captain of the golf section of the club and<br />
I welcome the chance to keep the members<br />
informed of some items of interest.<br />
By the time you read this the Captains<br />
Dinner will have been held and only good<br />
memories of the evening will remain.<br />
On this note I would like to thank our<br />
immediate past captains John Winton and<br />
Marie-Louise Steyn for all that they have<br />
done for Zimbali golf over the two year<br />
period they have been in office. They<br />
both coped admirably and did the club<br />
proud in all activities they participated in.<br />
They are both passionate about the club<br />
and the game of golf and I know that even<br />
though they have come to the end of their<br />
“reign” they will still be around to offer<br />
their guidance and support. I look forward<br />
to working with our new Ladies Captain,<br />
June Allan and can only see good things<br />
coming from our association.<br />
I have chosen a theme of “Making A<br />
Difference” for my period in office. I have<br />
been a golf captain before and understand<br />
that it is hard to please everybody all of<br />
the time but by listening to what people<br />
have to say, it forms a trend in your mind<br />
as to how successful the golf committee is<br />
being and what needs to be addressed. We<br />
are only concerned with matters golf and<br />
cannot interfere with the running of the<br />
club itself. That is the domain of Steven<br />
42<br />
Shearer and his staff. We can however<br />
influence what he does and thinks and<br />
hopefully get it right most of the time,<br />
obviously with you the golfer in mind<br />
and the experience you demand from this<br />
lovely venue.<br />
I have my views on what can be improved<br />
and these will emerge as the committee<br />
and I settle in for the new year. We have a<br />
strong committee with loads of experience<br />
and a willingness to “make a difference”.<br />
We have lots of good ideas and welcome<br />
any suggestions you might have as well.<br />
Communicate these to me via the golf<br />
secretary Yvonne Theocharopoulos.<br />
The Club Champs is looming on the<br />
horizon (16-17 May) and Kyle has the<br />
lists out for you to enter. We are looking<br />
for the best player to win and the course<br />
will be set up to test your golf and your<br />
ability to conquer your opponents and your<br />
mind. Both of our Champs will be playing<br />
to defend their titles so come and enter<br />
and see if it is you to topple them off<br />
their perch.<br />
We have had some much needed rain<br />
which has lifted the course and it is<br />
looking much better now with the dams<br />
being quite full. The rainfall levels are<br />
still down on what we expected and we<br />
still have to manage this scarce resource.<br />
James Herbert and his team have done a
wonderful job with what we have and we<br />
still get compliments from members and<br />
visitors alike. We are very fortunate.<br />
Steven Shearer puts out his weekly<br />
newsletter which covers a lot of the daily<br />
aspects of the club. Please take a look<br />
at these and don’t just delete it from<br />
your inbox. All the important dates and<br />
competition results are there for you to<br />
see. Make a note of the important dates<br />
for you to participate in.<br />
The Ladies golf section has grown on<br />
Tuesdays and the Men’s Wine Club on<br />
Wednesdays is now subject to booking<br />
by Tues midday with a draw published<br />
Tuesday evening. Please come and join in<br />
as it is such fun to be with your mates<br />
and have a drink with us afterwards.<br />
See you on the course.<br />
Paul Botha (PABBY)<br />
GOLF CAR<br />
Importers of Trojan Golf Cart Batteries<br />
6V, 8V and 12V direct from the USA<br />
Importers of Nivel Parts for Golf Carts<br />
Importers of Controllers for Golf Carts<br />
Refurbishing, Repairs & Servicing<br />
Sales of used golf carts<br />
Branches in Gauteng and Kwazulu-Natal<br />
Jamie: 076 3000 992<br />
Email: jamiefraser@vodamail.co.za<br />
2 Acacia Park, Ballito<br />
www.golfcarbattery.co.za • www.usedgolfcars.co.za<br />
This is my first newsletter for the Bush<br />
Telegraph! Thanks to Marie-Louise Steyn for<br />
being out Lady Captain for the past 2 years.<br />
We wish her a very happy retirement from<br />
Captaincy.<br />
The competitions for March have been well<br />
attended with the following results:-<br />
On the 3rd we had an Individual Stableford,<br />
1st Tracy Fick on 35 points followed closely<br />
by Jenny Aitken on 34 points.<br />
For the 3 Ball Alliance on the 10th, the winners<br />
were Jane Peatfield, Jan Manly, Brenda Elmes<br />
on 75 points.<br />
The 17th was an afternoon competition when<br />
we played our Medal Finals. The Medal Winner<br />
Final was won by Di Beningfield on a Nett 69,<br />
very hard to beat. Marie Louise was next best<br />
on a count out from Jenny Aitken on nett 72.<br />
The Individual Stableford Competition was<br />
won by Brenda Elmes on 31 points.<br />
On the 24th we played a Bonus Bogey, not the<br />
most favourite competition of the ladies but<br />
1st June Allan on +4 2nd Jenny Aitken on +1.<br />
Our Ladies AGM was held on the 31st of<br />
March. The meeting was run very smoothly<br />
and the new committee was elected. These<br />
being Gesi Graham, Annece Winton and<br />
myself. Corinne Botha has stepped down<br />
as Treasurer, thank you Corinne for your<br />
contribution for the past 2 years.<br />
Well done to all the ladies who received the<br />
following prizes for their contribution over the<br />
past year:<br />
Eclectic - Lynda du Toit<br />
Medal Winner - Di Beningfield nett 69,<br />
Debbie van Helt - most improved golf<br />
June Allan - Attendance and Birdies.<br />
This was followed by our afternoon competition<br />
of 3 Ball Alliance, 15 ladies participating, well<br />
done to the winners, Brenda MacNeillie,<br />
Debbie van Helt and Barbara Winterbach on<br />
82 points followed by Marie-Louise, Jill van<br />
der Schyff and Tracy Fick on 80 points.<br />
LOUISA: 032 586 1572 MARTIN 083 627 7190<br />
This was followed by a wonderful evening<br />
of drinks and snacks arranged by the ladies<br />
committee. Thanks must go to the kitchen<br />
staff for providing us with some very tasty<br />
snacks.<br />
The 7th April being the 1st Tuesday of the<br />
month should have been Medal but as we<br />
were only 4 ladies, we made it a fun morning<br />
of golf with perfect weather. I think being<br />
Tuesday after Easter the ladies were still in<br />
“Holiday mode”!!! Hopefully after the Easter<br />
Holidays things will get back to normal and<br />
that our next golf day our numbers of ladies<br />
will be back to normal.<br />
Our next Open Day will be 26th May so please<br />
book your 4 balls to avoid disappointment. It<br />
only remains for me to say that I am looking<br />
forward to my year of Captaincy and keeping<br />
the golf numbers on the up!!!<br />
June Allan<br />
Our new lady Captain June Allan, alongside<br />
our wonderful retiring Captain Marie<br />
Louise Steyn, with committee members<br />
Corinne Botha, Gesi Graham and Annece<br />
Winton. Unfortunately Corinne will not be<br />
a member of the committee this coming<br />
year.<br />
Tennis Coaching & Social<br />
You may have read in the April Bush Telegraph,<br />
under Steven’s Desk article, that we are very<br />
fortunate to have a new resident and multiple<br />
major tennis doubles champion, Kevin Ullyett<br />
who is offering tennis coaching in Zimbali.<br />
This will also make it easier for those people<br />
who take their children to Umhlali for tennis<br />
coaching.<br />
Contact him on 062 0815568 or email<br />
ullyettkevin@gmail.com<br />
Operating hours during which bookings can<br />
be made are from 05h00 to 20h00 Mondays<br />
to Fridays and 07h00 to 12h00 Saturdays,<br />
Sundays and public holidays. The daily<br />
booking sheet will be printed and placed on<br />
the notice board inside the squash courts.<br />
We are also pleased to advise that:<br />
• additional industrial fans have been installed<br />
inside the squash courts to further increase<br />
the circulation and air flow, and that<br />
For social tennis Attie is still keen to assist<br />
players getting social games usually on<br />
Thursdays: Attie Pottas 0835434570<br />
Attiemaureen_pottas@hotmail.com<br />
Social Tennis Co-ordinator<br />
League Squash<br />
Summer league is nearly over and winter<br />
league starts soon. For details please contact<br />
David Hunter or Wayne Reece detailed below.<br />
Social squash<br />
This always takes place regularly every<br />
Monday afternoon from 15h30 to 17h30 and<br />
members are invited to join in.<br />
We are pleased to let Zimbali squash players<br />
know that a squash booking system has<br />
been implemented at the BBC Gym and that<br />
booking a game of squash will therefore be<br />
essential for this system to operate.<br />
To book, please either call the BBC Gym staff<br />
on +27 (0)32 538-1481, or email them at<br />
bookings@imovefitness.co.za.<br />
• the coin machines for lights at both the<br />
squash and tennis courts have been replaced<br />
with lighting timer-switches, which are set to<br />
run for 1 hour after activated.<br />
If you have any queries, comments or<br />
suggestions regarding the member facilities,<br />
please feel free to write to Bonny, at the ZEMA<br />
Suggestion Box - Email: suggestionbox@<br />
zema.co.za.<br />
Our thanks and appreciation to ZEMA for<br />
implementing the above which will further<br />
increase interest in squash for residents and<br />
their guests<br />
Players interested in league or social squash<br />
are invited to contact the following members:-<br />
For league -<br />
David Hunter at dahunter@telkomsa.net;<br />
Wayne Reece at; wmr@mweb.co.za<br />
For social -<br />
Syd Kelly at Sydkelly@telkomsa.net<br />
Syd Kelly – Racquets Co-ordinator<br />
A very busy day on Saturday the 11th April.<br />
Golf in the morning, the Zimbali Ladies vs<br />
the Men, AGM straight afterwards and then<br />
party time!!!! A special evening – prizes<br />
were handed out and Kyle once again stole<br />
the show. Steven thanked his loyal staff for<br />
their dedication to their jobs and special<br />
mention was made several times by the outgoing<br />
Captains of how helpful and efficient<br />
Yvonne is.<br />
June Allan – our new Ladies Captain receiving<br />
her trophy for being the Ladies Knockout winner<br />
for 2014 – Marie Louise our retiring Ladies’ Captain<br />
handing her the prize.<br />
Neil Venter winner of the Eclectic competition<br />
2014/2015.<br />
John and Annece Winton with their trophy for<br />
winning the Betterball Knockout for 2014.<br />
John Winton outgoing men’s captain with Marie<br />
Louise receiving the floating trophy - unfortunately<br />
the men once again beat the ladies!!!!<br />
David Peatfield, our well known lost ball collector<br />
presenting Kyle with a floating trophy hand<br />
made from some of the balls he has collected.<br />
John Winton receiving a gift of appreciation from<br />
our new Men’s Captain Paul Botha<br />
Classifieds<br />
Kitchens, BICs & Bars • Timber Decks,<br />
Balustrades, Pergolas, Staircases & Screens.<br />
Timber Refurbishment • Renovations<br />
• Handyman Maintenance • Painting & Tiling.<br />
074 138 5944 or 071 607 0651<br />
info@greenmaintenance.co.za<br />
Call Fraser: 082 219 7914<br />
We look after your home as if it was our own<br />
Email: homesweethomemaintenance@gmail.com<br />
Best rates for pool maintenance.<br />
Phone Johan Eloff 078 2425011<br />
Stockists of top Quality Glodina Towels and the<br />
finest Linen including 550 TIC Egyptian Cotton<br />
+ Bed Wraps. Excellent Prices. Shop 1, Ballito<br />
Centre. Tel: 032 - 9460224 or 0825730938.<br />
Offers professional cleaning services, i.e. dry<br />
cleaning of curtains on the rail, upholstery and<br />
carpet cleaning. Contact Tilly on<br />
083 719 2101 Website www.tillbary.co.za<br />
24 hr service - weekend included.<br />
Electrical installations and repairs.<br />
082 450 0435 / 032 946 3718 / 087 727 8640<br />
Kids from 5 years and older. Ballito based<br />
Email: arbattlemann@gmail.com.<br />
Cell: 0836772929. After hours 0838470995<br />
Dolphin Coast Tourist Services<br />
For all your transporting needs<br />
Tel: 083 431 2749 / 082 629 3365<br />
48<br />
Roux Airconditioning<br />
Phone Bruno Lamusse 031 579 1335<br />
www.rouxair.co.za<br />
The RIGHT solution for all your computer needs<br />
• Sales, support and service • Networking<br />
• Adsl setups • Email and internet Service<br />
provider • Domain and website hosting<br />
• Web Design • Anti-virus • Data recovery<br />
• CCTV Cameras. R250 call out fee.<br />
Contact Sean - 072 588 2167<br />
Email: info@therightclick.co.za<br />
Personal, professional & efficient service!<br />
• Plumbing • All Household Maintenance<br />
• Electrical • Pools • Tiling • Painting<br />
• Renovations • Deck Repairs.<br />
If it’s Broken, We’ll Fix It! Call Damon:<br />
083 229 8850 or Email: joe@thenomads.co.za<br />
• www.thenomads.co.za<br />
All Areas Pest Control<br />
For professional pest control and lawn treatments<br />
Cell: 072-156 2849 / Tel: 031-940 5714<br />
Keep out MONKEYS & All PESTS!<br />
No Mosquitoes, Flies, Snakes, Frogs, Bats etc.<br />
coming into your Home *Easily Installed on<br />
Windows & Doors *Virtually Invisible<br />
*Aluminium *Allows fresh Breeze in.<br />
Contact Nadine – 082 8944728<br />
Nadine@cornerstarkzn.co.za<br />
For all your pool requirements including weekly<br />
Pool maintenance, pool design and construction,<br />
all types of decking and paving, fibre lining<br />
and repairs. Special for Autumn - when so many<br />
leaves drop into your pool, we are offering a<br />
very special price of R499 for the Cyclonic Leaf<br />
Catcher made by Zodiac – normal selling price<br />
R650. Please call us on 032 946 2663 or visit<br />
our retail store at The Circle near Food Lovers,<br />
Douglas Crowe Dr, Ballito.<br />
Exclusive<br />
Property<br />
Collection<br />
Zimbali<br />
Coastal Resort<br />
KZN North Coast<br />
Call: 0800 946 225<br />
a/h: 083 409 2666<br />
Our business is Zimbali - Exclusively<br />
Executive Lock-Up-And-Go Townhouse – R3,950,000<br />
Newly completed Townhouse, designed and built on an elevated site.<br />
Quality finishes have been used throughout the home and accentuate<br />
the modern design. Large windows allow for a light and airy home and<br />
spacious patios are ideal for watching both the glorious sunrise and<br />
beautiful sunset too.<br />
Call Heather Eaton: 072 288 2787<br />
Lovely Sea View Position - Sole Mandate - R4,950,000<br />
Charming holiday home situated within a small development close to<br />
the beach, with uninterrupted views of the forest and sea. Enjoy<br />
relaxed living on the spacious deck while enjoying this stunning view of<br />
the Indian Ocean. The home enjoys rustic finishes giving the home the<br />
real colonial Africa feel. The tranquil green belts which surround this<br />
home add to the exotic appeal and charm.<br />
Call Vaughn Reiche: 082 796 7199<br />
Once In a Lifetime Beachfront Home - R10,500,000<br />
Ideal for an investment. Older beachfront home on amazing 1900 sqm<br />
stand, with privacy and tranquillity. This 5 bedroom home can be<br />
modernised and expanded as a great holiday or permanent beachfront<br />
beauty. What an investment opportunity!<br />
Call Vaughn Reiche: 082 796 7199<br />
The Very Best - R13,500,000<br />
Sophistication and elegance together with an excellent floor plan to<br />
enjoy both the front sea and golf course view with patio, braai, rim-flow<br />
pool, and private pizza patio with level garden and lawn. Folding doors<br />
lead from kitchen to patios, swimming pool and private lounge.<br />
Call Heather Eaton: 072 288 2787
Switchboard: 032 538 4300<br />
Direct Fax: 032 538 1910<br />
Welcome Centre Direct Tel: 032 538 4250<br />
Welcome Centre Fax: 032 538 4235<br />
Security Control Room & After Hours: 032 538 4200<br />
Security Control Room Emergency<br />
Contact Numbers: 076 336 3713 / 071 739 6904<br />
Reception / Help Desk - Mary Chinasami<br />
Email: reception@zema.co.za<br />
General Manager - Sarika Somai-Sewpersad<br />
Email: ssomai@zema.co.za<br />
PA to GM / Office Administrator - Karen Garratt<br />
Direct Tel: 032 538 4331 Email: admin@zema.co.za<br />
Building Control Manager - Ricky Naicker<br />
Email: rnaicker@zema.co.za<br />
Building Control Officer - Selvan Arunachellam<br />
Email: buildings@zema.co.za<br />
ARC & Operations Administrator - Angela Lawrence<br />
Direct Tel: 032 538 4322 Email: arcadmin@zema.co.za<br />
Buildings, Operations, Environmental & Technical<br />
Administrator - Thrivin Naidoo<br />
Email: boetadmin@zema.co.za<br />
Marketing/PR<br />
Karishma Ramkissoon<br />
Direct Tel: 032 538 4315 Email: marketing@zema.co.za<br />
Welcome Centre & Member Liaison Manager - Bonny Levin<br />
Direct Tel: 032 538 4314 Email: liaison@zema.co.za<br />
Welcome Centre Reception - (open 7 days a week)<br />
Rivionia Veerasamy, Princess Duma, Shashi Chandraduth<br />
Direct Tel: 032 538 4350 Direct Fax: 032 538 4235<br />
Email: rentals@zema.co.za<br />
Bushbuck Club Administrator - Mandilene Reddy<br />
Email: bbcadmin@zema.co.za<br />
I fear the day technology will surpass our human<br />
interaction. The world will have a generation of idiots.’<br />
Albert Einstein<br />
last word<br />
Financial Manager - Liesl van den Berg<br />
Email : fm@zema.co.za<br />
Financial Administrator - Natasha Chetty<br />
Direct Tel: 032 538 4316 Email: accounts@zema.co.za<br />
Financial Controller – Yashika Jagannath<br />
Direct Tel: 032 538 4304<br />
Email: financecontrol@zema.co.za<br />
Debtors Clerk (for Levies) – Shamim Saib<br />
Direct Tel: 032 538 4307 Email: debtors@zema.co.za<br />
Debtors Clerk (Zimbali Country Club) – Sarika Maharaj<br />
Direct Tel: 032 538 4333 Email: finance@zema.co.za<br />
Debtors Clerk (for Fines) - Mandilene Reddy<br />
Email: bbcadmin@zema.co.za<br />
Security Manager - Shane Cox<br />
Direct Tel: 032 538 4226 Direct Fax: 032 538 4208<br />
Email: security@zema.co.za<br />
Technical Administrator - Tammy Reynolds<br />
Direct Tel: 032 538 4227 Email: control2@zema.co.za<br />
Access Controller – Neville Govender<br />
Email: control4@zema.co.za<br />
Access Controller - Linda Naidoo<br />
Direct Tel: 032 538 4202 Email: control3@zema.co.za<br />
Security Administrator - Jenny Delport<br />
Direct Tel: 032 538 4219 Email: control@zema.co.za<br />
Enforce Security Manager - Albert Rode<br />
Tel: 032 538 4200/ Cell: 072 630 2044<br />
Email: enforce1@zimbaliestate.co.za<br />
Enforce Technical Manager - Barry Smith<br />
Tel: 032 538 4200 Email: barrys@enforce.co.za<br />
Operations & Environmental Manager - Chris Marais<br />
Email: operations@zema.co.za<br />
Operations Administrator - Ravesh Bhugwantdeen<br />
Email: opsadmin@zema.co.za<br />
Operations Administrator - Ashlee Govender<br />
Email: opspa@zema.co.za
You only live once ... Live Zimbali<br />
Majestically resting above the coastal forest, this<br />
beautifully appointed villa allows for the ultimate in<br />
luxurious living. Upstairs offers you 4 bedroom<br />
suites with private balconies.<br />
Hennie Steyn<br />
ZAR 9,3 million<br />
083 386 3958 Web: ENV61726<br />
A tranquil forest retreat with spacious and light<br />
flooded interiors and a harmonious flow to the<br />
splendid sun terrace, covered patio and pool area. A<br />
feeling of ultimate relaxation and luxury.<br />
Jana Vorster<br />
ZAR 10,8 million<br />
082 430 5430 Web: ENV75004<br />
Hennie Steyn has joined forces with Engel &<br />
Volkers Ballito. He has 35 years real estate<br />
experience and is a professional valuer, appraiser<br />
and business broker. He was involved in Zimbali<br />
since the beginning. Call Hennie on 083 386 3958,<br />
to assist you in all your property dealings.<br />
Executive home in a complex offering impressive<br />
proportions and bright ambiance, with direct access<br />
from the garage. Boasting open plan living areas<br />
highlighted by a modern, spacious kitchen.<br />
Jana Vorster<br />
ZAR 5,3 million<br />
082 430 5430 Web: ENV62894<br />
Hennie Steyn<br />
.<br />
Ballito Office Tel. +27(0)32 946 7777<br />
ballito@engelvoelkers.com<br />
www.engelvoelkers.com/ballito<br />
Jana Vorster
Welcome<br />
to Ian Naidu<br />
who joins the dynamic Seeff Zimbali Sales Team.<br />
Ian has been actively selling on the estate for the<br />
most part of the past decade and has a wealth of<br />
experience relating to Zimbali properties. Ian has<br />
consistently been a top sales performer and has<br />
assisted many Zimbali home owners acquire<br />
their properties.<br />
“We welcome him to our Seeff family and look forward to his<br />
success in this new chapter of his career”.<br />
R3,500,000 , Fairway and Ocean Views, 1,027m²<br />
ExclusivE<br />
sOlE MandatE<br />
Vacant Land Portfolio - Exclusive to Seeff<br />
With vacant land within Zimbali becoming<br />
increasingly scarce, our exclusive portfolio<br />
of vacant land opportunities will provide<br />
superb options to choose from.<br />
Ian Naidu<br />
Zimbali Specialist<br />
076 941 1838<br />