Syntax Analysis

Syntax Analysis

Syntax Analysis


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Recursive Descent Predictive Parsing (RDPP)<br />

(ASU Ch 2.4)<br />

• Define the (disjoint) sets “first” for each NT on RHS of P<br />

– first() = {integer, char, num}<br />

– first(^id) = {^}<br />

– first(array …) = {array}<br />

• PP (predictive Parser) requires<br />

– procedure for every NT - takes action based on first(a) for a<br />

on the RHS of a production P (using lookahead)<br />

– RHS of P<br />

• NT => call to corresponding procedure<br />

• T => match expected token with actual token (no match =><br />

error) and get next token<br />

– left recursion may have to be removed from the grammar<br />

2<br />

14/10/2014 DFR - CC - <strong>Syntax</strong> <strong>Analysis</strong>

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