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Annex 1 177<br />

Main engine power output<br />

In steady state (constant speed), the thrust produced by the engine and propeller is in equilibrium with forces<br />

opposing the ship’s motion. These forces include both hydrodynamic and aerodynamic resistance. Both forces<br />

are modified by the weather; e.g. sailing into headwinds or head seas (waves) increases resistance. In both<br />

calm and rough weather, total resistance is dominated by hydrodynamic resistance, which in turn is dominated<br />

by viscous (friction) and wavemaking resistance.<br />

Naval architects have progressed methods for estimating resistance from ship characteristics for a ship in<br />

ideal conditions (negligible wind and waves, clean hull), which reveal that in these conditions, resistance is<br />

strongly related to the speed of the hull through the water. However, in operation, a hull rarely stays “clean”<br />

and the surface properties are modified over time as coatings deteriorate, macro- and microfouling grows on<br />

the hull and the plating deforms through wear and tear. This modification of surface properties can have a<br />

significant impact on viscous resistance and needs to be taken into account in any calculation of operational<br />

fuel consumption.<br />

Further influences to a ship’s resistance and propulsion are its draught and trim, which are in turn determined<br />

by the ship’s loading condition (the amount and distribution of cargo and variable loads). A greater draught will<br />

increase the wetted surface area of the hull and typically increase the resistance (although both bulbous bow<br />

and propeller performance can sometimes counteract this trend of increased power demand with increasing<br />

draught). The approximation used in this model is to represent the effect of draught through the use of the<br />

Admiralty formula, which assumes that power is related to displacement to the power 0.66.<br />

The formulated equation to encapsulate all of these effects on resistance and therefore main engine power is<br />

given in equation (1).<br />

​P​<br />

​P​ t<br />

​ = ​<br />

ref(<br />

__<br />

​t​ t ​<br />

​t​ ref<br />

​) ​ __<br />

( 2 3 )​<br />

___<br />

( ​V​ t ​ n<br />

​<br />

​V​ ref<br />

​)<br />

____________<br />

​η​ w η​ f<br />

​ eq. (1)<br />

In equation (1), P t , V t and t t are respectively the instantaneous power, speed and draught at time t, P ref is<br />

the reference power at speed V ref and draught t ref (both taken from IHSF). n is an index that represents the<br />

relationship between speed and power, and η w is the modification of propulsion efficiency due to weather<br />

and η f is the modification of propulsion efficiency due to fouling (discussed above). For the bottom-up model,<br />

the same assumptions have been used as in the Second IMO GHG Study 2009: that n = 3, an assumption<br />

discussed in greater detail in Section 1.5, and evaluated with respect to quality in Section 1.4.<br />

Auxiliary engine and boiler power demands<br />

The power outputs required by both the auxiliary engine and the boiler are both found using look-ups from<br />

input tables described above in the section “Assumptions for auxiliary and boiler power demands”. The<br />

corresponding mode is calculated for each ship and each hour of operation, from its instantaneous observed<br />

speed.<br />

Emissions subroutine: Emissions_at_op<br />

The emissions produced by machinery are a function of the amount of fuel consumed and the specifics of<br />

that fuel’s combustion. The former (fuel consumed) is found from the power, SFOC and time, and the latter is<br />

found from the use of an emissions factor – in the case of CO 2 , a carbon factor. The calculation of SFOC and<br />

emissions factors is detailed in Section 2 and Annex 6. Given this information, the formulation for this model’s<br />

calculation of emissions of main, auxiliary and boiler machinery is given in equation (2).<br />

CO 2 = P t × sfc × C f × t eq. (2)<br />

In equation (2), P t is the instantaneous power output at time t (obtained from Power_at_op), sfc is the specific<br />

fuel consumption (for a given engine with a given fuel at a given load factor), C f is the carbon factor (for a<br />

given fuel), and t is the length of time the instantaneous power was observed to be constant. The values of C f<br />

specific to different fuels are reported in Section 2.2 along with the other emissions species.<br />

The sfc is found from the combination of a default assumption for a given engine type, size and age, sfc e and<br />

a modifying factor obtained from a look-up table to account for variations in sfc as a function of fuel type and<br />

engine load factor.

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