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Student Legal Services - Student Services Fees - University of ...

Student Legal Services - Student Services Fees - University of ...


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Fiscal Page Notes<br />

<strong>University</strong> <strong>Student</strong> <strong>Legal</strong> Service Fee Request FY08-FY09<br />

Line 4: Represents the amount granted by the fees committee in the biennial request made in<br />

07-08 for the years 07-08, 08-09.<br />

Line 8: Other Unrestricted (sales, misc): This $7,000 figure represents the co-pays that<br />

student client pays for services as determined by the USLS <strong>Student</strong> Board during the fiscal years.<br />

Lines 18 and 19: Salaries and fringe benefits. Recognizing the commitment USLS<br />

pr<strong>of</strong>essional staff have made to the students at the <strong>University</strong> <strong>of</strong> Minnesota and the benefits that<br />

they provide, the fees committee granted USLS‟ request for a 5% pool to cover P&A salaries<br />

increases for both 07-08 and 08-09. The request was made to help <strong>of</strong>fset the disparity that<br />

existed between USLS pr<strong>of</strong>essional staff and other attorneys and paralegals employed at the<br />

<strong>University</strong> <strong>of</strong> Minnesota and in the public and private sector. USLS attorneys receive far less<br />

than other attorneys in the public sector. USLS‟ pr<strong>of</strong>essional staff recognize that this disparity<br />

cannot be eliminated without a substantial increase which would result in a severe and harsh<br />

financial impact on students, thereby defeating the underlying intent and purpose <strong>of</strong> <strong>University</strong><br />

<strong>Student</strong> <strong>Legal</strong> <strong>Services</strong>, which is to provide high quality legal services at a minimal cost and<br />

expense to the students we represent. The <strong>University</strong> had set 3.25% as the appropriate salary<br />

increase. The USLS student board and the fee committee both agreed that an additional 1.75%<br />

over this amount would be appropriate in both 07-08 and 08-09. USLS attorney‟s salaries will<br />

be substantially less than public defender‟s salaries which are between 30 and 40 % higher than<br />

the staff attorneys at USLS with the same number <strong>of</strong> years <strong>of</strong> experience.<br />

The actual salaries which are shown on line 18 which were paid for 07-08 are below that<br />

which was originally budgeted. The basis for this disparity is the USLS administrative aide and<br />

<strong>of</strong>fice manager was on a long term disability and will not be returning to the <strong>of</strong>fice. USLS is now<br />

in the process <strong>of</strong> a search to find a replacement. Further, since May <strong>of</strong> „07 the receptionist<br />

position has also been vacant. Since that time USLS has been using an ADECCO temp in that<br />

position. We have posted for the receptionist position, but have not filled this on a full-time<br />

basis as the <strong>of</strong>fice manager will supervise that position and it was felt that no hire should take<br />

place until the <strong>of</strong>fice manager has been hired. The $27,000 salary for that position has been paid<br />

out <strong>of</strong> supplies services and miscellaneous expenses on line 23 and as such does not show up on<br />

lines 18 and 19, salaries and fringe. USLS will be filling all vacant positions within the next 60-<br />

90 days and as such the salary and fringe benefit request for 08-09 remains the same as when<br />

initially made in 2007.<br />

Line 19: Fringe Benefits. A substantial increase in fringe benefits is both a result <strong>of</strong> what was<br />

mandated by the <strong>University</strong> and due to the fact that in 07 we missed the grad tuition increase that<br />

is paid to a law clerk.

Line 23: Supplies, service and miscellaneous expenses. USLS completed a remodel <strong>of</strong> the<br />

Fireplace Room at a cost <strong>of</strong> approximately $32,000.00 and as previously stated above,<br />

$27,000.00 to cover the cost <strong>of</strong> the Adecco temp have come from this budget line.<br />

Line 26: Rents and leases. The current rent at USLS which is established by the student union<br />

is $28,315.00 and is anticipated to increase by approximately 3%. The figure in the budget<br />

represents such an increase.<br />

Line 27. Repairs, maintenance and supplies. This relates to the USLS copy and duplicating<br />

machine. The cost for operating the machine is approximately $300.00 per month. USLS prints<br />

and copies almost all <strong>of</strong> the take along brochures that are distributed to students throughout the<br />

year. In addition, promotional flyers and brochures announcing USLS programs such as<br />

“GopherGating”, Off Campus Housing Workshops, and Careers in Law Forum are all completed<br />

at USLS <strong>of</strong>fices. The increase represents the additional copy costs and expenses in maintaining<br />

the machine and supplies. Copies <strong>of</strong> those flyers, and some <strong>of</strong> the brochures are attached.<br />

Line 37-47. Cost allocations pool. USLS contributions to the cost allocation pool which USLS<br />

maintains no control over.<br />

Line 50. Net transfers in (out) from other units $13,000.00 07-08 and 08-09. USLS‟ HR<br />

and accounting is now part <strong>of</strong> the West Bank cluster support group currently being administered<br />

through OIP. An estimate <strong>of</strong> USLS‟ contribution to the cluster and support group is $13,000.00<br />

per year for both 07-08 and 08-09. The 07-08 contribution would be made to OIP, 08-09<br />

contribution would be made to the West Bank Cluster Support Group directly.<br />

Line 60-61: Net assets at end <strong>of</strong> year (Reserves). USLS reserves are currently higher than<br />

initially anticipated. The reason and basis for higher reserves has been due to staffing issues<br />

which will not exist in 08 and 09. In addition, USLS is in the process and will be required to<br />

utilize some <strong>of</strong> the reserves to replace computer and technological hardware. A new server will<br />

be purchased and since computers are five and six years old, some <strong>of</strong>fice units will also<br />

necessitate replacement. In addition, USLS will be returning approximately $2,500.00 currently<br />

within its reserves which represent funds received from a TCF grant for GopherGating. These<br />

funds will be returned to the OSA <strong>of</strong>fice which advanced funding for the event. USLS will<br />

incurr expenses in the promotion <strong>of</strong> the “Careers in Law Forum”, advertising, marketing and<br />

promotion fees associated with the program will be approximately $3,000.00.<br />

USLS has received very positive feedback form those who have utilized our services over the<br />

past year. Each student who uses the service is sent a satisfaction survey at the conclusion <strong>of</strong><br />

their case. They rank the service they received on a scale <strong>of</strong> 1-5, with 1 not being satisfied and 5<br />

being very satisfied. The results <strong>of</strong> the survey are set forth below:<br />

Question: How satisfied were you with the legal service you received from your attorney<br />

or legal assistant? Average, 4.861 / 5.00<br />

Question: Were you able to obtain information about your case from your attorney or<br />

legal assistant when requested? Average 4.846 / 5.00

Question: Did the service you received from USLS make it easier for you to pursue your<br />

education at the <strong>University</strong>? 88.23 responded yes<br />

Question: Would you have been able to pursue your legal concern without the existence<br />

<strong>of</strong> USLS? 82.35 responded no.<br />

USLS continues to expand its presence on campus and promote awareness <strong>of</strong> the <strong>of</strong>fice in<br />

an effort to make sure all students in need can take advantage <strong>of</strong> the services provided. We<br />

expanded the number <strong>of</strong> outreach programs this past year to 46 where approximately 6500<br />

students were in attendance. In addition we have expanded both the topics covered and the<br />

number <strong>of</strong> take-along brochures provided to students informing them <strong>of</strong> their legal rights and<br />

responsibilities. USLS staff s working with other departments within the university to create<br />

guidelines in protecting students identity and minimizing the consequences <strong>of</strong> identity theft.

Area 702 - <strong>Student</strong> <strong>Legal</strong> Serv - Budget Development Worksheet<br />

FY06 - FY09 Budget Plan A B C D E F<br />

Approved<br />

Updated<br />

Actuals Actuals Budget Plan 2007-08 Preliminary Data % Change<br />

2005-06 2006-07 2007-08 Budget 2008-09 2008-2009<br />

1 Current Nonsponsored Revenue - Total Earned Revenue<br />

2 TUITION - 100% Attribution (75/25 split) $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - #DIV/0!<br />

3 UNIVERSITY FEE $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - #DIV/0!<br />

4 STUDENT FEES $ 894,757 $ 927,467 $ 1,042,000 $ 1,042,000 $ 1,076,000<br />

3.3%<br />

5 INDIRECT COST RECOVERY $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - #DIV/0!<br />

6 STATE SPECIAL $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - #DIV/0!<br />

7 INTERNAL SERVICE ORG $ - $ - $ -<br />

#DIV/0!<br />

8 OTHER UNRESTRICTED (sales, misc.) $ 3,436 $ 5,421 $ 7,000 $ 7,000 $ 7,000<br />

0.0%<br />

9 GIFTS $ - $ - $ -<br />

#DIV/0!<br />

10 PRIVATE PRACTICE $ - $ - $ -<br />

#DIV/0!<br />

11 APPROPRIATIONS $ - $ - $ -<br />

#DIV/0!<br />

12 GRANTS AND CONTRACTS $ - $ - $ -<br />

#DIV/0!<br />

13 INVESTMENT INCOME $ - $ - $ -<br />

#DIV/0!<br />


#DIV/0!<br />

15 OTHER REVENUE (Code 5700) $ - $ - $<br />

-<br />

16 Total Earned Operating Revenues $ 898,193 $ 932,888 $ 1,049,000 $ 1,049,000 $ 1,083,000<br />


17 Expenditures by Object Class<br />

18 Salaries $ 613,024 $ 641,099 $ 666,427 $ 620,951 $ 711,085 14.5%<br />

19 Fringe Benefits $ 200,701 $ 209,276 $ 208,874 $ 189,389 $ 243,044 28.3%<br />

20 <strong>Student</strong> Aid $ - $ - $ - $ -<br />

#DIV/0!<br />

21 Consultant/Purchased Person. $ - $ - $ 4,000 $ 6,400 $ 4,000 -37.5%<br />

22 Communications $ 9,600 $ 8,620 $ 3,870 $ 4,200 $ 4,400<br />

4.8%<br />

23 Supplies, Serv, & Misc. Exp. $ 126,018 $ 74,313 $ 87,501 $ 89,000 $ 35,000 -60.7%<br />

24 Materials for Resale $ - $ - $ - $ -<br />

#DIV/0!<br />

25 Equipment & Other Capital Assets $ - $ - $ 6,100 $ -<br />

#DIV/0!<br />

26 Rents, & Leases $ 25,549 $ 28,315 $ 28,873 $ 30,158 $ 31,000<br />

2.8%<br />

27 Repairs, Maintenance & Supplies $ 3,155 $ 3,159 $ 3,500 $ 3,400 $ 3,600<br />

5.9%<br />

28 Utilities $ - $ 1,301 $ - $ 1,400 $ 1,400<br />

0.0%<br />

29 ICR/Subcontracts/Participants $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - #DIV/0!<br />

30 IRS Assessment $ - $ - $ -<br />

#DIV/0!<br />

31 Enterprise Assessment $ 7,663 $ 8,014 $ 8,330 $ 7,599 $ 8,889 17.0%<br />

32 Budgeted Reserves - 9500 $ - $ - $ -<br />

#DIV/0!<br />

33 Recurring FY07 Post-Budget Allocation* $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - #DIV/0!<br />

34 SUBTOTAL EXP. PRIOR TO ALLOCATIONS $ 985,710 $ 974,097 $ 1,017,475 $ 952,497 $ 1,042,418<br />

35 Cost Allocation Charges<br />

36 Utilities $ - $ - $ 1,304 $ 1,304 $ 1,261<br />

-3.3%<br />

37 Facilities Operations & Maintenance $ - $ 3,030 $ 3,215 $ 3,215 $ 3,428<br />

6.6%<br />

38 Warehouse O&M $ - $ - $ - $ - $<br />

-<br />

39 Debt $ - $ - $ - $ - $<br />

-<br />

40 Leases $ - $ - $ - $ - $<br />

-<br />

41 Libraries $ - $ - $ - $ - $<br />

-<br />

42 Research Admin. $ - $ - $ - $ - $<br />

-<br />

43 Information Technology $ - $ 8,339 $ 9,272 $ 9,272 $ 8,808<br />

-5.0%<br />

44 <strong>Student</strong> <strong>Services</strong> $ - $ - $ - $ - $<br />

-<br />

45 General Purpose Classrooms $ - $ - $ - $ - $<br />

-<br />

46 Administrative Service Units $ - $ 38,013 $ 42,378 $ 42,378 $ 41,472<br />

-2.1%<br />

47 SUBTOTAL COST ALLOCATIONS $ - $ 49,382 $ 56,169 $ 56,169 $ 54,969<br />

-2.1%<br />

48 TOTAL OPERATING EXPENDITURES $ 985,710 $ 1,023,479 $ 1,073,644 $ 1,008,666 $ 1,097,387<br />

49 Nonoperating Revenues(Expenses) Post-Budget West<br />

50 Net Transfers In(Out) from other Units $ - $ - $ - $ (13,000) $ (13,000) Bank Cluster Support<br />

51 OPERATIONS & MAINTENANCE/CR ALLOCATION $ - $ 41,448 $ 36,325 $ 36,325 $ 36,325<br />

52 FY07 Post-Budget Allocation Recurring Transfer*<br />

53 NET NONOPERATING REVENUES $ - $ 41,448 $ 36,325 $ 23,325 $ 23,325<br />

54<br />

55 (Decrease) Incease in Net Assets (line 15 - line 48 + line 53) $ (87,517) $ (49,143) $ 11,681 $ 63,659 $<br />

8,938<br />

56<br />

57 Net Assets<br />

58 Net assets beginning <strong>of</strong> the year $ 254,743 $ 167,226 $ 118,083 $ 118,083 $ 181,742<br />

59<br />

60 Net assets at end <strong>of</strong> year (line 58 + line 55) $ 167,226 $ 118,083 $ 129,764 $ 181,742 $ 190,680<br />

61 % <strong>of</strong> Total Expenditures 16.97% 11.54% 12.09% 18.02% 17.38%<br />

62<br />


64<br />

65 * Itemized Transfers:<br />

66 None

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