Student Services Fees Committee Application

Student Services Fees Committee Application

Student Services Fees Committee Application


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<strong>Student</strong> <strong>Services</strong> Fee <strong>Committee</strong> <strong>Application</strong><br />

(For the <strong>Student</strong> Groups <strong>Committee</strong> and the Administrative Units <strong>Committee</strong>)<br />

General Information<br />

Qualified applicants are sought for the <strong>Student</strong> <strong>Services</strong> Fee <strong>Committee</strong> which will determine the student services<br />

fee allocation for the 2013-2014 fiscal year. The Board of Regents require that a representative process be<br />

established to recommend the level of student services fee funding and the specific allocations to requesting<br />

organizations. Two committees will be established:<br />

1. The <strong>Student</strong> Groups <strong>Committee</strong>:<br />

This committee is comprised of nine (9) students and two (2) administrative representatives, as well as up<br />

to four (4) alternates, to review the fees applications of all registered student groups applying for <strong>Student</strong><br />

<strong>Services</strong> <strong>Fees</strong>.<br />

2. The Administrative Units <strong>Committee</strong>:<br />

This committee is comprised of six (6) students and two (2) administrative representatives, as well as up<br />

to four (4) alternates, to review the fees applications of University administrative units applying for<br />

student services fees (the Aurora Center for Advocacy and Education, Boynton Health Service, Learning<br />

Abroad Center, Radio K, Recreational Sports, <strong>Student</strong> Conflict Resolution Center, Summer Cultural<br />

Programs, <strong>Student</strong> Unions and Activities, and University <strong>Student</strong> Legal <strong>Services</strong>) and the Minnesota Daily.<br />

Time Commitment<br />

To serve on the <strong>Student</strong> <strong>Services</strong> Fee <strong>Committee</strong>, selected participants are expected to participate in two training<br />

sessions and all fees-related meetings, deliberations, and hearings beginning in early November and lasting<br />

through approximately the end of April. A total commitment of approximately 60-80 hours is expected.<br />

Compensation<br />

For compensation for service on the <strong>Committee</strong>, each committee member (and alternate) will receive a stipend at<br />

the conclusion of the fee allocation process. The stipend levels are as follows: $750 for general committee<br />

members and alternates, $850 for sub-committee chairs, and $1,000 for committee chairs (sub-committee chairs<br />

and committee chairs will be determined at the first training session). Each participant will sign a contract and<br />

must abide by all aspects of the contract throughout the entire <strong>Student</strong> <strong>Services</strong> Fee process in order to receive<br />

the stipend.<br />

<strong>Committee</strong> Approval (tentative)<br />

If selected to be on the <strong>Committee</strong> or serve as an alternate, each person is required to attend the joint meeting of<br />

the Minnesota <strong>Student</strong> Association and the Graduate and Professional <strong>Student</strong> Assembly on October 16 th at 6:00<br />

p.m., location TBA. At this meeting, MSA and GAPSA will have the opportunity to remove up to 4 members total<br />

and/or approve the <strong>Committee</strong> as a slate.<br />

<strong>Application</strong> Deadline<br />

Interested applicants should fill out the attached application and return to Megan Sweet, Assistant to the<br />

Assistant Dean of <strong>Student</strong>s, Office for <strong>Student</strong> Affairs, no later than 4:30 p.m. on September 21, 2012.<br />

<strong>Application</strong>s can be emailed to vande104@umn.edu or mailed to 109 Appleby Hall, 128 Pleasant Street,<br />

Minneapolis, MN 55455. Questions can be directed to Megan at the above email or to 612-625-8266.

2013-2014 <strong>Student</strong> <strong>Services</strong> Fee <strong>Committee</strong> <strong>Application</strong><br />

Fill out the application in its entirety. Typed applications are preferred. Providing misleading or false information<br />

as part of the application process, including during any interviews, may result in a <strong>Student</strong> Conduct Code violation.<br />

Name:<br />

College of Enrollment:<br />

Address:<br />

City, State, Zip:<br />

Year in School:<br />

Degree Program:<br />

Phone:<br />

Email:<br />

Indicate which committee(s) you are applying for:<br />

<strong>Student</strong> Groups: Administrative Units: Both:<br />

(Note: Members may serve on only one committee, but may apply for both if interested.)<br />

On a separate document, please answer the following questions:<br />

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Are you currently, or have you been in the past, a member of any student group or administrative unit<br />

that receives <strong>Student</strong> <strong>Services</strong> <strong>Fees</strong>? If yes, please list them, as well as any leadership positions held in<br />

these organizations.<br />

Please list other activities in which you are currently involved including employment, volunteering,<br />

internships, leadership positions, etc. State the amount of time per week devoted to each activity and<br />

positions currently held.<br />

What do you hope to gain from being a member of the <strong>Student</strong> <strong>Services</strong> Fee <strong>Committee</strong>?<br />

What experience, if any, do you have working with budget matters or other finance-related activities that<br />

would benefit the <strong>Committee</strong>’s performance?<br />

What other experiences or skills do you have that would assist the <strong>Committee</strong>?<br />

Please explain your understanding of the concept of “viewpoint neutrality” and the role it plays in the<br />

<strong>Student</strong> <strong>Services</strong> Fee allocation process.<br />

Do you have any conflicts of interest (including personal involvement, familial relationships, friendships,<br />

etc. with the leadership or staff of student groups or administrative units) to disclose to the selection<br />

committee prior to your placement/service on the <strong>Student</strong> <strong>Services</strong> Fee <strong>Committee</strong>? Please note that<br />

said disclosure does not preclude you from being a member of the SSFC, but may affect your appointment<br />

to either the <strong>Student</strong> Groups or Administrative Units <strong>Committee</strong>.<br />

Please see the attached tentative <strong>Student</strong> <strong>Services</strong> <strong>Fees</strong> Timeline for both student groups and administrative<br />

units. Please be aware of the important dates and meeting times. <strong>Committee</strong> interviews are scheduled to be<br />

conducted from October 5 th through October 8 th .

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