Spring 2008 - Wheelock College

Spring 2008 - Wheelock College

Spring 2008 - Wheelock College


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<strong>Spring</strong> <strong>2008</strong><br />

magazine<br />

• Alumni Innovators<br />

• CCSR Action Update<br />

• Ubuntu in the Works<br />

• Boston Kids on Kampus<br />

Through the<br />

<strong>Wheelock</strong> Lens<br />

Innovation on Campus<br />

and in the Field

Honorary Degree Recipients<br />

Commencement <strong>2008</strong><br />

Brookline’s Temple Israel, just down the Riverway from<br />

<strong>Wheelock</strong>’s main campus, provided a radiant, lightfilled<br />

environment for the <strong>College</strong>’s 120th Commencement<br />

on May 16. Seniors and graduate students in the<br />

Class of <strong>2008</strong>, their families and guests, and faculty<br />

members gathered at the alternative venue because construction of<br />

<strong>Wheelock</strong>’s new Campus Center and Student Residence was occupying<br />

the traditional on-campus site. It was a spacious choice, but, even<br />

so, every seat was filled with happy celebrants, and more watched a<br />

live feed to the Lucy <strong>Wheelock</strong> Auditorium.<br />

The <strong>2008</strong> Commencement theme, “Celebrating Lives of Courage<br />

and Compassion,” exactly defined this year’s three distinguished honorary<br />

degree recipients, who have challenged social injustice and reenvisioned<br />

the paradigm of public service. U.S. Sen. John F. Kerry; Mrs.<br />

Yu-Foo Yee Shoon, the Minister of State for Community Development,<br />

Youth and Sports in Singapore; and Ms. Kip Tiernan, founder of Rosie’s<br />

Place and the Greater Boston Food Bank, received honorary Doctor of<br />

Education degrees from President Jackie Jenkins-Scott,who noted that<br />

their achievements have inspired others to set standards of exemplary<br />

service and to passionately pursue justice for all.<br />

Sen. Kerry delivered the Commencement address, mixing in<br />

humor with observations about the challenges facing the Class of<br />

<strong>2008</strong> and words of encouragement. He highlighted the advancing<br />

threat of global warming as an example of an opportunity for young<br />

people to develop initiatives that can ameliorate climate change<br />

while also providing new opportunities for employment and helping<br />

the economy.<br />

President Jenkins-Scott urged the graduates to put their education<br />

and their conviction to good use.“Each of you will be faced with<br />

opportunities in your professional<br />

careers and in your personal lives<br />

to stand up or stand by,” she said.<br />

“You will surely be confronted with<br />

situations where you have a choice<br />

to blow the whistle, say ‘Time out,’<br />

and shout out in words and action<br />

‘Not on my watch.’ The choice will<br />

be entirely yours. It is our fervent<br />

hope that you leave here with the<br />

confidence, courage, compassion,<br />

and passion to stand up and not<br />

stand by. ”<br />

“I urge you — carve out some time in<br />

your life to be a citizen. Don’t just vote.<br />

As you graduate, continue to find a<br />

way to be a part of your communities<br />

and take part in a cause. Find a cause<br />

greater than yourself that captures your<br />

imagination, and go after it.”<br />

Shannon Pittman,<br />

President’s Leadership<br />

Award winner, and<br />

President Jackie<br />

Jenkins-Scott<br />

— Sen. John Kerry<br />

cvr2 <strong>Spring</strong> <strong>2008</strong>

<strong>Spring</strong><br />

<strong>2008</strong><br />

2 A Message from the President<br />

3 On Campus<br />

3 Thrive in Five —<br />

Boston’s New School Readiness Road Map<br />

4 News Nuggets<br />

6 First Visiting Health Scholar Lecture<br />

7 New Trustees<br />

Kids on Kampus!<br />

Page 21<br />

8 Students & Faculty<br />

8 Singapore Students<br />

10 Athletics<br />

12 Faculty on Sabbatical<br />

14 Alumni<br />

Editor<br />

Christine Dall<br />

Production Editor<br />

Lori Ann Saslav<br />

Design<br />

Leslie Hartwell<br />

Photography<br />

Christine Dall<br />

Brianne Kimble<br />

Len Rubenstein<br />

Don West<br />

Lauren Wholley<br />

Alumni Innovators<br />

Page 26<br />

14 Books by Alumni<br />

16 Resources<br />

17 Features<br />

17 CCSR Action Update<br />

21 Kids on Kampus!<br />

23 Ubuntu in the Works<br />

26 Alumni Innovators<br />

33 Class Notes<br />

<strong>Wheelock</strong> Magazine<br />

<strong>Spring</strong> <strong>2008</strong><br />

Volume XXVIII, Issue 8<br />

<strong>Wheelock</strong> Magazine invites manuscripts and photographs<br />

from our readers, although we do not guarantee<br />

their publication, and we reserve the right to<br />

edit them as needed.<br />

Student Voices<br />

from Singapore<br />

Page 8<br />

For Class Notes information, contact Lori Ann Saslav<br />

at (617) 879-2123 or lsaslav@wheelock.edu.<br />

Send letters to the editor to: <strong>Wheelock</strong> Magazine,<br />

Office for Institutional Advancement,<strong>Wheelock</strong><br />

<strong>College</strong>, 200 The Riverway, Boston, MA 02215-4176.<br />

You may also e-mail them to cdall@wheelock.edu.<br />

Cover Photo: Len Rubenstein<br />

E Printed on recycled paper


Dear Alumni and Friends,<br />

The close of the academic year is<br />

always inspiring and motivational,<br />

and our 2007-08 year-end<br />

has been exceptional. We had a wonderful<br />

last few weeks on campus celebrating<br />

all that we as a community have accomplished<br />

together. There have been events<br />

recognizing outstanding student and<br />

faculty projects, new books published,<br />

prizes awarded, and the amazingly rapid<br />

progress being made in constructing<br />

our beautiful new Campus Center and<br />

Student Residence (CCSR).<br />

In this issue of <strong>Wheelock</strong> Magazine,<br />

we share with you some of the excitement<br />

surrounding these events and a<br />

theme that runs through them. The<br />

theme is innovation, a characteristic that<br />

defined <strong>Wheelock</strong> at its beginning and<br />

that is the foundation for the <strong>College</strong>’s<br />

“To see what has come out of facultyand<br />

staff-led projects in collaboration<br />

with Boston youth after just one year —<br />

results such as SPARK the Truth, Violence<br />

Transformed, and a Bridges to Hope<br />

and Understanding creative showcase —<br />

is most inspiring.”<br />

new programs and projects that are carrying<br />

it into the future.<br />

In this issue’s Action Update on the<br />

CCSR, we share our celebration of a construction<br />

milestone: the building’s steel<br />

framework with its own version of the<br />

centuries-old “topping off” ceremony.<br />

Interviews with the building’s architect,<br />

Bill Rawn, demonstrate how the advantages<br />

of <strong>Wheelock</strong>’s small campus and the<br />

CCSR’s innovative mixed-use design are<br />

being used to support community building<br />

among students, faculty, and staff.<br />

Adding to the excitement of watching<br />

the CCSR become a reality so fast is the<br />

announcement that <strong>Wheelock</strong> is the<br />

recipient of a prestigious challenge grant<br />

from The Kresge Foundation. This is<br />

both a vote of confidence in the <strong>College</strong>’s<br />

future plans and a welcome opportunity<br />

to take up the challenge to complete<br />

funding for the CCSR.<br />

Other events of last semester showcased<br />

<strong>Wheelock</strong>’s very exciting new<br />

programs that are deepening the <strong>College</strong>’s<br />

commitment to the well-being of<br />

Boston’s youth. These innovative programs<br />

require new approaches by our<br />

dedicated faculty and staff to serious<br />

issues affecting the larger Boston community<br />

and new collaborations with Boston<br />

schools and community organizations.<br />

The programs combine <strong>Wheelock</strong>’s<br />

resources as a higher education institution<br />

with its special strengths in areas of education<br />

and juvenile justice and advocacy.<br />

To see what has come out of faculty- and<br />

staff-led projects in collaboration with<br />

Boston youth after just one year — results<br />

such as SPARK the Truth, Violence<br />

Transformed, and a Bridges to Hope and<br />

Understanding creative showcase — is<br />

most inspiring.<br />

Another innovative idea — bringing<br />

groups of elementary and middle school<br />

children into our community to connect<br />

them to the concept of higher education<br />

and make them feel comfortable on a<br />

college campus early in their lives—<br />

brought the bonus of extra joy to our<br />

campus last semester! Children from<br />

Boston schools were everywhere, participating<br />

in math, art, music, and storytelling<br />

programs developed by <strong>Wheelock</strong><br />

alumni, staff, and faculty.<br />

With so much new and worthwhile<br />

activity happening on campus, I am<br />

happy — but not surprised — to report<br />

that there is much more going on in the<br />

lives of our alumni. Each time I visit<br />

with alumni anywhere, I learn what<br />

they are thinking and doing and come<br />

away amazed at the varied lives and the<br />

wonderful work they are accomplishing.<br />

My recent off-campus visits with alumni<br />

in New York, Florida, and California<br />

were no exception.<br />

I was especially pleased to be able to<br />

visit with several alumni who are spotlighted<br />

in this issue of the magazine as<br />

excellent examples of <strong>Wheelock</strong> alumni<br />

innovators. They share a characteristic<br />

that I believe all of our alumni have in<br />

common: Whatever the fields they are<br />

working in, <strong>Wheelock</strong> alumni are imaginative,<br />

responsive, creative, and active<br />

innovators. Their values, beliefs, education,<br />

and experiences provide the foundations<br />

for them to see things from many perspectives,<br />

imagine a new response to a need,<br />

and then use their skills creatively to<br />

make what they have imagined actually<br />

happen. Many are excellent problem<br />

solvers who are challenged and excited<br />

by using nontraditional approaches in<br />

their work. Some are innovators within<br />

their own lives, enthusiastically reinventing<br />

their careers and themselves in<br />

the process.<br />

We are excited to share comments<br />

from students in our Singapore program at<br />

Ngee Ann describing their positive experiences<br />

with <strong>Wheelock</strong>’s theory- and practice-based<br />

curriculum. They are eager to<br />

share their comments with alumni in the<br />

U.S. through this issue of the magazine,<br />

and I hope you will enjoy reading them.<br />

There are also articles in this issue demonstrating<br />

some of the new ways in which<br />

<strong>Wheelock</strong> is being responsive to the<br />

changing needs of our students in the<br />

graduate programs, to the increasingly<br />

critical field of early childhood education,<br />

and to the very serious issues involved in<br />

climate change that affect all of us.<br />

It has been an eventful and extremely<br />

positive spring for <strong>Wheelock</strong>. I thank you<br />

for the many ways in which you have<br />

given your support to the <strong>College</strong> and<br />

made so much progress possible!<br />

With best wishes for a wonderful<br />

summer,<br />


President<br />

2 <strong>Spring</strong> <strong>2008</strong>

Thrive in Five<br />

Boston’s New School Readiness Road Map<br />

During the past year, Boston’s 65-member School Readiness<br />

Action Planning Team (“the APT”), co-chaired by<br />

President Jenkins-Scott and Children’s Hospital Chief<br />

Operating Officer Sandra Fenwick, met regularly to develop a<br />

Birth to Five School Readiness Initiative. Led by the City of<br />

Boston and United Way of Massachusetts Bay and Merrimack<br />

Valley, the APT’s work was informed by a diverse group of 35 parents,<br />

grandparents, and guardians from all Boston neighborhoods,<br />

called “the Parents APT.” Together they brought into the process<br />

an additional 300 Boston leaders and residents and funders<br />

through focus groups and meetings.<br />

On March 12, Boston’s Mayor Thomas M. Menino and<br />

United Way President Michael Durkin announced a new initiative<br />

that has resulted from the yearlong collaboration. Thrive in Five<br />

is a public-private partnership to prevent the achievement gap in<br />

the next generation of students by promoting their school readiness<br />

and healthy development. It is a 10-year effort that for the first<br />

time aligns families, educators, health care and human service<br />

providers, the private sector, and city departments — working in<br />

collaboration with state agencies — to ensure that all of Boston’s<br />

children will be ready for school entry and sustained school success.<br />

Joined by over 250 parents and Boston leaders for the<br />

announcement at the Boston Children’s Museum, Menino and<br />

Durkin highlighted the simple yet profound equation that underscores<br />

Boston’s school readiness road map.<br />

“We have an ethical obligation — informed by science and<br />

economics — to focus on our children’s earliest years and provide<br />

them and their parents with the tools they need to achieve,” Mayor<br />

Menino said. “My administration is already aligning the work of<br />

city departments to implement this plan, and I am pleased to<br />

announce $3.25 million in commitments from public and private<br />

funders to support Thrive in Five.”<br />

The City of Boston has committed $750,000 to Thrive in<br />

Five, and United Way has pledged an additional $1.3 million.<br />

Three lead partners in the effort — Children’s Hospital Boston;<br />

Partners HealthCare and its founding hospitals, Brigham and<br />

Women’s and Mass. General Hospital; and the Nellie Mae<br />

Education Foundation — have committed another $1.2 million<br />

over the next three years.<br />

Thrive in Five is not a new initiative, but a new citywide<br />

approach, a collaborative plan to ensure universal school readiness,<br />

building on the many superb programs, organizations, and agencies<br />

that serve Boston’s children and families. “This is a community<br />

effort. Families, government, health care, nonprofits, the business<br />

sector — we all win when a child is ready to succeed in school and<br />

life,” said Durkin. “To sustain the kind of long-lasting change that<br />

Thrive in Five lays out requires that we work together. Because<br />

together, we can accomplish more than any single organization —<br />

public or private — can alone.”<br />

Dr. Jack Shonkoff, of Harvard University’s Center on the<br />

Developing Child, highlighted the importance of early childhood<br />

investment: “When communities support the health and development<br />

of young children, everyone benefits.” The Center has compiled<br />

extensive research that reveals the scientific, economic, and<br />

moral imperative of focusing on the early years.<br />

To manage the entire Thrive in Five effort, in addition to a<br />

newly forming leadership board, a small staff will be housed at<br />

United Way. Each of the five parts of Boston’s School Readiness<br />

Equation (Ready Families + Ready Educators + Ready Systems +<br />

Ready City = Children Ready for Sustained School Success) will<br />

have implementation teams convening throughout <strong>2008</strong>. Watch<br />

the Thrive in Five website for opportunities to join these citywide<br />

teams. Positions are being posted on the website<br />

www.Thrivein5Boston.org.<br />

Early Childhood in the News<br />

The announcement of Thrive in Five garnered significant<br />

media attention, including a Boston Globe editorial (“Progress<br />

in the First Five Years,” March 12, <strong>2008</strong>) and same-day article<br />

(“Menino to Unveil Preschool Program”), as well as stories on<br />

WBUR and WBZ.<br />

A few weeks later, the Boston Globe’s education reporter Tracy<br />

Jan focused on one of the issues highlighted by Thrive in Five, the<br />

vocabulary gap, with a front-page story about ReadBoston’s Early<br />

Words campaign (“With Babies, Words for Wisdom,” April 2,<br />

<strong>2008</strong>). The article highlighted activities going on in Charlestown<br />

and other Boston neighborhoods to help low-income parents support<br />

their children’s vocabulary development.<br />

Smart from the Start — a new initiative to pilot many of the<br />

goals of Thrive in Five led by the Family Nurturing Center and a<br />

number of city partners — drew the attention of Boston Herald<br />

columnist Peter Gelzinis (“Baby! Bold Plan Might Work,” April 4,<br />

<strong>2008</strong>). Gelzinis covered the launch of Smart from the Start’s<br />

prenatal programming to engage families before the birth of a<br />

child, connecting them early on to one another and to vital neighborhood<br />

services and educational activities.<br />

Check out www.Thrivein5Boston.org for links to the articles<br />

mentioned above.<br />



News Nuggets<br />

presented a series of workshops that provided<br />

a setting for students, activists, and<br />

educators to participate in an educational<br />

process that will help move the planet<br />

toward sustainability.<br />

(L to R): Associate Professor Ellen<br />

Faszewski and <strong>Wheelock</strong> student<br />

organizers Tanya Sullivan ’08 and<br />

Stephanie Ladd ’08<br />

Focus the Nation at <strong>Wheelock</strong><br />

<strong>Wheelock</strong> and other <strong>College</strong>s of the<br />

Fenway participated in Focus the<br />

Nation last winter, the two-day national<br />

teach-in that engaged over a thousand colleges,<br />

universities, high schools, and middle<br />

schools with political leaders, faith groups,<br />

and civic organizations in galvanizing young<br />

people to solve the most urgent problem<br />

facing their generation: global warming.<br />

As part of this nationwide initiative,<br />

the <strong>College</strong> hosted a screening of The 2%<br />

Solution, a live webcast with appearances<br />

by actor and clean energy advocate Edward<br />

Norton, green jobs pioneer Van Jones,<br />

sustainability expert Hunter Lovins, and<br />

co-recipient of the 2007 Nobel Prize for<br />

Peace, Stephen Schneider. In addition to the<br />

screening and group discussion, <strong>Wheelock</strong><br />

<strong>Wheelock</strong><br />

Commits to Becoming<br />

Climate Neutral<br />

Last winter, <strong>Wheelock</strong> joined the rising<br />

number of colleges and universities recognizing<br />

their leadership role in addressing<br />

global warming. President Jenkins-Scott signed<br />

the American <strong>College</strong> & University Presidents<br />

Climate Commitment, a high-visibility effort<br />

to support higher education institutions in<br />

preparing those who will develop new social,<br />

economic, and technological solutions to destabilization<br />

of the earth’s climate. The Commitment<br />

also provides a framework for the colleges<br />

as they enact plans to reduce greenhouse gas<br />

emissions and become climate neutral in their<br />

use of energy. This involves:<br />

✓ Completing an emissions inventory<br />

✓ Within two years, setting a target date and<br />

interim milestones for becoming<br />

climate neutral<br />

✓ Taking immediate steps to reduce greenhouse<br />

gas emissions by choosing from a<br />

list of short-term actions<br />

✓ Integrating sustainability into the curriculum<br />

and making it part of the educational<br />

experience<br />

<strong>Wheelock</strong> Selected to Participate in the FAO Schwarz<br />

Family Foundation Fellows Program<br />

<strong>Wheelock</strong> has won a two-year grant from the FAO Schwarz Family<br />

Foundation Fellows Program, which will support training of a student<br />

who has the potential to be a leader in the youth development and<br />

education fields. The goal of the Fellows Program is to train future leaders<br />

by placing them with organizations that not only provide direct service to<br />

children and youth, but also initiate new projects, research, or programs<br />

that involve public policy, organizational replication, and sustainability.<br />

During the first year, 50 percent of the <strong>Wheelock</strong> fellow’s time will be<br />

spent developing expertise in best practices for conflict resolution, including<br />

peacemaking circles, group conferences, peer and gang mediation, and<br />

peace-building activities. The other 50 percent of fellow time will be<br />

devoted to working with faculty to develop a research project and articles<br />

for national publications and to providing direct services. Service activities<br />

will include teaching conflict resolution for middle school and elementary<br />

school students, leading weekly beginning and end-of-week relationship<br />

circles, creating and leading community-building activity groups, and<br />

mentoring and building conflict leadership skills for teams in after-school<br />

and summer programs.<br />

4 <strong>Spring</strong> <strong>2008</strong>

<strong>Wheelock</strong> receives <strong>2008</strong><br />

Community Leadership Award<br />

for Field Scholars Program<br />

We know that the key element in quality early childhood education<br />

is teacher development, and we know that <strong>Wheelock</strong>’s<br />

Field Scholars Program, which prepares individuals with associate<br />

degrees working in child care education to earn their bachelor’s degrees,<br />

is a much-in-demand, high-quality program. Now word about the program’s<br />

commitment to provide better-educated early childhood teachers<br />

is spreading. At its annual Celebrate the Dream benefit in March,<br />

Roxbury-Weston Programs Inc., a preschool program with the mission<br />

of bringing families together in a learning community dedicated to<br />

the celebration of diversity and excellence in early care and education,<br />

presented the Field Scholars Program with its <strong>2008</strong> Community<br />

Leadership Award.<br />

Field Scholars is part of <strong>Wheelock</strong>’s National and Regional Programs,<br />

led by Director Debra Johnston-Malden ’00MS and Assistant Director<br />

Julie Thomson ’01MS. The <strong>College</strong> has Field Scholars cohorts in<br />

Boston and Hyannis, MA, and future cohorts will soon begin programs<br />

in Maine and Connecticut. National and Regional Programs also has<br />

graduate programs in early childhood and elementary education. These<br />

early childhood cohorts are located in Massachusetts, New Hampshire,<br />

and Maine, and there is an elementary cohort in South Carolina.<br />

NAEYC President Updates<br />

Our Students and Faculty<br />

Anne Mitchell, president of the National Association for the Education<br />

of Young Children (NAEYC) board and president of Early<br />

Childhood Policy Research (ECPR) in Climax, NY, stopped by <strong>Wheelock</strong><br />

in February to spend time with alumni, students, and faculty discussing<br />

issues in the early childhood education field such as universal preschool<br />

and NAEYC’s position on quality rating systems. Mitchell reported that<br />

NAEYC is working on task forces dedicated to early childhood workforce<br />

needs and helping states to create professional development and<br />

workforce development systems.<br />

On a personal note, Mitchell reminisced about how a course she<br />

took with <strong>Wheelock</strong>’s Gwen Morgan ’76MS truly changed her life.<br />

Mitchell said it was the turning point in her career and that she is<br />

eternally grateful to the <strong>College</strong> and to Morgan.<br />

NAEYC is the world’s largest organization working on behalf of<br />

young children, with nearly 100,000 members; a national network of<br />

over 300 local, state, and regional affiliates; and a growing global<br />

alliance of like-minded organizations. The NAEYC website is an<br />

excellent resource. Visit it at www.naeyc.org. ECPR is an independent<br />

consulting firm specializing in evaluation research, policy analysis,<br />

and planning on child care/early education issues for foundations and<br />

government and national nonprofit organizations.<br />

Froebel Coming to <strong>Wheelock</strong><br />

<strong>Wheelock</strong> is honored that the International Froebel Society has chosen<br />

the <strong>College</strong> as the place to hold its first annual meeting in the<br />

United States, July 9-11, <strong>2008</strong>. Given the historical context of the work of<br />

Friedrich Froebel and Lucy <strong>Wheelock</strong>, we think it’s perfectly fitting that the<br />

<strong>College</strong> host this important event for an international audience of early<br />

childhood scholars and practitioners. Learning to Play — Playing to Learn is<br />

the theme of the three-day conference. Keynote speakers include Tina Bruce<br />

of the Froebel Educational Institute, David Elkind, Nancy Carlsson-Paige,<br />

and <strong>Wheelock</strong>’s Professor in Early Childhood Diane Levin ’69MS.<br />

Keeping Current with<br />

Grad Programs<br />

To ensure that <strong>Wheelock</strong>’s programs remain flexible and meet the needs<br />

of contemporary graduate students as well as the workforce they are<br />

graduating into, a nine-member Graduate Strategic Planning Committee,<br />

which included administrators and faculty members, thoroughly assessed the<br />

<strong>College</strong>’s graduate offerings during the past 18 months. Their recommendations<br />

have been endorsed by the board of trustees, with the expectation that<br />

when the program revisions are completed, <strong>Wheelock</strong> will provide an even<br />

broader array of specializations from which students can choose.<br />

Areas of specialization from the Birth to Three; Child and Family Studies;<br />

and Leadership, Policy and Administration programs are being integrated<br />

into all graduate programs, and <strong>Wheelock</strong> will no longer offer<br />

discrete master’s programs in these areas. The Child Life master’s degree<br />

program will transition into a five-year program, and the Elementary and<br />

Special Education programs will be combined. Throughout the spring<br />

<strong>2008</strong> semester, faculty planning sessions also were held to review innovative<br />

graduate programs and to discuss the potential for several new programs<br />

at <strong>Wheelock</strong>. Stay tuned for new developments, and check the<br />

<strong>College</strong>’s website, www.wheelock.edu, for updates.<br />

<strong>Wheelock</strong> Magazine 5

Looking at Climate Change<br />

and Public Health<br />

(L to R) Deanne Williams Morse ’60; Dr. Ed Klugman, faculty emeritus; Dr. Eleonora Villegas-Reimers, dean<br />

of education and child life; Dr. Evelyn Hausslein, faculty emerita; Virginia Coleman ’84MS, instructor in<br />

child life; and Stefi Rubin, associate professor of child and family studies<br />

First Visiting Health Scholar,<br />

Dr. Laura Gaynard ’84MS<br />

by Brianne Kimble<br />

<strong>Wheelock</strong> welcomed Dr. Laura Gaynard ’84MS, CCLS, adjunct<br />

associate professor of family and consumer studies at the University<br />

of Utah, back to campus in April to inaugurate an<br />

important new visiting scholar program at <strong>Wheelock</strong>. Dr. Gaynard is the<br />

first <strong>Wheelock</strong> <strong>College</strong> Visiting Health Scholar to be sponsored by Betsy<br />

Reed Wilson ’55/’82MS of the Betsy Reed Wilson Let’s Face It Fund. More<br />

than 100 alumni, faculty, and students attended her presentation, “Child<br />

Life: Psychosocial Healing for the Whole Child and Family,” which was the<br />

lead event of her visit.<br />

President Jenkins-Scott, who welcomed guests at a reception for Dr.<br />

Gaynard, described the atmosphere of the event, with child life specialists and<br />

their conversations filling the room, as “old home week.” Faculty Emerita<br />

Evelyn Hausslein, for whom the Evelyn Hausslein Child Life Scholarship<br />

Endowed Fund — also sponsored by the Betsy Reed Wilson Let’s Face It<br />

Fund — is named, and Faculty Emeritus Dr. Edgar Klugman were there to<br />

welcome Dr. Gaynard and to help celebrate <strong>Wheelock</strong>’s new visiting scholar<br />

program devoted to the child life field.<br />

“Laura set a standard as our first Betsy Reed Wilson Visiting<br />

Health Scholar. Her eloquent presentation reminded us all<br />

about how many developmental principles inform the practice<br />

of family-centered care and how key child life specialists are to<br />

the well-being of pediatric patients and their families.”<br />

—Stefi Rubin, Ph.D., Associate Professor, Child & Family Studies<br />

During her visit, Dr. Gaynard spent time with child life students, who<br />

were impressed with her interest in their work and with her encouragement.<br />

“It was an honor to spend so much time with such an advocate for child life<br />

as Dr. Gaynard is, especially when she met with the students in <strong>Wheelock</strong>’s<br />

Child Life Organization and learned about our activities,” says Micaela Francis<br />

’09, president of the <strong>Wheelock</strong> Child Life Organization. “It was nice to see a<br />

<strong>Wheelock</strong> alumna so proud of what we have accomplished and how the club<br />

is continuing to grow.”<br />

Dr. Gaynard also took time after her presentation to sign all of the students’<br />

copies of her manual Psychosocial Care of Children in Hospitals and wrote an<br />

individualized message to each of them. “She took the time to really get to<br />

know <strong>Wheelock</strong> students and make us feel very much included in the child life<br />

profession,” says Micaela.<br />

Talk about climate change often focuses on long-term impacts that can<br />

only be imagined. But destabilization of the environment is already<br />

causing trouble we can see in the form of flooding, droughts, fires,<br />

and spreading diseases, all of which are having an impact on public health that<br />

is bound to grow.<br />

In February, Sylvia Hobbs, the director of research and evaluation for<br />

the Massachusetts Department of Public Health (MDPH) in the Office<br />

of Emergency Medical Services, came to <strong>Wheelock</strong> to give students an<br />

overview of the situation lying ahead and the state and federal action needed<br />

to avoid the worst impacts of global warming.<br />

Hobbs focused much of her talk on severe temperatures that are expected in<br />

the form of heat waves. Heat spells, she pointed out, are always a health concern,<br />

especially in<br />

urban areas, but with<br />

more of them anticipated<br />

due to destabilization,<br />

and in a more<br />

severe form, we can<br />

expect more serious<br />

consequences for<br />

people and animals.<br />

Children and the<br />

Sylvia Hobbs<br />

elderly will be most<br />

vulnerable, as will be<br />

those with pre-existing medical conditions, those with mental health issues, and<br />

those living in isolated circumstances. Low-income and less-educated populations<br />

have fewer resources available to mitigate severe temperatures and will be<br />

at higher risk. City dwellers in air-conditioned office buildings may be protected<br />

from higher summer temps in the city, but families living in neighborhoods<br />

where there are few trees for daytime shade will feel the impact even at night.<br />

According to Hobbs’ data, there will be more cardiovascular emergencies,<br />

more cases of eye inflammation such as conjunctivitis, and — because excessive<br />

heat affects the brain — more psychiatric reactions such as anxiety, sleep problems,<br />

and intensification of personality disorders. We should also be aware that<br />

increases in ground-level ozone will exacerbate respiratory disorders such as<br />

asthma, and rises in pollen production will result in more people visiting emergency<br />

rooms with allergic reactions. The spread of infectious diseases such as<br />

Lyme disease and West Nile virus (which made its appearance in the U.S. only<br />

in 1999) will likely widen.<br />

Public health in a time of increasing climate change is not a pretty picture,<br />

and Hobbs stressed the need to strategize and to act now to address<br />

the increased burden that will be felt by public support systems. She<br />

emphasized the good each of us — the teachers, social workers, and child<br />

life specialists who will be affected professionally and ordinary civilians as<br />

well — can do by actively playing a role in capping pollution, speeding the<br />

transition to a cleaner energy, and planning ahead for changes that are<br />

undeniably headed our way. As an example of municipal systems that are<br />

taking seemingly simple steps to rebalance the pollution equation, she<br />

pointed to Boston, where 100,000 trees are being planted during the next<br />

12 years to provide cooling shade and air cleansing in the city’s least green<br />

neighborhoods.<br />

6 <strong>Spring</strong> <strong>2008</strong>


New Trustees on Campus<br />

So much of the work that <strong>Wheelock</strong> trustees do happens<br />

quietly, behind the whirlwind scene of campus activities,<br />

but it’s their leadership that makes it possible for everyone<br />

in the college community to fulfill <strong>Wheelock</strong>’s mission.<br />

Five new trustees joined <strong>Wheelock</strong> this year and are contributing<br />

their talents and experience to the <strong>College</strong>’s present and<br />

to its future. So, at the same time, we say both “Welcome to<br />

<strong>Wheelock</strong> and thank you!”<br />

Stephanie Bennett-Smith is<br />

president emerita of Centenary<br />

<strong>College</strong> in New Jersey. During<br />

her time at Centenary, Stephanie<br />

instituted the transition of the<br />

women’s college to coeducation,<br />

spearheaded and completed the<br />

college’s first capital campaign,<br />

and oversaw its first curriculum<br />

expansion to include graduate<br />

programs. She received a B.A.<br />

and an M.F.A. from the University<br />

of New Mexico, a Ph.D.<br />

from the University of Iowa, and<br />

she holds honorary degrees from<br />

Obirin University in Japan and<br />

Centenary <strong>College</strong>. Having spent<br />

her career as a faculty member,<br />

administrator, and trustee at<br />

small, independent colleges and<br />

universities, Stephanie views her<br />

service to <strong>Wheelock</strong> as a continuation<br />

of her commitment to<br />

educational resources that are<br />

vital to our country. “<strong>Wheelock</strong><br />

<strong>College</strong> is a shining example of<br />

educational focus and commitment.<br />

I am honored to serve<br />

this fine institution,” she says.<br />

Stephanie is a member of the<br />

board’s Educational Policy Committee.<br />

She and her husband,<br />

Orin, split their time between<br />

Florida and Massachusetts.<br />

Adrian Haugabrook has many<br />

years of experience in education<br />

and nonprofits because of his<br />

work as a vice president of<br />

TERI; executive director of public<br />

policy, alliances and innovation<br />

at Citizen Schools; and<br />

assistant dean at UMass Boston<br />

and Framingham State <strong>College</strong>.<br />

Adrian received his bachelor’s<br />

degree from the University of<br />

West Georgia, his master’s from<br />

Georgia Southwestern State University,<br />

and his doctorate in<br />

higher education administration<br />

from UMass Boston. Adrian is<br />

also an adjunct professor at<br />

Lesley University’s School of<br />

Education and serves on many<br />

nonprofit boards. He has been<br />

honored for his work in Boston<br />

by the Chamber of Commerce<br />

and currently serves as a deacon<br />

at his church. Adrian is a new<br />

member of <strong>Wheelock</strong>’s Educational<br />

Policy Committee. He and<br />

his wife, Angela, have a daughter<br />

and a son.<br />

Three years ago, John Knutson<br />

and his wife, Judy, moved to<br />

Boston after his long career with<br />

the Chrysler Corp. During his 33<br />

years at Chrysler, John worked in<br />

many positions, most related to<br />

finance, in the U.S. and Mexico.<br />

In Boston, John has joined the<br />

Executive Service Corps of New<br />

England, where he is a volunteer<br />

consultant to nonprofit organizations.<br />

He sings with choral groups,<br />

notably the Saengerfest Men’s Chorus<br />

and the Yale Alumni Chorus.<br />

John says that joining the <strong>Wheelock</strong><br />

board has been an opportunity<br />

to use his experience to support<br />

this vital institution along with<br />

many other dedicated board and<br />

staff members. He is currently the<br />

chair of the Audit Committee and<br />

a member of the Executive and the<br />

Finance committees. John and<br />

Judy have two children and five<br />

lovely granddaughters. John<br />

received a B.S. from Yale and an<br />

M.B.A. from Harvard.<br />

Juan Carlos Morales is senior vice<br />

president and chief financial officer<br />

at BNY Mellon Wealth Management,<br />

one of the largest wealth<br />

management companies in the<br />

U.S. Prior to joining BNY Mellon,<br />

Juan Carlos held various roles at<br />

Bank of America and PricewaterhouseCoopers.<br />

Juan Carlos is a<br />

board member of “The Partnership,”<br />

one of Boston’s oldest diversity<br />

talent think tanks, and of<br />

Boston Medical Center. He also<br />

serves on the advisory board of the<br />

Boston chapter of the Association<br />

of Latino Professionals in Finance<br />

and Accounting (ALPFA), which<br />

he co-founded in 1998. Juan<br />

Carlos graduated from UMass<br />

Amherst, is a licensed C.P.A., and<br />

is currently a member of the<br />

Finance Committee of <strong>Wheelock</strong>’s<br />

Board of Trustees. He lives on<br />

Beacon Hill with his wife, Jennifer,<br />

and their children.<br />

Elizabeth (Lisa) Cluett Thors is<br />

a vice president of Wellington<br />

Management Co., LLP. She<br />

received her B.A. from Yale University<br />

in 1987 and an M.B.A.<br />

from Harvard Business School. In<br />

1995, she was appointed to the<br />

Health Care Security Trust of the<br />

Commonwealth of Massachusetts,<br />

which provides funding for healthrelated<br />

services, including those<br />

intended to control or reduce the<br />

use of tobacco. Lisa is secretary of<br />

the Blue Hill Country Club in<br />

Canton, MA. She and her husband,<br />

Rex, have two children. “I<br />

chose to join the <strong>Wheelock</strong> Board<br />

because of the school’s commitment<br />

to education, children, and<br />

families and President Jackie Jenkins-Scott’s<br />

vision for the <strong>Wheelock</strong><br />

of the future,” she says. “In addition,<br />

I have a neighborly interest,<br />

as we live in Brookline in close<br />

proximity to <strong>Wheelock</strong>.” Lisa is<br />

currently a member of <strong>Wheelock</strong>’s<br />

Investment Committee.<br />

<strong>Wheelock</strong> Magazine 7


Michelle Joeoosay Thomas<br />

Siti Aishah Binte Amir<br />

Students in <strong>Wheelock</strong>’s bachelor’s degree program in Early<br />

Childhood Educational Studies and Leadership, which was<br />

launched by the Center for International Education, Leadership,<br />

and Innovation last June at Ngee Ann Polytechnic in Singapore,<br />

are much like students on the <strong>College</strong>’s Boston campus. They<br />

are very busy with their studies and they are deeply committed<br />

learners who also take their numerous responsibilities outside of<br />

school seriously.<br />

Many of the 60 students in the program — all women graduates<br />

of Ngee Ann Polytechnic’s diploma program in Early Childhood<br />

Education — have accepted the challenges of working<br />

periodically, and in some cases regularly, in the field, matching what<br />

they have learned in the classroom with the realities of professional<br />

practice. They are convinced that their work experience is deepened<br />

by the knowledge they gain in the classroom, and likewise report<br />

that their classroom studies, discussions, and group projects are<br />

enriched by what they see and experience in the field.<br />

This is an affirming concensus because <strong>Wheelock</strong>’s philosophy<br />

has always sought to find the right balance between classroom<br />

knowledge and theory and meaningful applications in the world<br />

outside of academia, whether in Boston or in the bustling island<br />

nation of Singapore. As Alfred North Whitehead wrote many<br />

decades ago, “Education is the art of the utilization of knowledge.”<br />

Michelle Joeoosay Thomas has worked as a relief teacher in a<br />

child care center assisting the permanent staff in mentoring and<br />

managing the children in teaching and playtime activities.<br />

“The courses that we are taking are preparing me to go out to<br />

work more confidently in the field. When working with children,<br />

I am able to apply many of the strategies that I have learned in the<br />

textbooks. Likewise, the experience at the center gives me a clearer<br />

picture when I get back to reading my textbooks for class. For<br />

example, in my work experience, I had to deal with a child with<br />

separation anxiety, and just today, in my Coping with Stress class,<br />

the instructor spoke about separation anxiety and how stressful it<br />

can be to children. I was able to better relate to the subject, as I had<br />

gone through the experience before.”<br />

Siti Aishah Binte Amir has worked in a child care center, where<br />

she was given the assignment of class teacher for 4-year-olds and<br />

later asked to teach English to kindergarten students.<br />

Siti Nurrafidah Binte Samat<br />

Student Voices from Singapore<br />

Reflecting on Links Between Classroom Studies and Practice<br />

by David Fedo, executive director and visiting scholar at <strong>Wheelock</strong> <strong>College</strong> Center for International Education,<br />

Leadership, and Innovation in Singapore. Photos by Nuradurrah Binte Abdul Bar.<br />

Lim Hong Li Sharon<br />

“One of the most valuable lessons I have learned during the job<br />

was the importance of teamwork. My colleagues and I constantly<br />

shared ideas and lent a hand to each other whenever help was needed.<br />

Even the children began to enjoy themselves more clearly, as we<br />

realized that when we tapped into each other’s strengths, we were<br />

able to create more interesting activities for the children. All of the<br />

<strong>Wheelock</strong> <strong>College</strong> courses have proved to be related to my work<br />

experience. To take one example, Reading and Writing for Young<br />

Children has allowed me to better understand the circumstances of<br />

special needs children and has provided me with greater insight into<br />

the various ways language can be taught. The conventional method<br />

of teaching English was through phonics, but I found out that<br />

there is a more systematic way of introducing phonics to emergent<br />

readers and writers.”<br />

Siti Nurrafidah Binte Samat has most recently worked at a child<br />

care center, serving as a teacher in a toddlers class and as a teacher’s<br />

assistant in kindergarten activities.<br />

“I became more aware of the value of being culturally responsive<br />

toward the needs of the different parents. It was interesting to<br />

put what was being taught in the <strong>Wheelock</strong> classes into practice<br />

at work, and I felt that when I was practicing culturally responsive<br />

pedagogy with the parents, they seemed to be more open and<br />

receptive to me much more quickly.”<br />

“I love the surprises that each child gives me every<br />

day, telling me about what they had learned and<br />

using the knowledge to learn something else. I love<br />

the fact that I do not feel as though I am working,<br />

because I look forward to and enjoy each day spent<br />

with the children and my colleagues.”<br />

— Siti Nurrafidah Binte Samat<br />

Lim Hong Li Sharon has worked at a private child care<br />

center as a temporary English teacher for kindergarten and<br />

nursery children.<br />

“I learned that support from colleagues is very important,<br />

and that values like cooperation and patience are essential in<br />

this field. Early childhood educators must be alert and on task<br />

8 <strong>Spring</strong> <strong>2008</strong>


Nurafida Binte Abdul Razak<br />

Toh Lay Hoon/Zhuo Li Yun<br />

at all times. I was excited to integrate the Arts course into the activities<br />

of the children. I encouraged children to dramatize stories and learn<br />

through songs, and I implemented a miniproject in the visual arts. I<br />

feel more confident to engage children in new learning experiences<br />

from what I have learned in the classroom.”<br />

Nurafida Binte Abdul Razak has worked in a number of settings,<br />

including teaching phonics, English, music, and art in kindergarten,<br />

and English, math, art, and Islamic culture to nursery students.<br />

“I find that I can relate the case studies discussed in class to what I have<br />

learned at work. I used to be clueless as to how to teach reading effectively,<br />

and the Reading and Writing course gave me more insights into how to<br />

provide appropriate opportunities for children to grow in their literacy competency.<br />

Another example: I had always loved drama, but I had never used it<br />

in a classroom setting because I felt that I needed to be trained in drama to<br />

use it. The <strong>Wheelock</strong> Drama course helped me realize that it is not impossible<br />

to incorporate drama into my lessons, and I look forward to imparting<br />

this knowledge to my future colleagues.”<br />

Toh Lay Hoon/Zhuo Li Yun has worked at two child care facilities as<br />

a lead teacher in nursery and playgroup classes.<br />

“I learned that teaching requires a lot of patience, tolerance, creativity,<br />

and genuine love for children. And I can definitely relate my work experiences<br />

to the knowledge I am gaining in class. In fact, I have really enjoyed<br />

all of the modules I am taking so far under the bachelor’s degree offered by<br />

<strong>Wheelock</strong>. The information presented is both practical and relevant. For<br />

instance, the class on Reading and Writing for Young Children in a Diverse<br />

Society offered valuable insights into effective teaching methods and strategies<br />

to promote children’s literacy skills. Another example is the class on<br />

Research Methods. The knowledge I learned there really has helped me to<br />

analyze situations and be more objective and critical about what I read and<br />

what people may say.”<br />

Singaporean Students in Boston for<br />

Summer Immersion Program<br />

All students in the two-year <strong>Wheelock</strong> <strong>College</strong> degree program in<br />

Singapore will be in residence on the Boston campus for five weeks this<br />

summer. They will be engaged in a Summer Immersion experience,<br />

an exciting centerpiece of the <strong>Wheelock</strong> program organized by the<br />

<strong>College</strong>’s Center for International Education, Leadership, and Innovation.<br />

While in Boston, the students will enroll in two courses, taught<br />

jointly by <strong>Wheelock</strong> faculty and Singaporean faculty from Ngee Ann<br />

Polytechnic and RTRC Asia. They will also be integrating their classroom<br />

learning with insights gained through regular visits to child care<br />

and preschool centers and other cultural institutions in the Greater<br />

Boston area. These field trips will include meetings with professionals,<br />

practitioners, and leaders in professional practice.<br />

IN ORBIT<br />

Math & Science Student<br />

Recognition Awards<br />

<strong>Wheelock</strong> students, faculty, and staff crowded the Larsen Alumni<br />

Room in April for the <strong>2008</strong> Math & Science Student Recognition<br />

Awards Ceremony and to cheer for Amy Goods and Sarah<br />

Tallman, two outstanding students who received cash prizes for their academic<br />

achievements. Continuing the tradition of recognizing students who<br />

lead weekly math/science study groups on campus, <strong>Wheelock</strong> also congratulated<br />

37 Math Leaders for their service during the academic year and<br />

rewarded them with a book, The Golden Ratio: The Story of PHI, the World’s<br />

Most Astonishing Number by Mario Livio, and certificates of professional<br />

development.<br />

Amy Goods, who graduates in fall 2009, was taking a sabbatical from<br />

college when she discovered her love for teaching and science while working at<br />

Nature’s Classroom, an outdoor education program in Yarmouth Port, MA.<br />

While researching where to complete her education, she was drawn to <strong>Wheelock</strong><br />

<strong>College</strong>’s mission statement and joined the <strong>Wheelock</strong> community in the<br />

2007 spring semester as a Math/Science major with a concentration in Special<br />

Education. Amy said she<br />

feels that the Math/Science<br />

Department has given her<br />

the confidence to become<br />

a strong math and science<br />

teacher. Last year, she<br />

taught in an after-school<br />

science enrichment program<br />

and was a Math<br />

Leader, while also finding<br />

time to work at the New<br />

England Aquarium.<br />

Congratulations,<br />

Sarah Tallman (left)<br />

and Amy Goods!<br />

Sophomore Sarah<br />

Tallman came to <strong>Wheelock</strong><br />

because she liked its<br />

small community and<br />

because she would be able to study both Math/Science and Elementary<br />

Education. During high school, Sarah volunteered at her school district’s<br />

Helmer Nature Center, and she worked at the Rochester Museum & Science<br />

Center as a teacher’s assistant for seven years. While science was her favorite<br />

subject in high school, Sarah also enjoys studying math and environmental<br />

sciences at <strong>Wheelock</strong>. She is pleased that so many of her <strong>Wheelock</strong> Math/<br />

Science classes have shown her how to share her love for the subjects with<br />

children in the classroom. Sarah was president of the Math Science Alliance<br />

and was also a Math Leader last year.<br />

Guest speaker Heather Knutson, a fourth-year graduate in the astronomy<br />

department at Harvard, spoke about how inspiring her math and science<br />

teachers had been and how important they were to her pursuing a fascination<br />

with astronomy. She is developing her thesis on the properties of extrasolar<br />

planets under a National Science Foundation Graduate Research<br />

Fellowship. Heather uses observations of eclipsing systems, where the planet<br />

periodically passes in front of and then behind its parent star, to determine<br />

the properties of the planet, including its radius, composition, temperature,<br />

and atmospheric circulation patterns.<br />

<strong>Wheelock</strong> Magazine 9


Final Score<br />

by Joe Atchinson, Director of Sports Information<br />

It’s been a successful and eventful year for Wildcat athletics,<br />

with the big news being the debut of men’s sports teams at<br />

the <strong>College</strong>. <strong>Wheelock</strong> men took their skills to the basketball<br />

and tennis courts with spirit and sportsmanship, joining<br />

our five varsity women’s teams in achieving high marks<br />

across all three playing seasons.<br />

In the fall, both the Wildcat field hockey and soccer teams won North Atlantic<br />

Conference (NAC) Sportsmanship Awards. Soccer finished at 5-13, while field<br />

hockey finished at 5-12. Soccer player Lindsey Lacourse was named 2nd team allconference.<br />

For field hockey, Lauren Widing was named 2nd team all-conference,<br />

finishing second in the NAC in assists. Jill Chaffee won an honorable mention,<br />

finishing sixth in the NAC in goals and points per game.<br />

The <strong>Wheelock</strong> swimming and diving team wrapped up another impressive<br />

winter season in which they won three dual meets, split two tri-meets, and had<br />

strong showings throughout.<br />

The Wildcat women’s basketball team ended their season with a blowout victory over<br />

<strong>College</strong> of New Rochelle by a score of 90-49, making it five victories for the season with<br />

several players placing among the NAC season leaders. Notably, Sarah Brown finished<br />

third in scoring and first in three-pointers per game. Erin Reardon was third in steals.<br />

Men’s basketball received the NAC team sportsmanship award in their inaugural<br />

season of play. Sherard Robbins was named second team all-conference in the NAC as he<br />

finished third in scoring, first in rebounding, and first in blocked shots.<br />

At press time, the <strong>Wheelock</strong> softball team was only six games into their season, but<br />

they are building off of last year’s six-win season. Eight Wildcats returned from last year’s<br />

team and were joined by five first-years, all led by junior Stacy Seidner.<br />

Joining the men’s basketball team this year as <strong>Wheelock</strong> expands athletics offerings<br />

for students was the men’s tennis team, coached by Cory Tusler. The team concluded<br />

their inaugural season at the NAC Championships, where the highlight was a win by<br />

<strong>Wheelock</strong> in the #1 doubles championship.<br />

Next up — look for the addition of cross-country to <strong>Wheelock</strong> athletics next year!<br />

Game Start<br />

The game of basketball originated in Massachusetts,<br />

the basketball we know today was originally a soccer<br />

ball, and the game might have been called<br />

boxball if not for sheer happenstance. The invention of<br />

basketball is credited to James Naismith, who was athletic<br />

director of the YMCA Training School in <strong>Spring</strong>field,<br />

MA, in 1891. Naismith was looking for a recreational<br />

activity that could be played indoors during winter’s cold<br />

months and one that would develop skill rather than<br />

depend on strength alone. For the first game of what we<br />

now call basketball, Naismith intended to use two boxes<br />

posted at opposite ends of a court to catch a tossed soccer<br />

ball. Finding no boxes handy at the Y, he used what<br />

were available — peach baskets. The soccer ball was still<br />

a soccer ball, and the baskets were not cut out at the<br />

bottom so players had to climb up to retrieve the ball<br />

each time a basket was made, but it was a great tip-off<br />

for a sport that would grow by leaps and bounds during<br />

the next century.<br />

Hockey Scholars<br />

Sweep the Field<br />

Kudos to the field hockey team for winning<br />

the 2007 NFHCA Division III National<br />

Academic Team Award (National Field<br />

Hockey Coaches Association). In order to receive this<br />

award, the team had to achieve a cumulative GPA of<br />

3.0 or higher. In addition, 10 team members were<br />

named to the 2007 NFHCA Division III National<br />

Academic Squad in recognition of obtaining a<br />

cumulative GPA of 3.30 or higher.<br />


10 <strong>Spring</strong> <strong>2008</strong>

Be a Maniac!<br />

Did You Know?<br />

Recyclemania came to <strong>Wheelock</strong> last<br />

semester in the form of seminars teaching<br />

students to increase the power of recycling<br />

products into usable materials and to<br />

reduce the power wasted in producing<br />

new raw materials.<br />

• If just 25% of U.S. families used 10 fewer plastic bags a month, we<br />

would save over 2.5 BILLION bags a year.<br />

• Every ton of recycled office paper saves 380 gallons of oil.<br />

• Energy saved by recycling ONE aluminum can is the equivalent of<br />

half a can of gasoline.<br />

• Glass produced from recycled glass instead of raw materials reduces<br />

air pollution by 20% and water pollution by 50%.<br />

Students Support<br />

Week of the Young Child<br />

Early childhood care and education was a definite theme on<br />

campus last semester, and students made sure they were part of<br />

the action by advocating for moving children to a top-priority<br />

position at the state policy level. Fliers went up, e-mails went out,<br />

and workshops were organized. <strong>Wheelock</strong> students are already great<br />

advocates for children. Go, <strong>Wheelock</strong> students!<br />

Yes, We’ve<br />

Got Jeans!<br />

<strong>Wheelock</strong>‘s student organization<br />

ALANA regularly<br />

collects donations from<br />

staff and faculty in return for the joy<br />

of wearing jeans to work on designated<br />

Got Jeans? Days. Proceeds go to a different<br />

charity each month. The organizations appreciate the funds that students raise<br />

on their behalf, and for faculty and staff, the fundraiser’s a perfect fit!<br />

COF Great Performances<br />

One great benefit to being a <strong>Wheelock</strong> student<br />

is that you have instant membership in the<br />

larger <strong>College</strong>s of the Fenway (COF) community<br />

and can not only cross-register for courses,<br />

but also participate in the many programs and<br />

activities offered by each of the colleges. In<br />

April, students had the chance to enjoy a week<br />

of performances by the COF Performing Arts Ensembles. Twenty members<br />

of the COF Chorus performed a collection of pop and a cappella<br />

hits at the Mass. <strong>College</strong> of Pharmacy and Health Sciences; the COF<br />

Orchestra performed at Emmanuel <strong>College</strong>, where winners of a concerto<br />

competition and a conducting competition showcased their work;<br />

the COF Dance Project presented “Dancing Through Time” at Mass-<br />

Art; and also at MassArt, the COF Theater Project performed “Crazy<br />

for Love: Scenes and One-Acts & More.”<br />

Behind the Scenes — All-<strong>College</strong> E-Mail<br />

Subject: Thank you for supporting the<br />

Muddy River Team!<br />

From: Muddy River Cleanup<br />

Sent: Wed., April 30, <strong>2008</strong><br />

To: All<br />

The Muddy River Team would like to<br />

thank all of those who came out to<br />

participate in the Muddy River Cleanup<br />

last Saturday, April 26. We truly<br />

appreciate the effort and concern shown<br />

by <strong>Wheelock</strong> and our neighboring<br />

community, and we hope that everyone<br />

had a good time, too. Thank you all!<br />

The Muddy River Team<br />

<strong>Wheelock</strong> Magazine 11


Patricia, sixth from left, celebrating at<br />

her May retirement party with some<br />

of her friends and colleagues<br />

Wishes for a Grand Retirement<br />

to Patricia Hogan<br />

by Lauren Wholley<br />

<strong>Wheelock</strong> Professor Patricia Hogan retired this spring after 25 years at the <strong>College</strong>.<br />

Patricia came to <strong>Wheelock</strong> in March 1983 from San Jose State University in California,<br />

where she was associate dean and interim dean of the School of Social Work. At<br />

<strong>Wheelock</strong>, Patricia was the first director of the Bachelor of Social Work Program. She is most proud<br />

of the role she played in creating this program and leading it to accreditation. She has also served<br />

the <strong>College</strong> as chair of the Professional Studies Department, dean of Social Work Programs, and<br />

professor of social work.<br />

“I am privileged to have worked with so many<br />

wonderful students and alums. Those relationships<br />

are the best part.”<br />

In May, the on-campus <strong>Wheelock</strong> community celebrated Patricia’s retirement and thanked her for her<br />

commitment and service to the <strong>College</strong>; in March, she was also honored by former students,<br />

colleagues, and friends at the <strong>Wheelock</strong> <strong>College</strong> Celebrates Social Work Dinner. “I am privileged to have<br />

worked with so many wonderful students and alums,” she said. “Those relationships are the best part.”<br />

In May, Patricia moved to Portland, OR, to be near her two sons and her granddaughter, Mia. She will<br />

have plenty to keep her busy during retirement, as she is an eBay entrepreneur and a fine arts photographer.<br />

“Those are two things that I’m going to focus on — in addition to my granddaughter!” she said.<br />

Patricia contributed so much to the <strong>College</strong> and to the education of <strong>Wheelock</strong> students<br />

during her career here. She will be missed, but we extend best wishes for her next adventures<br />

in Portland.<br />

Faculty on<br />

Sabbatical<br />

What They Do<br />

■ Associate Professor of Mathematics Galina<br />

Dobrynina (full year) – Research comparing<br />

methods for teaching mathematics<br />

across different cultures (American, Russian,<br />

and Bulgarian; possibly also Israeli and<br />

Singaporean)<br />

■ Associate Professor of Language and<br />

Literacy Lowry Hemphill (full year) –<br />

Literacy research project in the Boston<br />

middle schools<br />

■ Professor of Early Childhood Diane Levin<br />

’69MS (full year) – Promotion and workshop<br />

presentations based on her newly<br />

published book, So Sexy, So Soon<br />

■ Associate Professor of Humanities Lee<br />

Whitfield (spring 2009) – Research on<br />

three existing projects: French law and the<br />

impact on women; a book, Exorcising<br />

Algeria; and writing on the Berber culture<br />

in North Africa<br />

12 <strong>Spring</strong> <strong>2008</strong>


Thinking Linguistically<br />

A Scientific Approach to Language<br />

Associate Professor Maya Honda and Wayne O’Neil<br />

(Massachusetts Institute of Technology) have published<br />

a new course text for students pursuing serious<br />

scientific inquiry using linguistics. Visit their publisher’s website<br />

at www.blackwellpublishingcom.<br />

“The authors skillfully engage readers in doing linguistics as a kind of<br />

scientific inquiry. An elegant demonstration of the steps in identifying<br />

patterns, formulating and testing hypotheses, and offering parsimonious<br />

descriptions and explanations.”<br />

—Walt Wolfram, North Carolina State University<br />

“Honda and O’Neil have taught linguistics at the center and on the periphery,<br />

to grade schoolers, teachers, and graduate students: always theoretical, always<br />

understandable, always useful. These unique materials show that the study of<br />

English and of every other language can be a science accessible to all.”<br />

—Nigel Fabb, University of Strathclyde (Glasgow, Scotland)<br />

Off Campus, Michael Williamson Preps<br />

Next Generation of Lacrosse Officials<br />

Mike Williamson with daughter,<br />

Sarah, also a lacrosse official,<br />

at the <strong>2008</strong> U.S. Lacrosse<br />

Convention<br />

Everyone knows Associate<br />

Professor Michael<br />

Williamson as the man<br />

behind the multiple award-winning<br />

online educational science program<br />

WhaleNet. But we’re here to tell you<br />

that he’s also an expert on lacrosse<br />

and helping to train up the next generation<br />

of professional lacrosse officials.<br />

Williamson is on the<br />

Training Committee of the Men’s<br />

Division Officials Council, writing<br />

educational materials to use in<br />

training lacrosse officials around the<br />

country. And for the Scholastic Officials<br />

Committee for U.S. Lacrosse,<br />

the governing body for lacrosse in the<br />

United States, he’s working on a program<br />

to recruit more officials as well<br />

as on professional development programs<br />

for youth and high school<br />

lacrosse officials.<br />

<strong>Wheelock</strong>’s Math and<br />

Science Education<br />

Center Races to the<br />

Planets<br />

As the night sky changed constellations<br />

last April in honor of<br />

spring, <strong>Wheelock</strong>’s Math and<br />

Science Education Center, managed by<br />

Cathy Clemens, held an astronomically<br />

fun event for families of <strong>Wheelock</strong> faculty<br />

and staff. At Race to the Planets we<br />

learned more about the planets and created<br />

our own stories based on what we<br />

learned. As a bonus, each family took<br />

home a free copy of the game Race to the<br />

Planets. The event and the game came to<br />

<strong>Wheelock</strong> via the Astronomical Society<br />

of the Pacific (ASP), a leader in the field<br />

of astronomy education.<br />

Flip to the Resources section of<br />

<strong>Wheelock</strong> Magazine to learn about ASP’s<br />

many resources for educators and families.<br />

<strong>Wheelock</strong> Magazine 13

ALUMNI<br />

Alumni Collaborating on<br />

Innovative Campus Programs<br />

Boston-area alumni who teach at the Mary Lyon School were part of a group of teachers who visited <strong>Wheelock</strong> this spring<br />

as part of a Women Count mentoring program for middle-school students. First row, far right is Elise Cucchi ‘00MS, and<br />

Janice Watts Hanrahan ’94/’95MS to her right. Behind Janice is Associate Professor Maya Honda, and in the second row to<br />

the far right seated behind the table is Cheryl Brown-Green ’93MS.<br />

Author! Author! Author!<br />

Buried<br />

(Dutton Books, 2006)<br />

by Robin Merrow MacCready ’81<br />

Robin Merrow MacCready ’81 has written<br />

a standout debut mystery novel for<br />

young adults that is sending her to the top<br />

of booklists. Buried was nominated by the<br />

mystery organization Deadly Ink for the<br />

Ida Chittum Award for Best Young<br />

Adult/Children’s Mystery Novel of 2006,<br />

and in 2007, it won the Edgar Allan Poe<br />

Award for the Best<br />

Young Adult Mystery<br />

and made the<br />

New York Public<br />

Library’s Best Books<br />

for Teens list.<br />

The protagonist<br />

of Buried, Claudine,<br />

is a teenager burdened<br />

by adult responsibilities<br />

and a need for order that many children of<br />

alcoholics share. Despite her formidable coping<br />

skills, the emotionally safe life Claudine seeks for<br />

herself threatens to derail when she tries to solve<br />

the riddle of her mother’s sudden disappearance.<br />

Kirkus Review calls Buried “an absorbing psychological<br />

study.” BookLoons Reviews praises its<br />

honest, raw emotions and advises, “As the book<br />

hurtles toward an astonishing conclusion, it’s<br />

impossible to put down.”<br />

Robin currently teaches language arts to<br />

children in grades 4, 5, and 6 in Edgecomb,<br />

ME. So what drew her to writing young adult<br />

fiction? “Some of the best writing that is happening<br />

now is in YA fiction,” she explains. “It<br />

goes deep but gets to the point more quickly,<br />

and it’s all about character, which is what interests<br />

me. One of my surprises was to be nominated<br />

by Mystery Writers of America and then<br />

to win. I didn’t belong to the group and didn’t<br />

think of the book as a plot-driven mystery; I<br />

think of it as a character-driven novel that asks<br />

14 <strong>Spring</strong> <strong>2008</strong>

ALUMNI<br />

many of the questions teenagers are asking<br />

themselves but are afraid to ask adults about.”<br />

Robin is writing her second novel while<br />

teaching and raising her two children. Get to<br />

know more about her, her book, and her<br />

humorous adventures preparing for the Edgar<br />

Awards ceremony by going to her website at<br />

www.robinmerrowmaccready.com.<br />

Secrets of Great Parents<br />

(SGP Press, LLC, 2007)<br />

by Dayle Lynn Pomerantz ’76<br />

As every parent<br />

knows, parenting is<br />

as exhausting as it<br />

is rewarding, and<br />

the benefits are not<br />

always immediately<br />

evident. Dayle<br />

Lynn Pomerantz<br />

’76 is a parent<br />

skills coach and<br />

child development specialist who has a lot to<br />

offer parents, whether they are novices or<br />

experienced hands who know the ropes but<br />

still manage to get tangled up in knots from<br />

time to time.<br />

Dayle knows that a successful parent-child<br />

relationship depends on parents having the skills<br />

required to be effective teachers, disciplinarians,<br />

mentors, and communicators, but that many<br />

parents have not had the opportunity to fully<br />

learn and acquire these skills. She believes that<br />

children, and society as a whole, will benefit<br />

tremendously if more parents take the time to<br />

educate themselves about raising children in a<br />

supportive and loving way. Dayle’s current book<br />

divulges 12 “secrets” that she feels parents need<br />

in order to be the best they can be: awareness,<br />

balance, communication, discipline, encouragement,<br />

framework, growth, health, independence,<br />

joy, knowledge, love. “Anyone who cares deeply<br />

for their child has the ability to be an excellent<br />

parent,” she says. “Good parenting<br />

doesn’t require money and<br />

material things. Good parenting<br />

requires love, dedication, and<br />

knowledge.”<br />

Dayle is a presenter at national<br />

and regional conferences, and she<br />

has written on timely parenting<br />

topics, focusing especially on the<br />

need for parents to understand<br />

their children’s developmental<br />

stages in order to be more responsive<br />

and effective. She and her husband,<br />

Jay, live in Orchard Park, NY,<br />

and have two grown children, Erica<br />

and Steven.<br />

Winning Against<br />

the Wackos in Your Life<br />

(paperback/Larstan, 2007)<br />

by Christina Moulton Eckert ’84<br />

As Christina Moulton Eckert ’84 makes clear<br />

in her book, Winning Against the Wackos in<br />

Your Life, irksome characters are everywhere —<br />

cutting you off in traffic, insulting you at PTA<br />

meetings, making life at work miserable, and<br />

(can you believe it?) igniting fuses at family<br />

gatherings. Like many of us, Christina has<br />

experienced her share of troublesome relationships<br />

and encounters, but she has taken her<br />

hard lessons learned and transformed them<br />

into advice to aid others in avoiding unfulfilling<br />

entanglements.<br />

“This is not a book about what to do<br />

after you have been in a bad relationship,”<br />

says Christina.<br />

“It’s about how<br />

to prevent getting<br />

into one in the<br />

first place.”<br />

Christina has<br />

two goals for her<br />

book: to help<br />

others identify<br />

negative people<br />

in their lives and to recognize the traits within<br />

themselves that could actually be drawing<br />

stress-inducing people to them. Her chapter<br />

headings suggest the book’s survival guide content<br />

and the humorous slant she takes on rising<br />

above life’s little troublemakers. From<br />

What Wackos Look For to As Wacko Behavior<br />

Broadens, A Final Word on Family, and Helping<br />

Teens Cope with Wackos (the subject of<br />

Christina’s next book), she talks frankly about<br />

people who could be nicer and “how to spot<br />

them and stop them in their tracks.”<br />

Christina is living in the desert Southwest<br />

with her husband of 20 years and their three<br />

children. Visit her website at www.winningagainstthewackos.com,<br />

and look for her book in<br />

paperback in bookstores and online shopping<br />

sites.<br />

<strong>Wheelock</strong> Magazine 15

ALUMNI<br />

New <strong>Wheelock</strong><br />

Alumni Book<br />

Groups<br />

Thanks to everyone who responded<br />

to this past winter’s call to start more<br />

<strong>Wheelock</strong> alumni book groups, we have four new chapters: on the<br />

South Shore of Massachusetts; and in Seattle; Sarasota, FL; and Orange County,<br />

CA. E-mail the Alumni Relations Office at alumnirelations@wheelock.edu if<br />

you are interested in joining any of these groups or if you would like to start a<br />

group in your area. Keep those pages turning!<br />

L to R: Susan West ’77,<br />

President Jenkins-<br />

Scott, Jim Scott, and<br />

Sandra Miller ’77<br />

We ♥ New York!<br />

In March, President Jenkins-Scott, Jim Scott, and Deanne Morse ’60<br />

had a great time visiting with Regina Frankenberger Dubin ’58 and<br />

her husband, Larry Dubin, Sarah Jarvis ’68, Jo Loskill Jenks ’53,<br />

Nicky Wheeler L’Hommedieu ’54 and her husband, Paige L’Hommedieu,<br />

Mary Hathaway Hayter ’50, Nance Kulin Liebgott ’69, Pamela<br />

Long, Arlene Keizer Lovenvirth ’58, Sandra Miller ’77, Shirley Collins<br />

Schwarz-Gutherz ’57, Susan West ’77, and Anne Runk Wright ’50 at a<br />

luncheon hosted by Nicky and Paige at The Williams Club.<br />

Thanks to Alumni Who Have<br />

Joined the Center for Career<br />

Development Alumni Network<br />

To date, over 270 alumni have responded to the Alumni Network<br />

Survey and volunteered to support the professional development<br />

of students in a variety of ways, including:<br />

• Speaking at a Club Meeting, Class, or Educational Workshop<br />

• Conducting Informational Interviews, answering students’<br />

questions about their job, career, or profession<br />

• Conducting Mock/Practice Interviews<br />

• Networking with Current Students by E-mail<br />

• Hosting a Community Service Opportunity<br />

• Providing a Resume/Cover Letter Critique<br />

• Providing a Shadowing Opportunity<br />

Alumni data are made available to students through the Center’s<br />

online job posting and networking site, <strong>Wheelock</strong> Works! Take a look at<br />

their website (www.wheelock.edu/ccd) and see what other helpful services<br />

the <strong>College</strong> offers to students who are about to take their professional<br />

place in the world.<br />

Resources<br />

<strong>Wheelock</strong>’s Math and Science<br />

Education Center Suggests<br />

The Exploratorium<br />

The Exploratorium science museum in San Francisco has an excellent<br />

website (www.exploratorium.edu) that covers many science topics and<br />

offers fun ideas and tools for teaching under its Educate dropdown<br />

menu: Cathy Clemens, manager of <strong>Wheelock</strong>’s Math and Science<br />

Education Center, welcomes your ideas for engaging students in math<br />

and science learning: “The MSEC is here to support our alumni and<br />

your students!” Contact her at cclemens@wheelock.edu.<br />

The Astronomical Society of the Pacific,<br />

a Science Literacy Resource<br />

The Family ASTRO program presented by <strong>Wheelock</strong>’s MSEC in<br />

April is a program of the Astronomical Society of the Pacific<br />

(ASP), a recognized leader in the field of astronomy education.<br />

The Society’s goal is to advance science literacy by increasing public<br />

understanding and appreciation of astronomy through public<br />

outreach by scientists, educators, and enthusiasts.<br />

ASP’s Project ASTRO is an innovative program that pairs amateur<br />

and professional astronomers with teachers and classes in the San<br />

Francisco Bay area and also works with the ASTRO National Network<br />

with sites in 13 locations across the country. ASP’s free teachers’<br />

newsletter, The Universe in the Classroom, is posted on their website<br />

(www.aspsky.org/), and their online store, the AstroShop, offers an<br />

array of educational products for teachers and anyone interested in<br />

spreading appreciation and understanding of astronomy.<br />

<strong>Wheelock</strong> Is Your Go-To Professional Development Resource<br />

Your school, agency, or organization can benefit from a <strong>Wheelock</strong><br />

course held conveniently at your work site. National and Regional<br />

Programs will work with you to select from a variety of undergraduate<br />

and graduate courses. Interested in learning more? E-mail<br />

National and Regional Programs at natreg@wheelock.edu or call<br />

(617) 879-2311.<br />

16 <strong>Spring</strong> <strong>2008</strong>

The Kresge Challenge Grant to Expand<br />

Our Community and Make Us Stronger<br />

In April, <strong>Wheelock</strong> received wonderful news from the distinguished Kresge Foundation that it was<br />

awarding an $800,000 challenge grant to the <strong>College</strong> to assist in raising the remaining funds necessary<br />

to complete construction of its beautiful new Campus Center and Student Residence (CCSR).<br />

In his award letter to President Jenkins-Scott, Kresge Foundation President Rip Rapson noted,<br />

“We are extremely pleased to support your institution and its excellent track record of providing<br />

access to higher education. . . . With awarding this grant, we are saluting your efforts to improve<br />

conditions and advance opportunities in your community.”<br />

The Kresge award is not an outright grant; it is something better. The challenge grant is intended to<br />

help <strong>Wheelock</strong> grow by supporting construction of the new CCSR — and that definitely is something to<br />

celebrate — but even more important, it challenges <strong>Wheelock</strong> to stretch institutionally, to interest a broader<br />

range of organizations and individual donors in what <strong>Wheelock</strong> and its mission are<br />

all about. The Kresge Foundation poses a challenge to <strong>Wheelock</strong> that we have<br />

eagerly accepted: Raise $2,350,050 of the remaining amount needed to finish<br />

construction from private donors within the next 12 months, and the Foundation<br />

will complete the funding with its $800,000 grant.<br />

“The Kresge grant provides an exceptional opportunity for the <strong>College</strong> to<br />

expand its private base of support, to become stronger as an institution, and to<br />

fulfill its strategic plan for future growth,” Jenkins-Scott said in announcing the<br />

award. “We are also very excited about this grant’s prospects for widening recognition<br />

of <strong>Wheelock</strong>’s place in and importance to the broader Boston community.”<br />

Education is one of six fields in which The Kresge Foundation has been active<br />

for many years and is expanding in the U.S. and around the world. The Foundation<br />

is most interested in supporting educational institutions that address concerns<br />

about systematic and pervasive inequities and that have a positive impact on the<br />

community; promote diversity, opportunity, and access; and educate a workforce<br />

capable of competing successfully in the changing economy.<br />

The challenge helps to advance the shared goals of <strong>Wheelock</strong> and The Kresge Foundation while creating<br />

a stunning addition to the campus. And it is a wonderful vote of confidence in <strong>Wheelock</strong>’s extended<br />

community of supporters who will take up the challenge to complete funding of the CCSR, which so<br />

dramatically embodies the <strong>College</strong>’s future orientation.<br />

While the CCSR will be a<br />

fabulous new addition to<br />

<strong>Wheelock</strong>’s campus and to<br />

Boston’s cityscape, the Kresge<br />

challenge grant presents a<br />

great opportunity for <strong>Wheelock</strong><br />

to engage many more individuals<br />

and organizations in its<br />

mission to improve the lives<br />

of children and families.<br />

<strong>Wheelock</strong> Magazine 17

Skyscraper–Flying by crane, the “topping<br />

off” beam and its tree cargo land with<br />

perfect precision in the hands of workers<br />

waiting to position it at the highest point<br />

of the building’s completed frame.<br />

“We spent huge amounts of<br />

time talking with students<br />

about how we could support<br />

the idea of community in<br />

the evening as well as during<br />

the day. Because so many of<br />

the students are in class or<br />

in the field during the day,<br />

the mixed use of the building<br />

at night became all the<br />

more important.”<br />

—William Rawn, principal,<br />

William Rawn Associates, Architects, Inc.<br />

Nothing But Blue Sky for the<br />

CCSR Topping Off Ceremony<br />

The day couldn’t have been brighter than it was on April 15, when <strong>Wheelock</strong><br />

students, faculty, staff, and trustees gathered with the CCSR designers and<br />

builders to finish off the framing phase of construction by the Shawmut<br />

Design and Construction crew. After everyone had a chance to sign their name<br />

to a steel beam that would be the last one placed at the very top of the<br />

structure, a crane smoothly hoisted it high over the crowd. At one end<br />

of the beam, a small evergreen rode up and into place at the highest point of<br />

the frame, topping off the building in a ritual that is thousands of years old.<br />

Design Innovations That Nurture Community<br />

“There are several ways in which the Campus Center and Student Residence<br />

stands out as innovative, but most obviously it is in its design as a mixed-use<br />

space which celebrates community,” says William Rawn, principal of William<br />

Rawn Associates, Architects, Inc., the firm that designed the CCSR.<br />

“Traditionally, most colleges and universities have separate buildings<br />

for separate functions, widely separated across large campuses, but the<br />

CCSR has within its walls spaces for dining, living, meeting, and working,”<br />

he points out. “On a small campus such as <strong>Wheelock</strong>’s, establishing the<br />

CCSR as a mixed-use building makes it a destination and focal point for<br />

everyone on campus. This is innovative not only in that it is a change from<br />

the traditional, but also because it expresses the <strong>College</strong>’s strong sense of<br />

itself as a community.”<br />

Inside the CCSR, there are three and one-half floors of residential living<br />

space, but mixed with this on the first through third floors are spaces<br />

intended for daily use by students, faculty, and staff alike — a large dining<br />

area as well as a café and a 24/7 coffee bar, meeting rooms for student<br />

activities, and areas for entertainment. “Different segments of the community<br />

will be coming and going throughout the day, rubbing shoulders,<br />

and crossing paths with much more frequency,” Rawn says. “The spaces<br />

themselves are an open invitation to meet up to work on projects, make<br />

plans for events, or just settle in for conversation.”<br />

The building’s interior design will create a light, open, welcoming<br />

environment. Curtains of large glass windows will allow sunlight to<br />

pour in, a grand staircase will connect the first<br />

floor to the second-floor dining commons with<br />

a beautiful view of the greenery across the<br />

18 <strong>Spring</strong> <strong>2008</strong><br />

The Topping Off Ritual<br />

The tradition of a “topping off” ceremony has been<br />

linked to many cultures, but one possible point<br />

of origin is with the Scandinavians.The first reference<br />

dates to 700 A.D., when sheaves of grain were attached<br />

to the tops of newly constructed halls.The grain was an<br />

offering to the god Odin’s horse and was meant to bring<br />

good favor or luck to future occupants of the building.<br />

The custom spread to Germanic tribes that substituted a pagan symbol of new life —<br />

the evergreen — for the grain sheaves.<br />

The ritual is re-enacted today to celebrate a job well and safely done by the steel<br />

workers and, as in the old days, to bring good luck to the rest of the construction<br />

process and to those who will be using the new building.

Green Innovations That Nurture Nature<br />

Green buildings are becoming more integrated into urban and campus<br />

environments as awareness of the need to conserve and protect the<br />

planet grows. Going green with the CCSR and minimizing its impact<br />

on the environment is consistent with the social and educational<br />

aspects of <strong>Wheelock</strong>’s mission. But Erik Tellander, project architect<br />

for William Rawn Associates, points out that the green value of the<br />

CCSR extends beyond its own perimeters because it will impact future<br />

campus renovations and construction. The CCSR will serve as a<br />

model of how green technologies can be incorporated into most buildings<br />

and how sustainable practices might be put into play throughout<br />

the campus.<br />

Riverway, and there will be a light-filled third-floor dining space with<br />

an outdoor balcony for seating overlooking the community courtyard.<br />

The balcony and courtyard will enjoy sunlight from the south and<br />

provide an inviting open space for students, faculty, and staff to enjoy<br />

every day and on special occasions.<br />

William Rawn Associates is committed to designing buildings that<br />

in some way participate in the civic or public realm, buildings in the<br />

city or buildings in important public landscape settings, such as the part<br />

of Frederick Law Olmsted’s famed “Emerald Necklace” system of parks<br />

and tree-lined walkways that border <strong>Wheelock</strong>’s Riverway campus,<br />

where the CCSR is being constructed.<br />

“From the very beginning, <strong>Wheelock</strong> envisioned a building that would<br />

fit in with its surroundings while also reflecting the <strong>College</strong>’s contemporary<br />

qualities,” says Rawn. The north side of the building is elegantly curved<br />

to fit the existing path of the Riverway, while the corresponding curve on<br />

the building’s south side gently frames the inner courtyard. Blending with<br />

the natural curve of the Riverway as the CCSR will, it still will catch the<br />

eye and make a modern, forward-looking statement. The building’s mattefinished<br />

aluminum sides will stand out, but in a subdued, elegant way. At<br />

night, the large windows facing the Riverway will show the illuminated<br />

interior, creating a warm, glowing effect.<br />

“One example of the building’s environmentally responsible design is<br />

the green roof on the third-floor terrace outside the dining room,” says<br />

Tellander. “The planted roof will catch and absorb rainwater, slowing<br />

down its flow into the sewer system. There will be chambers under the<br />

green courtyard as well that will act as holding tanks and that will recharge<br />

the water into the soil through perforated pipes — helping to sustain<br />

plantings and trees — before it goes into the sewer.”<br />

Materials with recycled content are being used throughout the building,<br />

according to Tellander, from the steel framework, which is 40 percent<br />

recycled, all the way down to the cables used in the electrical systems.<br />

“Other good environmental practices include the use of wood from sustainable<br />

forests, nontoxic materials, and compact fluorescent lights<br />

throughout the electrical systems,” he says. “Additionally, there will be<br />

energy recovery systems that capture heat from exhaust air in winter to<br />

preheat fresh air coming into the building. The principle works in<br />

reverse during the summer when the cooler exhaust air will be used to<br />

cool the building’s interior air.”<br />

<strong>Wheelock</strong> Magazine 19

LEED Leads the Way<br />

If you read about the green building movement or<br />

listen to experts talk sustainable practices, the term<br />

LEED pops up in every other paragraph. What is it?<br />

LEED stands for Leadership in Energy and Environmental<br />

Design (LEED) Green Building Rating<br />

System TM , which was developed by the U.S. Green<br />

Building Council and is a nationally accepted benchmark<br />

for the design, construction, and performance of green buildings. The<br />

system encourages global adoption of green building and development practices<br />

by establishing universally understood and accepted performance criteria.<br />

The move toward sustainable green building practices is accelerating<br />

because of the tremendous benefits that result from hewing to LEED guidelines.<br />

Green buildings improve air and water quality and reduce waste, and<br />

they create healthier, more comfortable work and living environments. They<br />

also use key resources more efficiently when compared to conventional<br />

buildings that are simply built to code, which means there are substantial<br />

economic as well as environmental and health benefits to going green.<br />

Green buildings cost more to design and to construct when compared with<br />

conventional buildings, but these increased costs typically represent up-front<br />

costs incurred at the start of the project. According to LEED, studies suggest<br />

that an initial investment of 2 percent will yield more than 10 times the<br />

amount over the life cycle of the building. From this perspective, the initial cost<br />

is actually a smart investment that more than pays for itself in the long run.<br />

“I am absolutely thrilled when I think about<br />

using this new space so soon in the future. It<br />

has been a wonderful learning experience for<br />

me to work with my colleagues, the architects,<br />

and the students throughout the process of conceiving<br />

and creating this building.”<br />

– Marjorie Hall, chair and associate professor of art history<br />

Marjorie Hall was on the <strong>Wheelock</strong> committee that selected William Rawn Associates,<br />

Architects, Inc. and was co-chair of the small working group that met with them weekly<br />

during the early design phase of the project.<br />

One feature of the building that stands out immediately is the visually<br />

striking design of the windows, which allows enormous amounts of<br />

natural light inside. It’s a design element that also serves the goal of<br />

energy conservation. “This building is all about letting daylight in,” says<br />

Tellander. “The lower floors are almost all glass, and on the south side<br />

there are sun shades that reflect light onto the ceiling so that it penetrates<br />

even deeper into the building. Student rooms all have very large<br />

windows that make the spaces very pleasant, but they also have the<br />

function of cutting down on the daytime use of electricity.”<br />

Appealing design elements such as these are environmentally friendly<br />

and will also contribute to conservation of the <strong>College</strong>’s resources and<br />

lower long-term operating costs. From whatever perspective you view it,<br />

green design is good design.<br />

What’s Next?<br />

C<br />

onstruction of the CCSR continues during the summer.While others are<br />

vacationing, Shawmut construction workers will be installing the basics —<br />

mechanical, electrical, plumbing, and fire protection systems.Then the exterior<br />

wall — a curtain of glass on all four sides of the first two floors and metal panels<br />

of anodized aluminum on all sides of all floors — goes up. Interior work begins<br />

this summer too. Look for some mighty progress this fall when the next issue of<br />

<strong>Wheelock</strong> Magazine hits your mailbox.<br />

20 <strong>Spring</strong> <strong>2008</strong>

Kids on Kampus!<br />

It was great to see (and hear)<br />

the Gallery filled with children<br />

looking at art close up and<br />

making their own, which they<br />

loved seeing hung in the Gallery<br />

at morning’s end. So come back<br />

soon — It was fun having kids<br />

in the Gallery!<br />

<strong>Wheelock</strong> has a strong commitment<br />

to providing college access<br />

programming for young people<br />

in Boston that focuses on college<br />

awareness, preparation, and<br />

success. This year, our commitment<br />

expanded in a new direction, bringing<br />

more groups of young children as well as precollege<br />

teens to campus for events that are fun<br />

and educational. Is it ever too early to introduce<br />

children to the concept of college, make them<br />

comfortable in a campus setting, and get them<br />

thinking about going higher, higher, higher?<br />

Not if you’re <strong>Wheelock</strong>!<br />

Kids in the Gallery — A Picture-<br />

Perfect Day for Making Art<br />

The Towne Art Gallery’s biannual exhibit<br />

Nurturing the Artist in Each Student: Art from<br />

the Boston Public Schools, which is organized<br />

by Art Instructor and Gallery Director Erica<br />

Licea-Kane with generous financial support<br />

from The Gary Silverstein Memorial Art Fund,<br />

is always a special and beautiful event. But<br />

this year something magical happened. At the<br />

March 29 opening reception, the principal<br />

of the James Otis Elementary School in East<br />

Boston mentioned that she would love it if<br />

some of her students could have an opportunity<br />

to see the exhibit. Of course, <strong>Wheelock</strong> staff,<br />

faculty, and students jumped into action to<br />

make it happen.<br />

Director of Athletics, Recreation and Wellness<br />

Diana Cutaia quickly arranged to transport all<br />

80 of the school’s fourth- and fifth-graders to<br />

campus one morning in April and coordinated a<br />

remarkable program for them in the Gallery.<br />

Associate Professor and Chair of the Arts Department<br />

Marjorie Hall provided a list of all<br />

<strong>Wheelock</strong> art students on campus, several of<br />

whom were able to volunteer for the program,<br />

and Associate Professor in Early Childhood Amy<br />

Phillips agreed to have the students in her Art<br />

for Children course develop art-making activities<br />

for the students. Licea-Kane coordinated the<br />

opening of the Gallery and arranged for the student<br />

volunteers to help with viewing and talking<br />

about the exhibit and with organizing the art<br />

activities. And finally, <strong>Wheelock</strong> Family Theatre<br />

Marketing and Public Relations Director Charles<br />

Baldwin gave an impromptu talk and offered<br />

tickets to the students so that they could come<br />

back to see the fabulous production Lilly’s Purple<br />

Plastic Purse, then showing in the Theatre.<br />

It was great to see (and hear) the Gallery<br />

filled with children looking at art close up<br />

and making their own, which they loved seeing<br />

hung in the Gallery at morning’s end.<br />

So come back soon — It was fun having kids<br />

in the Gallery!<br />

Adding it up —<br />

<strong>College</strong> is for<br />

everyone!<br />

<strong>Wheelock</strong> students explained their fractions lesson to Murphy School<br />

children and their teachers.

Kids in the Classroom —<br />

Adding It Up<br />

In April, Director of Community Engagement<br />

Initiatives Ceronne Daly partnered with the TERI<br />

<strong>College</strong> Access Center to arrange a visit by 50<br />

fourth-graders from the Richard J. Murphy School<br />

in Dorchester to campus for a <strong>College</strong> Explorers<br />

Pilot Program, which is part of <strong>Wheelock</strong>’s <strong>College</strong><br />

Access program. The morning of activities included<br />

a traditional college tour and a custom-designed<br />

math learning experience. <strong>Wheelock</strong> students<br />

in Associate Professor Debbie Borkovitz’s and<br />

Associate Professor Galina Dobrynina’s spring<br />

math courses designed interactive math lessons to<br />

give the Murphy students a hands-on approach<br />

to learning 3D geometry and fractions.<br />

For many of the children, this was their first<br />

visit to a college campus. The consensus at the<br />

end of the morning? <strong>College</strong> is BIG, college is<br />

fun, and college is for everyone.<br />

Kids in the Music Room —<br />

Reprise at Hawes Street<br />

Last year’s spring visit to <strong>Wheelock</strong> by children<br />

from the James J. Chittick Elementary School<br />

in Mattapan for an afternoon of music was such<br />

a hit, it was repeated again in May this year.<br />

Tanya Maggi, director of the Performance<br />

For Mary Lyon middle<br />

school students, visiting<br />

<strong>Wheelock</strong> was a great<br />

start to seeing college<br />

as an attractive and<br />

realistic goal.<br />

Outreach Program at the New England Conservatory<br />

of Music, brought five students from<br />

the Conservatory’s outreach program to the<br />

Brookline Campus for a program of music and<br />

reading aloud that introduced the connections<br />

between music and storytelling to the children.<br />

Thanks again to Sandy Christison ’92MS for<br />

having the idea to hold these musical afternoons<br />

for kids and to Beverly “Bev” Simon Green<br />

’50, whose wonderful grand piano gift provides<br />

the centerpiece for so much fun!<br />

Kids on Campus Everywhere —<br />

Making the <strong>College</strong> Connection<br />

In April, Associate Professor Maya Honda<br />

arranged for 15 seventh- and eighth-grade girls<br />

from the Mary Lyon School in Brighton to visit<br />

campus and experience college as part of the<br />

Women Count Program. Women Count started<br />

as a mentorship program in math and science<br />

for teen girls and is expanding to explore different<br />

careers and the college pathway. Last November,<br />

Honda visited girls in the program and talked<br />

with them about her work as a linguist and as a<br />

professor at <strong>Wheelock</strong>.<br />

During their campus visit, students met<br />

Associate Director of Alumni Relations Brianne<br />

Kimble in the Alumni Relations Office, went<br />

on a campus tour with Admissions staff, visited<br />

classes, toured campus dormitories and the<br />

<strong>Wheelock</strong> Family Theatre, and finally settled<br />

down for lunch in the dining hall.<br />

Three of the teachers from Mary Lyon who are<br />

<strong>Wheelock</strong> graduates — Elise Cucchi ’00MS,<br />

Cheryl Brown-Greene ’93MS, and Janice Watts<br />

Hanrahan ’94/’95MS — were happy to be visiting<br />

their alma mater and making the college connection<br />

for their students. The students themselves<br />

were excited to be at a college and living the life of<br />

a <strong>Wheelock</strong> student for a day. It was a great start to<br />

seeing college as an attractive and realistic goal.

Ubuntu<br />

in the<br />

Works<br />

Building on the Success of the<br />

Bridges to Hope and<br />

Understanding Youth<br />

Symposium<br />

<strong>Wheelock</strong> made a promise to stay connected to the<br />

Boston schools and student leaders who participated<br />

in last fall’s Bridges to Hope and Understanding:<br />

Exploring Truth and Reconciliation Youth Symposium,<br />

which was designed to work on issues of urban<br />

violence facing the city’s youth and their communities. And in the spirit<br />

of ubuntu — the African philosophy introduced to the <strong>Wheelock</strong> community<br />

during Archbishop Desmond Tutu’s symposium visit — <strong>College</strong> faculty<br />

and staff continued collaborating with Boston schools and community<br />

organizations throughout the academic year on innovative programs aimed<br />

at building stronger, more supportive relationships among Boston teens<br />

and their communities.<br />

Youth Leadership Summit and<br />

SPARK the Truth<br />

In November, immediately after Tutu’s visit, <strong>Wheelock</strong> hosted a Youth<br />

Leadership Summit that helped to launch SPARK the Truth, a social<br />

action organization of <strong>Wheelock</strong> <strong>College</strong> and Boston high school students<br />

working with Ceronne Daly, director of community engagement<br />

initiatives; Ann Tobey, director of the <strong>College</strong>’s Juvenile Justice and<br />

Youth Advocacy (JJ&YA) program; Patricia Cedeño-Zamor, director<br />

of <strong>Wheelock</strong>’s B.S.W. program; John Bay ’94MS, <strong>Wheelock</strong> Family<br />

Theatre education director; and JJ&YA program students.<br />

At the summit, the students worked to refine their group identity and<br />

mission: “We are a group of students working to encourage and support positive<br />

community action amongst students in Boston Public Schools. We<br />

believe that giving youth every conceivable opportunity to facilitate, engage<br />

in, and enact their own community initiatives is an essential aspect of fostering<br />

the changes needed in their individual and collective communities.”<br />

Building on a speech delivered at Bridges to Hope and Understanding by Pharlone<br />

Toussaint, a student from the Boston Community Leadership Academy,<br />

and the leadership of <strong>Wheelock</strong> student co-president Lucia “Lucy” Mock<br />

’09, the students named their new organization SPARK the Truth.<br />

<strong>Wheelock</strong> Magazine 23

Juvenile Justice and Youth Advocacy<br />

Program Initiatives<br />

Youth Transforming Violence: Ubuntu in the Works<br />

Last year, Tobey initiated a faculty-staff-student project that evolved<br />

into Life Worth Remembering: Images from Four Street Memorials, an<br />

exhibit of photography and digital<br />

images commemorating teenage<br />

victims of violence in 2006 that<br />

was exhibited at the Towne<br />

Art Gallery and then chosen<br />

for display at the Violence<br />

Transformed exhibit at<br />

the Massachusetts Statehouse.<br />

This year, she<br />

worked with the Violence<br />

Transformed organization<br />

to create a sequel exhibit<br />

of art created by Boston<br />

youth and titled Youth Transforming<br />

Violence: Ubuntu in the<br />

Works. Tobey said that last year’s exhibit<br />

represented a “statement of the problem” of urban youth losing their<br />

lives to street violence, traumatized individuals and communities, and<br />

a society that has failed to respond compassionately and effectively.<br />

This year’s exhibit theme moved from stating the problem to working<br />

on solutions through ubuntu.<br />

Much of the commitment and energy to work on follow-up projects<br />

with Boston youth originated with students in Tobey’s JJ&YA integrative<br />

seminar who developed them as senior projects. Students worked with<br />

several community-based organizations on projects that introduced teens<br />

to two ideas common to all of the projects: Collaborative art making can<br />

have the power to transform violence into its opposite, and ubuntu can be<br />

used to imagine alternatives to violence.<br />

HUMAN Hear Us Make Artistic Noise<br />

Several seminar projects developed under the theme of Hear Us Make<br />

Artistic Noise gave seniors the chance to facilitate teen learning, art making,<br />

and expression as they created ubuntu-themed art that was exhibited<br />

at <strong>Wheelock</strong>’s Towne Art Gallery and the Massachusetts Statehouse.<br />

One project involved <strong>Wheelock</strong> senior Heather Perez and artist Kate<br />

Jellinghaus working with girls living in a DYS detention facility. Heather<br />

gave a tutorial on ubuntu and collaborative art making which, interestingly,<br />

resulted in the girls working on three hair-braiding projects that expressed<br />

both their creative talents and the ubuntu idea of caring for each other. The<br />

final pieces exhibited in the Gallery were a 15-foot, interactive wall installation;<br />

Violence Transformed, a film about hair braiding that is now on<br />

YouTube; and letters from a writing project hung on the Gallery wall.<br />

St. Stephen’s<br />

<strong>Wheelock</strong> students Julia MacMahon ’08 and Lucy Mock ’09 and SPARK<br />

members who were leaders in the celebration of Archbishop Tutu’s visit to<br />

<strong>Wheelock</strong> collaborated with youth in the St. Stephen’s Episcopal Church<br />

Place of Opportunity for Teens program in Boston’s South End. Julia and<br />

Lucy encouraged these teens to imagine ubuntu happening in their communities<br />

and to create a sculpture representing their ideas about what ubuntu<br />

24 <strong>Spring</strong> <strong>2008</strong>

Collaborative art making has transformative powers.<br />

At Milton High School, students worked on a six-panel<br />

drawing titled “Road to Reconciliation.”<br />

means to them and its importance for the world. The teens not only learned<br />

about the new concept of ubuntu, but they also took ownership of it and<br />

applied it, working collaboratively to create something of their own out of it.<br />

Milton Public High School<br />

At Milton Public High School, senior Larrice Welcome worked with art<br />

teacher Karen Hughes and students in her class to develop ubuntu ideas about<br />

reconciliation and community support, and then to make art out of them.<br />

Students worked in pairs to create six separate painted images and then<br />

collaborated as a group to fit them together into a larger painting titled<br />

“Road to Reconciliation.” For the students, it was a rare opportunity to experience<br />

collaborative decision making and working as a team with classmates.<br />

The Cloud Foundation<br />

Tobey and <strong>Wheelock</strong> senior LaToya Salvant worked with teen visual art<br />

curators at The Cloud Foundation in Boston, a nonprofit organization<br />

devoted to teens and the arts, to co-curate a spin-off exhibit, Violence<br />

Transformed: An Exhibition of Visual and Performing Arts. The exhibit<br />

traveled from <strong>Wheelock</strong>’s Towne Art<br />

Gallery to the Massachusetts Statehouse,<br />

where it was shown as part of<br />

the Violence Transformed art and performance<br />

event held in concert with<br />

the annual Victim Rights Conference<br />

of the Massachusetts Office for Victim<br />

Assistance. <strong>Wheelock</strong> student Tina<br />

Jordan ’08 also worked with Violence<br />

Transformed on a project called Wind<br />

Song for which schoolchildren created<br />

peace flags that were strung in a<br />

Tibetan flag motif at the Towne Art<br />

Gallery and at the Statehouse.<br />

Other programs that contributed to the gallery exhibit were YouthBuild<br />

Boston, the Watertown Mural Club, and RAW Artworks in Lynn, MA.<br />

<strong>College</strong> Courses to Change Social and Academic<br />

Outcomes for the Youth of Boston<br />

In the spring, <strong>Wheelock</strong> took the collaborative concept of ubuntu to the<br />

college level by joining with the Boston Public Schools and Teaching for<br />

Change, a program that encourages teachers and students to question and<br />

rethink the world inside and outside their classrooms, to build a more equitable<br />

and multicultural society, and to become active global citizens.<br />

Together they created a program that gives local high school students the<br />

chance to earn four undergraduate college credits by taking the course<br />

Bridges to Hope, Understanding and Changing the Social and Academic<br />

Outcomes of the Youth of Boston, taught by Felicity Crawford, assistant<br />

professor in the <strong>College</strong>’s School of Education and Child Life.<br />

The course was designed to build on the “spark” that the symposium<br />

youth of Boston and undergraduate students at <strong>Wheelock</strong> have ignited<br />

with their ideas about social change following Archbishop Tutu’s visit.<br />

The ideas explored in this course were intended to lay the foundation<br />

for high school students to build the knowledge, skills, and criticalthinking<br />

strategies that would enable them to create positive change in<br />

their communities. Students in the course read, analyzed, and evaluated<br />

literature about youth activism and community change and then<br />

applied their learning by using the virtual world Second Life to build<br />

and display the better Boston they envisioned.<br />

Participants in the course joined youth from SPARK and other teens<br />

from the symposium who worked on ubuntu and reconciliation projects at<br />

their schools and in their organizations during the winter and presented and<br />

showcased their work at <strong>Wheelock</strong>’s Bridges to Hope and Understanding:<br />

Ubuntu in the Works held on the Brookline campus on May 2.<br />

By the close of the academic year, <strong>Wheelock</strong>, Milton and Boston<br />

high school students, and local youth organizations had taken the idea<br />

of ubuntu and put it into action in a variety of creative ways among<br />

themselves and in their respective communities. Ubuntu is in the works<br />

both as a concept already creating change and as a work in progress.<br />

Watch ubuntu evolve next fall when this year’s successes spark new ideas<br />

for <strong>Wheelock</strong> and Boston youth collaborations.<br />

<strong>Wheelock</strong> Magazine 25

A LUMNI<br />


<br />

When students graduate from <strong>Wheelock</strong>, they are<br />

already innovators. Being part of an academic community<br />

such as ours challenges and changes them.<br />

The <strong>College</strong> fosters their curiosity, nurtures their<br />

imaginations, and instills the idea that they can be<br />

leaders—attributes that all innovators share. Many<br />

will reinvent themselves several times over before<br />

Commencement day, when they magically transform<br />

into <strong>Wheelock</strong> alumni.<br />

With any luck, they will make their marks by continuing<br />

to exercise creative-thinking skills. Like the<br />

six alumni spotlighted in these pages, they will look<br />

at complex problems and imagine solutions. They<br />

will apply what they<br />

know about alternative<br />

perspectives—look at something from<br />

a different slant, and you might discover<br />

something new. No matter what<br />

their field of endeavor, they will share<br />

the excitement of discovering, creating<br />

change, trying out new ideas, going in<br />

a better direction.

W H E E L O C K<br />

I N N O V A T O R<br />

Sandra Smith ’74<br />

“My grandmothers were<br />

very innovative women.<br />

They encouraged me to<br />

try new things, including<br />

a career other than<br />

teaching.”<br />

was soon cutting and stitching her way into<br />

galleries throughout the country. The American<br />

Craft Museum in New York; the Maryland State<br />

House in Annapolis; New England Quilt Museum<br />

in Lowell, MA; the Spelman <strong>College</strong> Museum of<br />

Fine Art in Atlanta; and the New England School<br />

of Art & Design in Boston are just a few of the<br />

many venues that have shown her work. Sandra<br />

uses her teaching skills in quilting, too, through<br />

workshops and presentations at the Smithsonian’s<br />

Renwick Gallery and the Textile Museum<br />

in Washington, as well as at elementary schools<br />

and art and design colleges.<br />

In talking with Sandra about quilt making,<br />

there is a definite sense of curiosity and discovery<br />

about what will happen when two pieces of<br />

fabric are placed together. “Every piece is<br />

unique,” she says. “Sometimes I use the same<br />

Reinventing Herself<br />

and Her Art<br />

Sandra Smith ’74 loves trying out new<br />

ideas and different directions to see how<br />

far she can take them. After graduating<br />

from <strong>Wheelock</strong>, Sandra taught for six<br />

years and then moved into the corporate world,<br />

where she reinvented her professional career.<br />

Sandra says she moved from teaching in<br />

search of additional intellectual challenges,<br />

always building on the skills that she acquired<br />

along the way. “At Data General, my first corporate<br />

job, the challenge was to reinvent<br />

myself, to convince myself and others that I<br />

had what it took to teach adults. I trained<br />

inspectors in the manufacturing group to<br />

inspect printed circuit boards. Then I transferred<br />

to the Field Services Division to broaden<br />

my experiences as an adult trainer and learn<br />

more about quality assurance techniques.”<br />

Sandra next moved to Interactive Training<br />

Systems in Cambridge, an innovative startup<br />

company, where she worked with a group to invent<br />

technology-based training procedures, methodologies,<br />

and video applications. “This gave me the<br />

chance to travel extensively and work with senior<br />

managers and subject-matter experts in Fortune<br />

50 companies,” she says. “I learned management<br />

and people skills and worked my way up to a<br />

position as department director.”<br />

Her next leap was to Washington, D.C., to<br />

work at Watson Wyatt, an HR consulting firm.<br />

“At Wyatt I used people and training/teaching<br />

skills to define requirements and interface<br />

designs for employee self-service benefit systems,”<br />

she explains. “I managed a group of programmers<br />

and communications consultants who<br />

introduced technology-based communications<br />

and human resource transactions to the firm and<br />

its clients, which was an innovation for Wyatt.”<br />

“<strong>Wheelock</strong> has been in play all along,”<br />

Sandra says of her work in the corporate world<br />

and her current job in Washington, D.C., in<br />

the Office of the Chief Technology Officer.<br />

As a training and deployment manager there,<br />

she heads the training initiatives in a group<br />

that is responsible for improving technology<br />

for District social service agencies.<br />

Sandra’s mix of energy, understanding of<br />

complex systems, and eagerness to try new ways<br />

of doing things spun her in an entirely different<br />

direction when she began quilting as a way to<br />

relax. Like many quilters before her, Sandra<br />

transformed necessity into works of art and<br />

fabrics in more than one quilt, but none of my<br />

quilts are alike. My favorite techniques include<br />

working with fabric to create transparencies in<br />

the quilt, with one fabric appearing to overlap<br />

another, and designing without templates. One<br />

method is very detailed and requires a lot of<br />

concentration, while the other just happens.”<br />

Sandra makes quilts for her own pleasure and<br />

on commission, as well as to exhibit and sell.<br />

Many of her commissions are from families who<br />

want to incorporate meaningful elements of<br />

their family experience into an heirloom quilt.<br />

“When clients request work, it forces me to be<br />

innovative and go in different directions,” she<br />

says. It is all part of the creative imagination that<br />

quilting lets free.<br />

Sandra will be exhibiting a selection of her<br />

quilts at <strong>Wheelock</strong>’s Alumni of Color Reunion,<br />

Oct. 3-4. She also has a wonderful website at<br />

www.sandrasmithquilts.com with galleries of her<br />

quilts completed and in progress. <br />

<strong>Wheelock</strong> Magazine 27

W H E E L O C K<br />

I N N O V A T O R<br />

Bonnie Simon Grossman ’55<br />

Celebrating Everyday Art<br />

Talking long-distance from Boston<br />

with Bonnie Simon Grossman ’55<br />

in Berkeley, CA, about the collection<br />

of art in her Ames Gallery makes you<br />

want to book a flight and go see each piece she is<br />

describing with a fascination you can imagine is<br />

just as enthusiastic as when she first discovered it.<br />

Even at a distance, Bonnie’s detailed descriptions<br />

and teaching instincts make connections<br />

that are eye-opening. “I have a big collection of<br />

tramp art, which is akin to quilting because of the<br />

shared vocabulary of salvaged scrap materials cut<br />

into geometric shapes, pieced together, and layered,”<br />

she says, comparing two types of folk art.<br />

“Decorative chip carving on tramp art is similar<br />

to stitches on a quilt. One uses fabric and the<br />

other wood, but there is a very close connection.”<br />

A kindergarten teacher for several years after<br />

graduating from <strong>Wheelock</strong>, Bonnie drifted into<br />

the art gallery world when she volunteered to<br />

organize exhibits in a small craft gallery owned by<br />

a friend. Her innovative early shows introduced<br />

emerging Bay area printmakers and included the<br />

first show of photo etchings on the West Coast.<br />

Curiosity, a predisposition to discovery, and a<br />

respect for stories embedded in the work of<br />

unknown artists led Bonnie and her husband,<br />

Sy, to establish a gallery.<br />

Today, Bonnie collects, curates, sells, and<br />

writes and consults about work not typically<br />

found in mainstream galleries: utilitarian<br />

Americana, contemporary visionary art, and<br />

naive and outsider art that is created by artists<br />

who are self-taught. Some are individuals who are<br />

homeless or isolated by virtue of being housebound<br />

or institutionalized in treatment facilities<br />

or prisons. “I don’t like the term ‘outsider’ or any<br />

of the labels because they all are pejorative, but<br />

that’s the common term used,” Bonnie is quick to<br />

note. “I like to let the work speak for itself.”<br />

“These are unschooled artists whose creative<br />

impulse is direct and personal, unfiltered by<br />

formal values and expectations, and possessing<br />

qualities of spontaneous enthusiasm and feeling<br />

that I admire,” she explains. “Their personal<br />

fulfillment has nothing to do with being in a<br />

museum or a collection. Working with them is<br />

much more gratifying.”<br />

The Ames Gallery is now the West Coast’s<br />

only gallery to feature antique Americana folk art,<br />

the handmade and homemade “relics of our<br />

heritage” as Bonnie calls them, as well as paintings,<br />

drawings, and sculpture by contemporary<br />

self-taught artists, mostly Californians. “We have<br />

succeeded in introducing many previously<br />

unknown artists, notably A.G. Rizzoli, Dwight<br />

Mackintosh, Alex Maldonado, and Barry Simons,<br />

who now have substantial followings, enjoying<br />

national and, in some cases, international<br />

recognition,” says Bonnie.<br />

Bonnie’s slant on collectible art is as unique as<br />

the artists themselves, who may see any object —<br />

bedsheets, hubcaps, or wire cords — as canvas<br />

material to transform. “The work is less intimidating<br />

and just as precious to the artist,” she says.<br />

One of Bonnie’s shows, “On the Mend,” featured<br />

repaired objects — not just darned socks,<br />

but also stapled china and sewn-up wooden<br />

bowls. A collection of creatures made by former<br />

aluminum product salesman Jim Bauer out of<br />

kitchen tools and appliances shares space with<br />

wooden figures that Cuban exile Julio Garcia<br />

carves in his backyard and decorates with leftover<br />

house paint.<br />

Another discovery — 40 years’ worth of dusty<br />

utopian drawings by an unknown artist, A.G.<br />

Rizzoli, that Bonnie found in a San Francisco<br />

garage — was celebrated by the San Diego Museum<br />

of Art with a traveling show. Rizzoli’s “Yield to<br />

Total Elation” themes were reviewed by Frank<br />

Rich in The New York Times as “pure-hearted<br />

romantic hallucinations” representing “the soul of<br />

mental health.”<br />

When she isn’t involved with the Gallery,<br />

traveling to shows, and uncovering new artists,<br />

Bonnie is active in the California arts community.<br />

A founding member of Bay Area (now<br />

California) Lawyers for the Arts, she has served<br />

on museum boards and advisory committees<br />

and curated public art exhibitions. She has coproduced<br />

and directed seven public television<br />

shows about California artists and consulted<br />

for numerous series on antiques. She also lectures<br />

widely, teaching others to see the art in<br />

everyday old and new homemade objects. For<br />

Bonnie, there’s always something new under<br />

the California sun. <br />

The Ames Gallery<br />

www.amesgallery.com<br />

28 <strong>Spring</strong> <strong>2008</strong>

W H E E L O C K<br />

I N N O V A T O R<br />

Sarah Mann Hanscom ’77<br />

“We have a beef stew<br />

recipe for 2,500 sailors,<br />

which is amazing in<br />

itself, but then we ask<br />

the kids to break it<br />

down to dinner for a<br />

family of six — they’re<br />

learning math, and<br />

they’re having fun too.”<br />

missions, so we ask kids to figure out how many<br />

beds could be put in the hangar bay. For kids<br />

who don’t see the point of math — Aha! —<br />

suddenly it has a very important purpose.”<br />

From the beginning, Sarah worked with<br />

advisers to design a museum and education center<br />

curriculum that would teach the California<br />

Content Standards and be relevant to educator<br />

goals as well. Now she works with a Midway<br />

team she describes as “very gifted teachers who<br />

share a passion for learning and being creative.”<br />

The Midway education program is in fullspeed-ahead<br />

mode, serving 31,000 children<br />

last year, and is so popular that individual<br />

programs are typically booked a solid half-year<br />

in advance. School programs in math and social<br />

Magic Touch<br />

Magic” was a term<br />

known throughout the<br />

‘‘Midway<br />

Navy during the USS Midway’s<br />

47-year career as an<br />

aircraft carrier that never drew a mission it<br />

couldn’t accomplish. No other carrier served as<br />

long or with such distinction as the Midway,<br />

from its commissioning in 1945 to its flagship<br />

days in Desert Storm. In fact, the carrier is<br />

back in service today in San Diego, CA, as a<br />

unique floating museum and education center.<br />

At the helm of its education programs is Sarah<br />

Mann Hanscom ’77, using her own brand of<br />

magic to teach children math, science, and<br />

social studies.<br />

Three years ago, Sarah came aboard the<br />

Midway and took on the assignment of creating<br />

from scratch its school and overnight education<br />

programs. Although Sarah has been in<br />

museum education since first discovering the<br />

field when she was an undergraduate at <strong>Wheelock</strong><br />

and she has worked in major cities as far<br />

away as New Delhi, she ranks her Midway<br />

post as the creative opportunity of a lifetime.<br />

“It was like starting a school and developing a<br />

curriculum for grades 2-8 from zero,” Sarah<br />

says. “I took it very seriously because I realized<br />

we were creating a foundation that would last<br />

a long time.”<br />

Sarah uses the USS Midway Museum as a<br />

tool to develop real-life, hands-on learning<br />

experiences that she feels too many children are<br />

missing out on. “Kids in earlier generations<br />

could go home from school and immediately<br />

apply what they had learned because they were<br />

cooking in the kitchen or working in the family<br />

store or on the farm,” she explains. “It’s harder<br />

for kids today to see the practical applications of<br />

some subjects, especially math.”<br />

Sarah and her team of innovative teachers<br />

knew the USS Midway offered opportunities to<br />

teach history, but they also saw a boatload of<br />

math and science projects that could spark children’s<br />

imaginations. “The carrier is really a floating<br />

city, and its operations — how the electrical<br />

and radar systems work, how the planes fly, the<br />

importance of understanding weather — offer<br />

amazing real-life applications of math and science<br />

that tap kids’ imaginations,” she says. “The<br />

Midway went on many rescue and humanitarian<br />

Grade 4 kids<br />

studying electricity<br />

and magnetism<br />

studies that the Midway launched for September<br />

<strong>2008</strong> were already filled in May partly, she says,<br />

because she and her team go directly to teachers<br />

and ask what they need.<br />

Thanks to Sarah’s plotting an innovative<br />

course of Midway Magic, San Diego children<br />

have new reasons and ways to learn math, science,<br />

and social studies. Just recently, the Education<br />

Department received a note from the parent<br />

of a boy who had participated in one of the carrier’s<br />

education programs: “May I tell you how<br />

exciting it was for my son to spend the night on<br />

your ship. My son just brought me a drawing of<br />

how the engines work. This from a child who<br />

wants to sit and play on his PlayStation all day.”<br />

See what exciting learning activities Sarah<br />

and the USS Midway Museum are up to now at<br />

www.midway.org. <br />

<strong>Wheelock</strong> Magazine 29

W H E E L O C K<br />

I N N O V A T O R<br />


Transforming an<br />

Ancient Ritual<br />

Barbara Grogins Sallick ’61 • <strong>Wheelock</strong> trustee<br />

Look up “waterworks” in a dictionary,<br />

and you’ll find that the word defines a<br />

complete system of reservoirs, pipelines,<br />

and conduits by which water is collected,<br />

purified, stored, and pumped to urban users.<br />

Visit one of Barbara Grogins Sallick’s (’61)<br />

Waterworks stores in 38 locations across the U.S.<br />

or her elegant website at www.waterworks.com,<br />

and you’ll see a different definition, one that<br />

understands waterworks as an experience, an<br />

evolving concept of soothing comfort blended<br />

with luxury and high design. And you’ll easily see<br />

why Barbara, the co-founder (with husband<br />

Robert) and senior vice president of design at<br />

Waterworks, was named one of New York Magazine’s<br />

25 Design Luminaries last year.<br />

The first trickle of Waterworks’ evolution as<br />

an idea started with Barbara growing up in a family<br />

that founded a plumbing supply business in<br />

Danbury, CT, devoted to “the best mechanical<br />

offerings around.” In 1978, Barbara and Robert<br />

took the family commitment<br />

to the “best” and set out to<br />

create a revolution in bathroom<br />

design, bringing extraordinary<br />

visual appeal and<br />

impeccable performance to<br />

what was typically experienced<br />

as a merely utilitarian room,<br />

or water “closet,” in the home.<br />

Barbara’s innovative take<br />

on the bath fits historically<br />

and across cultures around<br />

the world where bathing has<br />

been valued for its calming,<br />

healing, and transforming<br />

effect. She renews this ancient<br />

ritual through creative design<br />

that suits contemporary life.<br />

“Of the many baths I’ve<br />

been in, the ones I remember<br />

most are those that accomplish<br />

serenity,” she says.<br />

“The bathroom as personal<br />

spa is a recent phenomenon<br />

that’s developed in the past<br />

five years, I think, because people are so busy<br />

and crave tranquillity.”<br />

If serenity is the objective, water is Barbara’s<br />

muse. “Everything revolves around water, from<br />

the oversized soaker tub, maybe even with a<br />

runoff trough to create a waterfall effect, to the<br />

highly functional shower with multiple settings<br />

and jets,” she explains. “The sound of water is<br />

hypnotic, and the feeling is soothing. The bottom<br />

line is about personal comfort.”<br />

Under Barbara’s design leadership and in<br />

partnership with teams of architects, designers,<br />

developers, and contractors, Waterworks creates<br />

a continuous stream of elegant environments —<br />

not only baths, but also kitchens, bar areas,<br />

lobbies, and restaurants — in homes, hotels,<br />

spas, and resorts around the world. And Waterworks<br />

stores offer fixtures, fittings, accessories,<br />

hard surfaces, and finishings that please the<br />

senses while performing their usual functions at<br />

the highest level, in keeping with the best of<br />

Barbara’s family tradition.<br />

Not everyone has Barbara’s eye for design or<br />

ability to create new concepts for old functions<br />

and rituals of daily life. For those of us who<br />

could use some inspiration, go to the Waterworks<br />

website or pick up Barbara’s latest book,<br />

The Definitive Guide to Designing the Perfect<br />

Bath (Perfect Paperback, 2006). <br />

30 <strong>Spring</strong> <strong>2008</strong>

W H E E L O C K<br />

I N N O V A T O R<br />

Kathy Luneau Simons ’79MS<br />

Higher education post-docs, faculty,<br />

staff, and their partners and families<br />

have Kathy Luneau Simons ’79MS to<br />

thank for doing the work she loves—<br />

making balanced, fulfilling lives possible<br />

for those who work in academe.<br />

Family/Work Solutions<br />

Over the past decade, academic institutions<br />

have increasingly focused attention<br />

on the importance of work and<br />

family issues for students, faculty, and<br />

staff, generating rapid growth in the number and<br />

variety of campus programs designed to address<br />

them. Providing work flexibility and investing in<br />

support resources for children and families are bringing<br />

big returns in the form of health, happiness, and<br />

success at work that are welcomed by employees and<br />

employers alike. Kathy Luneau Simons ’79MS,<br />

innovator with a capital “I,” was one of the catalysts<br />

for bringing these issues to light, and credits <strong>Wheelock</strong><br />

for framing her view of what children and families<br />

need to thrive.<br />

Kathy’s career began in early education at<br />

the John Winthrop School in Boston, where she<br />

supervised student teachers from <strong>Wheelock</strong><br />

under the tutelage of Hildred Dodge Simons<br />

’75MS (her future mother-in-law and a <strong>Wheelock</strong><br />

2007 honorary degree recipient). “I began taking<br />

graduate courses at <strong>Wheelock</strong> because as a new<br />

teacher I was so hungry for information and<br />

support,” she says. “<strong>Wheelock</strong> helped me develop<br />

a perspective on child development and learning<br />

and establish my values.”<br />

Kathy continued working as a preschool teacher<br />

and director and as a consultant and early childhood<br />

instructor at <strong>Wheelock</strong> and other Boston-area colleges.<br />

She then shifted from teaching to working at<br />

MIT as a child care specialist, a move that would<br />

ultimately have a big impact on her professional<br />

interests and help shape the emerging work/life field.<br />

“At MIT I was helping faculty and staff with child<br />

care issues, but I became convinced that this was just<br />

the tip of the iceberg for working families,” she<br />

explains. “They had needs that went way beyond<br />

child care.”<br />

At the time in 1989, Kathy says, resources to<br />

help with work/family issues were being developed<br />

for employees in the corporate sector but not in<br />

higher education. Still, she says, “MIT is all about<br />

supporting new ideas, giving you the freedom to run<br />

with an idea and see where it takes you.”<br />

Kathy and her colleague Rae Simpson used their<br />

autonomy at MIT to survey the Institute’s faculty,<br />

staff, and graduate students to find out how work<br />

experiences impacted their life plans and, conversely,<br />

how outside-of-work demands impacted MIT in<br />

terms of who the Institute was able to hire and<br />

retain and in terms of work productivity.<br />

Kathy established a comprehensive child care<br />

resource program for families at the Institute and<br />

then, together with Rae, moved on to develop<br />

responsive parenting programs and resources to<br />

help with family concerns, elder care, children’s<br />

schooling, raising adolescents, and many other<br />

issues. MIT institutionalized the programs as the<br />

Center for Work, Family & Personal Life, with<br />

Kathy and Rae as co-directors who continued to<br />

grow more resources — establishing guidelines for<br />

flexible work practices and developing Center<br />

consultations, lunchtime seminars, discussion<br />

groups, briefings, a library, and more — all free<br />

of charge to MIT affiliates.<br />

The model programs and practices the two<br />

women established brought MIT national recognition<br />

as a leader in the work/family field. More<br />

important, Kathy leveraged her success to co-found<br />

and serve as president of the <strong>College</strong> and University<br />

Work/Family Association, a national organization<br />

that in the past 10 years has supported the evolution<br />

of employer-based work/family resources on college<br />

and university campuses across the U.S.<br />

Institutionalizing work/family supports that<br />

improve the lives of children and families at the<br />

national level is a major and long overdue cultural<br />

shift, and it might be a great motivator for Kathy’s<br />

next new idea. But for her, it’s something simpler.<br />

After many years in the field, it’s the ongoing daily<br />

contact with parents and kids that still inspires her.<br />

“I hear their stories, and I help problem solve the<br />

things that are getting in their way,” she says.<br />

“There’s nothing more important.”<br />

Kathy led the effort to expand and reorganize MIT’s child<br />

care centers and, most recently, coordinated an innovative,<br />

state-of-the-art design for the Institute’s newest child care<br />

program at the Frank Gehry-designed Stata Center.

W H E E L O C K<br />

Space to Grow In<br />

I N N O V A T O R<br />

Louis Torelli ’83MS<br />

When Louis Torelli graduated<br />

with a master’s from <strong>Wheelock</strong><br />

25 years ago, he had a<br />

head full of best-practice ideas<br />

about educating and caring for young children.<br />

But after six years of teaching, he developed<br />

some equally strong ideas about the classroom<br />

environment itself and the effect it can have on<br />

learning, ideas strong enough to make him<br />

change his career path.<br />

“Depending on their environment, young<br />

children can be aimlessly wandering or focused,<br />

and their peer relationships can be confrontational<br />

or involved with parallel play and interaction,”<br />

he explains. “The amount of space, how<br />

it is organized, and the types of equipment and<br />

activity areas in the environment have a huge<br />

impact on children. I’m also interested in how<br />

the environment can reduce the physical and<br />

emotional stress on caregivers so that they can<br />

focus on the deeper issues and work. Without<br />

the right environment, it’s easy for teachers and<br />

care providers to end up simply managing<br />

instead of teaching and caring for children in<br />

ways that stimulate development.”<br />

Today, Louis is known nationwide as a<br />

first-tier educational consultant and child<br />

development environmental designer, credited<br />

with establishing state-of-the-art standards for<br />

child care centers serving newborns through<br />

preschool-age children. Together with architect<br />

Charles Durrett, Louis founded Spaces for<br />

Children (www.spacesforchildren.com), a child<br />

care facility design firm that has<br />

merged child development and<br />

environmental design theory to<br />

provide children with environmentally<br />

and emotionally supportive<br />

group care experiences. Louis has<br />

gone on to design and renovate<br />

hundreds of child care centers and<br />

classrooms throughout the country<br />

and internationally. His consultancies<br />

include Educare Programs out<br />

of Chicago, recently completed<br />

work with Google on the design of<br />

their employee-sponsored child<br />

care centers, and his current projects<br />

at UC Berkeley and San Francisco<br />

State University.<br />

Louis’ approach to designing<br />

spaces for children is centered in his understanding<br />

of child development, play, and relationships<br />

with peers and care providers. Not<br />

surprising given his <strong>Wheelock</strong> education, Louis<br />

is a strong advocate for small groups, continuity<br />

of care, and designing environments that support<br />

children in developing a strong sense of<br />

identity, security, and curiosity. And because<br />

of his own experience, he knows the importance<br />

of making teacher convenience and enjoyment<br />

of the environment priorities.<br />

Improving children’s physical environments<br />

isn’t the only idea Louis has about how to optimize<br />

their development. His observations about<br />

gender are leading him to new policy ideas that<br />

“I realized the teaching environment was<br />

affecting my ability to do what I had been<br />

educated to do because so many of the issues<br />

that came up were impacted by the way the<br />

physical environment was organized. ”<br />

“I would like to see every student in<br />

middle school and high school serve in<br />

child care centers as a way to interest<br />

boys in the child care field and to give<br />

them experience so that they will be<br />

strong parents and advocates for childand<br />

family-friendly policies where<br />

they work.”<br />

could positively affect children and adults. “I<br />

almost never see men caring for infants and<br />

toddlers, and there are fewer men teaching now<br />

than when I began in 1979,” he says. “If we<br />

really want to change human behavior and if<br />

we understand about identity formation, then we<br />

need to look at having good men as role models<br />

for children, making teaching programs malefriendly,<br />

and hiring men in teaching and child<br />

care positions.”<br />

Louis isn’t shy about thinking up ways to<br />

make life better for children, teachers, and<br />

families. And he easily gives credit to his own<br />

teachers at <strong>Wheelock</strong> for helping him to think<br />

in innovative ways. “Gwen Morgan was wonderful<br />

in giving me a better sense of day care<br />

policy and politics and of being an advocate,”<br />

he says. “I use the skills she taught regularly in<br />

the advocacy work that I do.” And keep an eye<br />

out for the second edition of Educating and<br />

Caring for Very Young Children: The Infant/Toddler<br />

Curriculum, which Louis has co-written<br />

with former <strong>Wheelock</strong> Graduate School Dean<br />

Doris Bergen. <br />

32 <strong>Spring</strong> <strong>2008</strong>


This <strong>Wheelock</strong> Magazine includes<br />

Class Notes news that was received<br />

before March 7, <strong>2008</strong>.<br />

1933<br />

Isabel Ward Knowlton’s son Peter notified<br />

<strong>Wheelock</strong> in late winter that Isabel had died<br />

Feb. 19. “She passed away peacefully at her<br />

home, with her family,” Peter wrote, adding<br />

that his mother’s interactions with others proved<br />

the value of good elementary education training:<br />

“Until the end, nobody (young or old)<br />

could get away with anything.”<br />

1934<br />

Corinne Martin Bryan wrote: “I am proud to<br />

realize the growth of ideas at <strong>Wheelock</strong> <strong>College</strong>.<br />

It is interesting to me from alumni news about<br />

the new building being created by William<br />

Rawn, Architect. I have known Bill, my daughter’s<br />

classmate, since we all lived in San Marino,<br />

CA.” Corinne is “well and grateful for life” in<br />

her home in Waterbury Center, VT. She fondly<br />

remembers having dinner with Lucy <strong>Wheelock</strong><br />

long ago. Jeanette Woodruff Fischer “hit 95”<br />

in March and feels fortunate to be in her wonderful<br />

retirement home in Bryn Mawr, PA,<br />

where she loves the people and the activities.<br />

She is grateful for her experience at <strong>Wheelock</strong>,<br />

her time as a wife, and now her wonderful son<br />

and daughter.<br />

1935<br />

Mary Hammer Heron of Oakville, Ontario,<br />

Canada, sent cordial greetings to the “survivors of<br />

1935” and other alums. She delights in the weekly<br />

cryptic crossword puzzle in the Toronto Globe<br />

and Mail. “Another special interest is in the<br />

Scrabble games I play with a fascinating friend<br />

here at Sunrise [her senior living place],” Mary<br />

wrote. “She is competitive, and we challenge each<br />

other. Sometimes she wins, and sometimes I do.”<br />

One of Mary’s firmly held beliefs, at age 94, is,<br />

“Most people are about as happy as they make up<br />

their minds to be.”<br />

<strong>Wheelock</strong>’s Alumni Relations Office was sorry<br />

to hear from Elsie Medlicott Jacob’s daughter,<br />

Jere, that Elsie passed away in September 2006.<br />

“She always treasured her experience at <strong>Wheelock</strong><br />

and was proud of that association,” Jere wrote.<br />

1937<br />

Eleanor Blossom Fisher turned 92 in January<br />

and is still living on her own in East Orleans,<br />

MA. She enjoys visits from family and friends,<br />

belongs to a knitting club, and loves <strong>Wheelock</strong>’s<br />

Cape Cod Club. “I was thrilled to be able to<br />

come to my Reunion [last] year and sit beside<br />

the <strong>Wheelock</strong> president,” she wrote.<br />

“It’s a good fun life in retirement,” Ellen<br />

Moak Lloyd wrote late last year. She works on a<br />

school’s scrapbook in its library once a week in<br />

addition to working at another local library and<br />

doing other things in the community. She also<br />

takes care of her home and knits a lot. Her family<br />

now includes 10 great-grandchildren, and she<br />

enjoys seeing and talking to them often.<br />

Katherine Douglas Smith and husband David<br />

had some serious surgeries in the summer of 2007<br />

but were thankful to be “all well and healthy”<br />

again by year’s end. They still walk a mile each day<br />

and are very busy with volunteer work and church<br />

work. Katherine was thrilled to be able to see her<br />

family, including four great-grandchildren, last<br />

Christmas.<br />

1938<br />

Reunion <strong>2008</strong><br />

May 30-June 1<br />

Margery Conley Mars ’66 notified <strong>Wheelock</strong> that<br />

Mildred Wheeler Flanders passed away last<br />

December. Not only did they live in neighboring<br />

towns in Maine, but Mildred had played organ at<br />

Margery’s church when Margery’s husband was pastor<br />

there, and he was a speaker at the funeral.<br />

Margery further mentioned that Mildred worked in<br />

the social work field for many years and that she and<br />

her husband owned a funeral home in the area and<br />

together founded the Monmouth (ME) Museum.<br />

<strong>Wheelock</strong> Magazine 33


Betty Quick Collin ’38 and daughter Alice, Reunion <strong>2008</strong> attendees, at<br />

a wedding shower thrown for Alice in June 2007 by fellow members<br />

of her Zonta Club in Oregon<br />

Betty Quick Collin has been living with daughter<br />

Alice in Grants Pass, OR, since 1998. After Alice’s<br />

marriage in June 2007 — Betty was her attendant in<br />

the wedding — the two moved into new husband<br />

Rich’s home in the same town, also joining Rich’s<br />

17-year-old daughter and four cats!<br />

1940<br />

Mary Brewer Allen is fine in Kilmarnock, VA,<br />

and enjoys summer visits to Connecticut, where<br />

she enjoyed many lunches with Alma Mathewson<br />

Hinman ’43/’44 before her recent death. “I am so<br />

proud and love hearing all the great things going<br />

on at <strong>Wheelock</strong>,” Mary wrote.<br />

“With advanced age, ‘No news is the best<br />

news,’” Louise Martin Klemmer wrote. She is glad<br />

she settled in Concord, MA, a few years ago and is<br />

happy to report that she still chats with Katie Mara<br />

Madigan over lunch and keeps in touch with Inez<br />

Gianfranchi Snowdon by phone and letter. Louise<br />

continues to send greetings to friends despite having<br />

inherited familial tremors from a long-ago relative.<br />

“Chins up!” she wrote. Inez wrote in, too, from<br />

Kennebunk, ME, and shared about her weekly volunteer<br />

work at a church-sponsored “second time<br />

around shop.” She still gets to her summer place on<br />

Great East Lake and loves having young neighbors<br />

about while there. She hopes class members are<br />

keeping busy and doing well.<br />

1942-’43<br />

Stevie Roberts Thomas<br />

Gertrude “Becky” Gerenbeck Coady doesn’t<br />

“stray far from home” in Cranston, RI, where she<br />

and her husband have lived for 62 of their 64 years<br />

of marriage. Still gardening, they “eat, sleep, and<br />

read good books” on their front porch, enjoying<br />

relatively good health in their high 80s. Their children,<br />

grandchildren, and friends visit, and now and<br />

then Becky and Jan Gifford Rogers visit by phone.<br />

Elizabeth Newman Dubois wrote in January to<br />

inform us of the July 2007 death of her husband,<br />

Ed, after 64 years of marriage. “I’m alone but very<br />

lucky as my six ‘kids’ help me immeasurably,” she<br />

wrote. She has kept up her swimming, walking,<br />

and sewing for her church. She has fond memories<br />

of being at Reunion 2007 with Stevie, Eleanore,<br />

and Dorothy (all below).<br />

Eleanore Moginot Fisher says “Another year!”<br />

without much change in her home in Rockport,<br />

MA, although her house seems to get bigger every<br />

year. She does what she can and doesn’t worry about<br />

the rest. She is still out and around and independent,<br />

but she is glad that three of her sons are nearby<br />

to help at times. Eleanore’s oldest grandson is an<br />

artist, working at the Boston Museum of Fine Arts,<br />

and her youngest grandson, at 6 and living in<br />

Quebec, speaks English and French fluently. She<br />

sends greetings to all. Betty Crooks Morris spends<br />

winters with her daughter in Fort Myers, FL, and<br />

summers in the Adirondacks in Inlet, NY, with<br />

another daughter. Betty had a nice surprise this summer<br />

when Dotty Dondero Shorey, who lives in<br />

Maine but is in Massachusetts in the summertime,<br />

called. Both were <strong>Wheelock</strong> commuters many years<br />

ago. Betty had a bad fall last summer and took a<br />

long time to recover, but she is now fine and happy<br />

to be in Florida with “her girls” and, at 88, away<br />

from cold and snow. Barbara Bragdon Motas<br />

wrote: “After retiring from teaching, being a principal,<br />

being a top salesperson for cars, being an entrepreneur<br />

for a women’s specialty shop, and being a<br />

religious education director at St. Andrew’s<br />

Cathedral, I am relaxing and writing my autobiography.<br />

Someday I hope to visit <strong>Wheelock</strong> and see all<br />

of my friends.”<br />

Our class has so little news now, that I (Stevie)<br />

want to give a special thanks to you who do<br />

respond, and to give my warmest greetings to the<br />

rest who may find it difficult for one reason or<br />

another. I have my days and some evenings full<br />

with teaching Tai Chi for Health and Healing. It is<br />

rewarding work, and now I am developing a<br />

Sitting Tai Chi for Assisted Living people who<br />

would find it impossible to balance on foot but<br />

can benefit just the same. In early February, I was<br />

in China to celebrate the Chinese New Year<br />

(<strong>Spring</strong> Festival), my birthday, and the birthday of<br />

my Tai Chi master’s mother. We were in the northern<br />

city of Dandong on the Yalu River, feasting,<br />

wining and dining, exchanging gifts, and, best of<br />

all, setting off round after round of firecrackers in<br />

the land that invented them. I had a glorious trip<br />

to my home country. What a treat — a gift to me<br />

for helping my very dear immigrant family get on<br />

its feet in this country.<br />

Congratulations to Harriet<br />

<strong>Spring</strong> Critchlow ’43/’44<br />

Harriet received a special honor last year<br />

when Easton (MD) Day Care Center<br />

Inc. changed its name to Critchlow Adkins<br />

Children’s Centers to honor her and another<br />

founder of the organization, both of whom<br />

remain involved there today.<br />

The nonprofit child care program welcomed<br />

eight 3- and 4-year-olds when it<br />

opened in 1970 at a Methodist church in<br />

Easton; today, the organization serves about<br />

350 children at five sites in Talbot County.<br />

Harriet is credited with helping the center<br />

grow and develop over the years and has<br />

served as president and treasurer of its board.<br />

1943-‘44<br />

Jean Sullivan Riley<br />

1945<br />

Reunion <strong>2008</strong><br />

May 30-June 1<br />

Jean Reilly Cushing<br />

As always, I (Jean) am so pleased to hear from all of<br />

you, as I am sure your other classmates are. From<br />

the time when we were all focused on the same<br />

thing in college to now when our lives are so different,<br />

we all love to know what each of us is doing.<br />

Patty Slater Carey wrote that she had a rough<br />

year healthwise but is well on the road to recovery<br />

and feels fortunate to have been given another<br />

chance. She said Jane Tomlinson Lamb also had a<br />

difficult year but is recuperating. Patty keeps in<br />

touch with Maryanne Weber Lockyer and hears<br />

about Nancy Peirce Kyle through a neighbor, and<br />

all are grateful for their wonderful children who<br />

help through difficult times.<br />

Sally Dvlinsky Glickman wrote that she and<br />

husband Murray are enjoying the wellness center and<br />

book club at North Hill, a retirement community in<br />

Needham, MA. She has had a hip replacement. They<br />

enjoy watching their girls raising their families in the<br />

<strong>Wheelock</strong> tradition — both attended <strong>Wheelock</strong>.<br />

Natalie Alger Gorczyca enjoys two Red Hat Society<br />

groups. She has a new great-granddaughter, a little<br />

sweetheart, and enjoys her peace and quiet in her<br />

waterfront home overlooking the Elizabeth Islands<br />

(Fairhaven, MA). Lyn Peck Kenyon ’45/’69BS<br />

describes her job title as “slave” but seems to enjoy<br />

her many interesting projects of volunteering at<br />

school, choir, “Hyacinth Series” (music in her<br />

church), Philharmonic concerts, and Garden Club.<br />

She was looking forward to the <strong>Wheelock</strong> luncheon<br />

on March 13 and had had Jackie Jenkins-Scott and<br />

husband Jim visit for luncheon on Jan. 5. Nadene<br />

“Deanie” Nichols Lane has five young adults in her<br />

34 <strong>Spring</strong> <strong>2008</strong>


family plus nine grandchildren and two “great<br />

ones” — all a great pleasure. She has spent the past<br />

five winters in Islamabad, Pakistan, but this winter<br />

was in Dubai with her family. She says she is well but<br />

slowing down.<br />

Rosalie Russo is treasurer of her church and<br />

very active in it in many ways. She still keeps up<br />

with the Pigeon Cove Circle, a social and benevolent<br />

organization in Rockport, MA. She hopes to<br />

get to our next Reunion. Mary Sabine Schade is<br />

living near her eldest daughter in upstate New<br />

York. “She knows she has less memory now but<br />

talks joyfully of her years of teaching for which she<br />

credits <strong>Wheelock</strong> for her excellent and creative<br />

preparation,” daughter Camilla wrote. Daughter<br />

Carolyn sent the Alumni Relations Office some<br />

newspaper photos of Mary — two from when<br />

Mary was a <strong>Wheelock</strong> senior and had just painted<br />

a mural at the <strong>College</strong>, and one from last fall,<br />

when a photographer covering an art show in<br />

Ithaca got a great shot of her admiring a fellow<br />

artist’s painting. Mary Davies Wolff continues to<br />

volunteer at the hospital woman’s club and<br />

church. Her children are a wonderful help to her<br />

as her husband passed away two years ago. Both<br />

her son and her daughter have two children.<br />

Bill and I are still in Madison, CT, and<br />

Vermont. We are truly enjoying four grandchildren.<br />

We bring library books to Aidan, and I<br />

“Cat” and Bill “Mr. Walters” take turns reading —<br />

she is “Chicago.” All are characters from “Chicago<br />

and the Cat.” We baby-sit twice a week or more<br />

with Jasmin, our daughter Gretta’s 10-month-old,<br />

as she is a doctor of psychology and has opened<br />

her own practice! We are well — and I am still<br />

tutoring at home.<br />

1947<br />

Carol Sisson Freeman still sings with a Sweet<br />

Adeline chorus and goes to the gym three times a<br />

week with husband Bill. Their summers are very<br />

busy since they live on the St. Lawrence River and<br />

have a lot of company visit. “The <strong>College</strong> looks<br />

great, and I am sure it will continue to grow,” Carol<br />

wrote. Mary Hemphill Haring sounded thrilled<br />

that her “tribe” was all with her for Thanksgiving<br />

last year, including her new daughter-in-law and<br />

three dogs! Last winter she was involved in a<br />

hat/glove/scarf drive (for inner-city youth) sponsored<br />

by the Women’s Guild of her church. She<br />

keeps busy between her church group, health club,<br />

and “lady lunches.” Ann-Penn Stearns Holton is<br />

very happy at her assisted-living place in Bedford,<br />

MA. “The 60th Reunion was wonderful!” she<br />

wrote. “The <strong>College</strong> did a great job. I loved seeing<br />

classmates.” Ann Gilbert Putnam wrote at<br />

Christmastime from California, where she was visiting<br />

her daughters. The summer of 2007 was “the<br />

hottest ever” in Scottsdale, AZ, so she escaped to<br />

Rhode Island for a couple of weeks. She wrote that<br />

keeping up with water aerobics seems to work for<br />

her: She is in good health.<br />

1948<br />

Carol Moore<br />

Lila Abrash Rosenthal goes to Richmond (from<br />

Lynchburg, VA) at least twice a month to visit her<br />

sister, son, and granddaughter. She finds it hard to<br />

believe it’s time for a 60th Reunion: “It seems as<br />

though we graduated last year.”<br />

1950<br />

Support Those Following Your Lead<br />

D<br />

id you know that 91 percent of <strong>Wheelock</strong> students need financial aid in<br />

order to graduate and join with thousands of proud alumni who are doing<br />

great things in the world? Your gift to the Annual Fund will help provide essential<br />

scholarship and financial support for students who share your dreams and goals.<br />

Remember, credit card gifts save time and money. To make a secure gift<br />

online, visit http://www.wheelock.edu/giving/index.asp. Thank you so much!<br />

Reunion <strong>2008</strong><br />

May 30-June 1<br />

Edith “Anne” Runk Wright<br />

Polly Page Cobb left Maine on Jan. 12 for her<br />

trailer in Dover, FL. “Since Ken passed away, it’s<br />

not the same,” wrote Polly, but she has many friends<br />

there, some also widows, who are supportive.<br />

Beverly Simon Green has had more than her share<br />

of, as she puts it, “Doctors! Doctors! Doctors!”<br />

That’s all behind, and now she enjoys her many<br />

friends from Florida to Vermont, Hilton Head to<br />

Oregon, and New York state to Colorado. She sees<br />

Dot Hutchens Seelow and keeps in touch with Russ<br />

and Edie Nowers White. Daughter Liz is just 10<br />

minutes away, and son Marty, from Connecticut,<br />

was married in February. All of that plus many activities<br />

at her church keep Bev busy, tired, and (I<br />

[Anne] bet) happy, too. Joan Rogers Libby and<br />

husband Frederic live at 126 Village Square Road,<br />

Centerville, UT 84014; (501) 294-0242.<br />

Joan Trace Riel’s good news is of a reunion in<br />

Massachusetts with Nancy Spencer Adams, her<br />

former roommate at Pilgrim House. Her sad news<br />

is that her husband, Len, was diagnosed with fourstage<br />

cancer in May 2007, the same month in<br />

which Joan broke her femur. He died in October.<br />

We extend our sympathy and best wishes to you,<br />

Joan. The Riel children and other family members<br />

are helping Joan learn to cope with this serious<br />

loss. Sydney Weaver Schultheis wrote about the<br />

nice visit we had together last summer in Rhode<br />

Island. (For more details, read my news.) Sydney<br />

and Walt planned a trip to Thailand this past<br />

February. It was probably hard for them to part<br />

with their new grandson, Christian, though, who<br />

Sydney says is “perfect!”<br />

Retirement has not been kind to either Dorothy<br />

“Dot” Hutchens Seelow or husband Don. Dot had<br />

serious eye surgery and has little vision in one eye.<br />

In addition, she has acute tendinitis in her left elbow<br />

and has been unable to play golf, her great love. Due<br />

to poor equilibrium, Don has had many falls, a broken<br />

left hand, and so much time in rehab that he<br />

wasn’t home for Christmas. In addition, the Seelows<br />

had to cancel a trip north last July. However, the<br />

warm weather in Florida is a plus. So are the occasional<br />

lunches with Russ and Edie Nowers White,<br />

but Beverly Simon Green’s move to the Cape is a<br />

loss for Dot, who so much enjoyed having her close<br />

by. Florence Milman Walker had a great year. As<br />

usual, she rented a cottage in Wellfleet, MA, for<br />

three weeks in August, and her children and grandchildren<br />

came for visits. In September, she went to<br />

Venice, Florence, and Rome with additional side<br />

trips, and she was planning to go to Antarctica in<br />

February. (You’re really burning with enthusiasm.<br />

Don’t stop!)<br />

Despite a few medical problems, late last year<br />

Edie Nowers White reported that she had “a<br />

good, happy 2007” and was looking forward to<br />

<strong>2008</strong>. She rides her three-wheel bicycle around<br />

the flat terrain of her neighborhood and does<br />

water exercises in their home pool. She had a<br />

good visit in May 2007 from her granddaughter<br />

Heather from Newton, MA. Heather is the manager<br />

of two Gymboree and Music franchises in<br />

Waltham, where children and their parents participate<br />

in exercises while sitting in a circle on the<br />

floor. Edie found it interesting to visit these classes.<br />

Edie and Russ spent two weeks in Maine over<br />

Labor Day. In November, they had a wonderful<br />

time in Bermuda, where they celebrated their<br />

57th anniversary, joined by Russ’ cousins from<br />

Bermuda, who celebrated their 54th anniversary<br />

with them. There was a lovely dinner for both<br />

couples where Edie had a chance to visit with<br />

Russ’ many cousins from Bermuda.<br />

I (Anne) continued my split life during 2007,<br />

enjoying New York all through the winter and<br />

early spring, especially in the company of Mary<br />

<strong>Wheelock</strong> Magazine 35


Hathaway Hayter. She lured me to the opera several<br />

times, and we enjoy going to plays, concerts, and<br />

movies and the chance to talk for hours over dinner.<br />

I had a wonderful winter visit with Mickey<br />

Livingston Epes and husband Morgan in Buffalo<br />

and saw Nancy Sayles-Evarts in her lovely home in<br />

the woods whenever I could. Both visits involved<br />

delicious food and drink, warm and gracious hospitality,<br />

stimulating talk, and strong criticism of the<br />

“Leave No Child Behind” bill.<br />

The spring, summer, and early fall found me<br />

spading up my vegetable garden, fighting weeds,<br />

monitoring the piping plovers on the nearby beach<br />

(we saved 39 chicks of this endangered species),<br />

and seeing family and friends. Walt and Sydney<br />

Weaver Schultheis came over for dinner, and I had<br />

a delicious lunch and a long walk on Sydney’s<br />

beach with them.<br />

I’m doing a bit of my own writing and waiting<br />

for the paperback of A Wild Perfection, the book I<br />

co-edited of my husband’s letters, to come out from<br />

Wesleyan University Press. I truly enjoy this life but<br />

find I now pack a lighter suitcase, dawdle longer<br />

over morning coffee and The New York Times, wish<br />

my feet didn’t hurt and that it wasn’t so hard to get<br />

up from a seated position, and forever bless my<br />

wonderful friends. I just wish the days didn’t skid<br />

by so fast, and I long for PEACE.<br />

1952<br />

Martha Brown McGandy<br />

Martha was kind enough to agree to serve as class<br />

scribe this year and help compile a 1952 column for<br />

<strong>Wheelock</strong>’s fall alumni magazine, but we would love<br />

to find another classmate who is willing and able to<br />

take on the job longer-term, ideally until Reunion<br />

2012. Anyone who might want to consider doing so<br />

should contact Lori Ann Saslav in Alumni Relations<br />

at (617) 879-2123 or lsaslav@wheelock.edu.<br />

Thank you.<br />

1953<br />

Ruth Flink Ades<br />

<strong>Wheelock</strong> was sorry to hear in February of the death<br />

of Peggy Ann Benisch Anderson’s husband, Carl.<br />

1954<br />

Lois Barnett Mirsky<br />

Elizabeth Bassett Wolf<br />

Ginger Mercer Bates wrote: “The greatest ‘thing’ I<br />

learned at <strong>Wheelock</strong> was the importance of being<br />

respectful of others. And the importance of friendship.<br />

These lessons have carried me on all the paths I<br />

have chosen to take and some paths that just happened.<br />

I am so thankful for those years.” She added,<br />

36 <strong>Spring</strong> <strong>2008</strong><br />

Reunion <strong>2008</strong><br />

May 30-June 1<br />

“Our youngest is getting married in April . . . finally!<br />

We love his fiance . . . a tiny wedding on the beach<br />

in California . . . in tux and with Fran Tedesco<br />

Lathrop in tow. Hugs all around.” Sylvia Tailby<br />

Earl wrote: “Last September, Jim and I had a wonderful<br />

art tour of Spain — the Prado in Madrid,<br />

Gaudi architecture in Barcelona, and visits to Dali<br />

and Picasso museums. Wonderful food and weather!”<br />

After attending a dinner to meet the architect for<br />

<strong>Wheelock</strong>’s new building last September, she said,<br />

“<strong>Wheelock</strong> has certainly changed since our day.”<br />

Our class sends its condolences to Eileen<br />

O’Connell McCabe on the death of her husband,<br />

Don, in January. Mary Jeffords Mills’ husband,<br />

Brooks, wrote that Mary is in a nursing home suffering<br />

from dementia. He thought her many friends<br />

would want to know their circumstances and ended<br />

the letter with, “<strong>Wheelock</strong> is always a milestone in<br />

her life and career.”<br />

Penny Power Odiorne had her house on the<br />

market in anticipation of moving to a senior residential<br />

complex in Vero Beach, but with the market<br />

change, she later withdrew it “until things turn<br />

around and settle down.” Her sons and a daughterin-law<br />

visit twice a year, and she will see her 16-<br />

and 13-year-old grandchildren while in Maine this<br />

summer. “It is always good to hear about my classmates,”<br />

Penny wrote. “Some of the news saddens<br />

me. I have lost all three of my siblings, and that is<br />

such a hard reality to deal with. As the saying goes,<br />

‘Aging is not for sissies.’” Nancy Pennypacker<br />

Temple and Dick traveled to the Southwest before<br />

Christmas, enjoying Phoenix, Sedona, and trips to<br />

the north, west, and east of Sun City. Nancy continues<br />

to take her dogs to Cape Coral (FL) Hospital<br />

to brighten the days for patients.<br />

Sue Hamburger Thurston wrote that husband<br />

Bob died last October of an incurable lung disease.<br />

They were married for nearly 51 years. Part of a<br />

long letter Sue wrote about how <strong>Wheelock</strong> still<br />

influences her life went like this: “For as long as I<br />

can remember, babies and young children were It. I<br />

was attracted to them like a magnet. I enjoyed my<br />

volunteer work in the public schools in Illinois and<br />

here in Florida, where I help immigrant children<br />

who need extra one-on-one help. I also teach ESL<br />

to adults.” She also wrote, “Our two daughters are<br />

elementary school teachers, and though they didn’t<br />

go to <strong>Wheelock</strong>, something wore off from their<br />

mother because they parent just like a <strong>Wheelock</strong><br />

grad would.”<br />

Elizabeth “Chippy” Bassett Wolf shared: “A<br />

highlight for me last fall was going on my first<br />

cruise, organized by a group of graduates from<br />

Harvard Business School, Class of ’50. Since Hans<br />

graduated in ’53 from HBS, I was able to be<br />

included, as was a widow friend from Stanford. It<br />

was the first trip that either of us had been on without<br />

our husbands. It was good to get out again and<br />

discover that life goes on. The Burgundy and<br />

Provence areas in France are so beautiful.”<br />

Every Tuesday when I (Lois) walk into the elementary<br />

school where I help six first-graders<br />

improve their reading skills, I realize how satisfying it<br />

is for me to be in a school environment. I credit<br />

<strong>Wheelock</strong> with instilling in me a love for lifelong<br />

learning and for giving me the skills to work creatively<br />

with children. For me, the best way to feel<br />

young (or at least young at heart) in these retirement<br />

years is to spend time with young children.<br />

1955<br />

Nancy Cerruti Humphreys<br />

Penny Kickham Reilly<br />

Happy spring to everyone! To start, our thoughts<br />

and prayers go out to Judy Barrett Theroux, who<br />

lost her son last spring. A trip to Alaska this summer<br />

should be great fun and good therapy. Judy<br />

was hoping to see Judy Haskell Rosenberg and<br />

Marilyn Dow Byrne in St. Petersburg in March.<br />

Joan Walthers Parks and Kathy Law Walker were<br />

also perhaps going to join them.<br />

Lil Prakelt Goss with Don and family had a<br />

reunion in Yellowstone. She and Don are enjoying<br />

their new home in West Lebanon, NH, near<br />

Dartmouth <strong>College</strong>. What a treat for them both!<br />

Betsey DeWitt Matteson is well and continues<br />

with her gardening and diary reading. (I [Penny]<br />

would love to know more about the diary reading.)<br />

Stella Barnes Johnson is busy with her estate sales.<br />

At the same time, she is on the board of the local<br />

Red Cross (fundraising for them with antiques and<br />

collectibles), a member of the Historical Society,<br />

and a great-grandmother. She is a busy lady!<br />

Former scribe Louise Baldridge Lytle loves<br />

volunteering in a second grade. She is also working<br />

with a personal trainer and feels wonderful.<br />

She keeps in touch with <strong>Wheelock</strong> friends. It’s<br />

her scribe habit and her graciousness. Anne<br />

Vermillion Gleason and Ted are adjusting to life<br />

in Washington, D.C., near her youngest daughter<br />

and family. Ted is working on a novel and Ann on<br />

family memoirs. Except for a fractured ankle, she<br />

is well and happy. Joan Brassel Gerace is spending<br />

time between Florida and Rochester, NY. She<br />

and Vincent’s pride and joy are their grandchildren.<br />

Her best wishes go to all.<br />

The usually busy Joleen Glidden Ham and husband<br />

Dick are still working — Dick in the local<br />

schools, and Joleen with a senior citizens volunteer<br />

program. She is singing in the church choir and a<br />

small group called the Senior Echoes. She and Dick<br />

celebrated their 54th wedding anniversary and her<br />

mother’s 100th birthday. She sounds as enthusiastic<br />

as ever! Shirley Thurmond Stanley says she is alive<br />

and well in Green Bay, WI. She has 11 grandchildren,<br />

and her oldest returned safe and healthy from a<br />

tour of duty in Iraq. Her knee surgery was a success,<br />

and she was looking forward to spending some of<br />

March and April on Marco Island. She sounds great!


Speaking of Florida, your scribe Penny<br />

Kickham Reilly was invited to spend a few days<br />

with Shirl while in Florida during March. I am still<br />

part-time at St. Sebastian’s. I had my 75th birthday<br />

in September (ugh). The children are around, which<br />

is a joy. Three of my grandchildren are in college at<br />

Tampa, The <strong>College</strong> of Charleston, and Boulder,<br />

CO, and two are still in high school. Well, keep the<br />

news coming! It was great hearing from you who<br />

answered, but even more of you would be nice.<br />

1956<br />

Wilma Kinsman Marr<br />

Annette Stevens Wilton<br />

Marlene Hahn Powers followed through and sent<br />

<strong>Wheelock</strong> a copy of the story she said would appear<br />

in the Connecticut Education Association’s teaching<br />

paper in the spring of 2007 about her 50-year teaching<br />

career. Except for one sabbatical in the mid-<br />

1970s, Marlene taught continuously from 1956 to<br />

2007 — more than 1,500 students, she estimates.<br />

She started and ended in southwestern Connecticut<br />

but in between also taught in Maryland and Illinois.<br />

One of her proudest moments came in 2003, when<br />

she was teaching at South School in New Canaan,<br />

CT, and was honored by her fellow teachers with<br />

the school’s Excellence in Teaching award. “For me,<br />

teaching is a creative experience . . . an art — a mode<br />

of self-expression,” she told the “CEA Advisor” in<br />

the spring of 2007. To <strong>Wheelock</strong> last August, she<br />

wrote, “I am very proud of the article and my<br />

accomplishments, but I owe such applause to<br />

<strong>Wheelock</strong> for providing me the firm and secure<br />

foundation to pursue such a career.” Congratulations<br />

again, Marlene!<br />

1957<br />

<strong>Wheelock</strong>’s Alumni<br />

Class Notes and News<br />

M<br />

uch appreciation to everyone who sends us alumni news<br />

appearing in your local newspapers. We appreciate your<br />

keeping us informed! If you see any news about <strong>Wheelock</strong> alumni<br />

in your local paper, please clip it out, write the name of the publication and the<br />

date on it, and send it to: Lori Ann Saslav, <strong>Wheelock</strong> <strong>College</strong>, 200 The Riverway,<br />

Boston, MA 02215. Thank you!<br />

Joan Patterson Brown<br />

Gail Angleman Brusch had a great time at<br />

Reunion 2007. Late last year, she and Donald were<br />

getting ready to move to a retirement village and<br />

were “going crazy with all the ‘stuff’ to sort<br />

through” after 29 years in their house. Bernadette<br />

deGutierrez-Mahoney and husband Wallace wrote<br />

last December of a fun day Bernadette had just had<br />

taking her daughter, her granddaughter, and a<br />

friend from Australia into New York City to see the<br />

sights and go to a show. Ann Hewes Foden and<br />

husband Robert saw many castles and cathedrals<br />

and drank many different kinds of wine during<br />

their 17 rainy and snowy days on a river barge on<br />

the Danube and Rhine rivers last November. They<br />

had their “usual good time” hosting a Portland<br />

<strong>Wheelock</strong> Club party in December and were looking<br />

forward to spending April in Venice, FL.<br />

Late last fall, Carol Chapin Sawyer reported<br />

from Biltmore Lake, NC, that she was trying to figure<br />

out her next move after husband Griffith went<br />

to live with family in Kentucky after some major<br />

heart surgery he’d had. She felt peace about their<br />

separation but was feeling very alone with no family<br />

around her. She updated <strong>Wheelock</strong> in February<br />

that, after having her North Carolina house on the<br />

market for three months, she took it off and decided<br />

to stay put and enjoy her time there. She loves<br />

Asheville and all there is to do there: taking<br />

University of North Carolina courses and knitting<br />

and painting classes, doing volunteer work, teaching<br />

art at a Christian academy, and being active at her<br />

church and in a book club. Although she misses a<br />

lot of things about Maine, she was happy not to be<br />

there for all the cold and snow last winter and will<br />

get to South Portland for two months this summer.<br />

She spent last Christmas with one of her sons and<br />

his family. If you’d like to be in touch with Carol,<br />

she’s at Carol@painta.org.<br />

Having such a great time at Reunion and seeing<br />

the beautiful campus again made Shirley Collins<br />

Schwarz-Gutherz want to return to college! “I’m<br />

very proud of being a <strong>Wheelock</strong> graduate,” she<br />

wrote. “I think that Jackie Jenkins-Scott is an outstanding<br />

woman and is doing great things as president<br />

of <strong>Wheelock</strong>.” Shirley retired about 10 years<br />

ago and says she’s been busy ever since. She married<br />

Leon in 2004, and they have fun traveling and visiting<br />

the 10 grandchildren they have between them.<br />

Shirley saw Marlene Hahn Powers ’56 at a luncheon<br />

in Greenwich, CT, last year.<br />

“Our 50th Reunion was outstanding!” Francine<br />

McNamee Shea wrote. “We received so much<br />

attention, and I felt like it was 1957 again.” Sally<br />

Curran Smith’s husband, Arlen, has been diagnosed<br />

with brain cancer. Please keep them in your<br />

thoughts and prayers. Sachiko “Faith” Yamada<br />

Yamamoto ’56/’57MS (sfy@mtf.biglobe.ne.jp) would<br />

love to hear from any and all of you. She said it was<br />

wonderful to see us face-to-face at the Reunion in<br />

Boston even if it was such a short time. (It was so<br />

special to meet her daughter, Michiko. Imagine flying<br />

from Tokyo to Boston for a weekend! Faith and<br />

Michiko, it was fun having you with us! Hugs!)<br />

My (Joan’s) Boa Sisters raised $30,000 for their<br />

charities in 2007 — a total of $71,580 in five years!<br />

I am so proud of them.<br />

It’s GREAT to have responses from some of<br />

“The Ladies of ’57”; however, we will not be happy<br />

until we hear from the rest of you. Our 50th was<br />

such fun. We miss you all. Please send some news.<br />

We . . . are . . . waiting!<br />

1958<br />

Marcia Potter Crocker<br />

Carol Stuart Wenmark<br />

Barbara “Bobbie” Stumpf<br />

Moses ’58<br />

Barbara “Bobbie” Moses, of Riverhead, NY,<br />

was a teacher in the Riverhead Central School<br />

District for 28 years, enjoying her years of<br />

teaching fifth- and sixth-graders and often<br />

crediting <strong>Wheelock</strong> for making her the teacher<br />

she became. Bobbie died on April 7, <strong>2008</strong>, at<br />

Peconic Bay Medical Center after a short illness.<br />

She was born in Jamaica, Queens, NY,<br />

on July 22, 1935, to Orlando and Dorothy<br />

Stumpf and graduated from Norwalk High<br />

School before enrolling at <strong>Wheelock</strong>. Bobbie<br />

leaves a son, Trip Sanford Moses; a daughter,<br />

Allison Moses Nistico ’87; and a grandson,<br />

Austin. Her family requests that donations on<br />

Bobbie’s behalf be made to <strong>Wheelock</strong> <strong>College</strong>,<br />

Class of 1958.<br />

1959<br />

Sally Schwabacher Hottle<br />

In February, Bonnie Steele Clark wrote, “It is with<br />

great sorrow that I let you know about the passing of<br />

Eb (my husband of 49 years) on Jan. 13, <strong>2008</strong>. He is<br />

missed, but I know he is in a wonderful place.”<br />

1960<br />

Reunion <strong>2008</strong><br />

May 30-June 1<br />

Phyllis Pisano<br />

Susan Robbins Berger listed the many “pleasures”<br />

she finds in her life these days: her 93-year-old<br />

mother, who lives nearby; her children and<br />

<strong>Wheelock</strong> Magazine 37


grandchildren; her flourishing private practice;<br />

her pro bono work for the American Red Cross<br />

Holocaust Tracing Program; and her and Bob’s<br />

vacation home in Charlestown, RI. They love<br />

having family and friends visit them in Charlestown,<br />

and she said it’s zoned for horses . . . “in case<br />

you travel with one!” Priscilla Bagg Donham<br />

has enjoyed a “busy and rewarding life.” She<br />

retired in 2006 from two careers — running a<br />

preschool at M.I.T. for 19 years and teaching<br />

handicapped children and adults to ride horses<br />

for 18. She now trains horses for the program,<br />

Windrush Farm Therapeutic Equitation in<br />

Boxford, MA. She and husband Brett, who celebrated<br />

50 years of marriage this February, have a<br />

house in Headtide, Alma, ME, which they use<br />

on weekends and all summer. They also travel to<br />

Italy as much as possible to “visit friends, help<br />

with their olive oil harvest, and travel Tuscany<br />

and surrounds.” Their four children are all married<br />

and busy, and they have nine grandchildren.<br />

Linda McSwiney Lynch is using her <strong>Wheelock</strong><br />

education to teach 5-year-olds at Communitiy<br />

Bible Study in Avon, CT. She and husband<br />

George are raising their 10th guide dog puppy<br />

now, having had their ninth placed with a<br />

woman in Philadelphia. She feels very proud to<br />

be doing this work.<br />

“My passion continues to be singing excellent<br />

choral music with New Mexico State University<br />

Choirs,” Sara Thompson Orton wrote late last<br />

year. She also serves as the choirs’ publicity director.<br />

In May 2007, Sara joined other NMSU adults<br />

and students on a trip to Graz and “charming<br />

and fascinating” Vienna, Austria, where they<br />

sang in churches and cathedrals. “I think back<br />

to <strong>Wheelock</strong>, where our choir was also fortunate<br />

enough to go to other schools to perform:<br />

Bowdoin and Union <strong>College</strong>s, to name two,” she<br />

wrote. “And we sang at the Boston Pops. What a<br />

great start!” Daughter Sally was married in New<br />

Orleans last September, and Sara encourages anyone<br />

who can to go to the city either to visit or to<br />

help with rebuilding.<br />

Since Jan Halsted Sussebach last wrote, she<br />

and husband Heiner have retired from teaching<br />

at the University of Saarland; have made a pilgrimage<br />

to Chambon Sur Lignon, the village in<br />

France where they met in 1956; and have accumulated<br />

two more grandchildren, for a total of<br />

four. “For those of you who have family at long<br />

distances, we highly recommend Skyping,” Jan<br />

wrote. “We chat and see each other on the computer<br />

at no cost. It’s a terrific way of keeping little<br />

cousins connected as well.” In her family’s<br />

case, three grandchildren in Belgium are inspired<br />

to speak English with the little one in Vermont.<br />

She and Heiner plan to continue “straddling the<br />

Atlantic” and are considering moving their stateside<br />

residence from Piermont, NY, to somewhere<br />

A “special happening” for Tina Morris Helm ’64/’98MS — her and husband Bill’s whole family together, in July 2007<br />

in southern Vermont. “Are any of you classmates<br />

located up that way?” she asks. “Any recommendations/suggestions?”<br />

1963<br />

Jane Kuehn Kittredge<br />

1964<br />

Reunion <strong>2008</strong><br />

May 30-June 1<br />

Phyllis Forbes Kerr<br />

Roberta Gilbert Marianella<br />

Patricia Burke retired from her job of 17 years at<br />

Paramount and is now a consultant and director of<br />

dramatic rights for InkWell Management. She will<br />

represent InkWell’s lit properties to the movie business.<br />

She is excited about that and wrote, “Working<br />

at InkWell will allow me to continue to do what I<br />

love the most — to read a book while envisioning<br />

its movie.” Over Christmas, Patricia and Fergus<br />

enjoyed traveling to Paris and Guatemala.<br />

Sarah Beebe Davis had a busy year making six<br />

flower girl dresses for her granddaughters to wear in<br />

her daughter’s wedding this past summer. She also<br />

fashioned their baskets from silk and lace from her<br />

own wedding gown. Sarah continues to teach and<br />

participate in the Standardized Patient Program of<br />

the UMass Medical School. Barb Russell Williams<br />

can walk a mile trail to both of her part-time jobs in<br />

Bellevue, WA: education coordinator and program<br />

manager for the Eastside Heritage Center and director<br />

of the science-based K-5 education programs at<br />

the Bellevue Botanical Garden. Her son is a computer<br />

graphics wizard who lives nearby, and her daughter<br />

and family have recently moved to Scottsdale,<br />

AZ. Sue Greenleaf Anderson does the office work<br />

for her husband’s land surveying business, is curator<br />

at the Walpole (MA) Historical Society, and has<br />

taken a variety of trips, including a small ship tour of<br />

“Holland and Belgium in Bloom.”<br />

Betsy McIntyre Doepken retired on her 65th<br />

birthday — and not a moment too soon! Her son and<br />

daughter-in-law in Alaska had just had their second<br />

set of twin girls — baby twins, 10-year-old twins, and<br />

a big brother! Betsy keeps in touch with Barbara<br />

Wilson Parks and Priscilla Nelson Linville, who is<br />

still teaching in the New York state prison system.<br />

Eleanor “Noni” Noble Linton is another grandma<br />

(of seven) with long-distance grandchildren — China<br />

and Japan. Granddaughters ages 8 and 12 live in<br />

Beijing and attend a totally bilingual school. She also<br />

has a granddaughter in Japan. Noni and John enjoy<br />

living in a CCRC in Charlton, MA. They’ve been<br />

taking advantage of their ability to travel anytime<br />

now that Noni’s retired, and in 2007 they went on a<br />

cruise to Bermuda; visited a new grandson in<br />

Washington, D.C.; traveled to Minnesota to visit<br />

another child and family; and went to John’s parents’<br />

birthplace in Indiana to see some of his relatives.<br />

They are also involved in chorus, painting and drawing<br />

class, and fitness, and Noni is on the CCRC’s<br />

Resident Council.<br />

Jessi Ruth MacLeod ’64/’92MS traveled crosscountry<br />

to Morrowstone Island, WA, last June for a<br />

reunion of 21 family members. Cousins and siblings<br />

had great fun beachcombing, doing jigsaw<br />

puzzles, playing, and talking. (She doesn’t say who<br />

did the cooking!) The cycle of life offered sadness at<br />

the death of her dad and stepmother, and joy when<br />

two more grandchildren were born later in the year.<br />

Mary Ellen Freeman Smith is staying young with<br />

seven grandchildren under 8. She subs in special<br />

education and consults, and she had a great trip to<br />

Paris last fall. Janet Larsen Weyenberg wrote<br />

from Hawaii that her grandson Kaikane traveled<br />

from Columbus, OH, to celebrate his first birthday<br />

on Kaimana Beach, the same beach on which his<br />

mom had her first birthday! Janet and her husband<br />

see the USA by “collecting” National Parks.<br />

Rhoda Henkels Pykonen is owner-managerdesigner<br />

of Queen Anne’s Landscaping in<br />

Grapeview, WA. Her passion is the salvation and<br />

appreciation of native trees and plants. The arrival<br />

of big developers in her area has brought fallen trees<br />

and bulldozed plants, soon followed by flooding.<br />

Hopefully educators and nature conservancy groups<br />

can help stem the destructive tide. Rachel Ripley<br />

38 <strong>Spring</strong> <strong>2008</strong>


Roach substitutes in K-4, plays tennis, teaches in a<br />

literacy program, and is active in the California<br />

Retired Teachers’ Association. Tina Morris Helm<br />

’64/’98MS continues to serve as a trustee for<br />

<strong>Wheelock</strong> <strong>College</strong>, volunteers in the local (New<br />

London, NH) elementary school, drives for the<br />

Council on Aging, supports Bill in his role of board<br />

chair of the New London Hospital, plays tennis,<br />

AND has fun with her six grandchildren. She is<br />

proud and supportive of the new directions<br />

<strong>Wheelock</strong> is taking. She and Bill traveled to Nova<br />

Scotia to see Noel Stoodley Gray and Don. The<br />

Grays, who have three grandchildren, split their<br />

time between their Nova Scotia cabin and home in<br />

Yarmouth Port, MA.<br />

Glee Tilley Miner, Bob, Paul, and I (Roberta)<br />

joined friends in Boone, NC, for a beautiful week<br />

of autumn foliage and majestic mountain vistas.<br />

Glee retired in July 2007 but returns to Chase<br />

Collegiate as a substitute teacher. I serve on a variety<br />

of boards; swim and play Scrabble with the grandchildren;<br />

and play golf and travel with Paul. We<br />

have particularly enjoyed attending the Naples, FL,<br />

<strong>Wheelock</strong> lunch and hearing President Jenkins-<br />

Scott share her vision of the school and gains made<br />

each year in reaching lofty goals. Very exciting!<br />

1965<br />

<strong>Wheelock</strong> Alumni Social Networking!<br />

N<br />

ora Lerdau Howley ’81 and her alumni friends have created a<br />

<strong>Wheelock</strong> Group on Ravelry, an online social networking community<br />

for knitters and crocheters. They would love to find other <strong>Wheelock</strong><br />

folks already on Revelry or who want to join their group. Contact Nora<br />

directly if you have questions at norahowley@yahoo.com.<br />

Mary Barnard O’Connell<br />

Marsha M-Geough Vaughan<br />

Wonderful news comes from our classmates! Their<br />

experiences and work give ideas for each of us to<br />

consider for future endeavors. Donna Johnson<br />

Grinnell and Elsa Chaffee Distelhorst wrote from<br />

opposite coasts of the United States. Donna manages<br />

the gift shop at Emerson Hospital in Concord,<br />

MA. She oversees 40 volunteers and three buyers.<br />

This part-time position provides time to share with<br />

the “joy of her life” — her first and only grandchild,<br />

Emerson. Elsa is a major gift fundraiser at<br />

Whitworth University, a liberal arts university in<br />

Spokane, WA. She wrote, “I just love working in<br />

higher education, attending lectures and working<br />

with the young people!” Her work takes her all<br />

around the country and to Hawaii. She also serves as<br />

a nonprofit volunteer in several different areas. Her<br />

present favorite board work, shared with her husband,<br />

is with the Spokane World Affairs Council.<br />

Nancy Clarke Steinberger and Donna both know<br />

the joy of having a first grandchild. Nancy wrote<br />

that new grandparents share “the joys and thrills of<br />

touching and holding these little miracles of life.”<br />

Sue Bright Belanger participated in<br />

<strong>Wheelock</strong>’s international service learning trip to<br />

Belfast, Northern Ireland. Children from different<br />

generations continue the healing process after<br />

decades of sectarian fighting. Sue retired recently<br />

and cherished the opportunity to interact with<br />

children again. She also founded and directs her<br />

own business called Coaches for Kids. After interviewing<br />

parents and teachers, students are matched<br />

with teachers who can best meet the needs of each<br />

student. Daphne “Taffy” Hastings Wilcox is<br />

keeping herself healthy by means of a holistic<br />

lifestyle. Exercise and massage, coupled with chiropractic<br />

and homeopathic medicine, help her to<br />

attain a good quality of life. She volunteers in her<br />

own parish and for the Episcopal Diocese of<br />

Connecticut. She is a trustee of the Bishops’ Fund<br />

for Children, which grants money to programs for<br />

children at risk in Connecticut. Hospice care, a<br />

memory support center, and a safe home for children<br />

are places that Taffy and her cocker spaniels<br />

volunteer. Taffy welcomed three new grandchildren.<br />

Two children arrived from Ethiopia in time<br />

for Christmas. The holidays were filled with joy . .<br />

. but not much peace. Taffy so enjoys staying in<br />

touch with Barbara Curtis Baker.<br />

Retirement for Joan Anderson Watts<br />

’65/’83MS certainly does not mean idle time. She is<br />

presently supervising student teachers for <strong>Wheelock</strong><br />

and just loves the responsibility. Joan’s seven grandchildren,<br />

all under 5 years old, keep her busy in<br />

both Massachusetts and Florida. “I have the ultimate<br />

joy of using my <strong>Wheelock</strong> education with my<br />

seven grandchildren,” she wrote.<br />

For Marsha M-Geough Vaughan, the tropical<br />

island of St. John, Virgin Islands, provided the backdrop<br />

for her daughter’s wedding. Amazing beauty<br />

and time to cherish family and friends were spent in<br />

a villa on the hillside. Gwen Lloyd Wirtalla and<br />

Ann MacVicar traveled to Maine, spending time in<br />

Kennebunk Beach and Ocean Point. Gwen remembers<br />

wonderful summers in Ocean Point and could<br />

relive her memories. She visited Ann in Santa Fe<br />

only to be greeted by one of the largest snowstorms<br />

in history. Ann has had the marvelous opportunity<br />

to follow the bicycle racers in the Tour de France.<br />

What an experience that must have been.<br />

You should have seen me (Mary) waiting in<br />

my Maine home for Pat Holt Bennett and Sue<br />

Bright Belanger to visit. I could not sit still. I<br />

stood at the window anxiously awaiting their<br />

arrival. Pat is a retired assistant principal who<br />

now spends time between New Hampshire, with<br />

its lovely summers on Lake Winnipesaukee, and<br />

in Florida with its winters’ warmth. Far too many<br />

years had passed since all of us were together.<br />

Photograph albums and the computer helped to<br />

share our lives.<br />

Special thanks to all of you who have contributed<br />

to our class notes. How great it would be<br />

to hear from others. Pass the word, or share a<br />

friend’s news.<br />

1967<br />

Betsy Simmonds Pollock<br />

It was fun to visit with classmates who were able to<br />

attend our 40th Reunion held June 1 to June 3,<br />

2007. Some of us enjoyed the Boston Pops tribute<br />

to Sarah Vaughan with Dianne Reeves after the barbecue<br />

under the tent on Friday, June 1.<br />

Tina Feldman Crosby, Joan Blackman<br />

Youngman, Linda Hoe Palmer, Martha Walsh,<br />

Doryl Lloyd Rourke, and I attended the Saturday<br />

Luncheon. Judy Lambert Foster, Bonnie Lafean<br />

Bivins, Ellen Fitzgerald Brown, and Eleanor<br />

Labosky Stanwood joined the above for the<br />

Saturday night class dinner at Hawes Street.<br />

Tina Feldman Crosby awarded Barbara Taylor<br />

Posner the “Making a Difference” Service Award at<br />

the luncheon. Congratulations, Barbara! Barbara<br />

wrote that she continues to help families with special<br />

needs children to find schools and programs<br />

that meet their needs, sometimes looking at schools<br />

from California to Maine. She is recuperating from<br />

shoulder surgery.<br />

Thank you to the <strong>Wheelock</strong> staff members who<br />

devote many hours of planning and preparation to<br />

assure that a good time is had by all during<br />

Reunion Weekend.<br />

Judy Lambert Foster retired in June 2007, had<br />

knee surgery in July, and welcomed a new grandson<br />

in August. Donna Pulk Elliott wrote from Kennett<br />

Square, PA, that she was sorry to miss Reunion. She<br />

is caring full time for her husband, who is not well.<br />

Donna does wonderfully creative needlework suitable<br />

for framing. Bev Boden Rogers retired recently<br />

from Florida’s natural history museum. She<br />

created science/nature kits that circulate to schools<br />

across the state.<br />

Charlotte Gignoux Dwyer teaches kindergarten<br />

in an Alexandria, VA, public school. Donna<br />

Johnson retired in June 2007 after many years of<br />

being a public school principal in her hometown of<br />

<strong>Wheelock</strong> Magazine 39


Waltham, MA. Jeanne Doyle Marinelli retired as a<br />

reading coach from the Rockford, IL, School<br />

District in June 2005. She and her husband spend<br />

six months of the year in Naples, FL, and the other<br />

six months in Rockford. She is delighted with her<br />

first grandchild, born in June 2007. Carolyn<br />

Wright Unger had Lyme disease last spring, so she<br />

could not travel to Reunion. She wrote, “It has been<br />

a long, tough go, but I think I am finally getting<br />

better.” Carolyn teaches gifted education in a northern<br />

Virginia elementary school of over 1,000 diverse<br />

students (27 different nationalities). Among other<br />

focus areas, she teaches creative thinking and heads<br />

up an Invention Expo. Students are asked to invent<br />

something to solve an everyday problem. Many<br />

products are patent-worthy. This year she is establishing<br />

an outdoor classroom including a monarch<br />

butterfly garden.<br />

Ann Fisher Tuteur wrote, “My husband and<br />

I had the joy of being in Cleveland to attend the<br />

wedding of Howard and Susan Cahn Levine’s<br />

daughter Rebecca last October. For Bob and me,<br />

it brought back a flood of memories as Bob and<br />

I met 40 years ago in Cleveland (only a few weeks<br />

after graduation) at the wedding of Susan and<br />

Howard. Susan and I were <strong>Wheelock</strong> roommates<br />

all four years, and Howard and Bob were fraternity<br />

brothers at the University of Pennsylvania.<br />

Though separated by distance, we have all<br />

remained close throughout the past 40 years.<br />

Where has the time gone?”<br />

I (Betsy) retired in April 2007 after working in<br />

public schools (including a one-year stint teaching<br />

and living in a country school out in the South<br />

Dakota prairies, grades K-4), child care, Head Start,<br />

and 17 years for the S.D. Department of Education.<br />

During that time, my role was Title I representative,<br />

Even Start coordinator, and Head Start state collaboration<br />

director. Since retiring, I’ve been supervising<br />

and working on the never-ending job of updating<br />

my house, cleaning out clutter, and trying to simplify!<br />

Thanks to all who responded to the news request.<br />

I look forward to writing the next installment in the<br />

alumni magazine.<br />

1968<br />

Marilyn Rupinski Rotondo<br />

Cynthia Carpenter Sheehan<br />

Change of address?<br />

News to share? Professional update?<br />

tay in the loop by refreshing your contact information at<br />

Shttp://www.wheelock.edu/alum/alumupdates.asp.<br />

Reunion <strong>2008</strong><br />

May 30-June 1<br />

1969<br />

Lyn Peck Kenyon ’45/’69BS (See Class of ’45.)<br />

1970<br />

“My <strong>Wheelock</strong> training was the best for parenting<br />

and now for a new career!” Betsy Aldrich Garrison<br />

wrote. “After many years of staying home with our<br />

kids, I converted a room into a classroom and have<br />

been working as a reading tutor for the last five<br />

years. I am loving it! I took a refresher course on the<br />

Ortin Gillingham/PAF Reading Program and have<br />

15 students.” Betsy and husband Peter celebrated<br />

their 35th wedding anniversary in Bermuda with<br />

their three sons and their daughter and son-in-law.<br />

The “boys” have all been lacrosse players, so they<br />

spend a great deal of time traveling around watching<br />

the sport from February through August. Their<br />

grandchild born in April lives just a few blocks away<br />

from them in New Canaan, CT. Leigh Nickerson<br />

Beatty wrote, “Both my husband and I are retired<br />

and loving the freedom of planning our own days to<br />

travel, read, volunteer, and thoroughly enjoy the<br />

beauty here on Mount Desert Island [ME].” Marie<br />

Buckless Lacy retired in June 2007 and moved<br />

from Hopkinton, MA, where she’d taught art in<br />

the public schools for 13 years, to Cape Cod. Marie<br />

let <strong>Wheelock</strong> know about Brenda Gladding<br />

Alexander’s death in Texas during Easter weekend<br />

2007 after a long illness.<br />

“I get to use my <strong>Wheelock</strong> education with a<br />

precocious and adorable preschooler, and it’s great<br />

fun,” Mary Curtis Skelton wrote. She takes care<br />

of her 4-year-old grandson one day a week in addition<br />

to working full time as the showroom manager<br />

in a plumbing supply company. Marjorie Weiner<br />

e-mailed in March, “Gateway Community <strong>College</strong><br />

Early Learning Center Preschool Laboratory School<br />

[in New Haven, CT] has been awarded NAEYC<br />

accreditation under the new standards, one of the<br />

first programs in Connecticut.” Marjorie is the<br />

program director.<br />

1971<br />

Mary Curtis Skelton’s (’70) Gator Project<br />

Gwynne DeLong<br />

Julia-Ellen Davis moved from Fort Lauderdale,<br />

FL, to Charleston, SC, in 2005 to be closer to<br />

her mother and to take the position of director<br />

for the tri-county area Head Start/Early Head<br />

Start Program, which serves 1,658 children. She<br />

was previously the Head Start director for<br />

Broward County, FL. Julia-Ellen is now a member<br />

of the board of trustees for the South<br />

Carolina First Steps to School Readiness, whose<br />

purpose, she wrote, “includes assisting at the<br />

state and local levels to intensify services, to<br />

ensure efficient use of resources, and to serve the<br />

needs of South Carolina’s young children and<br />

their families.”<br />

“O<br />

ur Marine son, Greg, while stationed in Iraq four years ago, inspired me to found<br />

‘The Gator Project,’ whose mission is to make and send fleece neck warmers (gators) and<br />

neck coolers to servicemen and women serving abroad. To date, nearly 40,000 gators have been<br />

shipped, all made lovingly with volunteer hands from all over the country. Boy and Girl Scouts,<br />

church groups, quilting groups, senior citizens, high school students, and military family members<br />

have all found that making gators has given them a purpose and sense of peace.<br />

“The Gator Project was featured on Sewing with Nancy, a PBS television show, which resulted<br />

in many more people getting involved than I ever imagined possible! Nancy sent me a certificate<br />

of appreciation, as well as her book on sewing, which I gave to a prison inmate here in Vermont<br />

who made over 1,000 gators while he was incarcerated. I also received a Certificate of Commendation<br />

from the U.S. Marines, Department of the Navy.<br />

“Many of our servicemen/women are stationed at or near hospitals, orphanages, and schools,<br />

often assisting in rebuilding and refurbishing them. The Gator Project also conducted a ‘Beanie<br />

Baby Roundup’ here in northwestern Vermont and sent over 4,000 donated Beanies for soldiers<br />

to give to the Iraqi and Afghani children. The kids LOVE them.”<br />

Editor’s note: To find out more about Mary’s Gator Project and Beanie Baby Roundup and<br />

how you can participate, visit Mary’s site at www.thegatorproject.org.<br />

40 <strong>Spring</strong> <strong>2008</strong>


Kate Hansen ’06 (left) and<br />

Dr. Diane Tomaino Fisher ’72<br />

“So <strong>Wheelock</strong>!”<br />

Dr. Diane Tomaino Fisher ’72 writes<br />

from Texas, “In addition to my position<br />

as an assistant superintendent for a<br />

local school district here in the San Antonio<br />

area, I teach graduate classes at the University<br />

of the Incarnate Word (UIW). Imagine my<br />

surprise (and pleasure) when one of my<br />

students introduced herself as a <strong>Wheelock</strong><br />

graduate this past fall!<br />

“Kate Hansen ’06 teaches kindergarten<br />

in the Harlandale Independent School District<br />

and is a graduate student at UIW. We<br />

shared two semesters (and many memories<br />

of <strong>Wheelock</strong>) together. It is apparent that<br />

<strong>Wheelock</strong> continues to do an outstanding<br />

job of preparing young people to pursue<br />

excellence in education. <strong>Wheelock</strong> is written<br />

all over everything she does. We often<br />

laughed about our similarities despite being<br />

more than three decades apart, and we<br />

would often comment on many aspects of<br />

our philosophies as being ‘so <strong>Wheelock</strong>!’<br />

“Kate reminded me of how fortunate I<br />

was to receive a <strong>Wheelock</strong> education, and<br />

I count my undergraduate experience as one<br />

of the major reasons that I have remained<br />

so dedicated to the field for so long and<br />

that I am still passionate about finding ways<br />

to provide the very best public school experience<br />

for each and every child we touch.”<br />

1972<br />

Bonnie Paulsen Michael<br />

Two wonderful part-time jobs in her area are<br />

helping Barbara Zimmermann Murphy enjoy<br />

“retirement”: She is the part-time special education<br />

supervisor for a district in Oak Lawn, IL, and serves<br />

on a child find team for Lockport Cooperative. She<br />

is always trying to find the time to travel more with<br />

her husband and in February wrote of their plans<br />

to go to Colorado, Arizona, and Italy this year.<br />

Vicki Caplan Milstein has co-written Integrating<br />

Math Into the Early Childhood Classroom: Activities<br />

and Research-Based Strategies That Build Math Skills,<br />

Concepts, and Vocabulary Into Classroom Routines,<br />

Learning Centers, and More.<br />

1973<br />

Jaci Fowle Holmes<br />

Regina Frisch Lobree<br />

1974<br />

Reunion <strong>2008</strong><br />

May 30-June 1<br />

Laura Keyes Jaynes<br />

Greetings, Class of 1974! MARK YOUR CALEN-<br />

DAR! Next year is our 35th Reunion! As your<br />

scribe, I (Laura) hope to see and hear from more of<br />

you! I am doing fine and hope you are too! I heard<br />

from only a few of you this year. PLEASE make the<br />

effort to come to this Reunion. It is a wonderful<br />

time to catch up! I continue to love my job teaching<br />

fourth grade in Merrimack, NH. After 35 years<br />

of marriage, my husband and family are doing well.<br />

Janet Leonard O’Loughlin celebrated 30 years<br />

of marriage with a trip to Italy last summer. She<br />

continues to love teaching second grade in Westchester<br />

County, NY. She hopes to hear from and<br />

see friends who lived at Colchester House between<br />

1970 and 1974. Her e-mail is jlol@optonline.net. Jill<br />

Schunick Putnam ’74/’84MS now works for the<br />

National Association for the Education of Young<br />

Children as an assessor in accreditation. She is<br />

serving her town (Wellfleet, MA) on the School<br />

Committee in her fourth elected term. She periodically<br />

serves as an adjunct in teaching early childhood<br />

and professional development for preschool<br />

and kindergarten teachers.<br />

Linda Mayo-Perez has served on the <strong>Wheelock</strong><br />

Board of Trustees for 10 years and now resides in<br />

Jamaica Estates, Queens, NY. She moved back to<br />

New York City in 2001 to become the president<br />

and CEO of Maple Grove Cemetery, which is on<br />

the National Register of Historic Places as well as<br />

being a very active burial site. Her joy is the recent<br />

completion of their 18,000-square-foot combination<br />

spiritual, community, and administrative<br />

center. This project received a Silver rating when<br />

evaluated under the Leadership in Energy and<br />

Environmental Design (LEED) rating system of<br />

the U.S. Green Building Council. 2007 was an<br />

excellent year for new experiences and travel. Linda<br />

saw <strong>Wheelock</strong>’s mural on the walls of Habitat for<br />

Humanity’s Camp Hope in Louisiana. Last<br />

February, she and her daughter spent a week participating<br />

in a rebuilding effort in New Orleans’ 9th<br />

Ward. In November, they spent 14 days in South<br />

Africa for a traveling seminar co-sponsored by the<br />

Hartford Seminary (Linda is working toward an<br />

M.A. there) and Plowshares Institute.<br />

Diane Rothauser ’74/’81MS continues to<br />

love being a kindergarten after-school teacher in<br />

Wellesley, MA. During the summers she enjoys<br />

working with infants and toddlers. As she did in<br />

college, Diane spends her spare time involved in<br />

theater for the Wellesley Players, as their recording<br />

secretary and make-up artist. Her daughter, Kate,<br />

lives in Somerville, where she has her own jewelrymaking<br />

business, and works for a public relations<br />

firm in Boston. Her other daughter, Sarah, is a<br />

senior at Ithaca <strong>College</strong>.<br />

Thank you to those who have written! We are<br />

all so busy with very interesting lives. I encourage<br />

you to plan on coming to <strong>Wheelock</strong>’s Class of 1974<br />

Reunion next spring, May 29-31, 2009. We have<br />

much to share and be grateful for! Keep in touch!<br />

1975<br />

Leslie Hayter Maxfield<br />

“The whole time was wonderful!” Susan Reichart<br />

Allen wrote late last fall of the month she and her<br />

daughter spent in Argentina, where each received her<br />

Teaching English as a Foreign Language certificate.<br />

Husband Dean and their oldest daughter joined<br />

them for a week in the foothills of Patagonia. Judith<br />

Black wrote: “I have created a very funny and touching<br />

tale about one parent and educator’s learning<br />

curve when G-d delivers to them the child they were<br />

not expecting. ‘Esau, My Son’ was performed at the<br />

National Storytelling Festival in Jonesboro, TN, to a<br />

standing-room-only audience of over 800 people<br />

who gave it a long and loud standing ovation. It was<br />

the first time my son had heard this tale of our growing.”<br />

It is available on CD at Judith’s website,<br />

www.storiesalive.com, where you can also read about<br />

her “seditious comedy about women and aging”<br />

titled “That Fading Scent.” She added, “The wonderful<br />

education I received from <strong>Wheelock</strong> continues<br />

to echo out as I supervise a peer mentoring program<br />

for high school and elementary-aged students in my<br />

hometown of Marblehead [MA].”<br />

Barbara Stevens Rowe is teaching at the<br />

University of Wisconsin — Waisman Center Early<br />

Childhood Program in Madison. “[It] is a model<br />

program for meeting the needs of a developmentally<br />

diverse group of young children,” she wrote.<br />

“Approximately two-thirds of the children in our<br />

program are typically developing, while up to onethird<br />

may have a special educational need because<br />

of a developmental delay or disability.” Both her<br />

son and her daughter attend the university, and she<br />

and her husband live on a residential airport just<br />

north of Madison. “Come visit if you are in the<br />

area!” she wrote. Mary Ainslie Tracy wrote: “In<br />

September 2006, the Friends School of Portland<br />

[ME] opened its doors to 31 students, pre-K to<br />

grade 6, and this year we expanded to grade 7 with<br />

54 children. Next year we will add our final grade,<br />

<strong>Wheelock</strong> Magazine 41


8, aiming for 70 children. I founded this Quaker<br />

independent day school with enormous help from<br />

many other Quakers, educators, and parents, and I<br />

am happy to report that we are doing very well. My<br />

<strong>Wheelock</strong> education is at work every day in my role<br />

as curriculum coordinator and middle school<br />

teacher. We welcome visitors to our website,<br />

www.friendsschoolofportland.org, and to our school.<br />

Contact me at mary@friendsschoolofportland.org.”<br />

Debbie Cann Westcott left the Pennysaver as a<br />

display advertising representative in January 2007<br />

and the following month started working for an<br />

advertiser she’d been calling on, American Pest<br />

Management, a locally owned pest management<br />

company based in the D.C./Virginia/Maryland<br />

area. “We service Ted Koppel’s (formerly of the TV<br />

show “Nightline”) home and the White House!”<br />

she wrote. “We provide service for residential, commercial,<br />

and government properties. I am having a<br />

blast and really love it here.” Debbie said her home<br />

(B&B) remains available for anyone interested in<br />

visiting Annapolis.<br />

1976<br />

Angela Barresi Yakovleff<br />

Late last fall, Maryanne Galvin’s 10-minute video<br />

program “Merry in Oz” was among the works of art<br />

selected to be in the juried exhibit “Ozspirations:<br />

New Art Inspired by the Wizard of Oz” at the<br />

New England School of Art & Design at Suffolk<br />

University in Boston. In February and March, her<br />

documentary “What’s Going On Up There?” was<br />

among the video selections shown in the “Wanderlust:<br />

The Art of Travel” exhibit at Montserrat<br />

<strong>College</strong> of Art’s Bear Gallery in Beverly, MA. Sarah<br />

“Sally” Bolton Hoel has moved “once again,” from<br />

north of Atlanta back to New England: She and her<br />

husband and two teenage sons now live in Danvers,<br />

MA. She recently worked for Sylvan Learning<br />

Center as a testing administrator and program manager,<br />

and she home educates her sons, “which has<br />

been a challenging and rewarding adventure and<br />

become a lifestyle all of its own,” she wrote. Last<br />

year she had a “wonderful albeit too short” visit with<br />

Amy Rand MacDonald ’76/’85MS.<br />

“Busier than ever this year,” Kathy Richter-<br />

Sand is still working in professional development<br />

for Albuquerque Public Schools but now as a district<br />

trainer/resource teacher for elementary<br />

curriculum and standards. “I’m thinking of all my<br />

<strong>Wheelock</strong> classmates!” she wrote.<br />

1977<br />

Margaret Smith Lee<br />

Lisa Brookover Moore<br />

Debbie Warren Block is living in Atlanta and<br />

teaching kindergarten at the Davis Academy. She<br />

and husband Mitch have celebrated 23 years of<br />

42 <strong>Spring</strong> <strong>2008</strong><br />

marriage and have one daughter who is a college<br />

junior and one daughter completing her senior<br />

year of high school. Hollis Brooks has “settled in<br />

sunny Boulder, CO,” and is working for a global<br />

event planning company. She substitute teaches “to<br />

keep [her] skills sharp” and is in frequent touch<br />

with Cathy Aliapoulios Kraut ’78. Lynne Jones<br />

Eastman is living in Naples, FL, and has been<br />

married for 32 years, with three grown children,<br />

one of whom has made her a three-time grandmother.<br />

Lynne is teaching second grade, is<br />

National Board Certified, and is a recipient of a<br />

Golden Apple award.<br />

Jeanette Lake has been teaching for 20 years in<br />

the same Boston Public School, currently, kindergarten,<br />

and recently received an administrative certification.<br />

She has also performed at the <strong>Wheelock</strong><br />

Family Theatre in their productions of Inherit the<br />

Wind and To Kill a Mockingbird. Margaret Smith<br />

Lee and husband Gary will soon be “empty nesters”<br />

as their son is now a senior in high school. Margaret<br />

is teaching preschool two days a week and also<br />

teaches art at the Taube Museum in Minot, ND.<br />

Paula McAdams Moloney is a special education<br />

teacher living in Buffalo, NY — third grade in<br />

one building and fifth grade in another. Her<br />

daughter is a high school senior. Paula wrote,<br />

“Visitors are always welcome!” Francesca Wright<br />

lives in Davis, CA, and works as an independent<br />

consultant in program evaluation, collaborative<br />

learning and planning, and process facilitation<br />

(www.DavisConsultants.net). Her clients include<br />

children and family commissions, mental health<br />

agencies, USC leadership programs, and school<br />

districts. In February, she wrote, “I am currently<br />

co-chair of a board working to create a statewide<br />

Alliance for School, Family and Community<br />

Partnerships with a goal of systematically fostering<br />

engaged families to support student success in all of<br />

California’s schools.” She is happily married to Lee<br />

Bartholomew and has two teenage children.<br />

I (Lisa) am one of your new class scribes,<br />

sharing this job with Margaret Smith Lee.<br />

Currently, I am a PADI-certified assistant scuba<br />

instructor at a local dive shop in Crystal Lake,<br />

IL, working with student divers 10 years old<br />

to senior citizens. My son, Tim, is now a senior<br />

at <strong>Wheelock</strong>.<br />

1978<br />

Reunion <strong>2008</strong><br />

May 30-June 1<br />

Pat Mucci Tayco<br />

Karen Nuzzo loves her new job teaching art<br />

at two elementary schools (pre-K to grade 6)<br />

in the Bedford County (VA) Public Schools.<br />

Karen Musser Whitla wrote, “My husband,<br />

C. Stuart Whitla Jr., passed away on May 9,<br />

2007, after battling renal cell carcinoma for<br />

seven months. He died at home, surrounded<br />

by his family.”<br />

1983<br />

Carol Rubin Fishman<br />

Claudia Tillis Weger wrote in January of looking<br />

forward to the 25th with “the gang: Karen, Sarah,<br />

Susie, Debbie, Tina, and Jane.” She gratefully<br />

reported that all is well in her world. Emily was<br />

then in her second year at <strong>Wheelock</strong>, and Ben was<br />

in ninth grade.<br />

1984<br />

Reunion <strong>2008</strong><br />

May 30-June 1<br />

Kathy Welsh Wilcox<br />

What a year it has been! There is lots of news from<br />

the Class of ’84. Get a cup of tea and sit down and<br />

catch up.<br />

Melanie Levesque Madden celebrated her 20th<br />

wedding anniversary with husband Jack last fall.<br />

She has been working at CVS (in the construction<br />

department) for 16 years and says her <strong>Wheelock</strong><br />

education has done her well. It has helped her and<br />

her husband to raise her son, who is in high school,<br />

and her daughter, who is in seventh grade. She has<br />

been running a Girl Scout troop for her daughter<br />

for seven years. She and Jack also bought a diner in<br />

East Providence, RI — Mel’s Diner — and it is doing<br />

very well. If ever there is a <strong>Wheelock</strong> grad in the<br />

area, please come by and have a meal with the crew!<br />

Jackie Johnson Markley wrote that daughter Paige<br />

has begun kindergarten and loves it! Her weeks are<br />

full of Daisies, soccer, and school obligations. “I am<br />

just beginning what most of my classmates have<br />

been doing for years,” she wrote. “Now I know why<br />

people have children when they are young! I am<br />

exhausted all the time! It probably doesn’t help that<br />

I get up at 4:15 a.m. to go to the gym and work<br />

with a trainer who relishes causing me great pain or<br />

discomfort!” Jackie is happy to have her same job<br />

and continues to love working with and identifying<br />

children with special education needs. Cecilia<br />

Tatem Small is in her fifth year as the school counselor/social<br />

worker at Green Meadow Elementary<br />

School in Maynard, MA. She wrote, “I continue<br />

with the Emerson Hospital, Social Work Week-end<br />

On Call and coordinate/supervise the weekend<br />

Social Worker Team.” Her children (11, 13, and<br />

15) are growing and well, and they keep her and<br />

her husband very busy! She participated in the<br />

Advanced Certified Program at BU School of Social<br />

Work for the Treatment of Psychological Trauma,<br />

which ran until April.<br />

As for me (Kathy), I am doing well in Southern<br />

California. My children are the light of my life.<br />

Both of the boys, ages 14 and 17, are busy with<br />

school and surfing the waves in San Diego. Water<br />

polo seems to take up a lot of our time. Our oldest<br />

was accepted into the National Honor Society this<br />

spring! It was very thrilling for him and exciting to<br />

watch. I was feeling my age for sure! As for my


Elyse Blank Smith ’85 (third from left), husband Michael (to her left), Annette Bellino Lifrieri ’85, and husband Glenn at the 2007 gala honoring<br />

Elyse for her many years of service to the Lupus Foundation of New England, where she was president until 2006<br />

career, I love teaching. I am teaching first grade as<br />

well as creating an after-school program at our<br />

school for at-risk students. We have about 450 students<br />

participating in the program. I have paired up<br />

with the local high school and have the seniors<br />

come and volunteer their time teaching our young<br />

students exciting skills like sign language, Spanish,<br />

French, and dance classes. We also have reading fluency<br />

and comprehension classes for those students<br />

who are struggling. It is very exciting!<br />

1985<br />

Linda Edwards Beal<br />

Karen Poisson Enos shared the wonderful news of<br />

her recent trip to China for the adoption of her<br />

happy and healthy 1-year-old daughter, Leah Ling<br />

Enos. Coincidentally, while in Guangzhou, Karen<br />

and her husband ran into Marjorie Bakken, Karen’s<br />

former adviser and former <strong>Wheelock</strong> <strong>College</strong> president.<br />

Marjorie was with her daughter (Martha<br />

Bakken ’99MS), who had also just adopted a baby.<br />

Karen is celebrating motherhood, and after 17 years<br />

of teaching kindergarten, she is now a stay-at-home<br />

mom and loving every minute of it. Maureen<br />

Gillis Myers has two teenage children at home and<br />

is currently the co-president of BAEYC. She just<br />

opened a school in Hyde Park, MA!<br />

After many years at home with her children,<br />

Alison Abbott Quackenbush is working part<br />

time as an aide in a kindergarten classroom at the<br />

elementary school her youngest attends. Alison<br />

has been very involved at the school through the<br />

PTO, but she’s enjoying being involved on the<br />

“inside.” She describes it as “fun without the<br />

homework”! Alison continues to contemplate<br />

whether or not to renew her certification and go<br />

back to teaching full time. Meanwhile, her oldest<br />

daughter is a junior in high school and beginning<br />

the college search.<br />

Our congratulations to Elyse Blank Smith for<br />

receiving the Altruism Award for her years of service<br />

to the Lupus Foundation of New England. Annette<br />

Bellino Lifrieri was in attendance helping celebrate<br />

Elyse’s accomplishments.<br />

1987<br />

Kathleen Hurley DeVarennes<br />

It was great to hear from some <strong>Wheelock</strong> friends. I<br />

(Kathy) think of you all often, yet I am not great at<br />

keeping in touch.<br />

Allison Small Annand teaches in an integrated<br />

preschool program for 3- and 4-year olds in<br />

Hollis, NH. She still keeps in touch with Helene<br />

Dunkerley Bettencourt ’88. Trisha Brown<br />

sounds very busy. She is using her <strong>Wheelock</strong> education<br />

in many ways: She is a licensing inspector<br />

(children’s programs) for the Commonwealth of<br />

Virginia and an adjunct professor in the area of<br />

early childhood education at Tidewater<br />

Community <strong>College</strong>. Trisha also does a lot of private<br />

training seminars. “There is not a day that<br />

passes that I do not use something I learned while<br />

attending <strong>Wheelock</strong>,” she wrote. “What an<br />

incredible life experience!”<br />

Pamela Lackey Cawley wrote about her business,<br />

Perfect Parties by Pam. She does all of the<br />

decorations — and seating arrangements, party<br />

favors, etc. — at function halls for birthdays,<br />

bar/bat mitzvahs, showers, and the like. She also is<br />

still a retail merchandiser for Hallmark. Prior to<br />

taking the Hallmark job, she was home with her<br />

two boys for nine years. Jeanie Norman-Clancy<br />

has taken time off from the classroom to be home<br />

for her children. She is busy helping her husband<br />

remodel their home in Boylston, MA, and also<br />

volunteering in her daughters’ schools. Libby<br />

Hubbard VanDerMaelen enjoyed seeing classmates<br />

at Reunion 2007. She was excited to write<br />

that her niece has been accepted to <strong>Wheelock</strong> for<br />

the Class of 2012. (I can only imagine just beginning<br />

my college experience. I am sure a lot has<br />

changed, but some things will never change.)<br />

As for me, I would love to hear from you. If you<br />

find yourself visiting the Berkshires this summer,<br />

please drop me a line.<br />

1988<br />

Carol-Ann McCusker Petruccelli<br />

Kirsten Pihlaja has returned to the Denver Public<br />

Schools after two years teaching kindergarten in<br />

Guatemala City. Last fall, she wrote, “This year I’m<br />

doing half-day bilingual ECE (4-year-olds) and halfday<br />

kindergarten enrichment — a fun challenge!”<br />

1990<br />

Reunion <strong>2008</strong><br />

May 30-June 1<br />

Melissa Croteau Fitzgerald<br />

Hello, everyone! There are only two more years<br />

until our 20th Reunion (June 4-6, 2010), and we<br />

hope for a big turnout. It is not too early to begin<br />

making plans and getting in touch with old friends.<br />

A great way to connect is through the Class Notes<br />

in the <strong>Wheelock</strong> Magazine. I (Melissa) hope many<br />

people make a sincere effort to attend and take<br />

some time to enjoy the friendships that were started<br />

many years ago and possibly rekindle some of them<br />

that have been lost. I already have my baby-sitter<br />

lined up to make the trip from Virginia! We had a<br />

few people send in news this time around.<br />

Katherine Averill is living in southern New<br />

Hampshire with her husband and two daughters,<br />

ages 8 and 11. She has been homeschooling for five<br />

years and is doing quite well with it. She would<br />

really like to network with other alumni who are<br />

doing that in her region. Katherine has lost touch<br />

with so many people and would like to hear from<br />

them and see how everybody is doing. Gillian<br />

Idoine Budine is still in her position of grant coordinator<br />

for the Community Partnerships for<br />

Children in Massachusetts. She has been holding<br />

this job for the past 10 years, and it has been a<br />

roller-coaster ride! She is busy as a wife and mother<br />

to a teenager, preteen, and 4-year-old.<br />

In May 2007, Karen Flowers Cagan<br />

’88AS/’90BS was one of the recipients of the<br />

<strong>Wheelock</strong> <strong>College</strong> Alumni Endowment Fund<br />

Grant. She developed adoption resource kits for the<br />

elementary and preschools in Westwood, MA. It<br />

was certainly a labor of love. She is still working<br />

part time at the Westwood Public Library in the<br />

children’s room and is very involved with the<br />

<strong>Wheelock</strong> Magazine 43


I hope everyone is doing well and enjoying life<br />

to the fullest. Happy <strong>2008</strong>, and I look forward to<br />

seeing everyone in 2010!<br />

October 2007 bride Kyla McSweeney ’94/’97MS with Susan Mackey ’94 (to her left), her maid of honor, and (from left to right) Liz Malkin ’88,<br />

Martha Bakken ’99MS, and Debra Sullivan ’97MS<br />

Westwood Early Childhood Council. Daughters<br />

Nataniah, 8, and Rita, 4, give her so much joy!<br />

Congratulations to Patricia Foley Elliott and<br />

her husband, who recently adopted son Gabriel<br />

David, born Jan. 3. “I was in the delivery room<br />

and cut the cord,” she wrote. “We are overjoyed<br />

with happiness to have our family grow.” They had<br />

lost two babies at birth in the previous few years.<br />

Patricia said that Jen Dirga has visited her several<br />

times since Gabriel’s arrival with much-needed<br />

hand-me-downs from her children and a lot of<br />

helpful tips. Lori Ann Langlais Hickey is still<br />

working in the Hartford Public School System 17<br />

years strong. She calls it her passion. Lori Ann is<br />

quite busy with three children, 9, 6, and 6. As if<br />

family and work weren’t enough, she and her husband<br />

got two yellow lab puppies last summer!<br />

When Michelle Pine Lemme ’90/’91MS wrote<br />

late last year, she was taking classes toward her<br />

Severe/Profound certification and planned to be finished<br />

by this summer. Best of luck, Michelle! As well<br />

as learning, she is still teaching special education in<br />

Cranston, RI, and takes care of her three children,<br />

Katie, 4; Stephen, 6; and John, 8. Life is very busy<br />

but happy. Alyson Shifres Miller and her 2-year-old<br />

triplets have been greatly enjoying monthly visits<br />

with Pam McInnis Schappler and her five children<br />

up in Bedford, NH. “With eight kids in one room,<br />

I actually get a break because Pam’s kids play so great<br />

with my kids,” Alyson wrote. “I get to sit back and<br />

just watch and relax!” Unfortunately, the visits will<br />

come to an end because Pam has taken a long-term<br />

subbing job in a third grade classroom. “Too bad I<br />

can’t have monthly visits with Melissa Croteau<br />

Fitzgerald and her two beautiful children,” Alyson<br />

added, “but Virginia is just a little too far from<br />

Westwood, MA, for that.”<br />

Well, with that, I (Melissa) will share a little<br />

about my family. My daughter, Hanna, will be<br />

11 and headed into middle school in the fall. She<br />

is turning into a lovely young lady and has grown<br />

so much this last year. She has started borrowing<br />

my shoes and clothes! Ouch — where has the<br />

time gone? She is still a Girl Scout, with me as<br />

her troop leader, and she recently joined a yearround<br />

swim team. She is such a talented swimmer<br />

and shows so much potential. My son, Nick,<br />

will be 7 and will be entering the second grade in<br />

the fall. He has the best teacher ever this year and<br />

is doing fantastic in school. He loves to go every<br />

day and has such fun. He also became a Cub<br />

Scout this year and enjoys being part of a group.<br />

As always, we visited with Pam McInnis<br />

Schappler and Alyson Shifres Miller and their<br />

families last summer. I took my children to the<br />

Boston fireworks, and I believe it may become a<br />

family tradition! They had so much fun and<br />

couldn’t believe the crowds. Fireworks in Virginia<br />

will never be the same, they exclaimed. We have<br />

also enjoyed the phenomenal seasons the Red<br />

Sox and Patriots have had. It’s times like those<br />

that I wish I were still in Riverway House. My<br />

kids are such huge fans that you would think<br />

they have grown up in Boston.<br />

My condolences go out to Phil Craig’s family<br />

for their loss. Phil was a great professor and<br />

always had enlightening stories to share with his<br />

students. I personally appreciate the trip he took<br />

with one of my literature classes to England for<br />

three weeks. He made it not only educational but<br />

also fun, and I will never forget those memories.<br />

He was also a great author, and I will miss his<br />

stories of J.W. Jackson.<br />

1992<br />

Christine Smith Imani<br />

Tim and Lynne Renkun Classey, along with son<br />

Michael, 7, and daughter Erin, 3, would like to<br />

announce the birth of Sean Casimir Classey in<br />

January 2006.<br />

1993<br />

Nina Mortensen LaPlante<br />

Rosa Maria Carreiro Cordua has been teaching<br />

first grade in Maryland for nine years and still loves<br />

that age! Her own two sons — her “joy”— are 5<br />

and 2. Rosa Maria loves the Annapolis area but<br />

misses her family near Boston. “I will always be a<br />

New England Patriots fan,” she wrote, “and will<br />

never forget the education that I received at<br />

<strong>Wheelock</strong> <strong>College</strong>.” Betsy Feeley Johnsen and<br />

husband Rusty were married in September 2006<br />

with many <strong>Wheelock</strong> alums in attendance: Jen<br />

Long Doran, Jeanne Leonard Larivee, Megan<br />

O’Leary, Debbie Vogel Pike, and Maureen<br />

Burke Power. Betsy and Rusty live in Bolton, MA.<br />

1994<br />

Heidi Butterworth Fanion<br />

Reunion <strong>2008</strong><br />

May 30-June 1<br />

Jen Korb Benoit and her husband have relocated<br />

to the warmer climate of Durham, NC, where she<br />

is continuing her master’s in educational leadership<br />

at UNC-Chapel Hill. When she wrote in January,<br />

she was working on a research project with the federal<br />

Department of Education.<br />

In late 2007, Jacquie O’Neil Boutin and husband<br />

Paul were still settling into the new home they<br />

built in Colchester, CT. She has been working at<br />

Madonna Place, a family support center in Norwich,<br />

for five years and keeps busy there part time as director<br />

of fund development and marketing. She wrote:<br />

“Additionally, my husband and I recently started a<br />

new business in memory of our son, Jonah. It is<br />

called Jonah’s Closet [and] is an online boutique that<br />

offers distinctive apparel for children from birth to<br />

size 7.” Plans were to add some educational toys and<br />

gifts this year, and they were also considering opening<br />

a “brick and mortar store” in their hometown<br />

this summer. Jacquie invites anyone interested to visit<br />

www.jonahscloset.com and use the code “wheelock” to<br />

save 10 percent! Amy Goldstein Brin described<br />

daughter Cecelia Claire, born last Sept. 7, as “the<br />

most wonderful addition to [her] family” and “the<br />

love of [their] lives.”<br />

44 <strong>Spring</strong> <strong>2008</strong>


T<br />

Sarah Westmoreland Dehey, husband Peter,<br />

and son Brett, 12, bought a house in Barkhamsted,<br />

CT, in late 2006. She explained that they have been<br />

a family for three years — she adopted Peter’s son<br />

shortly after their wedding — and she loves being a<br />

mom. Sarah was recently promoted to head teacher<br />

of the Elementary 1 classroom at Kolburne School<br />

in New Marlborough, MA, a private residential<br />

school for students with psychiatric disorders. She<br />

has six 8- to 12-year-old students working at the<br />

first- or second-grade level, and she enjoys forming<br />

strong bonds with them and finds her work very<br />

rewarding. Shannon M. Garvey married Kevin P.<br />

Roach on July 28, 2007, in Boston. Following their<br />

honeymoon in Hawaii, the couple moved to<br />

Wrentham, MA, where they currently reside.<br />

Last summer, Carri LaCroix Pan ’94/’98MS<br />

wrote: “This year in response to New York state’s<br />

suggested hospital mergers and closings, I cofounded<br />

the Coalition for the Protection of<br />

Reproductive Health in Schenectady. My group<br />

is keeping a close eye on the suggested closing of<br />

Bellevue Woman’s Hospital (one of two freestanding<br />

women’s hospitals left in the U.S.) and<br />

merger of two others. We are passionately concerned<br />

about how the Catholic Ethical Directives<br />

from one of the three hospitals could eliminate<br />

services currently provided by the other two hospitals.<br />

When I talk to people about this, they<br />

always think about abortion. This issue is a lot<br />

bigger than abortion . . . and it gets into end-oflife<br />

issues. We are also very concerned about<br />

health care access of the underprivileged in our<br />

area.” Carri’s children enjoy gatherings with<br />

“<strong>Wheelock</strong> pals who sing great songs to them —<br />

Jen Korb, Amy Goldstein, Maureen Sullivan,<br />

and Kim Kiess.” Kate McInerney Leighton left<br />

the public school sector in 2006 and started<br />

working as an independent educational behavior<br />

consultant. “I am working with families around<br />

behavior issues, children with autism, and basic<br />

parenting skills,” she wrote, “and I love the<br />

change.” She especially likes being able to make<br />

her own hours and to stay home with her son<br />

and new daughter, Amelia, born last Sept. 5. “It<br />

was another very tough pregnancy — surgery, bed<br />

rest, and premature labor!” Kate wrote. “But she<br />

is our second angel! I love being a mom!”<br />

Hey, <strong>Wheelock</strong> Young Alumni,<br />

are you on MySpace?<br />

here are now 51 young <strong>Wheelock</strong> alumni with our<br />

own Young Alumni page on MySpace, and we<br />

would love to connect with you! Send us a message at<br />

http://profile.myspace.com/index.cfm?fuseaction=user.<br />

viewprofile&friendID=42087088 !<br />

Kyla McSweeney ’94/’97MS married James<br />

Burton last Oct. 13 at the Exchange Conference<br />

Center on the Boston waterfront. “It was a beautiful<br />

day and so nice to be surrounded by so many<br />

friends,” Kyla wrote. <strong>Wheelock</strong> alums in attendance<br />

at the wedding were Martha Bakken ’99MS,<br />

Debra Sullivan ’97MS, Liz Malkin ’88, and Susan<br />

Mackey (maid of honor). Kim Haws Moxin had<br />

an exciting 2007, with a celebration of her and husband<br />

Ed’s fifth anniversary in Daytona Beach with<br />

daughter Eve in June and then the birth of daughter<br />

Catherine Marie on Oct. 17. Congratulations, Kim.<br />

Rachael LeBlanc Tyler, clinical supervisor at<br />

KidsPeace New England (Graham Lake Campus),<br />

wrote in December to say things were going well in<br />

Maine and her family was happy to have started<br />

another ski season (that’s their favorite family activity).<br />

She and husband Darrell celebrated their 11th<br />

wedding anniversary last October. Her preschooler<br />

and two school-age children are doing well. Rachael<br />

mentioned having seen Beth Topham O’Keefe<br />

’94/’97MS and Lynne Harmon Aloisi ’94/’97MS<br />

in Boston during a conference for work and wrote,<br />

“It is always so wonderful to see friends from<br />

<strong>Wheelock</strong> — they are truly friends for life. There<br />

really isn’t a day that goes by that I don’t think about<br />

what a wonderful experience <strong>Wheelock</strong> was and is.”<br />

1995<br />

Katelyn Guiney Wojnarowicz<br />

Congratulations to Nichole Quintin Brody<br />

’95/’96MS and husband Ivan on the birth of their<br />

second son, Rylan Blaine Brody, on April 5, 2006.<br />

Rylan joined his older brother, Hayden, and is<br />

doing just great! Nichole is still teaching fourth<br />

grade in New Bedford and absolutely<br />

loves it. She wrote that she would “love to hear<br />

from old friends if they feel like chatting!” She can<br />

be reached via e-mail, ibnb77@verizon.net.<br />

Kathleen McEneaney Curry is working at Little<br />

Sprouts Child Enrichment Centers as a pathfinder,<br />

supporting the educators in the company. Likewise,<br />

she and her husband are investors in IMAJINEthat,<br />

an interactive children’s playspace in Lawrence,<br />

MA. In June 2007, third child Colin was welcomed<br />

by big sisters Emily (6) and Elizabeth (3). Beth<br />

Traichel Falzone works for the Department of<br />

Children and Families in Manchester, CT, as a<br />

supervisor within the field of social work.<br />

Ayanna Kilpatrick, a 2001 graduate of<br />

Simmons <strong>College</strong> School of Social Work with a<br />

certificate of Urban Leadership, has worked in<br />

both charter and private schools. She is currently<br />

at Brookline (MA) High School. Carolyn Fahie<br />

Ouellette wrote that she still loves being at home<br />

with her children, Meg, Kate, and the newly<br />

welcomed Jack. Jennifer Howarth Spencer is a<br />

kindergarten teacher at the John A. Bishop<br />

Elementary School in Arlington, MA.<br />

Congratulations to Kris Nydam White and<br />

husband Ken on the birth of their second child,<br />

Rebekah Danielle, on Feb. 21, 2006. She was welcomed<br />

home by big sister Elizabeth (6). Kris wrote,<br />

“I am enjoying being a stay-at-home mom and<br />

homeschooling my girls!”<br />

And as for me, I (Katelyn) am happily at home<br />

with my two children, Brendan (5), who (hard to<br />

believe!) will be going to kindergarten in the fall,<br />

and Delaney (2), who is just as fiery as the RED<br />

hair upon her head. I do continue to work part<br />

time as an adjunct faculty member with Becker<br />

<strong>College</strong> in Worcester, MA, within the Early<br />

Childhood Education department. Likewise, I continue<br />

to hold the role as the administrator of The<br />

Safe Place programs, a before- and after-school<br />

program, currently licensed through the<br />

Commonwealth of Massachusetts, Department of<br />

Early Education and Care.<br />

It was wonderful to hear from those of you<br />

who wrote for this issue, and I would LOVE to<br />

hear from more of you (you know who you are).<br />

I wish you all good health and much happiness in<br />

the year of <strong>2008</strong>!<br />

1996<br />

Kerrie Ryan Gerety<br />

JoAnne Leitner Sushko and husband Bill<br />

welcomed a son, Liam, last Oct. 20. Daughter<br />

Jacqueline, 5, loves being a big sister.<br />

1997<br />

Heather Gelmini<br />

Cindy Aquan is working at Selfhelp Family<br />

Homecare Service (CHHA) as the social work program<br />

manager. Victoria Gilman, previously<br />

Victoria Ryder, got married to Matthew Gilman<br />

on July 1, 2007, in Bedford, NH. She is currently<br />

working as a kindergarten teacher in Manchester,<br />

where she also lives. Donna Gorman ’97/’98MS is<br />

teaching Itsy Bitsy Yoga and Child Development<br />

classes at Isis Maternity (based in Needham, MA)<br />

as well as working as a developmental educator for<br />

Early Intervention in Lowell. Donna has a son,<br />

<strong>Wheelock</strong> Magazine 45


Donna Gorman ’97/’98MS and son Shane enjoying Shane’s “first snow<br />

experience” early last winter. “He has been loving the snow ever<br />

since!” Donna wrote.<br />

Shane, who turned 1 in January —“the love of<br />

[her] life” — and they live in Billerica. Micaela<br />

Hall has been working at Hasbro Children’s<br />

Hospital in the Early Intervention program for<br />

four years. She is engaged to her fiance, Tom, and<br />

will be getting married in June on Block Island.<br />

Micaela says she had a great time serving on<br />

<strong>Wheelock</strong>’s Alumni Board and enjoys staying in<br />

touch with the <strong>College</strong>. Astrid Garcia Mazariegos<br />

’97/’99MS and her husband are enjoying their<br />

days with son Diego, 5. Astrid works in a multigrade<br />

classroom in Wellesley, MA, and loves it.<br />

Amy Jones O’Brien has been married for over<br />

four years to husband Cecil. They have a 3-year-old<br />

daughter, Olivia Mai, and a 1-year-old son, Shane<br />

William. Amy is happily living in Walpole, MA, as<br />

a stay-at-home mom. She sees Shannan O’Brien<br />

’96, Olivia’s godmother. Brandy Roper Page is living<br />

in Catawba, SC, with husband Randy and two<br />

daughters, Olivia, 6, and Kiley, 4. She is pursuing<br />

her dream of opening an in-home child care center.<br />

Michelle Ruxton Taylor is still working in<br />

Cambridge, MA, as director of Oxford Street<br />

Daycare Cooperative, a parent and staff cooperative<br />

program serving children ages 3 months to 5 years<br />

and their families. “The best part of my job is that<br />

my daughter, Haley, has attended the program since<br />

she was an infant,” she wrote. “In the fall, she’ll<br />

start kindergarten, and I’ll be the sappy mom crying<br />

my eyes out because my little girl is growing up<br />

too fast!” Michelle and her family recently moved<br />

to South Easton, MA.<br />

1998<br />

Reunion <strong>2008</strong><br />

May 30-June 1<br />

Christine Barry Beaulieu<br />

Jillian Kaufman<br />

“We had a wonderful ceremony at our church<br />

and were surrounded by close family and<br />

friends,” Amy Curry Bassett wrote of her and<br />

husband Bill’s wedding last August. They are<br />

enjoying life with their two dogs and continue to<br />

renovate their home in Lakeville, MA. Their<br />

favorite vacation spot is Portland, OR. Mary<br />

Falcone-Farrell thoroughly enjoys her full-time<br />

job as the supervisor of a safe home for children<br />

age birth to 13. She is also a part-time graduate<br />

student, working on a master’s in Clinical<br />

Psychology. Mary and her husband continue to<br />

enjoy daughter Annabelle, now 4. Diep Nguyen<br />

’98/’02MS and wife Loan sent the Alumni<br />

Relations Office a holiday greeting (picturing<br />

both made up to look like Santa Claus) from<br />

Georgia late last year. They miss their Bostonarea<br />

friends, and Diep was missing snow, but<br />

Loan is enjoying the year-round warm weather.<br />

1999<br />

Aimee Farrell Dos Santos<br />

Sara Guerrette Caron is one of several private<br />

practice therapists who make up Lifework<br />

Associates in Lewiston, ME. She works with children,<br />

adolescents, adults, families, and couples.<br />

She also is still working part time as a maternal<br />

child health social worker at Central Maine<br />

Medical Center. She has two young girls, Olivia<br />

and Sophie. Jackie Klein loves living in New<br />

York City and is enjoying working full time for<br />

her dad in the window treatments business in<br />

Union Square. She also loves working part time<br />

as an assistant kindergarten teacher in the religious<br />

school at Central Synagogue in NYC.<br />

2000<br />

Sara McGarry<br />

Congratulations to Leah Champ Burdick, whose<br />

daughter, Natalie Jane, was born Jan. 2.<br />

Marcie Morrocco married Jon Kaczmarczyk on<br />

Aug. 4, 2007. Ingrid Rogers Abrams and Amy<br />

Rodger Dubow were her attendants. Kristie<br />

Hotaling has accepted a new position as investigator<br />

with the Department of Social Services in<br />

Chelsea, MA. She is still in contact with Melissa<br />

Muise Serra ’01/’02MS, Kallie Casey Gawel, and<br />

Allison Carlson Paquette.<br />

Sara Levesh Prior and her husband welcomed<br />

their first child, a new daughter named<br />

Molly Ann Prior, on Aug. 18, 2007. Ashley<br />

Rogers Kevorkian had her third child, a daughter<br />

named Elena, in May 2007. She is currently<br />

working with a Reggio Emilia-inspired preschool<br />

in her area (south of Nashville, TN). “My experience<br />

at <strong>Wheelock</strong> was crucial in leading me to<br />

this school,” Ashley wrote. “It gave me exposure<br />

to this awesome educational philosophy, and my<br />

children have benefited as well!” Jaime Carey<br />

Kendra Dome Frederick ’05/’07MS with new husband Kosea<br />

’00/’05MS wrote last fall of plans to get married<br />

on May 30, <strong>2008</strong>, and was planning a Las<br />

Vegas/San Francisco honeymoon. She and her<br />

fiance planned on buying a house before the<br />

wedding. She works full time as a developmental<br />

specialist at the Taunton, MA, Early Intervention<br />

Program and part time as a personal trainer at a<br />

nearby gym.<br />

2001<br />

Carrie Watson<br />

Jillian Warner and Hernan Edzon Perez were<br />

married in September 2006 in Cochabamba,<br />

Bolivia. This past September they had a stateside<br />

reception on Cape Cod which Meghan<br />

Cummings Fleck attended. Jillian and Hernan<br />

live in Portland, OR.<br />

2003<br />

Reunion <strong>2008</strong><br />

May 30-June 1<br />

Early this year, Stephany Melton left<br />

Massachusetts Advocates for Children to take a job<br />

as training and communications coordinator at<br />

Parent/Professional Advocacy League (PAL), also in<br />

Boston. Before the switch, she wrote of being very<br />

excited about working back in the mental health<br />

field again. She wrote: “PAL is an organization of<br />

more than 4,000 Massachusetts families and professionals<br />

who advocate on behalf of children with<br />

emotional, behavioral, and mental health needs and<br />

their families. I will be providing the large network<br />

of parent support specialists with supports, training,<br />

and technical assistance. They, in turn, provide support,<br />

information, and advocacy resources to thousands<br />

of families across Massachusetts.” Tricia<br />

Patenaude Sabine wrote to announce the birth of<br />

Lily Louise Sabine last Aug. 31.<br />

46 <strong>Spring</strong> <strong>2008</strong>


2004<br />

Karyn Beaudry and Richard Denningham III were<br />

married on June 30, 2007. Jennifer Thurston<br />

’04/’05MS also wrote of her marriage, to David<br />

Carey in Scituate, MA, last Oct. 20. “It was truly<br />

the best day of our lives!” she wrote.<br />

“It has been a busy year for me,” Kelly<br />

McLoud Duda wrote last December. “I got<br />

engaged in March and married my high school<br />

sweetheart, Ryan Duda, on Sept. 1 in New<br />

Hampshire. Jamie-Leigh Morton ’04/’07MS, my<br />

college roommate, was one of my bridesmaids.<br />

Other <strong>Wheelock</strong> grads in attendance were Melissa<br />

Hathaway Stutz, Vikki Sawyer, Brenda Noel<br />

’93, and Sue Mackey ’94. The flower girls were<br />

Martie and Ella Fairchild, Brenda’s daughters. It<br />

was a gorgeous day for an outside wedding!”<br />

Melissa was in touch with <strong>Wheelock</strong> separately<br />

and shared that she and husband Austin live in<br />

Queen Creek, AZ, and she is working as a case<br />

manager for at-risk boys and girls. “It’s challenging<br />

but very rewarding all at once,” she wrote. Andrea<br />

Nicoli Pappaconstantinou ’04/’06MS and husband<br />

Kenneth were married July 14, 2007. “We<br />

were high school sweethearts and are now very<br />

happily married!” she wrote.<br />

Congratulations to Emily Pateris and Darin<br />

Costantine, who were married last Dec. 29 in<br />

Ocean City, MD. Emily teaches fourth grade in the<br />

Baltimore County Public Schools.<br />

(L to R) Amy Rodger Dubow ’00, Lynn Durocher ’06, Marcie Morrocco<br />

’00, and Ingrid Rogers Abrams ’00 at Marcie and Jon’s August 2007<br />

wedding<br />

2006<br />

Allegra Pelliccione wrote to announce her<br />

engagement in September 2007 to Daniel<br />

Marrone. They plan to get married in New<br />

York in 2009. Allegra is at Boston <strong>College</strong> pursuing<br />

a dual master’s in Elementary Education and<br />

Moderate Disabilities, and Daniel is at Cambridge<br />

<strong>College</strong> working on a master’s in Education<br />

with a focus in psychology and plans to get his<br />

Ph.D. for school psychology. Both will graduate<br />

this August.<br />

2007<br />

Alicia Davis joined the Americorps Victims<br />

Assistance Program upon graduation and started<br />

working at A Safe Place in Portsmouth, NH, as a<br />

direct service advocate last September. Later last fall,<br />

she wrote: “As part of my Americorps position, I<br />

coordinate the Clothesline Project in my town and<br />

county. [It] will be on the lawns of the Statehouse<br />

in Concord, NH, in April <strong>2008</strong>! I am very thankful<br />

for my Certificate in Community Based Human<br />

Services because it has proved useful at my new line<br />

of work. Although I am volunteering and not making<br />

money, I love what I do as I am helping victims<br />

of domestic violence! I use my knowledge from<br />

<strong>Wheelock</strong> every day!”<br />

“All in all, life is going well,” Ryan Kellarson<br />

wrote. He has become the lead teacher of the before<br />

and after kindergarten classroom and the assistant<br />

director at Bright Start Child Care in Foxboro, MA.<br />

“I’ve been very happy there, and they have treated<br />

me very well, offering many opportunities,” he<br />

wrote. Last year he also bought a new car and<br />

adopted a Boston terrier puppy named Daisy.<br />

2005<br />

Michelle Amaro wrote, “After completing my<br />

M.S.W. from Southern Connecticut State<br />

University in 2006 and receiving my LCSW this<br />

past March, I have been practicing as a clinical<br />

therapist at United Community and Family<br />

Services, a community outpatient clinic. I provide<br />

individual and group therapy to adults and<br />

families with mental illness and/or substance<br />

abuse disorders. In addition, I have been spending<br />

time developing a private practice with my<br />

current colleagues in Mystic, CT.” Megan<br />

Johnson has an “incredibly rewarding job” as a<br />

child care counselor working with 5- to 13-yearold<br />

boys at St. Ann’s Home in Methuen, MA.<br />

She’s been there since August 2007.<br />

A hearty “Congratulations!” is in order for<br />

several classmates: Kendra Dome ’05/’07MS and<br />

Kosea Frederick were married last Dec. 22.<br />

Aimee Glassick married Christopher Dill at<br />

Water’s Edge in Westbrook, CT, last Aug. 18,<br />

and they now live in Guilford, CT. Allison<br />

Marini married Jimmy Antonowicz on Dec. 22,<br />

2007 (the same day as Kendra’s!). Lauren<br />

Willette ’05/’06MS gave birth to her first child<br />

in April 2007 — Boston Jeffrey Willette.<br />

Christopher and Aimee Glassick Dill ’05 (back row, left and center) with Kendra Dome ’05/’07MS (back row, right) and (front row, L to R) Katie<br />

Denissoff ’06, Shannon Tower ’05, and Meghan Parisi ’05<br />

<strong>Wheelock</strong> Magazine 47


Associate Degrees<br />

Karen Flowers Cagan ’88AS/’90BS (See Class of<br />

’90BS.)<br />

Master’s Degrees<br />

Sachiko “Faith” Yamada Yamamoto ’56/’57MS<br />

(See Class of ’57.) Ai-Ling Louie ’76MS wrote<br />

that her second children’s book has been published:<br />

“It’s an elementary school biography of<br />

my classmate Vera Wang called ‘Vera Wang:<br />

Queen of Fashion’ (Dragoneagle Press).” Her<br />

first book was “Yeh-Shen: A Cinderella Story<br />

from China” (Philomel/Putnam). Jackie Mast<br />

’78MS hopes she might see other <strong>Wheelock</strong><br />

alums at this October’s Healing the Healers<br />

conference in Iceland. The theme is Water:<br />

Motion and Emotion. Go to http://www.linkedin.<br />

com/in/jacquelinemast for more information.<br />

Deborah Karmozyn ’79MS began a new job as<br />

the junior school principal (K-4) at the United<br />

Nations International School in New York City<br />

in August 2007. She’d been the K-12 curriculum<br />

director there for five years before being appointed<br />

principal. Most of Deborah’s career has been in<br />

the world of international schools, including<br />

schools in Italy, Denmark, China, and Qatar.<br />

Diane Rothauser ’74/’81MS (See Class of ’74.)<br />

Joan Anderson Watts ’65/’83MS (See Class of<br />

’65.) Jill Schunick Putnam ’74/’84MS (See<br />

Class of ’74.)<br />

Congratulations to David Siedlar ’91MS, a<br />

teacher at the Huaiyin Institute of Technology in<br />

the People’s Republic of China, who wrote early<br />

last fall to let <strong>Wheelock</strong> know that he’d married<br />

Xiao Gui Fang, of Huaian, in Nanjing in August.<br />

The wedding ceremony was performed in the<br />

Jiangsu Province Marriage and Orphans Bureau.<br />

Dianne Chase ’92MS became director of community<br />

education at the Eanes Independent School<br />

District in Austin, TX, in 2007. Prior to that, she’d<br />

been vice president for training/technical assistance<br />

director at Learning Links, also in Austin, for five<br />

years. During that span, she also served in leadership<br />

capacities with the National Afterschool<br />

Association and the Texas Afterschool Association.<br />

She can be reached at dchase@eanes.k12.tx.us.<br />

Jessi Ruth MacLeod ’64/’92MS (See Class of<br />

’64.) Nichole Quintin Brody ’95/’96MS (See<br />

Class of ’95.) Kyla McSweeney ’94/’97MS (See<br />

Class of ’94.) Donna Gorman ’97/’98MS (See<br />

Class of ’97.) Tina Morris Helm ’64/’98MS (See<br />

Class of ’64.) Carri LaCroix Pan ’94/’98MS<br />

(See Class of ’94.) Astrid Garcia Mazariegos<br />

’97/’99MS (See Class of ’97.) Melissa Johnson<br />

’01MS shared some information about the San<br />

Diego agency where she is program manager:<br />

“United Through Reading is a nonprofit agency<br />

that helps to maintain connections between parents<br />

who are physically separated from their children<br />

through the medium of reading on DVD. The<br />

agency works with deployed military personnel as<br />

well as parents who are incarcerated in San Diego<br />

County. As this program truly embraces<br />

<strong>Wheelock</strong>’s values of promoting literacy in the<br />

family, I thought it important to share.”<br />

In April 2007, Sharon McRae ’02MS, a<br />

kindergarten 2 teacher at Orchard Gardens Pilot<br />

School (a part of Boston Public Schools) in<br />

Roxbury, MA, was honored with a Physical<br />

Environment Award by the Innercity Network of<br />

Early Education Professionals and the Boston<br />

Association for the Education of Young Children.<br />

She was praised for understanding the needs of<br />

her students and modifying her classroom as<br />

necessary to meet their needs as they change, and<br />

for contributing her time and resources to the<br />

betterment of the services provided to families.<br />

Not only are her classroom spaces warm, inviting,<br />

and comfortable for the children, but she also has<br />

a personalized welcome area for parents “with an<br />

eye for aesthetics and respect for natural materials,”<br />

the awards gala program said. Diep Nguyen<br />

’98/’02MS (See Class of ’98.) Jennifer Crocker<br />

’03MS wrote earlier this year of her plans to marry<br />

Jamie Folker in Maine this June 21. She teaches<br />

fifth grade at Fairview School in Auburn, ME.<br />

Jaime Carey ’00/’05MS (See Class of ’00.)<br />

Jennifer Thurston ’04/’05MS (See Class of ’04.)<br />

Fumiko Mato ’06MS is working as a child life<br />

specialist at Osaka University Hospital in Japan.<br />

Andrea Nicoli Pappaconstantinou ’04/’06MS<br />

(See Class of ’04.) Lauren Willette ’05/’06MS (See<br />

Class of ’05.) Kendra Dome ’05/’07MS (See Class<br />

of ’05.) Marcus Humphrey ’07MS checked in<br />

with <strong>Wheelock</strong> last December, when he was<br />

completing his first-semester exams at the middle<br />

school he’d been working at since graduating.<br />

Arrivals<br />

85 Karen Poisson Enos, a daughter,<br />

Leah Ling Enos<br />

90 Patricia Foley Elliott, a son, Gabriel David<br />

94 Amy Goldstein Brin, a daughter,<br />

Cecelia Claire<br />

94 Kate McInerney Leighton, a daughter,<br />

Amelia<br />

94 Kim Haws Moxin, a daughter,<br />

Catherine Marie<br />

95 Kathleen McEneaney Curry, a son, Colin<br />

95 Carolyn Fahie Ouellette, a son, Jack<br />

96 JoAnne Leitner Sushko, a son, Liam<br />

00 Leah Champ Burdick, a daughter,<br />

Natalie Jane<br />

00 Ashley Rogers Kevorkian, a daughter,<br />

Elena<br />

00 Sara Levesh Prior, a daughter, Molly Ann<br />

03 Tricia Patenaude Sabine, a daughter,<br />

Lily Louise<br />

05/06 Lauren Willette, a son,<br />

Boston Jeffrey Willette<br />

Unions<br />

91MS David Siedlar to Xiao Gui Fang<br />

94 Shannon M. Garvey to Kevin P. Roach<br />

94/97 Kyla McSweeney to James Burton<br />

97 Kerrie Colantonio to Jansen McNay<br />

97 Victoria Ryder to Matthew Gilman<br />

00 Marcie Morrocco to Jon Kaczmarczyk<br />

01 Jillian Warner to Hernan Edzon Perez<br />

03/07 Jennifer Finn to Robert Deardorff<br />

04 Kelly McLoud to Ryan Duda<br />

04 Emily Pateris to Darin Costantine<br />

04/05 Jennifer Thurston to David Carey<br />

05/07 Kendra Dome to Kosea Frederick<br />

05 Aimee Glassick to Christopher Dill<br />

05 Allison Marini to James “Jimmy”<br />

Antonowicz<br />

07MS Kimberly Conlan to James LoCicero<br />

Deaths<br />

28 Marjorie Whitehead Shepherd<br />

30 Eugenie Callahan<br />

31 Marjorie Little Rourke<br />

32 Margery Hart Cory<br />

32 Marian Branch Haughton<br />

33 Isabel Ward Knowlton<br />

35 Elsie Medlicott Jacob<br />

38 Mildred Wheeler Flanders<br />

38 Bettina Dvlinsky Werman<br />

42 Janet Moody Strickler<br />

41 Virginia Dole Ladd<br />

41 Mary Ames Poor<br />

42/43 Janet Moody Strickler<br />

43/44 Alma Mathewson Hinman<br />

44 Margaret Zabriskie Christison<br />

58 Barbara Stumpf Moses<br />

70 Brenda Gladding Alexander<br />

73 Barbara Steele Cole<br />

76 Martha Gormley<br />

77 Jackie Lampert<br />

96MS Lindsay Davis<br />

48 <strong>Spring</strong> <strong>2008</strong>

Dreams really do<br />

come true!<br />

Couldn’t do it<br />

without you!<br />

Thumbs up!<br />

WELCOME,<br />

Fabulous New<br />

<strong>Wheelock</strong> Alumni!<br />

The great thing about graduating<br />

from <strong>Wheelock</strong> is that you can always<br />

come home again — often! Here’s how:<br />

❖ Come to our on-campus events<br />

and conferences.<br />

❖ Join your local <strong>Wheelock</strong> Alumni<br />

Club and attend our special offcampus<br />

gatherings.<br />

❖ Start a <strong>Wheelock</strong> Book Club<br />

chapter.<br />

❖ Stay in touch with the Alumni<br />

Relations Office at alumnirelations@<br />

wheelock.edu or (617) 879-2261.<br />

❖Read <strong>Wheelock</strong> Magazine, and<br />

let everyone know what you’re up<br />

to by sending in news for the Class<br />

Notes section. Lori Ann Saslav is<br />

waiting to hear from you at lsaslav@<br />

wheelock.edu or (617) 879-2123.<br />

❖Sign up to read the monthly<br />

Alumni E-newsletter by e-mailing<br />

Lori Ann at lsaslav@wheelock.edu<br />

with your e-mail address.<br />

Congratulations<br />

all around!<br />

Oh,<br />

happy day!

Calendar<br />

of Events<br />

June 2 – 4<br />

Leadership and Management<br />

in the Social Sector Seminars<br />

Innovative Leadership at Work:<br />

Preparing Social Entrepreneurs<br />

of Today<br />

43 Hawes Street<br />

Brookline Campus<br />

June 5 & 6<br />

Environmental Education<br />

for Children:<br />

Going Beyond the Hype<br />

43 Hawes Street<br />

Brookline Campus<br />

July 9 – 11<br />

International Froebel Society<br />

Conference<br />

Learning to Play—<br />

Playing to Learn<br />

Center for Scholarship and Research<br />

43 Hawes Street<br />

Brookline Campus<br />

July 17<br />

Cape Cod Club Annual Picnic<br />

Stay tuned for more details!<br />

August 14 • 12 p.m.<br />

Alumni Association Board<br />

Past Presidents Luncheon<br />

Hosted by President Jenkins-Scott<br />

43 Hawes Street<br />

Brookline Campus<br />

August 30 • 9:30-11:30 a.m.<br />

Alumni Association<br />

Annual Plant Giveaway!<br />

<strong>Wheelock</strong> Family Theatre<br />

Join us in welcoming the<br />

Class of 2012!<br />

October 3 & 4<br />

Alumni of Color Reunion<br />

For more information,<br />

call the<br />

Alumni Relations Office at<br />

(617) 879-2261.<br />

For more information and event updates, watch your monthly<br />

E-Newsletter, check the <strong>College</strong> website at www.wheelock.edu, or e-mail alumnirelations@wheelock.edu.<br />

To improve the lives of children and families<br />

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Boston, MA<br />

02215-4176<br />

(617) 879-2123<br />

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