Key to Caring
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<strong>Key</strong> <strong>to</strong> <strong>Caring</strong><br />
Official Bulletin of Wisconsin-Upper Michigan <strong>Key</strong> Club<br />
Issue 1 May 2015<br />
In This Issue…<br />
Governor’s<br />
Introduction<br />
Kiwanis<br />
Family<br />
Baseball<br />
Game<br />
Committee<br />
Table of Contents<br />
Successful Service Projects: Page 3<br />
<strong>Caring</strong> <strong>Key</strong> Clubber: Page 4<br />
Committee Information: Page 6<br />
Committee Application: Page 7<br />
Convention Information: Page 8<br />
<strong>Key</strong> Club International Partners: Page 9<br />
Governor’s Introduction: Page 10<br />
International Trustee Introduction: Page 11<br />
District Board Introductions: Page 12<br />
Kiwanis Family Baseball Game: Page 25<br />
Contact Information: Page 26<br />
Page 2
Memorial Provides Refreshment for Runners<br />
Every year, Eau Claire has a marathon that our <strong>Key</strong> Club volunteers at. This year,<br />
the theme was Hawaiian, so everyone that participated dressed <strong>to</strong> the theme. We all<br />
brought decorations for our water station, and we then decorated our table with<br />
streamers and other various Hawaiian items. Our <strong>Key</strong> Club demonstrated responsibility<br />
because we were there on time and had all our materials ready <strong>to</strong> be used as soon as<br />
we arrived. We also supported every runner that went by our water station and made it<br />
easier for them <strong>to</strong> grab water as they ran by holding it out for them <strong>to</strong> grab. This is<br />
usually one of our most popular events because it is always fun <strong>to</strong> cheer on the runners<br />
and it is a good way <strong>to</strong> help out the community.<br />
By Phillip Akfaly, Eau Claire Memorial <strong>Key</strong> Club<br />
Eliminate With Henna Tat<strong>to</strong>os<br />
How do you mix fundraising with learning about a different<br />
culture? With the aid of our foreign exchange student, Apple<strong>to</strong>n<br />
West <strong>Key</strong> Club was able <strong>to</strong> raise $100 for the Eliminate Project. We<br />
raised the money by providing students with henna tat<strong>to</strong>os before<br />
school, after school, and during lunch. Henna tat<strong>to</strong>os are a form of<br />
temporary tat<strong>to</strong>o that lasts for a few weeks. A paste made from<br />
the henna plant is the “ink” used for henna tat<strong>to</strong>os. The paste is<br />
applied <strong>to</strong> a person’s skin and gives a brown color <strong>to</strong> the skin as it<br />
dries. Students were able <strong>to</strong> receive traditional henna tat<strong>to</strong>os as<br />
well as other designs like the one pictured. As students were<br />
tat<strong>to</strong>oed, they were amazed by the artistic ability of our exchange<br />
student and asked questions about what the different tat<strong>to</strong>os<br />
meant. The fundraiser went so well, we asked our principal if we<br />
could do it again in the spring.<br />
By Amanda Stickney, Apple<strong>to</strong>n West <strong>Key</strong> Club<br />
Page 3
Bonding Through Bell Ringing<br />
The Wausau West <strong>Key</strong> Club does many events that involve getting its members<br />
active in the community. Every time I think about <strong>Key</strong> Club, I think about ringing bells<br />
for the Salvation Army and singing carols with our awesome club members! Every<br />
year, Wausau West <strong>Key</strong> Club gets <strong>to</strong>gether with the Salvation Army where our club<br />
sings (and even dances) outside of Fleet Farm in Wausau. This is always so much fun<br />
because when we are all <strong>to</strong>gether, there is an amazing community feeling. Knowing we<br />
are all <strong>to</strong>gether because we all want <strong>to</strong> volunteer and make our community a great<br />
place <strong>to</strong> live makes this event as much fun as it is. So this December, we brought out<br />
hot chocolate and Christmas spirit and s<strong>to</strong>od outside Fleet Farm spreading the joy <strong>to</strong><br />
make everyone's holiday just a little more cheery! This is by far one of my favorite<br />
events, and every year that I do this event, I get <strong>to</strong> spend time with all of our awesome<br />
members!<br />
By Benjamin Rauen, Wausau West <strong>Key</strong> Club<br />
Don’t Let Summer be a S<strong>to</strong>p Sign for Service<br />
The Wisconsin-Upper Michigan District of <strong>Key</strong> Club accomplishes amazing things<br />
over the course of nine months. There are many opportunities that are taken<br />
throughout the school year <strong>to</strong> create a very successful year of service. However,<br />
summer vacation can often mean a decrease in service. These three months can be a<br />
major stress reliever and a much-needed break from the pressures of school. There is<br />
generally a large amount of free time that is experienced during the summer. Instead<br />
of spending this time being bored or doing small activities you will soon forget, why not<br />
make some memories and find a volunteering opportunity?<br />
Even though summer is time away from school, people still have activities going<br />
on and it can be very hard <strong>to</strong> coordinate schedules. If you would like <strong>to</strong> volunteer with<br />
<strong>Key</strong> Club, you can try <strong>to</strong> contact members of your club <strong>to</strong> see if they would like <strong>to</strong><br />
organize a service project. If it is hard <strong>to</strong> establish communication or find a time that<br />
works, try contacting your Lieutenant Governor <strong>to</strong> create a project for the whole<br />
division <strong>to</strong> participate in! Even if you are not able <strong>to</strong> get in contact with <strong>Key</strong> Club, you<br />
can still volunteer by yourself or with a few friends!<br />
No matter who you volunteer with this summer, there are many great<br />
opportunities! You could sell lemonade for The ELIMINATE Project. If there are veterans<br />
in your area, offer <strong>to</strong> help them out with an event they have coming up or offer <strong>to</strong><br />
organize one for them! The opportunities are endless. Even though summer is a<br />
vacation from school, do not let it become a vacation from volunteering.<br />
By Jason Shebilske, District Bulletin Edi<strong>to</strong>r<br />
Page 4
Providing service of your home, school, and community impact the lives of many<br />
in the simplest of ways. Whether it’s helping a classmate with a math problem or<br />
working an event, <strong>Key</strong> Club has taught its members <strong>to</strong> make minuscule changes in their<br />
own lives in order <strong>to</strong> influence the lives of those around them.<br />
In <strong>Key</strong> Club, most students are influenced <strong>to</strong> become members because it looks<br />
good on college applications, their friends are in it, or because they want <strong>to</strong> go <strong>to</strong> the<br />
District Leadership Convention (DCON), but they stay in <strong>Key</strong> Club for a much deeper<br />
reason: they find their niche. Throughout my freshmen year of high school, there were<br />
always sign-up sheets for NHS events in my Accelerated English class, and since I had<br />
nothing going on that day, I’d sign up <strong>to</strong> work the events, even though I wasn’t yet a<br />
part of the club. Little did my freshman self know that community service would<br />
become a large part of my life. Since my freshmen year, I have been a member of <strong>Key</strong><br />
Club with a <strong>to</strong>tal of over 500 service hours throughout my high school career thus far.<br />
Furthermore, I have applied <strong>to</strong> NHS not only for college scholarship opportunities or <strong>to</strong><br />
wear the s<strong>to</strong>le at graduation, but because I wanted more volunteer opportunities. As a<br />
senior in high school, I have learned <strong>to</strong> sign up for events and chair them as much as<br />
possible, instead of only doing it as a default. I have fallen in love and developed a<br />
passion for helping the members of my community. The love for the purposes of these<br />
events is the key difference between being a member of some club at school and being<br />
a proud member of <strong>Key</strong> Club International. The key <strong>to</strong> caring is working events even<br />
though you may have loads of homework, fundraising for the greater good, being<br />
president <strong>to</strong> pass this passion along <strong>to</strong> others. I encourage you <strong>to</strong> watch the following<br />
video. It will be worth your while.<br />
By Elise Langdon, Escanaba <strong>Key</strong> Club<br />
<strong>Caring</strong> <strong>Key</strong> Clubber<br />
Page 5
Committee Information<br />
Governor’s Project:<br />
For the 2015-2016 <strong>Key</strong> Club year, the Governor’s Project will be “Service for<br />
Service”, enabling <strong>Key</strong> Clubbers <strong>to</strong> serve the veterans who have served us! On the<br />
committee, we will be finding new and fun ways <strong>to</strong> support and help out our nation’s<br />
veterans. One idea can be as simple as sending out thank-you letters and holiday cards<br />
<strong>to</strong> the veterans. We will brains<strong>to</strong>rm ways <strong>to</strong> give back <strong>to</strong> the veterans and find more<br />
ways <strong>to</strong> do service projects in order <strong>to</strong> say thanks! Also, there are many hospitals, soup<br />
kitchens and other organizations that support veterans in our District. As a committee,<br />
we will get contact information for these organizations and help spread awareness<br />
throughout the entire District!<br />
By Abbey Claes, Governor’s Project Chair<br />
Public Relations and Communications:<br />
The Public Relations and Communications Committee is in charge of spreading<br />
<strong>Key</strong> Club spirit and improving communication throughout the District! Joining this<br />
committee will be an exciting roller coaster ride of <strong>Key</strong> Club Spirit! If you are able <strong>to</strong> be<br />
a part of the Public Relations/Communications Committee, you will not only get <strong>to</strong> be<br />
with other amazing committee members, but you will also be able <strong>to</strong> raise awareness<br />
about <strong>Key</strong> Club throughout our entire District through fun videos and designing new<br />
materials! Fresh and new ideas are a must; so come prepared with fun and interesting<br />
ideas on how <strong>to</strong> achieve new heights that we have never seen before!<br />
By Max LaCosse, Public Relations and Communications Chair<br />
Awards and Contests:<br />
All <strong>Key</strong> Clubbers are encouraged <strong>to</strong> join the Contests and Awards Committee! On<br />
this committee, <strong>Key</strong> Clubbers will brains<strong>to</strong>rm innovative and new ideas for contests,<br />
banner patches, and awards. The committee will also work <strong>to</strong>gether in order <strong>to</strong> design<br />
the banner patches and awards! As a part of this committee, members will be in<br />
contact with me, Jennifer Englebert, the Committee Chair of Contests and Awards,<br />
through email, Google Hangouts, and Skype. With your help, <strong>Key</strong> Clubbers will make<br />
service fun and be awarded for their hard work at the upcoming District Leadership<br />
Conference!<br />
By Jennifer Englebert, Awards and Contests Chair<br />
District Project:<br />
This year for the District Project we will be raising money for Camp Wawbeek in<br />
Wisconsin and Bay Cliff Health Center in Upper-Michigan. As a committee, we will be<br />
helping clubs complete projects and educate them on both of the camps and why they<br />
are beneficial <strong>to</strong> the community and the campers that stay there! We will also be<br />
coming up with new and clever ideas for service projects and fundraisers. It would be<br />
very helpful <strong>to</strong> get people from around the District on this committee so we can work<br />
with as many clubs and divisions as possible! The committee members will stay in<br />
contact with one another and work as a team in order <strong>to</strong> make this a great year and<br />
celebrate everything that these amazing camps do!<br />
By Derek Kamin, District Project Chair<br />
Page 6
Committee Application<br />
The committees serve as a useful asset <strong>to</strong> the Wisconsin-Upper Michigan <strong>Key</strong> Club<br />
District Board. Each committee’s purpose is <strong>to</strong> improve the District by providing<br />
resources <strong>to</strong> members and making them readily available by advertising and<br />
communicating. Committees work <strong>to</strong> support all of the divisions within the District and<br />
work directly with members in order <strong>to</strong> give <strong>Key</strong> Clubbers opportunities <strong>to</strong> improve their<br />
<strong>Key</strong> Club experience! All <strong>Key</strong> Club members are strongly encouraged <strong>to</strong> apply!<br />
Other than <strong>Key</strong> Club, what groups and activities are you involved in?<br />
______________________________________________________________________<br />
______________________________________________________________________<br />
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______________________________________________________________________<br />
______________________________________________________________________<br />
What Committee are you interested in joining, and why?<br />
______________________________________________________________________<br />
______________________________________________________________________<br />
______________________________________________________________________<br />
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Do you have any specific projects that the committee could do?<br />
______________________________________________________________________<br />
______________________________________________________________________<br />
______________________________________________________________________<br />
______________________________________________________________________<br />
______________________________________________________________________<br />
Name: ______________________________________<br />
Grade: ______________________________________<br />
Division: ____________________________________<br />
Phone Number: _______________________________<br />
Email: ______________________________________<br />
Completed applications are due by Tuesday, July 7. Please send them <strong>to</strong> your<br />
LTG or email the Direc<strong>to</strong>r of Committees, Taylor Hurst, at<br /> Thank you!<br />
Page 7
DCON Recap<br />
This March, the Hyatt on Main was transformed in<strong>to</strong> Hogwarts School of<br />
Witchcraft and Wizardry, and it was a magical experience! The district leadership<br />
convention theme of Harry Potter lived up <strong>to</strong> expectations by providing education and<br />
fun similar <strong>to</strong> what would be seen at Hogwarts. The first night began with the<br />
decorating of floors that corresponded with the house that each Division represented.<br />
Later in the night, the convention officially kicked off with the opening session and the<br />
keynote address by speaker Michael McGowan. His message of being passionate and<br />
enthusiastic in whatever you do helped <strong>to</strong> inspire the <strong>Key</strong> Clubbers that attended <strong>to</strong><br />
have an even bigger commitment <strong>to</strong> service. After the opening session, <strong>Key</strong> Clubbers<br />
attended workshops on subjects from board duties <strong>to</strong> general information on <strong>Key</strong> Club.<br />
Finally, the night was capped off with the dance in the convention center along with a<br />
fundraiser for The Eliminate Project. The next day was even busier than the last! It<br />
contained caucusing for District Board elections, awards, more workshops, House of<br />
Delegates, where the voting delegates for each club elected the new board, and<br />
another dance! The weekend came <strong>to</strong> a close on Sunday morning at the closing<br />
session, where the 2014-2015 District Board was retired and the 2015-2016 District<br />
Board was installed. The weekend helped <strong>to</strong> reinforce the idea for <strong>Key</strong> Clubbers in the<br />
Wisconsin-Upper Michigan District that service beyond measure is man’s greatest<br />
treasure.<br />
ICON Preview<br />
The 2015 <strong>Key</strong> Club International Convention in Indianapolis will be very busy, but<br />
a lot of fun can be expected as <strong>Key</strong> Club celebrates its 90th anniversary! WIUM <strong>Key</strong><br />
Club has a <strong>to</strong>ur planned that includes visiting <strong>to</strong>urist attractions in both Chicago and<br />
Indianapolis! The first day of the <strong>to</strong>ur will be spent in the Windy City visiting <strong>to</strong>urist<br />
attractions like the Shedd Aquarium and Navy Pier. The next day, the District will<br />
depart Chicago for Indianapolis, where we will visit the Indy Zoo and have a chance <strong>to</strong><br />
shop in the morning. Later in the day, we will arrive at the convention and prepare for<br />
opening session. <strong>Key</strong> Clubbers will get the chance <strong>to</strong> attend workshops the next day,<br />
followed by a celebration for Eliminate! Not only does this year mark the 90th<br />
anniversary of <strong>Key</strong> Club, but it also marks the 100th anniversary of Kiwanis! This<br />
anniversary will be celebrated the next day with a Birthday Bash and a celebration of<br />
the Kiwanis Family at Vic<strong>to</strong>ry Field. The final day in Indianapolis will be filled with<br />
workshops, a launch <strong>to</strong> the next 100 years of service, and a concert for <strong>Key</strong> Club and<br />
Circle K featuring Hellogoodbye and A Great Pile of Leaves! ICON is sure <strong>to</strong> be a fun<br />
and rewarding experience for all <strong>Key</strong> Clubbers in attendance!<br />
Page 8
<strong>Key</strong> Club Major Emphasis: The ELIMINATE Project<br />
The partnership with <strong>Key</strong> Club and The ELIMINATE Project may be in the final<br />
stretch, but that doesn’t mean that it is over! There is still time <strong>to</strong> join the fight with<br />
Kiwanis and UNICEF against maternal and neonatal tetanus. 60,000 newborn children<br />
die every year due <strong>to</strong> neonatal tetanus, and a significant number of women die of<br />
maternal tetanus each year. In order <strong>to</strong> eliminate this disease from the Earth, 129<br />
million mothers and their future babies have <strong>to</strong> be immunized. In order <strong>to</strong> do this,<br />
Kiwanis and UNICEF hope <strong>to</strong> raise $110 million. More details can be found on the <strong>Key</strong><br />
Club International website.<br />
<strong>Key</strong> Club Co-Sponsor: Rustic Pathways<br />
Rustic Pathways has had 30 years of experience leading programs that provide<br />
both international education and service programs for students. They are the global<br />
leader in their field, having over 130 programs in 20 countries. Rustic Pathways has<br />
partnered with <strong>Key</strong> Club <strong>to</strong> provide members the opportunity <strong>to</strong> learn more about other<br />
parts of the world while performing service. In 2016, the Wisconsin-Upper Michigan<br />
District of <strong>Key</strong> Club will be participating in an international service project in Costa Rica<br />
through Rustic Pathways! For more information about Rustic Pathways, visit their<br />
website. If you’d like more information about the service project in Costa Rica, contact<br />
Kathy Gillis. Her contact information can be found on the final page of this issue.<br />
<strong>Key</strong> Club Vision Partner: Nickelodeon<br />
Nickelodeon has joined Kiwanis International as a vision partner with an<br />
emphasis on the Big Help initiative, which addresses issues in service, education, the<br />
environment, and health. More information on Nickelodeon’s Big Help, their Halo<br />
Awards program, and Day of Play can be found on Nickelodeon’s website.<br />
Preferred Charity Highlight: Children’s Miracle Network<br />
<strong>Key</strong> Club participates with Children’s Miracle Network by sponsoring fundraisers.<br />
In addition, members of <strong>Key</strong> Club volunteer at their local children’s hospital. CMN has<br />
over 170 hospitals throughout the nation and they save the lives of over 14 million<br />
children every year. For more information on how your <strong>Key</strong> Club can help, visit the<br />
WIUM <strong>Key</strong> Club website or the <strong>Key</strong> Club International website.<br />
Page 9
Governor’s Introduction<br />
Hey, Wisconsin-Upper Michigan District!<br />
My name is Joshua Dvorak and I will be serving as your District Governor for the 2015-<br />
2016 <strong>Key</strong> Club year. I’m super excited <strong>to</strong> work with all of you <strong>to</strong> make this next year the most<br />
successful one ever!<br />
First off, I’d like <strong>to</strong> tell you a little about myself. I am currently a junior at Wausau West<br />
High School. Aside from <strong>Key</strong> Club, I take part in many activities in my own school, including<br />
Spanish Club, Bible Club, Math Team, Link Crew, curling, orchestra, and choir. I play the piano<br />
and violin, which I love doing! Music has a huge role in my life, but I aim <strong>to</strong> go on <strong>to</strong> college <strong>to</strong><br />
complete my pre-medical studies in something, whether it be genetics, biochemistry, or<br />
something else. Outside of school, I enjoy being with my friends, my family, and my dog. I do<br />
my best <strong>to</strong> spend time with them as much as possible; while I make my schoolwork a priority,<br />
I do my best <strong>to</strong> have some fun every once in a while, usually by watching a classic Disney<br />
movie with whoever wishes <strong>to</strong> join me!<br />
Introductions aside, there is a lot I would like <strong>to</strong> accomplish with your help this year.<br />
With the ELIMINATE Project coming <strong>to</strong> a close, I would like <strong>to</strong> place an emphasis on expanding<br />
membership in the district. The fastest way <strong>to</strong> do this is <strong>to</strong> simply spread the word. Tell the<br />
world what <strong>Key</strong> Club means <strong>to</strong> you and how it has impacted you and that is sure <strong>to</strong> be<br />
enough!! A school or an advisor can advertise <strong>Key</strong> Club, but its members have the largest<br />
impact on growing their own clubs. I hope <strong>to</strong> work with the District Board, specifically the<br />
Lieutenant Governors, <strong>to</strong> help you make that happen.<br />
Another goal I’d like <strong>to</strong> accomplish is <strong>to</strong> give back <strong>to</strong> those who have served our country<br />
and have lived their lives according <strong>to</strong> our own core values. It is now our generation’s turn <strong>to</strong><br />
serve them as they have served us. Now, I’m not charging all of you <strong>to</strong> go and sign up for the<br />
draft, but there are a plethora of other ways <strong>to</strong> give back <strong>to</strong> our veterans. This project,<br />
“Service for Service,” is my Governor’s Project for this upcoming year, and I believe that by<br />
giving back <strong>to</strong> our veterans, <strong>Key</strong> Clubbers will build lasting relationships with people from all<br />
generations and find satisfaction in the impacts that they make on people in their own<br />
communities.<br />
<strong>Key</strong> Club has had an enormous influence on me; I have become close with so many<br />
people from every corner of the world, and I have truly learned <strong>to</strong> lead and serve my home,<br />
school, and community. Now, I have the opportunity <strong>to</strong> lead and serve the entire Wisconsin-<br />
Upper Michigan District, and I am so thankful for this opportunity. Please, PLEASE don’t<br />
hesitate <strong>to</strong> contact me with any questions, comments, or suggestions that you have<br />
throughout the year! Together, we will propel the Wisconsin-Upper Michigan District <strong>to</strong> new<br />
heights!<br />
Yours in service,<br />
Joshua Dvorak<br />
Governor<br />
Wisconsin-Upper Michigan District<br />
<strong>Key</strong> Club International<br />
Page 10
International Trustee Introduction<br />
Greetings Wisconsin-Upper Michigan District,<br />
My name is Barry Seng and I am honored <strong>to</strong> serve as your International Trustee.<br />
I am thrilled that I have the opportunity <strong>to</strong> work with all of you <strong>to</strong> improve the<br />
organization as a whole. Together, we will spread <strong>Key</strong> Club values around the world.<br />
As trustee, it is my duty <strong>to</strong> connect the district and<br />
international levels. I will provide updates from international<br />
<strong>to</strong> your district board and will represent all of you at<br />
international board meetings. The constant communication<br />
will allow me <strong>to</strong> better serve your district. I will work closely<br />
with Governor Josh and all of you <strong>to</strong> ensure a successful<br />
year of service.<br />
One of my goals for the year is <strong>to</strong> make <strong>Key</strong> Club<br />
International more accessible <strong>to</strong> <strong>Key</strong> Club members.<br />
Through increased communication between international and<br />
district levels and transparency on the international board,<br />
more members will be involved in the organization. My main<br />
goal is <strong>to</strong> emphasize service, the foundation of our organization. I will help your district<br />
with its service initiatives and service projects. We will strengthen <strong>Key</strong> Club through<br />
service.<br />
If you have any questions or concerns throughout the year, please do not<br />
hesitate <strong>to</strong> reach out <strong>to</strong> me. I am here <strong>to</strong> serve all of you. I look forward <strong>to</strong> a great<br />
term of service with the Wisconsin-Upper Michigan District!<br />
Yours in service,<br />
Barry M. Seng<br />
Page 11
Secretary-Treasurer: Daniela Beltran<br />
My name is Daniela Beltran from Burling<strong>to</strong>n High School in Burling<strong>to</strong>n, Wisconsin<br />
and I am your new Secretary-Treasurer for the 2015-2016 school year. It is going <strong>to</strong> be<br />
a great year and I can’t wait <strong>to</strong> work with the numerous <strong>Key</strong> Clubs in<br />
our district.<br />
I have been in <strong>Key</strong> Club since freshman year and I am currently<br />
a junior. This is my fourth year as a <strong>Key</strong> Club member. My experience<br />
with <strong>Key</strong> Club has been especially unique because I was part of it in<br />
the California-Nevada-Hawaii District and I’m now ready <strong>to</strong> be an<br />
equally active participant in the WIUM District. I hope <strong>to</strong> incorporate<br />
new ideas and I hope everyone participates with me.<br />
I have had a lot of experience with leadership positions in <strong>Key</strong><br />
Club as I was secretary of the Southwest High School <strong>Key</strong> Club last<br />
year. I continue <strong>to</strong> be very involved in school, but my position as<br />
Secretary-Treasurer for WIUM will be my priority. During my free time,<br />
which is rare, I like hiking, swimming, working out, or playing my<br />
violin.<br />
As Secretary-Treasurer, my goal is <strong>to</strong> get more clubs <strong>to</strong> turn in<br />
their MRFs, as well as keeping everyone well informed on upcoming events. I hope <strong>to</strong><br />
promote more active involvement through social media, such as Facebook, Twitter, or<br />
even Instagram. I also plan <strong>to</strong> keep the WIUM website updated and easy for everyone<br />
<strong>to</strong> use.<br />
I am super excited for this year, and everyone is welcome <strong>to</strong> contact me through<br />
email, text, call, or any social media!<br />
Bulletin Edi<strong>to</strong>r: Jason Shebilske<br />
My name is Jason Shebilske and I am privileged <strong>to</strong> serve as the WIUM District<br />
Bulletin Edi<strong>to</strong>r for the 2015-2016 school year. I am incredibly excited <strong>to</strong> have the<br />
opportunity <strong>to</strong> strengthen unity in our district this year!<br />
I am currently a junior at Apple<strong>to</strong>n East High School and the 2015-<br />
2016 will mark my third year as a member of <strong>Key</strong> Club. In addition <strong>to</strong><br />
<strong>Key</strong> Club, I am also involved in activities such as the school newspaper,<br />
Ski Club, Bridging the Gap, DECA, National Honor Society, and Quidditch.<br />
As Bulletin Edi<strong>to</strong>r, my goal is <strong>to</strong> encourage <strong>Key</strong> Clubbers <strong>to</strong> submit<br />
articles <strong>to</strong> the district publication, the <strong>Key</strong> <strong>to</strong> <strong>Caring</strong>. There are so many<br />
successful events and outstanding members in our district, and I would<br />
like <strong>to</strong> help all members feel comfortable sharing their experiences<br />
through articles in the publication. The information that somebody<br />
receives from reading an article in <strong>Key</strong> <strong>to</strong> <strong>Caring</strong> may be just the inspiration they need<br />
<strong>to</strong> take a step in <strong>Key</strong> Club, whether it be leading an event, running for a board position,<br />
or simply dedicating more time <strong>to</strong> volunteering. The more articles that are submitted <strong>to</strong><br />
<strong>Key</strong> <strong>to</strong> <strong>Caring</strong>, the more opportunities that members have <strong>to</strong> improve their <strong>Key</strong> Club<br />
experience.<br />
If anybody has any questions for me, please feel free <strong>to</strong> contact me anytime! I<br />
am available via text, call, email, and Facebook, and I will get back <strong>to</strong> you as soon as<br />
possible. I am very excited <strong>to</strong> see what our District will accomplish in this upcoming<br />
year!<br />
Page 12
Direc<strong>to</strong>r of Committees: Taylor Hurst<br />
My name is Taylor Hurst, and I am thrilled <strong>to</strong> be your District Direc<strong>to</strong>r of<br />
Committees for the 2015-2016 <strong>Key</strong> Club year. This year is going <strong>to</strong> be phenomenal,<br />
and I cannot wait <strong>to</strong> start it with all of you!<br />
Helping people is my biggest passion, and it’s because of <strong>Key</strong><br />
Club that I’ve been able <strong>to</strong> do just that! I am currently a sophomore at<br />
Kimberly High School. Since I joined <strong>Key</strong> Club, I have served as a<br />
member on my school’s ELIMINATE Committee for two years as well<br />
as the District Chair of Preferred Charities. I’ve met so many amazing<br />
people, and I have grown as a person and as a leader. In addition <strong>to</strong><br />
<strong>Key</strong> Club, I do many other things <strong>to</strong> get involved such as Life Force,<br />
Sparklz, Project Unify, Peacemakers, National Honor Society, HOSA,<br />
Project Green, Cross Country and Choir. I love working with others<br />
and I always keep an open mind for new possibilities!<br />
As the Direc<strong>to</strong>r of Committees, my goal is <strong>to</strong> raise awareness<br />
about all of the amazing committees that the District Board has <strong>to</strong> offer. The<br />
committees will create many easily accessible resources such as fundraising ideas, new<br />
membership recruitment methods, and much more! I will also strive <strong>to</strong> increase the<br />
communication between <strong>Key</strong> Clubbers and the committees in order <strong>to</strong> make more<br />
opportunities readily available. The committees are here <strong>to</strong> serve each <strong>Key</strong> Clubber in<br />
order <strong>to</strong> enhance their <strong>Key</strong> Club experience for the 2015-2016 <strong>Key</strong> Club Year!<br />
Please feel more than welcome <strong>to</strong> contact me via Facebook, email, text or phone.<br />
I would love <strong>to</strong> hear about any ideas or questions that you may have! I cannot wait <strong>to</strong><br />
see how much of an impact we make this upcoming year!<br />
Direc<strong>to</strong>r of Technology: Mikaela Hanrahan<br />
My name is Mikaela Hanrahan and I will be serving as your District Direc<strong>to</strong>r of<br />
Technology for this 2015-2016 <strong>Key</strong> Club year! I look forward <strong>to</strong> meeting all of you this<br />
upcoming year and working <strong>to</strong>gether <strong>to</strong> make a positive impact in our district!<br />
As Direc<strong>to</strong>r of Technology, I will reach out <strong>to</strong> clubs and encourage<br />
them <strong>to</strong> create a club website, because it can be a very beneficial<br />
resource. Also, I would like <strong>to</strong> publish four newsletters this year which<br />
will include helpful tips for club webmasters <strong>to</strong> enhance their use of<br />
technology as well as information about what we have been doing in<br />
our district on a technological scale. A goal of mine is <strong>to</strong> efficiently keep<br />
updating the district website. I hope <strong>to</strong> make it an easier and more<br />
widely used <strong>to</strong>ol throughout our district. I look forward <strong>to</strong> serving you<br />
on the District Board this year and cannot wait <strong>to</strong> see how we can make<br />
a difference <strong>to</strong>gether.<br />
I am currently a sophomore at St. Mary’s Springs Academy. I am<br />
involved in Vocal Jazz, Choir, Math Team, Chess Team, Optimist Club,<br />
ASTOP (Assist Survivors Treatment Outreach Prevention) Committee,<br />
Music Liturgy, Theater, Volleyball, and of course, <strong>Key</strong> Club.<br />
This past year on the 2014-2015 District Board as Direc<strong>to</strong>r of Technology has<br />
allowed me <strong>to</strong> grow in my understanding and love of <strong>Key</strong> Club. I hope <strong>to</strong> surpass last<br />
year’s accomplishments and lead you all through a successful year of service!<br />
If you have any questions, please feel free <strong>to</strong> contact me anytime!<br />
Page 13
Division 1 Lt. Governor: Sarah Candee<br />
My name is Sarah Candee, and I will be your new Lieutenant<br />
Governor for Division 1! Over the following year, we will be in contact<br />
so I can provide you and your club with information and services offered<br />
from <strong>Key</strong> Club International. In addition, information will be given on<br />
DCON, service projects, scholarships, and awards.<br />
I am currently a sophomore at Kenosha Tremper High School.<br />
This is my first year in <strong>Key</strong> Club, and I can assure you that I absolutely<br />
love it. I really look forward <strong>to</strong> diving in<strong>to</strong> <strong>Key</strong> Club this year and doing<br />
everything possible <strong>to</strong> keep our division at its best. Not only am I<br />
involved in <strong>Key</strong> Club, but I am also involved in Student Government, FBLA, and DECA.<br />
Our division made a great step this past year. I am proud <strong>to</strong> say that at DCON<br />
several of our seniors received grants and scholarships. Not only that, but our Division<br />
won the Divisional Unity Award thanks <strong>to</strong> our superb past Lieutenant Governor, Zach<br />
Raetzman, and your participation! We have such a great head start, and I am excited <strong>to</strong><br />
see what the future holds.<br />
I also really want <strong>to</strong> emphasize the importance of communication. I completely<br />
understand that sometimes emails are not always checked and procrastination can get<br />
the best of us – trust me, I know. However, I do encourage everyone <strong>to</strong> keep up-<strong>to</strong>date<br />
so your club stays on its <strong>to</strong>es.<br />
Throughout my short time in <strong>Key</strong> Club, I have met so many wonderful people and<br />
made many very close relationships. I can’t wait <strong>to</strong> personally meet and work with all of<br />
you in the future. Let’s make this year the best it can be!<br />
Division 2 Lt. Governor: Jessica Korducki<br />
My name is Jessica Korducki, and I am honored and very excited <strong>to</strong> be serving as<br />
the Division 2 Lieutenant Governor for the 2015- 2016 year!<br />
I am currently a junior at Burling<strong>to</strong>n High School. I<br />
have been in <strong>Key</strong> Club since my freshman year and have<br />
served as Secretary and Vice President. Besides <strong>Key</strong> Club, I<br />
am very active in other clubs and activities. I am a member<br />
of my school’s Varsity Poms Dance Team, DRIVEN Leadership<br />
Program, HART Club, Forensics, NHS, Partners2, and Student<br />
Government.<br />
For this year, one of my main objectives is <strong>to</strong> help<br />
strengthen the communication between the clubs in our<br />
Division. If we work <strong>to</strong>gether, we can truly make a huge<br />
impact on our community. Also, I hope <strong>to</strong> meet with the<br />
leaders of each club, whether by phone or by visit every<br />
month, and find out what each club is up <strong>to</strong>! I am here <strong>to</strong> answer any of your questions<br />
and let you in on all the fun things going on around the district.<br />
Feel free <strong>to</strong> contact me at any time by Facebook, phone call, text, e-mail, etc. I<br />
am super excited for this next year and look forward <strong>to</strong> meeting you all!<br />
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Division 3 Lt. Governor: Noah Goetzke<br />
My name is Noah Goetzke, and I will be your new Lieutenant<br />
Governor for Division 3!<br />
I am currently a junior at Dodgeville High School. I joined <strong>Key</strong><br />
Club my freshman year, and since then, I have served as treasurer<br />
my junior year before becoming lieutenant governor. In addition <strong>to</strong><br />
<strong>Key</strong> Club, I participate in NHS, musicals, forensics, soccer and track.<br />
During my free time, I enjoy spending time with friends, hiking with<br />
my dog, listening <strong>to</strong> music, and playing Xbox.<br />
I would like <strong>to</strong> stress the importance of communication. I want<br />
<strong>to</strong> increase use of our Division 3 Facebook page by adding more<br />
members and updating information on a regular basis. Another one of<br />
my goals is <strong>to</strong> personally get <strong>to</strong> know my clubs and be able <strong>to</strong> engage<br />
members whether they are new or returning. I really would like <strong>to</strong> be<br />
able <strong>to</strong> visit all of the clubs and if you have any questions about <strong>Key</strong><br />
Club, please do not hesitate <strong>to</strong> ask! Let’s make this year the best it<br />
can be and I look forward <strong>to</strong> meeting all of you!<br />
Division 4 Lt. Governor: Charlie Deakman<br />
My name is Charlie Deakman and I am the Lieutenant<br />
Governor for Division 4 <strong>Key</strong> Club. I currently attend Madison East<br />
High School as a freshman. I have had the greatest year at <strong>Key</strong><br />
Club and am hoping <strong>to</strong> do a great job as Lieutenant Governor.<br />
Some of my goals for this year are <strong>to</strong> increase in collaboration<br />
between clubs <strong>to</strong> make our communities better. I would also like <strong>to</strong><br />
educate the new officers <strong>to</strong> help them turn forms in on time. It is a<br />
honor <strong>to</strong> serve you as the Lieutenant Governor of Division 4.<br />
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Division 5 Lt. Governor: Abigail Sann<br />
My name is Abby Sann and I am the Lieutenant Governor of<br />
Division 5. I am so excited <strong>to</strong> be working closely with all of the<br />
amazing projects we have planned as a District this year. As<br />
Lieutenant Governor I have centered most of my goals around<br />
increasing membership. I hope <strong>to</strong> work with several middle schools<br />
in my Division <strong>to</strong> promote <strong>Key</strong> Club at the high school level. In<br />
addition, I would also like <strong>to</strong> promote internal recruitment<br />
throughout Division 5 high schools. Overall, I am excited <strong>to</strong> work<br />
with a variety of different schools who have service projects that<br />
they are passionate about. My favorite part of <strong>Key</strong> Club is service,<br />
and I am excited <strong>to</strong> share my love for helping others with everyone<br />
in our District.<br />
Division 6 Lt. Governor: Emily Li<br />
My name is Emily Li, and I will be serving as your new Division 6 Lieutenant<br />
Governor for the 2015-2016 year! I am extremely excited <strong>to</strong> work with all of you <strong>to</strong><br />
improve our local communities and the world!<br />
Currently, I am a sophomore at German<strong>to</strong>wn High School, and for the past two<br />
years, I have had the honor of serving as Secretary and Vice-<br />
President <strong>to</strong> German<strong>to</strong>wn’s 300-strong <strong>Key</strong> Club. Through <strong>Key</strong><br />
Club, I found a myriad of opportunities <strong>to</strong> venture out of my own<br />
narrative and understand others’ experiences. For example, until I<br />
tu<strong>to</strong>red middle schoolers, until I helped organize a wheelchair<br />
basketball fundraiser, until I aided in rebuilding trails using 30<br />
pound planks, I did not know what it was like <strong>to</strong> struggle in<br />
seventh grade math or <strong>to</strong> maneuver without legs or how much<br />
common property needs <strong>to</strong> be maintained.<br />
In spreading the core message of service, I will assist your<br />
clubs by communicating effectively, offering advice, organizing<br />
regular meetings, answering questions, and providing invaluable<br />
information. I understand the anxiety associated with chalkboards<br />
eclipsed with fundraising plans and deadlines, and I assure you<br />
that you will not be alone in working through this.<br />
I emphasize strong communication between all levels of <strong>Key</strong> Club, so I plan on<br />
sending regular emails and setting up a shared calendar and folder with ideas,<br />
descriptions, and general advice. If you ever have any questions, concerns, or<br />
comments, I’m always available. Let’s make the world a much more lovely place!<br />
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Division 7 Lt. Governor: Kristen Navis<br />
My name is Kristen Navis. I am the Division 7 Lieutenant<br />
Governor and I am a freshman at Neenah High School. Being a<br />
freshman this is my first year in <strong>Key</strong> Club, but I am already so<br />
excited <strong>to</strong> see where this year takes us!<br />
I have three siblings, two older and one younger, and also<br />
an older foster brother. I love reading, being outside, and<br />
spending time with my friends and family! I am an avid movie<br />
watcher, and would be content spending all weekend watching<br />
movies with my family. All three of my older siblings have been<br />
in <strong>Key</strong> Club, and it already feels like home <strong>to</strong> me.<br />
I have made so many great friends, and I also hope all of<br />
you are able <strong>to</strong> create these kinds of friendships throughout<br />
another successful year of service!<br />
Division 8 Lt. Governor: Stevie DeCloux<br />
My name is Stevie DeCloux, and I’m the Lieutenant<br />
Governor for Division 8. Currently I am a junior at Menomonee<br />
Falls High School and an employee at the local Panera.<br />
Though I’ve only just entered <strong>Key</strong> Club this year, I have<br />
a lot of leadership and service experience from 4-H, Amnesty,<br />
and varsity athletics. My biggest goal this year is <strong>to</strong> participate<br />
in at least two service activities outside of my Division, so keep<br />
me in mind if you’re planning an exciting project.<br />
Feel free <strong>to</strong> contact me any time via text, e-mail, or<br />
Facebook with questions about my clubs or myself. I look<br />
forward <strong>to</strong> a great year!<br />
Page 17
Division 9 Lt. Governor: Sam Simon<br />
Following another successful year of service by our Wisconsin-<br />
Upper Michigan District, I’m proud <strong>to</strong> be Lieutenant Governor of<br />
Division 9 for the 2015-2016 school year!<br />
As always, there is a lot of activity taking place in our<br />
organization, and it is my goal <strong>to</strong> help keep that progressive style<br />
alive both within our District and within my Division. As this year’s<br />
Division 9 LTG, I have made my pledge <strong>to</strong> make frequent face-<strong>to</strong>face<br />
contact with my clubs while circulating service and fundraising<br />
project ideas amongst them.<br />
My duties also extend in<strong>to</strong> District affairs where I will help<br />
make District Board decisions regarding club grants, district wide<br />
fundraising, and the annual District Leadership Conference (DCON).<br />
Our District has big goals for this year, so, as my favorite<br />
saying goes, “never doubt that a small group of thoughtful,<br />
committed citizens can change the world; indeed, it’s the only thing that ever has.”<br />
Division 10A Lt. Governor: Kai Schmitt<br />
I am Kai Schmitt, and I am the new Lieutenant Governor for Division 10A.<br />
Currently attending Southwest High School for my junior year, I am excited that I have<br />
the honor <strong>to</strong> serve with such a spectacular district board.<br />
Apart from <strong>Key</strong> Club, I also participate in DECA and Language<br />
Arts Academic Team. Outside of those, you can generally find me<br />
partaking in a variety of activities: fishing out on the Fox River,<br />
enjoying a bike ride, relaxing in my hammock, gaming on my<br />
computer, or hanging out with friends, whenever I am not working at<br />
my job; a s<strong>to</strong>cker & bagger at Austin’s, a local grocery s<strong>to</strong>re.<br />
As Lieutenant Governor, I have three main goals. First, I would<br />
like <strong>to</strong> increase Inter-Division communication by developing a<br />
reliable communication network, where information can be spread<br />
quickly and efficiently between our schools. I would also like <strong>to</strong><br />
encourage club member attendance, by the means of myself working<br />
with club officers, offering them the <strong>to</strong>ols they will need for membership<br />
retention. Finally. I would like <strong>to</strong> expand my division <strong>to</strong> encompass<br />
new schools.<br />
I hope that this introduction gave you an idea of who I am and what I would like<br />
<strong>to</strong> accomplish this year. If you have any questions for me, please feel free <strong>to</strong> contact<br />
me through phone or email anytime!<br />
Page 18
Division 10B Lt. Governor: Keegan Downham<br />
My name is Keegan Downham, and I will be serving as your Lieutenant Governor<br />
for Division 10B during the 2015-2016 <strong>Key</strong> Club year. In the coming year, I will be a<br />
resource for any important <strong>Key</strong> Club information and services at the District level and<br />
will provide insight in<strong>to</strong> things such as scholarships, awards,<br />
DCON, ICON, divisional projects and service opportunities.<br />
I am currently a junior at Kimberly High School. I joined <strong>Key</strong><br />
Club my freshman year and have been a highly dedicated member<br />
ever since. In addition <strong>to</strong> <strong>Key</strong> Club, I play football and baseball,<br />
serve as a Link Crew leader, participate in Free3 (a drug and<br />
alcohol awareness club), compete with the math team, play in five<br />
different music ensembles, and serve as the librarian for the band<br />
council.<br />
I would like <strong>to</strong> start off the new <strong>Key</strong> Club year by urging all<br />
schools <strong>to</strong> turn in your NOIS forms <strong>to</strong> me as soon as possible. With<br />
this information, I will be able <strong>to</strong> start contacting each club and<br />
develop a strong communication network between each of the<br />
clubs within the Division. If you have any questions or need help with NOIS forms, feel<br />
free <strong>to</strong> ask!<br />
The most important thing I want <strong>to</strong> stress this year is communication. I would like<br />
<strong>to</strong> implement the buddy system in<strong>to</strong> our Division in order <strong>to</strong> promote cooperative<br />
service projects between schools. This way, members from each club can get <strong>to</strong> know<br />
each other and form new relationships through service.<br />
I am very excited <strong>to</strong> be able <strong>to</strong> serve as your Division 10 Lieutenant Governor and<br />
build new relationships with all of you throughout the coming year.<br />
Division 11 Lt. Governor: Leslie Kent<br />
My name is Leslie Kent and I’m honored and excited <strong>to</strong> be the Division 11<br />
Lieutenant Governor for the 2015-2016 <strong>Key</strong> Club year.<br />
I’m currently a junior at Eau Claire Memorial High School.<br />
I’ve been involved with <strong>Key</strong> Club since my sophomore year and<br />
have loved the opportunities I’ve received while being a part of it.<br />
I’m also a member of Student Council, concert band, soccer, cross<br />
country, dance, Holiday Club, and Link Crew. I’ve found that<br />
staying busy helps me avoid my horrible habit of procrastination,<br />
and participating in more activities also allows me <strong>to</strong> meet lots of<br />
new people!<br />
My biggest goals for our Division this year are for us <strong>to</strong><br />
come <strong>to</strong>gether for Divisional Council Meetings as well as<br />
participate in joint service projects in order for us <strong>to</strong> be even<br />
more successful in our attempts <strong>to</strong> help others. I believe that with<br />
a lot of communication we can achieve these goals and others<br />
that we set for ourselves. Setting and achieving Divisional goals<br />
will help the Wisconsin-Upper Michigan District reach their goals, ultimately helping <strong>to</strong><br />
meet <strong>Key</strong> Club International goals.<br />
I can’t wait <strong>to</strong> see all that we can accomplish as a District in this upcoming year!<br />
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Division 12 Lt. Governor: Ryan Lucka<br />
My name is Ryan Lucka, and I am the new Lieutenant Governor for Division 12. I<br />
will keep Division 12 up-<strong>to</strong>-date and will create and maintain communication among all<br />
the clubs throughout the year.<br />
I am currently a junior at West Bend East High School. As a<br />
sophomore, I joined <strong>Key</strong> Club and Future Business Leaders of<br />
America (FBLA). I was invited <strong>to</strong> join the West Bend East National<br />
Honors Society this past fall.<br />
In addition <strong>to</strong> these extra-curricular activities, I joined the<br />
West Bend High School Trapshooting Team in its inaugural<br />
season. I have been both a varsity shooter and a Student<br />
Representative on the Board of Direc<strong>to</strong>rs since joining the trap<br />
team as a freshman. I also work at Jumbo’s, a small family owned restaurant in West<br />
Bend, and have been employed there for almost a year.<br />
Please do not hesitate <strong>to</strong> contact me with any questions. I would like <strong>to</strong> use the<br />
Divisional Facebook page <strong>to</strong> share volunteer experiences, so please request <strong>to</strong> join. I<br />
look forward <strong>to</strong> a great year working with many fantastic people.<br />
13!<br />
Division 13 Lt. Governor: Tyler Radke<br />
My name is Tyler Radke, and I will be the new Lieutenant Governor for Division<br />
I am currently a freshman at Berlin High School. In 8 th<br />
grade, I was a leader in a club that welcomed incoming classes<br />
and new students <strong>to</strong> our school. I joined <strong>Key</strong> Club this year, but<br />
have participated with my older sister long before. Next year, I<br />
hope <strong>to</strong> join Mock Trial, Link Crew, Kind Committee, and some<br />
other clubs. In my free time, I like <strong>to</strong> read, hang out with my<br />
friends and family, and watch Disney movies with my sister.<br />
As we all know, having good communication is important.<br />
Feel free <strong>to</strong> contact me anytime. If you have any questions<br />
about <strong>Key</strong> Club, I will do my best <strong>to</strong> answer.<br />
I am so excited <strong>to</strong> be able <strong>to</strong> get <strong>to</strong> know each other throughout this new <strong>Key</strong><br />
Club year! I hope I am able <strong>to</strong> make as many new friends as I can during my term.<br />
Page 20
Division 14 Lt. Governor: Phoebe Hu<br />
My name is Phoebe Hu, and I’m the Lieutenant Governor<br />
for Division 14.<br />
Having joined the Hough<strong>to</strong>n High School <strong>Key</strong> Club as a<br />
freshman, this upcoming school year will be my fourth and<br />
final year in the club as a senior. In addition <strong>to</strong> <strong>Key</strong> Club, I<br />
participate in JSA (Junior State of America) and I’m the junior<br />
class secretary. I’m also an avid member of Hough<strong>to</strong>n’s figure<br />
skating team, local tennis team and orchestra. When I’m not<br />
busy, I like hanging out with friends, shopping at the mall,<br />
eating food, and marathon-watching shows on Netflix.<br />
As a Lieutenant Governor, my division goal for this year<br />
is <strong>to</strong> integrate the division buddy system <strong>to</strong> help encourage division unity. If you have<br />
any questions, please feel free <strong>to</strong> contact me anytime!<br />
Division 15 Lt. Governor: Huey Griep<br />
Hello, my name is Huey Griep and I am the Lieutenant Governor in<br />
division 15 for this upcoming year!<br />
I attend Portage High School, where I am a junior. In school<br />
I enjoy being a part of many extracurriculars, including Student<br />
Council, FBLA, NHS, and of course, <strong>Key</strong> Club. Other activities of<br />
mine include Cross Country and Tennis. Outside of school, in my<br />
free time, I like <strong>to</strong> listen <strong>to</strong> music, hang out with friends, and go<br />
hiking and skiing. I am also often a ball of energy and pretty<br />
fun! Yet I'm also pretty easy <strong>to</strong> get along with and am easy <strong>to</strong> talk<br />
<strong>to</strong>.<br />
I'd like <strong>to</strong> highlight some of my goals for this next year. I'd<br />
love <strong>to</strong> see an increased amount of members in our division and not<br />
only increased membership but also increased participation in volunteering<br />
opportunities.<br />
Now that you know a little bit about me, if you ever spot me, come up and<br />
introduce yourself. I love <strong>to</strong> meet new people and get <strong>to</strong> know them! In addition,<br />
please feel free <strong>to</strong> contact me if you have any questions!<br />
Page 21
Division 16 Lt. Governor: Charlotte Strom<br />
My name is Charlotte Strom and I’ve been elected Division<br />
16 Lieutenant Governor for the upcoming year. I’m really excited<br />
about getting <strong>to</strong> work and meeting all of you!<br />
My favorite part about <strong>Key</strong> Club is meeting new people and<br />
making friends. As Lieutenant Governor of my Division, I aim <strong>to</strong><br />
increase the number of Club Monthly Report Forms that are turned<br />
in and unify Division 16 as a whole.<br />
In my free time, I enjoy reading, writing, cooking, and<br />
playing instruments. Besides <strong>Key</strong> Club, I am involved in Science<br />
Olympiad, Youth in Government, Drama Club, marching band, pep<br />
band, concert band, and my school’s tennis and bowling teams.<br />
I can tell that this is going <strong>to</strong> be a super great year filled with<br />
awesome service projects, and I can’t wait <strong>to</strong> see what we as a District can achieve!<br />
Executive Board Assistant/Eliminate Chair: Shiyue Xie<br />
My name is Shiyue Xie. You are welcome <strong>to</strong> call me C.U.! I'm<br />
your 2015-2016 District Executive Board Assistant and Eliminate<br />
Chair. I’m currently a junior at Burling<strong>to</strong>n High School. I’m<br />
involved in different sports like tennis and poms and other<br />
leadership organizations like NHS and DRIVEN. I played the<br />
violin ever since I was in fourth grade. I love <strong>to</strong> read during my<br />
free time. My favorite animal is a panda and I moved <strong>to</strong> the<br />
United States in 2008 from Chongqing, China!<br />
Anyways, I’m very excited <strong>to</strong> work with you all. I have<br />
been involved with <strong>Key</strong> Club since my freshman year of high<br />
school. As the past Lieutenant Governor of Division 2 and<br />
Direc<strong>to</strong>r of Committees, I gained many new experiences and new<br />
skills every step of the way. With those experiences I will do my<br />
best <strong>to</strong> assist the newly elected District Board and the entire<br />
Wisconsin-Upper Michigan District. Just for the past two years, <strong>Key</strong> Club had taught me<br />
many things. Thinking back <strong>to</strong> when I was a newbie, I had grown in<strong>to</strong> a whole new<br />
different person now. I was no longer the shy, sensitive, and quiet teenage girl. <strong>Key</strong><br />
Club has improved my leadership skills, my public speaking skill, and my view of world.<br />
I was no longer living in that small bubble of mine; instead, I was interacting with<br />
people all ages with all different backgrounds. Whether if you just joined <strong>Key</strong> Club or if<br />
this is your last year, I hope you all will learn or have learned something from this<br />
amazing organization just like I did. If you need any of help throughout this amazing<br />
<strong>Key</strong> Club year, please let me know. I will do my best <strong>to</strong> help you out whether it’s<br />
coming up with new ideas, suggestions, comments, paperwork, Divisional Council<br />
Meetings, and Monthly Report Forms.<br />
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Public Relations Chair: Maxwell LaCosse<br />
My name is Maxwell LaCosse and I am the new Public Relations and Communications<br />
Chair for the Wisconsin-Upper Michigan <strong>Key</strong> Club District. Throughout the year, I will<br />
improve communications between each club and improve our<br />
public image!<br />
I am currently a junior at Mid Peninsula Highs School in<br />
Rock, Michigan and have been involved with <strong>Key</strong> Club ever since<br />
I was a freshman. Outside of <strong>Key</strong> Club, I am involved with<br />
National Honor Society, Gaming Club, and Ecology Club. Outside<br />
of school, I am a member of the Youth Advisory Committee of<br />
Delta County and I participate in cross country, golf, and<br />
basketball. I have included a picture of my parents and me at<br />
my National Honor Society banquet.<br />
This year, my goal is <strong>to</strong> unite the clubs through various<br />
means of communications while spreading <strong>Key</strong> Club awareness<br />
throughout the schools of our District. I will be keeping <strong>to</strong>uch<br />
with all of the Lieutenant Governors <strong>to</strong> ensure they receive<br />
personalized materials <strong>to</strong> promote their local clubs.<br />
I am looking forward <strong>to</strong> a fantastic year!<br />
Membership Development Chair: Matthew Jewell<br />
My name is Matthew Jewell and I am the Membership Development<br />
Chair for the 2015-2016 year! This year I plan <strong>to</strong> help make<br />
many new clubs, and get more people involved in <strong>Key</strong> Club!<br />
I feel like membership in <strong>Key</strong> Clubs can be increased by<br />
throwing <strong>Key</strong> Club out in the air more. I have been thinking about<br />
going <strong>to</strong> schools and giving presentations <strong>to</strong> the awesome freshmen<br />
out there, <strong>to</strong> get them really involved in <strong>Key</strong> Club! I hope we all have<br />
a great year!<br />
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Governor’s Project Chair: Abbey Claes<br />
My name is Abbey Claes and I will be the Governor’s Project Chair this year. In<br />
this new year of <strong>Key</strong> Club we will be focusing on 'Service for Service' or serving<br />
Veterans! Every club should set a goal of doing at least two service projects. We will<br />
also be pushing <strong>to</strong> do more service projects than fundraisers. Some things you can do<br />
are volunteer at a veteran soup kitchen or hospital. Also, you can<br />
make tie blankets or have a <strong>to</strong>y drive for children in military<br />
families.<br />
Some things about me are I attend Escanaba High School,<br />
and currently am a junior. I am in NHS, orchestra, and chorale.<br />
Also, I teach and take dance classes. In my spare time I enjoy<br />
watching Netflix, hanging out with friends, kayaking, and reading<br />
books. This was my first year in <strong>Key</strong> Club and I am so excited <strong>to</strong><br />
see what this coming year has in s<strong>to</strong>re.<br />
Please do not hesitate <strong>to</strong> contact me, I will answer any of<br />
your questions the best I can. I would also love <strong>to</strong> hear about any<br />
upcoming service projects coming up, or any ideas you have. I am so excited <strong>to</strong> start<br />
out our new Governor’s Project and this <strong>Key</strong> Club year.<br />
Contests/Awards Chair: Jennifer Englebert<br />
My name is Jennifer Englebert, I am from Green Bay, Wisconsin, and am<br />
currently a junior at Preble High School. I am the Contests/Awards<br />
Committee Chair for 2015-2016. This is the first full year of <strong>Key</strong> Club at<br />
Preble High School, and I am honored <strong>to</strong> have the opportunity <strong>to</strong> serve<br />
on the district level. As well as being the Contests/ Awards Committee<br />
Chair for the district, I also am the President of Preble’s <strong>Key</strong> Club. In my<br />
free time, I play the piano, the viola, read, watch Netflix, run and do<br />
yoga.<br />
I am very excited <strong>to</strong> work with each and every one of you!<br />
Through the course of this year, <strong>Key</strong> Clubbers can earn various banner<br />
patches <strong>to</strong> represent their year of service. These will include patches for<br />
turning in all of your club’s Monthly Report Forms, have 1,000 service<br />
hours as a club, participate in the Governor’s Project, and many others.<br />
To see a complete list of the banner patches and what is necessary <strong>to</strong> earn them, check<br />
out the Wisconsin-Upper Michigan <strong>Key</strong> Club website ( At the District<br />
Leadership Convention this coming year, there will be several new contests that clubs<br />
can sign up for. These rubrics will be out early in September on the <strong>Key</strong> Club website<br />
listed above. My goal as your Contests/ Awards Committee Chair is <strong>to</strong> bring our club’s<br />
<strong>to</strong>gether and promote service through banner patches. I also will be working diligently<br />
with the Direc<strong>to</strong>r of Committees and the other Committee Chairs <strong>to</strong> make this year full<br />
of service!<br />
I look forward <strong>to</strong> working with this year’s district board. If anyone has any<br />
questions, please contact me with the information listed below! Every <strong>Key</strong> Clubber is<br />
full of ideas and I would love <strong>to</strong> hear every single one of them!<br />
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District Project Chair: Derek Kamin<br />
My name is Derek Kamin and I am the District Project Chair.<br />
I will be overseeing fundraisers and service projects for our District<br />
Projects which are helping Camp Wawbeek in Wisconsin and Camp<br />
Bay Cliff in the Upper Peninsula. These are both special needs<br />
camps that run in the summer. They are in the Wisconsin Upper<br />
Michigan District. These camps are in constant need for funds and<br />
supplies. The resources will help send campers <strong>to</strong> both camps and<br />
give them the supplies they need. Money can be raised by hosting<br />
a miracle minute at a sporting event or hosting a special event that<br />
you choose. I am here <strong>to</strong> help and have plenty of ideas floating<br />
around.<br />
A few things about me are that I currently am a Junior at<br />
Escanaba High School. This is my second year of <strong>Key</strong> Club. Also, I<br />
am a member of NHS, the Usher Project, and Marching Band. Along<br />
with those I am on my school’s track team and bowling team.<br />
If you want <strong>to</strong> get involved with the district projects please<br />
do not hesitate <strong>to</strong> contact me. Also, if you have any questions, comments, or a cool<br />
service project coming up please contact me. I would love <strong>to</strong> hear from you and cannot<br />
wait <strong>to</strong> see what this year has in s<strong>to</strong>re!<br />
Kiwanis Family Baseball Game<br />
Do you love the Brewers? Do you like meeting new people? Do you want a free<br />
bobblehead? If any of these statements apply <strong>to</strong> you, then come <strong>to</strong> the Kiwanis Family<br />
Baseball Game! On August 9, when the Brewers face the Cardinals at Miller Park, Circle<br />
K is hosting an opportunity <strong>to</strong> meet other members from the Kiwanis Family while<br />
watching the game! The game starts at 1:10 and all fans in attendance receive a Bob<br />
Uecker bobblehead. The price of this event is $25, and $4 of that price goes <strong>to</strong>ward the<br />
Eliminate Project, which helps <strong>to</strong> eliminate maternal neonatal tetanus. The order form<br />
for tickets is available here and the orders must be postmarked by July 1st. If you have<br />
any questions, you can contact Kristie Polzin at I hope <strong>to</strong> see<br />
you there!<br />
Submitting <strong>Key</strong> <strong>to</strong> <strong>Caring</strong> Articles<br />
Are you interested in writing an article for the <strong>Key</strong> <strong>to</strong> <strong>Caring</strong>? If so, don’t hesitate<br />
<strong>to</strong> submit an article! They can be about a wide variety of subjects, such as outstanding<br />
individuals or success in either your club or your Division! If you have any other ideas<br />
for subjects <strong>to</strong> write about, feel free <strong>to</strong> submit it! Your article will be featured in an<br />
issue of the <strong>Key</strong> <strong>to</strong> <strong>Caring</strong> and could be inspiration for another <strong>Key</strong> Clubber <strong>to</strong> take a<br />
step in the club! Articles can be submitted on the WIUM <strong>Key</strong> Club website. If you have<br />
any questions on writing articles or if you would like <strong>to</strong> brains<strong>to</strong>rm ideas for articles,<br />
feel free <strong>to</strong> contact Jason Shebilske anytime. His contact information can be found on<br />
the final page of this issue.<br />
Page 25
District Board Contact Information<br />
Name Position<br />
E-Mail Address Cell Phone<br />
Number<br />
Joshua Dvorak Governor<br /> 715-803-5539<br />
Daniela Beltran Secretary/Treasurer 760-693-2660<br />
Jason Shebilske Bulletin Edi<strong>to</strong>r<br />
bulletin.edi<strong>to</strong> 920-419-4345<br />
Taylor Hurst Direc<strong>to</strong>r of Committees 920-257-6517<br />
Mikaela Hanrahan Direc<strong>to</strong>r of Technology 262-888-2712<br />
Sarah Candee Division 1 LTG<br /> 262-515-8309<br />
Jessica Korducki Division 2 LTG<br /> 262-210-6618<br />
Noah Goetzke Division 3 LTG<br /> 608-341-9635<br />
Charlie Deakman Division 4 LTG<br /> 608-338-2767<br />
Abigail Sann Division 5 LTG<br /> 715-432-0253<br />
Emily Li Division 6 LTG<br /> 414-841-4927<br />
Kristen Navis Division 7 LTG<br /> 920-850-5639<br />
Stevie DeCloux Division 8 LTG<br /> 414-416-1138<br />
Sam Simon Division 9 LTG<br /> 262-443-2508<br />
Kai Schmitt Division 10A LTG 920-676-0016<br />
Keegan Downham Division 10B LTG 920-470-9927<br />
Leslie Kent Division 11 LTG<br /> 715-563-2685<br />
Ryan Lucka Division 12 LTG<br /> 262-689-9194<br />
Tyler Radke Division 13 LTG<br /> 920-789-9009<br />
Phoebe Hu Division 14 LTG<br /> 906-281-0710<br />
Huey Griep Division 15 LTG<br /> 608-697-8835<br />
Charlotte Strom Division 16 LTG<br /> 906-420-4349<br />
Shiyue Xie Executive Assistant/ 262-215-4307<br />
Eliminate Chair<br />
Maxwell LaCosse Public Relations/<br /> 906-241-6807<br />
Communications Chair<br />
Matthew Jewell<br />
Membership<br />
Development Chair<br /> 906-280-0869<br />
Abbey Claes Governor’s Project Chair 906-280-5647<br />
Jennifer Englebert Awards/Contests Chair 920-680-7972<br />
Derek Kamin District Project Chair 906-399-3123<br />
Barry Seng International Trustee 484-661-9120<br />
Kathy Gillis District Administra<strong>to</strong>r 920-475-0500<br />
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