City of Greater Bendigo Budget 2015/2016

The Budget for 2015/2016 will help build a better, healthier and more sustainable Greater Bendigo.

The Budget for 2015/2016 will help build a better, healthier and more sustainable Greater Bendigo.


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<strong>City</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Greater</strong> <strong>Bendigo</strong><br />

<strong>Budget</strong> <strong>2015</strong>/<strong>2016</strong><br />

Building a better, healthier and sustainable <strong>Greater</strong> <strong>Bendigo</strong>

Main cover image:<br />

Children enjoy the <strong>Bendigo</strong> Botanic Gardens, White Hills<br />

Sub images:<br />

1. <strong>Bendigo</strong> Stadium<br />

2. <strong>Bendigo</strong> Airport<br />

3. Sealing works on new <strong>Bendigo</strong> East Link Road


Page<br />

Mayor’s Introduction, Cr Peter Cox 1<br />

Chief Executive Officer’s Summary 2<br />

<strong>Budget</strong> Processes 6<br />

1. Linkage to the Council Plan 7<br />

2. Services, Initiatives and Service Performance Indicators 11<br />

3. <strong>Budget</strong> Influences 23<br />

4. Analysis <strong>of</strong> Operating <strong>Budget</strong> 28<br />

5. Analysis <strong>of</strong> <strong>Budget</strong>ed Cash Position 35<br />

6. Analysis <strong>of</strong> Capital <strong>Budget</strong> 38<br />

7. Analysis <strong>of</strong> <strong>Budget</strong>ed Financial Position 42<br />

8. Strategic Resource Plan and Financial Performance Indicators 45<br />

9. Rating Information 49<br />

10. Other Strategies 54<br />

Appendix A - <strong>Budget</strong>ed Statements 58<br />

Appendix B – Rates and Charges 65<br />

Appendix C - Capital and Major Works Program 79<br />

Appendix D - Maps 91<br />

Appendix E – Capital Evaluation Framework 94<br />

Appendix F – User Fees and Charges 98<br />

Appendix G - Glossary <strong>of</strong> Terms 123<br />

<strong>Greater</strong> <strong>Bendigo</strong> <strong>City</strong> Council <strong>Budget</strong> <strong>2015</strong>/16<br />


ii <strong>Greater</strong> <strong>Bendigo</strong> <strong>City</strong> Council <strong>Budget</strong> – <strong>2015</strong>/16

Mayor’s Introduction, Cr Peter Cox<br />

The <strong>Budget</strong> for <strong>2015</strong>/16 will help build a better, healthier and more sustainable <strong>Greater</strong> <strong>Bendigo</strong>.<br />

Revenue from rates, fees and user charges, together with Government grants and other<br />

contributions will enable Council to deliver an ambitious $63.3 million Capital and Major Works<br />

program, while investing $166.4 million in service delivery through the <strong>City</strong>’s operating <strong>Budget</strong>.<br />

Strong partnerships with other levels <strong>of</strong> government mean that works on a new 1,600m long runway<br />

at the <strong>Bendigo</strong> Airport, the <strong>Greater</strong> <strong>Bendigo</strong> Indoor Aquatic Leisure and Wellbeing Centre and the<br />

<strong>Bendigo</strong> Stadium expansion can commence. To limit the financial impact on ratepayers Council will<br />

borrow $5 million and receive $25.3 million in grants for operating activities, along with $14.2<br />

million in grants for capital works.<br />

The 4.75 per cent rate increase – the lowest rise in five years – enables Council to begin rolling out<br />

the New Paths Program, with over $1 million to be spent in <strong>2015</strong>/16. Residents have been asking<br />

for a major investment in new footpaths. The <strong>Budget</strong> delivers on this and also includes a further<br />

$1.3 million to renew existing footpaths. There is also $9.8 million to upgrade sealed roads, $2.5<br />

million to improve gravel roads and $3.5 million to upgrade existing drainage systems.<br />

Council’s commitment to having better community and recreation facilities continues with $1.8<br />

million for the construction <strong>of</strong> a social pavilion at Canterbury Park. There is also capital works<br />

funding for Dower Park Reserve, Spring Gully Soccer Pavilion and the joint use facilities at Marist<br />

College <strong>Bendigo</strong> at Maiden Gully.<br />

Heathcote benefits with $500,000 to commence development <strong>of</strong> the Barrack Reserve Community<br />

Hub, $150,000 to upgrade football change rooms at Barrack Reserve, $60,000 for Stage 2 <strong>of</strong> the<br />

Heathcote Play Space and $25,000 to connect the O’Keefe Rail Trail to the Heathcote CBD.<br />

Projects in smaller communities include resurfacing tennis courts at Elmore, replacing play<br />

equipment and erecting cricket nets at Malone Park at Marong, undertaking bridge construction<br />

works at Mandurang and road repairs at Avonmore and Emu Creek.<br />

The operating <strong>Budget</strong> continues to fund important services for our community including maternal<br />

and child care services, youth services, road, footpath and drainage maintenance, building and facility<br />

management and maintenance, tourism and visitor services, economic development, the <strong>Bendigo</strong> Art<br />

Gallery, street cleaning, maintaining parks, gardens and recreation facilities, statutory planning and<br />

strategy.<br />

This financial year ratepayers will receive a $20 refund on waste charges for each kerbside garbage<br />

collection due to the redistribution <strong>of</strong> funds following the repeal <strong>of</strong> the carbon tax.<br />

Over $2 million will go towards a partnership project with the Federal Government and 15 other<br />

local councils to continue upgrading 23,000 streetlights in the north, west and central Victoria with<br />

energy efficient technology. This initiative is expected to save the <strong>City</strong> in the order <strong>of</strong> $19.5 million<br />

over the next 20 years.<br />

The Independent Review has influenced the development <strong>of</strong> the <strong>Budget</strong>, ensuring a more efficient<br />

and transparent process. It has taken an enormous amount <strong>of</strong> work by staff and Councillors to<br />

present the <strong>Budget</strong> for <strong>2015</strong>/16 to the community and it is through this work the Council is<br />

confident the <strong>Budget</strong> will help to achieve its vision <strong>of</strong> being Australia’s most liveable regional city.<br />

Cr Peter Cox<br />

Mayor<br />

<strong>Greater</strong> <strong>Bendigo</strong> <strong>City</strong> Council <strong>Budget</strong> <strong>2015</strong>/16 1

Chief Executive Officer’s Summary<br />

Council has prepared a <strong>Budget</strong> for the <strong>2015</strong>/16 financial year which seeks to balance the demand for<br />

services and infrastructure with the community’s capacity to pay. Key budget information is<br />

provided below about the rate increase, operating result, cash and investments, capital works,<br />

financial position, financial sustainability, strategic objectives and expenditure allocations <strong>of</strong> the<br />

Council.<br />

Any columns in graphs below labelled A2013/14 reflect actual figures for 2013/14, F2014/15 reflect<br />

forecast figures for 2014/15, columns labelled B<strong>2015</strong>/16 reflect budget figures for <strong>2015</strong>/16 and<br />

columns labelled SRP reflect Strategic Resource Plan figures for the financial years <strong>2016</strong>/17 –<br />

2018/19.<br />

1. Rates<br />

8.0<br />

% rate increase<br />

6.0<br />

4.0<br />

6.00 6.00<br />

4.75<br />

5.00 5.00 5.00<br />

2.0<br />

0.0<br />

A2013/14 F2014/15 B<strong>2015</strong>/16 SRP<strong>2016</strong>/17 SRP2017/18 SRP2018/19<br />

The general rates increase <strong>of</strong> 4.75% for the <strong>2015</strong>/16 year will raise total rates and charges <strong>of</strong> $99.421<br />

million, including $12.88 million from garbage and recycling charges, and $1.64 million generated<br />

from supplementary rates.<br />

2. Operating Result<br />

45.00<br />

surplus / -deficit $M<br />

35.00<br />

25.00<br />

15.00<br />

5.00<br />

42.44<br />

30.45<br />

20.43<br />

20.47 19.33<br />

8.01<br />

A2013/14 F2014/15 B<strong>2015</strong>/16 SRP<strong>2016</strong>/17 SRP2017/18 SRP2018/19<br />

The budgeted operating result for the <strong>2015</strong>/16 year is an operating surplus <strong>of</strong> $30.45 million, which<br />

is an increase <strong>of</strong> $22.4 million over the forecast result for 2014/15. The increase is due mainly to<br />

the completion <strong>of</strong> major works, namely the Ulumbarra Theatre in 2014/15 (refer section 4.3.2). The<br />

higher operating result is also impacted by the recognition <strong>of</strong> capital grants to fund capital works.<br />

The operating surplus is utilised to fund capital works and loan repayments.<br />

2 <strong>Greater</strong> <strong>Bendigo</strong> <strong>City</strong> Council <strong>Budget</strong> – <strong>2015</strong>/16

3. Cash and Investments<br />

50.00<br />

48.15<br />

cash on hand $M<br />

40.00<br />

30.00<br />

32.93<br />

34.50<br />

33.17<br />

36.29<br />

37.68<br />

20.00<br />

A2013/14 F2014/15 B<strong>2015</strong>/16 SRP<strong>2016</strong>/17 SRP2017/18 SRP2018/19<br />

Cash and investments <strong>of</strong> $34.50 million for <strong>2015</strong>/16 is slightly above the 2014/15 forecast as council<br />

plans to build its cash reserves in order to finance its capital commitments in <strong>2016</strong>/17. The majority<br />

<strong>of</strong> this cash is restricted cash (refer to 5.2). This reflects Council's strategy <strong>of</strong> using excess cash and<br />

investments to enhance service delivery and enable the renewal and upgrade <strong>of</strong> existing<br />

infrastructure and the creation <strong>of</strong> new infrastructure.<br />

At June 30 each year, Council expects to hold significant cash generated from rate payments falling<br />

due in February annually. These funds are required to fund operations throughout the year.<br />

4. Capital Works<br />

85.00<br />

capital works $M<br />

75.00<br />

65.00<br />

55.00<br />

45.00<br />

35.00<br />

80.30<br />

55.74<br />

52.03<br />

40.93<br />

44.16 45.17<br />

A2013/14 F2014/15 B<strong>2015</strong>/16 SRP<strong>2016</strong>/17 SRP2017/18 SRP2018/19<br />

The budgeted Capital Works program for the <strong>2015</strong>/16 year is $55.74 million. In addition to the<br />

budgeted Capital Works program, it is expected some projects will be carried forward for<br />

completion from the 2014/15 year, which are funded from the 2014/15 budget.<br />

Of the $55.74 million in Capital funding required, $28.5 million will come from Working<br />

Capital/Council operations, $18.8 million from external grants, contributions and asset sales, $5<br />

million from loan borrowings and the balance from cash and investments.<br />

The capital expenditure program has been prioritised based on an agreed evaluation criteria. (Note:<br />

In addition to the Capital Works, Council will undertake Major Works which equates to $7.58<br />

million total expenditure, substantially funded from Government Grants and Council Reserves.<br />

Major Works include the finalisation <strong>of</strong> the Lighting the Regions Project, Marist College <strong>Bendigo</strong><br />

community facilities and <strong>Bendigo</strong> South East College design. These assets are not owned by COGB.)<br />

<strong>Greater</strong> <strong>Bendigo</strong> <strong>City</strong> Council <strong>Budget</strong> – <strong>2015</strong>/16 3

5. Financial Position<br />

1,600<br />

1,618<br />

Net Assetsl $M<br />

1,500<br />

1,400<br />

1,300<br />

1,200<br />

1,258<br />

1,299<br />

1,364<br />

1,476<br />

1,528<br />

1,100<br />

A2013/14 F2014/15 B<strong>2015</strong>/16 SRP<strong>2016</strong>/17 SRP2017/18 SRP2018/19<br />

The financial position is expected to improve with net assets (net worth) to increase by $65 million<br />

to $1.36 billion and net current assets (working capital) to increase by $1.29 million to $15.13<br />

million as at 30 June <strong>2016</strong>. This is mainly due to the use <strong>of</strong> cash reserves to fund projects included in<br />

the Capital Works program.<br />

6. Financial Sustainability<br />

8<br />

underlying surplus / -deficit $M<br />

3<br />

-2<br />

-7<br />

2.92<br />

-8.61<br />

4.89<br />

4.10<br />

3.32 3.59<br />

-12<br />

A2013/14 F2014/15 B<strong>2015</strong>/16 SRP<strong>2016</strong>/17 SRP2017/18 SRP2018/19<br />

A high level Strategic Resource Plan for the years <strong>2016</strong>/17 to 2018/19 has been developed to assist<br />

Council in adopting a <strong>Budget</strong> within a longer term prudent financial framework. The key objective <strong>of</strong><br />

the plan is financial sustainability in the medium to long term, while achieving the Council’s strategic<br />

objectives as specified in the Council Plan.<br />

The underlying deficit forecast for 2014/15 is the result <strong>of</strong> the accounting treatment <strong>of</strong> grant income<br />

received in 2013/14 and forecast to be spent in 2014/15.<br />

4 <strong>Greater</strong> <strong>Bendigo</strong> <strong>City</strong> Council <strong>Budget</strong> – <strong>2015</strong>/16

7. Strategic objectives<br />

50.0<br />

strategic objectives $M<br />

40.0<br />

30.0<br />

20.0<br />

10.0<br />

(0.0)<br />

13.9<br />

10.9<br />

Leadership and<br />

Good<br />

Governance<br />

5.3<br />

5.6<br />

Planning for<br />

Growth<br />

41.6<br />

38.7<br />

Presentation<br />

and Vibrancy<br />

5.9<br />

6.7<br />

Productivity<br />

39.6<br />

36.6<br />

Sustainability<br />

2014/15 <strong>2015</strong>/16<br />

The Annual <strong>Budget</strong> includes a range <strong>of</strong> services and initiatives to be funded that will contribute to<br />

achieving the strategic objectives specified in the Council Plan. The above graph show the level <strong>of</strong><br />

funding allocated in the <strong>Budget</strong> to achieve each <strong>of</strong> the strategic objectives as set out in the Council<br />

Plan for the <strong>2015</strong>/16 year.<br />

8. Council Expenditure Allocations<br />

Customer & Corporate<br />

Services 9%<br />

Arts/Culture/Library<br />

7%<br />

Capital & Major Works<br />

36%<br />

Waste, Recycling and<br />

Environment<br />

8%<br />

Parking & Animal<br />

Control 2%<br />

Recreation/Parks<br />

7%<br />

Maintenance <strong>of</strong><br />

Road Network<br />

11%<br />

Business Development<br />

/ Tourism<br />

4%<br />

Development &<br />

Regulation<br />

5%<br />

Property Services<br />

4%<br />

Community Services<br />

7%<br />

The above chart provides an indication <strong>of</strong> how Council allocates its expenditure across the core<br />

services that it delivers.<br />

More detailed <strong>Budget</strong> information is available throughout this document.<br />

Craig Niemann<br />

Chief Executive Officer<br />

<strong>Greater</strong> <strong>Bendigo</strong> <strong>City</strong> Council <strong>Budget</strong> – <strong>2015</strong>/16 5

<strong>Budget</strong> Processes<br />

This section lists the budget processes to be undertaken in order to adopt the <strong>Budget</strong> in accordance<br />

with the Local Government Act 1989 (The Act) and Local Government (Planning and Reporting)<br />

Regulations 2014 (the Regulations).<br />

Under the Act, Council is required to prepare and adopt an Annual <strong>Budget</strong> for each financial year.<br />

The <strong>Budget</strong> is required to include certain information about the rates and charges that Council<br />

intends to levy, as well as a range <strong>of</strong> other information required by the Regulations which support<br />

the Act.<br />

The <strong>2015</strong>/16 <strong>Budget</strong> is for the financial year 1 July <strong>2015</strong> to 30 June <strong>2016</strong> and is prepared in<br />

accordance with the Act and Regulations. The <strong>Budget</strong> includes financial statements -<br />

Comprehensive Income Statement, Balance Sheet, Statement <strong>of</strong> Changes in Equity, Statement <strong>of</strong><br />

Cash Flows, Statement <strong>of</strong> Capital Works and Statement <strong>of</strong> Human Resources. These statements<br />

have been prepared for the year ended 30 June <strong>2016</strong> in accordance with the Act and the<br />

Regulations, and are consistent with the annual financial statements which are prepared in<br />

accordance with Accounting Standards. The <strong>Budget</strong> also includes detailed information about the<br />

rates and charges to be levied, the Capital Works program to be undertaken, the human resources<br />

required and other financial information, which Council requires in order to make an informed<br />

decision about the adoption <strong>of</strong> the <strong>Budget</strong>.<br />

The preparation <strong>of</strong> the <strong>Budget</strong> began with Officers preparing the draft operating and capital<br />

components <strong>of</strong> the Annual <strong>Budget</strong> between November and February. A draft consolidated <strong>Budget</strong><br />

was considered by Councillors at briefings in March. The proposed <strong>Budget</strong> is submitted to Council<br />

in April for approval in principle, Council is then required to give public notice that it intends to<br />

adopt a budget. Council must give 28 days’ notice <strong>of</strong> its intention to adopt the proposed <strong>Budget</strong> and<br />

make the <strong>Budget</strong> available for inspection. Any interested person has a right to make a submission on<br />

any proposal contained in the <strong>Budget</strong> and any submission must be considered before adoption <strong>of</strong> the<br />

<strong>Budget</strong> by Council.<br />

Council undertakes media briefings, promotion and displays copies <strong>of</strong> the proposed <strong>Budget</strong> in the<br />

local media and on the <strong>City</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Greater</strong> <strong>Bendigo</strong>'s website. Hard copies are also available at Council<br />

<strong>of</strong>fices. The final step is for Council to adopt the <strong>Budget</strong> after receiving and considering any<br />

submissions from interested parties. The <strong>Budget</strong> is required to be adopted and a copy submitted to<br />

the Minister within 28 days <strong>of</strong> adoption. The key dates for the <strong>Budget</strong> process are summarised<br />

below:<br />

<strong>Budget</strong> process<br />

Timing<br />

1. Officers prepare operating and capital <strong>Budget</strong>s Feb<br />

2. Council considers draft <strong>Budget</strong> March<br />

3. Proposed <strong>Budget</strong> submitted to Council for approval April<br />

4. Public notice advising <strong>of</strong> Council’s intention to adopt the <strong>Budget</strong> April<br />

5. <strong>Budget</strong> available for public inspection and comment April<br />

6. Submissions period closes (28 days) May<br />

7. Submissions considered by a Committee <strong>of</strong> Council May<br />

8. <strong>Budget</strong> and submissions presented to Council for adoption June<br />

9. Copy <strong>of</strong> adopted <strong>Budget</strong> submitted to the Minister July<br />

6 <strong>Greater</strong> <strong>Bendigo</strong> <strong>City</strong> Council <strong>Budget</strong> – <strong>2015</strong>/16

1. Linkage to the Council Plan<br />

This section describes how the Annual <strong>Budget</strong> links to the achievement <strong>of</strong> the Council Plan within an<br />

overall planning framework. This framework guides the Council in identifying community needs and<br />

aspirations over the long term (<strong>Greater</strong> <strong>Bendigo</strong> 2036), medium term (Council Plan, Strategic<br />

Resources Plan) and short term (Annual Actions and <strong>Budget</strong>) and then holding itself accountable<br />

(Annual Report and Audited Statements).<br />

1.1 Strategic Planning Framework<br />

The Strategic Resource Plan, included in the Council Plan, is a rolling four year plan that provides a<br />

summary <strong>of</strong> the financial and non-financial impacts <strong>of</strong> the objectives and strategies and determines<br />

the sustainability <strong>of</strong> these objectives and strategies. The Annual <strong>Budget</strong> is developed and framed<br />

within the Strategic Resource Plan, taking into account the activities and initiatives which contribute<br />

to achieving the Council’s strategic objectives specified in the Council Plan.<br />

The timing <strong>of</strong> each component <strong>of</strong> the planning framework is critical to the successful achievement <strong>of</strong><br />

the planned outcomes. A new Council Plan, including the Strategic Resource Plan, is required to be<br />

completed by 30 June following a general election and is reviewed each year in advance <strong>of</strong> the<br />

Annual <strong>Budget</strong> process.<br />

The diagram over the page depicts the strategic planning framework <strong>of</strong> Council.<br />

<strong>Greater</strong> <strong>Bendigo</strong> <strong>City</strong> Council <strong>Budget</strong> – <strong>2015</strong>/16 7


ACTION<br />





Community Plans<br />

- <strong>Greater</strong> <strong>Bendigo</strong> 2036<br />

- Small Town and<br />

Neighbourhood Plans<br />

Community<br />

Engagement<br />

Framework<br />

Council Plan<br />

Long Term<br />

Financial and<br />

Workforce Plan<br />

(Strategic Resource<br />

Annual Report to the<br />

Community<br />

1. Deliberate<br />

Plan)<br />

Consultation Activities<br />

2. Communications and<br />

Media<br />

3. Customer Service<br />

Requests<br />

COGB Strategies<br />

and Plans<br />

Report to councillors<br />

on achievements in<br />

strategies<br />

4. Small Towns<br />

Strategies<br />

5. Individual Contacts<br />

with Staff/Councillors<br />

Report to<br />

Council Plan<br />

Annual Actions<br />

Council <strong>Budget</strong><br />

including Annual<br />

Capital Expenditure<br />

Councillors on<br />

progress against<br />

Annual Actions and<br />

<strong>Budget</strong><br />

Note: Lighter shades<br />

are for "internal only"<br />

documents.<br />

Service Plans<br />

Unit <strong>Budget</strong><br />

Progress report to<br />

Director<br />

Individual Work<br />

Plans<br />

Progress report to<br />

Supervisor<br />

Council's Planning and Reporting framework is underpinned by Federal, State and Regional Strategic Plans,<br />

Policies and Legislation.<br />

8 <strong>Greater</strong> <strong>Bendigo</strong> <strong>City</strong> Council <strong>Budget</strong> – <strong>2015</strong>/16

1.2 Vision and Values<br />

Council Vision<br />

Working together to be Australia’s most liveable regional city.<br />

Council Values<br />

Council wants the community to continue to have reason to be proud <strong>of</strong> the city and will do this<br />

through:<br />

• Transparency - Information about Council decisions is readily available and easily understood<br />

• Efficiency and effectiveness - Council provides services based on evidence <strong>of</strong> need and<br />

demonstrates continuous improvement in the delivery <strong>of</strong> services<br />

• Inclusion and consultation - Council uses a range <strong>of</strong> engagement strategies to ensure community<br />

members can understand and take part in discussion that informs the development <strong>of</strong> new<br />

strategies and actions<br />

• Clear decisive and consistent planning - In a rapidly growing municipality, Council undertakes to<br />

plan effectively for our long-term future<br />

• Respect for community priorities and needs - Council will advocate for improved services for<br />

community members and will consider community impact and feedback regarding the decisions<br />

it makes.<br />

Staff Organisational Values<br />

Working together to be the best we can for the community:<br />

• We Lead<br />

• We Learn<br />

• We Contribute<br />

• We Care<br />

• We Respond<br />

• We Respect<br />

<strong>Greater</strong> <strong>Bendigo</strong> <strong>City</strong> Council <strong>Budget</strong> – <strong>2015</strong>/16 9

1.3 Themes and Strategic Objectives<br />

The Council delivers services and initiatives under service categories or functional areas. Each<br />

contributes to the achievement <strong>of</strong> one <strong>of</strong> the five themes and the strategic objectives as set out in<br />

the Council Plan for the 2013-17 years and shown in the following table.<br />

Theme<br />

Strategic Objective<br />

1. Leadership<br />

and Good<br />

Governance<br />

2. Planning for<br />

Growth<br />

3. Presentation<br />

and vibrancy<br />

• Council demonstrates leadership in its decisions to meet future needs and<br />

challenges.<br />

• Lobbying and advocacy about agreed priorities place <strong>Greater</strong> <strong>Bendigo</strong> at the<br />

forefront <strong>of</strong> policy and funding considerations.<br />

• Community members are supported to take an active part in democratic<br />

engagement.<br />

• Continuous improvement methods are used to ensure the standard <strong>of</strong> service<br />

delivery is excellent.<br />

• Long term planning and staff capacity building help to develop a resilient<br />

organisation.<br />

• <strong>Greater</strong> <strong>Bendigo</strong> plans for the needs <strong>of</strong> our growing population through the<br />

preparation <strong>of</strong> long-term strategies and the development <strong>of</strong> major new assets<br />

and supporting infrastructure.<br />

• <strong>Greater</strong> <strong>Bendigo</strong> residents, businesses and communities are connected with<br />

accessible transport options.<br />

• Planning ensures residents have access to diverse, affordable and sustainable<br />

housing choices.<br />

• Effective telecommunication options connect businesses and community<br />

members.<br />

• High quality public space infrastructure, programs and services are planned and<br />

delivered that support the <strong>City</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Greater</strong> <strong>Bendigo</strong> to be Australia’s most<br />

liveable regional city.<br />

• Diverse sporting, recreational and artistic experiences are <strong>of</strong>fered for residents<br />

and visitors.<br />

• Activities, groups and networks enable people to be connected and feel<br />

welcome.<br />

• <strong>Greater</strong> <strong>Bendigo</strong> is a child friendly city where people report improved health and<br />

wellbeing and they can feel safe.<br />

• <strong>Greater</strong> <strong>Bendigo</strong> is a drawcard for visitors.<br />

4. Productivity • <strong>Greater</strong> <strong>Bendigo</strong> has a vibrant and diverse economy that grows jobs and enables<br />

good living standards.<br />

• <strong>Bendigo</strong> is a centre for innovation and creativity that helps build economic<br />

sustainability.<br />

• Educational diversity and support for lifelong learning is fostered.<br />

5. Sustainability • The built and natural qualities that make <strong>Greater</strong> <strong>Bendigo</strong> an attractive and<br />

appealing place are valued and conserved.<br />

• Council demonstrates leadership in reducing our environmental footprint.<br />

• We help to build community resilience for managing the impacts <strong>of</strong> climate<br />

change.<br />

• Council manages its resources, assets & infrastructure for the long term.<br />

10 <strong>Greater</strong> <strong>Bendigo</strong> <strong>City</strong> Council <strong>Budget</strong> – <strong>2015</strong>/16

2. Services, Initiatives and Service Performance Indicators<br />

This section provides a description <strong>of</strong> the services and initiatives to be funded in the <strong>Budget</strong> for the<br />

<strong>2015</strong>/16 year and how these will contribute to achieving the strategic objectives specified in the<br />

Council Plan as set out in Section 1. It also includes a number <strong>of</strong> initiatives and service performance<br />

outcome indicators. The Strategic Resource Plan is part <strong>of</strong>, and prepared in conjunction with, the<br />

Council Plan. The relationship between these components <strong>of</strong> the <strong>Budget</strong> and the Council Plan, along<br />

with the link to reporting in the Annual Report, is shown below.<br />

In order to demonstrate full cost <strong>of</strong> Council services, the <strong>City</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Greater</strong> <strong>Bendigo</strong> allocates the cost<br />

<strong>of</strong> a number <strong>of</strong> internal support areas to other service units <strong>of</strong> Council. These include Finance,<br />

Information Management, People and Performance and Customer Service.<br />

2.1 Theme 1 – Leadership and Good Governance<br />

Council demonstrates leadership to assure the community that there is capacity and flexibility to<br />

plan for and manage emerging challenges, as well as responding to immediate needs and concerns.<br />

Good governance is evident in transparent and well-informed decision making for the long term,<br />

sound management <strong>of</strong> resources and diverse and effective engagement with community members.<br />

Services<br />

Service Unit<br />

Executive<br />

Services<br />

Description <strong>of</strong> services provided<br />

The Executive Services Unit provides strategic leadership to the<br />

organisation, timely and effective CEO, Mayor and Councillor<br />

support, timely and compliant Council meetings, responsive<br />

implementation <strong>of</strong> the Independent Review, authoritative advice on<br />

civic administration, governance and legislative compliance,<br />

comprehensive monitoring and implementation <strong>of</strong> Council<br />

resolutions. High-level internal and external communication, high<br />

quality online, verbal, printed, radio, television and web-based<br />

communication is also provided by the Unit.<br />

(Expenditure)<br />

Revenue<br />

Net Cost<br />

$'000<br />

(3,286)<br />

34<br />

(3,252)<br />

<strong>Greater</strong> <strong>Bendigo</strong> <strong>City</strong> Council <strong>Budget</strong> – <strong>2015</strong>/16 11

Organisation<br />

Support<br />

Library Services<br />

Rating and<br />

Valuation<br />

Services<br />

People and<br />

Performance<br />

Information<br />

Management<br />

Contract and<br />

Project<br />

Coordination<br />

Customer<br />

Support<br />

The Organisation Support Directorate advises Council on matters<br />

relating to the Directorate, contributes to the executive<br />

management <strong>of</strong> COGB and contributes to the good governance <strong>of</strong><br />

the Goldfields Library Corporation, the <strong>Bendigo</strong> Regional Archives<br />

Centre Inc. and the <strong>Bendigo</strong> Stadium Finance Committee by<br />

representing COGB on these bodies.<br />

The Goldfields Library Corporation, <strong>of</strong> which COGB is one <strong>of</strong> the<br />

four member municipalities, provides a public library service to<br />

four sites throughout the municipality in <strong>Bendigo</strong>, Kangaroo Flat,<br />

Eaglehawk and Heathcote, along with the mobile library, and<br />

operates the <strong>Bendigo</strong> Regional Archive Centre.<br />

The Rating and Valuation Services Unit provides statutory<br />

valuations for rating purposes, provides asset and insurance<br />

valuations and maintains the integrity and updates the land<br />

information database. The Unit also annually levies and collects<br />

rates and charges, maintains the corporate property database,<br />

maintains the central name register <strong>of</strong> ratepayers and prepares<br />

voters rolls.<br />

The People and Performance Unit supports COGB to ensure it<br />

has the right people delivering the right outcomes. The Unit<br />

achieves its purpose through building a productive, high<br />

performance culture, providing advice, support and assurance on<br />

risk, opportunities and performance and developing a continuously<br />

improving and change resilient organisation.<br />

The Information Management Unit is responsible for providing,<br />

developing and maintaining corporate Information and<br />

Communications Technology systems and continually improving<br />

business processes. The Unit also manages records and the<br />

record archive, Ombudsman requests and privacy matters.<br />

The Contract and Project Coordination Unit provides best<br />

practice tendering and contracting services and provides a Project<br />

Management <strong>of</strong>fice with sound governance processes and continual<br />

development <strong>of</strong> project managers and project management tools.<br />

The Customer Support Unit provides an effective and efficient<br />

Call Centre as the first point <strong>of</strong> contact for our customers. The<br />

Unit also manages events and activities in the CBD on behalf <strong>of</strong><br />

COGB and delivers information and cashiering services at service<br />

centres at Lyttleton Terrace, <strong>Bendigo</strong> and High Street, Heathcote.<br />

(398)<br />

10<br />

(388)<br />

(3,067)<br />

0<br />

(3,067)<br />

(3,784)<br />

576<br />

(3,208)<br />

(3,443)<br />

*1,486<br />

(1,957)<br />

198<br />

(1,759)<br />

(3,713)<br />

*3,208<br />

(505)<br />

9<br />

(496)<br />

(725)<br />

13<br />

(712)<br />

(1,844)<br />

* 850<br />

(994)<br />

12<br />

(982)<br />

*Cost allocated across other units<br />

Initiatives<br />

Initiatives<br />

1) Stage 1 website redevelopment to produce a more user friendly site that is<br />

accessible by mobile devices.<br />

2) Women Showing the Way session encouraging young women in years 10-12 to<br />

become future leaders.<br />

3) Continued implementation <strong>of</strong> the Injury Management Review by the People and<br />

Performance Unit to reduce insurance premiums and identify ongoing savings<br />

(including temporary staff appointment 0.2 FTE).<br />

Council<br />

Plan<br />

Reference<br />

1.5.1<br />

1.7<br />

1.7.2<br />

12 <strong>Greater</strong> <strong>Bendigo</strong> <strong>City</strong> Council <strong>Budget</strong> – <strong>2015</strong>/16

4) Employ additional payroll staff member to implement the transition to digital<br />

payroll processing (temporary 0.5 FTE – 12 months).<br />

5) Continue the rollout <strong>of</strong> employee Development Plans by extending the role <strong>of</strong><br />

Organisation Development Adviser for 12 months (temporary 1.0 FTE).<br />

6) Review, analyse and update the Information and Communications Technology<br />

and Digital Strategy to align IT systems with COGB's strategic direction, including<br />

recommendations <strong>of</strong> best practice.<br />

1.7.1<br />

1.7.1<br />

1.5.1<br />

Service Performance Outcome Indicators<br />

Service Indicator Performance Measure Computation<br />

Governance Satisfaction<br />

Satisfaction with Council<br />

decisions<br />

Community satisfaction rating out <strong>of</strong> 100<br />

with how Council has performed in<br />

making decisions in the interests <strong>of</strong> the<br />

community<br />

Libraries Participation Active library members [Number <strong>of</strong> active library members /<br />

municipal population] x100<br />

2.2 Theme 2 – Planning for Growth<br />

During this term Council has made a strong commitment to complete significant planning work to<br />

develop detailed and long term plans around integrated transport and future residential needs. This<br />

encompasses projects that contribute to achieving the vision <strong>of</strong> <strong>Greater</strong> <strong>Bendigo</strong> becoming the most<br />

liveable regional city in Australia, and covers development <strong>of</strong> infrastructure that differentiates the<br />

municipality as an affordable, comfortable, connected and safe place to live and provides for modern<br />

and future lifestyle and cultural choices.<br />

It is essential that <strong>Greater</strong> <strong>Bendigo</strong> plans for the future and presents compelling arguments to the<br />

State and Federal Governments for funding to deliver on the plans, especially major infrastructure<br />

items.<br />

There are competing demands in community priorities and internal funding decisions in the desires<br />

to plan for growth, maintain the existing infrastructure to safe and acceptable standards and meet<br />

increasing demand for social services and new infrastructure.<br />

These strategies ensure <strong>Greater</strong> <strong>Bendigo</strong> adapts to the needs <strong>of</strong> a growing and increasingly diverse<br />

population smoothly and positively.<br />

Services<br />

Service Unit<br />

Planning and<br />

Development<br />

Statutory<br />

Planning<br />

Description <strong>of</strong> services provided<br />

The Planning and Development Directorate advises Council on<br />

matters relating to the Directorate and contributes to the<br />

executive management <strong>of</strong> COGB.<br />

The Statutory Planning Unit facilitates planning and delivery <strong>of</strong><br />

timely and quality planning decisions, provides a heritage advisory<br />

and heritage architecture service and implements Planning Scheme<br />

Amendments, including the <strong>Bendigo</strong> Flood Study and the Marong<br />

Business Park. Many <strong>of</strong> the services delivered by the Statutory<br />

Planning Unit are in accordance with State Government legislation<br />

(Expenditure)<br />

Revenue<br />

Net Cost<br />

$'000<br />

(395)<br />

6<br />

(389)<br />

(3,480)<br />

786<br />

(2,694)<br />

<strong>Greater</strong> <strong>Bendigo</strong> <strong>City</strong> Council <strong>Budget</strong> – <strong>2015</strong>/16 13

Strategy<br />

Major Projects<br />

and local strategies and policies adopted by Council following<br />

intensive community consultation.<br />

The Strategy Unit facilitates, coordinates and develops strategies,<br />

plans and advice that provide direction and guidance for Council<br />

to make decisions and implement projects, planning scheme<br />

provisions, land use change, social and community development,<br />

health and wellbeing, integrated transport and the heritage<br />

management for the municipality.<br />

The Major Projects Unit focusses on major projects that involve<br />

significant funding from external sources, significant stakeholder<br />

engagement and require detailed planning, design and delivery.<br />

The Unit contributes to the economic, cultural and social<br />

prosperity <strong>of</strong> our region by effectively delivering identified major<br />

projects, successfully cooperating and proactively developing the<br />

<strong>Bendigo</strong> Indoor Aquatic and Wellbeing Centre and the <strong>Bendigo</strong><br />

Airport and, in doing so, continues to raise the municipality’s<br />

pr<strong>of</strong>ile as an exceptional place in which to live, work, invest and<br />

visit.<br />

(1,855)<br />

7<br />

(1,848)<br />

(791)<br />

124<br />

(667)<br />

Initiatives<br />

Initiatives<br />

7) Implement the Marong Industrial Park Planning Amendment and the <strong>Bendigo</strong><br />

Flood Study.<br />

8) Employ a Heritage Architect (0.4 FTE) to increase the capacity <strong>of</strong> the heritage<br />

advisory service and to remove delays in relevant planning applications.<br />

9) Employ a Strategic Planner (1.00 FTE) to ensure completion <strong>of</strong> Council's adopted<br />

work program for strategic planning studies, including the Hospital Precinct<br />

Structure Plan and Rosalind Park Masterplan.<br />

10) Incorporate the <strong>Greater</strong> <strong>Bendigo</strong> Residential Strategy, Integrated Transport and<br />

Land Use Strategy, Commercial Land Use and Activity Centres Strategy, Housing<br />

and Hospital Precinct Structure Plan into the Planning Scheme through<br />

Amendments.<br />

11) Commence implementation <strong>of</strong> the Rosalind Park Masterplan (preliminary scope<br />

for wetlands).<br />

Council<br />

Plan<br />

Reference<br />

2.1.1<br />

5.2.1<br />

2.2<br />

2.2<br />

2.1.9<br />

Service Performance Outcome Indicators<br />

Service Indicator Performance Measure Computation<br />

Statutory<br />

planning<br />

Decision<br />

making<br />

Council planning decisions<br />

upheld at VCAT<br />

[Number <strong>of</strong> VCAT decisions that did not<br />

set aside Council’s decision in relation to<br />

a planning application / Number <strong>of</strong><br />

VCAT decisions in relation to planning<br />

applications] x100<br />

14 <strong>Greater</strong> <strong>Bendigo</strong> <strong>City</strong> Council <strong>Budget</strong> – <strong>2015</strong>/16

2.3 Theme 3 – Presentation and Vibrancy<br />

When people in <strong>Greater</strong> <strong>Bendigo</strong> describe it as being very liveable, they use phrases such as it ‘looks<br />

good’, is easy to get around, it is safe, it is affordable, and there is good access to health, education<br />

and services for people, including those who need help. There are choices in activities, education,<br />

housing, entertainment, sporting facilities and open spaces are well maintained.<br />

These are important features <strong>of</strong> the community to strengthen as <strong>Greater</strong> <strong>Bendigo</strong> grows and<br />

changes. New initiatives will be developed on the basis <strong>of</strong> equity to meet gaps in existing services<br />

or provide better access to existing services for members <strong>of</strong> the public. Outcomes that specifically<br />

encourage physical activity and those that promote mental and physical wellbeing are valued. At the<br />

same time preservation and/or promotion <strong>of</strong> the municipality's physical and cultural heritage remain<br />

important criteria.<br />

Services<br />

Service Unit<br />

Capital Venues<br />

and Events<br />

<strong>Bendigo</strong> Art<br />

Gallery<br />

Community<br />

Wellbeing<br />

Active and<br />

Healthy<br />

Communities<br />

Community<br />

Services<br />

Community<br />

Partnerships<br />

Description <strong>of</strong> services provided<br />

The Capital Venues and Events Unit provides quality performing<br />

arts programming and activities to the central Victorian region and<br />

provides facilities and opportunities for participation in the arts.<br />

The <strong>Bendigo</strong> Art Gallery develops and delivers exhibitions, public<br />

programs and associated events that are appealing to a range <strong>of</strong><br />

audiences. The Gallery also encourages philanthropy and supports<br />

the <strong>Bendigo</strong> Art Gallery Foundation. Marketing opportunities are<br />

developed for the Gallery that are linked specifically to the<br />

exhibition program and continue to consolidate the Gallery as a<br />

national leader within the cultural sector.<br />

The Community Wellbeing Directorate advises Council on<br />

matters relating to the Directorate and contributes to the<br />

executive management <strong>of</strong> COGB.<br />

The Active and Healthy Communities Unit plans, develops and<br />

manages public places for participation, encouraging and<br />

promoting a broad range <strong>of</strong> sport and leisure opportunities<br />

available to the residents <strong>of</strong> and visitors to the <strong>Greater</strong> <strong>Bendigo</strong><br />

municipality. The Unit improves the health and wellbeing <strong>of</strong><br />

residents by collaboratively planning across organisations<br />

influencing health through strategies such as the Municipal Public<br />

Health and Wellbeing Plan.<br />

The Community Services Unit delivers a broad range <strong>of</strong> services<br />

for the early childhood target group and their families including<br />

health promotion, prevention, care, education and advocacy. It<br />

provides support to frail older people, people with disabilities and<br />

their carers, whose capacity for independent living is at risk, or<br />

who are at risk <strong>of</strong> premature admission to long term residential<br />

care.<br />

The Community Partnerships Unit encourages a collaborative<br />

approach with all community partners to work towards an agreed<br />

vision and common outcomes for children, young people and their<br />

families across the municipality. The Unit undertakes planning to<br />

promote diversity, community participation and acceptance <strong>of</strong> all<br />

cultural groups, people living with disabilities and older people and<br />

develops strategies to support this planning. The Unit also<br />

(Expenditure)<br />

Revenue<br />

Net Cost<br />

$'000<br />

(4,748)<br />

2,603<br />

(2,145)<br />

(3,691)<br />

1,386<br />

(2,305)<br />

(504)<br />

5<br />

(499)<br />

(5,121)<br />

698<br />

(4,423)<br />

(14,748)<br />

11,767<br />

(2,981)<br />

(3,906)<br />

567<br />

(3,339)<br />

<strong>Greater</strong> <strong>Bendigo</strong> <strong>City</strong> Council <strong>Budget</strong> – <strong>2015</strong>/16 15

facilitates greater community participation in decision making,<br />

greater accountability to the community and encourages effective<br />

and efficient responses to community concerns.<br />

Environmental<br />

Health and<br />

Local Laws<br />

Engineering and<br />

Public Space<br />

Parks and<br />

Natural<br />

Reserves<br />

Works<br />

<strong>Bendigo</strong><br />

Livestock<br />

Exchange<br />

The Environmental Health and Local Laws Unit supports the aim<br />

<strong>of</strong> a community free <strong>of</strong> communicable disease, that tobacco is not<br />

sold to minors and that registered premises, including food and<br />

health premises, have safe business practices. The Unit works<br />

collaboratively with partners to improve safety and security in<br />

public places, regulates activities to ensure a healthy and safe<br />

environment and manages fire prevention information, preparation<br />

and activities.<br />

The Engineering and Public Space Unit provides a network <strong>of</strong> road<br />

and footpath infrastructure to service the mobility requirements<br />

<strong>of</strong> the municipality. The Unit designs and delivers quality passive<br />

open spaces as well as all levels <strong>of</strong> play spaces. Detailed designs<br />

are developed by the Unit for the delivery <strong>of</strong> Open Space<br />

Masterplans. The Unit is responsible for the implementation <strong>of</strong><br />

the <strong>Bendigo</strong> Botanic Gardens Masterplan and Integrated Transport<br />

and Land Use Strategy actions and maintains and updates Asset<br />

Management and GIS systems to provide information for use<br />

across COGB and by the public.<br />

The Parks and Natural Reserves Unit provides a safe network <strong>of</strong><br />

open space that meets the needs <strong>of</strong> users to participate in a variety<br />

<strong>of</strong> recreational activities, including sportsfields. The Unit also<br />

protects and enhances the natural environment through the<br />

implementation <strong>of</strong> management strategies and practices.<br />

The Works Unit maintains and delivers civil infrastructure projects<br />

such as sealed and unsealed roads, footpaths, bike paths, bridges,<br />

kerb and channel, drains and carparks. The Unit also provides<br />

vehicle and pedestrian management for major events and<br />

responses to emergencies and natural disasters.<br />

(2,266)<br />

1,093<br />

(1,173)<br />

(6,634)<br />

3,836<br />

(2,798)<br />

(11,015)<br />

852<br />

(10,163)<br />

(14,262)<br />

2,674<br />

(11,588)<br />

The <strong>Bendigo</strong> Livestock Exchange provides for the sale <strong>of</strong> livestock. (1,272)<br />

1,113<br />

(159)<br />

Initiatives<br />

Initiatives<br />

12) <strong>Budget</strong> provision for operating the Ulumbarra Theatre, including an additional<br />

venue staff position (1.0 FTE).<br />

13) Employ a dedicated Bookings Officer for all open space related bookings (1.0<br />

FTE).<br />

Council<br />

Plan<br />

Reference<br />

14) <strong>Budget</strong> provision for the management and operation <strong>of</strong> Dower Park. 3.1.2<br />

15) <strong>Budget</strong> provision for the operation <strong>of</strong> Long Gully Splash Park. 3.1.2<br />

16) Employ a Maternal and Child Health Nurse (0.4 FTE) working jointly across<br />

COGB, St Luke's Anglicare, <strong>Bendigo</strong> Health and <strong>Bendigo</strong> and District Aboriginal<br />

Cooperative (fully externally funded).<br />

17) Employ a Maternal and and Child Health Nurse (0.4 FTE) to provide adequate<br />

client service, as per workload monitoring formula in COGB's Staff Enterprise<br />

Agreement.<br />

3.1.1<br />

3.1.2<br />

3.6.5<br />

3.6.5<br />

16 <strong>Greater</strong> <strong>Bendigo</strong> <strong>City</strong> Council <strong>Budget</strong> – <strong>2015</strong>/16

18) Implement the Inclusion and Diversity program, including increasing awareness<br />

and application <strong>of</strong> <strong>Bendigo</strong> Human Rights Charter and development <strong>of</strong> a Cultural<br />

Diversity Strategy, including administrative support (0.3 FTE) .<br />

19) Additional Design Engineer/Officer to improve delivery <strong>of</strong> Capital Works<br />

program (1.0 FTE).<br />

20) Employ a Compliance Officer (external works) to ensure COGB assets are<br />

maintained and reduce litigation risk to the organisation (1.0 FTE).<br />

21) Additional Natural Reserves Team member (1.0 FTE) to ensure standards are<br />

maintained across all sites managed by the Team.<br />

22) <strong>Budget</strong> provision for waste disposal costs associated with the Parks and Natural<br />

Reserves Unit (internal charge between Parks and Natural Reserves Unit and<br />

Waste Services Unit).<br />

23) Additional funding for sportsground maintenance operating costs (including turf<br />

maintenance and irrigation costs) for Crusoe College and Marist College<br />

sportsgrounds.<br />

24) <strong>Budget</strong> provision for the maintenance <strong>of</strong> Canterbury Park. 3.1.3<br />

25) <strong>Budget</strong> provision for waste disposal costs associated with the Works Unit<br />

(internal charge between Works Unit and Waste Services Unit).<br />

Service Performance Outcome Indicators<br />

3.6.5<br />

5.3<br />

5.3.3<br />

3.1.3<br />

3.1.3<br />

3.1.3<br />

5.5.1<br />

Service Indicator Performance Measure Computation<br />

Home and<br />

Community<br />

Care<br />

Home and<br />

Community<br />

Care<br />

Maternal<br />

and Child<br />

Health<br />

Maternal<br />

and Child<br />

Health<br />

Aquatic<br />

Facilities<br />

Participation Participation in Home and<br />

Community Care service<br />

Participation Participation in Home and<br />

Community Care service by<br />

Culturally and Linguistically<br />

Diverse (CALD) people<br />

Participation Participation in the Maternal<br />

and Child Health (MCH)<br />

service<br />

Participation Participation in Maternal and<br />

Child Health (MCH) service by<br />

Aboriginal children<br />

[Number <strong>of</strong> people that received a<br />

Home and Community Care service /<br />

Municipal target population for Home<br />

and Community Care services] x100<br />

[Number <strong>of</strong> CALD people who receive<br />

a Home and Community Care service /<br />

Municipal target population in relation<br />

to CALD people for Home and<br />

Community Care services] x100<br />

[Number <strong>of</strong> children who attend the<br />

MCH service at least once (in the year)<br />

/ Number <strong>of</strong> children enrolled in the<br />

MCH service] x100<br />

[Number <strong>of</strong> Aboriginal children who<br />

attend the MCH service at least once<br />

(in the year) / Number <strong>of</strong> Aboriginal<br />

children enrolled in the MCH service]<br />

x100<br />

Utilisation Utilisation <strong>of</strong> aquatic facilities Number <strong>of</strong> visits to aquatic facilities /<br />

Municipal population<br />

Roads Satisfaction Satisfaction with sealed local<br />

roads<br />

Community satisfaction rating out <strong>of</strong><br />

100 with how Council has performed<br />

on the condition <strong>of</strong> sealed local roads.<br />

Food safety<br />

Health and<br />

safety<br />

Critical and major noncompliance<br />

notifications<br />

[Number <strong>of</strong> critical non-compliance<br />

notifications and major non-compliance<br />

notifications about a food premises<br />

followed up / Number <strong>of</strong> critical noncompliance<br />

notifications and major<br />

<strong>Greater</strong> <strong>Bendigo</strong> <strong>City</strong> Council <strong>Budget</strong> – <strong>2015</strong>/16 17

non-compliance notifications about a<br />

food premises] x100<br />

Animal<br />

Management<br />

Health and<br />

safety<br />

Animal management<br />

prosecutions<br />

Number <strong>of</strong> successful animal<br />

management prosecutions<br />

2.4 Theme 4 – Productivity<br />

Productivity is about encouraging innovation and diversity in education, commerce and industry. It is<br />

about responding to new economic opportunities, including making sure our local workforce is<br />

appropriately skilled. Council’s role involves supporting infrastructure projects that promote and<br />

enable investment, business opportunity and business security within the municipality.<br />

It is establishing the environment for investment and making sure the infrastructure is in place to<br />

support economic activity. It involves creating the opportunity for all people to be actively<br />

employed. The focus is on the potential additional economic activity generated in the community,<br />

not a direct return on investment to the <strong>City</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Greater</strong> <strong>Bendigo</strong>.<br />

Services<br />

Service Unit<br />

<strong>City</strong> Futures<br />

Tourism Unit<br />

Major Events<br />

Unit<br />

Economic<br />

Development<br />

Description <strong>of</strong> services provided<br />

The <strong>City</strong> Futures Directorate advises Council on matters relating<br />

to the Directorate, contributes to the executive management <strong>of</strong><br />

COGB and represents COGB on a number <strong>of</strong> key organisational<br />

and industry boards. The Directorate manages government<br />

advocacy relationships and provides funding support to The<br />

<strong>Bendigo</strong> Trust.<br />

The Tourism Unit continues to develop <strong>Greater</strong> <strong>Bendigo</strong> as a<br />

major regional visitor destination by building economic benefits<br />

from tourism through a year round event and activity calendar.<br />

The Unit delivers quality visitor experiences through a team <strong>of</strong><br />

staff and volunteers and develops and markets <strong>Bendigo</strong> Tourism’s<br />

experiences digitally across a number <strong>of</strong> platforms. The Unit<br />

delivers a range and depth <strong>of</strong> market ready experiences and<br />

develops greater capacity across the tourism business landscape to<br />

deliver enriched tourism experiences.<br />

(Expenditure)<br />

Revenue<br />

Net Cost<br />

$'000<br />

(1,374)<br />

0<br />

(1,374)<br />

(3,291)<br />

1,099<br />

(2,192)<br />

The Major Events Unit attracts and retains major events that (2,183)<br />

deliver a positive economic impact, expose the liveability <strong>of</strong> the<br />

262<br />

city, that provide local, national and international media exposure (1,921)<br />

and help support and foster good relations with State and Federal<br />

Government. The Unit also attracts new and nurtures existing<br />

events in Sport and Leisure, Arts and Culture, Conferences, Shows<br />

and Expos, Food and Wine, Agricultural Shows, Business Events<br />

and Car Clubs to continue to drive positive economic impact for<br />

<strong>Bendigo</strong> and the region. The Unit organises, manages and presents<br />

the annual <strong>Bendigo</strong> Easter Festival and delivers civic events,<br />

including Citizenship Ceremonies.<br />

The Economic Development Unit supports business, economic,<br />

commercial and industry development. Local businesses are<br />

supported to capitalise on the roll out <strong>of</strong> the National Broadband<br />

Network and the Unit coordinates the <strong>Bendigo</strong> Pr<strong>of</strong>essional<br />

(1,479)<br />

235<br />

(1,244)<br />

18 <strong>Greater</strong> <strong>Bendigo</strong> <strong>City</strong> Council <strong>Budget</strong> – <strong>2015</strong>/16

Initiatives<br />

Services Group to assist the industry in growing throughout the<br />

region. The Unit also coordinates the <strong>Bendigo</strong> Manufacturing<br />

Group to help local manufacturers adapt to changing business<br />

conditions.<br />

Council<br />

Initiatives<br />

Plan<br />

Reference<br />

26) Increased funding for the <strong>Bendigo</strong> Trust. 3.3.5<br />

27) Host the Great Victorian Bike Ride <strong>2015</strong> - 2 nights in <strong>Bendigo</strong> (including rest day)<br />

and 1 night in Heathcote.<br />

28) Host a delegation from Haimen, China, including Civic reception. 3.3.2<br />

29) Continue the Goldfields Career Horizons program, an online work experience<br />

hub listing employers and opportunities (fully externally funded).<br />

30) Employ a Small Business Broker to implement the Economic Development<br />

Strategy for small business (1.0 FTE).<br />

Service Performance Outcome Indicators<br />

3.4.2<br />

4.4.1<br />

4.1.1<br />

Service Indicator Performance Measure Computation<br />

Economic<br />

Development<br />

Economic<br />

activity<br />

Change in number <strong>of</strong><br />

businesses<br />

[Number <strong>of</strong> businesses with an ABN in<br />

the municipality at the end <strong>of</strong> the<br />

financial year less the number <strong>of</strong><br />

businesses at the start <strong>of</strong> the financial<br />

year / Number <strong>of</strong> businesses with an<br />

ABN in the municipality at the start <strong>of</strong><br />

the financial year] x100<br />

2.5 Theme 5 – Sustainability<br />

Sustainability means making good use <strong>of</strong> all our resources, so that the decisions made today do not<br />

limit the choices <strong>of</strong> future generations. Developing the environmental sustainability <strong>of</strong> the<br />

municipality is supported, including carbon and waste management. In the context <strong>of</strong> the Council<br />

Plan, built and natural assets and finances must also be managed in a way that is viable into the<br />

future.<br />

<strong>Greater</strong> <strong>Bendigo</strong> <strong>City</strong> Council <strong>Budget</strong> – <strong>2015</strong>/16 19

Services<br />

Service Unit<br />

Parking and<br />

Animal Control<br />

Building and<br />

Property<br />

Presentation<br />

and Assets<br />

Waste Services<br />

Sustainable<br />

Environment<br />

Finance<br />

*Cost allocated across other units<br />

Description <strong>of</strong> services provided<br />

The Parking and Animal Control Unit manages the <strong>City</strong>'s parking<br />

control, animal management, school crossing supervision,<br />

aerodrome safety maintenance and compliance and CCTV<br />

surveillance in the CBD to promote public safety and residential<br />

amenity.<br />

The Building and Property Unit develops, upgrades and maintains<br />

community assets to meet current needs, standards and uses. The<br />

Unit also plans and delivers new projects to address the growing<br />

future needs <strong>of</strong> COGB. The Unit ensures COGB owned and<br />

other facilities comply with relevant building codes and standards.<br />

The Unit provides an effective and responsive building advice and<br />

support service.<br />

The Presentation and Assets Directorate advises Council on<br />

matters relating to the Directorate and contributes to the<br />

executive management <strong>of</strong> COGB. The Directorate maintains<br />

relationships with and lobbies State and Federal governments and<br />

their departments.<br />

The Waste Services Unit collects garbage from domestic and<br />

commercial properties, collects and sorts kerbside recycling,<br />

operates landfills and transfer stations and provides street cleaning.<br />

The Unit also provides servicing to the entire Depot based fleet<br />

and for COGB’s car fleet.<br />

The Sustainable Environment Unit provides a coordinated<br />

approach to the development <strong>of</strong> environmental policies, strategies,<br />

programs and processes including climate change mitigation and<br />

adaptation and carbon management. The Unit delivers the Lighting<br />

the Regions project and coordinates energy efficient installations in<br />

COGB buildings. The Unit provides advice on native vegetation<br />

and biodiversity matters, provides technical advice and<br />

recommendations relating to vegetation assessments and engages<br />

and supports the community to value and protect native<br />

landscapes.<br />

The Finance Unit ensures financial accountability and integrity <strong>of</strong><br />

financial data and assists COGB in demonstrating probity,<br />

accountability, compliance with legislative frameworks and<br />

transparency to key stakeholders. The Unit also oversees the<br />

borrowing and investing <strong>of</strong> COGB funds and ensures financial<br />

accountability over the payment <strong>of</strong> Developer Levies.<br />

(Expenditure)<br />

Revenue<br />

Net Cost<br />

$'000<br />

(4,408)<br />

6,394<br />

1,986<br />

(7,747)<br />

2,744<br />

(5,003)<br />

(23,279)<br />

0<br />

(23,279)<br />

(25,187)<br />

16,168<br />

(9,019)<br />

(1,021)<br />

10<br />

(1,011)<br />

(1,530)<br />

*1,222<br />

(308)<br />

62<br />

(246)<br />

Initiatives<br />

Initiatives<br />

31) Employ a Property Asset Officer (1.0 FTE) to provide technical support,<br />

undertake property inspections and ensure compliance.<br />

Council<br />

Plan<br />

Reference<br />

32) Additional funding for preventative maintenance, utilities and services. 5.3.2<br />

33) Undertake a trial <strong>of</strong> Kerbside Organic Waste collection service. 5.5.1<br />

5.3.3<br />

20 <strong>Greater</strong> <strong>Bendigo</strong> <strong>City</strong> Council <strong>Budget</strong> – <strong>2015</strong>/16

34) Develop an Environmental Sustainability Strategy, including carbon management<br />

and sustainable water use, to guide environmental and sustainability action over<br />

the next 5 years.<br />

5.1.2<br />

Service Performance Outcome Indicators<br />

Service Indicator Performance Measure Computation<br />

Waste<br />

collection<br />

Waste<br />

diversion<br />

Kerbside collection waste<br />

diverted from landfill<br />

[Weight <strong>of</strong> recyclables and green<br />

organics collected from kerbside bins /<br />

Weight <strong>of</strong> garbage, recyclables and<br />

green organics collected from kerbside<br />

bins] x100<br />

2.6 Major Initiatives<br />

Major Initiatives <strong>of</strong> Council for the <strong>2015</strong>/16 financial year relate to the continuation <strong>of</strong> planning,<br />

design and construction <strong>of</strong> significant capital and major projects.<br />

Major Initiatives<br />

Finalise the Lighting the Regions project, converting street lights to energy efficient<br />

LED<br />

Council<br />

Plan<br />

Reference<br />

Construction <strong>of</strong> the Social Pavilion at Canterbury Park, Eaglehawk 2.1.11<br />

Commencement <strong>of</strong> construction <strong>of</strong> <strong>Bendigo</strong> Indoor Aquatic Leisure and Wellbeing<br />

Complex, Kangaroo Flat<br />

Design and Construction <strong>of</strong> the Garden for the Future at <strong>Bendigo</strong> Botanic Gardens,<br />

White Hills<br />

Commencement <strong>of</strong> construction <strong>of</strong> <strong>Bendigo</strong> Airport runway 2.1.4<br />

Finalisation <strong>of</strong> the Midland to McIvor Highway road link through East <strong>Bendigo</strong> to<br />

facilitate freight movement<br />

Commencement <strong>of</strong> the construction <strong>of</strong> Barrack Reserve Pavilion, Heathcote 2.1.10<br />

Further details <strong>of</strong> these projects are included in Appendix C.<br />

5.6.2<br />

2.1.2<br />

2.1.3<br />

2.1.7<br />

2.7 Performance Statement<br />

The service performance indicators detailed in the preceding pages will be reported on within the<br />

Performance Statement which is prepared at the end <strong>of</strong> the year as required by section 132 <strong>of</strong> the<br />

Act and included in the <strong>2015</strong>/16 Annual Report. The Performance Statement will also include<br />

reporting on prescribed indicators <strong>of</strong> financial performance (outlined in section 8) and sustainable<br />

capacity, which are not included in this <strong>Budget</strong> report. The full set <strong>of</strong> prescribed performance<br />

indicators are audited each year by the Victorian Auditor-General’s Office who issues an audit<br />

opinion on the Performance Statement. The major initiatives detailed in the preceding pages will be<br />

reported in the Annual Report in the form <strong>of</strong> a statement <strong>of</strong> progress in the report <strong>of</strong> operations.<br />

<strong>Greater</strong> <strong>Bendigo</strong> <strong>City</strong> Council <strong>Budget</strong> – <strong>2015</strong>/16 21

2.8 Reconciliation with <strong>Budget</strong>ed Operating Result<br />

(Net Cost)<br />

Revenue<br />

$’000<br />

Expenditure<br />

$’000<br />

Revenue<br />

$’000<br />

Leadership and Good Governance (13,866) 20,263 6,397<br />

Planning for Growth (5,598) 6,522 924<br />

Presentation and Vibe <strong>of</strong> Our <strong>City</strong> (41,574) 68,170 26,596<br />

Productivity (6,730) 8,327 1,597<br />

Sustainability (36,573) 63,175 26,602<br />

Total activities and initiatives (104,341) 166,457 62,116<br />

Other non-attributable 17,615<br />

Deficit before funding sources (86,726)<br />

Other Funding Sources<br />

Rates and charges 99,421<br />

Capital grants 14,171<br />

Contributions to capital works 3,587<br />

Total funding sources 117,179<br />

Operating Surplus for the year 30,453<br />

Refer to page 28 for more detail.<br />

22 <strong>Greater</strong> <strong>Bendigo</strong> <strong>City</strong> Council <strong>Budget</strong> – <strong>2015</strong>/16

3. <strong>Budget</strong> Influences<br />

This section sets out the key budget influences arising from the internal and external environment<br />

within which the Council operates.<br />

3.1 Snapshot <strong>of</strong> <strong>Greater</strong> <strong>Bendigo</strong> <strong>City</strong> Council<br />

The <strong>City</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Greater</strong> <strong>Bendigo</strong> is located in the geographic centre <strong>of</strong> Victoria about 90 minutes’ drive<br />

north <strong>of</strong> Melbourne. <strong>Greater</strong> <strong>Bendigo</strong> has an estimated population <strong>of</strong> over 110,000 and covers<br />

almost 3,000 square kilometres <strong>of</strong> the central Victorian landscape, including smaller towns and<br />

villages such as Heathcote, Axedale, Huntly, Marong, Elmore, Goornong, Neilborough, Sebastian,<br />

Woodvale, Raywood, Mia Mia and Redesdale.<br />

Population<br />

The resident population <strong>of</strong> <strong>Greater</strong> <strong>Bendigo</strong> at the 2011 ABS census <strong>of</strong> population and housing was<br />

100,611, this was a growth <strong>of</strong> 7.89% from a population <strong>of</strong> 93,253 at the 2006 Census, which<br />

represents an average annual growth rate <strong>of</strong> 1.54 per cent.<br />

The 2013 <strong>of</strong>ficial population <strong>of</strong> <strong>Greater</strong> <strong>Bendigo</strong> is the ABS estimated resident population. As at 30<br />

June 2013 it was 105,332, which was an increase <strong>of</strong> 1.7% (or 1,727 persons) from the previous 12<br />

months.<br />

Age Structure<br />

The service age structure <strong>of</strong> <strong>Greater</strong> <strong>Bendigo</strong> shows different populations at their different life<br />

stages. Looking at age structure this way can better inform the level <strong>of</strong> demand on specific age<br />

based services as well as specific housing needs.<br />

The age structure <strong>of</strong> <strong>Greater</strong> <strong>Bendigo</strong> at the 2011 Census shows that overall 20.4% <strong>of</strong> the<br />

population was aged between 0 and 15 and 14.9% <strong>of</strong> residents were over the age <strong>of</strong> 65. Compared<br />

to Regional Victoria, <strong>Greater</strong> <strong>Bendigo</strong> has a similar proportion <strong>of</strong> people in the younger age groups<br />

and smaller proportion <strong>of</strong> those 65 and over (the Regional Victorian average in 16.3%).<br />

<strong>Greater</strong> <strong>Bendigo</strong> has a larger percentage <strong>of</strong> residents aged 20-24 and 25-29 compared to the<br />

Regional Victorian average while having a smaller percentage <strong>of</strong> residents aged 60-69.<br />

In between the period <strong>of</strong> the last two Census, the largest changes within the five-year age groups<br />

were 0 to 4 (+964), 25 to 29 (+914), 60 to 64 (+1,591) and 65 to 69 (+738).<br />

Growth has occurred in all <strong>of</strong> the five-year age groups from 50 years and up, making up 64.96% <strong>of</strong><br />

the growth <strong>of</strong> the <strong>City</strong> between 2006 and 2011. These figures demonstrate a growing proportion <strong>of</strong><br />

an aged population.<br />

There has been growth <strong>of</strong> the young workforce and tertiary aged population between the last two<br />

Census, as well as the previously discussed growth <strong>of</strong> the older population.<br />

Births<br />

Birth rates in <strong>Greater</strong> <strong>Bendigo</strong> have been slightly increasing each year and in 2013, 1,337 babies were<br />

born.<br />

Cultural diversity<br />

Of the total <strong>Greater</strong> <strong>Bendigo</strong> population just over 7% <strong>of</strong> residents were born overseas. Of those<br />

residents born overseas, half were born in non-English speaking countries. The main countries <strong>of</strong><br />

birth <strong>of</strong> residents, apart from Australia, represent migrant groups from United Kingdom, New<br />

Zealand and India.<br />

<strong>Greater</strong> <strong>Bendigo</strong> <strong>City</strong> Council <strong>Budget</strong> – <strong>2015</strong>/16 23

Housing<br />

In 2014 there were 45,379 dwellings across <strong>Greater</strong> <strong>Bendigo</strong>, with the suburb <strong>of</strong> Kangaroo Flat<br />

having the largest number <strong>of</strong> dwellings. Of the total dwellings 82% were separate dwellings and 13%<br />

medium density dwellings.<br />

In 2011, the majority <strong>of</strong> lone households that live in separate dwellings, 66.62% live in dwellings with<br />

3 bedrooms or more, overall 53.68% <strong>of</strong> lone households live in any sort <strong>of</strong> dwelling with three<br />

bedrooms or more. Even in households with only two people, 84.63% live in separate dwellings<br />

with three or more bedrooms.<br />

Three in four <strong>of</strong> lone person households (77.2%) live in separate detached housing and only less than<br />

6% <strong>of</strong> couples with no children live in medium or high density housing (semi-detached, row, terrace<br />

or townhouse; flat, unit or apartment).<br />

In 2011, 26.1% <strong>of</strong> households in <strong>Greater</strong> <strong>Bendigo</strong> were rented, with 4.7% rented as social housing.<br />

Medium density dwellings are dispersed throughout the municipality unevenly, <strong>Bendigo</strong> urban area<br />

has the largest number with 733 (24%), Flora Hill has 535 which makes up 30% <strong>of</strong> dwellings in the<br />

area, Golden Square and Kangaroo Flat have 573 and 572 respectively, but they only make up 15 and<br />

13 per cent <strong>of</strong> overall dwellings.<br />

Median house sale prices have increased for the majority <strong>of</strong> suburbs in <strong>Greater</strong> <strong>Bendigo</strong>, reflecting<br />

the strong growth in the residential housing sector for regional Victoria over the 10 years to 2012.<br />

The median house price in the <strong>City</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Greater</strong> <strong>Bendigo</strong> has increased by 101% for the 10 years to<br />

2012.<br />

In 2012, <strong>Greater</strong> <strong>Bendigo</strong>’s median house sale price increased by 7% from $275,000 to $295,000. In<br />

comparison, Regional Victorian medians have remained the same at $280,000 while the Victorian<br />

median has decreased by 2% from $420,000 to $412,000.<br />

Education and occupation<br />

The North Western Region, which includes the <strong>City</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Greater</strong> <strong>Bendigo</strong>, reports on four state<br />

regions for retention rates <strong>of</strong> students from Year 10 to Year 12 which, at 91.4%, was the highest <strong>of</strong><br />

all regions.<br />

Under half (42.2%) <strong>of</strong> the population aged 15 and over hold formal qualifications (Bachelor or higher<br />

degree, Advanced Diploma or Diploma, or Vocational qualifications) and 47.3% had no qualifications,<br />

compared with 40.5% and 48.4% respectively for Regional Victoria.<br />

When combined, these three occupations (Pr<strong>of</strong>essional, Technical and Trades Workers and Clerical<br />

and Administrative Workers) accounted for 21,710 people in total or 47.5% <strong>of</strong> the employed<br />

resident population.<br />

<strong>Budget</strong> implications<br />

As a result <strong>of</strong> the <strong>City</strong>’s demographic pr<strong>of</strong>ile there are a number <strong>of</strong> budget implications in the short<br />

and long term as follows:<br />

• The large geographic area, which includes both urban and rural environments, means COGB<br />

needs to be responsive to diverse community needs.<br />

• The large rural area means transport costs for services are higher. This impacts on services<br />

such as garbage collection. There is also a requirement to invest in maintaining a vast rural road<br />

network.<br />

• COGB is assessing how best to support the growing numbers <strong>of</strong> aged people within the<br />

community.<br />

• Growing number <strong>of</strong> births has necessitated the expansion <strong>of</strong> the Maternal and Child Health<br />

Service, with an additional Maternal and Child Health Nurse.<br />

24 <strong>Greater</strong> <strong>Bendigo</strong> <strong>City</strong> Council <strong>Budget</strong> – <strong>2015</strong>/16

• The growing urban area means that with new subdivisions, Council takes on responsibility for<br />

an increasing number <strong>of</strong> public assets when transferred by developers. This includes public<br />

parkland which in turn requires additional staff and equipment to maintain.<br />

• Balancing the demands for new infrastructure in a growing municipality while maintaining<br />

existing assets is challenging. In <strong>2015</strong>/16 Council will provide an additional $2 million<br />

(transferred from asset renewal funding) to provide new assets, including paths.<br />

3.2 Challenges and Opportunities<br />

The Council Plan has been a significant influence in preparing the <strong>2015</strong>/16 <strong>Budget</strong>. In that document<br />

the challenges and opportunities for Council are outlined in detail, and listed below:<br />

• Regional growth and sustainability<br />

• Financial sustainability<br />

• Increasing expectations <strong>of</strong> service availability<br />

• Community engagement and consultation<br />

• Adapting to changing weather patterns<br />

• Performance reporting<br />

• Population growth and change<br />

• Access to communications technology<br />

• Skills replacement, succession planning and knowledge retention<br />

• Maintenance <strong>of</strong> essential infrastructure<br />

3.3 External Influences<br />

There are a number <strong>of</strong> external influences which have had a significant impact on the preparation <strong>of</strong><br />

the <strong>2015</strong>/16 <strong>Budget</strong> being:<br />

• Potential impact <strong>of</strong> rate capping in future years<br />

• Consumer Price Index (CPI) increases on goods and services <strong>of</strong> 2.3% through the year to<br />

September quarter 2014<br />

• Constrained Federal and State Government fiscal environment, including Federal Assistance<br />

Grants indexation freeze for 3 years<br />

• Additional $1.5 million Roads to Recovery funding from Federal Government to assist with<br />

road construction and reconstruction<br />

• The increasing regulatory environment which requires <strong>City</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Greater</strong> <strong>Bendigo</strong> to meet<br />

legislative standards including the introduction <strong>of</strong> the Local Government Performance Reporting<br />

Frameworks<br />

• Managing the impact <strong>of</strong> being a growing city with associated community needs<br />

• Opportunities/incentives provided through government grant programs to deliver further<br />

programs and projects such as the Lighting the Regions street lighting conversion project<br />

• Potential future liability related to the Defined Benefit Superannuation Fund<br />

• Repeal <strong>of</strong> carbon tax legislation<br />

3.4 Internal Influences<br />

There are a number <strong>of</strong> internal influences which have had a significant impact on the preparation <strong>of</strong><br />

the <strong>2015</strong>/16 <strong>Budget</strong> being:<br />

• Council Plan 2013-2017<br />

• <strong>Budget</strong> principles established by Council to guide the development <strong>of</strong> the <strong>Budget</strong> (refer section<br />

3.6)<br />

• The Independent Review <strong>of</strong> the <strong>City</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Greater</strong> <strong>Bendigo</strong> (refer section 3.5)<br />

• Prioritisation by Council <strong>of</strong> several large capital works projects that will require increased<br />

funding both through rate revenue and loan borrowings<br />

• Additional pressures to maintain service levels while service demand increases<br />

• Investment in developing <strong>City</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Greater</strong> <strong>Bendigo</strong>’s workforce capability<br />

• The need to replace and upgrade ageing infrastructure<br />

<strong>Greater</strong> <strong>Bendigo</strong> <strong>City</strong> Council <strong>Budget</strong> – <strong>2015</strong>/16 25

• Commitment to maintain service standards in a growing municipality<br />

• Ongoing focus on greater efficiency<br />

• COGB’s Enterprise Agreement<br />

3.5 Independent Review<br />

The <strong>2015</strong>/16 <strong>Budget</strong> process continues to benefit from a number <strong>of</strong> recommendations <strong>of</strong> the 2013<br />

Independent Review, including the creation <strong>of</strong>:<br />

• A standardised Matter for Decision template to improve decision making around investment<br />

and business case proposals (capital works, operational expenditure, service provision,<br />

upgrades/renewals, direct requests from Council and asset maintenance).<br />

• A Capital Evaluation Framework (CEF) was developed to improve the transparency <strong>of</strong><br />

allocation <strong>of</strong> funding to capital projects. A copy <strong>of</strong> the Framework is included in Appendix E.<br />

While the CEF was developed in 2013/14, further refinements to both the evaluation process<br />

and the selection criteria, with its focus on weighing community benefit, were made for the<br />

<strong>2015</strong>/16 <strong>Budget</strong> process.<br />

The most significant changes include:<br />

The appointment <strong>of</strong> a different evaluation panel comprising key personnel from Economic<br />

Development, Community Services, Strategy and Sustainable Environment Units whose role<br />

in the organisation makes them well placed to weigh proposals against community<br />

need/benefit.<br />

Revised selection criteria to ensure new capital works proposals are weighed against how<br />

they align with the <strong>Greater</strong> <strong>Bendigo</strong> Council Plan, particularly its aim <strong>of</strong> making <strong>Greater</strong><br />

<strong>Bendigo</strong> Australia’s most liveable regional city. These changes give priority to issues such as<br />

heritage preservation, promoting productivity, sustainability and reducing environmental<br />

impact, social equity/social inclusion particularly for residents experiencing disadvantage,<br />

responding to service demand, contributing to township support and improving presentation<br />

and vibrancy.<br />

• Increased reporting <strong>of</strong> working capital (liquidity) and the capital replacement financial ratios.<br />

3.6 <strong>Budget</strong> Principles<br />

The principles set by Council for the <strong>2015</strong>/16 <strong>Budget</strong> are:<br />

Theme<br />

Principle<br />

1 Best Value Take account <strong>of</strong> Best Value Principles from the Local Government Act:<br />

• All services must meet quality and cost standards.<br />

• All services must be responsive to the needs <strong>of</strong> the community.<br />

• Each service must be accessible by those members <strong>of</strong> the<br />

community for whom the service is intended.<br />

• Council must achieve continuous improvement in the provision <strong>of</strong><br />

services to the community.<br />

Council must develop a program <strong>of</strong> consultation with the community in<br />

relation to the services it provides and report regularly to the<br />

community.<br />

2 Capital Works<br />

Alignment with<br />

Council Plan<br />

Council’s <strong>Budget</strong> will take account <strong>of</strong> the Council Plan and other<br />

strategic plans for new Capital Works using the agreed criteria <strong>of</strong> the<br />

Capital Evaluation Framework.<br />

3 Rating Aim to balance the demand for services and infrastructure with the<br />

community's ability to pay.<br />

4 Renewal <strong>of</strong> Assets Comply with existing financial policy investing in renewing existing assets<br />

to the level <strong>of</strong> depreciation.<br />

26 <strong>Greater</strong> <strong>Bendigo</strong> <strong>City</strong> Council <strong>Budget</strong> – <strong>2015</strong>/16

To support requirements for new infrastructure, in <strong>2015</strong>/16, <strong>2016</strong>/17 &<br />

2017/18, reallocate $2 million from the renewal allocation to fund new<br />

Capital Works, with $1 million being a dedicated allocation for new<br />

footpath/shared pathways construction.<br />

5 Loan Borrowings The level <strong>of</strong> indebtedness will remain within low risk category <strong>of</strong> the<br />

Victorian Auditor-General’s Office (VAGO) indicator.<br />

6 User Fees and<br />

Charges<br />

Determining User Fees in accordance with the COGB's Pricing Policy.<br />

7 Revenue Sources • Identify new revenue sources where possible.<br />

8 Operating <strong>Budget</strong><br />

alignment with<br />

Council Plan<br />

9 Working Capital<br />

Ratio<br />

10 Managing Service<br />

Growth<br />

11 Efficiency in<br />

Operations<br />

• Government grants will only be included in the <strong>Budget</strong> if they are<br />

either confirmed or there is a high likelihood <strong>of</strong> confirmation and, if<br />

no confirmation is received, refer the matter to mid-year <strong>Budget</strong> for<br />

decision on proceeding.<br />

• Contributions from clubs and organisations are to be confirmed by<br />

the execution <strong>of</strong> a formal Agreement before Council consider<br />

funding the project.<br />

Council’s <strong>Budget</strong> will take account <strong>of</strong> the Council Plan and other<br />

strategic plans for new and expanded services funded through the<br />

operating <strong>Budget</strong>, using the Business Case submission process which<br />

justifies increased service demand or the development <strong>of</strong> a new<br />

service/initiative. This includes requests for new staffing positions.<br />

Aim to achieve a Working Capital ratio <strong>of</strong> no less than 150%. There will<br />

be $1.50 <strong>of</strong> current assets to every $1 <strong>of</strong> current liabilities to maintain a<br />

low risk rating with VAGO.<br />

Ensure existing levels <strong>of</strong> service can be maintained as a minimum.<br />

To achieve increased efficiency and affordability, the operations <strong>of</strong><br />

Council will be systematically reviewed. Progress is to be reported<br />

annually.<br />

12 Capacity Building Continue to build the community’s capacity to contribute to the<br />

economic growth and wellbeing <strong>of</strong> COGB.<br />

3.7 Long Term Strategies<br />

The <strong>Budget</strong> includes consideration <strong>of</strong> a number <strong>of</strong> long term strategies to assist Council in adopting<br />

the <strong>Budget</strong> in a proper financial management context. These include a Strategic Resource Plan for<br />

the years <strong>2016</strong>/17 to 2018/19 (Section 8), Rating Information (Section 9) and Other Strategies<br />

(Section 10) which include borrowings, asset management and service delivery.<br />

<strong>Greater</strong> <strong>Bendigo</strong> <strong>City</strong> Council <strong>Budget</strong> – <strong>2015</strong>/16 27

4. Analysis <strong>of</strong> Operating <strong>Budget</strong><br />

4.1 <strong>Budget</strong>ed Income Statement<br />

Ref<br />

Forecast<br />

Actual<br />

2014/15<br />

$’000<br />

<strong>Budget</strong><br />

<strong>2015</strong>/16<br />

$’000<br />

Variance<br />

$’000<br />

Operating Revenue 4.2 183,404 187,308 3,904<br />

Operating Expenditure 4.3 (175,395) (156,855) 18,540<br />

Surplus (Deficit) for the year 8,009 30,453 22,444<br />

Grants – Capital 4.2.8 (5,738) (14,171) (8,433)<br />

Contributions – Non Monetary (10,881) (11,391) (510)<br />

Underlying Result – Surplus/(Deficit) (8,610) 4,891 13,501<br />

4.1.1 Underlying Result ($13.5 million increase)<br />

The underlying result is the net surplus or deficit for the year adjusted for capital grants,<br />

contributions <strong>of</strong> non-monetary assets and other once <strong>of</strong>f adjustments. It is a measure <strong>of</strong> financial<br />

sustainability as it is not impacted by non-recurring or once <strong>of</strong>f items <strong>of</strong> revenues and expenses<br />

which can <strong>of</strong>ten mask the operating result.<br />

The underlying result for the <strong>2015</strong>/16 year is a surplus <strong>of</strong> $4.89 million compared to the 2014/15<br />

forecast deficit <strong>of</strong> $8.61 million. This improved financial result is heavily influenced by the<br />

completion <strong>of</strong> the UIumbarra Theatre in April <strong>2015</strong> and substantial costs incurred in 2014/15 for<br />

other major projects such as the Lighting the Regions initiative as well as timing <strong>of</strong> other major work<br />

projects (refer 4.3.2).<br />

4.2 Revenue<br />

Revenue Types<br />

Ref<br />

Forecast<br />

Actual<br />

2014/15<br />

$’000<br />

<strong>Budget</strong><br />

<strong>2015</strong>/16<br />

$’000<br />

Variance<br />

$’000<br />

Rates and charges 4.2.1 93,592 99,421 5,829<br />

Statutory fees and fines 4.2.2 3,312 3,888 576<br />

User charges, fees and fines 4.2.3 23,572 22,963 (609)<br />

Reimbursements 4.2.4 267 1,349 1,082<br />

Contributions – cash 4.2.5 10,513 7,336 (3,177)<br />

Contributions - non monetary assets 4.2.6 10,881 11,391 510<br />

Government Grants - operating 4.2.7 34,084 25,255 (8,829)<br />

Government Grants - capital 4.2.8 5,738 14,171 8,433<br />

Interest revenue 4.2.9 1,445 1,534 89<br />

Total Revenue 183,404 187,308 3,904<br />

28 <strong>Greater</strong> <strong>Bendigo</strong> <strong>City</strong> Council <strong>Budget</strong> – <strong>2015</strong>/16

100,000<br />

Rates &<br />

Charges<br />

Income Comparison Forecast 14/15 / <strong>Budget</strong> 15/16<br />

80,000<br />

60,000<br />

40,000<br />

20,000<br />

0<br />

Statutory<br />

Fees<br />

User<br />

Fees<br />

Contributions<br />

Operating<br />

Grants<br />

Capital<br />

Grants<br />

Other<br />

Forecast 14/15 <strong>Budget</strong> 15/16<br />

Source: Appendix A<br />

<strong>Budget</strong>ed Income <strong>2015</strong>/16<br />

Capital<br />

Grants<br />

8%<br />

Other 1%<br />

Operating<br />

Grants<br />

13%<br />

Contributions<br />

11%<br />

Rates & Charges<br />

53%<br />

User<br />

Fees 12%<br />

Statutory Fees 2%<br />

4.2.1 Rates and Charges ($5.82 million increase)<br />

Rates and charges represent the Council's income from general rates, garbage, recycling and organic<br />

waste charges. The overall rates and charges income reflects an increase <strong>of</strong> 6.2% or $5.82 million<br />

over the 2014/15 forecast. Supplementary rates are expected to contribute $1.64 million to rate<br />

revenue in <strong>2015</strong>/16. Section 9 'Rating Information' includes a more detailed analysis <strong>of</strong> the rates and<br />

charges to be levied for <strong>2015</strong>/16.<br />

4.2.2 Statutory Fees and Fines ($0.58 million increase)<br />

Statutory fees and fines relate to fees and fines levied in accordance with legislation and include<br />

animal registrations, parking fines, Health Act registrations and fines and various planning and<br />

building fees. Increases in statutory fees are made in accordance with legislative requirements.<br />

Income from statutory fees and fines is projected to increase by 17.4% or $576,000.<br />

<strong>Greater</strong> <strong>Bendigo</strong> <strong>City</strong> Council <strong>Budget</strong> – <strong>2015</strong>/16 29

4.2.3 User Fees and Charges ($0.61 million decrease)<br />

User charges relate to the recovery <strong>of</strong> service delivery costs through the charging <strong>of</strong> fees to users <strong>of</strong><br />

Council’s services. These services include use <strong>of</strong> leisure, entertainment and other community<br />

facilities and the provision <strong>of</strong> human services such as home care and child care services. In setting<br />

the <strong>Budget</strong>, the key principle for determining the level <strong>of</strong> user charges has been to increase by CPI<br />

where possible, taking into account the economic climate.<br />

User fees and charges are projected to decrease by 2.6% or $0.61 million in comparison to the<br />

2014/15 forecast. The main area contributing to the decrease are two major international<br />

exhibitions at the Art Gallery held in 2014/15 with none planned in <strong>2015</strong>/16.<br />

The <strong>2015</strong>/16 schedule <strong>of</strong> user fees and charges is included in Appendix F.<br />

4.2.4 Reimbursements ($1.08 million increase)<br />

Reimbursements include amounts from work cover and insurance claims. Reimbursement <strong>of</strong> the<br />

EPA levy previously paid as part <strong>of</strong> payments <strong>of</strong> garbage transport costs accounts for $1 million <strong>of</strong><br />

the increase.<br />

4.2.5 Contributions - Cash ($3.18 million decrease)<br />

Contributions include monies paid by developers in accordance with planning permits issued for<br />

property development, and contributions made by various parties towards provision <strong>of</strong> services and<br />

Capital/Major Projects.<br />

Cash contributions are projected to decrease by $3.18 million or 30.2% compared to the 2014/15<br />

forecast.<br />

4.2.6 Contributions – Non-monetary assets ($0.51 million increase)<br />

Non-monetary assets include developer constructed assets contributed by developers in accordance<br />

with planning permits issued for property development, including land, roads and drainage. The<br />

stable movement <strong>of</strong> 4.7% reflects the trend <strong>of</strong> developers constructing assets and transferring<br />

ownership to <strong>City</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Greater</strong> <strong>Bendigo</strong>.<br />

4.2.7 Grants – Operating ($8.82 million decrease)<br />

Operating grants include all monies received from State and Federal sources for the purposes <strong>of</strong><br />

supporting the delivery <strong>of</strong> Council’s services to ratepayers. Overall, the level <strong>of</strong> operating grants has<br />

decreased by 25.9% or $8.82 million compared to the 2014/15 forecast. Significant movements in<br />

grant funding are summarised below:<br />

Operating Grants<br />

Forecast<br />

Actual<br />

2014/15<br />

$’000<br />

<strong>Budget</strong><br />

<strong>2015</strong>/16<br />

$’000<br />

Variance<br />

$’000<br />

Recurrent – Commonwealth Government<br />

Victorian Grants Commission 15,035 14,976 (59)<br />

Aged Care 536 - (536)<br />

Maternal and Child Health 17 18 1<br />

Family Day Care 109 126 17<br />

Recurrent – State Government<br />

Aged Care 6,090 5,025 (1,065)<br />

Family Day Care 359 313 (46)<br />

Healthy Communities 1,016 500 (516)<br />

30 <strong>Greater</strong> <strong>Bendigo</strong> <strong>City</strong> Council <strong>Budget</strong> – <strong>2015</strong>/16

Community Welfare 344 350 6<br />

Maternal and Child Health 643 694 51<br />

School Crossing Supervisors 182 182<br />

Environmental Health and Local Laws 135 130 (5)<br />

Arts 280 187 (93)<br />

Other 184 103 (81)<br />

Total Recurrent Operating Grants 24,930 22,604 (2,326)<br />

Non Recurrent – Commonwealth Government<br />

Major Project Funding – Lighting the Regions 3,649 1,300 (2,349)<br />

Major Project Funding – Ulumbarra Theatre 4,690 - (4,690)<br />

Arts 192 30 (162)<br />

Family Day Care 15 - (15)<br />

Non Recurrent – State Government<br />

Aged Care 42 787 745<br />

Family Day Care 59 1 (58)<br />

Arts 70 126 56<br />

Tourism 181 210 29<br />

Other 256 197 (59)<br />

Total Non-Recurrent Operating Grants 9,154 2,651 (6,503)<br />

Total Operating Grants 34,084 25,255 (8,829)<br />

4.2.8 Grants - Capital ($8.43 million increase)<br />

Capital grants include all monies received from State and Federal Governments for the purposes <strong>of</strong><br />

funding the Capital Works program. Significant grants are budgeted to be received for the <strong>Bendigo</strong><br />

Stadium, <strong>Bendigo</strong> Airport runway project, <strong>Bendigo</strong> Indoor Aquatic and Wellbeing Centre and<br />

increased funding for Roads to Recovery projects in <strong>2015</strong>/16.<br />

Capital Grants<br />

Forecast<br />

Actual<br />

2014/15<br />

$’000<br />

<strong>Budget</strong><br />

<strong>2015</strong>/16<br />

$’000<br />

Variance<br />

$’000<br />

Recurrent – Commonwealth Government<br />

Roads to Recovery 1,500 3,175 1,675<br />

Recurrent – State Government - -<br />

Total Recurrent Capital Grants 1,500 3,175 1,675<br />

Non Recurrent – Commonwealth Government<br />

Land Improvements 500 450 (50)<br />

Buildings 360 - (360)<br />

Non Recurrent – State Government<br />

Infrastructure – Roads 1,700 4,000 2,300<br />

Land Improvements 920 100 (820)<br />

Waste 58 746 688<br />

Buildings 700 5,700 5,000<br />

Total Non-Recurrent Capital Grants 4,238 10,996 6,758<br />

Total Capital Grants 5,738 14,171 8,433<br />

<strong>Greater</strong> <strong>Bendigo</strong> <strong>City</strong> Council <strong>Budget</strong> – <strong>2015</strong>/16 31

Section 6 “Analysis <strong>of</strong> Capital <strong>Budget</strong>” includes a more detailed analysis <strong>of</strong> the grants and<br />

contributions expected to be received during the <strong>2015</strong>/16 year.<br />

4.2.9 Interest Revenue ($0.089 million increase)<br />

Interest revenue includes interest on investments and rate arrears. Interest is budgeted to increase<br />

by 6.2% or $89,000 compared to the 2014/15 forecast. This is attributable to cash flow predictions,<br />

particularly in relation to Capital Works funding and corresponding expenditure in <strong>2015</strong>/16.<br />

4.3 Operating Expenditure<br />

Expenditure Types<br />

Ref<br />

Forecast<br />

Actual<br />

2014/15<br />

$’000<br />

<strong>Budget</strong><br />

<strong>2015</strong>/16<br />

$’000<br />

Variance<br />

$’000<br />

Employee costs 4.3.1 54,983 56,938 1,955<br />

Contracts, materials and services 4.3.2 79,719 61,022 (18,697)<br />

Plant and equipment operating costs 4.3.3 4,395 4,287 (108)<br />

Borrowing costs 4.3.4 1,600 1,735 135<br />

Bad debts 4.3.5 132 130 (2)<br />

Net loss on sale/write <strong>of</strong>f <strong>of</strong> assets 3,871 3,000 (871)<br />

Depreciation and amortisation 4.3.6 30,695 29,743 (952)<br />

Total Operating Expenditure 175,395 156,855 (18,540)<br />

$,000<br />

80,000<br />

70,000<br />

60,000<br />

50,000<br />

40,000<br />

30,000<br />

20,000<br />

10,000<br />

0<br />

Expenses comparison Forecast 14/15 / <strong>Budget</strong> 15/16<br />

Employee<br />

Costs<br />

Materials &<br />

Services<br />

Depreciation<br />

Borrowing<br />

costs<br />

Forecast 14/15 <strong>Budget</strong> 15/16<br />

Net Loss<br />

on sales<br />

Other<br />

32 <strong>Greater</strong> <strong>Bendigo</strong> <strong>City</strong> Council <strong>Budget</strong> – <strong>2015</strong>/16

<strong>Budget</strong>ed expense <strong>2015</strong>/16<br />

Borrowing<br />

costs 1%<br />

Net Loss<br />

on sales<br />

2%<br />

Other<br />

expenses<br />

3%<br />

Depreciation<br />

19%<br />

Employee Costs<br />

36%<br />

Materials &<br />

Services 39%<br />

Source: Appendix A<br />

4.3.1 Employee Costs ($1.96 million increase)<br />

Employee costs include all labour related expenditure such as wages and salaries and on-costs which<br />

includes allowances, leave entitlements and employer superannuation.<br />

Employee costs are forecast to increase by $1.96 million compared to 2014/15 forecast. This<br />

increase relates to the following key factors:<br />

• Council’s Enterprise Agreement (EA)<br />

• Band movements and reclassification <strong>of</strong> staff as prescribed by the relevant awards<br />

• Impact <strong>of</strong> full year employment <strong>of</strong> staff who took up positions part way through 2014/15,<br />

(approved in the 2014/15 <strong>Budget</strong>)<br />

• Approved new positions to enable efficient and increased service delivery<br />

• New positions fully funded by State Government<br />

• Changes to staff numbers as included in new <strong>Budget</strong> initiatives<br />

Directorate<br />

<strong>Budget</strong><br />

<strong>2015</strong>/16<br />

$’000<br />

Permanent<br />

Full Time<br />

$’000<br />

Comprises<br />

Permanent<br />

Part Time<br />

$’000<br />

Executive 1,712 1,712 0<br />

<strong>City</strong> Futures 5,956 4,982 974<br />

Community Wellbeing 15,470 8,594 6,876<br />

Organisation Support 6,895 5,749 1,146<br />

Planning & Development 9,762 7,344 2,418<br />

Presentation & Assets 15,917 15,348 569<br />

Total Permanent Staff Expenditure 55,712 43,729 11,983<br />

Casuals and Other Expenditure 1,226<br />

Capitalised Labour costs 2,149<br />

Total Expenditure 59,087<br />

<strong>Greater</strong> <strong>Bendigo</strong> <strong>City</strong> Council <strong>Budget</strong> – <strong>2015</strong>/16 33

Directorate<br />

<strong>Budget</strong><br />

FTE<br />

Permanent<br />

Full Time<br />

Comprises<br />

Permanent<br />

Part Time<br />

Executive 11.00 11.00 0<br />

<strong>City</strong> Futures 51.45 43.00 8.45<br />

Community Wellbeing 171.46 76.60 94.86<br />

Organisation Support 66.06 55.00 11.06<br />

Planning & Development 99.81 66.00 33.81<br />

Presentation & Assets 200.50 194.40 6.10<br />

Total Permanent Staff 600.28 446.00 154.28<br />

Casuals and Other Expenditure 60.96<br />

Total Staff 661.24<br />

4.3.2 Contracts, Materials and Services ($18.70 million decrease)<br />

Contracts, materials and services include the purchase <strong>of</strong> consumables, payments to contractors for<br />

the provision <strong>of</strong> services and utility costs. Contracts, materials and services are forecast to decrease<br />

by 23.5% or $18.70 million compared to the 2014/15 forecast.<br />

The decrease is significantly due to the completion <strong>of</strong>, or major works undertaken, in 2014/15.<br />

Expenditure <strong>of</strong> a Capital nature contributed to non-Council assets is accounted for as operational<br />

expenditure. The major projects in 2014/15 were the finalisation <strong>of</strong> construction <strong>of</strong> the Ulumbarra<br />

Theatre and funding <strong>of</strong> the Lighting the Regions Project.<br />

Other items contributing to the decrease include a reduction in waste cartage costs due to the<br />

expected opening <strong>of</strong> Cell 5 in November <strong>2015</strong>, however some cartage will continue. These<br />

decreases have been slightly <strong>of</strong>fset by new initiatives approved by Council during the budgeting<br />

process and the $20 refund on waste charges for each kerbside garbage collection due to the<br />

redistribution <strong>of</strong> funds following the repeal <strong>of</strong> the carbon tax.<br />

4.3.3 Plant and Equipment Operating Costs ($0.11 million decrease)<br />

This decreased by 2.5% on the 2014/15 forecast due to savings initiatives being implemented.<br />

4.3.4 Borrowing Costs ($0.14 million increase)<br />

Borrowing costs relate to interest charged by financial institutions on funds borrowed. The increase<br />

in borrowing costs results from the planned additional borrowings, and commitment <strong>of</strong> current loan<br />

portfolio.<br />

4.3.5 Bad Debts ($0.002 million decrease)<br />

This remains in line with current trends. All debts are managed under the Revenue and Debt<br />

Collection Policy.<br />

4.3.6 Depreciation and Amortisation ($0.95 million decrease)<br />

Depreciation is an accounting measure which attempts to allocate the value <strong>of</strong> an asset over its<br />

useful life for Council’s property, plant and equipment including infrastructure assets such as roads<br />

and drains. The decrease <strong>of</strong> $0.95 million for <strong>2015</strong>/16 is due to the revaluation <strong>of</strong> some asset classes<br />

and the full year effect <strong>of</strong> the 2014/15 Capital Works program.<br />

34 <strong>Greater</strong> <strong>Bendigo</strong> <strong>City</strong> Council <strong>Budget</strong> – <strong>2015</strong>/16

5. Analysis <strong>of</strong> <strong>Budget</strong>ed Cash Position<br />

This section analyses the expected cash flows from the operating, investing and financing activities <strong>of</strong><br />

Council for the <strong>2015</strong>/16 year. <strong>Budget</strong>ing cash flows for Council is a key factor in setting the level <strong>of</strong><br />

rates and providing a guide to the level <strong>of</strong> capital expenditure that can be sustained with or without<br />

using existing cash reserves.<br />

The analysis is based on three main categories <strong>of</strong> cash flows:<br />

• Operating activities - Refers to the cash generated or used in the normal service delivery<br />

functions <strong>of</strong> Council. Cash remaining after paying for the provision <strong>of</strong> services to the<br />

community may be available for investment in capital works, or repayment <strong>of</strong> debt.<br />

• Investing activities - Refers to cash generated or used in the enhancement or creation <strong>of</strong><br />

infrastructure and other assets. These activities also include the acquisition and sale <strong>of</strong> other<br />

assets such as vehicles, property and equipment.<br />

• Financing activities - Refers to cash generated or used in the financing <strong>of</strong> Council services<br />

and include borrowings from financial institutions and advancing <strong>of</strong> repayable loans to other<br />

organisations. These activities also include repayment <strong>of</strong> the principal component <strong>of</strong> loan<br />

repayments for the year.<br />

5.1 <strong>Budget</strong>ed Cash Flow Statement<br />

Ref<br />

Forecast<br />

Actual<br />

2014/15<br />

$’000<br />

<strong>Budget</strong><br />

<strong>2015</strong>/16<br />

$’000<br />

Variance<br />

$’000<br />

Cash flows from operating activities 5.1.1<br />

Receipts<br />

Rates and charges 93,592 99,421 5,829<br />

Grants – operating 27,676 25,761 (1,915)<br />

Grants – capital 15,133 16,623 1,490<br />

Interest 1,445 1,534 89<br />

User fees 27,929 27,225 (704)<br />

Statutory fees and fines 3,643 4,277 634<br />

Other revenue 13,858 11,537 (2,321)<br />

183,276 186,378 3,102<br />

Payments<br />

Employee benefits (54,983) (56,938) (1,955)<br />

Materials and consumables (85,691) (65,233) 20,458<br />

Other expense (4,835) (4,716) 119<br />

(145,509) (126,887) 18,622<br />

Net cash provided by operating activities 37,767 59,491 21,724<br />

Cash flows from investing activities 5.1.2<br />

Proceeds from sales <strong>of</strong> property, plant & equipment 2,758 1,121 (1,637)<br />

Payments for property, plant and equipment (56,618) (60,956) (4,338)<br />

Net cash used in investing activities (53,860) (59,835) (5,975)<br />

<strong>Greater</strong> <strong>Bendigo</strong> <strong>City</strong> Council <strong>Budget</strong> – <strong>2015</strong>/16 35

Ref<br />

Forecast<br />

Actual<br />

2014/15<br />

$’000<br />

<strong>Budget</strong><br />

<strong>2015</strong>/16<br />

$’000<br />

Variance<br />

$’000<br />

Cash flows from financing activities 5.1.3<br />

Finance costs (1,600) (1,735) (135)<br />

Proceeds from borrowings 4,000 5,000 1,000<br />

Repayment <strong>of</strong> borrowings (1,542) (1,402) 140<br />

Trust Funds and Deposits 12 50 38<br />

Net cash used in financing activities 870 1,913 1,043<br />

Net increase (decrease) in cash and cash<br />

(15,223) 1,569 16,792<br />

equivalents<br />

Cash and cash equivalents at the beginning <strong>of</strong> the year 48,151 32,928 (15,223)<br />

Cash and cash equivalents at end <strong>of</strong> the<br />

year 5.1.4/5.2 32,928 34,497 1,569<br />

Source: Appendix A<br />

5.1.1 Operating Activities ($21.72 million increase)<br />

The increase in cash inflows from operating activities is a combination <strong>of</strong> increased revenue from<br />

rates (refer 4.2.1), capital grants (refer 4.2.8) and decreased contracts, materials and services (refer<br />

4.3.2). This has been somewhat <strong>of</strong>fset by decreased operating grants (refer 4.2.7), user fees and<br />

charges (refer note 4.2.3) and increased employee costs (refer 4.3.1).<br />

The net cash flows from operating activities does not equal the operating result for the year as the<br />

expected revenues and expenses <strong>of</strong> COGB include non-cash items which have been excluded from<br />

the Cash Flow Statement. The budgeted operating result is reconciled to budgeted cash flows<br />

available from operating activities as set out in the following table.<br />

Forecast<br />

Actual<br />

2014/15<br />

$’000<br />

<strong>Budget</strong><br />

<strong>2015</strong>/16<br />

$’000<br />

Variance<br />

$’000<br />

Surplus (deficit) for the year 8,009 30,453 22,444<br />

Depreciation 30,695 29,743 (952)<br />

Net non-cash movement in current assets and liabilities (937) (705) 232<br />

Cash flows available from operating activities 37,767 59,491 21,724<br />

5.1.2 Investing Activities ($5.6 million decrease)<br />

The overall reduction in cash used for investing activities is as a result <strong>of</strong> increased payments for<br />

property, plant and equipment due to new major capital projects commencing in <strong>2015</strong>/16. These<br />

being the <strong>Bendigo</strong> Stadium, <strong>Bendigo</strong> Airport runway project and the <strong>Bendigo</strong> Indoor Aquatic and<br />

Wellbeing Centre.<br />

5.1.3 Financing Activities ($1.04 million increase)<br />

For <strong>2015</strong>/16 the total principal repayment is $1.4 million and other finance charges are $1.74 million.<br />

The <strong>2015</strong>/16 <strong>Budget</strong> includes new borrowings <strong>of</strong> $5 million. Financing activities also includes lending,<br />

and repayment <strong>of</strong>, approved loans for private heritage works and community organisations.<br />

36 <strong>Greater</strong> <strong>Bendigo</strong> <strong>City</strong> Council <strong>Budget</strong> – <strong>2015</strong>/16

5.1.4 Cash and Cash Equivalents at End <strong>of</strong> Year ($1.57 million increase)<br />

Overall, total cash and investments are forecast to increase by $1.57 million to $34.50 million as at<br />

30 June <strong>2016</strong>, reflecting COGB’s strategy <strong>of</strong> using excess cash and investments to enhance service<br />

delivery and enable the renewal and upgrade <strong>of</strong> existing infrastructure and the creation <strong>of</strong> new<br />

infrastructure into the future.<br />

5.2 Restricted and Unrestricted Cash and Investments<br />

Cash and cash equivalents held by Council are restricted in part and not fully available for COGB’s<br />

operations. The budgeted cash flow statement (refer 5.1) indicates that Council is estimating at 30<br />

June <strong>2016</strong> that it will have cash and investments <strong>of</strong> $34.50 million, which are restricted as shown in<br />

the following table.<br />

Ref<br />

Forecast<br />

Actual<br />

2014/15<br />

$’000<br />

<strong>Budget</strong><br />

<strong>2015</strong>/16<br />

$’000<br />

Variance<br />

$’000<br />

Total cash and investments 32,928 34,497 1,569<br />

Restricted cash and investments<br />

- Statutory & Discretionary reserves 5.2.1 20,657 21,920 1,263<br />

- Trust Deposits 5.2.2 2,800 2,850 50<br />

Unrestricted cash and investments 5.2.3 9,471 9,727 256<br />

5.2.1 Statutory and Discretionary Reserves ($1.26 million increase)<br />

Statutory funds must be applied for specified statutory purposes in accordance with various<br />

legislative and contractual requirements. While these funds earn interest, the funds are not available<br />

for other purposes. Discretionary reserves have been earmarked for specific utilisation in future<br />

years. Discretionary reserves include funds for waste disposal facility development, property<br />

purchases, long service leave, capital projects committed in <strong>2016</strong>/17 and future funding for possible<br />

defined benefit superannuation.<br />

5.2.2 Trust Deposits ($0.05 million increase)<br />

These funds are deposits or retention amounts controlled by COGB and recognised as Trust Funds<br />

until they are returned or forfeited.<br />

5.2.3 Unrestricted Cash and Investments ($0.26 million increase)<br />

These funds are free <strong>of</strong> all specific COGB commitments and represent funds available to meet daily<br />

cash flow requirements and unexpected short term needs. The lower level <strong>of</strong> unrestricted cash and<br />

investment reflects COGB’s commitment to utilising existing cash resources, minimisation <strong>of</strong> rate<br />

impacts and borrowing to fund Capital Works. The low level is also a result <strong>of</strong> determining that all<br />

discretionary reserves should be cash backed at 30 June each year – these funds immediately<br />

become available for use on 1 July.<br />

<strong>Greater</strong> <strong>Bendigo</strong> <strong>City</strong> Council <strong>Budget</strong> – <strong>2015</strong>/16 37

6. Analysis <strong>of</strong> Capital <strong>Budget</strong><br />

This section analyses the planned capital expenditure <strong>Budget</strong> for the <strong>2015</strong>/16 year and the sources <strong>of</strong><br />

funding for the capital <strong>Budget</strong>.<br />

6.1 Capital Works<br />

Capital Works Areas<br />

Ref<br />

Forecast<br />

Actual<br />

2014/15<br />

$’000<br />

<strong>Budget</strong><br />

<strong>2015</strong>/16<br />

$’000<br />

Variance<br />

$’000<br />

Land Improvements 6.1.1 3,994 4,186 192<br />

Buildings 6.1.2 11,884 15,659 3,775<br />

Plant, Equipment and Other 6.1.3 5,070 4,616 (454)<br />

Roads and Bridges 6.1.4 20,864 24,175 3,311<br />

Drainage 6.1.5 6,587 3,363 (3,224)<br />

Public Furniture and Fittings 6.1.6 3,627 3,740 113<br />

Total Capital Works 52,026 55,739 3,713<br />

Represented by:<br />

New assets 6.1.7 14,343 20,509 6,166<br />

Asset renewal/upgrade 6.1.7 22,418 22,878 460<br />

Asset expansion 6.1.7 15,265 12,352 (2,913)<br />

Total capital works 52,026 55,739 3,713<br />

Source: Appendix A<br />

A more detailed listing <strong>of</strong> the Capital Works program is included in Appendix C<br />

<strong>Budget</strong>ed Capital Works <strong>2015</strong>/16<br />

Roads and<br />

Bridges 44%<br />

Public Furniture<br />

and Fittings<br />

7%<br />

Land Improvements<br />

8%<br />

Buildings<br />

28%<br />

Roads and Bridges<br />

43%<br />

Plant, Equipment<br />

and Other<br />

8%<br />

38 <strong>Greater</strong> <strong>Bendigo</strong> <strong>City</strong> Council <strong>Budget</strong> – <strong>2015</strong>/16

<strong>Budget</strong>ed Capital Works <strong>2015</strong>/16 by Asset<br />

Classification<br />

Asset Renewal<br />

41%<br />

New assets<br />

40%<br />

Asset<br />

Expansion<br />

19%<br />

6.1.1 Land Improvements ($4.19 million)<br />

The more significant projects budgeted for <strong>2015</strong>/16 includes the further development <strong>of</strong> the <strong>Bendigo</strong><br />

Botanic Gardens ($1.5 million), airport water and landfill treatment ($0.6 million) and upgrade for<br />

compliance at Kennington, Elmore and Strathdale Park tennis courts ($0.7 million).<br />

6.1.2 Buildings ($15.66 million)<br />

The more significant projects budgeted for <strong>2015</strong>/16 include the construction at the <strong>Bendigo</strong> Stadium<br />

($5.8 million), <strong>Bendigo</strong> Indoor Aquatic and Wellbeing Centre ($3.0 million), Canterbury Park and<br />

Barrack Reserve Pavilions ($2.2 million) and various upgrades <strong>of</strong> historic buildings including, but not<br />

limited to, the <strong>Bendigo</strong> Town Hall, The <strong>Bendigo</strong> Trust, the <strong>Bendigo</strong> Art Gallery, the RSL Soldiers<br />

Memorial Institute and Eaglehawk Town Hall ($2.1 million).<br />

6.1.3 Plant, Equipment and Other ($4.61 million)<br />

For the <strong>2015</strong>/16 year, $4.4 million will be expended on plant, equipment and IT assets. The more<br />

significant projects include ongoing cyclical replacement <strong>of</strong> the plant and vehicle fleet ($3.52 million)<br />

and upgrade and replacement <strong>of</strong> information technology ($0.46 million).<br />

6.1.4 Roads and Bridges ($24.18 million)<br />

This classification includes local roads, bridges, footpaths, kerb and channel, bike/walking paths and<br />

traffic control.<br />

The more significant projects include renewal <strong>of</strong> various road construction, bridge, traffic<br />

management and streetscape works ($15 million), the construction <strong>of</strong> the <strong>Bendigo</strong> Airport runway<br />

($6.83 million), new footpath program ($1.07 million) and stage 4 <strong>of</strong> the East <strong>Bendigo</strong> Road Link<br />

($0.96 million).<br />

6.1.5 Drainage ($3.36 million)<br />

For the <strong>2015</strong>/16 year, $3.36 million will be expended on drainage projects. The need for a<br />

continued increased commitment to drainage works has been identified with various drainage works<br />

to be undertaken throughout the municipality.<br />

<strong>Greater</strong> <strong>Bendigo</strong> <strong>City</strong> Council <strong>Budget</strong> – <strong>2015</strong>/16 39

6.1.6 Public Furniture and Fittings ($3.74 million)<br />

For the <strong>2015</strong>/16 year, $3.74 million will be expended on additional public furniture and fittings<br />

throughout the municipality, including seating, lighting, shade structures, bus shelters and playground<br />

equipment. Major projects include the purchase <strong>of</strong> bins for the proposed introduction <strong>of</strong> kerbside<br />

organic waste collection ($1.78 million), the construction <strong>of</strong> the Strathdale Park play space ($0.2<br />

million) and renewal and upgrade <strong>of</strong> oval lighting at Golden Square ($0.23 million).<br />

6.1.7 New Assets ($20.51 million), Asset Renewal/Upgrade ($22.88 million), Expansion<br />

($12.35 million)<br />

A distinction is made between expenditure on new assets, expenditure on asset renewal/upgrade<br />

and expansion. Expenditure on asset renewal/upgrade is expenditure on an existing asset, which<br />

improves the service potential or the life <strong>of</strong> the asset. Expenditure on new assets will result in an<br />

additional burden for future operation, maintenance and capital renewal.<br />

6.2 Funding Sources<br />

Sources <strong>of</strong> funding<br />

Ref<br />

Forecast<br />

Actual<br />

2014/15<br />

$’000<br />

<strong>Budget</strong><br />

<strong>2015</strong>/16<br />

$’000<br />

Variance<br />

$’000<br />

External<br />

Grants – Capital 6.2.1 5,738 14,171 8,433<br />

Contributions 6.2.2 1,385 3,587 2,202<br />

Proceeds on sale <strong>of</strong> assets 6.2.3 2,424 1,019 (1,405)<br />

9,547 18,777 9,230<br />

Internal<br />

Reserve Investments 6.2.4 1,795 3,466 1,671<br />

Loan funds 6.2.5 4,000 5,000 1,000<br />

Working Capital/Operations 6.2.6 36,684 28,496 (8,188)<br />

42,479 36,962 (5,517)<br />

Total Funding Sources 52,026 55,739 3,713<br />

<strong>Budget</strong>ed Funding Sources <strong>2015</strong>/16<br />

Grants - Capital 25%<br />

Working<br />

Capital/Operations<br />

51%<br />

Contributions 7%<br />

Proceeds on sale <strong>of</strong><br />

assets 2%<br />

Reserve<br />

Investments 6%<br />

Loan funds 9%<br />

Source: Appendix A<br />

40 <strong>Greater</strong> <strong>Bendigo</strong> <strong>City</strong> Council <strong>Budget</strong> – <strong>2015</strong>/16

6.2.1 Grants - Capital ($14.17 million)<br />

Capital grants include all monies received from State and Federal sources for the purposes <strong>of</strong> funding<br />

the Capital Works program. Significant grants are budgeted to be received in <strong>2015</strong>/16 for the<br />

<strong>Bendigo</strong> Stadium ($2.6 million), <strong>Bendigo</strong> Airport Runway Project ($4 million), <strong>Bendigo</strong> Indoor<br />

Aquatic and Wellbeing Centre ($3 million) as well as increased funding for Roads to Recovery<br />

projects ($1.3 million).<br />

6.2.2 Contributions ($3.59 million)<br />

Contributions are received from various sources to support the delivery <strong>of</strong> specific projects<br />

including <strong>Bendigo</strong> Stadium ($3 million).<br />

6.2.3 Proceeds on Sale <strong>of</strong> Assets ($1.02 million)<br />

Proceeds from the sale <strong>of</strong> assets include plant and motor vehicle sales in accordance with Council's<br />

fleet renewal program <strong>of</strong> $1 million. Further funds will be generated from the sale <strong>of</strong> Council owned<br />

surplus properties. These proceeds will be transferred to the Land and Buildings Reserve.<br />

6.2.4 Reserve Investments ($3.47 million)<br />

The Council has significant cash reserves. The reserves include monies set aside for specific<br />

purposes such as waste management facilities, carparking, building redevelopment and drainage<br />

works. During the <strong>Budget</strong> preparation process, Council determines how much <strong>of</strong> these reserves<br />

will be used to fund its annual Capital Works program. In <strong>2015</strong>/16, $3.19 million will be used to<br />

fund part <strong>of</strong> the Capital Works program including $1.0 million towards Botanical Gardens – Garden<br />

for the future.<br />

6.2.5 Loan Funds ($5 million)<br />

New borrowings <strong>of</strong> $5 million will be used to assist in the overall delivery <strong>of</strong> the Capital Works<br />

program, including significant projects such as the <strong>Bendigo</strong> Stadium, <strong>Bendigo</strong> Airport Runway Project<br />

and <strong>Bendigo</strong> Indoor Aquatic and Wellbeing Centre.<br />

6.2.6 Working Capital/Operations ($28.50 million)<br />

In addition to reserve investments, the <strong>City</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Greater</strong> <strong>Bendigo</strong> also has uncommitted cash and<br />

investments which represent working capital and funds preserved from the previous financial year.<br />

Cash is also generated from operating activities. $28.50 million will be available from operations<br />

and previously held cash investments to fund the <strong>2015</strong>/16 Capital Works program. Refer to section<br />

5, ’Analysis <strong>of</strong> <strong>Budget</strong>ed Cash Position’ for more information on funds from operations.<br />

<strong>Greater</strong> <strong>Bendigo</strong> <strong>City</strong> Council <strong>Budget</strong> – <strong>2015</strong>/16 41

7. Analysis <strong>of</strong> <strong>Budget</strong>ed Financial Position<br />

This section analyses the movement in assets, liabilities and equity between 2014/15 and <strong>2015</strong>/16.<br />

7.1 <strong>Budget</strong>ed Balance Sheet<br />

Ref<br />

Forecast<br />

Actual<br />

2014/15<br />

$’000<br />

<strong>Budget</strong><br />

<strong>2015</strong>/16<br />

$’000<br />

Variance<br />

$’000<br />

Current assets 7.1.1<br />

Cash and cash equivalents 32,928 34,497 1,569<br />

Trade and other receivables 9,900 10,200 300<br />

Inventory 140 143 3<br />

Other assets 1,750 1,760 10<br />

Total current assets 44,718 46,600 1,882<br />

Non-current assets 7.1.1<br />

Investments in Associates 3,946 3,833 (113)<br />

Trade and other receivables 205 398 193<br />

Forestry plantations 80 80 0<br />

Property, infrastructure, plant and equipment 1,317,599 1,384,169 66,570<br />

Intangibles 504 504 0<br />

Total non-current assets 1,322,334 1,388,984 66,650<br />

Total assets 1,367,052 1,435,584 68,532<br />

Current liabilities 7.1.2<br />

Trade and other payables 13,700 13,923 223<br />

Provisions 12,972 12,530 (442)<br />

Interest bearing loans and borrowings 1,402 2,164 762<br />

Trust funds 2,800 2,850 50<br />

Total current liabilities 30,874 31,467 593<br />

Non-current liabilities 7.1.2<br />

Provisions 6,996 6,646 (350)<br />

Interest bearing loans and borrowings 30,448 33,284 2,836<br />

Total non-current liabilities 37,444 39,930 2,486<br />

Total liabilities 68,318 71,397 3,079<br />

Net assets 1,298,734 1,364,187 65,453<br />

Equity 7.1.3<br />

Accumulated surplus 579,090 608,280 29,190<br />

Asset revaluation reserve 698,987 733,987 35,000<br />

Other reserves 20,657 21,920 1,263<br />

Total equity 1,298,734 1,364,187 65,453<br />

Source: Appendix A<br />

42 <strong>Greater</strong> <strong>Bendigo</strong> <strong>City</strong> Council <strong>Budget</strong> – <strong>2015</strong>/16

7.1.1 Current Assets ($1.88 million increase) and Non-Current Assets ($66.65 million<br />

increase)<br />

Cash and cash equivalents include cash and investments such as cash held in the bank and in petty<br />

cash and the value <strong>of</strong> investments held in deposits or other highly liquid investments with short term<br />

maturities <strong>of</strong> three months or less. These balances are projected to increase by $1.57 million<br />

between the 2014/15 forecast and <strong>2015</strong>/16 <strong>Budget</strong> (refer to section 5 for an Analysis <strong>of</strong> <strong>Budget</strong>ed<br />

Cash Position for further detail).<br />

Trade and other receivables are monies owed to Council by ratepayers and other debtors. Short<br />

term debtors continue to be managed under tight financial controls. Long term debtors (noncurrent)<br />

include loans to community organisations.<br />

Investments in Associates reflect Council's investment in the North Central Goldfields Library<br />

Corporation.<br />

Property, infrastructure, plant and equipment is the largest component <strong>of</strong> Council’s worth and<br />

represents the value <strong>of</strong> all land, land improvements, buildings, artworks, plant and equipment, roads,<br />

bridges, footpaths, drainage, and public furniture and fittings, which has been built up by the Council<br />

over many years. The increase in this balance is attributable to the net result <strong>of</strong> the Capital Works<br />

program, gifted developer assets, depreciation <strong>of</strong> assets, the sale and disposal <strong>of</strong> property, plant and<br />

equipment and revaluation <strong>of</strong> assets owned.<br />

7.1.2 Current Liabilities ($0.59 million increase) and Non-Current Liabilities ($2.48<br />

million increase)<br />

Trade and other payables are those to whom Council owes money as at 30 June. These liabilities<br />

are budgeted to increase slightly due to timing <strong>of</strong> capital works payments.<br />

Provisions include accrued long service leave and annual leave owing to employees.<br />

Interest bearing loans and borrowings include the total <strong>of</strong> outstanding loan borrowings held by the<br />

Council. The Council is budgeting for new borrowings <strong>of</strong> $5 million and to repay $1.40 million <strong>of</strong><br />

loans over the year.<br />

7.1.3 Total Equity ($65.45 million increase)<br />

Total equity always equals net assets and is made up <strong>of</strong> the following components:<br />

• Asset revaluation reserve which represents the difference between the previously recorded<br />

value <strong>of</strong> assets and their budgeted valuations as at 30 June <strong>2016</strong>.<br />

• Other reserves are funds that Council separately identifies as being set aside to meet a specific<br />

purpose in the future and to which there is no existing liability. These amounts are transferred<br />

from the accumulated surplus <strong>of</strong> the Council to be separately disclosed.<br />

• Accumulated surplus which is the value <strong>of</strong> all net assets less reserves that have accumulated<br />

over time.<br />

<strong>Greater</strong> <strong>Bendigo</strong> <strong>City</strong> Council <strong>Budget</strong> – <strong>2015</strong>/16 43

7.1.4 Working Capital ($1.29 million increase)<br />

Forecast<br />

Actual<br />

2014/15<br />

$’000<br />

<strong>Budget</strong><br />

<strong>2015</strong>/16<br />

$’000<br />

Variance<br />

$’000<br />

Current assets 44,718 46,600 1,882<br />

Current liabilities (30,874) (31,467) (593)<br />

Working Capital 13,844 15,133 1,289<br />

Reserves (20,657) (21,920) (1,263)<br />

Unrestricted Working Capital (6,813) (6,787) 26<br />

Working capital is the excess <strong>of</strong> current assets above current liabilities. This calculation recognises<br />

that although Council has current assets, some <strong>of</strong> those assets are already committed to the future<br />

settlement <strong>of</strong> liabilities in the following 12 months and are therefore not available for discretionary<br />

spending. Council has also committed further current assets to specific and restricted purposes,<br />

represented by reserves, which may not yet be represented as current liabilities at 30 June.<br />

The low level is also a result <strong>of</strong> determining that all discretionary reserves should be cash backed at<br />

30 June – these funds immediately become available for use on 1 July each year.<br />

7.2 Key Assumptions<br />

In preparing the <strong>Budget</strong>ed Balance Sheet for the year ending 30 June <strong>2016</strong> it was necessary to make<br />

a number <strong>of</strong> assumptions about assets, liabilities and equity balances. The key assumptions are as<br />

follows:<br />

• A total <strong>of</strong> 97.5% <strong>of</strong> total rates and charges raised will be collected in the <strong>2015</strong>/16 year.<br />

• Trade creditors to be based on total capital and operating expenditure. Payment cycle is 30<br />

days.<br />

• Other debtors and creditors to remain consistent with 2014/15 levels.<br />

• Employee entitlements to be increased as per the Enterprise Agreement, <strong>of</strong>fset by the impact <strong>of</strong><br />

continued active management <strong>of</strong> leave entitlements <strong>of</strong> staff.<br />

• Repayment <strong>of</strong> loan principal to be $1.4 million.<br />

• Total capital and major work expenditure to be $63.32 million.<br />

44 <strong>Greater</strong> <strong>Bendigo</strong> <strong>City</strong> Council <strong>Budget</strong> – <strong>2015</strong>/16

8. Strategic Resource Plan and Financial Performance Indicators<br />

This section considers the long term financial projections <strong>of</strong> the Council. The Act requires a<br />

Strategic Resource Plan to be prepared covering both financial and non-financial resources and<br />

including key financial indicators for at least the next four financial years to support the Council Plan.<br />

8.1 Plan Development<br />

Council has prepared the Strategic Resource Plan for the four years <strong>2015</strong>/16 to 2018/19 as part <strong>of</strong><br />

its ongoing financial planning to assist in adopting a <strong>Budget</strong> within a longer term framework. The<br />

Strategic Resource Plan takes the strategic objectives and strategies as specified in the Council Plan<br />

and expresses them in financial terms for the next four years.<br />

The key objective, which underlines the development <strong>of</strong> the Council Plan, is financial sustainability in<br />

the medium to long term, while still achieving Council’s strategic objectives as specified in the<br />

Council Plan. The key financial objectives are as follows:<br />

• Achieving current or enhanced levels <strong>of</strong> service<br />

• Maintenance <strong>of</strong> cash reserves to enable the <strong>City</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Greater</strong> <strong>Bendigo</strong> to meet its cash outlays as<br />

they fall due<br />

• Maintain a capital expenditure program <strong>of</strong> at least $40 million per annum<br />

• Achieve a balanced <strong>Budget</strong> on a cash basis<br />

• Return surplus operating results annually in order to maintain capacity to finance current and<br />

future Council strategies and meet capital investment and renewal requirements<br />

In preparing the Strategic Resource Plan, the Council has also been mindful <strong>of</strong> the need to comply<br />

with the following principles <strong>of</strong> sound financial management as contained in the Act:<br />

• Prudently manage financial risks relating to debt, assets and liabilities<br />

• Provide reasonable stability in the level <strong>of</strong> rate burden<br />

• Consider the financial effects <strong>of</strong> Council decisions on future generations<br />

• Provide full, accurate and timely disclosure <strong>of</strong> financial information<br />

The Council Plan is updated annually through a rigorous process <strong>of</strong> consultation with Council<br />

service providers followed by a detailed sensitivity analysis to achieve the key financial objectives.<br />

8.2 Financial Resources<br />

The following table summarises the key financial results for the next four years as set out in the<br />

Strategic Resource Plan for years <strong>2015</strong>/16 to 2018/19. Appendix A includes a more detailed analysis<br />

<strong>of</strong> the financial resources to be used over the four year period.<br />

Forecast<br />

Actual<br />

2014/15<br />

$’000<br />

<strong>Budget</strong><br />

<strong>2015</strong>/16<br />

$’000<br />

Strategic Resource Plan<br />

Projections<br />

<strong>2016</strong>/17 2017/18 2018/19 Trend<br />

$’000 $’000 $’000 +/o/-<br />

Operating result 8,009 30,453 42,444 20,465 19,325 +<br />

Underlying operating result (8,610) 4,891 4,101 3,321 3,589 +<br />

Cash and investments 32,928 34,497 33,172 36,293 37,678 +<br />

Cash flows from operations 37,767 59,491 65,170 49,315 48,935 +<br />

Capital works 52,026 55,739 80,298 44,161 45,173 -<br />

Key to trend:<br />

+ Forecasts improvement in Council’s financial performance/financial position indicator<br />

– Forecasts deterioration in Council’s financial performance/financial position indicator<br />

o Forecasts that Council’s financial performance/financial position indicator will be steady<br />

<strong>Greater</strong> <strong>Bendigo</strong> <strong>City</strong> Council <strong>Budget</strong> – <strong>2015</strong>/16 45

The following graph shows the general financial indicators over the four year period.<br />

$,000<br />

80,000<br />

60,000<br />

40,000<br />

20,000<br />

0<br />

-20,000<br />

F2014/15 B<strong>2015</strong>/16 SRP<strong>2016</strong>/17 SRP2017/18 SRP2018/19<br />

Operating result<br />

Underlying operating result<br />

Cash and investments Cash flows from operations<br />

Capital works<br />

The key outcomes <strong>of</strong> the Strategic Resource Plan are as follows:<br />

• Financial sustainability (Section 5) - Cash and investments are forecast to increase over<br />

the four year period from $34.50 million to $37.68 million. Cash held at 30 June is simply<br />

reflective <strong>of</strong> the timing <strong>of</strong> cash inflows and outflows.<br />

• Rating strategy (Section 9) – Rates increases are forecast to be 4.75% for <strong>2015</strong>/16 and then<br />

remain constant at 5.0% over the three years <strong>2016</strong>/17 to 2018/19.<br />

• Service delivery strategy (Section 10) – Service levels have been increased in some areas<br />

throughout the four year period. Despite this, operating surpluses are forecast in all years as a<br />

result <strong>of</strong> continued operating and capital grant revenue being received to fund both the annual<br />

operating and Capital Works programs. The underlying result is a measure <strong>of</strong> financial<br />

sustainability and is an important measure as once-<strong>of</strong>f items can <strong>of</strong>ten mask the operating result.<br />

• Borrowing strategy (Section 10) – Borrowings are forecast to increase from $35.45 million<br />

to $49.27 million over the four year period. This includes new borrowings <strong>of</strong> $5 million in<br />

<strong>2015</strong>/16, $17 million in <strong>2016</strong>/17, $3 million in 2017/18 and $3 million in 2018/2019. These<br />

proposed borrowings are in line with Council’s borrowing strategy and reflect the identified<br />

requirements to meet forward capital works <strong>Budget</strong>s.<br />

• Asset Management (Section 10) - Capital expenditure over the four year period will total<br />

$225.37 million at an average <strong>of</strong> $56.34 million per annum.<br />

46 <strong>Greater</strong> <strong>Bendigo</strong> <strong>City</strong> Council <strong>Budget</strong> – <strong>2015</strong>/16

8.3 Key Financial Indicators<br />

The following table highlights Council’s current and projected performance across a range <strong>of</strong> key<br />

financial indicators. These provide a useful analysis <strong>of</strong> Council’s financial position and performance<br />

and should be used in the context <strong>of</strong> the organisation’s objectives.<br />

Indicator<br />

Operating position<br />

Adjusted<br />

underlying<br />

result<br />

Liquidity<br />

Working<br />

Capital<br />

Unrestricted<br />

cash<br />

Obligations<br />

Loans and<br />

borrowings<br />

Loans and<br />

borrowings<br />

Indebtedness<br />

Asset renewal<br />

Stability<br />

Rates<br />

concentration<br />

Rates effort<br />

Expenditure<br />

level<br />

Revenue level<br />

Measure<br />

Adjusted underlying<br />

surplus (deficit) /<br />

Adjusted underlying<br />

revenue<br />

Current assets /<br />

current liabilities<br />

Unrestricted cash /<br />

current liabilities<br />

Interest bearing<br />

loans and<br />

borrowings / rate<br />

revenue<br />

Interest and<br />

principal<br />

repayments on<br />

interest bearing<br />

loans and<br />

borrowings / rate<br />

revenue<br />

Non-current<br />

liabilities / own<br />

source revenue<br />

Asset renewal<br />

expenses /<br />

depreciation<br />

Rate revenue /<br />

adjusted underlying<br />

revenue<br />

Rate revenue / CIV<br />

<strong>of</strong> rateable<br />

properties in the<br />

municipality<br />

Total expenditure /<br />

no. <strong>of</strong> property<br />

assessments<br />

Residential rate<br />

revenue / No. <strong>of</strong><br />

residential property<br />

assessments<br />

Notes<br />

Forecast<br />

Actual <strong>Budget</strong><br />

Strategic Resource Plan<br />

Projections<br />

Trend<br />

2014/15 <strong>2015</strong>/16 <strong>2016</strong>/17 2017/18 2018/19 +/o/-<br />

1 (5.16%) 3.02% 2.43% 1.87% 1.91% +<br />

2 145% 148% 144% 145% 146% +<br />

31% 31% 24% 33% 45% +<br />

3 34.0% 35.7% 47.5% 44.2% 40.9% +<br />

3.4% 3.2% 3.8% 5.2% 5.2% +<br />

30.6% 30.9% 39.6% 36.9% 34.4% -<br />

4 73% 77% 100% 100% 100% +<br />

5 56% 61% 63% 64% 64% O<br />

0.51% 0.53% 0.55% 0.58% 0.60% +<br />

$3,158 $2,783 $2,877 $2,999 $3,108 +<br />

$1,243 $1,315 $1,356 $1,400 $1,443 +<br />

<strong>Greater</strong> <strong>Bendigo</strong> <strong>City</strong> Council <strong>Budget</strong> – <strong>2015</strong>/16 47

Workforce<br />

turnover<br />

No. <strong>of</strong> permanent<br />

staff resignations &<br />

terminations /<br />

average no. <strong>of</strong><br />

permanent staff for<br />

the financial year<br />

8.8% 8.8% 8.8% 8.8% 8.8% O<br />

Key to trend:<br />

+ Forecasts improvement in Council’s financial performance/financial position indicator<br />

– Forecasts deterioration in Council’s financial performance/financial position indicator<br />

o Forecasts that Council’s financial performance/financial position indicator will be steady<br />

Notes to indicators<br />

1. Underlying result - Improvement in financial performance expected over the period, through<br />

utilisation <strong>of</strong> Council's cash reserves and/or additional borrowings.<br />

2. Current Assets/Current Liabilities – Working capital is forecast to gradually increase over the<br />

four year period to fund the Capital Works program.<br />

3. Indebtedness/Rate revenue - Trend is reflective <strong>of</strong> Council's borrowing strategy and includes<br />

some new borrowings in the future, <strong>of</strong>fset by continued repayment <strong>of</strong> borrowings.<br />

4. Asset renewal/Total depreciation - This percentage indicates the extent <strong>of</strong> Council's renewals<br />

against its depreciation charge (an indication <strong>of</strong> the decline in value <strong>of</strong> its existing capital assets). A<br />

percentage greater than 100 indicates Council is maintaining its existing assets, while a percentage<br />

less than 100 means its assets are deteriorating faster than they are being renewed and future capital<br />

expenditure will be required to renew assets.<br />

5. Rate revenue/Underlying revenue - Reflects extent <strong>of</strong> reliance on rate revenues to fund all <strong>of</strong><br />

Council's on-going services. Trend indicates Council’s reliance on rate revenue will remain at a<br />

similar level over the reported period.<br />

8.4 Non-financial resources<br />

In addition to the financial resources to be consumed over the planning period, Council will also<br />

utilise non-financial resources, in particular human resources. The following table summarises the<br />

human resources for the next four years.<br />

Forecast<br />

Strategic Resource Plan<br />

Indicator Actual <strong>Budget</strong> Projections<br />

2014/15 <strong>2015</strong>/16 <strong>2016</strong>/17 2017/18 2018/19<br />

Employee costs – ($’000)<br />

-Operating 54,983 56,938 60,855 64,738 68,869<br />

-Capital 2,235 2,149 4,963 5,319 5,700<br />

Total 57,218 59,087 65,818 70,057 74,569<br />

Employee Numbers<br />

(FTE) 675 661 669 678 687<br />

48 <strong>Greater</strong> <strong>Bendigo</strong> <strong>City</strong> Council <strong>Budget</strong> – <strong>2015</strong>/16

9. Rating Information<br />

This section contains information on Council’s past and foreshadowed rating levels along with<br />

Council's rating structure and the impact <strong>of</strong> changes in property valuations.<br />

9.1 Strategy Context<br />

In developing the Council Plan and the Strategic Resource Plan (referred to in Section 8), rates and<br />

charges were identified as an important source <strong>of</strong> revenue, accounting for approximately half <strong>of</strong> the<br />

total revenue received by Council annually.<br />

A key component <strong>of</strong> the strategy is to ensure the surplus on operations, when added to<br />

depreciation, funds an acceptable level <strong>of</strong> capital works without the need for excessive borrowing.<br />

The Strategic Resource Plan assumes a rate increase <strong>of</strong> 4.75% in <strong>2015</strong>/16, then an ongoing rate<br />

increase <strong>of</strong> 5.0% over the years <strong>2016</strong>/17, 2017/18 and 2018/19 plus additional rate revenue from<br />

growth. This enables the <strong>City</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Greater</strong> <strong>Bendigo</strong> to embark upon a significant level <strong>of</strong> new capital<br />

works each year and a manageable level <strong>of</strong> borrowings. Planning for future rate increases has<br />

therefore been an important component <strong>of</strong> the long term financial planning process.<br />

The <strong>City</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Greater</strong> <strong>Bendigo</strong> also actively reviews fees and charges each year to minimise pressure<br />

on rates to ensure users are paying a reasonable price for services. The <strong>City</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Greater</strong> <strong>Bendigo</strong><br />

also pursues all available opportunities for grants and subsidies.<br />

In determining rate increases each year it is necessary to balance the importance <strong>of</strong> rate revenue as<br />

a funding source with community sensitivity to increases, including the impact <strong>of</strong> a biennial general<br />

revaluation, which alters property valuations and subsequently rates for some properties in the<br />

municipality. The latest revaluation <strong>of</strong> properties was first applied in the 2014/15 year.<br />

To ensure that deliberations about future rate increases have been made on an informed basis,<br />

comparisons <strong>of</strong> historical rate increases for the <strong>City</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Greater</strong> <strong>Bendigo</strong> have been made. The<br />

following table shows the rate increases over four years and the average rate per capita.<br />

Year<br />

Rate<br />

Increase<br />

Average Rate Per<br />

Capita<br />

2012/13 5.50% $730<br />

2013/14 6.00% $778<br />

2014/15 6.00% $825<br />

<strong>2015</strong>/16 4.75% $848<br />

Average 5.56% $795<br />

9.2 Current Year Rates and Charges Increase<br />

It is predicted that the <strong>2015</strong>/16 operating position will be impacted by growth in services, labour<br />

costs and general cost increases. The Minister for Local Government has advised <strong>of</strong> the State<br />

Government’s intention to introduce rate capping commencing in the <strong>2016</strong>/17 year, the guidelines<br />

for which have not yet been released. It will therefore be necessary in the future to carefully<br />

monitor the revenue growth from rates and charges while containing costs in order to maintain<br />

capital expenditure at a reasonable level and a sound financial position. The contribution from<br />

working capital/operations towards capital investments for the <strong>2015</strong>/16 year is adequate, with the<br />

balance <strong>of</strong> funds required coming from reserves and loan borrowings.<br />

<strong>Greater</strong> <strong>Bendigo</strong> <strong>City</strong> Council <strong>Budget</strong> - <strong>2015</strong>/16 49

In order to achieve the objectives <strong>of</strong> maintaining service levels and a substantial capital expenditure<br />

program, total income from general rates will increase by 4.75%. The rates in the dollar maintain<br />

the existing approximate differential between the various rate categories as follows:<br />

% <strong>of</strong> General Rate<br />

Farm Rate 85%<br />

Commercial/industrial A 185%<br />

Commercial/industrial B 180%<br />

Commercial/industrial C 190%<br />

Vacant land (residential and rural residential) 125%<br />

Other land 185%<br />

Waste collection charges are reviewed annually to cover additional waste management costs<br />

including increases in the EPA Landfill Levy.<br />

The garbage charge for residential properties will increase by 2.22% for 120/140 litre bins to $138<br />

and by 2.59% for 240 litre bins to $238.<br />

Recognition has been made for an estimated $1 million refund <strong>of</strong> carbon tax paid due to the carbon<br />

tax legislation being repealed. For all properties levied a garbage charge in the 2014/15 year, a one<br />

<strong>of</strong>f $20 (per garbage bin) carbon tax refund will be applied.<br />

The recycling charge will increase by 4.88%.<br />

Total rates and charges <strong>of</strong> $99.42 million, including $1.64 million in supplementary rates will be<br />

raised.<br />

9.3 Rating Structure<br />

<strong>City</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Greater</strong> <strong>Bendigo</strong> has established a rating structure which is comprised <strong>of</strong> three key elements.<br />

These are:<br />

• Property values, which reflect capacity to pay<br />

• A user pays component to reflect usage <strong>of</strong> waste collection services provided by <strong>City</strong> <strong>of</strong><br />

<strong>Greater</strong> <strong>Bendigo</strong><br />

• A user pays component to reflect usage <strong>of</strong> recycle waste collection services provided by the<br />

<strong>City</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Greater</strong> <strong>Bendigo</strong><br />

In establishing this rating structure, <strong>City</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Greater</strong> <strong>Bendigo</strong> has taken account <strong>of</strong> section 3C(1) <strong>of</strong><br />

the Act – “The primary objective <strong>of</strong> a Council is to endeavour to achieve the best outcomes for the<br />

local community having regard to the long term and cumulative effects <strong>of</strong> decisions” and section<br />

3C(2)(f) requires Council must ensure the “equitable imposition <strong>of</strong> rates and charges”. <strong>City</strong> <strong>of</strong><br />

<strong>Greater</strong> <strong>Bendigo</strong> has had regard to the Ministerial Guidelines for Differential Rating as required by<br />

section 161(2A) <strong>of</strong> the Act.<br />

The <strong>City</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Greater</strong> <strong>Bendigo</strong> makes a further distinction within the property value component <strong>of</strong><br />

rates based on the purpose for which the property is used to assist in achieving the objective <strong>of</strong><br />

equity, efficiency and simplicity, in order to meet its obligations under the Act. The rating structure<br />

comprises a general rate and three broad differential rates being commercial/industrial, farm,<br />

residential and rural residential vacant land together with an ‘other land’ differential rate to capture<br />

any property use not specifically covered in the four rate categories, and a rate concession for<br />

recreational land levied under the Cultural and Recreational Lands Act. A detailed description <strong>of</strong> the<br />

general rate and each differential rate is included in Appendix B <strong>of</strong> this document.<br />

50 <strong>Greater</strong> <strong>Bendigo</strong> <strong>City</strong> Council <strong>Budget</strong> – <strong>2015</strong>/16

The commercial/industrial properties are divided into three differential rates based on geographic<br />

locations. The three commercial/industrial rates, the vacant land rate and the other land rate are<br />

higher than the general rate and the farm rate is lower than the general rate. These rates are<br />

structured in accordance with the requirements <strong>of</strong> Section 161 <strong>of</strong> the Act.<br />

Under the Cultural and Recreational Lands Act, provision is made for a Council to grant a rating<br />

concession to any recreational lands which meet the test <strong>of</strong> being rateable land under the Act.<br />

Differential rates were introduced by <strong>City</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Greater</strong> <strong>Bendigo</strong> in 1995. No significant alterations<br />

have been made to the rating structure since 1995 and given the rates collection rate <strong>of</strong> in excess <strong>of</strong><br />

97%, the lack <strong>of</strong> submissions made in relation to the rating structure from Annual <strong>Budget</strong> to Annual<br />

<strong>Budget</strong> and Council re-affirming in its Rating Strategy review carried out in 2011 that the rating<br />

structure meets Council’s objectives together with complying with the Act, no further consultation<br />

with ratepayers has occurred. In compiling the 2011 Rating Strategy review, Council considered<br />

whether the degree <strong>of</strong> differentiation between the rate categories supported the three principles <strong>of</strong><br />

benefit, capacity to pay and incentive to be supportable and reaffirmed its decision that the general<br />

rate and the five differential rates levied achieve the objectives <strong>of</strong> equity, efficiency and simplicity.<br />

Striking a proper balance between these elements provides equity in the distribution <strong>of</strong> the rate<br />

burden across ratepayers, which allows the efficient carrying out <strong>of</strong> the functions <strong>of</strong> Council<br />

compared to the use <strong>of</strong> a uniform rate. The result is an equitable distribution <strong>of</strong> rates across sectors<br />

with the aim <strong>of</strong> optimal flexibility in collection <strong>of</strong> rates to deal with changing needs within the wider<br />

community. These distinctions are based on the concept that commercial/industrial properties<br />

should pay a fair and equitable contribution to rates, taking into account the benefits those<br />

businesses derive from the local community, the services Council provides and their ability to pay.<br />

The three levels <strong>of</strong> commercial/industrial differential rates, based on locality within the municipality,<br />

take into account the differing levels <strong>of</strong> service provided by Council to commercial/industrial<br />

properties in each locality. Vacant residential and vacant rural residential land are levied a rate<br />

higher than the general rate to encourage development <strong>of</strong> such land.<br />

Council has determined rates and charges in respect <strong>of</strong> farming properties should take account <strong>of</strong><br />

the restricted access to many <strong>City</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Greater</strong> <strong>Bendigo</strong> services and are appropriately discounted to<br />

the general rate. The farm rate generates 2.77% <strong>of</strong> rates, and Council has determined that the 15%<br />

concession in the rate in the dollar to the General Rate for the Farm Rate does not create any<br />

adverse effect to the other six rate categories.<br />

The farm rate is set at 85% <strong>of</strong> the general rate and the reasons for the use and the level <strong>of</strong> a farm<br />

land differential rate are:<br />

• To encourage the continuation <strong>of</strong> farming pursuits on rural land in support <strong>of</strong> the strategic<br />

objective to support the economic development <strong>of</strong> the agricultural sector; and<br />

• In recognition that the size <strong>of</strong> the landholding required to conduct a farm business is far greater<br />

than other non-farm businesses with similar turnover and (pre-tax) pr<strong>of</strong>itability. Therefore<br />

farms, in comparison, have a higher valuation and would pay higher rates if a lower differential<br />

was not applied; and<br />

• In recognition that farm businesses pr<strong>of</strong>itability is affected by weather which means that their<br />

income is more susceptible and fragile than other businesses<br />

Council has considered the Ministerial Guidelines for Differential Rating and has decided to<br />

introduce an ‘Other’ differential rate to capture any property use not specifically captured by the<br />

existing general and differential rate types.<br />

Council has determined not to introduce a differential rate for retirement villages.<br />

reasons for this are as follows:<br />

Council’s<br />

<strong>Greater</strong> <strong>Bendigo</strong> <strong>City</strong> Council <strong>Budget</strong> - <strong>2015</strong>/16 51

• Any change to the rating system creates winners and losers, and while Council empathises with<br />

the lobby <strong>of</strong> the retirement villages, it also needs to make decisions that are in the interests <strong>of</strong><br />

the majority <strong>of</strong> residents across the municipality including pensioners and self-funded retirees<br />

that do not live in retirement villages.<br />

• There are many pensioners living outside <strong>of</strong> “Retirement Villages” with and without body<br />

corporate financial responsibilities who may have difficulties paying Council rates. A reduction<br />

in rates for retirement villages would mean that these pensioners and others would have to pay<br />

more and this is not considered fair or equitable for the wider community.<br />

• Council property rates are a tax on property wealth, not a fee for services used. This is similar<br />

to income tax, land tax and other “progressive taxes”. The philosophy behind these taxes is<br />

those who earn/own more should contribute more to the delivery <strong>of</strong> government services.<br />

There is no link between services used and the amount <strong>of</strong> rates paid as Council provides<br />

infrastructure and many services for public benefit. There are other examples where the use <strong>of</strong><br />

Council services would be limited or not used at all, but the payment <strong>of</strong> rates is still required,<br />

such as vacant land, multiple properties, other body corporate situations (the owner could also<br />

be a pensioner), weekender/holiday homes.<br />

• Part <strong>of</strong> the body corporate fees go to maintaining and upgrading privately owned infrastructure<br />

and facilities like footpaths, roads and drainage, bowling greens, swimming pools, village<br />

community buildings and amenities. If a lower differential rate was applied for this reason other<br />

ratepayers would indirectly be subsidising the village owners business as the infrastructure<br />

within a retirement village is owned by the property owner and not the residents.<br />

• The decision to “buy” into a retirement village is an individual choice and Council respects this,<br />

however, the financial implications, including body corporate fees, should be made quite clear<br />

and fully understood by the resident before committing to purchasing.<br />

• By maintaining the current differential rating structure, equity is maintained as all properties that<br />

are used for residential purposes, irrespective <strong>of</strong> body corporate responsibilities, are levied at<br />

the same rate. This also maintains consistency with the other differential rating categories as<br />

there is only one rate set in each <strong>of</strong> these categories.<br />

The <strong>City</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Greater</strong> <strong>Bendigo</strong> levies rates on the Capital Improved Valuation (CIV) <strong>of</strong> properties<br />

being the value <strong>of</strong> the land plus all improvements, on the basis that CIV provides an equitable<br />

distribution <strong>of</strong> rates across the municipality.<br />

The <strong>City</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Greater</strong> <strong>Bendigo</strong> also has a weekly kerbside waste collection charge and a fortnightly<br />

kerbside recyclable waste charge as provided for under the Act.<br />

Increases in residential garbage waste charges are 2.22% for a 120/140 litre bin and 2.59% for a 240<br />

litre bin.<br />

Recognition has been made for an estimated $1 million refund <strong>of</strong> carbon tax paid which is to be<br />

utilised as a one <strong>of</strong>f $20 refund (per bin) for properties levied a garbage charge in 2014/15.<br />

Recycle collection charges have increased by 4.88%. Waste and recycle charges reflect recovery <strong>of</strong><br />

associated costs.<br />

An optional waste collection service is available to commercial and industrial properties within <strong>City</strong><br />

<strong>of</strong> <strong>Greater</strong> <strong>Bendigo</strong> which are not located in a ‘specific’ collection area. These charges have<br />

increased by 2.59%.<br />

There is an optional multi-day waste collection charge available for commercial properties in<br />

specified commercial areas <strong>of</strong> the municipality, these charges are based on the levels <strong>of</strong> service<br />

received by users <strong>of</strong> the service and range from $238.00 to $1,666.00 per bin per annum, an<br />

increase <strong>of</strong> 2.59%.<br />

52 <strong>Greater</strong> <strong>Bendigo</strong> <strong>City</strong> Council <strong>Budget</strong> – <strong>2015</strong>/16

An additional recycle bin is available at an annual charge <strong>of</strong> $46.00 per additional bin. 360 litre<br />

recycle bins are available for a one <strong>of</strong>f charge <strong>of</strong> $46.00 together with the annual collection charge <strong>of</strong><br />

$64.50.<br />

The following table summarises the rates to be raised for the <strong>2015</strong>/16 year. A more detailed<br />

analysis <strong>of</strong> the rates to be raised is contained in Appendix B “Statutory Disclosures”.<br />

Rate type<br />

How<br />

applied<br />

2014/15 <strong>2015</strong>/16<br />

General rate Cents/$ CIV 0.3927% 0.4113%<br />

Commercial/industrial rate A Cents/$ CIV 0.7264% 0.7609%<br />

Commercial/industrial rate B Cents/$ CIV 0.7068% 0.7403%<br />

Commercial/industrial rate C Cents/$ CIV 0.7460% 0.7814%<br />

Farm rate Cents/$ CIV 0.3338% 0.3496%<br />

Vacant land - residential & rural residential Cents/$ CIV 0.4908% 0.5141%<br />

Other land rate Cents/$ CIV N/A 0.7609%<br />

Residential Garbage Charge<br />

120/140 Litre per bin per property $/ property $135.00 $138.00<br />

240 Litre per bin per property $/ property $232.00 $238.00<br />

Recyclable Garbage Collection<br />

Recyclable Garbage per bin per property $/ property $61.50 $64.50<br />

Additional Recyclable Garbage per bin per property $/ property $46.00 $46.00<br />

Commercial/industrial Garbage Charge-<br />

(Not located in a Specified Commercial Area)<br />

120/140 Litre per bin per property $/ property $135.00 $138.00<br />

240 Litre per bin per property $/ property $232.00 $238.00<br />

Commercial Garbage - (Specified Commercial Areas)<br />

• One day per week service - per bin (Ex GST) $232.00 $238.00<br />

• Two day per week service - per bin (Ex GST) $464.00 $476.00<br />

• Three day per week service - per bin (Ex GST) $696.00 $714.00<br />

• Five day per week service - per bin (Ex GST) $1160.00 $1190.00<br />

• Seven day per week service - per bin (Ex GST) $1624.00 $1666.00<br />

Figures are GST exclusive if applicable<br />

9.4 General Revaluation <strong>of</strong> Properties<br />

The revaluation <strong>of</strong> all properties within the municipality returned as at 1 January 2014 is utilised for<br />

raising rates for the 2014/15 and <strong>2015</strong>/16 rating years. The purpose <strong>of</strong> a property revaluation is to<br />

achieve equity across property owners in their payment <strong>of</strong> rates based on the principle <strong>of</strong> ability to<br />

pay determined by the value <strong>of</strong> properties, and people owning more expensive properties pay more<br />

than people owning less expensive properties. A revaluation does not generate extra revenue for<br />

Council, it redistributes the rate revenue across each differential rate based on property values.<br />

<strong>Greater</strong> <strong>Bendigo</strong> <strong>City</strong> Council <strong>Budget</strong> - <strong>2015</strong>/16 53

10. Other Strategies<br />

This section sets out the strategies that have been developed and incorporated into the Strategic<br />

Resource Plan including borrowings, infrastructure and service delivery.<br />

10.1 Borrowings<br />

In developing the Strategic Resource Plan, (see Section 8), borrowings were identified as an<br />

important funding source for Capital Works programs. In the past, Council has used a mix <strong>of</strong><br />

borrowings, cash and investment reserves to fund the Capital Works program.<br />

An analysis <strong>of</strong> Council’s debt position has been undertaken against both other Regional Councils and<br />

the Victorian Auditor-General’s Office sustainability indicators. The outcome <strong>of</strong> the analysis<br />

highlighted that increasing debt levels up to 30 June 2018 will allow Council to deliver a number <strong>of</strong><br />

large capital works projects over the coming years.<br />

For the <strong>2015</strong>/16 year, Council has decided on new borrowings <strong>of</strong> $5 million to partly fund the<br />

Capital Works program. After making loan repayments <strong>of</strong> $1.4 million, total borrowings will<br />

increase to $35.4 million at 30 June <strong>2016</strong>. It is likely that in future years, further borrowings will be<br />

required to fund several large new infrastructure initiatives. The following table sets out future<br />

proposed borrowings, based on the forecast financial position <strong>of</strong> Council as at 30 June <strong>2015</strong>.<br />

Year<br />

New<br />

Borrowings Principal Paid Interest Paid Balance 30 June<br />

$’000 $’000 $’000 $’000<br />

2014/15 4,000 1,542 1,600 31,850<br />

<strong>2015</strong>/16 5,000 1,402 1,735 35,448<br />

<strong>2016</strong>/17 17,000 2,063 1,963 50,385<br />

2017/18 3,000 3,363 2,499 50,022<br />

2018/19 3,000 3,752 2,454 49,270<br />

The table below shows information on borrowings specifically required by the Regulations.<br />

2014/15 <strong>2015</strong>/16<br />

$’000 $’000<br />

Total amount borrowed as at 30 June <strong>of</strong> the prior year 29,392 31,850<br />

Total amount to be borrowed 4,000 5,000<br />

Total amount projected to be redeemed (1,542) (1,402)<br />

Total amount proposed to be borrowed as at 30 June 31,850 35,448<br />

10.2 Asset Management<br />

The <strong>City</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Greater</strong> <strong>Bendigo</strong>’s Asset Management strategy is guided by the Asset Management<br />

Policy, which has been adopted by Council.<br />

The Asset Management Policy sets a framework aimed at achieving the sustainable management and<br />

care <strong>of</strong> the $1.53 Billion <strong>of</strong> community assets under its responsibility.<br />

The Policy establishes the following principles:<br />

• Planning for services and investment in infrastructure assets must accommodate the needs <strong>of</strong> a<br />

growing and increasingly diverse community.<br />

• External funding to support and maintain community infrastructure assets must be pursued,<br />

wherever possible, to minimise the impact on the community.<br />

54 <strong>Greater</strong> <strong>Bendigo</strong> <strong>City</strong> Council <strong>Budget</strong> – <strong>2015</strong>/16

• Infrastructure investment decisions shall be made using a structured, transparent and consistent<br />

approach that considers the following:<br />

o Demonstrated need and asset function through consultation (fit for purpose, future<br />

demands, demographic).<br />

o Level <strong>of</strong> service and community benefits (community needs and benefits, technical).<br />

o Grant funding (financial).<br />

o Overall community value <strong>of</strong> asset ownership (social, environment, heritage values,<br />

economic benefit).<br />

o Risk assessments and statutory obligations (financial risk/sustainability, environmental risk,<br />

planning, appropriate design, construction standards, and safety).<br />

o Lifecycle costing <strong>of</strong> potential projects.<br />

• Competing demands exist between growth, maintaining existing infrastructure to safe and<br />

acceptable standards, and increasing community needs and aspirations. Recognising this, asset<br />

renewal and maintenance works will be given priority, to progressively reduce the Asset<br />

Renewal Gap.<br />

• Optimise the life and use <strong>of</strong> the <strong>City</strong>'s assets and sustain them for future generations.<br />

• Decommission and dispose <strong>of</strong> assets that are under-utilised and no longer economically viable.<br />

To help deliver on these principles, the <strong>City</strong> uses Moloney Modelling S<strong>of</strong>tware which, based on<br />

condition information, predicts the investment required over a ten year period to keep existing<br />

assets at an acceptable level <strong>of</strong> service for the community. The actual investment in this activity is<br />

known as Council’s Renewal Program.<br />

At present, COGB is unable to fully fund the predicted required level <strong>of</strong> investment in renewal<br />

projects. Consequently, each year as the cumulative gap between the investment required and the<br />

investment made grows, so too does the backlog <strong>of</strong> work and community expectation.<br />

COGB has commenced developing Asset Management Plans and Service Plans to help address this.<br />

Also in accordance with the Policy, Council commits funds to new Capital Works projects that<br />

address gaps in existing service delivery and/or in response to growth. These projects are analysed<br />

and prioritised through a rigorous Capital Expenditure Framework.<br />

Striking the right balance between Renewal and new Capital Works investment is a significant<br />

challenge in a city <strong>of</strong> <strong>Bendigo</strong>’s age that is also experiencing relatively high and consistent growth in<br />

new areas. Reflecting this challenge, in <strong>2015</strong>/16 Council has reduced its investment in asset renewal<br />

by $2 million to fund new paths and other new Capital Works projects.<br />

Year<br />

Summary <strong>of</strong> Funding Sources<br />

Total<br />

Capital<br />

Program Grants Contributions Council Cash Borrowings<br />

$’000 $’000 $’000 $’000 $’000<br />

2014/15 52,026 5,738 1,385 40,903 4,000<br />

<strong>2015</strong>/16 55,739 14,171 3,587 32,981 5,000<br />

<strong>2016</strong>/17 80,298 26,838 - 36,460 17,000<br />

2017/18 44,161 5,524 4,200 31,437 3,000<br />

2018/19 45,173 4,000 - 38,173 3,000<br />

<strong>Greater</strong> <strong>Bendigo</strong> <strong>City</strong> Council <strong>Budget</strong> - <strong>2015</strong>/16 55

10.3 Service Delivery<br />

The key objectives in Council’s Strategic Resource Plan (referred to in Section 8) which directly<br />

impact the future service delivery strategy are to maintain and enhance existing service levels. The<br />

Rating Strategy (see Section 9) also refers to rate increases into the future. A number <strong>of</strong> internal<br />

and external influences have been identified through discussions with Council which will have a<br />

significant impact on the scope and level <strong>of</strong> services to be provided over the next four years.<br />

The general influences affecting all operating revenue and expenditure include the following:<br />

Standard Statement Assumptions<br />

<strong>Budget</strong><br />

<strong>2015</strong>/16<br />

SRP<br />

<strong>2016</strong>/17<br />

SRP<br />

2017/18<br />

SRP<br />

2018/19<br />

CPI 2.3% 2.3% 2.3% 2.3%<br />

Rates increases 4.75% 5.0% 5.0% 5.0%<br />

Supplementary rates ($’000’s) 1,640 1,673 1,706 1,740<br />

Grants Commission increases 0% 0% 3% 3%<br />

Recurrent grants % increase 2.75% 2.75% 2.75% 2.75%<br />

Capital Grants ($’000’s) 14,163 26,838 5,524 4,000<br />

% increase in User/Statutory Fees & Fines 4.00% 4.00% 4.00% 4.00%<br />

% increase in employee costs 7.2% 7.2% 7.2% 7.2%<br />

New borrowings ($’000’s) 5,000 17,000 3,000 3,000<br />

Interest on borrowings 4.65% 4.65% 4.65% 4.65%<br />

Interest on investments 3.0% 3.0% 3.0% 3.0%<br />

Capital Expenditure ($’000’s) 55,739 80,298 44,161 45,173<br />

As well as the general influences, there are also a number <strong>of</strong> specific influences which relate directly<br />

to service areas or activities. The most significant changes in these areas are summarised below.<br />

Service Levels<br />

Commitment to ensure adequate funding for service units (particularly Parks and Natural Reserves,<br />

Building and Property and Works) to maintain current service levels while service demands grow.<br />

Increasing operational costs associated with completion <strong>of</strong> large capital projects in the previous<br />

financial year include the Ulumbarra Theatre.<br />

Service Reviews<br />

As recommended by the Independent Review, service reviews have been undertaken <strong>of</strong> Child Care<br />

and Home and Community Care.<br />

56 <strong>Greater</strong> <strong>Bendigo</strong> <strong>City</strong> Council <strong>Budget</strong> – <strong>2015</strong>/16

Appendices<br />

The following appendices include voluntary and statutory disclosures <strong>of</strong> information which provide<br />

support for the analysis contained in sections 1 to 10 <strong>of</strong> this report.<br />

This information has not been included in the main body <strong>of</strong> the <strong>Budget</strong> report in the interests <strong>of</strong><br />

clarity. Council has decided that while the <strong>Budget</strong> report needs to focus on the important elements<br />

<strong>of</strong> the <strong>Budget</strong> and provide appropriate analysis, the detail upon which the Annual <strong>Budget</strong> is based<br />

should be provided in the interests <strong>of</strong> open and transparent local government.<br />

The contents <strong>of</strong> the appendices are summarised below:<br />

Appendix<br />

A<br />

B<br />

C<br />

D<br />

E<br />

F<br />

G<br />

Nature <strong>of</strong> information<br />

<strong>Budget</strong>ed standard statements<br />

Statutory disclosures<br />

Capital Works program<br />

Maps<br />

Capital Evaluation Framework<br />

User Fees and Charges<br />

Glossary<br />

<strong>Greater</strong> <strong>Bendigo</strong> <strong>City</strong> Council <strong>Budget</strong> - <strong>2015</strong>/16 57


Appendix A - <strong>Budget</strong>ed Statements<br />

This appendix presents information in regard to the <strong>Budget</strong>ed Statements. The <strong>Budget</strong> information<br />

for the years <strong>2016</strong>/17 to 2018/19 has been extracted from the Strategic Resource Plan.<br />

The appendix includes the following budgeted information:<br />

• Comprehensive Income Statement<br />

• Balance Sheet<br />

• Statement <strong>of</strong> Changes in Equity<br />

• Statement <strong>of</strong> Cash Flows<br />

• Statement <strong>of</strong> Capital Works<br />

• Statement <strong>of</strong> Human Resources<br />

58 <strong>Greater</strong> <strong>Bendigo</strong> <strong>City</strong> Council <strong>Budget</strong> – <strong>2015</strong>/16


Comprehensive Income Statement - for the four years ending 30 June 2019<br />

Forecast<br />

Actual<br />

<strong>Budget</strong><br />

Strategic Resource Plan<br />

Projections<br />

2014/15 <strong>2015</strong>/16 <strong>2016</strong>/17 2017/18 2018/19<br />

$’000 $’000 $’000 $’000 $’000<br />

Revenues<br />

Rates and charges 93,592 99,421 106,065 113,074 120,468<br />

Statutory fees and fines 3,312 3,888 4,044 4,205 4,373<br />

User charges, fees and fines 23,572 22,963 23,882 24,837 25,830<br />

Reimbursements 267 1,349 364 377 391<br />

Contributions – cash 10,513 7,336 7,628 7,935 8,253<br />

Contributions – non monetary 10,881 11,391 11,505 11,620 11,736<br />

Government grants - operating 34,084 25,255 25,546 25,838 26,586<br />

Government grants - capital 5,738 14,171 26,838 5,524 4,000<br />

Interest on investments 1,445 1,534 1,565 1,580 1,596<br />

Total Revenues 183,404 187,308 207,437 194,990 203,233<br />

Expenses<br />

Employee costs 54,983 56,938 60,835 64,738 68,869<br />

Contract payments, materials and services 79,719 61,022 63,054 66,076 69,245<br />

Plant and equipment operating expenses 4,395 4,287 4,493 4,708 4,934<br />

Borrowing costs 1,600 1,735 1,950 2,487 2,441<br />

Bad debts 132 130 189 255 246<br />

Net Loss on disposal <strong>of</strong> property, plant,<br />

infrastructure and assets held for resale 3,871 3,000 3,000 3,000 3,000<br />

Depreciation 30,695 29,743 31,452 33,261 35,173<br />

Total Expenses 175,395 156,855 164,993 174,525 183,908<br />

Operating Result 8,009 30,453 42,444 20,465 19,325<br />

Share <strong>of</strong> other comprehensive income <strong>of</strong><br />

Associates accounted for by the equity<br />

method 7 (113) 50 50 50<br />

Net asset revaluation increments 32,509 35,000 69,208 31,341 71,109<br />

Comprehensive Result 40,525 65,340 111,702 51,856 90,484<br />

<strong>Greater</strong> <strong>Bendigo</strong> <strong>City</strong> Council <strong>Budget</strong> - <strong>2015</strong>/16 59


Balance Sheet - for the four years ending 30 June 2019<br />

Forecast<br />

Actual<br />

<strong>Budget</strong><br />

Strategic Resource Plan<br />

Projections<br />

2014/15 <strong>2015</strong>/16 <strong>2016</strong>/17 2017/18 2018/19<br />

$’000 $’000 $’000 $’000 $’000<br />

Current assets<br />

Cash and cash equivalents 32,928 34,497 33,172 36,293 37,678<br />

Trade and other receivables 9,900 10,200 13,706 13,312 13,705<br />

Inventory 140 143 144 145 147<br />

Other assets 1,750 1,760 1,813 1,867 1,924<br />

Total current assets 44,718 46,600 48,835 51,518 53,454<br />

Non-current assets<br />

Investments in Associates 3,946 3,833 3,883 3,933 3,983<br />

Trade and other receivables 205 398 402 406 410<br />

Forestry plantations 80 80 80 80 80<br />

Property, infrastructure, plant and<br />

equipment<br />

1,317,599 1,384,169 1,509,927 1,559,990 1,649,034<br />

Intangibles 504 504 516 528 540<br />

Total non-current assets 1,322,334 1,388,984 1,514,808 1,564,937 1,654,047<br />

Total assets 1,367,052 1,435,584 1,563,643 1,616,455 1,707,501<br />

Current liabilities<br />

Trade and other payables 13,700 13,923 14,931 15,830 16,717<br />

Provisions 12,972 12,530 12,780 13,037 13,297<br />

Interest-bearing loans and borrowings 1,402 2,164 3,324 3,713 3,788<br />

Trust funds 2,800 2,850 2,879 2,907 2,936<br />

Total current liabilities 30,874 31,467 33,914 35,487 36,738<br />

Non-current liabilities<br />

Provisions 6,996 6,646 6,779 6,914 7,053<br />

Interest-bearing loans and borrowings 30,448 33,284 47,061 46,309 45,481<br />

Total non-current liabilities 37,444 39,930 53,840 53,223 52,534<br />

Total liabilities 68,318 71,397 87,754 88,710 89,272<br />

Net assets 1,298,734 1,364,187 1,475,889 1,527,745 1,618,229<br />

Equity<br />

Accumulated surplus 579,090 608,280 650,574 671,375 694,300<br />

Asset revaluation reserve 698,987 733,987 803,195 834,536 905,645<br />

Other reserves 20,657 21,920 22,120 21,834 18,284<br />

Total equity 1,298,734 1,364,187 1,475,889 1,527,745 1,618,229<br />

60 <strong>Greater</strong> <strong>Bendigo</strong> <strong>City</strong> Council <strong>Budget</strong> - <strong>2015</strong>/16


Statement <strong>of</strong> Changes in Equity - for the four years ending 30 June 2019<br />

Total<br />

Accumulated<br />

Surplus<br />

Revaluation<br />

Reserve<br />

Other<br />

Reserves<br />

$’000 $’000 $’000 $’000<br />

<strong>2015</strong>/16 <strong>Budget</strong><br />

Forecast balance at the beginning <strong>of</strong> the financial 1,298,734 579,090 698,987 20,657<br />

year<br />

Comprehensive result 30,453 30,453 - -<br />

Net asset revaluation increment / (decrement) 35,000 - 35,000 -<br />

Transfer to reserves - (7,044) - 7,044<br />

Transfer from reserves - 5,781 - (5,781)<br />

Balance at the end <strong>of</strong> the financial year 1,364,187 608,280 733,987 21,920<br />

<strong>2016</strong>/17 SRP<br />

Balance at the beginning <strong>of</strong> the financial year 1,364,187 608,280 733,987 21,920<br />

Comprehensive result 42,494 42,494 - -<br />

Net asset revaluation increment / (decrement) 69,208 - 69,208 -<br />

Transfer to reserves - (2,900) - 2,900<br />

Transfer from reserves - 2,700 - (2,700)<br />

Balance at the end <strong>of</strong> the financial year 1,475,889 650,574 803,195 22,120<br />

2017/18 SRP<br />

Balance at the beginning <strong>of</strong> the financial year 1,475,889 650,574 803,195 22,120<br />

Comprehensive result 20,515 20,515 - -<br />

Net asset revaluation increment / (decrement) 31,341 - 31,341 -<br />

Transfer to reserves - (2,750) - 2,750<br />

Transfer from reserves - 3,036 - (3,036)<br />

Balance at the end <strong>of</strong> the financial year 1,527,745 671,375 834,536 21,834<br />

2018/2019 SRP<br />

Balance at the beginning <strong>of</strong> the financial year 1,527,745 671,375 834,536 21,834<br />

Comprehensive result 19,375 19,375 - -<br />

Net asset revaluation increment / (decrement) 71,109 - 71,109 -<br />

Transfer to reserves - (3,350) - 3,350<br />

Transfer from reserves - 6,900 - (6,900)<br />

Balance at the end <strong>of</strong> the financial year 1,618,229 694,300 905,645 18,284<br />

<strong>Greater</strong> <strong>Bendigo</strong> <strong>City</strong> Council <strong>Budget</strong> – <strong>2015</strong>/16 61


Statement <strong>of</strong> Cash Flows - for the four years ending 30 June 2019<br />

Forecast<br />

Actual<br />

<strong>Budget</strong><br />

Strategic Resource Plan<br />

Projections<br />

2014/15 <strong>2015</strong>/16 <strong>2016</strong>/17 2017/18 2018/19<br />

$’000 $’000 $’000 $’000 $’000<br />

Cash flows from operating activities<br />

Rates and charges 93,592 99,421 104,065 113,222 120,005<br />

Statutory fees and fines 3,643 4,277 3,967 4,211 4,357<br />

User fees 27,929 27,225 23,431 24,869 25,731<br />

Grants – operating 27,676 25,761 25,065 25,872 26,483<br />

Grants – capital 15,133 16,623 26,332 5,531 3,985<br />

Other receipts 13,858 11,537 7,843 8,323 8,610<br />

Interest received 1,445 1,534 1,535 1,582 1,590<br />

Employee costs (54,983) (56,938) (60,132) (64,059) (68,188)<br />

Materials and services (85,691) (65,233) (62,477) (65,557) (68,732)<br />

Other payments (4,835) (4,716) (4,459) (4,679) (4,906)<br />

Net cash inflow (outflow) from<br />

operating activities 37,767 59,491 65,170 49,315 48,935<br />

Cash flows from investing activities<br />

Payments for property, infrastructure,<br />

plant and equipment (56,618) (60,956) (80,298) (44,161) (45,173)<br />

Proceeds from sale <strong>of</strong> property,<br />

infrastructure, plant and equipment 2,758 1,121 800 800 800<br />

Net cash inflow (outflow) from<br />

investing activities (53,860) (59,835) (79,498) (43,361) (44,373)<br />

Cash flows from financing activities<br />

Finance costs (1,600) (1,735) (1,963) (2,499) (2,454)<br />

Proceeds from borrowings 4,000 5,000 17,000 3,000 3,000<br />

Repayments <strong>of</strong> borrowings (1,542) (1,402) (2,063) (3,363) (3,752)<br />

Trust funds and deposits 12 50 29 29 29<br />

Net cash inflow (outflow) from<br />

financing activities 870 1,913 13,003 (2,833) (3,177)<br />

Net increase (decrease) in cash &<br />

cash equivalents (15,223) 1,569 (1,325) 3,121 1,385<br />

Cash and cash equivalents at beginning <strong>of</strong><br />

year 48,151 32,928 34,497 33,172 36,293<br />

Cash and cash equivalents at end <strong>of</strong><br />

year 32,928 34,497 33,172 36,293 37,678<br />

62 <strong>Greater</strong> <strong>Bendigo</strong> <strong>City</strong> Council <strong>Budget</strong> - <strong>2015</strong>/16


Statement <strong>of</strong> Capital Works - for the four years ending 30 June 2019<br />

Forecast<br />

Actual<br />

<strong>Budget</strong><br />

Strategic Resource Plan<br />

Projections<br />

2014/15 <strong>2015</strong>/16 <strong>2016</strong>/17 2017/18 2018/19<br />

$’000 $’000 $’000 $’000 $’000<br />

Capital works areas<br />

Land improvements 3,994 4,186 4,339 2,615 2,741<br />

Buildings 11,884 15,659 38,100 10,225 6,968<br />

Plant, equipment and other 5,070 4,616 4,390 4,650 4,997<br />

Roads and bridges 20,864 24,175 27,980 20,049 21,489<br />

Drainage 6,587 3,363 3,717 4,185 6,738<br />

Public furniture and fittings 3,627 3,740 1,772 2,437 2,240<br />

Total capital works 52,026 55,739 80,298 44,161 45,173<br />

Represented by:<br />

New Assets 14,343 20,509 48,846 10,900 10,000<br />

Renewal 22,418 22,878 31,452 33,261 35,173<br />

Expansion/Upgrade 15,265 12,352 0 0 0<br />

Total capital works 52,026 55,739 80,298 44,161 45,173<br />

<strong>Greater</strong> <strong>Bendigo</strong> <strong>City</strong> Council <strong>Budget</strong> – <strong>2015</strong>/16 63


Statement <strong>of</strong> Human Resources - for the four years ending 30 June 2019<br />

Forecast<br />

Actual<br />

<strong>Budget</strong><br />

Strategic Resource Plan<br />

Projections<br />

2014/15 <strong>2015</strong>/16 <strong>2016</strong>/17 2017/18 2018/19<br />

$’000 $’000 $’000 $’000 $’000<br />

Staff Expenditure<br />

-Operating 54,983 56,938 60,855 64,738 68,869<br />

-Capital 2,235 2,149 4,963 5,319 5,700<br />

Total 57,218 59,087 65,818 70,057 74,569<br />


Staff Numbers<br />

Employees 675 661 669 678 687<br />

Total Staff Numbers 675 661 669 679 687<br />

64 <strong>Greater</strong> <strong>Bendigo</strong> <strong>City</strong> Council <strong>Budget</strong> - <strong>2015</strong>/16


Appendix B – Rates and Charges<br />

This appendix presents information about rates and charges which the Act and the Regulations<br />

require to be disclosed in the Council’s Annual <strong>Budget</strong>.<br />

<strong>Greater</strong> <strong>Bendigo</strong> <strong>City</strong> Council <strong>Budget</strong> – <strong>2015</strong>/16 65


Rates and Charges<br />

1. Rates and charges<br />

1.1 The proposed rate in the dollar for each type <strong>of</strong> rate to be levied.<br />

Type <strong>of</strong> Property<br />

2014/15 <strong>2015</strong>/16<br />

cents/$CIV cents/$CIV<br />

Local Government Act 1989<br />

A rate for rateable general properties 0.3927% 0.4113%<br />

A differential rate for rateable commercial/industrial properties<br />

Class A 0.7264% 0.7609%<br />

A differential rate for rateable commercial/industrial properties<br />

Class B 0.7068% 0.7403%<br />

A differential rate for rateable commercial/industrial properties<br />

Class C 0.7460% 0.7814%<br />

A differential rate for rateable farm properties 0.3338% 0.3496%<br />

A differential rate for rateable vacant land properties –<br />

residential & rural residential 0.4908% 0.5141%<br />

A differential rate for rateable other land properties N/A 0.7609%<br />

Cultural and Recreational Lands Act 1963<br />

Rate concession for rateable CRLA properties Class 1 0.19635% 0.20565%<br />

Rate concession for rateable CRLA properties Class 2 0.09818% 0.10280%<br />

Rate concession for rateable CRLA properties Class 3 0.03927% 0.04113%<br />

Rate concession for rateable CRLA properties Class 4 $362.30 $379.00<br />

Rate concession for rateable CRLA properties Class 5 $475.30 $497.00<br />

1.2 The estimated amount to be raised by each type <strong>of</strong> rate to be levied.<br />

Type <strong>of</strong> Property<br />

2014/15<br />

<strong>Budget</strong><br />

<strong>2015</strong>/16<br />

<strong>Budget</strong><br />

$ $<br />

General 56,300,093 60,534,889<br />

Commercial/industrial 17,043,245 18,101,261<br />

Farm 2,288,326 2,355,965<br />

Other N/A 0<br />

Vacant – residential & rural residential 3,736,275 3,945,615<br />

Cultural and Recreational 49,961 50,518<br />

Rating agreements 43,842 46,108<br />

Total rates to be raised 79,461,742 85,034,356<br />

66 <strong>Greater</strong> <strong>Bendigo</strong> <strong>City</strong> Council <strong>Budget</strong> - <strong>2015</strong>/16


1.3 The proposed percentage change in the rate in the dollar for each type <strong>of</strong> rate to be levied<br />

compared to that <strong>of</strong> the previous financial year.<br />

2014/15 <strong>2015</strong>/16<br />

Type <strong>of</strong> Property Change Change<br />

% %<br />

General 1.58 4.736<br />

Commercial/industrial Class A 2.9 4.749<br />

Commercial/industrial Class B 2.61 4.740<br />

Commercial/industrial Class C 1.36 4.745<br />

Farm Rate 2.77 4.733<br />

Vacant Land – rural & rural residential .35 4.747<br />

Other Land N/A N/A<br />

Cultural and Recreational Class 1 1.58 4.736<br />

Cultural and Recreational Class 2 1.58 4.706<br />

Cultural and Recreational Class 3 1.58 4.736<br />

Cultural and Recreational Class 4 17.1 4.609<br />

Cultural and Recreational Class 5 14.25 4.566<br />

1.4 The proposed differential rate in the dollar factor compared to the general rate for each<br />

type <strong>of</strong> rate to be levied compared to that <strong>of</strong> the previous financial year.<br />

Type <strong>of</strong> Property<br />

2014/15 <strong>2015</strong>/16<br />

Differential to<br />

General Rate<br />

Differential to<br />

General Rate<br />

Local Government Act 1989<br />

Commercial/industrial Class A 1.83 1.85<br />

Commercial/industrial Class B 1.78 1.80<br />

Commercial/industrial Class C 1.90 1.90<br />

Farm Rate .84 0.85<br />

Vacant Land – rural & rural residential 1.26 1.25<br />

Other N/A 1.85<br />

Cultural and Recreational Lands Act 1963<br />

Cultural and Recreational Class 1 0.50 0.50<br />

Cultural and Recreational Class 2 0.25 0.25<br />

Cultural and Recreational Class 3 0.10 0.10<br />

Cultural and Recreational Class 4 N/A N/A<br />

Cultural and Recreational Class 5 N/A N/A<br />

<strong>Greater</strong> <strong>Bendigo</strong> <strong>City</strong> Council <strong>Budget</strong> – <strong>2015</strong>/16 67


1.5 The number <strong>of</strong> assessments for each type <strong>of</strong> rate to be levied compared to the previous year.<br />

Type <strong>of</strong> Property<br />

2014/15 <strong>2015</strong>/16<br />

General 45,271 46,154<br />

Commercial/industrial Class A 2,210 2,230<br />

Commercial/industrial Class B 279 279<br />

Commercial/industrial Class C 1,124 1,117<br />

Farm Rate 1,217 1,163<br />

Vacant Land – rural & rural residential 4,008 4,130<br />

Other N/A 0<br />

Cultural and Recreational Class 1 5 5<br />

Cultural and Recreational Class 2 10 9<br />

Cultural and Recreational Class 3 7 7<br />

Cultural and Recreational Class 4 17 18<br />

Cultural and Recreational Class 5 19 19<br />

Rating Agreements 146 146<br />

Total number <strong>of</strong> assessments 54,313 55,277<br />

No<br />

No<br />

1.6 The basis <strong>of</strong> valuation to be used is the Capital Improved Value (CIV).<br />

1.7 The estimated total value <strong>of</strong> land in respect <strong>of</strong> which each type <strong>of</strong> rate is to be levied,<br />

compared with the previous year.<br />

Type <strong>of</strong> Property<br />

2014/15 <strong>2015</strong>/16<br />

$’000 $’000<br />

General 14,336,949 14,717,941<br />

Commercial/industrial Class A 1,307,563 1,343,932<br />

Commercial/industrial Class B 98,019 97,110<br />

Commercial/industrial Class C 918,547 915,840<br />

Farm Rate 685,546 673,903<br />

Vacant Land – rural & rural residential 761,282 767,480<br />

Other N/A 0<br />

Cultural and Recreation Land and Rating Agreements 79,916 78,164<br />

Total 18,187,822 18,594,370<br />

68 <strong>Greater</strong> <strong>Bendigo</strong> <strong>City</strong> Council <strong>Budget</strong> - <strong>2015</strong>/16


1.9 The proposed unit amount to be levied for each type <strong>of</strong> charge under Section 162 <strong>of</strong> the Act<br />

for both rateable and non-rateable properties.<br />

$ Per Bin $ Per Bin %<br />

Type <strong>of</strong> Charge 2014/15 <strong>2015</strong>/16 Change<br />

Kerbside garbage collection – 120/140 Litre bin 135.00 138.00 2.22%<br />

Kerbside garbage collection – 240 Litre bin 232.00 238.00 2.59%<br />

Recycling Bin 61.50 64.50 4.88%<br />

Recycling bin collection in excess <strong>of</strong> one bin (per<br />

46.00 46.00 0.00%<br />

additional bin)<br />

Garbage Collection and Disposal – Commercial/Industrial Properties as<br />

specified in Council’s Garbage and Recycling Charge policy<br />

Kerbside collection - Commercial properties – 120/140 148.50 151.80 2.22%<br />

Litre bin*<br />

Kerbside collection - Commercial properties – 240<br />

255.20 261.80 2.59%<br />

Litre bin*<br />

Garbage Collection and Disposal in Specific Commercial Areas as specified in<br />

Council’s Garbage and Recycling Charge policy<br />

Kerbside collection - 1 day per week* 255.20 261.80 2.59%<br />

Kerbside collection - 2 days per week* 510.40 523.60 2.59%<br />

Kerbside collection - 3 days per week* 765.60 785.40 2.59%<br />

Kerbside collection - 5 days per week* 1,276.00 1309.00 2.59%<br />

Kerbside collection - 7 days per week* 1,786.40 1832.60 2.59%<br />

(* Amounts are GST inclusive)<br />

<strong>Greater</strong> <strong>Bendigo</strong> <strong>City</strong> Council <strong>Budget</strong> – <strong>2015</strong>/16 69


1.10 The estimated amounts to be raised for each type <strong>of</strong> charge with prior year comparison.<br />

Type <strong>of</strong> Charge<br />

2014/15 <strong>2015</strong>/16 Change<br />

$ $ %<br />

Kerbside garbage collection – 120/140 Litre bin 3,627,990 3,835,848 5.73%<br />

Kerbside garbage collection – 240 Litre bin 4,283,416 4,388,720 2.46%<br />

Kerbside recycling collection 2,873,319 3,070,998 6.88%<br />

Garbage Collection and Disposal – Commercial/Industrial Properties as<br />

specified in Council’s Garbage and Recycling Charge policy<br />

Kerbside collection – Commercial/industrial properties – 78,260 79,391 1.45%<br />

120/140 Litre bin*<br />

Kerbside collection – Commercial/industrial properties -<br />

240 Litre bin*<br />

752,329 762,100 1.3%<br />

Garbage Collection and Disposal in Specific Commercial Areas as specified in<br />

Council’s Garbage and Recycling Charge policy<br />

Kerbside collection - 1 day per week* 233,507 240,856 3.15%<br />

Kerbside collection - 2 days per week* 55,634 63,357 13.88%<br />

Kerbside collection - 3 days per week* 180,682 181,427 0.41%<br />

Kerbside collection - 5 days per week* 150,568 147,917 (1.76%)<br />

Kerbside collection - 7 days per week* 114,330 120,952 5.79%<br />

Total 12,350,035 12,891,566 4.38%<br />

Less GST (142,301) (145,092)<br />

TOTAL 12,207,734 12,746,474 4.41%<br />

(*amounts are GST inclusive)<br />

An estimated amount <strong>of</strong> $1,057,000 will be returned to property owners who were levied a garbage<br />

charge in 2014/15 by way <strong>of</strong> a $20.00 (per garbage bin) carbon tax refund.<br />

1.11 The estimated total amount to be raised by rates and charges:<br />

2014/15<br />

<strong>Budget</strong><br />

<strong>2015</strong>/16<br />

<strong>Budget</strong><br />

$ $<br />

Rates and charges 91,459,476 97,780,829<br />

Supplementary rates 1,932,334 1,640,000<br />

Total 93,391,810 99,420,829<br />

1.12 There are no known significant changes which may affect the estimated amounts to be raised<br />

by rates and charges. However, the total amount to be raised by rates and charges may be<br />

affected by:<br />

• The making <strong>of</strong> supplementary valuations<br />

• The variation <strong>of</strong> returned levels <strong>of</strong> value (e.g. valuation appeals)<br />

• Changes in use <strong>of</strong> land such that rateable land becomes non-rateable land and vice versa;<br />

and<br />

• Changes in use <strong>of</strong> land such that residential land becomes commercial/industrial land and<br />

vice versa<br />

70 <strong>Greater</strong> <strong>Bendigo</strong> <strong>City</strong> Council <strong>Budget</strong> - <strong>2015</strong>/16


2. Rates<br />

2.1 Rates to be levied<br />

The rate and amount <strong>of</strong> rates payable in relation to land in each category <strong>of</strong> rate are:<br />

• A general rate <strong>of</strong> 0.4113% (0.4113 cents in the dollar <strong>of</strong> CIV) for all rateable general properties.<br />

The total amount raised from the general rate in <strong>2015</strong>/16, exclusive <strong>of</strong> supplementary rates will<br />

be $60,534,889. General rate type properties include properties with residences erected.<br />

• A differential rate <strong>of</strong> 0.7609% (0.7609 cents in the dollar <strong>of</strong> CIV) for all rateable<br />

commercial/industrial A properties. The total amount raised from the commercial/industrial A<br />

differential rate in <strong>2015</strong>/16, exclusive <strong>of</strong> supplementary rates will be $10,225,982.<br />

• A differential rate <strong>of</strong> 0.7403% (0.7403 cents in the dollar <strong>of</strong> CIV) for all rateable<br />

commercial/industrial B properties. The total amount raised from the commercial/industrial B<br />

differential rate in <strong>2015</strong>/16, exclusive <strong>of</strong> supplementary rates will be $718,905.<br />

• A differential rate <strong>of</strong> 0.7814% (0.7814 cents in the dollar <strong>of</strong> CIV) for all rateable<br />

commercial/industrial C properties. The total amount raised from the commercial/industrial C<br />

differential rate in <strong>2015</strong>/16, exclusive <strong>of</strong> supplementary rates will be $7,156,374.<br />

• A differential rate <strong>of</strong> 0.3496% (0.3496 cents in the dollar <strong>of</strong> CIV) for all rateable farm properties.<br />

The total amount raised from the farm differential rate in <strong>2015</strong>/16, exclusive <strong>of</strong> supplementary<br />

rates will be $2,355,965.<br />

• A differential rate <strong>of</strong> 0.5141% (0.5141 cents in the dollar <strong>of</strong> CIV) for all rateable non<br />

commercial/industrial zoned vacant land properties. The total amount raised from the vacant<br />

land differential rate in <strong>2015</strong>/16, exclusive <strong>of</strong> supplementary rates will be $3,945,615.<br />

• A differential rate <strong>of</strong> 0.7609% (0.7609 cents in the dollar <strong>of</strong> CIV) for all rateable other land<br />

properties. The total amount raised from the other land differential rate in <strong>2015</strong>/16, exclusive <strong>of</strong><br />

supplementary rates will be $0.<br />

• A rating concession <strong>of</strong> 0.20565% (0.20565 cents in the dollar <strong>of</strong> CIV) for all rateable class 1<br />

cultural and recreational properties. The total amount raised from the cultural and recreational<br />

class 1 differential rate in <strong>2015</strong>/16, exclusive <strong>of</strong> supplementary rates will be $10,920.<br />

• A rating concession <strong>of</strong> 0.10280% (0.10280 cents in the dollar <strong>of</strong> CIV) for all rateable class 2<br />

cultural and recreational properties. The total amount raised from the cultural and recreational<br />

class 2 differential rate in <strong>2015</strong>/16, exclusive <strong>of</strong> supplementary rates will be $19,196.<br />

• A rating concession <strong>of</strong> 0.04113% (0.04113 cents in the dollar <strong>of</strong> CIV) for all rateable class 3<br />

cultural and recreational properties. The total amount raised from the cultural and recreational<br />

class 3 differential rate in <strong>2015</strong>/16, exclusive <strong>of</strong> supplementary rates will be $4,137.<br />

• A rating concession <strong>of</strong> $379.00 for all rateable class 4 cultural and recreational properties. The<br />

total amount raised from the cultural and recreational class 4 differential rate in <strong>2015</strong>/16,<br />

exclusive <strong>of</strong> supplementary rates will be $6,822.<br />

• A rating concession <strong>of</strong> $497.00 for all rateable class 5 cultural and recreational properties. The<br />

total amount raised from the cultural and recreational class 5 differential rate in <strong>2015</strong>/16,<br />

exclusive <strong>of</strong> supplementary rates will be $9,443.<br />

Each differential rate (excepting class 4 and class 5 cultural and recreational properties) will be<br />

determined by multiplying the Capital Improved Value <strong>of</strong> each rateable land (categorised by the<br />

characteristics described below) by the relevant percentages indicated above.<br />

<strong>City</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Greater</strong> <strong>Bendigo</strong> considers that each differential rate will contribute to the equitable and<br />

efficient carrying out <strong>of</strong> <strong>City</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Greater</strong> <strong>Bendigo</strong> functions. Details <strong>of</strong> the objectives <strong>of</strong> each<br />

differential rate, the types <strong>of</strong> classes <strong>of</strong> land, which are subject to each differential rate and the uses<br />

<strong>of</strong> each differential rate, are set out below.<br />

<strong>Greater</strong> <strong>Bendigo</strong> <strong>City</strong> Council <strong>Budget</strong> – <strong>2015</strong>/16 71


2.2 Rebates and Concessions<br />

In accordance with the provisions <strong>of</strong> Section 169 <strong>of</strong> the Act, and in keeping with agreements that<br />

bind the Council, <strong>City</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Greater</strong> <strong>Bendigo</strong> grants a concession to each owner (or, where applicable,<br />

occupier) <strong>of</strong> rateable land described below, in the amount authorised by any Agreement binding<br />

Council for:<br />

• Lords Raceway, 646-650 McIvor Highway, Junortoun, Victoria<br />

• <strong>Bendigo</strong> Properties Pty Ltd, 2 Arbor Boulevard, East <strong>Bendigo</strong>, Victoria<br />

• Department <strong>of</strong> Human Services Aged Person’s Units located at:<br />

20 Mackenzie Street West, Golden Square, Victoria<br />

15 Burrowes Street, Golden Square, Victoria<br />

2 Jeffrey Street, Elmore, Victoria<br />

3 Carpenter Street, Kangaroo Flat, Victoria<br />

18 Camp Street, Kangaroo Flat, Victoria<br />

159 Retreat Road, Spring Gully, Victoria<br />

32 Castle Street, North <strong>Bendigo</strong>, Victoria<br />

17-19 Kirkwood Road, Eaglehawk, Victoria<br />

2 Virginia Street, Eaglehawk, Victoria<br />

51 Bannister Street, North <strong>Bendigo</strong>, Victoria<br />

In accordance with the provisions <strong>of</strong> Section 169 <strong>of</strong> the Act, <strong>City</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Greater</strong> <strong>Bendigo</strong> grants a rebate<br />

to each owner (or, where applicable, occupier) <strong>of</strong> rateable land, upon successful application, that<br />

meets the criteria <strong>of</strong> the <strong>City</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Greater</strong> <strong>Bendigo</strong> Bushcare Incentive (Rate Rebate) Program. The<br />

rebate is 100% <strong>of</strong> the rates calculated on the site value <strong>of</strong> the protected land as declared in the<br />

required Trust for Nature conservation covenant. A Trust for Nature conservation covenant<br />

provides the highest level <strong>of</strong> protection to land. The protection <strong>of</strong> private remnant native vegetation<br />

is a high priority recognised by all levels <strong>of</strong> government, as some <strong>of</strong> the highest value native<br />

vegetation is found on private property. The benefit to the community as a whole is to preserve<br />

privately owned natural bushland containing remnant native vegetation.<br />

2.3 Discount<br />

In accordance with the provisions <strong>of</strong> Section 168 <strong>of</strong> the Act, <strong>City</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Greater</strong> <strong>Bendigo</strong> will grant a<br />

discount <strong>of</strong> 1.5% <strong>of</strong> the <strong>2015</strong>/16 rates and charges (exclusive <strong>of</strong> any rebates and Victorian<br />

Government Fire Services Property Levy) should full payment (including any arrears and Victorian<br />

Government Fire Services Property Levy) be made on or before Wednesday 30 September <strong>2015</strong>.<br />

2.4 General Rate<br />

Having regard to the Rating Strategy carried out in 2011 and the Victorian Government’s Developing<br />

a Rating Strategy: A guide for Councils, the objective <strong>of</strong> the General Rate is to efficiently and equitably<br />

impose a rate on rateable land within the municipal district (except rateable land which is<br />

commercial/industrial, farm land, vacant residential or vacant rural residential land, or other land,<br />

which are subject to separate differential rates) to:<br />

a. Assist Council to meet its primary objective <strong>of</strong> endeavouring to achieve the best outcomes for<br />

the local community having regard to the long term and cumulative effects <strong>of</strong> Council’s<br />

decisions (section 3C(1) <strong>of</strong> the Act);<br />

b. To raise revenue to be used to improve the overall quality <strong>of</strong> life <strong>of</strong> people in the local<br />

community within Council’s municipal district (in accordance with the facilitating objective in<br />

section 3C(2)(c) <strong>of</strong> the Act); and<br />

c. To ensure the equitable imposition <strong>of</strong> rates and charges (in accordance with the facilitating<br />

objective in section 3C(2)(f) <strong>of</strong> the Act).<br />

72 <strong>Greater</strong> <strong>Bendigo</strong> <strong>City</strong> Council <strong>Budget</strong> - <strong>2015</strong>/16


General Rate Land is any land, which is not:<br />

Commercial/industrial Land A; Commercial/industrial Land B; Commercial/industrial Land C; Farm<br />

Land, Vacant Land or Other Land;<br />

and which is:<br />

• Used primarily for residential purposes; or<br />

• Less than 1500m 2 in area and used primarily for indoor cultural or recreational purposes by a<br />

body which applies its pr<strong>of</strong>its to promote its objects and otherwise prohibits the payment <strong>of</strong> a<br />

dividend or amount to its members; or<br />

• Non commercial, industrial or farm land use occupancies on properties located in the Lake<br />

Eppalock environs which are leased from Goulburn-Murray Water.<br />

The general rate will be used to fund some <strong>of</strong> those items <strong>of</strong> expenditure described in the <strong>Budget</strong><br />

adopted by <strong>City</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Greater</strong> <strong>Bendigo</strong>. The types and classes <strong>of</strong> rateable land within this differential<br />

rate are those having the relevant characteristics described above.<br />

The zoning applicable to each rateable land within this category, as determined by consulting maps<br />

referred to in the relevant Planning Scheme.<br />

All buildings which are now constructed on the land or which are constructed prior to the expiry <strong>of</strong><br />

the <strong>2015</strong>/16 Financial Year.<br />

The geographic location <strong>of</strong> the land within this rate is wherever located within the municipal district.<br />

The use <strong>of</strong> the land within this rate, in the case <strong>of</strong> improved land, is any use permitted under the<br />

relevant Planning Scheme.<br />

2.5 Commercial/Industrial Land A<br />

Having regard to the Rating Strategy carried out in 2011 and the Victorian Government’s Developing<br />

a Rating Strategy: A guide for Councils, the objective <strong>of</strong> the Commercial/industrial Land A Differential<br />

Rate is to efficiently and equitably impose a differential rate on rateable land within the municipal<br />

district (except rateable land which is general, commercial/industrial land B, commercial/industrial<br />

land C, farm land, vacant residential or vacant rural residential land, or other land which are subject<br />

to separate differential rates) to:<br />

a. Assist Council to meet its primary objective <strong>of</strong> endeavouring to achieve the best outcomes for<br />

the local community having regard to the long term and cumulative effects <strong>of</strong> Council’s<br />

decisions (section 3C(1) <strong>of</strong> the Act);<br />

b. To raise revenue to be used to improve the overall quality <strong>of</strong> life <strong>of</strong> people in the local<br />

community within Council’s municipal district (in accordance with the facilitating objective in<br />

section 3C(2)(c) <strong>of</strong> the Act); and<br />

c. To ensure the equitable imposition <strong>of</strong> rates and charges (in accordance with the facilitating<br />

objective in section 3C(2)(f) <strong>of</strong> the Act).<br />

Commercial/industrial Land A is any land, which is not:<br />

General Land; Commercial/industrial Land B; Commercial/industrial Land C; Farm Land, Vacant Land<br />

or Other Land;<br />

and which is land with planning permission for:<br />

• Sale <strong>of</strong> goods or services; or<br />

• Other commercial purposes; or<br />

• Industrial purposes; or is<br />

<strong>Greater</strong> <strong>Bendigo</strong> <strong>City</strong> Council <strong>Budget</strong> – <strong>2015</strong>/16 73


Unoccupied land zoned, used or able to be used primarily for commercial or industrial purposes,<br />

whether or not building/s are erected thereon;<br />

and located in the area depicted in Appendix D Annexure D-1 (excluding the <strong>Bendigo</strong> CBD as<br />

depicted in Appendix D-2).<br />

The differential rate will be used to fund some <strong>of</strong> those items <strong>of</strong> expenditure described in the <strong>Budget</strong><br />

adopted by <strong>City</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Greater</strong> <strong>Bendigo</strong>. The types and classes <strong>of</strong> rateable land within this differential<br />

rate are those having the relevant characteristics described above.<br />

The zoning applicable to each rateable land within this category, as determined by consulting maps<br />

referred to in the relevant Planning Scheme.<br />

All buildings which are now constructed on the land or which are constructed prior to the expiry <strong>of</strong><br />

the <strong>2015</strong>/16 Financial Year.<br />

The geographic location <strong>of</strong> the land within this differential rate is in the area depicted in Appendix D<br />

Annexure D-1.<br />

The use <strong>of</strong> the land within this differential rate, in the case <strong>of</strong> improved land, is any use permitted<br />

under the relevant Planning Scheme.<br />

2.6 Commercial/industrial Land B<br />

Having regard to the Rating Strategy carried out in 2011 and the Victorian Government’s Developing<br />

a Rating Strategy: A guide for Councils, the objective <strong>of</strong> the Commercial/industrial Land B Differential<br />

Rate is to efficiently and equitably impose a differential rate on rateable land within the municipal<br />

district (except rateable land which is general, commercial/industrial land A, commercial/industrial<br />

land C, farm land, vacant residential or vacant rural residential land, or other land which lands are<br />

subject to separate differential rates) to:<br />

a. Assist Council to meet its primary objective <strong>of</strong> endeavouring to achieve the best outcomes for<br />

the local community having regard to the long term and cumulative effects <strong>of</strong> Council’s<br />

decisions (section 3C(1) <strong>of</strong> the Act);<br />

b. To raise revenue to be used to improve the overall quality <strong>of</strong> life <strong>of</strong> people in the local<br />

community within Council’s municipal district (in accordance with the facilitating objective in<br />

section 3C(2)(c) <strong>of</strong> the Act); and<br />

c. To ensure the equitable imposition <strong>of</strong> rates and charges (in accordance with the facilitating<br />

objective in section 3C(2)(f) <strong>of</strong> the Act).<br />

Commercial/industrial Land B is any land, which is not:<br />

General Land; Commercial/industrial Land A; Commercial/industrial Land C; Farm Land, Vacant Land<br />

or Other Land;<br />

and which is land with planning permission for:<br />

• Sale <strong>of</strong> goods or services; or<br />

• Other commercial purposes; or<br />

• Industrial purposes; or is<br />

Unoccupied land zoned, used or able to be used primarily for commercial or industrial purposes,<br />

whether or not building/s are erected thereon;<br />

and not located within the area depicted in Appendix D, Annexure D-1 or D-2.<br />

74 <strong>Greater</strong> <strong>Bendigo</strong> <strong>City</strong> Council <strong>Budget</strong> - <strong>2015</strong>/16


The differential rate will be used to fund some <strong>of</strong> those items <strong>of</strong> expenditure described in the <strong>Budget</strong><br />

adopted by <strong>City</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Greater</strong> <strong>Bendigo</strong>. The types and classes <strong>of</strong> rateable land within this differential<br />

rate are those having the relevant characteristics described above.<br />

The zoning applicable to each rateable land within this category, as determined by consulting maps<br />

referred to in the relevant Planning Scheme.<br />

All buildings which are now constructed on the land or which are constructed prior to the expiry <strong>of</strong><br />

the <strong>2015</strong>/16 Financial Year.<br />

The geographic location <strong>of</strong> the land within this differential rate is wherever located within the<br />

municipal district, not located within the area depicted in Appendix D, Annexure D-1 or D-2.<br />

The use <strong>of</strong> the land within this differential rate, in the case <strong>of</strong> improved land, is any use permitted<br />

under the relevant Planning Scheme.<br />

2.7 Commercial/Industrial Land C<br />

Having regard to the Rating Strategy carried out in 2011 and the Victorian Government’s Developing<br />

a Rating Strategy: A guide for Councils, the objective <strong>of</strong> the Commercial/industrial Land C Differential<br />

Rate is to efficiently and equitably impose a differential rate on rateable land within the municipal<br />

district (except rateable land which is general, commercial/industrial land A, commercial/industrial<br />

land B, farm land, vacant residential or vacant rural residential land, or other land which lands are<br />

subject to separate differential rates) to:<br />

a. Assist Council to meet its primary objective <strong>of</strong> endeavouring to achieve the best outcomes for<br />

the local community having regard to the long term and cumulative effects <strong>of</strong> Council’s<br />

decisions (section 3C(1) <strong>of</strong> the Act);<br />

b. To raise revenue to be used to improve the overall quality <strong>of</strong> life <strong>of</strong> people in the local<br />

community within Council’s municipal district (in accordance with the facilitating objective in<br />

section 3C(2)(c) <strong>of</strong> the Act); and<br />

c. To ensure the equitable imposition <strong>of</strong> rates and charges (in accordance with the facilitating<br />

objective in section 3C(2)(f) <strong>of</strong> the Act).<br />

Commercial/industrial Land C is any land, which is not:<br />

General Land; Commercial/industrial Land A; Commercial/industrial Land B; Farm Land, Vacant Land<br />

or Other Land;<br />

and which is land with planning permission for:<br />

• Sale <strong>of</strong> goods or services; or<br />

• Other commercial purposes; or<br />

• Industrial purposes; or is<br />

Unoccupied land zoned, used or able to be used primarily for commercial or industrial purposes,<br />

whether or not building/s are erected thereon;<br />

and located in the area depicted in Appendix D Annexure D-2.<br />

The differential rate will be used to fund some <strong>of</strong> those items <strong>of</strong> expenditure described in the <strong>Budget</strong><br />

adopted by <strong>City</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Greater</strong> <strong>Bendigo</strong>. The types and classes <strong>of</strong> rateable land within this differential<br />

rate are those having the relevant characteristics described above.<br />

The zoning applicable to each rateable land within this category, as determined by consulting maps<br />

referred to in the relevant Planning Scheme.<br />

All buildings which are now constructed on the land or which are constructed prior to the expiry <strong>of</strong><br />

the <strong>2015</strong>/16 Financial Year.<br />

<strong>Greater</strong> <strong>Bendigo</strong> <strong>City</strong> Council <strong>Budget</strong> – <strong>2015</strong>/16 75


The geographic location <strong>of</strong> the land within this differential rate is wherever located within the<br />

municipal district, in the area depicted in Appendix D, Annexure D-2.<br />

The use <strong>of</strong> the land within this differential rate, in the case <strong>of</strong> improved land, is any use permitted<br />

under the relevant Planning Scheme.<br />

2.8 Farm Land<br />

Having regard to the Rating Strategy carried out in 2011 and the Victorian Government’s Developing<br />

a Rating Strategy: A guide for Councils, the objective <strong>of</strong> the Farm Land Differential Rate is to efficiently<br />

and equitably impose a differential rate on rateable land within the municipal district (except rateable<br />

land which is general, commercial/industrial land A, commercial/industrial land B,<br />

commercial/industrial C, vacant residential or vacant rural residential land, or other land which lands<br />

are subject to separate differential rates) to:<br />

a. Assist Council to meet its primary objective <strong>of</strong> endeavouring to achieve the best outcomes for<br />

the local community having regard to the long term and cumulative effects <strong>of</strong> Council’s<br />

decisions (section 3C(1) <strong>of</strong> the Act);<br />

b. To raise revenue to be used to improve the overall quality <strong>of</strong> life <strong>of</strong> people in the local<br />

community within Council’s municipal district (in accordance with the facilitating objective in<br />

section 3C(2)(c) <strong>of</strong> the Act); and<br />

c. To ensure the equitable imposition <strong>of</strong> rates and charges (in accordance with the facilitating<br />

objective in section 3C(2)(f) <strong>of</strong> the Act).<br />

Farm Land is any land, which is not:<br />

General Land; Commercial/industrial Land A; Commercial/industrial Land B; Commercial/industrial<br />

C, Vacant Land, or Other Land;<br />

and which is “farm land” within the meaning <strong>of</strong> Section 2(1) <strong>of</strong> the Valuation <strong>of</strong> Land Act 1960.<br />

The differential rate will be used to fund some <strong>of</strong> those items <strong>of</strong> expenditure described in the <strong>Budget</strong><br />

adopted by <strong>City</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Greater</strong> <strong>Bendigo</strong>. The types and classes <strong>of</strong> rateable land within this differential<br />

rate are those having the relevant characteristics described above.<br />

The zoning applicable to each rateable land within this category, as determined by consulting maps<br />

referred to in the relevant Planning Scheme.<br />

All buildings which are now constructed on the land or which are constructed prior to the expiry <strong>of</strong><br />

the <strong>2015</strong>/16 Financial Year.<br />

The geographic location <strong>of</strong> the land within this differential rate is wherever located within the<br />

municipal district.<br />

The use <strong>of</strong> the land within this differential rate, in the case <strong>of</strong> improved land, is any use permitted<br />

under the relevant Planning Scheme.<br />

2.9 Vacant Land<br />

Having regard to the Rating Strategy carried out in 2011 and the Victorian Government’s Developing<br />

a Rating Strategy: A guide for Councils, the objective <strong>of</strong> the Vacant Land Differential Rate is to<br />

efficiently and equitably impose a differential rate on rateable land within the municipal district<br />

(except rateable land which is general, commercial/industrial land A, commercial/industrial land B,<br />

commercial/industrial C, farm land, or other land which lands are subject to separate differential<br />

rates) to:<br />

76 <strong>Greater</strong> <strong>Bendigo</strong> <strong>City</strong> Council <strong>Budget</strong> - <strong>2015</strong>/16


a. Assist Council to meet its primary objective <strong>of</strong> endeavouring to achieve the best outcomes for<br />

the local community having regard to the long term and cumulative effects <strong>of</strong> Council’s<br />

decisions (section 3C(1) <strong>of</strong> the Act);<br />

b. To raise revenue to be used to improve the overall quality <strong>of</strong> life <strong>of</strong> people in the local<br />

community within Council’s municipal district (in accordance with the facilitating objective in<br />

section 3C(2)(c) <strong>of</strong> the Act); and<br />

c. To ensure the equitable imposition <strong>of</strong> rates and charges (in accordance with the facilitating<br />

objective in section 3C(2)(f) <strong>of</strong> the Act).<br />

Vacant Land is any land, which is not:<br />

General Land; Commercial/industrial Land A; Commercial/industrial Land B; Commercial/industrial<br />

Land C, Farm Land, or Other Land;<br />

and which is land on which no dwelling is erected.<br />

The differential rate will be used to fund some <strong>of</strong> those items <strong>of</strong> expenditure described in the <strong>Budget</strong><br />

adopted by <strong>City</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Greater</strong> <strong>Bendigo</strong>. The types and classes <strong>of</strong> rateable land within this differential<br />

rate are those having the relevant characteristics described above.<br />

The zoning applicable to each rateable land within this category, as determined by consulting maps<br />

referred to in the relevant Planning Scheme.<br />

All buildings which are now constructed on the land or which are constructed prior to the expiry <strong>of</strong><br />

the <strong>2015</strong>/16 Financial Year.<br />

The geographic location <strong>of</strong> the land within this differential rate is wherever located within the<br />

municipal district.<br />

The use <strong>of</strong> the land within this differential rate, in the case <strong>of</strong> improved land, is any use permitted<br />

under the relevant Planning Scheme.<br />

2.10 Other Land<br />

Having regard to the Rating Strategy carried out in 2011 and the Victorian Government’s Developing<br />

a Rating Strategy: A guide for Councils, the objective <strong>of</strong> the Other Differential Rate is to efficiently and<br />

equitably impose a differential rate on rateable land within the municipal district (except rateable<br />

land which is general, commercial/industrial land A, commercial/industrial land B,<br />

commercial/industrial C, farm land or vacant residential or vacant rural residential land which lands<br />

are subject to separate differential rates) to:<br />

a. Assist Council to meet its primary objective <strong>of</strong> endeavouring to achieve the best outcomes for<br />

the local community having regard to the long term and cumulative effects <strong>of</strong> Council’s<br />

decisions (section 3C(1) <strong>of</strong> the Act);<br />

b. To raise revenue to be used to improve the overall quality <strong>of</strong> life <strong>of</strong> people in the local<br />

community within Council’s municipal district (in accordance with the facilitating objective in<br />

section 3C(2)(c) <strong>of</strong> the Act); and<br />

c. To ensure the equitable imposition <strong>of</strong> rates and charges (in accordance with the facilitating<br />

objective in section 3C(2)(f) <strong>of</strong> the Act).<br />

Other Land is any land, which is not:<br />

General Land; Commercial/industrial Land A; Commercial/industrial Land B; Commercial/industrial<br />

Land C, Farm Land or Vacant Land;<br />

and includes any land which does not fall into any <strong>of</strong> those six rate categories.<br />

<strong>Greater</strong> <strong>Bendigo</strong> <strong>City</strong> Council <strong>Budget</strong> – <strong>2015</strong>/16 77


The differential rate will be used to fund some <strong>of</strong> those items <strong>of</strong> expenditure described in the <strong>Budget</strong><br />

adopted by <strong>City</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Greater</strong> <strong>Bendigo</strong>. The types and classes <strong>of</strong> rateable land within this differential<br />

rate are those having the relevant characteristics described above.<br />

The zoning applicable to each rateable land within this category, as determined by consulting maps<br />

referred to in the relevant Planning Scheme.<br />

All buildings which are now constructed on the land or which are constructed prior to the expiry <strong>of</strong><br />

the <strong>2015</strong>/16 Financial Year.<br />

The geographic location <strong>of</strong> the land within this differential rate is wherever located within the<br />

municipal district.<br />

The use <strong>of</strong> the land within this differential rate, in the case <strong>of</strong> improved land, is any use permitted<br />

under the relevant Planning Scheme.<br />

78 <strong>Greater</strong> <strong>Bendigo</strong> <strong>City</strong> Council <strong>Budget</strong> - <strong>2015</strong>/16


Appendix C - Capital and Major Works Program<br />

This appendix presents a listing <strong>of</strong> the capital and major works projects that will be undertaken for<br />

the <strong>2015</strong>/16 year.<br />

The capital and major works projects are grouped by asset class and include the following:<br />

• Renewal/upgrade <strong>of</strong> existing assets<br />

• Construction/purchase <strong>of</strong> new assets<br />

<strong>Greater</strong> <strong>Bendigo</strong> <strong>City</strong> Council <strong>Budget</strong> – <strong>2015</strong>/16 79


Capital and Major Works Program<br />

For the year ending 30 June <strong>2016</strong><br />

Capital<br />

Works<br />

Area<br />

Project Description<br />

Asset Expenditure Types<br />

Funding Sources<br />

Project<br />

Major<br />

Council<br />

Cost New Renewals Upgrade Expansion Works Grants Contributions Cash Borrowings<br />

$'000 $'000 $'000 $'000 $'000 $'000 $'000 $'000 $'000 $'000<br />


Building<br />

BBQs 46 0 30 16 0 0 0 0 46 0<br />

<strong>Bendigo</strong> Trust 550 0 250 0 0 300 0 0 550 0<br />

Buildings Other 903 0 510 225 0 168 0 0 903 0<br />

Child Care Properties 133 0 120 0 0 13 0 3 130 0<br />

Heritage Properties 995 0 705 270 0 20 0 0 995 0<br />

Public Toilets 60 0 20 20 0 20 0 0 60 0<br />

Recreation Properties 1,400 0 805 340 0 255 0 0 1,400 0<br />

Total Building 4,086 0 2,440 871 0 776 0 3 4,083 0<br />

Infrastructure<br />

Airport 50 0 50 0 0 0 0 0 50 0<br />

Bridges 1,270 0 705 440 0 125 0 0 1,270 0<br />

Drainage 3,541 0 880 2,483 0 178 0 0 3,541 0<br />

Footpaths/Driveways 1,312 0 1,078 218 0 16 0 0 1,312 0<br />

Kerb and Channel 456 0 341 72 0 43 0 0 456 0<br />

Paved Areas, Roundabouts & Medians<br />

(Landscaped)<br />

150 0 0 0 0 150 0 0 150 0<br />

Sealed Road Pavements 9,837 0 8,358 1,264 0 215 0 0 9,837 0<br />

Sealed Road Seals 0 0 0 0 0 0 3,175 0 -3,175 0<br />

Unsealed Roads Formed and Surfaced<br />

(Sheeting)<br />

2,500 0 2,500 0 0 0 0 0 2,500 0<br />

Total Infrastructure 19,116 0 13,912 4,477 0 727 3,175 0 15,941 0<br />

80 <strong>Greater</strong> <strong>Bendigo</strong> <strong>City</strong> Council <strong>Budget</strong> - <strong>2015</strong>/16

Capital<br />

Works<br />

Area<br />

Project Description<br />


Asset Expenditure Types<br />

Funding Sources<br />

Project<br />

Major<br />

Council<br />

Cost New Renewals Upgrade Expansion Works Grants Contributions Cash Borrowings<br />

$'000 $'000 $'000 $'000 $'000 $'000 $'000 $'000 $'000 $'000<br />

IT & Furniture<br />

Furniture and Office Equipment 40 0 40 0 0 0 0 0 40 0<br />

Information Technology 420 0 420 0 0 0 0 0 420 0<br />

Total IT & Furniture 460 0 460 0 0 0 0 0 460 0<br />

Land Improvements<br />

Irrigation 150 0 150 0 0 0 0 0 150 0<br />

Landscaping 230 0 0 0 0 230 0 0 230 0<br />

Parks & Reserves 200 0 200 0 0 0 0 0 200 0<br />

Recreation Hard Surfaces 660 25 590 25 20 0 100 15 545 0<br />

Sporting Surfaces (S<strong>of</strong>t Surfaces) 105 0 85 0 20 0 0 0 105 0<br />

Total Land Improvements 1,345 25 1,025 25 40 230 100 15 1,230 0<br />

Plant & Equipment<br />

Parking Control Equipment 140 0 140 0 0 0 0 0 140 0<br />

Plant and Equipment (General Fleet) 1,004 68 936 0 0 0 0 471 533 0<br />

Plant and Equipment (Presentation and<br />

Assets)<br />

2,701 0 2,701 0 0 0 0 548 2,153 0<br />

Total Plant & Equipment 3,845 68 3,777 0 0 0 0 1,019 2,826 0<br />

Public Furniture<br />

Bus Shelters 25 0 25 0 0 0 0 0 25 0<br />

Christmas Decorations 45 0 45 0 0 0 0 0 45 0<br />

Fountains 185 0 185 0 0 0 0 0 185 0<br />

Lighting Sporting Facilities 343 0 270 73 0 0 0 27 316 0<br />

Park Furniture 100 0 100 0 0 0 0 0 100 0<br />

<strong>Greater</strong> <strong>Bendigo</strong> <strong>City</strong> Council <strong>Budget</strong> – <strong>2015</strong>/16 81


Capital<br />

Works<br />

Area<br />

Project Description<br />

Asset Expenditure Types<br />

Funding Sources<br />

Project<br />

Major<br />

Council<br />

Cost New Renewals Upgrade Expansion Works Grants Contributions Cash Borrowings<br />

$'000 $'000 $'000 $'000 $'000 $'000 $'000 $'000 $'000 $'000<br />

Parks/Street Seats and Benches 45 0 45 0 0 0 0 0 45 0<br />

Playgrounds 400 0 370 0 0 30 0 0 400 0<br />

Poppet Heads 25 0 25 0 0 0 0 0 25 0<br />

Public Furniture & Fittings 55 0 55 0 0 0 0 0 55 0<br />

Street Lighting 25 0 25 0 0 0 0 0 25 0<br />

Waste Services Public Furn & Fixtures 119 0 119 0 0 0 0 0 119 0<br />

Total Public Furniture 1,367 0 1,264 73 0 30 0 27 1,340 0<br />

Total Renewal 30,218 93 22,878 5,445 40 1,763 3,275 1,064 25,880 0<br />


Building<br />

Building Other 168 34 0 135 0 0 0 0 168 0<br />

Child Care Properties 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0<br />

Heritage Properties 344 0 0 344 0 0 0 172 172 0<br />

Recreation Properties 11,950 7,417 0 250 4,168 115 5,700 3,187 1,062 2,000<br />

Total Building 12,462 7,451 0 729 4,168 115 5,700 3,359 1,403 2,000<br />

0<br />

IT and Furniture<br />

Information Technology 158 143 0 0 15 0 0 0 158 0<br />

Total IT and Furniture 158 143 0 0 15 0 0 0 158 0<br />

Land<br />

Property Purchase 668 668 0 0 0 0 0 630 38 0<br />

Total Land 668 668 0 0 0 0 0 630 38 0<br />

82 <strong>Greater</strong> <strong>Bendigo</strong> <strong>City</strong> Council <strong>Budget</strong> - <strong>2015</strong>/16


Capital<br />

Works<br />

Area<br />

Project Description<br />

Asset Expenditure Types<br />

Funding Sources<br />

Project<br />

Major<br />

Council<br />

Cost New Renewals Upgrade Expansion Works Grants Contributions Cash Borrowings<br />

$'000 $'000 $'000 $'000 $'000 $'000 $'000 $'000 $'000 $'000<br />

Land Improvements<br />

Landscaping 1,505 1,505 0 0 0 0 450 20 1,035 0<br />

Recreation 650 0 0 150 0 500 0 0 650 0<br />

Waste 749 749 0 0 0 0 246 0 502 0<br />

Total Land Improvements 2,904 2,254 0 150 0 500 696 20 2,187 0<br />

Plant & Equipment<br />

Plant 153 153 0 0 0 0 0 0 153 0<br />

Total Plant & Equipment 153 153 0 0 0 0 0 0 153 0<br />

Public Furniture<br />

Bus Shelters 100 100 0 0 0 0 0 0 100 0<br />

Heritage 255 0 0 255 0 0 0 130 125 0<br />

Playgrounds 60 0 0 60 0 0 0 0 60 0<br />

Recreation 135 135 0 0 0 0 0 10 125 0<br />

Waste 1,855 1,855 0 0 0 0 500 0 1,355 0<br />

Total Public Furniture 2,405 2,090 0 315 0 0 500 140 1,765 0<br />

Infrastructure<br />

Footpaths/Driveways 1,099 1,074 0 0 25 0 0 0 927 172<br />

Lighting 5,272 68 0 0 0 5,205 1,300 1,444 2,528 0<br />

Other 195 95 0 100 0 0 0 0 195 0<br />

Sealed Roads 7,788 6,422 0 1,366 0 0 4,000 0 960 2,828<br />

Total Infrastructure 14,354 7,659 0 1,466 25 5,205 5,300 1,444 4,610 3,000<br />

Total New 33,103 20,417 0 2,660 4,208 5,820 12,196 5,594 10,313 5,000<br />

GRAND TOTAL 63,322 20,509 22,878 8,105 4,248 7,582 15,471 6,658 36,193 5,000<br />

<strong>Greater</strong> <strong>Bendigo</strong> <strong>City</strong> Council <strong>Budget</strong> – <strong>2015</strong>/16 83


Capital and Major Works Program (Detailed)<br />

Capital<br />

Works<br />

Area<br />


Building<br />

BBQs<br />

Project Description<br />

Council Plan<br />

BBQ Maintenance Works 3.2.2<br />

<strong>Bendigo</strong> Trust<br />

<strong>Bendigo</strong> Trust Infrastructure Projects 5.3.2<br />

Buildings Other<br />

Asbestos Audits & Removal Program 5.3.3<br />

Boardwalk Cafe - Structural 5.3.2<br />

Building Security and Access Upgrade 5.3.3<br />

Council Properties Improve/Upgrade 5.3.2<br />

Edward Street Carpark - Shade Sails 5.3.2<br />

Environmental Sustainability Initiatives 5.6.2<br />

Essential Safety Measures 5.3.3<br />

Essential Services Compliance 5.3.3<br />

Future Works Planning 5.3.2<br />

Gas Heater Testing 5.3.3<br />

Goornong Hall - Septic 5.3.2<br />

Heating and Cooling Upgrades 5.3.3<br />

Internal and External Painting 5.3.3<br />

Investigate Structural Cracking Issues - Various 5.3.3<br />

Ironbark Tennis Club/Hall Renewal 5.3.2<br />

Ironbark Tennis Clubrooms 5.3.2<br />

Kitchen & Kiosk Upgrade & Repair Works 5.3.3<br />

Maiden Gully Recreation Reserve - Remove Shelter 5.3.2<br />

Office Accommodation 5.3.2<br />

Thermal Imaging 5.3.3<br />

Child Care Properties<br />

<strong>Bendigo</strong> Preschool - Shed Extension 5.3.3<br />

Eaglehawk Preschool - Office and Storage Upgrade 5.3.3<br />

Epsom Preschool - Office Upgrade 5.3.3<br />

Helen Jessen ELC - Sliding Glass Door 5.3.3<br />

Helm Street Preschool - Office Upgrade 5.3.3<br />

North <strong>Bendigo</strong> Kindergarten - Amenities Upgrade 5.3.3<br />

Painting - Various 5.3.3<br />

South <strong>Bendigo</strong> Preschool - Rubberised Path 5.3.3<br />

84 <strong>Greater</strong> <strong>Bendigo</strong> <strong>City</strong> Council <strong>Budget</strong> - <strong>2015</strong>/16


Capital<br />

Works<br />

Area<br />

Project Description<br />

Council Plan<br />

Heritage Properties<br />

Art Gallery Various 5.2.3<br />

<strong>Bendigo</strong> Town Hall External Repairs 5.2.3<br />

Discovery Science Centre 5.2.3<br />

Eaglehawk Town Hall Various 5.2.3<br />

Heritage Building Works Various Sites 5.2.3<br />

RSL Soldiers Memorial Institute - Stage 1 <strong>of</strong> 2 5.2.3<br />

Public Toilets<br />

Public Toilets - Refurbishment 5.3.3<br />

Recreation Properties<br />

Albert Roy Reserve 3.2.2<br />

Barrack Reserve Football Changerooms Upgrade 5.3.3<br />

Canterbury Park - Spectator Shelter 5.3.3<br />

Dower Park - Amenities Block Upgrade 5.3.3<br />

Eaglehawk Badminton and Table Tennis Centre 5.3.3<br />

Ewing Park - Kiosk Upgrade 5.3.3<br />

Harry Trott - Changeroom Renovations 5.3.3<br />

Lake Weeroona Community Pavilion Design 5.3.3<br />

Leisure Facilities Compliance Works 5.3.3<br />

Peter Krenz Leisure Centre Concept 5.3.3<br />

Small Towns Rec Reserves - Various Locations 5.3.3<br />

Swimming Pool Renewal Works 5.3.3<br />

Upgrade Coaches Boxes & Shelters - Various Locations 5.3.3<br />

Weeroona Oval Works 5.3.3<br />

Works to support events venues 5.3.3<br />

IT & Furniture<br />

Furniture and Office Equipment<br />

Furniture & Equipment - Purchase 5.3.3<br />

Information Technology<br />

Firewall replacement 1.5.1<br />

PC Replacement Program 1.5.1<br />

Scanning S<strong>of</strong>tware 1.5.1<br />

Scope COGB Website Renewal 1.5.1<br />

Web Content Management 1.5.1<br />


Fountains<br />

Fountains and Water Features Renewal Program 3.1.4<br />

Statues and Monuments Renewal Program 3.1.3<br />

<strong>Greater</strong> <strong>Bendigo</strong> <strong>City</strong> Council <strong>Budget</strong> – <strong>2015</strong>/16 85


Capital<br />

Works<br />

Area<br />

Irrigation<br />

Project Description<br />

Council Plan<br />

Irrigation System Replacement Program 3.1.4<br />

Parks & Reserves<br />

Parks and Reserves Renewal Program 3.2.2<br />

Sportsfield Improvement Program 3.2.2<br />

Recreation Hard Surfaces<br />

Kennington Tennis Netball Court Resurfacing 3.1.2<br />

Resurfacing <strong>of</strong> 2 courts at Elmore Tennis Club 3.1.2<br />

Resurfacing <strong>of</strong> 2 courts at Strathdale Park<br />

Sporting Surfaces (S<strong>of</strong>t Surfaces)<br />

Design <strong>of</strong> Eaglehawk BMX Track 3.1.2<br />

Seasonal oval renewal program 3.2.2<br />

Shadforth Park Cricket wicket 3.2.2<br />


Bus Shelters<br />

Bus Shelters - Urban & Rural 5.3.5<br />

Christmas Decorations<br />

Christmas Decorations 5.3.5<br />

Fountains<br />

Landscaping<br />

Alexandra Fountain Works 3.2.2<br />

Urban Tree Planting 3.2.2<br />

Lighting Sporting Facilities<br />

Lighting Sporting Facilities 3.1.2<br />

Golden Square Oval lighting upgrade<br />

Recreation Properties<br />

Canterbury Park - Goal Netting<br />

Playgrounds<br />

3.1.2<br />

Playground - Malone Park Renewal 5.3.5<br />

Playground - Strathdale Park Stage 2 Renewal 5.3.5<br />

Playground - Various Upgrades 5.3.5<br />

Park Furniture<br />

Installation & Replacement <strong>of</strong> Park Furniture 3.2.2<br />

Parks/Street Seats and Benches<br />

Street Furniture Program 3.2.2<br />

Poppet Heads<br />

Poppet Heads and Towers 5.3.2<br />

Public Furniture & Fittings<br />

<strong>Bendigo</strong> <strong>City</strong> Centre Wayfinding Signs Update 2.3.2<br />

86 <strong>Greater</strong> <strong>Bendigo</strong> <strong>City</strong> Council <strong>Budget</strong> - <strong>2015</strong>/16


Capital<br />

Works<br />

Area<br />

Project Description<br />

Council Plan<br />

Street Lighting<br />

Decorative Streetlight Replacement 2.3.2<br />

Waste Services Public Furniture & Fixtures<br />

Acquisition <strong>of</strong> Mobile Bins 5.5.1<br />


Airport<br />

<strong>Bendigo</strong> Airport Works 2.1.4<br />

Bridges 5.3.5<br />

Tannery Lane<br />

Various Bridge Works 5.3.5<br />

Drainage<br />

Alexander St 5.3.5<br />

Aspinall St 5.3.5<br />

Bottlebrush Court 5.3.5<br />

Broad Parade 5.3.5<br />

Havilah Road, Kinross Street, Green Street 5.3.5<br />

Honeysuckle Street (High Street) 5.3.5<br />

Honeysuckle Street (Pitt Street) 5.3.5<br />

Retreat Road (Between Cook St & Stanley Ave) 5.3.5<br />

Strathdale Crescent 5.3.5<br />

Various Drainage Construction 5.3.5<br />

Footpaths/Driveways<br />

Hope Street 2.3.3<br />

Infrastructure Footpath Various 2.3.3<br />

Mitchell Street 2.3.3<br />

Mitchell Street 2.3.3<br />

Kerb and Channel<br />

Breen Street 2.3.3<br />

Kerb & Channel Works Various 2.3.3<br />

Parking Control Equipment<br />

Parking Ticket Machine Purchase. 5.3.3<br />

Paved Areas, Roundabouts & Medians (Landscaped)<br />

Medians, Roundabouts and Traffic Island Treatments 5.3.5<br />

Plant and Equipment (General Fleet)<br />

Plant Replacement (General Fleet) 1.6.3<br />

Plant and Equipment (Presentation and Assets)<br />

Plant Replacement Program 1.6.3<br />

<strong>Greater</strong> <strong>Bendigo</strong> <strong>City</strong> Council <strong>Budget</strong> – <strong>2015</strong>/16 87


Capital<br />

Works<br />

Area<br />

Project Description<br />

Council Plan<br />

Sealed Road Pavements<br />

Furness Street 5.3.5<br />

Goornong-Mayreef Road 5.3.5<br />

Howard Street 5.3.5<br />

Minor Extensions Widening With Developments 5.3.5<br />

Moran Street 5.3.5<br />

Olympic Parade 5.3.5<br />

Road Works Major Patching Various 5.3.5<br />

Sailors Gully Road 5.3.5<br />

Tannery Lane 5.3.5<br />

Three Hills Lane 5.3.5<br />

Turnbull Street 5.3.5<br />

Various Local Roads Final Seals 5.3.5<br />

Various Roads - Reseals and Asphalt Resurfacing 5.3.5<br />

Sealed Road Seals<br />

Roads to Recovery Income 5.3.5<br />

Unsealed Roads Formed and Surfaced (Sheeting)<br />

Road Renewals - Unsealed Roads 5.3.5<br />

Shoulder Resheeting 1.6.3<br />

NEW<br />

Building<br />

Building Other<br />

Child Care Properties<br />

Heritage Properties<br />

Recreation Properties<br />

Adam Street Depot Access and Security 5.3.5<br />

<strong>Bendigo</strong> Livestock Exchange Security and Access 5.3.5<br />

Energy Wise Buildings 5.6.2<br />

Strathfieldsaye Community Hub 5.3.3<br />

<strong>Bendigo</strong> Town Hall Heating and Ventilation System 5.3.3<br />

Barrack Reserve Pavilion (CONSTRUCTION) 3.1.2<br />

<strong>Bendigo</strong> Indoor Aquatic Leisure and Wellbeing Centre<br />

(CONSTRUCTION) 2.1.2<br />

<strong>Bendigo</strong> South East College Design (DESIGN) 5.3.3<br />

<strong>Bendigo</strong> Stadium Limited Contribution 2.1.5<br />

<strong>Bendigo</strong> Stadium (CONSTRUCTION) 2.1.5<br />

<strong>Bendigo</strong> Tennis Centre Facilities (DESIGN) 2.1.6<br />

Canterbury Park - Social Pavilion (CONSTRUCTION) 5.3.3<br />

Dower Park Reserve - Construction <strong>of</strong> Social Rooms<br />

(CONSTRUCTION) 5.3.3<br />

88 <strong>Greater</strong> <strong>Bendigo</strong> <strong>City</strong> Council <strong>Budget</strong> - <strong>2015</strong>/16


Capital<br />

Works<br />

Area<br />

Project Description<br />

Council Plan<br />

Spring Gully Soccer Pavilion – Upgrade to Change Rooms<br />

and Accessibility (CONSTRUCTION) 5.3.3<br />

IT and Furniture<br />

Information Technology<br />

IT Infrastructure - Ulumbarra Theatre 1.5.1<br />

Mobile Applications for Inspection & Requests 1.5.1<br />

Shoretel Phone System Enhancements 1.5.1<br />

Land<br />

Property Purchase<br />

Axedale Preschool Re-alignment <strong>of</strong> Boundary 2.2.2<br />

Strategic Land Purchase 2.2.2<br />

Land Improvements<br />

Landscaping<br />

Recreation<br />

Waste<br />

<strong>Bendigo</strong> Botanic Gardens, Garden for the Future 2.1.3<br />

Canterbury Park Central Activity Area 2.1.11<br />

Marist College <strong>Bendigo</strong> - Joint Use Community Facilities 2.1.8<br />

Resource Recovery Transfer Station Detailed Design<br />

(DESIGN) 5.5.2<br />

Airport Water Treatment 5.5.1<br />

Landfill Alternate Daily Cover 5.5.1<br />

Plant & Equipment<br />

Emergency Generator for Lyttleton Terrace 1.6.3<br />

Purchase <strong>of</strong> Turf Top Dresser 1.6.3<br />

Purchase <strong>of</strong> Utility for Compliance Officer 1.6.3<br />

Purchase <strong>of</strong> Utility Vehicle for <strong>Bendigo</strong> Botanic Gardens 1.6.3<br />

Public Furniture<br />

Bus Shelters<br />

Heritage<br />

Playgrounds<br />

Bus Shelter Program 2.3.2<br />

Heritage Restoration Project 5.3.5<br />

Heathcote Play Space Stage 2 3.1.2<br />

<strong>Greater</strong> <strong>Bendigo</strong> <strong>City</strong> Council <strong>Budget</strong> – <strong>2015</strong>/16 89


Capital<br />

Works<br />

Area<br />

Recreation<br />

Waste<br />

Project Description<br />

Council Plan<br />

Malone Park Marong Cricket Nets 3.1.2<br />

360L Recycle Bins 5.5.1<br />

Kerbside Organics Bins 5.5.1<br />

Infrastructure<br />

Footpaths/Driveways<br />

New Paths Program 2.2.4<br />

O'Keefe Rail Trail connection to Heathcote CBD and VIC 2.2.4<br />

Lighting<br />

Lighting the Regions 5.6.2<br />

Public Lighting Program 5.6.2<br />

Other<br />

Pedestrian Refuge St Aidans Road 2.3.2<br />

Universal Access Program 1.6.3<br />

Various Traffic Works 1.6.3<br />

Sealed Roads<br />

<strong>Bendigo</strong> Airport Runway (CONSTRUCTION) 2.1.4<br />

East <strong>Bendigo</strong> Link Road - Stage 4 2.1.7<br />

90 <strong>Greater</strong> <strong>Bendigo</strong> <strong>City</strong> Council <strong>Budget</strong> - <strong>2015</strong>/16


Appendix D - Maps<br />

D – 1: Business Land A<br />

D – 2: Business Land C<br />

Maps attached<br />

Proposed <strong>Greater</strong> <strong>Bendigo</strong> <strong>City</strong> Council <strong>Budget</strong> – <strong>2015</strong>/16 91


D – 1<br />


Commercial/Industrial Land A<br />

92 <strong>Greater</strong> <strong>Bendigo</strong> <strong>City</strong> Council <strong>Budget</strong> - <strong>2015</strong>/16


D – 2<br />


Commercial/Industrial<br />

Land C<br />

<strong>Greater</strong> <strong>Bendigo</strong> <strong>City</strong> Council <strong>Budget</strong> – <strong>2015</strong>/16 93


Appendix E – Capital Evaluation Framework<br />

Introduction<br />

The Capital Works Evaluation Framework is a means <strong>of</strong> setting priorities within the Capital Works<br />

program that addresses the strategic and service delivery needs <strong>of</strong> Council and the Community.<br />

Council sets the amount available for Capital Works each year and this is guided by the Long Term<br />

Financial Plan.<br />

As per the diagram below, the total Capital Works <strong>Budget</strong> is split between two core components,<br />

Renewal (existing assets) and Non-Renewal (new assets). Currently the amount required for<br />

Renewal is set by the financial asset depreciation and prioritised by asset condition and Asset<br />

Management Plans (AMP) where available. The remaining amount is available for Non-Renewal<br />

projects which require a Business Case and are prioritised via assessment criteria.<br />

Renewals<br />

Depreciation<br />

Business Case<br />

AMPs Renewal $<br />

Non-<br />

Renewal $<br />

Criteria &<br />

Ranking<br />

The largest component <strong>of</strong> the annual Capital Works <strong>Budget</strong> is devoted to ensuring that existing<br />

assets continue to deliver the service standards expected <strong>of</strong> them by the community. Work is<br />

continually undertaken to check, assess and maintain the status <strong>of</strong> these assets.<br />

The Renewal component <strong>of</strong> the Annual <strong>Budget</strong> is currently determined by the amount <strong>of</strong><br />

depreciation recorded for <strong>City</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Greater</strong> <strong>Bendigo</strong> assets as per the Australian Accounting<br />

Standards. Similarly, the total Renewal <strong>Budget</strong> is divided between each <strong>of</strong> the asset classes so that<br />

each asset class receives Renewal funding in line with the amount <strong>of</strong> depreciation it recorded.<br />

Asset Managers then prioritise which works to schedule within the Renewal <strong>Budget</strong> based on a<br />

range <strong>of</strong> asset management tools and metrics. This includes:<br />

• Asset management plans<br />

• Condition assessments<br />

• Service standards<br />

• Community feedback<br />

Given that this work is undertaken on existing assets, it is based on assessments <strong>of</strong> the condition <strong>of</strong><br />

those assets and the Asset Managers are best placed to make recommendations on those<br />

assessments, a Business Case is not required for Renewal <strong>Budget</strong> submissions.<br />

The Renewal project priority lists and associated costs are provided to Council to review as part <strong>of</strong><br />

the <strong>Budget</strong> approval process.<br />

94 <strong>Greater</strong> <strong>Bendigo</strong> <strong>City</strong> Council <strong>Budget</strong> - <strong>2015</strong>/16


Non-Renewal Business Case Requirement<br />

A Business Case is required for Non-Renewal Capital Works <strong>Budget</strong> bids. For projects over $3<br />

million, the Major Capital Works <strong>Budget</strong> Submission Policy applies which outlines the level <strong>of</strong> detail<br />

required for the Business Case.<br />

Assessment Approach<br />

The key principles <strong>of</strong> the assessment approach are:<br />

• New Capital Works, Expansion and Upgrade project bids require a Business Case which will be<br />

scored against criteria to determine the priority <strong>of</strong> each bid.<br />

• There is no separation <strong>of</strong> asset or project type with all New Capital Works, Expansion and<br />

Upgrade projects competing for funds.<br />

This establishes the relative priority <strong>of</strong> all Capital Works project bids submitted. The core<br />

requirement <strong>of</strong> this approach is to be able to compare projects which are for vastly different types<br />

<strong>of</strong> assets, e.g. comparing the priority <strong>of</strong> a road to the priority <strong>of</strong> tennis court lighting or the<br />

expansion <strong>of</strong> a community facility/building.<br />

Evaluation Committee<br />

The evaluation process was undertaken by a committee <strong>of</strong> senior managers comprised <strong>of</strong><br />

representatives from across the organisation. The managers have extensive experience and direct<br />

contact with the community from service delivery, sustainability and economic development<br />

perspectives.<br />

Evaluation Criteria<br />

The evaluation criteria used in this framework is based on three key elements which have been<br />

weighted in importance:<br />

A. Governance 40%<br />

B. Financial 40%<br />

C. Deliverability 20%<br />

These criteria may contain multiple sub criteria which are described below.<br />

Part A: Governance<br />

This evaluation criterion has three sub criteria:<br />

1. Statutory/Regulatory/Council Resolution (Y/N)<br />

2. Council Plan/Strategies/Master Plans (60%)<br />

3. Risk (40%)<br />

A1. Statutory/Regulatory/Council Resolution<br />

This sub-criterion recognises that there are some projects that must be undertaken to comply with<br />

Federal or State Legislation/Regulations and that some projects may be directed by a Council<br />

resolution.<br />

A2. Council Plan/Strategies/Master Plans<br />

This sub-criterion recognises that priority should be given to projects that are aligned with the<br />

Council Plan, existing strategies or masterplans.<br />

<strong>Greater</strong> <strong>Bendigo</strong> <strong>City</strong> Council <strong>Budget</strong> – <strong>2015</strong>/16 95


A3. Risk<br />

This sub-criterion recognises that risk plays a significant role in determining the priority <strong>of</strong> a project.<br />

Scoring in this criterion is based on the risk to the organisation <strong>of</strong> not undertaking the project<br />

(rather that it being a risky project to undertake).<br />

A risk assessment must be undertaken as per the <strong>City</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Greater</strong> <strong>Bendigo</strong> standard risk assessment<br />

process and be submitted with the Business Case.<br />

Part B: Financial<br />

This evaluation criterion has one element which is cost benefit, however this is derived from<br />

multiple components. The criterion establishes a score based on the importance or benefit <strong>of</strong> the<br />

project to the community which is then factored against the cost and possible return on investment<br />

<strong>of</strong> the project. This provides for a score which favours projects with a combination <strong>of</strong> both a high<br />

community benefit and lower net capital cost to Council.<br />

For the <strong>2015</strong>/16 financial year these factors have been defined as the following:<br />

Community Health and Wellbeing.<br />

Project outcomes that specifically encourages activity which promotes mental and physical health<br />

Heritage<br />

Preservation and/or promotion <strong>of</strong> the municipality's physical, cultural and natural heritage.<br />

Productivity<br />

Infrastructure projects that promote/enable improved productivity within the municipality. This<br />

includes encouraging/securing investment, generating business opportunity, improving business<br />

security or improving business efficiency. The focus is on the potential additional economic activity<br />

generated in the community, not a direct return on investment to <strong>City</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Greater</strong> <strong>Bendigo</strong>.<br />

Sustainability<br />

Projects specifically targeting a reduction in the communities or <strong>City</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Greater</strong> <strong>Bendigo</strong>’s impact on<br />

the environment. This includes direct carbon reduction initiatives, new projects to repair/reduce<br />

environmental damage, environmentally sensitive design and community leading initiatives that<br />

promote better community behaviour toward the environment.<br />

Social Equity/Inclusion/Access<br />

Projects that provide additional services or better access to existing services for members <strong>of</strong> the<br />

public facing significant disadvantage, e.g. physical disability, mental disability, poverty.<br />

Service Demand<br />

Projects specifically targeted at responding to a change in an existing service or the establishment <strong>of</strong><br />

a new service. This includes changes in the quality <strong>of</strong> service levels and increases in service demand.<br />

Presentation and Vibrancy<br />

Projects that contribute to achieving the vision <strong>of</strong> <strong>Bendigo</strong> becoming the most liveable Regional <strong>City</strong><br />

in Australia. This includes infrastructure that differentiates the municipality as an<br />

affordable/comfortable/connected place to live and provides for modern and future lifestyle and<br />

cultural choices, e.g. urban environment, cultural experiences<br />

Township Support<br />

Projects contributing to the distribution <strong>of</strong> services across the municipality. This includes investment<br />

in small towns and the suburbs to ensure that development outside the defined area <strong>of</strong> the CBD is<br />

appropriately promoted.<br />

96 <strong>Greater</strong> <strong>Bendigo</strong> <strong>City</strong> Council <strong>Budget</strong> - <strong>2015</strong>/16


Part C: Deliverability<br />

This evaluation criterion has two sub criteria:<br />

1. Project Plan (50%)<br />

2. Costing Quality (50%)<br />

B1. Project Plan<br />

This sub criterion recognises that all projects, no matter how simple, should have at least a basic<br />

plan for when work should begin, how long it will take and when it should finish. The more complex<br />

the project is, the more detailed the plan should be to ensure all the tasks, and resources required<br />

for the job are understood and scheduled.<br />

B2. Costing Quality<br />

This sub criterion recognises that the key starting point to achieving the completion <strong>of</strong> a project to<br />

budget is to ensure that the costs the <strong>Budget</strong> is based on are as accurate as possible.<br />

<strong>Greater</strong> <strong>Bendigo</strong> <strong>City</strong> Council <strong>Budget</strong> – <strong>2015</strong>/16 97


Appendix F – User Fees and Charges<br />

Schedule <strong>of</strong> User Fees and Charges <strong>2015</strong>/16<br />

• <strong>City</strong> Futures Directorate<br />

• Community Wellbeing Directorate<br />

• Planning and Development Directorate<br />

• Presentation and Assets Directorate<br />

• Organisation Support Directorate<br />

*Pricing Type Definitions<br />

Accessible Pricing - a discount on the full cost <strong>of</strong> providing the service. The discounted rate is<br />

determined on the community benefit or social good, and can be set between 100% discount up to<br />

full cost recovery.<br />

Full Cost Pricing - applied where the objective is to achieve a financial return for COGB.<br />

Incentive Pricing - utilised where certain behaviours are encouraged by pricing above full cost<br />

recovery.<br />

Market Pricing - applied to services considered discretionary and is without strong social benefit, or<br />

ancillary to the social benefit <strong>of</strong> the service.<br />

Statutory - set by legislation, providing no discretion for Council to influence the amount charged.<br />

98 <strong>Greater</strong> <strong>Bendigo</strong> <strong>City</strong> Council <strong>Budget</strong> - <strong>2015</strong>/16


<strong>City</strong> Futures Fees and Charges Schedule <strong>2015</strong>/<strong>2016</strong><br />

Unit Fee<br />

Program/Service<br />

Pricing<br />

Type*<br />

Unit <strong>of</strong><br />

Measure<br />

GST Status<br />

(F) Free<br />

(T) Taxable<br />

2014/15<br />

(inc. GST)<br />

$<br />

<strong>2015</strong>/16<br />

(inc. GST)<br />

$<br />

% Change<br />


Shop Sales<br />

Shop Sales including goods on consignment Market Item T Varies Varies Varies<br />

Tours/Commission Market T Varies Varies Varies<br />

Commissions<br />

Accommodation Full Cost Booking T 0.10 0.10 0.00<br />

Federation Room Conference Facility<br />

Hire - Corporate Rate - Half Day<br />

Full Cost<br />

9am-1pm or<br />

1-5pm<br />

T 110.00 110.00 0.00<br />

Hire - Corporate Rate - Full Day<br />

Full Cost<br />

9am-1pm or<br />

9am-5pm<br />

T 220.00 220.00 0.00<br />

Hire - Corporate Rate - After Hours Full Cost Hourly T 60.00 60.00 0.00<br />

Hire - Community and Industry Rate - Half Day<br />

Full Cost<br />

9am -1pm or<br />

1-5pm<br />

T 75.00 75.00 0.00<br />

Hire - Community and Industry Rate - Full Day Full Cost 9am-5pm T 150.00 150.00 0.00<br />

Hire - Community and Industry Rate - After Hours Full Cost Hourly T 40.00 40.00 0.00<br />

Tea and C<strong>of</strong>fee Full Cost Head T 3.00 3.00 0.00<br />

Security Open - After Hours Full Cost Each T 40.00 40.00 0.00<br />

Security Close - After Hours Full Cost Each T 40.00 40.00 0.00<br />

Security After Hours for functions/events (4 hour minimum)<br />

- cost per hour indicated<br />

Full Cost Each T 42.00 42.00 0.00<br />

Additional cleaning outside normal cleaning - cost per hour indicated Full Cost Each T 50.00 50.00 0.00<br />

Staff Call Out Fee for After Hours Functions - cost per call out indicated Full Cost Each T 50.00 50.00 0.00<br />


Category 1 Local Community Hirers<br />

Venue Hire<br />

Banquet Room/<strong>Bendigo</strong> Bank Theatre Non Performance Rental Hire Accessible Half Day T 110.00 114.00 3.64<br />

Banquet Room/<strong>Bendigo</strong> Bank Theatre Non Performance Rental Hire Accessible Day T 220.00 228.00 3.64<br />

Conference in Capital Theatre (includes Duty Tech) Full Cost Day T 624.00 643.00 3.04<br />

Conference in Capital Theatre (includes Duty Tech) Full Cost Half Day T 312.00 321.50 3.04<br />

Banquet Room/<strong>Bendigo</strong> Bank Theatre Performance Package Rental Accessible Event T 587.00 605.00 3.07<br />

Banquet Room/<strong>Bendigo</strong> Bank Theatre Performance Package<br />

Additional Hours<br />

Accessible Hour T 54.00 56.00 3.70<br />

Banquet Room/<strong>Bendigo</strong> Bank Concert Performance Package Rental Accessible Event T 442.00 456.00 3.17<br />

Capital Theatre Performance Package Rental Accessible Event T 1,085.00 1,118.00 3.04<br />

Capital Theatre 2nd Performance in Day Package Rental Accessible Event T 690.00 710.00 2.90<br />

Capital Theatre Bump In/Out and Rehearsals for Performance Accessible Hour T 78.00 81.00 3.85<br />

Lanyon Room Accessible Day T 135.00 140.00 3.70<br />

Lanyon Room Accessible Half Day T 82.00 85.00 3.66<br />

Old Fire Station Upstairs - Ballet Studio Accessible Day T 112.00 115.00 2.68<br />

Old Fire Station - Downstairs - Auditorium Accessible Day T 112.00 115.00 2.68<br />

Old Fire Station - Downstairs - Auditorium Accessible Half Day T 73.00 75.00 2.74<br />

Old Fire Station Upstairs - Ballet Studio Accessible Half Day T 73.00 75.00 2.74<br />

Old Fire Station Upstairs - Ballet Studio Accessible Week T 624.00 642.00 2.88<br />

Old Fire Station Downstairs - Auditorium Accessible Week T 624.00 642.00 2.88<br />

Dudley House Accessible Half Day T 73.00 75.00 2.74<br />

<strong>Greater</strong> <strong>Bendigo</strong> <strong>City</strong> Council <strong>Budget</strong> - <strong>2015</strong>/16 99


<strong>City</strong> Futures Fees and Charges Schedule <strong>2015</strong>/<strong>2016</strong><br />

Unit Fee<br />

Program/Service<br />

GST Status 2014/15 <strong>2015</strong>/16<br />

Pricing Unit <strong>of</strong><br />

% Change<br />

(F) Free (inc. GST) (inc. GST)<br />

Type* Measure<br />

(T) Taxable $<br />

$<br />

Dudley House Accessible Day T 112.00 115.00 2.68<br />

Dudley House (Exhibitions) Accessible Week T 624.00 642.00 2.88<br />

Staffing<br />

Duty Technician Accessible Hour T 33.00 34.50 4.55<br />

FoH Manager Accessible Hour T 33.00 34.50 4.55<br />

Box Office Staff Accessible Hour T 33.00 34.50 4.55<br />

Technicians Accessible Hour T 33.00 34.50 4.55<br />

Equipment Hire<br />

Steinway Grand Piano Hire Only (without tuning) Accessible Day T 85.00 88.00 3.53<br />

Kawai Upright Piano Hire Only (without tuning) Accessible Day T 85.00 88.00 3.53<br />

Kawai Baby Grand & Yamaha Grand Hire Only (without tuning) Accessible Day T 85.00 88.00 3.53<br />

Piano Tuning Charge - Highly Recommended<br />

(Separated from Hire Cost but includes hire)<br />

Accessible Per tune T 239.00 245.00 2.51<br />

Setup and pack down <strong>of</strong> staging Accessible Event T 198.00 204.00 3.03<br />

Followspots (each unit) Accessible Day T 19.00 20.00 5.26<br />

Hazer hire Accessible Event T 55.00 57.00 3.64<br />

Data Projector Full Cost Day T 100.00 100.00 0.00<br />

Data Projector Full Cost Half Day T 75.00 75.00 0.00<br />

2 x handheld wireless/lapel microphones Full Cost Event T 35.00 36.00 2.86<br />

Additional portable PA system Full Cost Event T 50.00 52.00 4.00<br />

Standard use <strong>of</strong> adsl line where available Full Cost Day T 50.00 52.00 4.00<br />

Box Office Fees<br />

Booking Fee Per Ticket Sold Accessible Ticket T 2.00 2.00 0.00<br />

Complimentary Tickets Per Ticket Issued Accessible Ticket T 0.90 0.90 0.00<br />

Postage Fee Market Transaction T 3.00 3.00 0.00<br />

Credit Card Charges Full Cost Value <strong>of</strong> Sales T 0.02 0.02 0.00<br />

Cleaning<br />

Additional Cleaning Accessible Hour T 56.00 58.00 3.57<br />

Category 2 Commercial Hirers<br />

Venue Hire<br />

Banquet Room/<strong>Bendigo</strong> Bank Theatre Rental Only Non-Performance Market Half Day T 175.00 180.00 2.86<br />

Banquet Room/<strong>Bendigo</strong> Bank Theatre Performance Rental Market Event T 405.00 417.00 2.96<br />

Banquet Room/<strong>Bendigo</strong> Bank Theatre performance additional hours Market Hour T 45.00 47.00 4.44<br />

Banquet Room/<strong>Bendigo</strong> Bank Theatre Wedding Ceremony Hire Market Event T 690.00 710.00 2.90<br />

Carriageway ceremony Market Event T 210.00 217.00 3.33<br />

Banquet Room/<strong>Bendigo</strong> Bank Theatre Non-Performance Hire Market Day T 335.00 345.00 2.99<br />

Lanyon Room Market Day T 210.00 217.00 3.33<br />

Lanyon Room Market Half Day T 125.00 128.00 2.40<br />

Conference in Capital Theatre Market Day T 590.00 608.00 3.05<br />

Conference in Capital Theatre Market Half Day T 345.00 355.00 2.90<br />

Capital Theatre Event Rental Min (performance) Market Event T 1,230.00 1,270.00 3.25<br />

100 <strong>Greater</strong> <strong>Bendigo</strong> <strong>City</strong> Council <strong>Budget</strong> - <strong>2015</strong>/16


<strong>City</strong> Futures Fees and Charges Schedule <strong>2015</strong>/<strong>2016</strong><br />

Unit Fee<br />

Program/Service<br />

GST Status 2014/15 <strong>2015</strong>/16<br />

Pricing Unit <strong>of</strong><br />

% Change<br />

(F) Free (inc. GST) (inc. GST)<br />

Type* Measure<br />

(T) Taxable $<br />

$<br />

Capital Theatre 2nd Performance in Day Event Rental Min Market Event T 600.00 620.00 3.33<br />

The Capital Bump In/Out and Stage Rehearsals Market Hour T 85.00 88.00 3.53<br />

Old Fire Station Upstairs - Ballet Studio Market Day T 210.00 217.00 3.33<br />

Old Fire Station - Downstairs - Auditorium Market Day T 210.00 217.00 3.33<br />

Old Fire Station Upstairs - Ballet Studio Market Half Day T 125.00 128.00 2.40<br />

Old Fire Station - Downstairs - Auditorium Market Half Day T 125.00 128.00 2.40<br />

Dudley House Hourly Rental Market Half Day T 125.00 128.00 2.40<br />

Dudley House Daily Rental Market Day T 210.00 217.00 3.33<br />

Dudley House Weekly Rental (Exhibitions) Market Week T 1,165.00 1,200.00 3.00<br />

Staffing<br />

Duty Technician Market Hour T 44.00 46.00 4.55<br />

FoH Manager Market Hour T 44.00 46.00 4.55<br />

Box Office Staff Market Hour T 44.00 46.00 4.55<br />

Technicians Market Hour T 44.00 46.00 4.55<br />

Equipment Hire<br />

Steinway Grand Piano (hire & tuning) Market Day T 335.00 345.00 2.99<br />

Kawai Baby Grand & Yamaha Grand (hire & tuning) Market Day T 310.00 319.00 2.90<br />

Kawai Upright Piano (hire & tuning) Market Day T 310.00 319.00 2.90<br />

Setup and pack down <strong>of</strong> staging Market Event T 264.00 272.00 3.03<br />

Followspot hire (per unit) Market Event T 56.00 58.00 3.57<br />

Hazer hire Market Event T 65.00 70.00 7.69<br />

Data projector Full Cost Day T 100.00 100.00 0.00<br />

Data projector Full Cost Half Day T 75.00 75.00 0.00<br />

2 x handheld wireless/lapel microphones Full Cost Event T 35.00 36.00 2.86<br />

Additional portable PA system Full Cost Event T 50.00 52.00 4.00<br />

Standard use <strong>of</strong> adsl line where available Full Cost Day T 50.00 52.00 4.00<br />

Box Office Fees<br />

Booking Fee Per Ticket Sold Market Ticket T 3.90 4.00 2.56<br />

Complimentary Tickets Per Ticket Issued Market Ticket T 2.00 2.00 0.00<br />

Postage Fee Market Transaction T 3.00 3.00 0.00<br />

Credit Card Charges Full Cost Transaction T 0.02 0.02 0.00<br />

Cleaning<br />

Additional Cleaning Market As Required T 65.00 67.00 3.08<br />

Marketing Costs<br />

OFS Billboard Full Cost Billboard T by negotiation by negotiation<br />

Email Blast (dedicated) Full Cost Email T 74.00 80.00 8.11<br />

Email blast with multiple shows Full Cost Email T 50.00 New<br />

Mail-Out - Commercial Full Cost Letter T 1.60 1.65 3.12<br />

Mail-Out - Community Accessible Letter T 1.35 1.40 3.70<br />

Column Rates - Commercial Full Cost Placement T 72.00 75.00 4.17<br />

Column Rates - Community Accessible Placement T 33.00 34.00 3.03<br />

<strong>Greater</strong> <strong>Bendigo</strong> <strong>City</strong> Council <strong>Budget</strong> - <strong>2015</strong>/16 101


<strong>City</strong> Futures Fees and Charges Schedule <strong>2015</strong>/<strong>2016</strong><br />

Unit Fee<br />

Program/Service<br />

GST Status 2014/15 <strong>2015</strong>/16<br />

Pricing Unit <strong>of</strong><br />

% Change<br />

(F) Free (inc. GST) (inc. GST)<br />

Type* Measure<br />

(T) Taxable $<br />

$<br />

Poster/Flier Distribution (commercial only) Full Cost Distribution T 77.00 80.00 3.90<br />

Advertising - Commercial - <strong>Bendigo</strong> Advertiser Full Cost Column cm T 10.45 10.80 3.35<br />

Advertising - Community - <strong>Bendigo</strong> Advertiser Full Cost Column cm T 8.75 9.00 2.86<br />

Advertising - Commercial - <strong>Bendigo</strong> Weekly Full Cost Column cm T 9.40 9.40 0.00<br />

Advertising - Community - <strong>Bendigo</strong> Weekly Full Cost Column cm T 8.35 8.35 0.00<br />

Large Format Light Box Poster Print Full Cost Unit T 104.00 108.00 3.85<br />

Catering Costs (Various Menus for Different Functions)<br />

Catering Costs Market Person T Varies Varies<br />

<strong>Bendigo</strong> Town Hall<br />

Commercial Rate Mon - Thursday Market Half Day T 616.00 635.00 3.08<br />

Commercial Rate Mon - Thursday Market Full Day T 1,232.00 1,270.00 3.08<br />

Commercial Rate, Fri - Sunday Market Half Day T 812.00 837.00 3.08<br />

Commercial Rate, Fri - Sunday Market Full Day T 1,624.00 1,674.00 3.08<br />

Community Group Rate, Monday - Thursday Accessible Half Day T 325.00 335.00 3.08<br />

Community Group Rate, Monday - Thursday Accessible Full Day T 650.00 670.00 3.08<br />

Community Group Rate, Friday - Sunday Accessible Half Day T 460.00 474.00 3.04<br />

Community Group Rate, Friday - Sunday Accessible Full Day T 920.00 948.00 3.04<br />

Town Hall set up/pack down rate<br />

<strong>Bendigo</strong> Town Hall Security on Sundays & after midnight<br />

<strong>Bendigo</strong> Town Hall Security - Monday to Saturday Prior to Midnight<br />

Full Cost Event T 200.00 210.00 5.00<br />

Market Hour T 60.00 62.00 3.33<br />

Market Hour T 50.00 52.00 4.00<br />


Category 1 Local Community Hirers<br />

Theatre Venue Hire<br />

Performance Package Rental Accessible Event T 1,627.50 1,676.00 2.98<br />

2nd Performance in Day Package Rental Accessible Event T 1,035.00 1,066.00 3.00<br />

Bump In/Out and Rehearsals for Performance Accessible Hour T 117.00 120.00 2.56<br />

Conference hire rate (includes Duty Tech) Accessible Day T 936.00 964.00 2.99<br />

Conference hire rate (includes Duty Tech) Accessible Half Day T 468.00 482.00 2.99<br />

Staffing<br />

Duty Technician Accessible Hour T 33.00 34.50 4.55<br />

FoH Manager Accessible Hour T 33.00 34.50 4.55<br />

Box Office Staff Accessible Hour T 33.00 34.50 4.55<br />

Technicians Accessible Hour T 33.00 34.50 4.55<br />

Box Office Fees<br />

Booking Fee Per Ticket Sold Accessible Ticket T 2.00 2.00 0.00<br />

Complimentary Tickets Per Ticket Issued Accessible Ticket T 0.90 0.90 0.00<br />

Postage Fee Accessible Transaction T 3.00 3.00 0.00<br />

Credit Card Charges Full Cost Value <strong>of</strong> Sales T 0.02 0.02 0.00<br />

102 <strong>Greater</strong> <strong>Bendigo</strong> <strong>City</strong> Council <strong>Budget</strong> - <strong>2015</strong>/16


<strong>City</strong> Futures Fees and Charges Schedule <strong>2015</strong>/<strong>2016</strong><br />

Unit Fee<br />

Program/Service<br />

Pricing<br />

Type*<br />

Unit <strong>of</strong><br />

Measure<br />

GST Status<br />

(F) Free<br />

(T) Taxable<br />

2014/15<br />

(inc. GST)<br />

$<br />

<strong>2015</strong>/16<br />

(inc. GST)<br />

$<br />

% Change<br />

Category 2 Commercial Hirers<br />

Theatre Venue Hire<br />

Performance Rental Market Event T 1,845.00 1,900.00 2.98<br />

2nd Performance in Day Market Event T 900.00 927.00 3.00<br />

Bump In/Out and Stage Rehearsals Market Hour T 128.00 132.00 3.13<br />

Conference hire rate Market Day T 1,035.00 1,066.00 3.00<br />

Staffing<br />

Duty Technician Market Hour T 44.00 46.00 4.55<br />

FoH Manager Market Hour T 44.00 46.00 4.55<br />

Box Office Staff Market Hour T 44.00 46.00 4.55<br />

Technicians Market Hour T 44.00 46.00 4.55<br />

Box Office Fees<br />

Booking Fee Per Ticket Sold Market Ticket T 3.90 4.00 2.56<br />

Complimentary Tickets Per Ticket Issued Market Ticket T 2.00 2.00 0.00<br />

Postage Fee Market Transaction T 3.00 3.00 0.00<br />

Credit Card Charges Full Cost Transaction T 0.02 0.02 0.00<br />


Public Programs<br />

Numerous public programs and events Accessible Person T Varies Varies Varies<br />

Pleasant Afternoon - Seniors Accessible Person T 2.00 2.00 0.00<br />

Pleasant Afternoon - Non Seniors Accessible Person T 3.00 3.50 16.67<br />

Education<br />

Young Researchers Program Accessible School term T 36.00 37.00 2.78<br />

School Holidays Program 8-14yo Accessible Person T 10.50 10.75 2.38<br />

School Holidays Program 4-7 yo Accessible Person T 7.50 7.70 2.67<br />

Family Programs Accessible Family T Varies Varies New<br />

Pr<strong>of</strong>essional Development for Teachers - incl. Lunch and Speaker Accessible Each T Varies Varies Varies<br />

Shop Sales<br />

Shop Sales including Goods on Consignment Market Item T Varies Varies Varies<br />

Commercial Hire Rates<br />

19th Century Rooms- 2 Hour Minimum Hire - Commercial Hirers (G 12, 13, 14) Market Minimum T 540.00 555.00 2.78<br />

19th Century Rooms - Commercial Hirers<br />

Market<br />

Subsequent<br />

Hour<br />

T 257.00 264.00 2.72<br />

Sculpture Annexe - 2 Hour Minimum Hire - Commercial Hirers (G 15) Market Minimum T 225.00 231.00 2.67<br />

Sculpture Annexe - Commercial Hirers<br />

Market<br />

Subsequent<br />

Hour<br />

T 102.00 105.00 2.94<br />

Contemporary room (G 1, 4) - 2 hour minimum Market Minimum T 545.00 New<br />

Contemporary room (G 1, 4)<br />

Market<br />

Subsequent<br />

Hour<br />

T 260.00 New<br />

Contemporary room (G 2, 3, 5) - 2 hour minimum Market Minimum T 300.00 New<br />

Contemporary room (G 2, 3, 5)<br />

Market<br />

Subsequent<br />

Hour<br />

T 155.00 New<br />

Contemporary room (G 7) - 2 hour minimum Market Minimum T 600.00 New<br />

Contemporary room (G 7)<br />

Market<br />

Subsequent<br />

Hour<br />

T 310.00 New<br />

Contemporary room (G 11) - 2 hour minimum Market Minimum T 380.00 New<br />

<strong>Greater</strong> <strong>Bendigo</strong> <strong>City</strong> Council <strong>Budget</strong> - <strong>2015</strong>/16 103


<strong>City</strong> Futures Fees and Charges Schedule <strong>2015</strong>/<strong>2016</strong><br />

Unit Fee<br />

Program/Service<br />

GST Status 2014/15 <strong>2015</strong>/16<br />

Pricing Unit <strong>of</strong><br />

% Change<br />

(F) Free (inc. GST) (inc. GST)<br />

Type* Measure<br />

(T) Taxable $<br />

$<br />

Contemporary room (G 11)<br />

Market<br />

Subsequent<br />

Hour<br />

T 195.00 New<br />

Contemporary room (G 6, 8, 9, 10) - 2 hour minimum Market Minimum T 150.00 New<br />

Contemporary room (G 6, 8, 9, 10)<br />

Market<br />

Subsequent<br />

Hour<br />

T 80.00 New<br />

Artwork loan fee Market Per Artwork T 200.00 New<br />

Community Hire Rates<br />

19th Century rooms - 2 Hour Minimum Hire<br />

- Community Hirers (G 12. 13, 14)<br />

Accessible Minimum T 385.00 396.00 2.86<br />

19th Century rooms - Community Hirers<br />

Accessible<br />

Subsequent<br />

Hour<br />

T 192.00 197.00 2.60<br />

Sculpture Annexe - 2 Hour Minimum Hire - Community Hirers (G 15) Accessible Minimum T 155.00 159.00 2.58<br />

Sculpture Annexe - Community Hirers<br />

Accessible<br />

Subsequent<br />

Hour<br />

T 77.00 79.00 2.60<br />

Staffing<br />

Gallery attendant Full Cost Hour T 40.00 42.00 5.00<br />

Reception Full Cost Hour T 40.00 41.00 2.50<br />

Security (Minimum 3 hour) - North State Security Full Cost Hour T 42.00 43.00 2.38<br />

Technicians Full Cost Hour T 40.00 41.00 2.50<br />

Operational Costs<br />

Operating costs Full Cost Hour T 32.00 33.00 3.13<br />

Cleaning<br />

Additional Cleaning Full Cost Hour T 50.00 51.00 2.00<br />

Exhibitions<br />

Additional Cleaning<br />

Full Cost Hour T 51.00 52.50 Varies<br />

Curatorial<br />

Reproduction Requests<br />

Reproduction Requests - Commercial<br />

Full Cost Each T 135.00 137.00 1.48<br />

Market Each T Varies Varies Varies<br />

Ticket Sales<br />

External Ticketing Set Up Charge Market Event T 50.00 51.00 2.00<br />


Airport License Fees - applicable to new leases only based on use (annual CPI applies)<br />

Private use Accessible Licence T 275.00 275.00 0.00<br />

Commercial use Accessible Licence T 550.00 550.00 0.00<br />

Premium use Accessible Licence T 880.00 880.00 0.00<br />

104 <strong>Greater</strong> <strong>Bendigo</strong> <strong>City</strong> Council <strong>Budget</strong> - <strong>2015</strong>/16


Community Wellbeing Fees and Charges Schedule <strong>2015</strong>/<strong>2016</strong><br />

Unit Fee<br />

Program/Service<br />

Pricing<br />

Type*<br />

Unit <strong>of</strong><br />

Measure<br />

GST Status<br />

(F) Free<br />

(T) Taxable<br />

2014/15<br />

(inc. GST)<br />

$<br />

<strong>2015</strong>/16<br />

(inc. GST)<br />

$<br />

% Change<br />


Access Toilet (Disability) Facility Hire Fee - Community Groups Accessible Day T 146.00 149.00 2.05<br />

Access Toilet (Disability) Facility Hire Fee - Corporate/Other Groups Market Day T 256.00 262.00 2.34<br />

Access Toilet Transport Fee - Urban <strong>Bendigo</strong> Area<br />

- up to 25km from Australia Post Williamson St<br />

Market Day T 121.00 124.00 2.48<br />

Mobile Grandstand Facility Hire Fee - Two Sections Market Day T 42.50 43.50 2.35<br />

Mobile Grandstand Facility Hire Fee - Four Sections Market Day T 84.00 86.00 2.38<br />

Mobile Grandstand Facility Hire Fee - Six Sections Market Day T 126.50 129.50 2.37<br />

Venue Bookings Bond Incentive Function N/A Varies Varies Varies<br />

Security Bond for Keys Incentive Function N/A 20.00 20.00 0.00<br />

Heathcote Service Centre - Community Art/Meeting Spaces for Commercial/<br />

Corporate Use<br />

Accessible Up to 4 hours T 32.00 33.00 3.13<br />

Heathcote Service Centre - Community Art/Meeting Spaces for Commercial/<br />

Corporate Use<br />

Accessible Over 4 hours T 54.00 55.00 1.85<br />

CBD Public Spaces Accessible Varies T Varies Varies Varies<br />

CBD Public Space Marquee's for Commercial/Corporate Use Market Per Marquee T 60.00 61.50 2.50<br />

CBD Public Space Marquee's for CBD Traders Accessible Per Marquee T 30.00 30.50 1.67<br />

CBD Public Space Stage for Commercial/Corporate Use Market Varies T Varies Varies Varies<br />

Late Booking Administration Fee (under 7 days notice for bookings) Incentive Per Booking T 50.00 50.00 0.00<br />

Late Cancellation Fee (under 7 days notice for cancelling a booking) Incentive Per Booking T 50.00 50.00 0.00<br />


Pool Entry Fees<br />

Adult Ticket Accessible Day T 5.00 5.10 2.00<br />

Child Ticket (Child under 2 years old free when accompanied by a paying adult) Accessible Day T 4.00 4.10 2.50<br />

Family Ticket (2 adults and dependent children under 16 years <strong>of</strong> age) Accessible Day T 13.00 13.30 2.31<br />

Concession Adult Ticket Accessible Day T 4.00 4.10 2.50<br />

Concession Family Ticket (2 adults and dependent children under 16 years <strong>of</strong> age)<br />

Accessible Day T 10.00 10.25 2.50<br />

Concession Student Ticket Accessible Day T 4.00 4.10 2.50<br />

School Group Student Entry Accessible Day T 2.00 2.00 0.00<br />

Group Entry Fee (for groups <strong>of</strong> more than 10 people) Accessible Day T 3.00 3.00 0.00<br />

Adult Ticket Accessible Season T 95.00 97.20 2.32<br />

Child Ticket (Child under 2 years old free when accompanied by a paying adult) Accessible Season T 70.50 72.10 2.27<br />

Family Ticket (2 adults and dependent children under 16 years <strong>of</strong> age) Accessible Season T 181.00 185.15 2.29<br />

Adult Extended Season Ticket Accessible Season T 145.00 148.35 2.31<br />

Child Extended Season Ticket Accessible Season T 112.50 115.10 2.31<br />

Family Extended Season Ticket<br />

(2 adults and dependent children under 16 years <strong>of</strong> age)<br />

Accessible Season T 240.00 245.50 2.29<br />

Concession Adult Ticket Accessible Season T 72.00 73.65 2.29<br />

Concession Family Ticket (2 adults and dependent children under 16 years <strong>of</strong> age)<br />

Accessible Season T 144.00 147.30 2.29<br />

Concession Adult Extended Season Ticket Accessible Season T 116.00 118.65 2.28<br />

Concession Family Extended Season Ticket Accessible Season T 193.00 197.45 2.31<br />

Rural Pool Pass - Adult Accessible Season T 75.00 New<br />

Rural Pool Pass - Child Accessible Season T 50.00 New<br />

Rural Pool Pass - Family Accessible Season T 120.00 New<br />

January 31 Season Ticket Price - Adult Accessible Season T 45.00 46.05 2.33<br />

January 31 Season Ticket Price - Child Accessible Season T 35.00 35.80 2.29<br />

January 31 Season Ticket Price - Family Accessible Season T 90.00 New<br />

<strong>Greater</strong> <strong>Bendigo</strong> <strong>City</strong> Council <strong>Budget</strong> - <strong>2015</strong>/16 105


Community Wellbeing Fees and Charges Schedule <strong>2015</strong>/<strong>2016</strong><br />

Unit Fee<br />

Program/Service<br />

GST Status 2014/15<br />

<strong>2015</strong>/16<br />

Pricing Unit <strong>of</strong><br />

% Change<br />

(F) Free (inc. GST) (inc. GST)<br />

Type* Measure<br />

(T) Taxable $<br />

$<br />

Adult District Season Ticket Upgrade to Extended Season - March Accessible Season T 52.00 53.20 2.31<br />

Child District Season Ticket Upgrade to Extended Season - March Accessible Season T 41.00 41.95 2.32<br />

Family District Season Ticket Upgrade to Extended Season - March Accessible Season T 54.00 55.25 2.31<br />

Corporate Bulk Purchase - Extended Season Ticket (5-10 passes) Accessible Season T 130.00 133.00 2.31<br />

Corporate Bulk Purchase - Regular Season Ticket (5-10 passes) Accessible Season T 85.50 87.45 2.28<br />

Corporate Bulk Purchase - Extended Season Ticket (>10 passes) Accessible Season T 116.00 118.65 2.28<br />

Intermediate Pool Accessible Hour T 41.00 41.95 2.32<br />

Dive Pool, 1m, 3m, 5m Boards Accessible Hour T 41.00 41.95 2.32<br />

Lane Hire Accessible Hour T 21.00 21.50 2.38<br />

Water Slide Hire Accessible Hour T 65.00 66.50 2.31<br />

Large Aquatic Facility Hire (additional charge where >400 people attend) Accessible Facility per hour T 157.00 160.60 2.29<br />

Small Aquatic Facility Hire (additional charge where >400 people attend) Accessible Facility per hour T 106.00 108.45 2.31<br />

Reserves/Ovals - Season Hire<br />

Graded A Reserve Summer Accessible Season T 3,520.00 3,601.00 2.30<br />

Graded A Reserve Winter Accessible Season T 7,040.00 7,201.90 2.30<br />

Graded A Reserve - Junior Use Summer Accessible Season T 1,760.00 1,800.50 2.30<br />

Graded A Reserve - Junior Use Winter Accessible Season T 3,520.00 3,601.00 2.30<br />

Graded B Reserve Summer Accessible Season T 1,760.00 1,800.50 2.30<br />

Graded B Reserve Winter Accessible Season T 3,520.00 3,601.00 2.30<br />

Graded B Reserve - Junior Use Summer Accessible Season T 880.00 900.25 2.30<br />

Graded B Reserve - Junior Use Winter Accessible Season T 1,760.00 1,800.50 2.30<br />

Graded C Reserve Summer Accessible Season T 880.00 900.25 2.30<br />

Graded C Reserve Winter Accessible Season T 1,750.00 1,800.50 2.89<br />

Graded C Reserve - Junior Use Summer Accessible Season T 440.00 450.10 2.30<br />

Graded C Reserve - Junior Use Winter Accessible Season T 880.00 900.25 2.30<br />

Graded D Reserve Summer Accessible Season T 440.00 450.10 2.30<br />

Graded D Reserve Winter Accessible Season T 880.00 900.25 2.30<br />

Graded D Reserve - Junior Use Summer Accessible Season T 220.00 225.05 2.30<br />

Graded D Reserve - Junior Use Winter Accessible Season T 440.00 450.10 2.30<br />

Occasional Hire<br />

Graded A Reserve Accessible Day T 283.00 289.50 2.30<br />

Graded A Reserve - Junior Use Accessible Day T 142.00 145.25 2.29<br />

Graded B Reserve Accessible Day T 142.00 145.25 2.29<br />

Graded B Reserve - Junior Use Accessible Day T 116.50 119.20 2.32<br />

Graded C Reserve Accessible Day T 116.50 119.20 2.32<br />

Graded C Reserve - Junior Use Accessible Day T 58.00 59.30 2.24<br />

Graded D Reserve Accessible Day T 58.00 59.30 2.24<br />

Graded D Reserve - Junior Use Accessible Day T 29.00 29.70 2.41<br />

Graded A Reserve<br />

Accessible<br />

Half Day or<br />

Less<br />

T 142.00 145.25 2.29<br />

Graded A Reserve - Junior Use<br />

Accessible<br />

Half Day or<br />

Less<br />

T 116.50 119.20 2.32<br />

Graded B Reserve<br />

Accessible<br />

Half Day or<br />

Less<br />

T 116.50 119.20 2.32<br />

Graded B Reserve - Junior Use<br />

Accessible<br />

Half Day or<br />

Less<br />

T 58.00 59.30 2.24<br />

Graded C Reserve<br />

Accessible<br />

Half Day or<br />

Less<br />

T 58.00 59.30 2.24<br />

106 <strong>Greater</strong> <strong>Bendigo</strong> <strong>City</strong> Council <strong>Budget</strong> - <strong>2015</strong>/16


Community Wellbeing Fees and Charges Schedule <strong>2015</strong>/<strong>2016</strong><br />

Unit Fee<br />

Program/Service<br />

GST Status 2014/15<br />

<strong>2015</strong>/16<br />

Pricing Unit <strong>of</strong><br />

% Change<br />

(F) Free (inc. GST) (inc. GST)<br />

Type* Measure<br />

(T) Taxable $<br />

$<br />

Graded C Reserve - Junior Use<br />

Accessible<br />

Half Day or<br />

Less<br />

T 29.00 29.70 2.41<br />

Graded D Reserve<br />

Accessible<br />

Half Day or<br />

Less<br />

T 29.00 29.70 2.41<br />

Graded D Reserve - Junior Use<br />

Accessible<br />

Half Day or<br />

Less<br />

T 15.00 15.35 2.33<br />

Lighting at Sports Centre Track or Oval Only Accessible Hour T 32.50 33.25 2.31<br />

Lighting at Epsom Huntly Recreation Reserve Accessible Hour T 32.50 33.25 2.31<br />

Epsom Huntly Regional Recreation Reserve Pavilions<br />

Change Room Casual Use Accessible Day T 19.00 19.45 2.37<br />

Meeting Room Casual Use up to 4 hours Accessible Hour T 27.00 27.60 2.22<br />

Function Room & Bar Community Use - Casual Accessible Per Use T 96.00 98.20 2.29<br />

Function Room & Bar Commercial/Private Use - Casual Accessible Per Use T 314.00 321.20 2.29<br />

Function Room Playgroup Use Accessible Per Use T 10.50 10.75 2.38<br />

Kiosk Accessible Per Use T 33.00 33.75 2.27<br />

Meeting Room Up To 4 hours - Seasonal Accessible Hour T 27.00 27.60 2.22<br />

Function Room & Bar Community Use - Seasonal Accessible Per Use T 96.00 98.20 2.29<br />

Training Nights - Seasonal Accessible Per Use T 20.00 20.45 2.25<br />

Kiosk - Seasonal Accessible Per Use T 33.00 33.75 2.27<br />

Function Room & Bar Community Use - Casual Bond Accessible Per Use T 300.00 300.00 0.00<br />

Function Room & Bar Commercial/Private Use - Casual Bond Accessible Per Use T 500.00 500.00 0.00<br />

Function Room & Bar Alcohol Consumption - Casual Bond Accessible Per Use T 600.00 600.00 0.00<br />

Park Road Hall<br />

Community Use Accessible Hour T 19.00 19.45 2.37<br />

Commercial Use Accessible Hour T 29.00 29.65 2.24<br />

Bond for Recreational Facilities<br />

Refundable Bond<br />

Accessible<br />

Per Facility or<br />

Per Use<br />

T 600.00 600.00 0.00<br />

COMMUNITY SERVICES (Aged and Disability)<br />

General Home Care*<br />

*Fees adopted by separate Council resolution 6 May <strong>2015</strong> - refer fees & charges webpage for <strong>2015</strong>/16 fees<br />

No<br />

longer<br />

applicable<br />

General Home Care - Low Fee Range Accessible Hour F 6.00 6.20 3.33<br />

Personal Care - Low Fee Range Accessible Hour F 4.30 4.40 2.33<br />

Respite Care - Low Fee Range Accessible Hour F 3.20 3.30 3.12<br />

General Home Care - Medium Fee Range Accessible Hour F 14.90 15.40 3.36<br />

Personal Care - Medium Fee Range Accessible Hour F 9.10 9.40 3.30<br />

Respite Care - Medium Fee Range Accessible Hour F 4.60 4.70 2.17<br />

Property Maintenance - Low Fee Range Accessible Hour F 11.90 12.30 3.36<br />

MOW Main Meal Low Fee Range Accessible Each F 7.60 7.80 2.63<br />

MOW - Soup - Low Fee Range Accessible Each F 2.00 2.10 5.00<br />

MOW - Evening Meal - Low Fee Range Accessible Each F 3.60 3.70 2.78<br />

Property Maintenance - Medium Fee Range Accessible Hour F 18.20 18.80 3.30<br />

Property Maintenance - High Fee Range Accessible Hour F 46.70 48.10 3.00<br />

MOW - Main Meal - Medium Fee Range Accessible Each F 8.70 9.00 3.45<br />

MOW - Soup - Medium Fee Range Accessible Each F 2.20 2.30 4.55<br />

MOW - Evening Meal - Medium Fee Range Accessible Each F 3.90 4.00 2.56<br />

MOW - Main Meal - High Fee Range Accessible Each F 12.30 12.70 3.25<br />

MOW - Soup - High Fee Range Accessible Each F 2.60 2.70 3.85<br />

<strong>Greater</strong> <strong>Bendigo</strong> <strong>City</strong> Council <strong>Budget</strong> - <strong>2015</strong>/16 107


Community Wellbeing Fees and Charges Schedule <strong>2015</strong>/<strong>2016</strong><br />

Unit Fee<br />

Program/Service<br />

Pricing<br />

Type*<br />

Unit <strong>of</strong><br />

Measure<br />

GST Status<br />

(F) Free<br />

(T) Taxable<br />

2014/15<br />

(inc. GST)<br />

$<br />

<strong>2015</strong>/16<br />

(inc. GST)<br />

$<br />

% Change<br />

MOW - Evening Meal - High Fee Range Accessible Each F 8.10 8.30 2.47<br />

General Home Care - High Fee Range Accessible Hour F 30.60 31.50 2.94<br />

Personal Care - High Fee Range Accessible Hour F 32.50 33.50 3.08<br />

Respite Care - High Fee Range Accessible Hour F 31.80 32.80 3.14<br />

Tip Fee Accessible Trip F 10.90 11.20 2.75<br />

Kangaroo Flat Senior Citizens Centre<br />

6am-6pm Casual Hire Accessible Hour T 42.00 43.00 0.00<br />

6pm-12am Casual Hire Accessible Hour T 52.50 53.70 0.00<br />

Kitchen Use Casual Hire Accessible Hour T 33.00 33.80 0.00<br />

Security Bond Accessible Per Use T 300.00 300.00 0.00<br />

Annual Users Accessible Hour T 11.00 11.30 0.00<br />

COMMUNITY SERVICES (Early Years)<br />

Child Care<br />

Weekly under 3 years <strong>of</strong> age Accessible Week F 430.00 460.00 6.98<br />

Weekly over 3 years <strong>of</strong> age Accessible Week F 420.00 450.00 7.14<br />

Full Day Care under 3 years <strong>of</strong> age Accessible Day F 109.00 118.00 8.26<br />

Full Day Care over 3 years <strong>of</strong> age Accessible Day F 109.00 118.00 8.26<br />

Occasional Care Accessible Hour F 11.90 12.30 3.36<br />

Late Collection <strong>of</strong> Children Accessible Minute F 5.20 5.40 3.85<br />

Non Cancellation <strong>of</strong> OCC bookings Accessible Flat Admin F 10.40 12.30 18.27<br />

Private Business (Child Protection, etc)<br />

Family Support Full Cost Hour F 50.00 51.70 3.40<br />

Family Support Full Cost Hour F 50.00 51.70 3.40<br />

Lecturing Full Cost Hour T 98.00 101.30 3.37<br />

Training in Child Care Full Cost Hour T 50.00 51.70 3.40<br />

Helen Jessen Child Care Centre<br />

Consulting Rooms Accessible 1/2 day T 41.50 42.80 3.13<br />

Consulting Rooms Accessible 1 day T 83.00 85.50 3.01<br />

Meeting Room Full Accessible 1/2 day T 67.50 69.50 2.96<br />

Meeting Room Ful1 Accessible 1 day T 124.50 128.00 2.81<br />

Meeting Room Large Half Accessible 1/2 day T 57.00 59.00 3.51<br />

Meeting Room Large Half Accessible 1day T 114.00 117.00 2.63<br />

Meeting Room Small Half Accessible 1/2 day T 38.00 39.50 3.95<br />

Meeting Room Small Half Accessible 1day T 77.00 79.00 2.60<br />

PLANNED ACTIVITY GROUP (PAG) Community Partnerships*<br />

*Fees adopted by separate Council resolution 6 May <strong>2015</strong> - refer fees & charges webpage for <strong>2015</strong>/16 fees<br />

Planned Activity Group - Low Fee Range Accessible Session F 8.20 8.50 + 10.30 for meal 3.66<br />

Planned Activity Group - Medium Fee Range Accessible Session F 23.40 24.10 + 10.30 for meal 2.99<br />

Planned Activity Group - High Fee Range Accessible Session F 44.50 45.70 + 10.30 for meal 2.70<br />

No<br />

longer<br />

applicable<br />

Planned Activity Group - Occasional Care - Low Fee Accessible Session F 9.20 9.50 3.26<br />

Planned Activity Group - Occasional Care - Medium Fee Accessible Session F 14.30 14.70 2.80<br />

Planned Activity Group - Occasional Care - High Fee Accessible Session F 37.00 38.10 2.97<br />

108 <strong>Greater</strong> <strong>Bendigo</strong> <strong>City</strong> Council <strong>Budget</strong> - <strong>2015</strong>/16


Planning & Development Fees and Charges Schedule <strong>2015</strong>/<strong>2016</strong><br />

Unit Fee<br />

Program/Service<br />

Pricing<br />

Type*<br />

Unit <strong>of</strong><br />

Measure<br />

GST Status<br />

(F) Free<br />

(T) Taxable<br />

2014/15<br />

(inc. GST)<br />

$<br />

<strong>2015</strong>/16<br />

(inc. GST)<br />

$<br />

% Change<br />


Animal Registrations - Non Concession Fees<br />

Dogs - Desexed Market Animal F 40.00 41.00 2.50<br />

Dogs - Over 10 Years Market Animal F 40.00 41.00 2.50<br />

Dogs - Domestic Animal Business conducted on Registered Premises Market Animal F 40.00 41.00 2.50<br />

Dogs registered with the Victorian Canine Association Market Animal F 40.00 41.00 2.50<br />

Dog undergone Obedience Training which complies with Regulations Market Animal F 40.00 41.00 2.50<br />

Dog kept for working stock - rural property Market Animal F 40.00 41.00 2.50<br />

Dogs - all other Market Animal F 120.00 123.00 2.50<br />

Cats - Desexed Market Animal F 31.00 32.00 3.23<br />

Cats - Over 10 Years Market Animal F 31.00 32.00 3.23<br />

Cat kept for breeding by the proprietor <strong>of</strong> a Domestic Animal<br />

Business conducted on registered premises<br />

Market Animal F 31.00 32.00 3.23<br />

Cat registered with the Feline Control Council. Market Animal F 31.00 32.00 3.23<br />

Cats - all other Market Animal F 93.00 96.00 3.23<br />

Animal Registrations Concession Fees<br />

Dogs - Desexed Market Animal F 20.00 20.50 2.50<br />

Dogs - Over 10 Years Market Animal F 20.00 20.50 2.50<br />

Dogs - Domestic Animal Business conducted on Registered Premises Market Animal F 20.00 20.50 2.50<br />

Dogs registered with the Victorian Canine Association Market Animal F 20.00 20.50 2.50<br />

Dog undergone Obedience Training which complies with Regulations Market Animal F 20.00 20.50 2.50<br />

Dog kept for working stock - rural property Market Animal F 20.00 20.50 2.50<br />

Dogs - all other Market Animal F 60.00 61.50 2.50<br />

Cats - Desexed Market Animal F 15.50 16.00 3.23<br />

Cats - Over 10 Years Market Animal F 15.50 16.00 3.23<br />

Cat kept for breeding by the proprietor <strong>of</strong> a Domestic Animal<br />

Business conducted on registered premises.<br />

Market Animal F 15.50 16.00 3.23<br />

Cat registered with the Feline Control Council. Market Animal F 15.50 16.00 3.23<br />

Cats - all other Market Animal F 46.50 48.00 3.23<br />

Administration<br />

Disabled Labels (additional) Market Label F 5.00 5.00 0.00<br />

Meter Hoods, etc<br />

Meter Hoods - CBD - per bay Market Day T 11.00 12.00 9.09<br />

Meter Hoods - non CBD - per bay Market Day T 5.50 6.00 9.09<br />

"No Standing" Tripod Stands Market Day T 11.00 12.00 9.09<br />

Multi Storey Carpark - Hargreaves St<br />

Bay Hire - level 7 (Mon-Fri) Market Monthly T 118.00 120.00 1.69<br />

Bay Hire - level 7 (24/7) Market Monthly T 140.00 New<br />

Bay Hire - ro<strong>of</strong> top Market Monthly T 86.00 87.00 1.16<br />

Bay Hire - ro<strong>of</strong> top (24/7) Market Monthly T 100.00 New<br />

Car Park Fees Market Hour/Day T 1.40/6.70 1.50/7.00 7.14/4.48<br />

Multi Storey Carpark - Edward St<br />

Bay Hire - Mon to Friday Market Monthly T 129.00 130.00 0.78<br />

Bay Hire - 24/7 Market Monthly T 154.00 156.00 1.30<br />

Car Park Fees Market Hour/Day T<br />

First 90 min free<br />

then1.50/7.20<br />

First 90 min free<br />

then1.60/7.50<br />

6.67/4.17<br />

<strong>Greater</strong> <strong>Bendigo</strong> <strong>City</strong> Council <strong>Budget</strong> - <strong>2015</strong>/16 109


Planning & Development Fees and Charges Schedule <strong>2015</strong>/<strong>2016</strong><br />

Unit Fee<br />

Program/Service<br />

Pricing<br />

Type*<br />

Unit <strong>of</strong><br />

Measure<br />

GST Status<br />

(F) Free<br />

(T) Taxable<br />

2014/15<br />

(inc. GST)<br />

$<br />

<strong>2015</strong>/16<br />

(inc. GST)<br />

$<br />

% Change<br />

Parking Fees<br />

Car Park Fees Zone 1 Market Hour/Day T 1.40/5.20 1.50/5.50 7.14/5.77<br />

Car Park Fees Zone 2 Market Hour/Day T .60/2.60 .70/3.00 16.67/15.38<br />

Fines<br />

Parking Offence Road Rule 205 207 211 168 Statutory Each F 45.00 45.00 0.00<br />

Parking Offence Road Rule 170 173 180 182-184 186 189 194 195 197-199 Statutory Each F 89.00 91.00 2.25<br />

Parking Offence Road Rule 90e 167 170 171 172 176 179 196 203 Statutory Each F 147.00 150.00 2.04<br />

Miscellaneous - Additional fees and charges not previously identified<br />

Surveillance camera footage viewing by public Market Each T 134.00 136.00 1.49<br />

Abandoned vehicle release from pound Market Each T 126.00 128.00 1.59<br />

After hours release from Multi Storey Car Park Market Each T 116.00 118.00 1.72<br />

Stock release from pound 1 large animal or 5 small animals,sheep,etc Market Each T 24.00 25.00 4.17<br />

Stock impounding 1 large animal or 5 small animals,sheep,etc Market Each T 34.00 35.00 2.94<br />

Stock feeding per day, 1 large animal or 5 small animals,sheep,etc Market Each T 9.20 9.30 1.09<br />

Registration <strong>of</strong> Domestic Animal Business Market Each T 142.00 144.00 1.41<br />


Planning Schemes<br />

Application for a change <strong>of</strong> use only Class 1 Statutory Permit F 502.00 502.00 0.00<br />

Develop/use land for one/two dwellings ($10,000 - $100,000) Class 2 Statutory Permit F 239.00 239.00 0.00<br />

Develop/use land for one/two dwellings ($101,000+) Class 3 Statutory Permit F 490.00 490.00 0.00<br />

Development less than $10,000 Class 4 Statutory Permit F 102.00 102.00 0.00<br />

Development $10,000 to $250,000 Class 5 Statutory Permit F 604.00 604.00 0.00<br />

Development $250,000 - $500,000 Class 6 Statutory Permit F 707.00 707.00 0.00<br />

Development $500,000 to $1,000,000 Class 7 Statutory Permit F 815.00 815.00 0.00<br />

Development $1,000,000 to $7,000,000 Class 8 Statutory Permit F 1,153.00 1,153.00 0.00<br />

Development $7,000,000 to $10,000,000 Class 9 Statutory Permit F 4,837.00 4,837.00 0.00<br />

Development $10,000,000 to $50,000,000 Class 10 Statutory Permit F 8,064.00 8,064.00 0.00<br />

Development $50,000,000+ Class 11 Statutory Permit F 16,130.00 16,130.00 0.00<br />

Application to subdivide an existing building Class 12 Statutory Permit F 386.00 386.00 0.00<br />

To subdivide land into two lots Class 13 Statutory Permit F 386.00 386.00 0.00<br />

To effect a realignment <strong>of</strong> a common boundary Class 14 Statutory Permit F 386.00 386.00 0.00<br />

Application to subdivide land Class 15 Statutory Permit F 781.00 781.00 0.00<br />

Application to remove a restriction over land. Class 16 Statutory Permit F 249.00 249.00 0.00<br />

Application to create vary or remove a restriction or right <strong>of</strong> way Class 17 Statutory Permit F 541.00 541.00 0.00<br />

Application to create vary or remove an easement Class 18 Statutory Permit F 404.00 404.00 0.00<br />

Planning Scheme Amendments<br />

Considering a request Statutory Amendments F 798.00 798.00 0.00<br />

Considering submissions to seek a change to an amendment Statutory Amendments F 798.00 798.00 0.00<br />

Adopting an amendment Statutory Amendments F 524.00 524.00 0.00<br />

Considering a request to approve an amendment Statutory Amendments F 798.00 798.00 0.00<br />

Fees to Amend After Notice Has Been Given<br />

Request to amend after Section 52 notice given Statutory Amend Permit F 102.00 102.00 0.00<br />

Applications for Amendments to Permits (Regulation 8B)<br />

To amend a permit to use land Statutory Amend Permit F 502.00 502.00 0.00<br />

Amend permit to change statement, conditions or in other ways Statutory Amend Permit F 502.00 502.00 0.00<br />

110 <strong>Greater</strong> <strong>Bendigo</strong> <strong>City</strong> Council <strong>Budget</strong> - <strong>2015</strong>/16


Planning & Development Fees and Charges Schedule <strong>2015</strong>/<strong>2016</strong><br />

Unit Fee<br />

Program/Service<br />

GST Status 2014/15<br />

<strong>2015</strong>/16<br />

Pricing Unit <strong>of</strong><br />

% Change<br />

(F) Free (inc. GST)<br />

(inc. GST)<br />

Type* Measure<br />

(T) Taxable<br />

$<br />

$<br />

Amend permit single dwelling cost <strong>of</strong> development is $10,000-$250,000 Statutory Amend Permit F 239.00 239.00 0.00<br />

Amend permit single dwelling cost <strong>of</strong> development >$100,001 Statutory Amend Permit F 490.00 490.00 0.00<br />

Amend permit where development cost is $10,000 or less Statutory Amend Permit F 102.00 102.00 0.00<br />

Amend permit where altered development cost is $10,001-$250,000 Statutory Amend Permit F 604.00 604.00 0.00<br />

Amend permit where altered development cost is $250,000 - $500,000 Statutory Amend Permit F 707.00 707.00 0.00<br />

Amend permit where altered development cost is >$500,001 Statutory Amend Permit F 815.00 815.00 0.00<br />

To amend a permit to subdivide Statutory Amend Permit F 386.00 386.00 0.00<br />

Advertising <strong>of</strong> Applications by Council<br />

Notice Full Cost Each F 6.00 6.50 8.33<br />

On-Site Notice Full Cost Each F 120.00 125.00 4.17<br />

Subdivision Certification<br />

Processing an Application under Subdivision Act 1988 Statutory Certificate F Varies Varies Varies<br />

Processing any application for certification under Subdivision Act 1988<br />

Statutory Certificate F Varies Varies Varies<br />

Subdivision Design and Construction<br />

Plan preparation Statutory Subd Value F Varies Varies Varies<br />

Plan checking Statutory Subd Value F Varies Varies Varies<br />

Supervision Statutory Subd Value F Varies Varies Varies<br />

General Enquiry Fees<br />

Planning property enquiry Full Cost Each F 50.00 52.00 4.00<br />

Detailed pr<strong>of</strong>essional assessment, confirmed in writing Full Cost Each F Varies Varies Varies<br />

Sale <strong>of</strong> Documents<br />

Photocopy <strong>of</strong> old permits - A4 and A3 Size Full Cost Each T 5.00 5.00 0.00<br />

Photocopy <strong>of</strong> old permits - A2 Size upwards Full Cost Each T 10.00 10.00 0.00<br />

Photocopying (50) A2 Size and Upwards Full Cost Each T 10.00 10.00 0.00<br />

Other Fees<br />

Extensions <strong>of</strong> Time Statutory Each F 102.00 102.00 0.00<br />

Removal <strong>of</strong> Section 173 Agreement Full Cost Each F 102.00 102.00 0.00<br />

Certificate <strong>of</strong> Compliance Statutory Each F 147.00 147.00 0.00<br />


Building Fee<br />

Class 1 Dwellings (max 5 inspections) less than $400,000 Full Cost Application T 3,000.00 3,000.00 0.00<br />

Class 1 Dwellings (max 5 inspections),greater than $400,000 Full Cost Application T 4,000.00 4,000.00 0.00<br />

Class 1 Multi Unit Developments (first Unit) Full Cost Application T 1,800.00 1,800.00 0.00<br />

Class 1 Alterations and Additions less than $100,000 (max 4 inspections) Full Cost Application T 1,900.00 1,900.00 0.00<br />

Class 1 Alterations and Additions greater than $100,000 (max 4 inspections) Full Cost Application T 2,500.00 2,500.00 0.00<br />

Additional Inspections Full Cost Inspection T 145.00 145.00 0.00<br />

House Relocation/Restructure Full Cost Application T 3,000.00 3,000.00 0.00<br />

Class 10 Misc Structures Garages/Sheds(2 Insp) up to $25,000 Full Cost Application T 850.00 850.00 0.00<br />

Class 10 Misc Structures Garages/Sheds(2 Insp) up to $50,000 Full Cost Application T 1,000.00 1,000.00 0.00<br />

Class 10 Misc Structures Swimming Pools/Spas (2 Insp) Full Cost Application T 800.00 800.00 0.00<br />

Class 10 Misc Structures Fences/Heaters (Max 1 Inspection) Full Cost Application T 500.00 500.00 0.00<br />

Others Classes - Price on Application Full Cost Application T Varies Varies Varies<br />

<strong>Greater</strong> <strong>Bendigo</strong> <strong>City</strong> Council <strong>Budget</strong> - <strong>2015</strong>/16 111


Planning & Development Fees and Charges Schedule <strong>2015</strong>/<strong>2016</strong><br />

Unit Fee<br />

Program/Service<br />

GST Status 2014/15<br />

<strong>2015</strong>/16<br />

Pricing Unit <strong>of</strong><br />

% Change<br />

(F) Free (inc. GST)<br />

(inc. GST)<br />

Type* Measure<br />

(T) Taxable<br />

$<br />

$<br />

Change <strong>of</strong> Use Full Cost Application T 800.00 800.00 0.00<br />

Commercial Airport Hangers (minimum fee) Full Cost Application T 1,000.00 1,000.00 0.00<br />

Commercial Works (fee + $2 per sq.m floor area. Min fee $2,000) Full Cost Application T 2,000.00 2,000.00 0.00<br />

Extension <strong>of</strong> Building Permit Class 1 and 10 Full Cost Application T 250.00 250.00 0.00<br />

Extension <strong>of</strong> Building Permit Class 2 to 9 Full Cost Application T 400.00 400.00 0.00<br />

Lapsed Permit Approvals and Inspections Full Cost Application T 285.00 285.00 New<br />

In House Modifications (variations to Regs and By-Laws) Full Cost Application T 240.00 240.00 0.00<br />

In House Modifications (variations to Regs and By-Laws) Amend/Ext to Permit<br />

Full Cost Application T 60.00 60.00 0.00<br />

Amendments/Variations to Approved Documents Full Cost Amendment T 138.00 138.00 0.00<br />

Lodgement Fee<br />

Permit From Private Building Surveyor - Reg 320, etc. Statutory Application F 36.40 37.50 3.02<br />

Information / Reports<br />

Property Information Retrieval from Archives Statutory Lodgement F 65.00 67.00 3.08<br />

Property Information Only - Regulation 326 (1) (2) (3) Statutory Application F 48.60 50.10 3.09<br />

Property Information with Storm Water Drainage Information Statutory Application F 109.10 112.40 3.02<br />

Inspection Full Cost Inspection T 145.00 145.00 0.00<br />

Dispensation Fee Statutory Application F 244.00 251.20 2.95<br />

Lapsed or Cancelled Fee Full Cost Application T 75.00 75.00 0.00<br />

Demolitions<br />

Single Storey building more than 6m from street Full Cost Building T 900.00 900.00 0.00<br />

Form A Report & Consent Statutory Application F 60.50 62.30 2.98<br />

Asset Protection<br />

Asset Protection Permit Full Cost Permit T 110.00 110.00 0.00<br />

Miscellaneous Permits (Hoardings and Road Occupation)<br />

Short Term Occupation in Any Area (1 Day Maximum) Full Cost Application T 200.00 200.00 0.00<br />

Short Term Occupation - 2 Days Full Cost Application T 225.00 225.00 0.00<br />

Short Term Occupation - Week Full Cost Application T 350.00 300.00 -14.29<br />

Short Term Occupation - 2 Weeks Full Cost Application T 500.00 400.00 -20.00<br />

Long Term Occupation - $500 per month Full Cost Application T 500.00 New<br />

Certification <strong>of</strong> Projects by Building Surveyor<br />

Municipal Building Surveyor Full Cost Hour T 210.00 210.00 0.00<br />

Building Inspector Full Cost Hour T 148.00 148.00 0.00<br />

Administration Staff Full Cost Hour T 106.00 106.00 0.00<br />

POPE's (Places <strong>of</strong> Public Entertainment)<br />

Places <strong>of</strong> Public Entertainment Occupancy Permits - Standard Full Cost Each T 350.00 350.00 0.00<br />

Places <strong>of</strong> Public Entertainment Occupancy Permits - Large Events Full Cost Each T 500.00 500.00 0.00<br />

Temporary Structures and Special Use Occupancy Permits<br />

- Small Events Stands


Planning & Development Fees and Charges Schedule <strong>2015</strong>/<strong>2016</strong><br />

Unit Fee<br />

Program/Service<br />

GST Status 2014/15<br />

<strong>2015</strong>/16<br />

Pricing Unit <strong>of</strong><br />

% Change<br />

(F) Free (inc. GST)<br />

(inc. GST)<br />

Type* Measure<br />

(T) Taxable<br />

$<br />

$<br />

Verandas and Carports Incentive Application T 1,200.00 1,200.00 0.00<br />

Internal alterations and additions (under 20 m²) Incentive Application T 1,600.00 1,600.00 0.00<br />

New Dwellings (including change <strong>of</strong> use) Incentive Application T 3,500.00 3,500.00 0.00<br />

Multiple Units (Price per unit) Incentive Application T 1,800.00 1,800.00 0.00<br />

Additions, Extensions, Alterations to Dwellings Incentive Application T 2,500.00 2,500.00 0.00<br />

New Commercial Buildings (Including change <strong>of</strong> use)<br />

($2,700 min + $2/sqm floor area)<br />

Incentive Application T 2,700.00 2,700.00 0.00<br />

Commercial Alterations and Additions (min fee) Incentive Application T 2,000.00 2,000.00 0.00<br />

Change <strong>of</strong> Use (min fee) Incentive Application T 1,500.00 1,500.00 0.00<br />

Demolitions - Houses Incentive Application T 1,150.00 1,150.00 0.00<br />

Demolitions - Outbuildings Incentive Application T 600.00 600.00 0.00<br />

Demolitions - Commercial Buildings Incentive Application T 1,150.00 1,150.00 0.00<br />

Reblocking Incentive Application T 750.00 750.00 0.00<br />

Retaining Wall under 30m long Incentive Application T 650.00 New<br />

Retaining Wall over 30m long Incentive Application T 1,500.00 New<br />


Heathcote RSL - Hall Hire<br />

Hall Only Deposit - Refundable Accessible Deposit T 125.00 130.00 4.00<br />

Hall and Kitchen (Includes New Tables & Chairs) Accessible Day T 225.00 235.00 4.44<br />

Hall for Functions from 6 pm (1 to 3 hours only) Accessible Day T 105.00 109.00 3.81<br />

Hall for 1 to 3 hrs am and pm Accessible Per am/pm T 80.00 83.00 3.75<br />

Hall & Kitchen - Non RSL Funeral/Wake Only inc. tea & c<strong>of</strong>fee facilities Accessible Per am/pm T 120.00 125.00 4.17<br />

Hall set up - Day prior Accessible Day T 25.00 26.00 4.00<br />

Hall for Rehearsals Accessible Day T 40.00 42.00 5.00<br />

Kitchen (all facilities) Accessible Day T 140.00 145.00 3.57<br />

Foyer Only Accessible Per Hour T 10.00 10.00 0.00<br />

Meeting Room Only Accessible Day T 40.00 42.00 5.00<br />

Chairs (Former Hall Chairs) Accessible Each T 1.50 1.50 0.00<br />

Trestles/Tables (Former Hall Tables) Accessible Each T 10.00 10.00 0.00<br />

Cutlery Accessible Set T 0.30 0.30 0.00<br />

Crockery Accessible Set T 1.30 1.30 0.00<br />

Urn Hire Accessible Each T 10.00 10.00 0.00<br />

Pie Warmer Hire Accessible Each T 10.00 10.00 0.00<br />

Cancellation Fee Accessible Booking N/A 25.00 25.00 0.00<br />

Security Bond Accessible Booking N/A 500.00 500.00 0.00<br />

Eaglehawk Town Hall - Hall Hire<br />

Evening Functions to 1am Accessible Evenings T 310.00 315.00 1.61<br />

Rehearsals (per session) Accessible Session T 40.00 42.00 5.00<br />

Cancellation Fee Accessible Booking N/A 25.00 26.00 4.00<br />

Day Time Usage up to 6pm Accessible Day Use T 230.00 235.00 2.17<br />

Eaglehawk Supper Room/Council Chamber - Hall Hire<br />

Half Day Accessible Half Day T 80.00 83.00 3.75<br />

Full Day Accessible Full Day T 150.00 156.00 4.00<br />

Evening Functions 6 pm to 1 am Accessible Evening T 90.00 93.00 3.33<br />

<strong>Greater</strong> <strong>Bendigo</strong> <strong>City</strong> Council <strong>Budget</strong> - <strong>2015</strong>/16 113


Planning & Development Fees and Charges Schedule <strong>2015</strong>/<strong>2016</strong><br />

Unit Fee<br />

Program/Service<br />

Pricing<br />

Type*<br />

Unit <strong>of</strong><br />

Measure<br />

GST Status<br />

(F) Free<br />

(T) Taxable<br />

2014/15<br />

(inc. GST)<br />

$<br />

<strong>2015</strong>/16<br />

(inc. GST)<br />

$<br />

% Change<br />

Eaglehawk Meeting Rooms - Room Hire<br />

Half Day Accessible Half Day T 25.00 26.00 4.00<br />

Full Day Accessible Full Day T 50.00 52.00 4.00<br />

Evening Functions 6pm to 1am Accessible Evening T 25.00 26.00 4.00<br />

Exhibitions Only Accessible Week T 160.00 166.00 3.75<br />

Conveyancing / Legal Services<br />

Services in connection with a Council land transaction Full Cost Varies T Varies Varies Varies<br />


Food Act<br />

Class 1 A Renewal Statutory Each F 935.00 975.00 4.28<br />

Class 1 B Renewal Statutory Each F 748.00 780.00 4.28<br />

Class 1 C Renewal Statutory Each F 467.00 485.00 3.85<br />

Class 2 A Renewal Statutory Each F 1,142.00 1,187.00 3.94<br />

Class 2 B Renewal Statutory Each F 623.00 648.00 4.01<br />

Class 2 C Renewal Statutory Each F 467.00 485.00 3.85<br />

Class 2 D Renewal Statutory Each F 370.00 385.00 4.05<br />

Class 2 D Community Groups/School/Clubs/Halls Renewal/New<br />

Statutory Each F 278.00 290.00 4.32<br />

Class 2 D Commercial Temporary Single Event Renewal/New Statutory Each F 90.00 94.00 4.44<br />

Class 3 A Renewal Statutory Each F 435.00 450.00 3.45<br />

Class 3 B Renewal incl. Temp/Mobile Statutory Each F 340.00 355.00 4.41<br />

Class 4 Notification <strong>of</strong> Fixed Premise Processing Fee Full Cost Each T 43.00 45.00 4.65<br />

Follow Up <strong>of</strong> Non-Compliance Food Sampling Statutory Each F 150.00 156.00 4.00<br />

Hire <strong>of</strong> Thermometers to Community Groups Statutory Each F 15.00 15.00 0.00<br />

Extracts<br />

Copy <strong>of</strong> Certificate <strong>of</strong> Analysis Full Cost Each T 37.50 39.00 4.00<br />

Public Health & Wellbeing Act 2008<br />

Prescribed Accommodation Registration - under 15 rooms Statutory Room F 285.00 296.00 3.86<br />

Prescribed Accommodation Registration - 15-30 rooms Statutory Room F 300.00 312.00 4.00<br />

Prescribed Accommodation Registration - over 30 rooms Statutory Room F 320.00 333.00 4.06<br />

Hairdressers, Beauty Parlour Large 5 or more staff/rooms and or 4 or more<br />

activities<br />

Hairdressers, Beauty Parlour dual Registration up to 4 staff and/or up to 3<br />

activities<br />

Hairdressers, Beauty Parlour, Tattooists, body piercing<br />

- single/small operators up to 2 staff and/or 1 activity<br />

Statutory Each F 490.00 510.00 4.08<br />

Statutory Each F 385.00 400.00 3.90<br />

Statutory Each F 310.00 323.00 4.19<br />

Caravan Parks<br />

Registration Statutory Site F As schedule As schedule - varies Varies<br />

Transfer Fee Statutory Each F 64.20 66.20 3.12<br />

Inspection and Report Fee Full Cost Each T 330.00 343.00 3.94<br />

All Registrations (except caravan parks)<br />

Payment <strong>of</strong> Renewal After 31 December (previously Late Payment Penalty) Incentive Each F Annual Regn + 50% Annual Regn + 50% 0.00<br />

Transfer Fee Statutory Each F Annual Regn + 50% Annual Regn + 50% 0.00<br />

New Premise Fee (Includes plan assessement, three inspections and annual<br />

registration)<br />

Full Cost Each F Annual Regn + 50% Annual Regn + 50% 0.00<br />

Major premise renovation (includes plan assesment & three inspections) Full Cost Each F 200.00 208.00 4.00<br />

Inspection and Report Fee Full Cost Each T 280.00 291.00 3.93<br />

Pro-rata Registration <strong>of</strong> new premises 1 January - 31 March Statutory Each F New Premise fee New Premise fee<br />

Pro-rata Registration <strong>of</strong> new premises 1 April - 30 June Statutory Each F New Premise fee x 75% New Premise fee x 75%<br />

114 <strong>Greater</strong> <strong>Bendigo</strong> <strong>City</strong> Council <strong>Budget</strong> - <strong>2015</strong>/16


Planning & Development Fees and Charges Schedule <strong>2015</strong>/<strong>2016</strong><br />

Unit Fee<br />

Program/Service<br />

GST Status 2014/15<br />

<strong>2015</strong>/16<br />

Pricing Unit <strong>of</strong><br />

% Change<br />

(F) Free (inc. GST)<br />

(inc. GST)<br />

Type* Measure<br />

(T) Taxable<br />

$<br />

$<br />

Pro-rata Registration <strong>of</strong> new premises 1 July - 31 September Statutory Each F New Premise fee x 50% New Premise fee x 50%<br />

Pro-rata Registration <strong>of</strong> new premises 1 October - 31 December Full Cost Each F New Premise fee x 25% New Premise fee x 25%<br />

Major Non-Compliant Premise Inspection Fee Full Cost Each F 238.00 248.00 4.20<br />

Minor Non-Compliant Premise Inspection Fee Full Cost Each T 180.00 187.00 3.89<br />

Environment Protection Act (septic tanks)<br />

Septic Permit Fee Statutory Application F 620.00 645.00 4.03<br />

Reissue/amend permit charge Statutory Each F 160.00 166.00 3.75<br />

Pre application meeting charge Full Cost each T 195.00 203.00 4.10<br />

Additional Site Inspection charge Full Cost Each T 195.00 203.00 4.10<br />

Land Capability Information Request charge Full Cost Each T 208.00 216.00 3.85<br />

Septic Plan/File Search Fee charge Full Cost Each T 65.00 67.50 3.85<br />

Housing Orders - Certificate <strong>of</strong> Title<br />

Report on orders affecting property Market Each F 72.50 75.50 4.14<br />

Removal <strong>of</strong> Director <strong>of</strong> Housing Declarations affecting title Market Each F 145.00 151.00 4.14<br />


Local Laws<br />

A Frame - 1st Sign Full Cost Each F 55.00 57.00 3.64<br />

A Frame - 2nd Sign Full Cost Each F 120.00 125.00 4.17<br />

A Frame - 3rd Sign Full Cost Each F 265.00 275.00 3.77<br />

Table and Chairs - in CBD Full Cost Chair F 55.00 57.00 3.64<br />

Table and Chairs - outside CBD Full Cost Chair F 45.00 47.00 4.44<br />

Local Law Permits<br />

(Processing Permit Applications/Issuing Permits) - Commercial<br />

Full Cost Each F 70.00 72.00 2.86<br />

Sale <strong>of</strong> copy <strong>of</strong> all Councils Local Laws Charge Full Cost Each F 33.50 35.00 4.48<br />

Display <strong>of</strong> Goods for sale on Footpath - CBD Full Cost Each F 278.00 290.00 4.32<br />

Display <strong>of</strong> Goods for sale on Footpath - non CBD Full Cost Each F 154.00 160.00 3.90<br />

Display <strong>of</strong> Goods on Footpath - Decorative only - CBD Full Cost Each F 115.00 120.00 4.35<br />

Display <strong>of</strong> Goods for sale on Footpath - Decorative only - non CBD Full Cost Each F 68.50 71.00 3.65<br />

Late fee Administration for renewal <strong>of</strong> Outdoor Dining<br />

& Street Trading Permits<br />

Full Cost Each T 160.00 165.00 3.13<br />

Itinerent Trade Lake Trader Full Cost Monthly F 615.00 639.00 3.90<br />

Itinerent Trade CBD area Full Cost Monthly F 455.00 473.00 3.96<br />

Itinerent Trade Outer Area Full Cost Monthly F 363.00 377.00 3.86<br />

Itinerent Trade Rural Area Full Cost Monthly F 260.00 270.00 3.85<br />

Itinerent Trade Micellaneous/one <strong>of</strong>f permits Full Cost Each F 70.00 72.00 2.86<br />

Live on site Application Fee Full Cost Application F 178.00 185.00 3.93<br />

Live on site Renew Permit (each six months) Full Cost Application F 178.00 185.00 3.93<br />

Pro- rata permit fees 1 August - 31 March Full Cost Each F 100% permit fee 100% permit fee<br />

Pro-rata permit fees 1 November - 31 January Full Cost Each F 75% permit fee 75% permit fee<br />

Pro-rata permit fees 1 February - 30 April Full Cost Each F 50% permit fee 50% permit fee<br />

Pro-rata permit fees 1 May - 31 July Full Cost Each F 25% permit fee 25% permit fee<br />

Administrative Fee - Fire Prevention - Invoices Full Cost Each T 110.00 115.00 4.55<br />

Grass Slashing<br />

(Adminstrative Cost - Slashing Carried Out by Council's Contractors)<br />

Full Cost Time T 100% Cost Recovery 100% Cost Recovery<br />

<strong>Greater</strong> <strong>Bendigo</strong> <strong>City</strong> Council <strong>Budget</strong> - <strong>2015</strong>/16 115


Presentation & Assets Fees and Charges Schedule <strong>2015</strong>/<strong>2016</strong><br />

Unit Fee<br />

Program/Service<br />

Pricing<br />

Type*<br />

Unit <strong>of</strong><br />

Measure<br />

GST Status<br />

(F) Free<br />

(T) Taxable<br />

2014/15<br />

(inc. GST)<br />

$<br />

<strong>2015</strong>/16<br />

(inc. GST)<br />

$<br />

% Change<br />


Consent for Works in Road Reserves - works other than minor works*<br />

*Refer fees & charges webpage for <strong>2015</strong>/16 fees<br />

No<br />

longer<br />

applicable<br />

Conducted on, or on any part <strong>of</strong>, the roadway, shoulder or pathway which<br />

the maximum speed limit is not more than 50km/hr<br />

Not conducted on, or on any part <strong>of</strong>, the roadway, shoulder or pathway<br />

which the maximum speed limit is not more tan 50km/hr<br />

Statutory Each F 20 fee units 20 fee units<br />

Statutory Each F 5 fee units 5 fee units<br />

Consent for Works in Road Reserves - Minor Works*<br />

*Refer fees & charges webpage for <strong>2015</strong>/16 fees<br />

No<br />

longer<br />

applicable<br />

Conducted on, or on any part <strong>of</strong>, the roadway, shoulder or pathway which<br />

the maximum speed limit is not more than 50km/hr<br />

Statutory Each F 11.5 fee units 11.5 fee units<br />

Not conducted on, or on any part <strong>of</strong>, the roadway, shoulder or pathway<br />

which the maximum speed limit is not more than 50km/hr<br />

Statutory Each F 6 fee units 6 fee units<br />

* New fee indexation as per Road Management (Works and Infrastructure) Regulations <strong>2015</strong> - notification received 20 June <strong>2015</strong><br />

Printing<br />

Full Colour - Posters etc.<br />

AO Market Each T 27.00 33.00 22.22<br />

A2 Market Each T 12.00 12.00 0.00<br />

Black and White Print<br />

AO Market Each T 15.00 9.00 -40.00<br />

A1 Market Each T 10.00 6.00 -40.00<br />

A2 Market Each T 8.00 4.00 -50.00<br />

Map Books Market Each T 10.00 10.00 0.00<br />


Category A Sites<br />

<strong>Bendigo</strong> Botanic Gardens - White Hills<br />

Community/General Event/Gathering (0-50 People) Accessible Function T 82.00 85.00 3.66<br />

Community/General Event/Gathering (Above 50 People) Accessible Function T 87.00 90.00 3.45<br />

Commercial/Private Event Accessible Function T 115.00 118.00 2.61<br />

Bond for Events Accessible Function T 500.00 500.00 0.00<br />

<strong>Bendigo</strong> Library Gardens<br />

Community/General Event/Gathering (0-50 People) Accessible Function T 82.00 85.00 3.66<br />

Community/General Event/Gathering (Above 50 People) Accessible Function T 87.00 90.00 3.45<br />

Commercial/Private Event Accessible Function T 115.00 118.00 2.61<br />

Bond for Events Accessible Function T 500.00 500.00 0.00<br />

Barrack Reserve Heathcote<br />

Community/ General Event/ Gathering Accessible Function T 82.00 85.00 3.66<br />

Canterbury Gardens Eaglehawk<br />

Community/ General Event/ Gathering Accessible Function T 82.00 85.00 3.66<br />

Commercial/ Private Event Accessible Function T 115.00 118.00 2.61<br />

Bond for Events Accessible Function T 500.00 500.00 0.00<br />

Charing Cross<br />

Paved Area Accessible Function T 82.00 85.00 3.66<br />

Civic Gardens at Town Hall<br />

Community/General Event/Gathering (0-50 People) Accessible Function T 82.00 85.00 3.66<br />

Community/General Event/Gathering (Above 50 People) Accessible Function T 87.00 90.00 3.45<br />

Commercial/Private Event Accessible Function T 115.00 118.00 2.61<br />

Bond for Events Accessible Function T 500.00 500.00 0.00<br />

116 <strong>Greater</strong> <strong>Bendigo</strong> <strong>City</strong> Council <strong>Budget</strong> - <strong>2015</strong>/16


Presentation & Assets Fees and Charges Schedule <strong>2015</strong>/<strong>2016</strong><br />

Unit Fee<br />

Program/Service<br />

Pricing<br />

Type*<br />

Unit <strong>of</strong><br />

Measure<br />

GST Status<br />

(F) Free<br />

(T) Taxable<br />

2014/15<br />

(inc. GST)<br />

$<br />

<strong>2015</strong>/16<br />

(inc. GST)<br />

$<br />

% Change<br />

Conservatory Gardens (excludes Conservatory Building)<br />

Community/General Event/Gathering Accessible Function T 82.00 85.00 3.66<br />

Commercial/Private Event Accessible Function T 115.00 118.00 2.61<br />

Bond for Events Accessible Function T 500.00 500.00 0.00<br />

Cooinda Park Kangaroo Flat<br />

Community/General Event/Gathering Accessible Function T 82.00 85.00 3.66<br />

Commercial/Private Event Accessible Function T 115.00 118.00 2.61<br />

Crook Street Park Strathdale<br />

Community/General Event/Gathering Accessible Function T 82.00 85.00 3.66<br />

Commercial/Private Event Accessible Function T 115.00 118.00 2.61<br />

Crusoe Reservoir<br />

Community/General Event/Gathering Accessible Function T 82.00 85.00 3.66<br />

Commercial/Private Event Accessible Function T 115.00 118.00 2.61<br />

George Lansell Gardens<br />

Community/General Event/Gathering Accessible Function T 82.00 85.00 3.66<br />

Commercial/Private Event Accessible Function T 115.00 118.00 2.61<br />

Bond for Events Accessible Function T 500.00 500.00 0.00<br />

Gateway Park Kangaroo Flat<br />

Community/General Event/Gathering Accessible Function T 82.00 85.00 3.66<br />

Commercial/Private Event Accessible Function T 115.00 118.00 2.61<br />

Kennington Reservoir<br />

Community/General Event/Gathering Accessible Function T 82.00 85.00 3.66<br />

Commercial/Private Event Accessible Function T 115.00 118.00 2.61<br />

Upper Rosalind Park and Poppet Head<br />

Community/General Event/Gathering Accessible Function T 82.00 85.00 3.66<br />

Commercial/Private Event Accessible Function T 115.00 118.00 2.61<br />

Bond for Events Accessible Function T 500.00 500.00 0.00<br />

Lower Rosalind Park - North & Fernery<br />

Community/General Event/Gathering Accessible Function T 82.00 85.00 3.66<br />

Commercial/Private Event Accessible Function T 115.00 118.00 2.61<br />

Bond for Events Accessible Function T 500.00 500.00 0.00<br />

Lower Rosalind Park - South and Rotunda<br />

Community/General Event/Gathering Accessible Function T 82.00 85.00 3.66<br />

Commercial/Private Event Accessible Function T 115.00 118.00 2.61<br />

Bond for Commercial/ Private Events Accessible Function T 500.00 500.00 0.00<br />

Hire <strong>of</strong> Rotunda Only Accessible Function T 82.00 85.00 3.66<br />

Queen Victoria Gardens and Piazza<br />

Community/General Event/Gathering Accessible Function T 82.00 85.00 3.66<br />

Commercial/Private Event Accessible Function T 115.00 118.00 2.61<br />

Bond for Events Accessible Function T 500.00 500.00 0.00<br />

<strong>Greater</strong> <strong>Bendigo</strong> <strong>City</strong> Council <strong>Budget</strong> - <strong>2015</strong>/16 117


Presentation & Assets Fees and Charges Schedule <strong>2015</strong>/<strong>2016</strong><br />

Unit Fee<br />

Program/Service<br />

Pricing<br />

Type*<br />

Unit <strong>of</strong><br />

Measure<br />

GST Status<br />

(F) Free<br />

(T) Taxable<br />

2014/15<br />

(inc. GST)<br />

$<br />

<strong>2015</strong>/16<br />

(inc. GST)<br />

$<br />

% Change<br />

Lake Weeroona - South<br />

Community/General Event/Gathering (0-50 People) Accessible Function T 82.00 85.00 3.66<br />

Community/General Event/Gathering (Above 50 People) Accessible Function T 87.00 90.00 3.45<br />

Commercial/Private Event Accessible Function T 115.00 118.00 2.61<br />

Bond for Events Accessible Function T 500.00 500.00 0.00<br />

Lake Weeroona - North<br />

Community/General Event/Gathering (0-50 People) Accessible Function T 82.00 85.00 3.66<br />

Community/General Event/Gathering (Above 50 People) Accessible Function T 87.00 90.00 3.45<br />

Commercial/Private Event Accessible Function T 115.00 118.00 2.61<br />

Bond for Events Accessible Function T 500.00 500.00 0.00<br />

Lake Weeroona Carpark - Napier Street North<br />

Community/General Event/Gathering (0-50 People) Accessible Function T 82.00 85.00 3.66<br />

Community/General Event/Gathering (Above 50 People) Accessible Function T 87.00 90.00 3.45<br />

Commercial/Private Event Accessible Function T 115.00 118.00 2.61<br />

Bond for Events Accessible Function T 200.00 200.00 0.00<br />

Lake Weeroona Carpark - Napier Street South<br />

Community/General Event/Gathering (0-50 People) Accessible Function T 82.00 85.00 3.66<br />

Community/General Event/Gathering (Above 50 People) Accessible Function T 87.00 90.00 3.45<br />

Commercial/Private Event Accessible Function T 115.00 118.00 2.61<br />

Bond for Events Accessible Function T 200.00 200.00 0.00<br />

Lake Weeroona Carpark - Weeroona Avenue (Rowing Club End)<br />

Community/General Event/Gathering (0-50 People) Accessible Function T 82.00 85.00 3.66<br />

Community/General Event/Gathering (Above 50 People) Accessible Function T 87.00 90.00 3.45<br />

Commercial/Private Event Accessible Function T 115.00 118.00 2.61<br />

Bond for Events Accessible Function T 200.00 200.00 0.00<br />

Number 7 Park Kangaroo Flat<br />

Community/General Event/Gathering Accessible Function T 82.00 85.00 3.66<br />

Commercial/Private Event Accessible Function T 115.00 118.00 2.61<br />

Category B Sites<br />

Acacia Park White Hills<br />

Community/General Event/Gathering Accessible Function T 82.00 85.00 3.66<br />

Bright Street Park Eaglehawk<br />

Community/General Event/Gathering Accessible Function T 82.00 85.00 3.66<br />

Crusoe Heights Oval<br />

Community/General Event/Gathering Accessible Function T 82.00 85.00 3.66<br />

Epsom Village Green<br />

Community/General Event/Gathering Accessible Function T 82.00 85.00 3.66<br />

Commercial/Private Event Accessible Function T 95.00 98.00 3.16<br />

Bond for Events Accessible Function T 150.00 150.00 0.00<br />

Lake Neangar Eaglehawk<br />

Community/General Event/Gathering Accessible Function T 82.00 85.00 3.66<br />

118 <strong>Greater</strong> <strong>Bendigo</strong> <strong>City</strong> Council <strong>Budget</strong> - <strong>2015</strong>/16


Presentation & Assets Fees and Charges Schedule <strong>2015</strong>/<strong>2016</strong><br />

Unit Fee<br />

Program/Service<br />

Pricing<br />

Type*<br />

Unit <strong>of</strong><br />

Measure<br />

GST Status<br />

(F) Free<br />

(T) Taxable<br />

2014/15<br />

(inc. GST)<br />

$<br />

<strong>2015</strong>/16<br />

(inc. GST)<br />

$<br />

% Change<br />

Michie Street Park Elmore<br />

Community/General Event/Gathering Accessible Function T 82.00 85.00 3.66<br />

Station Park Elmore<br />

Community/General Event/Gathering Accessible Function T 82.00 85.00 3.66<br />

RF Turner Reserve Golden Square<br />

Community/General Event/Gathering Accessible Function T 82.00 85.00 3.66<br />

Category C Sites<br />

Camp Street Reserve Kangaroo Flat<br />

Community/General Event/Gathering Accessible Function T 82.00 85.00 3.66<br />

Kangaroo Flat Botanical Gardens<br />

Community/General Event/Gathering Accessible Function T 82.00 85.00 3.66<br />

Harcourt Park East <strong>Bendigo</strong><br />

Commercial Dog Training (Annual Fee) Accessible Function T 82.00 85.00 3.66<br />

Major and Large Scale Commercial Events<br />

Major/Commercial Events - Fee and Bond Accessible Function T To be negotiated To be negotiated<br />


Eaglehawk Landfill<br />

Domestic Garbage Bag Accessible Tonne T 2.00/load 160.00/tonne<br />

Car Only Accessible Tonne T 19.00/load 160.00/tonne<br />

Trailer, Ute, Van Accessible Tonne T 33.00/load 160.00/tonne<br />

Tandem Accessible Tonne T 61.00/load 160.00/tonne<br />

Separated Waste Accessible Tonne T 22.00/load 120.00/tonne<br />

Domestic Concrete Accessible Tonne T 42.00/load 51.50/tonne<br />

Domestic Asbestos Accessible Tonne T 62.00/load 226.00/tonne<br />

Green, Car Only Accessible Tonne T 6.00/load 62.00/tonne<br />

Green, Trailer, Ute, Van Accessible Tonne T 10.00/load 62.00/tonne<br />

Green, Truck, Tandem Accessible Tonne T 22.00/load 62.00/tonne<br />

Green Commercial Accessible Tonne T 62.00 62.00 0.00<br />

Industrial, Commercial Accessible Tonne T 157.00 160.00 1.91<br />

Building Rubble Accessible Tonne T 157.00 160.00 1.91<br />

Clean Concrete Accessible Tonne T 50.00 51.50 3.00<br />

Asbestos Accessible Tonne T 220.00 226.00 2.73<br />

Car Bodies Accessible Each T 25.00 25.00 0.00<br />

LL Contaminated Soil Accessible Tonne T 210.00 214.00 1.90<br />

Car Tyres Accessible Each T 6.00 6.00 0.00<br />

Light Truck Tyres Accessible Each T 10.00 10.00 0.00<br />

Truck Tyres Accessible Each T 20.00 21.00 5.00<br />

Tractor Tyres Accessible Each T 50.00 51.50 3.00<br />

Other Tyres Accessible Each T POA POA<br />

Mattresses Accessible Each T 10.00 10.00 0.00<br />

Fridges/Airconditioners/Freezers Accessible Each T 15.00 15.00 0.00<br />

<strong>Greater</strong> <strong>Bendigo</strong> <strong>City</strong> Council <strong>Budget</strong> - <strong>2015</strong>/16 119


Presentation & Assets Fees and Charges Schedule <strong>2015</strong>/<strong>2016</strong><br />

Unit Fee<br />

Program/Service<br />

Pricing<br />

Type*<br />

Unit <strong>of</strong><br />

Measure<br />

GST Status<br />

(F) Free<br />

(T) Taxable<br />

2014/15<br />

(inc. GST)<br />

$<br />

<strong>2015</strong>/16<br />

(inc. GST)<br />

$<br />

% Change<br />

Goornong/Strathfieldsaye Transfer Stations<br />

Domestic Garbage Bag Accessible Domestic Bag T 2.00 2.00 0.00<br />

Car Boot Accessible Car Boot T 19.00 24.00 26.32<br />

Trailer/Ute/Van Load Accessible Trailer etc T 33.00 48.00 45.45<br />

Tandem Trailer Accessible Load T 61.00 110.00<br />

Fridges /Airconditioners/Freezers Accessible Each T 15.00 15.00 0.00<br />

Mattresses Accessible Each T 10.00 10.00 0.00<br />

Computer monitors/televisions Accessible Each T 10.00 10.00 0.00<br />

Heathcote Landfill<br />

Garbage Bag Accessible Each T 2.00 2.00 0.00<br />

Car Only Accessible Load T 19.00 21.00 10.53<br />

Trailer, Ute, Van Accessible Load T 33.00 36.00 9.09<br />

Tandem Trailer Accessible Load T 61.00 76.00 24.59<br />

Green, Car Only Accessible Load T 6.00 6.00 0.00<br />

Green, Trailer, Ute, Van Accessible Load T 10.00 10.00 0.00<br />

Green, Truck, Tandem Accessible Load T 22.00 22.00 0.00<br />

Green Commercial Accessible Cubic Metre T 10.50 10.50 0.00<br />

Industrial,Commercial Accessible Cubic Metre T 32.00 33.00 3.13<br />

Car Bodies Accessible Each T 25.00 25.00 0.00<br />

Car, Ute Tyres Accessible Tyre T 6.00 6.00 0.00<br />

Light Commercial Tyres Accessible Tyre T 10.00 10.00 0.00<br />

Truck Tyres Accessible Tyre T 20.00 21.00 5.00<br />

Tractor Tyres Accessible Tyre T 50.00 51.50 3.00<br />

Other Tyres Accessible Tyre T POA POA POA<br />

Fridges /Airconditioners/Freezers Accessible Each T 15.00 15.00 0.00<br />

Mattresses Accessible Each T 10.00 10.00 0.00<br />

Computer monitors/Televisions Accessible Each T 10.00 10.00 0.00<br />


Cattle Yard Dues Full Cost Per head T 8.30 8.63 3.98<br />

Cow and Calf Yard Dues Full Cost Per head T 9.65 10.04 4.04<br />

Bull Yard Dues Full Cost Per head T 10.45 10.87 4.02<br />

Calf Yard Dues Full Cost Per head T 1.35 1.40 3.70<br />

Sheep and Lamb Yard Dues Full Cost Per head T 0.67 0.70 4.48<br />

Pig Yard Dues Full Cost Per head T 1.65 1.65 0.00<br />

Market Fee Sheep & lambs<br />

Full Cost<br />

Dist over 6<br />

Agts<br />

T 2,610.00 2,715.00 4.02<br />

AV Data Full Cost Per minute T 1.20 1.25 4.17<br />

Rental <strong>of</strong> Pig Pavilion Full Cost Per month T 210.00 215.00 2.38<br />

Pig Sale Full Cost Per sale T 345.00 345.00 0.00<br />

Store Sales Cattle - Market fee Full Cost Per head T 1.30 1.35 3.85<br />

Dist over<br />

Store Sales Sheep Fee<br />

Full Cost<br />

operating<br />

T 1,265.00 1,315.60 4.00<br />

Agents<br />

Paddocking Fees Sheep & Lambs Outwards<br />

Full Cost<br />

Per head per<br />

day<br />

T 0.10 0.10 0.00<br />

120 <strong>Greater</strong> <strong>Bendigo</strong> <strong>City</strong> Council <strong>Budget</strong> - <strong>2015</strong>/16


Presentation & Assets Fees and Charges Schedule <strong>2015</strong>/<strong>2016</strong><br />

Unit Fee<br />

Program/Service<br />

GST Status 2014/15<br />

<strong>2015</strong>/16<br />

Pricing Unit <strong>of</strong><br />

% Change<br />

(F) Free (inc. GST) (inc. GST)<br />

Type* Measure<br />

(T) Taxable $<br />

$<br />

Paddocking Fees Sheep & Lambs Inwards Full Cost Per head T 0.05 0.05 0.00<br />

Sheep loading fee Full Cost Per head T 0.10 0.10 0.00<br />

Truck Wash Keys Full Cost Each 35.00 35.00 0.00<br />

Complex Hire - Full Day Full Cost Day T 400.00 415.00 3.75<br />

Complex Hire - Half Day Full Cost 1/2 Day T 200.00 210.00 5.00<br />

Complex Hire - Conference Room Full Cost Weekday T 175.00 185.00 5.71<br />

Complex Hire - Conference Room - Weekends Full Cost Weekend T 400.00 415.00 3.75<br />

Complex Hire hourly rate Full Cost Per hour T 15.00 15.00 0.00<br />

Agents Flagfall Sheep<br />

Full Cost<br />

Dist over 6<br />

Agts<br />

T 54.00 54.00 0.00<br />

Canteen Rental Per Week Full Cost Weekly T 75.00 78.00 4.00<br />

Paddocking Fees Cattle<br />

Full Cost<br />

Per head per<br />

day<br />

T 2.00 2.00 0.00<br />

Market Fee Cattle<br />

Full Cost<br />

Dist over 6<br />

Agts<br />

T 2,434.00 2,531.00 3.99<br />

Agents Flagfall Cattle(Rental)<br />

Full Cost<br />

Dist over 6<br />

Agts<br />

T 51.00 51.00 0.00<br />

Agents Flagfall Pigs (Rental)<br />

Full Cost<br />

Dist over 2<br />

Agts<br />

T 19.00 19.00 0.00<br />

RFID Replacement Full Cost Device T 20.00 20.00 0.00<br />

Unfit Livestock Disposal Fee Full Cost Animal T 55.00 57.00 3.64<br />

Unfit Livestock Disposal Fee - Selling Pen Full Cost Per head T 110.00 114.00 3.64<br />

Office Rental - MLA Full Cost Per month T 115.00 115.00 0.00<br />

Office Rental - Wignalls Full Cost Per month T 92.00 92.00 0.00<br />

Office Rental - BASA Full Cost Per month T 92.00 92.00 0.00<br />

Note: Currently only 6 agents operate at the Livestock Exchange<br />

<strong>Greater</strong> <strong>Bendigo</strong> <strong>City</strong> Council <strong>Budget</strong> - <strong>2015</strong>/16 121


Organisation Support Fees and Charges Schedule <strong>2015</strong>/<strong>2016</strong><br />

Unit Fee<br />

Program/Service<br />

Pricing<br />

Type*<br />

Unit <strong>of</strong><br />

Measure<br />

GST Status<br />

(F) Free<br />

(T) Taxable<br />

2014/15<br />

(inc. GST)<br />

$<br />

<strong>2015</strong>/16<br />

(inc. GST)<br />

$<br />

% Change<br />


Dishonoured Cheque - Dishonoured by Post Office Full Cost Each F 25.00 25.00 0.00<br />

Dishonoured Cheque - Dishonoured by Bank Full Cost Each F 25.00 25.00 0.00<br />

Library Accounting Services Market Annual T 71,224.00 74,785.00 5.00<br />


Supply <strong>of</strong> Recycling Bins - upgrade to 360 Litre Accessible Bin T 46.00 46.00 0.00<br />

Supply <strong>of</strong> Garbage Bins - 240 Litre Accessible Bin T 205.00 205.00 0.00<br />

Supply <strong>of</strong> Garbage Bins - 120/140 Litre Accessible Bin T 120.00 120.00 0.00<br />

Land Information Certificate Full Cost Certificate F 20.00 20.00 0.00<br />

Property Ownership Detail Full Cost Property T Varies Varies Varies<br />

Rate Searches 15 year Full Cost Per hour T Varies Varies Varies<br />

Rate Searches 30 year Full Cost Per hour T Varies Varies Varies<br />

Sales Information to Valuers Full Cost Per month T 50.00 50.00 New<br />


Public Liability Ins for venue booking (up to 3 consecutive days)<br />

Full Cost Function T 25.00 25.00 0.00<br />


Freedom <strong>of</strong> Information<br />

Application fee Statutory Unit F 2 fee units 2 fee units 0.00<br />

Search Time Statutory Per Hour F 1.5 fee units 1.5 fee units 0.00<br />

Supervision Charge Statutory Per Hour F 1.5 fee units 1.5 fee units 0.00<br />

Black and White Photocopy Full Cost A4 F 0.20 0.20 0.00<br />

Photocopy other than Black and White Full Cost A4 F Varies Varies Varies<br />

122 <strong>Greater</strong> <strong>Bendigo</strong> <strong>City</strong> Council <strong>Budget</strong> - <strong>2015</strong>/16


Appendix G - Glossary <strong>of</strong> Terms<br />

Term<br />

Accounting Standards<br />

Annual <strong>Budget</strong><br />

<strong>Budget</strong>ed<br />

comprehensive income<br />

statement<br />

Annual report<br />

Definition<br />

Accounting standards are issued from time to by the pr<strong>of</strong>essional<br />

accounting bodies and are applicable to the preparation <strong>of</strong> general<br />

purpose financial reports.<br />

Plan under section 130 <strong>of</strong> the Local Government Act setting out the<br />

services to be provided and initiatives to be undertaken over the next<br />

12 months and the funding and other resources required.<br />

The budgeted comprehensive income statement ++/shows the<br />

expected operating result in the forthcoming year compared to the<br />

forecast actual result in the current year. The budgeted income<br />

statement should be prepared in accordance with the requirements <strong>of</strong><br />

AASB101 Presentation <strong>of</strong> Financial Statements and the Local<br />

Government Model Financial Report.<br />

The annual report prepared by Council under sections 131, 132 and<br />

133 <strong>of</strong> the Local Government Act. The annual report to the community<br />

contains a report <strong>of</strong> operations and audited financial and performance<br />

statements.<br />

Annual reporting requirements Annual reporting requirements include the financial reporting<br />

requirements <strong>of</strong> the Local Government Act, Accounting Standards and<br />

other mandatory pr<strong>of</strong>essional reporting requirements.<br />

Asset renewal<br />

Asset upgrade<br />

Asset expansion<br />

Borrowing strategy<br />

<strong>Budget</strong>ed balance sheet<br />

<strong>Budget</strong>ed statement <strong>of</strong><br />

cash flows<br />

Expenditure on an existing asset, which returns the service potential or<br />

the life <strong>of</strong> the asset, up to, that which it had originally. It is periodically<br />

required expenditure, relatively large (material) in value compared with<br />

the value <strong>of</strong> the components <strong>of</strong> the asset being renewed. As it<br />

reinstates existing service potential, it has no impact on revenue, but<br />

may reduce future operating and maintenance expenditure if completed<br />

at the optimum time.<br />

Expenditure which enhances an existing asset to provide a higher level<br />

<strong>of</strong> service or expenditure that will increase the life <strong>of</strong> the asset beyond<br />

that which it had originally. Upgrade expenditure is discretional and<br />

<strong>of</strong>ten does not result in additional revenue unless direct user charges<br />

apply. It will increase operating and maintenance expenditure in the<br />

future because <strong>of</strong> the increase in the asset base.<br />

Expenditure which extends an existing asset, at the same standard as is<br />

currently enjoyed by residents, to a new group <strong>of</strong> users. Expansion<br />

expenditure is discretional which increases future operating and<br />

maintenance costs because it increases council’s asset base, but may be<br />

associated with additional revenue from the new user group.<br />

A borrowing strategy is the process by which the Council’s current<br />

external funding requirements can be identified, existing funding<br />

arrangements managed and future requirements monitored.<br />

The budgeted balance sheet shows the expected net current asset, net<br />

non-current asset and net asset positions in the forthcoming year<br />

compared to the forecast actual in the current year. The budgeted<br />

balance sheet should be prepared in accordance with the requirements<br />

<strong>of</strong> AASB 101 - Presentation <strong>of</strong> Financial Statements and the Local<br />

Government Model Financial Report.<br />

The budgeted statement <strong>of</strong> cash flows shows the expected net cash<br />

inflows and outflows in the forthcoming year in the form <strong>of</strong><br />

reconciliation between opening and closing balances <strong>of</strong> total cash and<br />

investments for the year. Comparison is made to the current year’s<br />

expected inflows and outflows. The budgeted statement <strong>of</strong> cash flows<br />

statement should be prepared in accordance with the requirements <strong>of</strong><br />

AASB 107 Statement <strong>of</strong> Cash Flows and the Local Government Model<br />

Financial Report.<br />

<strong>Greater</strong> <strong>Bendigo</strong> <strong>City</strong> Council <strong>Budget</strong> – <strong>2015</strong>/16 123


Term<br />

<strong>Budget</strong>ed statement <strong>of</strong><br />

changes in equity<br />

<strong>Budget</strong> preparation requirement<br />

Capital expenditure<br />

<strong>Budget</strong>ed statement <strong>of</strong><br />

capital works<br />

COGB<br />

Capital works program<br />

Carried forward capital works<br />

Council Plan<br />

Financial sustainability<br />

Financing activities<br />

Infrastructure<br />

Internal funding sources<br />

(analysis <strong>of</strong> capital budget)<br />

Internal influences in the<br />

preparation <strong>of</strong> a budget<br />

Investing activities<br />

Key assumptions<br />

Land<br />

Legislative framework<br />

Definition<br />

The budgeted statement <strong>of</strong> changes in equity shows the expected<br />

movement in Accumulated Surplus and reserves for the year. The<br />

budgeted statement <strong>of</strong> changes in equity should be prepared in<br />

accordance with the requirements <strong>of</strong> AASB 101 - Presentation <strong>of</strong><br />

Financial Statements and the Local Government Model Financial Report.<br />

Under the Local Government Act, a Council is required to prepare and<br />

adopt an Annual <strong>Budget</strong> by 30 June each year.<br />

Capital expenditure is relatively large (material) expenditure that<br />

produces economic benefits expected to last for more than 12 months.<br />

A predetermined ‘threshold’ may be used which indicates the level <strong>of</strong><br />

expenditure deemed to be material in accordance with Council’s policy.<br />

Capital expenditure includes renewal, expansion and upgrade. Where<br />

capital projects involve a combination <strong>of</strong> renewal, expansion and<br />

upgrade expenditures, the total project cost needs to be allocated<br />

accordingly.<br />

The Capital Works <strong>Budget</strong> shows the expected internal and external<br />

funding for capital works program and the total proposed capital works<br />

program for the forthcoming year with a comparison with forecast<br />

actual for the current year.<br />

<strong>City</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Greater</strong> <strong>Bendigo</strong><br />

Capital works projects that will be undertaken during the <strong>2015</strong>/16 year.<br />

Carried forward capital works are those that that are incomplete in the<br />

current budget year due to unavoidable delays and will be completed in<br />

the following budget year.<br />

Means a Council Plan prepared by the Council under Section 125 <strong>of</strong> the<br />

Local Government Act 1989. This document sets out the strategic<br />

objectives <strong>of</strong> the Council and strategies for achieving the objectives as<br />

part <strong>of</strong> the overall strategic planning framework required by the Local<br />

Government Act.<br />

A key outcome <strong>of</strong> the strategic resource plan. Longer term planning is<br />

essential in ensuring that a Council remains financially sustainable in the<br />

long term.<br />

Financing activities means those activities which relate to changing the<br />

size and composition <strong>of</strong> the financial structure <strong>of</strong> the entity, including<br />

equity, and borrowings not falling within the definition <strong>of</strong> cash.<br />

Physical assets <strong>of</strong> the entity or <strong>of</strong> another entity that contribute to<br />

meeting the public’s need for access to major economic and social<br />

facilities and services.<br />

Internal sources relate to cash and investments held in reserves or<br />

which are uncommitted and cash that will be generated from the<br />

operations <strong>of</strong> Council during the budget year. The latter should equate<br />

to the cash inflows from operating activities less capital revenue.<br />

Matters arising from Council actions over which there is some element<br />

<strong>of</strong> control (eg. approval <strong>of</strong> unbudgeted capital expenditure).<br />

Investing activities means those activities which relate to acquisition and<br />

disposal <strong>of</strong> non-current assets, including property, plant and equipment<br />

and other productive assets, and investments not falling within the<br />

definition <strong>of</strong> cash.<br />

When preparing a budgeted balance sheet <strong>of</strong> financial position, key<br />

assumptions upon which the statement has been based should be<br />

disclosed in the budget to assist the reader when comparing<br />

movements in assets, liabilities and equity between budget years.<br />

In Section 9 and in Appendix B, Land means the land together with any<br />

improvements made to that land.<br />

The Local Government Act, Regulations and other laws and statutes<br />

which set a Council’s governance and reporting requirements.<br />

124 <strong>Greater</strong> <strong>Bendigo</strong> <strong>City</strong> Council <strong>Budget</strong> - <strong>2015</strong>/16


Term<br />

Local Government<br />

(Planning and<br />

Reporting) Regulations<br />

2014<br />

New assets<br />

Non-financial resources<br />

Operating activities<br />

Operating expenditure<br />

Operating performance (Impact<br />

<strong>of</strong> current year on 2014/15<br />

budget<br />

Operating revenue<br />

Rate structure (Rating strategy)<br />

Rating strategy<br />

Definition<br />

The objective <strong>of</strong> these Regulations, made under section 243 <strong>of</strong> the Local<br />

Government Act 1989, is to prescribe:<br />

a) The content and preparation <strong>of</strong> the financial statements <strong>of</strong> a Council<br />

b) The performance indicators and measures to be included in a<br />

budget, revised budget and annual report <strong>of</strong> a Council<br />

c) The information to be included in a Council Plan, Strategic<br />

Resource Plan, budget, revised budget and annual report<br />

d) Other matters required to be prescribed under Parts 6 and 7 <strong>of</strong> the<br />

Local Government Act.<br />

New assets do not have any element <strong>of</strong> expansion or upgrade <strong>of</strong><br />

existing assets. New capital expenditure may or may not result in<br />

additional revenue for Council and will result in an additional burden for<br />

future operation, maintenance and capital renewal.<br />

Resources <strong>of</strong> a non-financial nature (such as human resources,<br />

information systems and processes, asset management systems) which<br />

are consumed by a Council in the achievement <strong>of</strong> its strategic resource<br />

plan goals.<br />

Operating activities means those activities that relate to the provision <strong>of</strong><br />

goods and services.<br />

Operating expenditure is defined as consumptions or losses <strong>of</strong> future<br />

economic benefits, in the form <strong>of</strong> reductions in assets or increases in<br />

liabilities; and that result in a decrease in equity during the reporting<br />

period.<br />

This statement shows the expected operating result as compared to the<br />

budget result in the current year separating operating and capital<br />

components <strong>of</strong> revenue and expenditure.<br />

Operating revenue is defined as inflows or other enhancements or<br />

savings in outflows <strong>of</strong> future economic benefits in the form <strong>of</strong> increases<br />

in assets or reductions in liabilities and that result in an increase in<br />

equity during the reporting period.<br />

Site value (SV), capital improved value (CIV) or net annual value (NAV)<br />

are the main bases upon which rates will be levied. These should be<br />

detailed in the budget statement.<br />

A rating strategy is the process by which the Council’s rate structure is<br />

established and how the total income generated through rates and<br />

charges is allocated across properties in the municipality. Decisions<br />

regarding the quantum <strong>of</strong> rate levels and increases from year to year are<br />

made as part <strong>of</strong> Council's long term financial planning processes and<br />

with consideration <strong>of</strong> Council's other sources <strong>of</strong> income and the<br />

planned expenditure on services and works to be undertaken for its<br />

community.<br />

Regulations Local Government (Planning and Reporting) Regulations 2014.<br />

Revised budget<br />

Road Management Act<br />

Services, Initiatives and<br />

Major Initiatives<br />

The revised budget prepared by a Council under section 128 <strong>of</strong> the<br />

Local Government Act. Section 128 <strong>of</strong> the Local Government Act<br />

permits a Council to prepare a revised budget if circumstances arise<br />

which cause a material change in the budget and which affects the<br />

financial operations and position <strong>of</strong> the Council.<br />

The purpose <strong>of</strong> this Act which operates from 1 July 2004 is to reform<br />

the law relating to road management in Victoria and to make relating<br />

amendments to certain Acts, including the Local Government Act 1989.<br />

Section 127 <strong>of</strong> the Local Government Act requires a budget to contain<br />

a description <strong>of</strong> the services and initiatives to be funded by the budget,<br />

along with a statement as to how they will contribute to the<br />

achievement <strong>of</strong> the Council’s strategic objectives as specified in the<br />

Council Plan.<br />

The budget must also include major initiatives, being initiatives identified<br />

<strong>Greater</strong> <strong>Bendigo</strong> <strong>City</strong> Council <strong>Budget</strong> – <strong>2015</strong>/16 125


Term<br />

SRP<br />

Statutory reserves<br />

Strategic planning framework<br />

Strategic Resource Plan (SRP)<br />

Definition<br />

by the Council as priorities to be undertaken during the financial year.<br />

The services delivered by Council are those undertaken to meet the<br />

needs <strong>of</strong> the community as reflected in the Council Plan. They tend to<br />

be ongoing in nature and have internal and external customers.<br />

Initiatives are tasks or actions that are once-<strong>of</strong>f in nature and lead to<br />

improvements in service performance or service levels.<br />

Major initiatives are those initiatives that the Council has identified as<br />

priorities. The major initiatives should be limited to only those<br />

initiatives that will have a significant impact on the operations <strong>of</strong> the<br />

Council and will be <strong>of</strong> interest to the reader.<br />

Strategic Resource Plan<br />

Statutory reserves are funds set aside for specified statutory purposes<br />

in accordance with various legislative and contractual requirements.<br />

These reserves are not available for other purposes.<br />

A “community owned” document or process which identifies the long<br />

term needs and aspirations <strong>of</strong> the Council, and the medium and short<br />

term goals and objectives which are framed within the long term plan.<br />

Section 125(2)(d) <strong>of</strong> the Local Government Act requires that a Council<br />

must prepare and approve a Council Plan that must include a strategic<br />

resource plan containing the matters specified in Section 126.<br />

The Act Local Government Act 1989<br />

Unrestricted cash and<br />

investments<br />

Valuation <strong>of</strong> Land Act 1960<br />

Section 126 <strong>of</strong> the Local Government Act states that:<br />

− the strategic resource plan is a plan <strong>of</strong> the resources required to<br />

achieve the council plan strategic objectives<br />

− the strategic resource plan must include the financial statements<br />

describing the financial resources in respect <strong>of</strong> at least the next four<br />

financial years<br />

− the strategic resource plan must include statements describing the<br />

non-financial resources including human resources in respect <strong>of</strong> at<br />

least the next four financial years<br />

− the strategic resource plan must take into account services and<br />

initiatives contained in any plan adopted by council and if the council<br />

proposes to adopt a plan to provide services or take initiatives, the<br />

resources required must be consistent with the strategic resource<br />

plan<br />

− council must review their strategic resource plan during the<br />

preparation <strong>of</strong> the council plan<br />

− council must adopt the strategic resource plan not later than 30<br />

June each year and a copy must be available for public inspection at<br />

the council <strong>of</strong>fice and internet website.<br />

In preparing the strategic resource plan, councils should comply with<br />

the principles <strong>of</strong> sound financial management as prescribed in the Local<br />

Government Act being to:<br />

− prudently manage financial risks relating to debt, assets and liabilities<br />

− provide reasonable stability in the level <strong>of</strong> rate burden<br />

− consider the financial effects <strong>of</strong> council decisions on future<br />

generations<br />

− provide full, accurate and timely disclosure <strong>of</strong> financial information.<br />

In addition to section 126 <strong>of</strong> the Local Government Act, parts 2 and 3<br />

<strong>of</strong> the regulations also prescribe further details in relation to the<br />

preparation <strong>of</strong> a strategic resource plan.<br />

Unrestricted cash and investments represents funds that are free <strong>of</strong> all<br />

specific Council commitments and are available to meet daily cash flow<br />

requirements and unexpected short term needs.<br />

The Valuation <strong>of</strong> Land Act 1960 requires a Council to revalue all<br />

rateable properties every two years.<br />

126 <strong>Greater</strong> <strong>Bendigo</strong> <strong>City</strong> Council <strong>Budget</strong> - <strong>2015</strong>/16

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