chapter - 1 introduction - Meghalaya State Pollution Control Board

chapter - 1 introduction - Meghalaya State Pollution Control Board

chapter - 1 introduction - Meghalaya State Pollution Control Board


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Hills Cement Co. Limited.<br />

The noise generation will be reduced at source by erecting noise dampening<br />

enclosures, by maintaining the machines and greasing them regularly. The<br />

vehicles are and will be equipped with silencers. The equipments shall be<br />

provided with acoustic shields or enclosures to limit the sound level inside the<br />

plant, the existing equipment already have these provisions. The secondary<br />

protective measures will be adopted at receptor points to reduce negative<br />

impact due to high noise levels. All the workers engaged at and around high<br />

noise generating sources are and shall be provided with ear protection<br />

devices like ear mufflers/plugs. Their place of attending the work will be<br />

changed regularly so as to reduce their exposure duration to high levels.<br />

They will be regularly subjected to medical check-up for detecting any<br />

adverse impact on the ears. The existing and proposed green belt will also<br />

help to prevent noise generated within the plant from spreading beyond the<br />

plant boundary in its own limited way.<br />

The following measures will be taken up to keep the noise levels with in<br />

permissible limits. a) Provision and maintenance of thick green belt to screen<br />

noise) Proper maintenance of noise generating machinery including<br />

Transportation vehicles) Provision of air silencers to modulate the noise<br />

generated by the machines/equipments) Reducing the exposure time of<br />

workers to the higher noise levels by rotation) Proper encasement of noise<br />

generating sources will be done to control noise level. Besides, ear<br />

muffs/plugs will be provided to the workers in the close vicinity of noise<br />

source) Provision will be made for special vibration dampers and monitoring<br />

to prevent propagation of vibration to surrounding areas. All workers working<br />

in noise borne area will be regularly subjected to medical check-up for<br />

detecting any adverse impact on their TLV of hearing.<br />

The above control measures have already been adopted in existing<br />

machinery/plant, which are very successful as is clear from the monitoring<br />

results.<br />


Mitigation measures<br />

The plant is designed for closed re-circulation cooling water system. The<br />

discharge of wastewater from other sources as DM water plant, boilers blow<br />

down will not be significant and can be re-used for dust suppression and in<br />

plant gardening etc.<br />

<strong>Pollution</strong> <strong>Control</strong> Consultants (India) Pvt. Ltd. 99

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