Scalar and Vector Projections
Scalar and Vector Projections
Scalar and Vector Projections
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<strong>Scalar</strong> <strong>Projections</strong><br />
<strong>Scalar</strong> <strong>and</strong> <strong>Vector</strong> <strong>Projections</strong><br />
When asked to find the scalar projection of one vector<br />
onto another vector, you are being asked to calculate the<br />
component of the first vector in the direction of the<br />
second. The result is a SCALAR QUANTITY.<br />
“ the component of b; the scalar distance of ON;<br />
scalar projection of a on b.<br />
Notation: <strong>Scalar</strong> projection of a on b:<br />
<strong>Vector</strong> Projection<br />
The vector projection of a on b is the vector ON Since<br />
ON will always be in the direction of b, we can<br />
calculate the required vector projection by multiplying b<br />
by a ratio of magnitude of ON <strong>and</strong> b.<br />
unit vector in the direction of b<br />
Notation: <strong>Vector</strong> projection of a on b:<br />
Example: Find the scalar <strong>and</strong> vector projections<br />
for a = (2, 4, -1) on b = (3, 3, 4).<br />
Example: Calculate the scalar <strong>and</strong> vector projections<br />
of a = (2, 3, - 4) on each coordinate axes.<br />
Note: If OP is the position vector of the point P(a, b, c) ,<br />
then the scalar projection of OP = (a, b, c) on the st<strong>and</strong>ard<br />
basis vectors i, j, k <strong>and</strong> are a, b, <strong>and</strong> c respectively. The<br />
vector projections of OP on the axes are ai, bj <strong>and</strong> ck.<br />
Direction Angles <strong>and</strong> Cosines<br />
To find the angles a vector makes with<br />
the coordinate axes:<br />
(a, b, c)<br />
Consider the vector OP = v = (a, b, c), the<br />
direction angles of OP for<br />
The positive x, y, z axes are commonly<br />
denoted by α, β, γ respectively.<br />
pg 398 #1,3,57,11, 14a, 15a<br />