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Imaging Coherent Electr<strong>on</strong> FlowBrian LeRoyDelft University <strong>of</strong> TechnologyHarvard UniversityJune 10, 2005www.mb.tn.tudelft.nlleroy@mb.tn.tudelft.nl

3.1.2 Transmitir N IN vezes cada um dos símbolos da c<strong>on</strong>stelação.É preciso c<strong>on</strong>hecer a mensagem transmitida no receptor, o quetorna esta fase supervisi<strong>on</strong>ada. Uma vez recebidos os símbolos, éfeita uma média aritmética entre as amostras corresp<strong>on</strong>dentes acada um deles, o que nos dá uma estimativa inicial de cada umdos símbolos da c<strong>on</strong>stelação distorcida. Algumasparticularizações deste passo serão comentadas na seção As estimativas obtidas no passo anterior são então usadascomo c<strong>on</strong>dição inicial para a rede neural. Com isto, os neurôniosjá estarão identificados com cada um dos símbolos transmitidos.3.2. Treinamento:Esta fase serve para que seja refinada, se c<strong>on</strong>statada talnecessidade, a estimativa inicial obtida na fase anterior, antes quea rede comece a operar.3.2.1. Separar um c<strong>on</strong>junto de N T vetores y(k) recebidos para otreinamento e ajuste da rede neural.3.2.2. Para cada vetor y(k), obter o índice do neurônio vencedor,através de:i = arg min ( || w j (k) – y(k) || ) (11)j<strong>on</strong>de w j (k) é o vetor do j-ésimo neurônio no instante k.3.2.3. Uma vez obtido o índice i, utilizar a seguinte fórmula deatualização dos pesos do i-ésimo neurônio:w i (k+1) = w i (k) + α[y(k) – w i (k)] (12)<strong>on</strong>de α é o passo de adaptação.3.2.4. Se julgar-se necessário, embaralhar os N T padrões e voltara Operação:Após as duas fases anteriores, c<strong>on</strong>sidera-se que a rede está apta aoperar como decisor ótimo (de acordo com o critério ML). Oprocesso de decisão c<strong>on</strong>siste em se determinar, para cada vetorrecebido y(k), o neurônio que tem o vetor de pesos mais próximodesta entrada. Como os neurônios já foram devidamenteidentificados, o símbolo corresp<strong>on</strong>dente ao vencedor é aestimativa de nosso decisor.É muito importante que a rede c<strong>on</strong>tinue a ser adaptada nosmoldes de 3.2.2 e 3.2.3 para todos os símbolos, para compensareventuais modificações do canal. Isto caracteriza a operação “<strong>on</strong>line”do decisor já devidamente treinado.4. APLICAÇÃO A SISTEMAS 4-PSK E 16-QAM COM VARIAÇÕES DE GANHO EFASEDentre as muitas possíveis escolhas para uma base ort<strong>on</strong>ormal,iremos c<strong>on</strong>centrar-nos neste trabalho em apenas uma: uma baseformada por duas senóides de mesma frequência e defasadas denoventa graus (cosseno e seno). Esta escolha permite-nosabranger uma ampla classe de esquemas de modulação digital.Iremos c<strong>on</strong>centrar nossa análise em dois exemplos significativos:modulações 4-PSK e 16-QAM. No primeiro caso, a informaçãoestá embutida na fase da portadora senoidal. No segundo, ainformação enc<strong>on</strong>tra-se na fase e na amplitude da portadora.A comp<strong>on</strong>ente associada ao termo cossenoidal da base échamada de comp<strong>on</strong>ente em fase, e o outro termo denomina-secomp<strong>on</strong>ente em quadratura. O c<strong>on</strong>junto de possíveis vetores decomp<strong>on</strong>entes do alfabeto do transmissor denomina-sec<strong>on</strong>stelação.Na exposição a seguir, foi arbitrado o valor da energia de cadasímbolo, sem perda de generalidade, e este valor foi usado noresto do trabalho.4.1. Esquema para a modulação 4-PSKNa modulação 4-PSK, há 4 possibilidades para as comp<strong>on</strong>entesde x :X 4-PSK = { [-1; -1], [-1; 1], [1; -1], [1; 1] } (13)Analisando esta c<strong>on</strong>stelação, percebe-se que a mesma ésimétrica. Isto permite que exploremos esta característica paraotimizar o algoritmo descrito na seção 3. Mais especificamente, opasso 3.1.2 pode ser alterado. Ao invés de enviarmos os quatrosímbolos desta c<strong>on</strong>stelação, basta que enviemos um deles (N INvezes). Feita a média, temos a c<strong>on</strong>dição inicial de um dosneurônios. Para obtermos a dos outros, basta imprimir 3deslocamentos de 90 o sucessivos, sendo que o vetor resultante decada deslocamento é c<strong>on</strong>siderado como c<strong>on</strong>dição inicial de umdos 3 neurônios restantes. A isto denominamos inicializaçãoortog<strong>on</strong>al da rede, que então estará pr<strong>on</strong>ta para a fase Esquema para a modulação 16-QAMNa modulação 16-QAM, há dezesseis possíveis símbolos:X 16-QAM = {[-3; -3], [-3; -1], [-3; 1], [-3; 3], [-1; -3],[-1; -1], [-1; 1], [-1; 3], [1; -3], [1; -1], [1; 1], [1; 3], (14)[3; -3], [3; -1], [3; 1], [3; 3]}Os quadrantes do plano no qual se enc<strong>on</strong>tra a c<strong>on</strong>stelaçãoexpressa em (14) serão denominados por nós quadrantesmaiores. Dentro de cada um destes, podemos definir outrosquadrantes, de modo a ser ter cada um dos quatro símbolos dac<strong>on</strong>stelação, simetricamente distribuídos, em um dos chamadosquadrantes menores. Portanto, cada símbolo pode sercaracterizado pela indicação dos seus quadrantes maior e menor.A princípio, pode-se propor um decisor baseado em 16 neurônios(um por símbolo), de forma análoga ao caso anterior. Podemos,porém, explorar as características de simetria da c<strong>on</strong>stelação 16-QAM para reduzir este número.Neste artigo, propomos um esquema baseado em quatr<strong>on</strong>eurônios para obter uma aproximação do decisor ótimo.Novamente, utilizamos a idéia de inicialização ortog<strong>on</strong>al,descrita na seção 4.1, sendo transmitido apenas o símbolo demaior potência de um dos quadrantes. Isto permite a realizaçãodo passo 3.1.2 na melhor SNR possível, tornando o algoritmomais robusto ao efeito do ruído.

Two-dimensi<strong>on</strong>al electr<strong>on</strong> gasQuantum Point C<strong>on</strong>tact GateOhmic C<strong>on</strong>tactGaAs/AlGaAs HeterostructureTwo-Dimensi<strong>on</strong>al Electr<strong>on</strong> Gas (2DEG)2DEG located 57 nm below surface

EF2DEG propertiesFree electr<strong>on</strong>s in 2D with a reduced mass2 2kF1= = m v*2m2 ** 2F= 0.067meLow (tunable) electr<strong>on</strong> density and l<strong>on</strong>g Fermi wavelength2π2π11 2λ = = 39nm n = = 4.2×10 / cmFk FHigh mobility and l<strong>on</strong>g elastic mean free pathµ = 1.0 x 10 6 cm 2 */V s = vmµ e=11µmλF2FmGood review article for basics about 2DEG and quantum point c<strong>on</strong>tactsBeenakker and van Houten, Solid State <strong>Physics</strong> 44 1 (1991) (c<strong>on</strong>d-mat/0412664)

Quantum point c<strong>on</strong>tactsElectr<strong>on</strong>s flowing through a narrow c<strong>on</strong>stricti<strong>on</strong>Ohmic c<strong>on</strong>tactElectrostatic gate300nmClassicalQuantumWidth

EF+ δµJn = e ∫ ρn( E)vndEEFCurrent in 1-DCalculate <strong>the</strong> current carried by a single modeJvelocityDensity <strong>of</strong> statesnρ ( ) nE2e 2e= δµ = ∂Vπ hdN 1 1= =dE π vDensity <strong>of</strong> states and velocity cancelIn 1-D each mode carries <strong>the</strong> same amount <strong>of</strong> currentF

Quantum point c<strong>on</strong>tacts-quantizati<strong>on</strong>What is <strong>the</strong> differential c<strong>on</strong>ductance?∞0∂IG ≡ =∂V2ehWhat are <strong>the</strong> values <strong>of</strong> Tn?T⎧0= ⎨⎩12∑n FnEn< EFAssume 1-D particle-in-a-box <strong>of</strong> width LEn= E whenFFinite temperature blurs <strong>the</strong> c<strong>on</strong>ductance plateaus2 ∞df 2eGET ( , ) = ∫ GE ( ,0) dE= ∑ f( En−EF)dE hFEL =i>TnλF2iEn=1

Quantum point c<strong>on</strong>tacts-modesC<strong>on</strong>ductance vs. Gate Voltage14121086420-1.2 -1.0 -0.8 -0.6Gate Voltage (Volts)T = 1.7 KTunneling Regime 1st Mode 2nd Mode

Quantum point c<strong>on</strong>tact-energy levelsC<strong>on</strong>ductanceGate Voltage6 66554 4 4332 2 2g = 2e 2 /hg = e 2 /h101g = 2e 2 /hV sd

Quantum point c<strong>on</strong>tact-energy levelsPlot <strong>of</strong> dG/dV gRed areas are plateaus,yellow and blue are steep14121086420-1.2 -1.0 -0.8 -0.6Gate Voltage (Volts)Horiz<strong>on</strong>tal distance between edges <strong>of</strong>diam<strong>on</strong>ds gives subband spacing

Outline• Introducti<strong>on</strong>• Measurement technique• Imaging a quantum point c<strong>on</strong>tact• Interference fringes• Measuring electr<strong>on</strong> density• Electr<strong>on</strong> optics• Electr<strong>on</strong>-electr<strong>on</strong> interacti<strong>on</strong>s• C<strong>on</strong>clusi<strong>on</strong>s

Liquid helium temperature scanningprobe microscope - cantileverAFM CantileverTip∆R cR c= 4 x 10 -7 /ÅR c ≈ 2000 ΩV BiasRR C25µmRRVV out∆R∝V outµ ∆R outcRVcV biasBias

Liquid helium temperature scanning probemicroscope – scan tubeWheatst<strong>on</strong>eBridgeFeedbackCircuitCross Secti<strong>on</strong>+V y1”-V x V z-V y+V xPiezoelectric TubeScan Range 20µm

Liquid helium temperature scanning probemicroscopeHeight50 nm1µm0 nm

Experimental techniqueAFM CantileverQuantum PointC<strong>on</strong>tact (QPC) GateTwo-dimensi<strong>on</strong>alElectr<strong>on</strong> Gas (2DEG)GaAs/AlGaAsheterostructuren-type GaAssubstratePerturbati<strong>on</strong> from tip causes scatteringwhich changes <strong>the</strong> c<strong>on</strong>ductance <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> QPCImage obtained by measuring c<strong>on</strong>ductancethrough <strong>the</strong> QPC as a functi<strong>on</strong> <strong>of</strong> tip positi<strong>on</strong>High flow High scattering High signalNo flow No scattering No signal

Weak ScattererImaging mechanismNo Backscattering=C<strong>on</strong>ductance UnchangedStr<strong>on</strong>g ScattererBackscattering=C<strong>on</strong>ductance Reduced

Effect <strong>of</strong> tip height10 nm 15 nm 20 nm 25 nm 30 nm 35 nm150nm 150nm 150nm 150nm 150nm 150nm0. (nm)∆G: 0 e 2 /h 1.6 e 2 /h80100Tip voltage -3.5 VoltsSignal <strong>on</strong>ly when voltage <strong>on</strong>tip depletes <strong>the</strong> 2DEG

Electrostatic simulati<strong>on</strong>n ⎛sV ⎞ εε0∆ n( ρ ) = V2 ⎜ ⎟+1 + / ⎝Vd⎠ d + εh( ρ d )Induced chargen

Quantum mechanical simulati<strong>on</strong>GatesTip0. (nm)Signal <strong>on</strong>ly when tip depletes 2DEG

Importance <strong>of</strong> depleti<strong>on</strong> regi<strong>on</strong>V tip-3.0V V tip-2.6V V tip-2.2V V tip-1.8V V tip0.0V V tip+3.0V50 nm0.060.040.02-3 -2 -1 0 1 2 3Tip Voltage (V)

Imaging requirementsPerturbati<strong>on</strong> from tip must backscatterelectr<strong>on</strong>s through <strong>the</strong> QPC.This requires that <strong>the</strong>re is an area depleted <strong>of</strong>electr<strong>on</strong>s beneath <strong>the</strong> tip.Can be accomplished by ei<strong>the</strong>r bringing tip closeto surface or increasing <strong>the</strong> tip voltageImaging <strong>on</strong>ly works with a negative tip voltageSize <strong>of</strong> perturbati<strong>on</strong> is set by distancebetween <strong>the</strong> tip and <strong>the</strong> 2DEGApproximately Lorentzian in shape

Outline• Introducti<strong>on</strong>• Measurement technique• Imaging a quantum point c<strong>on</strong>tact• Measuring electr<strong>on</strong> density• Interference fringes• Electr<strong>on</strong> optics• Electr<strong>on</strong>-electr<strong>on</strong> interacti<strong>on</strong>s• C<strong>on</strong>clusi<strong>on</strong>s

Topinka, LeRoy et al., Science 289, 2323 (2000)Imaging a quantum point c<strong>on</strong>tact1st Plateau 2nd Plateau 3rd Plateau∆G:0 e 2 /h -1.7e 2 /h

Coherent fringesC<strong>on</strong>structive & Destructive BackscatteringFringes spaced by λ F /2C<strong>on</strong>structive Interference: 2k F L = 2π nDestructive Interference: 2k F L = 2π (n+1/2)

Opening QPCNew Modes <strong>of</strong> current <strong>on</strong>ly appear <strong>on</strong> plateausPattern remains c<strong>on</strong>stant between plateaus

Heating electr<strong>on</strong>sSmall Bias Voltage V bias = 0.2mVG = 2e 2 /h G = 4e 2 /h G = 6e 2 /hLarge Bias Voltage V bias = 3.0 mVG = 2e 2 /hG = 4e 2 /hG = 6e 2 /h∆G: 0 e 2 /h 1.7 e 2 /hLarge bias voltage heats electr<strong>on</strong>sBlurred interference fringes

Extracting a modal patternExperiment TheoryExperimentTheoryDerivati<strong>on</strong>2nd Mode Flow 2nd Plateau Flow 1st Plateau Flow

Modal summaryExperimentTheory1st Mode2nd Mode3rd Mode∆G(percent)|Ψ | 2(arb unit)

Selective mode suppressi<strong>on</strong>No TipTip Blocking CenterTipTip Blocking SideTip500 nm500 nm500 nm64201.7e 2 /h2.0e 2 /hV g (Volts)Tip selectively modifies transmissi<strong>on</strong> coefficient <strong>of</strong> individual modes

Electr<strong>on</strong>-wave flow through 2DEG“Idealized” 2DEG Potential& Electr<strong>on</strong> WaveActual 2DEG Potential &Electr<strong>on</strong> Wave?2µmOperating Point2µmOperating Point

Coherent electr<strong>on</strong> flow through a 2DEG1µm∆G: 0 e 2 /h 0.4 e 2 /h

Modal patterns far away from QPC1st Mode2nd Mode3rd Mode4th Mode∆G: 0 e 2 /h 0.4 e 2 /h

Simulated imageDoes <strong>the</strong> presence <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> tip influence <strong>the</strong> image?Simulated electr<strong>on</strong> flowSimulated imageImage <strong>the</strong> unperturbed electr<strong>on</strong> flow

Unexpectedly high resoluti<strong>on</strong>100nmTip Perturbati<strong>on</strong> ~ 120nm FWHMbutFringe Resoluti<strong>on</strong> ~ better than 10nmLateral Resoluti<strong>on</strong> ~ better than 20nm

Unperturbed Currentand Tip Perturbati<strong>on</strong>High spatial resoluti<strong>on</strong>Tip Moving Through Current

Quantum and classical simulati<strong>on</strong>s0.2 E FPotential, U(x,y)1µm-0.2 E FClassical1µmQuantum Mechanical1µmTopinka, LeRoy et al., Nature 410, 183 (2001)

Formati<strong>on</strong> <strong>of</strong> CausticsClassical TrajectoriesPy-y Phase SpacePotential Dip

QPC Locati<strong>on</strong> shifts by 20 nmMoving QPC locati<strong>on</strong>500 nm

Shifting QPCUnequal voltage <strong>on</strong> QPC gates∆Ge 2 /h0.01500 nm230.4Difference <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> two scans1G diff-0.1e 2 /h500 nm500 nm0.0e 2 /h0.1e 2 /h

Mapping 2DEG potentialTip Locati<strong>on</strong>s0.5Potential?∆G (e 2 /h) nm0.1-4.0 -3.5 -3.0 -2.5 -2.0Tip Voltage (Volts)

Imaging a QPCImaged electr<strong>on</strong> flow near a quantum point c<strong>on</strong>tactModal pattern associated withwavefuncti<strong>on</strong>s in QPCInterference fringes spaced by λ F /2Imaged electr<strong>on</strong> flow far from a quantum point c<strong>on</strong>tactElectr<strong>on</strong> flow forms narrow branchesBranches are due to caustics caused by dipsin <strong>the</strong> potentialInterference fringes spaced by λ F /2

Outline• Introducti<strong>on</strong>• Measurement technique• Imaging a quantum point c<strong>on</strong>tact• Interference fringes• Measuring electr<strong>on</strong> density• Electr<strong>on</strong> optics• Electr<strong>on</strong>-electr<strong>on</strong> interacti<strong>on</strong>s• C<strong>on</strong>clusi<strong>on</strong>s

Interference fringesPresence <strong>of</strong> interference fringes showsthat electr<strong>on</strong>s are coherentUse interference to create new types <strong>of</strong> devicesthat rely not <strong>on</strong>ly <strong>on</strong> amplitude <strong>of</strong> signal but also<strong>the</strong> phase informati<strong>on</strong>Want to understand what causes<strong>the</strong> interference fringesCan this interference also be c<strong>on</strong>trolled?

Coherent fringesC<strong>on</strong>structive & Destructive BackscatteringFringes spaced by λ F /2C<strong>on</strong>structive Interference: 2k F L = 2π nDestructive Interference: 2k F L = 2π (n+1/2)

Finite temperature- <strong>the</strong>rmal smearingFermi energy for free electr<strong>on</strong>s in a 2DEG2 2kF1 * 2EF= = m v*F m* = 0.067me2m2Electr<strong>on</strong>s are not m<strong>on</strong>oenergetic, <strong>the</strong>y have a range <strong>of</strong>energy from <strong>the</strong> finite temperatureC<strong>on</strong>sider two electr<strong>on</strong>s that differ in energy by 2kTThey will have slightly different wavevectors, k2 2k,E = ,E ± FkT = + −+− *2mAssume kT

Thermal smearing (c<strong>on</strong>tinued)Now suppose <strong>the</strong>se electr<strong>on</strong>s interfere after a distance LEach <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> electr<strong>on</strong>s will have accumulated a phase, kLSo, <strong>the</strong>ir phase difference is2kT2∆ kL =v Define <strong>the</strong> <strong>the</strong>rmal length as when this phase difference is 1LtFLvF= L t ~ 200 nm @ 4.2 K2kTThe <strong>the</strong>rmal length can be better defined by using <strong>the</strong> spread in energy <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong>Fermi distributi<strong>on</strong>

Thermal smearing (c<strong>on</strong>tinued)As <strong>the</strong> length is increased, <strong>the</strong> range <strong>of</strong> accumulated phaseswill start to wash out <strong>the</strong> interference fringesEach electr<strong>on</strong> accumulates a different phase <strong>on</strong> <strong>the</strong>roundtrip from <strong>the</strong> tip to <strong>the</strong> QPC.Expectati<strong>on</strong>:Fringes decay with distance from QPCNote: The electr<strong>on</strong>s have not lost <strong>the</strong>ir coherence itis <strong>on</strong>ly being “hidden” by <strong>the</strong> <strong>the</strong>rmal smearing

Fringe persistence1D model <strong>of</strong> fringe persistence, calculate transmissi<strong>on</strong>through two delta functi<strong>on</strong>s as a functi<strong>on</strong> <strong>of</strong> positi<strong>on</strong>Fringe amplitude decays with distance

Fringe persistenceFringe Size (%)Distance from QPC (nm)No distance dependence observed

Backscattering from Tip and Impurities...Calculate wave backscattered to <strong>the</strong> QPC2ikRtip2ikR A itipeAeiΨ= +∑Rtipi RiLook at <strong>the</strong> amplitude <strong>of</strong> terms that vary with tip positi<strong>on</strong>2Ψ = 2Re∑AA eitipi i tip2 ik ( R −R)RRFinite temperature Range <strong>of</strong> wavevectorssignaltip2 ∂f = ∫ Ψ dE ∂ Ei

Fringe persistence far from <strong>the</strong> QPCIntegrand oscillates rapidly with energy except for terms with R i ≈ R tipAA2 2i tip−( Rtip −Ri ) / TsR (tip) = 2∑cos⎡2 kF ( Rtip −Ri) ⎤eRR ⎣⎦i i tipT=2k1/2 Fπ/4mkTTipImpurityAnnular band, width = TCombined backscattering <strong>of</strong>f <strong>the</strong> tip and <strong>the</strong> impurities in <strong>the</strong> annularband around r tip produces interference fringes spaced at λ F /2**S.E.J. Shaw et al, c<strong>on</strong>d-mat/0105354 (2001)Test this <strong>the</strong>ory with an artificial scatterer

Fringe persistence far from <strong>the</strong> QPCImpurityTipAnnular band, width = <strong>the</strong>rmal lengthCombined backscattering <strong>of</strong>f <strong>the</strong> tip and <strong>the</strong> impurities in <strong>the</strong> annularband around r tip produces interference fringes spaced at λ F /2**S.E.J. Shaw et al, c<strong>on</strong>d-mat/0105354 (2001)Test this <strong>the</strong>ory with an artificial scatterer

Scattering induced fringe enhancementQPC GatesReflectorImpuritiesScan Area∆G(e 2 /h)0.00.05V refl = 0 VV refl = -0.4 VV refl = -0.8 V

ReflectorVoltageFringe strength analysis0.0 Volts-0.4 Volts-0.8 Volts∆G (e 2 /h)FFT (arb. units)0.00 0.05 0 300Reflector enhances interference fringes

Single BounceFringe movementDouble BounceDouble100 nmSingle100 nmMovies range from V refl = -0.5 V to -1.0V in steps <strong>of</strong> 0.02 VReflecting ArcFringes move twice as fast attwice <strong>the</strong> distance from <strong>the</strong> QPCLeRoy et al., PRL 94 126801 (2005)

Single BounceFringe movementDouble BounceAverage Peak Movement0.10 µm/VoltAverage Peak Movement0.23 µm/VoltInterference fringes at twice <strong>the</strong> radius <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> reflecting arcmove twice <strong>the</strong> speed <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> arc

Fringe amplitudeFringes enhancedReflector backscattering suppressedFringes suppressedReflector backscattering enhancedFringe amplitude anti-correlated with reflector c<strong>on</strong>ductance

Heating electr<strong>on</strong>s1.7KQPC GatesReflector“4.2K”Scan Area“8.4K”

Temperature dependenceIncreased temperature destroys interference away from reflector

Interference fringesSpaced by half <strong>the</strong> Fermi wavelength, λ F /2Due to interference between electr<strong>on</strong>s backscattered by<strong>the</strong> tip an <strong>on</strong>es backscattered from impuritiesPersist throughout image because <strong>of</strong> backscattering fromimpuritiesCan c<strong>on</strong>trol <strong>the</strong>ir locati<strong>on</strong> by introducing artificial impuritiesDem<strong>on</strong>strated <strong>the</strong>ir movementwith a reflecting gateThey become more localized withincreasing temperature

Outline• Introducti<strong>on</strong>• Measurement technique• Imaging a quantum point c<strong>on</strong>tact• Interference fringes• Measuring electr<strong>on</strong> density• Electr<strong>on</strong> optics• Electr<strong>on</strong>-electr<strong>on</strong> interacti<strong>on</strong>s• C<strong>on</strong>clusi<strong>on</strong>s

Therefore want a local probe <strong>of</strong> densityMeasuring densityElectr<strong>on</strong> density measured by Shubnikov-de Haas oscillati<strong>on</strong>sgives <strong>the</strong> average value over <strong>the</strong> entire sample.Usually a Hall bar <strong>of</strong>~ 100 micr<strong>on</strong>sns=2e1h ∆( 1 B)For nanoscale devices, important to be able to measure <strong>the</strong>density in <strong>the</strong> vicinity <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> device

Electr<strong>on</strong> densityFree electr<strong>on</strong>s in two dimensi<strong>on</strong>s2 2kEF= **m2m=0.067meFermi surface is a circle2 2⎛ k ⎞ kn = 2π⎜ ⎟ =⎝2π⎠ 2πWavelength <strong>of</strong> interference pattern is related to kUse interference <strong>of</strong> electr<strong>on</strong> waves

Changing Fermi energyEffect <strong>of</strong> reducing Fermi Energy from 15 meV to 5 meV500 nmReducing Fermi Energy increases relative strength <strong>of</strong>bumps and dips in potential

Effect <strong>of</strong> reducing Fermi energyBack Gate 0 V Back Gate -1 V Back Gate -3 V Back Gate -5 V∆G: 0 e 2 /h 0.15 e 2 /hReducing Fermi energy, increases fringe spacing andcauses flow to be more diffuse

Measuring local electr<strong>on</strong> densityDensity Decreases, Wavelength IncreasesBack gate -1V Back gate -3V Back gate -5V2DEGWafer Pr<strong>of</strong>ileMeasured Density1.12 µm GaAs0.82 µm Al 0.3 Ga 0.7 Asn-type GaAsBackgateParallel platecapacitor model∆ n =11 -20.36 × 10 cm V∆VLeRoy et al., APL 80 4431 (2002)

Is it really local?Calculate spacing between two adjacent fringesPhase accumulated, φNeed phase to change by 2π, must move tip by LL=πkk is wavevector at this locati<strong>on</strong>Yes it is local, with resoluti<strong>on</strong> ~ fringe spacing

Mapping electr<strong>on</strong> density∆G(e 2 /h)0.00200 nm0.15Average Density, n = 2.95 x 10 11 cm -2Standard Deviati<strong>on</strong> σ = 0.48 x 10 11 cm -2

Electr<strong>on</strong> densityInterference fringes provide a way to measure<strong>the</strong> local electr<strong>on</strong> densityspacing =π2nDensity can be c<strong>on</strong>trolled by back gate voltagePattern <strong>of</strong> flow become more diffuse asdensity is decreasedPotential felt by <strong>the</strong> electr<strong>on</strong>s becomes a largefracti<strong>on</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong>ir energy at low density

Outline• Introducti<strong>on</strong>• Measurement technique• Imaging a quantum point c<strong>on</strong>tact• Interference fringes• Measuring electr<strong>on</strong> density• Electr<strong>on</strong> optics• Electr<strong>on</strong>-electr<strong>on</strong> interacti<strong>on</strong>s• C<strong>on</strong>clusi<strong>on</strong>s

Electr<strong>on</strong> opticsCreate elements to electrostatically c<strong>on</strong>trol electr<strong>on</strong>sElectrostatic lensSivan et al., PRB 41 7937 (1990)Image how electr<strong>on</strong>s travel through <strong>the</strong>se types <strong>of</strong> devices

Electr<strong>on</strong> optics <strong>the</strong>oryAnalog to Optical Index <strong>of</strong> Refracti<strong>on</strong>…p Sin( θ ) = p Sin( θ )1 1 2 2n Sin( θ ) = n Sin( θ )1 1 2 2

Electr<strong>on</strong> optics element - prism1µm“Refractive switch for two-dimensi<strong>on</strong>al electr<strong>on</strong>s”, J. Spector, H. L. Stormer, K. W.Baldwin, L. N. Pfeiffer, and K. W. West , App Phys Let 56, 2433-2435 (1990)

Electr<strong>on</strong> optics element - ballBall 0.0 VBall -0.5 V∆Ge 2 /h0.00.5Additi<strong>on</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> ball creates elliptical interference fringes

Electr<strong>on</strong> optics element - channel∆Ge 2 /h0.00.75Simulated TrajectoryElectr<strong>on</strong> trajectories are bent by <strong>the</strong> potential from <strong>the</strong> gate

Electr<strong>on</strong> opticsImaged electr<strong>on</strong>s traveling through <strong>the</strong> following devicesElectrostatic prismReflecting ballChannelCan learn about <strong>the</strong> potential from electrostatic gatesThe images show why it is difficult to make efficientdevices with <strong>the</strong>se type <strong>of</strong> gatesBranches <strong>of</strong> current limit <strong>the</strong> abilityto c<strong>on</strong>trol <strong>the</strong> flow

Outline• Introducti<strong>on</strong>• Measurement technique• Imaging a quantum point c<strong>on</strong>tact• Interference fringes• Measuring electr<strong>on</strong> density• Electr<strong>on</strong> optics• Electr<strong>on</strong>-electr<strong>on</strong> interacti<strong>on</strong>s• C<strong>on</strong>clusi<strong>on</strong>s

Interacti<strong>on</strong>sTo design devices relying <strong>on</strong> quantum informati<strong>on</strong> musthave a way to measure time (distance) over which <strong>the</strong>electr<strong>on</strong>s decohere.At low temperatures, electr<strong>on</strong>-electr<strong>on</strong> interacti<strong>on</strong>s limit<strong>the</strong> distance electr<strong>on</strong>s remain coherent in <strong>the</strong> 2DEGIn order to create devices relying <strong>on</strong> coherencemust be able to measure <strong>the</strong> electr<strong>on</strong>-electr<strong>on</strong>scattering time12∼ ( p−pF) ln ( p−pF)τeeImages can give a direct measure <strong>of</strong> this scattering time

DC bias techniqueNo Energy LossC<strong>on</strong>ductance ReducedEnergy LossC<strong>on</strong>ductance Unchanged

Voltage applied across QPC0.0 meV Across QPC∆ge 2 /h0.02.4 meV Across QPC0.4

Images <strong>of</strong> electr<strong>on</strong> flow2.74 µm from QPC 1.96 µm from QPC 1.20 µm from QPC∆G (e 2 /h)0.00 0.1350 nm 50 nm50 nm0.00 0.35 0.00 0.55E FE FTipQPCMovies range from 0.0 mV to 3.1 mV in steps <strong>of</strong> 0.15 mV

Measuring electr<strong>on</strong> energyFringe spacing indicates energy <strong>of</strong> electr<strong>on</strong>s

Measuring e-e scattering lengthElectr<strong>on</strong>-Electr<strong>on</strong> Scattering Time21 E ⎛F∆ ⎞ ⎡ ⎛EF ⎞ ⎛2q⎞TF1⎤= ⎜ ⎟ ⎢ln⎜ ⎟+ ln ⎜ ⎟+⎥τee 4π⎝EF ⎠ ⎣ ⎝ ∆ ⎠ ⎝ pF⎠ 2⎦Valid at T=0, ∆ is excess energyGiuliani and Quinn, PRB 26, 4421 (1982).What is probability that an electr<strong>on</strong> can travel distance L without a collisi<strong>on</strong>?2⎡ ⎤ ⎡ ⎤LL⎛∆ ⎞P~ Exp⎢− ⎥ ~ Exp⎢− ⎜ ⎟ ⎥⎢ vτv EF⎣ ee⎥⎦⎢⎣⎝ ⎠ ⎥⎦Signal relies <strong>on</strong> electr<strong>on</strong>s not colliding should decay like a gaussian…E FAssuming τ ee< τ elE FTipQPC

Differential c<strong>on</strong>ductance vs. excess energySignal decays more quickly at l<strong>on</strong>ger distances from <strong>the</strong> QPC0.6 µm0 meV 1 meV 2 meV 3 meV∆g(e 2 /h)0.001.4 µm50 nm0.55∆g(e 2 /h)0.0050 nm0.13

Differential c<strong>on</strong>ductance vs. excess energySignal decays more quickly with increasing back gate voltage0 meV 1 meV 2 meV 3 meVBack Gate 0V∆g(e 2 /h)0.0050 nmBack Gate -2V0.3550 nm

Signal Vs. excess energySignal decays more quickly at l<strong>on</strong>ger distances from <strong>the</strong> QPCSignal decays more quickly with increasing back gate voltage

Interacti<strong>on</strong>sImages are sensitive to whe<strong>the</strong>r or not an electr<strong>on</strong> haslost energyThis is used to measure <strong>the</strong> distance over whichelectr<strong>on</strong>s remain coherentThe measurements show that <strong>the</strong> scattering time depends<strong>on</strong> <strong>the</strong> Fermi energy and <strong>the</strong> excess applied energy.21 E ⎛F∆ ⎞ ⎡ ⎛EF ⎞ ⎛2q⎞TF1⎤= ⎜ ⎟ ⎢ln⎜ ⎟+ ln ⎜ ⎟+⎥τee 4π⎝EF ⎠ ⎣ ⎝ ∆ ⎠ ⎝ pF⎠ 2⎦

ExperimentAcknowledgementsHarvard UniversityTheoryMark TopinkaAnia BleszynskiKathy AidalaRobert WesterveltScot ShawAllis<strong>on</strong> KalbenEric HellerUniversity <strong>of</strong> California – Santa BarbaraKevin MaranowskiArt Gossard

Image pattern <strong>of</strong> electr<strong>on</strong>flow from a QPCC<strong>on</strong>clusi<strong>on</strong>sC<strong>on</strong>trol interference fringesImage local electr<strong>on</strong> densityImage electr<strong>on</strong> flow throughelectr<strong>on</strong> optics elementsImage electr<strong>on</strong>-electr<strong>on</strong> scattering

Current workCombined scanning tunneling spectroscopy andtransport measurements <strong>of</strong> carb<strong>on</strong> nanotubesPh<strong>on</strong><strong>on</strong> generati<strong>on</strong> and absorpti<strong>on</strong>LeRoy et al., Nature 432 374 (2004)

Improved fringe resoluti<strong>on</strong>Wiggling Tip VoltageFixed Tip Voltage100nm100nmdI/dVtip (nA/V)1.1 -0.80.0∆G (e 2 /h)0.6Wiggling tip voltage, images <strong>the</strong> spatial derivative <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> flow

Imaging with AC voltage <strong>on</strong> tipTip Voltage SeriesBias Voltage Series100 nmTip Voltage goes from 0 to -3.5 V100 nmBias Voltage goes from -6.25 to 6.25 mV

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