Chapter 14 Performance Management ... - State of Wyoming

Chapter 14 Performance Management ... - State of Wyoming

Chapter 14 Performance Management ... - State of Wyoming


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CHAPTER <strong>14</strong>PERFORMANCE APPRAISAL MANAGEMENTSection 1. <strong>Performance</strong> Appraisal System <strong>Management</strong> Program.The performance appraisal system is administered by the HumanResources Division.(a) The performance management program provides agencies andemployees with opportunities for performance planning, coaching and evaluation.The program provides for the establishment <strong>of</strong> job expectations, themeasurement <strong>of</strong> job performance, the identification <strong>of</strong> employee developmentand taking corrective action as necessary.(b) The Human Resources Division shall be responsible foradministering the performance management program to include:(i) The development and interpretation <strong>of</strong> rules, policiesand procedures specific to performance management.(ii) The development and implementation <strong>of</strong> components<strong>of</strong> the program as necessary (such as forms, on-line evaluation system andtraining).(iii) The monitoring <strong>of</strong> agency compliance and(iv) Reporting to state agencies, the Governor and theLegislature as necessary.Section 2. Coverage Applicability.(a) All employees, including probationary and permanent , must beappraised with the exception <strong>of</strong> the following:(a) All employees shall be evaluated as provided in this chapter with theexception <strong>of</strong>:(i) Elected <strong>State</strong> Officials and their Deputies(ii) Directors, Deputies, At-Will Agency Heads, andDivision Administrators who statutorily serve as at-will employees<strong>14</strong>-1<strong>Wyoming</strong> <strong>State</strong> Personnel Rules - <strong>Chapter</strong> <strong>14</strong>NOTICE OF INTENT TO ADOPT RULES AND REGULATIONSMarch 2, 2012

Administrator.(iii) Provisional and cContractual eEmployees(iv) Emergency(v) Temporary(vi) Interns(vii) Intermittent and(viii) Other positions as approved by the Human ResourcesSection 3. Responsibility <strong>of</strong> Agency Heads.Each aAgency heads is shall be responsible for ensuring that utilization <strong>of</strong>the performance management within their agencies in accordance with theestablished personnel rules and policies. appraisal system complies with theseprovisions and appraisal objectives, and that deadlines and internal equity aremet. Agency heads shall ensure that each employees are evaluated isappraised using on job-related performance criteria.Section 4. Probation and At-Will Status.(a) Conducting performance evaluations on probationary employees willin no way alter or change their probationary status during their probationaryperiod.(i) The probationary periodshall end upon completion <strong>of</strong> three hundred andsixty five (365) days <strong>of</strong> service from the date theemployee was given a probationary appointment.Time served in student intern, emergency,temporary, intermittent status and at-willappointments shall not be counted towards theprobationary period. Additionally, leave withoutpay, or donated sick leave, shall not count towardsthe probationary period.(ii) Conducting performanceevaluations on at-will status employees will in noway alter or change their at-will status.A probationaryemployee is anat-will employeewho has noexpectation <strong>of</strong>continuedemployment andmay be dismissedat any timeduring theprobationaryperiod withoutcause or reason.<strong>14</strong>-2<strong>Wyoming</strong> <strong>State</strong> Personnel Rules - <strong>Chapter</strong> <strong>14</strong>NOTICE OF INTENT TO ADOPT RULES AND REGULATIONSMarch 2, 2012

Section 4. 5. Appraisal Dates<strong>Performance</strong> <strong>Management</strong> EvaluationPeriod.(a) The performance evaluation period for all employees shall be fromOctober 1 through September 30 th , except as set forth in subsection (b).(b) For employees hired after October 1, 2011, the first evaluation periodshall be from the date <strong>of</strong> hire until the evaluation date described below.(i) Employees with a hire date between October 1 st andJune 30 th shall have a performance evaluation conducted by the end <strong>of</strong>September following hiring.(ii) Employees with a hire date between July 1 st andSeptember 30 th , shall have a performance evaluation conducted by the end <strong>of</strong>the second September following hiring.(iii) Upon the completion <strong>of</strong> the first evaluation, thereafter,as a permanent employee, the evaluation period shall revert to October 1stthrough September 30th.Section 6. Evaluation Date.(a) ) All covered employees hired on or before July 31, 1989, shall havean appraisal date <strong>of</strong> July 1. All employees’ performance evaluations shall becompleted by September 30th.(b) ) All covered employees hired after July 31, 1989, shall have thefollowing appraisal dates: Exceptions to the evaluation completion date and theevaluation period may be granted by the Human Resources Administrator uponwritten request.(c) Additional performance evaluations may be conducted at any timeduring the evaluation period at the discretion <strong>of</strong> the evaluator or the agency head.(i) Probationary Employees. The date the employee received aprobationary appointment.(ii) Permanent Employees. The first day <strong>of</strong> the month theemployee was given a permanent appointment.<strong>14</strong>-3<strong>Wyoming</strong> <strong>State</strong> Personnel Rules - <strong>Chapter</strong> <strong>14</strong>NOTICE OF INTENT TO ADOPT RULES AND REGULATIONSMarch 2, 2012

(c) Employees appointed to two (2) positions. The appraisal date <strong>of</strong> eachposition is the first day <strong>of</strong> the month that the employee was given a permanentappointment.(d) Reduction in force employee. A permanent employee separated dueto a reduction in force who has been reinstated within (24) months shall have thesame appraisal date as prior to the reduction in force.(e) Employee on leave <strong>of</strong> absence. Probationary employees taking aleave <strong>of</strong> absence without pay shall have their appraisal date extended by thenumber <strong>of</strong> days they are absent. Permanent employees shall have theirappraisal date extended for each calendar month they were absent. Thefollowing exceptions apply to permanent employees covered by the performanceappraisal system:(i) Workers' compensation. The appraisal date <strong>of</strong> an employee onleave <strong>of</strong> absence without pay due to a workers' compensation injury shall not beextended.(ii) Family and Medical Leave. The appraisal date <strong>of</strong> an employeeon leave <strong>of</strong> absence without pay due to Family and Medical Leave shall not beextended.Section 5. Frequency <strong>of</strong> Appraisals.A probationary employee is an at-will employee who has no expectation <strong>of</strong>continued employment and may be dismissed at anytime during theprobationary period without cause or reason.(a) Probationary Employees. Employees shall be appraised twice duringtheir probationary period. The first appraisal shall be completed within thirty (30)days before the beginning <strong>of</strong> the sixth month. The second appraisal shall becompleted within thirty (30) days before the employee's appraisal date.Conducting performance appraisals on probationary employees will in no wayalter or change their at-will status during their probationary period. Uponcompletion <strong>of</strong> the probationary period the employee shall receive a permanentappointment. This appointment shall be documented on the <strong>Performance</strong>Appraisal Report.(b) Permanent Employees. Permanent employees shall be appraised atleast annually within ninety (90) days before their appraisal date.(c) All employees shall receive an appraisal prior to a change inevaluators or moving to a position in another agency if their performanceappraisal date is within ninety (90) days <strong>of</strong> the change. The <strong>Performance</strong>Appraisal Report shall be sent immediately to the Human Resources Division.<strong>14</strong>-4<strong>Wyoming</strong> <strong>State</strong> Personnel Rules - <strong>Chapter</strong> <strong>14</strong>NOTICE OF INTENT TO ADOPT RULES AND REGULATIONSMarch 2, 2012

(d) Whenever concerns over an employee's performance arise, additionalappraisals along with a work improvement plan may be conducted at any timeduring the performance appraisal period at the discretion <strong>of</strong> the evaluator or theagency head.Section 6 7. Evaluators Qualifications.(a) ) Primary evaluator. The primary evaluator shall be the immediatesupervisor <strong>of</strong> the employee. An evaluator shall have at least ninety (90) days <strong>of</strong>direct supervision <strong>of</strong> the employee prior to conducting an evaluation. If this is notpossible due to extenuating circumstances, the agency head shall determine theappropriate evaluator.(i) If an evaluator changes positions after July 1 st , theevaluator shall complete all evaluations on employees they have supervised forat least 90 days prior to the change <strong>of</strong> position.(b) ) Qualification. The evaluator shall have received training on theperformance appraisal system management program as prescribed by theHuman Resources Division. Evaluators shall be trained on the performanceevaluation program prior to assessing the performance <strong>of</strong> any employee.Evaluators shall be required to attend continuing performance evaluationeducation programs as deemed necessary by the Human Resources Division.(c) Multiple evaluators may be used where designated by the agency.Each evaluator shall meet the requirements above. All evaluators shallcooperate in completing one (1) annual <strong>Performance</strong> Appraisal Report for theemployee.(i) When there is no qualified evaluator for an employee,the agency head shall determine the appropriate evaluator for that employee andshall notify the Human Resources Division prior to conducting performanceevaluations.Section 7 8. <strong>Performance</strong> Evaluation Forms Standards.The employee shall be appraised on a <strong>Performance</strong> Appraisal Reportdeveloped by the Human Resources Division. The evaluator shall use the formsdeveloped by the Human Resources Division to conduct and complete theplanning, coaching and evaluation for each employee.<strong>14</strong>-5<strong>Wyoming</strong> <strong>State</strong> Personnel Rules - <strong>Chapter</strong> <strong>14</strong>NOTICE OF INTENT TO ADOPT RULES AND REGULATIONSMarch 2, 2012

Section 8 9. <strong>Performance</strong> Planning.At the beginning <strong>of</strong> the performance appraisal period, the evaluator shallclarify to the employee the performance standards, priorities, expectations andestablish specific goals, special projects, and work activities for the appraisalperiod. Employee participation shall be encouraged in establishing theperformance plan. Any significant changes in the performance plan that occurduring an evaluation period shall be documented and discussed with theemployee. The employee and evaluator shall initial the <strong>Performance</strong> AppraisalReport.(a) The evaluator shall conduct a performance planning, goal setting andreveiew meeting with the employee by October 30 th or within 30 days <strong>of</strong>appointment to a position.(b)During this meeting the evaluator shall:standards and(i)Define and review the core competencies, workplace(ii) Develop goals for the performance evaluation periodand identify a target range for each applicable competency.Section 9 10. Mid-TermYear <strong>Performance</strong> Review.The evaluator shall provide the employee with performance feedback.(a) The evaluator shall conduct at least one (1) mid-termyearperformance review with the employee. The mid-termyear performance reviewshall be documented on the approved <strong>Performance</strong> <strong>Management</strong> forms. andkept on file by the evaluator. The evaluator and employee shall initial the<strong>Performance</strong> Appraisal Report.(b) The mid-year review provides an opportunity for the evaluator andemployee to review the employee’s previously established performance plan andfocus on employee performance to date. The evaluator may adjust theemployee’s goals, competency target ranges and workplace standards for theevaluation period. If necessary, the evaluator shall determine appropriateemployee development.Section 10 11. Appraisal Interview <strong>Performance</strong> Evaluation.<strong>14</strong>-6<strong>Wyoming</strong> <strong>State</strong> Personnel Rules - <strong>Chapter</strong> <strong>14</strong>NOTICE OF INTENT TO ADOPT RULES AND REGULATIONSMarch 2, 2012

The evaluator shall complete and document the employee’s performanceevaluation on the appropriate forms. The evaluator’s supervisor and the agencyHuman Resources representative or their designee shall review the performanceevaluation for procedural compliance as specified in this chapter, how theemployee’s rating was determined, and written justification with supportingdocumentation. The evaluator shall meet and discuss the final ratings with theemployee. The appraisal shall be documented on a <strong>Performance</strong> AppraisalReport. The employee shall be given the opportunity to attach written providewritten comments regarding the appraisal performance evaluation. A writtensummary justifying the employee=s overall performance rating shall be attachedto the <strong>Performance</strong> Appraisal Report. Any disputes concerning the review <strong>of</strong> theperformance evaluation and the performance management program shall beresolved by the agency head or designee.Section 11 12. Work <strong>Performance</strong> Improvement Plan For PermanentEmployees.(a) If the permanent employee's overall performance is rated as "needsimprovement unsatisfactory," the evaluator shall discuss and document with theemployee the areas needing performance deficiencies requiring improvementand immediately provide the permanent employee with a written workperformance improvement plan. which shall be considered a written letter <strong>of</strong>expectation in accordance with <strong>Chapter</strong> 11. The written work improvement planshall be on the Work Improvement Plan form developed by the HumanResources Division. The duration <strong>of</strong> the first <strong>Performance</strong> Improvement Planshall be forty-five (45) days. At the conclusion <strong>of</strong> the work performanceimprovement plan, the permanent employee shall be reappraised reevaluated onthe <strong>Performance</strong> Appraisal Evaluation FormReport. A written work improvementplan shall be developed every ninety (90) days until the employee's overallperformance rating "meets expectations," or other action is taken. A copy <strong>of</strong> thework improvement plan shall be forwarded along with the reappraisal to theHuman Resources Division. In accordance with <strong>Chapter</strong> 11 <strong>of</strong> the PersonnelRules, disciplinary action may begin or continue during any <strong>Performance</strong>Improvement Plan period.(b) Upon the reevaluation and an overall rating <strong>of</strong> “unsatisfactory”, asecond <strong>Performance</strong> Improvement Plan shall be developed within the evaluationperiod. The second <strong>Performance</strong> Improvement Plan shall not exceed forty-five(45) days in duration and may be closed at any time prior to the expiration <strong>of</strong> theforty-five (45) days if other action is taken unless a change <strong>of</strong> evaluator hasoccurred in accordance with subsection (e). At the conclusion <strong>of</strong> the secondperformance improvement plan, the permanent employee shall be reevaluatedon the <strong>Performance</strong> Evaluation Forms. Disciplinary action in accordance with<strong>Chapter</strong> 11 <strong>of</strong> the Personnel Rules shall be taken at the conclusion <strong>of</strong> the second<strong>14</strong>-7<strong>Wyoming</strong> <strong>State</strong> Personnel Rules - <strong>Chapter</strong> <strong>14</strong>NOTICE OF INTENT TO ADOPT RULES AND REGULATIONSMarch 2, 2012

<strong>Performance</strong> Improvement Plan upon a permanent employee’s reevaluationoverall rating <strong>of</strong> “unsatisfactory”.(c) No permanent employee shall be provided more than two (2)consecutive <strong>Performance</strong> Improvement Plans within a year <strong>of</strong> the overallunsatisfactory rating. Any changes in the permanent employee’s positionnecessitating changes in the <strong>Performance</strong> Improvement Plan that occur duringthe evaluation period shall be discussed between the evaluator and thepermanent employee and documented on the <strong>Performance</strong> Evaluation Forms.(d) A <strong>Performance</strong> Improvement Plan shall be documented on theappropriate forms as approved by the Human Resources Division. Theperformance improvement plan shall inform the permanent employee, through adetailed explanation; <strong>of</strong> the permanent employee’s job performance deficiencieswhich have resulted in an overall rating <strong>of</strong> “unsatisfactory” job performance. Theplan shall address behaviors and/or performance deficiencies identified duringthe performance evaluation to include:(i) A description <strong>of</strong> the impact <strong>of</strong> behaviors or performancedeficiencies on others, and if applicable, a statement <strong>of</strong> any policies,procedures, or rule violations and how to address the problem;(ii) A description <strong>of</strong> the permanent employee’sperformance in areas that are rated as “growth/improvement needed” and“unsatisfactory”;(iii) A description <strong>of</strong> the expectations for improvement inareas that are rated as “growth/improvement needed” and “unsatisfactory”;(iv) An explanation <strong>of</strong> the consequences if the permanentemployee’s performance does not improve and(v) Offering the permanent employee any appropriateassistance in achieving satisfactory job performance.(e) Change <strong>of</strong> Evaluator. If a permanent employee currently on a<strong>Performance</strong> Improvement Plan has a change <strong>of</strong> evaluator, the new evaluatorshall immediately review the performance improvement plan with the permanentemployee. Upon the completion <strong>of</strong> a minimum <strong>of</strong> forty-five (45) days <strong>of</strong> directsupervision, the new supervisor shall reevaluate the permanent employee’sperformance on the performance evaluation forms in accordance with Section 12(a) and (b).Section 12. Reappraisal <strong>of</strong> "Needs Improvement."<strong>14</strong>-8<strong>Wyoming</strong> <strong>State</strong> Personnel Rules - <strong>Chapter</strong> <strong>14</strong>NOTICE OF INTENT TO ADOPT RULES AND REGULATIONSMarch 2, 2012

(a) The evaluator shall reappraise the employee after a written workimprovement plan has been prepared and not more than ninety (90) days afterthe overall work performance has been determined as "needs improvement."(b) Change <strong>of</strong> evaluator or position. If the employee's overallperformance is "needs improvement" prior to changing positions or evaluators,the new evaluator shall immediately establish a performance plan for theemployee. After the new evaluator has had a minimum <strong>of</strong> ninety (90) days <strong>of</strong>direct supervision, the new evaluator shall re-evaluate the employee'sperformance on a <strong>Performance</strong> Appraisal Report.Section 13. Copies <strong>of</strong> Records.The original <strong>Performance</strong> Appraisal Report shall be submitted in a timelymanner to the Human Resources Division. A copy shall be placed in theemployee's agency personnel file. The evaluator shall give the employee a copy<strong>of</strong> the <strong>Performance</strong> Appraisal Report.Section <strong>14</strong>3. Time Periods.(a) ) In computing any period <strong>of</strong> time prescribed or allowed by thischapter, the day <strong>of</strong> the act, event or default from which the designated period <strong>of</strong>time begins shall not be included. The last day <strong>of</strong> the period so computed shallbe included, unless that day is a Saturday, Sunday or legal holiday. When theperiod <strong>of</strong> time prescribed or allowed is seven (7) days or less, intermediateSaturdays, Sundays or legal holidays shall be excluded from the computation.(b) ) Any time period prescribed by this chapter may be waived by mutualwritten agreement between the parties involved, provided such writtenagreement specifies the step in the procedure being extended and for whatlength <strong>of</strong> time, and provided that the agreement is signed by acknowledged byboth parties within the prescribed time period being waived. A copy <strong>of</strong> thisagreement shall be forwarded to the <strong>State</strong> Human Resources Administrator.(c) The Human Resources Administrator may upon written applicationand for good cause extend any time period set forth in this chapter.Section 15. Compliance with Procedure.If an employee does not properly comply with the procedural stepsrequired by this chapter, the employee shall have forfeited rights granted bythese provisions for the appeal. If the agency does not properly comply with theprocedural steps, the employee may proceed to the next step in the appealprocedure within five (5) days <strong>of</strong> the agency's noncompliance.<strong>14</strong>-9<strong>Wyoming</strong> <strong>State</strong> Personnel Rules - <strong>Chapter</strong> <strong>14</strong>NOTICE OF INTENT TO ADOPT RULES AND REGULATIONSMarch 2, 2012

Section 16<strong>14</strong>. <strong>Performance</strong> Appraisal Evaluation Review and AppealFor Permanent Employees.(a) Notice <strong>of</strong> performance appraisal rating. The performance evaluatorshall provide an employee receiving an overall rating <strong>of</strong> "needs improvement" acopy <strong>of</strong> the employee's <strong>Performance</strong> Appraisal Report. Receipt <strong>of</strong> this copy shallconstitute notice to the employee <strong>of</strong> the employee's performance appraisal rating.(a) At any time during the review and/or appeal process, documentationmay be included in support <strong>of</strong> a request for review or appeal or in support to anyresponse thereto.(b) Any disputes involving the performance management program shallnot be subject to the grievance procedures pursuant to <strong>Chapter</strong> 12 <strong>of</strong> the <strong>State</strong> <strong>of</strong><strong>Wyoming</strong> Personnel Rules.(bc) ) Request for reappraisalevaluation review. An permanent employeereceiving an overall rating <strong>of</strong> "needs improvement unsatisfactory" shall havetwentyten (2010) days from receipt <strong>of</strong> the performance appraisal evaluationrating to submit a written "request for reappraisalreview" to the permanentemployees's performance evaluator. The "request" shall contain a brief, concise,and specific statement <strong>of</strong> the permanent employee's contentions as to why therating is inaccurate. The request shall be limited to the areas <strong>of</strong> "needsimprovement unsatisfactory" as identified in the <strong>Performance</strong> AppraisalEvaluationReport.(i) The permanent employee has receipt <strong>of</strong> the evaluationwhen the employee acknowledges and signs or declines to sign the evaluationform.(cd) ) Response to rRequest for reappraisal Review. Within ten (10) days<strong>of</strong> receipt <strong>of</strong> the permanent employee's "request for reappraisal review," theperformance evaluator shall conduct a reappraisal <strong>of</strong> the employee'sperformance. The reappraisal shall be provide a written response to thepermanent employee that includes and shall include a brief, concise and specificstatement from the performance evaluator responding to the specific contentions<strong>of</strong> the permanent employee.(i) Based on the review the evaluator may revise ormaintain the employee’s rating(s).(i) Failure to respond to the request for reappraisal. The employeeshall proceed to the request for review by the agency head if the evaluator failedto respond to the request for reappraisal.<strong>14</strong>-10<strong>Wyoming</strong> <strong>State</strong> Personnel Rules - <strong>Chapter</strong> <strong>14</strong>NOTICE OF INTENT TO ADOPT RULES AND REGULATIONSMarch 2, 2012

(de) ) Request for rReview. Upon receipt <strong>of</strong> the performance evaluator'sreappraisal response, and if the permanent employee's overall performanceappraisal evaluation rating remains as "needs improvement unsatisfactory," or ifno response is received from the evaluator, or the lack <strong>of</strong> the evaluator=sreappraisal the permanent employee shall have ten (10) days to submit, inwriting, a request for review to the agency head. The permanent employee shallinclude in the request for review a brief, concise, and specific statement <strong>of</strong> thepermanent employee's contentions. The request for review shall be directedspecifically at to the performance evaluator's evaluation and any reappraisalresponse. The request for review shall include specific facts which establish that:1(i) the evaluator violated procedural requirementsestablished for or under the performance appraisal system managementprogram; and/or2(ii) the overall "needs improvement unsatisfactory" ratinglacks supporting documentation; and/or3(iii) the evaluator disregarded factors and circumstanceswhich substantially support a higher rating and thereby deprived the employee <strong>of</strong>a performance evaluation rating based on a rational basis job-relatedperformance criteria.(ef) ) Response to rRequest for rReview. If the employee has filed atimely request for review, the agency head shall respond to the request within ten(10) days <strong>of</strong> receipt <strong>of</strong> the request. If the agency head delegates thisresponsibility, a letter indicating the recipient <strong>of</strong> the delegation shall be submittedto the Human Resources Division. The agency head may delegate this authorityin accordance with <strong>Chapter</strong> 1, Section 4(b)(i), <strong>of</strong> the <strong>State</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Wyoming</strong> PersonnelRules. Before making a determination,, the agency head or designee, shallreview the appraisal evaluation, the reappraisaland the evaluator’s response, ifany or the lack <strong>of</strong> the evaluator=s reappraisal, and all documentation submittedby the performance evaluator and the employee. The agency head or designeeshall then make a determination as to whether the performance evaluator:1(i) ) violated procedural requirements established for orunder the performance appraisal system management program; and/or2(ii) ) the overall "needs improvement unsatisfactory" ratinglacks supporting documentation; and/or3(iii) ) the evaluator disregarded factors or circumstanceswhich substantially support the permanent employee's position and therebydeprived the employee <strong>of</strong> a performance evaluation rating based on a rationalbasis job-related performance criteria.<strong>14</strong>-11<strong>Wyoming</strong> <strong>State</strong> Personnel Rules - <strong>Chapter</strong> <strong>14</strong>NOTICE OF INTENT TO ADOPT RULES AND REGULATIONSMarch 2, 2012

(iv) Tthe determination shall be in writtening response shallinclude the agency head's determination and may direct the evaluator to makeany appropriate adjustment(s) to the employee’s evaluation. any action taken bythe agency head.(f) If the agency head determines any <strong>of</strong> the above violations haveoccurred, the agency head shall take action to address and, to the extentpossible, correct the violation. The action taken may include, but is not limited to,amending the performance reappraisal rating. The agency head shall respond inwriting to the employee <strong>of</strong> how the violation will be corrected and provide themwith a revised <strong>Performance</strong> Appraisal Report signed by the agency head ordesignee. A copy <strong>of</strong> the written response and the revised <strong>Performance</strong> AppraisalReport shall be forwarded to the Human Resources Division.(gfg) ) Appeal to <strong>State</strong> Human Resources Administrator. Within ten (10)days <strong>of</strong> receipt <strong>of</strong> the agency head's response to the employee's request forreview, the employee may appeal, in writing, the agency head's response to the<strong>State</strong> Human Resources Administrator. If the agency head does not respond tothe request for review within ten (10) days <strong>of</strong> the request, the employee shallhave fifteen (15) days from the date that the request was submitted to the agencyhead to appeal, in writing, to the <strong>State</strong> Human Resources Administrator. The<strong>State</strong> Human Resources Administrator shall have forty-five (45) thirty (30) daysafter receipt <strong>of</strong> all written documents and necessary information to make adetermination on the employee's appeal. The <strong>State</strong> Human ResourcesAdministrator shall review the appraisal evaluation, the reappraisal evaluator’sresponse, if any, and all documentation submitted by the performance evaluator,the employee and the agency head. If the <strong>State</strong> Human ResourcesAdministrator determines that the agency head's response was contrary to the<strong>State</strong> Personnel Rules, policies, or law, purpose and intent <strong>of</strong> the performanceappraisal system, or was contrary to the procedural requirements <strong>of</strong> the appraisalsystem, the <strong>State</strong> Human Resources Administrator shall require the agency headto correct the reappraisal evaluation, or to conduct another appraisal evaluation,or withdraw the evaluation. to take whatever action the Human ResourcesAdministrator deems appropriate to correct the violation. Should the <strong>State</strong>Human Resources Administrator determine that there is a conflict <strong>of</strong> interest, adesignee shall be appointed by the Governor to review the appeal.(gh) Compliance with Procedure. If an employee does not comply with<strong>Chapter</strong> <strong>14</strong> deadlines, the employee shall forfeit rights granted by this section forfurther review and/or appeal.<strong>14</strong>-12<strong>Wyoming</strong> <strong>State</strong> Personnel Rules - <strong>Chapter</strong> <strong>14</strong>NOTICE OF INTENT TO ADOPT RULES AND REGULATIONSMarch 2, 2012

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