Lawyers Fund for Client Compensation Committee Report including ...

Lawyers Fund for Client Compensation Committee Report including ...

Lawyers Fund for Client Compensation Committee Report including ...


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of the <strong>Committee</strong>. On any particular matter, the staff lawyer handling the claimprepares a recommendation as to what grant should be made based on the factsthat are fully set out in the recommendation memorandum.29. Referee reports are also approved by the Review Sub-<strong>Committee</strong>. In situationswhere staff are unable to make a recommendation, either because an agreementcannot be reached with the claimant as to the appropriate amount <strong>for</strong> a grant orbecause staff disputes the validity of the claim, a Referee Hearing may be held. TheReferee conducts the hearing, following which a report and recommendation as towhether a grant should be paid (and how much) is submitted to the Review Sub-<strong>Committee</strong>.30. The decision of the Review Sub-<strong>Committee</strong> is final, whether it involves arecommendation by staff or a report from a Referee.Issue31. At the May 22, 2002 <strong>Committee</strong> meeting there was concern expressed by some ofthe committee members that there was not more involvement by the full <strong>Committee</strong>on the grant approval process. There was some discussion about the possibility ofhaving a revolving Review Sub-<strong>Committee</strong>.32. Larry Banack outlined <strong>for</strong> the <strong>Committee</strong> the difficulty he has in staffing Disciplinehearing panels and expressed concerns about involving the full <strong>Committee</strong> in thereview of recommendations, as it would have the effect of tainting the entire<strong>Committee</strong> vis a vis the discipline process <strong>for</strong> members where grants have beenpaid from the <strong>Fund</strong>. This would further shrink the pool of Benchers available <strong>for</strong>Discipline hearings.33. A number of possibilities were suggested, <strong>including</strong> the appointment of subcommitteemembers on a rotating basis.Decision of the <strong>Committee</strong>34. The <strong>Committee</strong> decided to defer the discussion until after the next Bencherelection, at which time the matter should be referred to the new <strong>Committee</strong>.9

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