Yageo Corporation and Subsidiaries

Yageo Corporation and Subsidiaries

Yageo Corporation and Subsidiaries


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<strong>Yageo</strong> <strong>Corporation</strong> <strong>and</strong> <strong>Subsidiaries</strong>Consolidated Financial Statements for theSix Months Ended June 30, 2011 <strong>and</strong> 2010 <strong>and</strong>Independent Auditors’ Report

INDEPENDENT AUDITORS’ REPORTThe Board of Directors <strong>and</strong> Stockholders<strong>Yageo</strong> <strong>Corporation</strong>We have audited the accompanying consolidated balance sheets of <strong>Yageo</strong> <strong>Corporation</strong> (the“<strong>Corporation</strong>”) <strong>and</strong> subsidiaries as of June 30, 2011 <strong>and</strong> 2010, <strong>and</strong> the related consolidatedstatements of income, changes in stockholders’ equity <strong>and</strong> cash flows for the six months then ended.These consolidated financial statements are the responsibility of the <strong>Corporation</strong>’s management.Our responsibility is to express an opinion on these consolidated financial statements based on ouraudits. However, we did not audit the financial statements of a consolidated subsidiary, <strong>Yageo</strong>Europe Holding B.V. (“<strong>Yageo</strong> Europe”) as of <strong>and</strong> for the six months ended June 30, 2011 <strong>and</strong> 2010.The total assets of this consolidated subsidiary were 14.72% (NT$7,618,280 thous<strong>and</strong>) <strong>and</strong> 14.66%(NT$7,098,981 thous<strong>and</strong>) of the related consolidated totals as of June 30, 2011 <strong>and</strong> 2010,respectively, <strong>and</strong> the total revenues of this consolidated subsidiary were 18.00% (NT$2,404,682thous<strong>and</strong>) <strong>and</strong> 15.86% (NT$2,138,629 thous<strong>and</strong>), of the related consolidated totals in the sixmonths ended June 30, 2011 <strong>and</strong> 2010, respectively. We also did not audit the financialstatements of Chilisin Electronics Corp. as of <strong>and</strong> for the six months ended June 30, 2011 <strong>and</strong> 2010.The total investments in the above equity-method investee were 1.30% (NT$671,054 thous<strong>and</strong>) <strong>and</strong>1.40% (NT$678,551 thous<strong>and</strong>) of the related consolidated assets as of June 30, 2011 <strong>and</strong> 2010, <strong>and</strong>the total investment incomes on this investee were 1.28% (NT$21,352 thous<strong>and</strong>) <strong>and</strong> 1.90%(NT$49,534 thous<strong>and</strong>) of the related consolidated income before income tax in the six monthsended June 30, 2011 <strong>and</strong> 2010, respectively. The financial statements of the consolidatedsubsidiary <strong>and</strong> the other equity-method investee were audited by other auditors, whose reports havebeen furnished to us, <strong>and</strong> our opinion, insofar as it relates to the investees’ amounts included herein,is based solely on the reports of the other auditors.We conducted our reviews in accordance with Statement of Auditing St<strong>and</strong>ards No. 36 -“Engagements to Review Financial Statements” of the Republic of China. A review consistsprincipally of applying analytical procedures to financial data <strong>and</strong> making inquiries of personsresponsible for financial <strong>and</strong> accounting matters. It is substantially less in scope than an audit inaccordance with generally accepted auditing st<strong>and</strong>ards, the objective of which is the expression ofan opinion regarding the financial statements taken as a whole. Accordingly, we do not expresssuch an opinion.- 1 -

YAGEO CORPORATION AND SUBSIDIARIESCONSOLIDATED STATEMENTS OF CASH FLOWSSIX MONTHS ENDED JUNE 30, 2011 AND 2010(In Thous<strong>and</strong>s of New Taiwan Dollars)2011 2010CASH FLOWS FROM OPERATING ACTIVITIESNet consolidated income $ 1,135,374 $ 2,120,465Adjustments to reconcile net consolidated income to net cash providedby operating activities:Depreciation <strong>and</strong> amortization 1,455,713 1,580,617Loss (gain) on disposal of property, plant <strong>and</strong> equipment, net 451 (1,950)Valuation gain on financial instruments, net (64,553) (212,634)Allowance (reversal of allowance) for loss on inventories 80,805 (43,568)Investment gain recognized under the equity method, net (25,557) (73,591)Loss (gain) on sale of investments, net (82) 1,328Exchange loss (gain) on foreign-currency financial instruments, net (74,965) 50,229Amortization of discount on available-for-sale debt instruments (5,308) (5,625)Interest expense on bonds payable 100,264 107,111Deferred income taxes 356,772 264,909Net changes in operating assets <strong>and</strong> liabilities:Financial instrument at fair value through profit or loss (14,491) 51,105Notes receivable (19,562) 11,408Accounts receivable (705,627) (1,652,494)Accounts receivable from related parties 360 5,897Income tax refund receivable (1,093) (1,461)Other receivables 21,057 (52,692)Inventories (389,005) (685,795)Other current assets 132,576 (182,794)Notes payable 1,706 (35,198)Accounts payable (533,289) 1,183,309Accounts payable to related parties 92,359 (53,330)Income tax payable 14,370 79,629Accrued expenses (202,127) 138,701Other current liabilities 37,312 (80,831)Accrued pension costs 8,296 (20,411)Net cash provided by operating activities 1,401,756 2,492,334CASH FLOWS FROM INVESTING ACTIVITIESProceeds of the disposal of available-for-sale financial assets 500,082 184,467Acquisition of available-for-sale financial assets (502,000) (356,144)Acquisition of investments accounted for by the equity method - (6,080)Return of capital on investments accounted for by the equity method - 12,784Return of capital on the liquidation of financial assets carried at cost 18,000 -Proceeds of the disposal of property, plant <strong>and</strong> equipment 1,208 31,793Acquisition of property, plant <strong>and</strong> equipment (1,554,562) (1,155,622)Decrease in refundable deposits 429 1,998Increase in other assets (166,586) (331,999)Net cash used in investing activities (1,703,429) (1,618,803)(Continued)- 7 -

YAGEO CORPORATION AND SUBSIDIARIESCONSOLIDATED STATEMENTS OF CASH FLOWSSIX MONTHS ENDED JUNE 30, 2011 AND 2010(In Thous<strong>and</strong>s of New Taiwan Dollars)2011 2010CASH FLOWS FROM FINANCING ACTIVITIESIncrease (decrease) in short-term bank loans $ 2,706,816 $ (191,921)Increase (decrease) in short-term bills payable 453,379 (964,950)Decrease in long-term bank debts (1,700,000) (2,500,000)Increase (decrease) in guarantee deposits received (12,178) 10,811Cash dividends paid (329,163) -Issuance of common stock on the exercise of employee stock options 36,900 -Net cash provided by (used in) financing activities 1,155,754 (3,646,060)EFFECT OF EXCHANGE RATE CHANGES 82,878 (118,229)NET INCREASE (DECREASE) IN CASH AND CASHEQUIVALENTS 936,959 (2,890,758)CASH AND CASH EQUIVALENTS, BEGINNING OF YEAR 8,700,536 10,028,357CASH AND CASH EQUIVALENTS, END OF YEAR $ 9,637,495 $ 7,137,599SUPPLEMENTAL CASH FLOW INFORMATIONInterest paid $ 23,399 $ 24,761Less: Capitalized interest 3,450 8,775Net interest paid excluding capitalized interest $ 19,949 $ 15,986Income tax paid $ 156,414 $ 132,424NONCASH INVESTING AND FINANCING ACTIVITIESDeferred expense reclassified to property, plant <strong>and</strong> equipment $ 19,335 $ -Assets leased to others reclassified to idle assets $ - $ 92,830Current portion of long-term liabilities $ - $ 312,500Cash dividend payable $ 220,531 $ 329,229INVESTING ACTIVITIES AFFECTING BOTH CASH ANDNONCASH ITEMSProceeds of the disposal of available-for-sale financial assets $ 500,082 $ 94,648Decrease in receivables for the disposal of available-for-sale financialassets - 89,819Cash received for the disposal of available-for-sale financial assets $ 500,082 $ 184,467Acquisition of property, plant <strong>and</strong> equipment $ 1,289,851 $ 1,794,683Decrease (increase) in payables for equipment purchased (recognizedunder other current liabilities) 264,711 (639,061)Cash paid for the acquisition of property, plant <strong>and</strong> equipment $ 1,554,562 $ 1,155,622The accompanying notes are an integral part of the consolidated financial statements.(With Deloitte & Touche audit report dated August 19, 2011)(Concluded)- 8 -

YAGEO CORPORATION AND SUBSIDIARIESNOTES TO CONSOLIDATED FINANCIAL STATEMENTSSIX MONTHS ENDED JUNE 30, 2011 AND 2010(In Thous<strong>and</strong>s of New Taiwan Dollars, Except Exchange Rate <strong>and</strong> Unless Stated Otherwise)1. ORGANIZATION AND OPERATIONS<strong>Yageo</strong> <strong>Corporation</strong> (the “<strong>Corporation</strong>”) was incorporated in 1987 in the Republic of China (ROC). The<strong>Corporation</strong>’s shares are traded on the Taiwan Stock Exchange.The <strong>Corporation</strong> manufactures <strong>and</strong> sells passive components. It also produces <strong>and</strong> sells equipment used tomanufacture passive components.The <strong>Corporation</strong> <strong>and</strong> the consolidated subsidiaries (the “Group”) had 10,317 <strong>and</strong> 10,698 employees as ofJune 30, 2011 <strong>and</strong> 2010, respectively.The <strong>Corporation</strong>’s subsidiaries were as follows:a. <strong>Subsidiaries</strong> that manufacture <strong>and</strong> market passive components - Ferroxcube Taiwan, Ltd. (“FerroxcubeTaiwan”), <strong>Yageo</strong> Electronics (Dongguan) Co., Ltd. (“<strong>Yageo</strong> Dongguan”), <strong>Yageo</strong> Electronics (China)Co., Ltd. (“<strong>Yageo</strong> China”), Ferroxcube Electronics (Dongguan) Co., Ltd. (“Ferroxcube Dongguan”),<strong>Yageo</strong> Components (Su Zhou) Co., Ltd., <strong>Yageo</strong> SZ Trade Co., Ltd., <strong>Yageo</strong> USA (H.K.) Limited,Compostar Technology (Dongguan) Co., Ltd. (“Compostar Dongguan”), Compostar Technology (SuZhou) Co., Ltd. (“Compostar Su Zhou”), Ko-E Corp. (“Ko-E”), Ko-E (H.K.) Limited (“Ko-E H.K.”),Ko-E Technology (Shenzhen) Co., Ltd. (“Ko-E Shenzhen”), Vitrohm Portuguesa LDA (“VitrohmPortuguesa”), <strong>Yageo</strong> Europe Holding B.V. (“<strong>Yageo</strong> Europe”), Ferroxcube International Holding B.V.(“Ferroxcube”), <strong>Yageo</strong> Korea, <strong>Yageo</strong> Japan, <strong>Yageo</strong> America <strong>Corporation</strong>, <strong>Yageo</strong> <strong>Corporation</strong> (SouthAsia) PTE. LTD., <strong>and</strong> Phycomp Malaysia SDN. BHD.b. Investment holding subsidiaries - <strong>Yageo</strong> Holding (Bermuda) Limited (“<strong>Yageo</strong> Holding Bermuda”),Ko-E Holding (Cayman Isl<strong>and</strong>s) (“Ko-E Holding Cayman”), Ltd., Vitrohm Holding GmbH, Kuo ShinInvestment Limited (“Kuo Shin Investment”), Ferroxcube Holding (Samoa), Ltd. (“Ferroxcube HoldingSamoa”), Hsu Tai International (H.K.) (“Hsu Tai H.K.”), Compostar Technology (Cayman), Ltd.(“Compostar Cayman”), <strong>Yageo</strong> (Hong Kong) Limited (“<strong>Yageo</strong> Hong Kong”), Ferroxcube Technology(H.K.), Ltd. (“Ferroxcube Technology H.K.”), Compostar Technology (H.K.) Co., Ltd. (“CompostarH.K.”) <strong>and</strong> Rextron International.The organization chart of the Group as of June 30, 2011 is shown as Table 10.2. SIGNIFICANT ACCOUNTING POLICIESThe accompanying consolidated financial statements have been prepared in conformity with the GuidelinesGoverning the Preparation of Financial Reports by Securities Issuers, <strong>and</strong> accounting principles generallyaccepted in the Republic of China (ROC).For readers’ convenience, the accompanying consolidated financial statements have been translated intoEnglish from the original Chinese version prepared <strong>and</strong> used in the ROC. If inconsistencies arise betweenthe English version <strong>and</strong> the Chinese version or if differences arise in the interpretations between the twoversions, the Chinese version of the financial statements shall prevail.- 9 -

Significant accounting policies are summarized as follows:Foreign-currency TransactionsNonderivative foreign-currency transactions are recorded in New Taiwan dollars at the rates of exchange ineffect when the transactions occur. Exchange differences arising from the settlement of foreign-currencyassets <strong>and</strong> liabilities are recognized in profit or loss.At the balance sheet date, foreign-currency monetary assets <strong>and</strong> liabilities are revalued at prevailingexchange rates, <strong>and</strong> the exchange differences are recognized as gain or loss.At the balance sheet date, foreign-currency nonmonetary assets (such as equity instruments) <strong>and</strong> liabilitiesthat are measured at fair value are revalued using prevailing exchange rates, with the exchange differencestreated as follows:a. Recognized in stockholders’ equity if the changes in fair value are recognized in stockholders’ equity;b. Recognized in profit <strong>and</strong> loss if the changes in fair value are recognized in profit or loss.Foreign-currency nonmonetary assets <strong>and</strong> liabilities that are carried at cost continue to be stated at exchangerates at trade dates.If the functional currencies of equity-method investees are foreign currencies, translation adjustments willresult from the translation of the investees’ financial statements into the reporting currency of the parentcompany. These adjustments are accumulated <strong>and</strong> reported as a separate component of stockholders’equity.Accounting EstimatesUnder the above guidelines <strong>and</strong> principles, certain estimates <strong>and</strong> assumptions have been used for theallowance for doubtful accounts; allowance for loss on inventories; depreciation <strong>and</strong> impairment ofproperty, plant, <strong>and</strong> equipment; assets leased to others <strong>and</strong> idle assets; impairment of intangible assets;income tax; pension cost; bonuses to employees; remuneration to directors <strong>and</strong> supervisors, etc. Actualresults may differ from these estimates.Current <strong>and</strong> Noncurrent Assets <strong>and</strong> LiabilitiesCurrent assets include cash <strong>and</strong> cash equivalents <strong>and</strong> those assets held primarily for trading purposes or tobe realized, sold or consumed within one year from the balance sheet date. All other assets such asproperty, plant <strong>and</strong> equipment <strong>and</strong> intangible assets are classified as noncurrent. Current liabilities areobligations incurred for trading purposes or to be settled within one year from the balance sheet date. Allother liabilities are classified as noncurrent.Basis for ConsolidationThe accompanying consolidated financial statements include the accounts of all directly <strong>and</strong> indirectlysubsidiaries of the <strong>Corporation</strong>.All significant intercompany balances <strong>and</strong> transactions are eliminated upon consolidation. Goodwill is theacquisition cost of the investment in excess of the Group’s proportionate equity in the fair value of thesubsidiary’s identifiable net assets. Goodwill will be tested for impairment at least annually. If an eventor circumstance shows that it is more likely than not that goodwill is impaired, an impairment test is made.For consolidated subsidiaries with financial statements not expressed in New Taiwan dollars, thosefinancial statements were translated into New Taiwan dollars for consolidation purposes at the followingforeign exchange rates: (a) assets <strong>and</strong> liabilities - prevailing exchange rates on the balance sheet dates, (b)stockholders’ equity - historical rates, <strong>and</strong> (c) profit <strong>and</strong> loss accounts - weighted average rates for the year.- 10 -

For the six months ended June 30, 2011 <strong>and</strong> 2010 consolidated financial statement include the <strong>Corporation</strong>,Ferroxcube Taiwan, <strong>Yageo</strong> Dongguan, <strong>Yageo</strong> China, Ferroxcube Dongguan, <strong>Yageo</strong> Components (Su Zhou)Co., Ltd., <strong>Yageo</strong> SZ Trade Co., Ltd., <strong>Yageo</strong> USA (H.K.), Compostar Cayman, Compostar Dongguan,Compostar Su Zhou, Vitrohm Portuguesa, <strong>Yageo</strong> Europe, Ferroxcube, <strong>Yageo</strong> Korea, <strong>Yageo</strong> Japan, <strong>Yageo</strong>America <strong>Corporation</strong>, <strong>Yageo</strong> <strong>Corporation</strong> (South Asia) PTE. LTD., Phycomp Malaysia SDN. BHD., <strong>Yageo</strong>Holding Bermuda, Vitrohm Holding GmbH, Kuo Shin Investment, <strong>Yageo</strong> Hong Kong, Compostar H.K.,Ferroxcube Holding Samoa, Ferroxcube Technology H.K., Hsu Tai H.K., Ko-E Holding Cayman, Ko-E,Ko-E H.K., Ko-E Shenzhen <strong>and</strong> Rextron International.We did not review the financial statements as of <strong>and</strong> for the six months ended June 30, 2011 <strong>and</strong> 2010 ofthe following consolidated subsidiaries: <strong>Yageo</strong> <strong>Corporation</strong> (South Asia) PTE. Ltd.; Phycomp MalaysiaSDN. BHD.; <strong>Yageo</strong> America <strong>Corporation</strong>; Compostar Cayman; Compostar Dongguan; Compostar H.K.;Ferroxcube Taiwan; Ferroxcube Holding Samoa; Ferroxcube Technology H.K.; <strong>Yageo</strong> Japan; <strong>Yageo</strong>Korea; Vitrohm Holding GmbH; Vitrohm Portuguesa; <strong>Yageo</strong> Components (Su Zhou) Co., Ltd.; <strong>and</strong> HsuTai H.K. As of June 30, 2011 <strong>and</strong> 2010, these subsidiaries’ total assets were 3.17% (NT$1,639,332thous<strong>and</strong>) <strong>and</strong> 3.13% (NT$1,516,457 thous<strong>and</strong>), respectively, of the consolidated total assets, <strong>and</strong> their totalliabilities were 1.39% (NT$261,708 thous<strong>and</strong>) <strong>and</strong> 1.49% (NT$261,942 thous<strong>and</strong>), respectively, of theconsolidated total liabilities. In the six months ended June 30, 2011 <strong>and</strong> 2010, the operating revenues ofthese subsidiaries were 6.21% (NT$829,067 thous<strong>and</strong>) <strong>and</strong> 7.23% (NT$974,726 thous<strong>and</strong>), respectively, ofthe consolidated operating revenues, <strong>and</strong> the net incomes were 1.90% (NT$21,584 thous<strong>and</strong>) <strong>and</strong> 7.40%(NT$157,015 thous<strong>and</strong>), respectively, of the consolidated total net income.Cash EquivalentsCash equivalents (commercial paper) are highly liquid financial instruments with maturities of three monthsor less when acquired <strong>and</strong> with carrying amounts that approximate their fair values.Financial Instruments at Fair Value Through Profit or LossFinancial instruments classified as financial assets or financial liabilities at fair value through profit or loss(FVTPL) include financial assets or financial liabilities held for trading <strong>and</strong> those designated as at FVTPLon initial recognition. The Group recognizes a financial asset or a financial liability in its balance sheetwhen the Group becomes a party to the contractual provisions of the financial instrument. A financialasset is derecognized when the Group loses control of its contractual rights over the financial asset. Afinancial liability is derecognized when the obligation specified in the relevant contract is discharged,canceled or expired.Financial instruments at FVTPL are initially measured at fair value. Transaction costs directly attributableto the acquisition of financial assets or financial liabilities at FVTPL are recognized immediately in profitor loss. At each balance sheet date subsequent to initial recognition, financial assets or financial liabilitiesat FVTPL are remeasured at fair value, with changes in fair value recognized directly in profit or loss in theyear in which they arise. Cash dividends received subsequently (including those received in the year ofinvestment) are recognized as income for the year. On derecognition of a financial asset or a financialliability, the difference between its carrying amount <strong>and</strong> the sum of the consideration received <strong>and</strong>receivable or consideration paid <strong>and</strong> payable is recognized in profit or loss. All regular way purchases orsales of financial assets are recognized <strong>and</strong> derecognized on a settlement date basis.A derivative that does not meet the criteria for hedge accounting is classified as a financial asset or afinancial liability held for trading. If the fair value of the derivative is positive, the derivative isrecognized as a financial asset; otherwise, the derivative is recognized as a financial liability.Fair values of financial assets <strong>and</strong> financial liabilities at the balance sheet date are determined as follows:publicly traded stocks - at closing prices; open-end mutual funds - at net asset values; bonds - at pricesquoted by the Taiwan GreTai Securities Market; <strong>and</strong> financial assets <strong>and</strong> financial liabilities without quotedprices in an active market - at values determined using valuation techniques.- 11 -

Available-for-sale Financial AssetsAvailable-for-sale financial assets are initially measured at fair value plus transaction costs that are directlyattributable to the acquisition. At each balance sheet date subsequent to initial recognition,available-for-sale financial assets are remeasured at fair value, with changes in fair value recognized inequity until the financial assets are disposed of, at which time, the cumulative gain or loss previouslyrecognized in equity is included in profit or loss for the year. All regular way purchases or sales offinancial assets are recognized <strong>and</strong> derecognized on a settlement date basis.The recognition, derecognition <strong>and</strong> the fair value basis of available-for-sale financial assets are the samewith those of financial assets at FVTPL.Cash dividends are recognized on the ex-dividend date, except for dividends distributed from thepre-acquisition profit, which are treated as a reduction of investment cost. Stock dividends are notrecognized as investment income but are recorded as an increase in the number of shares. The totalnumber of shares subsequent to the increase is used for the recalculation of cost per share. The differencebetween the initial cost of a debt instrument <strong>and</strong> its maturity amount is amortized using the effective interestmethod, with the amortized interest recognized in profit or loss.An impairment loss is recognized when there is objective evidence that the financial asset is impaired.Any subsequent decrease in impairment loss for an equity instrument classified as available-for-sale isrecognized directly in equity. If the fair value of a debt instrument classified as available-for-salesubsequently increases as a result of an event which occurred after the impairment loss was recognized, thedecrease in impairment loss is reversed to profit.Impairment of Accounts ReceivableAn allowance for doubtful accounts is provided on the basis of a review of the collectability of accountsreceivable. This review involves the aging analysis of the outst<strong>and</strong>ing receivables, credit evaluation <strong>and</strong>assessment of relevant economic circumstances.As discussed in Note 3 to the financial statements, the Group early adopted the third-time revised Statementof Financial Accounting St<strong>and</strong>ards (SFAS) No. 34 - “Financial Instruments: Recognition <strong>and</strong>Measurement.” One of the main revisions is that the impairment of receivables originated by the Groupshould be covered by SFAS No. 34. Accounts receivable are assessed for impairment at the end of eachreporting period <strong>and</strong> considered to be impaired when there is objective evidence that, as a result of one ormore events that occurred after the initial recognition of the accounts receivable, the estimated future cashflows of the asset have been affected. Objective evidence of impairment could include:• Significant financial difficulty of the debtor;• The accounts receivable becoming overdue; or• Probability that the debtor will enter into bankruptcy or undergo financial reorganization.Accounts receivable that are assessed as not impaired individually are further assessed for collectiveimpairment. Objective evidence of impairment for a portfolio of accounts receivable could include theGroup’s past difficulty in collecting payments <strong>and</strong> an increase in the number of delayed payments as well asobservable changes in national or local economic conditions that correlate with defaults on receivables.The impairment loss recognized is the difference between the asset carrying amount <strong>and</strong> the present valueof estimated future cash flows, after taking into account the related collaterals <strong>and</strong> guarantees, discounted atthe receivable’s original effective interest rate. The carrying amount of the accounts receivable is reducedthrough the use of an allowance account. When accounts receivable are considered uncollectible, they arewritten off against the allowance account. Recoveries of amounts previously written off are credited to theallowance account. Changes in the carrying amount of the allowance account are recognized as bad debtin profit or loss.- 12 -

InventoriesInventories consist of raw materials, supplies, finished goods, merch<strong>and</strong>ise <strong>and</strong> work-in-process <strong>and</strong> arestated at the lower of cost or net realizable value. Inventory write-downs are made by item, except whereit may be appropriate to group similar or related items. Net realizable value is the estimated selling priceof inventories less all estimated costs of completion <strong>and</strong> costs necessary to make the sale. Inventory costsare determined using the weighted-average method.Investments Accounted for by the Equity MethodInvestments in which the Group holds 20 percent or more of the investees’ voting shares or exercisessignificant influence over the investees’ operating <strong>and</strong> financial policy decisions are accounted for by theequity method. Under the equity method, the Group’s investment is stated at cost on the acquisition date<strong>and</strong> subsequently adjusted for the proportionate share of the Group in the net income or net loss of theinvestees. Any cash dividends received from the investees are accounted for as a reduction of the carryingvalue of the investments.Under the equity method, the acquisition cost is analyzed, <strong>and</strong> the acquisition cost in excess of the Group’sshare of the fair value of the identifiable net assets acquired is recognized as goodwill. Goodwill is notamortized but instead is tested for impairment annually or whenever there are indications that theinvestments are impaired.When the Group subscribes for its investee’s newly issued shares at a percentage different from itspercentage of ownership in the investee, the Group records the change in its equity in the investee’s netassets as an adjustment to investments, with a corresponding amount credited or charged to capital surplus.When the adjustment should be debited to capital surplus, but the capital surplus arising from long-terminvestments is insufficient, the shortage is debited to retained earnings.When an indication of impairment is identified in an investment, the carrying amount of the investment isreduced, with the related impairment loss charged to current income. For long term equity investments onwhich the Group has significant influence but over which it has no controlling interests, the carryingamount (including goodwill) of each investment is compared with its own recoverable amount forimpairment testing.Stock dividends are not recognized as investment income but are recorded as an increase in the number ofshares. The total number of shares subsequent to the increase is used for recalculation of cost per share orbook value. Costs of investments sold are determined using the weighted-moving-average method.If the Group loses its significant influence over equity-method investments with no quoted market prices inan active market <strong>and</strong> with fair values that cannot be reliably measured, such as non-publicly traded stocks<strong>and</strong> stocks traded in the Emerging Stock Market, the carrying values of the investments will be reclassifiedto financial assets measured at holding cost.Financial Assets Carried at CostInvestments in equity instruments with no quoted prices in an active market <strong>and</strong> with fair values that cannotbe reliably measured, such as non-publicly traded stocks <strong>and</strong> stocks traded in the Emerging Stock Market,are measured at their original cost. The accounting treatment for dividends on financial assets carried atcost is the same as that for dividends on available-for-sale financial assets. An impairment loss isrecognized when there is objective evidence that the asset is impaired. A reversal of this impairment lossis disallowed.- 13 -

Bond Investments with No Active MarketBond investments with fixed or determinable payments <strong>and</strong> with no quoted prices in an active market arecarried at amortized cost using the effective interest method <strong>and</strong> are without restriction on the timing ofdisposal. Bond investments with no active market are initially measured at fair value plus transactioncosts that are directly attributable to the acquisition. Profit or loss is recognized when the financial assetsare derecognized, impaired or amortized. All regular way purchases or sales of financial assets areaccounted for using a trade date basis.An impairment loss is recognized when there is objective evidence that the investment is impaired. Theimpairment loss is reversed if an increase in the investment’s recoverable amount is due to an event thatoccurred after the impairment loss was recognized; however, the adjusted carrying amount of theinvestment may not exceed the carrying amount that would have been determined had no impairment lossbeen recognized for the investment in prior years.Property, Plant <strong>and</strong> Equipment <strong>and</strong> Assets Leased to OthersProperty, plant <strong>and</strong> equipment <strong>and</strong> assets leased to others are stated at cost less accumulated depreciation<strong>and</strong> accumulated impairment losses. Borrowing costs directly attributable to the acquisition orconstruction of property, plant <strong>and</strong> equipment <strong>and</strong> assets leased to others are capitalized as part of the costof those assets. Major additions <strong>and</strong> improvements to property, plant <strong>and</strong> equipment <strong>and</strong> assets leased toothers are capitalized, while costs of repairs <strong>and</strong> maintenance are expensed currently.Depreciation is provided on a straight-line basis over estimated useful lives as follows: buildings - 3 to 55years; <strong>and</strong> machinery <strong>and</strong> other equipment - 1 to 15 years. Property, plant <strong>and</strong> equipment <strong>and</strong> assetsleased to others that have reached their full residual values but are still being used by the Group aredepreciated over their newly estimated service lives.An impairment loss should be recognized whenever the carrying amount of assets leased to others exceedstheir recoverable amount, <strong>and</strong> this impairment loss should be charged to current income. An impairmentloss recognized in prior years could be reversed if there is a recovery in the estimates used to determinerecoverable amount since the last impairment loss was recognized. However, an impairment loss isreversed only to the extent that it does not increase the carrying amount of an asset above the carryingamount that would have been determined for the asset (net of depreciation) had no impairment loss beenrecognized in prior years. A reversal of an impairment loss should be recognized in the income statementfor assets carried at cost <strong>and</strong> treated as a revaluation increase for assets carried at the revalued amount.The accounting treatment of the impairment of property, plant <strong>and</strong> equipment is the same as that of assetimpairment.The related cost, accumulated depreciation <strong>and</strong> accumulated impairment losses of an item of property, plant<strong>and</strong> equipment <strong>and</strong> assets leased to others are derecognized from the balance sheet upon its disposal. Anygain or loss on disposal of the asset is included in nonoperating gains or losses in the year of disposal.Idle AssetsThese assets are stated at the lower of recoverable amount or carrying value.Deferred ExpensesDeferred expenses refer to product molds, which are initially recorded at cost when acquired <strong>and</strong> areamortized over their estimated economic useful lives using the straight-line method.An impairment loss should be recognized if the recoverable amount of the deferred expenses as of thebalance sheet date is estimated to be less than its carrying amount, <strong>and</strong> this impairment loss should becharged to current income. An impairment loss recognized in prior years could be reversed if there is asubsequent recovery in the estimates used to determine recoverable amount since the last impairment loss- 14 -

was recognized. However, an impairment loss is reversed only to the extent that it does not increase theasset carrying amount that would have been determined had no impairment loss on the asset beenrecognized in prior years.Asset ImpairmentThe Group determine the cash-generating unit to which tangible <strong>and</strong> intangible asset belong in accordancewith Statement of Financial Accounting St<strong>and</strong>ards No. 35 - “Accounting for Asset Impairment” before animpairment test is done. An impairment loss should be recognized whenever the aggregate carryingamount of specific cash-generating units exceeds their recoverable amount, <strong>and</strong> this impairment loss shouldbe charged to current income. For the reduction of the carrying amounts of the assets of cash-generatingunits, the impairment loss should be allocated in the following order:a. Unidentifiable intangible assets (goodwill) should be allocated to the cash-generating unit if any; <strong>and</strong>b. he sum of the amounts of all identifiable intangible <strong>and</strong> tangible assets of the unit should be allocatedpro rata on the basis of the carrying amount of each asset in the unit.An impairment loss recognized in prior years may be reversed if there is a recovery in the estimates used todetermine the recoverable amount since the last impairment loss was recognized. However, animpairment loss is reversed only to the extent that it does not increase the carrying amount of an asset abovethe carrying amount that would have been determined for the asset (net of depreciation) had no impairmentloss been recognized in prior years. Reversal of a previously recognized impairment loss on goodwill isprohibited.The estimated loss on fixed assets arising from accidents is recognized as asset impairment. Subsequentmajor improvements or renewals are capitalized.Convertible BondsFor convertible bonds issued on or after January 1, 2006, the Group first determines the carrying amount ofthe liability component by measuring the fair value of a similar liability that does not have an associatedequity component, then determines the carrying amount of the equity component, representing the equityconversion option, by deducting the fair value of the liability component from the fair value of theconvertible bonds as a whole. The liability component (excluding embedded derivatives) is measured atamortized cost using the effective interest method, while the embedded non-equity derivatives are measuredat fair value. Upon conversion, the Group uses the aggregate carrying amount of the liability <strong>and</strong> equitycomponents of the bonds at the time of conversion as a basis to record the common shares issued.Based on a newly released Statement of Financial Accounting St<strong>and</strong>ards (SFAS) No. 34 - “FinancialInstruments: Recognition <strong>and</strong> Measurement,” transaction costs of bonds issued on or after January 1,2006, net of related income tax benefit, are allocated in proportion to the liability <strong>and</strong> equity components ofthe bonds.Pension CostsPension cost under a defined benefit plan of the Group is determined by actuarial valuations. Curtailmentor settlement gains or losses on the defined benefit plan are recognized as part of the net pension cost forthe year. Contributions made under a defined contribution plan of the Group are recognized as pensioncost during the year in which employees render services.Income TaxDeferred tax assets are recognized for the tax effects of deductible temporary difference, unused operatingloss carryforwards, <strong>and</strong> unused income tax credits, <strong>and</strong> deferred tax liabilities are recognized for the taxeffects of taxable temporary differences. A valuation allowance is recognized for deferred income tax- 15 -

assets when it is more than 50% probable that these assets will not be realized. Deferred tax assets orliabilities are classified as current or noncurrent on the basis of the classification of the related assets orliabilities for financial reporting. A deferred tax liability or asset that cannot be related to an asset orliability for financial reporting, including deferred tax assets related to net loss carryforwards, is classifiedon the basis of the expected realization date of the temporary difference.If the Group can control the timing of the reversal of a temporary difference arising from the differencebetween the book value <strong>and</strong> the tax basis of a long-term equity investment in a foreign subsidiary or jointventure <strong>and</strong> if the temporary difference is not expected to reverse in the foreseeable future <strong>and</strong> will, ineffect, exist indefinitely, then a deferred tax liability or asset is not recognized.Tax credits for purchases of machinery, equipment <strong>and</strong> technology, research <strong>and</strong> development expenditures<strong>and</strong> personnel training expenditures <strong>and</strong> investments in shares of stock are recognized using theflow-through method.Adjustments of prior years’ tax liabilities are added to or deducted from the current year’s tax provision.Based on the Income Tax Law, an additional tax at 10% of unappropriated earnings is provided for asincome tax in the year the stockholders approve the retention of these earnings.Stock-based CompensationEmployee stock options granted after January 1, 2008 are accounted for in accordance with statement ofFinancial Accounting St<strong>and</strong>ards No. 39 - “Share-based Payment.”.Employee stock options granted between January 1, 2004 <strong>and</strong> December 31, 2007 were accounted for underthe interpretations issued by the Accounting Research <strong>and</strong> Development Foundation (ARDF). The Groupadopted the intrinsic value method, under which compensation cost was recognized on a straight-line basisover the vesting period. In addition, under the ARDF letter 96-330, if the employee stock option plan ischanged in accordance with the terms <strong>and</strong> conditions of the original compensation agreement, thecompensation cost under the original stock option plan is maintained if (a) the total intrinsic value after planchange is not greater than that before the plan change; <strong>and</strong> (b) the ratio of exercise price to market price isnot lowered. If these two conditions are not met at the same time, it is deemed that a new stock optionplan has replaced the original plan, <strong>and</strong> the additional compensation cost incurred should be calculatedusing the intrinsic value method, <strong>and</strong> costs incurred are recognized as expense over the years of serviceunder the employee stock option plan.Revenue RecognitionRevenue from sales of goods is recognized when the Group has transferred to the buyer the significant risks<strong>and</strong> rewards of ownership of the goods because the earnings process has been completed <strong>and</strong> the economicbenefits associated with the transaction have been realized or are realizable.Revenue is measured at the fair value of the consideration received or receivable <strong>and</strong> represents amountsagreed between the Group <strong>and</strong> the customers for goods sold in the normal course of business, net of salesdiscounts <strong>and</strong> volume rebates. For trade receivables due within one year from the balance sheet date, asthe nominal value of the consideration to be received approximates its fair value <strong>and</strong> transactions arefrequent, fair value of the consideration is not determined by discounting all future receipts using animputed rate of interest.ReclassificationsCertain accounts in the consolidated financial statements as of <strong>and</strong> for the six months ended June 30, 2011have been reclassified to be consistent with the presentation of the consolidated financial statements as of<strong>and</strong> for the six months ended June 30, 2011.- 16 -

3. EFFECTS OF CHANGES IN ACCOUNTING PRINCIPLESFinancial InstrumentsOn January 1, 2011, the Group adopted the newly revised Statement of Financial Accounting St<strong>and</strong>ards(SFAS) No. 34 - “Financial Instruments: Recognition <strong>and</strong> Measurement.” The main revisions include(1) impairment of finance lease receivables being now covered by SFAS No. 34; (2) amendment of thescope of the applicability of SFAS No. 34 to insurance contracts; (3) inclusion of loans <strong>and</strong> receivablesoriginated by the Group in the items covered by SFAS No. 34; (4) the requirement to disclose additionalguidelines on impairment testing of financial assets carried at amortized cost if the asset issuer or obligorhas financial difficulties <strong>and</strong> the terms of obligations on the assets have been modified; <strong>and</strong> (5) therequirement to disclose the Group’s accounting treatment for modifications in the terms of its obligations.This accounting change had no significant impact on the Group’s financial statements as of <strong>and</strong> for the sixmonths ended June 30, 2011.Operating SegmentsOn January 1, 2011, the Group adopted the newly issued SFAS No. 41 - “Operating Segments.” SFAS No.41 regulates the disclosure of segment information that management uses to make decisions on operatingmatters. It requires the identification of operating segments on the basis of internal reports that areregularly reviewed by the Group’s chief operating decision maker in order to allocate resources to thesegments <strong>and</strong> assess their performance. This statement supersedes SFAS No. 20 - “Segment Reporting.”For this accounting change, the Group restated its segment disclosures as of <strong>and</strong> for the six months endedJune 30, 2010 to conform to the disclosures as of <strong>and</strong> for the six months ended June 30, 2011.4. CASH AND CASH EQUIVALENTS2011 2010CashCash on h<strong>and</strong> $ 1,811 $ 2,059Checking <strong>and</strong> dem<strong>and</strong> deposits 4,579,530 5,136,693Time deposits - yield rate 0.20%-5.00% in 2011 <strong>and</strong> 0.30%-2.45%in 2010 4,651,909 1,878,801Cash equivalentsShort-term notes <strong>and</strong> bills - yield rate 0.34%-0.64% in 2011 <strong>and</strong>0.24%-0.30% in 2010 404,245 120,046$ 9,637,495 $ 7,137,599- 17 -

5. FINANCIAL ASSETS AND LIABILITIES AT FAIR VALUE THROUGH PROFIT OR LOSS -CURRENTFinancial assets held for trading purpose2011 2010Stock option $ 226,545 $ 306,540Forward exchange contracts 6,652 78,253233,197 384,793Financial assets at fair value through profit <strong>and</strong> lossDomestic convertible bonds - 20,798233,197 405,591Less: Stock option226,545 306,540Financial liabilities held for trading purpose$ 6,652 $ 99,051Forward exchange contracts $ 3,104 $ 5,768The <strong>Corporation</strong> <strong>and</strong> Kuo Shin Investment bought the five-year, zero-coupon, third domestic unsecuredconvertible bonds of Chilisin Electronics Corp. (“Chilisin Electronics”) on the GreTai Securities Market in2008 <strong>and</strong> 2009 for NT$531,457 thous<strong>and</strong>. The convertible bonds issued by Chilisin Electronics are ahybrid product, that is, bonds with the embedded conversion option <strong>and</strong> embedded buyback options.Because the <strong>Corporation</strong> <strong>and</strong> Kuo Shin Investment classify these convertible bonds as available-for-salefinancial assets <strong>and</strong> the economic characteristics <strong>and</strong> risk of the embedded options are not closelyassociated with the convertible bonds, the embedded derivatives <strong>and</strong> the bonds are recognized by valuationtechniques at the amounts of NT$36,345 thous<strong>and</strong> <strong>and</strong> NT$495,112 thous<strong>and</strong>, respectively. The<strong>Corporation</strong> <strong>and</strong> Kuo Shin Investment also recognized an option valuation loss of NT$82,145 thous<strong>and</strong> <strong>and</strong>an option valuation gain of NT$87,360 thous<strong>and</strong> for the six months ended June 30, 2011 <strong>and</strong> 2010. (Theaccumulated option valuation gain was NT$190,200 thous<strong>and</strong> for the six months ended June 30, 2011.)The <strong>Corporation</strong> bought the five-year, zero-coupon, first domestic unsecured convertible bonds of FoxconnTechnology Co., Ltd. in June 2009 for NT$20,302 thous<strong>and</strong>. The <strong>Corporation</strong> treated this hybrid productas a financial asset at fair value through profit or loss <strong>and</strong> recognized on June 30, 2010 a valuation gain ofNT$216 thous<strong>and</strong> based on the bond market price. The bonds were fully disposed of in the third quarterof 2010.The Group entered into derivative contracts for the six months ended June 30, 2011 <strong>and</strong> 2010 to manageexposures due to exchange rate <strong>and</strong> interest rate fluctuations. The financial risk management objective ofthe Group is to minimize risks due to changes in fair value or cash flows. However, since certain financialassets <strong>and</strong> liabilities are not qualified for hedge accounting, those financial assets <strong>and</strong> liabilities arecategorized as financial assets <strong>and</strong> liabilities held for trading. The fair values are estimated usingvaluation techniques <strong>and</strong> the changes in fair values are charged to current income.- 18 -

There was no open foreign-currency option contract as of June 30, 2011. The open forward exchangecontracts as of June 30, 2011 <strong>and</strong> 2010 are summarized as follows:a. Forward exchange contractsCurrencyMaturityContract Amount(In Thous<strong>and</strong>s)June 30, 2011Financial assets at fair value throughprofit or loss - currentSell EUR/JPY July 25, 2011 EUR1,000/JPY117,060Sell USD/JPY July 25, 2011 USD2,000/JPY161,040Buy JPY/RMB July 6, 2011 JPY241/RMB19Buy JPY/RMB July 6, 2011 JPY124,691/RMB10,000Buy JPY/RMB August 2, 2011 JPY127,243/RMB10,000Buy JPY/RMB August 2, 2011 JPY64,139/RMB5,000Buy EUR/USD July 28, 2011 EUR425/USD600Financial liabilities at fair valuethrough profit or loss - currentSell EUR/USD July 19, 2011 EUR2,000/USD2,828Sell EUR/NTD July 28, 2011 EUR700/NTD29,012Sell EUR/NTD July 29, 2011 EUR1,500/NTD61,668June 30, 2010Financial assets at fair value throughprofit or loss - currentSell EUR/JPY August 27, 2010 EUR1,000/JPY112,695Sell USD/JPY July 29, 2010 USD1,000/JPY92,020Sell EUR/JPY July 27, 2010 EUR1,500/JPY164,220Sell USD/JPY July 29, 2010 USD2,000/JPY180,760Sell USD/NTD August 30, 2010 USD5,000/NTD161,760Sell USD/NTD August 30, 2010 USD2,000/NTD64,760Sell USD/JPY July 29, 2010 USD2,000/JPY180,300Sell USD/JPY July 29, 2010 USD2,000/JPY181,420Sell USD/JPY July 29, 2010 USD1,000/JPY92,220Sell USD/JPY July 29, 2010 USD1,500/JPY137,745Sell EUR/USD July 27, 2010 EUR1,000/USD1,238Buy JPY/NTD September 28, 2010 JPY100,000/NTD35,510Buy USD/NTD August 31, 2010 USD5,000/NTD161,320Buy USD/NTD August 31, 2010 USD5,000/NTD161,325Buy USD/NTD August 31, 2010 USD5,000/NTD161,150Buy USD/NTD September 1, 2010 USD5,000/NTD159,850Buy USD/NTD September 1, 2010 USD5,000/NTD159,900Buy USD/NTD August 2, 2010 USD5,000/NTD159,895Buy USD/NTD May 16, 2011 USD10,000/NTD316,050Buy USD/NTD April 22, 2011 USD5,000/NTD157,105Buy USD/NTD April 25, 2011 USD5,000/NTD157,050Buy USD/NTD May 16, 2011 USD5,000/NTD158,155Buy USD/NTD August, 24, 2010 USD5,000/NTD160,470Buy USD/NTD August, 31, 2010 USD5,000/NTD161,150Buy USD/NTD August 31, 2010 USD5,000/NTD161,340(Continued)- 19 -

CurrencyMaturityContract Amount (InThous<strong>and</strong>s)Buy USD/NTD August 31, 2010 USD5,000/NTD161,300Buy USD/NTD August 31, 2010 USD10,000/NTD322,050Buy USD/NTD September 2, 2010 USD5,000/NTD159,870Buy USD/NTD April 22, 2011 USD10,000/NTD314,210Buy USD/NTD April 25, 2011 USD5,000/NTD157,050Buy USD/NTD May 16, 2011 USD5,000/NTD158,025Buy USD/NTD April 22, 2011 USD10,000/NTD314,210Buy USD/NTD April 25, 2011 USD5,000/NTD157,050Buy USD/NTD May 16, 2011 USD5,000/NTD158,155Buy USD/NTD April 22, 2011 USD5,000/NTD157,105Buy JPY/RMB July 29, 2010 JPY150,000/RMB11,310Sell USD/PLN August 27, 2010 USD200/PLN695Sell EUR/PLN August 27, 2010 EUR350/PLN1,455Buy USD/RMB July 27, 2010 USD2,000/RMB13,505Buy USD/RMB July 28, 2010 USD2,000/RMB13,498Buy USD/RMB August 5, 2010 USD2,000/RMB13,484Financial liabilities at fair valuethrough profit or loss - currentSell USD/NTD July 1, 2010 USD5,000/NTD158,730Sell USD/NTD July 1, 2010 USD5,000/NTD159,130Sell USD/PLN July 29, 2010 USD300/PLN977Sell EUR/PLN July 29, 2010 EUR800/PLN3,269(Concluded)On financial instruments at fair value through profit or loss, the Group incurred net gains of NT$64,533thous<strong>and</strong> <strong>and</strong> NT$212,634 thous<strong>and</strong> for the six months ended June 30, 2011 <strong>and</strong> 2010, respectively.6. AVAILABLE-FOR-SALE FINANCIAL ASSETS2011 2010Foreign common stock with quoted market priceSHS KOA Corp. $ 1,892,864 $ 1,629,195Domestic open-end mutual fundsFSITC Taiwan Money Market 2,001 -Domestic common stocks with quoted market pricesTA-I Technology Co., Ltd. 1,015,490 1,092,339Tait Marketing & Distribution Co., Ltd. - 49,8161,015,490 1,142,155Domestic convertible bondsChilisin - third issue 270,789 190,7943,181,144 2,962,144Less: Shown as current assetsFSITC Taiwan Money Market 2,001 -Tait Marketing & Distribution Co., Ltd. - 49,816$ 3,179,143 $ 2,912,328- 20 -

7. INVENTORIES, NET2011 2010Finished goods $ 3,349,408 $ 2,232,051Work in process 451,988 516,990Raw materials 1,620,845 1,122,376Supplies 61,224 66,062Goods in transit 32,653 43,800$ 5,516,118 $ 3,981,279As of June 30, 2011 <strong>and</strong> 2010, the allowances for loss were NT$393,747 thous<strong>and</strong> <strong>and</strong> NT$229,980thous<strong>and</strong>, respectively.The cost of inventories recognized as cost of goods sold as of June 30, 2011 was NT$10,352,868 thous<strong>and</strong>,which included an allowance for loss of NT$80,805 thous<strong>and</strong>. The cost of inventories recognized as costof goods sold as of June 30, 2010 was NT$9,621,259 thous<strong>and</strong>, which included a reversal of allowance forloss of NT$43,568 thous<strong>and</strong>. Previous write-downs have been reversed as a result of an increase in sellingprices or a decrease in the amount of inventories in certain markets.8. INVESTMENTS ACCOUNTED FOR BY THE EQUITY METHOD2011 2010Carrying % of Carrying % ofValue Ownership Value OwnershipEquity method (with quoted marketprices)Global Testing <strong>Corporation</strong> Limited(GTCL) $ 699,552 24.8 $ 767,269 23.8Chilisin Electronics <strong>Corporation</strong> 671,054 21.2 678,551 21.3Ralec Electronic Corp. 467,001 15.9 486,492 15.9Teapo Electronics <strong>Corporation</strong> 441,214 21.0 494,553 21.0Equity method (with no quoted marketprices)Strong Components Co., Ltd. 96,373 31.4 107,882 31.4Belkin International 72,146 46.0 82,027 46.0Guo Chuang Electronics (Dongguan)Co., Ltd. 35,441 35.0 35,762 35.0Greater China Distributors Ltd.(B.V.I.) - 27.2 22 27.2$ 2,482,781 $ 2,652,558The fair values of listed equity-method investments calculated at their closing prices as of June 30, 2011<strong>and</strong> 2010 were as follows:2011 2010Global Testing <strong>Corporation</strong> Limited (GTCL) $ 330,650 $ 372,642Chilisin Electronics Corp. 712,949 980,304Ralec Electronic Corp. 541,646 564,522Teapo Electronics Corp. 277,108 551,913$ 1,862,353 $ 2,469,381- 21 -

The investment in Ralec Electronic Corp. was accounted for by the equity method since the Group hadsignificant influence over it.Numbers of the above companies’ outst<strong>and</strong>ing shares changed because these companies continuouslybought back their own stock, convertible bonds <strong>and</strong> employee stock options convertible to common stock in2011 <strong>and</strong> 2010. The subsidiary Kuo Shin Investment acquired 218 thous<strong>and</strong> shares of Chilisin Electronicsin 2010, thus, the percentage of ownership owned by the Group changed.The financial statements used as basis of the consolidated subsidiaries’ information <strong>and</strong> related investmentamounts were all reviewed, except those of (a) Global Testing <strong>Corporation</strong> Limited (GTCL) <strong>and</strong> StrongComponents Co., Ltd. for the six months ended <strong>and</strong> as of June 30, 2011; (b) Global Testing <strong>Corporation</strong>Limited (GTCL), Strong Components Co., Ltd., <strong>and</strong> Belkin International for the six months ended <strong>and</strong> as ofJune 30, 2010. As of June 30, 2011 <strong>and</strong> 2010, the carrying values of these investments were NT$795,925thous<strong>and</strong> <strong>and</strong> NT$957,178 thous<strong>and</strong>, respectively, of the consolidated total assets, <strong>and</strong> the net investmentlosses were NT$14,222 thous<strong>and</strong> <strong>and</strong> NT$10,610 thous<strong>and</strong> for the six months ended June 30, 2011 <strong>and</strong>2010, respectively.9. FINANCIAL ASSETS CARRIED AT COST2011 2010Carrying % of Carrying % ofValue Ownership Value OwnershipStock with no quoted market prices:Luminous Town Electric Co., Ltd. $ 100,870 15.8 $ 100,870 15.8Parawin Venture Capital Corp. 76,628 10.0 76,628 10.0Xmholder Technology Co., Ltd. 42,882 17.0 39,736 17.0HuaYi HK Technology Co., Ltd. 40,298 17.0 45,162 17.0King Power International Co., Ltd. 33,622 16.6 33,622 16.6SEMR China Technology Co., Ltd. 10,321 17.0 11,590 17.0Fubon Venture Capital Corp. - - 18,000 20.0Others 12,482 - 12,482 -$ 317,103 $ 338,090The above investments, which had no quoted market prices in an active market <strong>and</strong> had fair values thatcould not be reliably measured, were carried at their original cost.Fubon Venture Capital Corp. was fully liquidated in April 2011 <strong>and</strong> had returned a capital of NT$18,000thous<strong>and</strong> to the Group.10. BOND INVESTMENTS WITH NO ACTIVE MARKETIn November 2006, Kuo Shin Investment Limited purchased subordinated bonds issued at par with anaggregate value of NT$50,000 thous<strong>and</strong>. The subordinated bonds were issued by Ta Chong Bank with nomaturity due date. Among the bond terms is that Ta Chong Bank can exercise its redemption right at thebond principal amount, with interest payable from November 2016. The interest payable is calculated at5.5% per annum for 10 years after the bond issuance. If, after 10 years from the date of issuance, TaChong Bank does not redeem the bonds, the coupon interest rate will rise to 6.5% per annum. If TaChong Bank does not make profits within a year as stated in its financial report <strong>and</strong> cannot issue commondividends, Ta Chong Bank may be exempted from paying interest payments, as stated in the bondagreement. As a result, any interest payments not received by Kuo Shin Investment were not accountedfor by Kuo Shin Investment.- 22 -

11. PROPERTY, PLANT AND EQUIPMENTAccumulated depreciation <strong>and</strong> accumulated impairment consisted of:2011 2010Accumulated depreciationBuildings $ 2,589,112 $ 2,555,896Machinery <strong>and</strong> equipment 14,456,245 12,725,606Miscellaneous equipment 1,249,197 1,262,144$ 18,294,554 $ 16,543,646Accumulated impairmentL<strong>and</strong> $ 3,808 $ 3,808Building 46,680 81,523Machinery <strong>and</strong> equipment 154,042 154,243Miscellaneous equipment 2,052 2,058$ 206,582 $ 241,632Depreciation expenses for property, plant <strong>and</strong> equipment, properties leased to others <strong>and</strong> idle assets wereNT$1,241,090 thous<strong>and</strong> <strong>and</strong> NT$1,413,119 thous<strong>and</strong> for the six months ended June 30, 2011 <strong>and</strong> 2010,respectively.For the six months ended June 30, 2011 <strong>and</strong> 2010, interest expenses before capitalization was NT$122,453thous<strong>and</strong> <strong>and</strong> NT$130,297 thous<strong>and</strong>, respectively, while capitalized interests were NT$3,450 thous<strong>and</strong> <strong>and</strong>NT$8,775 thous<strong>and</strong>, respectively, <strong>and</strong> capitalization rates ranged from 2.29% to 2.48% <strong>and</strong> from 2.15% to2.59%, respectively.The <strong>Corporation</strong>’s capacitor plant in Dahe Hsiang in Kaohsiung had a fire on September 25, 2006. Theloss recognized in connection with partially damaged fixed assets consisted of the expected repair <strong>and</strong>maintenance expenditure, which was estimated at NT$307,795 thous<strong>and</strong>, <strong>and</strong> accumulated impairment wasalso recognized in the <strong>Corporation</strong>’s property, plant, <strong>and</strong> equipment account. The <strong>Corporation</strong>’s increasedaccumulated impairment increased by NT$65,804 thous<strong>and</strong> because of the <strong>Corporation</strong>’s merger withComposter Electronics <strong>and</strong> Chipcera Technology in 2008, with the <strong>Corporation</strong> as survivor entity. As ofDecember 31, 2009, the <strong>Corporation</strong> recognized estimated impairment losses of NT$66,311 thous<strong>and</strong> on abuilding <strong>and</strong> NT$33,689 thous<strong>and</strong> on machinery <strong>and</strong> equipment, which corresponded to a future productionplan adjustment. As of June 30, 2011, the <strong>Corporation</strong> had disposed a portion of partially damaged fixedassets <strong>and</strong> thus deducted the corresponding accumulated impairment of NT$267,017 thous<strong>and</strong> fromproperty, plant, <strong>and</strong> equipment. As of June 30, 2011, the balance of the accumulated impairment ofproperty, plant <strong>and</strong> equipment was NT$206,582 thous<strong>and</strong>.12. ASSETS LEASED TO OTHERS2011 2010L<strong>and</strong> $ 22,474 $ 22,474Buildings 56,549 58,840Less: Accumulated depreciation 19,104 18,91237,445 39,928$ 59,919 $ 62,402- 23 -

<strong>Yageo</strong> Dongguan leased a factory building to Teapo Electronics Dongguan <strong>and</strong> terminated the rentalagreement as of June 30, 2010. Thus, <strong>Yageo</strong> Dongguan reclassified this building from leased to others toidle assets.13. SHORT-TERM LOANSShort-term loans were unsecured bank credit loans. Interest rates on these loans were from 0.82% to1.37% <strong>and</strong> from 0.70% to 0.75% as of June 30, 2011 <strong>and</strong> 2010, respectively.14. SHORT-TERM BILLS PAYABLE, NETBank-guaranteed commercial paper with less than one-year maturities were issued by the Group at discountrates of 0.750% to 1.248% as of June 30, 2011.As of June 30, 2011, the carrying value of the commercial paper issued was net of the unamortizeddiscount of NT$1,775 thous<strong>and</strong>.15. LONG-TERM BANK DEBT2011 2010Secured bank loans $ 500,000 $ 2,000,000Less: Current portion - 312,500$ 500,000 $ 1,687,500For long-term financial planning, replenishing working capital <strong>and</strong> meeting the need for capitalexpenditure, the Group obtained medium <strong>and</strong> long-term loans from several banks, summarized below:a. The <strong>Corporation</strong> signed a NT$6,500,000 thous<strong>and</strong> syndicated loan agreement with Hua NanCommercial Bank <strong>and</strong> nine other financial institutions on September 21, 2010. The balances of thebank loan were NT$500,000 thous<strong>and</strong> for the six months ended June 30, 2011. The terms of the loansare summarized as follows:Credit Lines Credit Period Interest Rate Repayment Agreement$ 6,500,000 Five years after the dateof contractFixed rate (0.60%) basedon a specific averagerate of notestransacted in Taiwan.Eight quarterly installmentsfrom the third month of thethird year after the contractsigning dateUnder the loan agreement, the <strong>Corporation</strong> should collateralize the office building, machinery <strong>and</strong>equipment of a factory located in the Administrative office in Hsin Tien, New Taipei City <strong>and</strong> in theNan-Zi Branch <strong>and</strong> a capacitor-line factory in a village in Dashe, Kaohsiung City. The <strong>Corporation</strong>will have to maintain the its interim <strong>and</strong> annual current ratios, debt ratios <strong>and</strong> interest coverage ratios atpercentages specified in the agreement.- 24 -

. The <strong>Corporation</strong> signed a NT$4,500,000 thous<strong>and</strong> syndicated loan agreement with Hua NanCommercial Bank <strong>and</strong> 11 other financial institutions (collectively, the “banking syndicate”) on January22, 2007. The terms of the loans are summarized as follows:Credit Lines Credit Period Interest Rate Repayment Agreement$ 4,500,000 Five years after the dateof contractFixed rate (0.65%) basedon a specific averagerate of notestransacted in Taiwan.Eight quarterly installmentsfrom the third month of thethird year after the contractsigning dateUnder the loan agreement, the <strong>Corporation</strong> should collateralize the building, machinery <strong>and</strong> equipmentof a factory located in the Nan-Zi Branch, a capacitor-line factory in a village of Dashe, Kaohsiung City<strong>and</strong> some of the common stocks held by the Group. In addition, in June 2009, the <strong>Corporation</strong> wasapproved by the banking syndicate to provide a building, machinery <strong>and</strong> equipment of the main officebuilding located in Hsin Tien, in New Taipei City as collateral for retrieving the common stocks held bythe Group. The <strong>Corporation</strong> should also maintain its interim <strong>and</strong> annual current ratios, debt ratios <strong>and</strong>interest coverage ratios at percentages specified in the agreement. The balance of the bank loans wasNT$2,000,000 thous<strong>and</strong> for the six months ended June 30, 2012. The <strong>Corporation</strong> requested an earlytermination of the loan agreement in September 2010, <strong>and</strong> hence completed the related procedures <strong>and</strong>retrieved all the collaterals <strong>and</strong> documents.16. BONDS PAYABLE2011 2010The fourth unsecured zero-coupon foreign convertible bonds $ 5,937,324 $ 6,499,081On June 11, 2007, the <strong>Corporation</strong> issued seven-year unsecured zero-coupon foreign convertible bonds withaggregate face value of US$230,000 thous<strong>and</strong>. The bonds have a par value of US$100 thous<strong>and</strong> or integermultiples of US$100 thous<strong>and</strong> <strong>and</strong> were subscribed mainly by the affiliates of the <strong>Corporation</strong>’s strategicinvestor, Kohlberg Kravis Roberts & Co. Under the terms of issue, the bondholders may convert thebonds into common shares at the fixed exchange rate of NT$33.01 to US$1.00, <strong>and</strong> then at the conversionprice from July 12, 2007 to June 1, 2014, except during title transfer suspension periods. Upon anydilutive events or any capital restructuring events that will cause the outst<strong>and</strong>ing shares of the <strong>Corporation</strong>to change, including the issue of new shares, recapitalization of retained earnings <strong>and</strong> similar transactionsaffecting the common shares, the conversion price will be decreased in accordance with the indenture (thatis, the <strong>Corporation</strong> may not increase conversion price). If the average of the trading prices in 14consecutive trading days (which do not fall within a title transfer suspension period) immediately prior toany anniversary of the issuance of the bonds (a “reset date”) is less than the adjusted conversion priceprevailing at this time, the adjusted conversion price should be adjusted to the reset trading price. At anytime after the issuance of the bonds, if the <strong>Corporation</strong> distributes any cash dividends, the conversion priceshould be adjusted on the basis of the conversion price minus 90% of per share cash dividend. On (a) thefourth anniversary of the issue date, when the closing price of the shares for each trading day during 14consecutive trading days is at least 145% of the adjusted conversion price, <strong>and</strong> (b) when the closing pricesof the shares for each trading day during 14 consecutive trading days are at least 120%, 130% <strong>and</strong> 140%of the adjusted conversion price in the fifth, sixth, <strong>and</strong> seventh years, respectively, of the issue date, the<strong>Corporation</strong> is entitled to redeem the bonds from the bondholders at face value up to the agreed amountspecified in contract terms <strong>and</strong> conditions. The <strong>Corporation</strong> should redeem all the bonds outst<strong>and</strong>ing atface value upon maturity on June 11, 2014.Based on the terms of issuance, the conversion price on the date of bond issue (June 11, 2007) wasNT$16.15. In 2007 <strong>and</strong> 2008, the conversion price decreased to NT$12.21 because of the <strong>Corporation</strong>’sdistribution of cash dividends <strong>and</strong> reset of the conversion price based on the issuance terms.- 25 -

The <strong>Corporation</strong> separated the conversion option embedded in the convertible bonds from their debt featureto present the equity component <strong>and</strong> liability component, respectively. The equity component amountingto NT$2,749,975 thous<strong>and</strong> represents the bond initial carrying value less the fair value of the liabilitycomponent, net of the allocated bond issue costs, <strong>and</strong> is classified as capital surplus - warrant. Theliability component is the host debt instrument <strong>and</strong> the price-reset derivative financial instrument. Thehost debt instrument was initially recognized at NT$4,326,375 thous<strong>and</strong>, its fair value on June 11, 2007(issue date), net of the allocated bond issue costs. The effective interest rate is 8.06%. The price-resetderivative instrument was initially recognized at NT$509,789 thous<strong>and</strong>, which was the fair value on theissue date <strong>and</strong> was recorded under long-term liabilities - financial liabilities at fair value through profit orloss.Under Interpretation 98-046 issued by the Accounting Research <strong>and</strong> Development Foundation (ARDF) onJanuary 21, 2009, the <strong>Corporation</strong> needed to disclose the convertible bonds it had issued between January 1,2006 <strong>and</strong> December 31, 2008 <strong>and</strong> any adjustment within this period of the conversion prices of the bondsbased on market prices. In addition, the accounting treatment of the bonds starting from their issue dateshould be in accordance with Points 2 <strong>and</strong> 3 of ARDF Interpretation 97-331. Thus, the <strong>Corporation</strong> thencombined the conversion right <strong>and</strong> call option, both with reset terms, <strong>and</strong> recognized them as financialliability held for trading purposes amounting to NT$3,455,107 thous<strong>and</strong> <strong>and</strong> recognized the principal debtinstruments as bonds payable amounting to NT$4,131,032 thous<strong>and</strong> with an effective interest rate of8.71%, but the <strong>Corporation</strong> did not recognize any equity instruments. The <strong>Corporation</strong> also restated theconsolidated financial statements for 2007. For the period from January 1, 2009 to June 16, 2009, the<strong>Corporation</strong> recognized (a) NT$196,797 thous<strong>and</strong> as the bond discount amortized to interest expenses; (b)a foreign exchange gain of NT$760 thous<strong>and</strong> due to exchange rate fluctuations; <strong>and</strong> (c) a financial liabilityvaluation gain of NT$179,620 thous<strong>and</strong>. On June 16, 2009, the fair value of the convertible bonds wasNT$2,660,544 thous<strong>and</strong>, <strong>and</strong> the valuation gain recognized on these bonds was NT$794,563 thous<strong>and</strong>.At the end of November 2008, the <strong>Corporation</strong> had a negotiation with the creditors <strong>and</strong> these parties agreedto revise some issue terms of the convertible bonds. The major revisions agreed upon by the <strong>Corporation</strong><strong>and</strong> creditors were as follows:a. The conversion price was changed to NT$11.18, which was not to be subject to resets (however, theconversion price was adjusted to NT$11.09 in July 2009 <strong>and</strong> to NT$10.955 in December 2010 becauseof the <strong>Corporation</strong>’s distribution of cash dividends).b. Between the date of issue <strong>and</strong> the fourth anniversary of issue, (a) if the closing price of the<strong>Corporation</strong>’s common shares traded on the Taiwan Stock Exchange reaches at least 280% of theconversion price for 14 consecutive trading days, <strong>and</strong> (b) if on the fifth, sixth <strong>and</strong> seventh year of issue,the closing prices of the shares reach at least 240%, 250% <strong>and</strong> 260%, respectively, of the thenconversion price for 14 consecutive trading days, the <strong>Corporation</strong> is entitled to redeem the bonds fromthe bondholders at par value to the extent of the amount as agreed upon in the terms <strong>and</strong> conditions ofissuance.All the above modifications were approved in 2009 by the board of directors on March 30, by the creditorson April 30 <strong>and</strong> by the stockholders on June 16. The modifications resulted in a difference of 10.5%between (a) the current value of the bonds payable (the current value of future cash flows was calculated atthe original effective rate) after the modification <strong>and</strong> (b) the current value of the bonds payable (the currentvalue of the residual future cash flows was calculated using the original effective rate) before themodification; thus, the <strong>Corporation</strong> deemed this difference as significant. For this reason, the <strong>Corporation</strong>recognized the new convertible bonds <strong>and</strong> eliminated the original one on June 16, 2009. The <strong>Corporation</strong>then separated the call option <strong>and</strong> debt feature of the bonds <strong>and</strong> recognized them as equity component <strong>and</strong>liability component, respectively. The equity component amounted to NT$1,169,325 thous<strong>and</strong>, whichwas the convertible bond fair value of NT$7,563,550 thous<strong>and</strong> less the fair value of the liability componentof NT$6,394,225 thous<strong>and</strong>. The liability component is a debt instrument, with an effective rate of 3.36%.For the six months ended June 30, 2011 <strong>and</strong> 2010, the <strong>Corporation</strong> recognized the bond discount amortizedto interest expenses at NT$100,264 thous<strong>and</strong> <strong>and</strong> NT$107,111 thous<strong>and</strong>, respectively. Exchange rate- 26 -

fluctuations resulted in a gain of NT$74,965 thous<strong>and</strong> as of the six months ended June 30, 2011 <strong>and</strong> a lossof NT$50,229 as of the six months ended June 30, 2010.In 2010, the convertible bonds with a par value of US$2,300 thous<strong>and</strong> (the carrying value less theunamortized discount was NT$63,614 thous<strong>and</strong>), were converted to 6,846 thous<strong>and</strong> common shares withthe price of NT$11.09. The bonds payable at the six months ended June 30, 2011 <strong>and</strong> 2010 amounted toNT$5,937,324 thous<strong>and</strong> <strong>and</strong> NT$6,499,081 thous<strong>and</strong>, respectively.17. STOCKHOLDERS’ EQUITYOn August 3, 2001, the <strong>Corporation</strong> issued 40,000 thous<strong>and</strong> global depositary receipts (GDRs) representing200,000 thous<strong>and</strong> new common shares, with net proceeds of NT$4,573,292 thous<strong>and</strong>. As of June 30,2011, there were 184 thous<strong>and</strong> units of GDRs outst<strong>and</strong>ing.Based on the <strong>Corporation</strong>’s Articles of Incorporation, annual earnings should be appropriated in thefollowing order:a. Income tax;b. Prior years’ deficits;c. 10% of remainder as legal reserve;d. At least 2% of the remainder plus the reversal of prior years’ special capital reserves are provided asemployees’ bonus, subject to the approval at the stockholders’ meeting;e. Up to 2% of the remainder plus the reversal of prior years’ special capital reserves as remuneration ofdirectors <strong>and</strong> supervisors, subject to the approval at the stockholders’ meeting,f. The remainder plus accumulated unappropriated earnings as dividends, as proposed by the board ofdirectors <strong>and</strong> approved at the stockholders’ meeting.The <strong>Corporation</strong>’s dividend policy takes into account the <strong>Corporation</strong>’s current <strong>and</strong> future competitivenessin the domestic <strong>and</strong> foreign markets, the investment environment <strong>and</strong> cash requirements. The policyprovides that above 80% of any earnings distribution could be in the form of shares if the <strong>Corporation</strong>needs to undertake a major expansion project; otherwise, earnings distribution may be in cash.For the six months ended June 30, 2011, the bonus to employees <strong>and</strong> the remuneration to directorssupervisors were estimated at NT$20,319 thous<strong>and</strong> each. For the six months ended June 30, 2010, thebonus to employees <strong>and</strong> the remuneration to directors <strong>and</strong> supervisors were estimated at NT$37,951thous<strong>and</strong> each. These estimates were based on <strong>Corporation</strong>’s Articles of Incorporation <strong>and</strong> pastexperience. Material differences between these estimates <strong>and</strong> the amounts proposed by the Board ofDirectors in the following year are adjusted for in the current year. If the actual amounts subsequentlyresolved by the stockholders differ from the proposed amounts, the differences are recorded in the year ofstockholders’ resolution as a change in accounting estimate. If bonus shares are resolved to be distributedto employees, the number of shares is determined by dividing the amount of bonus by the closing price(after considering the effect of cash <strong>and</strong> stock dividends) of the shares of the day preceding thestockholders’ meeting.A special capital reserve equivalent to the net debit balance of the other components of stockholders’ equity(for example, unrealized loss on financial instrument, cumulative translation adjustments <strong>and</strong> net loss notrecognized as pension cost), should be made from unappropriated earnings in accordance with regulations.Any special capital reserve appropriated may be reserved to the extent that the net debit balance reverses.- 27 -

Under relevant regulations, capital surplus may be used to offset deficit. Additional paid-in capital fromthe issue of stock in excess of par value <strong>and</strong> donated surplus may be capitalized (distributed as stockdividends). However, capital surplus from long-term equity investments accounted for by the equitymethod cannot be used for any purpose.The Company Law provides that legal reserve should be appropriated until the reserve equals the<strong>Corporation</strong>’s paid-in capital. This reserve may only be used to offset a deficit. When the legal reservehas exceeded 50% of the paid-in capital, 50% of this reserve may be distributed as stock dividends.The stockholders approved the <strong>Corporation</strong>’s appropriations from the earnings of 2010 <strong>and</strong> 2009 on June10, 2011 <strong>and</strong> June 18, 2010, respectively. These appropriations are summarized as follows:AppropriationEarnings Per Share2010 2009 2010 2009Legal reserve $ 414,754 $ 67,388Special reserve 384,635 -Cash dividends 220,531 329,229 $ 0.10 $ 0.15The above appropriations approved at the stockholders’ meeting were the same as those approved by theboard of directors on April 28, 2011 <strong>and</strong> March 25, 2010. Of the distributed cash dividends at less thanNT$1.00 per share, NT$66 thous<strong>and</strong> was reclassified to other revenue, <strong>and</strong> the rest of the cash dividends ofNT$329,163 thous<strong>and</strong> were distributed in January 2011.The bonus to employees <strong>and</strong> the remuneration to directors <strong>and</strong> supervisors of NT$66,963 thous<strong>and</strong> eachwere approved in the stockholders’ meeting on June 10, 2011. The bonus to employees <strong>and</strong> theremuneration to directors <strong>and</strong> supervisors of NT$12,130 thous<strong>and</strong> each were approved in the stockholders’meeting on June 18, 2010. The approved amounts of bonus to employees <strong>and</strong> remuneration to directors<strong>and</strong> supervisors were the same as the accrual amounts reflected in the financial statements for 2010 <strong>and</strong>2009.A proposal to raise funds through a private issuance of common stock was approved in the <strong>Corporation</strong>’sstockholders’ meeting on June 18, 2010, but this proposal was canceled at the board of directors’ meetingon March 18, 2011, <strong>and</strong> this cancellation was approved in the 2011 stockholders’ meeting. At the sameboard of directors’ meeting on March 18, 2011, for increasing the <strong>Corporation</strong>’s working capital <strong>and</strong>enhancing its financial structure, a proposal was made to issue up to 500,000 thous<strong>and</strong> domestic commonshares for cash through private placement after evaluating the fund condition in the market, effectiveness offund-raising <strong>and</strong> the issuance cost, <strong>and</strong> the stockholders approved this proposal at their meeting in 2011.However, this resolution had not yet been implemented by the <strong>Corporation</strong> as of June 30, 2011.Information on the earnings distribution, bonus to employee, remuneration to directors <strong>and</strong> supervisors <strong>and</strong>related information on the issuance of common stock through private placement can be accessed onlinethrough the Market Observation Post System on the Web site of the Taiwan Stock Exchange <strong>Corporation</strong>.18. EMPLOYEE STOCK OPTION PLANSUpon the approval by the board of directors on August 18, 2003, the <strong>Corporation</strong> adopted a stock optionplan (the “Plan”) to grant employees 150,000 thous<strong>and</strong> units of stock options. The Plan was approved bythe Securities <strong>and</strong> Futures Bureau <strong>and</strong> the Financial Supervisory Commission (previously the Securities <strong>and</strong>Futures Commission, Ministry of Finance). Stock options consisting of 100,000 thous<strong>and</strong> units <strong>and</strong>50,000 thous<strong>and</strong> units had been issued on September 15, 2003 <strong>and</strong> March 31, 2004, respectively, with eachunit representing one share of the <strong>Corporation</strong>’s common stock <strong>and</strong> the exercise prices at NT$13.8 <strong>and</strong>NT$17.9, respectively, which were later revised to NT$13.6 <strong>and</strong> NT$17.5 in 2005, respectively. Basedon the <strong>Corporation</strong>’s Employee Stock Option Issuance <strong>and</strong> Subscription Rules, the vesting period of theseoptions is six years. Employees may exercise up to half of these options vested after two years from the- 28 -

grant date, or all options vested may be exercised after three years from the grant date. If the number ofthe <strong>Corporation</strong>’s common shares changes, the exercise price will be adjusted, as required under the Planterms.On November 30, 2007, the <strong>Corporation</strong>’s board of directors again approved the issue of an additional100,000 thous<strong>and</strong> units of stock options, which had been approved by the Securities <strong>and</strong> Futures Bureauunder the Financial Supervisory Commission of Executive Yuan. The <strong>Corporation</strong> issued the entire100,000 thous<strong>and</strong> units on December 20, 2007. Each option represents one share of the <strong>Corporation</strong>’scommon stock, <strong>and</strong> the exercise price per share is NT$10.25. The vesting period of these options is 10years. Qualified employees may exercise up to 10%, 20%, 40% <strong>and</strong> 70% of the vested options after twoyears, three years, four years <strong>and</strong> five years, respectively, from the grant date. All options vested may beexercised after six years from the grant date. If the number of the <strong>Corporation</strong>’s common shares changes,the exercise price will be revised, as required under the Plan terms. As of June 30, 2011, there 3,600thous<strong>and</strong> units of employee stock options exercised <strong>and</strong> converted to 3,600 thous<strong>and</strong> common shares.The <strong>Corporation</strong>’s stock options in 2011 <strong>and</strong> 2010 were as follows:Stock OptionThous<strong>and</strong>UnitsSix Months Ended June 302011 2010WeightedaverageExercisePrice Thous<strong>and</strong>(In Dollars) UnitsWeightedaverageExercisePrice(In Dollars)Outst<strong>and</strong>ing units - beginning of year 90,000 $10.25 131,834 $12.55Granted units - - - -Exercised units (3,600) 10.25 - -Eliminated units - - - -Forfeited units - - (41,834) 17.50Outst<strong>and</strong>ing units - end of year 86,400 10.25 90,000 10.25Exercisable units, end of year 14,400 9,000The <strong>Corporation</strong> calculated the fair value of the 50,000 thous<strong>and</strong> units of the stock options granted in 2004<strong>and</strong> 100,000 thous<strong>and</strong> units granted in 2007 using the Black-Scholes model. The valuation results <strong>and</strong>related assumptions used were as follows:50,000 Thous<strong>and</strong> Units ofStock Options Granted in2004100,000 Thous<strong>and</strong> Units ofStock Options Granted in2007Fair value $286,000 thous<strong>and</strong> $319,000 thous<strong>and</strong>Exercise price$17.90 (in dollars) per shareprior to amendment$10.25 (in dollars) per shareprior to amendmentRisk-free rate 2.01% 2.48%Weighted average remaining life (in 4.25 years 7.30 yearsyears)Expected volatility of the <strong>Corporation</strong>’s 51.66% 48.60%stock priceExpected dividend yield 5.15% 4.87%- 29 -

Stock options outst<strong>and</strong>ing as of June 30, 2011 <strong>and</strong> 2010 are summarized as follows:Outst<strong>and</strong>ing Stock Options as ofJune 30, 2011Exercisable Stock Optionsas of June 30, 2011Anticipated Weighted- Weighted-Weighted- average averageaverage Exercise ExerciseThous<strong>and</strong> Existence Price Thous<strong>and</strong> PriceExercise Price Units Years (In Dollars) Units (In Dollars)$10.25 (in dollars) 86,400 3.80 years $10.25 14,400 $10.25Outst<strong>and</strong>ing Stock Options as ofJune 30, 2010Exercisable Stock Optionsas of June 30, 2010Anticipated Weighted- Weighted-Weighted- average averageaverage Exercise ExerciseThous<strong>and</strong> Existence Price Thous<strong>and</strong> PriceExercise Price Units Years (In Dollars) Units (In Dollars)$10.25 (in dollars) 90,000 4.80 years $10.25 9,000 $10.25There was no compensation cost based on the intrinsic value method for the six months ended June 30,2011 <strong>and</strong> 2010. Had the <strong>Corporation</strong> used the fair value method, the pro forma consolidated net income<strong>and</strong> basic <strong>and</strong> diluted earnings per share (EPS) would have been as follows:(In Thous<strong>and</strong>s of Dollars, Except Per Share Information)Six Months Ended June 302011 2010Consolidated net income Actual $ 1,128,840 $ 2,108,371Pro forma 1,105,872 2,080,618Earnings per share - basic (in dollars) Actual 0.51 0.96Pro forma 0.50 0.95Earnings per share - diluted (in dollars) Actual 0.40 0.78Pro forma 0.39 0.7719. EARNINGS PER SHAREThe data used in calculating earnings per share were as follows:Six months ended June 30, 2011WeightedaveragePer Share (In Dollars)Income Number of IncomeIncome Outst<strong>and</strong>ing BeforeBefore Shares Income NetIncome Tax Net Income (Thous<strong>and</strong>s) Tax IncomeBasicConsolidated net income attributed to the<strong>Corporation</strong> $ 1,663,862 $ 1,128,840 2,203,240 $ 0.76 $ 0.51(Continued)- 30 -

WeightedaveragePer Share (In Dollars)Income Number of IncomeIncome Outst<strong>and</strong>ing BeforeBefore Shares Income NetIncome Tax Net Income (Thous<strong>and</strong>s) Tax IncomeDilutive effect of common stock equivalentZero-coupon foreign convertible bonds $ 25,299 $ 38,043 686,114Employee stock options - - 27,546Employee bonus - - 5,694DilutedConsolidated net income attributed to the<strong>Corporation</strong>’s stockholders plus the effectof common stock equivalent $ 1,689,161 $ 1,166,883 2,922,594 $ 0.58 $ 0.40Six months ended June 30, 2010BasicConsolidated net income attributed to the<strong>Corporation</strong> $ 2,585,376 $ 2,108,371 2,194,862 $ 1.18 $ 0.96Dilutive effect of common stock equivalentZero-coupon foreign convertible bonds 157,340 148,801 684,608Employee stock options - - 4,004Employee bonus - - 2,406DilutedConsolidated net income attributed to the<strong>Corporation</strong> plus the effect of commonstock equivalent $ 2,742,716 $ 2,257,172 2,885,880 $ 0.95 $ 0.78(Concluded)If the <strong>Corporation</strong> decides to settle the bonus to employees by cash or shares, the <strong>Corporation</strong> shouldpresume that the entire amount of the bonus will be settled in shares, <strong>and</strong> the resulting potential sharesshould be included in the weighted average number of shares outst<strong>and</strong>ing used in the calculation of dilutedEPS, if the shares have a dilutive effect. The number of shares is estimated by dividing the entire amountof the bonus by the closing price of the shares at the balance sheet date. The dilutive effect of the potentialshares should be included in the calculation of diluted EPS until the stockholders resolve the number ofshares to be distributed to employees at their meeting in the following year.20. INCOME TAXa. Income tax expense consisted of the following:Six Months Ended June 302011 2010Income tax expense - current $ 261,019 $ 219,504Income tax expense - deferred 328,108 262,476Adjustment for prior years’ tax (51,770) (2,065)Income tax expense $ 537,357 $ 479,915Under Article 10 of the Statute for Industrial Innovation (SII) passed by the Legislative Yuan in April2010, a profit-seeking enterprise may deduct up to 15% of its research <strong>and</strong> development expendituresfrom its income tax payable for the fiscal year in which these expenditures are incurred, but thisdeduction should not exceed 30% of the income tax payable for that fiscal year. This incentive iseffective from January 1, 2010 till December 31, 2019.- 31 -

In May 2010, the Legislative Yuan passed the amendment of Article 5 of the Income Tax Law, whichreduced a profit-seeking enterprise’s income tax rate from 20% to 17%, effective January 1, 2010.b. Current <strong>and</strong> noncurrent net deferred taxes assets (liabilities) comprised the following:2011 2010CurrentInvestment tax credits $ 91,247 $ 42,260Deferred income 48,794 34,788Allowance for loss on inventories 17,661 7,596Unrealized compensation loss 15,897 3,400Loss carryforwards 14,393 26,010Unallocated overheads 3,286 3,612Valuation loss (gain) on financial instruments, net 469 (12,070)Unrealized exchange gains (91,136) (44,662)Others 11,760 4,806112,371 65,740Less: Valuation allowance 2,344 19,158$ 110,027 $ 46,582NoncurrentImpairment loss on assets $ 455,064 $ 510,211Loss carryforwards 317,247 325,506Loss on foreign investments 286,810 286,810Investment tax credits 215,630 579,154Difference in estimated useful lives of depreciation <strong>and</strong>amortization 161,304 177,275Accrued pension costs 20,983 20,434Deferred income 8,216 11,579Others 1,809 3,4071,467,063 1,914,376Less: Valuation allowance 132,268 132,586As of June 30, 2011, investment tax credits <strong>and</strong> loss carryforwards were as follows:$ 1,334,795 $ 1,781,790EntityRegulatory Basis ofInvestment TaxCreditsItemTax Effectof UnusedInvestmentTax CreditsExpiryYear<strong>Yageo</strong> <strong>Corporation</strong> Statute for Upgrading Machinery <strong>and</strong> equipment $ 57,209 2011(the “<strong>Corporation</strong>”) Industries Machinery <strong>and</strong> equipment 4,454 2012Machinery <strong>and</strong> equipment 31,559 2014R&D <strong>and</strong> personnel training 6,066 2011R&D <strong>and</strong> personnel training 4,676 2012R&D <strong>and</strong> personnel training 202,913 2013$ 306,877- 32 -

EntityYear of LossTax Effect ofUnused LossCarryforwardsExpiry Year<strong>Yageo</strong> <strong>Corporation</strong> (the “<strong>Corporation</strong>”) 2008 $ 14,393 20182009 118,197 2019Ferroxcube Taiwan 2003 13,181 20132004 3,310 20142008 381 2018Kuo Shin Investment 2009 42,231 20192010 2,013 2020$ 193,706The loss carryforwards of Ferroxcube (Spain-based factory) of NT$137,934 thous<strong>and</strong> included deferredincome tax assets - noncurrent. Their expiry is in the 15th year from the year of loss incurrence.The <strong>Corporation</strong>’s income tax returns through 2007 had been examined by the tax authorities.However, the <strong>Corporation</strong> disagreed with the result of the examination of its 2007 return <strong>and</strong> thus filedfor a reexamination of this return. Nevertheless, under the conservatism principle, the <strong>Corporation</strong>adjusted relevant accounts for tax effects that might result from the reexamination.Compostar Technology Co., Ltd., Chipcera Technology Co., Ltd. <strong>and</strong> Kuo Chung DevelopmentLimited merged with the <strong>Corporation</strong> in 2008, with the <strong>Corporation</strong> as the survivor entity; these abovecompanies’ income tax returns through 2008 had been all examined <strong>and</strong> cleared.c. Information on the integrated income tax is as follows:June 302011 2010Balance of the imputation credit account (ICA) of the<strong>Corporation</strong> $ 218,406 $ 243,674The creditable ratios for distribution of the earnings of 2011 <strong>and</strong> 2010 were 3.31% (estimate) <strong>and</strong>8.81%, respectively. Since the imputed credit allocable to the stockholders is based on the balance asof the date of the earnings distribution, the expected imputed credit rate may differ from the actualimputed credit rate. The expected creditable ratio for the 2011 earnings may differ from the actualratio depending on the ICA balance on the dividend distribution date.As of June 30, 2011 <strong>and</strong> 2010, there were no unappropriated retained earnings generated before January1, 1998.21. PERSONNEL, DEPRECIATION AND AMORTIZATION EXPENSESSix Months Ended June 30, 2011Cost ofGood SoldOperatingExpense TotalPersonnel $ 1,365,889 $ 635,936 $ 2,001,825Depreciation $ 1,127,427 $ 93,878 $ 1,221,305Amortization $ 194,620 $ 20,003 $ 214,623- 33 -

Six Months Ended June 30, 2010Cost ofGood SoldOperatingExpense TotalPersonnel $ 1,279,245 $ 648,257 $ 1,927,502Depreciation $ 1,298,289 $ 96,014 $ 1,394,303Amortization $ 138,540 $ 28,958 $ 167,49822. PENSION PLANSThe Labor Pension Act provides for a defined contribution plan featuring a portable pension. The<strong>Corporation</strong> <strong>and</strong> subsidiaries Ferroxcube Taiwan <strong>and</strong> Ko-E have made monthly contributions at 6% ofmonthly salaries <strong>and</strong> wages to the pension fund. The pension costs recognized by the foregoing entitiesfor the six months ended June 30, 2011 <strong>and</strong> 2010 were NT$35,566 thous<strong>and</strong> <strong>and</strong> NT$30,407 thous<strong>and</strong>,respectively.Under the Labor St<strong>and</strong>ards Law, the <strong>Corporation</strong> <strong>and</strong> Ferroxcube, for some of its employees, have definedbenefit plans. The benefits under the plan are based on length of service <strong>and</strong> average basic pay of the finalsix months of employment. The <strong>Corporation</strong> <strong>and</strong> Ferroxcube make monthly contributions to theirrespective pension funds. The funds are administered by the employees’ pension fund committees <strong>and</strong>deposited in the committees’ names in the Bank of Taiwan. The pension costs recognized under thedefined benefit pension plans of both the <strong>Corporation</strong> <strong>and</strong> Ferroxcube were NT$4,706 thous<strong>and</strong> <strong>and</strong>NT$4,850 thous<strong>and</strong> for the six months ended June 30, 2011 <strong>and</strong> 2010, respectively. As of June 30, 2011<strong>and</strong> 2010, the balances of the pension funds were NT$203,593 thous<strong>and</strong> <strong>and</strong> NT$199,128 thous<strong>and</strong>,respectively.For some employees of Ferroxcube <strong>and</strong> all employees of Vitrohm Holding GmbH <strong>and</strong> <strong>Yageo</strong> Korea whoare under defined benefit plans, the pension liabilities as of June 30, 2011 <strong>and</strong> 2010 amounted toNT$125,609 thous<strong>and</strong> <strong>and</strong> NT$129,059 thous<strong>and</strong>, respectively, shown as accrued pension costs.<strong>Yageo</strong> Dongguan, <strong>Yageo</strong> China, Ferroxcube Dongguan, <strong>Yageo</strong> Components (Su Zhou) Co., Ltd., <strong>Yageo</strong>SZ Trade Co., Ltd., <strong>Yageo</strong> USA (H.K.) Limited, <strong>Yageo</strong> Europe, Ferroxcube (except for employees underdefined benefit plan as described above), Vitrohm Portuguesa, <strong>Yageo</strong> Japan, <strong>Yageo</strong> America <strong>Corporation</strong>,<strong>Yageo</strong> <strong>Corporation</strong> (South Asia) PTE. LTD., Phycomp Malaysia SDN. BHD., Compostar Dongguan,Compostar Su Zhou, Ko-E H.K., <strong>and</strong> Ko-E Shenzhen have defined contribution plans <strong>and</strong> makecontributions based on a fixed rate of salaries <strong>and</strong> wages. <strong>Yageo</strong> Holding Bermuda, Kuo Shin Investment,Ferroxcube Holding Samoa, Compostar Cayman, Hsu Tai H.K., Ko-E Holding Cayman, <strong>Yageo</strong> HongKong, Ferroxcube Technology H.K., Compostar H.K. <strong>and</strong> Rextron International do not have pension plans.23. RELATED-PARTY TRANSACTIONSa. The Group has transactions with related parties in the normal course of business. The relationships aresummarized as follows:Related PartyChilisin Electronics Corp.Chilisin International Ltd.Chilisin Su Zhou Ltd.Teapo Electronics Corp.Teapo Holding (Bermuda) Ltd.Relationship with the GroupEquity-method investee of the <strong>Corporation</strong>Subsidiary of Chilisin Electronics Corp.Indirect subsidiary of Chilisin Electronics Corp.Equity-method investee of the <strong>Corporation</strong>Subsidiary of Teapo Electronics Corp.(Continued)- 34 -

Related PartyRelationship with the GroupTeapo Electronics (H.K.)Subsidiary of Teapo Electronics Corp.Teapo Electronics (Su Zhou)Indirect subsidiary of Teapo Electronics Corp.Teapo Electronics (Dongguan)Indirect subsidiary of Teapo Electronics Corp.Ralec Electronic Corp.Equity-method investee of the <strong>Corporation</strong>Strong Components Co., Ltd.Equity-method investee of the <strong>Corporation</strong>Belkin InternationalEquity-method investee of <strong>Yageo</strong> Holding (Bermuda)LimitedHorstrong LimitedSubsidiary of Belkin InternationalChengxin (Dongguan)Indirect subsidiary of Horstrong LimitedGuo Chuang Electronics (Dongguan) Co., Ltd. Equity-method investee of <strong>Yageo</strong> Hong Kong(Concluded)b. The transactions with the foregoing related parties are summarized as follows:For the year2011 2010Amount % Amount %SalesStrong Components Co., Ltd. $ 9,131 - $ 9,855 -Horstrong Limited 7,131 - 18,654 -Others 356 - 741 -$ 16,618 - $ 29,250 -PurchasesChilisin International Ltd. $ 145,895 1 $ 25 -Belkin International 124,785 1 302,136 3Chilisin Electronics Corp. 70,882 1 33,117 -Teapo Electronics Corp. 61,051 1 - -Teapo Electronics (H.K.) 42,650 1 2,133 -Chilisin Su Zhou Ltd. 40,039 - - -Chengxin (Dongguan) 7,125 - 18,650Teapo Electronics (Su Zhou) 1,603 - 42,570 1Others 657 - 61 -$ 494,687 5 $ 398,692 4Factory rental revenueTeapo Electronics Corp. $ 1,288 21 $ 2,738 22Guo Chuang Electronics (Dongguan) Co.,Ltd. 1,106 18 1,229 10Chilisin Electronics Corp. 342 6 342 3Teapo Electronics (Dongguan) - - 4,392 35Belkin International - - 108 -$ 2,736 45 $ 8,809 70- 35 -

2011 2010Amount % Amount %As of June 30Receivables from related partiesNotes receivableStrong Components Co., Ltd. $ 3,072 2 $ 4,882 3Accounts receivableHorstrong Limited 4,960 3 6,116 4Strong Components Co., Ltd. 3,926 2 3,283 2Other 79 - 709 -Other receivableBelkin International 447 - 27,916 17Other 790 - - -Dividend receivableRalec Electronic Corp. 58,034 34 36,781 23Chilisin Electronics Corp. 38,888 23 16,202 10Payment on behalf of othersGuo Chuang Electronics (Dongguan) Co.,Ltd. 62,083 36 67,011 41$ 172,279 100 $ 162,900 100Payables to related partiesAccounts payableChilisin International Ltd. $ 112,074 31 $ 341 -Belkin International 87,681 24 - -Chilisin Electronics Corp. 57,640 16 37,586 49Teapo Electronics Corp. 38,034 11 - -Chilisin Su Zhou Ltd. 34,511 9 - -Teapo Electronics (H.K.) 27,743 8 1,478 2Chengxin (Dongguan) 4,938 1 6,050 8Teapo Electronics (Su Zhou) 317 - 31,591 41Others 661 - - -$ 363,599 100 $ 77,046 100The payment terms for the receivables from (payables to) the related parties were based on the terms ofthe related contracts. Other related-party transactions were conducted under normal terms.24. MORTGAGED OR PLEDGED ASSETSAs of June 30, 2011 <strong>and</strong> 2010, the following assets of the Group had been pledged as collateral for bankloans:Six Months Ended June 302011 2010Property, plant <strong>and</strong> equipment, net $ 4,758,137 $ 4,524,717Assets leased to others, net 38,864 39,266$ 4,797,001 $ 4,563,983- 36 -

25. SIGNIFICANT COMMITMENTS AND CONTINGENCIESIn addition to the transactions disclosed in other notes to the financial statements, the other commitments<strong>and</strong> contingent liabilities as of June 30, 2011 were as follows:a. Unused letters of credit were about NT$102,964 thous<strong>and</strong>.b. Contracts for purchase of machinery <strong>and</strong> equipment totaled NT$646,823 thous<strong>and</strong>.c. Guarantees the <strong>Corporation</strong> provided for <strong>Yageo</strong> Holding (Bermuda) Limited amounted toNT$1,374,569 thous<strong>and</strong>.d. The Securities <strong>and</strong> Future Investors Protection Center (SFIPC) alleged that Far Eastern Air TransportLtd. (FEATL) had been involved in exaggerating the turnover <strong>and</strong> accounts receivable. The SFIPCcharged that FEATL window-dressed its financial reports <strong>and</strong> thus harmed its investors’ welfare.Under these investors’ authorization, the SFIPC sued 33 defendants, including FEATL <strong>and</strong> itsmanagement, directors <strong>and</strong> supervisors, certified public accountant, its accounting firm, etc., (excludingthe <strong>Corporation</strong>) <strong>and</strong> filed a civil action lawsuit to dem<strong>and</strong> compensation for damages with the districtcourt of Taipei on June 23, 2009.In January 2010, the SFIPC included in its lawsuit the <strong>Corporation</strong> <strong>and</strong> two other companies becausethey were FEATL’s directors <strong>and</strong> supervisors from 2005 to 2007. Since the joint defendants increasedto 36, SFIPC appealed for a compensation amounted of NT$297,061 thous<strong>and</strong>. But because this casewas still under court review as of December 31, 2011, the <strong>Corporation</strong> could not determine the outcomeof this case. Nevertheless, since the <strong>Corporation</strong> has business liability insurance, the <strong>Corporation</strong>believes that if the court’s ruling is not favorable to the <strong>Corporation</strong>, the compensatory damages wouldnot significantly affect its finance <strong>and</strong> business status.e. The <strong>Corporation</strong> terminated the position of its staff, Employee L, in July 2010. However, Employee Ldisagreed with the <strong>Corporation</strong>’s decision <strong>and</strong> applied for voluntary retirement. Employee L allegedthat the <strong>Corporation</strong> did not not follow the Labor St<strong>and</strong>ards Act <strong>and</strong> had thus terminated hisemployment contract improperly. Employee L filed a lawsuit against the <strong>Corporation</strong> with the TaipeiDistrict Court <strong>and</strong> dem<strong>and</strong>ed retirement payments along with other expense payables, which all totaledabout NT$19,997 thous<strong>and</strong>. However, the <strong>Corporation</strong> considered Employee L’s contract as that witha contractual employee rather than a regular employee. Under the Labor St<strong>and</strong>ards Act, a contractualemployee is not entitled to retirement payments. Hence, the <strong>Corporation</strong> claimed it had noresponsibility to make retirement payments to Employee L.26. FINANCIAL INSTRUMENTSa. The fair values of financial instrumentsCarryingValueJune 302011 2010CarryingFair Value ValueFair ValueNonderivative financial instrumentsAssetsCash <strong>and</strong> cash equivalents $ 9,637,495 $ 9,637,495 $ 7,137,599 $ 7,137,599Financial assets at fair value through profit orloss - noncurrent - - 20,798 20,798Available-for-sale financial assets - current 2,001 2,001 49,816 49,816Notes receivable 55,849 55,849 26,483 26,483(Continued)- 37 -

CarryingValueJune 302011 2010CarryingFair Value ValueFair ValueAccounts receivable, net $ 6,966,362 $ 6,966,362 $ 7,224,830 $ 7,224,830Accounts receivable from related parties 172,279 172,279 162,900 162,900Other receivables 99,525 99,525 129,715 129,715Available-for-sale financial assets - noncurrent 3,179,143 3,179,143 2,912,328 2,912,328Financial assets carried at cost - noncurrent 317,103 343,409 338,090 372,574Bond investments with no active market 50,000 50,000 50,000 50,000Refundable deposits 20,368 20,368 17,315 17,315LiabilitiesShort-term loans 4,123,436 4,123,436 1,243,703 1,243,703Short-term bills payable, net 998,225 998,225 - -Notes payable 6,249 6,249 8,277 8,277Accounts payable 4,110,742 4,110,742 4,681,154 4,681,154Accounts payable to related parties 363,599 363,599 77,046 77,046Accrued expenses 1,107,768 1,107,768 1,201,778 1,201,778Cash dividends payable 220,531 220,531 329,229 329,229Bonds payable 5,937,324 5,937,324 6,499,081 6,499,081Long term bank debt (including current portion) 500,000 500,000 2,000,000 2,000,000Guarantee deposits received 17,756 17,756 24,340 24,340Classification of derivate instruments on the basisof trader’s territoryDomesticFinancial assets at fair value through profit orloss - stock option 226,545 226,545 306,540 306,540Financial assets at fair value through profit orloss - forward exchange contracts 682 682 44,612 44,612Financial liabilities at fair value through profit orloss - forward exchange contracts 2,188 2,188 29 29ForeignFinancial assets at fair value through profit orloss - forward exchange contract 5,970 5,970 33,641 33,641Financial liabilities at fair value through profit orloss - forward exchange contracts 916 916 5,739 5,739(Concluded)b. Methods <strong>and</strong> assumptions used to estimate the fair values of financial instruments were as follows:1) The fair values of some financial instruments are estimated on the basis of their carrying values inthe balance sheet. Because the maturity periods of those instruments are short or their futurereceipts/payments are similar to their carrying values, their carrying values provide reasonable basisfor the estimation of fair value.2) The fair values of the financial assets measured at fair value through profit or loss <strong>and</strong>available-for-sale financial assets - the domestic <strong>and</strong> foreign common stocks of listed companies<strong>and</strong> convertible bonds - are based on their quoted market prices.3) Financial assets carried at cost are based on the Group’s equity in the investees’ net assets.4) The fair values of bond investments with no active market are based on the fair values provided byissuers.5) The fair values of refundable deposits <strong>and</strong> guarantee deposits received approximate their carryingamounts because there are no definite receipt or payment terms.- 38 -

6) The fair values of long-term bank debts are estimated using discounted cash flow analysis based oncurrent interest rates for borrowings with similar maturities. If the interest rate of thesimilar-maturity borrowings is close to the interest rate of long-term bank debts, the fair value isbased on the carrying amounts of loans.7) The fair values of the bonds payable are estimated using discounted cash flow analysis based oncurrent interest rates for borrowings with similar maturities. If the interest rate is close to discountrate of bonds, the fair value is based on carrying amounts of bonds payable.8) The fair values of derivatives with quoted market prices in active markets are based on their quotedmarket prices, or, if quoted market prices are not available, are determined using the valuationtechniques. The estimations <strong>and</strong> assumptions incorporated in the valuation techniques by theGroup are the same as those used by participants in the market, which can be obtained by theGroup.c. Financial assets <strong>and</strong> liabilities with fair values based on quoted market prices or on estimates madeusing valuation techniques were as follows:AssetsQuoted Market PricesValuation TechniquesJune 30 June 302011 2010 2011 2010Financial assets at fair value through profit or loss -current $ - $ 20,798 $ 6,652 $ 78,253Financial assets at fair value through profit or loss -noncurrent - - 226,545 306,540Available-for-sale financial assets - current 2,001 49,816 - -Available-for-sale financial assets - noncurrent 2,908,354 2,721,534 270,789 190,794LiabilitiesFinancial liabilities at fair value through profit orloss - current - - 3,104 5,768d. On financial instruments with fair values estimated using valuation techniques, there were a net gain ofNT$64,553 thous<strong>and</strong> <strong>and</strong> a net gain of NT$212,634 thous<strong>and</strong> for the six months ended June 30, 2011<strong>and</strong> 2010, respectively.e. As of June 30, 2011 <strong>and</strong> 2010, the financial assets exposed to fair value interest rate risks amounted toNT$5,376,943 thous<strong>and</strong> <strong>and</strong> NT$2,239,641 thous<strong>and</strong>, respectively, <strong>and</strong> the financial liabilities exposedto fair value interest rate risks amounted to NT$5,621,661 thous<strong>and</strong> <strong>and</strong> NT$3,243,703 thous<strong>and</strong>,respectively. The financial assets exposed to cash flow interest rate risks amounted toNT$4,579,530 thous<strong>and</strong> <strong>and</strong> NT$5,136,693 thous<strong>and</strong> as of June 30, 2011 <strong>and</strong> 2010, respectively.f. Financial risks1) Market riska) Foreign exchange risk: The foreign exchange rate fluctuations would result in the exposure ofthe Group’s foreign-currency-dominated assets <strong>and</strong> liabilities, open forward exchange contracts<strong>and</strong> foreign exchange option to fair value risk <strong>and</strong> cash flow risk.b) Price risk: The fluctuations in market price would result in changes in the fair values of theGroup’s financial instruments at fair value through profit or loss <strong>and</strong> available-for-sale financialassets- 39 -

2) Credit riskCredit risk represents the potential loss that would be incurred by the Group if counter-partiesbreach financial instrument contracts. The amount of the largest credit risk of financialinstruments held by the Group is the same as their carrying amount.3) Liquidity riskThe Group has sufficient operating capital to meet cash flow requirement. Thus, the Group doesnot have liquidity risk.The Group’s available-for-sale financial instruments are publicly-traded in an active market <strong>and</strong>may readily be sold at prices approximating their fair values in the market; thus, no materialliquidity risk is anticipated. Financial assets carried at cost <strong>and</strong> bond investments have no quotedmarket prices in an active market; thus, they have material liquidity risk. On forward contracts,those outst<strong>and</strong>ing as of June 30, 2011 were anticipated to generate cash inflows of JPY594,414thous<strong>and</strong>, US$2,828 thous<strong>and</strong>, EUR425 thous<strong>and</strong> <strong>and</strong> NT$90,680 thous<strong>and</strong>, <strong>and</strong> cash outflowswould amount to EUR5,200 thous<strong>and</strong>, US$2,600 thous<strong>and</strong> <strong>and</strong> RMB25,019 thous<strong>and</strong>. In addition,the exchange rates of forward exchange contracts have been determined; thus, no material cash flowrisk on these contracts is anticipated.27. SIGNIFICANT FOREIGN-CURRENCY FINANCIAL ASSETS AND LIABILITIESSignificant financial assets <strong>and</strong> liabilities in foreign currency were as follows:Unit:In thous<strong>and</strong>s of Foreign Currencies/New Taiwan DollarsForeignCurrenciesJune 302011 2010Exchange New Taiwan Foreign ExchangeRate Dollars Currencies RateNew TaiwanDollarsFinancial assetsMonetary itemsUSD $ 321,450 28.8020 $ 9,258,398 $ 239,247 32.2780 $ 7,722,426RMB 826,714 4.4558 3,683,670 504,345 4.7598 2,400,580EUR 45,528 41.7226 1,899,559 31,529 39.5309 1,246,357HKD 220,576 3.7010 816,353 310,158 4.1464 1,286,041JPY 754,428 0.3584 270,387 1,466,826 0.3642 534,218PLN 6,822 10.4719 71,439 8,002 9.5650 76,539KRW 1,104,536 0.0270 29,822 1,989,919 0.0264 52,534GBP 104 46.1034 4,775 107 48.4945 5,210HUF 23,818 0.1572 3,744 66,637 0.1382 9,209SGD 64 23.4506 1,504 238 23.1251 5,499SEK 184 4.5530 837 52 4.1582 216Nonmonetary itemsJPY 5,281,429 0.3584 1,892,864 4,473,353 0.3642 1,629,195HKD 13,677 3.7010 50,619 13,687 4.1464 56,752RMB 9,624 4.4558 42,882 8,348 4.7598 39,736Investments accounted forby the equity methodUSD 26,793 28.8020 771,698 26,313 32.2780 849,318RMB 7,954 4.4558 35,441 7,513 4.7598 35,762(Continued)- 40 -

ForeignCurrenciesJune 302011 2010Exchange New Taiwan Foreign ExchangeRate Dollars Currencies RateNew TaiwanDollarsFinancial liabilitiesMonetary itemsUSD $ 314,514 28.8020 $ 9,058,628 $ 283,479 32.2780 $ 9,150,140RMB 298,252 4.4558 1,328,953 343,761 4.7598 1,636,236JPY 2,672,954 0.3584 957,987 4,181,735 0.3642 1,522,988EUR 3,983 41.7226 166,172 12,091 39.5309 477,963HKD 41,576 3.7010 153,874 45,026 4.1464 186,695PLN 9,718 10.4719 101,766 9,593 9.5650 91,757SGD 111 23.4506 2,594 128 23.1251 2,970KRW 60,505 0.0270 1,634 61,974 0.0264 1,636HUF 9,145 0.1572 1,438 8,111 0.1382 1,121GBP 15 46.1034 686 - - -SEK 109 4.5530 497 181 4.1582 752(Concluded)28. ADDITIONAL DISCLOSURESa. Following are the additional disclosures required by the Securities <strong>and</strong> Futures Bureau for the group:1) Financing provided: Table 1 (attached)2) Endorsement/guarantee provided: Table 2 (attached)3) Marketable securities held: Table 3 (attached)4) Marketable securities acquired <strong>and</strong> disposed of at costs or prices of at least $100 million or 20% ofthe capital stock: Table 4 (attached)5) Acquisition of individual real estates at costs of at least $100 million or 20% of the capital stock:None6) Disposal of individual real estates at prices of at least $100 million or 20% of the capital stock:None7) Total purchase from or sale to related parties amounting to at least $100 million or 20% of thecapital stock: Table 5 (attached)8) Receivables from related parties amounting to at least $100 million or 20% of the capital stock:Table 6 (attached)9) Names, locations, <strong>and</strong> related information of investees on which the <strong>Corporation</strong> exercisessignificant influence: Table 7 (attached)10) Information of derivative transactions: Note 5 <strong>and</strong> 26b. Investment in Mainl<strong>and</strong> China1) Investee company name, the description of the primary business activity <strong>and</strong> products, issuedcapital, nature of the relationship, capital inflow or outflow, ownership interest, gain or loss oninvestment, amounts received on investment, <strong>and</strong> the limitation on investment: Table 8 (attached)- 41 -

2) Significant direct or indirect transactions with the investee company, prices, payment terms, loans,guarantee <strong>and</strong> unrealized gain or loss:a) Purchase, purchase percentage <strong>and</strong> related ending balance, percentage of accounts payable:Note 23 <strong>and</strong> Table 5 (attached)b) Sales, sales percentage <strong>and</strong> related ending balance, percentage of accounts receivable: Note 23<strong>and</strong> Table 5 (attached)c) The amount of property transactions <strong>and</strong> related transaction’s gain or loss: Eliminated in theconsolidated statementsd) Providing collaterals or endorsements, the ending balance <strong>and</strong> purpose: Table 2 (attached)e) Financing to others, related information including highest balance, ending balance, interval ofinterest rate <strong>and</strong> total current interest: Table 1 (attached)f) Other transactions that significantly impacted current period’s profit or loss or financialposition: For example, professional services provided or received: Nonec. Intercompany relationships <strong>and</strong> significant transactions: Table 9 (attached)29. OPERATING SEGMENT FINANCIAL INFORMATIONa. Basic information1) Classification of operating segmentThe Group’s reportable segments under Statement of Financial Accounting St<strong>and</strong>ards No. 41 -“Operating Segments” are as follows:a) Resistors business segmentb) Capacitors business segmentc) Ferrite business segmentd) Other electronic components business segment2) Principles for measuring operating segments’ profit or loss, assets <strong>and</strong> liabilitiesSignificant accounting policies used for each operating segments are consistent with the policiesstated in Note 2 to the financial statements.The measure of the operating segments’ profit or loss is the operating profit or loss under thedepartment manager’s control, <strong>and</strong> this measure is used as the basis for management’s segmentassessment. The measure of operating liabilities is the Group’s capital budget <strong>and</strong> capital dem<strong>and</strong>,which are not allocated by individual operating segment. Thus, the operating liabilities are not thebasis of segment performance evaluation consideration.- 42 -

. Segment revenues <strong>and</strong> resultsThe analysis of the Group’s operating revenue <strong>and</strong> results by reportable segment was as follows:Segment RevenueSegment ProfitSix Months Ended June 30 Six Months Ended June 302011 2010 2011 2010Resistors business segment $ 1,341,552 $ 1,701,906From outside customers $ 5,096,707 $ 5,076,960From intersegment sales 5,460,266 4,065,530Capacitors business segment 342,615 820,686From outside customers 5,420,792 5,890,337From intersegment sales 9,090,754 8,370,092Ferrite business segment 382,241 272,597From outside customers 1,462,473 1,218,304From intersegment sales 403,006 445,969Other electronic components segment 54,293 199,173From outside customers 1,379,033 1,295,250From intersegment sales 274,254 196,937Elimination (15,228,280) (13,078,528)$ 13,359,005 $ 13,480,851 2,120,701 2,994,362Administrative expense (448,183) (489,507)Operating income 1,672,518 2,504,855Interest income 73,908 33,968Investment gain recognized under theequity method, net 25,557 73,591Dividend income 19,335 26,153Gain (loss) on sale of investments 82 (1,328)Valuation gain on financialinstruments 64,553 212,634Interest expense (119,003) (121,522)Gain (loss) on disposal of property,plant <strong>and</strong> equipment, net (451) 1,950Exchange loss, net (73,913) (142,980)Miscellaneous income, net 10,145 13,059Profit before income tax $ 1,672,731 $ 2,600,380c. Segment assetsJune 302011 2010Resistors business segment $ 11,806,491 $ 9,590,726Capacitors business segment 11,605,826 11,942,698Ferrite business segment 2,337,205 2,210,118Other electronic components business segment 49,522 121,778Other shared assets 25,968,361 24,569,444Total of consolidated assets $ 51,767,405 $ 48,434,764- 43 -

TABLE 1YAGEO CORPORATION AND SUBSIDIARIESFINANCING PROVIDEDSIX MONTHS ENDED JUNE 30, 2011(In New Taiwan Dollars, Unless Stated Otherwise; All Amounts in Thous<strong>and</strong>s)No. Financing Name Counter-party Financial Statement AccountFinancing Limitfor EachBorrowingCompany(Note 1)Maximum Balancefor the YearEnding BalanceInterest RateNature ofFinancing(Note 3)TransactionAmountFinancing ReasonsAllowance forBad DebtItemCollateralValueTotal MaximumAmount ofFinancing Allowedfor Financier(Note 2)0 <strong>Yageo</strong> <strong>Corporation</strong> <strong>Yageo</strong> Holding (Bermuda) Ltd. Loans receivable from relatedparties1 <strong>Yageo</strong> Holding (Bermuda) Ltd. Hsu Tai International (H.K.) Loans receivable from relatedpartiesHsu Tai International (H.K.) Loans receivable from relatedparties<strong>Yageo</strong> (H.K.) LimitedLoans receivable from relatedparties<strong>Yageo</strong> JapanLoans receivable from relatedparties<strong>Yageo</strong> AmericaLoans receivable from relatedpartiesFerroxcube Holding (Samoa) Ltd. Loans receivable from relatedpartiesVitrohm HoldingLoans receivable from relatedparties<strong>Yageo</strong> Europe Holding B.V. Loans receivable from relatedparties<strong>Yageo</strong> Europe Holding B.V. Loans receivable from relatedparties<strong>Yageo</strong> Europe Holding B.V. Loans to subsidiaries consideredas a component of investmentFerroxcube International Holding B.V. Loans receivable from relatedpartiesFerroxcube International Holding B.V. Loans receivable from relatedpartiesFerroxcube International Holding B.V. Loans to subsidiaries consideredas a component of investment$ 13,150,017 US$ 13,000 US$ 13,000 1.5 2 $ - For revolving fund $ - None $ - $ 13,150,017US$ 935,059 US$ 8,659 US$ 8,659 - 2 - For revolving fund - None - US$ 935,059US$ 935,059 HK$ 14,926 HK$ 14,926 - 2 - For revolving fund - None - US$ 935,059US$ 935,059 US$ 85,000 US$ 85,000 - 2 - For revolving fund - None - US$ 935,059US$ 935,059 JPY 36,906 JPY 36,906 - 2 - For revolving fund - None - US$ 935,059US$ 935,059 US$ 9,742 US$ 9,742 - 2 - For revolving fund - None - US$ 935,059US$ 935,059 US$ 3,423 US$ 3,423 - 2 - For revolving fund - None - US$ 935,059US$ 935,059 EUR 3,105 EUR 3,105 2 - For revolving fund - None - US$ 935,059US$ 935,059 US$ 10,238 US$ 10,238 2.0 2 - For revolving fund - None - US$ 935,059US$ 935,059 EUR 6,439 EUR 6,439 - 2 - For revolving fund - None - US$ 935,059US$ 935,059 EUR 177,656 EUR 177,656 - 2 - For revolving fund - None - US$ 935,059US$ 935,059 US$ 2,290 US$ 2,290 - 2 - For revolving fund - None - US$ 935,059US$ 935,059 EUR 23,128 EUR 23,128 - 2 - For revolving fund - None - US$ 935,059US$ 935,059 EUR 20,688 EUR 20,688 - 2 - For revolving fund - None - US$ 935,0592 Ferroxcube Holding (Samoa) Ltd. Ferroxcube Electronic (Dongguan)Co., Ltd.Loans receivable from relatedpartiesRMB 170,435 US$ 4,300 US$ 4,300 - 2 - For revolving fund - None - RMB 170,4353 <strong>Yageo</strong> (Hong Kong) Limited <strong>Yageo</strong> Electronics (China) Co., Ltd. Loans receivable from relatedparties<strong>Yageo</strong> Trade Co., Ltd. (Suzhou) Loans receivable from relatedparties4 <strong>Yageo</strong> Trade Co., Ltd. (Suzhou) <strong>Yageo</strong> Electronics (China) Co., Ltd. Loans receivable from relatedpartiesHK$ 3,196,297 US$ 80,000 US$ 80,000 - 2 - For revolving fund - None - HK$ 3,196,297HK$ 3,196,297 US$ 5,000 US$ 5,000 - 2 - For revolving fund - None - HK$ 3,196,297RMB 84,148 RMB 25,000 RMB 25,000 - 2 - For revolving fund - None - RMB 84,1485 Compostar Technology (Cayman),Ltd.<strong>Yageo</strong> Holding (Bermuda) Ltd.Loans receivable from relatedpartiesUS$ 7,536 US$ 2,509 US$ 2,213 - 2 - For revolving fund - None - US$ 7,536Note 1:For the <strong>Corporation</strong> to the business relationship, financing limited for each borrowing company is limited to the amounting of business operation (base on the previous year’s actual sales <strong>and</strong> purchase amount when the loan contract award). The financing limited to the counterparty which has the short-term loan necessary islimited to 40% of its net worth presented in the latest financial statements audit or review by auditor. According to the financing procedure for <strong>Corporation</strong>’s oversea investees, maximum financing amount that can be made by <strong>Yageo</strong> Holding (Bermuda) Ltd., Ferroxcube Holding (Samoa) Ltd., <strong>Yageo</strong> (Hong Kong) Limited,<strong>Yageo</strong> Trade Co., Ltd. (Suzhou) <strong>and</strong> Compostar Technology (Cayman), Ltd. are limited to 100% of each net worth presented in the latest financial statements audit or review by auditor.Note 2: For the <strong>Corporation</strong>, the financing amount to each counterparty is limited to 40% of its net worth presented in the latest financial statements audit or review by auditor. According to the financing procedures for <strong>Corporation</strong>’s oversea investees, maximum financing amount that can be made by <strong>Yageo</strong> Holding (Bermuda) Ltd.,Ferroxcube Holding (Samoa) Ltd., <strong>Yageo</strong> (Hong Kong) Limited, <strong>Yageo</strong> Trade Co., Ltd. (Suzhou) <strong>and</strong> Compostar Technology (Cayman), Ltd. are limited to 100% of each net worth presented in the latest financial statements audit or review by auditor.Note 3:Reasons for financing are as follows:1. Business relationship.2. For financing.(Continued)- 44 -

Note 4:Note 5:The currency rate on June 30, 2011, state on Taiwanese dollars to HKD, USD, JPY, EUR <strong>and</strong> RMB are 1:3.701, 1:28.802, 1:0.3584, 1:41.7226 <strong>and</strong> 1:4.4558, respectively; state on U.S. dollars to HKD, JPY, EUR, <strong>and</strong> RMB are 1:0.1285, 1:0.0124, 1:1.4486 <strong>and</strong> 1:0.1547, respectively.Maximum balance for the year <strong>and</strong> ending balance are the financing limit that the board of directors approved. The ending balance of financing limit <strong>and</strong> actual using amount are the same, except the listed below:The actual using amount that <strong>Yageo</strong> <strong>Corporation</strong>. loan to <strong>Yageo</strong> Holding (Bermuda) Ltd is US$4,000 thous<strong>and</strong>. The actual using amount that <strong>Yageo</strong> Holding (Bermuda) Ltd. loan to <strong>Yageo</strong> (Hong Kong) Limited is US$74,700 thous<strong>and</strong>. The actual using amount that <strong>Yageo</strong> Holding (Bermuda) Ltd. loan to Ferroxcube Holding(Samoa) Ltd. is US$0. The actual using amount that <strong>Yageo</strong> Holding (Bermuda) Ltd. loan to <strong>Yageo</strong> Europe Holding B.V. is US$8,505 thous<strong>and</strong>, EUR4,039 thous<strong>and</strong> <strong>and</strong> EUR174,955 thous<strong>and</strong>; The actual using amount that <strong>Yageo</strong> Holding (Bermuda) Ltd. loan to Ferroxcube International Holding B.V. is US$1,290 thous<strong>and</strong>,EUR22,628 thous<strong>and</strong> <strong>and</strong> EUR20,688 thous<strong>and</strong>. The actual using amount that <strong>Yageo</strong> (Hong Kong) Limited loan to <strong>Yageo</strong> Electronics (China) Co., Ltd. is US$71,000 thous<strong>and</strong>. The actual using amount that <strong>Yageo</strong> Trade Co., Ltd. loan to <strong>Yageo</strong> Electronics (China) Co., Ltd. is RMB12,700 thous<strong>and</strong>.Note 6:The aforestated financing transactions were fully offset at the time the consolidated financial statements were prepared.(Concluded)- 45 -

TABLE 2YAGEO CORPORATION AND SUBSIDIARIESENDORSEMENT/GUARANTEE PROVIDEDSIX MONTHS ENDED JUNE 30, 2011(In New Taiwan Dollars, Unless Stated Otherwise; All Amounts in Thous<strong>and</strong>s)No.Endorsement/GuaranteeProviderNameCounter-partyNature ofRelationshipLimits on EachCounter-party’sEndorsement/Guarantee Amounts(Note 1)MaximumBalance for the YearEnding BalanceValue of CollateralsProperty, Plant, orEquipmentRatio of AccumulatedAmount of Collateralto Net Equity of theLatest FinancialStatementMaximumCollateral/GuaranteeAmounts Allowable(Note 2)0 <strong>Yageo</strong> <strong>Corporation</strong> <strong>Yageo</strong> Holding (Bermuda) (<strong>Yageo</strong>Holding (Bermuda) Ltd.guaranteed the loans of <strong>Yageo</strong>Electronics (China) Co., Ltd.,<strong>Yageo</strong> Electronics (Dongguan)Co., Ltd., <strong>and</strong> FerroxcubeElectronics (Dongguan) Co., Ltd.)(Note 3)Subsidiary $ 32,875,043 $ 288,020(US$ 10,000)<strong>Yageo</strong> Holding (Bermuda) Ltd. Subsidiary 32,875,043 1,086,549(US$32,050,EUR2,000 <strong>and</strong>80,000)$ 288,020(US$ 10,000)1,086,549(US$32,050,EUR2,000 <strong>and</strong>80,000)$ - 0.88 $ 49,312,564- 3.31 49,312,564Kuo Shin Investment Limited Subsidiary 32,875,043 150,000 - - - 49,312,564Note 1: For the <strong>Corporation</strong>, endorsement or guarantee to each counterparty is limited to 100% of its net worth presented in the latest financial statements. According to the endorsement/guarantee procedure for <strong>Corporation</strong>’s overseas investees,endorsement/guarantee made by <strong>Yageo</strong> Holding (Bermuda) for each party is limited to 100% of its net worth presented in the latest financial statements.Note 2: Maximum endorsement/guarantee allowed for the <strong>Corporation</strong> is 150% of its net worth presented in the latest financial statements. According to the endorsement/guarantee procedure for <strong>Corporation</strong>’s overseas investees, maximumendorsement/guarantee that can be made by <strong>Yageo</strong> Holding (Bermuda) is limited to 150% of its net worth presented in the latest financial statements.Note 3: The endorsement/guarantee limit to each counterparty <strong>and</strong> endorsement/guarantee limit of the Company are US$935,059 thous<strong>and</strong> <strong>and</strong> US$1,402,588 thous<strong>and</strong>, respectively.Note 4: The endorsement/guarantee was based on the currency rate at the end of June 2011.Stated one Taiwanese dollars to USD <strong>and</strong> EUR are 1:28.802 <strong>and</strong> 1:41.7226, respectively.- 46 -

TABLE 3YAGEO CORPORATION AND SUBSIDIARIESLONG-TERM AND SHORT-TERM INVESTMENTSJUNE 30, 2011(In New Taiwan Dollars, Unless Stated Otherwise; All Amounts in Thous<strong>and</strong>s)Holding Company NameType <strong>and</strong> Issuer/Name of SecuritiesRelationship with theHolding CompanyFinancial Statement AccountShares or Units(All CommonShares UnlessStated Otherwise)(Thous<strong>and</strong>s)Carrying ValueJune 30, 2011Percentage ofOwnership (%)Market Value orNet Asset Value(Note 1)Note<strong>Yageo</strong> <strong>Corporation</strong>StockGTCL Equity-method investee Equity-method investments 164,648 $ 564,331 20.3 $ 270,276Chilisin Electronics Corp. Equity-method investee Equity-method investments 26,775 520,537 17.5 589,041Ralec Electronic Corp. Equity-method investee Equity-method investments 7,457 384,475 12.3 417,576Teapo Electronics Corp. Equity-method investee Equity-method investments 32,585 369,255 17.0 224,185<strong>Yageo</strong> Holding (Bermuda) Ltd. Subsidiary Equity-method investments 90,000 26,931,580 100.0 26,931,580Ko-Shin Investment Ltd. Subsidiary Equity-method investments 151,700 1,375,398 100.0 1,375,398Ferroxcube Holding (Samoa) Ltd. Subsidiary Equity-method investments 1,000 759,427 100.0 759,427Compostar Technolofy (Cayman) Subsidiary Equity-method investments 50,000 217,043 100.0 217,043Strong Components Co., Ltd. Equity-method investee Equity-method investments 6,530 96,373 31.4 96,373Ferroxcube Taiwan, Ltd. Subsidiary Equity-method investments 372 16,859 100.0 16,859Phycomp Malaysia Subsidiary Equity-method investments 8,628 1,250 100.0 1,250<strong>Yageo</strong> Europe Holding B.V. Subsidiary Other liabilities 747 (2,990,977) 100.0 (3,121,632)<strong>Yageo</strong> America Subsidiary Other liabilities 1 (300,028) 100.0 (300,028)TA-I Technology Co., Ltd. - Available-for-sale financial21,210 680,922 9.9 638,424 Note 2assetsSHS KOA Corp. - Available-for-sale financial1,250 288,523 3.4 421,433 Note 2assetsLuminous Town Electric Co., Ltd. - Financial assets carried at cost 10,129 100,870 15.8 114,394Linko International Golf & Country Club - Financial assets carried at cost - 482 0.1 656Limited company<strong>Yageo</strong> <strong>Corporation</strong> (South Asia) Subsidiary Equity-method investments - 98,419 100.0 98,419BondChilisin - 3rd Equity-method investee Available-for-sale financialassets3 289,149 - 148,138 Note 2Ko-Shin Investment Ltd.StockTA-I Technology Co., Ltd. - Available-for-sale financial12,527 510,755 5.8 377,066 Note 2assetsChilisin Electronics Corp. Equity-method investee Equity-method investments 5,632 150,517 3.7 123,908GTCL Equity-method investee Equity-method investments 36,779 125,324 4.5 60,374Ralec Electronic Corp. Equity-method investee Equity-method investments 2,216 82,526 3.6 124,070Teapo Electronics Corp. Equity-method investee Equity-method investments 7,692 71,959 4.0 52,923Parawin Venture Capital Corp. Member of the board of directors Financial assets carried at cost 10,000 76,628 10.0 69,364(Continued)- 47 -

Holding Company NameType <strong>and</strong> Issuer/Name of SecuritiesRelationship with theHolding CompanyFinancial Statement AccountShares or Units(All CommonShares UnlessStated Otherwise)(Thous<strong>and</strong>s)Carrying ValueJune 30, 2011Percentage ofOwnership (%)Market Value orNet Asset Value(Note 1)NoteHsin Bung International Co., Ltd. - Financial assets carried at cost 2,761 $ 33,622 16.6 $ 60,888Jihsun Securities Investment Trust Co.,- Financial assets carried at cost 1,560 12,000 4.0 35,484Ltd.FundFSITC Taiwan Money Market Fund - Available-for-sale financialassetsBondTa Chong subordinated debt - Bond investments with noactive marketChilisin - 3rd Equity-method investee Available-for-sale financialassets136 2,000 - 2,001- 50,000 - 50,0002 231,266 - 122,651 Note 2<strong>Yageo</strong> Holding (Bermuda) StockLtd. <strong>Yageo</strong> (Hong Kong) Limited Subsidiary Equity-method investments 1,030,499 US$ 410,719 100.0 US$ 410,719GCD Equity-method investee Equity-method investments 3,438 - 27.2 -SHS KOA Corp. - Available-for-sale financialassets1,926 US$ 17,831 5.3 US$ 22,551 Note 2Limited companyKo-E Holding (Cayman) Subsidiary Equity-method investments - US$ 10,920 77.2 US$ 10,920Belkin International Equity-method investee Equity-method investments - US$ 2,505 46.0 US$ 2,547Rextron International Subsidiary Equity-method investments - US$ 3,405 100.0 US$ 3,405Vitrohm Holding Subsidiary Equity-method investments - US$ 7,988 100.0 US$ 7,988<strong>Yageo</strong> Korea Subsidiary Equity-method investments - US$ 1,474 100.0 US$ 1,474<strong>Yageo</strong> USA (HK) Subsidiary Equity-method investments - US$ 11,245 100.0 US$ 11,245Hsu Tai International (H.K.) Subsidiary Equity-method investments - US$ 727 100.0 US$ 727<strong>Yageo</strong> Japan Subsidiary Equity-method investments - US$ 56 100.0 US$ 56Hsu Tai International Stock(H.K.) SHS KOA Corp. - Available-for-sale financialassets872 HK$ 68,769 2.4 HK$ 79,420 Note 2Rextron InternationalStockSHS KOA Corp. - Available-for-sale financialassets286 US$ 2,718 0.8 US$ 3,347 Note 2<strong>Yageo</strong> (Hong Kong) Limited companyLimited <strong>Yageo</strong> Electronics (China) Co., Ltd. Subsidiary Equity-method investments - HK$ 2,206,532 100.0 HK$ 2,206,532<strong>Yageo</strong> Electronics (Dongguan) Subsidiary Equity-method investments - HK$ 822,418 100.0 HK$ 822,418<strong>Yageo</strong> Trade Co., Ltd. (Suzhou) Subsidiary Equity-method investments - HK$ 63,473 100.0 HK$ 63,473<strong>Yageo</strong> Components (Suzhou) Co., Ltd. Subsidiary Equity-method investments - HK$ 92,421 100.0 HK$ 92,421<strong>Yageo</strong> Trade (Suzhou) Co., Ltd. Subsidiary Equity-method investments - HK$ 4,951 100.0 HK$ 4,951Compostar Technology (Suzhou) Co.,Ltd.Subsidiary Equity-method investments - HK$ 17,721 100.0 HK$ 17,721(Continued)- 48 -

Holding Company NameType <strong>and</strong> Issuer/Name of SecuritiesRelationship with theHolding CompanyFinancial Statement AccountShares or Units(All CommonShares UnlessStated Otherwise)(Thous<strong>and</strong>s)Carrying ValueJune 30, 2011Percentage ofOwnership (%)Market Value orNet Asset Value(Note 1)NoteCompostar Technology (Dongguan) Co.,Ltd.Guo Chuang Electronics (Dongguan)Co., Ltd.Subsidiary Equity-method investments - HK$ 9,576 35.0 HK$ 9,576Equity-method investeeEquity-method investmentsFerroxcube Holding Stock(Samoa) Ltd. Ferroxcube Electronics (H.K.) Limited Subsidiary Equity-method investments 165,777 US$ 21,054 100.0 US$ 21,054Compostar Technology Stock(Cayman) Compostar Component (HK) Subsidiary Equity-method investments 10,991 US$ 1,761 100.0 US$ 1,761Ko-E Holding (Cayman)StockKo-E Corp. Subsidiary Equity-method investments 4,500 US$ 1,936 100.0 US$ 1,936Limited companyKo-E (H.K.) Limited Subsidiary Equity-method investments - US$ 10,276 100.0 US$ 10,276Ko-E (H.K.) LimitedKo-E Corp. (Shenzhen)Limited companyKo-E Technology (Shenzhen) Co., Ltd. Subsidiary Equity-method investments - HK$ 55,134 100.0 HK$ 55,134HK Wahyi Electronic Limited - Financial assets carried at cost - HK$ 10,888 17.0 HK$ 10,888SEMR China Technology Co., Ltd. - Financial assets carried at cost - HK$ 2,789 17.0 HK$ 2,789Limited companyXiamen Holder Electronic Co., Ltd. - Financial assets carried at cost - RMB 9,624 17.0 RMB 2,694<strong>Yageo</strong> Europe Holding Limited companyB.V. SHS KOA Corp. - Available-for-sale financial1,280 EUR 6,107 3.5 EUR 10,344 Note 2assetsFerroxcube International Holding B.V. - Equity-method investments 39 EUR 22,340 100.0 EUR 22,376Ferroxcube InternationalHolding B.V.Limited companyFeroxcube Electronic (Dongguan) Co.,Ltd.- Equity-method investments - EUR 18,785 100.0 EUR 18,785Note 1: The listed common stocks <strong>and</strong> bonds are valued by their closing price at the end of June 2011. The bonds which do not have quoted market is valued by the evaluated information of issuing housing.shared ratio of the latest financial statements acquired.The unlisted stock is valued by theNote 2: The carrying value is the holding cost unadjusted by market value.Note 3: The investments’ long-term equity investment <strong>and</strong> subsidiaries’ equity were fully offset in the consolidated financial statements.(Concluded)- 49 -

TABLE 4YAGEO CORPORATION AND SUBSIDIARIESMARKETABLE SECURITIES ACQUIRED OR DISPOSED OF AT COSTS OR PRICES OF AT LEAST NT$100 MILLION OR 20% OF THE PAID-IN CAPITALSIX MONTHS ENDED JUNE 30, 2011(In New Taiwan Dollars, Unless Stated Otherwise; All Amounts in Thous<strong>and</strong>s)Company Name Securities Type <strong>and</strong> Name Financial Statement Account Counter-partyNature ofRelationshipBeginning Balance Acquisition DisposalShares/UnitsShares/UnitsShares/UnitsAmountAmountAmount Carrying Value(Thous<strong>and</strong>s)(Thous<strong>and</strong>s)(Thous<strong>and</strong>s)Gain (Loss) onDisposalAdjustmentAmountEnding BalanceShares/UnitsAmount(Thous<strong>and</strong>s)<strong>Yageo</strong> <strong>Corporation</strong>Open-end mutual fundsYuanta Wan Tai Money Market FundAvailable-for-sale financial assets- current- - - $ - 34,394 $ 500,000 34,394 $ 500,082 $ 500,000 $ 82 $ - - $ -- 50 -

TABLE 5YAGEO CORPORATION AND SUBSIDIARIESTOTAL PURCHASE FROM OR SALE TO RELATED PARTIES AMOUNTING TO AT LEAST NT$100 MILLION OR 20% OF THE CAPITAL STOCKSIX MONTHS ENDED JUNE 30, 2011(In New Taiwan Dollars, Unless Stated Otherwise; All Amounts in Thous<strong>and</strong>s)Company Name Related Party Nature of RelationshipPurchase/SaleAmountTransaction Details% toTotalNotes/Accounts (Payable) orAbnormal TransactionReceivable% toPayment Terms Unit Price Payment Terms Ending BalanceTotalNote<strong>Yageo</strong> <strong>Corporation</strong> <strong>Yageo</strong> Electronics (Dongguan) A subsidiary of <strong>Yageo</strong> Holding(Bermuda) Ltd.’s subsidiary<strong>Yageo</strong> Electronics (China) Co., Ltd.A subsidiary of <strong>Yageo</strong> Holding(Bermuda) Ltd.’s subsidiarySale $ (1,500,258) (25) Offset account T/T 90 days $ - - $ - -Purchase 157,727 5 Offset account T/T 90 days - (982,109) (21)Sale (1,160,296) (19) T/T 90 days - - 750,251 12Purchase 205,474 7 T/T 90 days (1,735,101) (38)Ko-E (H.K.) LimitedA subsidiary of <strong>Yageo</strong> Holding Sale (379,588) (7) T/T 60 days - - 233,247 4(Bermuda) Ltd.’s subsidiary<strong>Yageo</strong> Europe B.V. Subsidiary Sale (364,618) (6) T/T 45 days - - 152,178 2<strong>Yageo</strong> <strong>Corporation</strong> (South Asia) Subsidiary Sale (294,154) (5) T/T 90 days - - 246,782 4<strong>Yageo</strong> USA (H.K.) LimitedSubsidiary of <strong>Yageo</strong> Holding(Bermuda) Ltd.Sale (227,970) (4) Offset account T/T 90 day - - 3,762,516 62<strong>Yageo</strong> USA (H.K.) Limited <strong>Yageo</strong> Trade Co., Ltd. (Suzhou) Affiliate Sale HK$ (291,812) (19) T/T 90 days - - HK$ 181,764 17Ko-E (H.K.) Limited Affiliate Sale HK$ (157,872) (11) T/T 90 days - - HK$ 204,595 19Belkin International Affiliate Purchase HK$ 32,805 2 T/T 60 days - - HK$ (23,691) (2)Ferroxcube Holding (Samoa) Ltd. Ferroxcube H.K. Ltd. Affiliate Sale RMB (75,965) (85) T/T 60 days - - RMB 24,314 84<strong>Yageo</strong> Trade Co., Ltd. (Suzhou) Ko-E Technology (Shenzhen) Co., Ltd. A subsidiary of <strong>Yageo</strong> Holding(Bermuda) Ltd.’s subsidiarySale RMB (161,057) (65) T/T 65 days - - RMB 175,748 70Ko-E (H.K.) Limited Chilisin International Ltd. Affiliate Purchase HK$ 30,702 6 T/T 65 days - - HK$ (18,091) (4)<strong>Yageo</strong> Electronics (China) Co., Ltd. Ko-E (H.K.) Limited A subsidiary of <strong>Yageo</strong> Holding Sale RMB (54,605) (5) T/T 65 days - - RMB 50,121 7(Bermuda) Ltd.’s subsidiary<strong>Yageo</strong> Europe B.V. Affiliate Sale RMB (27,924) (2) T/T 90 days - - RMB 12,940 2Note: Except for transactions with Belkin International <strong>and</strong> Chilisin International Ltd., all the other transactions were fully offset at the time the consolidated financial statements were prepared.- 51 -

TABLE 6YAGEO CORPORATION AND SUBSIDIARIESRECEIVABLES FROM RELATED PARTIES AMOUNTING TO AT LEAST NT$100 MILLION OR 20% OF CAPITAL STOCKJUNE 30, 2011(In New Taiwan Dollars, Unless Stated Otherwise; All Amounts in Thous<strong>and</strong>s)Company Name Related Party Nature of Relationship Ending Balance Turnover RateAmountOverdueAction TakenAmounts Received inSubsequent PeriodAllowance forBad Debts<strong>Yageo</strong> <strong>Corporation</strong> <strong>Yageo</strong> USA (H.K.) Limited <strong>Yageo</strong> Holding (Bermuda) Ltd.’s subsidiary $ 3,762,516 3.53 (Note 2) $ - - $ 895,118 $ -<strong>Yageo</strong> Electronics (China) Co., Ltd.<strong>Yageo</strong> Holding (Bermuda) Ltd.’s indirect750,251 3.78 - - 466,732 -subsidiary<strong>Yageo</strong> <strong>Corporation</strong> (South Asia) Subsidiary 246,782 4.04 (Note 2) - - 83,899 -Ko-E (H.K.) Limited)<strong>Yageo</strong> Holding (Bermuda) Ltd.’s indirect233,247 3.57 - - 146,307 -subsidiary<strong>Yageo</strong> Europe B.V. Subsidiary 152,178 10.24 (Note 2) - - 84,875 -<strong>Yageo</strong> Holding (Bamuda) Ltd. Subsidiary 123,941 - (Note 3) - - 8,121 -<strong>Yageo</strong> Holding (Bermuda) Ltd. Hsu Tai International (H.K.) Subsidiary US$ 10,577 - (Note 4) - - - -<strong>Yageo</strong> (Hong Kong) Limited Subsidiary US$ 74,700 - (Note 4) - - US$ 17,000 -<strong>Yageo</strong> America Subsidiary of <strong>Yageo</strong> <strong>Corporation</strong> US$ 9,742 - (Note 4) - - - -Vitrohm Holding Subsidiary US$ 4,544 - (Note 5) - - US$ 4,544 -<strong>Yageo</strong> Europe Holding B.V. Subsidiary of <strong>Yageo</strong> <strong>Corporation</strong> US$ 267,796 - (Note 4) - - US$ 154 -(Note 1)Ferroxcube International Holding B.V. Affiliate US$ 64,039(Note 1)- (Note 4) - - - -<strong>Yageo</strong> Electronics (China) Co., Ltd. <strong>Yageo</strong> <strong>Corporation</strong> Parent company RMB 389,403 3.37 (Note 2) - - RMB 126,031 -Ko-E (H.K.) Limited) Subsidiary of <strong>Yageo</strong> Holding (Bermuda) Ltd. RMB 50,121 2.93 - - RMB 2,846 -<strong>Yageo</strong> Trade Co., Ltd. (Suzhou) Ko-E Technology (Shenzhen) Co., Ltd. Subsidiary of <strong>Yageo</strong> Holding (Bermuda) Ltd. RMB 175,748 2.30 - - RMB 17,406 -<strong>Yageo</strong> Electronics (Dongguan) <strong>Yageo</strong> <strong>Corporation</strong> Parent company RMB 220,411 7.66 (Note 2) - - RMB 120,614 -<strong>Yageo</strong> USA (H.K.) Limited <strong>Yageo</strong> Trade Co., Ltd. (Suzhou) Affiliate HK$ 181,764 3.65 - - HK$ 54,388 -Ko-E (H.K.) Limited Affiliate HK$ 204,595 1.79 - - HK$ 46,597 -Ferroxcube H.K. Ltd. Ferroxcube International Holding B.V. Affiliate HK$ 163,805 - (Note 6) - - - -Ferroxcube Holding (Samoa) Ltd. Feroxcube Electronic (Dongguan) Co., Ltd. Affiliate US$ 4,300 - (Note 4) - - - -Ferroxcube H.K. Ltd. Affiliate RMB 24,314 5.08 - - RMB 14,218 -<strong>Yageo</strong> (H.K.) Limited <strong>Yageo</strong> Electronics (China) Co., Ltd. Subsidiary US$ 71,000 - (Note 4) - - US$ 17,000 -<strong>Yageo</strong> Trade Co., Ltd. (Suzhou) Subsidiary US$ 5,000 - (Note 4) - - - -Note 1:Note 2:Note 3:Note 4:Note 5:Note 6:Note 7:Loans to subsidiaries considered a component of investment.The turnover rate was calculated by using purchase/sales price before offsetting in the consolidation financial statement.Considered financing, <strong>and</strong> other receivable.Considered financing.Considered financing along with interest receivable.Considered receivables of selling Feroxcube Electronic (Dongguan) Co., Ltd. to Ferroxcube International Holding B.V.The aforestated receivables were fully offset at the time the consolidated financial statements were prepared.- 52 -

TABLE 7YAGEO CORPORATION AND SUBSIDIARIESNAMES, LOCATIONS, AND RELATED INFORMATION OF INVESTEES ON WHICH THE CORPORATION EXERCISES SIGNIFICANT INFLUENCESIX MONTHS ENDED JUNE 30, 2011(In New Taiwan Dollars, Unless Stated Otherwise; All Amounts in Thous<strong>and</strong>s)Investor Investee Location Main Businesses <strong>and</strong> ProductsInvestment Amount Balance as of June 30, 2011Shares Percentage ofJune 30, 2011 June 30, 2010(Thous<strong>and</strong>s) OwnershipCarrying ValueNet Income (Loss)of the InvesteeInvestment Gain(Loss)Notes<strong>Yageo</strong> <strong>Corporation</strong> GTCL Singapore Holding company $ 400,313 $ 400,313 164,648 20.3 $ 564,331 $ (34,265) $ (6,822) Equity-method investeeChilisin Electronics Corp. Hsinchu Capacitor manufacture <strong>and</strong>492,955 492,955 26,775 17.5 520,537 101,035 17,641 Equity-method investeemarketingRalec Electronic Corp. Kaohsiung Resistor manufacture <strong>and</strong>376,858 376,858 7,457 12.3 384,475 182,887 22,442 Equity-method investeemarketingTeapo Electronics Corp. New Taipei City Capacitor manufacture <strong>and</strong>1,195,547 1,195,547 32,585 17.0 369,255 (42,743) (6,021) Equity-method investeemarketing<strong>Yageo</strong> Holding (Bermuda) Ltd. Bermuda Investment US$ 462,747 US$ 462,747 90,000 100.0 26,931,580 558,107 558,107 SubsidiaryKo-Shin Investment Ltd. Taipei Investment 2,236,059 2,236,059 151,700 100.0 1,375,398 (24,455) (2,380)Ferroxcube Holding (Samoa) West Samoa Investment US$ 25,433 US$ 25,433 1,000 100.0 759,427 - - SubsidiaryLtd.Compostar Technology Cayman Isl<strong>and</strong> Investment 235,778 235,778 50,000 100.0 217,043 (3,178) (3,178) Subsidiary(Cayman) Ltd.Strong Components Co., Ltd. Kaohsiung Electronic componentmanufacture <strong>and</strong> marketing79,384 79,384 6,530 31.4 96,373 (18,699) (5,876) SubsidiaryFerroxcube Taiwan, Ltd. Hsinchu Ferrite core manufacture <strong>and</strong>16,175 16,175 372 100.0 16,859 (843) 2,886 Equity-method investeemarketingPhycomp Malaysia Malaysia Electronic componentMYR 759 MYR 759 8,628 100.0 1,250 - - Subsidiarymanufacture <strong>and</strong> marketing<strong>Yageo</strong> Europe Holding B.V. Netherl<strong>and</strong>s Holding company US$ 147,757 US$ 147,757 747 100.0 (2,990,977) 497,737 497,737<strong>Yageo</strong> America America Electronic componentUS$ 2,347 US$ 2,347 1 100.0 (300,028) (12,340) (12,340) Subsidiarymanufacture <strong>and</strong> marketing<strong>Yageo</strong> <strong>Corporation</strong> (South Asia) SingaporeElectronic componentmanufacture <strong>and</strong> marketingSGD 780 SGD 780 - 100.0 98,419 (3,759) (3,759) SubsidiaryChilisin Electronics Corp. Hsinchu Capacitor manufacture <strong>and</strong>marketing116,807 116,807 5,632 3.7 150,517 101,035 3,711 Equity-method investeeKo-Shin Investment Ltd. GTCL Singapore Holding company 125,963 125,963 36,779 4.5 125,324 (34,265) (1,524) Equity-method investeeRalec Electronic Corp. Kaohsiung Resistor manufacture <strong>and</strong>62,907 62,907 2,216 3.6 82,526 182,887 6,668 Equity-method investeemarketingTeapo Electronics Corp. New Taipei City Capacitor manufacture <strong>and</strong>marketing129,692 129,692 7,692 4.0 71,959 (42,743) (952) Equity-method investee<strong>Yageo</strong> Holding (Bermuda) <strong>Yageo</strong> (H.K.) Limited Hong Kong Investment HK$ 1,688,970 HK$ 1,688,970 1,030,499 100.0 US$ 410,719 US$ 14,201 US$ 14,201 SubsidiaryLtd. Ko-E Holding (Cayman) Cayman Isl<strong>and</strong>s Holding company US$ 4,500 US$ 4,500 - 77.2 US$ 10,920 US$ 982 US$ 758 SubsidiaryBelkin International Samoa Investment US$ 1,104 US$ 1,104 - 46.0 US$ 2,505 US$ (330) US$ (138) Equity-method investeeVitrohm Holding Germany Investment EUR 15,849 EUR 15,849 - 100.0 US$ 7,988 US$ 2,341 US$ 2,341 Subsidiary<strong>Yageo</strong> Korea Korea Resistor marketing US$ 236 US$ 236 - 100.0 US$ 1,474 US$ (24) US$ (24) SubsidiaryGCD B.V.I. Investment US$ 3,551 US$ 3,551 3,438 27.2 US$ - US$ (6) US$ (2) Equity-method investee<strong>Yageo</strong> USA (H.K.) Limited Hong Kong Passive Component marketing HK$ 8,000 HK$ 8,000 - 100.0 US$ 11,245 US$ 2,968 US$ 2,968 SubsidiaryHsu Tai International (H.K.) Hong Kong Investment US$ 2,400 US$ 2,400 - 100.0 US$ 727 US$ 93 US$ 93 Subsidiary<strong>Yageo</strong> Japan Japan Resistor manufacture <strong>and</strong> US$ 339 US$ 339 - 100.0 US$ 56 US$ 37 US$ 37 SubsidiarymarketingRextron International B.V.I. Investment US$ 3,643 US$ 3,643 - 100.0 US$ 3,405 US$ 31 US$ 31 Subsidiary<strong>Yageo</strong> (Hong Kong) Limited<strong>Yageo</strong> Electronics (China) Co.,Ltd.ChinaPassive Component sales <strong>and</strong>marketing<strong>Yageo</strong> Electronics (Dongguan) China Passive Component sales <strong>and</strong>marketingHK$ 1,701,350 HK$ 1,701,350 - 100.0 HK$ 2,206,532 HK$ 134,950 HK$ 134,950 SubsidiaryHK$ 555,010 HK$ 555,010 - 100.0 HK$ 822,418 HK$ (16,884) HK$ (16,884) Subsidiary(Continued)- 53 -

Investor Investee Location Main Businesses <strong>and</strong> ProductsInvestment Amount Balance as of June 30, 2011Shares Percentage ofJune 30, 2011 June 30, 2010(Thous<strong>and</strong>s) OwnershipCarrying ValueNet Income (Loss)of the InvesteeInvestment Gain(Loss)NotesCompostar Technology (Suzhou) ChinaPassive Component sales <strong>and</strong> HK$ 40,582 HK$ 40,582 - 100.0 HK$ 63,473 HK$ 2,785 HK$ 2,785 SubsidiaryCo., Ltd.marketing<strong>Yageo</strong> Trade (Su Zhou) Co., Ltd. China Passive Component marketing HK$ 38,799 HK$ 38,799 - 100.0 HK$ 92,421 HK$ (8,780) HK$ (8,780) SubsidiaryCompostar Technology (SuZhou) Co., Ltd.Compostar Technology(Dongguan) Co., Ltd.Guo Chuang Electronics(Dongguan) Co., Ltd.ChinaChinaChinaResistor <strong>and</strong> capacitormanufacture <strong>and</strong> marketingResistor <strong>and</strong> capacitormanufacture <strong>and</strong> marketingPassive Component manufacture<strong>and</strong> marketingHK$ 13,703 HK$ 13,703 - 100.0 HK$ 4,951 HK$ (1,557) HK$ (1,557) SubsidiaryHK$ 17,259 - - 100.0 HK$ 17,721 HK$ 106 HK$ 106 SubsidiaryHK$ 6,458 HK$ 6,458 - 35.0 HK$ 9,576 HK$ 272 HK$ 95 Equity-method investeeFerroxcube Holding (Samoa)Ltd.Ferroxcube Electronics (H.K.)LimitedHong Kong Investment HK$ 161,184 HK$ 161,184 165,777 100.0 US$ 21,054 - - Subsidiary<strong>Yageo</strong> Europe Holding B.V.Ferroxcube International HoldingB.V.Netherl<strong>and</strong>s Holding company EUR 3,683 EUR 3,683 39 100.0 EUR 23,340 EUR 8,932 EUR 8,932 SubsidiaryFerroxcube InternationalHolding B.V.Compostar Technology(Cayman), Ltd.Feroxcube Electronic(Dongguan) Co., Ltd.Compostar Technology (HongKong) Co., Ltd.China Core manufacture <strong>and</strong> marketing EUR 14,972 EUR 14,972 - 100.0 EUR 18,785 EUR 1,170 EUR 1,170 SubsidiaryHong Kong Investment US$ 5,036 US$ 5,036 10,991 100.0 US$ 1,761 - - SubsidiaryKo-E Holding (Cayman) Ko-E Corp. New Taipei City Electronic components marketing US$ 1,393 US$ 1,393 4,500 100.0 US$ 1,936 US$ 42 US$ 42 SubsidiaryKo-E (H.K.) Limited) Hong Kong Electronic components marketing US$ 4,662 US$ 4,662 - 100.0 US$ 10,276 US$ 947 US$ 947 SubsidiaryKo-E (H.K.) Limited)Ko-E Technology (Shenzhen)Co., Ltd.China Electronic components marketing US$ 4,661 US$ 4,661 - 100.0 HK$ 55,134 HK$ 5,964 HK$ 5,964 SubsidiaryNote: The carrying value of long-term equity investments, recognized investment gain (loss) <strong>and</strong> investees’ profit (loss) of the <strong>Corporation</strong> <strong>and</strong> subsidiaries were fully offset at the time the consolidated financial statements were prepared.(Concluded)- 54 -

TABLE 8YAGEO CORPORATION AND SUBSIDIARIESINVESTMENT IN MAINLAND CHINASIX MONTHS ENDED JUNE 30, 2011(In New Taiwan Dollars, Unless Stated Otherwise; All Amounts in Thous<strong>and</strong>s)InvesteeCompany NameMain Businesses <strong>and</strong> ProductsTotal Amount ofPaid-in CapitalInvestment Type(e.g., Direct orIndirect)AccumulatedOutflow ofInvestment fromTaiwan as ofJanuary 1, 2011OutflowInvestment FlowsInflowAccumulatedOutflow ofInvestment fromTaiwan as ofJune 30, 2011% Ownershipof Direct orIndirectInvestmentInvestment Gain(Loss)Carrying Value as ofJune 30, 2011Accumulated InwardRemittance ofEarnings as ofJune 30, 2011<strong>Yageo</strong> Electronics (Dongguan)Co., Ltd.Manufacture <strong>and</strong> marketing ofpassive componentsUS$ 38,931($ 1,121,291)Indirect: Through acompany registered ina third regionUS$ 33,931($ 977,281)$ - $ - US$ 33,931($ 977,281)100% (HK$ 16,884)($ 63,364)HK$ 822,418($ 3,043,769)$ -<strong>Yageo</strong> Electronics (China) Co.,Ltd.Manufacture <strong>and</strong> marketing ofpassive componentsUS$ 155,977($ 4,492,450)Indirect: Through acompany registered ina third regionUS$ 155,977($ 4,492,450)- - US$ 155,977($ 4,492,450)100% HK$ 134,950($ 506,454)HK$ 2,206,532($ 8,166,375)US$ 7,751($ 223,244)Feroxcube Electronic (Dongguan)Co., Ltd.Manufacture <strong>and</strong> marketing ofFerriteUS$ 21,133($ 608,673)Indirect: Through acompany registered ina third regionUS$ 21,133($ 608,673)- - US$ 21,133($ 608,673)100% EUR 1,170($ 47,952)EUR 18,785($ 783,759)-Guo Chuang Electronics(Dongguan) Co., Ltd.Manufacture <strong>and</strong> marketing ofpassive componentsUS$ 1,709($ 49,223)Indirect: Through acompany registered ina third regionUS$ 789($ 22,725)- - US$ 789($ 22,725)35% HK$ 95($ 357)HK$ 9,576($ 35,441)-Compostar Technology (Suzhou)Co., Ltd.Manufacture <strong>and</strong> marketing ofpassive componentsUS$ 5,000($ 144,010)Indirect: Through acompany registered ina third regionUS$ 5,000($ 144,010)- - US$ 5,000($ 144,010)100% HK$ 2,785($ 10,452)HK$ 63,473($ 234,914)-Ko-E Technology (Shenzhen) Co.,Ltd.Manufacture <strong>and</strong> marketing ofElectronic componentsUS$ 3,500($ 100,807)Indirect: Through acompany registered ina third regionUS$ 3,150($ 90,726)- - US$ 3,150($ 90,726)77.2% HK$ 4,604($ 17,278)HK$ 42,563($ 157,526)-Guo Ray Electronics Co., Ltd.Manufacture <strong>and</strong> marketing ofpassive componentsUS$ 1,000($ 28,802)Indirect: Through acompany registered ina third regionUS$ 460($ 13,249)- - US$ 460($ 13,249)46% US$ (26)($ 759)US$ 699($ 20,133)-Chen-Xin Electronic (Chiao-Tao)Co., Ltd.Production of passive components HK$ 1,000($ 3,701)Indirect: Through acompany registered ina third regionUS$ 59($ 1,699)- - US$ 59($ 1,699)46% US$ (119)($ 447)US$ 910($ 26,210)-Chen Xin (Dongguan) Production of passive components US$ 1,000($ 28,802)Indirect: Through acompany registered ina third regionUS$ 230($ 6,624)- - US$ 230($ 6,624)46% US$ (41)($ 154)US$ 480($ 13,825)-<strong>Yageo</strong> Trade (Su Zhou) Co., Ltd. Marketing of passive components US$ 5,000($ 144,010)Indirect: Through acompany registered ina third regionUS$ 5,000($ 144,010)- - US$ 5,000($ 144,010)100% HK$ (8,780)($ 32,950)HK$ 92,421($ 342,050)-Compostar Technology(Dongguan) Co., Ltd.Manufacture <strong>and</strong> marketing ofpassive componentsUS$ 1,502($ 43,261)Indirect: Through acompany registered ina third regionUS$ 1,502($ 43,261)- - US$ 1,502($ 43,261)100% HK$ 106($ 398)HK$ 17,721($ 65,585)-Compostar Technology (Su Zhou)Co., Ltd.Manufacture <strong>and</strong> marketing ofpassive componentsUS$ 5,036($ 145,047)Indirect: Through acompany registered ina third regionUS$ 5,036($ 145,047)- - US$ 5,036($ 145,047)100% HK$ (1,557)($ 5,843)HK$ 4,951($ 18,324)-(Continued)- 55 -

Accumulated Investment in Mainl<strong>and</strong> China as ofJune 30, 2011Investment Amounts Authorized by InvestmentCommission, MOEAUpper Limit on InvestmentUS$ 33,931($ 977,281)US$ 155,977($ 4,492,450)US$ 21,133($ 608,673)US$ 789($ 22,725)US$ 5,000($ 144,010)US$ 3,150($ 90,726)US$ 460($ 13,249)US$ 59($ 1,699)US$ 230($ 6,624)US$ 5,000($ 144,010)US$ 1,502($ 43,261)US$ 5,036($ 145,047)US$ 47,590 (Note 2)US$ 192,977 (Note 2)US$ 26,660US$ 2,926US$ 5,000US$ 3,150 Note 1US$ 736US$ 59 $32,967,859 × 60% = $19,780,715US$ 560US$ 5,000US$ 1,164US$ 5,150Note 1:Note 2:Note 3:Based on “Audit procedure of mainl<strong>and</strong> china investment” on August 29, 2008, there is 60% cap on the amount of the Group’s investment.The transfer amount of capital surplus to earning approved by MOEA of <strong>Yageo</strong> Electronics (Dongguan) <strong>and</strong> <strong>Yageo</strong> Electronics (China) Co., Ltd. are US$6,740 thous<strong>and</strong> <strong>and</strong> US$37,000 thous<strong>and</strong>.Those subsidiaries hold the shares up to 50% by indirect method, their’s profits <strong>and</strong> losses <strong>and</strong> ending balances were fully offset.(Concluded)- 56 -

TABLE 9YAGEO CORPORATION AND SUBSIDIARIESINTERCOMPANY RELATIONSHIPS AND SIGNIFICANT TRANSACTIONSSIX MONTHS ENDED JUNE 30, 2011 AND 2010(In New Taiwan Dollars, Unless Stated Otherwise; All Amounts in Thous<strong>and</strong>s)Year No. Company Name Related PartyNature of Relationship(Note)Transaction DetailsFinancial Statement Account Amount Payment Terms% toTotal Sales orAssets2011 0 <strong>Yageo</strong> <strong>Corporation</strong> <strong>Yageo</strong> Holding (Bermuda) Ltd. 1. Accounts <strong>and</strong> notes receivable from $ 115,712 Financing -related parties<strong>Yageo</strong> Holding (Bermuda) Ltd. 1. Accounts <strong>and</strong> notes receivable from8,229 Prepaid -related parties<strong>Yageo</strong> Holding (Bermuda) Ltd. 1. Interest revenue 714 Financing -<strong>Yageo</strong> Components (Su Zhou) Co., Ltd. 1. Sales 26,310 T/T 90 days -<strong>Yageo</strong> Components (Su Zhou) Co., Ltd. 1. Accounts <strong>and</strong> notes receivable from18,128 T/T 90 days -related parties<strong>Yageo</strong> USA (H.K.) Limited 1. Sales 227,970 Offset account T/T 90 days 2<strong>Yageo</strong> USA (H.K.) Limited 1. Accounts <strong>and</strong> notes receivable from 3,762,516 Offset account T/T 90 days 7related partiesKo-E (H.K.) Limited 1. Sales 379,588 T/T 60 days 3Ko-E (H.K.) Limited 1. Rental revenue 864 T/T 60 days -Ko-E (H.K.) Limited 1. Service income 12,032 T/T 60 days -Ko-E (H.K.) Limited 1. Accounts <strong>and</strong> notes receivable from233,247 T/T 60 days -related partiesKo-E Corp. 1. Rental revenue 207 T/T 30 days -Ko-E Corp. 1. Accounts <strong>and</strong> notes receivable from28 T/T 30 days -related parties<strong>Yageo</strong> America 1. Accounts <strong>and</strong> notes receivable from30,088 Offset account T/T 120 days -related parties<strong>Yageo</strong> <strong>Corporation</strong> (South Asia) 1. Sales 294,154 T/T 90 days 2<strong>Yageo</strong> <strong>Corporation</strong> (South Asia) 1. Accounts <strong>and</strong> notes receivable from246,782 T/T 90 days -related parties<strong>Yageo</strong> Electronics (China) Co., Ltd. 1. Sales 1,160,296 T/T 90 days 9<strong>Yageo</strong> Electronics (China) Co., Ltd. 1. Accounts <strong>and</strong> notes receivable from750,251 T/T 90 days 1related parties<strong>Yageo</strong> Electronics (Dongguan) Co., Ltd. 1. Sales 1,500,258 Offset account T/T 90 days 11<strong>Yageo</strong> Trade (Su Zhou) Co., Ltd. 1. Sales 24,406 T/T 90 days -<strong>Yageo</strong> Trade (Su Zhou) Co., Ltd. 1. Accounts <strong>and</strong> notes receivable from13,040 T/T 90 days -related partiesVitrohm Portuguesa 1. Sales 5,827 T/T 90 days -Vitrohm Portuguesa 1. Accounts <strong>and</strong> notes receivable from2,039 T/T 90 days -related parties<strong>Yageo</strong> Europe B.V. 1. Sales 364,618 T/T 45 days 3<strong>Yageo</strong> Europe B.V. 1. Accounts <strong>and</strong> notes receivable fromrelated parties152,178 T/T 45 days -(Continued)- 57 -

Year No. Company Name Related PartyNature of Relationship(Note)Transaction DetailsFinancial Statement Account Amount Payment Terms% toTotal Sales orAssets<strong>Yageo</strong> Japan 1. Sales $ 382 T/T 90 days -<strong>Yageo</strong> Japan 1. Accounts <strong>and</strong> notes receivable from99 T/T 90 days -related parties<strong>Yageo</strong> Korea 1. Accounts <strong>and</strong> notes receivable fromrelated parties422 Prepaid -1 <strong>Yageo</strong> Holding (Bermuda) Ltd. Ferroxcube 3. Loans receivable from related parties 1,844,411 Financing 4<strong>Yageo</strong> Europe Holding B.V. 3. Loans receivable from related parties 7,713,056 Financing 15<strong>Yageo</strong> America 3. Loans receivable from related parties 280,589 Financing 1<strong>Yageo</strong> Hong Kong 1. Loans receivable from related parties 2,151,509 Financing 4Hsu Tai International (H.K.) 1. Loans receivable from related parties 304,638 Financing 1<strong>Yageo</strong> Japan 1. Loans receivable from related parties 13,227 Financing -Vitrohm Holding 1. Loans receivable <strong>and</strong> interestreceivable from related parties130,851 Financing -2 <strong>Yageo</strong> Hong Kong <strong>Yageo</strong> Electronics (China) Co., Ltd. 1. Loans receivable from related parties 2,044,942 Financing 4<strong>Yageo</strong> Trade (Su Zhou) Co., Ltd. 1. Loans receivable from related parties 144,010 Financing -3 <strong>Yageo</strong> Electronics (China) Co., Ltd. Ko-E (H.K.) Limited 3. Sales 243,810 T/T 65 days 2Ko-E (H.K.) Limited 3. Accounts <strong>and</strong> notes receivable from223,329 T/T 65 days -related parties<strong>Yageo</strong> Trade (Su Zhou) Co., Ltd. 3. Sales 680 T/T 90 days -<strong>Yageo</strong> Europe B.V. 3. Sales 124,682 T/T 90 days 1<strong>Yageo</strong> Europe B.V. 3. Accounts <strong>and</strong> notes receivable from57,660 T/T 90 days -related parties<strong>Yageo</strong> <strong>Corporation</strong> 2. Sales 205,474 T/T 90 days 2<strong>Yageo</strong> <strong>Corporation</strong> 2. Accounts <strong>and</strong> notes receivable fromrelated parties1,735,101 T/T 90 days 34 <strong>Yageo</strong> USA (H.K.) Limited <strong>Yageo</strong> Trade (Su Zhou) Co., Ltd. 3. Sales 1,095,142 T/T 60 days 8<strong>Yageo</strong> Trade (Su Zhou) Co., Ltd. 3. Accounts <strong>and</strong> notes receivable from672,709 T/T 60 days 1related partiesKo-E (H.K.) Limited 3. Service income 31,481 T/T 90 days -Ko-E (H.K.) Limited 3. Sales 592,477 T/T 90 days 4Ko-E (H.K.) Limited 3. Accounts <strong>and</strong> notes receivable fromrelated parties757,205 T/T 90 days 15 <strong>Yageo</strong> Electronics (Dongguan) Co., Ltd. <strong>Yageo</strong> <strong>Corporation</strong> 2. Sales 157,727 T/T 90 days 1<strong>Yageo</strong> <strong>Corporation</strong> 2. Accounts <strong>and</strong> notes receivable from982,109 T/T 90 days 2related parties6 Ferroxcube Holding (Samoa) Ltd. Ferroxcube (Dongguan) Co., Ltd. 3. Loans receivable from related parties 123,849 Financing -Ferroxcube H.K. Ltd. 3. Sales 339,182 T/T 60 days 3Ferroxcube H.K. Ltd. 3. Accounts <strong>and</strong> notes receivable fromrelated parties108,338 T/T 60 days -7 Ferroxcube Taiwan, Ltd. Ferroxcube H.K. Ltd. 3. Commission income 4,933 T/T 60 days -(Continued)- 58 -

Year No. Company Name Related PartyNature of Relationship(Note)Transaction DetailsFinancial Statement Account Amount Payment Terms8 Compostar Technology (Cayman) <strong>Yageo</strong> Holding (Bermuda) Ltd. 3. Loans receivable from related parties $ 63,739 Financing -<strong>Yageo</strong> Hong Kong 3. Accounts <strong>and</strong> notes receivable from63,946 Sale of long-term investment -related partiesCompostar Technology (Su Zhou) Co., Ltd. 3. Accounts <strong>and</strong> notes receivable fromrelated parties37,256 Prepaid -% toTotal Sales orAssets9 Compostar Technology (HK) <strong>Yageo</strong> Hong Kong 3. Accounts <strong>and</strong> notes receivable fromrelated parties50,715 Sale of long-term investment -10 <strong>Yageo</strong> Trade (Su Zhou) Co., Ltd. <strong>Yageo</strong> Electronics (China) Co., Ltd. 3. Sales 435 T/T 90 days -<strong>Yageo</strong> Electronics (China) Co., Ltd. 3. Accounts <strong>and</strong> notes receivable from56,589 Financing -related partiesKo-E Corp. (Shenzhen) 3. Sales 719,119 T/T 65 days 5Ko-E Corp. (Shenzhen) 3. Accounts <strong>and</strong> notes receivable fromrelated parties783,098 T/T 65 days 211 <strong>Yageo</strong> Components (Su Zhou) Co., Ltd. <strong>Yageo</strong> Europe B.V. 3. Sales 15,977 T/T 90 days -<strong>Yageo</strong> Europe B.V. 3. Accounts <strong>and</strong> notes receivable from5,739 T/T 90 days -related parties<strong>Yageo</strong> <strong>Corporation</strong> 2. Sales 45,433 T/T 90 days -<strong>Yageo</strong> <strong>Corporation</strong> 2. Accounts <strong>and</strong> notes receivable fromrelated parties36,032 T/T 90 days -12 <strong>Yageo</strong> Korea <strong>Yageo</strong> <strong>Corporation</strong> 2. Commission income 13,899 T/T 30 days -<strong>Yageo</strong> <strong>Corporation</strong> 2. Accounts <strong>and</strong> notes receivable from13,726 T/T 30 days -related parties13 <strong>Yageo</strong> Japan <strong>Yageo</strong> Holding (Bermuda) Ltd. 2. Commission income 16,232 T/T 30 days -<strong>Yageo</strong> Holding (Bermuda) Ltd. 2. Accounts <strong>and</strong> notes receivable from2,951 T/T 30 days -related parties14 Vitrohm Holding GmbH <strong>Yageo</strong> USA (H.K.) Limited 3. Sales 1,767 T/T 90 days -<strong>Yageo</strong> USA (H.K.) Limited 3. Accounts <strong>and</strong> notes receivable from979 T/T 90 days -related parties15 Ko-E Corp. (Cayman) Ko-E (H.K.) Limited) 1. Accounts <strong>and</strong> notes receivable fromrelated parties16 Ko-E (H.K.) Limited <strong>Yageo</strong> USA (H.K.) Limited 3. Accounts <strong>and</strong> notes receivable fromrelated partiesKo-E Corp. (Shenzhen) 1. Accounts <strong>and</strong> notes receivable fromrelated parties17 Ko-E Corp. (Shenzhen) Ko-E (H.K.) Limited 2. Accounts <strong>and</strong> notes receivable fromrelated partiesKo-E Corp. (Cayman) 2. Accounts <strong>and</strong> notes receivable fromrelated parties45,062 Prepaid -1,521 Prepaid -7,058 Prepaid -4,073 Prepaid -2,370 Prepaid -(Continued)- 59 -

Year No. Company Name Related PartyNature of Relationship(Note)18 Ferroxcube H.K. Ltd. Ferroxcube 3. Accounts <strong>and</strong> notes receivable fromrelated partiesTransaction Details% toTotal Sales orAssets$ 606,242 Sale of long-term investment 1Financial Statement Account Amount Payment Terms19 <strong>Yageo</strong> America <strong>Yageo</strong> <strong>Corporation</strong> 2. Commission income 19,727 T/T 90 days -2010 0 <strong>Yageo</strong> <strong>Corporation</strong> <strong>Yageo</strong> Holding (Bermuda) Ltd. 1. Accounts <strong>and</strong> notes receivable from8,535 Prepaid -related parties<strong>Yageo</strong> Holding (Bermuda) Ltd. 1. Loans receivable <strong>and</strong> interest161,632 Financing -receivable from related parties<strong>Yageo</strong> Holding (Bermuda) Ltd. 1. Interest revenue 242 Financing -<strong>Yageo</strong> Components (Su Zhou) Co., Ltd. 1. Sales 22,820 T/T 90 days -<strong>Yageo</strong> Components (Su Zhou) Co., Ltd. 1. Accounts <strong>and</strong> notes receivable from16,034 T/T 90 days -related parties<strong>Yageo</strong> USA (H.K.) Limited 1. Sales 112,730 Offset account T/T 90 days 1<strong>Yageo</strong> USA (H.K.) Limited 1. Accounts <strong>and</strong> notes receivable from 2,416,387 Offset account T/T 90 days 5related partiesKo-E (H.K.) Limited 1. Sales 568,329 T/T 60 days 4Ko-E (H.K.) Limited 1. Rental revenue 828 T/T 30 days -Ko-E (H.K.) Limited 1. Service income 18,052 T/T 60 days -Ko-E (H.K.) Limited 1. Accounts <strong>and</strong> notes receivable from342,473 T/T 60 days 1related partiesKo-E Corp. 1. Rental revenue 216 T/T 30 days -<strong>Yageo</strong> America 1. Accounts <strong>and</strong> notes receivable from42,794 Offset account T/T 120 days -related parties<strong>Yageo</strong> <strong>Corporation</strong> (South Asia) 1. Sales 369,864 T/T 90 days 3<strong>Yageo</strong> <strong>Corporation</strong> (South Asia) 1. Accounts <strong>and</strong> notes receivable from349,475 T/T 90 days 1related parties<strong>Yageo</strong> Electronics (China) Co., Ltd. 1. Sales 1,087,183 T/T 90 days 8<strong>Yageo</strong> Electronics (China) Co., Ltd. 1. Accounts <strong>and</strong> notes receivable from509,000 T/T 90 days 1related parties<strong>Yageo</strong> Electronics (Dongguan) Co., Ltd. 1. Sales 1,015,775 Offset account T/T 90 days 8<strong>Yageo</strong> Trade (Su Zhou) Co., Ltd. 1. Sales 29,631 T/T 90 days -<strong>Yageo</strong> Trade (Su Zhou) Co., Ltd. 1. Accounts <strong>and</strong> notes receivable from16,759 T/T 90 days -related partiesVitrohm Portuguesa 1. Sales 6,640 T/T 90 days -Vitrohm Portuguesa 1. Accounts <strong>and</strong> notes receivable from4,191 T/T 90 days -related parties<strong>Yageo</strong> Europe B.V. 1. Sales 346,173 T/T 45 days 3<strong>Yageo</strong> Europe B.V. 1. Accounts <strong>and</strong> notes receivable fromrelated parties179,622 T/T 45 days -1 <strong>Yageo</strong> Holding (Bermuda) Ltd. Ferroxcube 3. Loans receivable from related parties 1,845,567 Financing 4<strong>Yageo</strong> Europe Holding B.V. 3. Loans receivable from related parties 7,833,787 Financing 16Ferroxcube Holding (Samoa) Ltd. 3. Loans receivable from related parties 110,486 Financing -<strong>Yageo</strong> America 3. Loans receivable from related parties 314,457 Financing 1<strong>Yageo</strong> Hong Kong 1. Loans receivable from related parties 1,894,719 Financing 4<strong>Yageo</strong> USA (H.K.) Limited 1. Loans receivable from related parties 96,834 Financing -Hsu Tai International (H.K.) 1. Loans receivable from related parties 347,100 Financing 1(Continued)- 60 -

Year No. Company Name Related PartyNature of Relationship(Note)Transaction DetailsFinancial Statement Account Amount Payment Terms% toTotal Sales orAssets<strong>Yageo</strong> Japan 1. Loans receivable from related parties $ 13,461 Financing -Vitrohm Holding 1. Loan receivable <strong>and</strong> interest receivable 153,362 Financing -from affiliates <strong>and</strong> related parties2 <strong>Yageo</strong> Hong Kong <strong>Yageo</strong> Electronics (China) Co., Ltd. 1. Loans receivable from related parties 1,775,290 Financing 4<strong>Yageo</strong> Trade (Su Zhou) Co., Ltd. 1. Loans receivable from related parties 161,390 Financing -3 <strong>Yageo</strong> Electronics (China) Co., Ltd. Ko-E Corp. (Shenzhen) 3. Sales 406 T/T 65 days -Ko-E Corp. (Shenzhen) 3. Accounts <strong>and</strong> notes receivable from139 T/T 65 days -related partiesKo-E (H.K.) Limited 3. Sales 246,235 T/T 65 days 2Ko-E (H.K.) Limited 3. Accounts <strong>and</strong> notes receivable from187,978 T/T 65 days -related parties<strong>Yageo</strong> Trade (Su Zhou) Co., Ltd. 3. Sales 14,986 T/T 90 days -<strong>Yageo</strong> Europe B.V. 3. Sales 153,806 T/T 90 days 1<strong>Yageo</strong> Europe B.V. 3. Accounts <strong>and</strong> notes receivable from67,864 T/T 90 days -related parties<strong>Yageo</strong> <strong>Corporation</strong> 2. Sales 462,887 T/T 90 days 3<strong>Yageo</strong> <strong>Corporation</strong> 2. Accounts <strong>and</strong> notes receivable fromrelated parties1,308,967 T/T 90 days 34 <strong>Yageo</strong> USA (H.K.) Limited <strong>Yageo</strong> Trade (Su Zhou) Co., Ltd. 3. Sales 650,328 T/T 60 days 5<strong>Yageo</strong> Trade (Su Zhou) Co., Ltd. 3. Accounts <strong>and</strong> notes receivable from435,903 T/T 60 days 1related partiesKo-E (H.K.) Limited 3. Service income 37,415 T/T 90 days -Ko-E (H.K.) Limited 3. Sales 608,924 T/T 90 days 5Ko-E (H.K.) Limited 3. Accounts <strong>and</strong> notes receivable from565,971 T/T 90 days 1related parties<strong>Yageo</strong> Electronics (China) Co., Ltd. 3. Sales 101,942 T/T 90 days 1<strong>Yageo</strong> Electronics (China) Co., Ltd. 3. Accounts <strong>and</strong> notes receivable fromrelated parties26,133 T/T 90 days -5 <strong>Yageo</strong> Electronics (Dongguan) Co., Ltd. <strong>Yageo</strong> Electronics (China) Co., Ltd. 3. Accounts <strong>and</strong> notes receivable from421 T/T 60 days -related parties<strong>Yageo</strong> <strong>Corporation</strong> 2. Sales 238,406 T/T 90 days 2<strong>Yageo</strong> <strong>Corporation</strong> 2. Accounts <strong>and</strong> notes receivable fromrelated parties989,815 T/T 90 days 26 Ferroxcube Holding (Samoa) Ltd. Ferroxcube (Dongguan) Co., Ltd. 3. Loans receivable from related parties 138,975 Financing -Ferroxcube H.K. Ltd. 3. Sales 393,787 T/T 60 days 3Ferroxcube H.K. Ltd. 3. Accounts <strong>and</strong> notes receivable fromrelated parties250,700 T/T 60 days 17 Ferroxcube Taiwan, Ltd. Ferroxcube H.K. Ltd. 3. Commission income 8,891 T/T 60 days -(Continued)- 61 -

Year No. Company Name Related PartyNature of Relationship(Note)Transaction DetailsFinancial Statement Account Amount Payment Terms% toTotal Sales orAssets8 Compostar Technology (Suzhou) Co., Ltd. <strong>Yageo</strong> Trade (Su Zhou) Co., Ltd. 3. Sales $ 178 T/T 90 days -9 Compostar Technology (Cayman), Ltd. Compostar Technology (Suzhou) Co., Ltd. 3. Accounts <strong>and</strong> notes receivable fromrelated parties<strong>Yageo</strong> <strong>Corporation</strong> 2. Accounts <strong>and</strong> notes receivable fromrelated parties41,563 - -79,236 - -10 <strong>Yageo</strong> Trade (Su Zhou) Co., Ltd. <strong>Yageo</strong> Electronics (China) Co., Ltd. 3. Sales 9,682 T/T 90 days -<strong>Yageo</strong> Electronics (China) Co., Ltd. 3. Accounts <strong>and</strong> notes receivable from8,442 T/T 90 days -related partiesKo-E Corp. (Shenzhen) 3. Sales 510,216 T/T 65 days 4Ko-E Corp. (Shenzhen) 3. Accounts <strong>and</strong> notes receivable fromrelated parties446,980 T/T 65 days 111 <strong>Yageo</strong> Components (Su Zhou) Co., Ltd. <strong>Yageo</strong> Europe B.V. 3. Sales 15,902 T/T 90 days -<strong>Yageo</strong> Europe B.V. 3. Accounts <strong>and</strong> notes receivable from5,018 T/T 90 days -related parties<strong>Yageo</strong> <strong>Corporation</strong> 2. Sales 53,550 T/T 90 days -<strong>Yageo</strong> <strong>Corporation</strong> 2. Accounts <strong>and</strong> notes receivable fromrelated parties41,140 T/T 90 days -12 <strong>Yageo</strong> Korea <strong>Yageo</strong> <strong>Corporation</strong> 2. Commission income 19,828 T/T 30 days -<strong>Yageo</strong> <strong>Corporation</strong> 2. Accounts <strong>and</strong> notes receivable from3,248 T/T 30 days -related parties13 <strong>Yageo</strong> Japan <strong>Yageo</strong> Holding (Bermuda) Ltd. 2. Commission income 16,758 T/T 30 days -<strong>Yageo</strong> Holding (Bermuda) Ltd. 2. Accounts <strong>and</strong> notes receivable from2,374 T/T 30 days -related parties14 Vitrohm Holding GmbH <strong>Yageo</strong> USA (H.K.) Limited 3. Sales 836 T/T 90 days -<strong>Yageo</strong> USA (H.K.) Limited 3. Accounts <strong>and</strong> notes receivable from548 T/T 90 days -related parties<strong>Yageo</strong> <strong>Corporation</strong> 2. Sales 227 T/T 90 days -15 Ko-E Corp. (Cayman) Ko-E (H.K.) Limited 1. Accounts <strong>and</strong> notes receivable fromrelated parties16 Ko-E Limited Ko-E Corp. (Cayman) 2. Accounts <strong>and</strong> notes receivable fromrelated partiesKo-E Corp. (Shenzhen) 3. Accounts <strong>and</strong> notes receivable fromrelated parties17 Ko-E (H.K.) Limited <strong>Yageo</strong> USA (H.K.) Limited 3. Accounts <strong>and</strong> notes receivable fromrelated partiesKo-E Corp. (Shenzhen) 1. Accounts <strong>and</strong> notes receivable fromrelated parties39,972 T/T 180 days -392 Prepaid -300 Prepaid -1,704 Prepaid -14,582 Prepaid -(Continued)- 62 -

Year No. Company Name Related PartyNature of Relationship(Note)Transaction DetailsFinancial Statement Account Amount Payment Terms% toTotal Sales orAssets18 Ko-E Corp. (Shenzhen) Ko-E (H.K.) Limited 2. Accounts <strong>and</strong> notes receivable fromrelated parties19 Ferroxcube H.K. Ltd. Ferroxcube 3. Accounts <strong>and</strong> notes receivable fromrelated parties$ 971 Prepaid -679,201 Sold of long-term investment 120 <strong>Yageo</strong> America <strong>Yageo</strong> <strong>Corporation</strong> 2. Commission income 16,426 T/T 90 days -Note 1The flow of related-party transactions is as follows:1. From the parent company to its subsidiary.2. From a subsidiary to its parent company.3. Between subsidiaries.Note 2: The forestated intercompany transactions were fully offset at the time the consolidated financial statements were prepared.(Concluded)- 63 -

TABLE 10YAGEO CORPORATION AND SUBSIDIARIESTHE GROUP’S ORGANIZATION CHARTJUNE 30, 2011<strong>Yageo</strong> <strong>Corporation</strong><strong>Yageo</strong>America<strong>Corporation</strong>100% 100%CompostarTechnology(Cayman),Ltd.100%Ko-ShinInvestmentLtd.100%<strong>Yageo</strong>Holding(Bermuda)Ltd.100%<strong>Yageo</strong><strong>Corporation</strong>(South Asia)Pte. Ltd.100%PhycompMalaysiaSDN. BHD.100%FerroxcubeTaiwan Ltd.100%FerroxcubeHolding(Samoa) Ltd.100%<strong>Yageo</strong> Europe100%Compostar(Hong Kong)Limited100%<strong>Yageo</strong> USA(H.K.)Limited100%<strong>Yageo</strong> Japan100%<strong>Yageo</strong> Korea100%<strong>Yageo</strong>(Hong Kong)Limited100%VitrohmHoldingGmbH77%Ko-E Holding(CaymanIsl<strong>and</strong>) Ltd.100%RextronInternational100%Hsu TaiInternational(H.K)100%FerroxcubeTechnologyCo., Ltd.(H.K)100%Ferroxcube100%100%VitrohmPortuguesaFerroxcube(Dongguan)Co., Ltd.100%CompostarTechnology(Dongguan)Co., Ltd.100%CompostarTechnology(Su Zhou)Co., Ltd.100%<strong>Yageo</strong> Trade(Su Zhou)Co., Ltd.100%<strong>Yageo</strong>Electronics(Dongguan)Co., Ltd.100%<strong>Yageo</strong>Electronics(China) Co.,Ltd.100%<strong>Yageo</strong>Components(Su Zhou)Co., Ltd.100%Ko-E Corp.100%Ko-E (H.K.)Limited100%Ko-ETechnology(Shenzhen)Co., Ltd.- 64 -

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