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SALE, CHARTER & MANAGEMENT• BROKERAGE NEWS •S O L DVOR 70“GROUPAMA 4”2011. GROUPAMA 4 was designedby the renowned architect JuanKouyoumdjian and was built byMultiplast in France in 2011. Thisexceptional ocean racing yacht stoodout as the fastest in the Volvo OceanRace fleet in 2011/2012 and wenton to win the prestigious around-theworld event in the hands of Frenchsailing legend Franck Cammas andhis world-class team. This 21,50mVOR 70 remains at the forefrontof racing technology and is in verygood condition.©Yvan ZeddaMotor <strong>Yacht</strong>“LADY KATANA II”1997. LADY KATANA is an excellentmotor yacht designed for luxurycruising. Arranged in 4 double cabinsLADY KATANA can accommodate8 in extreme comfort. There arealso 2 double cabins for the crewwho have their own separate livingspace. All cabins were designed withcomfort and tranquility as a priority.The motor yacht LADY KATANA alsoboasts spacious outdoor areas suchas a large flybridge which offersfantastic panoramic views.S O L DS O L DS O L DSchooner “WISH”2004. This elegant sailing classical yacht was built in 2004 as a traditionalSchooner for a private owner. Sailing yacht WISH offers great entertainingspace on deck, spacious cabins and cosy atmosphere. She has always beenmaintained by her professional crew.59 ft “KER”2005. A very nice Reichel Pugh design built for speed at sea and comfort whilecruising. She accommodates 3 double guest cabins plus crew. She has beenvery well built in Italy by Adria Sail and kept in great shape thanks to her fulltime skipper.www.bernard-gallay.com3

<strong>Yacht</strong> <strong>Brokerage</strong>• BROKERAGE NEWS •134 ft NED 40M Fly “BAIA MARE”2012. High quality standards, years of research & development, decades of experience in design, layout and construction are the fundamentals of this newsuper yacht.BAIA MARE effectively combines the benefits of a semi-custom built yacht with tailored standards in technology. The result is a streamlined construction of a turn key superyacht built to a high standard with attention to every detail.Built to RINA classification and MCA compliant for chartering whilst the layout and design still leave ample room for the individual taste and style to personalise it completely.Every use of space has been successfully optimised whilst creating a very open layout where natural light and view of the sea is always present.84 ft Fitzroy <strong>Yacht</strong>s “NEPTUNE”2004. Aluminium built from a Judel/Vrolijk design. The spacious accommodation includes a three-guest cabin layout aft, all with private en suite heads. The two forward crewcabins also have separate heads. The generous main saloon includes a comfortable dining area and lounge. The deckhouse incorporates an additional dining area, chart tableand inside steering station.4www.bernard-gallay.com

SALE, CHARTER & MANAGEMENT102 ft “MOONBEAMOF FIFE III”1903. The story of the Moonbeamsbegan in 1858 with Moonbeam I & II.In 1902 Charles Plumtree Johnson,an eminent London lawyer, decidedto go back to William Fife for thecreation of his 3rd yacht taking intoaccount his navigation projects as hewanted to race under the new RORCtonnage which included sailing shipswith fitted-out interiors. Moonbeam IIIwas launched in 1903, hull n° 491to leave the Fife yard. The result wasa magnificent yacht which has nowbecome one of the most successfulclassic yachts in the world. Herstreamlined shape and large sailsurface area both make for anextremely elegant and unique yacht.258 ft Steam Ship“SS DELPHINE”DELPHINE is an exceptional shipconstructed in 1921 and totally rebuiltbetween 1997 and 2003, thanks to herpassionate owners, into a modern superyacht whilst retaining her unique classiccharacter.She has some incredible history havingbeen placed into US naval service duringWorld War II, then used as a training shipfor 18 years until 1997 when she wasbought by her current owner who spentnearly six years rebuilding her.She was re-christened in September of2003. DELPHINE is now one of the mostunique and exceptional private yachts inthe Mediterranean fleet and worldwide. In2004 she received the annual showboatsaward for best refit.Although she has kept her 2 incrediblesteam engines, she is now equippedwith modern technology and boasts avery luxurious and comfortable interior.She can accommodate up to 26 guests.100 ft Classic MY“SPREZZATURA”1971. Extensive refit in 2013.A classical, yet freshly-styledgentleman’s motor yacht, with opulentwoodwork and furnishings. She hasunusually spacious staterooms andattached bathrooms, a very largemain saloon, a superb forward maindeck dining saloon, an enormoustop sun-deck and top-deck diningarea and much more. She hasrecently benefitted from a one-yearrefit costing considerably more thanUS$1-million.Montpellier/France l La Ciotat l Monaco l Paris l Palma, Majorca l Moscow l Hong Kong l Grenada l Turkey5

<strong>Yacht</strong> <strong>Brokerage</strong>• BROKERAGE NEWS •110 ft “AVENTURA”2006. Ted Fontaine design built byDanish <strong>Yacht</strong> & Holland Jachtbouw.This magnificent centre board sloopis a true world cruising yacht wheresafety and comfort have been apriority. Beauty, flexibility and easefollowed suit. In true Fontaine style,she provides the owner with classicbeauty married to modern technology.The centreboard gives access incoastal waters. The push-buttonrig and fold-down stern ease theinterface between wind and water.The flow of the yacht with threeentrance/exits, an on-deck saloonand a raised interior saloon, plus4 staterooms aft for owner and guestsoffer the maximum living potentialfor a yacht that can be handled byonly four crew.79 ft “WHIMSY”2005. Built by Vaudrey Miller<strong>Yacht</strong>s, NZ and designed by PhilippeBriand for an experienced racingyachtsman who was heavily involvedin the design and building process.The result is a highly contemporarydesign conceived to sail round theworld which has the performancecapacities and the sensitivity of aracing yacht. The layout is designedfor crossing oceans and relaxedday-to-day living with most of theemphasis placed on a large saloonand a large cockpit. She also boastsa comfortable crew area towards therear of the boat.Exhibited at the Cannes <strong>Yacht</strong>Show 201382 ft “ATAO”2006. Built by JFA <strong>Yacht</strong>s,France. She is a beautiful modernclassic centreboard sloop, with astunning classic look and modernrequirements. Her finely craftedwoodwork hides many powerfulinnovations and reveals astonishingsailing performances.The view from the deckhouse isunparalleled and uninterrupted,looking forward over the deck andinto the cockpit and this is clearly thecentral point of this beautiful yacht.Exhibited at the Cannes <strong>Yacht</strong>Show 2013©B. Stichelbaut6Montpellier/France l La Ciotat l Monaco l Paris l Palma, Majorca l Moscow l Hong Kong l Grenada l Turkey

SALE, CHARTER & MANAGEMENT90 ft Fast Sloop “QUINTA SANTA MARIA”2002. A very nice, fast cruising sloop. She has been specially designed for her current owner who is an experienced yachtsman and who has exclusively used her for familycruising and a few Mediterranean cruising racing events. She has been kept in great condition by the same captain since launched.Ferretti Custom Line 94 Fly “PRINCIPESSA”2005. Very nice motor yacht with a navigation station above the main bridge.She is in perfect condition with a full time qualified crew on board. Same captainand crew since launched in 2005.Next 57 “WANAKA 2”2003. Simonis and Voogt designed and custom built in NZ. Commissioned by a veryexperienced yachtsman, WANAKA 2 boasts a very nice interior and will allow you tosail 200 miles per day without any problem, all in great comfort and with minimaleffort. Thanks to her lifting keel she is also able to moor in all the little anchorageplaces that yachts are usually not able to approach.80 ft Power Catamaran PELICANO2005. An exceptional ocean passage composite motor catamaran. Designedby Joubert Nivelt, she has a 3.800 NM range at 10 knots of cruising speed andaccommodates up to 8 guests plus 2 crew in 5 cabins. The space on her mainand upper decks is just huge.Morgan 70 “MATHIGO”2007. Kevlar composite built from a Tom Fexas design, she is a true gentleman’syacht with a special classic touch inspired from the lobster boats in Maine. She isfast and seaworthy, extremely comfortable and luxurious. She is like new, havingbeen used only one summer and stored indoors since.www.bernard-gallay.com7

<strong>Yacht</strong> <strong>Brokerage</strong>• <strong>Brokerage</strong> Index •Motor <strong>Yacht</strong> IndexDELPHINE Steam Ship78.00 m 1921 Location: Tunisia39,000,000 USDSANSSOUCI STARClassic Motor <strong>Yacht</strong>53.53 m 1982 Location: Baltic SeaPrice on applicationKaria RMK 450045.00 m 2011 Location: Turkey19,000,000 €BAIA MARE Ned 41m Fly40.80 m 2011 Location: Turkey10,500,000 €LA SULTANE Neo Classic Motor <strong>Yacht</strong>34.10 m 2006 Location: Turkey2,800,000 €SHERAZADE Motor <strong>Yacht</strong> (Diving Charter)32.15 m 2006 Location: Egypt990,000 €SPREZZATURA Classic Motor <strong>Yacht</strong>30.30 m 1971/2013 Location: South FranceUS$ 1,975,000ATTILASteel Motor <strong>Yacht</strong>30.00 m 1989 Location: South France350,000 €PRINCIPESSA Ferretti Custom Line 94 Fly28.80 m 2005 Location: Turkey3,330,000 €BJORG II Guy Couach 2800 LR28.00 m 2002 Location: Spain1,350,000 €Pelicano Motor Catamaran23.95 m 2005 Location: South France1,250,000 €CELESTIAL Navarcantieri P 21 S22.60 m 1997 Location: South France325,000 €Mathigo Morgan 7021.24 m 2007 Location: South France980,000 €Allegiance Réplique C&N 192514.40 m 2004 Location: South France330,000 €LOCH LOMOND Classic Tender9.00 m 2007 Location: West France175,000 €8Montpellier/France l La Ciotat l Monaco l Paris l Palma, Majorca l Moscow l Hong Kong l Grenada l Turkey

SALE, CHARTER & MANAGEMENT• <strong>Brokerage</strong> Index •Sailing <strong>Yacht</strong> IndexPRINCIPE PERFEITO3 Mast Schooner41.52 m 1943 Location: Portugal1,650,000 €QUEEN OF ANDAMAN Classic Motor Sailing41.00 m 2007 Location: Spain3,875,000 €Aventura Danish <strong>Yacht</strong> & Holland Jachtbouw Sloop33.24 m 2005 Location: East USA US$ 5,995,000MOONBEAM of Fife IIIGaff Cutter31.00 m 1903 Location: South France2,500,000 €SUSANNE AF STOCKHOLM Aluminium Sloop30.16 m 1990/2008 Location: Caribbean2,900,000 €SOUTHERN CROSSMaxi 88 Sloop29.70 m 1991/2004 Location: Turkey1,350,000 €ANTSIVA Aluminium Centreboard Schooner28.00 m 2004 Location: Indian Ocean1,190,000 €QUINTA SANTA MARIA Composite Cruising Sloop27.42 m 2001 Location: Liguria, Italy1,750,000 €Neptune Fitzroy Aluminium Sloop25.65 m 2004 Location: Liguria, Italy1,750,000 €FORTUNA Maxi 82 Ketch25.40 m 1989/2005 Location: Spain495,000 €AtaoNeo-classic JFA <strong>Yacht</strong>s24.90m 2006 Location: South France2,950,000 €Whimsy Custom Performance Sloop23.98m 2005 South France/Malta2,450,000 €L’ILE NUE Techni Marine Sloop23.66m 1988 South France/Caribbean720,000 €SILANDRA Nauto 7021.33 m 1991 Location: Caribbean750,000 USDEquinox Selestra 64, aluminium20.54 m 1996/2010 Location: South France290,000 €www.bernard-gallay.com9

<strong>Yacht</strong> <strong>Brokerage</strong>• <strong>Brokerage</strong> Index •Sailing <strong>Yacht</strong> Index (contined)BIG MOMMA Formosa 5820.00m 1982 Location: South France250,000 €KALAO Maxi Dolphin 65 - 220.00 m 2003 Location: South France1,100,000 €NAUSICAA Aluminium Sloop20.00 m 2006 Location: South France320,000 €CASSIOPEIA Swan 6519.68m 1975 Location: Spain450,000 €KINZANA GEM 61019.26m 1989 Location: Sardinia, Italy450,000 €ETANA Privilege 61518.50m 2007 Location: South France850,000 €Ourson Rapide 60 ft Multiplast Fast Sloop18.28 m 2009 Location: Liguria, Italy2,350,000 €MITI Sunreef 6018.20 m 2006 Location: Tunisia590,000 €OCEAN’S SEVEN Privilege 585, Catamaran17.82 m 2004/2007 Location: Turkey595,000 €CHAI Jeanneau 5717.78 m 2011 Location: South France550,000 €WANAKA 2 Next 5717.20 m 2003 Location: East Italy550,000 €LAZY JACK Amel 5417.20 m 2008 Location: West France695,000 €LUAR Passoa 54 Aluminium Centreboard Sloop16.32 m 2002 Location: Caribbean330,000 €Lacaraba Adams 5216.00 m 1998 Location: South France250,000 €GRACILIA II HR 4012.40 m 2006 Location: Turkey2,950,000 SEK (approx. 340,000 €)10www.bernard-gallay.com

SALE, CHARTER & MANAGEMENT• Racing •Imoca 60“GROUPE BEL”2007. One of the fastest if not thefastest IMOCA 60 available on themarket. She is ready to go and inperfect condition.She has been carefully preparedand improved over the years by herskipper Kito de Pavant and his team.She has the potential to competefor the line honors in both nextBarcelona Race and Vendee GlobeRace. GROUPE BEL is extremely wellbuilt. Her hull has never had anystructural issue.© Guilain GRENIER62 ft Trimaran“PARADOX”2010. Designed by Nigel Irens andCabaret and built by MarsaudonComposite, France. The concept ofPARADOX has been inspired fromthe fantastic 60 Orma trimarans. Herhull has been developed for boastinga nice interior for cruising.Yet she is incredibly fast and easy tohandle and capable to race in regattassuch as the Caribbean RORC 500 thatshe won in 2013.Visible in San Francisco.VOR 70 “GROUPAMA G70”(Ex Ericsson 4) was the winner of the Volvo Ocean Race 2008/2009. It was taken over by theFrench team Groupama for training purposes before GROUPAMA 4 was built in 2011. Althoughthis is a previous generation VOR 70, this ocean racing yacht is a technological and architecturalmasterpiece. As with GROUPAMA 4, GROUPAMA 70 is a Juan Koujoumdjian design. “Juan-K”yachts have won the last three Volvo Ocean around the world Races. This boat is not onlyextremely fast and powerful under sail, it is also robust, well designed and in great condition.Extreme 40 “GROUPAMA 40”GROUPAMA 40 is a 12.20m performance catamaran which has an impressiveracing history on the 2009 iShares Cup and the 2010 Extreme 40 Circuit, racingagainst some of the best professionals worldwide. The best racing technologywas used to design these monotype racing machines. Few boats in the worldcan offer such sensations and emotions out on the water.Montpellier/France l La Ciotat l Monaco l Paris l Palma, Majorca l Moscow l Hong Kong l Grenada l Turkey11

<strong>Yacht</strong> <strong>Brokerage</strong>• Racing Index •Racing IndexMed Spirit Super Maxi <strong>Yacht</strong>28.20 m 2003 Location: South France650,000 €NEW ZEALAND ENDEAVOUR Racing yacht25.73 m 1993 Location: Elba, Italy220,000 €Groupama 70 VOR 7021.50 m 2008 Location: West France900,000 €PARADOXFast Cruising Trimaran18.90 m 2010 Location: West USA1,350,000 €DCNSOpen 60 IMOCA Class18.28 m 2008 Location: West France690,000 €GROUPE BEL Open 60 IMOCA Class18.28 m 2007 Location: South France1,200,000 €Lakota60ft Orma Trimaran18.28 m 1990 Location: West France280,000 €MediatisMultihull “hydraplaneur”18.28 m 2004 Location: West France250,000 €Spartan, ex SAGA Open 60 IMOCA Class18.28 m 1997 Location: South England200,000 GBPSPIRIT OF CANADA Open 60 ECO Class18.28 m 1997 Location: East Canada159,000 €BRANECCruiser Racer Trimaran15.24 m 1990 Location: West France200.000 €Krysalid42 ft racing trimaran12.70 m 2006 Location: West France150,000 €KATANGA Farr 4012.41 m 2000 Location: Caribbean110,000 USDGroupama 40 Extreme 4012.20 m 2009 Location: West France190,000 €Geranium Killer A40 RC11.98 m 2008 Location: South France140,000 €12Montpellier/France l La Ciotat l Monaco l Paris l Palma, Majorca l Moscow l Hong Kong l Grenada l Turkey

SALE, CHARTER & MANAGEMENT• Charter •CharterAt BGYB, we have developed our charter activity andtoday we have a selection of some of the world’smost magnificent yachts for charter. We have organisedboth private and corporate charters worldwide and weoffer our clients impeccable standards of professional andpersonal services.Classic or contemporary, fast or tranquil, formal or friendly,the BGYB charter team will find you the best fit for yourparticular chartering requirements. Once you have decidedon the type of charter that you wish to experience, the BGYBcharter team will put all their efforts into finding the bestyacht and the best destination for your needs.BGYB assets:• Identifying and understandingexact requirements.• Providing a wide range of options.• Suggesting cruising itineraries.• Corporate Event/ Team Building.• Delivering the experience.DESTINATIONSWest Mediterranean- French Riviera- Corsica & Sardinia- Italian Riviera- Sicily- Aeolian Islands- Balearic IslandsEast Mediterranean- Greece- Croatia- Venice- TurkeyCaribbean- Leeward Islands- Antilles- Windward IslandsPacific Ocean- Polynesia- Galapagos Islands- New Zealand- Fiji IslandsIndian Ocean- Maldives- SeychellesOther Destinations- Scandinavia- South East Asia- South America- Panamawww.bernard-gallay.comPhoto: Raymond Sahuquet13

• Central Agency Charter Fleet Update •SALE, CHARTER & MANAGEMENTWally 100DARK SHADOW2011 - Length: 30.45 mGuest/Crew: 6/5DARK SHADOW is a high-performancecruising yacht that is instantlyrecognizable with her sleek lines andher pure, contemporary design.This makes her one of the most soughtafter yachts on the regatta circuit withher impressive racing pedigree andWally credentials.However, DARK SHADOW is just ascapable being the ideal charter for afamily holiday, she easily converts into acomfortable and relaxing cruising yacht.A 14m Wally tender is an amazingadded extra that allows for somefantastic water sports and activities.© Marc ParisPh. Rob Kamhoot, Courtesy of Southern Wind Shipyard”.Southern Wind 94“WINDFALL”2013 - Length: 28.64 mGuest/Crew: 6+1/4The latest Southern Wind 94‘WINDFALL’ combines luxury andcomfort with cutting edge technologyand performance in a way that hasrarely been seen before.Performance sport is clearly the coreof this yacht but she is equally proudof her cruising comfort. The intelligentand beautiful collaboration betweenSouthern Wind Shipyard, Reichel Pughand Nauta Design has resulted in asense of great comfort and securitywhilst sailing.Everything on board speaks of qualityand innovation but the clean, sleek linesunderpin the design philosophy.Swan 82ALPINA2001/2011 - Length: 24.89 mGuest/Crew: 6/3Light and fast, elegant and comfortable,ALPINA is the superyacht that evolvesthe cruiser/racer concept combiningspeed, seaworthiness, technologyand innovation to ensure exceptionalperformance and aesthetics.As a racer, she has proven herself asan unstoppable force claiming overallvictory in the inaugural season of theSwan Maxi Class with an outstandingwin at the 2008 Swan Cup in PortoCervo. Her racing qualities are wellknown but as a performance cruiser,she is equally adept offering her guestsall the amenities that one would expecton a world class cruiser.www.bernard-gallay.com15

<strong>Yacht</strong> <strong>Brokerage</strong>16Expedition sailingyacht DWINGER2012 - Length: 48.50 mGuest/Crew: 11/8S.Y. Dwinger is a unique mega sailingyacht, a magnificent, innovativesailing yacht with all the advantagesof a motor yacht. Her 50 meteraluminium hull was custom builtby Royal Huisman, world leaders inadvanced marine technologies.The Dwinger is incomparable to anyother 50 meter craft of both the sailand motor variety in terms of stability,she has an unrivalled array of extras,and with her slick interior whichlends more to high performancethan ornamentation, her futuristicdesign is sure to please all those whochoose to sail with her. Experiencethe Dwinger, built with passion, forthe love of the sea.Foto Arcobaleno Photo Can ArbakPassenger VesselHALAS1914 - Length: 50 mGuest/Crew: 24>120The Halas was used as a passangerferry on the Bosphorus for 65 years.1984. Sold to a private sector and wasconverted into a luxury cruiser.With her idyllic setting and impeccableservices, Halas offers the perfectatmosphere to organize an exclusiveweddings or events for up to 120people.The principal indoor dining room canseat up to 60 people, and additionaloutdoor space for seating 42 people.M/Y Halas caters up to 120 people fora cocktail party.With her 12 luxury cabins, M/Y Halascan be ideal for a charter.SW 100RSCAPE ARROW2011 - Length: 30.20 mGuest/Crew: 8/4CAPE ARROW has been designed bythe winning collaboration betweenFarr <strong>Yacht</strong> Design for the navalarchitecture and Nauta Design for thegeneral concept, interior design andexterior styling. SW 100 RS is aimedat guests who enjoy the aggressive,sporty lines and open transom oflow coachroof profile whilst notcompromising the generous interiorspace of a Deck Saloon version.A performance package including highmodulus carbon mast and CARBONEC6+ has caused over a tone of weightloss. Thanks to this the sailing yachtCAPE ARROW has achieved maximumspeeds of around 30 knots.www.bernard-gallay.com

• Winter 2013/2014 - Caribbean BGYB Fleet •DWINGER – “Explore the Caribbean”SALE, CHARTER & MANAGEMENTDwingerType: Expedition sailing yachtBuilder: Royal HuismanLength: 48.50 mGuests: 11Crew: 8Winter 2014 Charter Rate(MYBA terms): 65,000 € per weekSummer 2014 Charter Rate(MYBA terms): 75,000 € per week“One of a kind”An attractive package which marries though its (aerorig)construction the comfort level of a motoryacht with thesportsmanship of a sailing yacht.• A Royal Huisman built <strong>Yacht</strong>• Designed by Gerard Dijkstra (e.g. one of the head designersof Maltese Falcon)• The only (modern) mega sailing yacht in Spain that has acharter license• Tallest freestanding mast• Green (energy recovery through solar panels and the selfrotating propeller)• Equipped with a crane to lift in supplies and boats• Possibility for a Helicopter to land in case of emergency dueto ability to shift the mast• A 100 m 2 garage that stores automobiles and watercraft• 600 m 2 of space below the deckCaribbeanWindwardIslandsBritishVirgin IslandsSuggested Itineraries• Windward IslandsThe Windward Islands stretch from Martinique at the northern end down to Grenada in the south. This chain of islands runsaround an arc of several hundred miles, and most are independent countries, each with separate cultures to discover. Relativeto the Leeward Islands, this charter destination is very mountainous. This archipelago of islands is another heavenly charterdestination perfect for island hopping, and taking in the stunning sights of these remote Caribbean Islands.Day 1 Port of embarkation : Le Marin, MartiniqueDay 2 Saint LuciaDay 3 Saint Vincent and the GrenadinesDay 4 BequiaDay 5 MustiqueDay 6 Tobago CaysDay 7 Palm Islands, GrenadinesDay 8 Petit St VincentDay 9 Union Island: Port of disembarkation andprivate flight back to Martinique• British Virgin IslandsThe Virgin Islands are the western island group of the Leeward Islands. This beautiful yacht charter destination marks theborder between the Caribbean and the Atlantic. These islands are tailor made for charter holidays, with turquoise water, sandybeaches and landscapes covered in black granite boulders and fringed by coral reefs. This charter destination is ideal fordiving or snorkeling, but you will also find many bars and restaurants, offering a perfect balance between buzz and tranquility.Day 1 Anegeda to Virgin Gorda: Anegeda is one of thelarger Islands of the area, and is surrounded by more than3000 wrecks teeming with exotic fish and coral reefs. Afterdiving and snorkeling to explore the underwater beauty of thissite, BGYB suggests crossing to Virgin Gorda Island, wherethe more adventurous can reach the secluded rock poolsand caves by sea kayak.Day 2 Virgin Gorda to Peter Island: White Bay on PeterIsland is a magical, calm and secluded day to spend arelaxing day, as well as enjoying waterskiing, or wallowingin the marine life around the Royal Mail Steamer Rhone,which is the most celebrated dive site in the BVI.Day 3 Peter Island to Tortola: Tortola is the main VirginIsland. Cane Garden Bay is a perfect place to drop the anchorand climb up Mount Sage for panoramic views reaching theendless and beautiful white sand beaches. Relax in Pusser’sBay or Soper’s Hole for a typical rum cocktail.Day 4 Tortola to St-John: The next day, you can headSouth to St John, more specifically to the stunning Trunk Bay.The bay is surrounded by the Virgin Islands National Park.Day 5 St-John to Jost Van Dyke: The cruise can then takeyou on a north westerly course towards Jost VanDyke Island,where you can drop the anchor at the peaceful, untouchedGreen Cay. You can reach the shore for a lively nightlife.Day 6 Jost Van Dyke to St-Thomas: Cross into the USborder and enjoy the boutiques that line Charlotte Amalieharbour. Gently acclimatize to a busier, urban feel theCaribbean has to offer before your flight home.Montpellier/France l La Ciotat l Monaco l Paris l Palma, Majorca l Moscow l Hong Kong l Grenada l Turkey17

<strong>Yacht</strong> <strong>Brokerage</strong>CAPE ARROW & ALPINA – “Racing the Caribbean”Ph. Carlo Baroncini, Courtesy of Southern Wind Shipyard”.Cape ArrowType: SW 100RSBuilder: Southern Wind ShipyardNaval Architect: Farr <strong>Yacht</strong> DesignLength: 30.20 mGuests: 8/12 - Crew: 42013 Charter Rate (MYBA terms):High 50,000 € per weekLow 45,000 € per weekThe ideal yacht both for passionate sailors and sea loversCape Arrow is a fast cruiser belonging to the successful SW 100 project, built by Southern Wind Shipyard.Designed by Farr <strong>Yacht</strong> Design with Nauta <strong>Yacht</strong> Design, Cape Arrow is for people who want reliable andfast sailing yachts without having to compromise on comfort and privacy.Performance: Thanks to advanced construction techniques and outstanding design, Cape Arrow assuresexciting and comfortable sailing in any weather conditions.Caribbean Racing Program :Super <strong>Yacht</strong> Cup, Antigua Jan 30 – Feb 2, 2014RORC Caribbean 600, Antigua February 24, 2014Loro Piana Caribbean Superyacht March 19 – 22, 2014Regatta, Virgin GordaSt. Barth’s Bucket March 27 – 30, 2014Voiles de St-Barth April 14 – 19, 2014Antigua Classic <strong>Yacht</strong> Regatta April 17 – 22, 2014Antigua Sailing Week April 26 – May 02, 2014AlpinaType: Swan 82Builder: Nautor’s SwanNaval Architect: German FrersLength: 24.89 mGuests: 6/12 - Crew: 32013 Charter Rate (MYBA terms):25,000 € per weekPh. Martin BaumHer racing qualities are well known but as a performance cruiser, she is equally adept offering herguests all the amenities that one would expect on a world class cruiser.ALPINA (ex FAVONIUS) has a fantastic winning history:2012, Palma Vela, Giraglia, Loro Piana, Voiles des St. Tropez2011, Swan Med Cup Winner 2009, Palma Vela 1st Place2008, Swan Cup 1st Place 2008, Capri regatta 1st Place2007, PalmaVela 1st Place 2005, Voiles De St. Tropez 1st place18www.bernard-gallay.com

SALE, CHARTER & MANAGEMENT• Charter Index •Charter Motor <strong>Yacht</strong> IndexSummer 2013 Charter Rates (MYBA terms)Name: O’megaGuest/Crew: 32/30Rate (high/low):Length: 82.00 mArea: West Mediterranean525,000 €/weekTitania72.00 m12/22 West Mediterranean 600,000 €/550,000 €/weekSherakhan69.95 m26-36/19 West Med. & Croatia 350,000 €/weekBistango62.00 m12/14 West & East Mediterranean 350,000/329,000 €/weekSolemates60.00 m12/15 West Mediterranean 520,000/450,000 €/weekCapri58.55 m12/15 West Mediterranean340,000/260,000 €/weekDiamond A57.30 m12/16 West Med. & Croatia280,000/255,000 €/weekIllusion55.50 m12/13 West & East Mediterranean196,000/175,000 €/weekNoble house 53.90 m12/12 Australia 199,000 USD/weekSANSSOUCI STAR 53.50 m12/8 West Mediterranean70,000/65,000 €/weekHalas24/TBC50.00 mEast Mediterranean105,000/93,000 €/weekTHE MERCY BOYS49.00 m12/11 West Mediterranean115,000/99,000 €/weekCosta Magna44.50 m10/8 West Mediterranean96,000/90,000 €/weekDiane43.00 m10/8 West Mediterranean150,000/135,000 €/weekCalliope42.28 m10/9 Croatia 190,000 USD/weekMontpellier/France l La Ciotat l Monaco l Paris l Palma, Majorca l Moscow l Hong Kong l Grenada l Turkey19

<strong>Yacht</strong> <strong>Brokerage</strong>• Charter Index •Charter Motor <strong>Yacht</strong> Index (contined)Summer 2013 Charter Rates (MYBA terms)De Lisle III42.00 m10/6 South Pacific, Australia, Fiji125,000 USD/weekSeven Sins41.30 m10/7 Croatia, Greece120,000 €/118,300 USD/weekDHAAINKAN’BAA40.00 m14/18 Indian Ocean/Maldives115,000/100,000 USD/weekSensei39.98 m10/7 West Mediterranean98,000/70,000 €/weekMABRUK III35.00 m10/6 West Mediterranean 65,000 €/weekLADY EMMA 34.10m8/4 South of France78,000/72,000 €/weekMy Space34.00 m10/6 ????75,000/68,000 €/weekAntisan33.00 m12-40/6 West Mediterranean56,000/49,000 €/weekPaolyre32.70 m10/5 West Mediterranean52,000/49,000 €/weekMayama30.70 m10/4 West & East Mediterranean59,500/54,000 €/weekSynergy30.70 m10/5 West Mediterranean52,500/45,500 €/weekTalila29.00 m8/4 West Mediterranean46,000 /40,000 €/weekSilaos25.10 m7-12/2 West Mediterranean33,000/27,000 €/weekJambo24.00 m8/2 Pacific Ocean 30,000 €/weekDell Arte16.94 m5/1 Seychelles12,000/15,000 €/week20Montpellier/France l La Ciotat l Monaco l Paris l Palma, Majorca l Moscow l Hong Kong l Grenada l Turkey

SALE, CHARTER & MANAGEMENTCharter Sailing <strong>Yacht</strong> IndexSummer 2013 Charter Rates (MYBA terms)Name: DRUMBEATLength: 53.00 mGuest/Crew: 11/10 Area: South Pacific – South East AsiaRate (high/low):230,000 USD/weekRed Dragon51.70 m8/10 West Mediterranean175,000 €/weekDwinger48.50 m11/8 West Mediterranean75,000/65,000 €/weekHyperion47.42 m6/8 West Mediterranean – Caribbean97,000/90,000 USD/weekINFINITY46.00 m12/7 East Mediterranean70,000/91,000 €/weekVAIMITI39.20 m10/5 East Mediterranean – Caribbean72,000/67,000 USD/weekBliss (sailing yacht) 37.00 m10/4 West Mediterranean – Caribbean89,000/98,000 USD/weekHighland Breeze34.34 m8/5 West Mediterranean – Caribbean52,000/46,000 €/weekBAIURDO VI34.00 m8/4 East Mediterranean/Caribbean41,000/38,000 €/weekWally B32.72 m6/5 East/West Mediterranean56,500/45,000 €/weekO7² - Ocean Seven Squared 31.69 m8/4 Caribbean54,000 USD/weekMoonbeam III31.00 m6-12/2 West Mediterranean42,000 €/weekDark Shadow30.45 m6/5 West Mediterranean50,000 €/weekCape Arrow30.20 m8/4 West Mediterranean – Caribbean50,000/45,000 €/weekMrs Seven30.20 m8/5 West/East Mediterranean – Caribbean52,000/46,000 €/weekwww.bernard-gallay.com21

<strong>Yacht</strong> <strong>Brokerage</strong>• Charter Index •Charter Sailing <strong>Yacht</strong> Index (contined)Summer 2013 Charter Rates (MYBA terms)Med Sprit (ex Bols) 29.70 m12-16/8West Mediterranean – Caribbean50,000/35,000 €/weekMOONLIGHT II OF LONDON 29.70 m8/4 West Mediterranean24,000/27,000 €/weekWindfall28.64 m6+1/4 West Mediterranean45,000/40,000 €/weekNefertiti27.70 m8/4 West Mediterranean – CaribbeanRate (high/low): 50,000 USD/weekMAGIC CAT25.00 m8/4 East/West Mediterranean – Caribbean35,000/30,000 €/weekAlpina24.89 m6/3 West Mediterranean25,000 €/weekGenie24.00 m6/3 West Mediterranean30,000/25,000 €/weekLady Alliaura22.70 m8/3 Caribbean44,000/39,500 USD/weekMaita’i22.56 m9/4 West Mediterranean – Caribbean42,000 34,000 USD/weekNahema IV21.95 m8/3 West Mediterranean – Caribbean32,000 29,000 €/weekShamlor20.00 m6/2 West Mediterranean20,000/15,000 €/weekSeawolf 319.82 m6/2 West Mediterranean17,000/15,000 €/weekMoby Dick19.81 m10/3 West Mediterranean – Caribbean26,000/22,000 €/weekWorld’s End19.67 m10/3 West Mediterranean – Caribbean25,000/24,000 USD/weekCrocodile Daddy18.90 m8/3 West Mediterranean – Caribbean26,000 €/week22Montpellier/France l La Ciotat l Monaco l Paris l Palma, Majorca l Moscow l Hong Kong l Grenada l Turkey

SALE, CHARTER & MANAGEMENT• Upcoming events • Festival de la Plaisance de Cannes10–15 th September 2013BGYB will this year present the S/Y WHIMSY, ETANA & ATAO during theFestival de la Plaisance de Cannes.With more 580 boats on display in water and on land and more 150 worldpremiere editions, the three exceptional French Riviera sites, the ‘Vieux Port’,‘Port Pierre Canto’ and the “Riviera”, located at either end of the famous Croisettein Cannes, are just right for hosting Europe’s leading in-water boat show.The first gathering of the season, the Cannes show brings together the keyplayers in pleasure boating and international luxury yachting, whether theybe exhibitors showcasing their new vessels, products and services or visitors--yacht owners or future buyers--enthusiastic and eager to take advantageof a unique opportunity offered by this show: the sea trials! What could bebetter than taking the helm of a magnificent luxurious yacht, experiencingthe sensation of sailing, before making the purchase? Along the quays andpontoons, the show’s well-informed visitor will enthusiastically discover, in a unique atmosphere, the finestvessels on offer today from shipyards around the world, floating gems gathered together in a single showcase.<strong>Yacht</strong>ing lovers from every continent will appreciate the magical atmosphere of a real in-water show.Photo Mickael DenkerPhoto Ivan Blanco-Vilar Monaco <strong>Yacht</strong> Show25–28 th September 2013The Monaco <strong>Yacht</strong> show is considered the most prestigious pleasure boatshow in the world with the exhibition of 500 major companies in the luxuryyachting and a hundred super and megayachts afloat. With around 28000professional and private visitors per show, the MYS is the long awaited superyachting meeting of the year for the prestigious brands, allowing them tomeet the most important international clientèle. Les Voiles de Saint-Tropez28 th September – 06 th October 2013The unique Gathering of hundreds of yachts of all ages and all eras in thebay of Saint Tropez, is preparing to celebrate its fifteenth consecutive yearin style. Sailors, skippers and boat owners will once again flock to Les Voilesfrom 28 September to 6 October for one final race of the year within the veryspecial context of the little port in France’s Var region.Three hundred yachts willbe on the water for an ‘hautecouture’ procession, gatheringtogether nearly a century anda half of naval architecture andmaritime genius. On show willbe the most beautiful boats,the greatest sailors and themost unexpected crews, whocome together in their love of beautiful yachts – ancient and modern alike– and delight at seeing them being sailed superbly in an atmosphere offairplay and conviviality. Such has been the vision of ‘made in Saint Tropez’yachting every year since 1999.The grand festival of yachting!The waters of the bay of Saint Tropez will ripple once again during what willbe an entire week, in the wake of the wooden, steel and carbon hulls of themost beautiful modern and classic yachts in the world. On the quaysides, thepublic can expect to cross paths with the greatest stars on the sailing planet,along with the stars of the big screen, singers, sportsmen and women andheads of business, who will be coming along to discreetly participate in theclosing event of the classics’ season.Photos : Rolex – Carlo BorlenghiPhoto ACYS Antigua Charter <strong>Yacht</strong> Show06–12 th December 2013Showcasing the world’s finest charter yachtsThis year’s show, as in the past, will take place at the Nelson’sDockyard Marina in English Harbour, the Falmouth HarbourMarina and the Antigua <strong>Yacht</strong> Club Marina both located inFalmouth Harbour.The Antigua Charter <strong>Yacht</strong> Show gives charter yacht brokers/agents anopportunity to see and inspect each charter yacht and to interview andmeet the crew in order to sell yacht charters to their clients.www.bernard-gallay.com23

<strong>Yacht</strong> <strong>Brokerage</strong>• BGYB Contact •u FranceMontpellier, Head Office<strong>Bernard</strong> GALLAY - CEO - +33 (0)6 86 67 80 24bernard.gallay@bernard-gallay.com• Founded the company in 1994, MYBA Member since 1996• Experienced skipper: 2 Vendée Globe in 1992 & 2000• America’s Cup in 1986/1987Nicolas MARCHAND - Broker - +33 (0)6 83 47 01 96nicolas.marchand@bernard-gallay.com• <strong>Yacht</strong> broker with BGYB for 7 years• <strong>Yacht</strong> Manager – University Lecturer• Experienced skipper: Mini Transat, Jacques Vabre, FastnetBruno GALLIEN - Broker +33 (0)6 82 11 96 00bruno.gallien@bernard-gallay.com• <strong>Yacht</strong> broker with BGYB for 15 yearsMagnus ASSMUNDSON - <strong>Brokerage</strong> assistant+33 (0)4 67 66 39 93 - assistant@bernard-gallay.com• <strong>Brokerage</strong> Assistant for Head Office, Montpellier• Manages the listings, specifications and viewingsLisa SPILLER - Charter Manager+33 (0)6 33 42 45 09 - lisa.spiller@bernard-gallay.com• Charter Manager for 6 years with BGYB• MYBA Individual member since 2011Liberty SIMPSON - Charter assistant+33 (0)4 67 66 39 93 - charter@bernard-gallay.com• Charter Assistant for Head Office, MontpellierParisFrançois BOUCHER - +33 (0)6 82 83 19 21paris@bernard-gallay.comLa CiotatStéphane DELLA - +33 (0)6 82 79 08 61la.ciotat@bernard-gallay.com• Project Manager for a number of years• <strong>Yacht</strong> broker with BGYB for 4 years• Extensively well known and experienced Technical, Fleet, Shore &Project Manager with companies such as Nahema, CompositeworksFrance, CIM shipyard and several Turkish shipyardsu MonacoPhilippe MONNET - +33 609 01 97 84monaco@bernard-gallay.com• For the last 4 years, he has managed the Roxy sailing yacht with hisPosseidon team for the Vendée Globe• <strong>Yacht</strong> contruction consultant• Extremely wide ranging experience and expertise in the sectoru Palma de MallorcaJean-Yves CANDLOT - +34 619 05 64 19palma@bernard-gallay.com• BGYB representative in Palma for 5 years• With over 26 years of sail and motor yacht navigation experienceu MoscowOscar KONYUKHOV - +7 910 477 09 70russia@bernard-gallay.com• BGYB representative in Moscow for over 6 years• Over all – 3 Round the world campaigns asa Project Manager and PR officeru Hong-KongThierry BAROT - +852 9549 5135asia@bernard-gallay.com• BGYB representative in Hong-Kong for 5 years• Service manager for Simpson Marine in HK• Construction Management of Cortenzo 26M in China at DHS shipyardu TurkeyThierry SAGNES - +90 536 976 24 38thierry.sagnes@bernard-gallay.comu GrenadaRichard SZYJAN - + 1 473 439 4495grenade@bernard-gallay.com• On the water sailing the 5 ocean since 1982• 2001 to 2011 Arctic journey project manager and captainon JFA 85 “SUN TENAREZE”• Multi and monohull racer• Sailmaker and rigger since 1991• Owns Turbulence ltd in Grenada, Caribbean.Christophe APOTHELOZ - +90 530 461 50 95christophe.apotheloz@bernard-gallay.com• Active Captain on Large Motor <strong>Yacht</strong>s since 15 years(MCA Master 3000 GT Unlimited) and at sea since 1991• 20 years experience in East Med and Turkish yachting market,including charterSerpil APOTHELOZ - +90 535 223 27 92turkey@bernard-gallay.com• Engineering Degree• Bareboats, yacht charter and mega yacht services management over 10 years.• Organization of Marmaris Boat show for 15 years and MarmarisInternational Race Week for 5 yearsBERNARD GALLAY <strong>Yacht</strong> <strong>Brokerage</strong>France (Head Office): Montpellier - Tel +33 467 66 39 931, rue Barthez - 34000 Montpellierinfo@bernard-gallay.comMontpellier/France l La Ciotat l Monaco l Paris l Palma, Majorca l Moscow l Hong Kong l Grenada l Turkey

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