Cernilton in Urinary Infections - Graminex
Cernilton in Urinary Infections - Graminex
Cernilton in Urinary Infections - Graminex
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U R I N A R Y S U P P O R T :GRAMINEX Flower Pollen Extract<strong>Cernilton</strong> <strong>in</strong> Ur<strong>in</strong>ary <strong>Infections</strong>Dr. Ruatu Karakaa and Dr. Vural SolokHospital Bullent<strong>in</strong> (Bult. 2: 120-122 (1968))Department of UrologyFaculty of Medic<strong>in</strong>eIstanbul University1. IntroductionIn 1960, E. ask-Upmark published the first report of the successful use of pollen <strong>in</strong> the treatment ofprostatitis. Various authors has s<strong>in</strong>ce reported good results achieved with pollen <strong>in</strong> the treatment of thisdisease.Chronic prostatitis is one of the most troublesome problems met <strong>in</strong> the field of urology; 30 – 40% of thepatients visit<strong>in</strong>g the urology cl<strong>in</strong>ics compla<strong>in</strong> of symptoms of prostatitis. The <strong>in</strong>fection focus may beanywhere <strong>in</strong> the body, e.g. a decayed tooth or <strong>in</strong>flamed tonsils, releas<strong>in</strong>g pathogenic agents <strong>in</strong>to theblood stream and possibly giv<strong>in</strong>g rise to prostatitis.It is especially prevalent <strong>in</strong> countries which do not actively pursue a public health programme. Thesymptoms are not def<strong>in</strong>ite. The patients generally compla<strong>in</strong> of a vague burn<strong>in</strong>g sensation at the per<strong>in</strong>eum,hyperasthenia of the feet, a feel<strong>in</strong>g of heat on the soles of the feet, and an undef<strong>in</strong>ed subfebrile fever.Urethral discharge at the time of bowel movement, low back pa<strong>in</strong> and sexual discomfort <strong>in</strong> the form ofpremature ejaculation are also <strong>in</strong>cluded among the symptoms of prostatitis, which are generally seenbetween the ages of 20 – 40 years.At our cl<strong>in</strong>ic, we have used a pollen extract preparation called CERNILTON (x) <strong>in</strong> prostatitis patients whowere previously treated, without success, accord<strong>in</strong>g to classical methods.We have also used <strong>Cernilton</strong> <strong>in</strong> urethritis, cystitis, ejaculation praecox and dim<strong>in</strong>ished libido.2. CompositionThe percentage of the various plant pollens <strong>in</strong> CERNILTON are as followsDactilis glomerata …………… 2%Phleum parentese…………...26%Maize………………………….26%Rye ……………………………40%P<strong>in</strong>e …………………………….5%Maple …………………………..1%A critical review of Gram<strong>in</strong>ex Flower Pollen Extract for SymptomaticRelief of Lower Ur<strong>in</strong>ary tract symptoms (LUTS) <strong>in</strong> Men1 | P a g e
The pollens are gathered from the blooms of non-poisonous plants by means of an electro-mechanicalprocess.One Cernitlon tablet conta<strong>in</strong>s:Cernit<strong>in</strong> T 60 sicc. …………60 mg (dry extract, pulverized, conta<strong>in</strong><strong>in</strong>g at least 21 am<strong>in</strong>oacids,saccharose, oestogenic substance and sterols)Cernit<strong>in</strong> GBX ………………..3 mg (second extract, derived from first extract)Magnesii stearate, accua <strong>in</strong> tabulueCERNILTON has no bactericidal, bacteriostatic, fungicidal or fungistatic effect. It is also non-allergenic.Even though its mechanism is not def<strong>in</strong>itely known, it is considered to have some <strong>in</strong>hibitory effect onbacterial growth. In some cases, it has been shown to have a caffe<strong>in</strong>e-like effect.G. Leander has reported a case of gynecomestia after 2 months of therapy, which disappeared uponcessation of the drug. Another case also compla<strong>in</strong>ed of fullness of breath but showed no change <strong>in</strong> size.This subjective compla<strong>in</strong>t disappeared when the drug was discont<strong>in</strong>ued. Some sesecondary side effectssuch as nausea and pruritis have also been report occasionally.3. Material and MethodThe cases <strong>in</strong>cluded <strong>in</strong> our material are between the ages of 32 – 75 years and were treated with variousdrugs and antibiotics prior to CERNILTON adm<strong>in</strong>istration.Treatment was started at a daily dose of 4 <strong>Cernilton</strong> tablets, comb<strong>in</strong>ed with an antibiotic, and lasted 3 –20 weeks. Occasionally prostatic massage was also employed.The duration and results of treatment <strong>in</strong> 28 cases are given below:TABLE 1IllnessNof. ofpatientsTreatment Period Effective Improvement No effecChronic prostatitis 14 AntibioticsMassage<strong>Cernilton</strong>Reiter’s syndrome 1 AntibioticTanderialMassage<strong>Cernilton</strong>Interstitial cystitis 1 Antibiotic<strong>Cernilton</strong>Acute cystitis 2 Antibiotic<strong>Cernilton</strong>Chronic cystitis 4 AntibioticBladder tumour, (+)gold green<strong>in</strong>plntationFeeble libido and<strong>Cernilton</strong>1 <strong>Cernilton</strong>Antibiotic2 <strong>Cernilton</strong>ejaculation praecoxTonicBanal urethritis 3 Antibiotic<strong>Cernilton</strong>2 – 8weeks3Weeks5Months1Week2Months2Months6Weeks2months8 5 11 - -- - 12 - -- 3 11 - -2 - -3 4 -(+) No heal<strong>in</strong>g of bladder tumour but the remedy was effective <strong>in</strong> cystitis, which occurredsecondarily.A critical review of Gram<strong>in</strong>ex Flower Pollen Extract for SymptomaticRelief of Lower Ur<strong>in</strong>ary tract symptoms (LUTS) <strong>in</strong> Men2 | P a g e
As seen <strong>in</strong> the Table, 17 of our cases were completely cured, their compla<strong>in</strong>ts disappeared and thecl<strong>in</strong>ical f<strong>in</strong>d<strong>in</strong>gs reverted to normal. 8 cases showed improvement but 3 cases rema<strong>in</strong>ed unchanged.4. ResultsWe have adm<strong>in</strong>istered CERNILTON <strong>in</strong> 28 cases show<strong>in</strong>g different aspects of the disease. In all cases,the therapy was comb<strong>in</strong>ed with antibiotics, and prostatic massage was <strong>in</strong>cluded <strong>in</strong> prostatis cases. Noneof the cases experience any discomfort from the therapy nor were there any side effects such asgynecomastis.We have not studied the bactericidal and bacteriostatic effects of the drug s<strong>in</strong>ce comb<strong>in</strong>ed therapy wasemployed throughout. The drug <strong>in</strong>creases the resistance of the body to pathogenic agents.5. SummaryWe adm<strong>in</strong>istered CERNILTON, which is a pollen extract preparation, to 28 urological patients suffer<strong>in</strong>gfrom <strong>in</strong>fections of the ur<strong>in</strong>ary tract. In all our cases, we comb<strong>in</strong>ed <strong>Cernilton</strong> with antibiotics andantiphlogistics. We found that <strong>Cernilton</strong> desensitized the organ and potentiated the effects of the otherdrugs. We obta<strong>in</strong>ed good results.References1. E. Ask-Upmark. Zchr, fur Urol. 56, 3, 19632. E. Ask-Upmark. Acta Med. Scand. 181: 355-357. 19673. M. Qhkoski, N. Kawamura, I Nagakuba. Jap. J. of Cli. Urol. 21:73. 19674. G. Leander. Svenska Lakartidn<strong>in</strong>gen 59: -296. 19625. M. Campell. Urology, Saunders co. p. 545-550. 19646. Donald R. Smith. General Urology. p. 142. 19667. L.J. Denis. Acta Urol. Belgice 34: 49-56. 1966(x)CERNILTON was supplied by the Swedish Representative of Messrs.Special note from: M. Vahdett<strong>in</strong> Tuncal, Nisantas Ehlamur yolu 30/3, SISLI-Istanbul, 46 15 81- the Swedish Representative of Messrs.“Accord<strong>in</strong>g to tests and <strong>in</strong>vestigations of the <strong>in</strong>fluence of <strong>Cernilton</strong> on the bladder tumour, the follow<strong>in</strong>greport has been supplied by Dr. Nejat Fertan, Dept. of Urology, Hospital for Children, SISLI-Istanbul: Apatient with a small tumour <strong>in</strong> the bladder has been supplied with <strong>Cernilton</strong> tablets as sole medication for7 years. Accord<strong>in</strong>g to recent urological tests, no <strong>in</strong>crease <strong>in</strong> the size of the tumour could be observerd.”(dated: 5.6.1970)A critical review of Gram<strong>in</strong>ex Flower Pollen Extract for SymptomaticRelief of Lower Ur<strong>in</strong>ary tract symptoms (LUTS) <strong>in</strong> Men3 | P a g e