ASE Manual Release CAMd - CampOS Wiki

ASE Manual Release CAMd - CampOS Wiki

ASE Manual Release CAMd - CampOS Wiki


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<strong>ASE</strong> <strong>Manual</strong>, <strong>Release</strong><br />

$ export ABINIT_PP_PATH=${HOME}/abinit-pseudopotentials-2/LDA_PAW:$ABINIT_PP_PATH<br />

$ export ABINIT_PP_PATH=${HOME}/abinit-pseudopotentials-2/LDA_TM:$ABINIT_PP_PATH<br />

$ export ABINIT_PP_PATH=${HOME}/abinit-pseudopotentials-2/GGA_FHI:$ABINIT_PP_PATH<br />

$ export ABINIT_PP_PATH=${HOME}/abinit-pseudopotentials-2/GGA_HGHK:$ABINIT_PP_PATH<br />

$ export ABINIT_PP_PATH=${HOME}/abinit-pseudopotentials-2/GGA_PAW:$ABINIT_PP_PATH<br />

$ export ABINIT_PP_PATH=$HOME/mypps:$ABINIT_PP_PATH<br />

ABINIT Calculator<br />

The default parameters are very close to those that the ABINIT Fortran code uses. These are the exceptions:<br />

class abinit.Abinit(label=’abinit’, xc=’LDA’, mix=0.1)<br />

Here is a detailed list of all the keywords for the calculator:<br />

keyword type default value description<br />

kpts list [1,1,1] Monkhorst-Pack k-point sampling<br />

nbands int None Number of band. May be omitted.<br />

nstep int None Number of self-consistent field STEPS.<br />

ecut float None Planewave cutoff energy in eV (default: None)<br />

xc str ’LDA’ Exchange-correlation functional.<br />

npulayit int 7 Number of old densities to use for Pulay mixing<br />

diemix float 0.1 Pulay mixing weight<br />

diemac float 1e6 Model DIElectric MACroscopic constant<br />

width float 0.04 Ha Fermi-distribution width in eV (default: 0.04 Ha)<br />

charge float 0 Total charge of the system (default: 0)<br />

label str ’abinit’ Name of the output file<br />

pps str ’fhi’ Pseudopotentials used ‘fhi’, ‘hgh’, ‘hgh.sc’, ‘hgh.k’, ‘tm’, ‘paw’<br />

toldfe float 1.0e-6 TOLerance on the DiFference of total Energy<br />

A value of None means that ABINIT’s default value is used.<br />

Warning: abinit does not specify a default value for Planewave cutoff energy in eV - you need to set<br />

them as in the example at thei bottom of the page, otherwise calculation will fail. Calculations wihout k-points<br />

are not parallelized by default and will fail! To enable band paralellization specify Number of BanDs in a<br />

BLOCK (nbdblock) as Extra parameters - see http://www.abinit.org/Infos_v5.2/tutorial/lesson_parallelism.html.<br />

Extra parameters<br />

The ABINIT code reads the input parameters for any calculation from a .in file and .files file. This means<br />

that you can set parameters by manually setting entries in this input .in file. This is done by the syntax:<br />

>>> calc.set_inp(’name_of_the_entry’, value)<br />

For example, the ndtset can be set using<br />

>>> calc.set_inp(’ndtset’, 2)<br />

The complete list of keywords can be found in the official ABINIT manual.<br />

Pseudopotentials<br />

Pseudopotentials in the ABINIT format are available on the pseudopotentials website. A database of user contributed<br />

pseudopotentials is also available there.<br />

7.14. Calculators 113

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