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ASE Manual Release CAMd - CampOS Wiki

ASE Manual Release CAMd - CampOS Wiki


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<strong>ASE</strong> <strong>Manual</strong>, <strong>Release</strong><br />

>>> OH = Atoms(’OH’)<br />

>>> OH[0].charge = -1<br />

>>> OH.get_charges()<br />

array([-1., 0.])<br />

Another example:<br />

>>> for atom in bulk:<br />

... if atom.symbol = ’Ni’:<br />

... atom.magmom = 0.7 # set initial magnetic moment<br />

The different properties of an atom can be obtained and changed via attributes (position, number, tag,<br />

momentum, mass, magmom, charge, x, y, z):<br />

>>> a1.position = [1, 0, 0]<br />

>>> a1.position<br />

array([ 1., 0., 0.])<br />

>>> a1.z = 2.5<br />

>>> a1.position<br />

array([ 1. , 0. , 2.5])<br />

>>> a2.magmom = 1.0<br />

That last line will set the initial magnetic moment that some calulators use (similar to the<br />

set_initial_magnetic_moments() method).<br />

Note: The position and momentum attributes refer to mutable objects, so in some cases, you may want to<br />

use a1.position.copy() in order to avoid changing the position of a1 by accident.<br />

7.2.1 Getting an Atom from an Atoms object<br />

Indexing an Atoms object returns an Atom object still remembering that it belongs to the collective Atoms:<br />

Modifying it will also change the atoms object:<br />

>>> atoms = ase.data.molecules.molecule(’CH4’)<br />

>>> atoms.get_positions()<br />

array([[ 0. , 0. , 0. ],<br />

[ 0.629118, 0.629118, 0.629118],<br />

[-0.629118, -0.629118, 0.629118],<br />

[ 0.629118, -0.629118, -0.629118],<br />

[-0.629118, 0.629118, -0.629118]])<br />

>>> a = atoms[2]<br />

>>> a<br />

Atom(’H’, [-0.62911799999999996, -0.62911799999999996, 0.62911799999999996], index=2)<br />

>>> a.x = 0<br />

>>> atoms.get_positions()<br />

array([[ 0. , 0. , 0. ],<br />

[ 0.629118, 0.629118, 0.629118],<br />

[ 0. , -0.629118, 0.629118],<br />

[ 0.629118, -0.629118, -0.629118],<br />

[-0.629118, 0.629118, -0.629118]])<br />

See Also:<br />

Atom: All the details!<br />

atoms: More information about how to use collections of atoms.<br />

calculators: Information about how to calculate forces and energies of atoms.<br />

66 Chapter 7. Documentation for modules in <strong>ASE</strong>

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