ASE Manual Release CAMd - CampOS Wiki

ASE Manual Release CAMd - CampOS Wiki

ASE Manual Release CAMd - CampOS Wiki


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The use of additional keywords is format specific.<br />

Table 7.2 – continued from previous page<br />

format short name<br />

<strong>ASE</strong> bundle trajectory bundle<br />

CUBE file cube<br />

XYZ-file xyz<br />

VASP POSCAR/CONTCAR file vasp<br />

ABINIT input file abinit<br />

Protein Data Bank pdb<br />

CIF-file cif<br />

XCrySDen Structure File xsf<br />

FHI-aims geometry file aims<br />

gOpenMol .plt file plt<br />

Python script py<br />

Encapsulated Postscript eps<br />

Portable Network Graphics png<br />

Persistance of Vision pov<br />

VTK XML Image Data vti<br />

VTK XML Structured Grid vts<br />

VTK XML Unstructured Grid vtu<br />

TURBOMOLE coord file tmol<br />

exciting exi<br />

AtomEye configuration cfg<br />

WIEN2k structure file struct<br />

CASTEP cell file cell<br />

DftbPlus input file dftb<br />

ETSF etsf.nc<br />

DFTBPlus GEN format gen<br />

CMR db/cmr-file db<br />

CMR db/cmr-file cmr<br />

EON reactant.con file eon<br />

Gromacs coordinates gro<br />

GROMOS96 (only positions) g96<br />

<strong>ASE</strong> <strong>Manual</strong>, <strong>Release</strong><br />

The cube and plt formats accept (plt requires it) a data keyword, which can be used to write a 3D array<br />

to the file along with the nuclei coordinates.<br />

The vti, vts and vtu formats are all specifically directed for use with MayaVi, and the latter is designated<br />

for visualization of the atoms whereas the two others are intended for volume data. Further, it should be<br />

noted that the vti format is intended for orthogonal unit cells as only the grid-spacing is stored, whereas<br />

the vts format additionally stores the coordinates of each grid point, thus making it useful for volume date<br />

in more general unit cells.<br />

The eps, png, and pov formats are all graphics formats, and accept the additional keywords:<br />

rotation: str (default ‘’) The rotation angles, e.g. ‘45x,70y,90z’.<br />

show_unit_cell: int (default 0) Can be 0, 1, 2 to either not show, show, or show all of the unit cell.<br />

radii: array or float (default 1.0) An array of same length as the list of atoms indicating the sphere radii.<br />

A single float specifies a uniform scaling of the default covalent radii.<br />

bbox: 4 floats (default None) Set the bounding box to (xll, yll, xur, yur) (lower left, upper right).<br />

colors: array (default None) An array of same length as the list of atoms, indicating the rgb color code<br />

for each atom. Default is the jmol_colors of ase/data/colors.<br />

scale: int (default 20) Number of pixels per Angstrom.<br />

7.5. File input and output 69

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