resource list troublesome words & usages - Reading Manipulatives

resource list troublesome words & usages - Reading Manipulatives

resource list troublesome words & usages - Reading Manipulatives

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RESOURCE LISTTROUBLESOME WORDS & USAGESWORD MEANING/USAGE WORD MEANING/USAGEacceptexceptv. – to take (accept your apology) orregard as right (accept a verdict)prep. – excluding (all except one);conj. – but (except they left)doesn’tdon’tv. – contracted form of third personSINGULAR verb DOES and NOTv. – contracted form of DO and NOT;used with a PLURAL subject, I, or YOUaccidentally adv. – (accidently is NOT a word);adverbs of manner are formed byadding -ly to adjectives (accidental)emigrate v. – to leave one’s country (move from)immigrate v. – enter another country intendingto remain (move to)adaptadeptadverseaverseaffecteffectall ofv. – to adjust (adapt to new climate)adj. – proficient (adept typist)adj. – antagonistic (adverse criticism);contrary (adverse weather conditions)adj. – against (averse to debt)v. – to have an influence or changen. – a result or influencev. – to bring aboutdo NOT use OF with ALL (all the men,NOT all of the men)ensureinsureassureeverydayevery dayfartherfurtherv. – to make sure or certainv. – to take out or issue insurance;to be paid money in the case of lossv. – to inform positively, make certain,or give confidenceadj. – ordinary (everyday occurrence)adj. with n. – (call me every day)adj. – comparative of FAR; more distant(both can refer to physical distance)adv. –also, greater detail; can expressabstract or figurative meaningalludeeludev. – indirectly refer to somethingv. – to evade or escape (eluded police)amount n. – overall size or sum (amount of $)number n. – how many are in groupappraiseapprisebetweenamongv. – to evaluate or value (appraise gems)v. – to inform or notify (apprise of __)prep. – references 2 items or numberranges (between him and her)prep. – used when referencing 3 ormore items (among the states)complement n. – something that completesv. – to completecomplIment n. – a flattering remarkv. – to praise (verb)go vs. saygoodwellimplyinferinventdiscoveritsit’sv. – GO is NOT a synonym for SAYadj. – used before nouns (good book)or after linking verbs (it is good)adv. – used with verbs, especiallyaction verbs (sings well; does well)v. – to suggest (speaker implies)v. – to conclude (hearer infers)v. – to create something that did notexist (Bell invented the phone)v. – to find, learn, exposepron. – possessive pronoun usedbefore a noun (NO apostrophe)contracted pronoun/verb that standsfor IT IS and (needs an apostrophe)continual adj. – recurring in close successioncontinuous adj. – uninterrupted or constantcould ofshould ofwould ofOF should not be used in place ofHAVE with could, would, or should;the correct verbs are COULD HAVE,SHOULD HAVE, and WOULD HAVElie/lay/lying/lain v. – to recline or be situated;intransitive (used without an object)lay/laid/laying/laid v. – to to place or put;transitive (used with an object)lead v. – to show the way (present tense)led v. – past tense of leadlead n. – a heavy, soft metal (pencil lead)Copyright © <strong>Reading</strong> <strong>Manipulatives</strong>, Inc. Troublesome Words & Usages p. 1

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