The Precession of Simulacra.pdf - kareneliot.de

The Precession of Simulacra.pdf - kareneliot.de

The Precession of Simulacra.pdf - kareneliot.de


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Jean Baudrillard - Simulations (English Translation)16.08.11 20:28<strong>The</strong> first or<strong>de</strong>r <strong>of</strong> simulacrum is based on the natural law <strong>of</strong> value, that <strong>of</strong> the second or<strong>de</strong>r on thecommercial law <strong>of</strong> value, that <strong>of</strong> the third or<strong>de</strong>r on the structural law <strong>of</strong> value.<strong>The</strong> Stucco AngelCounterfeit (and fashion at the same time) is born with the Renaissance, with the <strong>de</strong>structuring <strong>of</strong> thefeudal or<strong>de</strong>r by the bourgeois or<strong>de</strong>r and the emergence <strong>of</strong> open competition on the level <strong>of</strong> the distinctivesigns. <strong>The</strong>re is no such thing as fashion in a society <strong>of</strong> cast and rank, since one is assigned a placeirrevocably, and so class mobility is non-existent. An interdiction protects the signs and assures them atotal clarity; each each sign then refers unequivocally to a status. Likewise no counterfeit is possible withthe ceremony - unless as black magic and sacrilege, and it is thus that any confusion <strong>of</strong> signs is punished:as grave infraction <strong>of</strong> the or<strong>de</strong>r <strong>of</strong> things. If we are starting to dream again, today especially, <strong>of</strong> a world<strong>of</strong> sure signs, <strong>of</strong> a strong "symbolic or<strong>de</strong>r," make no mistake about it: this or<strong>de</strong>r has existed and it wasthat <strong>of</strong> a ferocious hierarchy, since transparency and cruelty for signs go together. In caste societies,feudal or archaic, cruel societies, the signs are limited in number, and are not wi<strong>de</strong>ly diffused, each onefunctions with its full value as interdiction, each is a reciprocal obligation between castes, clans orpersons. <strong>The</strong> signs therefore are anything but arbitrary. <strong>The</strong> arbitrary sign begins when, instead <strong>of</strong> linkingtwo persons in an unbreakable reciprocity, the signifier starts referring back to the disenchanted universe<strong>of</strong> the signified, common <strong>de</strong>nominator <strong>of</strong> the real world toward which no one has any obligation.End <strong>of</strong> the obliged sign, reign <strong>of</strong> the emancipated sign, that all classes will partake equally <strong>of</strong>.Competitive <strong>de</strong>mocracy succeeds the endogomy <strong>of</strong> signs proper to statutory or<strong>de</strong>r. At the same time wepass, with the transfer <strong>of</strong> values/signs <strong>of</strong> prestige from one class to another, necessarily into counterfeit.For we have passed from a limited or<strong>de</strong>r <strong>of</strong> signs, which prohibits "free production," to a proliferation <strong>of</strong>signs according to <strong>de</strong>mand. But the sign multiplied no longer resembles in the slightest the obliged sign<strong>of</strong> limited diffusion: it is its counterfeit, not by corruption <strong>of</strong> an "original", but by extension <strong>of</strong> a materialwhose very clarity <strong>de</strong>pen<strong>de</strong>d on the restriction by which it was bound. No longer discriminating (it is nomore than competitive), unbur<strong>de</strong>ned <strong>of</strong> all restraint, universally available, the mo<strong>de</strong>rn sign still simulatesnecessity in taking itself as tied somehow to the world. <strong>The</strong> mo<strong>de</strong>rn sign dreams <strong>of</strong> the signs <strong>of</strong> the pastand would well appreciate finding again, in its reference to the real, an obligation: but what it finds againis only a reason: this referential reason, this real, this "natural" <strong>of</strong>f which it is going to live. But this bond<strong>of</strong> <strong>de</strong>signation is only the simulacrum <strong>of</strong> symbolic obligation: it produces neutral values only, that can beexchanged in an objective world. <strong>The</strong> sign here suffers the same <strong>de</strong>stiny as work. <strong>The</strong> "free" worker isfree only to produce equivalents-the "free and emancipated" sign is free only to produce the signs <strong>of</strong>equivalence.It is therefore in the simulacrum <strong>of</strong> a "nature" that the mo<strong>de</strong>rn sign finds its value. Problematic <strong>of</strong> the"natural," metaphysics <strong>of</strong> reality and appearance: that is the history <strong>of</strong> the bourgeoisie since theRenaissance, mirror <strong>of</strong> the bourgeois sign, mirror <strong>of</strong> the classical sign. And still today the nostalgia for anatural referent <strong>of</strong> the sign is still alive, in spite <strong>of</strong> the revolutions that have come to break up thisconfiguration, including one in production, where the signs refer no longer to any nature, but only to thelaw <strong>of</strong> exchange, and come un<strong>de</strong>r the commercial law <strong>of</strong> value.It is in the Renaissance that the false is born along with the natural. From the fake shirt in front to the use<strong>of</strong> the fork as artificial prosthesis, to the stucco interiors and the great baroque theatrical machinery. <strong>The</strong>entire classical era belongs par excellence to the theatre. <strong>The</strong>atre is the form which takes over social lifeand all <strong>of</strong> architecture from the Renaissance on. It's there, in the prowesses <strong>of</strong> stucco and baroque art, thatyou read the metaphysic <strong>of</strong> the counterfeit and the new ambitions <strong>of</strong> Renaissance man - those <strong>of</strong> aworldly <strong>de</strong>miurge, a transubstantiation <strong>of</strong> all <strong>of</strong> nature into a unique substance, theatrical like social lifehttp://www.ee.sun.ac.za/~hgibson/docs/html/<strong>Simulacra</strong>-and-Simulation.html#c2Seite 25 von 45

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