The Precession of Simulacra.pdf - kareneliot.de

The Precession of Simulacra.pdf - kareneliot.de

The Precession of Simulacra.pdf - kareneliot.de


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Jean Baudrillard - Simulations (English Translation)16.08.11 20:28beings who had never known the word <strong>of</strong> Christ. Thus, at the beginning <strong>of</strong> colonisation, there was amoment <strong>of</strong> stupor and amazement before the very possibility <strong>of</strong> escaping the universal law <strong>of</strong> the Gospel.<strong>The</strong>re were two possible responses: either to admit that this law was not universal, or to exterminate theIndians so as to remove the evi<strong>de</strong>nce. In general, it was enough to convert them, or even simply todiscover them, to ensure their slow extermination.Thus it would have been enough to exhume Rameses to ensure his extermination by museumification.For mummies do not <strong>de</strong>cay because <strong>of</strong> worms: they die from being transplanted from, a prolongedsymbolic or<strong>de</strong>r, which is master over <strong>de</strong>ath and putrescence, on to an or<strong>de</strong>r <strong>of</strong> history, science andmuseums - our own, which is no longer master over anything, since it only knows how to con<strong>de</strong>mn itspre<strong>de</strong>cessors to <strong>de</strong>ath and putrescence and their subsequent resuscitation by science. An irreparableviolence towards all secrets, the violence <strong>of</strong> a civilisation without secrets. <strong>The</strong> hatred by an entirecivilisation for its own foundations.And just as with ethnology playing at surren<strong>de</strong>ring its object the better to establish itself in its pure form,so museumification is only one more turn in the spiral <strong>of</strong> artificiality. Witness the cloister <strong>of</strong> St-Michel<strong>de</strong> Cuxa, which is going to be repatriated at great expense from the Cloisters in New York to bereinstalled on "its original site". And everyone is supposed to applaud this restitution (as with the"experimental campaign to win back the si<strong>de</strong>walks" on the Champs-Elysees!). However, if theexportation <strong>of</strong> the cornices was in effect an arbitrary act, and if the Cloisters <strong>of</strong> New York are really anartificial mosaic <strong>of</strong> all cultures (according to a logic <strong>of</strong> the capitalist centralisation <strong>of</strong> value), thenreimportation to the original location is even more artificial: it is a total simulacrum that links up with"reality" by a complete circumvolution.<strong>The</strong> cloister should have stayed in New York in its simulated environment, which at least would havefooled no one. Repatriation is only a supplementary subterfuge, in or<strong>de</strong>r to make out as though nothinghad happened and to indulge in a retrospective hallucination.In the same way Americans flatter themselves they brought the number <strong>of</strong> Indians back to what it wasbefore their conquest. Everything is obliterated only to begin again. <strong>The</strong>y even flatter themselves theywent one better, by surpassing the original figure. This is presented as pro<strong>of</strong> <strong>of</strong> the superiority <strong>of</strong>civilisation: it produces more Indians than they were capable <strong>of</strong> themselves. By a sinister mockery, thisoverproduction is yet again a way <strong>of</strong> <strong>de</strong>stroying them: for Indian culture, like all tribal culture, rests onthe limitation <strong>of</strong> the group and prohibiting any <strong>of</strong> its "unrestricted" growth, as can be seen in the case <strong>of</strong>Ishi. Demographic "promotion", threfore, is just one more step towards symbolic extermination.We too live in a universe everywhere strangely similar to the original - here things are duplicated bytheir own scenario. But this double does not mean, as in folklore, the imminence <strong>of</strong> <strong>de</strong>ath - they arealready purged <strong>of</strong> <strong>de</strong>ath, and are even better than in life; more smiling, more authentic, in light <strong>of</strong> theirmo<strong>de</strong>l, like the faces in funeral parlors.Hyperreal and ImaginaryDisneyland is a perfect mo<strong>de</strong>l <strong>of</strong> all the entangled or<strong>de</strong>rs <strong>of</strong> simulation. To begin with it is a play <strong>of</strong>illusions and phantasms: Pirates, the Frontier, Future World, etc. This imaginary world is supposed to bewhat makes the operation successful. But what draws the crowds is undoubtedly much more the socialmicrocosm, the miniaturised and religious revelling in real America, in its <strong>de</strong>lights and drawbacks. Youhttp://www.ee.sun.ac.za/~hgibson/docs/html/<strong>Simulacra</strong>-and-Simulation.html#c2Seite 8 von 45

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