Afterschool Activities Guide - North Carolina Science Festival

Afterschool Activities Guide - North Carolina Science Festival

Afterschool Activities Guide - North Carolina Science Festival


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AFTERSCHOOLActivity <strong>Guide</strong>s

The goal of the NCSCIFEST <strong>Afterschool</strong> <strong>Activities</strong> <strong>Guide</strong> is to generateenthusiasm among students for science and technology by giving them achance to explore science in the safe, familiar atmosphere of their afterschoolsetting. The activities provided cover a wide range of science, technology,engineering, and math topics and are designed to be engaging, hands-on, andjust plain fun. We want students to enjoy themselves, to see that science isfun, to learn something new, and to work together.We also want to make your life a little easier. Leading successful scienceprogramming afterschool takes some work, and we know you’re busy! Theactivities are designed to take most of the guesswork out of preparing andleading hands-on science experiences. Please make use of the resources inthis guide, and don’t hesitate to contact us with questions or concerns.Thank you for joining the <strong>North</strong> <strong>Carolina</strong> <strong>Science</strong> <strong>Festival</strong> in our missionto engage everyone in science and technology while inspiring futuregenerations. We’re glad to have you on board!Sincerely,Jonathan FrederickDirector<strong>North</strong> <strong>Carolina</strong> <strong>Science</strong> <strong>Festival</strong>Elizabeth “Lizza” IgoeStatewide Programs Coordinator<strong>North</strong> <strong>Carolina</strong> <strong>Science</strong> <strong>Festival</strong>

FacilitationHere’s How you can make these activities ahuge success.How to Read theactivity guidesEach activity guide is divided intosections to make it easy to read andunderstand.• Activity Name»»Appears on top of front side• Time»»Suggests the length of time anactivity will take with an averagegroup of 30 students, notincluding set-up time• Big Idea»»Sums up what the activityis all about• You Will Need»»Lists the materials you willneed for the activity. All ofthe activities can be doneindividually or in small groups,so you will need to determinethe amount and number ofsupplies needed based on thesize of your group.• Set It Up»»Tells you how to set up theactivity• It’s Showtime»»Walks you through how to guidestudents through the activity• Why We Love It»»Highlights why we lovedoing this activity with kidsafterschool»»Describes why we selected thisactivity• The Morehead Twist»»Gives suggestions regardingmaterials or supplies»»Provides extensions or additonalideas you may want to try withan activity• Why is this <strong>Science</strong>?»»Explains how the activityrelates to science, technology,engineering, or mathematics»»Gives a basic explanation of thescience going on in the activity• Differentiation»»Provides suggestions foraltering the activity for differentage groups• Additional Information»»Suggests additional activitiesthat may relate in content ormaterials• Sources & Links»»Shares where we found the ideaor activity

Suggestions forFacilitators• Read through the entire activityguide!• Set up activity and do a practicerun-through.• Read the “Why is this <strong>Science</strong>?”section. Even if most studentsaren’t interested in hearing thisinformation, it gives you valuablebackground knowledge.• Try to let the students set the styleof your interaction: some studentswill be forthcoming and will directthe encounter, while others willneed coaxing and encouragement.Be sensitive to differentcommunication styles.• Ask lots of questions! You want tohave a conversation; not deliver alecture.• If one student seems particularlyengaged in the activity whileothers are struggling, suggest thatthey work together. Learning frompeers at varying skill levels is aproven educational technique.• Keep mental notes on whatworks well and what doesn’t. Thisfeedback will help us improve forfuture years!

ContactQuestions? Concerns? Suggestions?Visit the website or call us! We want to help.WebsiteThe <strong>North</strong> <strong>Carolina</strong> <strong>Science</strong> <strong>Festival</strong>website has everything you need.Visit www.ncsciencefestival.org/getinvolved/k-12-educator-toolkittofind all of the following:• Downloadable PDF’s of the<strong>Afterschool</strong> activity guides andinstruction sheets.• Links to additional resources andinformation regarding the Thorp<strong>Science</strong> Night activities.• Downloadable PDF’s of Thorp<strong>Science</strong> Night activities andinstruction sheets.• Links to other handy resources.In addition, be sure to check out the<strong>Festival</strong> calendar to find awesomeevents in your area by visitingwww.ncsciencefestival.org/calendar.CONTACTIf you can’t find what you’re lookingfor on the website, give us a shout!Elizabeth “Lizza” IgoeStatewide Programs CoordinatorNC <strong>Science</strong> <strong>Festival</strong>eigoe@email.unc.edu919-843-8329Kyle Hunter<strong>Afterschool</strong> Coordinator,Morehead Planetariumkjhunter@email.unc.edu919-843-7967Jonathan FrederickDirectorNC <strong>Science</strong> <strong>Festival</strong>jfred@email.unc.edu919-843-8329

AFTERSCHOOLBottle ofAwesomenessBig IdeaSee patterns of how water moveswhile making art!Time10–30 minutesYou will need• bottles of water• see-through container with acap• liquid hand soap containingglycol stearate — not glycoldistearate• food coloring (neon is ourfavorite)• water• tape• optional: water coolerSet it UpFor this activity you will needenough water and liquid soap foreach student to make their ownbottle. Consider using a largesports cooler and creating awater station in the room. Theyhold a lot of water and the watercomes out slowly so it does notcause the soap to bubble. It’sa good idea to make your ownBottle of Awesomeness as anexample. This way the studentscan see the finished product, youget a chance to make sure youunderstand the instructions andyou can anticipate any issueschildren may face when makingtheir own.It’s showtimeSeparate the class into smaller groups. Give each groupa bottle of water. Ask them to twist it, shake it and turnit while observing what happens inside the bottle. Askthe group: What’s happening inside the bottle? Whatdoes the water look like inside the bottle when it ismoving? Do you notice any patterns in the water? No.It’s pretty hard to see anything happening, water justlooks like water! Let the group know that they are goingto create a fun bottle of water which they will be able tosee exactly what’s happening as the water moves. <strong>Guide</strong>the group through the construction of their Bottles ofAwesomeness according to the following instructions:1. Make sure that your container is empty and cleanand remove any labels.2. Fill your container about ¼ full of liquid soap.3. Add a couple drops of food coloring.4. Fill the remaining space in your container with water.Do this very slowly so bubbles do not form in yourcontainer. Fill it to the very top.5. Put the lid on your container. Make sure that it issealed tightly. Dry the container and the lid, thenwrap tape around it so the container won’t leak.6. You are ready to give it a spin! Try shaking it up andwatch the swirls in the container! Place it on the floorand give it a spin! What else can you think to do?Why We Love itOnce the bottles are constructed, no one will be able toput them down. Watching the currents flow inside thebottle is mesmerizing and nobody will want to stop. Thefun never ends!

The Morehead Twist• Use recycled plastic water bottles.• Try using something other than water, like hydrogen peroxide or olive oil oradding glitter.• Experiment with color mixing when adding food coloring.• Make another bottle with liquid soap that does not contain glycol stearate. Whathappens?• What happens if you let your bottle sit over a weekend?• For a super cool bottle, cut a glow stick open and add the contents to your bottle.Be sure to read the labels on the glow sticks to make sure they are safe for thisactivity.• Show students this cool video on laminar flow by the University of NewMexico, then try making your own with corn syrup! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=p08_KlTKP50Why is this <strong>Science</strong>?Normally, you can’t see how the water is moving inside a full bottle of water. Waterthat’s moving in one direction looks the same as water that’s moving in anotherdirection. Glycol stearate, the “pearly” looking ingredient in some hand soaps, isthe magic ingredient in this experiment. That pearly substance allows us to see howwater moves inside the container under different circumstances.Turning your bottle very slowly will make streaks in the water caused by slow movingwater passing other faster currents in the water. They are not mixing – it will lookalmost like they are moving parallel with each other. This slow movement is calledlaminar flow. If you spin your bottle fast, stop it, reverse direction, or shake yourbottle you will see swirly patterns with a lot more mixing. This movement is calledturbulence.Turbulence and laminar flow can be seen in air, as well as any liquid; given you havethe ability to do so. Rivers often times can provide great viewing of these conceptsbecause of their movement through the landscapes.Who cares about these patterns? When people design things that move through airor water like airplanes, cars, boats, even golf balls, they study the patterns blowingair or flowing water makes as the object moves through it. Differences in the flowof air or water can affect how well an airplane flies, how many miles a car gets pergallon, how fast a boat can go, or how far a golf ball will fly.

DifferentiationGrades K – 1With this age group, it is a good idea to assist students with pouringthe water into the bottle. If this step is done too quickly, it will bubbleup. It is also important to make sure the lid is on nice and tight!Grades 2 – 3Depending on your group see suggestions above.Grades 4 – 5With this age group it could be fun to see if they can recreatethe chamber in the YouTube video. We tried using corn syrupand it was close and just fun to see what happened.Additional InformationWe like to pair this with our “Lava Lamps” activity.Sources & LinksA video illustrating laminar flow can be found here:http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=p08_KlTKP50The Exploratoriumhttp://www.exploratorium.edu/science_explorer/goflow.htmlproudly produced byAFTERSCHOOL© 2013, The University of <strong>North</strong> <strong>Carolina</strong> at Chapel Hill. All rights reserved.Permission is granted to duplicate for educational purposes only.

AFTERSCHOOLBig IdeaExperiment with simplemachines and energy bybuilding a catapult.Time30–60 minutesYou will need• plastic bottle• marshmallows• ruler• plastic spoons• plastic cups• rubber bands• string• tape• other construction materialsWhy We love itIn the years of doing thisactivity, students never cease toamaze us by the creations theycome up with if given time andan odd assortment of materials(coat hangers, clothespins, justabout anything with a spring).We love it because students arehaving fun experimenting withphysics, measurement, criticalthinking and engineering and,most importantly, because thekids LOVE it!CatapultsSet It UpDepending on your group you may want to make acentral material table so that kids may come up to thetable to get supplies, or create sets of materials for pairsor small groups of kids to use.It’s showtimeBegin by showing students a simple catapult. Attach aplastic spoon to the end of a ruler with tape or a rubberband. Lay a plastic bottle on its side near the edge of atable (you may want to tape it in place). Rest the ruleracross the bottle, like a teeter-totter, with the spoon sidefacing up on the table. The other side of the ruler will beup off the table. Set a marshmallow in the spoon and askstudents what would happen if you were to push down onthe end of the ruler. Push down on the ruler to send themarshmallow sailing through the air. Explain that acatapult is a device used to throw an object. It uses asimple machine, called a lever (the ruler), attached to astationary point, called a fulcrum (the plastic bottle), tohelp move a load (the marshmallow).Allow groups to build and experiment with this simpledesign. Challenge them to create their own catapultsusing any of the additional materials. As the designsprogress you may need to ask open-ended questions orsuggest different challenges to keep groups on task, like:• Can your marshmallow hit a target?• How could you make your catapult launch themarshmallow farther or higher?• What is the least amount of materials you can useand still create a powerful catapult?Encourage students to change their catapults, one thingat a time, to test different variables and materials.Give students a 5 minute and 1 minute warning beforeyou want them to stop experimenting. Take a fewminutes to discuss what did and did not work well intheir designs and to explain their answers. You will besurprised how much the students have learned throughobservations.

The Morehead Twist• Set up goal posts and challenge students to a game of catapult football. Let kidsbe creative and problem solve on how to make goal posts (using fingers similar topaper football, stringing rope between chairs, etc.)• Set up blocks to attempt to knock down.• Create a catapult version of the game Angry Birds — have the kids set up“scenes” using blocks, empty bottles, cups, etc.• Challenge older students to build a trebuchet (a kind of catapult that uses acounterweight to throw an object). Show them examples online before they beginto build.Why is this <strong>Science</strong>?Not only do the students get to practice their engineering skills by designing andbuilding catapults but they can learn about energy, Sir Isaac Newton and simplemachines!To move the object through the air, potential energy is converted to kinetic energy.Potential energy is energy that is stored, like a lake behind a dam. Kinetic energy isenergy of motion, like a flowing river. In the case of the catapult, the ruler lying onthe table ready to launch the marshmallow is potential and becomes kinetic once themarshmallow is flying through the air. Newton’s First Law of Motion says an objectin motion (marshmallow) tends to stay in motion unless an external force is appliedto it (for example, gravity, which will eventually ground your marshmallow).In constructing the first catapult, students are introduced to the terminology of alever and a fulcrum. This is a great way to introduce even more simple machineslike inclined plane, wedge, pulley, screw, wheel and axle. For more informationand learning about simple machines we like to have students build Rube Goldbergmachines. Below are other resources to help you start.proudly produced byAFTERSCHOOL© 2013, The University of <strong>North</strong> <strong>Carolina</strong> at Chapel Hill. All rights reserved.Permission is granted to duplicate for educational purposes only.

DifferentiationGrades K – 1It is important to give this age group a specific way to build at leastone, maybe two catapults so they can get the hang of it.Grades 2 – 3Depending on their mastery of the catapult and their interest, we like toencourage them to build a trebuchet or another launching mechanism.Grades 4 – 5After they have mastered the catapult, see if they can build a trebuchet.Additional InformationWe like to pair this with Thorp <strong>Science</strong> Night activities “Marshmallow Towers” and“Run Away Marbles” because of the engineering element within all these activities.Sources & LinksDragonfly TVThe ExploratoriumHowtosmile.orgPBS Fetch!Rube Goldberg Machine:http://smile.cosi.org/homemade-rube-goldberg-machine.pdfSimple Machines:http://teachers.cmhouston.org/sites/default/files/Intotosimplemachines.pdfTrebuchets and Catapults:http://pbskids.org/dragonflytv/show/trebuchet.htmlproudly produced byAFTERSCHOOL© 2013, The University of <strong>North</strong> <strong>Carolina</strong> at Chapel Hill. All rights reserved.Permission is granted to duplicate for educational purposes only.

AFTERSCHOOLBig IdeaGrow three different typesof crystals.Time30–45 minutesWhy We Love ItWith each one of theseprojects, you will get a uniquelybeautiful result. The number ofvariables also makes for greatexperimentation!It’s ShowtimeStart by passing out a sheetof black construction paper toeach student or small groups ofstudents. Then, pour a bit of salton the construction paper. Askthe students to look closely atthe salt and encourage them tomake observations. Ask openendedquestions like: Whatdoes the salt look like? Can youdescribe any shapes that yousee? You may choose to lookat the grains of salt under amagnifying glass or microscope,if available. You may also adda drop of food coloring to thesalt to help the students see theindividual pieces. The studentsshould observe that each grainof salt is a cube and that they alllook the same. Explain that somesubstances, like salt, are madeup of small pieces of the sameshape. These small pieces arecalled crystals.Crystallized!Set It UpThis lesson contains three different recipes for growingcrystals. Mixing the solutions for each recipe will only takeabout 30 minutes, but students will be able to observe thegrowth of their crystals for numerous days. When growthhas slowed, more solution can be added to continue theprocess if desired.Why is this <strong>Science</strong>?Crystals are made when a substance has atoms ormolecules that form in a very organized, repeating 3-Dpattern. Usually when we think of crystals we think of wellknowngemstones like diamonds or rubies, but there aresome very common crystals too, like salt, sugar, laundrydetergent and even snowflakes.Crystals are solids that form by a regular repeatedpattern of molecules connecting together. In some solids,the arrangements of the building blocks (atoms andmolecules) can be random or very different throughout thematerial. In crystals, however, a collection of atoms calledthe Unit Cell is repeated in exactly the same arrangementover and over throughout the entire material.Because of this repetitive nature, crystals can take onstrange and interesting looking forms, naturally. Inthese experiments, we grew crystals by separating all thebuilding block molecules into individual units in water. Asthe water cools, those molecules bump into one anotherand begin to connect naturally in the appropriate placesto create those repetitive structures. What is left behindwhen all the water evaporates is a crystal.Different types of salt have their own crystalline shapes.For example, Epsom salt, which is a combination ofmagnesium and sulfate ions, is shaped more like a prism.On the other hand, table salt, which is a combination ofsodium and chloride ions, is more cube-shaped. Therefore,the type of salt you use to form crystals will result inshapes of crystals. It all depends on the types of chemicalsthat make up the specific salt you use.

The Morehead Twist• Try adding food coloring to any of the liquid solutions.• Try using other salts, powders or detergents mixed with different amounts of water to seewhat you can grow. Take notes so if you want to duplicate something you will be able to!• Experiment with different temperature of water. What affect will that have on the crystals?• Try testing how different environments affect the growth of your crystals. Put onesolution in a warm sunny window and another in the refrigerator.• Hang string, yarn or a pipe cleaner in your crystal solutions and see what happens. Todo this, pour a little of the solution into a cup or jar and cut a length of string about theheight of the container. Tie the string to a pencil and lower the string into the container,with the pencil resting across the top. Make sure one end of the string is touching thecrystal solution.• Bend pipe cleaners into the shape of your initials and place them in the solution.DifferentiationGrades K – 1It is important to help this age group with the laundry bluing and ammonia in Experiment 2because of the hazards associated with each.Grades 2 – 3This age group will also need assistance in Experiment 2 when dealing with the laundrybluing and ammonia.Grades 4 – 5This age group could probably do experiment 3 by themselves if time allows.Additional InformationTo learn more about what a colloidal suspension is, mix 1 cup of dry corn starch and½ cup of water in a bowl! The substance is neither a solid nor a liquid as it has someproperties of both. It’s REALLY cool!Sources & LinksSteve Spangler <strong>Science</strong>Howtosmile.orgOMSI (Oregon Museum of <strong>Science</strong> and Industry)Mrs. Stewart Laundry BluingThe Exploratoriumproudly produced byAFTERSCHOOL© 2013, The University of <strong>North</strong> <strong>Carolina</strong> at Chapel Hill. All rights reserved.Permission is granted to duplicate for educational purposes only.

AFTERSCHOOLCrystallized!Experiment 1Supplies• black construction paper• scissors• pie pan• cup• warm water• Epsom salt• measuring spoons• sunny day• optional: food coloringWhat to Do1. Cut your piece of black construction paper so that itwill fit into the bottom of the pie pan, and place it inthe bottom.2. In a cup, mix together 1 tablespoon of Epsom Saltwith ¼ cup of warm water. Stir until the salt iscompletely dissolved.3. Pour your solution onto the construction paper andfind a good sunny place, like a window sill, to let itdry out!What’s Happening?Epsom salt is just another name for the chemicalmagnesium sulfate. The first step in this experimentis the most important when growing crystals. Whenyou mixed the salt and water, the salt dissolved andseparated into individual atoms (magnesium ions andsulfate ions). As the water cools, those individual atomsstart to bump into one another. Individual atoms have asmall attractive quality, so when the atoms run into eachother they start to stick together. Eventually those saltatoms run out of space in the water and can no longerremain “dissolved”. They begin to get pushed out as asolid (chemists call this process “falling out”), which isthe beginning of crystal formation. Setting the solutionin a warm sunny place also helps the crystals start togrow because it encourages the water to evaporate.Evaporation is the process in which water becomes agas and rises. Epsom salt, which does not change statesas easily as water does, remains behind in its solid form,resulting in long needle-like formations.

AFTERSCHOOLCrystallized!Experiment 2Supplies• charcoal briquettes• glass pie pan or plastic dish• mixing bowl• tablespoons• liquid bluing *• ammonia• salt• water• paper plate• newspaper• optional: magnifying glasses* Liquid bluing can be foundnear the laundry detergentsection of stores. You can visitwww.mrsstewart.com/pages/wheretofind.htm to find a storenear you.What to Do1. Unfold a sheet of newspaper and place it on a table orsurface where it can remain undisturbed for a coupleof days to protect the tabletop from any crystals thatmay grow out of the container. Set your dish in thecenter of the newspaper. Put two charcoal briquettesinto your glass pie pan or plastic container.2. In a small mixing bowl, combine:• 1 tablespoon of the liquid bluing (careful: this willstain)• 1 tablespoon of ammonia (careful: this smellsreally strong)• 1 tablespoon of salt• 2 tablespoons of water3. Stir until the solution is well mixed. Carefully pourthe solution on the charcoal briquettes. Sprinkle afew drops of food coloring where you poured thesolution, if desired. Let this stand undisturbed for acouple of days, making observations each day.What’s Happening?This experiment uses the same general conceptfor growing crystals as in the first experiment. Thedifference is the charcoal, laundry bluing and ammonia.The charcoal acts kind of like a sponge, soaking up theliquid in the dish. Water evaporates on the surface of thecharcoal, the chemicals found in the laundry bluing, andpulling more solution up from the base of the pie plate.The ammonia helps to speed up the evaporation of thewater. The laundry bluing, according to Mrs. Stewart’sLaundry bluing website, “is a colloidal suspensionof extremely minute particles of blue powder (ferrichexacyanoferrate).” When the water and bluing that havemixed begin to evaporate, these small blue particlesare left behind, just like the salt in Experiment 1. Asthe amount of liquid decreases, the tiny particles in thebluing begin to bump into each other and stick togetherin a very specific geometric pattern creating crystals.

AFTERSCHOOLCrystallized!Experiment 3Supplies• two jars or glasses• small plate• yarn or string• paper clips• scissors• spoon• hot water• baking sodaWhat’s Happening?In this experiment, we growstalactites! These structuresare defined as mineral deposits,typically found in caves, usuallymade of calcium carbonate.Our stalactite is made from asaturated solution of water andbaking soda. The yarn is used tosoak up the solution. When theyarn can no longer “hold” anymore of the solution, it starts toslowly drip. We have placed theplate underneath it to catch allthese drips. As the water fromthe drips begins to evaporate,the individual molecules ofbaking soda start to bumpinto each other and bond ina specific pattern, creating acrystal. Stalactites are createdby dripping water which is richwith minerals. Over time, thoseminerals build up and form asolid structure, just like thebaking soda in this experiment.What to Do1. Start with a piece of yarn or string that is about 4 feetlong. Fold your yarn in half, then in half again andtwist it together tightly. Attach a paper clip to eitherend of your twisted yarn. The paper clip will be usedto hold the ends of the yarn in your liquid while thecrystals are growing.2. Set a glass or jar on either side of a small plate.Check to make sure that your yarn is long enough tostretch between the two glasses across the distance ofthe plate. If so, set your yarn aside.3. Fill both of the glasses with hot water. Make asaturated baking soda solution in each of the glassesby stirring baking soda into the hot water, onespoonful at a time. Add baking soda until the watercan’t dissolve it anymore. Add food coloring to thesolutions, if desired.4. Place the paper clip from one end of the yarn in oneof the glasses, so that it rests under the surface ofthe solution. Put the paper clip on the other end intothe other glass. Let the center of the yarn dangle in asmile shape in between the glasses without touchingthe plate. You may need to keep an eye on your plateand dump liquid back into one of the glasses.Crystals will start to appear on the string in a couple ofdays, with stalactites growing down from the yarn towardthe plate in about a week and stalagmites growing upfrom the plate toward the string somewhat later. If youneed to add more solution to your jars, be sure that it issaturated or you will risk dissolving some the crystalsyou have grown.

AFTERSCHOOLDiaperDissectionBig IdeaTake apart (clean) diapers todiscover what makes them soabsorbent.Time30–45 minutesYou will needFor Demonstration• shallow bowl or tray• disposable diaper• waterPer Group• newspaper• disposable diaper• scissors• plastic sealable bag• water• measuring spoon• measuring cup• optional: stopwatchWhy We love itThis activity offers a great wayto see science applied to a reallifesituation! Students are ableto take apart an everyday itemto uncover the science hiddenwithin.Set It UpStudents can work in small groups during this activity.Gather enough materials for students to work in groupsof 2–3. For the measuring spoons and cups, you mayuse anything that will be consistent among the groups,like plastic spoons and cups. Just be sure to determinea standard measurement as a group. For example, whentesting how much water the polymers can absorb,everyone should be pouring in the same amount of waterfrom their cups.It’s showtimeStart by telling the group that today they are goingto do a dissection. Ask: What does it mean to dissectsomething? Dissect is just a fancy word for takingsomething apart to see what’s inside. Let the group knowthat today they are going to dissect…diapers! This willprobably surprise them a bit and possibly gross themout. Assure them that they are clean diapers. Lead thegroup in a brief discussion about diapers – Who usesthem? What are they used for? How do they work? Let’sfind out!Unfold a diaper and place it in a shallow bowl or on atray so that everyone can see. Slowly pour water in thediaper, ¼ - ½ cup at a time. Eventually, the diaper willreach a point of saturation when it will not be able tohold any more water. When the water begins to pool atthe surface of the diaper, stop. As a group, make note ofhow much water the diaper was able to absorb. Wheredid all that water go? How is a diaper able to absorb somuch water?Use a pair of scissors to carefully cut the diaper open.Cut down the middle and pull away the cotton pieces.What’s inside? What do you notice? That squishy gelis a type of chemical called a polymer. Polymers arechemicals, or groups of chemicals, which are made oflong chains of molecules (imagine a chain of paper clipslinked together end to end).

It’s Showtime Cont’dSome polymers combine to form copolymers (imagine two long chains of paper clipsside by side, now add paper clips between them connecting them like rungs on aladder). Polymers can be soft and squishy, like chewing gum, or hard and strong, likeplastic. This polymer was added to diapers because it will absorb a lot of liquid – upto 800 times its weight! Just like those rubbery toy animals that grow in water.Let the group know that they will have the opportunity to dissect a diaper andexplore this mysterious substance. Pass out the supplies, one set per group of 2-3students, and assist groups with the dissection according to the instructions. Remindthem to keep track of their measurements (amount of polymer removed, water added,etc.).Once the groups have finished their dissection, bring everyone back together fora group discussion. Ask the students to share their findings (especially if differentbrands/types of diapers were tested), as well as their experiences while dissectingtheir diaper. Try comparing different brands and types of diapers to see how wellthey absorb water (Huggies, Store Brand, Swimming Diapers). Use a stopwatchto time how long it takes for the polymers to absorb the water. Discuss if/why thiswould be beneficial for consumers. Use food coloring to dye the water you pour onthe polymer crystals. Explore some other superabsorbent polymers like instant snowand jelly marbles to really crank up the fun!Why is This <strong>Science</strong>?The secret water-absorbing chemical in a diaper is a superabsorbent polymer calledsodium polyacrylate. A polymer is simply a long chain of repeating molecules. Theprefix “poly” means many, so a polymer is a large molecule made up of many smallerunits, called monomers, which are joined together. Some polymers are made up ofmillions of monomers.The diaper polymer is actually a copolymer (2 polymers linked together). Thiscreates long chains of molecules that are connected, like a railroad track or a ladder –two long strands cross linked with smaller strands.Superabsorbent polymers expand when they come in contact with water becausewater is drawn into and held by the molecules of the polymer. They act like giantsponges. It is estimated that the diaper polymer can soak up as much as 800 times itsweight in water!The cotton-like fibers you removed from the diaper help to spread out both thepolymer and any “liquids” added to the diaper. It’s easy to see that even a little bit ofpowder will hold a huge quantity of water, but it does have its limits. At some point,the gel will become saturated and it will be time for a new diaper!

DifferentiationGrades K – 1For this age group assist the groups with the dissection of the diaper as much asneeded. They will tend to pull out the cotton fiber, but miss a lot of the polymerpowder. It is also helpful to help measure the amount of liquid they are putting in.Grades 2 – 3For this age group, we like to look at all parts of the diaper to see howthey contribute to the overall effectiveness (i.e. elastic leggings).Grades 4 – 5We really like to challenge the students in the activity to keepaccurate information about how much water the diaper holds.Additional InformationThis activity pairs well with Thorp <strong>Science</strong> Night activity “Gross Goo”.Sources & LinksOMSI (Oregon Museum of <strong>Science</strong> and Industry)Steve Spanglerproudly produced byAFTERSCHOOL© 2013, The University of <strong>North</strong> <strong>Carolina</strong> at Chapel Hill. All rights reserved.Permission is granted to duplicate for educational purposes only.

AFTERSCHOOLSupplies• sheet of newspaper• disposable diaper• scissors• plastic sealable bag• measuring spoon• measuring cup• water• stopwatch or clockDiaper DissectionInstructionsWhat to Do1. Unfold a diaper and place it on the sheet ofnewspaper. Use a pair of scissors to carefully cutthrough the inside lining and remove all the cottonlikematerial. Put all the stuffing material into a clean,sealable plastic bag.2. Scoop up any white powder that may have fallen outof the stuffing — this is your diaper polymer. Add it tothe bag. Blow a little air into the bag and then seal it.3. Gently shake the bag for a few minutes to remove thepowdery polymer from the stuffing. Notice how much(or how little) powder falls to the bottom of the bag.4. Carefully remove the stuffing from the bag and checkout the dry polymer you just extracted from thediaper.5. Use your measuring spoon to determine how much ofthe polymer you were able to remove from the diaper.Make a note of this amount.6. Time how long it takes to saturate your diaperpolymer. One person in your group should keep trackof the time, while another starts adding water, onemeasurement at a time. Once that water is absorbed,add another cup of water until it no longer sucksup the water. How much water can your polymersabsorb? How long did it take?© 2013, The University of <strong>North</strong> <strong>Carolina</strong> at Chapel Hill. All rights reserved.Permission is granted to duplicate for educational purposes only.

AFTERSCHOOLBig IdeaUse a colorful activity to learnabout the rock cycle.Time30–45 minutesYou will need• rocks• wax crayons in 2 or moredifferent colors• popsicle stick• aluminum foil or foil cakecups• hot water• optional: pencil sharpenersWhy We love itThis experiment is a fun, handson ways to model the rockcycle. Students have most likelylearned about the rock cycle inschool, but this activity providesa hands-on supplement tothat knowledge which will nodoubt help them to rememberwhat they have learned. Plus, itgives all those old, tiny crayonsthat no one wants to use a newpurpose!Geology ROcksSet It UpAsk students to bring in a rock for this activity or takesome time to venture outside as a group to collect rocks.Fill a coffee server or electric kettle with hot water.Depending on the age of your group, you may want tocreate individual or group containers for water.It’s showtimeAsk the students to look closely at their rock. Encouragethem to trade and make observations about the differentrocks they see. Explain to the group that rocks gothrough many forms and change over time. They areconstantly being broken down and turned into newrocks, but the process takes a very, very long time.There are three main types, or classes, of rocks:sedimentary, metamorphic and igneous. These threeclasses of rocks make up the Rock Cycle and theirdifferences come from the way they were formed. Askyour group to study their rocks as you explain thedifferent classes:sedimentary: formed from particles of sand, shells,pebble and other fragments of material called sediment.The sediment gradually collects in layers and hardensinto a rock. Generally, sedimentary rocks are fairly softand you can often see sand, pebbles or stones in them —sometimes even fossils!metamorphic: formed under the surface of the earthfrom the metamorphosis (change) that occurs due tointense heat and pressure (squeezing). These rocks oftenhave ribbon-like layers and may have shiny crystalsformed by minerals growing slowly over time on theirsurfaces.igneous: formed when magma (molten rock deepwithin the earth) cools and hardnes. Magma sometimescools within the earth, but other times it erupts fromvolcanoes and becomes lava. When lava cools quickly,no crystals form and the rock looks shiny and glasslike.Small gas bubbles sometime get trapped during thecooling process forming holes and spaces.

It’s Showtime Cont’dLet the group know that they will be modeling the rock cycle today to understandhow it works. Pass out the supplies and guide the group through the activityaccording to the instructions.1. Create sediment. Have students unwrap their crayons then create a pile of crayonshavings on their piece of aluminum foil by scraping it with a popsicle stick orusing an old pencil sharpener. They may trade crayons among themselves toacquire a mixture of colors. Give them around 5 minutes to build up a decentsized pile.2. Fold the aluminum foil up tightly around the shavings and then apply pressure.To do this, students can press on it with their hands, step on it, or use theircreativity to think of other ways to compress their shavings. Then, gently unwrapthe foil. The result will be sedimentary rocks! The sedimentary crayon rock willbe fragile but should hold together in a packed layer. Explain that sedimentaryrocks are created out of sediment (small particles) being compacted andcemented together. This process is called lithifaction.3. Pass out the containers for hot water. Go around yourself to fill each containerwith hot water. Each student or group should create a little boat out of foil to holdtheir sedimentary crayon rock. Next, they will float their boat on the hot water.Watch as the heat from the water melts the crayon. Carefully remove the foil fromthe water when the wax is soft to the touch (use a popsicle stick, not your finger!)and the colors have just started to blend together. Let the metamorphic crayonrock cool to the touch then apply pressure again, repeating step 2. Metamorphicrocks are created from other rocks being exposed to extreme pressure and heatand in doing so, actually change composition to a different rock.4. Each student or group should put their metamorphic crayon rock back in the foilboat and float it on the hot water again (you may need new hot water). This time,allow the wax to melt until a smooth pool of liquid wax forms and the colors blendtogether uniformly. Carefully remove the foil and let the igneous crayon rockcool. Igneous rocks are made from the cooling and solidification of magma andlava.You just completed a model of the Rock Cycle! Ask the group: Now that we havemade an igneous rock could we create a sedimentary rock? Give the group a fewminutes to share their ideas. Yes, all you would need to do is start the process all overagain by eroding and weathering your igneous rock and creating crayon shavings.This is exactly what happens in the real life of a rock! The cycle never ends; rockscontinue to move from one form to another, usually very slowly over time.Share with students that while it may not feel like we ever see the rock cycle inaction, somewhere in the world right now volcanoes are erupting, tectonic plates areshifting creating earthquakes, mountains are being formed and others being eroded,rivers are carrying sand and mud to new places and waves are crashing on shores…allplaying a vital role in the transformation of rocks!

The Morehead Twist• Try using old pencil sharpeners to make crayon shavings.• Encourage students to use more than one color of crayon.• Try the same process with different material, like 3 different kinds of baking chips(e.g. milk chocolate, white chocolate and butterscotch).• Explore students’ questions and ideas. This lab can be a great link to otheractivities and discussion about convection currents, weather patterns and Pangea(continental drift). You don’t need to know all the answers – look it up together!Why is this <strong>Science</strong>?The concept of the rock cycle is attributed to James Hutton (1726—1797), the 18thcenturyfounder of modern geology. The main idea is that rocks are continuallychanging from one type to another and back again, as forces inside the earth bringthem closer to the surface (where they are weathered, eroded, and compacted)and forces on the earth sink them back down (where they are heated, pressed, andmelted). So the elements that make up rocks are never created or destroyed —instead, they are constantly being recycled. The rock cycle helps us to see that theearth is like a giant rock recycling machine!This activity introduces the 3 main types of rocks and the processes that form them.Wax crayons are eroded into sediment, compacted into sedimentary rock, partiallymelted and pressed into metamorphic rock, and finally melted and cooled intoigneous rock. This understanding is the basis of the rock cycle.Molten rock or magma solidifies either rapidly at the Earth’s surface or slowly underthe Earth’s surface into igneous rock (this is the whole crayon we start with). As theserocks are exposed to erosion and weathering, they are broken down into sediment(modeled by the pile of crayon shavings). The grains of sediment may be transportedlong distances by water, wind or gravity, and eventually deposited in layers. As moreand more sediment layers build up on top of each other, the sediments are compactedand sometimes cemented together into sedimentary rock (squishing the crayonshavings together) in a process called lithifaction. With heat and pressure (partialmelting in hot water), the rock will undergo a physical and/or chemical change intometamorphic rock. If the rock is melted completely and cooled, you once again haveigneous rock.

DifferentiationGrades K – 1With this age group, use extra caution around the hot water. Youmay need to provide assistance with shaving the crayons.Grades 2 – 3With this age group, work through the activity together as a largegroup. Depending on your students, you may be able to passout individual or small group containers of hot water.Grades 4 – 5With this age group, you can probably allow them to work at theirown pace with individual or small containers of hot water.Additional InformationThis activity pairs well with “Lava Lamps” and “Bottle of Awesomeness”.Sources & LinksThe Exploratoriumproudly produced byAFTERSCHOOL© 2013, The University of <strong>North</strong> <strong>Carolina</strong> at Chapel Hill. All rights reserved.Permission is granted to duplicate for educational purposes only.

AFTERSCHOOLIt’s Alive!Big IdeaExperiment with yeast and moldto determine if they are living ornon-living things.TimeOn-going for a couple weeksYou will needFor Demonstration• clear cup• 1 packet active dry yeast• 2 tablespoons of sugar• 1 cup of very warm water(105˚F–115˚)• balloon• empty plastic bottlePer Group• sealable plastic bags• permanent markers• organic decomposingcompounds — otherwiseknown as old food (anythingwill work except meat or fish— the fewer preservatives thebetter!)• cups of water• optional: magnifying glassesWhy We Love itIf we are unfortunate enough to find mold growing onour food we don’t usually take the time to look closelyat it before we toss it out in disgust. This activity givesstudents the opportunity to investigate and questiona natural process that they would not generally get toexplore. We love the discussions that can be had fromdoing these experiments. It’s also amazing to see howdifferent the molds can be!Set It UpBefore beginning this activity, determine a safe spacewhere students can keep their experiments. This shouldbe a place where no one will disturb them or throwthem away. Encourage kids and staff members to setaside a bit of their lunch or snacks to be included in theexperiments. Ahead of time, blow up a balloon a fewtimes so it is stretched out.It’s showtimeBegin this session with a discussion about life. Open apacket of yeast and pour it into a cup. Show the yeastto the group and ask them: Is this a living or non-livingthing? Give the group a few minutes to share their ideas.Next, ask the group: How do we classify living thingsfrom non-living things? What is alive and what is not?Why do we consider these things alive? What are someof the requirements for life? Look for the group to saythings like air, water, food, and energy.Let’s explore this yeast and see if we can determine,based on the groups thoughts and definitions aboutliving things, if it is living or non-living. Let’s startby adding a little food and water to the yeast. Mix 2tablespoons of sugar in with the yeast. Then, pour 1 cupof warm water into the cup with yeast and sugar andstir everything together. Now, pour the mixture into anempty plastic bottle. Stretch the mouth of the balloonover the opening of the bottle so that it is acting as aseal. Take a few minutes to observe what is happening.

It’s Showtime Cont’DThe yeast mixture will begin to bubble and eventually the balloon will begin to fillwith air. Ask the students again: Do you think yeast is a living or non-living thing?Explain that yeast is actually a very small living organism. Yeast needs food forenergy and oxygen to survive, just like us. In the bottle, the yeast is actually feedingon the sugar. As the yeast consumes the sugar it creates carbon dioxide gas – allthose little bubbles. Because the balloon was covering the opening of the bottleall that gas had nowhere to go but up into the balloon, causing it to inflate. Let thegroup know that yeast is a member of the Fungi Kingdom. They will now have theopportunity to explore other members of the Fungi Kingdom, mold! It may seemgross but explain that mold plays a very important part in the world as a decomposer.Assist students with the preparation of their mold experiments according to the It’sAlive! instructions. Following are some discussion questions you may want to askduring the two weeks of this experiment:• What food started getting moldy first?• What color is the mold? How many different colors do you see?• What texture is the mold—flat, fuzzy, bumpy?• Did everything in your bag get moldy?• Does mold spread from one piece of food to another?• Do different kinds of mold grow on different types of food?The Morehead Twist• Instead of yeast, sugar and water, try using about a tablespoon of baking powderand 1/2 cup of vinegar.• Try experimenting with different temperatures of water to see if yeast is more“active” in warm or cold water.• Try rubbing the leftover food on door handles, seats or any other items that mighthelp contribute microbes (germs) before putting it in the baggie. Will that createmore mold?.• Test different variables (but remember to only test one at a time!) when growingmold, such as amount of light, liquid in the bag and amount of air in the bag.Additional InformationThis activity pairs well with Thorp <strong>Science</strong> Night activity “Garden in a Glove”.

Why is this <strong>Science</strong>?For our existence on Earth, we need air, water, nutrients and some form ofenergy. Many scientists define life in different ways but there are some commoncharacteristics living things share, such as being able to grow, use energy andreproduce.That fuzzy stuff growing on the food in your container is alive! It’s mold, a kind offungus. Unlike plants, molds don’t grow from seeds and cannot create their ownfood. They grow from tiny spores that float around in the air. When some of thesespores fall onto organic materials, they grow into mold. It can be annoying to findmoldy food in your refrigerator, but in nature mold is a very useful thing. In a naturalenvironment, the process of rotting, aided by mold, helps things return to the soil,providing nutrients for other living things — mold is a natural recycler!The molds that can be grown in your bag are primarily Aspergillus, Penicillium andRhizopus. These are a very small representation of molds. No one knows how manyspecies of fungi exist but estimates range from tens of thousands to perhaps threehundred thousand or more! One mold that grows on lemons looks like a blue-greenpowder, a mold that grows on strawberries is a grayish-white fuzz and a commonmold that grows on bread looks like white cottony fuzz at first and turns black after acouple of days. The tiny black dots are spores, which can spread and grow to producemore mold.DifferentiationGrades K – 1Due to implications of working with molds, it might be good to have a container thatcannot be opened for this age group. Use caution when working with hot water.Grades 2 – 3We like to see if we can get the same result of the yeast experiment with bakingsoda and vinegar (you do) and it is fun to see where the discussions can go.Grades 4 – 5Challenge this group to explain why mold is growing on what andwhere. We like to play around with the amounts of the substancesto see just how much we can get the balloon to blow up.Sources & LinksCDC (Center for Disease Control)The Exploratoriumproudly produced byAFTERSCHOOL© 2013, The University of <strong>North</strong> <strong>Carolina</strong> at Chapel Hill. All rights reserved.Permission is granted to duplicate for educational purposes only.

AFTERSCHOOLSupplies• permanent marker• sealable plastic bag• leftover food• waterAdditional InfoMold can cause allergicreactions and respiratoryproblems in some people. Oncethe bag is sealed, it should notbe opened again.It’s Alive!InstructionsWhat to Do1. Write “CAUTION: Experiment” and your name onthe plastic bag.2. Select four or five different pieces of leftover food.If the food is small (a grape or one section of anorange) use the whole thing. Cut bigger foods likebread or cheese into 1-inch chunks.3. Dip each piece of food into some water and put itinto your plastic bag. Lay it flat on a table and try tospread the pieces out so that they are close to eachother, but not in a pile.4. Seal your bag. SAFETY WARNING: Do NOT openthe bag once the experiment is in progress!5. Put the bag in a place where no one will knock it overor throw it away.6. Each day, observe the “food” in your bag. For the firsttwo or three days, you probably won’t see much. Butsoon, you should see blue or green or white fuzzystuff growing on some of the food.7. After a few more days, some of the food in the bagmay start to rot and look really gross. You can watchhow the mold spreads and how things rot for abouttwo weeks. After that, not much more will happenand it will be time to throw out your experiment.© 2013, The University of <strong>North</strong> <strong>Carolina</strong> at Chapel Hill. All rights reserved.Permission is granted to duplicate for educational purposes only.

AFTERSCHOOLBig IdeaCreate groovy happenings whileexperimenting with density.Time30–45 minutesYou will need• clear plastic cups• water• salt• food coloring• cooking oil• sealable container fordisposal of excess cooking oil• optional: iceWhy We love itThese are so many variationsthat can be done with thisfantastic activity! Your studentswill keep coming up withdifferent things to test and newthings to try with their lavalamps. Plus, every time youdo this activity, you will get adifferent unique result!Lava LampsSet It UpPractice the demonstrations and activity ahead of timeto anticipate any issues students may have as wellas to make any adjustments needed for the activity.Depending on your group and the amount of supplies,the first activity could be run as a demonstrationor a hands-on activity where students conduct theexperiment in small groups. For the lava lamp, studentscan make their own or work in small groups to reducethe amount of supplies needed.It’s showtimeShow the group two identical cups of room temperaturewater. In one cup, add about ¼ cup of salt and stir todissolve. Next, if you have access to ice, add some ice toeach cup. Enough to form a layer of ice floating at thetop of the cups. Then, add a few drops of food coloringto the fresh water and observe what happens. Now, adda few drops of food coloring to the cup with salt waterand observe what happens. In the freshwater cup thefood coloring will spread out and mix with the water.In the salt water the food coloring will not penetrateinto the salt water, it will stay at the top with the ice.Ask the group: What do you notice? Why do you thinkthat happens? Give them a few minutes to share theirideas. If there is space in the cup of salt water, you couldcarefully pour some of the colored fresh water into thecup. It should rest on top of the salt water, just like thefood coloring. Why does the fresh water not mix withsalt water?Ask the students: Have you ever tried mixing oil andwater? What happens? The students should say that theydon’t mix, it makes two layers, etc. - just like the foodcoloring and the salt water. You may choose to createanother demonstration cup with oil and water.Explain to the group that some liquids will not mix witheach other because they have different densities – whichbasically means that if you have the same amount oftwo liquids one weighs more than the other (more massper volume). Ask the group: In the case of oil and water,

It’s Showtime Cont’dwhich liquid do you think is heavier? The students will probably say that water isheavier than oil because it is on the bottom. Correct! Water is more dense than oil, soit will move past the oil and rest at the bottom of the cup. In the first experiment, saltwater is more dense than fresh water because something has been added to it – salt!The salt added to the water makes it heavier, and therefore more dense than freshwater.Let the group know that they will now have the chance to conduct a “groovy”experiment with density. Supplies permitting, pass out the cups to each studentor small groups and assist them with creating their lava lamps according to theinstructions.1. Fill your cup ½ full with water.2. Add oil until it forms a layer about ½-1 inch thick at the top of the water.3. Drop 3 drops of food coloring into the cup. What happens?4. Sprinkle a little salt into the cup and observe. What do you think is going on?5. Repeat! You may add more food coloring if needed. Do not put too much in rightaway; this will make the water too dark to see the cool effect.Why is This <strong>Science</strong>?This is not your typical lava lamp! The lava lamps that were made famous in the1970s relied on heat to create the groovy fascinating swirls. Our rendition of lavalamps relies on density to get a similar effect.Density is the measure of how much matter (mass) is packed into an item or materialcompared to the amount of space (volume) it takes up. A material that is more dense(e.g. lead) will weigh more than a material that is less dense (e.g. cork) even thoughthey both take up the same amount of space. Or, to think of density another way, 10pounds of cork takes up a lot more space than 10 pounds of lead.For our lava lamps the materials we use have different densities. In the instance ofwater and oil, water is more dense than the oil which is why the oil floats on top of thewater. When we add the salt, which is heavier than water, it sinks to the bottom. But,as the salt sinks to the bottom it brings some oil from the top along with it. As thesalt begins to dissolve in the water, the oil is “released” and floats back up to the topof the water.

The Morehead Twist• Try using more than one type of oil. We like to use mineral oil and corn syrup aswell.• Turn out the lights and shine a flashlight underneath the cup.• Try using an Alka Seltzer tablet instead of salt.• Try different size containers and/or varying amounts of liquid.• Try adding glitter to your lava lamp.DifferentiationGrades K – 1While we like the solution to be saturated, we do not want the whole container of saltin the water. With this age group, it is a good idea to monitor them a little more closelyin this regard and also to make sure they do not go overboard with the food coloring.Grades 2 – 3This group likes to get messy as well and should also be monitored a bit more closely.Grades 4 – 5We really like to let this age group get “messy” with this activity. Welet them try almost anything, after they ask first, of course!Additional InformationThis activity pairs well with “Bottle of Awesomeness”.Sources & LinksThe Exploratoriumproudly produced byAFTERSCHOOL© 2013, The University of <strong>North</strong> <strong>Carolina</strong> at Chapel Hill. All rights reserved.Permission is granted to duplicate for educational purposes only.

AFTERSCHOOLBig IdeaMake the “best” parachute!Time45–60 minutesYou will need• paper clips• string• sticky dots• napkin• rulers• scissors• tape• optional: stopwatch• optional: fanWhy We love itThis activity is flexible in somany ways in terms of materialsand what can be learned. Wegive kids access to almost anymaterial they can think of touse. The result is that they useitems that we never would haveconsidered, such as yogurtcontainers for baskets, plastictrays as canopy, and long rubberbands as the connectors. Thebest part about this activityis to just let kids design, test,redesign, retest, and learn fromthe path they took!ParachutesIt’s Showtime!Tell kids that today’s challenge is to design and builda parachute. As a group, discuss why and how thingsfall. Ask the group: Why do things fall when we dropthem? The students will probably bring up gravity asthe explanation. Crumple a sheet of paper into a balland hold it up. Pick up a flat sheet of paper in your otherhand. Ask the group: When I drop these, do you thinkthey will hit the ground at the same time? Why or whynot? Drop the balled paper and sheet at the same time.Ask the group: What did you notice? What happened?The crumpled ball of paper dropped faster and straightdown, while the flat sheet drifted to a soft landing. Askthe group: Why did they fall differently? Explain thatthe flat sheet of paper has more surface area that’ssupported by the air beneath it as it falls. Ask the group:Do you think the air acts on the paper as it falls? How?Let’s think about parachutes. Ask the group: What areparachutes? What are they used for? How do you thinkthey work? Parachutes are used to slow the descentof objects through an atmosphere, in our case air.Depending on the situation, parachutes are used witha variety of loads, including people, food, equipment,even space capsules. Let the group know that they willbe building their own parachutes and experimentingwith them to create the “best” parachute. “Best” does notneed to be defined – this will allow students to exploreideas and be creative by following their own definitionof the word. <strong>Guide</strong> students through the instructionsfor building a parachute. Once their parachutes arecomplete, set them loose to experiment!Additional InformationThis activity would pair well with “Bottle ofAwesomeness” to further discuss the science behindfluid (air and water) behavior. This would also workwell with “Straw Rockets” or the Thorp <strong>Science</strong> Nightactivity “Paper Flying Machines” as a unit on flight.Sources & LinksThe Exploratorium

The Morehead Twist• After students have successfully built one parachute have them change things(one thing at a time!) to see how it impacts the flight. Some ideas include: a holeor holes in the canopy, different types/lengths of string, shape of canopy, materialof canopy, size of canopy, amount of weight, placement of strings and number ofstrings.• Drop parachutes from as high as possible. This allows for students to reallyobserve and see the flight of the parachute and how it changes with theadaptations they make to their original.• For older groups, try dropping near doors, fans or anything that will disrupt theair flow!• Create a bullseye style target on the ground with tape – how close to the centercan you land your parachute?Why is this <strong>Science</strong>?When you throw something into the air, like your parachute, it falls because theforce of gravity pulls it to the ground. As something falls or moves through the airit experiences another force called drag, which is caused by the air pushing backagainst that object. Have you ever put your hand outside a car window as it wasmoving? The air rushing past the car pushes your hand backwards. Drag slows theobject down — the more drag, the slower the object will move. As a parachute falls,the part that fills with air is called the canopy. A parachute works because air getstrapped in the canopy which increases the force of drag on the parachute, slowing itsdescent to the earth. Successful parachutes will increase drag enough to allow theobject to land safely.DifferentiationGrades K – 1We have found it helps to cut the string and attach itto the canopy so they do not get tangled.Grades 2 – 3Similar to K – 1 students, this age range could use extra helpattaching the strings to the canopy to help avoid frustration.Grades 4 – 5We like to give this group as much freedom as they need and want. If anyage group starts to get frustrated, it is important to step in and help.proudly produced byAFTERSCHOOL© 2013, The University of <strong>North</strong> <strong>Carolina</strong> at Chapel Hill. All rights reserved.Permission is granted to duplicate for educational purposes only.

AFTERSCHOOLSupplies• napkins• string• ruler• scissors• tape/sticky dots• paper clipsParachutesInstructionsWhat to Do1. Make your parachute:• Unfold a paper napkin so that it is laying flat.• Use a sticker to secure a piece of string at eachcorner of the napkin.• Bring the other ends of the strings together andstring them through one end of a paper clip.• Fold the strings up to form a loop (the paper clipshould hand from the loop).• Wrap tape around the strings to secure the loopand paper clip.2. Test your parachute. Hold your parachute by thepoint of the napkin so that the strings and paper cliphang down then drop it.3. What do you notice about your parachute? Are thereany changes you could make to your parachute tomake it better?© 2013, The University of <strong>North</strong> <strong>Carolina</strong> at Chapel Hill. All rights reserved.Permission is granted to duplicate for educational purposes only.

AFTERSCHOOLBig IdeaMake a noisemaker out of adrinking straw.Time15 – 30 minutesYou will need• straws (at least one perperson)• scissorsRecommended• thumbtacks• paperSet It UpDepending on your group,you may want to pass outthe supplies once theyare ready, or place groupsof the supplies on tables.It’s a good idea to buildyour own stroboe aheadof time; this way kids cansee a finished product andyou get a chance to makesure you understand theinstructions as well asanticipate any issues kidsmay face when buildingtheir own stroboe. Plus,you may need some timeto practice before yourstroboe debut!StroboeWhy We love itKids love to make noise! In addition to being noisy fun,this activity connects science to real life because weexperience sound every day. Encourage your group tocontinue experimenting with vibrations and see whatother instruments students can build! Gather Popsiclesticks, rubber bands, and more straws to make a SoundSandwich (see Thorp <strong>Science</strong> Night activities). Userubber bands and cardboard to make a guitar.This activity can also be connected to a language artsor performing arts activity – challenge students to usetheir instruments to create sound effects to accompany astory or play.It’s showtimeIntroduce this activity by asking the group: Do anyof you play a musical instrument? What do you play?What do those instruments make or produce? <strong>Guide</strong> thegroup to think about and say “sound”. But, what exactlyis sound? How is it made? Why can we hear it? Tell thegroup that in this activity they are going to have theopportunity to create, experience, and investigate sound.To do this they are going to make their own instrument.This is not a typical instrument and even has a funnyname, stroboe! Demonstrate the stroboe by playing it forthe group.Ask the group: Are you ready to make some noise?<strong>Guide</strong> the group through the construction of theirstroboes according to the Stroboe instructions.

The Morehead Twist• Use a thumbtack to poke holes in your stroboe, like the valves on a clarinet. Whathappens when you cover and uncover the holes with your fingers as you play?• Try cutting your stroboe in half to see how that changes the sound.• Add straws to make your stroboe longer.• Try amplifying the sound by making a cone out of paper and inserting it into thestraw.• What happens if you change the shape of the reed (larger triangle vs. small)?• Is there a student in the group that plays an instrument? Host an “instrumentshow-and-tell” and compare their “real” instruments to the stroboe or otherstudent-created instruments.Why is this <strong>Science</strong>?In order to understand how musical instruments create sound, you need to know alittle bit about the physics of sound waves. Sound is the vibration, or back-and-forthmovement, of air particles. We hear sound when those vibrations hit our eardrums.All sound is created by vibration, but not all vibrations are made in the same way.You can make vibrations by hitting something (like a drum, or stomping yourfoot), by plucking something (like a guitar string), or by using your breath to makevibrations in a column of air (like playing the flute, or a horn).In the stroboe, what’s vibrating? The two small triangle pieces you cut. When youblow through the stroboe, you force air through the space created by the triangles,and that air makes them vibrate. The movement of the triangles makes the air move,and that movement of air is what we hear as sound.Sound can have pitch, meaning how high or low it sounds. Having a short strawmakes the pitch higher, because a shorter portion is vibrating. A long straw makesthe pitch lower, because a longer portion is vibrating. Think about big instrumentsversus small ones: the double bass makes much lower sounds than the violin, and thetuba is much deeper than the trumpet. A longer vibration makes a lower sound.proudly produced byAFTERSCHOOL© 2013, The University of <strong>North</strong> <strong>Carolina</strong> at Chapel Hill. All rights reserved.Permission is granted to duplicate for educational purposes only.

DifferentiationGrades K – 1For this activity it can be hard to get the noise the first time, especially for thisage group. We like to really assist with making the reed due to the fact that if it istoo flat, it will not work and they will get frustrated and not want to try again.Grades 2 – 3Poking the holes in the straw may be difficult for this and the youngerage group. Be ready to assist so no one pokes their finger.Grades 4 – 5This age group does the initial activity very quickly. It is good to be ready togive them the suggestions on ways to extend their musical capabilities.Additional InformationThis pairs well with our Thorp <strong>Science</strong> Night activity “Make Some Noise”.Sources & LinksThe Exploratoriumproudly produced byAFTERSCHOOL© 2013, The University of <strong>North</strong> <strong>Carolina</strong> at Chapel Hill. All rights reserved.Permission is granted to duplicate for educational purposes only.

AFTERSCHOOLSupplies• straw• scissors• thumbtacks• paperStroboeInstructionsWhat to Do1. Gently flatten one end of a straw by sticking the endin your mouth, biting down and then pulling thestraw out. Do this several times to make a flexible,flat-ended straw.2. Use a pair of scissors to cut the corners off theflattened end of the straw. Cut at an angle so that theend of the straw forms a triangle shape.3. Put the triangular end in your mouth and purseyour lips (like you are about to say the word “pop”)and blow out. It may take a little practice andexperimentation to get your stroboe to make music.© 2013, The University of <strong>North</strong> <strong>Carolina</strong> at Chapel Hill. All rights reserved.Permission is granted to duplicate for educational purposes only.

AFTERSCHOOLBig IdeaMake a rocket!Time30–45 minutesYou will need• empty plastic bottles• two different sizes of straws(wider and thinner)• clay or Play-DoughRecommended• tape• scissors• paper or index cards• ribbonWhy We love itFlight is something thatnever gets old! This activity issomething new that a lot of ourstudents have not yet built and itgives them a chance to have funexperimenting and testing outtheir own ideas.Straw RocketSet It UpMake sure that you have straws of two different widthsthat fit smoothly over each other. It’s a good idea to buildyour own rocket launcher ahead of time so younger kidscan see a finished product. It also gives you a chance tounderstand the instructions and anticipate issues kidsmay face when building their own rockets. Dependingon your space, you may want to create a testing zoneor runway where students can safely launch their strawrockets. If you have tall ceilings or space outdoors, youcould hang string or yarn, like a clothesline, for studentsto try to launch their straw rockets over.It’s showtimeLet your group know that today’s challenge is to make arocket that is launched using air power. Ask the group:What are some examples of objects that are poweredby air? The students may say things like windmills,sailboats, wind turbines, paper airplanes and gliders.Hold up an empty bottle and ask: what is inside thebottle? The students might say nothing, or it’s empty.<strong>Guide</strong> them to think of air. The bottle may look empty,but it is full of air! Then ask: What would happen to theair inside if I were to squish the bottle? Give the group afew minutes to share their ideas. When you squeeze thebottle some air will be pushed out of the bottle. Then askthe group: What if there was only a small opening forthe air to leave the bottle? Give the group a few minutesto share their ideas and predictions. Let the group knowthat the empty bottles will be the air powered enginesfor their rockets today.<strong>Guide</strong> the group through making their rockets,according to the instructions. It’s important that therocket launcher is airtight. If kids are having a problemgetting their rockets to launch, check the following:• Are there any holes or gaps in the seal between theclay and the bottle or the clay and the straw?• Is the wide straw caught in the clay covering thebottle?

It’s Showtime Cont’dGive the group time to experiment with and test their rockets. Have kids experimentto see how far and high they can get their rockets to go. Time permitting, allowstudents to make alterations to their rockets, like adding fins or wings to the outerstraw. Encourage them to test their ideas and observe how those changes affect therockets’ flight. Remind them to change one thing at a time in order to test differentvariables.As the designs progress you may need to ask open-ended questions or suggestdifferent challenges to keep groups on task, like:• Can your straw rocket hit a target?• How could you make your bottle launch the straw rocket farther? Or higher?• What could you do to make your straw rocket more accurate or fly moresmoothly?Be sure to give the group a 5 minute and 1 minute warning before you want them tostop experimenting. When the groups have finished experimenting and cleaned up,take a few minutes to discuss what they found to work well in their various designsand what did not work well. Ask them to explain their answers.Conclude this lesson by talking about the similarities and differences between thestraw rockets and what they know about real rockets. Ask the group: Are the strawrockets that you designed anything like a real rocket? What is similar or different?Do you think real rockets work the same way as your straw rockets? Give the groupa few minutes to share their ideas. Rockets launched into space and the strawrockets the group experimented with today may not seem very similar, but theyboth encounter and need to overcome the same forces in order to work. A rocketthat is launched into space doesn’t use air, but rather a very powerful combustiblefuel, which is why you see fire coming from beneath it. That fuel, however, does thesame thing that the blast of air does for the straw rocket – it creates a very importantforce needed for flight called thrust. Thrust is what pushes the rocket. In order forsomething to fly, like a rocket, there must be enough thrust to overcome its’ weightand the force of gravity pushing down on it.Why is This <strong>Science</strong>?This is aerospace engineering! Not only are we achieving something grand like flightbut we are learning about forces and motion.When you squeeze the plastic bottle, the air inside the bottle is pushed into thestraws. Since the top of the wide straw is plugged up, the air has no place to go, so theair pressure launches the straw into the air. For rockets that are launched into spaceor low-earth orbit, igniting massive amounts of fuel creates this pushing force. Forboth kinds of rockets, the pushing force has to be strong enough to overcome gravityin order to launch the rocket. Aiming the rockets is a challenge in real life just as it isfor the straw rockets, and aerospace engineers use both mathematics and physics tohelp them aim, guide, and time the launches correctly.

The Morehead Twist• Try taping fins and/or nose cones cut from index cards to your straws. Do younotice any changes in how your rocket flies?• Use ribbons to create streamers on your rocket.• Try using bigger bottles to see if you can get your straws to go farther.• Set up an air “obstacle course” to see if students can get their straws to land in orgo through hula hoops.• Use masking tape to create targets on the floor or walls.• Think bigger! Use paper towel rolls and tubing to make stomp rockets!DifferentiationGrades K – 1It can be difficult for this age group to make the connection between the clay andthe soda bottle airtight, so help may be necessary. Having the clay at the end ofthe straw can sometimes be too heavy — we like to have tape as an alternative.Grades 2 – 3We like to show them how to build the bottle, but letthem figure out how to make the rocket.Grades 4 – 5Depending on your group, we like to tell them what they are trying to build,give them the supplies and let them go for it without too much direction.Additional InformationThis pairs well with our Thorp <strong>Science</strong> Night activities “Paper Flying Machines” and“Stomp Rockets”.Sources & LinksDragonfly TVThe ExploratoriumHowtosmile.orgproudly produced byAFTERSCHOOL© 2013, The University of <strong>North</strong> <strong>Carolina</strong> at Chapel Hill. All rights reserved.Permission is granted to duplicate for educational purposes only.

AFTERSCHOOLSupplies• empty plastic bottles• two different sizes of straws(wider and thinner)• clay or Play-DoughRecommended• tape• scissors• paper or index cards• ribbonStraw RocketInstructionsWhat to Do1. Build a rocket launcher:• Hold a thin straw about an inch down into themouth of the bottle.• Wrap a ball of clay about the size of a quarteraround the bottle opening, sealing it tightlyaround the straw and the bottle so no air canescape.• Now squeeze the bottle. Do you feel air comingout of the top of the straw?2. Build a rocket. Seal up one end of a wide straw with asmall ball of clay. Place the open end of the the strawover the thinner straw in the rocket launcher.3. Blast off! Aim the straws AWAY from any hazardsor people. Wrap both hands around the bottle andsqueeze, collapsing the bottle quickly. Your rocketshould fly through the air. If the rocket doesn’tlaunch, practice squeezing the bottle harder andcheck that there are no holes in the clay.4. Design more rockets. Make different rockets byattaching wings and tails to other wide straws. Useconstruction paper, string or bits of streamers. Testthe rockets. Which ones flew the farthest? Did anycurve in the air? How did your additions change theway they flew?Safety tip!Always point your rocket AWAY from people beforelaunching it!© 2013, The University of <strong>North</strong> <strong>Carolina</strong> at Chapel Hill. All rights reserved.Permission is granted to duplicate for educational purposes only.

April 5–21, 2013festival championplatinum sponsorsgold sponsorsproudly produced byAFTERSCHOOL© 2012 – 2013, The University of <strong>North</strong> <strong>Carolina</strong> at Chapel Hill. All rights reserved.Permission is granted to duplicate for educational purposes only.

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