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33 rdESPENCongressESPEN Congress on<strong>Clinical</strong> <strong>Nutrition</strong> & MetabolismGOTHENBURG, SWEDEN3-6 September 2011THE EUROPEANSOCIETY FORCLINICALNUTRITION ANDMETABOLISM<strong>Nutrition</strong> in translationPreliminary Programmewww.espen.org

33 rdESPENCongressTABLE OF CONTENTS3 Welcome Message4 Dates & Deadlines5 Venue & ContactsCongress VenueOrganising SecretariatOther Contacts6 CommitteesESPEN 2011Central ESPEN7 ESPEN 2011 Main Topics8 Time Schedule9 Programme Overview12 Programme Day by Day18 LLL CoursesWhat are the LLL Courses?What are the main objectives?OverviewLLL Courses Registration FeesDetailed LLL Courses Programme23 Abstracts26 ESPEN Awards27 RegistrationProceduresRegistration FeesLLL Courses FeesPaymentOther Registration Guidelines31 AccommodationAccommodation In<strong>for</strong>mationList of Hotels35 Congress In<strong>for</strong>mation37 Social Events & ExcursionsSocial EventsExcursions39 General In<strong>for</strong>mation43 Access & Transportation44 Sponsoring & Exhibition2

33 rdESPENCongressWELCOME MESSAGEWelcome to Gothenburg, <strong>for</strong> the 33 rd Congress of <strong>Clinical</strong><strong>Nutrition</strong> <strong>and</strong> Metabolism!Thirty-three years have passed since the first ESPEN Congress was organisedin Sweden, <strong>and</strong> twelve years since the ESPEN Congress was last held inSc<strong>and</strong>inavia. We now welcome you to the 33 rd Congress of <strong>Clinical</strong> <strong>Nutrition</strong><strong>and</strong> Metabolism (3-6 September 2011) in the lovely city of Gothenburg, toshare exciting scientific news <strong>and</strong> debates, a comprehensive educationalprogramme, interactions with nutrition professionals <strong>and</strong> researchers. We alsowelcome you to share the friendly atmosphere <strong>and</strong> the pulse of Gothenburg,the capital of the West Coast of Sweden.Under the Congress theme “<strong>Nutrition</strong> in translation – bridging science <strong>and</strong>practice”, session topics will cover a broad range of scientific areas translatinginto nutritional science, as well as the translation of current science into clinicalpractice. We aim to provide a comprehensive programme, updating currentscience <strong>and</strong> clinical practice, <strong>and</strong> <strong>for</strong> the exchange of new ideas.Gothenburg is located in the heart of Sc<strong>and</strong>inavia right between the Swedish,Danish <strong>and</strong> Norwegian capitals. It is a safe <strong>and</strong> friendly city, with an open <strong>and</strong>hospitable atmosphere, environmental thinking, <strong>and</strong> beautiful surroundings.Gothenburg is also an important centre <strong>for</strong> clinical nutrition <strong>and</strong> nutritionscience at the Sahlgrenska University Hospital <strong>and</strong> the University ofGothenburg.Make the nutrition journey <strong>and</strong> join together <strong>for</strong> ESPEN 2011 in Gothenburg!The Local Organising CommitteeIngvar Bosaeus, PresidentTommy Cederholm, Scientific CommitteeAnn Ödlund Olin, Educational <strong>and</strong> <strong>Clinical</strong> Practice CommitteeElisabet Rothenberg, Treasurer3

33 rdESPENCongressDATES AND DEADLINESOpening of abstract submission 10 January 2011Closing of abstract submission 8 April 2011Opening of late breaking abstract submission 16 May 2011Early registration deadline 1 June 2011Deadline <strong>for</strong> late breaking abstracts (posters only) 22 June 2011No refunds <strong>for</strong> hotel <strong>and</strong> excursion cancellation after 15 July 20114

33 rdESPENCongressESPEN 2011 MAIN TOPICSPlenary lectures– Gothenburg Special Lecture– Sir David Cuthbertson Lecture– Arvid Wretlind LectureScientific Sessions Basic Science <strong>and</strong> <strong>Clinical</strong> <strong>Nutrition</strong>– Translating science into nutritional routines– (Epi)genetics <strong>and</strong> nutrition– Sarcopenia in translation– Muscle - action, reaction <strong>and</strong> interaction– Omega-3 fatty acids: an evidence-based perspective– Obesity: new etiology <strong>and</strong> new consequences?– The cancer cachexia journey– Chronic kidney disease (CKD) <strong>and</strong> nutrition– Feeding cognitive function– Paediatric <strong>Nutrition</strong> - challenges <strong>for</strong> the future adult– <strong>Nutrition</strong> <strong>for</strong> successful aging– Epidemiology - usefulness <strong>and</strong> limits <strong>for</strong> clinical nutrition– De-stressing the gut– The Gut-Brain axis– ICU <strong>and</strong> <strong>Nutrition</strong>al outcome– <strong>Clinical</strong> <strong>Nutrition</strong> Symposium– Hot Topics– Oral CommunicationsEducational & <strong>Clinical</strong> Practice Sessions– Food <strong>and</strong> mealtimes in hospital <strong>and</strong> the community– Pharmaceutical session (in collaboration with ASPEN)– Dietetic session– Nursing session– Traumatic brain injury - Case discussion of nutritional, caring <strong>and</strong> ethical aspects– Implementation of nutritional routines– Assessment <strong>and</strong> treatment of dysphagia - What is the evidence?– Assessment of nutritional status - What are we measuring?Educational LLL Sessions7– <strong>Nutrition</strong>al support in the elderly patients– <strong>Nutrition</strong>al support in liver <strong>and</strong> pancreatic diseases– Home parenteral nutrition in adult patients– Approach to oral <strong>and</strong> enteral nutrition

33 rdESPENCongressTIME SCHEDULEFriday 2 September 201108:00 - 23:00 Exhibition set-up(not opened to delegates)08:00 - 18:00 LLL Registration ONLY17:00 - 19:00 Congress Registration09:00 - 13:00 LLL Sessions13:00 - 14:00 Lunch Break14:00 - 18:00 LLL SessionsSaturday 3 September 201108:00 - 21:00 Registration08:00 - 10:00 Exhibition set-up(not opened to delegates)12:00 - 18:00 Exhibition08:30 - 10:30 Special Interest Groups Sessions09:00 - 13:00 LLL Sessions12:00 - 13:30 Satellite Symposia13:30 - 14:00 Lunch Break14:00 - 15:00 Opening Ceremony15:00 - 16:30 Scientific & Educational Sessions16:30 - 17:00 Coffee Break17:00 - 18:30 Scientific & Educational Sessions18:30 - 21:00 Welcome ReceptionSunday 4 September 201108:00 - 19:00 Registration09:00 - 18:00 Exhibition09:00 - 18:00 Poster Viewing08:00 - 10:00 Educational LLL Sessions08:30 - 10:00 Scientific & Educational Sessions10:00 - 10:30 Coffee Break10:30 - 11:15 Sir David Cuthbertson Lecture11:15 - 12:00 ESPEN Best Abstracts 2011& ESPEN Travel Awards12:00 - 12:30 Lunch & Poster visit12:30 - 14:00 Poster visit13.30 - 15.30 Educational LLL Session14:00 - 15:30 Scientific & Educational Sessions15:30 - 16:00 Coffee Break16:00 - 17:30 Scientific & Educational Sessions17:45 - 19:15 Satellite SymposiaMonday 5 September 201108:00 - 19:00 Registration08:00 - 10:00 Educational LLL Sessions08:30 - 10:00 Scientific & Educational Sessions09:00 - 18:00 Exhibition09:00 - 18:00 Poster Viewing10:00 - 10:30 Coffee Break10:30 - 11:15 Arvid Wretlind Lecture11:15 - 12:00 Fight against Malnutrition12:00 - 12:30 Lunch & Poster visit12:30 - 14:00 Poster visit13.30 - 15.30 Educational LLL Session14:00 - 15:30 Scientific & Educational Sessions15:30 - 16:00 Coffee Break16:00 - 17:30 Satellite Symposia17:30 - 19:00 ESPEN General Assembly(<strong>for</strong> members only)Tuesday 6 September 201108:00 - 12:00 Registration09:00 - 12:00 Exhibition08:30 - 10:00 Scientific & Educational Sessions10:00 - 10:30 Coffee Break10:30 - 12:00 Scientific & Educational Sessions8

33 rdESPENCongressPROGRAMME OVERVIEWEducational & <strong>Clinical</strong> Practice SessionsScientific SessionsTime Friday 2 September 201109:00 - 13:00 LLL Sessions (See LLL in<strong>for</strong>mation section)13:00 - 14:00 Lunch Break14:00 - 18:00 LLL Sessions (See LLL in<strong>for</strong>mation section)Time Saturday 3 September 201108:00 - 13:30 Special Interest Groups09:00 - 13:00 LLL Sessions (See LLL in<strong>for</strong>mation section)12:00 - 13:30 Satellite Symposium: Abbott <strong>Nutrition</strong>12:00 - 13:30 Satellite Symposium: Nestlé <strong>Nutrition</strong> Institute13:30 - 14:00 Break14:00 - 15:00 Opening Ceremony - Special Gothenburg Lecture15:00 - 16:30 Chronic kidney disease (CKD) <strong>and</strong> nutrition15:00 - 16:30 Free Scientific Presentations 115:00 - 16:30 Sarcopenia in translation15:00 - 16:30 Educational Session - Dietetic session16:30 - 17:00 Coffee Break17:00 - 18:30 Muscle - action, reaction <strong>and</strong> interaction17:00 - 18:30 Free Scientific Presentations 217:00 - 18:30 Obesity: new etiology <strong>and</strong> new consequences?17:00 - 18:30 Educational Session - Food <strong>and</strong> mealtimes in hospital <strong>and</strong> the community18:30 - 21 :00 Welcome Party9

33 rdESPENCongressPROGRAMME OVERVIEWTime Sunday 4 September 201107:30 - 08:30 Special Interest Groups08:00 - 10:00 Educational LLL Session - Approach to oral <strong>and</strong> enteral nutrition10:30 - 12:30 LLL EXAM08:30 - 10:00 Translating science into nutritional routines08:30 - 10:00 The cancer cachexia journey08:30 - 10:00 Educational Session - Pharmaceutical session (in collaboration with ASPEN)10:00 - 10:30 Coffee Break10:30 - 11:15 Sir David Cuthbertson Lecture11:15 - 12:00 ESPEN Best Abstracts 2011 & ESPEN Travel Awards12:00 - 14:00 Lunch <strong>and</strong> Posters viewing13:30 - 15:30 Educational LLL Session - <strong>Nutrition</strong>al support in the elderly patients16:00 - 18:00 LLL EXAM14:00 - 15:30 Free Scientific Presentations 314:00 - 15:30 Feeding cognitive function14:00 - 15:30 Paediatric <strong>Nutrition</strong> - challenges <strong>for</strong> the future adult14:00 - 15:30 Educational Session - Nursing session15:30 - 16:00 Coffee Break16:00 - 17:30 <strong>Nutrition</strong> <strong>for</strong> successful aging16:00 - 17:30 Epidemiology - usefulness <strong>and</strong> limits <strong>for</strong> clinical nutrition16:00 - 17:30 Educational Session - Traumatic brain injury - case discussion of nutritional,caring <strong>and</strong> ethical aspects16:00 - 17:30 Free Scientific Presentations 417:45 - 19:15 Satellite Symposium: Fresenius Kabi17:45 - 19:15 Satellite Symposium: Nutricia10

33 rdESPENCongressPROGRAMME OVERVIEWTime Monday 5 September 201107:30 - 08:30 Special Interest Groups08:00 - 10:00 Educational LLL Session - <strong>Nutrition</strong>al support in liver <strong>and</strong> pancreatic diseases10:30 - 12:30 LLL EXAM08:30 - 10:00 Free Scientific Presentations 508:30 - 10:00 The Gut-Brain axis08:30 - 10:00 Educational Session - Implementation of nutritional routines10:00 - 10:30 Coffee Break10:30 - 11:15 Arvid Wretlind Lecture11:15 - 12:00 Fight Against Malnutrition12:00 - 14:00 Lunch <strong>and</strong> Posters viewing13:30 - 15:30 Educational LLL Session - Home enteral <strong>and</strong> parenteral nutrition in adult patients16:00 - 18:00 LLL EXAM14:00 - 15:30 Educational Session - Assessment of nutritional status -What are we measuring?14:00 - 15:30 Free Scientific Presentations 614:00 - 15:30 <strong>Clinical</strong> <strong>Nutrition</strong> Symposium15:30 - 16:00 Coffee Break16:00 - 17:30 Satellite Symposium: Baxter17:30 - 19:00 ESPEN General Assembly (<strong>for</strong> Members only)Time Tuesday 6 September 201108:00 - 10:00 LLL Final Exam08:30 - 10:00 Hot Topics08:30 - 10:00 Omega-3 fatty acids: an evidence-based perspective08:30 - 10:00 De-stressing the gut08:30 - 10:00 Educational Session - Assessment <strong>and</strong> treatment of dysphagia -What is the evidence?10:00 - 10:30 Lunch Break1110:30 - 12:00 Free Scientific Presentations 710:30 - 12:00 (Epi)genetics <strong>and</strong> nutrition10:30 - 12:00 Hot topics10:30 - 12:00 Educational Session - Combined parenteral <strong>and</strong> enteral nutrition

33 rdESPENCongressPROGRAMME DAY BY DAYEducational & <strong>Clinical</strong> Practice SessionsScientific SessionsTime Friday 2 September 2011 Speakers09:00 - 13:00 LLL Sessions (See LLL in<strong>for</strong>mation section)13:00 - 14:00 Lunch Break14:00 - 18:00 LLL Sessions (See LLL in<strong>for</strong>mation section)Time Saturday 3 September 2011 Speakers08:00 - 13:30 Special Interest Groups09:00 - 13:00 LLL Sessions (See LLL in<strong>for</strong>mation section)12:00 - 13:30 Satellite Symposium: Abbott Programme <strong>and</strong> speakers to be announced12:00 - 13:30 Satellite Symposium: Nestlé <strong>Nutrition</strong> Institute Programme <strong>and</strong> speakers to be announced13:30 - 14:00 Lunch Break14:00 - 15:00 Opening CeremonyModerators: P. Singer (Israel), I. Bosaeus (Sweden)Opening of the Congress by the ESPEN ChairmanWelcome Address of the Congress PresidentSpecial Gothenburg LecturePlague <strong>and</strong> iron - why did not everybody die?15:00 - 16:30 Chronic kidney disease (CKD) <strong>and</strong> nutritionModerators: N. Cano (France), L. Ellegard (Sweden)Anorexia in CKD: causes, consequences <strong>and</strong> therapeuticopportunitiesVascular calcification in CKD – what is the role of vitamin D <strong>and</strong> KUpcoming therapeutic initiatives <strong>for</strong> the wasted CKD patientP. Singer (Israel)I. Bosaeus (Sweden)J. Palmblad (Sweden)J.J. Carrero (Sweden)M. Ketteler (Germany)A. Ikizler (USA)15:00 - 16:30 Free Scientific Presentations 115:00 - 16:30 Sarcopenia in translationModerators: Y. Boirie (France), T. Cederholm (Sweden)Rheumatoid sarcopenia – does it matter?Insulin resistance <strong>and</strong> sarcopeniaA. Lemmey (UK)E. Volpi (USA)15:00 - 16:30 Educational Session - Dietetic sessionModerators: M. van Bokhorst (Netherl<strong>and</strong>s), E. Rothenberg (Sweden)12

33 rdESPENCongressPROGRAMME DAY BY DAY16:30 - 17:00 Coffee Break17:00 - 18:30 <strong>Clinical</strong> <strong>Nutrition</strong> SymposiumModerators: N.E.P. Deutz (USA), Y. Boirie (France)17:00 - 18:30 Free Scientific Presentations 217:00 - 18:30 Obesity: new etiology <strong>and</strong> new consequences?Moderators: S. Bischoff (Germany), A. Thorell (Sweden)Inflammation <strong>and</strong> adipogenesisGut flora <strong>and</strong> metabolic diseaseMetabolic surgery <strong>for</strong> type 2 diabetes?17:00 - 18:30 Educational Session - Food <strong>and</strong> mealtimes in hospital<strong>and</strong> the communityModerators: M. Holst (Denmark), Y. Orrevall (Sweden)Better hospital food <strong>for</strong> patients - experiences from DenmarkObservations of mealtimes in nursing homesProtected mealtimes - British experiencesM. Ryden (Sweden)P. Cani (France)F. Pattou (France)H. Højgaard Rasmussen (Denmark)A. Saletti (Sweden)E. Russell (UK)18:30 - 21:00 Welcome PartyTime Sunday 4 September 2011 Speakers07:30 - 08:30 Special Interest Groups08:00 - 10:00 Educational LLL Session - Approach to oral <strong>and</strong> enteral nutritionCo-ordinator: M. Pirlich (Germany)Indications /contraindications <strong>and</strong> monitoringM. Pirlich (Germany)Oral <strong>and</strong> sip feedingM. van Bokhorst (Netherl<strong>and</strong>s)Formulae <strong>for</strong> enteral nutritionA. Forbes (UK)Techniques of enteral nutrition <strong>and</strong> complicationsZ. Krznaric (Croatia)Followed by LLL EXAM, 10:30 - 12:3008:30 - 10:00 Translating science into nutritional routinesModerators: H. Højgaard Rasmussen (Denmark), A. Ödlund Olin (Sweden)State of the science of knowledge translationL. Wallin (Sweden)Promoting evidence-based practice -overcoming obstacles <strong>for</strong> knowledge translationK. Gerrish (UK)The Breakthrough series Model as an implementation method Ann Ödlund Olin (Sweden)08:30 - 10:00 The cancer cachexia journeyModerators: D. Lobo (UK), I. Bosaeus (Sweden)Genotypic markers as predictors of cachexiaPhenotypic markers as predictors of outcomeStrategies to improve metabolism <strong>and</strong> function in advanced cancer?K. Fearon (UK)F. Strasser (Switzerl<strong>and</strong>)K. Lundholm (Sweden)13

33 rdESPENCongressPROGRAMME DAY BY DAY08:30 - 10:00 Educational Session - Pharmaceutical session(in collaboration with ASPEN)Moderators: J. Mirtallo (USA), S. Osowska (Pol<strong>and</strong>)Should insulin be added to parenteral nutrition?Why should we study the pharmacokinetics of administerednutrients? The example of amino acidsMedication during parenteral nutrition - what issuesshould be considered?J. Mirtallo (USA)L. Cynober (France)P. Austin (UK)10:00 - 10:30 Coffee Break10:30 - 11:15 Sir David Cuthbertson LectureModerators: P. Singer (Israel), T. Cederholm (Sweden)TBCG. Biolo (Italy)11:15 - 12:00 ESPEN Best Abstracts 2011 & ESPEN Travel AwardsModerators: Y. Boirie (France), T. Cederholm (Sweden)12:00 - 14:00 Lunch <strong>and</strong> poster viewing13:30 - 15:30 Educational LLL Session - <strong>Nutrition</strong>al support in the elderly patientsCo-ordinator: S.M. Schneider (France)Malnutrition in the elderly-epidemiology <strong>and</strong> consequences T. Cederholm (Sweden)Sarcopenia - Causes of MalnutritionM. Drey (Germany)<strong>Nutrition</strong>al screening <strong>and</strong> assessment - Oral refeedingJ. Bauer (Germany)Artificial nutritionS.M. Schneider (France)Followed by LLL EXAM, 16:00 - 18:0014:00 - 15:30 Free Scientific Presentations 314:00 - 15:30 Feeding cognitive functionModerators: L. de Groot (Netherl<strong>and</strong>s), G. Faxén Irving (Sweden)APOE, cholesterol <strong>and</strong> nutritional interactions in dementiaIs there a role <strong>for</strong> vitamin D in cognition?Mediterranean diet - good <strong>for</strong> cognition?14:00 - 15:30 Paediatric <strong>Nutrition</strong> - challenges <strong>for</strong> the future adultModerators: N.E.P. Deutz (USA), O. Hernell (Sweden)Early nutrition <strong>and</strong> adult healthAdipose plasticity in catch-up growthQuantitative stable isotopic assessment of paediatric intestinalfailure associated liver diseasesA. Solomon (Sweden)C. Annweiler (France)N. Scarmeas (USA)B. Koletzko (Germany)A. Dulloo (Switzerl<strong>and</strong>)T. Jaksic (USA)14:00 - 15:30 Educational Session - Nursing sessionModerators: M. Holst (Denmark), Ann Ödlund Olin (Sweden)14

33 rdESPENCongressPROGRAMME DAY BY DAY15:30 - 16:00 Coffee Break16:00 - 17:30 <strong>Nutrition</strong> <strong>for</strong> successful agingModerators: S.M. Schneider (France), G. Akner (Sweden)Mechanisms of caloric restriction <strong>and</strong> caloric restriction mimeticson health <strong>and</strong> longevityBody composition, vitamin D <strong>and</strong> their impact on successful agingOptimal Body Mass Index <strong>for</strong> the frail old adult?16:00 - 17:30 Epidemiology - usefulness <strong>and</strong> limits <strong>for</strong> clinical nutritionModerators: M. van Bokhorst (Netherl<strong>and</strong>s), A. Winkvist (Sweden)Is folic acid good <strong>for</strong> everyone?Biomarkers in nutritional medicine: lessons from the EPIC studyGender differences in cardiovascular epidemiology:lessons from SENECA16:00 - 17:30 Educational Session - Traumatic brain injury - case discussionof nutritional, caring <strong>and</strong> ethical aspectsModerators: P. Singer (Israel), T. Mossberg (Sweden)Presentation of the case or casesPanel discussion - Mette Berger, Karolina Krakau, Sylwia Osowska,Ingrid PoulsenDidactic summaryG.S. Roth (USA)M. Visser (Netherl<strong>and</strong>s)A.-M. Beck (Denmark)H. Refsum (Norway)A.C. Vergnaud (France)L. de Groot (Netherl<strong>and</strong>s)F. Hammarqvist (Sweden)F. Hammarqvist (Sweden)16:00 - 17:30 Free Scientific Presentations 417:45 - 19:15 Satellite Symposium: Fresenius Kabi Programme <strong>and</strong> speakers to be announced17:45 - 19:15 Satellite Symposium: Nutricia Programme <strong>and</strong> speakers to be announcedTime Monday 5 September 2011 Speakers07:30 - 08:30 Special Interest Groups08:00 - 10:00 Educational LLL Session - <strong>Nutrition</strong>al support in liver<strong>and</strong> pancreatic diseasesCo-ordinator: Rémy MeierAcute liver diseaseChronic liver diseaseAcute pancreatitisChronic pancreatitisJ. Kondrup (Denmark)M. Plauth (Germany)R. Meier (Switzerl<strong>and</strong>)J. Ockenga (Germany)Followed by LLL EXAM, 10:30 - 12:3008:30 - 10:00 Free Scientific Presentations 508:30 - 10:00 The Gut-Brain axisModerators: S. Bischoff (Germany), P. Déchelotte (France)How does the gut <strong>and</strong> brain communicate <strong>and</strong>what do they talk to each other about?Glucose <strong>and</strong> the vagus: sensory cells savour sweet substances15Gut-brain communication <strong>and</strong> IBSD. Grundy (UK)K. Browning (USA)R. Brummer (Sweden)

33 rdESPENCongressPROGRAMME DAY BY DAY08:30 - 10:00 Educational Session - Implementation of nutritional routinesModerators: A. Ödlund Olin (Sweden), M. van Bokhorst (Netherl<strong>and</strong>s)Implementation of a nutrition screening tool <strong>and</strong> associatedcare guidelines10:00 - 10:30 Coffee BreakStudy circles as a means of improving care in nursing homesScreening <strong>and</strong> treatment in Dutch health care <strong>and</strong> its potentialexploitability elsewhereK. Gerrish & S. Laker (UK)A. Westergen (Sweden)H. Kruizenga (Netherl<strong>and</strong>s)10:30 - 11:15 Arvid Wretlind LectureModerators: I. Bosaeus (Sweden), A. Van Gossum (Belgium)Cancer cachexia: impact of translational research on patient -focused outcomesK. Fearon (UK)11:15 - 12:00 Fight against MalnutritionModerators: TBCTBC12:00 - 14:00 Lunch <strong>and</strong> poster viewing13:30 - 15:30 Educational LLL Session - Home parenteral nutrition in adult patientsCo-ordinator: L. Pironi (Italy)Indications <strong>and</strong> outcomeA. Van Gossum (Belgium)Planning, training <strong>and</strong> monitoringF. Joly (France)Venous catheter complicationsM. Staun (Denmark)Metabolic complications <strong>and</strong> indications <strong>for</strong> intestinaltransplantationL. Pironi (Italy)Followed by LLL EXAM, 16:00 - 18:0014:00 - 15:30 Educational Session - Assessment of nutritional status - What are we measuring?Moderators: M. Pirlich (Germany), J. Kondrup (Denmark)Blood tests in assessment of nutritional status - an overwiew L. Ellegård (Sweden)Multimodal assessment of nutritional status in patientswith systematic inflammatory responseL.D. Plank (New Zeal<strong>and</strong>)Effect of the inflammatory response on trace elements<strong>and</strong> vitamin statusH. Biesalski (Germany)14:00 - 15:30 Free Scientific Presentations 614:00 - 15:30 Muscle - action, reaction <strong>and</strong> interactionModerators: E. Volpi (USA), J. Wernerman (Sweden)Significance of muscle cytokine productionRole of Vitamin D receptors in muscle?Muscle response to <strong>and</strong>rogen therapyB. Klarlund Pedersen (Denmark)H. Bischoff-Ferrari (Switzerl<strong>and</strong>)G. Mantovani (Italy)15:30 - 16:00 Coffee Break16:00 - 17:30 Satellite Symposium: Baxter Programme <strong>and</strong> speakers to be announced16:00 - 17:30 Satellite Symposium: B.Braun Programme <strong>and</strong> speakers to be announced17:30 - 19:00 ESPEN General Assembly (<strong>for</strong> Members only)16

33 rdESPENCongressPROGRAMME DAY BY DAYTime Tuesday 6 September 2011 Speakers08:00 - 10:00 LLL Final Exam08:30 - 10:00 Hot TopicsModerators: Y. Boirie (France), I. Bosaeus (Sweden)Nanotechnologies in nutritionComputational modeling of macronutrient metabolism<strong>and</strong> body weight dynamicsNovel agents in intestinal failure:Butyrate <strong>for</strong>tification using pre- <strong>and</strong> probiotics:implications on intestinal function08:30 - 10:00 Omega-3 fatty acids: an evidence-based perspectiveModerators: K. Fearon (UK), J. Palmblad (Sweden)Cardiovascular diseases: are they so good?Child health <strong>and</strong> intellectual developmentInflammatory diseases: a critical appraisal08:30 - 10:00 De-stressing the gutModerators: A. Van Gossum (Belgium), D. Lobo (UK)How to make the gut work immediately after major surgeryImmunonutrition in elective surgery – <strong>for</strong> who <strong>and</strong> when?Pre- <strong>and</strong> probiotics <strong>and</strong> selective digestive decontamination:science or witch’s brew?H. Biesalski (Germany)K. Hall (USA)K. Tappenden (USA)D. Kromhout (Netherl<strong>and</strong>s)M. Makrides (Australia)A. Cherubini (Italy)O. Ljungqvist (Sweden)M. Braga (Italy)A. Verbon (Netherl<strong>and</strong>s)08:30 - 10:00 Educational Session - Assessment <strong>and</strong> treatment of dysphagia -What is the evidence?Moderators: A. Laviano (Italy), O. Ekberg (Sweden)Normal <strong>and</strong> abnormal oral <strong>and</strong> pharyngeal swallowing<strong>Clinical</strong> evaluation of dysphagiaDietary treatment in dysphagia10:00 - 10:30 Coffee BreakP. Clavé (Spain)M. Bulow (Sweden)M. Macleod (UK)10:30 - 12:00 (Epi)genetics <strong>and</strong> nutritionModerators: R. Grimble (UK), O. Rooyackers (Sweden)Epigenetics – the epicentre of modern research?Genetic contribution to obesity-susceptibility -from discovery to insights into new biology<strong>Nutrition</strong>al control of diabetes <strong>and</strong> epigenetic effectsP. Stenvinkel (Sweden)R. Loos (UK)J. Tuomilehto (Finl<strong>and</strong>)10:30 - 12:00 Free Scientific Presentations 710:30 - 12:30 ICU <strong>and</strong> <strong>Nutrition</strong>al outcomeModerators: P. Singer (Israel), F. Hammarqvist (Sweden)Post-ICU weakness: a critical appraisalMetabolic impact of experimental head traumaSurvival of the fattest?J. Wernerman (Sweden)C. Moinard (France)M. Hiesmayr (Austria)1710:30 - 12:00 Educational Session -Combined parenteral <strong>and</strong> enteral nutritionModerators: M. León-Sanz (Spain), Rémy Meier (Switzerl<strong>and</strong>)Case report Crohn´s diseaseZ. Krznaric (Croatia)Case report PancreatitisA. Forbes (UK)

33 rdESPENCongressProject n°: LLP-LDV-TOI-07-BG-166014Project n°: BG/03/B/F/PP-166 039LLL COURSESWhat are the LLL Courses?The ESPEN Leonardo da Vinci Life Long Learning Project is an ESPEN - EU global ef<strong>for</strong>t to improvedaily practice in <strong>Clinical</strong> <strong>Nutrition</strong> <strong>and</strong> Metabolism <strong>and</strong> develop quality care in nutrition by means of aninnovative educational initiative.What are the main objectives?To improve knowledge, competence <strong>and</strong> skills of health professionals <strong>and</strong> students in <strong>Clinical</strong> <strong>Nutrition</strong><strong>and</strong> Metabolism while providing CME credits <strong>and</strong> <strong>European</strong> certification <strong>for</strong> medical doctors.Paying courses to be reserved upon registration to the Congress (cf. on-line registration <strong>for</strong>m)<strong>and</strong> <strong>for</strong> medical doctors only.OverviewOverview of all the modules proposed. You can attend a maximum of 7 modules as some ofthe modules are running in parallel.Friday 2 September 2011Morning 09:00 - 13:00 <strong>Nutrition</strong>al assessment <strong>and</strong> techniques<strong>Nutrition</strong>al support in renal disease<strong>Nutrition</strong>al support in neurological diseasesApproach to Parenteral <strong>Nutrition</strong>T-LLL (8 th Teach the Teachers Course [TTT]) - upon invitation onlyAfternoon 14:00 - 18:00<strong>Nutrition</strong>al support in intestinal diseases<strong>Nutrition</strong> in paediatric patients<strong>Nutrition</strong>al support in diabetes <strong>and</strong> dyslipidemia<strong>Nutrition</strong>al support in respiratory diseasesSports <strong>and</strong> nutritionSaturday 3 September 2011Morning 09:00 - 13:00 <strong>Nutrition</strong>al support in ICU patients<strong>Nutrition</strong> in metabolic syndrome<strong>Nutrition</strong> in obesity<strong>Nutrition</strong>al support in the perioperative period<strong>Nutrition</strong>al support in cancerSunday 4 September 2011Morning 08:00 - 10:00 Educational LLL session - Approach to oral <strong>and</strong> enteral nutrition10:30 - 12:30 LLL EXAMAfternoon 13:30 - 15:30 Educational LLL session - <strong>Nutrition</strong>al support in the elderly patients16:00 - 18:00 LLL EXAMMonday 5 5eptember 2011Morning 08:00 - 10:00 Educational LLL session - <strong>Nutrition</strong>al support in liver <strong>and</strong> pancreatic diseases10:30 - 12:30 LLL EXAM18Afternoon 13:30 - 15:30 Educational LLL session - Home parenteral nutrition in adult patients16:00 - 18:00 LLL EXAMTuesday 6 September 2011Tuesday 6 5eptember 2011Morning 08:00-10:00 LLL FINAL EXAM

33 rdESPENCongressProject n°: LLP-LDV-TOI-07-BG-166014Project n°: BG/03/B/F/PP-166 039LLL COURSESLLL CoursesRegistrationFeesESPEN MemberESPEN Non-Member1 module: EUR 35 1 module: EUR 1052 modules: EUR 65 2 modules: EUR 1553 modules: EUR 95 3 modules: EUR 1854 modules: EUR 100 4 modules: EUR 1905 modules: EUR 125 5 modules: EUR 2256 modules: EUR 130 6 modules: EUR 2307 modules: EUR 140 7 modules: EUR 255NOTEAll the LLL courses will take place at the Swedish Exhibition <strong>and</strong> Congress Centre/SvenskaMässan. To register to any LLL courses, you need to be fully registered to the 33 rd ESPENCongress. Kindly note that some LLL courses are linked with the Educational Programme <strong>and</strong>are open to all the Congress participants. However participants wishing to take the LLL tests thatfollow the corresponding Educational session must register specifically to the latter.The LLL tests will take place after the session at the Swedish Exhibition <strong>and</strong> CongressCentre/Svenska Mässan in a separate room, <strong>and</strong> participants must be registered to thecorresponding LLL Courses. The corresponding vouchers will be provided together with thename badge.Maximum 50 participants <strong>for</strong> each LLL Course & Tests (registration on a “first come, firstserved” basis). Registration to the Congress is m<strong>and</strong>atory to attend the LLL courses.19

33 rdESPENCongressProject n°: LLP-LDV-TOI-07-BG-166014Project n°: BG/03/B/F/PP-166 039LLL COURSESDetailed LLL Courses ProgrammeAll the LLL courses will take place at the Swedish Exhibition <strong>and</strong> Congress Centre/Svenska MässanTime Friday 2 September 2011Morning<strong>Nutrition</strong>al assessment <strong>and</strong> techniques09:00 - 13:00 Moderator: R. Meier (Switzerl<strong>and</strong>)Speakers: R. Meier (Switzerl<strong>and</strong>), L. Sobotka (Czech Republic)<strong>Nutrition</strong>al support in renal diseaseModerators: D. Teta (France), E. Fiaccadori (Italy)Speakers: D. Teta (France), N. Cano (France), E. Fiaccadori (Italy)<strong>Nutrition</strong>al support in neurological diseasesModerator: S.M. Schneider (France)Speakers: S.M. Schneider (France), R. Burgos (Spain), I. Breton (Spain)Approach to parenteral nutritionModerators: A. Laviano (Italy)Speakers: A. Laviano (Italy), S. Mühlebach (Switzerl<strong>and</strong>), A. Van Gossum (Belgium)T-LLL (8 th Teach the Teachers Course [TTT])(Only <strong>for</strong> special invited participants)Moderators: R. Komsa (Bulgaria), R. Meier (Switzerl<strong>and</strong>), C. Pichard (Switzerl<strong>and</strong>)Afternoon <strong>Nutrition</strong>al support in intestinal diseases14:00 - 18:00 Moderator: P. Soeters (Netherl<strong>and</strong>s)Speakers: P. Soeters (Netherl<strong>and</strong>s), A. Forbes (UK), R. Meier (Switzerl<strong>and</strong>)<strong>Nutrition</strong> in paediatric patientsModerator: S Kolacek (Croatia)Speakers: S. Kolacek (Croatia), H. Szajewska (Pol<strong>and</strong>)<strong>Nutrition</strong>al support in diabetes <strong>and</strong> dyslipidemiaModerator: L. Sobotka (Czech Republic)Speakers: L. Sobotka (Czech Republic), I. Chermesh (Israel)<strong>Nutrition</strong>al support in respiratory diseasesModerator: C. Pison (France)Speakers: C. Pison (France), A. Schols (NL)Sports <strong>and</strong> <strong>Nutrition</strong>Moderator: K. Melzer (Switzerl<strong>and</strong>)Speakers: K. Melzer (Switzerl<strong>and</strong>), R. Barazzoni (Italy), L. Genton (Switzerl<strong>and</strong>)20

33 rdESPENCongressProject n°: LLP-LDV-TOI-07-BG-166014Project n°: BG/03/B/F/PP-166 039LLL COURSESDetailed LLL Courses ProgrammeTime Saturday 3 September 2011Morning <strong>Nutrition</strong>al support in ICU patients09:00 - 13:00 Moderator: P. Singer (Israel)Speakers: P. Singer (Israel), M. Hiesmayr (Austria)<strong>Nutrition</strong> in metabolic syndromeModerator: M. León-Sanz (Spain)Speakers: M. León-Sanz (Spain), M. Ballesteros (Spain), C. de la Cuerda (Spain)<strong>Nutrition</strong> in obesityModerator: I. Chermesh (Israel)Speakers: I. Chermesh (Israel), A. Palmo (Italy)<strong>Nutrition</strong>al support in the perioperative periodModerator: O. Ljungqvist (Sweden)Speakers: O. Ljungqvist (Sweden), D. Lobo (UK)<strong>Nutrition</strong>al support in cancerModerator: K. Fearon (UK)Speakers: K. Fearon (UK), A. Laviano (Italy), P. Ravasco (Portugal)Time Sunday 4 September 2011 SpeakersMorning Educational LLL Session - Approach to oral <strong>and</strong> enteral nutrition08:00 - 10:00 Co-ordinator: M. Pirlich (Germany)Indications /contraindications <strong>and</strong> monitoring M. Pirlich (Germany)Oral <strong>and</strong> sip feedingM. van Bokhorst (Netherl<strong>and</strong>s)Formulae <strong>for</strong> enteral nutritionA. Forbes (UK)Techniques of enteral nutrition <strong>and</strong> complications Z. Krznaric (Croatia)10:30 - 12:30 LLL EXAMAfternoon Educational LLL Session - <strong>Nutrition</strong>al support in the elderly patients13:30 - 15:30 Co-ordinator: S.M. Schneider (France)Malnutrition in the elderly-epidemiology<strong>and</strong> consequencesT. Cederholm (Sweden)Sarcopenia - Causes of MalnutritionM. Drey (Germany)<strong>Nutrition</strong>al screening <strong>and</strong> assessment - Oral refeeding J. Bauer (Germany)Artificial nutritionS.M. Schneider (France)16:00 - 18:00 LLL EXAM21

33 rdESPENCongressProject n°: LLP-LDV-TOI-07-BG-166014Project n°: BG/03/B/F/PP-166 039LLL COURSESDetailed LLL Courses ProgrammeTime Monday 5 September 2011 SpeakersMorning Educational LLL Session - <strong>Nutrition</strong>al support in liver <strong>and</strong> pancreatic diseases08:00 - 10:00 Co-ordinator: R. Meier (Switzerl<strong>and</strong>)Acute liver diseaseJ. Kondrup (Denmark)Chronic liver diseaseM. Plauth (Germany)Acute pancreatitisR. Meier (Switzerl<strong>and</strong>)Chronic pancreatitisJ. Ockenga (Germany)10:30 - 12:30 LLL EXAM13:30 - 15:30 Educational LLL Session - Home parenteral nutrition in adult patientsCo-ordinator: L. Pironi (Italy)Indications <strong>and</strong> outcomeA. Van Gossum (Belgium)Planning, training <strong>and</strong> monitoringF. Joly (France)Venous catheter complicationsM. Staun (Denmark)Metabolic complications <strong>and</strong> indications <strong>for</strong>intestinal transplantationL. Pironi (Italy)16:00 - 18:00 LLL EXAMTime Tuesday 6 September 201108:00 - 10:00 LLL FINAL EXAM22

33 rdESPENCongressABSTRACTSGuidelines <strong>for</strong> Abstracts Submission1. Important dates & DeadlinesSubmission start: 10 January 2011Submission deadline:8 April 2011, Midnight CETLate breaking submission start: 16 May 2011 (EUR 100). Posters onlyLate breaking submission deadline: 22 June 2011Notifications to submitters: 31 May 20112. Technical In<strong>for</strong>mationInternet Explorer 7.0 or higher, Mozilla Firefox 3.0 or higher are required.JavaScripts <strong>and</strong> cookies need to be enabled in your browser.3. GeneralAbstracts can only be submitted on-line via the on-line abstract submission <strong>for</strong>mthat can be found in the section “Abstracts” on the official ESPEN 2011 Congresswebsite: http://www.espen.org4. Publications– On the Congress website 1 month prior to the Congress._ Journal of the <strong>European</strong> <strong>Society</strong> <strong>for</strong> <strong>Clinical</strong> <strong>Nutrition</strong> <strong>and</strong> Metabolism: <strong>Clinical</strong> <strong>Nutrition</strong>(special Congress supplement, published by Elsevier).– Late Breaking Abstracts: it is not guaranteed that the late Breaking Abstracts are publishedin the Supplement of the Journal distributed at the Congress.23Submission processDelegates, who would like to present their work at theCongress, either orally or as a poster, are invited to submitan abstract <strong>for</strong> consideration by the Abstract GradingCommittee. A paper should not be submitted to the 33 rd ESPENCongress if it has already been presented internationally.Abstract submission is only possible via Internet: go towww.espen.org on the Internet. Click on ‘’ABSTRACTS’’<strong>and</strong> follow the instructions as given.Please read carefully all the instructions available on theInternet <strong>and</strong> on the on-line abstract submission systembe<strong>for</strong>e preparing your abstract.The creation of a user account is required <strong>for</strong> thesubmission of an abstract. The account only needs to becreated once <strong>and</strong> can be re-used <strong>for</strong> future abstractsubmission <strong>and</strong> registration to the conference. Submittersfrom last year’s meeting should use their existing accountdetails.Abstracts can be saved in “Draft status” to be re-edited <strong>and</strong>modified until the submission deadline (8 April 2011,Midnight CET). Abstracts cannot be edited after thesubmission deadline.

33 rdESPENCongressABSTRACTSAbstracts fulfilling all criteria can be saved in “Final submission” status. Only abstracts in “Finalsubmission” status will be considered <strong>for</strong> the Congress.Abstracts are accepted on a wide range of topics in clinical nutrition <strong>and</strong> metabolism. The submitterhas to select the right topic <strong>for</strong> the abstract on the submission <strong>for</strong>m. Available topics are:01. <strong>Nutrition</strong>al assessment02. <strong>Nutrition</strong>al epidemiology03. Carbohydrate <strong>and</strong> lipid metabolism04. Protein <strong>and</strong> amino acid metabolism05. Genes <strong>and</strong> nutrition06. Hormones, mediators <strong>and</strong> immunity07. Vitamins, antioxidants <strong>and</strong> minerals08. Critical Care09. Liver <strong>and</strong> gastrointestinal tract10. <strong>Nutrition</strong> <strong>and</strong> chronic diseases11. Obesity <strong>and</strong> the metabolic syndrome12. <strong>Nutrition</strong> <strong>and</strong> cancer13. Paediatrics14. <strong>Nutrition</strong>al techniques <strong>and</strong> <strong>for</strong>mulations15. Geriatrics16. Qualitative design studiesFor st<strong>and</strong>ardisation, the acceptable length of the abstract is of not more than 2’000 printable characters(headers, conflicts of interest, title, etc. included). This includes non-visible characters, such as spaces<strong>and</strong> line breaks. Authors’ details are not included.Please refer to the word count of the system as slight differences may occur when counting withWORD or similar programmes.The abstract needs to be structured as follows:Rationale: this section should contain 1-2 sentences that clearly indicate the scientific question ofthe study <strong>and</strong> its clinical (or other) importance.Methods: this section should contain sufficient in<strong>for</strong>mation to be able to underst<strong>and</strong> theexperimental design, the analytical techniques <strong>and</strong> the statistics used in the study.Results: this section should contain objective data to answer the scientific question(s). Conclusions: this section should provide only conclusions of the study directly supported by theresults, along with implications <strong>for</strong> clinical practice, avoiding speculation <strong>and</strong> overgeneralisation.One table can be included, but the total number of cells (columns + rows) may not exceed 16. Pleasenote that tables may significantly reduce the number of the remaining allowed characters.A paper cannot be accepted if the conflict of interest disclosure is not signed. On the on-line abstract<strong>for</strong>m, kindly provide the requested details <strong>for</strong> all authors.RulesThe rules <strong>for</strong> preparing the abstracts can also be found on the Internet at www.espen.orgFailure to observe these guidelines may result in disqualification.24Late breaking abstractsLate breaking abstracts may be accepted until 22 June 2011, Midnight, CET with a non-refundablefee of EURO 100.- that has to be paid upon submission. The fee is applicable although the abstractis accepted or not.Late breaking abstracts will only be presented as posters.Late breaking abstracts are also published either in the Supplement or in the next coming issue of theJournal.

33 rdESPENCongressABSTRACTSPresentation of abstractsAbstracts can be accepted either as poster or oral communication.The Abstract Grading Committee will select submitted abstracts <strong>and</strong> determine whether they areaccepted <strong>for</strong> oral or poster presentation.If your abstract is accepted as a poster, you will be requested to be available <strong>for</strong> discussion duringthe corresponding poster viewing session.The maximum usable surface of the display panels is 150cm (height) x 95cm (width), howeverthe recommended size is 100cm high x 94cm large. The Adhesive material will be provided.Please use letters large enough to be read from a distance of 1.5 meters.PublicationAccepted abstracts will be published in the Congress Abstract Book, “<strong>Nutrition</strong> <strong>and</strong> Metabolism - theESPEN Journal”, <strong>and</strong> will be available on the Internet one month prior to the Congress as submittedby the authors.25General remarksThe Author of the abstract selected <strong>for</strong> presentation must be registered at the Congress.Abstracts must contain data <strong>and</strong> meet international ethical st<strong>and</strong>ards.Abbreviations should be defined.Trade names cannot be mentioned in the title.However, trade names in brackets will be acceptedin the body of the text.Please ensure your abstract does not containspelling, grammar, or scientific mistakes, as it willbe reproduced exactly as submitted. Linguisticaccuracy is your responsibility. No proof readingwill be done.No changes can be made to the abstract after thesubmission deadline 08 April 2011, midnight CET.The reviewers will judge the abstracts according tothe relevance to ESPEN, st<strong>and</strong>ard of English,objectivity of statements, description of what wasdone, suitability of methods to aims, conclusionsconfirmed by objective results, ethics, scientificvalue, potential clinical value, originality of work<strong>and</strong> overall impression.Submitting authors will be notified by 31 May2011 whether their abstract has been accepted,<strong>and</strong> they will be in<strong>for</strong>med at the same time aboutthe date, time <strong>and</strong> <strong>for</strong>m of their presentation. Allnotifications will be sent out to the e-mail addressgiven on the submission <strong>for</strong>m.If you want to withdraw your abstract, a writtenstatement reflecting the reasons <strong>for</strong> this decisionmust be sent to the ESPEN Secretary(espen.scientific@mci-group.com) no later than3 June 2011.

33 rdESPENCongressESPEN AWARDSBest Abstracts, Travel Awards, Outst<strong>and</strong>ing <strong>and</strong> <strong>Clinical</strong> <strong>Nutrition</strong> SymposiumBest Abstracts 2011The 3 Best Abstracts are selected by the Abstracts Referees <strong>and</strong> the Scientific Committees.They are presented in a Plenary session.They are indicated on the ESPEN website.Diplomas are given during the “ESPEN Best Abstracts 2011” Session.Travel AwardsWhen an abstract is being submitted (exclusively while submitting on-line), a special dedicated boxmust be ticked to apply to the Travel Awards (only <strong>for</strong> those submitters filling the criteria).The selected 30 Travel Awards are given to young investigators under the age of 35 (one percountry) <strong>for</strong> their best first presented abstract. They will be granted EURO 500 each, awardedaccording to a mix of quality of the abstract, score, acceptation (oral / poster), <strong>and</strong> of the Congresstheme, not only on the ranking.The young investigator must come in person to get his/her grant (at the speakers’ desk, from12:00 on Sunday 4 September 2011) after the Sir David Cuthbertson Lecture. No payment willbe made be<strong>for</strong>e or after the Congress. No exception will be made. Deadline <strong>for</strong> application is 8 April 2011.Outst<strong>and</strong>ing PostersThe best 10% posters will be marked as being «Outst<strong>and</strong>ing Posters», according to the abstractscore.They will be indicated in the abstracts Book (by an asterisk).A special mention will be placed on the given posters number signage on-site.<strong>Clinical</strong> <strong>Nutrition</strong> SymposiumUpon invitation only. Original papers that contributed most to the impact factor of <strong>Clinical</strong> <strong>Nutrition</strong> 2010.They are presented in a special symposium (indicatedin the final programme).They are indicated on the ESPEN website.Further in<strong>for</strong>mation regardingthese grants is available uponrequest from:26Professor Miguel Leo‘n-Sanz<strong>Clinical</strong> <strong>Nutrition</strong> UnitEndocrinology Service HospitalDoce de Octubre Avenidade Cordoba, s/n28041 MADRIDSpainE-mail: espen.gsecretary@gmail.com

33 rdESPENCongressREGISTRATIONProceduresAll participants must be registeredFor Congress Registration, Hotel Reservation, Social Programme <strong>and</strong> Excursions, all participants mustsubmit a complete on-line registration <strong>for</strong>m.The ESPEN Congress requires the full data <strong>for</strong> each individual participant, including updated postaladdress <strong>and</strong> e-mail address. Incomplete registrations cannot be processed. Confirmation of theregistration will be sent only when the corresponding payment is received.While registering on-line, it is possible to create a user-account, enabling you to come back to yourdata to update them.For further in<strong>for</strong>mation regarding the registration, kindly contact:ESPEN 2011c/o MCI Suisse SARue de Lyon 75P.O. Box 5021211 Geneva 13 - Switzerl<strong>and</strong>Phone: +41 (0)22 33 99 580Fax: +41 (0)22 33 99 631Email: espenreg@mci-group.comWeb: www.mci-group.comRegistration Fees*ESPEN 2011 Registration FeesSave on the registration fees by registering be<strong>for</strong>e 1 June 2011 !!Registration categories Until 1 June 2011 From 2 June 2011ESPEN Member EURO 390 EURO 480Non Member EURO 495 EURO 585Nurse - ESPEN Member EURO 270 EURO 325Nurse - Non Member EURO 325 EURO 380Dietitian - ESPEN Member EURO 270 EURO 325Dietitian - Non Member EURO 325 EURO 380Student** EURO 215 EURO 270Accompanying Person EURO 80 EURO 95* Fees payable in EURO only, 25% VAT included.** For Students (under 35, born after 1.01.1976), a letter of confirmation from the Head Unit mustbe sent upon registration.27

33 rdESPENCongressREGISTRATIONEarly registrations will be accepted until 1 June 2011. The reduced fees will only apply when earlyregistration is accompanied by payment <strong>and</strong> received be<strong>for</strong>e said deadline (1 June 2011). If yourpayment is not received be<strong>for</strong>e the deadline, the late registration fee will be automatically charged.Delegates' registration fee includes:Accompanying Persons' registration fee includes:– Admission to all scientific sessions – Welcome Reception– Access to Exhibition – Kronhusbodarna History Tour– Welcome Reception – Public Transportation Pass valid within– Congress Bag the Gothenburg network (airport not included)– Final Programme– Abstracts Book– Certificate of Attendance– Scheduled coffee breaks– Lunch box on Sunday 4 September <strong>and</strong> Monday 5 September 2011– Public Transportation Pass valid within the Gothenburg network(airport not included)LLL Courses FeesThe LLL Courses are paying courses to be reserved upon registration (cf. on-line registration <strong>for</strong>m) <strong>and</strong>are <strong>for</strong> medical doctors only.NOTEAll the LLL courses will take place at the Swedish Exhibition <strong>and</strong> Congress Centre/SvenskaMässan. To register to any LLL courses, you need to be fully registered to the 33 rd ESPENCongress. Kindly note that some LLL courses are linked with the Educational Programme <strong>and</strong>are open to all the Congress participants. However participants wishing to take the LLL tests thatfollow the corresponding Educational session must register specifically to the latter.The LLL tests will take place after the session at the Swedish Exhibition <strong>and</strong> CongressCentre/Svenska Mässan in a separate room, <strong>and</strong> participants must be registered to thecorresponding LLL Courses. The corresponding vouchers will be provided together with thename badge.Maximum 50 participants <strong>for</strong> each LLL Course & Tests (registration on a “first come, firstserved” basis). Registration to the Congress is m<strong>and</strong>atory to attend the LLL courses.28

33 rdESPENCongressREGISTRATIONLLL CoursesRegistrationFeesESPEN MemberESPEN Non-Member1 module: EUR 35 1 module: EUR 1052 modules: EUR 65 2 modules: EUR 1553 modules: EUR 95 3 modules: EUR 1854 modules: EUR 100 4 modules: EUR 1905 modules: EUR 125 5 modules: EUR 2256 modules: EUR 130 6 modules: EUR 2307 modules: EUR 140 7 modules: EUR 255PaymentFull payment should be received be<strong>for</strong>e the relevant deadline. To facilitate processing, participantsshould clearly indicate in all remittances their name, address <strong>and</strong> the purpose <strong>for</strong> which the paymentis made. Either of the following means can be used <strong>for</strong> payment:1. Credit CardAmerican Express, EuroCard/MasterCard <strong>and</strong> Visa cards will be accepted.Please fill in your card number <strong>and</strong> expiration date on the registration <strong>for</strong>m as indicated.2. Bank transferPayable in Euros to MCI Suisse SAUBS SA - CP 2600 - 1211 Geneva 2 - Switzerl<strong>and</strong>Account N° 240-369.393.71L - Clearing 240Swift UBSWCHZH80A / IBAN CH 18 0024 0 240 36 93 93 71LBank Address: UBS SA, CP 2600 - 1211 Geneva 2 - Switzerl<strong>and</strong>Please indicate “ESPEN 2011 - free of charge <strong>for</strong> the receiver account”Copy of bank transfer should be sent together with registration <strong>for</strong>m.Other Registration GuidelinesGroup registrationFor group registration, a minimum of 20 participants is required. Please contact the CongressSecretariat, MCI Suisse SA at espenreg@mci-group.com, to obtain the group registration <strong>for</strong>m. It ishighly advised to collect Congress documents <strong>and</strong> bags as early pick-up. Kindly contact the CongressSecretariat, MCI Suisse SA.ConfirmationConfirmation will be sent only when the corresponding payment is received. Participants should bringtheir letter of confirmation to the registration desk at the Congress venue when collecting theirdocuments.29Registration at the venueThe Registration desk at the Swedish Exhibition <strong>and</strong> Congress Centre/Svenska Mässan will open onFriday 2 September 2011 at 17:00 <strong>and</strong> will stay open throughout the Congress (according to openinghours indicated in the programme). The Registration Desk is located at the entrance of the CongressCentre. Kindly note that by registering on-site, you are not guaranteed to get the Congress bag &documents, <strong>and</strong> that availability of hotel accommodation at that time may be limited. Please arriveearly if you wish to register on-site.

33 rdESPENCongressREGISTRATIONHotel accommodationMCI has reserved a large number of hotel rooms in various hotels in different price categories. Kindlymake your reservation while you are registering on-line. Reservations will be made on a first-come,first-served basis. Individual participants are asked to book their hotel on-line. More in<strong>for</strong>mation isavailable under the section “Accommodation”.Hotel reservations are h<strong>and</strong>led by MCI:Rue de Lyon 75, P.O. Box 5021211 Geneva 13 - Switzerl<strong>and</strong>Phone: +41 (0)22 33 99 580Fax: +41 (0)22 33 99 631E-mail: espenreg@mci-group.comWeb: www.mci-group.comModification & cancellationCancellation conditionsAll cancellations must be sent to MCI Suisse SA in writing (fax, letter, or email). For cancellationsreceived until 15 July 2011 deposits will be refunded less EUR 70.- <strong>for</strong> administrative costs. After thisdate, no refund will be possible.Social programme, Excursions cancellation conditionsCancellations can be made free of charge until 15 July 2011. After this date, no refund is possible.MCI Reserves the right to cancel or modify the excursion programme if the minimum participation isnot reached or due to factors beyond the control of the organisers.Modification conditionsA h<strong>and</strong>ling fee of EUR 70.- per registration will be charged <strong>for</strong> every registration modification receivedafter 15 July 2011.30

33 rdESPENCongressACCOMMODATIONAccommodation In<strong>for</strong>mationGeneral In<strong>for</strong>mationMCI Suisse SA is pleased to offer a hotel booking service <strong>for</strong> the ESPEN 2011 Congress to be held inGothenburg. Our hotel rates include room, breakfast, service, VAT <strong>and</strong> all taxes. All star ratings shownare the official ratings as displayed by the hotels in Gothenburg.Hotel BookingThe majority of the hotels chosen <strong>for</strong> this Congress are located in the city centre <strong>and</strong> surrounding areas.For exact location of hotels, please see the map of Gothenburg. Early registration is recommendedsince MCI Suisse SA will operate on a “first come, first served basis”. Please note that hotelaccommodation is subject to availability. Thank you <strong>for</strong> making your hotel booking be<strong>for</strong>e 1 July 2011.Requests received after this date will not be guaranteed. Names of persons sharing rooms must beindicated. Rates are in Euros <strong>and</strong> are per room, per night, breakfast, service, VAT <strong>and</strong> all taxes included.If you wish to book your accommodation through MCI, please use the on-line system when registeringat www.espen.org . You simply need to make your selection out of the list of hotels available <strong>and</strong> noteyour 1 st , 2 nd , <strong>and</strong> 3 rd choice. We will do our utmost to allocate you a room in your preferred hotel.Rooms will be assigned on a first-come, first served basis.PaymentWe accept the following credit cards: American Express, VISA <strong>and</strong> Master Card. Alternatively you maypay by bank transfer. Please remember to mention your name as the reference on the bank transfer.Only guaranteed reservations will be accepted. To guarantee your reservation a deposit covering onenight is required, either by bank transfer or by credit card (deposits will be deducted from the finalhotel bill when paid by the participant directly to the hotel upon departure). Your reservation will beconfirmed when MCI Suisse SA has received your Accommodation booking together with your hoteldeposit. Please be aware that all extras you might incur during your stay (i.e. mini-bar, laundry,telephone, etc) have to be paid directly to the hotel upon your departure.InquiriesAny inquiries or requests <strong>for</strong> additional in<strong>for</strong>mation, changes or cancellations of room reservations areto be addressed directly to MCI Suisse SA.Change of Hotel BookingAll changes to hotel reservation will be per<strong>for</strong>med by MCI Suisse SA. Please DO NOT contact the hoteldirectly. All changes must be requested in writing. A h<strong>and</strong>ling fee of EUR 70.- per hotel room will becharged <strong>for</strong> every accommodation modification received after 15 July 2011.Cancellation of AccommodationAll cancellations must be sent to MCI Suisse SA in writing (fax, letter, or e-mail). For cancellationsreceived be<strong>for</strong>e 15 July 2011 deposits will be refunded less EUR 70.- <strong>for</strong> administrative costs. Afterthis date, no refund will be possible. In case of late cancellations (after 15 July 2011), roomscancelled, cancelled nights or no-show, we reserve the right to charge the full stay if the hotel roomcannot be re-sold.Check-in/ Check-out timeHotel check-in time is 15:00 or later. If arriving after 18:00, please notify the hotel in advance.Check-out time is noon.31

33 rdESPENCongressACCOMMODATIONGroup ReservationsIf you would like to book five or more rooms, there is a special group service open to you.For more in<strong>for</strong>mation, please contact our group reservation department tel. +41 22 33 99 649, or fax+41 22 33 99 631 or e-mail us directly at boris.millet@mci-group.com to the attention of Boris Millet.Methods of PaymentPayment of registration, hotel deposit <strong>and</strong> excursions may be made by:– Credit card: EuroCard/ MasterCard, Visa, American Express– Bank transfer to the account of MCI Suisse SAName of Bank: UBS SAName of Account: MCI Suisse SAAccount no: 240-369.393.71L - Clearing 240Swift code: UBSWCHZH80A / IBAN: CH 18 0024 0 240 36 93 93 71LBank Address: UBS SA, CP 2600 - 1211 Geneva 2 - Switzerl<strong>and</strong>Mention: «ESPEN 2011» <strong>and</strong> the participant's name. Please indicate “free of charge <strong>for</strong>the receiver account”.– Payment by personal cheques cannot be accepted– All payments have to be made in EUROSFor hotel reservation: Additional expenses such as mini-bar, laundry, etc. must be paid directly to thehotel when checking out.32

LIST OF HOTELSHOTELS IN GOTHENBURG Single Double Location Distance toRate (EUR) Rate (EUR) on Map Congress Venue5*ELITE PLAZA 221 247 1 10 minutes by bus4*CLARION COLLECTION ODIN 181 207 2 10 min by tramEGGERS 156 182 3 10 min by tramELITE PARK AVENUE 208 234 4 10 min walkingFIRST AVALON 234 247 5 10 min by tramFIRST G 208 221 6 10 minutes by tramFLORA 195 208 7 10 min by tramGOTHIA TOWERS 182 208 8 Adjacent to Congress centreGRAND HOTEL OPERA 173 196 9 10 min by tramLISEBERG HEDEN 156 182 10 10 min walkingMORNINGTON 202 221 11 10 min by tramRADISSON BLU SCANDINAVIA 181 194 12 10 min by tramSCANDIC CROWN 195 215 13 10 min by tramSCANDIC EUROPA 195 215 14 10 min by tramSCANDIC OPALEN 215 228 15 10 min walkingSCANDIC RUBINEN 189 N/A 16 10 min walking3*LORENSBERG 156 182 17 05 min walkingRICA GOTHENBURG 143 169 18 15 min by tramROYAL 175 175 19 10 min by tram2*SGS VECKOBOSTAEDER 20 20 minutes walkingrefer to www.sgsveckobostader.se10 minutes by busRates shown are per room, per night, in Euros. Breakfast, taxes, service <strong>and</strong> VAT are included.Rates are valid as at time of printing January 2011 <strong>and</strong> are subject to fluctuation. Rates are shown <strong>for</strong> st<strong>and</strong>ardrooms. Other types of rooms - superior room, deluxe room, junior suite etc - are available on request.For in<strong>for</strong>mation on prices at the SGS Veckobostaeder please refer to the website: www.sgsveckobostader.se/en33


33 rdESPENCongressCONGRESS INFORMATIONBadgesA name badge will be provided on-site with your registration documents. Name badges must bevisible <strong>and</strong> used at all times anywhere within the Congress Centre.Certificate of AttendanceA certificate of attendance will be included in the Congress bag together with some instructions. It isto be filled directly by the participant.CMEThe organisers have applied <strong>for</strong> Continuing Medical Education credits <strong>for</strong> full attendance to the<strong>European</strong> Accreditation Council <strong>for</strong> continuing Medical Education (EACCME). The EACCME is aninstitution of the <strong>European</strong> Union of Medical Specialists (UEMS). EACCME credits are recognised by theAmerican Medical Association towards the Physicians’ Recognition Award (PRA). Delegates wishing toclaim CME points must fill in the CME evaluation <strong>for</strong>m (to be found in the delegate’s bag) <strong>and</strong> place thelatter in the “Evaluation Box” located at the registration area. No CME will be given unless the evaluation<strong>for</strong>m has been filled in correctly <strong>and</strong> returned during the event ONLY. No exception will be made.Congress DocumentsThe Congress documents should be collected on-site at the Registration Desk during opening hours,at the Congress Centre.DisclaimerESPEN <strong>and</strong> MCI Suisse SA, as the Congress planner, claim no liability <strong>for</strong> the act of any supplier to thismeeting, nor liability <strong>for</strong> personal injury, the safety of any attendee while in transit to or from this event,<strong>for</strong> any loss or damage, <strong>for</strong> delays in transport by air, sea, rail, road, weather, in case of strikes, sickness,war or other causes.Exhibition In<strong>for</strong>mationThe ESPEN 2011 exhibition, featuring commercial displays of International Organisations,Pharmaceutical Companies, Media Publishers <strong>and</strong> Scientific Societies, will be located next to the MainCongress Hall. Coffee breaks <strong>and</strong> lunch boxes will be distributed around the exhibition.Exhibition ScheduleSaturday 3 September 2010 12:00-18:00 OPENSunday 4 September 2010 09:00-18:00 OPENMonday 5 September 2010 09:00-18:00 OPENTuesday 6 September 2010 09:00-12:00 OPENFood & BeverageCoffee/tea <strong>and</strong> light snacks during official breaks are included in the registration fees <strong>and</strong> will beserved around the exhibition area. There is a cash bar located in the hotel directly linked to theCongress Centre. It will be opened during the Congress opening hours. A lunch box will be offered toeach registered delegate (not to the accompanying persons) on Sunday 4 September <strong>and</strong> Monday 5September 2011 around the exhibition area.35

33 rdESPENCongressCONGRESS INFORMATIONItalian Pharmaceutical CompaniesESPEN 2011 has chosen MCI Rome to collect all applications from Italian Pharmaceuticals Companies<strong>and</strong> file them with the appropriate Italian Health Ministry officials.For further in<strong>for</strong>mation, please contact:MCI RomeMrs Maria Grazia PAOLELLIVia della Ferratella in Laterano 4100184 RomeItalyPhone: +39 06 70495693Fax: +39 06 7096292E-mail: maria.paolelli-mci@mci-group.comLanguagesEnglish is the official Congress language. No translation will be provided.Lost <strong>and</strong> FoundA lost-<strong>and</strong>-found service will be available at the registration desk.MessagesParticipants can use the message board located in the registration area.Mobile PhonesDelegates are kindly requested to keep their mobile phones in the off position in the rooms wherescientific <strong>and</strong> educational sessions are being held, as well as during poster sessions' rounds.Official letters of InvitationShould you require an official letter of invitation to obtain your visa to enter Sweden, please contactthe Congress Secretariat, MCI Suisse SA. Please note, however, that the Organisers do not undertakeany obligation to pay any expenses incurred by supplying these letters. Furthermore, <strong>for</strong> somecountries, a confirmation of registration with payment may be asked by the authorities. Should youneed a personalised letter, a fee of EUR 50,- will be applied.On-siteThe desk <strong>for</strong> registration, in<strong>for</strong>mation <strong>and</strong> distribution of documents will be open as follows:Friday 2 September 2011 08:00-18:00 LLL Registration ONLYFriday 2 September 2011 17:00-19:00 Congress RegistrationSaturday 3 September 2011 08:00-21:00Sunday 4 September 2011 08:00-19:00Monday 5 September 2011 08:00-19:00Tuesday 6 September 2011 08:00-12:00Poster SessionsPosters sessions will be located next to the exhibition area <strong>and</strong> spread out in the foyer of the mainConference rooms.Please contact the Posters desk (in the registration area) <strong>for</strong> any in<strong>for</strong>mation. To get the necessarymaterial a table will be set-up within the poster area. The author must be present in front of his/herposter during Poster viewing <strong>for</strong> free discussion.36

33 rdESPENCongressCONGRESS INFORMATIONRegistrationAll participants must submit a completed on-line registration <strong>for</strong>m.Invited guests need to fill-in the special <strong>for</strong>m sent to them.Smoking PolicyThe ESPEN 2011 Congress is a non-smoking event. It is <strong>for</strong>bidden to smoke in the Congress venue,including the exhibition & posters area.Smoking is not permitted in most indoor public areas nor on board domestic aircraft or other meansof public transportation, in stores, shops or other public buildings. In restaurants <strong>and</strong> bars, smoking is<strong>for</strong>bidden.Speaker's Preview RoomThe Speakers' Preview Room will be located within the Congress Hall Foyer, left to the registration area.Speakers are kindly requested to provide their PC <strong>for</strong>matted USB keys (PowerPoint presentations) tothe Speaker's Preview Room centre at least two hours be<strong>for</strong>e their session. All conference roomscontain state-of-the-art technical equipment.The Speakers' Preview Room will be opened as follows:Saturday 3 September 2011 08:00-19:00Sunday 4 September 2011 08:00-19:00Monday 5 September 2011 08:00-19:00Tuesday 6 September 2011 08:00-12:0037

33 rdESPENCongressSOCIAL EVENTS & EXCURSIONSSocial EventsOpening Ceremony on Saturday 3 September 2011, 14:00 - 15:00 in the Congress Hall.Welcome Reception on Saturday 3 September 2011, 18:30 - 21:00 at the SwedishExhibition <strong>and</strong> Congress Centre/Svenska Mässan. Come <strong>and</strong> enjoy a drink with yourcolleagues <strong>and</strong> friends!ExcursionsThe ESPEN 2011 Excursions are organised by our local partnerOvation Sc<strong>and</strong>inavia.Excursions will be confirmed if a minimum of 15 or 25 participants (depending on the tour,see details below) is met. Full refunds will be made if an activity is cancelled due to a lackof participants.Meeting point <strong>for</strong> all tours: in front of the Excursions Desk located within the Registrationarea, at the Swedish Exhibition <strong>and</strong> Congress Centre/Svenska Mässan.Cancellations can be made free of charge until 15 July 2011. After this date, no refund ispossible. The same conditions apply <strong>for</strong> groups.Kronhusbodarna History Tour (by foot 2 hours)Discover the oldest building from year 1625, located right in the city centre. The picturesquearea of Kronhusbodarna is well known <strong>for</strong> its small craft workshops, including glass, gold, <strong>and</strong>pottery shops. The guide will share many interesting stories <strong>and</strong> anecdotes along the tour.You will <strong>for</strong> instance hear stories about the national hall built underground, which was used<strong>for</strong> important Government <strong>and</strong> Royal meetings. Date: Monday Minimum number of participants: 15 persons Duration: Approx. 2 hours Maximum number of participants: 25 persons Departure time: 13:00 Rate per person: EUR 19.- (VAT <strong>and</strong> guide included)*Included in the accompanying person’s registration feeMarstr<strong>and</strong> <strong>and</strong> the Carlstens Fortress (by bus & foot 8 hours)Carlstens <strong>for</strong>tress is located on the isl<strong>and</strong> of Marstr<strong>and</strong>, circa 45 kilometres North West ofGothenburg. Marstr<strong>and</strong> is one of the most famous towns on the Bohuslän coast, <strong>and</strong> isrenowned <strong>for</strong> its intense boating culture, Carlsten’s Fortress <strong>and</strong> its history as a playground<strong>for</strong> royals. Its greatest charm is probably the beautiful wooden architecture of the town.Carlsten’s Fortress has a colourful history. In 1658 King Carl X Gustaf ordered theconstruction of a <strong>for</strong>tress at the top of Marstr<strong>and</strong> Isl<strong>and</strong>. It would take 202 years to complete,but then it was considered one of Europe's strongest maritime defence facilities.Car traffic is <strong>for</strong>bidden on Marstr<strong>and</strong>, which gives a very charming atmosphere to the area.A small ferry rides across to Marstr<strong>and</strong> in only a few minutes.38 Date: Monday Minimum number of participants: 25 persons Duration: Approx. 8 hours Maximum number of participants: 50 persons Departure time: 09:00 Rate per person: EUR 99.- (VAT included)*

33 rdESPENCongressSOCIAL EVENTS & EXCURSIONSPlease note that it takes approximately 50 minutes’ drive each way from Gothenburg toMarstr<strong>and</strong> – a short boat transport (3 minutes) is needed to get over to the isl<strong>and</strong>. You willalso have some free time.Included in the rate:• English speaking host/hostess• Boat transfer• English speaking guide at the Museum• Museum leaflet <strong>and</strong> map• Traditional Swedish 2 course lunch in theFortress restaurant (incl. coffee/ tea <strong>and</strong>1 water/ soft drink).• Coach at disposal <strong>for</strong> 8 hours(maximum 50 seats)Gothenburg Sc<strong>and</strong>inavian design by bus <strong>and</strong> foot (3hrs)Gothenburg is a vibrant <strong>and</strong> cosmopolitan city renowned as one of Northern Europe’sleading cities <strong>for</strong> contemporary culture <strong>and</strong> events, with a central canal, extensive parks <strong>and</strong>streets lined with cafes <strong>and</strong> restaurants; all hallmarks of the Dutch architect who designedthe city under orders of the King in 1612. Sc<strong>and</strong>inavian life is marked by a distinctive senseof style. You will notice striking Sc<strong>and</strong>inavian design in buildings, shops, hotels, restaurants<strong>and</strong> even in the clothes people are wearing.The participants will be able to see design buildings, visit preferred design stores <strong>and</strong> get anoverall sense of the city at the same time. Date: Sunday Minimum number of participants: 15 persons Duration: Approx. 3 hours Maximum number of participants: 25 persons Departure time: 12:00 Per person rate: EUR 48.- (VAT included)** Rates are valid as at time of publication January 2011 <strong>and</strong> can be subject to fluctuationIncluded in the rate:• English speaking authorisedGothenburg guide <strong>for</strong>3 hours, specialised in design<strong>and</strong> architecture• Visit to the Swedishdepartment store NK <strong>and</strong>Designtorget• Coach at disposal <strong>for</strong> 3 hours39

33 rdESPENCongressGENERAL INFORMATIONAbout GothenburgGothenburg, situated in south-western Sweden on the shores of the Kattegat Strait, on both banks ofthe Götaälv River, is Sweden's second largest city <strong>and</strong> its leading port <strong>and</strong> commercial centre. Culturallife in Gothenburg is found through the art museum, annual film festival, amusement park Liseberg<strong>and</strong> free theatres. Its economy is largely dependent on a number of major industries including motorvehicles (Volvo), the manufacture of ball bearings <strong>and</strong> the chemical industry.Gothenburg is a relatively young town, having received its municipal charter from Gustavus Adolphusonly in 1621. There had been four earlier settlements in the area, but all had been destroyed eitherby war or by fire. The early development of the town was much influenced by the Dutch settlers whohad been brought in. The town quickly grew into Sweden's largest port, engaged particularly in theshipment of timber <strong>and</strong> iron. During Napoleon's continental blockade (1806) it was the focal point <strong>for</strong>British trade with northern Europe.Gothenburg’s heyday as an international port began in the early 20th century with the developmentof transatlantic traffic, <strong>and</strong> it is now the base of about a quarter of the Swedish merchant fleet. Withover 20km/12.5miles of quays, the port - which is rarely ice-bound - is the largest in northern Europe,<strong>and</strong> can accommodate tankers of up to 225,000 tons. The people of Gothenburg are open-minded<strong>and</strong> liberally disposed, <strong>and</strong> have always looked towards the West: in their eyes Stockholm is in Siberia.Gothenburg has built a bright new global reputation as one of Northern Europe´s most exciting <strong>and</strong>above all enjoyable gastronomic hubs. Gothenburg is a friendly <strong>and</strong> pleasant city of convenient size,where most of the many sights <strong>and</strong> attractions of international magnitude are located within easywalking distance, as are most shops, restaurants <strong>and</strong> cafés.Some of the main sites of interest in Gothenburg are the Kungsportsavenyn (main boulevard),Gothenburg Museum of Art, Gothenburg Botanical Garden, Natural History Museum <strong>and</strong> the mostpopular destination - Southern Gothenburg Archipelago, only accessible by boat.Source: www.visit<strong>sweden</strong>.com40

33 rdESPENCongressGENERAL INFORMATIONClimate <strong>and</strong> ClothingGothenburg has an oceanic climate. At the beginning of September, temperatures are quite cool,ranging between 9°C <strong>and</strong> 16°C (48°F <strong>and</strong> 61°F), <strong>and</strong> high precipitations can be expected.CommunicationFor international calls to Sweden, dial the international code +46 <strong>and</strong> the correspondent’s number(without the 0).Credit cards / Cash machinesCredit cards are widely accepted in Gothenburg by numerous hotels, restaurants, shops <strong>and</strong> petrolstations. The accepted credit cards are indicated by their logos displayed on the exterior facade of therespective business (usually on the entrance door). Cash machines are easily available in most areas.Be prepared to present a picture ID when using a credit card.CurrencyThe local currency is the Krona (pl. kronor). 1 Krona = 100 Öre. Approximate exchange rate: 1 EUR =9.35 SEK. Most banks, the manned ones, can exchange <strong>for</strong>eign currency. Credit cards are widelyaccepted in Sweden <strong>and</strong> the exchange rate is usually better than <strong>for</strong> cash or travellers cheques. It isadvisable to find out what the commission is be<strong>for</strong>e proceeding with the transaction.CustomsThere are no limitations on the amount of <strong>for</strong>eign currency that can be brought into the country. Thefollowing items may be imported into Sweden without incurring customs duty: 200 cigarettes or 100cigarillos or 50 cigars or 250g of tobacco; 1l spirits over 22 per cent or 2l <strong>for</strong>tified or sparkling wine,2l wine <strong>and</strong> 32l beer; a reasonable quantity of perfume; gifts up to a value of SKr 1 700. Travellersmust be over 18 years of age to import any cigarettes or tobacco products; <strong>and</strong> over 20 years of ageto import any alcoholic beverages. These regulations are strictly en<strong>for</strong>ced.ElectricitySweden has 230-volt AC, 50Hz current. Visitorswill need an adaptor <strong>for</strong> electric appliances,whereas North Americans need a trans<strong>for</strong>mer inorder to use their 110/125V appliances.230V / 50HzEmergency numbersFor all emergencies, please dial 112.LanguageSwedish is the official language in Sweden. English is common in hotels <strong>and</strong> tourist places <strong>and</strong> alsospoken by most of the inhabitants.Public transportationGothenburg has a very modern <strong>and</strong> efficient public transportation network which includes an elaboratetramway system, buses, <strong>and</strong> ferries. The city has over 200 trams, covering 11 different routes, all ofwhich connect to other <strong>for</strong>ms of transport. Gothenburg also bills itself as having "the world's mostmodern public transportation system", with electronic signs at all tram, bus, <strong>and</strong> ferry stops tellingpassengers exactly when the next one is coming <strong>and</strong> notifying riders of any traffic snarls in the system.The in<strong>for</strong>mation posted on the trams <strong>and</strong> stops is in Swedish only, so you should have a good idea ofhow the trip should go be<strong>for</strong>e starting. www.vasttrafik.se/en41

33 rdESPENCongressGENERAL INFORMATIONSafetyGothenburg is a quite safe city. However, beware of pickpockets. As always, do not leave valuable itemsin your car or in a cloakroom, <strong>and</strong> watch your bag in crowded places. Most shops <strong>and</strong> all major taxicompanies accept credit <strong>and</strong> debit cards, so there is no need to carry a lot of cash.ShoppingDepartment stores <strong>and</strong> most shops are open from:Monday - Friday 09:30-18:00Saturday 09:30-13:00/16:00Sunday (department stores) 12:00-16:00In Sweden, many convenience stores (“närbutiker”) are open 07:00-23:00 in major cities, such asStockholm, Gothenburg <strong>and</strong> Malmö.TaxisThe concierge of your hotel can call a taxi <strong>for</strong> you, or you may want to call the following taxi companies:“Taxi Göteborg”: +46 (0)31 650 000 or “Taxikedjan” +46 (0)911-922 66.Gothenburg’s taxis are one way of getting around in the city, although the meter ticks away alarminglywhen you are stuck in the rush hour traffic. You can share the front seat with the driver if you wish.There is an initial charge when starting the journey. There is a slightly higher rate per kilometre if leavingthe city limits. If you pay by credit card, it is necessary to in<strong>for</strong>m the driver in advance.Note! There are a lot of so called "Svart taxis" in Gothenburg. That means a person driving an ordinarycar without a taxi license. Usually they come up to you asking you if you would like a "Svart taxi". Wedo not recommend you to take these taxis.TimeSweden follows Central <strong>European</strong> Time (CET) which is one hour ahead of Greenwich Mean Time(GMT) <strong>and</strong> six hours ahead of Eastern St<strong>and</strong>ard Time (EST). At the time of the Conference, summerdaylight saving will be in operation which is two hours ahead of GMT.TippingService charges are always included <strong>and</strong> extra gratuities are not necessary unless you wish to showyour appreciation <strong>for</strong> a good meal or special service. Be guided by the type of establishment <strong>and</strong> theservice you receive. A good rule in taxis is to even out the total kroner amount of the fare. Porters<strong>and</strong> coatroom attendants often charge fixed fees. Doormen at hotels <strong>and</strong> restaurants are tippedmodestly in Sweden.Travel InsuranceA travel insurance policy to cover theft, loss <strong>and</strong> medical problems is recommended. The OrganisingSecretariat as well as ESPEN will not be held liable <strong>for</strong> illness, accidents or thefts suffered byParticipants or Accompanying Persons during the Congress or their stay in Sweden be<strong>for</strong>e, during orafter the Congress. Participants are strongly recommended to seek insurance coverage <strong>for</strong> health <strong>and</strong>accident, lost luggage <strong>and</strong> trip cancellation.42

33 rdESPENCongressGENERAL INFORMATIONVATThe st<strong>and</strong>ard VAT rate in Sweden is 25%. Everybody who visits Sweden as a tourist <strong>and</strong> who isnot a resident of an EU country is eligible <strong>for</strong> the VAT reimbursement (More in<strong>for</strong>mation atwww.globalrefund.com).Note that value added tax in Sweden is almost always included in the price that is indicated in shops.Visitors from outside the <strong>European</strong> Union are able to reclaim the VAT on goods purchased, either atthe airport or at the border. Look <strong>for</strong> the tax-free sign in shops <strong>and</strong> please remember to ask <strong>for</strong> theVAT reclaim <strong>for</strong>m at the time of the purchase. Global Refund Sverige has around 15’000 affiliatedshops <strong>and</strong> department stores. Minimum purchase is 200 SEK. When purchasing the goods, a GlobalRefund Cheque is issued <strong>and</strong> your items are sealed. The Global Refund Cheque can be cashed upondeparture from the EU at any exit point - ports, ferry terminals, airports, border crossings, etc. Thecheque is valid during the month of purchase <strong>and</strong> during the 3 following months. For additionalin<strong>for</strong>mation, please contact:Global Refund SverigeE-mail: taxfree@se.globalrefund.com - Website: www.guideto<strong>sweden</strong>.comVisasIf you are an EU citizen, you must either present a passport or an ID card valid <strong>for</strong> the duration of yourstay in order to enter Sweden <strong>for</strong> tourist visits of up to three months. Citizens of other countries musthave a valid passport. Some non-EU citizens are required to produce a visa. Please contact your travelagent or the nearest Swedish diplomatic authority <strong>for</strong> further in<strong>for</strong>mation. Should you need a letter ofinvitation to obtain an Entry Visa, please contact MCI (see page Contacts section). Please note that wecannot enter into correspondence with the Swedish authorities on your behalf <strong>and</strong> any invitation letterdoes not imply any financial liability on our part.43

33 rdESPENCongressACCESS & TRANSPORTATIONTRAVELLING TO GOTHENBURGThere are two airports near Gothenburg served by international airlines:• Gothenburg L<strong>and</strong>vetter Airport• Gothenburg Säve AirportFrom L<strong>and</strong>vetter Airport to the Congress CentreGothenburg-L<strong>and</strong>vetter Airport – main international airport - is located 20 km to the east ofGothenburg. Airport buses are running frequently between Gothenburg <strong>and</strong> the airport. Take the airportbus (SEK 70 = EUR 7.5) or taxi to Korsvägen (SEK 350 = EUR 39) - opposite The Swedish ExhibitionCentre´s main entrance.From City Airport (Säve Airport) to the Congress CentreGothenburg City Airport is located 8 km to the north of Gothenburg. Buses run every 20 minutesbetween the airport <strong>and</strong> Gothenburg Central Station. Stop at Nils Ericssonsplatsen / Central Station.Change to tram (see below). The trip takes 35 minutes. A taxi fare between the airport <strong>and</strong> the CityCentre is approximately SEK 320 (around EUR 36).From Gothenburg Train Central Station by tramTake tram No. 4, 13 or 14. From nearby Brunnsparken, you can take tram No. 4 or 5. The trams stopat Korsvägen, just opposite Svenska Mässan <strong>and</strong> Gothenburg Convention Centre.TramGothenburg has the largest tram network in Europe. Taking the tram is one of the nicest ways of gettingaround in Gothenburg. The city has 204 trams which operate 11 routes, as well as buses <strong>and</strong>archipelago ferries.The Älvsnabben ferry provides services along the harbour. The journeys are included in the same publictransport ticket. The easiest way is to buy tickets in advance from Tidpunkten or Pressbyrån shops. TheGothenburg’s City Pass, available from all tobacconists allows unlimited use of the city’s excellent tram<strong>and</strong> bus system. You can also buy your ticket directly on the bus or tram.TaxiGothenburg’s taxis are one way of getting around in the city, although the meter ticks away alarminglywhen you are stuck in the rush hour traffic. You can share the front seat with the driver if you wish.There is an initial charge when starting the journey. There is a slightly higher rate per kilometre if leavingthe city limits. If you pay by credit card, it is necessary to in<strong>for</strong>m the driver in advance.Note! There are a lot of so called "Svart taxis" in Gothenburg. That means a person driving an ordinarycar without a taxi license. Usually they come up to you asking you if you would like a "Svart taxi". Wedo not recommend you to take these taxisFREE PUBLIC TRANSPORT PASSAll registered delegates <strong>and</strong> registered accompanying persons are offered a public transport pass. Toreceive your pass please exchange your “transportation voucher” <strong>for</strong> the pass at the Bag &Transportation pass delivery desk within the Registration area.44

33 rdESPENCongressSPONSORING & EXHIBITIONExhibition In<strong>for</strong>mationThe ESPEN 2011 exhibition, featuring commercial displays of International Organisations,Pharmaceutical Companies, Media Publishers <strong>and</strong> Scientific Societies, will be located next to the MainCongress Hall. Coffee breaks <strong>and</strong> lunch boxes will be distributed around the exhibition.Exhibition ScheduleSaturday 3 September 2011 12:00-18:00 OPENSunday 4 September 2011 09:00-18:00 OPENMonday 5 September 2011 09:00-18:00 OPENTuesday 6 September 2011 09:00-12:00 OPENSponsoring & ExhibitionPhone: (+41) 22 33 99 627Fax: (+41) 22 33 99 601E-mail: christophe.de.rham@mci-group.comESPEN 2011 HOMEPAGEwww.espen.org/congress/<strong>gothenburg</strong>201145

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