EQECAT Model Submission - Florida State Board of Administration

EQECAT Model Submission - Florida State Board of Administration

EQECAT Model Submission - Florida State Board of Administration


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The <strong>Florida</strong> Commission on Hurricane Loss Projection MethodologyMeteorological StandardsMeteorological StandardsM-1 Base Hurricane Storm SetA. Annual frequencies used in both model calibration and model validationshall be based upon the National Hurricane Center HURDAT starting at1900 as <strong>of</strong> August 15, 2011 (or later). Complete additional seasonincrements based on updates to HURDAT approved by the TropicalPrediction Center/National Hurricane Center are acceptablemodifications to these storm sets. Peer reviewed atmospheric scienceliterature can be used to justify modifications to the Base HurricaneStorm Set.The storm set used is the National Hurricane Center HURDAT starting at 1900as <strong>of</strong> May 14, 2012.DisclosuresB. Any trends, weighting or partitioning shall be justified and consistentwith currently accepted scientific literature and statistical techniques.Calibration and validation shall encompass the complete BaseHurricane Storm Set as well as any partitions.No trending, weighting, or partitioning has been performed with respect to theBase Hurricane Storm Set.1. Identify the Base Hurricane Storm Set, the release date, and the time periodincluded to develop and implement landfall and by-passing storm frequencies intothe model.The storm set used is the National Hurricane Center HURDAT starting at1900 as <strong>of</strong> May 14, 2012.2. If the modeling organization has made any modifications to the Base HurricaneStorm Set related to landfall frequency and characteristics, provide justification forsuch modifications.<strong>EQECAT</strong> has not modified the Base Hurricane Storm Set.3. Where the model incorporates short-term or long-term modification <strong>of</strong> the historicaldata leading to differences between modeled climatology and that in the entire BaseHurricane Storm Set, describe how this is incorporated.The model considers only the long term view <strong>of</strong> hurricane frequencies, i.e. itmakes no modification <strong>of</strong> the frequencies implied by the entire BaseHurricane Storm Set.46

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