1 Abk ¨urzungen - BSCW Shared Workspace Server

1 Abk ¨urzungen - BSCW Shared Workspace Server

1 Abk ¨urzungen - BSCW Shared Workspace Server


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LLP Link Layer Protocol<br />

LLP Live Long and Prosper (Slang)<br />

LLR Least-Loaded Route<br />

LLS Linear Least Squares<br />

LLTA Lots and Lots of Thundering Applause (Slang)<br />

LLU Link Local Use<br />

LMAO Laughing My Ass Off (Slang)<br />

LMB Line Mode Browser<br />

LMB Local Master Browser<br />

LMBCS Lotus Multibyte Character Set<br />

LMDO Laughing My Diaper Off (Slang)<br />

LMDS Local Multipoint Distribution Service<br />

LME Layer Management Entity<br />

LMF Local Media Format<br />

LMF Logical Mainframe<br />

LMI Local Management Interface<br />

LMK Langwelle, Mittelwelle, Kurzwelle<br />

LMOS Loop Maintenace Operations System<br />

LMP Layer Management Protocol<br />

LMP Link Manager/Management Protocol<br />

LMR Land Mobile Radio<br />

LMS Laser Magnetic Storage<br />

LMS Learning Management System<br />

LMS License Management Service (OSF)<br />

LMSC LAN/MAN Standards Committee (IEEE)<br />

LMTP Local Mail Transfer Protocol<br />

LMU Logical Network Management Unit<br />

LN Logical Network<br />

LNA Low Noise Amplifier<br />

LNAI Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence<br />

LNB Low Noise Block Converter<br />

LNC Low Noise Converter<br />

LNCS Lecture Notes in Computer Science<br />

LNG Line Network Global (Vectorization)<br />

LNI Lecture Notes of Informatics<br />

LNOV Line Network Orientied Vectorization<br />

LNP Local Network Protocol<br />

LNS L2TP Network <strong>Server</strong><br />

LOA Letter Of Assurance<br />

LOAF Linux On A Floppy<br />

LOB Large Object<br />

LOC Library Of Congress, USA<br />

LOC Lines Of Code<br />

LOC Loop On-Line Control<br />

LOCIS Library Of Congress Information System, USA<br />

LOD Level Of Detail<br />

LOF List Of Figures<br />

LOF Loss of Frame<br />

LOI Letter Of Intent<br />

LOL Laughing Out Loud (Slang)<br />

LOL List Of Lists<br />

LOL Lots Of Luck (Slang)<br />

LOM LAN On Mainboard/Motherboard<br />

LOM Learning Object Metadata<br />

LON Local Operating Network<br />

LOOPS LISP Object Oriented Programming System<br />

LOP Logikplan (DIN 19 239/40 719)<br />

LOP Loss of Pointer/Power<br />

LORAN Long Range Aid to Navigators<br />

LORE Line Oriented Editor<br />

LOS Line of Sight<br />

LOS Loss of Signal<br />


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