1 Abk ¨urzungen - BSCW Shared Workspace Server

1 Abk ¨urzungen - BSCW Shared Workspace Server

1 Abk ¨urzungen - BSCW Shared Workspace Server


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MICS Mobile Information and Communication Systems<br />

MID Maritime Identification Digit<br />

MID Message Identifier<br />

MID Mobile Internet Device<br />

MIDI Musical Instrument Digital Interface<br />

MIDP Mobile Information Device Profile<br />

MIDS Matrix Internet Data Survey<br />

MIEF Management Information Error Facility<br />

MIF Management Information File/Format<br />

MIHMA Model-based Integration Heterogeneous Multimedia Archives<br />

MII Media Independent Interface<br />

MII Microsoft, IBM, Intel<br />

MIL military; Internet-Domain: Militär in den USA<br />

MIL (amerikanische Militärnorm)<br />

MIL Machine Interface Layer<br />

MILNET Military Network, USA<br />

MIM Metall-Isolator-Metall (Bildschirm)<br />

MIMD Multiple Instructions Multiple Data<br />

MIME Multipurpose Internet Mail Extensions<br />

MIMO Multiple Input Multiple Output<br />

MINC Multilingual Internet Names Consortium<br />

MIO Modular Input Output<br />

MIP Maximum Integration Phone<br />

MIPA Mutual Internet Practices Association<br />

MIPS Million Instructions Per Second<br />

MIPS Most Irrelevant Product Specification<br />

MIPS Multimedia Interactive Protocols and Systems<br />

MIPTEL Mobile IP Telephony<br />

MIS Management Information System<br />

MIS Metal Insulator Semiconductor<br />

MISD Multiple Instructions Single Data<br />

MIT Management Information Tree<br />

MIT Massachusetts Institute of Technology<br />

MITI Ministry of Trade and Industry, Japan<br />

MITM Man In The Middle (attack)<br />

MITMA Man In The Middle Attack<br />

MITS Model Instrumentation Telemetry System<br />

MIX Member Information Exchange<br />

MIXER MIME Internet X.400 Enhanced Relay<br />

MJ Major Descriptor<br />

MJ Modular Jack (Steckersystem)<br />

MJPEG Motion-JPEG<br />

MKB Media Key Block<br />

MKL Mathematical Kernel Library (Intel)<br />

MKT Multifunktionales Kartenterminal<br />

ML Machine/Meta Language<br />

MLA Micro Lense Array<br />

MLA My Local Address<br />

MLC Multi Level Cell<br />

MLD Master Logic Diagram<br />

MLD Multicast Listener Discovery<br />

MLE Millenium Language Extension<br />

MLI Multiple Link Interface<br />

MLID Multiple Link Interface Driver<br />

MLIS Multilingual Information Society<br />

MLM Mailing List Manager<br />

MLM Multi-Level Marketing<br />

MLP Message/Multilayer Link Protocol<br />

MLPPP Multi Link PPP<br />

MLR Multi-Channel Linear Recording<br />

MLS Multi Level Security<br />

MLS Multiple Link Support<br />


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