1 Abk ¨urzungen - BSCW Shared Workspace Server

1 Abk ¨urzungen - BSCW Shared Workspace Server

1 Abk ¨urzungen - BSCW Shared Workspace Server


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AOI Active Output Interface<br />

AOL America Online, Inc.<br />

AOM Annual Operating + Maintenance (cost)<br />

AOP Aspect Oriented Programming<br />

AOR Atlantic Ocean Region<br />

AOS Add Or Subtract<br />

AOS Advanced Operating System<br />

AOSD Aspect Oriented Software Development<br />

AOSE Agent Oriented Software Engineering<br />

AOSS AirStation One-touch Secure System<br />

AOT Absolutely Off Topic (News)<br />

AOT Ahead Of Time (compilation)<br />

AOT Application Object Template/Tree<br />

AOW Asia and Oceania Workshop (OSI)<br />

AP Access Point<br />

AP Adjunct/Application Processor<br />

AP Application/Adjunct Process/Processor/Program<br />

AP Automatic Pagination<br />

APA All Points Addressable<br />

APA Adaptive Packet Assembly<br />

APA All Points Addressable<br />

APA Arithmetic Processing Accelerator<br />

APA Amateur Press Association<br />

APAA Aggressive Packet Adaptive Assembly<br />

APAR Authorized Program Analysis Report (IBM)<br />

APAREN Address Parity Enable<br />

APART Automated Packet Recognition/Translation<br />

APB Advanced Peripheral Bus<br />

APC Application Protocol<br />

APC Association for Progressive Communications<br />

APC Arbeitsplatzcomputer<br />

APC Airborne Public Correspondence<br />

APC Automated Production Protocol<br />

APCUG Association of PC Users Groups<br />

APD Areal Power Density<br />

APDA Apple Programmers and Developers Association<br />

APDU Application Protocol Data Unit<br />

APE Abgesetzte Periphere Einheit<br />

APE Adaptable Persistence Engine<br />

APEX Advanced Packet Exchange<br />

APEX Application Exchange<br />

APF Active Port Forwarding<br />

APG Automated Password Generator<br />

API Application Program/Programming Interface<br />

APIA Application Program Interface Association<br />

APIC Advanced Programmable Interrupt Controller<br />

APIM ATM Interface Port Module<br />

APIPA Automatic Private Internet Protocol Addressing<br />

APL A Programming Language<br />

APL Application Program Library<br />

APM Advanced Power Management<br />

APN Access Point Name<br />

APN Actual Private Network<br />

APNIC Asia Pacific Network Information Centre<br />

APO Advanced Planner and Optimizer (SAP)<br />

APOL Alternate Person On Line (Slang)<br />

APOP Authenticated Post Office Protocol<br />

APP Application Portability Profile<br />

APP Automatic Page Positioning<br />

APPC Advanced Program to Program Communication/Converter (IBM)<br />

APPI Advanced Peer-to-Peer Internetworking<br />

APPN Advanced Peer-to-Peer Network/Networking (IBM)<br />


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