1 Abk ¨urzungen - BSCW Shared Workspace Server

1 Abk ¨urzungen - BSCW Shared Workspace Server

1 Abk ¨urzungen - BSCW Shared Workspace Server


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RDSL Rate-adaptive/Residential/Reverse Digital Subscriber Line<br />

RDSR Receiver Data Service Request<br />

RDSS Radio Determination Satellite Services<br />

RDST Rotating Head Digital Storage Tape<br />

RDTSC Read Time Stamp Counter<br />

RE Recall<br />

RE Regular Expression<br />

RE Report Engine<br />

RE Recursively Enumerable<br />

RE Reverse Engineering<br />

REACH Registration, Evaluation, and Authorization of Chemicals<br />

READSL2 Reach Enhanced ADSL2<br />

RED Random Early Detection<br />

REG Regular Languages<br />

REGTP Regulierungsbehörde für Telekommunikation und Post<br />

REJ Reject<br />

REKO Reparatur-Konzept (Swisscom)<br />

REL Rights Expression Language<br />

REM Remark<br />

REM Remote<br />

REM Reseau d’Enseignement Multimedia<br />

REM Ring Error Monitor<br />

REO Removable Erasable Optical Disk<br />

REP Reply to Message Number<br />

REP Robots Exclusion Protocol<br />

REQ Request<br />

RES Radio Equipment and Systems<br />

RES Remote Execution <strong>Server</strong>/Service<br />

RES Reset, Restore<br />

RES Rotation Error Signal<br />

REST Representational State Transfer<br />

RESV RSVP Reservation Request<br />

RET Resolution Enhancement Technology (HP)<br />

REXX Restructured Extended Executor (IBM)<br />

RF Radio Frequency<br />

RF Relevance Feedback<br />

RF Remote File<br />

RF Royalty Free (License)<br />

RFA Remote File Access<br />

RFA Request For Adoption (Debian)<br />

RFB Remote Frame Buffer<br />

RFC Remote Function Call<br />

RFC Request For Comments (Internet)<br />

RFC Response For a Class<br />

RFD Request For Discussion (Usenet)<br />

RFE Radio Free Ethernet<br />

RFE Request For Enhancement<br />

RFH Remote Frame Handler<br />

RFI Radio Frequency Interference<br />

RFI Request For Information<br />

RFID Radio Frequency Identification<br />

RFLA Real Full Look Ahead<br />

RFNM Ready/Request For Next Message<br />

RFP Radio Fixed Parts<br />

RFP Request For Packaging (Debian)<br />

RFP Request For Proposal<br />

RFQ Request For Quotation/Quote<br />

RFS Remote File Sharing/System<br />

RFS Remote Forensic Software<br />

RFT Request For Technology (OSF)<br />

RFT Revisable Format Text<br />

RFU Reserved for Future Use<br />


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