1 Abk ¨urzungen - BSCW Shared Workspace Server

1 Abk ¨urzungen - BSCW Shared Workspace Server

1 Abk ¨urzungen - BSCW Shared Workspace Server


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SA Software Assurance<br />

SA Source Address<br />

SA SpamAssassin<br />

SA Structured Analysis<br />

SA System Administrator<br />

SAA Silly And Awkward (Slang)<br />

SAA Single Assignment Approach<br />

SAA System/Systems Application Architecture<br />

SAAL Signalling AAL<br />

SAAS Software As A Service<br />

SAB Standards Activities Board (IEEE/CS)<br />

SABM Set Asynchronous Balanced Mode<br />

SABME Set Asynchronous Balanced Mode Extended<br />

SAC Service Access<br />

SAC Single Attached/Attachment Component/Concentrator<br />

SAC Special Area Code<br />

SAC Syntax-based Arithmetic Coding<br />

SACCH Slow Associated Control Channel<br />

SACD Super Audio Compact Disk<br />

SACEADM System Auxiliary Control Element Administration<br />

SACECP System Auxiliary Control Element Common Pair<br />

SACEM Societe des Auteurs Compositeurs Editeurs de Musique<br />

SACK Selective Acknowledgement<br />

SACL System Access Control List<br />

SACNET Secure Automated Communications Network<br />

SACT SPARC Application Conformance Toolkit<br />

SAD Security Association Database<br />

SADT Structured Analysis and Design Technique<br />

SAE Self Addressed Envelope<br />

SAFI Subsequence Address Family Identifier<br />

SAFIR Service ATM Federateur et d’Interconnexion de Renater<br />

SAFT Simple Asynchronous File Transfer (Protocol)<br />

SAGA Standards und Architekturen für eGovernment-Anwendungen<br />

SAGE (UNIX) System Administrators’ Guild<br />

SAIC Single Antenna Interference Cancellation<br />

SAIL Stanford AI Laboratory<br />

SAINT Symbolic Automatic Integrator<br />

SAK Secure Attention Key<br />

SAL Self Addressed Envelope<br />

SAL Structured Assembly Language<br />

SALT Speech Application Language Tag<br />

SALT SuSE Advanced Linux Technology<br />

SAM SCSI Architecture Model<br />

SAM Security Access/Account Manager<br />

SAM Sequential Access Method<br />

SAM Serial Access Memory<br />

SAM Smart ATM Modul<br />

SAM Storage and Archive Manager<br />

SAM Synchronous Address Multiplexer<br />

SAM System Administration Manager (tool)<br />

SAMI Synchronized Accessible Media Interchange<br />

SAN Satellite Access Network<br />

SAN Schulen ans Netz e. V.<br />

SAN Standard Address Number<br />

SAN Storage Area Network<br />

SAN System Area Network<br />

SANE Scanner Access Now Easy<br />

SANE Standard Apple Numeric Environment<br />

SANS SysAdmin, Audit, Network, Security (Institute)<br />

SAO Session At Once<br />

SAP Secure Audio Path<br />

SAP Send And Pray<br />


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