Chapter 4 Investment Climate Study of ASEAN Member ... - ERIA

Chapter 4 Investment Climate Study of ASEAN Member ... - ERIA

Chapter 4 Investment Climate Study of ASEAN Member ... - ERIA


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and 100 days for Laos to start a business. Many procedures are necessary, particularlyfor starting a business and obtaining certain licenses, and the time requirement may bedue to the complexity <strong>of</strong> and/or delays in procedures; more than 10 kinds <strong>of</strong> procedureare required to start a business in Brunei, the Philippines, and Vietnam, and more than20 procedures are necessary to deal with licenses in Brunei, Malaysia, Lao PDR, thePhilippines, and Cambodia. Costs expressed as percentage <strong>of</strong> income per capita to starta business/ dealing with licenses are also high in some countries; for example,Cambodia for starting a business and Vietnam, Indonesia, and Lao PDR for dealingwith licenses. Moreover, high minimum capital levels discourage starting a business incountries such as Indonesia and Cambodia. Furthermore, the degree <strong>of</strong> difficulty inhiring and firing workers seem to be extremely high for Indonesia, and firing costs areparticularly troublesome; firing costs expressed as the number <strong>of</strong> weeks wages are ashigh as 162 for Lao PDR, 108 for Indonesia, 91 for the Philippines, and 87 for Vietnamin extreme cases.172

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